21 May 2015 Issue 89 Thursday,Thursday 04th October 2018 Issue 146 GENERAL GENERAL
RIS celebrated World Peace Day on 20th September
Dear Parents, Welcome to this new look edition of Summarise! We have recognised that previously, this communication was text heavy and many of you did not need to read the content because information had been shared with you via other channels however we still want to share the flavor of RIS and the wonderful activities the students have engaged with and enjoyed. In this new format, you will find plenty of pictures alongside key information from our growing 6 th Form. Many more updates are being posted daily on Twitter, so if you are not following RIS or your child’s year level or department, do join us – there’s plenty to see and share. Find us on Twitter @RafflesIntSch Next Thursday is ‘Think Pink’ at RIS – parents and children are invited to wear something pink as part of the UAE’s (and World) Breast Cancer Awareness Month. No money involved, just the gesture. Have a great month! Tim Richardson Principal DATE
Thursday, 11 October Monday, 15 October Sunday, 21 - Thursday, 25 October Sunday, 21 October
Monday, 22 October Tuesday, 23 - Thursday, 25 October Wednesday, 24 - Thursday 25 October Wednesday, 24 October Thursday, 31 October
Pink Day IVEI Arabic Writing Competition Mid Term break for students (FS2 to Year 13) Parent Teacher Conference FS2 to Year 13 (8:00 am - 3:30 pm) Nursery (1:00 pm - 3:30 pm) Parent Teacher Conference FS2 to Year 13 (8:00 am - 1:00 pm) Nursery (1:00 pm - 3:30 pm) Professional Development Days for staff Mid Term break for Nursery students Professional Development Days for Nursery staff PaRIS bake sale (Years 2 - 6)
NOVEMBER 2018 Tuesday, 20 November Sunday, 18 - Wednesday, 28 November Thursday, 29 November Friday, 30 November
Prophet’s Birthday* Internal Assessment UAE National Day school celebration Martyrs Day (tbc)*
DECEMBER 2018 Sunday, 2 - Monday, 3 December Thursday, 6 December Thursday, 13 December Thursday, 13 December Thursday, 13 December Sunday, 16 December - Saturday, 5 January
UAE National Day (tbc)* Teacher CCA’s finish Paid CCA’s finish FS2 Winter Concert Last day of term for students Winter break for students
Recent Happenings Book Fair opening ceremony - Pure joy, enjoyment and fun with book characters
Get caught reading - Throughout the month of October. Book Vouchers and Certificates as gifts if you are caught on camera by designated people.
Recent Happenings in the Nursery Nursery Red Day-Colour recognition, arts and crafts and lots of happy pictures...Red day has been full of activity and learning
We have been talking about our families. Our Family trees are taking shape!
Funkeynatix in the Nursery
We are enthusiastically promoting collaborative play; encouraging play in small groups or pairs
The 1st Culture topic of the year - We're learning about our own identity and about respecting each other's differences in a fun and creative way.
World Peace Day in the Nursery
Recent Happenings in the Primary Languages Department
Year 4 outdoor French learning
Used sticky notes to learn new words in French
Chinese Moon Festival
ICT Department
Designing healthy eating posters
Designing Flyers
Fun with colors & Shapes
Animating a stickman
I can scan QR codes
Maths Department - fun way to learn about factors and multiples in Year 5!
Science Department Year 3 students creating 3D images of plants in our STEM lab
Year 6 students exploring the digestive system, creating their own model with everyday objects
Recent Happenings in the Secondary Drama Department A picture speaks a thousand words
Year 7s exploring the use of levels to show character status
Languages Department
Peer assessment is taking place and some Year 7 students are giving their feedback
Chinese Moon Festival
Mathematics Department Year 12 discussing the Newton-Raphson process
Mathematics in action substituting numbers and letters
Modulus made easy by our Year 13 mathematician
Humanities Department Students working together on the ‘Find someone who can’ task on the First World War
Treaty of Versailles can still create some strong opinions!
Students enjoying Lunch break in the Secondary School
Year 10 History students debating what they would have done at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919
Senior basketball training go Falcons!
News from the 6th Form Dear Parents, We’ve had an excellent and busy start to the academic year. The sixth form students are enjoying their purpose built sixth form centre and have already started to personalise it to create an environment to support their sixth form life. Futures Abroad came to speak to students about applying for scholarships and IDP led a session on university applications. Students have had a refresher on the course and university search platform BridgeU and updated their profiles. There was an opportunity last weekend to attend one of the largest university roadshows held at the Crown Plaza which showcased over 100 universities and colleges from the UK, USA, New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Students have all been informed about the exciting Sixth Form team building trip that is planned for the October half term. For any questions, please speak to Mr. Lambrias – Andreasl@rafflesis.com Student leaders have been appointed and it gives me great pleasure to introduce our senior student leadership team:
Head Boy – Yashesh Shah (Y13)
Head Girl – Joud Taha (Y12) Deputy Head Students Ahmad Hassan (Y12) Hee Woo Yang (Y12) Mostafa Nasr (Y12)
Senior Prefects Fatima Antulay (Y12), Delia Zayed (Y12), Tasneem Himid (Y12), Mustafa Abdulali (Y12)
Work Experience: Mr Blignaut has been busy securing work experience opportunities for the sixth form students. 21st to 25th October is half term week and the perfect opportunity is to gain some valuable experience in the world or work. Work placements are uploaded onto out school website to view: https://tinyurl.com/y9jzneny . Applications are to be made directly to Mr. Blignaut. Applications may be in the form of a CV, letter of application or a portfolio depending on the nature of the position. Thank you to the wider RIS community that have opened their doors to provide our students with these opportunities. If you, or you know of someone that could provide some work experience opportunities to our students, please email PieterB@rafflesis.com. We are encouraging all students to register with https://www.studentjobs.ae/. It is website aimed at providing both paid and unpaid work experience opportunities to students in the UAE. University Application: Year 13 university application deadlines are fast approaching. Mr. Scott has been working with students to develop personal statements and bring university applications together. UK university applications must all be done through the UCAS portal and prospective students have started to register onto this. Applications to the USA are done through the Common App portal which can be linked to the students’ BridgeU account. For any questions, please contact Mr. Scott directly: Michael.Scott@rafflesis.com. Please note that UCAS deadlines for application will be before the October half term. January Exam Entry: Just a reminder that all payments must be made by the end of this week. If you have any questions regarding the January examinations, please contact Mrs.Vidjani – IsmaV@rafflesis.com or the respective head of department for the subject. Communications: Please stay up to date by following the RIS Sixth Form on Twitter: @RaffISsixthform and following the hashtag #RafflesISsixthform I look forward to meeting many of you during the parent teacher conference days scheduled for the 21 st and 22nd of October. Should you have any questions before then, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, Leena Atkins Head of Sixth Form