ArchitecturePortfolio RahmaniTarek
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Live,Love,Create. . . . . Now Matthew Silver
Proj ects
Mind Pattern :AMetabolicessay.....................3 3 Research :Growing Fluidity ....................... 3 5
‘ ‘ Theidea wastomix theconceptofthecamp ,
with thescenography ofthewalk.I n orderto achievea new ‘ ’ atmosphere’ ’between thecities.
, ,
‘ ‘Whilethecommun spacesshellsthepri-
vateonesfrom thegaz station and the outerworld ,the‘ ’ atmospher’ ’fadesinto thedeserticscene,creating a continuity oftheenvironment.
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TheProj ect
Life within the Units
Theidea wastoseparate thethreetypesofroads, once they hittheRiver side. . . . . . AsiftheRiverDeconstructed theusualroad typology.
The workshop a purposeof introducing the structural logicintothearchitectural education .
-ANew Landscape
Thefour hoursworkshop had a goalof rendering a person sensitive toward space.
Theidea wastoinput an order, a repetition ,then play with some parameterstotarget an emotion
By changing the scalesofa series offrames( highness , thickness) ,a person can undergodifferentemotions through scaleonly ,with theperspectivebeing fixed.
Thepurposeofthisexercice: -Socialhousing Postand beam systeme Sustainability with minimum budget
Response -recreatethesustainability within Thecomplexity oftheMedina (maximum shadowing ,‘ the’ skifa’ ’, airpressuring elements) -Aflexibleunit -Theunitsfitsin a postand beam frame
Decomposed likea legopiece,thenew dynamicsoftheunits (semicollectif cells)benefitsofsomeelementinspired by themedina (the‘ ’ gallaria’ ’),wich hasan ecologicalintend.
Toacheivethesimpleconstruction system ,a grid ofcolumns wascreated.then theunitswere ’ ’ integrated’ ’in a way ,thateach onebenefitsof thesun ,theeastern wind and specially the shadow from thefellow units.
Thecomplexity createsshadows,with theproperorientation ,itcan providenaturalairconditioning and decreasetheenergy consumed thebuilding. Narrow windowsplus‘ ’ skifa� likebalconiesmimicsthe elementsoftheMedina and theirsoustainableimpact.
Toréanimatethelost proj ect of ‘ ’ Tunis SportCity’ ’, Wehad a commun proj ectThat held many facilities: from Golfgrounds and artisanalhouses, to a quarter ofskyscrapers( new urban tissu tothe city ofTunis)
‘ ’ From Human scaleto Urban scale’ ’
Human Scaleisthekey to thisproj ect,even theurban scaleistheresultofsearching theeventsbehing the Stroll.
“ TheCoreofthetowersresembelsthe wafer. whiletheenvelop being the signal, theimagecomesfrom deconstructing thetypicalboxliketypologieoftheexisting Urban tissue. ”
Thesearch ofthenew event(the tower) from theiles to theenvelop
“ Theintrovertiilesembed thedifferentfunctions ( organized afterthedegree of accessibility) . ”
I n orderto createthe ‘ ’ seen event’ ’ ( thetowers) , the“ ” lived event” ”must giveproportionssuitabble for itstranmitter , thus creating Thewalk
Lifewithin the towers
TheNew Landscape
Theman ofMatmata is leaving theTroglodytes
TheTroglodyteistheresultofthree interacting elements
Contemporry Man Evolution of Needs
Despitehaving numerousqualities troglodytesaredeserted
Thechangeof an element
Afixed Typology ,notsuitabletomany lifestyles
Absenceofconections(trog/ trog)( cell/ cell)
Absenceofsomefunction necessary in ourtime Alimitofxtension and personalisation ofspace
Asensitiveattitudetoward space ( ASpecificmodeofproduction ) Economy ofenergy and material
Creating some connectionson many level, Thusrendering thisFixed typology , more FLexible.
Acommun SpaceThatconnectsand delivertothehouses
Creating a signalon theroad
DividethePation intonumerousconnected ones
Creating conectionsbetween cells
TheProj ect Agroup ofTroglodyteequipped by a commun spacesan activities
TheNew Troglodyte
Parametric Design Thesis
TheThesisrevolvesaround finding theshortestpath between a pointcloud :optimizing thedistances,the structures,theshells. . .
Theshortestpath can help facilateboth functionsand expenses,plusitsmain target:Saving Time
TheGrasshopperDefinition OftheshortestPath
Mind Pattern :AMetabolicEssay From thefirstline, the code for the Cellularautomaton is set. With the zecond line, new possibiitiesarises .
Every DotisNow
Thedrawing keeps on growing along its ‘ ’ génome’ ’. The illustrations are a momentum state of thedrawing’ slife .
TheseilI ustrationsarepart of my essay: ‘ ’ Mind Pattern’ ’
Growing fuidity :Researh
I n a pure Kinesiological approch, I used the Fluidity phenomena to follow the‘ ’ Human Shells’ ’ and pathes. 3 D printed model
Keywords: -Spacesculpting -Human shells -fonctionalenvelopps -theWeightofspace*
Application case:‘ ’Gaudi’ ’ sPavilion ‘
Underthesupervision of U. I . C.Barcelona ,my proposal forthe Gauditicketselling pavilion magnifestesthetwo fonctional enveloppes from the firstvisual lecture .
Thepavillion issexless,fonctional and Spatially Optimized. Theenveloppes