Cartoons On The Bay - Catalogo 2021

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Alessandra Sottile +39 3351332189


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Cartoons on the Bay quest’anno compie Cartoons on the Bay turns 25 this year. 25 anni. Throughout its history, from 1996 to Nel corso della sua storia, dal 1996 today, the world of media has seen ad oggi, il mondo dei media è passato some quite extraordinary revolutions, attraverso straordinarie rivoluzioni, discovering new supports and new ways scoprendo nuovi supporti e nuove of using them, intertwining languages modalità di fruizione, intrecciando and technologies, responding to social linguaggi e tecnologie, rispondendo and cultural changes, and the continuous ai cambiamenti sociali e culturali, alle transformations of tastes and behaviour. Marinella Soldi continue trasformazioni di gusti e In all this time – a good quarter of a comportamenti. century! – Cartoons on the Bay has RAI President In tutto questo tempo – un quarto di never lost track, with the result that it secolo! – Cartoons on the Bay non ha mai has become the benchmark festival perso il passo, diventando così Festival for cross-media animation. A periodic appointment of international importance which the RAI has di riferimento dell’animazione crossmediale. Un appuntamento decided to typify as a predominantly digital event. A choice that is periodico di rilievo internazionale, che la Rai ha deciso di connotare in sync with the new generations who increasingly live immersed come evento prevalentemente digitale. Una scelta in sintonia con in digital media; and also in line with corporate strategies, which le nuove generazioni che vivono sempre più immerse nei media digitali; e in linea con le strategie aziendali, che tengono in debito take due account of the rapidly changing scenario. Also this year, Cartoons on the Bay will be taking place mostly on conto lo scenario in profonda evoluzione. RaiPlay, our streaming platform, one of the “places” of the public Cartoons on the Bay si svolgerà anche quest’anno in massima service most frequented by the young and very young. Born as parte su Raiplay, la nostra piattaforma streaming, uno dei “luoghi” an International Festival of animated TV series with priority given del Servizio Pubblico più frequentati da giovani e giovanissimi. to the best quality programmes for children, Cartoons on the Nato come Festival internazionale di serie animate televisive Bay reminds us of the importance for the RAI of its dialogue with con un’attenzione prioritaria alla migliore qualità dei programmi children and adolescents. To pursue this, it is necessary to cope destinati ai ragazzi, Cartoons on the Bay ci ricorda l’importanza per la Rai del dialogo con i bambini e gli adolescenti. Per farlo with new languages and new challenges year in, year out. Without ever ignoring the key values: diversity, inclusion, and occorre di anno in anno affrontare nuovi linguaggi e nuove sfide. Senza mai mettere da parte i valori: diversità, inclusione, sustainability. And without ever losing sight of the relevance of the contents and sostenibilità. topics covered. Throughout its various editions, the festival has Senza mai perdere di vista la rilevanza dei contenuti e dei temi had the merit of dealing with important and complex issues: from trattati. Nelle varie edizioni il festival ha avuto il merito di trattare immigration to the role of women, from the environment to racial temi importanti e complessi: dall’immigrazione al ruolo della discrimination. It has been able to tackle these and recount them donna, dall’ambiente alle discriminazioni razziali. Ha saputo to the young and very young using a universal language which affrontarli e raccontarli ai giovani e giovanissimi usando una combines animation, comics, video games, visual effects, sounds lingua universale che mescola animazione, fumetti, videogiochi, effetti visivi, suoni e musiche. and music. The world’s most extraordinary animation talents have passed I più straordinari talenti mondiali dell’animazione sono passati through Cartoons on the Bay, confirming the original tenor of the per Cartoons on the Bay, a conferma dell’azzeccata connotazione event, which has seen the participation of thousands of works from originale della manifestazione, che ha visto partecipare migliaia di 140 countries. This year – despite Covid-19 still limiting travel – opere da 140 paesi. Quest’anno -malgrado il Covid limiti ancora there will be 300 works from 36 countries: an opportunity for a gli spostamenti- saranno presenti 300 opere da 36 nazioni: gathering of great cultural, creative and commercial relevance, un’occasione di confronto di grande rilevanza culturale, insieme involving operators, producers, buyers, and distributors from creativa e commerciale, che coinvolge operatori, produttori, buyers e distributori da ogni angolo del pianeta. every corner of the planet. In its 25 years, Cartoons on the Bay has been able to best represent Nei suoi 25 anni Cartoons on the Bay ha saputo rappresentare al the spirit of public service. And I am convinced that it will be able meglio lo spirito del Servizio Pubblico. Sono certa che lo saprà interpretare anche questa volta. to interpret it this time too. Auguro a tutti una buona visione. I hope you all enjoy watching it. 6



Teresa De Santis Rai Com President

Cartoons on the Bay, torna per la seconda volta in versione digitale, con prestigiose collaborazioni e partnership. A causa dell’emergenza sanitaria, il Festival ritrova il suo spazio virtuale, in attesa delle sue future edizioni, affermandosi come luogo di sperimentazione e contaminazione. In particolare, la versione digital di quest’anno si sviluppa per la prima volta su tre piattaforme, diversificando l’offerta. Fondendo linguaggi e puntando su innovazione e tecnologia, Cartoons on the Bay è diventato ormai un punto di riferimento, per appassionati di tutto il mondo, fucina di idee e luogo di incontro per adulti e bambini. Il suo format, il primo ad aver aperto ufficialmente a livello internazionale al mondo dei videogiochi e dei social e il primo ad aver dato spazio autorevole al concetto di crossmedialità, è diventato apripista per molti festival, anche fuori dai confini del Paese. Il dialogo tra linguaggi, la contaminazione dei generi e la sperimentazione delle tecniche più innovative trovano da sempre in Cartoons on the Bay il luogo dove confermare il presente e costruire il futuro di un’industria in continua e costante evoluzione. In questo senso, il servizio pubblico porta a compimento uno dei suoi obiettivi principali: raggiungere trasversalmente target ampi e differenti, fornendo una visione del presente e del futuro, arricchendo, intrattenendo e suggerendo nuove strade per la didattica e la diffusione dei valori condivisi di una società moderna. Il linguaggio dell’animazione ha un ruolo sempre più centrale nelle produzioni nazionali e internazionali e si è imposto come strumento di crescita in un mercato in costante evoluzione. L’obiettivo è quindi non solo promuovere l’importanza di questo settore in quanto mezzo culturale ma anche affermarne il potenziale economico e commerciale. E dunque ci sentiamo di poter tranquillamente affermare che Cartoons on the Bay non è solo un Festival, è soprattutto uno spaccato del mondo che viviamo.

Cartoons on the Bay returns for the second time in a digital version, with some highly prestigious collaborations and partnerships. Due to the health emergency, the festival has carved out a virtual space, awaiting its future editions, and establishing itself as a place of experimentation and widespread influences. In particular, this year’s digital version has been developed for the first time on three platforms, thereby further diversifying the offer. By merging languages and focusing on innovation and technology, Cartoons on the Bay has now become a point of reference for enthusiasts from all around the world, a crucible of ideas, and a meeting place for both adults and children. Its format, the first to have officially opened at an international level to the world of video games and social networks and also the first to give authoritative space to the concept of crossmedia, has become a trailblazer for many other festivals, also outside Italy’s borders. The dialogue between languages, the fusion of genres and the experimentation with the most innovative techniques have always found Cartoons on the Bay a place to confirm the present and build the future of an industry in continuous nonstop evolution. In this sense, the public service has achieved one of its main objectives: to reach broad and different targets right across the board, providing a vision of the present and the future, enriching, entertaining, and suggesting new ways for teaching and the dissemination of shared values of a modern society. The language of animation plays an increasingly leading role in national and international productions and has established itself as a tool for growth in a constantly evolving market. The goal is therefore not only to promote the importance of this sector as a cultural medium but also to affirm its economic and commercial potential. And, as a result, we feel we can safely say that Cartoons on the Bay is not simply a festival, it is above all a cross-section of the world we live in. 7



Angelo Teodoli Rai Com CEO

Sono molto contento di dare il via alla venticinquesima edizione di Cartoons on the Bay un evento unico nel suo genere che dal 1996 è punto di riferimento internazionale di un settore in continua evoluzione. La crescita dell’animazione crossmediale, con una ricerca sempre più attenta alle nuove tendenze editoriali e alle innovazioni tecnologiche, trova il suo palcoscenico naturale in questo Festival promosso da Rai e da noi organizzato con entusiasmo e orgoglio. Il nostro impegno è rivolto ad un settore strategico che guarda ad una platea globale e che incontra in modo pieno il mondo dei nativi digitali. Cartoons on the bay è oggi una realtà centrale per lo sviluppo del prodotto d’animazione e luogo d’incontro essenziale per molte coproduzioni. Una vera e propria festa dell’immaginazione e della creatività rivolta al mondo produttivo, a quello della comunicazione e ai broadcaster, che nonostante le difficoltà lavorano quotidianamente per la crescita di un settore sempre più strategico. Il nostro impegno continuerà ad essere rivolto alla ricerca di nuovi talenti, di produzioni innovative e delle loro prospettive commerciali nazionali e internazionali. A tutti i partecipanti giunga il mio augurio di buon divertimento e buon lavoro: non dimentichiamoci mai di essere stati bambini.

I’m extremely happy to be kicking off the twenty-fifth edition of Cartoons on the Bay, a unique event of its kind which, since 1996, has represented an international benchmark for a constantly evolving sector. The growth of cross-media animation, with an increasingly assiduous search for new editorial trends and technological innovations, finds a natural stage at this Festival promoted by the RAI and organized by us with great enthusiasm and pride. Our commitment is aimed at a strategic sector which looks to a global audience and enthusiastically meets the world of digital natives. By now, Cartoons on the Bay is a central reality for the development of the animated product and an essential meeting place for many co-productions. A real celebration of imagination and creativity targeted at the worlds of production, communication and broadcasters, who, despite many difficulties, work daily on the growth of an increasingly strategic sector. Our commitment will continue to be aimed at a quest for new talents, innovative productions, and their national and international commercial prospects. My best wishes for genuine fun and enjoyable work go out to all the participants: let us never forget that we too were once children.




In the last two years, the Covid-19 In questi ultimi due anni la pandemia ci ha pandemic has stolen a lot from us in terms tolto molto in termini di libertà e di affetti of freedom and affection but, as happens ma, come accade ogni volta in cui il genere every time that mankind is forced to deal umano è stato costretto a fronteggiare with a great obstacle, it has taught us un grande ostacolo, ci ha insegnato a to rethink our habits. Cartoons on the ripensare le nostre abitudini. Cartoons Bay is a festival whose very DNA needs on the Bay è un festival che per dna ha contact with the public and which thrives bisogno del contatto con il pubblico e on exchange and encounters, but the vive di scambi e incontri ma l’emergenza emergency has forced us to imagine an ci ha obbligati a immaginare una via di escape from the obligations which real life fuga dagli obblighi che la realtà dei fatti has imposed. For this reason, last year we imponeva. Per questo lo scorso anno launched the first all-digital edition of the abbiamo dato vita alla prima edizione festival in collaboration with RaiPlay. The tutta digitale del festival in collaborazione results in terms of contacts and ratings con RaiPlay. I risultati in termini di contatti Roberto Genovesi were undreamed-of and truly surprising, e ascolti sono stati inimmaginabili e to the point of making us imagine that davvero sorprendenti al punto da farci Artistic Director in the future, even when we return to the immaginare che in futuro, anche quando territorial level, this experience cannot be si tornerà sul territorio, questa esperienza completely ignored. Meanwhile, the digital non potrà essere accantonata del tutto. version of Cartoons on the Bay has evolved, in line with the very Nel frattempo la versione digital di Cartoons on the Bay evolve, nature of the festival, and expanded, and for the first time in 2021 come è nella natura stessa del festival, e si espande e per la prima the festival will be multi-platform. And it will be taking place with volta nel 2021 il festival si volge su multipiattaforma. E avviene the involvement of an extra RAI partner of great importance and con il coinvolgimento di un partner extra Rai di grande spessore e proven experience, namely, and with the birth of a provata esperienza come e con la nascita di un canale channel entirely dedicated to professional meetings accessible interamente dedicato agli incontri professionali raggiungibile dal from the official Cartoons on the Bay website. sito ufficiale di Cartoons on the Bay. Dunque l’edizione 2021 di As a result, for the first time, the 2021 edition of COTB will be COTB è per la prima volta fruibile contemporaneamente su RaiPlay, available simultaneously on RaiPlay, and the COTB e COTB Channel con una suddivisione di contenuti Channel with a prevalent splitting up of contents that will not pervasiva e non sovrapponibile. Un esperimento nell’esperimento overlap. An experiment within an experiment only confirming the che conferma la vocazione del festival da sempre attento vocation of the festival which has always been attentive to the all’evoluzione dei linguaggi e dei contenuti dell’animazione. evolution of the languages and contents of animation. Il manifesto di COTB 2021 è dedicato a Nathan Never e al suo This year, the COTB 2021 poster is dedicated to Nathan Never and universo che proprio quest’anno compie trent’anni. Per celebrare his universe as he turns thirty. To celebrate the anniversary we la ricorrenza abbiamo affidato il visual a Andrea Cascioli, una delle have entrusted the visuals to Andrea Cascioli, one of the leading matite di punta della longeva serie bonelliana. Ma nel 2021 cade artists of the long-lived Bonelli series. But 2021 also marks the anche il decimo anniversario della scomparsa di Sergio Bonelli, tenth anniversary of the death of Sergio Bonelli, perhaps the forse la più importante colonna portante del fumetto italiano. most important backbone of Italian comics. For this reason, in Per questo, in collaborazione con la casa editrice milanese di collaboration with the Milanese publishing house of which he cui era volto e anima, abbiamo annunciato la nascita del Premio was the face and soul, we have announced the birth of the Sergio Sergio Bonelli che vedrà la sua prima cerimonia di premiazione Bonelli Award which will see its first award ceremony in the next nella prossima edizione di Cartoons on the Bay che si svolgerà a edition of Cartoons on the Bay that will take place in Pescara from Pescara dall’1 al 5 giungo 2022. Finalmente in presenza. June 1 to 5, 2022. Finally face-to-face. Ma gli anniversari non finiscono qui. Il 2021 è anche l’anno But the anniversaries don’t end there. The year 2021 is also the one del centesimo anniversario della nascita di Emanuele Luzzati. hundredth anniversary of the birth of Emanuele Luzzati. We did not Non abbiamo avuto bisogno di qualche specifica iniziativa per need any specific initiative to remember this. Luzzati, with the iconic rammentarlo. Luzzati, con la iconica silhouette degli ormai celebri silhouette of the by-now famous Pulcinella Awards, represents the Pulcinella Awards, rappresenta il cuore del festival e sarà sempre very heart of the festival and will always be our indispensable travel un nostro irrinunciabile compagno di viaggio. companion. Despite its twenty-six years of life, Cartoons on the Nonostante i suoi ventisei anni di vita, Cartoons on the Bay Bay has not lost its desire to get back into the game every time non perde la sua voglia di rimettersi ogni volta in gioco e di and to reconsider where it’s headed. With the edition whose digital ripensare il suo cammino. Con l’edizione di cui state sfogliando il catalogue you are browsing through, the undersigned is celebrating catalogo digitale, per il sottoscritto sono dodici anni di direzione twelve years of artistic direction. In thirteen years. Exactly like the artistica. In tredici anni. Esattamente come il percorso fatto da path taken by Alfio Bastiancich in the first stint of this great festival. Alfio Bastiancich nella prima parte della strada di questo grande I never expected to be able to rival him. And for me this is a huge festival. Non mi sarei mai aspettato di poterlo raggiungere. E per honour. me è un grande onore. And now that’s quite enough otherwise I’ll come over all maudlin. E adesso basta altrimenti mi commuovo. Buon viaggio con COTB Enjoy your trip with COTB 2021. As Franco Battiato sang… No 2021. Come cantava Franco Battiato…No time, no Space. E noi ci time, no Space. And we might add… No Limits! aggiungiamo…no Limits!. 9



Elena Capparelli Director of RaiPlay

Siamo davvero onorati e orgogliosi di ospitare per la seconda volta su RaiPlay, la piattaforma del Servizio Pubblico, il Festival Cartoons On The Bay, punto di riferimento per l’animazione nazionale e internazionale. Quest’anno, per tutti gli appassionati dei cartoon, l’offerta sulla piattaforma fruibile online per tutti i giorni del Festival, sarà centrata sul premio Hall of Fame a Fusako Yusaki. Una lunga intervista e una retrospettiva dedicata consentiranno agli appassionati di rivedere alcune delle sue famose animazioni in plastilina, premiate in tutto il mondo: Rotondo, Quadrato, Triangolo (1986), Buongiorno (1988), Stagioni senza parole (1991), T.V.U.O.G (1992), Un giorno sì, un giorno no (1998), La Rosa dei Venti (2006).

We are truly honoured and proud to be hosting for the second time on RaiPlay, the public service platform, the Cartoons on the Bay Festival, a reference point for national and international animation. This year, for all cartoon fans, the offer on the platform available online for every day of the festival will be centred on the Hall of Fame award to Fusako Yusaki. A long interview and a dedicated retrospective will allow fans to review some of her famous clay animations, awarded prizes all around the world: Rotondo, Quadrato, Triangolo (1986), Buongiorno (1988), Stagioni senza parole (1991), T.V.U.O.G (1992), Un giorno sì, un giorno no (1998), and La Rosa dei Venti (2006).




Luca Milano Rai Ragazzi Director

L’edizione 2021 di Cartoons on the Bay è particolarmente importante perché presenta le migliori opere d’animazione e per ragazzi realizzate e portate a compimento nel corso della pandemia. E’ bello notare la qualità e quantità delle opere italiane in Rassegna, frutto del lavoro dei talenti e delle società di produzioni indipendenti del nostro Paese con la collaborazione e il sostegno di Rai Ragazzi. E’ un messaggio di fiducia che si rispecchia anche nei contenuti contemporanei delle serie e degli special, per promuovere nei ragazzi fiducia in sé stessi, inclusione e coesione sociale.

The 2021 edition of Cartoons on the Bay is particularly important since it presents the best animation and works for children created and completed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is nice to note the quality and quantity of the Italian works in the Review, the result of the work of talents and independent production companies in our country with the collaboration and support of Rai Ragazzi. This is a message of trust which is also reflected in the contemporary contents of the series and specials, to foster self-confidence, inclusion, and social cohesion among children.





Hall of Fame – Fusako Yusaki Hall of Fame – Fusako Yusaki


International Jury Giuria Internazionale


Feature Films Jury Giuria Lungometraggi


Pitch Me! Jury Giuria Pitch Me!


Nominations by Category Programmi in concorso per Categoria


Official Selections Selezione Ufficiale


Unicef Award – Best Social-Issue Related Work Premio Unicef – Miglior Prodotto a carattere Sociale





Regulation Regolamento


List of Companies in Alphabetical Order Elenco delle Società in Ordine Alfabetico


List of Companies by Country Elenco delle Società per Nazione


List of Programs in Alphabetical Order Elenco dei Programmi in Ordine Alfabetico


List of Programs by Country Elenco dei Programmi per Nazione

Organization Chart Organigramma




For the dedication with which for fifty years she has dedicated herself to claymation, a technique of which she has been and is one of the most important representatives in Italy and in the rest of the world. For being able to range between different targets and products, giving life to plasticine worlds and characters capable of making adults and children dream. For the purity that has always distinguished her way of animating, based on “metamorphosis” and “change”, two concepts that Fusako Yusaki has borrowed from the world and the life that surrounds her and which she has transformed into pillars of her art.

Fusako Yusaki

Per la dedizione con cui da cinquant’anni si dedica alla claymation, una tecnica di cui è stata ed è una delle più importanti rappresentanti in Italia e nel resto del mondo. Per essere riuscita a spaziare tra target e prodotti differenti, dando vita a mondi e personaggi di plastilina capaci di far sognare adulti e bambini. Per la sincerità che ha da sempre contraddistinto il suo modo di animare, basato sulla “metamorfosi” e sul “cambiamento” due concetti che Fusako Yusaki ha preso in prestito dal mondo e dalla vita che la circonda e che ha trasformato nei pilastri della sua arte.

A Fusako Yusaki, artista, regista e animatrice giapponese, da sempre una delle protagoniste dell’animazione italiana, è dedicata la Hall of Fame di Cartoons on the bay 2021. Dopo averle conferito il Pulcinella Award alla Carriera nel 2008 il festival incorona Fusako Yusaki tra i maestri dell’animazione internazionale insieme a Bruno Bozzetto, Guido Manuli e Don Bluth e le dedica una lunga intervista e una retrospettiva su Rai Play, allestendo per lei una vera e propria mostra virtuale sul sito di Cartoons on the bay, sulla falsariga delle celebri Streets of Fame hollywoodiane.

The Hall of Fame of Cartoons on the Bay 2021 is dedicated to Fusako Yusaki, a Japanese artist, director and animator, who has long been one of the leading lights of animation in Italy. After awarding her the Pulcinella Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2008, the festival is now crowning Fusako Yusaki among the masters of international animation, along with Bruno Bozzetto, Guido Manuli and Don Bluth, and is dedicating a long interview and a retrospective to her on RaiPlay, while setting up real and virtual exhibitions for her on the Cartoons on the Bay website, along the lines of the famous Hollywood Streets of Fame.






International Jury / Giuria Internazionale

Annalisa Liberi

Fusako Yusaki

Head of Acquisitions Rai Ragazzi

Artist, designer and sculptor

Annalisa Liberi, head of Acquisitions of Rai Ragazzi, the department for children and kids of RAI, italian public broadcaster, operating the 2 free-to-air TV channels RAI Yoyo and RAI Gulp. She attends international Festivals and Markets every year and she has been member of several International Juries of kid’s programmes. Previously Annalisa had been in charge of Acquisition, Programming and Dubbing for Rai Yoyo, the leading Italian children’s channel and of Kid’s Acquisition at Rai 3. Before joining RAI, she handled Postproductions and Italian Editions for RaiSat, Tele+, Mediaset, De Agostini and International Festivals, taught “subtitling and script writing” (Department of Employment and European Social Found) and was trained by Academy awarded screenwriter Ennio De Concini on TV Series screenplays.

Fusako Yusaki was born in Japan on December 17, 1937. In 1964 she cames to Italy winning a competition from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and attended the Brera Academy for two years. She collaborates with “Branca” creating commercials for Carosello, with the C.N.R. for short films on Litostera and the Earthquakes, with Rai, TSI, NHK in programs for children, with the IED for threedimensional design courses and specialization Masters, always using its characteristic of research into the metamorphosis of matter. She produced various short films and mini-series made with the technique of step one with plasticine. Her work is in the Hara Museum of Contemporaty Art in Tokyo and at the Interactive Museum of Cinema in Milan. She has received many awards and in 2020 the nominee of the New Academy Members.

Responsabile Prodotti di Acquisto Rai Ragazzi

Artista, designer e scultrice

Annalisa Liberi è responsabile dei Prodotti di Acquisto di Rai Ragazzi, il settore Rai dedicato ai contenuti per bambini e ragazzi. Partecipa ogni anno ai principali festival e mercati interazionali dedicati all’animazione e ai prodotti per ragazzi e negli anni ha fatto parte di diverse giurie internazionali. In precedenza si è occupata di acquisti, programmazione e doppiaggio dei programmi per bambini per Rai Yoyo, il canale principale dedicato ai bambini e per Rai 3. Prima di entrare in Rai ha lavorato nella postproduzione e nelle edizioni per Rai Sat, Tele+, Mediaset, De Agostini e Festival internazionali, con il premio Oscar Ennio De Concini nella sceneggiatura di serie Tv e ha insegnato adattamento dialoghi e sottotitolazione in corsi finanziati dal Fondo Sociale Europeo.

Fusako Yusaki nasce in Giappone il 17 Dicembre 1937. Nel 1964 viene in Italia vincendo un concorso del Ministero degli Esteri e frequenta per due anni l’Accademia di Brera. Collabora con la Branca realizzando degli spot per Carosello, con il C.N.R. per cortometraggi sulla Litostera e i Terremoti, con la Rai, la TSI , la NHK in programmi per i bambini, con lo IED per corsi di design tridimensionale e Master di specializzazione sempre utilizzando la sua caratteristica di ricerca della metamorfosi della materia. Suoi sono vari cortometraggi e miniserie realizzati con la tecnica del passo uno con la plastilina. La sua opera è accolta nello Hara Museum of Contemporaty Art di Tokyo e al Museo Interattivo del Cinema di Milano. Ha ricevuto molti premi e nel 2020 la nomina della New Academy Members. 18


Patricia Vasapollo

Yago Fandiño

Head of Family and Fiction, HR/ARD

Head of children’s content RTVE

Patricia Vasapollo was born in Frankfurt (in 1967). She studied Romance Languages, cultural anthropology and ethnology in Frankfurt and Rome. In 1997 she started to work for TV in the cultural department of Hessischer Rundfunk as an author. In 2003 she moved tot he children’s and family department, where she has been responsible for feature film productions as well as documentaries for children from all over the world. 2010 she became head of children’s programme. She co-produces and buys cartoon animation series (e.g. Geronimo Stilton, Max and Maestro, Tom Sawyer, Leo da Vinci) and observes the market in the field of international licensing and coproductions for ARD and KIKA. Since 2019 she has been head of Family and Fiction.


With over 10 years’ experience in integrated Web/TV projects, Yago Fandiño has linked his life and career to new communication technologies, and more specifically, to communication and children’s entertainment. Trained in journalism, he has been Deputy Director of Children’s Interactive Content at RTVE, and Online Editor for the Fox Kids and Jetix websites in Spain. He is currently the head of Children’s Content at TVE, responsible for the production of children’s TV programmes and interactive developments.

Direttore dei contenuti per i ragazzi RTVE Con oltre 10 anni di esperienza in progetti integrati WebTelevisione, Yago Fandiño ha collegato la propria vita e carriera a nuove tecnologie di comunicazione e, più nello specifico, alla comunicazione e all’intrattenimento per bambini. Laureato in giornalismo, è stato vicedirettore dei contenuti interattivi per bambini presso la RTVE e redattore online per i siti Web Fox Kids e Jetix in Spagna. Attualmente è a capo della sezione dei contenuti per bambini presso la TVE, è responsabile della produzione di programmi TV e sviluppi interattivi per bambini.

Direttrice della Family and Fiction, HR/ARD Patricia Vasapollo è nata a Francoforte (1967). Ha studiato lingue romanze, antropologia culturale ed etnologia a Francoforte e a Roma. Nel 1997 ha iniziato a lavorare come autrice per la televisione nel dipartimento culturale di Hessischer Rundfunk. Nel 2003 si è trasferita al reparto bambini e famiglia, dove si è occupata di produzioni di lungometraggi e documentari per bambini di tutto il mondo. Nel 2010 è diventata responsabile del programma per bambini. Coproduce e acquista serie di cartoni animati (ad esempio Geronimo Stilton, Max e Maestro, Tom Sawyer, Leo da Vinci) e segue il mercato nel campo delle produzioni internazionali e coproduzioni per ARD e KIKA. Dal 2019 è a capo di Family and Fiction.




Feature Films Jury Giuria Lungometraggi

Armando Fumagalli University teacher and screenwriter Armando Fumagalli is Director of the Master Program in International Screenwriting and Production at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, a program that has trained a new generation of successful writers and producers in Italy. He also teaches Writing and Producing for Animation at the M.A. in “The Art and Industry of Narration: from Literature to cinema and Tv”. Since 1999, he is a script consultant for the International projects of Lux vide, like the three seasons of Medici. Masters of Florence and the Tv series Leonardo (2021, Rai – Sony Pictures Television).

Docente universitario e sceneggiatore Armando Fumagalli è Direttore del Master in International Screenwriting and Production presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, dove inoltre insegna Writing and Producing for animation, alla Laurea Magistrale in “The Art and Industry of Narration: from Literature to cinema and Tv”. Dal 1999 è consulente di sceneggiatura per i progetti internazionali della Lux vide, come le tre stagioni di Medici e la serie del 2021 Leonardo (Rai- Sony Pictures Television).




Flavio Natalia

Tim Willocks

Head editor and journalist Ciak

Author and film maker

Roman, 58 years of age, and director of Ciak since July 2019, he was an ANSA correspondent and wrote programmes for RAI, later becoming a communications executive at Mediaset. For 12 years, he was Sky’s product communication director, in addition to being director and publisher tasked with the monthly Sky Life (800,000 pay copies) and founder of the digital daily Sky Evening News (430,000 openings a day). Since 2016, he has been deputy director for performing arts and culture for Sky Tg24. His honours include two editions of Premio Ischia and Smau 2016 for editorial innovation

Tim Willocks is an author, doctor, and film maker born in England in 1957. He has written seven novels and four feature films (three as producer), plus the Steven Spielberg short film ‘The Unfinished Journey’. He is based in County Kerry, Ireland.

Autore e regista Tim Willocks è un autore, dottore, e regista di film nato in Inghilterra nel 1957. Ha scritto sette romanzi e quattro lungometraggi (tre come produttore), oltre al cortometraggio di Steven Spielberg ‘The Unfinished Journey’. Vive nella contea di Kerry, in Irlanda.

Direttore e giornalista Ciak 58 anni, romano, direttore di Ciak dal luglio 2019, è stato inviato Ansa e autore di programmi Rai, poi dirigente della comunicazione Mediaset, e per 12 anni direttore della Comunicazione di prodotto Sky, oltre che direttore ed editore incaricato del mensile Sky Life (800 mila copie a pagamento) e fondatore del quotidiano digitale Sky Evening News (430mila aperture al giorno). Dal 2016 Vicedirettore Spettacoli e cultura di Sky Tg24. Tra i riconoscimenti, due edizioni del Premio Ischia e lo Smau 2016 per l’innovazione editoriale.




Pitch Me! Jury Giuria Pitch Me!

