4 minute read
Reg gttar gt tar s roo rgetssroookies s Regt targets rookies
Simon Mander
HOT SHOT students awaiting trade training got to grips with the RAF Regiment’s high-tech armoury as part of a pioneering training programme.
A trio of would-be aircraft engineers and a budding aircrew NCO were the latest to get handson experience of Air Force life after graduating from RAF Halton.
Th newent supported50 slookin y 2021, i Februar o n t alto m H ro ts f fr recrui Honington’sWOI wholeadsthesche t t ha ks t as g t ifyin fy “Ident y a cancompletenotonl kloadwiththeworkl givesustheopportun s- an et h o g ftercelifeaft fe Halton. as t h tha rantssince ormore g f fo n art. e p tak IanDanks, as b nity ona ing b Boe h r c ch o ost f fo bo
The programme, that has supported 50 new entrants since February 2021, is looking for more recruits from Halton to take part.
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Boeing bonanza boost for charity
s ra eme said: r
Honington’s WO Ian Danks, who leads the scheme, said: “Identifying tasks that trainees can complete not only assists with the workload but gives us the opportunity to expose the most junior members of the RAF to the day-to-day life they can expect on their first posting.”
The initiative is designed to give meaningful employment to those who have passed phase one but are on ‘hold’ while they await specialist training.
Y CHARIT S g ja hitthefundraisin t ona g d landin oei t B ian e g rospac o US ae illsup y w Themone fund lfare fa we ’s ty charity providesgrantstovete t y
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SUPPORT: Donation will fund grants and mentoring service FORCES’ CHARITY SSAFA has hit the fundraising jackpot by landing a £70,000 donation from US aerospace giant Boeing. The money will support the charity’s welfare fund, which provides grants to veterans and serving personnel struggling in the current cost of living crisis and a mentoring scheme which supports Service leavers to get on in Civvy Street.
So far recruits to the mechanical, avionic and weapons trades, vengive gi has orce ir F A training. et y g ge nl onl t t ferenntdiffe ff in R FP
RAF Police, RAF Regiment, engineering, and computer specialists have taken part in the programme.
AS1 Wright said: “This experience al real the into ht sight gh in an me n fter ft t a ec o exp t t ha d w wh n e a onot g t enamazin am Ithasbe cewith wi erien n exp hands-o et e me v ave av o h t t u ut les, b iffl f r es o typ has given me an insight into the real Air Force and what to expect after training. It has been amazing to not only get hands-on experience with different types of rifles, but to have met and worked with great hardworking pe to in pa avionicandweapon , strades, g htsa tS1Wriggh Wr A erience s exp Thi id: “ dwork wo an , kingrkiworkrdworeathard h g gr dwit wi e ke w uldn’tbea
A SAFFA ackpotby kp nfrom fr atio ing. portthe hich , w d ransand e o s t es u unio t j osethemos o exp t membersoftheRAFt he e t ya ay-to-day e d th fir fi expectontheir can ” posting tiative e ini Th ivemeanin o g designedt employmenttothose ne e o has d p asse e p hav wa y a aw on‘hold’whilethe training m the to recruits far So bsIwoul wo o d j lean an op ”onington. tside H Ho u ut o do o vebecoavekisaid:“IhavabskiAS1Dab ak t, t ganisedspor an vedinorvolvenvo nv ootb g f fo yinayilay d p n u a ujits uj t in J r able ab ome kiing allbal people and do jobs I wouldn’t be able to do outside Honington.”
AS1 Dabski said: “I have become involved in organised sport, taking part in Jujitsu and playing football with other members of the Flight.” g p j ht.” t e Fliggh fth t emberso mb herm e wiithot ” commitment
“Wit ded: y ad r y Grego rtofcompanieslik t suppo f o ach o e nd r t a pac the im whichimprovesandcha –wouldbehampered.W ’s oeing’s e B appreciat ns a gugglin is g cris vin hich me w ton o ge st the thout keBoeing, rk – o ur w o es ges liv an reatly e g W We continued
SSAFA chief Sir Andrew Gregory added: “Without the support of companies like Boeing, the impact and reach of our work –which improves and changes lives – would be hampered. We greatly appreciate Boeing’s continued commitment.”
MEDAL CITIZENS: But military values might hold you back in the fight for jobs
‘Hero’ vets face battle for top jobs
Staff Reporter
VETERANS WHO embody traditional military qualities like courage and selflessness may struggle to compete in well-paid areas of civvy street, according to a US-based study.
The survey reveals the public generally feels those perceived as ‘heroes’ are better suited to relatively low-paid careers like teaching and firefighting than high-flying wellpaid jobs in banking and sales.
Researchers added that those who took part in the study think the more courageous veteran job seekers appear, the more likely they are to work for low wages.
Dr Matthew Stanley, who led the Duke University team, said: “We typically don’t think that describing groups in such extremely positive terms – as heroes – could actually have negative effects on group members.
“But in the case of veterans, people see them as a better fit at jobs, roles and organisations that they associate with selflessness, which tend to be lower paying.”
Home town tribute to Spit boffin
Jane Shepherd
A FULL-SIZE Spitfire sculpture has been unveiled in Stokeon-Trent, the birthplace of the aircraft’s designer, Reginald Mitchell.

The project celebrating the town’s engineering heritage was launched by council chiefs and local engineering firms and artist Sunhail Shaikh.
The first Supermarine Spitfire Mk1 was delivered to 611 Sqn in 1939. The squadron’s current commanding officer, Wg Cdr Stephen Chaskin, said: “611 has a proud association with the Spitfire, so it was a special occasion to see the sculpture being launched.”