89 Thursday, Thursday 22 September 21 May 2016 2015 Issue 112 GENERAL GENERAL
EVENTS September
Sunday, 25 September—Thursday, 29 September
Arabic B writing Week October
Sunday, 02 October
Hirji New Year
Sunday, 16 October
Professional Development Day
Thursday, 20 October
Nursery Yellow Day November
Sunday, 06 November
Parent Student Conference
Wednesday, 09 November
Open Day
Sunday, 13 November—Wednesday, 16 November
Year 2 Field Trip
Wednesday, 16 November
16IVEI Classic Music
Thursday, 17 November
School Holiday
Sunday, 20 November
Professional Development Day
Thursday, 24 November
Nursery Blue Day
Monday, 28 November
DESC Junior Mathematics Cup December
Thursday, 01 December
Martyr's Day
Friday, 02 December
UAE National Day
Monday, 05 December
Year 3 Field Trip
Tuesday, 06 December —Thursday, 08 December
Nursery Field Trip
Message from the Principal Our Vision Providing world class education Our Mission To empower students with a rigorous, holistic and international education for success in an ever-changing world Our Core Values Achievement | Collaboration | Integrity |Respect |Responsibility
In 1974 UNESCO stated that 'international education should teach about peace and human rights in order to enable every person to . . . promote international solidarity and co-operation, which are necessary in solving world problems" (Hill, 2012). At RIS the aim is to prepare our children for the future and to embed core values such as integrity and respect which will guide them on their educational journey ‘for success in an ever changing world’. Embedded in the RIS mission statement is the concept of a student centred international school challenging every student to become responsible global citizens. Comprising students representing 90 plus nationalities and teachers 27 nationalities, RIS is by name and make-up a multi-national, multi-cultural community which only strengthens our uniqueness and strengthens our identity because there is so much diversity. Our aim should be to support each other and to value and promote International mindedness and understanding. ‘Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness’, Ola Joseph. I would also like to focus on the importance of innovation and how we promote the same at RIS. Innovation is a key feature of the National Innovation Strategy which sets the context for innovation and innovative leadership as the primary tools for delivering a programme of economic development and progress, stimulating creativity, and growing a distinct set of skills and capabilities across the nation in order to achieve the UAE Vision 2012. HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, aptly commented, “More than any other time, we need to boost innovation among young people, build nurturing environments in our society, and encourage our schools and universities to equip our youth with skills in research and discovery methodologies” - Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai (2014) A key step towards meaningful school transformation is a concerted effort to educate, not only teachers, but also parents and students, about why creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and life-worthy learning must be an integral part of a child’s education. Beyond enlightening all stakeholders about why change is necessary, schools must find ways for interested individuals to try things out without, in the process, draining human and financial resources. Research and development and prototyping new ideas are low-impact, cost- effective methods, embedded into the culture of most 21st- century companies. In schools, there is understandable angst about ‘experimenting’ on students. Nonetheless, research informed innovation and initiative-taking in schools must become an accepted common practice. Arnie Bieber, RSA Journal Issue 1, 2016
Promoting a culture of innovation in our school Innovation is the generation of new and creative ideas and the use of new or improved approaches. It is one of the most effective drivers of economic growth in the modern era for stimulating entrepreneurship and enterprise. The UAE Vision 2021 sets out the National Agenda for the UAE to be among the most innovative nations in the world. Innovation is driven by a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. Innovation is based on curiosity, the willingness to take risks and to experiment to test assumptions. Innovation is based on questioning and challenging the status quo. It is also based on recognising opportunity and taking advantage of it. Being innovative is about looking beyond what we currently do well, identifying the great ideas of tomorrow and putting them into practice. Innovation comes in many forms. There are innovations in the way schools are owned, organized and managed; in curriculum design models; in teaching and learning approaches, such as the ways in which learning technologies are used; classroom design including virtual spaces; assessment; timetabling; partnerships to promote effective learning and engagement in the economy; and the ways in which teachers and leaders are recruited, trained, developed and rewarded. These innovations can be small or large, recognisable or entirely new and different. UAE School Inspection Framework 2015-2016 p.12 At RIS we have developed our very own statement on innovation and how it is specifically related to teaching and learning. Raffles International School defines Innovation as the process of encouraging students and teachers to collaboratively create design or inspire something new. Innovation at RIS also affords students and teachers the opportunities to take risks, promote originality in the classroom and beyond. In learning we expect our students to be innovative and enterprising. They aim to be independent learners who can find things out for themselves using a variety of different sources. They should use learning technologies independently and very effectively. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are intrinsic features of their learning. From our teachers we expect them to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning. Teachers should promote collaborative and/or independent learning, as appropriate. Teachers are encouraged to promote problem-solving and opportunities for students to be innovative and engage in enterprise activities are intrinsic parts of learning. By combining the two within the context of an international environment, we can provide an exciting, enriching and rewarding educational experience for all stakeholders. Mr. Michael William Clack Principal
