SUPER friends - 4

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Risorse digitali

Nelle pagine del libro troverai indicate tante risorse interattive che ti accompagneranno nel corso di tutto l’anno scolastico.

Video lessico
Esercizi interattivi
Video cultura e civiltà
Video canzoni karaoke



Welcome to our school

The alphabet, Numbers 1-100, Physical appearance, Pets, House and furniture, Prepositions, Sports and activities

The weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, changeable, foggy, snowy, windy, cold, cool, warm, hot

How do you spell it?

I’m/He/She's short and thin. He has got a long tail. Where’s the lamp?

Behind the bed.

I/He/She ski and dance.

I/He/She can’t swim or cook. What’s the weather like?

It’s hot and sunny.

I’m/He/She’s wearing a hoodie.

GRAM M AR t IPS Have got


- vocabulary p. 4 e p. 12

- song the weather p. 12

- culture

Weather and places p. 13

Esercizi interattivi (online) pp. 20-21


Countries & nationalities

Countries: Ireland, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Albania, Spain, Morocco

Nationalities: Irish, British, German, French, Italian, Albanian, Spanish, Moroccan

Where are you from?

I’m from the UK. What nationality are you?

I’m British. Where is she/he from? She/He's from Spain. What nationality is she/he? She/He’s Spanish.


Months & seasons


- vocabulary p. 24

- song countries and nationalities p. 24

- culture Great Britain and Ireland p. 39

Esercizi interattivi (online) pp. 36-37


Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn

Ordinal numbers

What’s the date today? It’s 2nd March. What season is it? It’s spring. When’s your birthday? It’s on 14th February. What’s your favourite month/season? It’s June/summer.

GRAM M AR t IPS Question words

Video - vocabulary p. 40

- song months and seasons p. 40

- culture Holidays and celebrations p. 40

Esercizi interattivi (online) pp. 52-53

CLIL History Art

Clothing In Ancient Egypt Banksy The United Kingdom

Celebrations of light

Halloween p. 104 Day of the Dead p. 105

p. 106 St. Valentine's Day p. 107 2 3 1 pp. 22-23 pp. 54-55 pp. 38-39

Celebrations of love

School subjects & the time 4

School subjects: Music, Maths, Art, Science, History, English, P.E., Geography

The week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

The time: o'clock, a quarter past, half past, a quarter to

What time is it?

It’s ten o’clock.

It’s a quarter/half past ten. It’s twenty to eleven. What time is the Music lesson?

It’s at 2 pm.

We’ve got Maths on Tuesday. When is Art? It’s on Tuesday.

GRAM M AR t IPS Time and prepositions


- vocabulary p. 56

- song school subjects p. 56

- culture A primary school day in England p. 71

Esercizi interattivi (online) pp. 68-69


School in the UK

pp. 70-71


You’ve got a friend p. 142 I’m a good citizen p. 143

Daily routine

Daily routine: get up, have breakfast, wash my face, get dressed, go to school, have lunch, go back home, play with friends, do homework, have dinner, go to bed

Afternoon activities: read a book, listen to music, do sports, watch TV, have a snack

What time do you get up?

I get up at 7:30.

Do you have a snack in the afternoon?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

GRAM M AR t IPS Present Simple

Holiday places

Holiday places: theme park, campsite, seaside, mountains, lake, swimming pool, summer camp, city of art

Holiday actions: go hiking, visit museums, swim, meet friends, relax, play

Frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, never

I go hiking in the mountains. She meets new friends.

He usually goes to the beach in the afternoon.

Do you visit museums in summer? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

GRAM M AR t IPS Present Simple & Frequency adverbs


- vocabulary p. 72

- song daily routine p. 72

- culture

Big Ben and Greenwich p. 72 Afternoon activities p. 75

Esercizi interattivi (online) pp. 84-85

CLIL Civics


- vocabulary p. 88

- culture Holidays Celebrations p. 103

Esercizi interattivi (online) pp. 100-101


pp. 86-87 pp. 102-103

Sustainable Development Goals Holidays in the UK

to our school

10 Read and match. There is one picture you do not need.

I’m short and thin.

