Thursday May 2015 Issue 89 Thursday, 04th 21 May 2017 Issue 126 GENERAL GENERAL
Council of International Schools Accreditation RIS a truly wonderful school
May Monday, 01 May
IGCSE Examinations starts
Tuesday, 02 May—Thursday, 04 May
Nursery Field Trip
Wednesday, 03 May—Thursday, 04 May
Years 5-6 Camping Trip
Thursday, 04 May
Year 1 Annual Concert
Sunday, 07 May—Wednesday, 10 May
Years 4-6 Annual Production Rehearsal
Sunday, 07 May—Thursday, 11 May
Nursery Science Week
Sunday, 07 May—Thursday, 11 May
FS Field Trip
Thursday, 11 May
Year 4-6 Annual Producation
Sunday, 14 May—Thursday 18 May
Year 1 Field Trip
Tuesday, 16 May—Wednesday, 17 May
Years 7-11 Annual Production Rehearsal
Thursday, 18 May
Years 7-11 Annual Production
Thursday, 18 May
Nursery Black Day
Sunday, 21 May—Wednesday, 24 May
Year 2 Field Trip
Thursday, 25 May
FS Graduation Ceremony
Sunday, 27 May
Beginning of Ramadan* June
Thursday, 08 June
Nursery Concert
Tuesday, 13 June
Year 6 Graduation Ceremony
Message from the Principal The UAE National Agenda for Education continues to be one of the most important strategic initiatives introduced by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai to steer us to work collectively to improve the quality of education across the UAE. This year we celebrate the UAE’s success in the 2015 TIMSS and PISA tests. Private schools in Dubai have demonstrated significant improvement in TIMSS results. Even though there was an improvement in PISA results, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in order to fulfil UAE national targets for this assessment. The next PISA tests will take place in 2018 and TIMSS will be administered in 2019. KHDA introduced the UAE National Agenda Parameter in 2015-2016 as a method for measuring and monitoring Dubai’s private schools’ improvement towards achieving their individual National Agenda targets. The parameter requires all schools to participate in international and external benchmarking assessments on an annual basis other than TIMSS and PISA, and use them to monitor their progress in meeting these targets. DSIB’s inspection findings over the last two years indicate clearly that there has been a very positive impact in schools that fully embraced and adopted all components of the UAE National Agenda Parameter. The introduction of the Cognitive Ability Test (CAT 4), in particular, has been an innovative addition that has allowed all schools to identify students’ potential to learn and attain. In light of this, I am pleased to share with you the UAE National Agenda requirements for the 2017-18 academic year. The new requirements include two mandatory components. To ensure the most effective preparation for the upcoming TIMSS and PISA tests and for consistency of data analysis, the UAE National Agenda Parameter will now cover all years from Years 4 to 10. For UK curriculum schools, please note that due to the specifics of the GL PT tests, the PTS (Progress Test in Science) will be administered for Years 4, 5, 6 and 8. Mr. Michael William Clack Principal
Message from the Vice Principal/Deputy Head of Primary School Dear Parents, As Chair for School Accreditation, I am happy to inform you that our Council of International School Accreditation visit concluded on Thursday, 04 th May positively and with the school firmly placed on the path of receiving CIS Accreditation. This comes at the end of an eighteen month long Self-Study that the staff, management, representatives of parent and student body engaged in a process of continuous school reflection and improvement. I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents who participated in the Self-Study process, engaged with the CIS Visiting Team Visitors, and supported the school throughout the Accreditation journey. The school, staff and students will all greatly benefit once the school receives the CIS Accreditation. Drawing close to the end of the school year, assessments, evaluations, examinations and tests become the key words at school and home. We have just concluded the Cambridge Checkpoint tests in Year 6 and Year 9, and will soon be beginning the Cambridge Progression tests from Year 3-5. The GL assessment for the Primary and Secondary school are to be scheduled in the month of May and further information will be shared with you shortly. All the information gathered from the above assessments and in- school assessment data informs and determines the academic stating points of our students for the new academic year and the promoted year level. Let us examine the Aims and Objectives of Assessments. The aims and objectives of assessments are: to raise the standards of achievement and expectations throughout the school. to promote high quality learning and teaching. to maintain accurate records of the progress and attainment of individual children and cohorts to ensure consistency in assessing achievement and identifying achievable and challenging targets for each child. to enable the active involvement of students in their own learning. to enable teachers and other professionals to use assessment judgements to plan work that accurately reflects the needs of individual students. to