SummaRISe - Issue 138

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21 May 2015 Issue 89 Thursday, Thursday 08th February 2018 Issue 138 GENERAL GENERAL






Recent Happenings IVEI Quran Recitation Competition

IVEI Arabic Writing Competition


Recycle Fashion Show



Sunday, 11 - Thursday, 15 February Sunday, 11 - Tuesday, 13 February Sunday, 18 - Thursday, 22 February Sunday, 18 February Monday, 19 February Tuesday, 20 February Tuesday, 20 February Monday, 26 - Wednesday, 28 February Thursday, 22 February Thursday, 22 February Sunday, 25 February Sunday, 25 February Sunday, 25 February Sunday, 25 February - Thursday, 01 March Wednesday, 28 February

Half Term Break for students PD Day for staff (No school for all students) FS2 Artist week Secondary School Sports Day Open House - 09:00—10:30 am Nursery Open House IGCSE Geography Field Trip Year 2 Field Trip Year 3 Spelling Bee round 1 Innovents Cross Country Chinese New Year - Secondary School Nursery Orange Day Innovents Athletics Year 1 Artist Week Innovents Robotics

MARCH 2018 Thursday, 01 March Sunday, 04 - Thursday, 08 March Sunday, 04 - Thursday, 08 March Monday, 05 March Tuesday, 13 - Wednesday, 14 March

International Day Nursery Artist Week Book fair Innovents – Primary school debate, Primary KENKEN School round Years 3 - 4 Concert rehearsals

Tuesday, 06 - Thursday, 08 March Thursday, 08 March Thursday, 15 March Thursday, 08 - Saturday, 10 March Monday, 12 - Wednesday, 14 March Monday, 12 March Monday 12 March Thursday, 15 March Thursday, 15 March Thursday, 17 - Saturday, 24 March Sunday, 18 - Thursday, 22 March Tuesday, 20 March

Year 3 Book swap Nursery art exhibition Years 3- 4 Annual concert DIAMUN - Innovents FS-Year 2 Sports Week Innovents - Science Fair Primary Sports Awards Term 2 Nursery Field Trip Year 10 French breakfast Ski Trip IT Week - TechnoRISe Mothers Day, Years 2 - 3

Tuesday, 20 - Wednesday, 21 March

Parent Student Conference - Afternoon session (12:00 finish)

Wednesday, 21 March Thursday, 22 March

Mothers Day, Years 4 - 6 Innovents - Literary Soiree

Thursday 22 March Sunday, 25 March - Saturday, 07 April

Dismissal for Spring Break - no noon dismissal Spring Break (FS2 to Year 12) Nursery will have regular classes until Thursday, 29th March

Thursday, 29 March Sunday, 1 – Thursday 5 April

Nursery end of term celebration Nursery Spring break

Message from the Principal International Day and Community Events On Thursday, 1st March, we will be hosting the RIS Annual International Day. In recent years, the school has adopted a number of different timings and formats with varying degrees of success. This year, we will be reverting to a daytime event which allows us to direct class groups, focus on learning activities and enables maximum participation by display and performance organisers.

During International Day, year levels will be allocated times to visit the displays and teachers will lead students in age appropriate learning activities, while at the same time allowing them to join in the celebration of different cultures, nationalities and languages we have at RIS. I understand that some groups are well ahead with preparations for this event and others are still in early planning stages. If you would like to be involved in leading a new International Day display or performance, or would be interested in joining an existing one, please contact Ms. Emma at for more information. While many of our displays can be very elaborate, sometimes simple is best and with the focus back on learning activities this year, please consider how you might share information about or understanding of your country – the more we have represented, the greater the ‘internationalism’ of the event. In addition to our well-established International Day, our PaRIS Executive Committee are hosting what was originally the Family Fun Day but has now been ‘rebranded’ by popular request to the Spring Market on Saturday 10th March. Housed in the outdoor areas to the side of the school, the Spring Fair will have items for sale from local cottage designers, pre-loved items and, we hope, some fun activities to keep the little ones busy. Tables are still available if you would like to run a stall – PARIS would particularly love to hear from any Secondary students interested in running their own table. Thank you to everyone who continues to support our events as organizer or participant. These wonderful moments bring the school together and help develop our identity and a vibrant, exciting international community. Tim Richardson School Principal

UAE Muay Thai Championshi p Asaad Touqan in Year 7C, won the UAE Muay Thai Championship in Abu Dhabi on Friday, 26th January 2018.

