89 Thursday, Thursday 21 21 April May 2016 2015 Issue 105 GENERAL GENERAL
Opening of Paris Garden
Sunday, 22 April—Thursday, 29 April
Spain Field Trip
Sunday, 24 April—Thursday, 28 April
FS and Year 1 Artist Week
Sunday, 24 April—Thursday, 28 April
Science Week—Nursery
Monday, 25 April
Nursery—Dubai Drums
Wednesday, 27 April
Year 2 Concert
Thursday, 28 April
Year 3 Concert
May Monday, 02 May
RIS Choir Recording Field Trip
Thursday, 05 May
Al Israa wa Al Miraj*
Sunday, 08 May—Tuesday, 10 May
Annual Production
Tuesday, 10 May
RIS Open Day
Thursday, 12 May
Brown Day—Nursery
Sunday, 15 May—Wednesday, 18 May
Year 1 Field Trip
Sunday, 15 May—Thursday, 19 May
YLE Testing
Thursday, 19th May
Nursery Concert
Sunday, 22 May—Thursday, 26 May
Cambridge Progression - PS&SS
Tuesday, 31 May
Art and Photography Competition @ RIS
June Wednesday, 01 June
FS2 Certificate Ceremony
Thursday, 02 June
Nursery Certificate Ceremony
Thursday, 02 June
Year 1 Concert
Sunday, 05 June
RIS Open Day
Monday, 06 June
Beginning of Ramadan
Thursday, 09 June
Black and White Day—Nursery
Wednesday, 15 June
Quran Recital Competition @ RIS
Wednesday, 15 June
Arabic Writing Competition @ RIS
Message from the Principal Parents, PARIS, Community and Partnership Dear Parents and Students, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and especially members of PARIS for their continued involvement, engagement and support of the students and the staff throughout the year. The recent unveiling of the mural (parents’ garden), designed and painted by a dedicated parent, Ms Massima beautifully illustrates the rich cultural diversity and international spirit of RIS. At the invitation of the PARIS Committee, our CEO, Ms Poonam Bhojani officially opened the garden and parents, staff and students had the opportunity to view this mural and to celebrate the productive partnership and engagement of our community. Our parents’ association responsibilities include promoting community spirit between the parents, the students and the teachers at RIS, as well as developing and strengthening community links in line with school policy and KHDA recommendations. PARIS help to create a school community that is friendly, fun and meaningful to your family. Together we aim to ensure there are highly productive links with all parents which help improve your children’s learning and raise standards. We recognise that through collaboration, both school and community benefit from strong and extensive partnerships, including those with other schools that effectively support student’s development. In collaboration, we strive, ‘Towards Excellence’ This is only one excellent example of parental commitment and engagement in the education of our students. Other notable examples include: parent volunteers for our reading programme, Circle of Culture, parent guest lectures, Young Enterprise, Dad’s Week, class representatives, mother tongues programme, Self-study committees as part of our CIS accreditation*, parent focus groups and parent representatives on the Advisory Council. This really is the RIS community at its very best-when parents are engaged and involved, everyone benefits - students, parents, families, teachers, schools and communities – and our school is enriched as a positive place to teach, learn and grow. I would encourage all our parents to become active members of PARIS or alternatively, a parent volunteer, a guest speaker, an occasional reader, an avid supporter of one of our many teams- overall, an engaged and positive parent. It is imperative that as a school we continue to develop and improve our relationship with all parents in order to improve the quality of education we provide for all our children. At RIS, students are supported and inspired to learn in a culture of high expectations in which parents:
Are welcomed, respected and valued as partners by the school community in their children’s learning and development Have a range of opportunities to enable them to be involved and support student success Are engaged through on-going communication and dialogue to support a positive learning environment at home and at school Are encouraged to support the Parents Association of Raffles International School Project a positive image of Raffles International School externally
The RIS community is a diverse one. With over 50 languages spoken and multiple ethnicities, we are proud of our diverse community and seek to celebrate this diversity whenever we can. We will continue to build upon and celebrate our diversity and internationalism whether in the classroom, in the playground, events and through collaborative and enriching partnerships. At RIS our aim is to enhance the partnership and communication between school and parents, Board members, Advisory Council** and the local community. Specifically, I have set the following five goals:
We aim to strengthen links with our family of Innoventures schools and with other local primary and secondary schools. We also seek to improve communication between home and school. To enhance opportunities for parental engagement and involvement within the school. To enhance links with local community and extend partnerships. To encourage students, staff and parents to take a prominent role in the life of the local community and raise the profile of the School.