provide regular information for parents that enables them to support their child’s learning. to provide the information that allows school leaders to make judgements about the effectiveness of the school and to evaluate the school’s performance against its own previous attainment over time and against national and international standards. to promote continuous improvement by using benchmarking information and monitoring standards. Let our students get prepared for higher studies, secondary schools, universities and colleges where examinations are part of everyday life. The holy month of fasting for Muslims, Ramadan, will soon be upon us and we will be communicating on the changes to school day and other specifications shortly. Mrs. Zeba Khan Vice Principal and Deputy Head of Primary School
Winner Arabic Teacher of The Year - Educational Journal Middle East
Sara Said
Student Talent Photography Principal’s Commendation: Dariush Eghtedari
Message from the Counselling Department
For many students examination time can be a particularly stressful time and thus their families also experience this stress with them. Stress, according to research, influences a student’s academic performance the most. So, how can parents/carers help, please see the except below taken from the article: What influences a person's stress tolerance level? Support network - A young person experiencing examination stress will have a better response to stress if supported by parents or other caring adults. Sense of control - Having a sense of control about what to expect on the day, what to learn and ways to systematically revise will assist a young person to manage their examination stress. Positive attitude and outlook - Assist them to see the bright side, to laugh at themselves and to appreciate the positives in life. People who are resilient to stressors have an optimistic attitude. Preparation - The more a young person prepares for a stressful situation, such as an examination, the easier it is to cope. A student's stress level is often influenced by the amount of preparation and planning they have put into studying towards a particular examination and how confident they feel about the material they are to be tested on. What can parents and carers do about examination stress? One of the best things parents or carers can do if their child is experiencing examination stress is to try to be as supportive and tolerant as possible. Effective study and learning habits Parents and carers can help reduce the examination stress of their child by helping them establish effective study and learning habits: Help your child find a quiet place to study without distractions. Make sure their table is uncluttered so they can focus better. Encourage your child to find out exactly what the test involves - are there past test papers they can look at to help them understand what to expect? Encourage your child to ask for help or ask their teacher for clarity if they are unsure of something or if they feel confused. Help them to make 'mind maps' to collect ideas and summarise thoughts - use bright colours to help remember important links.
Help them to plan their study schedule early on so they have sufficient time to study. It can be helpful to develop a clear, realistic plan of what they want to cover in each study session. Can they break it down into small chunks? Remind your child to take a short rest and move around in between each part of their study. Offer help sometimes. It can be useful having someone to listen or practise with.
Healthy sleeping and eating habits Encourage your child to stick to a routine of going to bed at a reasonable time. They need to avoid late night TV shows or movies. Motivate them to eat regularly and make time to have fun and exercise. Help them to cut back on coffee or any other stimulants which they may be using, as these can increase agitation. Encourage them to drink lots of water instead. Remind them to take time out when they eat, rather than carrying on with study. Encourage them to eat fresh fruit, veggies, cereals, grains, nuts and protein - they are all good for the brain and blood sugar levels. Encourage them to eat when they get hungry. This keeps blood sugar and hydration levels steady. Avoid junk food if possible. It will bring a sudden sugar high which will fall away quickly, leaving a person feeling tired.
Relaxation ideas to help your child cope with examination stress Always encourage your child to relax before they go to bed after concentrating for long periods of time. Activities such as reading a short story may help them unwind and sleep better. Encourage them to go out for a walk, run or do some other exercise they enjoy. Teach them relaxation techniques such as listening to some gentle music, getting them to lie down, closing their eyes and taking a deep breath while visualising a calming scene such as a deserted beach. Help your child to develop a positive mindset by encouraging them to visualise success - this can really help with self-confidence. Avoid rushing on the day of the exam by organising and packing everything they need to take with them the night before.