Katja Centomo Writer, screenwriter, founder of Red Whale, Intellectual Properties Manager of Ignition Publishing. Katja Centomo (Aosta, 23 January 1971) is a transmedia narrator. Leading Red Whale since 2002, she has been responsible for content and services for comics, animation and children’s fiction for companies such as Disney, Mondadori, Rizzoli, Piemme, DeAgostini and Rainbow, and she works for videogames as Ignition Publishing’s Intellectual Properties Manager. As an author she has created “Monster Allergy”, a comic series, musical and animated series spread all over the world, and has published four novels for Einaudi Ragazzi. The fifth will be in bookstores in the spring.

Scrittrice, sceneggiatrice, fondatrice e direttrice di Red Whale, Intellectual Properties Manager di Ignition Publishing. Katja Centomo (Aosta, 23 gennaio 1971) è una narratrice transmediale. Da diciotto anni alla guida di Red Whale, cura contenuti e servizi per il fumetto, l’animazione e la narrativa ragazzi per aziende come Disney, Mondadori, Rizzoli, Piemme, DeAgostini e Rainbow, e lavora per i videogames come Intellectual Properties Manager di Ignition Publishing. In veste di autrice ha creato “Monster Allergy”, serie a fumetti, musical e serie animata diffusi in tutto il mondo, e ha pubblicato quattro romanzi per Einaudi Ragazzi. Il quinto sarà nelle librerie in primavera.




Monica Manganelli

Valentina Bertuzzi

Film director, set designer and visual artist

Writer and director

Monica Manganelli is a film director, set designer, visual artist active in both theater (opera house) and film production. As a set designer and visual artist she signed different productions in the most important theaters in Europe. For the film productions she collaborated with the Wachowski sisters, for the art direction of Loud Atlas. In the last 5 years she signed as film director animated films that have participated in 150 festivals and won 40 awards (The Ballad Of The Homeless, Butterflies In Berlin, The Atlas Of Wonders). She is in development with Turandot-Princess of China, her new feature film as director.

Valentina Bertuzzi is an Italian writer/director. She grafts the Psychological Horror, Mystery and Sci-Fi genres to explore fractured identity and the collision between spirituality and new technologies. Her work has won awards at many Festivals worldwide and has been exhibited in major Museums in Italy and abroad. Recently she took part in the Biennale College Cinema International at the Venice Film Festival.

Regista e sceneggiatrice Valentina Bertuzzi, regista e sceneggiatrice italiana, innesta i generi Horror Psicologico, Mystery e Sci-Fi per esplorare le fratture identitarie e la collisione fra nuove tecnologie e spiritualità. I suoi lavori sono stati premiati presso Festival internazionali, proiettati nei principali musei d’arte in Italia e all’estero, e recensiti con successo dalle maggiori testate nazionali. Recentemente è stata selezionata a Biennale College Cinema International, presso la Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.

Regista, scenografa e direttore creativo Monica Manganelli è una regista, scenografa e creative director attiva sia nel teatro (opera lirica) che cinema. Come scenografa e visual artist ha firmato differenti produzioni nei più importanti teatri d’Europa, e nel cinema ha collaborato con le sorelle Wachowski, curando l’art direction del film Cloud Atlas. Negli ultimi 5 anni si è dedicata alla regia, realizzando film di animazione che hanno partecipato a 150 festival e vinto 40 premi (The Ballad Of The Homeless, Butterflies In Berlin, The Atlas Of Wonders). È in preparazione per il suo nuovo film: Turandot-Princess of China.


Nomination by Category Programmi in concorso per categoria

TV SERIES KIDS 43– Droners – France 44 – Elliott from Earth – United Kingdom


44 – Gigablaster – Brazil

29 – Labuntina – United Kingdom

45 – My friend from Tau Ceti – Russia

30 – Pinocchio and Friends – Italy

47 – When I was your age – Italy

30– Pip and Posy – United Kingdom 31 – The Game Catchers – Italy 32 – The Magic Garden – Russia

INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA 48 – Cyberpunk 2077 – Poland


50 – Little Nightmares II – Sweden

35 – Kiwi & Strit – Denmark

51 – Miitopia – Japan

37 – Nina & Olga – Italy

51 – Ratchet & Clank: Rift apart – United States

40 – The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio – Italy

51 – Returnal – Finland

40 – The Other Way Wolf – Russia 41– The Smurfs – Belgium


TV SERIES LIVE ACTION / HYBRID 52 – Animal House – Italy 54 – Marta & Eva – Italy 55 – POV The First Years – Italy 56 – Unlockdown – Italy


56 – Whatsanna – Italy

97 – Absolute Denial – United Kingdom 98 – Best Birthday Ever – Netherlands 98 – Elulu – Chile 98 – Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa – Canada


99 – Fixies vs. Crabots – Russia

56 – AquaTeam - Sea Adventure – Italy

99 – Scoob! – United States

57 – Crash Casanova every day a super power – Italy

99 – Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure – Russia

57 – Hitch stories - France

100 – Stars of the seventh sky - Belarus

58 – Tom’s Tiny Toys – Canada

100 – Tarsilinha – Brazil 100 – Tom & Jerry – United States 101 – Trash – Italy 97 – 100% WOLF – Australia 101 – WolfWalkers – Ireland 101 – Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty – Italy


102 – You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story –

67 – Dogs Smell Like the Sea – Russia


73 – Korean Flight 858 – Germany 76 – Mila – Italy 91 – The Town of Forgotten Things – Italy 93 – Turtle Bay – France


ANITTINHA'S CLUB CLUBE DA ANITTINHA 2019, Brazil, 26x05' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Fernando Finamore and Michele Massagli Production | Gloob, Birdo Studio, Grupo Rodamoinho Coproduction | Birdo Studio Distribution | Grupo Globo

Anittinha, the cutest popstar on the planet, is in a world tour with her crew in a home: Poderosa. Juggling mobile spectacular shows and epic drama, Anittinha’s set to Þnd out that being with those you care about is the best part of any trip.


ARTOONIC ARTOONIC 2019, Italy, 9x5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Francesco Gini Backgrounds | Francesco Gini Animation | Francesco Gini Music | Fabrizio Bondi Production | Rai Ragazzi, Inarc Progetti Coproduction | Inarc Progetti Distribution | Rai Com

In a distant place, where the nature is still untouched, three polar puppies face the adventure of life. In harmony, cultivating passion and sharing experiences.


KIRI AND LOU KIRI AND LOU 2020, New Zealand, 32x5' Tecnique | Stop Motion Direction | Harry Sinclair Backgrounds | Bartek Prusiewicz Animation | Antony Elworthy Music | Don McGlashan Production | Stretchy Ltd, Yowza Animation Coproduction | Yowza Animation Distribution | Cake Entertainment



Kiri and Lou follows the friendship between Kiri, a feisty little dinosaur and Lou, a gentle and thoughtful creature, as they explore the world of feelings through laughter, song and adventure in their forest home. The show is hand crafted in traditional stop motion animation using clay on glass.

LABUNTINA LABUNTINA 2020, United Kingdom, 10x4' Tecnique | 2D drawn and digital Direction | Valentina Ventimiglia Backgrounds | Giovanna Lopalco Animation | James Hornby, Justine Westall Music | Valentina Ventimiglia, Lorenzo Castellarin Production | Labuntina ltd Distribution | Sky Kids

Sing along with Kodi Fox, Judi Bee and Lili Fish and learn about numbers, ABC, colours, feelings, animals and much more, in the magical world of Labuntina!


LEO THE TRUCK LEO THE TRUCK 2021, Russia, 52x7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Maria Poddubnaya Animation | Enuar Shalabaev Music | Irina Nikitina Production | BiBaBoo Animation Distribution | Project First LLC

Leo is a smart truck always looking forward for adventures. He is bringing parts to the playground to construct a new vehicle or toy. If any part is missing Leo will Þnd it at the playground with your help.


LITTLE FURRY PETIT POILU 2020, France, 39x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Florent Heitz Music | Ben Violet Production | Belvision Coproduction | Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel Distribution | Mediatoon Distribution



Little Furry is an endearing charachter who throws himself into extraordinary universes where anything is possible. His adventures aren't always easy but by listening to his own creativity and human qualities, Little Furry manages to overcome te most unexpected obstacles and grow little by little.

ORANGE MOO COW ORANGE MOO COW 2020, France, 52x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Savva Golubkov Animation | A. Koneva Music | Music by Aleksander Zatsepin Production | SoyuzmultÞlm, Cyber Group Studios Coproduction | Cyber Group Studios Distribution | Cyber Group Studios

A very sweet animated comedy series for preschoolers about family, friendship and growing up. A joyful way to develop kids’curiosity and discover the world. The very Þrst creation of cyber soyuz junior, the brand new french-russian animation label.


PINOCCHIO AND FRIENDS PINOCCHIO AND FRIENDS 2021, Italy, 26x11' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Iginio StrafÞ Backgrounds | Tommaso Gomez Music | Michele Bettali Production | Rainbow Distribution | Rainbow

Papa Geppetto’s Shop of Wonders is downright magical. It is home to Pinocchio, the stubborn puppet, and his friends, the pirate ragdoll Freeda and the grumpy Talking Cricket… a trio that’s always ready for action! No place is too far away, and no challenge is too difÞcult for them!


PIP AND POSY PIP AND POSY 2021, United Kingdom, 52x7' Tecnique | 3D Production | Magic Light Pictures Distribution | Magic Light Pictures



Pip and Posy have fun making silly hats and pinkie promise one another to wear them to the park. Pip feels selfconscious but he did pinkie promise. However when he arrives at the park, Posy isn’t wearing hers! Now Posy has to Þx her broken promise.

PURPLE TURTLE PURPLE TURTLE 2019, France, 52x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Swati Rajoria Animation | Madhu Attingal Music | Richard Dickerson, Francisco Rios, Dev Ross, Eric Colvin Production | Aadarsh, Telegael, Cyber Group Studios Coproduction | Telegael Distribution | Cyber Group Studios

The Adventures of Purple Turtle celebrate the joy of the chilhood curiosity and discovery. He Loves having fun and solving problems!


SUMMER & TODD HAPPY FARMERS SUMMER & TODD HAPPY FARMERS 2021, Italy, 52x7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Iginio StrafÞ Backgrounds | Tommaso Gomez Music | Btoven Music (Brian Mckenna) Production | Rainbow Distribution | Rainbow

There is always plenty to do at Sunshine Farms! Summer and Todd take us to the discovery of nature in their hilarious adventures together with their animal friends, an unbeatable team that takes care of many daily agricultural activities among twists and ingenious solutions!


THE GAME CATCHERS GLI ACCHIAPPAGIOCHI 2021, Italy, 52x8' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Andrea Bozzetto Backgrounds | Corrado Colleoni Animation | Doghead Srl Music | Roberto Frattini Production | Rai Ragazzi Coproduction | Studio Bozzetto Distribution | Goldbee Distribution



In a colorful universe populated by alien children, the planet Flossy ßoats. Here is a special place: the headquarters of the Game Catchers, a team of Þve children, united by a great friendship and a unique mission: to Þnd out which are the favorite games for children on each planet.

THE MAGIC GARDEN ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ САДИК 2021, Russia, 20x4' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Ksenia Samarina Backgrounds | Anush Mickaelyan Animation | Denis Volodin Music | Timothy Sokolov Production | RT

The Magic Garden answers the children’s questions about the extraordinary world of nature! The fruit and vegetables of the garden have adventures and learn something new about the world, including why water evaporates, how seeds turn into ßowers, why wind can be helpful and many other things!


16 HUDSON 16 HUDSON 2020, Canada, 42x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Shabnam Rezaei Backgrounds | Sarita Kolhatkar Animation | Big Bad Boo Studios Music | Matt Davis Production | Big Bad Boo Studios

Super swimmer Luc is disappointed after not Þnishing Þrst in a race, until his best friend's grandmother, Nye-Nye, tells him the story of the mythical Chinese Zodiac dragon. He soon realizes that Þfth is the place to be!


BOOBA BOOBA 2020, United Kingdom, 26x4' Tecnique | 3D Direction | SoÞa Gorya Backgrounds | Irina Kovtun Animation | Oleg Khrushkov Music | Vyacheslav Kataev Production | 3D Sparrow Ltd.



Booba is a non-dialogue preschool family show following the adventures of a joyful, funny and curious little creature called Booba and his friends. They always Þnd themselves in hilarious situations trying to explore the world around them.

DISCO DRAGON DISCO DRAGON 2021, France, 52x13' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Julie Sellier Backgrounds | Sébastien Mesnard Animation | Caribara Music | La belle epquie Production | MondoTV France Distribution | France TV Distribution

DISCO DRAGON has a super power: he can hear the little theme song playing inside every child. With BETTY, a resourceful girl and DISCO DRAGON’s clumsiness will help each child to recover their internal harmony alone, and in song. And that... is Groovy! 52 Missions-52 Emotions-52 Musical Worlds


EARTH TO LUNA! O SHOW DE LUNA! 2020, Brazil, 26x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Celia Catunda Backgrounds | Fabiana Shizue Animation | Vagner Farias Music | WeCanDo Audio Post Production | Pinguim Content Distribution | Monster Distribution

Luna is an imaginative kid with a love of science and nature who learns how stuff works with her little brother and pet ferret. At the end of each episode they act out what they learned to their parents.


FOX TALES, TURTLE IN TROUBLED WATER FOX TALES, TURTLE IN TROUBLED WATER 2020, Singapore, 1x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Sebastian Law Backgrounds | Chips And Toon Animation | Larry Music | Lydia Ang Production | Chips and Toon



Shelly wants to try and compete in the annual River Swim-a-thon. When she enrolls in the competition, the carps mock Shelly, as turtles are notoriously slow and she doesn’t stand a chance at winning. Snow is determined to personally train her shy friend to beat these cocky carps

GIGANTOSAURUS GIGANTOSAURUS 2021, France, 52x11' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Olivier Lelardoux Backgrounds | Mustafa Sam, Rosli Rozlinda for Inspidea Animation | 2D sequences Animation Music | Pierre Sissman & The Beatbuds Production | Cyber Group Studios Distribution | Cyber Group Studios

Four little dinos and one BIG Gigantosaurus learn to dare! Season 2 brings dino-mite all-new adventures to life and takes the team to exciting never-before-seen locations. It also introduces new characters, including extra-adorable baby dinos. The upcoming stories are both hilarious and heartwarming


HAILEY AND THE HERO HEARTS HAILEY AND THE HERO HEARTS 2021, Canada, 26x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Terru Sahecki Backgrounds | Feitong Cartoons Animation | Feitong Cartoons Music | Jonathan L. Evans Production | Epic Story Media Inc., Reesee Entertainment Coproduction | Reesee Entertainment Distribution | Epic Story Media Distribution Inc.

Hailey, a charmingly meddling 7-year-old girl with bigger than big emotions gets a magical heirloom bracelet for her birthday, that transforms her daily issues into huge adventures in her house, that Hailey must emotionally decode and heroically solve in order to return home.


HIGHLANDERS MONTANARI 2021, Italy, 13x4' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Walter Codato Backgrounds | Marco Acheben Animation | Arte e Crescita edizioni Music | Marco Giardina Production | Arte e Crescita edizioni



Series of adventures between 3 people and many animals, with: Arthur a child with an extraordinary ability to face the most difÞcult feats; the grandfather who lives with him in the castle on the mountain; Benedetta, a young Scout who left the city to stay in the woods with wild animals.

KANGAROO BEACH KANGAROO BEACH 2020, Australia, 26x11' Tecnique | 3D Direction | David Webster Backgrounds | Darren Keating Animation | InÞnite Frameworks Music | Michael Szumowski Production | Cheeky Little Media Pty Ltd, ABC Coproduction | ABC Distribution | Sonar Entertainment

Four young animal friends, Pounce, Gemma, Neville and Frizzy, spend an action-packed summer at a spectacular beach, training as junior cadets with their lifeguard heroes. When an emergency breaks out, the cadets step up to help their heroes, putting their new skills and unique talents into practice.


KID-E-CATS TRI KOTA 2019, Russia, 142x5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Dmitry Vysotsky Backgrounds | n/a Animation | Pavel Genender Music | Dmitry Vysotsky Production | MetraÞlms Distribution | APC Kids SAS

Three little kittens live in a little town. Cookie, Pudding and their little sister Candy, as any kids, like to play, eat sweets and investigate about things around them. Every day their inquisitive mind leads those three to new adventures.


KIWI & STRIT KIWI & STRIT 2021, Denmark, 26x5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Esben Toft Jacobsen Animation | Jamie Holmes Music | Morten Dalsgaard Production | Copenhagen Bombay Distribution | Copenhagen Bombay Sales ApS



The two funny and furry little creatures Kiwi and Strit live in a clearing in the forest. They have very different approaches to almost everything but they are both playful and curious. In season 2 Kiwi & Strit discover new places that allow for new adventures and friendships.

LEO THE LION ЛЬВЁНОК ЛЁВА 2021, Ukraine, 10x6' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Arutiunov Andrey Backgrounds | Arutiunov Andrey Animation | Arutiunov Andrey Music | Zudin Ilya Production | Arutiunov

The heroes of the book sailed away on a journey for treasures, but unexpectedly discovered that the real treasure in the world is the nature and wildlife around us.


LITTLE TIARAS TSAREVNY 2020, Russia, 52x6' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Aleksandra Shokha Backgrounds | n/a Animation | n/a Music | George Zheryakov Production | Melnitsa Animation Studio Distribution | APC Kids SAS

Five Princesses - Rooney The Rusty Hair Princess, Lisa The Frog Princess, Daria The Never-A-Laugh Princess, Helen The Fair Princess, and Sleeping Princess Dorma - arrive from faraway lands to study wizardry on a mysterious island of Wondermont.


LOONEY TUNES CARTOONS LOONEY TUNES CARTOONS 2020, United States, 20x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Kenny Pittenger, David Gemmill Backgrounds | Grigor Kuzmanov Animation | Hal Newman Music | Joshua Moshier, Carl Johnson Production | Warner Bros Animation Distribution | Warner Bros television



Starring the iconic and beloved Looney Tunes characters — Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and other marquee characters — these classic pairings feature simple, gag-driven and visually vibrant stories.


Mush-Mush & the Mushables follows the comedy adventures of the Mushable community as together they put the fun back into fungi!

2020, France, 50x11' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Joeri Christiaen Animation | Cube Creative Music | Frederik Segers and Jan Duthoy Production | La Cabane Productions, Thuristar Coproduction | Thuristar Distribution | Cake Entertainment


NEFERTINE ON THE NILE NEFERTINA SUL NILO 2020, Italy, 52x11' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Maurizio Forestieri Backgrounds | Barbara Bongini Animation | 3DCGS Music | Roberto Frattini Production | Graphilm Srl Coproduction | Cyber Group Studios Distribution | Cyber Group Studios

Nefertina is a brave 8-year-old girl who lives in Ancient Egypt. She wants to become the Þrst scribe-reporter in the history of Egypt. Together with her group of friends, Nefertina lives many exciting adventures exploring Pyramid’s tunnels, chasing mummies and uncovering secretes of the Sphinx!


NINA & OLGA NINA & OLGA 2021, Italy, 52x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Lisa Arioli Backgrounds | Enanimation Animation | Mondo TV Italia Music | Gigi Meroni Production | Rai Ragazzi Coproduction | Enanimation Distribution | Beyond Rights



Nina is 6 years old. Her best friend is a little cloud, Olga. They spend their time between “upper” and “down” world, learning to understand it and handle their emotions, that often arise uncontrollably, just like Olga’s rain. Most of the times though, it will help Nina to get through difÞculties.

ODDBODS ODDBODS 2020, Singapore, 1x22' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Simon Pike Animation | One Animation Studios Music | Kristin Dyrud Production | One Animation Pte Ltd Distribution | One Animation Pte Ltd

When Fuse’s catch of the day turns out to be long-forgotten treasure, he unleashes a curse that puts him and his friends at the very top of the Dread Pirate Oddbeard’s naughty list!


PETRONELLA APPLEWITCH PETRONELLA APFELMUS 2020, Germany, 39x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Emilie Rimetz Backgrounds | Peter Gyenes Animation | Sébastien Virat Music | Cherilyn MacNeil Production | Akkord Film Produktion GmbH, ZDF, SERU Animation GmbH & Co. KG Coproduction | ZDF Distribution | Global Screen

Life is never boring when your best friend is an Apple Witch! Petronella loves her garden and all its creatures, from a goofy bunch of apple stick men to grumpy goblin Thornbush. She uses all her magical powers to care for them, but her magic is… well, a bit improvised.


PIPER'S PONY TALES PIPER'S PONY TALES 2021, Canada, 30x4' Tecnique | 2D, Other, Puppetry Direction | Ben Mazzotta Animation | Pixels & Coffee Media Inc. Music | Jonathan Evans, Spaceman Music Productions Inc. Production | PPT Digital Production Inc. Distribution | Epic Story Media Distribution Inc.



Piper loves to daydream about having a pony of her very own but for now, the closest thing she’s got is her toy horse, Spark and her stable playset. Piper has turned her playroom into a sprawling setting to act out exciting adventures along with her neighbour Paloma and her best friend Casey.

PUFFINS PUFFINS 2020, Italy, 15x5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Giuseppe Squillaci Backgrounds | Galactus Studio - Assemblage Entertainment Animation | Galactus Studio - Assemblage Entertainment Music | Matteo Curallo Production | Iervolino Entertainment SpA Distribution | Short Art Media LLC

The PufÞns Tic, Tac, Didi and Pie wait for you in their Clubhouse, to live together incredible (mis)adventures: yoga lessons, treasure hunts, alien pufÞns, vikings and so much more! Guided by the former rock star Johnny Puff and hindered by Otto, they will learn the meaning of true friendship!


SARDINE IN OUTER SPACE SARDINE DE L'ESPACE 2019, France, 52x12' Tecnique | 2D Production | Toon Factory Coproduction | Studio Redfrog

The youngest and spunkiest space traveller in the universe! Follow Sardine, Little Louie and The Captain Yellow Shoulder's intrepid crew in their never-ending Þght against super villain Supermuscleman and his evil sidekick Dr. Krok! Aboard the Huckleberry the joyous team will have great adventures!


SENNINHA ON THE CRAZY RACE SENNINHA NA PISTA MALUCA 2020, Brazil, 13x15' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Chico Bela and Bianca Senna Production | Gloob Coproduction | Instituto Ayrton Senna Distribution | Grupo Globo



Inspired by Ayrton Senna, world's legend of F1 Racing, the series is about the adventurous of the F1 driver and his friends on the neighborhood race track. Thanks to Tracktrix, a machine created by one of the kids, they will live the most incredible experiences in extraordinary worlds!

SOS FAIRY MANU SOS FADA MANU 2019, Brazil, 26x12' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Jean de Moura Production | Gloob, Boutique Filmes Coproduction | Boutique Filmes

Manu has just received a very unusual invitation: to become the new Fairy Godmother of the Enchanted Kingdom. Now, besides her inexperience and lack of ability with magic, she’ll have to learn how to help princesses, grant wishes and face everything that threatens the Kingdom’s peace.


THE ENCHANTED VILLAGE OF PINOCCHIO IL VILLAGGIO INCANTATO DI PINOCCHIO 2021, Italy, 52x13' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Stéphane Mit Music | Matteo Locasciulli Production | Palomar s.p.a, Method Animation (On Kids and Family), ZDF Coproduction | Method Animation (On Kids and Family) Distribution | Mediawan Rights

They all lived happily ever after and had lots of children. The end? Not at all, this is just the beginning of the story of Pinocchio and the Enchanted Village where the beloved fairy tale characters from our childhood live with their sons and daughters. Surprising adventures and comedy guaranteed!


THE OTHER WAY WOLF VOLK NAOBOROT 2020, Russia, 24x11' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Ira Elshansky Backgrounds | n/a Animation | n/a Music | H&I Studio Production | Diversity Studio



The cartoon series unite three fairy-tales with the Wolf being an antihero - "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Wolf And Seven Goatlings", "The Three Little Pigs". They all are brought into the new reality with the vegan Wolf , smartphone mirrors and charmed Internet forest.

THE SMURFS LES SCHTROUMPFS 2021, Belgium, 52x11' Tecnique | 3D Direction | William Renaud Music | Brad Breeck Production | Peyo Productions and Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel Distribution | IMPS

Peyo’s beloved characters are careening back on TV in a brand new, high-voltage, 3D version of this perennial favorite. Using pure Smurf DNA from the comic books, this new series aimed at girls and boys will push the charm and absurdity of the original to greater heights.


WOW ANIMALS UAU ANIMAL 2020, Brazil, 20x2' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Vinicius Oppido Backgrounds | Caio Tamashiro Animation | Bruno Leal Music | Ultrassom Music Ideas Production | PushStart

Aboard a magic bicycle, Bio, a curious and adventurous boy, Capy, a fun capybara who loves to try to be other animals, and Tufo, an organized and intelligent gecko, travel through the biomes of the world and give tips for their followers to Þnd out which animal lives in each habitat.


ZAMZOOM'S ANIMAL ADVENTURES ZAMZOOM'S ANIMAL ADVENTURES 2020, Canada, 1x4' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Production | Rotating Planet Productions



Join Zamzoom - an enthusiastic, if a little impetuous, space animal - and his robot partner, Orbie, as they zoom through space on an uproarious intergalactic expedition to Earth to discover extraordinary creatures. Together, our odd duo research team provides laughs and science in bite-sized pieces!

100% WOLF - LEGEND OF THE MOONSTONE 100% WOLF - LEGEND OF THE MOONSTONE 2021, Australia, 26x22' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Sergio DelÞno Animation | Les Turner Production | Flying Bark Productions in association, ABC Australia Coproduction | ABC Australia Distribution | Studio 100 Media GmbH

Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line of werewolves, was in shock when on his 13th birthday his Þrst “warÞng” went awry, turning him into a ferocious… poodle. At mysterious Howlington Academy, Freddy is going to try to prove that despite his appearance, he still has the heart of a werewolf!


ARCTIC FRIENDS ARCTIC FRIENDS 2020, Italy, 15x5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Giuseppe Squillaci Backgrounds | Galactus Studio Assemblage Entertainment Animation | Galactus Studio - Assemblage Entertainment Music | Matteo Curallo Production | Iervolino Entertainment SpA Distribution | Paradox Studios LLC

Follow the thrilling adventures of the foxes Swifty and Jade, PB the bear and their friends in the cold Arctic land, where every day turns into an adventure! Our heroes will face daily challenges and unexpected situations with old and new friends… while always having fun, of course!


BOON & PIMENTO BOON & PIMENTO 2020, France, 30x1' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Paul Szajner Production | Xilam Animation, Cross River Production Coproduction | Cross River Production Distribution | Xilam Animation



If you could have anything you wanted delivered to your door, what would you get? For Boon the cat and Pimento the rabbit, the two friends always have something completely unexpected on order. Join them on their crazy (mis) adventures!

BOY GIRL DOG CAT MOUSE CHEESE BOY GIRL DOG CAT MOUSE CHEESE 2019, Ireland, 52x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Jérémy Guiter Backgrounds | Sophie Castaignede Animation | Matthieu Giner Music | Kirosen Production | CloudCo Entertainment, Kavaleer Productions, Watch Next Media Coproduction | Kavaleer Productions Distribution | CloudCo Entertainment

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese is an animated, comedic take on a blended family, with Dad’s “sons” (a boy, a dog and a mouse) and Mom’s “daughters” (a girl, a cat and a piece of anthropomorphic cheese) and despite their differences learning to live together under one roof.


CRAIG OF THE CREEK CRAIG OF THE CREEK 2020, United States, 115x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Jason Dwyer Backgrounds | Croy Fuller Animation | Byungki Lee Music | Jeff Rosenstock Production | Cartoon Network Studios Distribution | WarnerMedia

Craig and his two best friends, Kelsey and JP, are always going on adventures in the untamed suburban wilderness known as the Creek, a kid utopia where tribes of children rule over tree forts and bike ramps, making up an entire kid society.


DRONERS DRONERS 2021, France, 26x22' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Grégory Leterrier Backgrounds | Jean-David Fabre Animation | AnShawn Lin Music | Fabien Nataf, Alain Mouysset, Pierre Sissmann Production | Cyber Group Studios Coproduction | La Chouette Compagnie Distribution | Cyber Group Studios



Droners : Race to save the planet! A hightech adventure in an eco-friendly environment. A series full of action where team spirit excels.

ELLIOTT FROM EARTH ELLIOTT FROM EARTH 2020, United Kingdom, 16x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Rhys SyÞeld Backgrounds | Adrian Cathie Animation | Miyu Productions Music | Xav Clarke Production | Hanna - Barbera Studios Europe Distribution | WarnerMedia

Meet Elliott and his mom Frankie as they embark on an unexpected journey across the universe. They'll encounter amazing aliens, surprising species and cosmic creatures along the way, including Elliott's new best friend, a dinosaur named Mo.


GALACTIC AGENCY L'AGENCE GALACTIQUE 2021, France, 52x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Aleksandar Dzoni-Sopov Backgrounds | Cloé Legendre Animation | Yves Fleury-Collet Music | Pierre Gillet Production | Studio 100 Animation, CosmosMaya, Bardaf! Productions Coproduction | Cosmos-Maya Distribution | APC Kids

Your all-repair specialists, the Galactic Agency travels to any destination in the WashMash Galaxy to come to the rescue. There’s always something to do! But in this kooky-quirky universe Þlled with freaky creatures and oddities, nothing ever goes as expected!


GIGABLASTER GIGABLASTER 2020, Brazil, 26x12' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Marco Antonio Pavão and Thiago Martins Production | Gloob, Copa Studio, Estricnina Desenhos Animados Coproduction | Copa Studio Distribution | Grupo Globo



Gigablaster is about the adventures of Giga, Rubi, Ziggy and Cool Daddy, a very peculiar family, who lives in a karaoke place. They create songs that make huge success on the internet and get involved in a lot of trouble with the most improbable and funny villains.

I, ELVIS RIBOLDI JO, ELVIS RIBOLDI 2020, Spain, 1x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Javier Galan Backgrounds | Coronado Animation | Santi Comella Music | Pierre Bonnemère Production | Peekaboo Animation, Watch Next Media SASU, Wuji House SL, Insomne Animation Studio SL Coproduction | Watch Next Media SASU Distribution | Kids First Distribution

Elvis Riboldi is a good boy with a huge heart who always means well. He’s full of life... but taken to the extreme. He’s too energetic, too optimistic and too passionate, so things get way out of control. Thus, each time Elvis faces a problem, the problem gets… bigger. But always unwillingly!