Message from the Vice Principal & Head of Primary School
Get Involved-Class Parents required Dear Parents, Studies show that parental involvement in a child’s education is one of the important factors in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement. Moreover, most experts agree that parental involvement should go beyond attending parent teacher conference and annual concerts. We realise, however, that each family is unique-with its own priorities, needs, talents, and time constraints and so we try to provide as many different kinds of opportunities for parental involvement as possible. Every year a class parent is appointed in every class. The volunteer position of class parent is to assist your child’s homeroom teacher with field trips, assemblies, concerts, international and national day celebrations, collecting material for projects, or getting a volunteer group of parents to assist with listening to children read. Please note that class parents do not represent the parents of the class but provide a link between the Homeroom Teacher and parents. If you are able to spare time on a regular and consistent basis, have a positive communication style and enjoy being involved in school life, you are eligible for the Class Parent position. Parents who have siblings will need to choose one class to volunteer. In classes with more than one parent volunteer, I will take an informed decision in consultation with the Homeroom teacher and the concerned Deputy Head/ Assistant Head. We will decide on one Class parent in every classroom. However there are other opportunities for parent engagement with the most important being the PVRP-Parent Volunteer Reading Programme. Please show your interest in the position of class parent by clicking on the link https://goo.gl/forms/zgcFE7JPmwo1ZZGl2 and completing the form by Monday, 26th September. Thank you and I look forward to improved parent involvement and engagement through the academic year. Mrs. Zeba Khan Vice Principal & Head of Primary School
CAT4 Testing All students in Years 3 to 11 will be taking their CAT4 testing week starting Sunday, 25 th September 2016. The following week all the “new” students will participate in Progress Tests in English, mathematics, science. Conducting these standarised external tests is part of the UAE National Agenda. We would like to emphasise the importance of and urge you to speak to your child about it as well. Isma Vijdani Assessment Coordinator
Facilities enhancement at RIS A new student management system (iSAMS) implemented Microsoft Office 365 services enabled for all staff rafflesis.com domain New website launched with enhanced content New IT lab and 8 new classroom equipped with projector, computers and speakers Two iPads trolleys and one laptop trolley added New printing and photocopying management solution implemented A new POS system in the cafeteria New equipment - 25 Wi-Fi access points added to support BYOD programme - 2 new servers added New multipurpose hall under - 2 multi-function and 8 standalone printers - Hardware upgraded in 2 IT labs construction to add to the current - 60 iPads and 15 Apple TVs facilities - Desktop computers for staff work spaces - 22 security cameras to enhance surveillan
New shaded play area on the first floor for Primary school
Installation of additional CCTV cameras to increase surveillance in and around the campus, including the new 7 classrooms .
Sports Hall ceiling fixed with nets as a safety measure to avoid foam tiles being hit and moved during games.
Nursery play area replaced with soft flooring
This week has been an exciting time in the P.E. Department as we prepare our sports teams for the coming year. The RIS coaches are currently holding squad trials for the following sports; Swimming; Netball; Football and Basketball. We are delighted to see so many students interested in the school teams. There is a big emphasis this year on expanding the variety of team sports with the introduction of a running club which will be organised by the new Head of PE Mr. Andrew Clements, who himself was an elite track athlete in the UK. Our main aim for RIS team squads is to be more competitive within the Dubai school leagues, while students continue to learn and develop their sportsmanship, determination and teamwork. Training and fixtures will be communicated to parents and we encourage families to support the children in matches and competitions. It is essential that all students attend training in their RIS PE kit and have named water bottles with them. Mr. Aeham, Mr. O' Brien and Mr. Porter are responsible for the primary football teams. While new member of staff and Head of ASA’s Mrs. Alysha Clements will be setting sights on some football trophies this year and focusing on developing the girl’s football teams. Mr. Clements, Mr. Fleming and Mr. Crossley will be coaching the secondary football squads. Mr. Alex, Mr. Clements and Mr. Lambrias will look to continue to build on the already competitive basketball teams across the school. Ms. Cooney has great expectations for the netball girls to be more competitive this year and will part take in Dubai leagues throughout the term. The RIS Swim team has started to train hard for the upcoming swimming galas. Ms. Turnbull, Ms. Cooney, Mr. Clements and Ms. Rachel have been impressed with the dedication and commitment shown by the members of the squad and early morning sessions before school will commence this week. We look forward to a successful sporting year and we encourage all students to get involved in sports teams and try new exciting activities. PE Department
The ICT department has constantly employed innovative teaching practices that results in high-quality learning. Students are introduced to a variety of digital applications to enhance their communication, logical reasoning, research and data handling skills. Students are encouraged to use IT skills in real life situations - for instance students used QR codes to conduct parent surveys, record and monitor their learning growth using digital journals, creating animation movies on social issues and promoting Ramadan through an Arabic movie.