Ideas for examination day Talk about these ideas before examination day so as not to add to anxiety levels. Suggest to your child that they: Eat a good and light breakfast - something that will sustain them and help them concentrate. Try to arrive at school or the examination venue early. Go to the toilet before the examination starts. Keep away from people who may agitate them before the test or may say unhelpful, anxiety-provoking comments. Try writing about their thoughts and feelings at least 10 minutes before the examination to free up brainpower from focusing on emotions, so they can focus on the test material instead. Take time to slow their breathing and relax when they first sit down in the examination room. Skim over the examination paper, underlining key words and instructions. Work out how long they have for each question or section. Watch out for the wording of the questions - they need to understand and address what the question is really asking.
Answer the questions they find easiest first to build their confidence, then as they relax more move on to more difficult ones. Do not worry about how long others are taking but keep an eye on the clock to ensure they have enough time to answer the more difficult questions. Re-read answers if possible and make any changes that are necessary - correct spelling, check workings. Jacynta Hodges Head of Counselling Department
May 2017: RIS Speech and Language Awareness month
Speech and language are not the same thing. Speech is what goes into making the sounds of spoken language and how we form the words we say. Language is how we put those words together to communicate. It is also how we understand the words other people put together. Language involves vocabulary—being able to find the right words and know what they mean—and knowing the rules for using words in sentences.
Language is how we put those words together to communicate. It is also how we understand the words other people put together. Language involves vocabulary—being able to find the right words and know what they mean—and knowing the rules for using words in sentences. In this edition of SummaRISe, we will look at the 4 elements that make up speech. Articulation
Making Sounds
Until around age 5 or 6, it is common for children to leave out sounds (nana instead of banana), substitute sounds (Fursday instead of Thursday) or have trouble making certain sounds (lellow instead of yellow) If their inability to make those sounds continues, it can be a sign of an articulation problem.
how the sounds of language are put together to make words
the pitch, volume and quality of speech
the flow of speech
Children with phonological issues may consistently substitute sounds that are made in the throat for sounds made in the front of the mouth. Example: saying tick for kick dame for game poon instead of spoon. Children with voice issues may sound hoarse, nasal or breathy when they talk. They may also talk too loudly or not loudly enough for the situation. Children with fluency issues may stutter, stammer or pause in the “wrong” places when they speak.
“All Children with special needs just need a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them” Faryal Saeed Head of Learning Support
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Extended Family, Recognising the unparalleled role of assessments in outstanding teaching and learning, the formative assessment process in our Nursery is ongoing and continuous, by observational methods that measure the steps children make against age-appropriate development milestones or benchmarks. The observations are holistic and provide an understanding of the students’ academic progress as well as their personal and social development. These evaluations have the impact of influencing differentiated planning for each child and the expectations of progress providing ongoing feedback to teachers, students and parents about how well the student is processing information, whether or not he understood the lessons and if he has mastered the material he is working with and whether or not he is ready to move onto the next step in learning. As Montessori materials have an in-built control of error, this gives the student immediate feedback on his progress. The control of error allows the child to self-assess and correct his mistakes and continue practicing without intervention. The child has control of his own learning, building self-esteem and self-worth along the way.
Our Casa teachers continue to consistently use formative assessments as part of the daily routine. Each student’s interest and progress are individually observed, assessed and recorded. Based on the Montessori Record Sheets the teachers plan the next step of learning, set targets for the children and check progress. Informal assessments during circle time and group discussions, through questioning by teachers, adds to overall view of the students’ achievement. In the Nursery, summative assessment in Montessori happens in the form of the three period lesson to assess a child after teaching a concept. The first period is the presentation of the concept to the child; the second period is the practice and follow up work the child completes; and the third period is when the child is checked for mastery of the concept taught. The three period lessons are consistently used, enabling the teachers to check how well the students are responding to their guidance. The practice period takes only minutes within the context of the lesson, or it can take days or even weeks before mastery is checked. By using this assessment system, the teachers understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses which can be addressed with the leveled self-correcting materials.