MY FRIEND FROM TAU CETI МОЙ ДРУГ С ТАУ КИТА 2019, Russia, 24x11' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Production | JSC Telecompany Distribution | Animation Studio 100 Kilowatt

My friend from Tau Ceti adventures of nine-year-old Lapkin from Earth and a girl the distant Tau galaxy of constellation.

is curious boy Cyril Miao from the Cetus


SPACE DOGS. MYSTERIES OF THE COSMOS БЕЛКА И СТРЕЛКА. ТАЙНЫ КОСМОСА 2019, Russia, 6x6' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Andrey Rubetskoy Animation | Ekaterina Pershina Music | Ivan Uryupin Production | KinoAtis LLC Distribution | Epic Pictures



The Earth's satellite is facing a major meteor attack in less than a day. A team of Russian and American dogscosmonauts will have to take urgent measures to prevent a catastrophe.

SPACE NOVA SPACE NOVA 2021, Australia, 1x23' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Pablo De La Torre Animation | Giggle Garage Music | Russell Thornton Production | SLR Productions, Giggle Garage Animations Coproduction | Giggle Garage Animations Distribution | ZDF Enterprises

In the year 2161, the Nova family embark on an action-packed search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Their quest will bring them face-to-face with epic lifeforms and strange worlds beyond their wildest dreams.


THE BRILLIANT WORLD OF TOM GATES THE BRILLIANT WORLD OF TOM GATES 2020, United Kingdom, 20x12' Tecnique | 2D Direction | George Sawyer Backgrounds | Stuart LangÞeld Animation | Doug Wilson Music | Giles Lamb Production | TG Entertainment Ltd. Distribution | Sky UK

Tom Gates is a boy who is more focused on doodling and biscuits than his school work. His life is full of beady-eyed teachers, his school friends, the annoying Marcus Meldrew and grumpy sister Delia! A mixedmedia magazine format show which brings Tom Gates' brilliant world vividly to life.


THE FUNGIES! THE FUNGIES! 2019, United States, 40x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Derek Evanick Backgrounds | Michael Camacho Animation | Valerio Fabretti Music | Simon Panrucker Production | Cartoon Network Studios Distribution | Warnermedia



This prehistoric comedy from Stephen Neary explores Fungietown through the whimsical quests of Seth, a young student at Fungietown Elementary.

TOM & LILI TOMTOM & NANA 2019, France, 52x7' Tecnique | 2D Production | 4.21 Production

Welcome to the restaurant "La Fourchette", home to the hilarious pranks of Tom and Lili. The kids are full of energy and always on the go. Their wild imagination helps them dream up crazy schemes, which sometimes - well, always- get them into trouble. However no one can stay angry at these children!


WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE IO ALLA TUA ETÀ 2020, Italy, 52x11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Mathieu Gouriou Backgrounds | Mathieu Gouriou Animation | Mobo Music | Frank Hédin and Nathalie Loriot Production | Rai Ragazzi Coproduction | Mobo Srl Distribution | Zodiak kids

Paul is restless and bored with everything. His parents suggest activities, but nothing seems to tempt him. Flung back into the 80’s, Paul helps Primrose promote her math club, which no one is interested in.


WHERE'S CHICKY? T’ES OÙ CHICKY ? 2020, France, 52x1' Tecnique | 3D Direction | William Hoareau Production | Cube Creative Productions Distribution | Xilam Animations



Chicky is an adorable, irresistible little chick who discovers a new place and an unknown object in each of his adventures. In season 2, Chicky is welcoming Bekky, his best friend and Poyo, a little playmate! Situations full of laughter and unexpected surprises for our three little friends!

CYBERPUNK 2077 CYBERPUNK 2077 2020, Poland, 999' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | CD Projekt S.A. Distribution | Bandai Namco Entertainment France S.A.S. (Italian Branch)

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, actionadventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modiÞcation. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality.


DOOM 3: VR EDITION DOOM 3: VR EDITION 2021, United States, 780' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Bethesda Softworks LLC Distribution | Bethesda Softworks LLC

DOOM 3: VR Edition transforms id Software’s critically acclaimed actionhorror shooter into a white-knuckle VR experience, immersing players in a terrifying world where Hell lurks around every corner.


GAME BUILDER GARAGE LABORATORIO DI VIDEOGIOCHI 2021, Japan, 0' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Nintendo Distribution | Nintendo



Ever wanted to make your own 3D platformer, high-speed racing game, or side-scrolling alien blaster? Bring your ideas to life with Game Builder Garage for Nintendo Switch, a fun way to make your own games.

GUILTY GEAR STRIVE GUILTY GEAR STRIVE 2021, Japan, 300' Tecnique | 3D, Other \/ Altro, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Arc System Works Co. Distribution | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

The cutting-edge 2D/3D hybrid graphics pioneered in the Guilty Gear series have been raised to the next level in “GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-“. The new artistic and improved character direction animations will go beyond anything you’ve seen before in a Þghting game!


IT TAKES TWO IT TAKES TWO 2021, Sweden, 660' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Direction | Josef Fares Backgrounds | Claes Engdal Animation | Claes Engdal Music | Gustaf Grefberg Production | Hazelight Studios Distribution | Electronic Arts

Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two. Invite a friend to join for free with Friend’s Pass and work together across a huge variety of gleefully disruptive gameplay challenges.


KNOCKOUT CITY KNOCKOUT CITY 2021, United States, 960' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Direction | Jeremy Russo Production | Velan Studios Distribution | Electronic Arts



Team up and duke it out with rival Crews in Knockout City, where EPIC DODGEBALL BATTLES settle the score in team-based multiplayer matches. Throw, catch, pass, dodge, and tackle your way to dodgeball dominance!

LITTLE NIGHTMARES II LITTLE NIGHTMARES II 2021, Sweden, 300' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Tarsier Studios Distribution | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

Little Nightmares II is a suspense adventure game in which you play as Mono, a young boy trapped in a world that has been distorted by an evil transmission. Together with new friend Six, he sets out to discover the source of the Transmission.


MARIO GOLF: SUPER RUSH MARIO GOLF: SUPER RUSH 2021, Japan, 0' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Camelot Software Planning Distribution | Nintendo

Join your favourite Mushroom Kingdom characters on the fairway for a super speedy round of golf in Mario Golf: Super Rush, only for Nintendo Switch.


MASS EFFECT LEGENDARY EDITION MASS EFFECT LEGENDARY EDITION 2021, Canada, 999' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Direction | Casey Hudson Production | BioWare Distribution | Electronic Arts



The Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from the highly acclaimed Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 games, including promo weapons, armors, and packs — remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD.

MIITOPIA MIITOPIA 2021, Japan, 0' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Nintendo Distribution | Nintendo

Set off on a whacky, whimsical adventure with a cast of friends in Miitopia on Nintendo Switch! Create your own party of Mii characters and face off against the Dark Lord, who has stolen the faces of Miitopia’s residents – including that of the King!


RATCHET & CLANK: RIFT APART RATCHET & CLANK: RIFT APART 2021, United States, 720' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Insomniac Games Distribution | Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC

Ratchet and Clank are back! Help them take on Dr. Nefarious and his new empire by battling hordes of robotic troopers in a cataclysmic expedition across dimensions.


RETURNAL RETURNAL 2021, Finland, 999' Tecnique | 3D, Multimedia Interactive Works Production | Housemarque Oy Distribution | Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.



Take on the hostiles of Atropos as Selene and uncover hidden secrets while trapped in a chaotic time loop. Break the cycle in Returnal.

SONG OF HORROR SONG OF HORROR 2021, Spain, 0' Tecnique | 3D, Interactive Multimedia Works Production | Protocol Games Distribution | Raiser Games

A 3rd person, Þxed-camera survival horror adventure. Fear the Presence, a mysterious entity you cannot Þght: stay alert, hide, breathe slowly... Explore cursed places where unseen spirits and lost souls linger in a true horror story for the ages.


ANIMAL HOUSE ANIMAL HOUSE 2020, Italy, 20x7' Tecnique | 2D, Muppet masks, live action and 2D graphic animation Direction | Andrea Zingoni Backgrounds | Thea Ambrosini Animation | Silvia Sciotta Music | Nico Palermo Production | Rai Ragazzi, T-Rex Digimation Srl Coproduction | T-Rex Digimation Srl Distribution | Show Lab

A cross-media Social Show dealing with the news and hot contemporary topics of the world of youth us-ing great rhythm and a surrealistic touch. Helped by their crazy inßuencers and other guests, the conduc-tors help us to Þnd out what it means for teenagers to live in these animal-like times.


BLUE BUILDING DETECTIVES DETETIVES DO PRÉDIO AZUL 2020, Brazil, 26x26' Tecnique | Other, Live-Action Direction | André Pellenz Production | Gloob, Conspiração Filmes Coproduction | Conspiração Filmes Distribution | Grupo Globo



Three inseparable friends get together every afternoon to play, but Leocádia, their evil building manager, always gets in their way. When something Þshy happens around the building, they become the Blue Building Detectives!

BRAINIACS ESCOLA DE GÊNIOS 2020, Brazil, 26x26' Tecnique | Other, Live-Action Direction | Marcelo Cordeiro and Jefferson De Production | Gloob, Mixer Films Coproduction | Mixer Films Distribution | Grupo Globo

Isaac is 12 years old and earns an opportunity to get his education at a very special place: the Genius School. Among new friends, he faces incredible experiences. However, when introduced to Robotics, he Þnds a way to help his quadriplegic sister to play videogames again.


ENDLINGS ENDLINGS 2020, Canada, 12x22' Tecnique | Live Action Animation Direction | J.J. Johnson Animation | Matthew J.R. Bishop Music | Virginia Kilbertus Production | Sinking Ship Entertainment Distribution | Sinking Ship Entertainment

The year is 2041; Julia, Johnny, Tabby, and Finn continue to help their extraterrestrial friend Ling save fantastical endlings. When Ling accidentally shows Tabby a vision of their quest failing, they learn that Ling's powers don't just allow the alien access to their pasts but also their futures.


GAME CRASHERS BUGADOS 2019, Brazil, 26x26' Tecnique | Other, Live Action Direction | Fabricio Bittar Production | Gloob Coproduction | Floresta Realizações Audiovisuais Distribution | Grupo Globo



Tired of saving the universe hundreds of times a day, Glinda, Neo and Tyron, video game characters, escape the screens to live new adventures. The galaxy’s heroes become real kids and will have to face all the wonders of every child life.

HALLOWEIRD HALLOWEIRD 2021, Italy, 15x22' Tecnique | Other, Live action Direction | Giorgio Romano Backgrounds | Andrea Fiaschi Music | Filadelfo Castro Production | Stand by me srl Distribution | Asacha Media Group

Four 13-year-olds Þnd themselves on an incredible adventure after reading a magical book:they must learn to handle the powers of a vampire,a witch,a werewolf and a ghost.The only way to escape this curse is to follow the bizarre advice of Cormac,a centenarian wizard trapped in the body of a child.


MARTA & EVA MARTA & EVA 2021, Italy, 20x22' Tecnique | Other, Live Action Direction | Claudio Norza Music | Max Moroldo Production | Rai Ragazzi, 302 Original Content Coproduction | 302 Original Content Distribution | Brands & Rights 360

Marta trains hard in skating but her real passion is singing. Eva studies music but her real passion is skating. A strong friendship is born between the two girls, bound by a pact: they will train each other. Together they will come to realize what it means to Þght to Þnd their place in the world


MINDFULCAMP MINDFULCAMP 2021, Italy, 20x6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Nico Malaspina Backgrounds | Costantino Muciaccia Animation | Oculus Lab Music | Flipper Music Library + Matteo Scelsa Production | KidsMe srl Distribution | De Agostini Editore



Mindfulcamp is a colorful tent that brings children closer to Mindfulness’world. They are taken through a new dimension where they can learn to handle emotions and feelings. Their lovely guides are the Gentle Bunny and the Attentive Monkey.

POV THE FIRST YEARS POV I PRIMI ANNI 2021, Italy, 52x12' Tecnique | Other, Live action Direction | Davide Tosco Music | Mario Conte Production | Rai Ragazzi, Showlab Srl Coproduction | Showlab Srl Distribution | Newen Connect

The series follows from a realistic perspective a group of students during their Þrst two years of high school. It touches on themes that young people identify with such as the search for their identity, the dynamics of school learning, physical appearance, bullism, family discomfort, and so on.


READY MUSIC PLAY READY MUSIC PLAY 2021, Italy, 12x13' Tecnique | Other, Live Action Direction | Davide Picardi Backgrounds | Alice Preda Animation | Giorgio Macellari, Fabio Danisi Production | Banijay Italia Distribution | De Agostini Editore

It’s a TV programme presented by Jody Cecchetto: an amazing lip-sync challenge between 4 inßuencers: Giulia Savulescu, Virgitsch, Michelle Cavallaro and SoÞa Dalle Rive. In every episode characters are involved in challenges with a particular theme that are staged on the best songs.


SHIMAJIRO: A WORLD OF WOW! SHIMAJIRO NO WAO! 2020, Japan, 30x23' Tecnique | Animation and live action Direction | Teppei Eriguchi Backgrounds | The Answerstudio Co. Animation | The Answerstudio Co. Production | Benesse Corporation Coproduction | TV Setouchi Broadcasting Co. Distribution | Benesse Corporation (doing direct sales)



Popular preschool educational series since 1993 providing enticing experiences for kids to learn about the world around them. The international award-winning program draws out kids innate curiosity. This episode explores our relationship with the ocean via conservation, livelihoods and other themes.

UNLOCKDOWN UNLOCKDOWN 2021, Italy, 15x12' Tecnique | Other, Live Action Direction | Gianluca Leuzzi Backgrounds | Isabella Bruno Animation | Giorgio Macellari Music | Flipper Music Library Production | KidsMe srl Distribution | De Agostini Editore

Five guys, that are not particularly friends, are forced to live a new lockdown.Their parents “decided to be stuck on vacation” and they have to live a cohabitation that will bring them to know each other better, but above all, to know deeper themselves.


WHATSANNA WHATSANNA 2020, Italy, 12x16' Tecnique | Live Action Direction | Lorenzo Silvestri Backgrounds | Stefano Vecchiarelli Animation | Giorgio Macellar, Fabio Danisi Music | Flipper Music Library Production | KidsMe srl Distribution | DeAgostini Editore

Anna, teenager who divides her life between her room and the emotional world of her mind. She wants to make money therefore she decides to rent her large bedroom, thinking to realize an enterprise that brings her great proÞt…but it will bring her many trouble!


AQUATEAM - SEA ADVENTURE ACQUATEAM - MISSIONE MARE 2021, Italy, 0x0' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Massimo Montigiani Music | Indòru; Antoniano Bologna Production | Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana, GraFFiti Creative Coproduction | GraFFiti Creative Distribution | GraFFiti Creative



The AquaTeam is made up of the worldfamous super-marine biologist Marysun and an octopus named Otty. Along with a new little friend, Desy, they set out to explore the Mediterranean Sea. Their mission is to save a pod of sperm whales from the threat of a treacherous “plastic soup”.

CRASH CASANOVA EVERY DAY A SUPER POWER CRASH CASANOVA OGNI GIORNO UN SUPER POTER 2018, Italy, 10x10' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Adamo Antonacci Backgrounds | Giacomo Cardelli Animation | Fabio Bianchini Music | Carlo Chiarotti Production | Adamo Antonacci

Crash Casanova is a 13-year-old boy obesessed with winning the Mister Fascination school prize. hit by a ray from space he acquires a different superpower every day,but he never knows what it will be and this creates funny situations, even for his companion in misfortune who is an old talking sock.


HITCH STORIES HITCH STORIES 2021, France, 13x3'' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Guido Manuli Backgrounds | Guido Manuli Animation | Guido Manuli Music | Gounod - repertorio Production | Guido Manuli

Following the lines of the famous Hitchcock tv series, HITCH presents a short detective stories in a humorous key.


INTRODUCTION TO THE MIDDLE AGES INTRODUZIONE AL MEDIOEVO 2021, Italy, 26x7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Lino Signorato - Marco Marchetti Backgrounds | Lino Signorato - Marco Marchetti Animation | Lino Signorato - Marco Marchetti Music | François Moussavou Ngoma Production | Lino Signorato



"Stories of Italy" is a popular series of historical events that took place on the Italian territory from the time of ancient Rome to the present day. The idea of "Storie d'Italia" was born from the meeting of two distinct personalities and developed from the creation of three video clips.

TOM'S TINY TOYS TOM'S TINY TOYS 2020, Canada, x11' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Steven Majaury Backgrounds | I-Master Studio Animation | I-Master Studio Music | Library Production | Syon Media, JY Animation Coproduction | JY Animation

Tom is running down the street. He falls and doesn’t notice that Marvin fell onto the sidewalk. At the park, Tom and María discover that Marvin is missing! Uh oh. Back at the sidewalk, Elliot the neighbor stumbles upon Marvin and brings him home. Tiny Toys… Let’s GO! Time for a rescue mission!


10 THOUSAND KILOMETERS 10 TYSYACH KILOMETROV 2021, Russia, 6' Tecnique | Frame by frame animation Direction | Silvestrova SoÞa Alexeyevna Backgrounds | Silvestrova SoÞa Alexeyevna Animation | Silvestrova SoÞa Alexeyevna Music | Silvestrova SoÞa Alexeyevna Production | School-Studio "SHAR"

a house at the edge of a forest, where everyone is lonely in their own way. a cold-hearted mother and a faceless father, the resentment and love towards each of them. the transparent man gets closer, the crack in the ground gets bigger


3 WALLS & A ROOF 3 MURS & UN TOIT 2020, France, 9' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Mathilde Dugardin Animation | Orane Laffra Music | Victor Calon Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde



Deep into her dreams, Ava wanders through the mysterious walls of her childhood dollhouse.

7TH FLOOR 7E ÉTAGE 2020, France, 4' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Clémentine Laurent Animation | Clémentine Laurent Music | Virgile Guiost Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde

Clarence lives on the 7th ßoor. Locked in with her loneliness, she's trying to write a book. The arrival of a strange neighbor might just shake up her daily life.


A MYSTERIOUS HAT A MYSTERIOUS HAT 2020, Taiwan, 4' Tecnique | 2D Direction | DU Animation | DU Music | WU Production | Self production

In a cloudy forest, a hat that people Þght for appeared in front of the protagonist, and then magical things kept happening...


A TINY TALE LATITUDE DU PRINTEMPS 2020, France, 8' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Sylvain Cuvillier Animation | Chloé Bourdic Music | Romain Camiolo Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde



A dog gets abandoned on the side of the road. Attached to a street light, he stays alone until the day he meets a young astronaut wannabe and a professional cyclist who keeps on trying to beat her highest score.


3 children in recess discuss the ups and downs of adoption.

2020, France, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Mathilde Vollekindt Animation | Mathilde Vollekindt Music | Oscar Descamps Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde


AGAPE AGAPE 2020, France, 7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Gabrielle Siraudin Animation | Gabrielle Siraudin Music | Kevin Bardin Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde

Eliott is a 13 year-old boy, forced to follow his mother through teleportations out of her control. But will his love for her be enough to bear the weight of their relationship?


ALTÖTTING ALTÖTTING 2020, Germany, 11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Andreas Hykade Backgrounds | Regina Pessoa Animation | Elena Walf Music | Daniel Scott Production | Studio Film Bilder GmbH, National Film Board of Canada, Ciclope Filmes Coproduction | National Film Board of Canada Distribution | Studio Film Bilder GmbH



You know, when I was a boy, I fell in love with the Virgin Mary. It happened in a little Bavarian town called ALTÖTTING.


About abuse, cats and matchboxes.

2020, Russia, 5' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Varya Yakovleva Backgrounds | Varya Yakovleva Animation | Natalia Fedosova Music | Maxim Shutikov Production | School-Studio


ANY INSTANT WHATEVER ANY INSTANT WHATEVER 2019, United Kingdom, 05' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn, Other, Paint on Cell Direction | Michelle Brand Animation | Michelle Brand Music | Michelle Brand & Ed Rousseau Production | Royal College of Art

A man in a room, in a Þlm – it is the becoming of something and simultaneously becoming in itself. Nothing is as solid as we believe. The Þlm explores our perception of time, bodies and objects, and our inability to comprehend the full motion of things.


ASHES 晍ᅉ 2020, Taiwan, 6' Tecnique | 2D, Stop Motion, Hand-Drawn Direction | Hsin-Hsuan Yeh Backgrounds | Hsin-Hsuan Yeh Animation | Hsin-Hsuan Yeh Music | Chung-Yang Wang Production | Taipei National University of the Arts



If the Þre nearby is already hard to rescue; how can you extinguish the ßames that last forever? What you can do is let them be, and try to Þnd things left in the ashes.


The revived images of the artist Roland Topor behave itself in the most unpredictable way

2020, Russia, 5' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Yekaterina Vdovina Backgrounds | Yekaterina Vdovina Animation | Yekaterina Vdovina Music | Yekaterina Vdovina Production | School-Studio


BEMOL BÉMOL 2021, Switzerland, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Oana Lacroix Backgrounds | Oana Lacroix Animation | Oana Lacroix Music | Jérôme Vittoz Production | Nadasdy Film

A featherless nightingale sings in the forest. Its lullaby puts the crying bear cub to sleep, calms down two Þghting squirrels, and entertains a couple of swans in a nearby pond. One day, a storm breaks over the forest and the nightingale gets caught in it. It gets a cold and can't sing anymore.


BENZTOWN BENZTOWN 2021, Germany, 5' Tecnique | 3D, Other, mixed media life action camera shots + 3D Direction | Gottfried Mentor Animation | M.A.R.K.13 Studios GmbH & Co. KG Production | Studio Film Bilder GmbH Distribution | Studio Film Bilder GmbH



A town is driven mad. The city of Stuttgart Þghts back with heavy action against its chaos. With far reaching trafÞc consequences. Other cities might follow the signal...

BIG BOOTS BIRTHDAY: A TEE AND MO MINI MUSICAL BIG BOOTS BIRTHDAY: A TEE AND MO MINI MUSICAL 2020, United Kingdom, 11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Dominic Minns Backgrounds | Nat Cooper Animation | Nat Cooper Music | Ellie Wyatt Production | Plug-in Media Ltd

A Tee and Mo mini musical spectacular! It's Tee's birthday, and he is very excited about getting bigger but worried this means he can’t be ‘little' any more. Luckily, Mo is there to remind Tee that she’ll be growing with him, every step of the way.


BIG SMALL य़ ੜ 2021, Taiwan, 5' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Chen-ying Backgrounds | Chen-ying Animation | Chen-ying Music | Mi-ge Production | Chen-ying

“Bigger”,”smaller”, ”taller”, ”shorter” etc. Such concepts are all related to the idea of comparison. Using the pointer Þnger and the thumb to measure around, measure the world҅to compare with the world. How big or how small am I? Then to realize things we see are not always what we thought.


BOO! BOO! 2021, Russia, 2' Tecnique | Other Direction | Sabrekova Regina Azatovna Backgrounds | Sabrekova Regina Azatovna Animation | Sabrekova Regina Azatovna Music | Louie Zong Production | HSE Art and Design School



A story about how quickly you can improve your skills due to the support of your loved ones. It’s also about light bulbs, entrances without elevators and timely replacement of the light bulbs in such entrances.

BORING ENNUI 2020, France, 5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Timothey Delhaize Animation | Timothey Delhaize Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde

Five strangers are stuck in deep boredom. Their imagination is the only thing that remains to try and get out of it.


CANICAS CANICAS 2021, Mexico, 12' Tecnique | 2D, 3D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Eduardo Altamirano Backgrounds | Vivian Cedillo Animation | Vivian Cedillo Music | Eduardo Altamirano Production | Cocoa López Studio, Instituto Mexicano de la Cinematografía IMCINE Coproduction | Instituto Mexicano de la Cinematografía IMCINE

Luis, an orphan boy selling marzipan on the streets, meets Mariana, an impulsive and energetic girl. As the years go by they remain connected, and will experience the bouncing of a lifelong friendship.



Cell is the story of Daniel Hope, a prisoner forever haunted by his past.

2020, France, 6' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Corentin Becq Animation | Corentin Becq Music | Xavier Roumagnac Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde



CHASING STARS CHASING STARS 2019, Netherlands, 2' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Laura Aldofredi Backgrounds | Laura Aldofredi Animation | Laura Aldofredi Music | Ottavia Marini Production | Laura Aldofredi

Chasing Stars tells the magic journey of a young girl, who's looking for her home and own place in the world. The journey takes place in the Arctic and the main character is helped by a very special friend, a Beluga whale.


CHEESE FORMAGGIO 2021, Italy, 10' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Claudio Giusti Backgrounds | Alessandro Casini Animation | Claudio Giusti Music | David Boldrini Production | Claudio Giusti (Fat Unicorn) Coproduction | Okubo Station

2 little mice discovers the beauty of the moon that reminds them of their favorite food: a wheel of cheese. The short Þlm is an original opera, made speciÞcally for this animation.



This Þlm was inspired by a poem. "You're sweet He said, Sweet, is a characteristic Or, a reward Or, a desire To be Your favorite Chocolate” It is about a subtle psychology in the intercourse between men and women. Once a woman began to change herself too much, she became the chocolate in the box.

2021, China, 4' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Zhang lili Backgrounds | Zhang lili Animation | Zhang lili Music | Zhang lili Production | Zhang lili



CLOTHES ON RAINY DAY ᵨॠጱᤏ๐ 2020, Taiwan, 4' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Shih Hung Wu Backgrounds | Shih Hung Wu Music | MinChieh Shih Production | Weeler Studio Distribution | Weeler Studio

A father’s daily life of taking care of a baby , whether it’s washing clothes, cooking, or bathing, was all troubling. In the end, the father was swallowed up by the trivialities of life.


CORNSTALK DYLDA 2020, Russia, 8' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Anastasiia Zhakulina Backgrounds | Anastasiia Zhakulina Animation | Anastasiia Zhakulina Music | SoÞa Petkevich Production | School-Studio

This is a story about a Princess, whose life is not so easy because of her giant height. The King arranges a ball in an attempt to marry off his daughter. But all the suitors run away in horror. Despair and a chance lead the Cornstalk to where she Þnds her happiness.


DIGESTION DIGESTION 2020, France, 4' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Annabelle Tamic Animation | Chloé Musa Music | Pierre-Antoine Naline Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde



Digestion, a playdough adventure. Digestion, an invitation to look in depth into ourselves. Literally.

DISORIENTED DÉSORIENTÉE 2020, France, 7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Fleur Orgeas Animation | Tomoe Inoue Music | Julien Mazet Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde

Lilas and Amber, two young girls of Vietnamese origin that were adopted and educated in France, go back to Vietnam. Amber, the big sister is just there for tourism. Lilas, the little sister, is euphoric and hopes she'll Þnd a part of herself in Vietnam...


DOG'S FIELD PSIE POLE 2020, Poland, 12' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Michalina Musialik Animation | Michalina Musialik Music | Anna Lis Production | Fumi Studio Distribution | Fumi Studio

Animals closed in a ßat with a decomposing corpse of their owner try to survive. In this difÞcult situation one of the dogs Þnds out that love for its owner is stronger than animal instinct.


DOGS SMELL LIKE THE SEA SOBAKI PAKHNUT MOREM 2020, Russia, 4' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Anastasiya Lisovets Backgrounds | Anastasiya Lisovets Animation | Anastasiya Lisovets Production | HSE Art and Design School



It is like to get a dog, but the dog decided, that “someone” else is her owner, not you. And it is possible to live without this “somebody”, but the dog is frustrated and does not want to go for a walk. But when it hears “someone’s” bicycle bell, it happily wags the tail and runs to catch “him”.

FILA WHITE LINE FILA WHITE LINE 2020, Italy, 1' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Gabriele Bollassa Backgrounds | Gabriele Bollassa Animation | Gabriele Bollassa Music | Claudio Garimoldi Production | Fondazione FILA Museum

This is how our short Þlm was born: the story of an ace, a single decisive point that determines a victory, a career, a story. We also couldn't miss the formidable Bjorn Borg, whose iconic look is the basis of our character.


FLORA LINGUIS FLORA LINGUIS 2021, Spain, 7' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Daniela Godel Backgrounds | Daniela Godel Animation | Daniela Godel Music | Daniela Godel Production | Daniela Godel Distribution | Promofest

"In the taxis they recognize us as the family of the languages". My little exploration around multilinguism, a small mess of colors, emotions and thoughts, all in different languages.


FLUMINA FLUMINA 2021, Italy, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Antonello Matarazzo Backgrounds | Chiara Rapaccini Animation | Antonello Matarazzo Music | Rocco De Rosa Production | Antonello Matarazzo



"Flumina" is a daring helpless ramshackle going at breakneck speed towards the sea following the current, escaping, from paper titans, to every evil.

FRANCESCO FRANCESCO 2020, Italy, 30' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Lisa Arioli Backgrounds | Irene Tarticchio Animation | Enmusixsrl Music | Gigi Meroni Production | Rai Ragazzi, Enanimation Coproduction | Enanimation Distribution | ShowLab

Around 1219 a Sultan in Egypt recalls a special encounter. A man, Francesco, during the Þfth Crusade, manages to get through his camp unarmed to confer with him. That encounter changed their lives and the course of history.


GHIATTO GHIATTO 2020, Italy, 1' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Giacomo Carruolo Backgrounds | Giacomo Carruolo Animation | Luca De Benedictis Music | 2Bstudio Production | CrocoPie Studio

"Ghiatto" is a very short Þlm about a cat struggles against its own laziness and weight to reach the much-needed meal.



Gruf is a grafÞti character that comes to life in animation. Gruf falls in love with the street artist who created him. He desperately tries to Þnd her in the shabby streets of Tel Aviv and discovers that inter-dimensional love is not easy.