An excerpt from the KHDA report ICT Schemes of work refer to opportunities to promote cross-curricular links, cultural links and different learning strategies. The school has a comprehensive, well-structured and well-resourced programme for the use of learning technologies, complemented by a clearly mapped progression of knowledge and skills. This is led by the information and communication technology (ICT) team, and supported by designated students and teacher ‘tech leaders’. Learning skills are emphasised across year levels and subjects, and there is school-wide curriculum mapping to promote progression. KHDA Report 2015-16. It is the aim of the department to continue students’ engagement in yet more innovative initiatives. ICT Team
September 2016: RIS DYSGRAPHIA Awareness month Dysgraphia is a condition that causes trouble with written expression. For many children with dysgraphia, just holding a pencil and organising letters on a line is difficult. Their handwriting tends to be messy. Many children struggle with spelling and putting thoughts on paper. These and other writing tasks—like putting ideas into language that is organised, stored and then retrieved from memory—may all add to struggles with written expression. Preschool children
may be hesitant to write and draw may say that they hate colouring.
School-age children
may have illegible handwriting that can be mix of cursive and print may have trouble writing on a line may print letters that are uneven in size and height. may need to say words out loud when writing may have trouble putting their thoughts on paper.
may write in simple sentences. may have many more grammatical mistakes than the writing of other kids their age.
If your child has Dysgraphia, these tools can make writing easier. Pencil Grip Slant Board Raised Paper Highlighted Paper Graphic Organizer
‘All children with special needs just need a little help, a little hope, and someone who
believes in them’ Faryal Saeed Head of Learning Support
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Extended family, The years before a child reaches primary school age are among the most critical in his or her life to influence learning and this poses a challenge to the parents, teachers and the community in general, to ensure that young children receive appropriate guidance in the early stages of their life. Early childhood education programmes give children the opportunity to learn through their experiences at the nursery, at home and surrounding environments. Given the right impetus and stimulation, children grow and develop in orderly ways, learning to move around their world, communicate, and play. As their ability to manipulate their environment increases, so does their level of independence.
That is where we at RIS Nursery take our roles very seriously. Recognising that innovation and creativity is key the to a child’s development. The prepared environment within our classes encourage the children to explore and express their innate creativity. In keeping with the Montessori philosophy, gentle guidance is provided when needed. For example, children are shown how to use Art materials, but they are not told what colors to choose. The children walk around freely choosing their own work and take responsibility for their learning. This helps the child develop various skills allowing for self-expression whereby creativity is nurtured in the prepared environment. Young children have a fertile imagination and this is encouraged through the child's natural and self-directed curiosity, independence and experimentation. Once the child is introduced to a piece of material, then experimentation and exploration is left to the child . At this stage the teacher takes a passive role, allowing the child to take ownership in their own learning, thinking and problem solving. Our classrooms use Montessori material which has an inbuilt control of error. This encourages problem solving, encouraging children to take risks in order to figure things out for themselves. In our Montessori environment children are encouraged to use their imaginations to understand and explore the wonders of the real world, including the marvels of nature and the diversity of cultures. Independent work and a responsible work ethic is a cornerstone in our classrooms. It can be evidenced that children make active choices which allow their imagination to be constantly challenged, with children coming up with amazing ways of resolving problems. In their teaching strategies and student interactions, our teachers stimulate children to think for themselves, which encourages originality and creativity and fosters a love of learning. In the outdoor learning environment as well, with the EYFS development goals of physical development, the children are seen inventing games, new ways of using existing equipment (within the parameters of safety) and building on their creative skills to inspire new ideas of play. Along with innovation and creativity, another key focus area for us is creating an international-minded atmosphere for the children.
