5 minute read

Finding Your Way Through the Year

By Lynn Tosello, PhD.

What guides your moral compass? Where is your North Star? Do you live your life to please the people around you, or do you follow your own dreams? These are important questions to ask yourself as we live through these first months of 2022. Social media takes up so much time, calling you to see the latest post, and you’re in there for an hour. Add in that you can binge-watch a program on your phone, all day, if you like. You’re too busy to see the value of quiet moments alone with your own thoughts. With so much terrestrial entertainment drawing your attention, the value of spiritual guidance seems harder to recognize. Let me tell you a story that I know from experience. Say, you watch tv programs every night. You enjoy the characters and think of them as real people. Entertainment “news” programs encourage you to like certain series which reinforces your feeling connected to them. You may imagine yourself interacting with the program characters as if they were real. Then you find yourself following a certain actor’s career, and then trusting what that actor says about world affairs because you would trust the character he or she plays on their series. You may even daydream about the storyline of the program you love to watch while you’re doing a “mindless” task. But stop. If you do this, you are giving your birthright away. Your birthright is freedom to live, love, and be creative from within your own being. This birthright comes from the Creating Consciousness, the Creatrix, the Great Mother Goddess. She would never imprison you in a mental world of fantasy that depends on your addiction to that fantasy. You must wake up from this to actualize your desires. To do that, you need to block out all that hype. This is the struggle between the ego and the Goddess, between the left and right brain. The ego, sense of pride, desire to belong, need for control and mastery, leads you away from who you were born to be. It blocks you from receiving and entices you to go toward the entertainment, ways to simply “pass the time,” or to become a ‘rat’ in its


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race for things that are only temporal. It knows only past, present, future. It wants to enmesh you in meaninglessness when there are real people in real life all around you. Freedom from this illusion gives you choice to live with meaning, to know the cycles and flow of life here on Earth.

Balance is the Key

The left brain is the masculine side. It governs the right half of the body. It has speech, is linear, and orderly. The right brain is feminine. It governs the left half of the body. It is silent, but thinks, feels, and creates all manner of images. Through the centuries of patriarchy, the right has been identified as, well, Right. On the other hand, literally, the left has been demonized. In Heraldry (the art of Medieval knights wearing coats of arms) the symbols on their garments and shields identified them in battle. In painting the shield, the left side was called Sinister, and the right was called Dexter. Notice the root of the word dexterity showing favor to the right. We also know the word sinister means evil, and the left hand was until recently called the “hand of the devil.” But there isn’t any difference. It’s just a belief that has hurt a lot of people by making one correct and the other wrong.

How can we find Balance?

Allow yourself to feel the love of the Goddess. She is the Great Mother of peace and abundance. Her love and guidance can free you. During the reign of patriarchy nearly every generation has gone to war. Before patriarchy there was no war. The Goddess brings balance to a tilted world (pun intended). We need balance, desperately. You may not recognize her, while you go through your busy day. But she is there, loving you in the air you are breathing, in the water you drink, in the food you eat. She is in the smile you give and the one you receive. She is in the happy thought that crosses your mind, and she moves to bring that thought into being. In Nature, she is in every leaf, every flower, bud, seed, and fruit. She is Life, in germination, ripening, and maturation. In the autumn, she is also decline and death. In winter, she is restoration, to be reborn again in spring. As the sun rises earlier, minute by minute with each passing day, the natural world wakes up. This is the Goddess encouraging new life in each tree blossom, the blooms of bulbs and shrubs, the opening of leaves, and the emergence of spring grasses. This is Life, from the Giver of Life, the Goddess.

The life force of Love is the frolic of newly born animals. The Goddess delights in dancing with abandon, singing at the top of your lungs, talking to plants, being awed at the starstudded dome of the night sky. It is the ego of illusion that wants us to think we are cursed when we are actually blessed in myriad ways. Let the Goddess guide you through this beautiful season and the whole year.

For more information contact Lynn at 530-774-7588 or www.YourConsciousnessKey.com

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InvitetheEnergyofthe SacredFeminine backintoyourlife. Discoverwhatitmeansto experiencetheFreedomofBalance


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