The development of the children is assessed through observations in all seven areas of development. The seven areas are organised into three Prime Areas and four Specific Areas. The Prime Areas are particularly important for promoting strong foundations for learning for 2-3 year olds and are further developed for the 3-4 year olds as they gain in competency. The four Specific Areas are gradually introduced into the programme as per the children’s individual needs. 1. Prime Area-Personal Social and Emotional Development (Self Confidence, Managing feelings and behaviour, Making relationships) 2. Prime Area-Physical Development (Moving and handling, Health and self-care) 3. Prime Area-Communication and Language (Listening and attention, Understanding, Speaking) 4. Specific Area-Literacy (Reading, Writing) 5. Specific Area-Mathematics (Numbers, Shapes, space and measure) 6. Specific Area-Understanding of the World (People and communities, The World, Technology) 7. Specific Area-Expressive Art and Design (Exploring and using media and materials, being imaginative) Reporting to parents is conducted on a formal basis twice a year and is individualised, highly detailed, and focused on the strengths of the child as well as areas where further development is needed. Keeping in mind the wonderful ‘journey’ of growth and development, the nursery maintains a learning journey for each child. The aim of this Learning Journey is to be used as a progression and assessment tool, providing evidence for learning. This serves as a reminder of the wonderful experiences, monitoring the skills that children are developing, enabling specific planning in order to meet children’s learning needs, recording children’s viewpoints and highlighting the discoveries children make. Parents have been requested throughout the year to actively engage in their child’s development and celebrate achievements. Wow notes give you an opportunity for parents to share with us the big (and small) accomplishments that you child makes at home.
Collobaration in building a tower
Help me to help myself, our Montessori philosophy
Montessori education is specifically non-competitive, and eschews rewards and punishment in favour of encouraging the development in children of intrinsic motivation for learning. Garima Kapoor Assistant Head Early Years
Practical Life skills helps build independance
PRIMARY SCHOOL FS 2 News ‘The greatest sign of success for a teacher …. Is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’ Maria Montessori At this time of year the children are engaged in work, with little or no guidance from the teachers. The entire class has their individual plans in mind to work with material as they eagerly try to meet their personal set goals. It is a joy and pleasure to observe the vast growth the children have made and the pride they take in their work. Since we are nearing the end of the year the children work with more advanced mathematics and language materials to challenge themselves before venturing into the other areas of the class. The children have been working towards recognising sight words introduced to them as they play games to memorise each word. They enjoy using these words during their Creative Writing lesson as they build stories from past events or from their imagination. This instills an innate love for writing and reading in the children. It is noticeable that the children have practised undressing and dressing themselves at home as many of them are able to get ready for their much anticipated swim class each week with very little help or guidance from the teacher. The children are working towards maneuvering their body in different ways through the water in a safe manner. The children are looking forward to the forthcoming field trip to the underwater zoo. There has been much discussion about the sea creatures they will see there. Thank you for your support. FS2 Team.
Year 1 News In Year 1, continuous assessment is organically built into the essential functioning of our classrooms, because of the Montessori approach that we follow. Through observations and use of concrete materials the children understand the objectives and the movement from simple to complex and further on towards abstract understanding. In mathematics, the concept of sorting and organising data into different diagrams was introduced. The children explored this topic by hands on activities discovering pictograms, tables, as well as venn and
In English, the children continue to explore different genres weekly. They wrote interesting fantasy stories on what they think Year 2 will be like. They had to write about the fun activities they will participate in, the new friends they will make, new teachers and decide whether they will miss their current teachers. In science, the children were exploring the volcano as a land form and learning how it erupts. They used their new found knowledge to carry out a fun volcano experiment. In Social Studies the students explored the hierarchy within the school and are confident to speak about it. Year 1’s annual artist week took place last week. The children had a wonderful time learning about their chosen artist and then recreating some of their most famous artwork. It was a feast for the eyes. We are also looking forward to our field trip to Kidzania which is going to take place from the 14th to 18th May. We continue to encourage the children to practice reading and writing daily to help develop their skills. The teachers were glad to meet up with the parents during the conferences, it gave us the opportunity to talk about their learning journey so we can move them forward together. Thank you for your continuous support. Year 1 Team
Year 2 Assessment is an integral part of the continuous cycle of teaching and learning which happens in the classroom. It is imperative that quality assessment is undertaken regularly for children and teachers to understand where the students are at in their learning. This helps us as educators as well as the children themselves plan for their next steps in learning.