2021, Israel, 9' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Dovi Keich Backgrounds | Leela Gal Animation | Dovi Keich Music | Ophir Gal Production | Dovi Keich



HABOOB ‫هَبوب‬ 2020, Iran, 9' Tecnique | 2D, Other,, 2D Animation, Live Action Direction | Mahsa Samani Backgrounds | Mahsa Samani Animation | Tayebeh Baghbani Atoosa Ghaffari Music | Mim Rasouli Production | DEFC, DEFC, DEFC Coproduction | DEFC Distribution | DEFC

A man and his daughter are used to living in harmony and peace with nature, but some disruptions change their lovely little life.


HANGED MAN'S REVENGE HANGED MAN'S REVENGE 2021, Italy, 3' Tecnique | Stop Motion Direction | Fabio Catalano Backgrounds | Fabio Catalano Animation | Fabio Catalano Music | Ruben Doda Production | Matteo Ferrari

On a foggy night, the sailor Edward is in search of a ghost ship that legends tell is home to an immense treasure protected by a dark curse ...


HE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT COSMOS ON NE MOZHET ZHIT BEZ KOSMOSA 2019, Russia, 16' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Konstantin Bronzit Backgrounds | Roman Sokolov Animation | Vera Shiganova Music | Valentin Vassenkov Production | Melnitsa animation studio, Melnitsa animation studio Coproduction | Melnitsa animation studio Distribution | Melnitsa animation studio



This story is about mother and son. It is also about love and human destiny.


Teresa receives process.





2021, United States, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Katherine Ruiz Animation | Katherine Ruiz Production | Katherine Ruiz


INSECT PARK INSECT PARK 2020, Italy, 4' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Daniele Zen Backgrounds | Daniele Zen Animation | Daniele Zen Music | Matteo Gobbi Production | Eclettica

When Caterpillar arrives at the local insect park, Þve insect skaters are performing amazing tricks. He's much more younger and unskilled, but the elders convince him to drop the ramp. He's scared and falls during the jump, hurting himself. But the healing period makes him stronger...


INSIDE ME INSIDE ME 2019, Germany, 5' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Maria Trigo Teixeira Animation | Maria Trigo Teixeira Music | Falk Meutzner Production | Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf



A clear decision surrounded by mixed feelings. A young woman recounts her experience with abortion.

JELLYDREAM JELLYDREAM 2021, Italy, 1' Tecnique | Other, VR painted environments and 2D computer animation Direction | Emilia Gozzano Backgrounds | Emilia Gozzano Animation | Emilia Gozzano Music | sony music - mattatoio n_5 Production | AiR Lovere artist residence

What happens when we fall asleep? In this short Þlm a girl in her beach house falls asleep and Þnds herself wandering between neurons and electrical impulses. She experiences what the dreams are according to the Activation-synthesis theory.


JOURNEY WITH MR. MR. VOYAGE AVEC MONSIEUR MONSIEUR 2019, France, 3' Tecnique | Stop Motion Direction | Celine Brengou Backgrounds | Celine Brengou Animation | Celine Brengou Music | Pablo Pico Production | Tant Mieux Prod Distribution | Promofes

As the landscapes unfold behind the train’s window, thoughts roam freely and the mind wanders : Mister and Mister discourse.


JUAN VIENTO JUAN VIENTO 2020, Argentina, 5' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Carlos Farina Backgrounds | Carlos Farina Animation | Carlos Farina Music | Carlos del Río Production | Carlos Farina Distribution | ShortsFit



Juan is in charge of keeping the park clean, making the wind his worst enemy. However, this time the wind holds a surprise for him.

KOLOBOK. HANDMADE КОЛОБОК. РУЧНАЯ РАБОТА 2021, Russia, 9' Tecnique | Stop Motion Direction | Ksenia Kandaurova Backgrounds | Ksenia Kandaurova Animation | Ksenia Kandaurova Music | Aleksey Yablokov Production | Ksenia Kandaurova

Traditional Russian folk tale about a life of a singer from the beginning to an end in songs and gestures.


KOREAN FLIGHT 858 KOREAN FLIGHT 858 2021, Germany, 5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Anton Krümpelmann Animation | Anton Krümpelmann Production | Anton Krümpelmann

The Þlm Korean Flight 858 is based on the real events of two North Korean agents who planted a bomb on an airplane in 1987. The theme of the Þlm is the inßuence of propaganda and the increasing importance of this topic due to digitization.


LIKE AND FOLLOW LIKE AND FOLLOW 2019, Japan, 2' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Tobias Schlage and Brent Forrest Backgrounds | Tobias Schlage and Brent Forrest Animation | Tobias Schlage and Brent Forrest Music | David Arcus Production | Forrest-Schlage



A Þlm about addiction to smartphones and becoming oblivious to what happens in the real world. A psychological Þlm, it transposes a mental state into staging, presenting a boy being enslaved by his phone. The boy’s internal conßict turns external by portraying his mobile phone as a character.

LITTLE FROG LILLE FRØ 2020, Denmark, 8' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Kim Hagen Jensen Backgrounds | Bjarne Hansen Animation | Martin Madsen Music | Kristian Selin Eidness Andersen Production | Happy FlyÞsh Rights ApS Distribution | Qvisten Animation AS

A cute little frog lands right in the middle of the little frog family's dinner. At Þrst, he is adorable, but soon he turned upside down by it all. Can a Little Frog really be that badly behaved?


LORENZO AND THE MIRROR LO SPECCHIO DI LORENZO 2021, Italy, 13' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Angela Conigliaro Backgrounds | Sarah Khoury Animation | Digitoonz Mike Parker Music | Elio Production | Rai Ragazzi, beQ entertainment Coproduction | beQ entertainment Distribution | Festivaal Distribution

Lorenzo’s world is the bubble of his autism, which prevents him from communicating. Until it’s torn by a pocketmirror. When he Þnds the courage to look into it, he sees the world without fear, learning to communicate through his reßection, helped by his friend SoÞa and his superhero brother.


LUCERNA LUCERNA 2021, Italy, 7' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Emilia Gozzano Backgrounds | Alessandro Spedicato Animation | Emilia Gozzano Music | Amos Cappuccio Production | Centro Sperimentale di CinematograÞa



A girl goes on a journey into her mind, led by her younger sister that sheds light on their path to the most painful memory.

MACCHINA MACCHINA 2020, France, 5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Louis Pennequin Caniot Animation | Louis Pennequin Caniot Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde

A father drives his young son to a strange and frightening place. Is he ready to become an adult like his father?


MESSAGE FOR YOU MESSAGE FOR YOU 2021, Belgium, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Axel Dumont Animation | Fabrice Blin, Paul Mattei Music | Axel Dumont Production | Axel Dumont Distribution | Distribution with Glasses

A hen stops to follow the chicken superÞcial crowd and crosses the wall to reach a new artistic world. She ßies here and there to meet new artistic suggestions submerged by Art.


MICROTOPIA MICROTOPIA 2020, France, 3' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Audrey Defonte Animation | Audrey Defonte Music | François Woestyn Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde



Observe and discover creatures and how they interact with each other within an organic-mechanic micro-world.

MIGRANTS MIGRANTS 2020, France, 8' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Hugo Caby Animation | Aubin Kubiak Music | Yann Menou Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde

Two polar bears are driven into exile due to global warming. They will encounter brown bears along their journey, with whom they will try to cohabitate.


MILA MILA 2021, Italy, 20' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Cinzia Angelini Backgrounds | Alexandra Kavalova & Richard Smitheman Animation | Eric Cheung Music | Flavio Gargano Production | Rai Ragazzi, Pixel Cartoon, IbiscusMedia (USA) - Cinesite (Canada) Aniventure (UK) Coproduction | Pixel Cartoon

A war story from a child’s perspective, inspired by the memories of the director’s mother about World War II. Although she has lost everything, Mila still clings to hope. With her humanity and her imagination, she manages to have a profound impact on others, including a stranger who saves her.


MISHOU MISHOU 2020, Germany, 8' Tecnique | 2D and real miniature sets Direction | Milen Vitanov Backgrounds | Susanna Jerger Music | Leonard Petersen Production | Milen Vitanov, Activist 38, ZDF TV Coproduction | Activist 38 Distribution | KurzÞlm Agentur Hamburg



The lives of four lively arctic hares take a turn after discovering a strange new creature.

MOM MOM 2020, France, 9' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Kajika Aki Ferrazzini Backgrounds | Kajika Aki Ferrazzini Animation | Kajika Aki Ferrazzini Music | Théophile Loaec & Arthur Dairaine Production | Autoproduced Distribution | Silex Films

Set in a dystopian world, a young girl runs for her life while cameras broadcast the action. A declaration of love to the memories shaping our dreams for the future.


MONKEY DOMINO AFFENDOMINO 2021, Germany, 4' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Ulf Grenzer Backgrounds | Ulf Grenzer (animation) Animation | Ulf Grenzer Music | Ephraim Peise Production | Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Distribution | Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

An ape is reminiscing about his life in the jungle. At the zoo he meets a manager and his daughter, who is a great fan of animals. The manager can't do his job via mobile and laptop, while the Orangutan and the girl both have a lot of fun together. A chain of events changes his cage-life for ever.


MORNING BREAKFAST TIG E PAPY - O CAFÉ DA MANHÃ 2021, Brazil, 8' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Sergio Martinelli Animation | Billy Fernandes, Guto Bozzetti, Marco Túlio Rodrigues Music | Claudio Girardi Production | Zooparky Animation Studio



A great mystery involves an apple tree whose fruits fall already bitten! To help the elephant Ely, who is hungry and can't get an apple that has not been bitten, only the detectives Tig and Papy will be able to solve this mystery.

MUM IS POURING RAIN MAMAN PLEUT DES CORDES 2021, France, 27' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Hugo De Faucompret Backgrounds | Arthus Pilorget Animation | Eva Lusbaronian Music | Pablo Pico Production | Laïdak Films, Dandelooo Coproduction | Dandelooo Distribution | Dandelooo

Jane is looking forward to spending Christmas with her Mom who is going through a little depression, but she is sent unknowingly to her Grandma’s instead. The holidays turn out to be quite an adventure as Jane meets new friends: Cloclo, the gigantic hobo who lives in the forest, and Sonia and Leon.


MY ANNOYING SHADOW: ARLO'S SOOOO THIRSTY! MY ANNOYING SHADOW: ARLO'S SOOOO THIRSTY! 2021, United States, 1' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Mike Blum Backgrounds | Sarah Cierlak Animation | Jon Henshaw Production | Pipsqueak Animation

Arlo's soooo thirsty after playing basketball he could drink a liter of water. But you won't believe how many funny ways his shadow, Wilder, will try to prevent him from getting even one sip. Who has the last laugh? Watch and Þnd out!


MY GRANDPA KNOWS KING KONG MI ABUELO CONOCE A KING KONG 2019, Spain, 7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Miguel Sae Plaza Backgrounds | Miguel Sae Plaza Animation | Miguel Sae Plaza Music | Josè Antonio Guerra Production | Miguel Sae Plaza Distribution | Promofest



An incredulous Grandfather and his excited granddaughter go to the cinema to see a Þlm of King Kong. The Þlm is from when King Kong was in the grandfather’s town.

MY LIFE IN VERSAILLES LA VIE DE CHÂTEAU 2019, France, 28' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat Backgrounds | Nathaniel Hulimi Animation | NICOLAS HUIt Music | Albin de la Simonet Production | FILMS GRAND HUIT Distribution | Dandelooo

Violette, an 8 years old orphan, is led to move to her uncle's Régis' house, who's working as a cleaner at the Palace of Versailles. She hates him and decides to stop talking to him. They will have to go through their mourning together


NORMAL NORMAL 2020, France, 11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Julie Caty Animation | Julie Caty Music | Portron Portron Lopez Production | Sacrebleu Productions

Dany is a rich heir who cheats his existential emptiness through hectic consumption of Magic'Powder – a drug with psychedelic and annihilating effects. While experiencing withdrawal symptoms, he meets Karl Marx who asks him to destroy capitalism in order to save the humankind.


NOT FOR MONEY NOT FOR MONEY, NOT FOR LOVE, NOT FOR NOTHING 2020, United Kingdom, 15' Tecnique | 2D Direction | John Robert Lee Backgrounds | Ola Szmida Animation | Ola Szmida Music | Vytautas Franukevicius Production | Zebra Stripe Films Distribution | ShortsFit



Using animation for anonymity, real questions are deliberated by real women, sharing real stories. Paula, with a mission to help women who have become trapped by abusive relationships and those who pay for the privilege. Jo, who owns a brothel, Chelsea, Rachel and Amelia.

NUMBERS TSYFRY 2020, Russia, 5' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Daria Lebedeva Backgrounds | Daria Lebedeva Animation | Daria Lebedeva Music | Denis Toom Production | School-Studio

This is a teamwork by students of the School-Studio “SHAR”, made as part of the learning process. Students were asked to draw an animation based on a sequential series of numbers


OLD MAN OLD MAN 2020, France, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Benjamin Fersing Animation | Benjamin Fersing Music | Luis Galceran Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde

Robert lost his wife about 50 years ago. He now lives alone but a recurring appearance has been brightening his days...


ONLY A CHILD ONLY A CHILD 2020, Switzerland, 06' Tecnique | Other, Miscellaneous of techniques Direction | Simone Giampaolo Animation | Walkingframes (Monica Santana and Julian Amacker) (CH, ZH) Majorlaine Perreten (CH, VD) Andrea Schneider (CH, ZH) Emilien Davaud (CH, GE) Brunner & Meyer (CH, ZH) Nino Christen (CH, ZH) Patrick Graf (PULK) (CH, ZH) Irmgard Walthert (CH, LU) Oswal Music | Flavio Gargano Production | Amka Films Productions Distribution | Premium Films



Only a Child is an omnibus animation short that gives shape and colour to Severn Suzuki’s original speech at the UN Summit in Rio (1992): a child’s desperate call to action for our planet’s future.

OUT OF THE GROUND IZ POD ZEMLY 2021, Russia, 2' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Lyubimtseva Anna Backgrounds | Lyubimtseva Anna Animation | Lyubimtseva Anna Music | Lyubimtseva Anna Production | HSE Art and Design School

Our Þlm is about the tragic love story of a potter and a woman. Both need clay and this common need creates a complex story full of joys and sorrows


PINGUINICS - THE ATTACK COMES FROM THE POLE PINGUINICS - O ATAQUE VEM DO POLO 2020, Brazil, 6' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Sergio Martinelli Animation | Rubens Alves Music | Claudio Girardi Production | Il Vagabondo Film Bakery

Terrible aliens prepare to invade Earth, but through the South Pole! Ooops! Yes ... It is by the South Pole, but our planet is well protected as they will have to face the Pinguinics, the most humorous group of Penguins on Earth.


PIRAT'TACK PIRAT'TACK 2020, France, 3' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Benjamin Langagne Animation | Marine Beuvain Music | Logan Sechi Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde



Two crazy pirates sail on the English Channel, facing them: an island and a treasure.

POLDINE POLDINE, DIE WOLFSMAUS 2021, Germany, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Daniel Acht, Jost Althoff Backgrounds | Jost Althoff Animation | Jost Althoff Music | Alex Müll Production | Wolkenlenker

Little mouse Poldine has one big dream: To sing in a choir! Problem is; her way of singing is, well… different. Some might argue that she screeches. But for Poldine, it’s simply a matter of persistence until she Þnds the right group that will answer her call in more ways than one.


PRINCESS PRINCESS 2021, Italy, 9' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Lorenzo Bosi Backgrounds | Alessandra Piras Animation | Gabriele Scudiero Music | Fulvio Chiara Production | Centro Sperimentale di CinematograÞa

Hunter husband and taxidermist wife have a serious argument over a lost innocent kitten.


REAL LIFE LA VRAIE VIE 2020, France, 10' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Rosalie Loncin Animation | Rosalie Loncin Music | Vincent Jourde Production | Sacrebleu Productions



Tristan found a dead cat on the corner of his street, hit by a car and left there in the gutter to rot in the rain. The young man is shaken, and the image of the dead cat begins to haunt him. Real life goes on as best it can, but ends up becoming a kind of repetitive and anxiety-provoking dream.

RED GOLD ORO ROJO 2021, Spain, 12' Tecnique | Stop Motion Direction | Carme Gomila Backgrounds | Carme Gomila Animation | Odile Carabantes Music | Aurora Bauzà Production | SANMOR Desarrollo Empresarial SL (Novena Nube), Patricia Sánchez Mora (laudiovisual prod.) Coproduction | Patricia Sánchez Mora (laudiovisual prod.) Distribution | Marvin&Wayne

The Þlm is based on the protest of Moroccan women who pick strawberries in Huelvat: migration policies, the Þght against north to south global extractivism, racial capitalism... helping us to reßect on conßict’s complexity and its the representation.


ROOTS RACINES 2021, Belgium, 4' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn, Other, Rotoscopy Direction | Anaïs Mauzat Backgrounds | Anaïs Mauzat Animation | Anaïs Mauzat Music | Pierre Jacques Production | Anaïs Mauzat (Self-production)

How can we reconnect to our energy sources? How can we wake up to our life? A woman tries to come out of her torpor. Like the seeds that suddenly start their germination process, the pulsations of her body will guide her.


RUNNY RUNNY EGG ܎ᆧ܎ᆧᢓ 2020, Taiwan, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Anderson Huang, Chen yin chi Backgrounds | Anderson Huang, Chen yin chi Animation | Anderson Huang, Chen yin chi Music | Guang-Yi Lin, Yin-Chen Wen Production | Befun x Ash pillow



Dulu and Rumie, two cool dudes. Cook some eggs and eat some food.

SALT SALT 2020, United States, 6' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Alicia Scott Nichols Backgrounds | Dallin Jones Animation | Hana Hoki Music | Jarom Hansen Production | Brigham Young University

A young girl with a passion for music struggles to work as a salt harvester on the shores of Lake Retba. But with her mother's help, she Þnds rhythm in the world around her, bridging the gap between the lake and her love of music.


SANDMAN SANDMAN 2019, Russia, 3' Tecnique | 2D, Stop Motion Direction | Anastasya Nikolaeva Music | Yaroslav Gloushakov Production | Anastasya Nikolaeva

A man is consumed by loneliness. And for the sake of cherished love, he is ready for a lot. But is he ready to Þnd love at the cost of his life?


SECOND WEDNESDAY IN APRIL VTORAYA SREDA APRELYA 2021, Russia, 2' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Karaeva Svetlana Alanovna Backgrounds | Karaeva Svetlana Alanovna Animation | Karaeva Svetlana Alanovna Music | Karaeva Svetlana Alanovna Production | HSE Art and Design School



The story is about a hero who is haunted by space everywhere, and how she manages to get rid of it, to get into another environment

SEEN IT KANDITTUNDU 2021, India, 11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Adithi Krishnadas Backgrounds | Adithi Krishnadas Animation | Adithi Krishnadas Music | Nandhu Kartha Production | Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd. Distribution | Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd.

The ever-vibrant Mr. P. N. K Panicker has several shockers up his sleeve. He takes the viewer along a moonlit stroll and paints a quirky picture of the supernatural encounters he has had.


SHIREY MARA SHIREY MARA 2021, Belarus, 10' Tecnique | 2D, 3D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Nata Korneyeva Animation | Nata Korneyeva Music | Eldar Musin Production | Running Turtl, production company

The story is about reconciliation with the loss of a loved one, about waiting for the Þrst snow and about November dreams. A young wife of Joseph, Mara, dies. She drops off a magic box with her songs as a gift for him.


SNOW HEART COEUR DE NEIGE 2020, France, 7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Téo Criqui Animation | Clément Serralta Music | Maxence Evangelista Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde



Anna is an android. When her condition makes her obsolete, she decides to ßee the civilization on board an old train, in order to preserve what is most precious to her.

STINKY FROG SAPO XULÉ 2019, Brazil, 1' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Paulo José Animation | Rodrigo Mendes Music | Milton Miné Production | Il Vagabondo Film Bakery

Stink Frog never takes off his beloved sneakers, and that's why few people live close to him, but he doesn't give a damn about it, he just wants to dive in the pond, chat with the friends, train Kung Fu... and in that he is the master!


TABLE MESA 2020, Portugal, 10' Tecnique | 2D Direction | João Fazenda Music | Philippe Lenzini Production | Animanostra Distribution | Animanostra

A group gathers around a table. The food is served in a noisy environment, toasts are made and a happy birthday is sung, while we listen to the conversations. At some point there are already people sleeping, reading, and ßirting.



This story is a sarcasm to today’ society. All of the people in society are labeled with different tags since they came to this world. In the end, they decided to give up all the tags and became their true selves.

2021, China, 4' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Ziyi Wang



THE COW IN THE SKY LA MUCCA NEL CIELO 2020, Italy, 14'' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Francesco Filippini Backgrounds | Francesco Filippini Animation | Francesco Filippini Music | Adriano Aponte Production | Mad Entertainment SPA

It's the story of a ßower and a cow. Through the eyes of the animal we will observe the life cycle of a small cotton ßower.From that observation,the narrating cow will realize how interconnected the world is and how important both a tiny ßower and an anonymous cow are for the balance of the earth.


THE DALANG'S TALE THE DALANG'S TALE 2021, Malaysia, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Irwan Junaidy. Maizura Abas Backgrounds | The R&D Studio Animation | Julia Azureen Music | Andrew Bong Production | The R&D Studio

Two stories intertwine: one of a workaholic father and his growing impatience with his young son as they make their way to a wayang kulit show and the other of a man who dotes on his son but secretly inßicts acts of abuse on his wife before he disappears after a violent incident.


THE DEAD HANDS OF DUBLIN THE DEAD HANDS OF DUBLIN 2020, Ireland, 7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Leo Crowley Backgrounds | Rory Wolahan / Martin Connolly Animation | Aoife Doyle Music | Daragh Black Hynes Production | Pink Kong Studios Distribution | Pink Kong Studios



Sidney, a failed pianist comes into the possession of a pair of enchanted gloves. Upon wearing them he soon Þnds himself playing the piano like a maestro and all his dreams are quickly realised! However just when he thinks he has everything he has ever wanted fate deals him a cruel hand...

THE DOCTOR'S WIFE A MULHER DO MÉDICO 2021, Portugal, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Bruno Simões Production | Animanostra Distribution | Animanostra

The creative adventures of a doctor to help his wife to overcome the hurt caused by the infertility of their marriage



In a desolate world a train is rushing to an unknown destination.

2020, Netherlands, 3' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Daniel Wesseik Music | Carl Russell Production | Daniel Wesseik, Daniel Wesseik Coproduction | Daniel Wesseik


THE ENIGMA OF FAINA FAINANIN SIRRI 2021, Azerbaijan, 5' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Durna Safarova Backgrounds | Atilla Erkmen Animation | Atilla Erkmen Production | Chai Khana



The story is about a woman who lost her life under suspicious circumstances in a prison in 2007 in Azerbaijan. Silenced by the authorities and forgotten by society, Faina was one of a handful of outspoken female activists who fought for freedom, justice and democracy.

THEPRIMA FIRSTCOSA THING LA LA PRIMA COSA 2021, Spain, 19' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Omar Al Abdul Razzak Backgrounds | Shira Ukrainitz Animation | Shira Ukrainitz Music | Olivier Arson Production | Tourmalet Films, Amalia Studio, Midralgar Coproduction | Amalia Studio Distribution | Marvin&Wayne

A friendship between Kookoo Rikoo, the only Arab Christian Israeli clown, and a war survivor, a Syrian girl.


THE GRANARY IL GRANAIO 2021, Italy, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Arianna Binaghi Backgrounds | Gabriele Bollassa Animation | Arianna Binaghi Music | Fulvio Chiara Production | Centro Sperimentale di CinematograÞa

Two abandoned little sisters live miserably inside a barn. On a bad day the Þelds become the surrounding battleground between two imperial armies. The sisters, cleverly manipulate the two emperors and Þnally celebrate the victory of cunning over the dullness of power.


THE GRAY HOUSE THE GRAY HOUSE 2020, United States, 3' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Jim Warren Backgrounds | Alexandra Derderian Animation | Jim Warren Music | Inspector 34 (Jim Warren) Production | Sad Milk Collective



Music video for "The Gray House" by Inspector 34. Concept and animation inspired by the lyrics.

THE HABIT ПРИВЫЧКА 2020, Russia, 8' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Alexey Karaev Animation | Alexandr Rubtsov Music | folk music Production | Filmcompany, SNEGA Distribution | Filmcompany, SNEGA

The animated Þlm "The habit” is based on a poem by the Ossetian poet Kosta Khetagurov. In a joking form, it is told about how the hero of the Þlm outsmarted his very bad habit and life in the village improved.


THE HAPINESS OF SOME LE BONHEUR DES UNS 2020, France, 8' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Laure de Châteaubourg Animation | Clémence Janssens Music | Laure de Châteaubourg Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde

Achille is a dairy farmer whose son, Félix, comes to visit his father for a week end. During this time, this young father, exhausted by his work and slowly giving up on his passion, will be confronted to his son, passionate about the work and the life in the farm.



Animation inspired by the poem "The InÞnite" by Giacomo Leopardi

2020, Italy, 2' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Simone Massi Backgrounds | Simone Massi Animation | Simone Massi Music | Stefano Sasso Production | Simone Massi Distribution | Promofest



THE MISTRESS OF THE COPPER MOUNTAIN KHOZIAYKA MEDNOY GORY 2020, Russia, 13' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Dmitry Geller Backgrounds | MariaRakitina Animation | Svetlana Zimina Music | Oleg Paiberdin Production | School-Studio

A rare emerald has been found in the taiga. He will change many owners, but will not bring happiness to anyone. The story in this Þlm is based on the Ural mining factory folklore.


THE TOWN OF FORGOTTEN THINGS LA CITTÀ DELLE COSE DIMENTICATE 2021, Italy, 17' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Massimiliano Frezzato Backgrounds | Massimiliano Frezzato Animation | Francesco Filippi Music | Elisa Misolidio Production | Studio Mistral

A blackbird takes care of all forgotten things. One 17' long story in just one drawing (43m long). An animated Þlm where the animation is imagined.


THE WET SOCKS OF BERTA REYES MOKRYIE NOSOCHKI BERTY REIS 2020, Russia, 11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Alexandra Shadrina Backgrounds | Alexandra Shadrina Animation | Alexandra Shadrina Music | Dmitry Shumilov Production | School-Studio



In the abandoned rocky place there is a little village where few people live. One of them called Big Tommy Þnds the lost socks near the sea cost and starts a very funny game.


A father and his daughter on the run from strange creatures.

2020, Switzerland, 07' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Sunitha Sangaré Backgrounds | Sunitha Sangaré Animation | Sunitha Sangaré Music | Sebastian Androne-Nakanishi Production | Nadasdy Film


THIN ICE DISPARUS 2020, France, 7' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Pauline Epiard Animation | Pauline Epiard Production | Rubika Distribution | Je Regarde

Followed by his faithful cameraman, a shady reporter takes off on a journey to document a presumed exctinct species.


TIDE MARÉ 2019, Portugal, 14' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Joana Rosa Bragança Music | Tiago Albuquerque Production | Animanostra Distribution | Animanostra



Brought by the waves of the sea, a fantastic being of gigantic size discovers a pleasant place of great natural beauty, and makes it his home, becoming the guardian and soul of the place.


"The youth has that beautiful thing that it can admire without understanding."

2020, France, 5' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Océane Lavergne Animation | Yann Laurent Music | François Woestyn Production | Pôle 3D Distribution | Je Regarde


UNBEARABLE GRIEF PLUSHEVOYE GORE 2020, Russia, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Salavat Konurbaev Backgrounds | Salavat Konurbaev Animation | Salavat Konurbaev Music | Ameria Hime Production | School-Studio

The Þlm tells about how children perceive the adult world. Boys play war, girls bury her “killed” lovely bear. Fortunately, it’s impossible to die in a toy war. Life goes on.


UP UP 2021, South Korea, 14' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Hyeonwoo Yoo Backgrounds | Jiyoung Kim Animation | Juyoung Nam Music | Jeong-in An Production | Jeongin An



Hangyeol and Minjun, two long-time friends enjoy drama club activities. But there is a big problem with Hangyeol and it makes them drift apart. 2 years later, they meet again by coincidence and they patch up with each other by metaphorical scenes.

URBAN GOAT GORODSKAYA KOZA 2020, Russia, 11' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Svetlana Razguliaeva Backgrounds | Svetlana Razguliaeva Animation | Svetlana Razguliaeva Music | Marat Faizullin Production | School-Studio

In the rural Siberia, where there is only an airÞeld and a disco in the village club of all the entertainment, the city goat arrives to work. In a small village, she immediately attracts the attention of men, but the Goat herself can not take her eyes off the rude, but such a cute Wolf.


VADIM ON A WALK VADIM NA PROGULKE 2021, Russia, 7' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Sasha Svirsky Backgrounds | Sasha Svirsky Animation | Sasha Svirsky Music | Alexey Prosvirnin Production | School-Studio

Finally, Vadim goes out of a tight square space where he has been used to sitting. He embraces the brave new world and his renewed life


WATER POLLUTION WATER POLLUTION 2021, India, 2' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Subbalakshmi Venkitadri Production | Toonz Media Group



Water Pollution


Three factions begin multiple battles by sea, land and air.

2020, Italy, 3:3' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Francesco Lorussi Backgrounds | Francesco Lorussi Animation | Francesco Lorussi Music | Francesco Lorussi Production | IED Istituto Europeo di Design Spa


WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON NOAHS ARK WAS WIRKLICH GESCHAH AUF DER ARCHE NOAH 2020, Germany, 9' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Albert Radl Backgrounds | Albert Radl Animation | Albert Radl Music | Arno Zimmermann Production | Radl Animation

“What really happened on Noah’s Ark” reveals what we did not know for a long time, but always guessed: The animals on Noah’s Ark are a happy bunch, always friendly and always in a good mood. But when it comes down to it, everyone is even the next …


WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?... AND WHERE DO THEY GO? WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?... AND WHERE DO THEY GO? 2021, Germany, 4' Tecnique | 3D, Animated in VR Direction | Christen Bach Backgrounds | Christen Bach Animation | Christen Bach Music | Christen Bach Production | RocknRoll Animation



All the animals are on the move. But where do they come from?... and where do they go?


An oracular voyage in exploration of one's origins.