Towards this aim, our Montessori environment provides children with a strong background to become globally aware and active citizens. Learning opportunities within the daily life of a child require opportunities to develop deeper understandings of language and culture, engage globally, and facilitate conversations that create an intercultural curiosity, tolerance and lasting respect for others. As such, the teachers spend a considerable amount of time establishing the ‘ground rules of safety, fairness and kindness’ in the classrooms. Many desirable and positive attitudes and behaviours are acquired through appropriate role modeling and reinforcement. There is a clear and established agreed classroom behaviour code which has an important role in ensuring the safety and well-being of all. Although the children are free to walk around the classroom, choose their work, sit anywhere and work collaboratively, they are made to understand that they must respect the work of others, not distract peers that are working and treat materials within the class and outdoor environment with care. There is a control or error in built into the Montessori material which enables the child to ‘learn for themselves’ without being told by an adult that something they have done with an activity is incorrect. This quietly develops self-knowledge, without the child’s confidence being affected. Since children learn from each other there is evidence of collaborative work and a sense of empowerment and achievement when children are able to help peers learn and for children to work collaboratively. There is active role modeling for the children right from the time that the child enters the Nursery in the morning. The children and the parents are welcomed daily by the Assistant . We have taken every effort to ensure that the nursery children and their parents are known by their name by other members of the nursery team rather than just that child’s class teacher. The children are greeted with a smile at the door. Social Responsibility-Care of self (personal hygiene, ability to dress and eat independently) and care of environment (cleaning up after yourself, caring for plants and animals, keeping your environment tidy and clean etc.) are inbuilt into the preliminary ‘Practical Life’ activities of the classroom. At every point of the day, the children are encouraged to help themselves and do things by themselves, enabling self-confidence and self-esteem to flourish.
There is an atmosphere of openness and cultural sensitivity with the class. Our theme related topics beginning from ‘All About Me’ encourage children to understand similarities with other children and celebrate differences. Later on in the year, this cultural awareness is taken further when we begin discussions about the world and continents. We use continent boxes in the Nursery to give children an international understanding. The parents are invited into the classrooms to talk about their culture, share stories, sing songs, read traditional books and folk tales, share food and do culture related crafts. We discuss similarities in stories from around the world to stimulate discussion about good and bad, right and wrong, fairness and injustice and what it takes to try and put things right. We encourage a culture of repair, re-use and recycle rather than throw away and discard. Throughout this academic year, at the age appropriate level, we will expose our children to the concept of giving and sharing within the community. We have previously supported a number of fund raising activities related to Breast cancer, Red Box appeal, Nepal earthquake etc. Specific topics in the curriculum, such as All about me, Seasons, Community Helpers, My City my Dubai, Earth, Recycling, The Continents, Friendship, have a background relating to International Mindedness.
Our classrooms in the Nursery have successfully tied the Montessori philosophy and everyday practices within the classrooms to the school’s core values which puts the children at the center of all decisions. Observation is the biggest tool that the teachers use to assess children and move them onto the next step in their learning. The environment is rich in motives, enticing the children to learn independently, which helps in creating a love for learning. There is freedom within limits experienced in every part of the child’s day, leading to a positive atmosphere of respect and collaboration. The children naturally learn to distinguish between right and wrong as there is onus given for the children to analyse their own actions through periods of reflection, without the need for the teacher to do something for them (reward) or something to them (punishment). Garima Kapoor Assistant Head Early Years
Aariz and Omar doing role play.
Casa C enjoys role play
On your marks get set go
Ibrahim painting a Square yellow
Maryam Transferring with a spoon.