In Year 2 assessment takes many different forms including self assessment and peer assessment. We use many assessment for learning (AFL) techniques as well as formal termly progress assessments. Although they may take many forms, we always link our assessment closely to the curriculum objectives that we teach to encourage outstanding progression throughout the year and beyond. We value the input of our students in Year 2 and find that assessment is much more informative and constructive when our students are involved. We reflect regularly on the work we complete as we celebrate new achievements as well as setting ourselves goals for the future. You will see this reflection in our books in purple pencil.
We also appreciate parent’s assessments of learning. As you know your child the best you can have a unique insight into your child’s learning. We welcome parent’s comments and observations in homework books which are checked weekly. If you do notice your child is perhaps struggling with a concept or indeed requires challenge please let us know. All assessment insights are welcomed by teachers and students alike. Year 2 Team
Year 3 News Year 3 have had a very busy month. The children were very proud to put on their annual music show, and there was fantastic attendance from equally proud parents, grandparents and family. The students performed wonderfully, with each class enjoying their own ‘solo’ performance. The show-Tatty Boogle, was very well received, with a standing ovation at the end. The Music Department worked extremely hard putting the show together, and their hard work was evident from the quality of the event. This month Year 3 went on an exciting field trip to Dubai Mall, where the children enjoyed ice skating, followed by a trip to the aquarium and then some lunch. The children displayed a fantastic attitude towards ice skating, with many students never having skated before. They gave it their best shot, with many discovering quite the talent for ice skating. The children really enjoyed this experience, and the laughs and smiles filling the rink was testament to this. The aquarium proved to be a fun educational trip, with the children receiving a guided tour from the very knowledgeable staff from Dubai Aquarium. Lots of reptiles, fish and animals were viewed, with the guide answering all the children’s questions. The trip was both active and educational which the children enjoyed immensely. On Thursday, 26th April we held Parent Teacher Conferences, which gave both teachers and parents the opportunity to discuss students’ progress and development in general. These conferences provide an invaluable chance to liaise directly with parents to ensure optimum growth for each child. Thank you to all those parents who attended. We are busy revising for the forthcoming examinations, covering topics that were studied from the beginning of the year. In mathematics, we are reviewing topics such as basic operations, time, measurement etc. The students are reviewing previously taught English concepts such as compound words, information texts, reading comprehensions as well as learning new topics such as Myths and Legends. Science sees the review of previous topics such as forces and magnets, as well as new topics such as the Water Cycle. In Social Studies, the students are continuing their studies of internationalism, with more countries being explored, such as Japan and Italy. The Circle of Culture is very evident throughout the school, with the bright colorful displays around, lending a real feel of internationalism within Raffles International School. Year 3 Team Year 4 News Year 4 have been busy exploring and revising different aspects of the curriculum for our forthcoming examinations. In English, we are using Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a foundation and inspiration for our writing. The students are developing their descriptive writing by including ‘Show Don’t Tell’ to expand the detail in their work. We are also comparing the difference between Roald Dahl’s book and the movies. The students have developed some excellent writing techniques such as personification and alliteration. These will be valuable skills during our coming weeks of assessment. In science, we are very proud of the hard work the students are putting into their projects for the upcoming Science Fair. We are now busy investigating our topic of Sound. Students are creating their own musical instruments and investigating how sounds are produced and how sound travels. We have also explored the different volumes and pitches of sound.