Asaad has been a student of Raffles International School since KG1. Muay Thai requires discipline, courtesy opponents and commitment to your sport.


Congratulations Asaad! The staff and students of Raffles International School are proud of your achievements!

Wa l kat h o n This year's GIVE charity walkathon was a great success, with every student from Year 3 upwards enjoying Dubai's lovely winter weather on a walk to Jumeirah beach. After a fun 100m class race on the sand, students and staff strolled back to RIS with a spring in their step and a smile on their face. The following day our younger ones took part in their on campus fund raiser. FS2, Year 1 and Year 2 walked 1, 2 and 3 laps respectively on site after a fun warm up dance with Ms. Susie and the PE team. Andrew Clements





Dear Parents, Grandparents and Extended Family, 2018 certainly looks set to be a great year for growth and progress. It certainly was so encouraging when all the children returned from their winter break full of enthusiasm. All the important foundations and hard work accomplished during Term 1 are paying off, and the children are increasingly eager to delve in, question, challenge, and learn new things. The month has been full of fun as well. We began our Recycling - Planting project and the Nursery has taken on a completely new look with so much colour in our outdoor play areas. The children decorated their recycled containers and then learnt how to transplant. Different hues of pink and red periwinkles are blooming on our fence.

Nursery Planting - Recycling Project

Sports Day was exciting as usual. The children had a lot of fun participating in the games and relays. At this stage in their development, we want the children to simply try - winning and losing is not given any importance as was evident in the nature of games the children joined in. Although there may nothing more adorable than a group of preschoolers playing football, but it is not the only way for them to be active. Team sports offer a chance for preschoolers to meet each other and get some exercise but can be too complicated. Even simple rules may be hard for them to understand at this age. The average preschooler has not mastered sports basics such as throwing, catching, and taking turns. This can be frustrating and may discourage future participation in sports.

If you haven't signed your child up for a team sport yet, don't worry. Myths persist about how children need a "head start" if they want to be competitive when they are older. But children who learn the fundamentals and like being active can readily catch on to sports when they are a little older. Engage your child in activities that are fun and challenging, but not beyond his or her abilities. Preschoolers are learning to hop, skip, and jump forward, and like to show how they can balance on one foot for a few seconds, catch a ball, or do a somersault. Through Term 2, parents are reminded to keep meeting your child’s teacher on her Drop in Days. Be familiar with what your child is doing daily, so you can have meaningful conversations with your child as well. Sharing problems from home gives teachers the news and facts that are vital to how she cares for and relates to your child. Even something that may seem small, like letting the teacher know if your child has had a bad dream, if he or she has not been sleeping well. Naturally, share in confidence, if there is major turmoil at home such as separation, divorce, sickness or demise. It is extremely important for parents to get to know their child’s teacher. A positive relationship is based on clear and honest communication between parents and their child’s teacher. It is always suggested to be approachable and make it possible for teachers to talk to you about difficult topics such as discipline. Tell them about your family and your child’s interests outside of the classroom or nursery environment. Re-enrolment for 2018-2019 Thank you to all the parents who have confirmed their child’s place for FS for 2018-2019. You have entrusted your children’s care and education to us and we look forward to guiding their learning into the next academic year. If your child is returning to the Nursery in 2018-19, you would have received details on the next step in the re-enrolment process. This process will close on the 04th March 2018. Health reminder Please keep your children at home if they are unwell. If a child is unwell in nursery, parents are required to collect their children within one hour of notification of an illness. Children must be free of sickness for a minimum of 24 hours (including fever) before returning to the nursery. Please do not send your child to the nursery after giving him/her fever reducing medication in the morning. Thank you for your continued support. Garima Kapoor Assistant Head Early Years






Dear RIS Community, Another few weeks jam-packed of activities has passed at RIS since our last Summarise edition. All of the children have enjoyed Walkathon and Sports Day, and externally provided co-curricular activities (CCAs) have commenced. Thank you to all of those parents who were able to attend / help at these school events. We are so fortunate to work and learn in such a great location – close to the beach with mostly quiet residential streets to use for Walkathon – and to be able to offer such a wide range of clubs. This week our Year 6 students have completed their Cambridge Checkpoint Primary (CCP) mock exams in English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, and Science. It’s great that we have managed to ‘bookend’ these important practice tests with fun and active activities for the students. Now our Year 6 team is working hard to mark the papers and produce feedback for students and their parents. This feedback will be provided after the mid-term break. We hope this information will prove useful in further preparing the students for their final CCP exams 22nd – 24th April. Whilst the children will hopefully be enjoying a well-earned break from 9th to 17th February teachers will be in school for three professional development days during this period. As with the mix of academic and co-curricular opportunities our school provides for the students, a broad range of activities is planned for staff development to help our school continually improve. It is an opportunity for the whole school to come together to learn and bond.

