11 minute read
Empower Yourself & Others in Changing Times
By Terry Cole-Whittaker
Hi there, Precious Divine Spirit Soul. I offer some of my findings for you to use in your sleuthing, looking for clueage. The original definition of the word clue is: A ball of thread as used to guide a person out of a maze. Seems perfect for now! Per Ingo Swann, “Each individual of our species is a carrier of human powers, and is therefore not only important, but also most valuable. However, the large majority of individuals are rather meaningless within the context of power games and the ongoing depowerment industry. They are also victimized and extensively wasted on behalf of those games, in the form of large and senseless body counts and the societal deadening of their innate powers.” First of all, in this moment of now, my life and world are beautiful and filled with loving, nurturing, and empowering family members-friendsstudents and my spiritual sons-anddaughters. Right now in this very moment of now, I am breathing freely
and deeply, my bare feet on the earth, and centered in my heart in union with my Source who is my protector and maintainer, as I experience transcendental bliss. The divine is It is a tantra meditation where you do not have to fight your mind, no judgments.
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spontaneous and miraculous. Your mind may be thinking, how can anyone be happy and having a beautiful life experience when others are miserable and suffering? This is cruel and unfeeling. Really? But, do we help others by being miserable, depressed, and frozen in fear or by being strong and enthusiastic in the spirit and finding ways to help, empower, and prosper all, including ourselves?
“The best method, having many tested historical precedents for achieving power over the others, is to keep knowledge and information about power, human powers, and empowerment as unavailable as possible.” - Ingo Swann, Secrets of Power II.
All is consciousness and consciousness is also attitude. Attitude reflects the person's beliefs and subconscious programs, as well as produces feelings and vibrations either of wellness and joy of being, or fear, guilt, and suffering. Instead of emotionally reacting to what we are hearing or seeing as if all is lost, breathe into the heart, remember who you are, that this reality is in your mind, and you, as your authentic divine eternal self, are transcendental to this threeor-more dimensional reality. Dig in and find any contracts, agreements, trances, or curses that are operating in the subconscious. Eliminate them and take back your powers. Affirm and know the Truth that always is. What appears to be happening is a repeatable pattern of the disappearance of civilizations, their structures, technology, and their animal and human population; with plagues, electromagnetic mental and physical weapons (The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg), unnatural disasters, diseases and mental confusion from biological warfare, bloody wars, and starvation to eliminate any last remains. It appears from my research that all the signs signal a planned reset.
“This whole illusion has, what appears to be incredible physical qualities that establishes in our minds that everything physical is real. This is what hypnotic
D i g i t a l C D
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suggestion is.” - Bryan Kemila
Alpha Healing
Dhara Lemos
Practitioner of Healing & Meditation More than 30 Years Experience
The problem is that all history is written by the psychopathic invaders and not the invaded. Digging deeply into history, patterns, and circumstances leading up to and causing huge and even catastrophic conditions are all blamed on something other than the real cause — the taking of prisoners of war and their sordid and demoniac practices, games, orgies, and feasting. It is interesting to note that comets seem to herald a coming reset. So, what is this? Check with Martin Liedtke's research, very revealing. This event has been labeled and PR promoted like previews of upcoming attractions. Buy, with your beliefs, blood, sweat, and tears, the new version of the everpopular, “The End Times”, a predictive programing device. And yes, it is the destruction of the old world order with the new world order rising as a phoenix bird out of the flames and dust of the old.
“Without suggestion first, nothing appears to exist for nothing appears real in this 3D plan without subliminal hypnotic suggestion.” - Bryan Kemila
It’s still the same system because the soulless are without wisdom so they need plans to tell them what to do. These players, the power broker selfproclaimed over-lords of the de-powered powerless prisoners of war, appear to be shape shifting again. Observation without reaction to what appears, witnessing the results of hypnotic trances, the tic toc of the time game, and the spell is broken.
“The man who does not know what it means to be under psychotic hypnosis, is already under it.” - Vernon Howard
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meanings of words, you can control the people who must use the words.” - Phillip K. Dick, science fiction writer.
Basically what is going on in this reality is the game of power brokerage, who has it and who doesn't, and how to keep humanity unaware of their innate divine powers, extrasensory abilities, and eternal godlike, beautiful nature. You are the power, food, and energy source for this virtual reality given who you are as divine energy of the supreme energetic, Source. The key here is: remember who you are and never forget.
“Failing to conquer this irrepressible enemy, the mind whose urges are intolerable and which torments the heart, fools create useless quarrel with others.” - Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.48
More than likely you will drop this current false ego-ID physical body to do the greatest work in this world, to build your spiritual strength by doing your spiritual work, and because it truly is all about you and your eternal dance with the Divine, I call my Beloved. And this begins with your maintaining God consciousness, enthusiasm, and trusting your inner knowing and guidance beyond a shadow of a doubt. You will know what to do and what not to do in every eternal moment we call now, us being.