In mathematics, we have started to review the different topics for our soon approaching examinations and assessments. This week we are focusing on Time, how to read timetables and to add and subtract different times. The children are also developing their multiplication and division skills through many revision exercises. In Social Studies, we continue to explore the different aspects of Ancient Greek life. We have compared modern and ancient Greece and we have learned some interesting facts about the Olympics and how it has changed over time. Circle of Culture continues to be an integral part of our Social Studies curriculum and the students are constantly learning new information about one another’s cultures and traditions.
Year 4 Team
Year 5 News In Year 5 we take the approach of assessment for learning (AFL) rather than assessment of learning. We use this assessment to guide our teaching and planning in order to provide students with the knowledge and skills to reach their individual milestones. Formative assessment is conducted on a daily basis. This type of assessment practice includes the day to day practice in which students demonstrate their knowledge by participating in discussions, completing set activities and working collaboratively with their peers. Summative assessment is usually conducted at the end of our units of work. Students will then write tests or complete projects. A number of formal standardised assessments are also completed by all students in Year 5. The International Benchmark Tests (IBT) provides parents with a baseline of where their child is performing in comparison to other students from all around the world. At the end of the year students will sit the Cambridge Progression Tests which test the students’ knowledge based on the set curriculum. Finally students sit for GL testing in English, mathematics and science which tracks and measures the students’ progress and attainment over the course of their schooling. Ultimately it is the through the joint work of the teachers and the parents, that ensure that all students continue to make good progress and parents are kept informed about their children achievements and areas for development so that they can further guide and support them.
Year 6 News With the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint examinations behind us, Year 6 can now look forward to various activities planned ahead. Last week our students went to the overnight camping trip- 50+ students were led by teachers and experienced some hands on learning. Students learnt to collaborate and share as well as participated in activities to apply their critical learning skills and problem solving. In the classrooms, we are covering the remaining learning objectives which include poetry appreciation and novel study-Kensuke’s Kingdom. In mathematics, we are beginning to create algebraic expressions and study special numbers. In Social Studies, students have studied in detail the Schleiffen plan and the Battle of Somme and its aftermath as well as life in the trenches. With the forthcoming Science Fair students will be busy working on their projects and presenting them to the class. The projects will be assessed for Term 3 reports. Next week we also stage The Treasure Island. We are sure it will be an evening to remember and hope to see you all there. Year 6 graduation is planned for Thursday, 13th June 2017.
Year 6 Team
SECONDARY SCHOOL Assessment The way in which students are assessed has changed significantly over the past thirty years. Testing frequency has increased, there are more opportunities to document learning in different ways and data is at the forefront of high quality teaching. Students are subject to numerous examinations in a school year and this is something that is highly debated within the world of education. At RIS, Secondary students are assessed in the following ways: Internal tests Homework, projects, research papers, questioning, speaking and listening tests. External examinations GL assessments Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT4) The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Third International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS) Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) International Benchmark Testing (IBT) Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) A level (next year) Through these assessments, teachers students’ attainment and progress consideration student learning styles, assessments provide students with understanding in a variety of ways.