School and community gain from a very strong partnership that effectively supports students’ development- only in partnership can we continue on our journey, ‘Towards Excellence’. Thank you for your continued support. Michael William Clack Principal * The Self-Study is prioritized with considerable time commitment from all members of school personnel as well as from a number of parents, Board/ Governing Body members and students. The Self-Study Report emerging from this process will present an honest, broad-based view of the school. Through the CIS Accreditation process RIS demonstrates to all stakeholders its commitment to high quality international education to parents, students and staff members and ensures that the school is continually improving and keeping up with the best international education standards. For further information go to http://www.cois.org/page.cfm?p=1799 http://www.cois.org/page.cfm?p=1906 ** The Advisory Council are to drive school improvement, guide development, monitor progress and hold the school accountable for the quality of education delivered. The Advisory Council includes all stakeholders namely, parents, professionals from the community, members of higher education, RIS senior leadership, Innoventures Education group management and a Board Director. Students and teachers are invited to participate at each meeting. The Advisory Council meets formally three to four times a year. The Advisory Council is also informed about various internal and external reports related to the school’s progress including reports by accreditation bodies, external consultants, summary of parent surveys, the school improvement plan, and academic results. The Advisory Council continues to play a significant role in the improvement of the school through its contribution to the school. For further information go to http://www.rafflesis.com/south/advisorycouncil.html
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Extended family, Welcome to the Dubai heat. The weather has officially changed and as such the class routines have changed as well. The children go to play outside earlier in the day now and then come back to the class for work. Please make sure that your child has a hat and sunscreen so that sensitive skin remains protected. The majority of the nursery children will be moving to Foundation Stage 2 in a few months. So as we move through the final term for this academic year, we at the Nursery will begin preparing the children socially, emotionally and academically. However, social ‘readiness’ for school is key. Between the ages of four and six, children start to take their first steps towards going out into the world and being an independent little person. Children go through lots of different emotional stages in these years and you may start to see big changes in their emotions and social skills. This can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. As parents, there are things we can do to help them develop good social skills, understand and manage their emotions so they are ready to deal with all the new challenges life throws at them. As the children are developing their social skills develop, many of them in the nursery have started to play more with each other and develop favourite friends. Learning how to be a good friend and manage the feelings that come with it can be difficult for children of this age and you may well see lots of arguments, bossiness and frustration. This is completely normal and part of children trying to assert their place in the world. As parents, we have to try and stand back from any squabbles and disputes and let children work it out for themselves – this goes for siblings too. Learning how to deal with conflict and resolve disputes is essential for developing good social skills. A formal Parent Teacher Conference is scheduled for the Thursday, 21 st April. Please make sure you have booked an online appointment to meet your child’s teacher. Meanwhile, we will continue to have our Drop in Days during the week. Do feel free to sign your name if you have any concerns or would like feedback about your child. Please also continue to drop in and see me whenever you have the time. This term promises to be action packed; with science week, Zumba for kids, African Drumming, the Nursery Concert and certificates, just to name a few. We look to your continued participation in our Mystery Reader programme as well as the ‘Tell us about your culture’ initiative. Garima Kapoor Nursery Coordinator
Enjoying outdoor play
Posh Paws visits the Nursery
Harvesting Cherry Tomatoes
Working with the farm animals booklet to match the words with the objects