2020, Italy, 13'' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Francesco Filippini Backgrounds | Antonella Monticelli Animation | Ivan Cappiello Music | Enzo Foniciello Production | Mad Entertainment SPA, Sky Arte Coproduction | Sky Arte


WINTER TALE WINTER TALE 2020, Italy, 2' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Andrea Giro Backgrounds | Andrea Giro Animation | Barbara Dossi Music | Taizo Audio Production | Primal Shape S.r.l.

A lonely lumberjack need some wood to make his winter wormer and he will meet some little friends in the icy winter.


XILBALBA ‫شیبالبا‬ 2021, Iran, 6' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Erfan Shams Animation | Mohammad Mirvahabi Production | Peyman Shahmohamadi, Mohammad Mirvahabi Coproduction | Mohammad Mirvahabi Distribution | Peyman Shahmohamadi



A unique perception of life or, “there is a world inside the world” The Big Bang theory and other theories about the creation of the world are challenged. This challenge ultimately has an answer: the cycle of life and birth is not interrupted and is a part of a whole ...

ZOG AND THE FLYING DOCTORS ZOG AND THE FLYING DOCTORS 2020, United Kingdom, 25' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Sean Mullen Animation | Giant Animation Music | René Aubry Production | Magic Light Pictures Distribution | Magic Light Pictures

Zog and the Flying Doctors is a comic adventure about the unlikely trio of Princess Pearl, Sir Gadabout and Zog the dragon which tests each of them to their limit and eventually unites them as a brilliant team.


100% WOLF 100% LUPO 2020, Australia, 85' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Alexs Stadermann Production | Flying Bark Productions

Freddy Lupin is certain to become a fearsome werewolf, but on the stroke of his 14th birthday, during his Þrst transformation, something goes wrong and Freddy Þnds himself transformed into a ferocious… poodle. With the help of a street stray named Batty, Freddy has to proving he's still 100% Wolf.


ABSOLUTE DENIAL ABSOLUTE DENIAL 2021, United Kingdom, 71' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Ryan Braund Animation | Ryan Braund Production | Bridge Way Films Coproduction | Absolute Denial Films LTD Distribution | SC Films International



A genius programmer sacriÞces everything in his personal and professional life to build a supercomputer of unprecedented power. Soon the artiÞcial intelligence develops beyond anything he could imagine and the lines between reality and fantasy become increasingly blurred.

BEST BIRTHDAY EVER BEST BIRTHDAY EVER 2021, Netherlands, 75' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Michael Ekblad Animation | Submarine Production | Submarine, Slugger Film, Alexandra Schatz Filmproduktion, SC Films International Coproduction | Slugger Film Distribution | SC Films International

Little Charlie, a small rabbit, lives with his loving family. Like many 5 year olds, he goes to a school and plays with his friends. He's used to having his parents’ full attention, but all of that changes when his baby sister is born, leading to an unexpected adventure with his best friend Monica.


ELULU ELULU 2020, Chile, 61' Tecnique | 2D, 3D, Stop Motion, Other, With real photo backgrounds Direction | Gabriel Verdugo Soto Backgrounds | Gabriel Verdugo Soto Animation | Gabriel Verdugo Soto Music | Gabriel Verdugo Soto Production | BeloÞlms

An unemployed scientist / painter returns to his childhood home to mourn his mother, What he doesn't know is that the house is secretly inhabited by a special caterpillar and her three companions with superpowers, who are in their own particular search.


FELIX AND THE TREASURE OF MORGAA FÉLIX ET LE TRSÉOR DE MORGÄA 2021, Canada, 84' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Nicola Lemay Backgrounds | Philippe Arseneau Bussières Animation | Yann Tremblay Music | Gilles Léveillé Production | 10th Ave Productions Distribution | Attraction Distribution



Convinced his father still lives, 12-yearold Felix embarks on a search for him with Old Tom, a retired Þsherman; Squawk, a one-legged parrot. Their journey takes them to an Island, where a secret community inhabits, ruled by the megalomaniac Morgäa, possessor of a priceless treasure.

FIXIES VS. CRABOTS FIXIES VS. CRABOTS 2019, Russia, 80' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Vasili Bedoshvili Production | Riki Group Distribution | Central Partnership

Fixies are little creatures who live inside machines and appliances and take care of equipment. One day, elusive creatures appear there. They spy on the Fixies and threaten their privacy. Who are these strange robots-crabots, what do they need and who is standing behind them?


SCOOB! SCOOB! 2019, United States, 94' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Tony Cervone Music | Tom Holkenborg Production | Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution | Warner Bros. Pictures

“SCOOB!” reveals how lifelong friends Scooby and Shaggy Þrst met and how they joined with young detectives Fred, Velma and Daphne to form the famous Mystery Inc. Now, with hundreds of cases solved and adventures shared, Scooby and the gang face their biggest, most challenging mystery ever.


SPACE DOGS. TROPICAL ADVENTURE БЕЛКА И СТРЕЛКА. КАРИБСКАЯ ТАЙНА 2020, Russia, 80' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Inna Evlannikova Animation | Alexey Chistov Music | S. Vasiliev Production | KinoAtis LLC Distribution | EPIC Pictures



A mysterious anomaly occurs off the coast of Cuba – a huge water tornado draws in water, draining the ocean. Belka and Strelka are sent by the Soviet rules to the island of fraternal peoples with an intelligence mission.

STARS OF THE SEVENTH SKY ЗВЕЗДЫ СЕДЬМОГО НЕБА 2020, Belarus, 73' Tecnique | Hand-Drawn Direction | Elena Turova Animation | Svetlana Kovalevskaya Music | Leonid Shirin Production | National Film Studio BelarusÞlm

On the once happy planet, a misfortune happened: people stopped seeing the stars and became selÞsh and cruel. The boy Sasha and his brave friends set off on their way to the Seventh Heaven to save the fairies and bring the magic candlestick to them.


TARSILINHA TARSILINHA 2021, Brazil, 92' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Celia Catunda Music | Zeca Baleiro Production | Pinguim Content

Tarsilinha is an 8-year-old girl who sets off on a journey to save her mother’s memory. To do this, she must Þnd the keepsakes her mother keeps in her memory box, which were taken by a caterpillar from a fantastic world.


TOM & JERRY TOM & JERRY 2020, United States, 101' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Tim Story Music | Christopher Lennertz Production | Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution | Warner Bros. Pictures



One of the most beloved rivalries in history is reignited when Jerry moves into New York City’s Þnest hotel on the eve of “the wedding of the century,” forcing the event’s desperate planner to hire Tom to get rid of him, in director Tim Story’s “Tom & Jerry".

TRASH TRASH 2020, Italy, 88' Tecnique | 3D Direction | Luca della Grotta, Francesco Dafano Production | Al-One Srl

Boxes, bottles, cans. Refusals. Abandoned in the street, in the markets, under the bridges. Ignored by anyone, they set out in search of the magic pyramid, to have a new life.


WOLFWALKERS WOLFWALKERS 2020, Ireland, 103' Tecnique | 2D, Hand-Drawn Direction | Tomm Moore Backgrounds | Stefano Scapolan Animation | Svend Rothmann Bonde Music | Bruno Coulais Production | Cartoon Saloon Coproduction | Mélusine Productions

A young apprentice hunter and her father journey to Ireland to help wipe out the last wolf pack. But everything changes when she befriends a free-spirited girl from a mysterious tribe rumored to transform into wolves by night.


YAYA AND LENNIE - THE WALKING LIBERTY YAYA E LENNIE - THE WALKING LIBERTY 2021, Italy, 98' Tecnique | 2D, 3D Direction | Alessandro Rak Backgrounds | Annarita Calligaris Animation | Alessandro Rak Music | Dario Sansone Production | Mad Entertainment SPA Coproduction | Rai Cinema SPA Distribution | Rai Com SPA



This is the story of 2 free spirits that wish to Þnd their place in the wolrd.Yaya, a girl with a an untamed spirit and Lennie, a very tall man, more than 2 meters in fact, and affected by a mental retardation.They take care of each other by making sure to not have their last treasure:their freedom.

YOU ANIMAL! THE NIMFA DIMAANO STORY HAYOP KA! THE NIMFA DIMAANO STORY 2020, Philippines, 73' Tecnique | 2D Direction | Avid Liongoren Backgrounds | Rocketsheep Studio Animation | Rocketshepp Studio Music | Len Calvo Production | Rocketsheep Studio, Spring Films Coproduction | Spring Films



Nimfa Dimaano, a perfume saleskitty, is smitten by her customer Inigo - a dashing dog about town. Trouble is, Nimfa is with Roger, her janitor mongrel live-in mate. In this world of cats and dogs, amorous animals put their own spin on love triangles and daytime soap opera.

NOMINEES FOR SPECIAL PRIZE FOR THE BEST SOCIAL WORK, CHOSEN FROM AMONG THE IN-COMPETITION CATEGORIES ONLY A CHILD 2020, Switzerland Director: Simone Giampaolo Production: Amka Films Productions Category: Short Film

MOM 2020, France Director: Kajika Aki Ferrazzini Production: Autoproduced Category: Short Film

LA PRIMA COSA 2021, Spain Director: Omar Al Abdul Razzak Production: Tourmalet Films Category: Short Film

UNBEARABLE GRIEF 2020, Russia Director: Salavat Konurbaev Production: School-Studio Category: Short Film

LORENZO AND THE MIRROR 2021, Italy Director: Angela Conigliaro Production: Rai Ragazzi Category: Short Film

THE ENIGMA OF FAINA 2021, Azerbaijan Director: Durna Safarova Protuction: Chai Khana Category: Short Film

FRANCESCO 2020, Italy Director: Lisa Arioli Protuction: Rai Ragazzi Category: Short Film


AWARD The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund, Cartoons on the Bay’s partner, has chosen the most meaningful, among all the educational and social works that have been part of the pre-selection of the Festival Il Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l’infanzia, partner di Cartoons on the Bay, tra tutte le opere di carattere educativo e sociale che hanno partecipato alle preselezioni del festival, ha decretato come più significativa:

ONLY A CHILD “Only a Child” is an omnibus animation short that gives shape and colour to Severn Suzuki’s original speech at the UN Summit in Rio (1992): a child’s desperate call to action for our planet’s future.

“Only a Child” è un corto d’animazione che dà forma e colore al discorso originale di Severn Suzuki al vertice delle Nazioni Unite di Rio (1992): la chiamata disperata di un bambino ad agire per il futuro del nostro pianeta.



Only a child enlivens in an original and effective way Severn CullisSuzuki’s speech at the United Nations Summit of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. She was defined as “The Girl Who Silenced the World for 6 Minutes” with her speech addressed to the whole world leaders. Sadly very little has changed since that day but children are still the protagonists of this great battle against climate change. The fast-paced images accompany the narrating voice and the different styles of animation turn the video into a revolutionary manifesto about environmental awareness and inclusivity and definitely suitable for a wide audience.

Only a child Anima in modo originale ed efficace il discorso di Severn Cullis- Suzuki al Summit delle Nazioni Unite nel 1992 a Rio de Janeiro. Venne definita “La bambina che zittì il mondo per 6 minuti” con il suo discorso al Vertice della Terra. Purtroppo, da allora poco è cambiato ma i bambini restano protagonisti di questa grande battaglia sul cambiamento climatico. La immagini incalzanti accompagnano la voce narrante e l’alternarsi di vari stili di animazione rendono il video una sorta di manifesto rivoluzionario sul rispetto dell’ambiente e l’uguaglianza, adatto per un pubblico trasversale. .




REGULATIONS FOR THE 2021 “CARTOONS ON THE BAY” FESTIVAL 1. PURPOSE Rai Com S.p.A. (hereinafter Rai Com) organises the International CrossMedia and Children’s Television Festival, Cartoons on the Bay (hereinafter Cartoons on the Bay or the Festival) to support and showcase the current landscape, developments and new trends in the sector of media and entertainment dedicated to children. 2. VENUE, DATES, PROMOTERS The 25th edition of Cartoons on the Bay – 2021 will take place in date and modalities to be defined according to national provisions in respect of antiCovid 19 measures; the Festival is promoted by RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. (hereinafter RAI) and organised by Rai Com. 3. REPRESENTATIVES The President of Cartoons on the Bay is the President of Rai Com; The Artistic Director, appointed by Rai Com, arranges, coordinates and determines the guidelines for the Festival; The Editorial Committee is responsible for helping the Artistic Director to run the Festival; The Pre-Selection Jury assists the Artistic Director in choosing the works, from among those listed in the Competition section/page on the www.cartoonsbay. website, which will be admitted to the Official Selection, choosing the InCompetition works (Nomination) and Out-Of-Competition works (International Showcase); The International Jury, composed of n. 5 members, all professional experts with proven experience in the animation world, gives the Pulcinella Awards to the InCompetition works in the Official Selection; The International Feature Film Jury, composed of minimum n.3 members, all professional experts with proven experience in the animation world, gives the Pulcinella Awards to the Best InCompetition Feature Film and the special mentions; The Artistic Director has absolute discretion to choose the members of both the Editorial Committee and the Juries, who, at their sole discretion, shall carry

out the duties and activities within their remits with respect to the work selection and the prize winners; s/he shall hand out any other prizes envisaged in these Regulations in accordance with the procedures laid down herein. 4. PARTICIPATION RULES Participation is restricted to animated works from any country produced during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. Entering works for Cartoons on the Bay is free and requires online registration of the work on the www.cartoonsbay. website in the Competition section during the period from April 12th to June 21st 2021 and the sending of the relevant materials to the Festival Offices within the deadlines and according to the methods stipulated in these Regulations. It should be understood that the www.cartoonsbay. website may indicate any extensions for the registration and/or sending of materials; it is not possible to withdraw a registered work after the final deadline for registration. Only works in English or with English subtitles will be admitted to the competition (except for works where there is no dialogue). The sending of the materials is the exclusive responsibility of the party which registers the work; materials sent to the Festival Offices will not be returned; the use of these materials, including the relevant content, for the purposes of the Festival, is to be understood as free of charge; therefore, no fees of any kind are envisaged for such use. Works already registered for previous editions of the Festival will not be considered, except for subsequent seasons of Television Series and works previously entered for another category which have undergone different developments (it is the responsibility of the participant to indicate this when registering the work). Works that have already been candidates in the past in the In-Competition (Nomination) section may only enter the Official Selection in the Out-Of-Competition (International Showcase) section and, in such cases, it is the responsibility of the participant to indicate this when registering the work. Registering a work does not guarantee 106

an Accreditation for the Festival. Accreditations may be requested free of charge from the Festival website. It should be understood that the party who registers the work is exclusively responsible for the work’s registration for and participation in the Festival; the said party shall indemnify and guarantee the organisers and promoters of the Festival in relation to any claim and/or dispute raised by third parties in this regard. In the event that reasons of a technical or organisational nature should prevent, in full or in part, the Festival from being carried out according to the procedures and within the time frames laid down in these Regulations, Rai Com shall take the appropriate steps by providing notification through the www.cartoonsbay.rai. it website, which will also contain all information and updates concerning the Festival. Any requests for clarifications or further information may be sent to the Festival Offices by e-mail to the address, or through the official Facebook page of the Festival, once established. 5. OFFICIAL SELECTION The Official Selection includes the InCompetition (Nomination) and Out-OfCompetition (International Showcase) works; in both sections, the works are subdivided by Category of Competition. 5.1 IN-COMPETITION (NOMINATION) WORKS In-Competition (Nomination) works are candidates for the Pulcinella Awards, given during the Festival by the International Jury. 5 works may be entered for each category in this section (except for the Feature Films category, where the number of Nomination works may vary, at the discretion of the Artistic Director). For each In-Competition (NOMINATION) work, the Festival envisages: • online publication of the work information sheet (accompanied by images, credits and synopsis) on the website in the specific sections; • inclusion of the work information sheet (as per the previous point) in


the official Festival catalogue in paper, digital and/or online form on the www. website (Official Festival Catalogue); • inclusion of the work production and distribution companies in the Official Festival Catalogue; • free entry of the works into the Festival’s Digital Video Library, which may be viewed by all professionals at the Festival (the Video Library service will be active for the full duration of the Festival); • issuing of a certificate of participation, which will be sent after the end of the Festival in a digital or paper version; • public showing of the work for noncommercial ends during the Festival in relation to the Feature Films category and, at the sole discretion of the Artistic Director, for any other categories; • possible inclusion of the work in the Festival Show Reel for use, including for promotional purposes, by Rai Com and the RAI Group in other contexts within the reference sector; • the option for the owners of the work to use the wording and/or logo of the Festival (and/or, for prize winners, the title of the prize awarded) in their promotional activities according to the procedures stipulated on the website. The Festival reserves the right to vary the visibility given to the works based on the organisational requirements of the specific edition. 5.2 OUT-OF-COMPETITION WORKS (INTERNATIONAL SHOWCASE) Out-Of-Competition (International Showcase) works provide an overview of cultural, technological and industrial trends in the sector in the various geographical areas of the planet, with a particular focus on the most innovative projects. For each Out-Of-Competition (INTERNATIONAL SHOWCASE) work, the Festival envisages: • inclusion of the work information sheet (accompanied by images, credits and synopsis) in the Official Festival Catalogue; • inclusion of the production and distribution companies in the Official Festival Catalogue;

free entry of the work into the Festival’s Digital Video Library, which may be viewed by all professionals at the event (the Video Library service will be active for the full duration of the Festival). The Festival’s organisation reserves the right to vary the visibility given to the works based on the organisational requirements of the specific edition. 6. COMPETITION CATEGORIES The Official Selection is subdivided into the following Competition Categories: • Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) • Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) • Kids TV Series (7-11 years) • Interactive Multimedia Works • Live Action/Hybrid TV Series • TV Series Pilots • Short Films • Animated Feature Films The Festival reserves the right to move a work into a different category after registration, when it sees fit. 6.1 ANIMATED TELEVISION SERIES The Categories reserved for animated Television Series are subdivided by target audience: • Preschool – from 2 to 4 years • Upper Preschool – from 4 to 6 years • Kids – from 7 to 11 years The following instructions must be followed: – Only one episode is requested for each TV series, to be chosen by the proposing company. – For series which last for less than 1 minute, three episodes should be sent. 6.2. LIVE ACTION/HYBRID TV SERIES All television series for children produced exclusively or partly with live footage. 6.3 TV SERIES PILOTS Pilots and zero episodes of animated TV series – which represent an exhaustive narrative summary with the technical, artistic and content-related characteristics of the series which the creators intend to develop – must be registered in the TV Series Pilots category and not in the other categories subdivided by target audience. 6.4 INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA WORKS All Interactive Multimedia Works produced for fixed and mobile consoles that satisfy 107


the following PEGI (Pan European Game Information) classification requirements: PEGI 3, PEGI 7, PEGI 12, PEGI 16. However, at the absolute discretion of the Artistic Director, in agreement with the PreSelection Jury, works with a PEGI 18 classification may also be admitted to the competition. 6.5. SHORT FILMS Animated short films with the technical, artistic and narrative characteristics for a potential (and intended) television programme. Its purpose is to promote the inclusion of animated short films in broadcasters’ schedules. 6.6 ANIMATED FEATURE FILMS Animated feature films with the following technical, artistic and narrative characteristics: animated feature films with a minimum length of 40 minutes; characters created using a frame-byframe technique; works, 75% of the total length of which is composed of characters and animation (the Motion Capture technique alone will not be deemed valid). 7. AWARDS AND SPECIAL MENTIONS 7.1 PULCINELLA AWARDS The International Jury awards the following prizes to In-Competition (Nomination) works by Category: • Best Preschool TV Series Pulcinella Award (2-4 years) • Best Upper Preschool TV Series Pulcinella Award (4-6 years) • Best Kids TV Series Pulcinella Award (7-11 years) • Best Interactive Multimedia Work Pulcinella Award • Best Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Pulcinella Award • Best TV Series Pilot Pulcinella Award • Best Short Film Pulcinella Award The International Feature Films Jury awards the following prize to InCompetition works for the Feature Films Category: • Best Animated Feature Film Pulcinella Award And the following special mentions for In-Competition works in the Animated Feature Films category: • Best Screenplay • Best Director • Best Animation • Best Soundtrack



The Artistic Director, in agreement with the Editorial Committee, has the option of awarding the following Special Prizes: • Pulcinella Career Awards • Pulcinella Awards Studio of the Year • Pulcinella Special Awards The Artistic Director, in cooperation with UNICEF, will award the following Special Prize: “Special Prize for the Best Social Work”, chosen from among all the in-competition categories. 8. REGISTRATION AND SENDING THE MATERIALS 8.1 First phase – Online registration In order to enrol for the Festival, the work must be registered online, at the website in the “Competition” section no later than June 21st (the site may indicate extensions for registration). At the end of the registration procedure, a confirmation e-mail will be sent; if you do not receive an e-mail, please contact the Festival Offices at 8.2 Second phase – Activation of personal account The participant will receive a further, subsequent e-mail (which will be sent on average one week after completion of the first phase). This will contain a username and password (credentials) to access the portal at https://fileportal.rai. it and complete the next phase. These credentials are strictly personal. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact us at the following address: operations. 8.3 Third phase – Sending the materials All materials must be sent, in a single submission, no later than June 25th (the website may indicate any extensions for sending the materials). All materials must be labelled with the title of the work in English and the “registration number” (Web ID) given at the end of the registration procedure (e.g. 121_ANNE’S ADVENTURES), according to the following procedure: A folder must be sent, using the portal at, containing the following materials: the video of the work in its entirety, in English or with English subtitles and free from any watermark, with the following

specifications (the trailer must be sent for the interactive multimedia works category): • codec h264 mp4 container, resolution 1080p bitrate 5 – 8Mbps, alternatively • codec h264 mp4 container, resolution 720p bitrate 4 – 6 Mpbs • 3 images 300dpi resolution 1920×1080 pixel, images that represent the work, free from any logos or titles • signed registration confirmation e-mail (entry form) With specific reference to the Interactive Multimedia Works category, in addition to the foregoing, a copy of the game for each platform available (in the version on the market) must be sent. With specific reference to the Animated Feature Films category, after preselection, only the participants selected for the Competition will be asked to send (at their own expense) the film in its entirety, in English or with English subtitles, in DCP format with CRU, unencrypted or with KDM open for the entire duration of the Festival. The KDM must be sent by e-mail, with the subject line containing the English title of the work and the “registration number” (Web ID) given at the end of the registration procedure (e.g. 121_ANNE’S ADVENTURES), to the following address; the film must not have a watermark; failure to send the work will result in its exclusion from the competition. For any issues when following the procedure for uploading the contents, please contact us at the following e-mail address: Solely if there is good reason for so doing and subject to approval from the Festival offices, the aforementioned digital materials may be sent through the post. This procedure requires the same materials, with the same technical specifications, to be sent on hard disk/ pen drive by the deadline indicated above (as shown by the postage mark) to the following address: RAI COM S.p.A. Cartoons on the Bay Via Umberto Novaro 18 00195 – Rome, Italy Tel +39 06 331 78315 The characteristics indicated above must be verified thoroughly before the sending 108

of the materials. Materials sent to the Festival will not be returned. In the case of material that is incomplete or does not comply with the requirements indicated above, the Festival reserves the right to exclude the work from the selection process. Should the material sent be, for any reason, incomplete, different from the specifications indicated in these Regulations, damaged and/or unreadable, the work will not be considered registered for the Competition, unless the participant, acting on instructions from the Festival organisers, takes steps to remedy this. Therefore, the greatest care should be exercised when wrapping, packaging and shipping the materials. It should be understood that the candidate is responsible for the successful uploading of the files or the arrival of any materials sent through the post; therefore, for digital submissions, it is recommended that a suitable connection be used, with a bandwidth no lower than 20 Mbs. 9. RESULTS OF THE SELECTION PROCESS The Festival shall report the results of the Official Selection process in the specific section of the www.cartoonsbay. website (or, alternatively, an e-mail may be sent to the proposing party). For In-Competition (Nomination) works, the sending of further material may be requested (including multimedia files). 10. RIGHTS AND GUARANTEES The works presented at Cartoons on the Bay will be treated with the policy of confidentiality. By registering the work on-line and sending the material to the Festival organisation, those who provide it: authorise Rai Com and the RAI Group to use the registered work as part of the Festival’s various initiatives and through its means of transmission, during or outside the Festival; authorise Rai Com and the RAI Group to use the registered work to promote the Festival and its subsequent editions in any sphere; authorise Rai Com and the RAI Group to use extracts of the registered work for journalistic and promotional purposes of the Festival and its subsequent editions; guarantee that they are legitimately authorised to use the work, and that therefore the participation in the Festival


and the possible use by Rai Com and the RAI Group during the Festival and the initiatives related to it, will not occur in violation of third-party rights, expressly maintaining Rai Com and the RAI Group free from any damage or claim, without exception, that could derive from them, even with regard to the work’s title; guarantee, under the civil and criminal profile, the lawfulness of the work, both in content and form; guarantee to be the author, or in any case, the holder of all rights of exploitation of the work required by this Regulation and its various constitutive elements, maintaining Rai Com and the RAI Group free from any third-party claims in this regard; acknowledge that the work, as part of the Official Selection, can be presented by the Festival organisers in its various forms, including by extracts, and related elaborations (e.g. in clips or trailers) during the Festival and its subsequent editions (inter alia: during the professional programme; during viewing in the Video Library; through a public screening for non-commercial purposes); In particular, under this Regulation, the work can be used for: screenings to professionals accredited to the Festival and/or to a wider audience during the Festival; for other promotional/advertising uses related to and connected to the Festival (and its subsequent editions); authorise the use of the work for view by international buyers and distributors in the Video Library; authorise the use the work – and all the relevant materials and information provided to the Festival at the time of registration (inter alia: trailers, digital videos, photos, various materials and data/ information) – for the realisation and/or production of information and marketing materials in relation to the Festival (and its subsequent editions), for example for bilingual publications (ITA / ENG) related to the Festival. For this purpose, it is specified that the materials of the work can be translated and/or reworked in relation to their length according to the communication needs. 11. CONDITIONS Registration of a work in Cartoons on the Bay: involves the full acceptance of this Regulation and the total compliance with

all the indications contained in it and any integrations published on the Festival’s website; acceptance of the unquestionable judgement of the Representative Figures; implies the vision and awareness of the general ethical principles of honesty and observance of the law, pluralism, professionalism, impartiality, fairness, confidentiality, transparency, diligence, loyalty and good faith as well as acceptance of the content of the RAI Group Code of Ethics (hereinafter “Code of Ethics”) and of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 of RAI and Rai Com (hereinafter each individually “Model”), as well as the RAI and Rai Com Three-year plan for Prevention of Corruption, having had clear, full and accurate vision of them, globally and in each of their individual parts, as well as those available via computerised link to the following websites: h t t p : / / w w w. r a i . i t / t r a s p a r e n z a / L a governance-di-Rai-3c2bc9d8-6b8843d5-ba24-a49ed6b6fa7e.html h t t p : / / w w w. r a i . i t / t r a s p a r e n z a / Anticorruzione-99ea10ed-e5d7-4e64bf5f-6406185e7c2a.html implies the vision of the disclosure on the processing of personal data and consent to the processing of personal data by Rai Com and/or other companies of the RAI Group within the terms of this Regulation, under articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 and article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 modified by Legislative Decree No. 101 of 10 August 2018. *NOTICE PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 13 OF REGULATION (EU) No. 679/2016 AND THE PRIVACY LAW IN FORCE Rai Com S.p.A. (hereinafter, for reasons of brevity, Rai Com), in its capacity as data controller, hereby provides notification that the personal data provided directly by the data subjects at the time of registration for the Festival, the sending of the material and/or taking part in the Festival will be used to enable possible participation in the Festival – as governed by the provisions in these Regulations – and ensure eligibility for any prize that may be awarded following such participation. The personal data, conferral of which is optional 109


but necessary for the aforementioned purposes, will be processed manually and/ or electronically, by Rai Com or third parties, included RAI Group Company. Refusal to submit data will prevent participation in the Festival. Data subjects may exercise the rights envisaged in articles 15 et seq. of GDPR and the Privacy law in force, including obtaining the deletion, updating, rectification and integration of the data or to objecting to the processing thereof, on legitimate grounds. These rights may be exercised by contacting Rai Com (Via Umberto Novaro, 18 – 00195 Roma) e-mail:; *The extended policy can be viewed on the Cartoons on the Bay website in the relevant sections



REGOLAMENTO DEL FESTIVAL “CARTOONS ON THE BAY” – 2021 1. FINALITÀ Rai Com S.p.A. (in prosieguo “Rai Com”) organizza il Festival Internazionale dell’Animazione Cross-mediale e della TV dei ragazzi Cartoons on the Bay (in prosieguo “Cartoons on the Bay” o “Festival”) per sostenere e rappresentare il panorama, l’evoluzione e le nuove tendenze nel Settore dei Media e dell’Entertainment dedicato ai Bambini e ai Ragazzi. 2. SEDE, DATE, PROMOTORI La 25ª edizione di Cartoons on the Bay si svolgerà in luogo, data e modalità da definire in base alle disposizioni nazionali nel rispetto delle misure anti Covid-19; il; il Festival è promosso da RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. (in prosieguo “RAI”) e organizzato da Rai Com. 3. FIGURE RAPPRESENTATIVE Il Presidente di Cartoons on the Bay è il Presidente di Rai Com; Il Direttore Artistico, identificato da Rai Com, cura, coordina e determina le linee guida del Festival; Il Comitato Editoriale ha il compito di coadiuvare il Direttore Artistico nella realizzazione del Festival; La Giuria di Preselezione ha il compito di affiancare il Direttore Artistico nella scelta dei prodotti, tra quelli iscritti nella sezione/pagina Concorso sul sito www., che andranno a far parte della Selezione Ufficiale, determinando tra questi i prodotti in Concorso (Nomination) e i prodotti Fuori Concorso (Panorama Internazionale); La Giuria Internazionale, composta da 5 membri scelti tra professionisti con comprovata esperienza nel mondo dell’animazione, assegna i Pulcinella Awards ai prodotti in Concorso nella Selezione Ufficiale; La Giuria Internazionale Lungometraggi, composta da un minimo di n.3 membri scelti tra professionisti con comprovata esperienza nel mondo dell’animazione, assegna il Pulcinella Awards per il Miglior Lungometraggio in Concorso e le Menzioni speciali. Il Direttore Artistico, a proprio insindacabile giudizio: sceglie i membri sia del Comitato