Alexander working with nuts and bolts
PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, As we welcome students and parents back to school after the Eid holiday it has been pleasing to note the vigour of their approach to their studies. Students are naturally inquisitive and resourceful, they find ways to solve challenges in new and exciting ways and it is their innovation we would like to celebrate. At RIS students are encouraged to innovate in a range of areas, from their approach to their studies in using technology to critical thinking promotion in lessons and as adults our role is to model innovation. We are fortunate to live in a forward thinking society such as Dubai, which places innovation high on its agenda. At Raffles International School we innovate in a range of areas including enterprise and entrepreneurship – activities such as those run by the Eco – committee, Student Council and Learning Councils are excellent examples of our students leading the way. The student and learning councils are being formed and I encourage all students to engage with these avenues for student voice. Last year students observed lessons and gave valuable feedback to teachers to develop their teaching and learning practices, innovation in motion. Students are encouraged to create, explore and invent at RIS with teachers skillfully developing students’ critical thinking, problem-solving and independent learning skills. These skills will prepare our students, your children, for the demands of their future careers. This week we held the information curriculum session’s across the Primary School. Our approach was innovative with students in Years 4 –6 attending the session along with their parents. This was a direct response to the CIS Endicott Survey regarding providing our students with increasing information on the curriculum and was well received, including presentations from the Arabic and Islamic HOD’s. Matthew Barrett Deputy Head of Primary School
FS2 News It is hard to believe we are almost a month into our new school year. After the long relaxing Eid break the children of FS2 have come back to school with enthusiasm and are ready to learn. The children have settled in and started working with the Montessori materials. They are getting used to a new routine and are becoming confident and familiar with their surroundings. During the first few weeks of school we will be focusing on activities that will support the children develop their hand eye co-ordination, concentration and fine motor skills. At present we are working on the topic ‘All About Me’ in which the children are enhancing their awareness about themselves, their feelings, body parts, family, likes and dislikes which will be followed by awareness of their five senses. In science, they are developing their enquiry based skills by understanding similarities and differences with comparison of height, hand measurement and understanding that we are all unique. Children have started their specialist lessons such as P.E, Music, Arabic, Art, and they are visiting the library. Along with the specialist lessons children will also start their visits to the new Early Years Room, they will be exposed to learning through play, to take turns and share with their peer groups. FS2 Team Year 1 News It was wonderful to see the children settle in well with their daily routine, they have shown eagerness to get back to school after the Eid break. Children are into their Montessori work cycle and are working with the materials according to their individual needs that help them to be independent learners. In language, they are reviewing the letter sounds during the Phonetic time sessions, and they are learning about the common 2D shapes in mathematics. In science, the topic is ‘Ourselves’, they are exploring the five senses using hands-on activities. The children will be learning about other topics like My City, My Dubai, Healthy Eating, Living and Growing along with many other topics. The Specialist Lessons PE, Music, Art, ICT, Arabic and Islamic lessons have started. It was good to see the drive in the children to learn new aspects of the curriculum. As you are aware, we have started sending the weekly chronicle via email. You should receive this every Thursday, if you are not, please inform your Homeroom teacher. After school activities (ASA) have started from Sunday, 18th September 2016. Curriculum sessions for Year 1 parents were held on Tuesday, 20th September 2016. Gentle reminder:- Kindly collect your children from the relevant ASA classroom at 3:30 pm. We would like to thank all the parents for their support. Year 1 Team
Year 2 News In Year 2 we are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage children meaningfully in their learning. We use cross curricular themes to create a purposeful context for the diverse international classes we teach. We recognise the importance of celebrating our diversity so take part in weekly circle of culture lessons where we talk, listen and learn about the similarities and differences which unite us as well as celebrating UAE culture in the place we call home. We are beginning this year to teach Social Studies specifically focusing around UAE culture and heritage. This is a very exciting initiative which will be a wonderful opportunity for us in Year 2 to investigate and compare traditions in the UAE to those in our home countries. Year 2 Team
Year 3 News There has been a ‘buzz’ in school this week as students are settling in again after the Eid break. Students are better acquainted with their new teachers and classmates. They are trying hard in relation to establishing their classroom routines and developing new relationships with their teachers and fellow classmates.
We are learning about the importance of responsibility and teamwork. Students have learned about the class rules and routines and were introduced to the class Dojo reward system where they can earn points daily for following instructions, being respectful and kind to others to name but a few. ASA’s have started this week and both students and parents are enthusiastic and showing great interest in the wide range of activities that are available. We hope to see this enthusiasm continue throughout the year. Year 3 Team Year 4 News The Year 4 team is happy to welcome back all our students and parents after the holiday and we hope you all had a wonderful Eid. The students have made a ‘kick start’ towards accelerated learning and enthusiastically settled back down to work. In Social Studies, we have introduced students to the environment unit. We have been making them aware of the different ways that they can help to protect the environment and reduce negative impacts. We are applying our knowledge to real life situations and we are being responsible citizens helping to reduce, reuse and recycle within the classroom and around the school. The students have shown a real interest and ‘thirst’ for further knowledge with regard to their first unit of science, the human body. We have been visiting the Science lab and look forward to all the interesting experiments throughout the year. In English, we have been exploring different types of writing related to our class novel, ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’. The students have been developing their prediction skills and they have also been introduced to ‘Nearpod’ which supported them during our descriptive writing lesson about the characters Boggis, Bunce and Bean.
