Empower Yourself
& Others in Changing Times
By Terry Cole-Whittaker
i there, Precious Divine Spirit Soul. I offer some of my findings for you to use in your sleuthing, looking for clueage. The original definition of the word clue is: A ball of thread as used to guide a person out of a maze. Seems perfect for now! Per Ingo Swann, “Each individual of our species is a carrier of human powers, and is therefore not only important, but also most valuable. However, the large majority of individuals are rather meaningless within the context of power games and the ongoing depowerment industry. They are also victimized and extensively wasted on behalf of those games, in the form of large and senseless body counts and the societal deadening of their innate powers.” First of all, in this moment of now, my life and world are beautiful and filled with loving, nurturing, and empowering family members-friendsstudents and my spiritual sons-anddaughters. Right now in this very moment of now, I am breathing freely
and deeply, my bare feet on the earth, and centered in my heart in union with my Source who is my protector and maintainer, as I experience transcendental bliss. The divine is spontaneous and miraculous. Your mind may be thinking, how can anyone be happy and having a beautiful life experience when others are miserable and suffering? This is cruel and unfeeling. Really? But, do we help others by being miserable, depressed, and frozen in fear or by being strong and enthusiastic in the spirit and finding ways to help, empower, and prosper all, including ourselves? “The best method, having many tested historical precedents for achieving power over the others, is to keep knowledge and information about power, human powers, and empowerment as unavailable as possible.” - Ingo Swann, Secrets of Power II. All is consciousness and consciousness is also attitude. Attitude reflects the person's beliefs and subconscious programs, as well as produces feelings and vibrations either of wellness and joy of being, or fear, guilt, and suffering. Instead of emotionally reacting to what we are
hearing or seeing as if all is lost, breathe into the heart, remember who you are, that this reality is in your mind, and you, as your authentic divine eternal self, are transcendental to this threeor-more dimensional reality. Dig in and find any contracts, agreements, trances, or curses that are operating in the subconscious. Eliminate them and take back your powers. Affirm and know the Truth that always is. What appears to be happening is a repeatable pattern of the disappearance of civilizations, their structures, technology, and their animal and human population; with plagues, electromagnetic mental and physical weapons (The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg), unnatural disasters, diseases and mental confusion from biological warfare, bloody wars, and starvation to eliminate any last remains. It appears from my research that all the signs signal a planned reset. “This whole illusion has, what appears to be incredible physical qualities that establishes in our minds that everything physical is real. This is what hypnotic suggestion is.” - Bryan Kemila
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Practitioner of Healing & Meditation More than 30 Years Experience