FOUNDATION STAGE/YEAR 1 NEWS Dear Parents, Communication As educators for young children, we are very conscious of informing our families of the academics your children are exposed to. As we follow the Montessori method in FS and Year 1 it is difficult for the teachers to inform the parents on a group channel of communication of the concepts taught in class; as the children are working with the didactic levelled materials. Each piece of material in the Montessori programme has different levelled concepts. For more information on what level your child is whilst working through the Montessori programme, please speak to your homeroom teacher. Throughout the week the children are also exposed to group lessons; these lessons; will have a learning objective. This objective can be found on the Weekly Chronicle. During the third term the Year1 children will be introduced to concepts in mathematics as a group lesson, such as; Time, o’clock and half past, 2’s, 5’s and 10 timetables, and mathematical problem solving skills. The teachers will let you know when they will be introducing these concepts on their Weekly Chronicle. In FS, topics, sounds, colour and shapes are all stated on the Weekly Chronicle. As with Year 1, please speak to your homeroom teachers with regards to the level your child is at whilst working through the Montessori programme. The children in FS are also exposed to learning through play, ie role play whilst spending time in the new Early Years Centre. A gentle reminder of how we communicate academics with our families:
Weekly Chronicle Spelling Sheets and Books(Y1) Creative Writing Books (Y1) – goes home weekly Science Text Books (Y1) – goes home weekly Sight Words Study Ladder (Y1) Weekly Planner (FS) 6 Weekly Planner (Y1)
During the month of April you will have the opportunity to discuss progress with your teacher during the Parent/Teacher Conferences. More information will follow. Susie Mcshane Coordinator
FS News On the first day back to school, the children were enthusiastic to share their lovely March break stories with their peers and teachers. During the Montessori work cycle, they eagerly set to work and are now independently choosing challenging material to use and complete. You are encouraged to continue practising the sight words with your child(ren). This will help the children further develop their reading skills. Book week took place on the last week of school, 20 th – 24th March. The children had the pleasure of meeting the author, Christina Fernandes. She read her book, ‘A desert tale’ to the children. During this week the children were able to read various books and attempted to write their own mini stories. FS classes have now started using the Early Years Centre which develops their social skills and learning through play. Each class spends two periods per week in the centre. A gentle reminder that swimming has started. The class will take place every week during your child’s P.E. lesson. When possible please get the children to independently practise dressing and undressing themselves at home. Also encourage them to pack their own swimming kit so they know what they have in the bag. This strengthens their gross motor, organization and independence skills. The children are required to wear a RIS swimsuit, swim cap and require a towel. Thank you for your support. FS Montessori Team. Year 1 News Welcome back, we hope you all had a very relaxing and enjoyable time with family and friends over the Spring Break. It is wonderful to see the eager faces of the children as they get together with their friends, share stories and re-engage with the learning in their classrooms. The creative writing about their holiday is proof of just how much fun they had.
Various events such as Family Fun Day and the Book Fair were enjoyed by all the children before the Spring Break. The Family Fun Day was a huge success. The children had an amazing time with family and friends. We thank all families for their generous support.
During the Book Fair, the children were extremely excited while selecting the books they wanted to purchase as now most of the children can read fluently. We encourage you to read with your child daily and go over the sight words, to help the children gain confidence in their readings. By reading stories that are on their interest level but beyond their reading level, you can challenge young readers' understanding and motivate them to improve their skills.
It also helps them find new ways to express their thoughts and enriches their vocabulary. During April and May we will be holding the ‘30 books in 30 days’ challenge again this year – watch this space for more information. Children indeed are very excited, as our swimming classes will take place every week during their scheduled P.E classes. A kind request to all parents to avoid any confusion or inconvenience, please label your child‘s clothing (RIS swimming cap, towels, goggles, RIS swimsuits). Year 1 have a busy few weeks coming up. This is the time of year when it is most evident that the children have accelerated their learning and they are absorbing, applying and pushing themselves to achieve their goals. They will be participating in Artist Week and will be gearing up for the Year 1 assemblies, where they will be performing in front of a small audience as part of the transition into Year2. A gentle reminder the Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on the Thursday, 21 st April. Please bring along your child’s progress report to discuss with the teacher. Year 1 Team.