I’m short and plump.

I’m tall and thin.

11 Listen and complete. 9

funny lazy shy friendly nice

This is a photo of my friends at the park. Max is ......................................... George is ................................... I like Sandy: she’s and And look at the girl lying on the grass! She’s Amy, my best friend: she’s


12 Listen and number. 10 Write.

13 Read and complete. Use has got and hasn’t got.

I love animals, I’ve got two pets: Rio is a budgie. He ................................. yellow and green feathers and a small beak. He ................................. short wings.

He ................................. ears.

Ginger is a cat. He ................................. a long tail.

He ................................. four paws, he ................................. fins.

hamster goldfish parrot dog budgie tortoise cat guinea pig

14 Read and complete.

My house

My house has got two floors.

Upstairs there is my ..........................:

I’ve got a big bed and a new wardrobe. There is a .......................... too with a fantastic shower!

Downstairs there is the .......................... with a red fridge and a table. There is also the ..........................: it has got a comfortable sofa. I like my house!

15 Look and answer. Listen and check. 11

next to in front of behind between

1. Where’s the rabbit? .................... the bed and the wardrobe.

2. Where’s the lamp? .................... the bed.

3. Where’s the chair? .................... the desk.

4. Where are the shoes? .................... the bed.

16 Listen and tick (can v ) or cross (can’t x ). 12

17 Now write about Harry and Ann. Harry can ..................., ............... and ........................, but he can’t ............................. or ....................

Ann can ............... and ......................., but she can’t ............... a bike, .............. or .................. the guitar.

18 Listen, point and repeat. 13 Listen and number. 14

Good morning everyone! Today it’s ........................ and ........................ . Wear a pair of sunglasses!

19 Look, read and complete the radio weather forecast. In London it’s ........................ and ........................ . In Edinburgh it’s ........................ and ........................ . Mind your cap! In Aberdeen it’s ........................ and ......................... Put on an anorak! That’s all for now. Have a nice day!

20 Sing. 15 21 Watch the videos. 22 Look and read. 23 Listen and tick. 16

Today is rainy. I'm wearing a jacket.

Today is sunny and hot. I'm wearing a T-shirt.

24 Now complete.

Paul Paul Meg Meg

"It's cool and ................... today. I'm wearing a red ..................., ................... and black ...................."

"It's ................... and warm today. I'm wearing a white ..................... and a red...................."

25 Look and complete.

27 Watch the video. Today is and ............................... I’m wearing a hoodie and brown .............................. Today is and .............................. I’m wearing a red and black .............................. Today is and . I’m wearing a blue and shorts.

Listen, then ask and answer.

Number 3. What’s the weather like? What is he wearing? It’s snowy and cold. He’s wearing...

28 Listen and read. 18

Oh no! It’s raining again and I haven’t got a raincoat!

A very big surprise

Hi, girls! Hi!

Stop it Kate! I’m not wearing a raincoat, either…

Listen! The school bell! Let’s go to our class!

There’s an interesting poster on the wall.

What’s that?

Good morning Mrs Harding! Sorry, we’re late.

There’s a big surprise today… a treasure hunt! A special treasure hunt.

Now... let’s connect to meet our treasure hunt mates!

Good morning everyone. I’m Mrs Bruno and this is my class 4 B. We are from Torino, Italy.

Look! These are your e-pals. They can help you

Hello! Hi! Nice to meet you.

Please, say hello to our new friends: our new e-pals.

Hello guys! I’m Emma. This is my friend Luca.

Hi everyone! I love treasure hunts!