Editoriale sia delle Giurie che, a loro volta svolgono, a proprio insindacabile giudizio, i compiti e le attività di rispettiva spettanza riferite alle selezioni delle opere e scelta di quelle assegnatarie dei premi; conferisce con le modalità previste dal presente Regolamento, eventuali altri premi previsti dallo stesso. 4. NORME DI PARTECIPAZIONE La partecipazione è riservata alle opere in animazione di qualsiasi nazionalità realizzate negli anni 2019, 2020 e 2021; L’iscrizione delle opere a Cartoons on the Bay è gratuita ed avviene tramite registrazione on-line dell’opera sul sito nella sezione Concorso nel periodo dal 12 aprile 2021 al 21 giugno 2021 ed invio dei materiali agli Uffici del Festival nei tempi e nei modi stabiliti dal presente Regolamento. Resta inteso che: sul sito www.cartoonsbay. potranno essere indicate eventuali proroghe per la registrazione e/o per l’invio dei materiali; non è possibile ritirare l’opera iscritta successivamente allo scadere del termine finale per l’iscrizione. Sono ammesse al Concorso solo le opere in lingua inglese o con sottotitoli in inglese (fatta eccezione per le opere che non prevedono dialoghi). L’invio dei materiali è a esclusivo onere e carico del soggetto che effettua l’iscrizione dell’opera; i materiali inviati agli Uffici del Festival non verranno restituiti; l’utilizzo di tali materiali, ivi inclusi i relativi contenuti, ai fini del Festival, si deve intendere a titolo esclusivamente gratuito, pertanto non sono previste fee di alcun genere per tale utilizzo. Non sono prese in considerazione le opere che sono già state iscritte a precedenti edizioni del Festival, fatta eccezione per stagioni successive di Serie Televisive e per opere precedentemente iscritte in un’altra categoria che hanno subito sviluppi differenti (in tale evenienza, è onere del partecipante dare specifica indicazione in merito in sede di inscrizione). Le opere già candidate in passato nella sezione in Concorso (Nomination) possono entrare a far parte della Selezione Ufficiale esclusivamente nella sezione Fuori Concorso (Panorama Internazionale) e, in tale evenienza, è onere del partecipante dare specifica indicazione in merito in sede di iscrizione. L’iscrizione dell’opera non garantisce 110

l’accredito al Festival. Gli accrediti sono gratuiti e possono essere richiesti sul sito del Festival. Resta inteso che la responsabilità dell’iscrizione e partecipazione dell’opera al Festival è di esclusiva spettanza del soggetto che procede all’iscrizione; tale soggetto manleva e garantisce gli organizzatori e promotori del Festival in relazione a qualsivoglia rivendicazione e/o contestazione da parte di terzi al riguardo. Nel caso in cui ragioni di carattere tecnico od organizzativo impediscano, in tutto o in parte, che lo svolgimento del Festival abbia luogo con le modalità e nei termini previsti dal presente Regolamento, Rai Com prenderà gli opportuni provvedimenti dandone comunicazione attraverso il sito del Festival sul quale saranno anche reperibili tutte le informazioni e gli aggiornamenti sul Festival stesso. Eventuali richieste di chiarimenti o di ulteriori informazioni potranno essere rivolte agli Uffici del Festival via e-mail all’indirizzo ovvero attraverso la pagina Facebook ufficiale del Festival qualora allestita. 5. SELEZIONE UFFICIALE La Selezione Ufficiale comprende le opere in Concorso (Nomination) e le opere Fuori Concorso (Panorama Internazionale); in entrambe le sezioni le opere sono divise per Categorie di Concorso. 5.1 OPERE IN CONCORSO (NOMINATION) Le opere in Concorso (Nomination) vengono candidate ai Pulcinella Awards, assegnati nel corso del Festival dalla Giuria Internazionale. In questa sezione possono essere inserite un massimo di 5 opere per ogni categoria (ad eccezione della categoria Lungometraggi, per la quale il numero di opere in Nomination può subire variazioni a discrezione del Direttore Artistico). Per ogni opera in Concorso (Nomination) il Festival prevede: pubblicazione on-line della scheda dell’opera (corredata da immagini, crediti e sinossi) sul sito del Festival www. nelle sezioni dedicate; inserimento della scheda dell’opera (come da punto precedente) nel catalogo ufficiale del Festival nella forma cartacea, digitale e/o online sul sito del Festival www. (Catalogo Ufficiale del


Festival); inserimento delle società di produzione e distribuzione delle opere nel Catalogo Ufficiale del Festival; inserimento gratuito dell’opera nella Digital Video Library del Festival visionabile da tutti i professionisti presenti al Festival (il servizio di Video Library sarà attivo per tutta la durata del Festival); rilascio di un Diploma di partecipazione, che verrà inviato dopo la fine del Festival in versione digitale o cartacea; proiezione pubblica dell’opera a fini non commerciali nel corso del Festival in relazione alla categoria Lungometraggi e, su insindacabile determinazione del Direttore Artistico, di eventuali altre categorie; eventuale inserimento dell’opera nelle Show-reel del Festival per il relativo utilizzo, anche a scopo promozionale, da parte di Rai Com e società del Gruppo RAI in altri contesti del settore di riferimento; facoltà per i titolari dell’opera di inserire la dicitura e/o il logo del Festival (e/o, nel caso di vincitore di premio, anche il titolo del premio assegnato) nelle proprie attività promozionali secondo le modalità precisate sul sito del Festival www. Il Festival si riserva il diritto di variare la visibilità data alle opere sulla base delle esigenze organizzative dell’edizione in corso. 5.2 OPERE FUORI CONCORSO (PANORAMA INTERNAZIONALE) Le opere Fuori Concorso (Panorama Internazionale) offrono un quadro delle tendenze culturali, tecnologiche e industriali del settore nelle diverse aree geografiche del pianeta, con uno sguardo particolare nei confronti delle realtà maggiormente innovative. Per ogni opera Fuori Concorso (Panorama Internazionale) il Festival prevede: inserimento della scheda dell’opera (corredata da immagini, crediti e sinossi) nel Catalogo Ufficiale del Festival; inserimento delle società di produzione e distribuzione nel Catalogo Ufficiale del Festival; inserimento gratuito dell’opera nella Digital Video Library del Festival visionabile da tutti i professionisti presenti alla manifestazione (il servizio di Video Library sarà attivo per tutta la durata del Festival).

L’organizzatore del Festival si riserva il diritto di variare la visibilità data alle opere sulla base delle esigenze organizzative dell’edizione in corso. 6. CATEGORIE DI CONCORSO La Selezione Ufficiale è suddivisa nelle seguenti Categorie di Concorso: • Serie TV Preschool (2-4 anni) • Serie TV Upper Preschool (4-6 anni) • Serie TV Kids (7-11 anni) • Opere Multimediali Interattive • Serie TV Live Action / Ibridi • Piloti di Serie TV • Cortometraggi • Lungometraggi L’organizzazione del Festival si riserva il diritto di spostare di categoria un’opera a seguito della registrazione qualora lo ritenga opportuno. Sarà cura dell’organizzazione darne apposita comunicazione. 6.1 SERIE TELEVISIVE IN ANIMAZIONE Le Categorie riservate alle Serie Televisive in animazione sono divise per target: • Preschool – dai 2 ai 4 anni • Upper Preschool – dai 4 ai 6 anni • Kids – da 7 a 11 anni E’ necessario che vengano seguite le seguenti indicazioni: • È richiesto l’invio di un solo episodio per ogni serie tv, scelto a discrezione della società proponente. • Per le serie tv di durata inferiore ad 1’ si richiede l’invio di tre episodi. 6.2. SERIE TELEVISIVE LIVE ACTION / IBRIDI Serie televisive dedicate a bambini e ragazzi esclusivamente o parzialmente realizzate attraverso tecniche di riprese dal vivo. 6.3. PILOTI DI SERIE TV I piloti e gli episodi zero di Serie TV in animazione – che rappresentino una sintesi narrativa esauriente con le caratteristiche tecniche, artistiche e contenutistiche della serie che si intende realizzare – devono necessariamente essere iscritti alla categoria Piloti di Serie TV e non alle altre categorie divise per target. 6.4. OPERE MULTIMEDIALI INTERATTIVE Tutte le Opere Multimediali Interattive realizzate per consolle fisse e mobili 111


che rispondano ai seguenti requisiti di classificazione PEGI (i.e. Pan European Game Information): PEGI 3, PEGI 7, PEGI 12, PEGI 16. Tuttavia, a giudizio insindacabile del Direttore Artistico, in accordo con la Giuria di Preselezione, possono essere ammessi al concorso anche opere che riportino la classificazione PEGI 18. 6.5. CORTOMETRAGGI Cortometraggi in animazione aventi le caratteristiche tecniche, artistiche e narrative adeguate per una possibile, e auspicabile, programmazione televisiva. Lo scopo di questa categoria è di favorire la diffusione dei cortometraggi in animazione nelle programmazioni dei broadcasters. 6.6 LUNGOMETRAGGI Lungometraggi in animazione aventi le seguenti caratteristiche tecniche, artistiche e narrative: lungometraggio di animazione con lunghezza minima di 40 minuti; personaggi creati usando una tecnica di frame-by-frame; opera costituita da un minimo di caratteri e di Animazione non inferiore al 75% della durata totale dell’opera (la sola tecnica di Motion Capture non verrà considerata come valida). 7. PREMI E MENZIONI SPECIALI 7.1 PULCINELLA AWARDS La Giuria Internazionale assegna i seguenti premi tra le opere in Concorso (Nomination) per Categoria: • Pulcinella Award Miglior Serie TV Preschool (2-4 anni) • Pulcinella Award Miglior Serie TV Upper Preschool (4-6 anni) • Pulcinella Award Migliore Serie TV Kids (7-11 anni) • Pulcinella Award Miglior Opera Multimediale Interattiva • Pulcinella Award Migliore Serie TV Live Action / Ibrida • Pulcinella Award Miglior Pilota di Serie TV • Pulcinella Award Miglior Cortometraggio La Giuria Internazionale Lungometraggi assegna il seguente premio tra le opere in Concorso per la categoria Lungometraggi: • Pulcinella Award Miglior Lungometraggio • E le seguenti menzioni speciali per le opere in Concorso nella categoria



Lungometraggi: Miglior Sceneggiatura Miglior Regia Miglior Animazione Miglior Colonna sonora Il Direttore Artistico, in accordo con i membri del Comitato Editoriale, ha facoltà di conferire i seguenti Premi Speciali: • Pulcinella Awards alla Carriera • Pulcinella Awards allo Studio dell’Anno • Pulcinella Special Awards Il Direttore Artistico, in collaborazione con UNICEF, assegnerà il seguente Premio Speciale: “Premio Speciale al Miglior Prodotto a Carattere Sociale” scelto tra tutte le categorie in concorso.

• • • •

8. ISCRIZIONE E INVIO DEI MATERIALI 8.1 Prima fase – Registrazione online Per effettuare l’iscrizione al Festival è necessario registrare il prodotto online, sul sito nella sezione “Concorso” entro e non oltre il 21 giugno 2021 (resta inteso che sul sito potranno essere indicate eventuali proroghe per l’iscrizione). Al termine della procedura di registrazione verrà inviata una e-mail di conferma di avvenuta registrazione; in caso di mancata ricezione della e-mail si prega di contattare gli Uffici del Festival all’indirizzo . 8.2 Seconda fase – Attivazione dell’utenza personale Il partecipante riceverà una ulteriore successiva e-mail (che verrà inviata in un tempo medio di una settimana dal completamento della Prima fase), con la quale verranno comunicate username e password (credenziali) con cui accedere al portale per svolgere la fase successiva. Tali credenziali si intendono strettamente personali. Nel caso di mancata ricezione della e-mail si prega di contattare il seguente indirizzo: 8.3 Terza fase – Invio dei materiali Entro e non oltre la data del 25 giugno 2021 (resta inteso che sul sito www. potranno essere indicate eventuali proroghe per l’invio dei materiali) dovranno essere inviati – in un unico invio – i materiali, tutti nominati con il titolo in inglese dell’opera e il “numero di registrazione” (ID Web), attribuito al

termine della procedura di iscrizione (esempio “121_ANNE’S ADVENTURES), secondo la procedura indicata di seguito: Attraverso l’accesso al portale https:// , dovrà essere inviata una cartella con i seguenti materiali: • il video dell’opera nella sua interezza, in lingua inglese o con sottotitoli in inglese e senza alcun watermark, con le specifiche indicate di seguito (per la categoria opere multimediali interattive dovrà essere inviato il trailer): • codec h264 contenitore mp4, risoluzione 1080p bitrate tra 5 e 8Mbps, in subordine • codec h264 contenitore mp4, risoluzione 720p bitrate tra 4 e 6 Mpbs • 3 immagini rappresentative dell’opera senza loghi né titoli a 300dpi con risoluzione 1920×1080 pixel • E-mail di conferma di registrazione (entry form) firmata Con specifico riferimento alla categoria Opere Multimediali Interattive, in aggiunta a quanto sopra elencato, dovrà essere inviata una copia del gioco per ciascuna delle piattaforme disponibili in ciascuna versione commercializzata. Con specifico riferimento alla categoria Lungometraggio, a seguito della preselezione verrà richiesto ai soli partecipanti selezionati in Concorso, di inviare (a propria cura e spese) il Film nella sua interezza, in lingua inglese o con sottotitoli in inglese, in formato DCP con CRU, possibilmente non criptato o con KDM aperta per l’intera durata del Festival. La KDM dovrà essere inviata con email avente per oggetto il titolo in inglese dell’opera e il “numero di iscrizione” (ID Web), attribuito al termine della procedura di iscrizione (esempio “121_ANNE’S ADVENTURES), al seguente indirizzo ; il film non potrà avere watermark; il mancato invio comporta l’esclusione dell’opera dal concorso. Per qualsiasi anomalia nello svolgimento della procedura di upload dei contenuti si raccomanda di contattare il seguente indirizzo e-mail: Resta inteso che, unicamente in caso di comprovati motivi e previo accordo con gli uffici del Festival, potrà essere autorizzata la consegna dei materiali digitali sopracitati attraverso la posta tradizionale. Tale modalità prevede l’invio degli stessi materiali con le medesime 112

specifiche tecniche su supporto hard disk/ pen drive da recapitarsi entro la scadenza sopra indicata (farà fede il timbro postale) al seguente indirizzo: RAI COM S.p.A. Cartoons on the bay Via Umberto Novaro 18 00195 – Roma, Italia Tel +39 06 331 78315 Le caratteristiche sopra indicate dovranno essere verificate accuratamente prima dell’invio dei materiali. I materiali inviati al Festival non verranno restituiti. In caso di materiale non completo o non rispondente ai requisiti sopra indicati il Festival può riservarsi il diritto di escludere il prodotto dalla selezione. Qualora i materiali inviati siano – per qualsivoglia ragione – incompleti, difformi dalle specifiche del Regolamento, danneggiati e/o non siano leggibili, l’Opera non si intenderà iscritta e registrata al Concorso, salvo che il partecipante, su indicazione dell’organizzazione del Festival, provveda alla rettifica del caso. Si raccomanda pertanto la massima cura nel confezionamento, imballaggio e spedizione degli stessi. Resta inteso che la responsabilità del buon fine del caricamento dei file o dell’arrivo a destinazione di eventuali spedizioni attraverso la posta tradizionale resta in capo al candidato; per gli invii digitali pertanto si raccomanda di usufruire di una connessione idonea per tale finalità, con banda non inferiore a 20 Mbs. 9. ESITO DELLE SELEZIONI L’organizzazione del Festival comunicherà gli esiti della Selezione Ufficiale nella sezione dedicata sul sito del Festival (in alternativa, potrà eventualmente essere trasmessa una e-mail al soggetto proponente). Per le opere inserite nel Concorso (Nomination) potrà essere richiesto l’invio di ulteriore materiale anche multimediale. 10. DIRITTI E GARANZIE Le opere presentate a Cartoons on the Bay verranno trattate con il criterio della riservatezza. Con l’iscrizione online dell’opera e l’invio del materiale all’organizzazione del Festival, coloro che vi provvedono: autorizzano Rai Com e il Gruppo RAI ad


utilizzare l’opera iscritta nell’ambito delle varie iniziative del Festival e mediante i suoi mezzi, durante o al di fuori del Festival; autorizzano Rai Com e il Gruppo RAI ad utilizzare l’opera iscritta per promuovere in qualsivoglia ambito il Festival e sue successive edizioni; autorizzano Rai Com e il Gruppo RAI ad utilizzare gli estratti dell’opera iscritta per scopi giornalistici e promozionali del Festival e sue successive edizioni; garantiscono di essere legittimamente autorizzati ad utilizzare l’opera, e che quindi la partecipazione al Festival e l’eventuale utilizzo da parte di Rai Com e del Gruppo RAI nell’ambito del Festival e delle iniziative ad esso connesse, non avverrà in violazione di diritti di terzi, espressamente manlevando Rai Com e il Gruppo RAI da ogni danno o pretesa, nessuna eccettuata, che alle stesse possa derivare, anche per quanto riguarda il titolo dell’opera; garantiscono, sotto il profilo civile e penale, la liceità dei contenuti e della forma dell’opera; garantiscono di essere l’autore o comunque il titolare di tutti i diritti di sfruttamento dell’opera richiesti dal presente Regolamento e dei suoi vari elementi costitutivi, manlevando Rai Com e del Gruppo RAI da qualsivoglia rivendicazione di terzi al riguardo; prendono atto che l’opera facente parte della Selezione Ufficiale potrà essere presentata dagli organizzatori del Festival nelle sue varie forme, anche per estratto, e relative elaborazioni (es. in clip o trailer) durante il Festival e sue successive edizioni (inter alia: durante il programma professionale; durante la visione nella Video Library; attraverso una proiezione pubblica a fini non commerciali); In particolare, ai sensi del presente Regolamento, l’opera potrà essere utilizzata per: proiezioni ai professionisti accreditati al Festival e/o a un pubblico più vasto durante il Festival; per altri usi promozionali/pubblicitari inerenti e connessi al Festival (e sue successive edizioni); autorizzano l’uso dell’opera ai fini della visualizzazione da parte di buyer internazionali e distributori nella Video Library; autorizzano l’uso dell’opera – e di tutti i relativi materiali e informazioni forniti al

Festival al momento della registrazione (inter alia: trailer, video digitali, foto, materiali e dati/informazioni varie) – per la realizzazione e/o produzione di materiali di informazione e marketing in relazione al Festival (e sue successive edizioni), ad esempio per pubblicazioni bilingue (ITA / ENG) relative al Festival. A tale scopo, si specifica che i materiali dell’opera potranno essere tradotti e/o rielaborati anche in relazione alla loro lunghezza a seconda delle esigenze di comunicazione. 11. CONDIZIONI L’iscrizione di un’opera a Cartoons on the Bay: comporta l’accettazione integrale del presente Regolamento e il totale rispetto di tutte le indicazioni in esso contenute e nelle eventuali integrazioni presenti sul sito del Festival; l’accettazione dell’operato e del giudizio insindacabile delle Figure Rappresentative; implica la presa visione e consapevolezza dei principi etici generali di onestà ed osservanza della legge, di pluralismo, professionalità, imparzialità, correttezza, riservatezza, trasparenza, diligenza, lealtà e buona fede nonché, del contenuto del Codice Etico del Gruppo RAI (di seguito “Codice Etico”) e del Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.Lgs. 231/2001 di RAI e Rai Com (di seguito ciascuno singolarmente “Modello”), oltre che Piano Triennale di Prevenzione della Corruzione di RAI e Rai Com, avendone preso chiara, piena ed esatta visione, globalmente ed in ogni loro singola parte, così come disponibili attraverso collegamento telematico a seguenti siti internet: h t t p : / / w w w. r a i . i t / t r a s p a r e n z a / L a governance-di-Rai-3c2bc9d8-6b8843d5-ba24-a49ed6b6fa7e.html h t t p : / / w w w. r a i . i t / t r a s p a r e n z a / Anticorruzione-99ea10ed-e5d7-4e64bf5f-6406185e7c2a.html Implica la presa visione dell’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali redatta da Rai Com ai sensi dell’art.13 del Reg. (UE) n. 2016/679 e della normativa privacy vigente richiamata sul form di iscrizione e il consenso al trattamento dei suddetti dati personali – nei termini di cui al presente Regolamento – da parte di Rai Com e/o terze società incaricate da Rai Com, incluse le Società del Gruppo RAI. 113


INFORMATIVA BREVE* AI SENSI DELL’ ART. 13 DEL REG. (UE) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) E DELLA NORMATIVA PRIVACY VIGENTE Rai Com S.p.A. (di seguito per brevità “Rai Com”), in qualità di Titolare del trattamento, informa che i dati personali forniti direttamente da ciascun interessato – al momento dell’iscrizione al Concorso, all’invio del materiale e/o al fine di partecipare al Festival – saranno utilizzati esclusivamente per le finalità di cui al presente Regolamento ovvero per consentire la partecipazione al Festival e/o al Concorso (comprese le attività derivanti dall’esito del Concorso stesso). La base giuridica del trattamento è il consenso dell’interessato. Il mancato conferimento dei suddetti dati personali non consente la partecipazione al Concorso e/o al Festival. I dati personali potranno essere trattati da Rai Com /o terze società incaricate, incluse le Società del Gruppo RAI – manualmente e/o con mezzi elettronici – per le finalità di cui al presente Regolamento. Gli interessati possono esercitare i diritti previsti dagli artt. 15 e ss del GDPR e dalla normativa privacy vigente, tra i quali quello di ottenere la cancellazione, l’aggiornamento, la rettifica e l’integrazione dei dati nonché di opporsi, per motivi legittimi, al trattamento degli stessi. Tali diritti potranno essere esercitati rivolgendosi a: Rai Com S.p.A., Via Umberto Novaro, 18 – 00195 Roma, e-mail: Il Responsabile per la protezione dei dati è contattabile al seguente indirizzo: *L’informativa estesa si può visualizzare sul sito di Cartoons on the Bay alle sezioni di riferimento.



REGULATION FOR “CARTOONS ON THE BAY” FESTIVAL - 2021 ANNEX TO REGULATION FOR SUBMITTED WORKS According to Regulation terms of the 25th edition of Cartoons on the Bay (“COTB 2021”) this annex points out details and specifications regarding carrying out procedures for COTB 2021. COTB 2021, the 25th edition of the festival, will take place in digital form on the following streaming platforms: Rai Play, MyMovies, COTB Channel. COTB 2021 will take place from December 3 to 8 2021. COTB 2021 will be available on Rai Play (, MyMovies ( and COTB Channel ( Raiplay will stream the retrospective on Fusako Yusaki and family-focused entertaining content. Registration on Raiplay is free. My Movies will stream the feature and short movies in competition for COTB 2021. Day by day screening program will be officially released on Registration on is free. COTB Channel will stream interviews with the guests of this year’s industry program. On the Official Site of COTB 2021 will be available all the information about the official selection and the digital catalogue of COTB 2021 that includes also the selection out of competition The screenings of the selected works are subject to variations. Digital Video Library is not available this year. All Terms & Conditions of COTB 2021 Regulation are still in place and published on the official site of the festival. Award procedure official competition COTB 2021 Works in competition for each category will be presented in a video clip dedicated to Pulcinella Awards 2021 that will be published on the official site. The clip will announce the winners of each category. Pulcinella Awards will be assigned by the juries according to submissions arrived within the closing date specified in the Regulation COTB 2021. Award procedure “PITCH ME! PIERLUIGI DE MAS” COTB Channel will have a dedicated area for the projects selected for this years’

Pitch Me!Pierluigi De Mas competition. The 3 winners will be announced on the official site and official social media channels during the Festival period. TECHNICAL SPECS FOR FEATURE AND SHORT FILM IN COMPETITION CARTOONS ON THE BAY 2021. Feature and short movies will be available in streaming on during the festival period and for no more than 6 (six) days after the first online screening. Streaming is geo blocked outside the Italian network and protected through the Hollywood Grade DRM system. All files (movies and .srt) will be erased from the server within 15 days after the end COTB 2021. DRM Technologies: MYmovies uses the following DRM technologies with respect to video playback: • Apple Fairplay on iOS devices, tvOS devices, and Safari browsers; • Google Widevine Modular on Android devices, Android TV devices (including Fire TV), and Chrome browsers; • Microsoft PlayReady on Roku devices, Universal Windows Platform, Samsung Tizen TV, and Microsoft Edge browser. Video File Format: • Resolution: 1920x1080 – recommended | also: 1280x720 • Frame Rate: 23.976 / 24 FPS recommended | also: 25 FPS • Codec: H.264 | Wrapper: .mp4 / .mov • Bit Rate: 6/20 Mbps | VBR 2-pass export recommended • Subtitles: .srt

REGOLAMENTO DEL FESTIVAL “CARTOONS ON THE BAY” – 2021 – APPENDICE AL REGOLAMENTO PER GLI ISCRITTI In relazione al Regolamento relativo alla 25ª edizione del Festival di Cartoons on the Bay (“COTB 2021”), con la presente si precisano - per coloro che si sono iscritti entro i termini e con le modalità previste dal Regolamento - i dettagli e le specifiche tecniche relative alle modalità di svolgimento di COTB 2021. La 25ª edizione del Festival COTB 2021 si terrà in forma digitale, sulle piattaforme di Rai Play, MyMovies e COTB Channel, dal 3 all’8 dicembre 2021. Tutti i contenuti del Festival COTB 2021 saranno visibili sul sito di Rai Play (link:, MyMovies (link: https://www.mymovies. it/) e COTB Channel (link: http://www. Su Raiplay sarà possibile visualizzare: i contenuti relativi alla Restrospettiva di Fusako Yusaki e altri contenuti di intrattenimento per tutta la famiglia. L’iscrizione è gratuita. Su My Movies sarà possibile visualizzare: i lungometraggi e cortometraggi iscritti al Concorso COTB 2021, secondo il palinsesto che si comunicherà sul sito ufficiale di COTB 2021. L’iscrizione è gratuita. Su COTB Channel, sarà possibile visualizzare: i contenuti del programma professionale del Festival COTB 2021 ovvero le interviste agli ospiti del festival. Sul Sito Ufficiale del Festival COTB 2021 sarà possibile visualizzare: le schede delle opere in Concorso COTB 2021, il catalogo digitale ufficiale del Festival relativo sia alle opere in concorso, sia a quelle fuori concorso (in panorama). La visibilità delle opere in concorso e fuori concorso (in panorama) potrà subire variazioni. Non è prevista la Digital Video Library. Restano valide tutte le altre condizioni e termini del Regolamento COTB 2021 pubblicato sul sito ufficiale del Festival. PREMIAZIONE COTB 2021 Le opere in concorso, per tutte le categorie, saranno presentate – tramite una clip dedicata alla Premiazione Pulcinella Awards 2021 che sarà pubblicata nei giorni del Festival - sul Sito ufficiale nella sezione



COTB Channel. La clip conterrà l’annuncio dei vincitori di ciascuna categoria. I premi Pulcinella Awards saranno assegnati dalle giurie in base alle iscrizioni pervenute entro la data indicata nel Regolamento COTB 2021. PREMIAZIONE CONCORSO “PITCH ME! PIERLUIGI DE MAS” Uno spazio dedicato sarà allestito sulla piattaforma di COTB Channel per i progetti selezionati nell’ambito del concorso Pitch Me! Pierluigi De Mas. I n. 3 vincitori saranno annunciati sul sito ufficiale e sui canali social nelle giornate del Festival. SPECIFICHE TECNICHE PER LE OPERE IN CATEGORIA LUNGOMETRAGGI E CORTOMETRAGGI - CARTOONS ON THE BAY EDIZIONE 2021. I Lungometraggi e Cortometraggi saranno disponibili in streaming durante il Festival COTB 2021 e per un massimo di 6 (sei) giorni seguenti il primo passaggio in streaming, attraverso la piattaforma My Movies. Gli streaming sono geobloccati in Italia e protetti con il sistema c.d. Hollywood Grade DRM. I Files (movies and .srt) saranno cancellati dai server nei 15 giorni a seguire la conclusione del Festival COTB 2021. DRM Technologies: • MYmovies utilizza le seguenti tecnologie DRM with respect to video playback: • Apple Fairplay on iOS devices, tvOS devices, and Safari browsers; • Google Widevine Modular on Android devices, Android TV devices (including Fire TV), and Chrome browsers; • Microsoft PlayReady on Roku devices, Universal Windows Platform, Samsung Tizen TV, and Microsoft Edge browser. Video File Format: • Resolution: 1920x1080 – recommended | also: 1280x720 • Frame Rate: 23.976 / 24 FPS recommended | also: 25 FPS • Codec: H.264 | Wrapper: .mp4 / .mov • Bit Rate: 6/20 Mbps | VBR 2-pass export recommended • Subtitles: .srt




LISTE Anton Krümpelmann konrad wolf straße 103, 13055 berlin, Germany Korean Flight 858


10th Ave Productions 209 Place Jean-Juneau, G3A 2W1 Quebec, Canada Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa 302 Original Content Via Deruta 20, 20132 Milan, Italy Marta & Eva 3D Sparrow Ltd. The Annex, NN72NW Roade, United Kingdom Booba

Antonello Matarazzo Via Dante, 83100 Avellino, Italy Flumina

Adamo Antonacci via dalmazia 73, 56028 San miniato, Italy Crash Casanova every day a super power

APC Kids 85 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris, France Galactic Agency

Akkord Film Produktion GmbH Hohenstaufenstr. 5, 10781 Berlin, Germany Petronella Applewitch

APC Kids SAS 101000 Moscow, Russia Kid-E-Cats Little Tiaras

Alexandra Schatz Filmproduktion Am Klagesmarkt 9, 30159 Hannover, Germany Best Birthday Ever Amalia Studio Spain La prima cosa

ARC SYSTEM WORKS CO. 2-3-9 Shin-Yokohama, 222-0033 Yokohama, Japan Guilty Gear Strive

Aadarsh E-5/70 Arera Colony, 462016 Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh, India Purple Turtle

Amka Films Productions Via Sole 2, 6942 Savosa, Switzerland Only a child

Arte e Crescita edizioni Loc. Bruni 4, 38060 Vallarsa, Italy Highlanders

ABC 700 Harriss Street, 2007 Sydney, Australia Kangaroo Beach

Anaïs Mauzat (Self-production) Avenue de Jette, 1090 Bruxelles, Belgium Roots

Arutiunov Lustdorfskaia str. 55\/2, 65088 Odessa, Ukraine Leo the lion

Abc australia 100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone

Animanostra Rua Palmira, 1170-289 Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal animanostra_festivais@outlook Tide Table The Doctor’s Wife So but not so The Doctor’s Wife

Asacha media group italy Halloweird

Animation Studio 100 KILOWATT Pravdy str., 125040 Moscow, Russia My friend from Tau Ceti

Autoproduced 113 rue du Chevaleret, 75012 Paris, France Mom

4.21 Production 172 Rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, France Tom & Lili

Absolute denial films ltd 32 grange drive, hu16 5re Cottingham, United kingdom Absolute denial Acamar Films The Rotunda, NW1 7DL London, United Kingdom Bing Activist 38 Rakovski str, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Mishou

Attraction Distribution 5455 rue de Gaspé, H2T3B3 Montréal, Canada Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa


Autour de Minuit 21 rue Henry Monnier, 75009 Paris, France Jeremy Super Caribou - Jeremy and the forbidden love stories Empty Places Axel Dumont Belgium, Brussels, Belgium Message For You Bandai namco Entertainment France S.A.S. (Italian Branch) Viale Certosa, 20156 Milan, Italy Cyberpunk 2077 Bandai namco Entertainment Inc. 5-37-8 Shiba, 108-0014 Tokyo, Japan Little Nightmares II Guilty Gear Strive Banijay Italia via Tito Speri 8, 20154 Milano, Italy ready music play Bardaf! Productions Avenue des Meuniers 90, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium Galactic Agency Bayard Jeunesse Animation 18 rue Barbès, 92120 Montrouge, France joachim.hecker@bayard-presse. com In the Desert (3rd episode of the series Jesus) Befun x Ash pillow 3F., 116 taipei, Taiwan Runny runny egg Belofilms Isabel de Castilla 025, 9190381 Santiago, Chile Elulu Belvision 52 rue Destrée, 60001 Marcinelle, Belgium Little Furry

lISTE Benesse Corporation 1-34 Ochiai, 206-8686 Tokyo, Japan Shimajiro: A World of WOW!