Dear Parents,
Year 6 have sat the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations in English, mathematics and science. We are proud of our children's hard work and the maturity and confidence with which they faced their first major examinations. I am sure their hard work will be rewarded. I would like to take the opportunity to thank and appreciate the dedication and hard work of the Y6 team of teachers and the Coordinator, Mrs Shabana Bashir. Each teacher worked with dedication and great responsibility to set up students for success and provide them with a positive learning and examination environment. The school community is very proud of our teachers. I would also like to thank you for your support to the children and the school- it was truly a team effort. The last term of school is always an exceptionally busy time for students, staff and management. Teachers and students are busy completing the curriculum and required assessments before the final school reports start to take shape. The annual school productions are being rehearsed and getting ready to go on stage. Management and leadership are busy with recruitment for 2016-2017, working on timetables and procurement of school resources. Amidst the planning for the new academic year, we have not lost sight of teaching and learning and lesson observations form a significant part of our day. Our aim is to deliver consistently very good to outstanding lessons, simply speaking, “good lessons are not good enough.� Exercise books have started to be sent home and I urge parents to take some time to go over the work completed in school and give valuable feedback to students and teachers on the quality of work. Ongoing positive collaboration between school and home is important to give students feedback which is consistent and uniform. This year, I worked on launching a supportive reading programme run completely by parent volunteers from the nursery to primary school. To this end, we have an appointed teacher as parent liaison representatives at each year level. The idea is to create increased opportunity for children to read to an adult. Our goal is humble; provide bi- weekly an extra ten minutes of reading time to each child. At some year levels the programme is embedded more firmly than at other year levels. For consistency across the primary school, it is important to have more parents to listen to children read. I once again humbly request you to contact your year level parent representative or your child's Homeroom teacher, if you are able to give and hour or two per week on a consistent basis. I look forward to your support. I would like to thank and appreciate parent volunteers who are contributing and running the reading programme. They are the pioneers of this valuable initiative and are making a difference.
Students from the primary and secondary school attended the Anti- bullying conference at Raffles World Academy this week. They learnt to recognize different types of bullying, the long term effect of bullying, and the need to support the different needs of children who indulge in bullying as well as of the victims. Ms. Zeba Khan Head of Primary School
Year 2 News In English, our fantastic year group wrote their own poems based on Dr. Seuss’ work. We reviewed present and past tense verbs and we focused on writing in the past tense, using regular and irregular verbs. We enjoyed writing about our Spring holidays and we also created more short poems following specific rhyming patterns. In mathematics, we measured the weight of different objects around the room using non-standard units (cubes, bean bags, paper clips) as well as standard units (grams and kilograms). We spent time estimating and predicting first and we used balances to compare weight. Following this, we knew we wanted more accurate measurements so we moved on to using weighing scales. The students enjoyed checking classroom items to find the grams and kilograms.
In science, we looked at living and non-living things before we went on to investigate mini beasts. We then went on to review ocean habitats which is such an interesting topic. We covered the midnight zone, twilight zone and sunlit zone and looked at sea creatures from each of these zones. We compared sea creatures with animals from other habitats, for example, desert and arctic habitats. Year 2 Parents Read Aloud takes place on a weekly basis so we continue to welcome more parent volunteers to the classes.
Year 2 Team
Year 3 News Year 3 had a very busy week. Students worked really hard and showed a positive attitude towards achievement. In English, they learned about compound words and how to form their own compound words. Students also learned about the comprehension skills of inferring and scanning and how to draw information from a piece of text. In mathematics, students were introduced to the topic of fractions for the first time this year. They learned how fractions are used and how they are represented. A lot of practical activities were used for these topics to give students a better understanding of the concepts. In science, students learned about the all the things we need in life to survive and the importance of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. The children were given the opportunity to investigate labels of different food items and differentiate which foods were healthy and unhealthy.