29 Read the story again and choose the correct option.

1. Kate hasn’t got a... A) coat B) raincoat C) hoodie

2. Jessie isn’t wearing a... A) skirt B) jacket C) raincoat

3. There’s a... on the wall. A) picture B) poster C) photo


30 Listen and complete. 19

4. There’s a... at school. A) big surprise B) present C) small surprise

5. There’s a... A) treasure B) treasure hunt C) hunt

6. Emma and Luca are in class... in Italy. A) 4 A B) 4 B C) 4 C

shoes jacket skirt shirt socks

School uniforms in the UK

Students wear school uniforms in the UK. Boys and girls have got a school blazer with the school logo on it. Under the ...................... there’s a ...................... and a tie.

Girls can wear a .................... or trousers.

All students wear ...................... and black ....................... They can’t wear trainers!

31 Look at the pictures, listen and repeat. 20

I've got a cat. I haven’t got a fish. They have got a dog. They haven’t got a rabbit. She has got a tortoise. She hasn’t got a budgie. Has she got a hamster? Yes, she has.

Si usa have got per:

- esprimere il possesso. I have got a guitar. - descrivere l’aspetto fisico. She has got green eyes. - indicare rapporti di parentela. We have got a sister.

32 Reorder the sentences.

1. Tim • green • eyes • got • Has • ?


3. You • new • trainers • got • have

4. They • a • computer • got • haven't .................................................................

Nella forma interrogativa il verbo have si mette prima del soggetto, got lo segue: Have they got a new tablet?

Nella risposta breve non si usa got: Has he got a tablet? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.


33 Listen and complete. 21


What’s the weather like It’s sunny snowy cold warm

34 Listen, look at the pictures and complete. 22

Dear Milly, I’m Lisa.

This is a picture of me.

I’m in the park near my house.

The weather is fine, it’s It is too.

I’m wearing a white ..........................., orange .................................. and green

Hi, Jami! How are you? in Finland? Hello Emily. I’m fine, thank you. Lucky you! Look! It's ................... and ................. . What’s the weather like in London? ........................... and ........................

I’m wearing a bike helmet, too. It’s cool!

I love this weather because I can ride my bike!


35 Answer the questions and write about today’s weather. You can send your letter or email to your penfriend.

What’s the weather like today?

Is it cold, warm or hot?

Is it sunny, windy, cloudy...?

Where are you?

What are you wearing?

What can you do today?

36 Make a weather report visual display.

Weather report

sunny days

rainy days

snowy days

changeable days

foggy days

warm days


StOP & chECK

37 Find the odd-one-out. Then label the pictures.

1. bath - budgie - guinea pig - hamster

2. bedroom - fridge - living room - kitchen

3. skate - dance - lamp - swim

4. sunny - cloudy - rainy - hoodie

5. feather - shirt - jumper - trousers

6. cold - warm - hot - snowy


38 Listen and circle the right word.


Dear Diary, today’s rainy/windy, so I can’t play in the living room/garden. I’m in my bedroom/bathroom. There’s a big window, a desk and a sofa/chair. The window is behind/next to the door. There’s a photo of my best friend Kirsty on the wall. She is very shy/nice and funny.


39 Look, read and match. There is a picture you do not need.

I’m wearing a dress and a hat. It’s cloudy and warm today.

I’m wearing a scarf, a hat, trousers and a hoodie. It’s windy today.


I’m wearing a T-shirt, shorts and trainers. It’s sunny and hot today. Mark 9 blue blonde friendly goldfish - Flippy

40 Look at the fact file and complete the description.

His name’s Mark. He’s .....................

He’s got ................................ eyes and ................................... hair. He’s ..................................

He’s got a ............................ Its name’s ..........................

His favourite room is the .................. .



Clothing in Ancient Egypt

41 Listen, read and complete. 24




Ancient Egypt paintings and sculptures give us information about Egyptian clothing. Egypt is a ...................... country and the basic Egyptian garment is a ...................... linen tunic. Linen is a light fabric made from a ...................... fibre.