Brigham Young University 3361 TMCB, 84602 Provo, United States Salt

Chai Khana 8 Egnate Ninoshvili street, 0102 Tbilisi, Georgia The Enigma of Faina

beQ entertainment Via Crescenzago 30, 20134 Milano, Italy lorenzo and the mirror

Cake Entertainment 76 Charlotte Street, W1T 4QS London, United Kingdom Mush-Mush and the Mushables Dodo Kiri and Lou

Cheeky Little Media Pty Ltd Suite 406, 2095 MANLY, Australia au Kangaroo Beach

Bethesda softworks llc 1370 Piccard Drive, 20850 Rockville, United States DOOM 3: VR Edition Beyond rights 3, W1F 0UB London, Nina & Olga BiBaBoo Animation Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya 35, 105066 Moscow, Russia Leo the Truck Big Bad Boo Studios 1020 Mainland Street, V6B2T5 Vancouver, Canada 16 Hudson BioWare 101 St NW #1800, 10423 Edmonton, Canada Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Chips and Toon 1 Irving Place #06-03 Singapore, 369546 Singapore, Singapore Fox Tales, Turtle in Troubled Water

Camelot Software Planning Kosugi Building 3F, 160-0022 Tokyo, Japan Mario Golf: Super Rush Carlos Farina O’higgins 1850 dto. 1, 4501 Godoy Cruz, Argentina Juan Viento

Ciclope Filmes Portugal Altötting Claudio Giusti (Fat Unicorn) via del fossetto, 50145 Firenze, Italy Cheese

Cartoon Network Studios 300 N 3rd St, 91502 Burbank, United States Craig Of the Creek The Fungies!

Birdo Studio Anittinha’s Club

Cartoon Saloon The Maltings, R95 T97W Kilkenny, Ireland WolfWalkers

BLISS C/ Mallorca, 08036 Barcelona, Spain Muerte Murciélago

CD PROJEKT S.A. Jagiello\u0144ska 74, 03-301 Warsaw, Poland Cyberpunk 2077

Boutique Filmes SOS Fairy Manu

Central Partnership Fixies vs. Crabots

BRANDS & RIGHTS 360 Calle Don Ramón de la Cruz 38, 28001 Madrid, Spain Marta & Eva

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia via Cagliari 42, 10153 Torino, Italy The granary Lucerna Princess Underwater Love

Bridge Way Films 16 CLAPHAM AVENUE, HU8 0QQ HULL, United Kingdom Absolute Denial

Chen-ying 5F, 110 Taipei City, Taiwan Big Small

Calango dc Aracaju-Sergipe, Brazil Two small Fish

CloudCo Entertainment Ventura Blvd, 15233 Los Angeles, United States dbarnes@cloudcoentertainment. com Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese Cocoa López Studio Vasconcelos 65, 11850 Mexico, Mexico Canicas Conspiração Filmes Blue Building Detectives Copa Studio Gigablaster Copenhagen Bombay Refshalevej 147, 1432 Copenhagen, Denmark alexandra.cruz@ Kiwi & Strit



Cosmos-Maya Communication Centre, 400065 Mumbai, India marketing@mayadigialstudios. com Galactic Agency CrocoPie Studio via lazio 31\a, 80016 Marano di Napoli, Italy Ghiatto Cross river productions 35, 92120 Montrouge, France Boon & Pimento Cube creative productions 105, 92300 Levallois Perret, France Where’s Chicky? Cyber Group Studios 44B quai de jemmapes, 75010 Paris, France Gigantosaurus Droners Nefertine on the Nile Orange Moo Cow Purple Turtle Gigantosaurus Dandelooo 9 rue Biscornet, 75012 Paris, France Mum is pouring rain My life in Versailles Daniel Wesseik Rivierstraat 34, 5615KB EINDHOVEN, Netherlands The Driver The Fourth Raven Daniela godel Barcelona, Spain Flora linguis Dargaud Media 57 Rue Gaston Tessier, 75019 Paris, France Little Furry Dash Co. Dash Bldg., 104-0033 Tokyo, Japan Shimajiro: A World of WOW!



De Agostini Editore Via Giovanni da Verrazano, 28100 Novara, Italy Unlockdown Ready music play Mindfulcamp Whatsanna DEFC Unit 3, 009821 Tehran, Iran HAboob Distribution with Glasses Spain Message For You Diversity Studio 37 Rabochaya str., 109544 Moscow, Russia The Other Way Wolf Dovi Keich 49 Bilu st., 6425606 Tel Aviv, Israel Gruf and Me Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel 57 Rue Gaston Teissier, 75019 Paris, France Little Furry Eclettica Via Tucidide 56, 20134 Milano, Italy Insect Park Electronic Arts 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, 94065 California, United States It Takes Two Electronic Arts 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, 94065 California, United States Knockout City Electronic Arts 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, 94065 California, United States Mass Effect Legendary Edition Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville Complete Edition The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator The Sims 4 Courtyard Oasis Kit

Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11, 14482 Potsdam, Germany Mmm...Cat Monkey Domino

Enanimation Piazzale Duca d\u2019Aosta 18, 10129 Turin, Italy Nina & Olga Francesco Engine Software BV Burg van Nispenstraat 6, 7001 BS Doetinchem, Netherlands Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition

Filmcompany, SNEGA Office 612, 620075 Yekaterinburg, Russia The habit Films grand huit 65 rue Montmartre, 75002 Paris, France My Life in Versailles

EPIC Pictures 6725 Sunset Blvd., 90028 Hollywood, United States Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure Space Dogs. Mysteries of the cosmos

Floresta Realizações Audiovisuais Game Crashers

Epic Story Media Distribution Inc. 151 Bloor St West, M5S 1S4 Toronto, Canada Piper’s Pony Tales Hailey and the Hero Hearts

Flying Bark Productions Australia 100% wolf 100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone

Estricnina Desenhos Animados Gigablaster

Folimage 3 place Simone Veil, 26000 Valence, France Vanille

Fantawild Animation Inc. 15/F, 518057 Shenzhen, China Boonie Bears The Wild Life

Fondazione FILA Museum Via Seminari, 13900 Biella, Italy FILA White Line

Fauna produksiyon ve tasarim ticaret as 764 SAN ALESO AVENUE, 94085 California, United States filmfestivals@ Briko

Forrest-Schlage 5-18-14 Kameari, 125-0061 Tokyo, Japan Like and Follow

Festivaal distribution 102, 16000 Angoulemme, France Lorenzo and the mirror

France tv distribution Batiment eos, 37\/45 quai du pr\ u00e9sident wilson 92130 Issy les moulineaux, france Disco dragon

Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany Inside me

Fred Rogers Productions 2100 Wharton Street Suite 700, PA 15203 Pittsburgh, United States Odd Squad Mobile Unit


Fumi Studio Pu\u0142awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, Poland Dog’s Field Ghazala 14 Abd El-Hady Sadik, 11757 Cairo, Egypt The Pyramid Giggle Garage Animations Malaysia Space Nova Global Screen Sonnenstr. 21, 80331 München, Germany Petronella Applewitch Gloob Avenida das Américas, 22640-101 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Anittinha’s Club SOS Fairy Manu Game Crashers Gigablaster Blue Building Detectives Brainiacs Senninha on the Crazy Race Goldbee distribution Carrer pau asina 2, 08025 Barcelona, spain The game catchers GraFFiti Creative via Ventura, 20134 Milan, Italy AquaTeam - Sea Adventure Graphilm Srl Via Emilio Faa di Bruno 52, 00195 Rome, Italy Nefertine on the Nile Grupo Globo Anittinha’s Club Game Crashers Gigablaster Blue Building Detectives Brainiacs Senninha on the Crazy Race

lISTE Guido Manuli 478, 74150 Marcellaz Albanais, France Hitch stories Gullane Entretenimento Senninha on the Crazy Race Hanfashot Poalot Jerusalem, Israel The Fourth Raven Hanna - Barbera Studios Europe 160 Old Street, EC1V 9BW London, United Kingdom Elliott From Earth Happy Flyfish Rights ApS Kasernevej 10, 8800 Viborg, Denmark Little Frog Hazelight Studios Söder Mälarstrand 45, 118 25 Stockholm, Sweden It Takes Two Housemarque Oy Kasarmikatu 36 B, 00130 Helsinki, Finland Returnal Hse e art and design school Moscow, 115054 Moscow, Russia Boo! Second Wednesday in April Out of the ground Dogs Smell Like the Sea IbiscusMedia (USA) - Cinesite (Canada) - Aniventure (UK) Mila IED Istituto Europeo di Design Spa Via Sciesa 4, 20135 Milano, Italy Wayward NOT Sleeping Beauty The Darkest Night Iervolino entertainment spa via barberini 29, 00187 roma, italy Arctic friends Puffins

Il Vagabondo Film Bakery Rua Martinico Prado 417 \u2013 apto 31, 01224-010 São Paulo, Brazil Pinguinics - The Attack Comes from the Pole Stinky Frog

7th Floor UP

IMPS Rue du Cerf, 1332 Genval, Belgium The Smurfs

JY Animation 15F, 100026 Beijing, China Tom’s Tiny Toys

JSC telecompany Pravdy str., 125040 Moscow, Russia My friend from Tau Ceti

Inarc Progetti Via Giacomo, 22060 Campione d’Italia, Italy Artoonic

Katherine Ruiz 10423 California avenue, 90280 South Gate, United States I’m Having Trouble Processing the End, Please Hold

Insomniac Games 7806 NC-751 #300, 27713 North Carolina, United States Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Kavaleer Productions Baggot Close, D02 WF57 Dublin, Ireland Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese

Instituto Ayrton Senna Senninha on the Crazy Race

Keith Chapman Productions Paddy Paws

Instituto Mexicano de la Cinematografía IMCINE Calle Atletas 2, 04220 Mexico, Mexico Canicas

Kids First Distribution Rue des Panoyaux 29\/31, 75020 Paris, France Elvis Riboldi KidsMe srl Via Giovanni da Verrazano, 28100 Novara, Italy Whatsanna Unlockdown Mindfulcamp

IRIB 9th floor, 19999 Tehran, Iran Ruby and the Chickens Je Regarde 38 rue Georges Clémenceau, 59350 Saint-André, France A Tiny Tale Thin Ice Snow heart Cell The hapiness of some Disoriented Agape Turtle Bay Digestion Migrants 3 Walls & a roof Boring Pirat’tack Macchina Microtopia Adoption Old Man

KilledtheCat Productions 34 Wyndance Way, L9P 0B8 UXBRIDGE, Canada Fuelled KinoAtis LLC Polkovaya str., 127018 Moscow, Russia Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure Space Dogs. Mysteries of the cosmos



Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg Bodenstedtstr. 16, 22765 Hamburg, Mishou La Cabane Productions 40 rue des Blancs Manteaux, 75004 Paris, France perrine@lacabaneproductions. com Mush-Mush and the Mushables La chouette compagnie 41 Rue Emile Zola, 93100 Montreuil, France Droners La consequence alfortville, france Autumn Laïdak Films 117 rue de Charenton, 75012 Paris, France Mum is pouring rain Laura Aldofredi Maasluisstraat 214, 1062 GK Amsterdam, Netherlands Chasing Stars Lino Signorato 3, 74960 Cran Gevrier, France Introduction to the Middle Ages Mad Entertainment SPA Piazza del Gesù Nuovo 33, 80134 Naples, Italy Where night falls The cow in the sky Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty Magic Light Pictures 4th Floor, W1W 7TS London, United Kingdom Zog and the Flying Doctors Pip and Posy Zog and the Flying Doctors



Marvin&Wayne Pelai 9, 08001 Barcelona, Spain Muerte Murciélago Red Gold La prima cosa Matteo Ferrari Via Alfredo Casella 19, 00199 Roma, Italy Hanged Man’s Revenge Hanged Man’s Revenge Maxis 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, 94065 California, United States The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator The Sims 4 Courtyard Oasis Kit Mediatoon Distribution 57 rue Gaston Tessier, 75019 Paris, France Little Furry Mediawan Rights Paris, France The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Melnitsa animation studio prosp. Bolshevikov 34\/2, 193232 St.Petersburg, Russia He can’t live without cosmos Little Tiaras He can’t live without cosmos Mélusine Productions 8-10 rue de l’Etang, L-5326 Contern, Luxembourg WolfWalkers Method Animation (On Kids and Family) 46, 75007 Paris, France The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Metrafilms 2\/4, 119270 Moscow, Russia Kid-E-Cats Midralgar France La prima cosa

National Film Board of Canada Canada Altötting

Miguel saez plaza Spain My grandpa knows king kong

National Film Studio Belarusfilm Nezavisimosti ave 98, 220114 Minsk, Belarus Stars of the seventh sky

Milen Vitanov Jacobystr. 3, 10179 Berlin, Germany Mishou

Newen Connect Paris, France POV The First Years

Mixer Films Brainiacs

Nintendo 11-1 Hokotate-cho, 601-8501 Kyoto, Japan Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Miitopia Game Builder Garage Mario Golf: Super Rush

Mixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbH Leopoldstr. 25, 80802 München, Germany Minute of Islands Mobo Srl Via Cola Montano 9, 20159 Milano, Italy When I was your age

Okubo Station via del ponte sospeso, 50142 Firenze, Italy Cheese

Mohammad Mirvahabi Iran, 1939744137 Tehran, Xilbalba Mondo TV Producciones Canarias Rambla de Pulido 42, 38004 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain Nina & Olga

One Animation Pte Ltd 305 Alexandra Rd, 159942 Singapore, Singapore Oddbods One Animation Pte Ltd 305 Alexandra Rd, 159942 Singapore, Singapore Oddbods

Mondotv france 52-54 rue gerard, 75013 Paris, france Disco dragon

Palomar s.p.a via G.Imperiali di Francavilla, 00135 Rome, Italy The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio

Monello productions 13 rue Madame Sanzillon, 92110 Clichy, France When I was your age Monster Distribution 11 Herbert Lane Grand Canal Dock Dublin 2, Dublin, Ireland Earth to Luna! Nadasdy Film Rue Eugène Marziano 39, 1227 Les Acacias \/ Genève, Switzerland Them Bemol Vanille

Paradox studios llc 750 n san vincente blvd pacific design center ste 800, ca 90069 west hollywood, united states Arctic friends Patricia Sánchez Mora (laudiovisual prod.) C. Reina Amalia 29, 08001 Barcelona, Spain Red Gold


Peekaboo Animation Carrer Quevedo 9, 08012 Barcelona, Spain Elvis Riboldi Peyman Shahmohamadi Iran, 1939744137 Tehran, Iran FilmDistribution.Shahmohamadi@ Xilbalba Peyo Productions and Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel Rue du Cerf, 1332 Genval, Belgium The Smurfs Pinguim Content Rua Barão de Capanema, 01411-011 São Paulo, Brazil Tarsilinha Earth to Luna! Pink Kong Studios 77 Cherrywood, A96K6W0 Dublin, Ireland The Dead Hands of Dublin Pipsqueak animation 5711 Vesper Ave., 91411 Sherman Oaks, United States My Annoying Shadow: Arlo’s Soooo Thirsty! Pixel Cartoon Via Torquato Taramelli, 38122 Trento, Italy Mila Plug-in Media Ltd 3rd Floor, BN2 9NT Brighton, United Kingdom Big Boots Birthday: A Tee and Mo Mini Musical

lISTE Pôle 3D 78 bd du Général Leclerc, 59100 Roubaix, France Turtle Bay Digestion Migrants 3 Walls & a roof Boring Pirat’tack Macchina Microtopia Adoption Old Man 7th Floor PopCap Games 2401 4th Avenue Suite 300, 98121 Seattle, United States Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville Complete Edition PPT Digital Production Inc. 151 Bloor St West, M5S 1S4 Toronto, Canada tristan.hay.lee@epicstorymedia. com Piper’s Pony Tales Premium Films 6 Rue Desargues, 75011 Paris, France Only a child Primal Shape S.r.l. Via Francesco Netti, 80128 Napoli, Italy Winter Tale Project First LLC Spartakovskiy per., 105082 Moscow, Russia Leo the Truck Promofest Marqués de Zafra 35, 28028 Madrid, Spain Flora linguis Autumn Two small fish The infinite My grandpa knows king kong Journey with mr. Mr. Protocol Games Tordomar Madrid, Spain Song of Horror

Raiser Games Zurbano, 28010 Madrid, Spain Song of Horror

PushStart Avenida Ricardo Medina Filho 814, 05057-100 Sao Paulo, Brazil Wow Animals

Rajshri entertainment pvt ltd B Wing, 400018 Mumbai, India Dr Binocs Show

Qvisten Animation AS Mariedalsveien 87, 0461 Oslo, Norway Little Frog

Reesee Entertainment Room 607, Yuexiu District Guangzhou, China Hailey and the Hero Hearts

Radl Animation An der Golzheimer Heide, 40468 Düsseldorf, Germany What really happened on Noahs Ark

Riki Group 34A, 197101 Saint-Petersburg, Russia Fixies vs. Crabots

Rai Cinema SPA Piazza Adriana 12, 00193 Roma, Italy Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty

Rocketsheep Studio 111 New York Street Cubao, 1109 Quezon City, Philippines You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story

Rai Com Via Umberto Novaro n. 18, 00195 Roma, Italy Artoonic Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty

RocknRoll Animation Sonnenburger Str. 66, 10437 Berlin, Germany Where do they come from?... and where do they go?

Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana viale Mazzini, 00195 Rome, Italy AquaTeam - Sea Adventure

Rotating Planet Productions 6250 Rue Hutchison, H2V 4C5 Montreal, Canada Zamzoom’s Animal Adventures

Rai Ragazzi viale Mazzini, 00195 Rome, Italy Lorenzo and the mirror Animal House Mila The game catchers Nina & Olga Francesco Artoonic POV The First Years Marta & Eva When I was your age

Royal College of Art Kensington Gore, SW7 2EU London, United Kingdom Any Instant Whatever RT Borovaya Street, 111020 Moscow, Russia The Magic Garden

Rainbow via Brecce, 264 Loreto, Italy Pinocchio and Friends Summer & Todd Happy Farmers Pinocchio and Friends Summer & Todd Happy Farmers



Rubika 2 rue Peclet, 59300 Valenciennes, France A Tiny Tale Thin Ice Snow heart Cell The hapiness of some Disoriented Agape Running Turtl, production company Akademicheskaya 13-11b, 220012 Minsk, Belarus Shirey Mara Sacrebleu Productions 10 bis Rue Bisson, 75020 Paris, France Real Life Sacrebleu Productions 10 bis Rue Bisson, 75020 Paris, France Friend of a Friend Normal Sad Milk Collective 6 Favor St., 01852 Lowell, United States The Gray House Sanmor Desarrollo Empresarial SL (Novena Nube) Vicente Delgado Algaba 23, 06010 Badajoz, Spain Red Gold SC Films International 16 Beaufort Court, E14 9XL London, United Kingdom Absolute Denial Best Birthday Ever



School-Studio Pravdy str., 125124 Moscow, Russia Based on graphics of Roland Topor The Wet Socks of Berta Reyes Cornstalk Numbers The Mistress of the Copper Mountain Unbearable Grief Urban goat Anna Vadim on a walk Self production 1F, 70049 Tainan, Taiwan A Mysterious Hat Seru Animation GmbH & Co. KG Studio Waiblingen, 71332 Waiblingen, Germany Petronella Applewitch Short art media llc 750 N San Vincente blvd pacific design center ste 800, CA 90069 West Hollywood, United States Puffins ShortsFit Via di Serraia 46, 53040 Rapolano Terme, Italy Juan Viento Not for money SHOW LAB Corso Unione Sovietica 612 / 15A, 10135 TORINO, Italy Animal House Francesco POV The First Years Silex Films 8 Impasse Druinot, 75012 Paris, France Mom Simone Massi Roma, Italy The infinite

Sinking Ship Entertainment 1179 King Street West, M6K 3C5 Toronto, Canada Dino Dana Odd Squad Mobile Unit Endlings Odd Squad Mobile Unit Endlings Sky Arte Where night falls Sky Kids United Kingdom Labuntina Sky UK United Kingdom The Brilliant World of Tom Gates SLR Productions PO Box 458, 2034 COOGEE, Australia Space Nova Slugger Film Skomakaregatan 4, 211 34 Malmö, Sweden Best Birthday Ever Sofia Silkina Russia, 141006 Moscow region, Russia Observing the Tardigrades Sonar Entertainment one culver 10000 washington blvd., 90232 culver city, united states au Kangaroo Beach Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 2207 Bridgepointe Pkwy, 94404 California, United States Returnal Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Soyuzmultfilm Akademika Koroleva St, 127427 Moscow, Russia Orange Moo Cow

Spring Films Centro Plaza Condominium, 1103 Quezon City, Philippines You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story Stand by me srl piazza Cola di Rienzo, 00192 Roma, Italy Halloweird Stretchy Ltd 1013 Ferry Rd, 8023 Christchurch, New Zealand Kiri and Lou Studio 100 Animation 105 rue La Fayette, 75010 Paris, France Galactic Agency 100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone Studio Bozzetto via cola montano 9, 20159 milan, italy The game catchers Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd. 201, 400055 Mumbai, India Seen It What If Seen It Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd. 201, 400055 Mumbai, India Seen It Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd. 201, 400055 Mumbai, India What If Seen It Studio FILM BILDER GmbH Ostendstr. 106, 70188 Stuttgart, Germany Altötting Benztown


Studio Fizbin GmbH Hoferstraße 20, D-71636 Ludwigsburg, Germany Minute of Islands Studio Mistral v. Don Minzoni 75, 40068 S. Lazzaro di Savena, Italy The Town Of Forgotten Things Studio Redfrog 172 Avenue de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France Sardine in Outer Space Submarine Arie Biemondstraat, 1054PD Amsterdam, Netherlands TBC Best Birthday Ever Supamonks 26 Rue Berthollet, 94110 Arcueil Droners Syon Media 1711 St-Patrick, H3K 3J9 Montreal, Canada Tom’s Tiny Toys Taipei National University of Arts Animation department, 802 Taipei, Taiwan Rushroom Mushroom Ashes Do it again TANT MIEUX PROD Nice, France Journey with mr. mr. Tarsier Studios Roskildevägen 1B, 211 47 Malmö, Sweden Little Nightmares II Telegael Galway, Ireland Purple Turtle TG Entertainment Ltd. United Kingdom The Brilliant World of Tom Gates

lISTE The Playmaker Munich Türkenstraße 89, 80799 Munich, Germany The Ogglies

Velan Studios 5 3rd St, 12180 New York, United States Knockout City

Wolkenlenker Köpenicker Str. 148, 10997 Berlin, Germany Poldine

The R&D Studio J-2-13, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia The Dalang’s Tale

Velvet Creative SAS di Barone Marcello & c. Via Amerigo Vespucci, 20025 Legnano (MILANO), Italy Mars Untold And the adventures of the Ruby Guardians

Wuji House SL Carrer Fraternitat 15, 08012 Barcelona, Spain Elvis Riboldi

Thuristar Jos Verdegemstraat 59, 9040 Sint-Amandsberg, Belgium Mush-Mush and the Mushables Tobo Média 5455 av. De Gaspé, h2t3b2 Montéal, Canada Dounia Toon Factory 11 Rue Torricelli, 75017 Paris, France Sardine in Outer Space Toonz Media Group Technopark, 695581 Trivandrum, India filmfestivals@ Briko Zoonicorn Paddy Paws TITUTA Water Pollution Tourmalet Films Anselmo J. Benítez 6, 38004 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain The first thing T-rex digimation srl via maddalena 9, 20122 milano, italy Animal House TV Setouchi Broadcasting Co. 1-1-12 Yanagimachi, 700-8677 Okayama-shi, Japan Shimajiro: A World of WOW! Ubisoft 28 rue Armand Carrel, 93108 Montreuil, France Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition

Waooh! Belgium Nefertine on the Nile Warner Bros Animation 111 north hollywood way, 91505 Burbank California, United States Simona.Giannobile@warnerbros. com Looney Tunes Cartoons Warner Bros. Pictures via Giacomo Puccini 6, 00198 Roma, Italy riccardo.tinnirello@warnerbros. com Scoob! Tom & Jerry Warnermedia 160 Old Street, EC1V 9BW London, United Kingdom Craig Of the Creek The Fungies! Elliott From Earth Craig of the Creek Watch Next Media 29-31 Rue des Panoyaux, 75020 Paris, France Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese Elvis Riboldi Weeler Studio 6F, 251 New Taipei City, Taiwan Clothes on rainy day Wildseed Studios 5th Floor Office 508, BS1 2AW Bristol, United Kingdom miles.bullough@wildseedstudios. com Dodo

WunderWerk GmbH Kanalstraße 7, 85774 Unterföhring, Germany The Ogglies Xilam animation 57 Boulevard de la Villette, 75010 Paris, France Boon & Pimento Where’s Chicky? YouNone Kanakari 160, 262 21 Patra, Greece Cast-outs Yowza Animation 298 Campbell Ave, ON M6P 3V6 Toronto, Canada Kiri and Lou ZDF ZDF-Str. 1, 55100 Mainz, Germany Petronella Applewitch The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Space Nova Mishou Zebra Stripe Films 203 Adventurers Quay, CF10 4NS Cardiff, United Kingdom Not for money Zhang lili 218, 310002 Hang Zhou, China Chocolate Zodiak kids When I was your age



Zoonicorn 3189 Shoreline Lane, 55112 Minnesota, United States filmfestivals@ Zoonicorn Zooparky animation studio Rua Dna. Antônia de Queiroz 474 \ u2013 cjto 16, 01307-013 São Paulo, Brazil Morning Breakfast




ARGENTINA Carlos Farina Juan Viento AUSTRALIA Abc Kangaroo Beach Cheeky Little Media Pty Ltd Kangaroo Beach Flying Bark Productions 100% WOLF SLR Productions Space Nova BELARUS National Film Studio Belarusfilm Stars of the seventh sky Running Turtl, production company Shirey Mara BELGIUM Anaïs Mauzat (Self-production) Roots Axel Dumont Message For You Bardaf! Productions Galactic Agency Belvision Little Furry IMPS The Smurfs Peyo Productions and Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel The Smurfs THURISTAR Mush-Mush and the Mushables Waooh! Nefertine on the Nile BRAZIL calango dc two small fish

Gloob Anittinha’s Club SOS Fairy Manu Game Crashers Gigablaster Blue Building Detectives Brainiacs Senninha on the Crazy Race Il Vagabondo Film Bakery Pinguinics - The Attack Comes from the Pole Stinky Frog Pinguim Content Tarsilinha Earth to Luna! PushStart Wow Animals ZOOPARKY ANIMATION STUDIO Morning Breakfast Tarsilinha Stinky Frog BULGARIA Activist 38 mishou CANADA 10th Ave Productions Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa Attraction Distribution Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa Big Bad Boo Studios 16 Hudson BioWare Mass Effect Legendary Edition Epic Story Media Distribution Inc. Piper’s Pony Tales Hailey and the Hero Hearts KilledtheCat Productions Fuelled National Film Board of Canada altötting PPT Digital Production Inc. Piper’s Pony Tales