Hugs and Live your Bliss, Terry
Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker offers phone sessions for love offerings. Email her at terry@terrycolewhittaker.com.
A Little Quality Time
amidst what may be the most profound sociological change in history and we have an opportunity to contribute to best outcomes for all. A way to begin is to invite higher qualities of consciousness within ourselves. Qualities such as peace, wisdom, joy, By Pamela Jamian beauty, love, and compassion are always available to us in the measure we invite
“How wonderful it is that nobody need them. Anne Frank and Viktor Frankl wait a single moment before starting to exemplified the ability to foster higher improve the world.” - Anne Frank. qualities despite social injustice. The spiritual and metaphysical
“When we are no longer able to change arts offer abundant opportunity to a situation, we are challenged to change increase higher qualities through ourselves.” - Viktor Frankl meditation, yoga, music, dance, literature, and as my son likes to point We are quite familiar with out, through fishing and walks in the today’s public health guidelines for forest. These methods help us focus our social distancing, hand-washing, awareness on the impulses, energy, and face masks, and healthy lifestyles. information within the higher qualities Additionally, we are seeing more of our being. intrinsic guidelines such as taking time In particular, listening to for creativity and meditation, whose inspirational music not only entrains evolutionary value is long-recognized our attention though sound resonance, by the wisdom community. It is but also materializes higher qualities encouraging to see this guidance emerge into our lives through sub-conscious more broadly. reception. And while music is a It has been said that we must universal language, it is also a personal be the change we wish to see. We are experience with numerous genres and cultural Art Workshops expressions. What inspires you may with Intentional Creativity be very different than what inspires Christina Mercy your neighbor. (530) 570-9211 However, the PaintInStardust.com principles of music Tiana Griego listening apply (424) 202-4678 - Tiana.blog www.Stardust-Apothecary.com
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regardless of one’s preference in music styles. Let us now review some basic principles of music listening along with music examples I have found to be inspirational. You can easily apply these principles to your inspirational music preferences.
A Little Quality Time
Take dedicated time to actively listen to music that embodies the higher qualities you admire and wish to experience more of in your life. For starters, try the Spotify playlist Sounds From The Circle XII - Music for Love, Peace, and Happiness. This is the latest in a 12-year series produced by Suzanne Doucet, an international forerunner of the new age music movement and a gifted artist in her own right. These beautiful compilations feature some of the most innovative and inspired new age artists on the planet such as Liquid Mind, Michael Hoppé, Steven Halpern, Deva Premal and Miten. You may also enjoy the inspirational beauty of Yanni’s timeless treasures Santorini and Keys to the Imagination.
Whistle While You Work
Play uplifting music in your car, home, or office; softly, and in the background. This enables happiness and emotional enrichment while you drive, exercise, cook, or design new software in your work-at-home office. After all, we know our subconscious mind is always listening and believing whatever it
Listener Supported Radio
hears. The choice is ours - listen to the frantic news or help our etheric body resonate with the healing vibration of happiness. The joyful, harmonic music of Medwyn Goodall’s Medicine Woman series quickly comes to mind.
Tune Ups
Listen to music for each level of your being. This builds musical pathways of consciousness to more easily ascend from everyday awareness to the higher qualities of our spiritual nature. Tune up your body with Steven Halpern’s Chakra Suite: Music for Mediation, Healing and Inner Peace. Calm the mind as you journey from sound to silence with Deuter’s Illumination of the Heart. Enter the stillness of spirit with Deva Premal’s Om Meditation. And experience a wholistic meditation tuneup with our very own Dhara Lemos (copublisher of Lotus Guide) as she
Peace Ananda
guides us through four stages of active and passive meditation techniques with Dhara’s Guided Meditation, her meditation with music album.
Sweet Dreams
Listen to music that entrains the Delta wave state to more naturally wind down at the end of the day. Like Music canoes gliding gently on water, we can more easily enter the body’s regenerative process and the mind’s deep dream state when we do. Some of the most beautiful Delta wave music can be found on YouTube. Search on “Delta Wave Music” and find music that relaxes you. Curiously though, I never hear the end of the 8 hours of continuous sleep music because it puts me to sleep! So the next time something outside yourself gets you down, stressed, or agitated, I invite you to shift your awareness into the higher qualities you desire by listening to your favorite inspirational music. You may very well find the answers and solutions you are seeking!
Pamela Jamian is the founder of Peace Ananda Music, a production forum for the spiritual and metaphysical arts. She has worked 30+ years as a professional musician and health plans business leader. Pamela has an avid interest in diverse spiritual practices, music, and the application of spirituality in everyday life. More at PamelaJamian.com.
For Spiritual & Metaphysical Arts An ambient, uplifting genre that invites musical pathways of spiritual awareness and animating energy
Music Production/Publishing Original Music for Creative Works Project Collaboration P amela Jamian, Founder 530-519-1250 info@PamelaJamian.com www.PamelaJamian.com