In relation to professional growth and development, we are delighted that three teachers from RIS – Zeina Kabbani (1G), Lucy Joynson (2F), and Seema Vinod (Head of ICT) – are finalists for the prestigious GESS Awards, for innovation and technology-use in education. The final takes place on 28thFebruary. Thank you so much to those parents who provided testimonials for these staff. Until next time, best wishes. Edward Copper Head of Primary School

Key Stage 1 News January has been another eventful month for the FS 2 children. They have participated with great enthusiasm and motivation in our Charity Walk for the GIVE foundation last week and enjoyed completing one lap around the school. The children also enjoyed another morning filled with mathematics games. During ‘Math Fun Day’, the children were exposed to various activities like ‘Numbers Bingo’, ‘Fun with Shapes’ ‘Scavenger hunt’ and ‘Simple Addition’ are to name a few. It was a fabulous opportunity for them to exercise their mathematical minds whilst displaying team work and collaboration throughout the day. During the month of January, the FS 2 children went on their first field trip to Little Explorers. They enjoyed a variety of educational, skillful activities which cater for the needs of every little explorer. It helped them gain immense knowledge and helped them in their physical as well as cognitive development.

This week the children are learning about ‘Community Helpers’ and their importance in our lives. By participating in ‘learning through play’ with costumes and acting out duties of community helpers, children develop both social and emotional skills. In the upcoming weeks we have much more to look forward to such as Artist Week, Sports Day and Mother’s Day. Year 1 and 2 also enjoyed the walk around the school during the Walkathon this year. Whilst year 1 walked 2 laps of the school, the year 2 children walked 3 laps around the school. It was a great experience for the children. Not only where they getting some extra exercise on the day, they were understanding how charities raise money, and what a charity is. Thank you to all the parents who helped out on the day and to all the contributions to the GIVE appeal. All money raised will go towards building schools in Nepal. Other events in Year 1 and 2 have been the Math Fun Days and the Year 1 field trip to Adventure HQ and the Recycled Fashion Show. We have an upcoming Year 2 field trip to ‘Orbi’. Watch this space for further details. I wish you all a happy and safe mid-term break. We look forward to seeing all the children back on Sunday, 18th February. Susie Mcshane Deputy Head, Primary KS1

Key Stage 2 News This week has been a active sporting week for the children. We promote the importance healthy lifestyles in school. The children have had a Sports Day each day of the week and have enjoyed this week immensely. The sports have been athletic and multi-sport based and the children have been so excited to find out the team winners at the end of each day. It is important to exercise every day to keep your heart, lungs and muscles strong and healthy. It is also important to eat a varied and balanced diet to stay healthy, including at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Please ensure that the children bring a healthy lunch to school incorporating fruits and vegetables in their boxes. Please see https:// This week the external clubs have started so if you are still interested, please visit the club providers in school. We have so many options for the children to choose from, and I believe it is a wonderful way for the children to meet other groups of children from different year groups. The focus is not only on different skills but also on collaboration and teamwork within the activity. Please contact Mr. Andrew Clements regarding activities if you require further support. In the classroom, Year 3 have been up to just as much. In English, students have been planning and writing their very own adventure stories. It is wonderful to see their creative sides coming to light. In Mathematics, students have mastered the skill of multiplication and division. They have now moved on to addition and subtraction with regrouping. In Science, students are focusing on healthy lifestyles. They have been learning about all the different factors that can play a part in being healthy, such as food, exercise and hygiene routines. In Social Studies, students are continuing to learn wondering facts about Egypt. They are all so eager to research facts and learn more. In Year 6, this week the children have been completing the Checkpoint mock examinations in English, Mathematics and Science. This has allowed the children to practice their skills and see which areas need further development. This will allow the teachers to focus on key areas to improve before the final exam in April. I am sure the children will do very well as I know the Year 6 teachers have been providing ample revision work for the children in order to ensure that they are fully prepared to give their best when the final exams come around A reminder that children will be off school next week from Sunday, 11 th February to Thursday, 15th February and we welcome their safe return on Sunday 18th February at normal school time. Jasmit Kang Deputy Head, Primary KS2