It was interesting to hear the fantastic discussions amongst students and to witness their enthusiasm and excellent teamwork. In Social Studies, the students learned interesting facts about Ancient Egypt. They learned about how important the River Nile was to the people of Ancient Egypt. Year 3 had a very exciting week and were keen to get back to work after the holidays. Let us hope this term is as interesting and fun-filled as the last one. Year 3 Team
Year 4 News Year 4 would like to give a big welcome back to everyone after our Spring break. We hope that you all had a happy and restful holiday. In English, we have been working hard, using our creative writing skills to create stories for the RTA Writing competition based on the title ‘Life is a Journey’. We also continue with our studies of “Fantastic Mr. Fox” by Roald Dahl and the students have enjoyed the different writing exercises on the characters and their emotions. In science, we have just completed our unit on magnets. We had great fun with this topic and we even created our own cities where our transport ran effectively with the use of magnets. We are all eagerly awaiting the ‘Science Fair’ which will be held on Tuesday, 03rd May. We have been busy discussing our different ideas and looking back over the steps of scientific investigation which we will be referring to during our presentations. In mathematics, we have been looking at decimals. We are learning about place value and also how we can convert fractions into decimals. We have discussed the real life application of decimals in measures such as money, length and weight. We are all looking forward to seeing what the remaining weeks of school will bring. There are some exciting topics and events to come and we will be continuing to strive to get the best out of each and every student. Many thanks for your constant support. Year 4 Team
Year 5 News Welcome back. I hope everyone had a lovely Spring break. In Year 5 we are learning about recounts and newspaper articles in English. We had fun playing ‘Hot seating’ in Year 5C where we pretended to be someone famous and children got a chance to interview each other. We also created mindfulness jars in Year 5C since our return, these help us to follow the steps to a clear mind, pause, breathe and smile. You should try and create one at home, it is easy. We created sky viewers in science to help us understand that the earth moves around the sun. I hope you enjoy our pictures this month. Year 5 Team
Year 6 News Welcome back to all Year 6 students and we look forward to a very productive and successful term. Firstly, I would like to congratulate the Year 6 students for taking part in the Cambridge Examinations. Last week the students took their English, mathematics and science examinations. They spent the last few months working extremely hard to revise the curriculum content in all the core subjects. They put in a great deal of effort and the progress they have made was evident during the examinations. Well done to all the Year 6 students. We are continuously seeking parent volunteers to take part in the classroom reading programme. Year 6 is still in need of a few parent volunteers so if you have some time to dedicate to our reading programme please let us know and we will be happy to have you. Thank you to those parents that have already volunteered, we really appreciate your help. Lastly, we will be resuming our Circle of Culture programme after the Cambridge tests. The students have had a great experience exploring and learning about other cultures, and the support from parents has been outstanding. Year 6 Team
SECONDARY SCHOOL Message from the Deputy Head—Secondary School
Dear Parents, Now that we are back into the full swing of things after a refreshing and relaxing Spring Break, the first two weeks have been incredibly busy and eventful across the Secondary School. Our Year 9 students have been fully engaged in their Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations, which they took on the 18th, 19th and 20th April in English, mathematics and science. I am delighted with the way in which our students prepared and conducted themselves throughout the examination process and am confident that the results will reflect their hard work and dedication. Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations test students on their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum from Years 7, 8 and 9 as well as the key skills they developed in Key Stage 3. This group of students have also recently selected their IGCSE subject options for next year and are excited to make the transition to upper Secondary.