Rotating Planet Productions Zamzoom’s Animal Adventures Sinking Ship Entertainment Dino Dana Odd Squad Mobile Unit Endlings Dino Dana Odd Squad Mobile Unit Endlings Syon Media Tom’s Tiny Toys Tobo Média Dounia Yowza Animation Kiri and Lou 16 Hudson Fuelled Dounia CHILE Belofilms Elulu CHINA Fantawild Animation Inc. Boonie Bears The Wild Life JY Animation Tom’s Tiny Toys Reesee Entertainment Hailey and the Hero Hearts Zhang lili Chocolate Tag Boonie Bears The Wild Life DENMARK Copenhagen Bombay Kiwi & Strit Happy Flyfish Rights ApS Little Frog EGYPT Ghazala The Pyramid FINLAND Housemarque Oy Returnal FRANCE 4.21 Production Tom & Lili APC Kids 124

Galactic Agency Autoproduced Mom Autour de Minuit Jeremy Super Caribou - Jeremy and the forbidden love stories Empty Places Bayard Jeunesse Animation In the Desert (3rd episode of the series Jesus) Cross river productions Boon & Pimento Where’s Chicky? Cyber Group Studios Gigantosaurus Droners Nefertine on the Nile Orange Moo Cow Purple Turtle Nefertine on the Nile Cyber Group Studios Gigantosaurus Droners Orange Moo Cow Purple Turtle Dandelooo Mum is pouring rain My life in Versailles Dargaud Media Little Furry Dupuis Edition & Audiovisuel Little Furry Festivaal distribution Lorenzo and the mirror Films grand huit my life in versailles Folimage Vanille France tv distribution Disco dragon Guido manuli Hitch stories Je Regarde A Tiny Tale Je Regarde Thin Ice Snow heart Cell The hapiness of some Disoriented Agape Turtle Bay Digestion


Migrants 3 Walls & a roof Boring Pirat’tack Macchina Microtopia Adoption Old Man 7th Floor Kids First Distribution Elvis Riboldi La Cabane Productions Mush-Mush and the Mushables La chouette compagnie Droners La consequence Autumn Laïdak Films Mum is pouring rain Lino Signorato Introduction to the Middle Ages Mediatoon Distribution Little Furry Mediawan Rights The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Method Animation (On Kids and Family) The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Midralgar La prima cosa Mondotv france Disco dragon Monello productions When I was your age Newen Connect POV The First Years Pôle 3D Turtle Bay Digestion Migrants 3 Walls & a roof Boring Pirat’tack Macchina Microtopia Adoption Old Man 7th Floor Premium Films Only a child Rubika

Milen Vitanov Mishou Mixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbH Minute of Islands Radl Animation What really happened on Noahs Ark RocknRoll Animation Where do they come from?... and where do they go? SERU Animation GmbH & Co. KG Petronella Applewitch Studio 100 Media GmbH 100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone Altötting Studio FILM BILDER GmbH Benztown Altötting Studio Fizbin GmbH Minute of Islands The Playmaker Munich The Ogglies Wolkenlenker Poldine WunderWerk GmbH The Ogglies ZDF Petronella Applewitch The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Space Nova ZDF TV Mishou Korean Flight 858

A Tiny Tale Thin Ice Snow heart Cell The hapiness of some Disoriented Agape Sacrebleu Productions Real Life Friend of a Friend Normal Silex Films Mom Studio 100 Animation Galactic Agency Studio Redfrog Sardine in Outer Space Tant mieux prod Journey with mr. Toon Factory Sardine in Outer Space Ubisoft Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition Watch Next Media Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese Watch Next Media SASU Elvis Riboldi Xilam animation Boon & Pimento Where’s Chicky? Hitch stories GEORGIA Chai Khana The Enigma of Faina GERMANY Akkord Film Produktion GmbH Petronella Applewitch Alexandra Schatz Filmproduktion Best Birthday Ever Anton Krümpelmann Korean Flight 858 Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Inside me Mmm...Cat Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Monkey Domino Global Screen Petronella Applewitch

GREECE YouNone Cast-outs INDIA AADARSH Purple Turtle Cosmos-Maya Galactic Agency Rajshri entertainment pvt ltd Dr Binocs Show Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd. Seen It What If Seen It



Toonz Media Group Briko Zoonicorn Paddy Paws Tituta Water Pollution IRAN Defc Haboob IRIB Ruby and the Chickens Peyman Shahmohamadi Xilbalba IRELAND Cartoon Saloon WolfWalkers Kavaleer Productions Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese Monster Distribution Earth to Luna! Pink Kong Studios The Dead Hands of Dublin Telegael Purple Turtle ISRAEL Dovi Keich Gruf and Me Hanfashot Poalot The Fourth Raven Gruf and Me ITALY 302 Original Content Marta & Eva Adamo Antonacci Crash Casanova every day a super power AiR Lovere artist residence Jellydream Al one srl Trash Antonello Matarazzo Flumina Arte e Crescita edizioni Highlanders Asacha Media Group Halloweird Bandai namco entertainment france s.a.s. (italian branch) Cyberpunk 2077



Banijay Italia Ready music play beQ entertainment Lorenzo and the mirror Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia The granary Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Lucerna Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Princess Underwater Love Claudio Giusti (Fat Unicorn) Cheese CrocoPie Studio Ghiatto De agostini editore Unlockdown Ready music play Mindfulcamp Whatsanna Eclettica Insect Park Enanimation Nina & Olga Enanimation Francesco Fondazione FILA Museum FILA White Line GraFFiti Creative AquaTeam - Sea Adventure Graphilm Srl Nefertine on the Nile IED Istituto Europeo di Design Spa Wayward NOT Sleeping Beauty Ied Istituto Europeo di design spa The darkest night Iervolino Entertainment spa Arctic friends Puffins Inarc Progetti Artoonic KidsMe srl Whatsanna KidsMe srl Unlockdown Mindfulcamp Mad Entertainment SPA Where night falls

The cow in the sky Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty Matteo Ferrari Hanged Man’s Revenge Mobo Srl When I was your age Okubo Station Cheese Palomar s.p.a The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio Pixel Cartoon Mila Winter Tale Rai Cinema SPA Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty Rai Com Artoonic Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana AquaTeam - Sea Adventure Rai Ragazzi Lorenzo and the mirror Animal House Mila The game catchers Nina & Olga Francesco Artoonic POV The First Years Marta & Eva When I was your age Rainbow Pinocchio and Friends Summer & Todd Happy Farmers ShortsFit Juan Viento Not for money Show lab Animal House Showlab Srl Pov the first years Simone massi The infinite Stand by me srl Halloweird Studio bozzetto The game catchers Studio Mistral The Town Of Forgotten Things T-rex digimation srl Animal House

Velvet Creative SAS di Barone Marcello & c. Mars Untold And the adventures of the Ruby Guardians Warner Bros. Pictures Scoob! Tom & Jerry. Winter Tale FILA White Line The Town Of Forgotten Things Cheese Where night falls The cow in the sky NOT Sleeping Beauty The Darkest Night JAPAN Arc system works co. Guilty gear strive Bandai namco entertainment inc. Little nightmares ii Guilty Gear Strive Benesse Corporation Shimajiro: A World of WOW! Camelot Software Planning Mario Golf: Super Rush Dash Co. Shimajiro: A World of WOW! Forrest-Schlage Like and Follow Nintendo Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Miitopia Game Builder Garage Mario Golf: Super Rush TV Setouchi Broadcasting Co. Shimajiro: A World of WOW! LUXEMBOURG Mélusine Productions WolfWalkers

Cinematografía IMCINE Canicas NETHERLANDS Daniel Wesseik The Driver The Fourth Raven Engine Software BV Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition Laura Aldofredi Chasing Stars Submarine Best Birthday Ever Chasing Stars The Driver The Fourth Raven NEW ZEALAND Stretchy Ltd Kiri and Lou NORWAY Qvisten Animation AS Little Frog PHILIPPINES Rocketsheep Studio You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story Spring Films You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story POLAND Cd projekt s.a. Cyberpunk 2077 Fumi Studio Dog’s Field

MALAYSIA Giggle Garage Animations Space Nova The R&D Studio The Dalang’s Tale

PORTUGAL Animanostra Tide Table The Doctor’s Wife So but not so Ciclope Filmes Altötting

MEXICO Cocoa López Studio Canicas Instituto Mexicano de la

RUSSIA Animation Studio \100 KILOWATT\ My friend from Tau Ceti



APC Kids SAS Kid-E-Cats BiBaBoo Animation Leo the Truck Diversity Studio The Other Way Wolf Filmcompany, SNEGA The habit Russia HSE ART AND DESIGN SCHOOL Boo! Second Wednesday in April Out of the ground Dogs Smell Like the Sea JSC \TELECOMPANY\ My friend from Tau Ceti KinoAtis LLC Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure Melnitsa animation studio He can’t live without cosmos Little Tiaras Metrafilms Kid-E-Cats Project First LLC Leo the Truck Riki Group Fixies vs. Crabots RT The Magic Garden School-Studio Based on graphics of Roland Topor The Wet Socks of Berta Reyes Cornstalk Numbers The Mistress of the Copper Mountain Unbearable Grief Urban goat Anna Vadim on a walk School-Studio 10 thousand kilometers Sofia Silkina Observing the Tardigrades Soyuzmultfilm Orange Moo Cow 10 thousand kilometers Boo! Second Wednesday in April SINGAPORE Chips and Toon

Fox Tales, Turtle in Troubled Water One Animation Pte Ltd Oddbods

It Takes Two Slugger Film Best Birthday Ever


SWEDEN Tarsier Studios Little Nightmares II

SPAIN Amalia Studio La prima cosa Bliss Muerte Murciélago Brands & rights 360 Marta & Eva Daniela godel Flora linguis Distribution with Glasses Message For You Goldbee distribution The game catchers Marvin&Wayne Muerte Murciélago Red Gold Marvin&Wayne La prima cosa Miguel saez plaza My grandpa knows king kong Mondo TV Producciones Canarias Nina & Olga Patricia Sánchez Mora (laudiovisual prod.) Red Gold Peekaboo Animation Elvis Riboldi Promofest Flora linguis Autumn Two small fish The infinite My grandpa knows king kong Protocol Games Song of Horror Raiser Games Song of Horror SANMOR Desarrollo Empresarial SL (Novena Nube) Red Gold Tourmalet Films La prima cosa Wuji House SL Elvis Riboldi Hazelight Studios

SWITZERLAND Amka Films Productions Only a child Nadasdy Film Them Nadasdy Film Bemol Nadasdy Film Vanille TAIWAN Befun x Ash pillow Runny runny egg Chen-ying Big Small Self production A Mysterious Hat Taipei National University of Arts Rushroom Mushroom Taipei National University of the Arts Ashes Taipei National University of the Arts Do it again Weeler Studio Clothes on rainy day TAIWAN Ashes Do it again Runny runny egg UKRAINE Arutiunov Leo the lion UNITED KINGDOM 3D Sparrow Ltd. Booba Absolute denial films ltd Absolute Denial Acamar Films Bing Bridge Way Films 127


Absolute Denial Cake Dodo Cake Entertainment Mush-Mush and the Mushables Kiri and Lou Hanna - Barbera Studios Europe Elliott From Earth Labuntina ltd Labuntina Magic Light Pictures Zog and the Flying Doctors Pip and Posy Plug-in Media Ltd Big Boots Birthday: A Tee and Mo Mini Musical Royal College of Art Any Instant Whatever SC Films International Absolute Denial SC Films International Best Birthday Ever Sky Kids Labuntina Sky UK The Brilliant World of Tom Gates TG Entertainment Ltd. The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Warnermedia Craig Of the Creek The Fungies! Elliott From Earth Wildseed Studios Dodo Zebra Stripe Films Not for money UNITED STATES Bethesda softworks llc Doom 3: vr edition Brigham Young University Salt Cartoon Network Studios Craig Of the Creek The Fungies! CloudCo Entertainment Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese Electronic Arts It Takes Two Knockout City Mass Effect Legendary Edition Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville Complete Edition



The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator The Sims 4 Courtyard Oasis Kit EPIC Pictures Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure Space Dogs. Mysteries of the cosmos Fauna produksiyon ve tasarim ticaret as Briko Fred Rogers Productions Odd Squad Mobile Unit Insomniac Games Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Katherine Ruiz I’m Having Trouble Processing the End, Please Hold Maxis The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator The Sims 4 Courtyard Oasis Kit Paradox studios llc Arctic friends Pipsqueak animation My Annoying Shadow: Arlo’s Soooo Thirsty! PopCap Games Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville Complete Edition Sad Milk Collective The Gray House Short art media llc Puffins Sonar Entertainment Kangaroo Beach Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Returnal Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Velan Studios Knockout City Warner Bros Animation Looney Tunes Cartoons Zoonicorn Zoonicorn

APC Kids SAS Little Tiaras Bayard Jeunesse Animation In the Desert (3rd episode of the series Jesus) Beyond rights Nina & Olga Birdo Studio Anittinha’s Club Boutique Filmes SOS Fairy Manu Central Partnership Fixies vs. Crabots Conspiração Filmes Blue Building Detectives Copa Studio Gigablaster Daniel Wesseik The Driver DEFC HAboob Estricnina Desenhos Animados Gigablaster Fantawild Animation Inc. Boonie Bears The Wild Life Floresta Realizações Audiovisuais Game Crashers Fumi Studio Dog’s Field GraFFiti Creative AquaTeam - Sea Adventure Grupo Globo Anittinha’s Club Game Crashers Gigablaster Blue Building Detectives Brainiacs Senninha on the Crazy Race

ABC AUSTRALIA 100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone Animanostra Tide 128




List of Programme in alphabetical order Elenco dei Programmi in ordine alfabetico

Any Instant Whatever G - Short Films

10 Thousand Kilometers G - Short Films

Arctic Friends C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

100% Wolf H - Animated Feature Films

Artoonic A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

AquaTeam - Sea Adventure F - TV Series Pilots

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

Elulu H - Animated Feature Films

Brainiacs E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

Endlings E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

Canicas G - Short Films

Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa H - Animated Feature Films

Cell G - Short Films

FILA White Line G - Short Films

Chasing Stars G - Short Films

Fixies vs. Crabots H - Animated Feature Films

Cheese G - Short Films


Chocolate G - Short Films

Flumina G - Short Films

Clothes on rainy day G - Short Films

Fox Tales, Turtle in Troubled Water B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Ashes G - Short Films

Cornstalk G - Short Films

16 Hudson B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Based on graphics of Roland Topor G - Short Films

Craig of the Creek C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

3 Walls & a roof G - Short Films

Bemol G - Short Films

7th Floor G - Short Films

Benztown G - Short Films

A Mysterious Hat G - Short Films

Best Birthday Ever H - Animated Feature Films

A Tiny Tale G - Short Films

Big Boots Birthday: A Tee and Mo Mini Musical G - Short Films

Absolute Denial H - Animated Feature Films Adoption G - Short Films Agape G - Short Films Altötting G - Short Films Animal House E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Anittinha’s Club A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Anna G - Short Films

Big Small G - Short Films Blue Building Detectives E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Boo! G - Short Films Booba B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Boon & Pimento C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Boring G - Short Films

Crash Casanova every day a super power F - TV Series Pilots Cyberpunk 2077 D - Interactive Multimedia Works Digestion G - Short Films Disco Dragon B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Disoriented G - Short Films Dog’s Field G - Short Films Dogs Smell Like the Sea G - Short Films DOOM 3: VR Edition D - Interactive Multimedia Works Droners C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Earth to Luna! B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Elliott From Earth C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)


Francesco G - Short Films Galactic Agency C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Game Builder Garage D - Interactive Multimedia Works Game Crashers E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Ghiatto G - Short Films Gigablaster C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Gigantosaurus B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Gruf and Me G - Short Films Guilty Gear Strive D - Interactive Multimedia Works HAboob G - Short Films Hailey and the Hero Hearts B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Halloweird E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series



Hanged Man’s Revenge G - Short Films

Korean Flight 858 G - Short Films

Miitopia D - Interactive Multimedia Works

Only a child G - Short Films

He can’t live without cosmos G - Short Films

Labuntina A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Mila G - Short Films

Orange Moo Cow A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Highlanders B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Hitch Stories F - TV Series Pilots I, Elvis Riboldi C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) I’m Having Trouble Processing the End, Please Hold G - Short Films Insect Park G - Short Films Inside me G - Short Films Introduction to the Middle Ages F - TV Series Pilots It Takes Two D - Interactive Multimedia Works Jellydream G - Short Films Journey with Mr. Mr. G - Short Films Juan Viento G - Short Films Kangaroo Beach B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Kid-E-Cats B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Kiri and Lou A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Mindfulcamp E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

Leo the lion B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Mishou G - Short Films

Leo the Truck A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Mom G - Short Films

Like and Follow G - Short Films

Monkey Domino G - Short Films

Little Frog G - Short Films

Morning Breakfast G - Short Films

Little Furry A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Mum is pouring rain G - Short Films

Little Nightmares II D - Interactive Multimedia Works

Mush-Mush and the Mushables B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Little Tiaras B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

My Annoying Shadow: Arlo’s Soooo Thirsty! G - Short Films

Looney Tunes Cartoons B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

My friend from Tau Ceti C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) My grandpa knows King Kong G - Short Films

Lorenzo and the mirror G - Short Films

My life in Versailles G - Short Films

Lucerna G - Short Films

Nefertine on the Nile B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Macchina G - Short Films Mario Golf: Super Rush D - Interactive Multimedia Works

Nina & Olga B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Marta & Eva E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

Normal G - Short Films

Mass Effect Legendary Edition D - Interactive Multimedia Works

Not for money G - Short Films

Message For You G - Short Films

Numbers G - Short Films

Knockout City D - Interactive Multimedia Works

Microtopia G - Short Films

Kolobok. Handmade G - Short Films

Migrants G - Short Films

Oddbods B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Kiwi & Strit B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Old Man G - Short Films


Out of the ground G - Short Films Petronella Applewitch B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Pinguinics - The Attack Comes from the Pole G - Short Films Pinocchio and Friends A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Pip and Posy A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Piper’s Pony Tales B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Pirat’tack G - Short Films Poldine G - Short Films POV The First Years E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Princess G - Short Films Puffins B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Purple Turtle A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart D - Interactive Multimedia Works Ready Music Play E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Real Life G - Short Films Red Gold G - Short Films Returnal D - Interactive Multimedia Works



Roots G - Short Films Runny runny egg G - Short Films Salt G - Short Films Sandman G - Short Films Sardine in Outer Space B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Scoob! H - Animated Feature Films Second Wednesday in April G - Short Films Seen It G - Short Films Senninha on the Crazy Race B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Shimajiro: A World of WOW! E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Shirey Mara G - Short Films Snow heart G - Short Films Song of Horror D - Interactive Multimedia Works SOS Fairy Manu B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Space Dogs. Mysteries of the cosmos C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

Table G - Short Films Tag G - Short Films Tarsilinha H - Animated Feature Films The Brilliant World of Tom Gates C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) The cow in the sky G - Short Films The Dalang’s Tale G - Short Films The Dead Hands of Dublin G - Short Films The Doctor’s Wife G - Short Films The Driver G - Short Films The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

What really happened on Noahs Ark G - Short Films

The Other Way Wolf B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Whatsanna E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

The Smurfs B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) The Town Of Forgotten Things G - Short Films The Wet Socks of Berta Reyes G - Short Films Them G - Short Films Thin Ice G - Short Films Tide G - Short Films

When I was your age C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Where do they come from?... and where do they go? G - Short Films Where night falls G - Short Films Where’s Chicky? C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Winter Tale G - Short Films WolfWalkers H - Animated Feature Films

Tom & Jerry H - Animated Feature Films

Wow Animals B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

The Enigma of Faina G - Short Films

Tom & Lili C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

Xilbalba G - Short Films

La prima cosa G - Short Films

Tom’s Tiny Toys F - TV Series Pilots

The Fungies! C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

Trash H - Animated Feature Films

Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty H - Animated Feature Films

The Game Catchers A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Turtle Bay G - Short Films

The Granary G - Short Films The Gray House G - Short Films

Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure H - Animated Feature Films

The habit G - Short Films

Space Nova C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

The hapiness of some G - Short Films

Stars of the seventh sky H - Animated Feature Films

The Infinite G - Short Films

Stinky Frog G - Short Films

The Magic Garden A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Summer & Todd Happy Farmers A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain G - Short Films

You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story H - Animated Feature Films

Unbearable Grief G - Short Films

Zamzoom’s Animal Adventures B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

Unlockdown E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

Zog and the Flying Doctors G - Short Films

UP G - Short Films Urban Goat G - Short Films Vadim on a Walk G - Short Films Water Pollution G - Short Films Wayward G - Short Films




DENMARK Kiwi & Strit B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Little Frog G - Short Films FINLAND Returnal D - Interactive Multimedia Works

ARGENTINA Juan Viento G - Short Films AUSTRALIA 100% WOLF H - Animated Feature Films Kangaroo Beach B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Space Nova C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) 100% Wolf - Legend of the Moonstone C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) AZERBAIJAN The Enigma of Faina G - Short Films BELARUS Stars of the seventh sky H - Animated Feature Films Shirey Mara G - Short Films BELGIUM The Smurfs B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Roots G - Short Films Message For You G - Short Films BRAZIL Tarsilinha H - Animated Feature Films Gigablaster C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Morning Breakfast G - Short Films Anittinha’s Club A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) SOS Fairy Manu B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Game Crashers E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series

Blue Building Detectives E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Brainiacs E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Senninha on the Crazy Race B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Pinguinics - The Attack Comes from the Pole G - Short Films Stinky Frog G - Short Films Earth to Luna! B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Wow Animals B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) CANADA Tom’s Tiny Toys F - TV Series Pilots Felix and the Treasure of Morgaa H - Animated Feature Films 16 Hudson B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Endlings E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Mass Effect Legendary Edition D - Interactive Multimedia Works Zamzoom’s Animal Adventures B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Piper’s Pony Tales B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Hailey and the Hero Hearts B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) CHILE Elulu H - Animated Feature Films CHINA Tag G - Short Films Chocolate G - Short Films

FRANCE Turtle Bay G - Short Films Droners C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) HITCH STORIES F - TV Series Pilots Real Life G - Short Films Normal G - Short Films A Tiny Tale G - Short Films Thin Ice G - Short Films Snow heart G - Short Films Cell G - Short Films The hapiness of some G - Short Films Disoriented G - Short Films Agape G - Short Films Digestion G - Short Films Migrants G - Short Films 3 Walls & a roof G - Short Films Boring G - Short Films Pirat’tack G - Short Films Macchina G - Short Films Microtopia G - Short Films Adoption G - Short Films Old Man G - Short Films 7th Floor G - Short Films Mum is pouring rain G - Short Films MOM G - Short Films My life in Versailles 133


G - Short Films Mush-Mush and the Mushables B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) JOURNEY WITH MR. MR. G - Short Films DISCO DRAGON B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Gigantosaurus B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Orange Moo Cow A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Purple Turtle A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Galactic Agency C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Boon & Pimento C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Where’s Chicky? C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Sardine in Outer Space B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Tom & Lili C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Little Furry A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) GERMANY Korean Flight 858 G - Short Films Where do they come from?... and where do they go? G - Short Films Monkey Domino G - Short Films MISHOU G - Short Films Inside me G - Short Films What really happened on Noahs Ark G - Short Films Petronella Applewitch B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) ALTÖTTING G - Short Films BENZTOWN G - Short Films Poldine G - Short Films INDIA Water Pollution G - Short Films



Seen It G - Short Films IRAN Xilbalba G - Short Films HAboob G - Short Films IRELAND WolfWalkers H - Animated Feature Films The Dead Hands of Dublin G - Short Films Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) ISRAEL Gruf and Me G - Short Films ITALY The Town Of Forgotten Things G - Short Films Crash Casanova every day a super power F - TV Series Pilots TRASH H - Animated Feature Films WHATSANNA E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series UNLOCKDOWN E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Animal House E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Mila G - Short Films AquaTeam - Sea Adventure F - TV Series Pilots THE GAME CATCHERS A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Nina & Olga B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) POV The First Years E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Yaya and Lennie - The Walking Liberty H - Animated Feature Films Marta & Eva E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) When I was your age C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Pinocchio and Friends A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

Highlanders B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Insect Park G - Short Films THE GRANARY G - Short Films LUCERNA G - Short Films Princess G - Short Films ARCTIC FRIENDS C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) PUFFINS B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Winter Tale G - Short Films FILA White Line G - Short Films Nefertine on the Nile B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Cheese G - Short Films GHIATTO G - Short Films READY MUSIC PLAY E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series MINDFULCAMP E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series THE INFINITE G - Short Films LORENZO AND THE MIRROR G - Short Films Hanged Man’s Revenge G - Short Films Francesco G - Short Films Where night falls G - Short Films The cow in the sky G - Short Films Artoonic A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) HALLOWEIRD E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series FLUMINA G - Short Films Jellydream G - Short Films Wayward G - Short Films Introduction to the Middle Ages F - TV Series Pilots Summer & Todd Happy Farmers A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years)

JAPAN Miitopia D - Interactive Multimedia Works Like and Follow G - Short Films Guilty Gear Strive D - Interactive Multimedia Works Shimajiro: A World of WOW! E - Live Action/Hybrid TV Series Game Builder Garage D - Interactive Multimedia Works Mario Golf: Super Rush D - Interactive Multimedia Works MALAYSIA The Dalang’s Tale G - Short Films MEXICO Canicas G - Short Films NETHERLANDS Best Birthday Ever H - Animated Feature Films Chasing Stars G - Short Films The Driver G - Short Films NEW ZEALAND Kiri and Lou A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) PHILIPPINES You Animal! The Nimfa Dimaano Story H - Animated Feature Films POLAND Cyberpunk 2077 D - Interactive Multimedia Works Dog’s Field G - Short Films PORTUGAL Tide G - Short Films Table G - Short Films The Doctor’s Wife G - Short Films RUSSIA Fixies vs. Crabots H - Animated Feature Films My friend from Tau Ceti C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Space Dogs. Tropical Adventure H - Animated Feature Films 134

The Other Way Wolf B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) The Magic Garden A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Dogs Smell Like the Sea G - Short Films He can’t live without cosmos G - Short Films Sandman G - Short Films Little Tiaras B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Kid-E-Cats B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Leo the Truck A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Space Dogs. Mysteries of the cosmos C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) The habit G - Short Films 10 thousand kilometers G - Short Films Boo! G - Short Films Second Wednesday in April G - Short Films Out of the ground G - Short Films Numbers G - Short Films The Mistress of the Copper Mountain G - Short Films Based on graphics of Roland Topor G - Short Films Unbearable Grief G - Short Films The Wet Socks of Berta Reyes G - Short Films CORNSTALK G - Short Films URBAN GOAT G - Short Films Anna G - Short Films VADIM ON A WALK G - Short Films Kolobok. Handmade G - Short Films SINGAPORE Fox Tales, Turtle in Troubled Water B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years)

lISTE Oddbods B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) SOUTH KOREA UP G - Short Films SPAIN FLORA LINGUIS G - Short Films MY GRANDPA KNOWS KING KONG G - Short Films Red Gold G - Short Films La prima cosa G - Short Films I, Elvis Riboldi C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Song of Horror D - Interactive Multimedia Works SWEDEN Little Nightmares II D - Interactive Multimedia Works It Takes Two D - Interactive Multimedia Works SWITZERLAND Only a child G - Short Films Them G - Short Films Bemol G - Short Films TAIWAN Clothes on rainy day G - Short Films A Mysterious Hat G - Short Films Ashes G - Short Films Big Small G - Short Films Runny runny egg G - Short Films

Labuntina A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Not for money G - Short Films Booba B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Any Instant Whatever G - Short Films Zog and the Flying Doctors G - Short Films Big Boots Birthday: A Tee and Mo Mini Musical G - Short Films The Brilliant World of Tom Gates C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) UNITED STATES Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart D - Interactive Multimedia Works Scoob! H - Animated Feature Films Tom & Jerry H - Animated Feature Films My Annoying Shadow: Arlo’s Soooo Thirsty! G - Short Films The Gray House G - Short Films I’m Having Trouble Processing the End, Please Hold G - Short Films Knockout City D - Interactive Multimedia Works DOOM 3: VR Edition D - Interactive Multimedia Works Salt G - Short Films The Fungies! C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) Looney Tunes Cartoons B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) Craig of the Creek C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years)

UKRAINE Leo the lion B - Upper Preschool TV Series (4-6 years) UNITED KINGDOM Absolute Denial H - Animated Feature Films Pip and Posy A - Preschool TV Series (2-4 years) Elliott From Earth C - Kids TV Series (7-11 years) 135


Organization Chart


President of the Festival Teresa De Santis Director Roberto Genovesi Organization Beatrice Cerreto (Coordination) Cristina Angelucci (Marketing and Production)

Rai Com – Operations Technical Services Rossella Bonadonna (Head) Alessandra Frezza Maurizio Bernabei Edoardo Fioravanti *** Web site Oxjno di Julianus D’Intino

*** Editorial Committee Mario Bellina (School Program – Public Program) Marco Accordi Rickards (Interactive Media) Max Giovagnoli (Cross-Media) Oscar Cosulich (Preview – Cinema Program) Alessandro De Simone (Preview – Cinema Program)

Graphics Francesca Wolfler *** Thanks to Rai Digital Rai Ragazzi

*** *** Preselection Jury Mario Bellina Sara Cabras Massimiliano Morelli Max Giovagnoli Marco Accordi Rickards *** Scientific Committee Asifa President – Marino Guarnieri Cartoon Italia President – Anne-Sophie Vanhollebeke Rai Play Director – Elena Capparelli Rai Ragazzi Director – Luca Milano *** Rai Com – Media Relations Fabrizio Casinelli (Head of Media Communication) Cinzia Geromino Ivan Gabrielli Vanessa Penelope Somalvico

Poster of Cartoons on the Bay 2021 by Andrea Cascioli The Pulcinella award is based on the “Pulcinella” by Emanuele Luzzati 2021 Intro by ASIFA Cartoon Italia Theme song by Davide Dileo (BOOSTA) Cartoons on the Bay is realized by Rai Com – Special Projects Roberto Genovesi (head) Matteo Miccio Beatrice Cerreto Nicolò Bernini


Credits not contractual


Alessandro Ravani Head of Sales Margherita Zocaro +39 3357557907

Alessandra Sottile +39 3351332189

Via Umberto Novaro,18 00195 Roma - Italia +39 06 331 78315

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