6 minute read

You Always Have a Future

Y ou a LWaY s H ave a F u T ure !

By Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker


“What’s going to happen to me and my family?” is the big question that our human family members throughout the world are contemplating and worried about. Depending upon anyone or any system to protect and maintain us is asking for trouble because they could pull the rug out from beneath us, and much worse, like now. Remember who you are as an eternal divine being with all godlike qualities, powers and abilities in minute quantity.

Bhagavad-Gita 2 22 “Just as a man gives up old clothes and accepts new ones, so the soul gives up the old body and accepts new ones.”

Karma, cause and effect, is the name of the game and how we got to where we are now. The number one mistake people make is to not consider the consequences of their words, thoughts, emotions and actions regardless of who gives the advice, because we are the ones who will suffer or enjoy the result of our actions, not the advisers. For example, whatever humans are doing to humans and animals, regardless of whether or not it’s the person’s job, the latest food fad, or their religious customs, the same will happen to them because there’s always a consequence for our actions. Have you noticed that whatever we were and are being told through the media as to what is happening to the people, animals, weather, and nature, there was a horror, miserable relationship, and disease story portrayed in a movie, book, TV show, internet program, or prophecy that depicted all of this? Obviously, this is all predictive programming through mind control. All is Mind is the 1st of 7 Hermetic Axioms that explain how this virtual reality works.

“Therefore, this entire universe which is like a dream is by nature unreal, nevertheless appears real, and thus it covers one’s consciousness and assails one with repeated miseries.” Srimad Bhagavatam 10.14.22 You can’t get rid of the mind, the greatest terrorist weapon ever invented. Everyone has a mind that works just like yours. The good news is you can control the misery-causing mind and make it your best friend rather than your worst enemy. The outer world is being projected through our consciousness, meaning that whatever each of us has stored in the subconscious mind is our personal world/reality. Change your

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consciousness and activities and you change your world. Computers work like the mind system, garbage in, garbage out. The mind works on words/programs; whereas divine wisdom is all knowing and there the moment you need it. The solution is to spiritualize the mind, activities, and relationships by bringing ourselves into alignment and harmony with our mutual Source, I call the Beloved Lord of my Heart, then our actions will produce beneficial results for all of us, naturally.

“Giving regard for the mind is the highest process of controlling it. One should carefully observe its movements, just as one first observes the mood of the horse, one desires to subdue, before putting on the reins.” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.20.21

The secret of having good fortune in every way is to spiritualize the mind by making it happy, loving, kind, compassionate, peaceful, and enthusiastic by filling it with life-affirming words, inspiring music and songs of praise, spiritual teachings, nature, beauty and peace. Practice feeling appreciative, grateful, enthused, playful and inspired. Love the Lord of your heart.

“No other force besides bewilderment of the mind makes the soul experience happiness and distress. Samsara (the wheel of this world) in the form of friends, neutral parties, and enemies are caused by ignorance.” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.59

Give up victim consciousness. Take ownership of yourself, your body, and protect your children and family members rather than waiting for someone to save you, especially minions working for an out-of-control AI hivemaking system with no off button. Humanity has been infected with what appears to be a mind virus, parasite, bug that perverts our Divine consciousness and produces envy, ignorance, hatred, greed, miserliness, war, cruelty, and constant fear, guilt and suffering for its victims through the reincarnation system. All that is happening to us personally and collectively was repeatedly suggested to us through intellectualism, media, and religion. Our divine powers produced it because we believed it was true.

“Giving up the eternal Lord situated within me, who accepts love, gives love and gives wealth, foolishly I serve insignificant men who give dissatisfaction, sorrow, fear, and worry, lamentation and illusion.” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.8.31 Whatever happens in your future has to take place now in this eternal moment by what you do, or it won’t happen, because now is the only time anything can happen. You have to do more than sit and meditate and ignore what is actually happening in the world, as if this is spiritual—it’s programming. Stop trusting anyone who is making money from sickness, suffering, abuse, perversion, and control of human and animal bodied living entities, us. Dovetail all your talents, skills, and work with your spiritual values, purpose and mission. Plan for your future by handling each encounter, situation, and job from your conscious awareness of your inner wisdom of the Truth that always is. Know and keep your boundaries because this is your life and body. Take an inventory of your talents, abilities, skills, and what you have to offer in exchange for what you need. Buy and trade locally. Be innovative. Make stuff from what was used before. Make a great cookie and then start trading. Find your purpose-like tribe members and help them. Use this magazine to communicate what you offer to others in alignment with you. My work as spiritual therapist, counselor, teacher, and mentor is to offer you the topmost of what I have found, applied, and realized that will empower, enrich, and prosper you in all ways, spiritually and materially. With love everlasting, Terry aka Spiritual Mother.

Our precious Mothers are our first gurus, teachers.

Visit TerryColeWhittaker.com for email address, donations, and YouTube link for inspiring and empowering video messages.

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