Delicious Dessert for Your Dazzling Darling Children are always excited to celebrate their birthday glamorously. Every year they wait for this memorable moment and plan it out. Most of the time, they leave all the responsibilities about their dress selection and other arrangement to their parents. But, birthday cake is the only item which they choose according to their taste and decoration. Pineapple cake is one of the most popular birthday cakes among the kids and teenagers. Flavor of Pineapple: The raw pineapple can be tangy or sweet but the juice is really delicious and mouthwatering. In summertime the juice of pineapple makes the school coming children refresh and energetic. The adequate vitamin C presents in this tropical fruit helps to prevent scurvy and other diseases happened due to deficiency of vitamin C. However, the taste of this fruit is very popular to the children. They also prefer pineapple cake and pastry for their birthday occasion. Even other many delicious sweet delights can be prepared by pineapple. Ingredients of Cake Prepared by Pineapple: There is no doubt that pineapple plays the leading role preparing this kind of pineapple cake or pastries. Pineapple extract and flour is required to make the main dough. To prepare this cake unsalted butter is needed to make the dough soft. Eggs are to be beaten to mix with dough. Baking powder, baking soda and yogurt plays important role to make it spongy. Sugar is required for enhance the taste. Preparation Procedure: The oven should be preheated at 350F for minimum 10minutes to prepare pineapple cake. It is must to grease the pan with butter. The total mixing materials prepared by flour, baking soda, baking powder have to be kept separately. On the other hand, eggs, sugar and butter is needed to be mixed until it becomes creamy and fluffy. Now gradually yogurt, pineapple extract, flour and milk have to be poured in the mixing. Now it is the time to sift entire material on the greased and preheated pan and bake them for about 40 to 45minutes. After completion of the estimated time, pierce a narrow pointed stick to check doneness. You can understand the cake is ready if the stick comes out clearly. Otherwise some more heat is required. Tips for Making the Cake: It is very refreshing dessert it is needless to say. But some valuable tips are required for making it properly. Otherwise all the efforts and material costing will be completely wastage. First and foremost advice is, never use the piece of fresh pineapple in the batter. The batter becomes very wet due to excessive juice extract. If you want to add small pineapple pieces in the cake, use dry pieces. After preheated the oven, try to close the door. Otherwise the temperature becomes reduced and cake won’t be baked well. It should be kept in the mind that yogurt being an acidic ingredient will react with baking soda which is sodium bicarbonate and produced carbon dioxide. So, do not get nervous and experiment with different icing ideas on pineapple cake.