acquire valuable information to help ascertain judgments on throughout the academic year. Teachers also take into such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic. It is important that opportunities to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and
Currently our Year 11 students are engaged in their IGCSE examinations and last week all Year 9 students completed their Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations in English, mathematics and science. I am delighted by the way all students have prepared themselves for these assessments and very much look forward to receiving the results in July and August respectively. Below is a summary chart of how Cambridge Checkpoint results have improved over the past three years at RIS. As always, if you would like to communicate with me regarding anything related to the Secondary School at RIS, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail, give me a call or stop by the office. Ian Plant Deputy Head of Secondary
Year 7 News At RIS we use the Cambridge Secondary 1 testing structure to assess students performance and report progress to students and parents. Cambridge Secondary 1 assessment uses internationally benchmarked tests, giving parents extra trust in the feedback they receive. For Key Stage 3, Cambridge Secondary 1 Progression Tests provide valid internal assessment of knowledge, skills and understanding across core subjects. As we approach the end of year examination it is essential that Year 7 reflect practically on what they have learnt over the course of the year in order to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses with the aim of adopting a more focussed and worthwhile revision regime. This must go hand in hand with reading and responding to feedback from the subject teacher, and asking for further clarity about any areas of misunderstanding or difficulty. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Year 7 students good luck with their end of year examinations and every success. Year 7 Team
Year 8 News It is safe to say that assessment is not the highlight of any student’s life – the prospect of examinations and tests usually has most students recoiling in horror. However assessment is not only an essential tool in the teaching and learning process it is an important set of skills for students to possess. For Year 8 the forthcoming end of year examinations will be the final test of their achievement across the year and the results will reflect the hard work and effort that they have put into their students since September. For many of our students, the stress of tests should be offset by the knowledge that they have done the work, that they are prepared and that they are going to excel. The main thing that students need to be doing now is preparing their revision, and revision is itself a skill that has to be learned. The teachers across the Secondary School have prepared revision exercises already, posting to Edmodo or Kerboodle essential work and guidance. It is the job of students to start preparing revision timetables and being honest with themselves about what areas of their subjects they need to revise most. Every human being revises differently, just as everyone learns differently. Students will need to work out which way works best for them – whether it is writing out notes, practising with friends or creating visual diagrams to hang on the wall. But the most important thing to remember is not to be stressed, and that assessment is only ever a way for any of us to help us improve and to achieve more. Year 8 Team
Year 9 News The purpose of assessment is two fold. It aims to improve students' learning and teachers' teaching as both respond to the information it provides. For both student and teacher this process can be challenging, but also rewarding. Last week the Year 9 took their Cambridge Checkpoint examinations in English, mathematics and science. They were well prepared and entered the examination room with confidence. Throughout the examinations students conducted themselves with high levels of maturity and focus. We now look forward to receiving their results and to celebrating their successes. By way of a reward the students were treated to a film and pizza afternoon. Many thanks to Broccoli Pizza and the parents of Maryam Nasser for supplying the pizza and PARIS for the doughnuts. The Year 9 students were very grateful and appreciated the gesture. The term, however, continues and there is still much work to be covered to prepare the students for their IGCSE courses. In three weeks they will be sitting their end of term assessments. Again these will help inform staff of where support can be directed. Students need frequent opportunities to reflect on where their learning is at and what needs to be done to achieve their learning goals. Whilst the students are revising they can self-assess, thereby being actively involved in deciding on their next learning steps and creating goals. Encourage your child to maintain their momentum and to consistently aim for high standards and to achieve their best at all times. As always if you wish to ask any questions please feel free to email Year 9 Team
Year 10 & 11 News The IGCSE examinations have started for our Year 11 students and the will continue until June. The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is a globally recognised two-year qualification, usually taken at the end of Year 11. IGCSE encourages high academic standards through a practical approach to teaching and learning. Assessment is not limited to conventional written papers and they consist of a variety of tests e.g. oral and listening tests. IGCSE assessment in our school is conducted by two UK assessment bodies: Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and Edexcel. Beside the IGCSE examinations, assessment is something that happens every day in class. Assessment provides the basis of informed teaching, helping students to overcome difficulties and ensuring that teaching builds upon what has been learned. Our school’s assessment policy aims to raise the standards of achievement and expectations throughout the school. We use a combination of summative and formative assessments. Formative assessment occurs as students are in the process of making meaning of new content.
Feedback to the learner is immediate (or nearly so), to enable the student to change his/her behaviour and understanding right away. Examples are class discussion, exit slips, questions in class etc. Summative assessment takes place at the end of a large chunk of learning. It is important for informing both parents and teachers of a child’s attainment and progress. Examples are: research projects, end of unit quizzes, standardised testing etc. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Year 11 students good luck with their examinations and every success.
Year 10 & 11 Team