The Year 4 team recently held a curriculum session for both parents and students to inform about the year ahead. We eagerly look forward to facilitating our young learners in learning and exploring their own personal potential in various areas of academics throughout the year. Year 4 Team
Year 5 News In Year 5, we have a strong element of internationalism which transcends though all our main subject areas. As a multicultural and diverse school it is imperative that all students and teachers have a strong sense of cultural understanding. In English, we have been exploring stories from different cultures and learning about how various countries use these stories as a means of teaching morals and lessons. Our latest story from Africa called ‘Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters’ helped the students further their understanding of the RIS core values of integrity and respect. We learnt from this story how one should always treat others with kindness as you never know what may happen in the future. This week the Year 5 teachers have been focusing on embedding innovative educational activities and technologies into their planning. As we strive to ensure students are prepared for the fast paced and rapidly changing world, it is essential we adapt to their needs. Not only are digital technologies an important part of our innovative teaching, so are the strategies and real world problem solving practice we provide and lead the students through. With the BYOD programme we will continue to embed ICT innovation into our lessons, using programmes such as ‘NearPod’ to enhance lesson delivery and interactivity. Additionally the teachers are currently exploring the use of QR codes for students to be able to self-assess and mark their own learning to ensure differentiation. Year 5 Team Year 6 News After the Eid holidays Year 6 have started to work in earnest in all areas of school and falling in line with expectations of the year; organising and prioritizing their work.
The basics of mathematics and English are being reinforced by teachers. Students are reading the classic novel “ Oliver twist” and delving deep into the life of people during Victorian times; the society and work conditions prevalent at that time. Mini tests in the Lab are being carried out following a scientific method. In Social Studies students have been presenting their countries through the Culture Box that they have made. Peace Day was celebrated doing a variety of activities of activities; writing and art and craft activities were carried out in each classroom. ASAs have begun and it is encouraging to note that many students have enrolled for mathematics and creative writing activities. This will go a long way in preparing them for the year ahead. Thank you for coming in to the Curriculum Morning presentation and sharing your thoughts and ideas. Please do engage with the ‘Read theory’ and the ‘Myimaths’ websites with your children. We are confident that students will do us proud at the end of the year. Year 6 Team
SECONDARY SCHOOL Message from the Deputy Head—Secondary School The importance of Innovation Innovation, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods” (1). Schools across the UAE are responsible and accountable for ensuring innovative ideas are introduced into teaching and learning and that will help drive curriculum modification. I suppose that many people consider innovation or innovative ideas to be complicated by design and highly creative. The New York Times published an article in 2012 titled Innovations that will change your tomorrow (2). Within that article, 32 ideas were shared ranging from Roller Coasters with Wings to The Mind Reading Shopping Cart and from Teeth that Think to Blood Tests for Depression. Although these innovations sound fascinating and ground breaking, I do not necessarily think such outlandish ideas are necessary and should be the norm in schools. Instead, I believe teachers, students and school leaders have the capacity to be innovative within the classroom and beyond through simple collaboration, creativity and cross-curricular planning. Let me share some examples with you. To help learn the Period Table of Elements in Science, students could use the video on the YouTube link below. This simple combination of scientific facts and musical representation of the facts can help students memorise/learn each element creatively. This would work very well for students who learn best through visual and auditory stimulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgVQKCcfwnU How about learning Pythagoras Theorem through linking it to buildings in the UAE? To calculate A² + B² = C² students could look at or visit Ski Dubai and estimate each of the sides of the slope.
How about using Mathematics, data and Science to calculate a student’s VO2 max on the 20 meter multi stage fitness test (bleep test) they complete in a PE lesson? Imagine learning about the Olympic Games by looking at it through the lenses of history, geography, art, business and English? The list goes on. My point is that innovation can be simple, yet very effective, if planned carefully. It is our aim at RIS to increase the amount of cross-curricular and innovative planning opportunities next year to help students create stronger links between subject areas and understand the importance of how each is connected to one another.