Our secondary school chess team once again have demonstrated their outstanding talents and emerged winners of the Innoventures Education tournament hosted by Raffles International School last week. Our team, comprised of Yousef Alfardan, Taeyeon Jin, Thedoras Karamitsos, Berikzhan Zharimbet captain and Denis Zentsov fought hard battles with students from DIA, RWA and CAS and were presented with the trophy in assembly on Thursday, 14 th April. Well done to the team and I look forward to them completing a hat-trick of wins next year. On Wednesday, 27th April, three secondary students will be participating in the TEDx Youth event held at RWA. Rami Hamzeh, Yousef Alfardan and Yago Ventura will all speak in public (also broadcast live on YouTube) about topics revolving around the theme: Life’s Labyrinth…A Compass. I am very excited about this event and listening to the students in the Innoventures Group speak about things they find interesting and exciting. Examination week for secondary students has been scheduled from May 22 nd – May 26th. Students will sit examinations in all subjects covering topics and content they have studied over the past academic year. In preparation for these examinations, it is crucial that students follow the suggested amounts of revision time as outlined in their Learning Journals. Teachers will be providing students with revision tips in lesson time and specifically discussing how best to manage time effectively. As always, if you would like to communicate with me regarding anything related to the secondary school at RIS, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail, give me a call or stop by the office. Ian Plant Deputy Head of Secondary
Year 7 News With the Spring break over, I hope you are all feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after some well-needed rest and relaxation. The weather is heating up nicely now and should create the perfect conditions for an ambient atmosphere. As we enter the Summer term let us sustain a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement. This means being punctual and prepared with the correct equipment, wearing the specified school uniform without deviation, ensuring that homework diaries are brought, maintained and used to record homework and last but by no means least, taking responsibility for our conduct both in and out of class. With some exciting events yet to come, I look forward to the upcoming weeks and hope that you do too. Remember: There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living (Nelson Mandela). Year 7 Team
Year 8 News Year 8 have returned this week, refreshed from holiday and ready for their final term of the year. As Year coordinator my main question for them so far has been two things – what do you want to achieve this term and how will you do it? Certainly the response for the first one has been very definite – everyone I spoke to wants to achieve well in their end of year tests across all their subjects. The second one however many students were unable to say, beyond explaining that they would work harder. As the students start to prepare themselves for Year 9 and the new challenges that it brings the question of how they will achieve well in the subjects becomes more important. This is where their preparation comes in. Students who are prepared will always do better than those that do not. This does not just mean revising for tests but as well always having the right equipment for every class. It means always using their homework diaries to record homework and completing the homework on time. It means being on time for every lesson and making sure that any lesson missed is caught up on. Finally, this also links with their attitude to school – students who are successful are the ones who wear the correct uniform, who make sure they behave respectfully to others, both students and teachers alike. It has been my pleasure over the year to observe that a great number of Year 8 are at that level already. I am sure that by the end of the year they will all be ready for the challenge of next year. Year 8 Team
Year 9 and 10 News I would like to welcome everyone back hoping that you had an amazing Spring break. Although students love and enjoy the beautiful weather at this time of year and the long lasting daylight to play outside, it is also time for important examinations such as the Cambridge Checkpoint Tests in English, mathematics and science for the Year 9 students. The Checkpoint tests have been designed to assess learners at the end of Cambridge Secondary 1 (Years 7-9). They provide important and valuable feedback on students’ strengths and weaknesses before they progress to their IGCSEs in Year 10.
The tests are taken in school but they are marked externally by Cambridge examiners and each student will receive a diagnostic feedback report later in the year giving detailed information about their tests. While Year 9 students are busy with their Checkpoints, Year 10 students continue with their IGCSEs routine. Besides the Parent-Teacher conferences which are the highlight of this week, some Year 9 and 10 students had the chance to participate in a small exhibition football game with three UAE professional footballers. Sanjana, Ananyaa, Amy, Jules and Jad from Year 10 had the chance to attend an Anti-bullying Conference last Monday. Year 9 and 10 Team
) قسم اللغة العربية ( للناطقين بها
Arabic (A) department
Dear parents, The Arabic A Department starts the third term with a new spirit, a new goal, and an everlasting trust in the students efforts. The vision of the Arabic Department this term is to build the learning skills upon projects, and to encourage the cooperative working between students to ensure the values of RIS: achievement, collaboration, integrity, respect and responsibility. Also, our students are enjoying the preparation for the Arabic week in both Primary and Secondary, in which they are preparing projects, stories and many works to share it with parents and other students during the Arabic week, which will be on Sunday, 1st May and Monday, 2nd May. In addition to this, there will be an Arabic work shop that will be prepared by the Head of Department Mr. Ahmad Al Ansary, he will be sending a letter to inform parents about the details and activities. The work shop will be prepared during these two days. Mr. Ahmed Al Ansary The Head of Arabic A Department