1 Men wear tunics to the ......................, women wear tunics to the .......................

2 Peasants wear short ....................... Ancient Egyptians don't wear .......................

3 Egyptians wear bracelets, amulets and earrings. shoes • ankles • white • skirts

42 Match each picture to the correct description.

wig earrings amulet

5 Listen and read.

Jessie Hi! What’s your name?

Felipe Hi! My name’s Felipe.

Jessie Where are you from?

Felipe I’m from Spain.

Jessie Spain? I love paella!

Felipe It’s my favourite dish!

6 Listen and complete.

7 Look at the pictures and

Paul Louise
Nancy Ian

8 Look and complete.

1. Where is she from? She’s from ..........................

3. Where are they from?

9 Read the interview, then complete.

What’s your name?

My name’s Nessie. What’s your surname? My surname is The Monster. How old are you?

I’m 90 years old. Where are you from?

I’m from Scotland. Can you swim?

Yes! I can swim very well!

2. Where is he from? He’s from

Its name is Nessie. Its surname is . It's It's . It .

Felipe Where are you from, Jessie?

Jessie I’m from the UK.

Felipe What nationality are you?

Jessie I’m British.

Felipe My friend is from London!

Look at the flags and complete.

My name’s Sophie. I’m from France. I’m French.

What’s her name?

Where is she from?

What nationality is she?

My name’s Rafael. I’m from Spain. I’m Spanish.

What’s his name?

Name: Karen Age: 12 years old

Country and nationality:

Name: Angus Age: 15 years old

Country and nationality:

Name: Ali Age: 13 years old

Country and nationality:

Name: Ana Age: 11 years old

Country and nationality:

Where is he from?

6. What nationality is he?

Number one. What’s her name? How old is she? Where is she from? What nationality is she?

Her name is Karen. She’s 12. She’s from the UK. She’s British.

15 InVALSI Read the text. Are the sentences 1-6 true, false or not given? Put a cross in the correct box. The first one (0) is an example.

Hi, guys! My name’s Mike. I’m 9 years old and I’m from the UK, I’m British. I’m tall and slim and I’m good at sports: I can play volleyball, I can swim and ride a horse, but I can’t do judo.

I am in year 5: in my class there’s a new girlSylvie, she’s Moroccan. She’s nice and friendly.

0. Mike is nine years old.

1. He is from the UK.

2. He is Irish.

3. He has got a dog.

4. He can do judo.

5. His favourite sport is running.

6. Sylvie is from Morocco.

16 Listen to the conversation. While listening complete the table. There is an example. 36

0. Name: Ed

1. Country: ..............................

2. Languages the boy speaks:

3. Age: .....................................

17 Listen and read.


Fingers crossed!

Can you speak French?

So children, this is Amelie, your new classmate. You can sit here Amelie.

Thank you.

Where are you from, Amelie?

Are you ready for the treasure hunt?

Yes, we are!

Of course she can. She’s French!

Hi! I’m Kate.
These are my friends: Jessie, Alex and Dan.
I’m from Paris, in France.

Copy editing: Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari

Graphic design: Ilaria Piancatelli, Alessia Polenti

Multimedia dept.: Paolo Giuliani

Illustrations: Elisa Bellotti, Marco Leombruni, Alessandra Maggioni, Mauro Sacco, Elisa Vallarino

Photographs: iStockphoto, Shutterstock, Alamy, Archivio fotografico Raffaello

Special thanks for their contribution to: Anna Cardinali, Monia Bacci, Natasha Borgars, Luca Tozzi, Kate Cartwright, Andrea Ognibene

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Student’s Book + Workbook


Grammar book Culture book

Student’s Book + Workbook Esercitazioni INVALSI e Fascicolo ponte



Teacher’s Book 4

Test Book classi 4-5 con versione facilitata

Everybody In Schede inglese facile Flashcards fotografiche

English Corner Kit

Super Friends letter box


• ascolti

• video lessico • video canzoni karaoke

• video grammatica

• video cultura e civiltà

• esercizi interattivi

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