Internationalism At RIS we celebrate great diversity within the student and teaching body. With over 90 nationalities represented by our students, life inside the classrooms is dynamic, exciting and culturally stimulating. I have recently been reflecting on what it means to be internationally minded and asking students each day on how they feel to be part of such a vibrant international school. For me, international mindedness is having the ability to see the world through different lenses – essentially creating a mind shift from the “me” to “you”. It is developing appreciation, respect and tolerance along with other important virtues that promote awareness of others around the world. As always, if you would like to communicate with me regarding anything related to the Secondary School at RIS, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail, give me a call or stop by the office. Ian Plant Deputy Head of Secondary ianp@rafflesis.com
References 1. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/innovation 2. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/06/03/magazine/innovations-issue.html?_r=0
Year 7 News It is our aim at RIS that all students flourish as self-aware, critically thinking citizens of the world. Why? Because it is only through a positive sense of internationalism (an appreciation for other cultures, other languages, national history of other countries) that we can bridge the divide that exist globally in a world where more and more individuals are choosing to and in some cases are forced to live in a place that is not their home country. We seek to move with the times by crafting out innovative lessons that prepare students for jobs that have not yet been created, in places they have never even been to yet, in the hope of creating global leaders.
One way that students feel they are accessing learning and an insight into other cultures is our new ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) scheme. RIS students report that their lessons are further enhanced when they can look up additional contextual information on any given topic at the click of a button, this is especially helpful when they do not have existing knowledge or experience. Moreover, the use of learning through IT game-play is thoroughly engaging. We have also found that encouraging the use of Emodo develops the students’ ability to work independently in terms of taking full responsibility for their learning. Year 7 Team
Year 8 News As a leading international school one of RIS’s many strengths is the truly international character of its students and staff. With over 90 nationalities represented this is a key part of how we see ourselves. Over the coming year for Year 8 students we will be doing all we can not only to recognise this diversity but to champion it. As part of our circle of culture sessions we will be sharing presentations of every aspect of the different nationalities that make up RIS. On top of this we will be running in assemblies the chance for students to teach each other new vocabulary in each other’s languages. So even if they can only say hello, their names and their ages each student will have learnt something new. Not only is this a great way for our Year 8 students to learn new words and phrases but it also shows how the RIS community is made stronger by its diversity. Additionally the sharing of language and culture creates a greater community, where every language and culture is valued. Year 8 Team
Year 9 News Internationalism can be defined as cooperation between people. Since arriving in the UAE, and at RIS, I have been excited to see the wealth of nationalities and religions that we have. It is like having our own mini United Nations. Yet despite differences in language and culture the students work together to a positive and vibrant atmosphere. At lunchtime I have witnessed teams training and playing together to win a game of basketball. In classrooms students have been working together and debating over a range of issues. It is this type of teamwork that enables our school community to be successful and thrive. In Year 9 we have been looking at how we communicate in the modern world. Whilst we are all in agreement that technology enables us to talk to people across the globe more easily, it has also made us lazy. Rather than talking face to face, we text, email or phone. Speaking directly to friends we decided was far more enjoyable. We felt that we could see their reaction and interact more easily. It was suggested that if we all try to communicate more through direct speech maybe it will foster better cooperation and internationalism. ‘Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.’ Helen Keller Year 9 Team
Year 10/11 News I would like to welcome everyone back to school after the Eid holiday. I trust that the break provided you the opportunity to rest, relax and get ready for a busy term ahead. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the following students for being selected as form captains for this academic year. 10A: Joud Benan Taha - Mustafa Abdulali 10B: Leema Angelo – Dariush Eghtedari 11A: Sanjana Chitturi – Jad Gouty The form captains will be representing their classes and act as ambassadors in some cases and have a more active role in the everyday school life. Being a form captain is a great opportunity for students to improve their leadership skills and become more responsible. Form captains will ensure that student’s concerns and ideas are brought to the notice of the school authorities. Bearing the responsibility of being a link between the school authorities and students, form captains need to be role models and act as the overall in charge of the student body. The first “Meet the Principal” meeting took place the week before the Eid holiday. Students had the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Clack various topics regarding the school and give their feedback from the first two weeks of this academic year. I would like to encourage more students to participate in future meetings by expressing their interest to their form tutors . Head of Year 10/11