SECONDARY SCHOOL The past two weeks have seen students in the secondary school getting involved in a wealth of opportunities. They have demonstrated resilience in examinations, determination in sport and collaboration in events. Last week all the secondary students took part in the annual walkathon for the GIVE foundation. The students walked in their year teams to the beach and then took part in fun sprint races. It was impressive to see so many students working together for an excellent cause. On the same day PaRIS ran a Hotdog, Nachos and Popcorn sale. The students were able to purchase food at snack and lunchtime and sit and socialize in the atrium. All proceeds of this sale have gone to PaRIS to help support our students with their learning. The student leadership teams have been busy getting involved in different activities. The sports teams are currently running ‘Lunchtime Sport Madness’ in at lunchtimes for Years 7 - 11. The students have been organized into teams and are taking part in basketball matches, referred by our sports team leaders. The student support team is organising a reading programme for the primary students. Members of the team will be listening and supporting the younger students with their reading. Our Eco Team is organising a Trash to Treasure project and are beginning to plant flowers in the PaRIS garden to enhance the environment for all. This week the secondary students have been able to access more areas around the school. Students are now able to play sport on the top pitch and have their packed lunches in the PaRIS garden. Getting more exercise and fresh air will have a positive effect on their concentration and ability to learn in lessons. Despite the students busy schedule, they have managed to fit in the Arabic writing and Quran recitation Innoventure competitions. We are extremely proud of the achievements of the secondary students. Please see below: Islamic Winners Year 7

Habiba Ahmed Radwan

Year 8

Ossama Eliwa

Year 9

Hana Feteha

Year 11

Joud Taha

Year 11

Davlatbek Safarbekov

Arabic Winners Tariq Qodsi Sophia Taha Shahd Tareq

Last week each year group had their monthly awards assembly. The following students were awarded ‘Student of the Month’. This is in recognition of service to the school and their attitude to learning. Congratulations to the following:

Student of the Month Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Nayeon Kim

Romane Bonafous Malachi Sathyanarayan

Roberto Lucentini

Tyla Woolley

Mirza Begg

Osha Almazrooei

Hana Feteha

Jaindu Gunasekera

Leema Angelo

Hessa Bin Suroor

Tanish Dhakan

Chloe Snaifer

Jiaming Tu Thank you for your continued support with the students work and extracurricular activities. It is fantastic to be able to celebrate all their successes with you. Bryony Lynch Peter Rowlands Deputy Head Secondary School Head of Secondary School

Secondary Counselling Department Emotional Intelligence: A big thank you to all the parents who attended our talk on Emotional Intelligence, by Tanya from The Change Associates. This was a very interactive event, and we really appreciate all of your questions, comments, and recommendations. Whilst all of our parenting styles differ, the emotions that we experience are very often the same. We hope you enjoyed our first talk of 2018, and please do let us know, of any further topics you would like us to bring to the school. Why parent with emotional intelligence? Increased Emotional Intelligence leads to better health, academic achievement, and stronger relationships! It’s a learnable, measurable, scientifically-grounded skill-set that will help your children:     

Navigate increasing complexity and stress Foster positive, healthy relationships Spark innovation, resilience, and grit Nourish empathy and compassion Grow as a positive change-maker

Upcoming events for ALL parents: Parent Support Group: Tuesday, 6th February 2018, 8:00 am – 9:15 am, Counselling Department (S028). “Disconnect” your Child and teach them how to manage their Devices. Rsvp: Airways Aviation Global Flight Academy: Thursday, 8th February 1:00 pm – 1:35/2:00 pm, Dance Studio, this is for Year 11 and 12 students and all interested parents. IDP: University Enrolment Procedures (US, UK, Australia, India, and many more): Monday, 26th February, 8:00 – 9:00 am, Lecture Theatre, this is for Year 11 and 12 students and all interested parents. Lighthouse Arabia: Bridging the Great Divide: Parenting Your Children through Pre-Teen and Teenage Years: Monday, 12th March 8:00 am – 9:30 am. Lecture Theatre. Prisca Toland Secondary School Counsellor

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