SUPER friends - 2

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Risorse digitali

Nelle pagine del libro troverai indicate tante risorse interattive che ti accompagneranno nel corso di tutto l’anno scolastico.

Video lessico
Video canzoni karaoke
Esercizi interattivi
Cartoni delle storie





Colours - Shapes - AdjectivesSchool objects - AnimalsNumbers 1-10

Numbers 11-20: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

What’s your name?

My name’s Spike. / I’m Spike. What colour is it? It’s purple. It’s a big triangle. It’s a rubber.

It’s a brown bird. How old are you? I’m seven. How many caterpillars?

Video - vocabulary pp. 7, 14 - cartoon p. 16


Birthday pop-up card p. 21

Family: grandad, grandma, mum, dad, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt

Feeling adjectives: happy, excited, nice, naughty, angry, sad

This is my family. Who’s this?

This is my mum. She is nice. This is my brother. He is naughty.

Face and body: head, hair, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands, arms, legs, feet

Hair: curly, wavy, spiky, straight, fair I’ve got big eyes and a small mouth. I’ve got curly hair.

p. 46

Toys: car, doll, Lego bricks, ball, robot, teddy bear, skateboard, rollerblades, bike, cards

Prepositions: in, on, under, next to Furniture: toy box, bed, table, chair

I’ve got a green robot and a red ball.

Have you got Lego bricks? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Where is the teddy bear? It’s under the chair.

Video - vocabulary p. 46 - song toys p. 46 - cartoon p. 52

Esercizio interattivo (online) p. 49


A car boot sale

pp. 56-57

Workbook p. 96

spring, lamb, Easter egg, flower, bunny, chick, rainbow, basket

Video - song p. 74 Cool toys Easter p. 74

Food and drinks

Food: chicken, spinach, peas, tomatoes, eggs, salad, fish, cheese, chocolate, biscuits Drinks: water, tea, milk, fruit juice, orangeade, coffee

I like peas.

I don’t like spinach. Do you like milk? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.


Video - vocabulary p. 58 - song food and drinks - cartoon

Esercizio interattivo

CLIL Science

Hibernating animals


This is a basket.

BOARDGAME pp. 4-5 pp. 76-77

WORKBOOK pp. 78-107

CIVICS My friends and me p. 108

p. 109

words quiz p. 113

waste p. 114

behaviours p. 115

p. 116

p. 119

I C A n S AY I t

• Throw the dice and play with your friends. Say the words.

What’s your name?

Hello friends

4 Listen and draw the path. 4 3 Watch the video.

I’m Walty Weasel.

Hi friends! My name’s Spike. What’s your name?

5 The objects in the path are also in the picture. Can you spot them?

11 Read and match by number.

1. It’s a rubber.

2. It’s a pencil.

3. It’s a book.

4. It’s a crayon.

5. It’s glue.

6. It’s a ruler.

7. It’s a pen.

8. It’s a pencil case.

9. It’s a schoolbag.

12 Listen and tick (v ) or cross (x ). 7

Crazy animals

17 Listen and match.

18 Listen, then ask and answer. 11

It’s my birthday today! Happy birthday! How old are you? I’m seven.

21 Listen, point and repeat. 13 22 Say the chant. 14 23 Watch the video.

24 Do the sums. Listen and check. 15 Then write the missing number.

ten + ten = ....... ....................

three + nine = ....... ....................

seven + seven = ....... ....................

eight + seven = ....... ....................

nine + four = ....... ....................

one + ten = ....... ....................

ten + six = ....... .................... nine + nine = ....... .................... nine + eight = ....... ....................

28 Listen and read. 17 29 Listen and point. 18 30 Watch the video.

Hi Spike! Hi Florence! It’s my birthday today. How old are you? I’m seven. Happy birthday Spike! Thank you! Goodbye Spike! Bye. Hello Florence. What a delicious smell! It’s Spike’s birthday today!

Hi Walty!

It’s Spike’s birthday!

Happy birthday to me!

OK! Let’s go to Spike’s.

Happy birthday Spike!

This is a present for you...

Ohh... Thank you friends! ... and a cake!

Wow... a scarf! Thank you!

Happy birthday to you!

1. It’s a purple crayon.

2. It’s an orange square.

3. It’s a grey mouse.

4. It’s a brown squirrel.

5. It’s a red and pink pencil case.

33 Read and colour. 34 Listen and match. 20

35 How many? Count and tick.

36 Listen and read. 21

Hello! I’m Susy. This is my photo album. Here is my sister Mary and my brothers Tom and Jack.

37 How old are they? Calculate and write. Listen and check. 22

38 Complete with the ages. Then write the names in order.

Mary is .......... years old.

Tom is .......... years old.

From youngest to oldest

Susy is .......... years old.

Jack is .......... years old.

From oldest to youngest

39 Make a pop-up birthday card.

We are family 2

1 Say the chant. 23 2 Watch the videos.



3 Listen, point and repeat.

5 Look and write.

Paul's family tree

aunt sister grandad uncle mum grandma cousin dad brother cousin

6 How many brothers, sisters and cousins in Debby’s family? Find out and write.

Copy editing: Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari

Graphic design: Ilaria Piancatelli, Alessia Polenti

Multimedia dept.: Paolo Giuliani

Illustrations: Lisena Sabolo, Alessandra Maggioni, Graziella Antonini, Mauro Sacco, Elisa Vallarino

Photographs: iStockphoto, Archivio fotografico Raffaello

Special thanks for their contribution to: Anna Cardinali, Monia Bacci, Natasha Borgars, Luca Tozzi, Kate Cartwright, Andrea Ognibene

A very special thank you to: Alice, Anna, Emma, Greta

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Per esigenze didattiche alcuni testi sono stati ridotti e/o adattati. L’Editore è a disposizione per eventuali omissioni o inesattezze nella citazione delle fonti. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata la riproduzione dell’opera o di parti di essa con qualsiasi mezzo, compresa stampa, fotocopia, microfilm e memorizzazione elettronica, se non espressamente autorizzata.

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STU d E nt ’ S PACK


Student’s Book + Workbook



Teacher’s Book 2

Test Book classi 1-3 con versione facilitata

Everybody in Schede inglese facile

Flashcards fotografiche

English Corner Kit

Super Friends letter box


Student’s Book + Workbook Little Hands Quaderno dei ritagli e lavoretti


Student’s Book + Workbook Activity book 3 Activity book 2

• ascolti

• video lessico

• video canzoni karaoke

• cartoni delle storie

• esercizi interattivi

• schede scaricabili e stampabili

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