Holiday Survival Guide

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Holiday Survival Guide Along with a solid game plan, we’ve packed this guide full of healthful recipes that you can easily prepare for any social gathering or even share with your family and friends in anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.

SLAY the Holiday Season with

Own Your Eating! This year we’re upping our game to ensure you all are well prepared for the holiday season. So we’ve put together this comprehensive guide full of tips and tricks to get you through the most challenging season of the year! Along with a solid game plan, we’ve packed this guide full of healthful recipes that you can easily prepare for any social gathering or even share with your family and friends in anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. Sticking to your current routine can be a challenge during the holiday season when your time is stretched as thin as possible. We encourage you to do your best to maintain your healthy habits but if you can’t get to the gym, keep that NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) activity up with a variety of activities; go sledding, take the dog for a long walk with the family, rake the leaves in the backyard and park your car in a spot farthest away from the stores when you do your holiday shopping. Increasing your NEAT is an easy way to burn some extra calories (as much as 2,000 calories) on rest days or if you’re not able to make it to a gym. For those of us who are more focused with specific fitness related goals, staying committed to getting to the gym is important. Plan your day wisely to ensure you get your gym sessions in, but if things don’t go as planned, take a deep breath and remember the value and importance of reconnecting with those around you. Sometimes progress is a measure of your resilience to maintain momentum, and sometimes it’s a measure of your ability to un-dig those heels, let go of frustration and realize that if you’re not going backwards, then you’re still making progress. Don’t forget, being hyper-vigilant on food choices may diminish your enjoyment of the holiday season. Instead, try focusing on making mindful food choices without being obsessive. Have some Mac n’ Cheese and enjoy Roz’s Crockpot Pecan Pie too! Choose to go to the gym because you want to feel good, not because you want to do ‘damage control’ from social events. Wishing you all a happy and healthful holiday season! With so much gratitude,

The Own Your Eating Team

Holiday Survival Guide


5 Tips to Hack the Holidays


The Struggle is Real – Overcoming Holiday Pressures


Holiday Health Hacks – The Highlights







Apps, Sides & Mains



Recipe Creators - Rozlyn Ackerman & Laura Daniel

5 Tips to Hack the Holidays

We’re having a friendsgiving celebration and I just finished up baking some donuts for the occasion - the donut addiction is real people! Somehow I managed to get through the entire process and only eat one mini donut - I recognize all my accomplishments in life, big and small! Anyway, it got me thinking about how stressful the holidays can be with so many social functions to attend & trying to be healthy and what is being healthy all about anyway? If you deprive yourself of foods you love, are you happy? And what about if you indulge. Do you feel guilty or workout excessively to compensate? Neither of those tactics promote an overall sense of well-being or help to cultivate a healthy relationship with food & exercise. So I’ve come up with some strategies to "hack the holidays", avoid weight gain & enjoy the festive season without undue stress! After all, life is all about balance. And donuts…

1. Plan your Treats Let's be realistic now, none of us are perfect! Whilst you might be able to go to one or two parties without indulging, restriction typically leads to overeating. Most likely, you will eventually succumb to your cravings and instead of having one or two treats, you will binge and then spend the rest of the evening having a Bridget Jones moment on the sofa. Spare yourself the guilt-trip & show yourself some compassion. Make a deal with yourself to enjoy one or two things you wouldn't normally eat and don't feel bad about it. Skip things you can have any time of year like Oreos and M&Ms and savor your mom's homemade pie instead. A couple treats here and there are not going to ruin your overall progress. Remember a healthy lifestyle is all about balance & long-term sustainability.


2. Keep Alcohol to a Minimum It's easy to forget that calories come in liquid form too and alcoholic sugary drinks are by far the most calorific. Not only that, but alcohol generally impairs your decision-making abilities, easily turning that one treat you've planned on into four (and the rest)! Waking up with a hangover is unlikely to motivate you to want to workout or eat well either. If you like to have a drink or two, try to avoid cocktails with sugary mixers. Mix your spirits with club soda & fresh lime instead and be sure to space out your drinks with plenty of water in between.

3. Exercise Don't skip your workouts or regular training routine. Do your best to continue to make time for exercise as it will actually help alleviate that added stress that the holidays can bring. Most high-intensity workouts are short & quick like Tabata intervals (20 seconds on, 10 seconds). You could do a 16 minute Tabata circuit with 4 body-weight movements, like jumping squats, push-ups, jumping lunges & sit-ups. Or ditch your usual 45-minute jog for 6 rounds of 400m sprints with 90 seconds rest in between. Don't skip your workouts or regular training routine. Do your best to continue to make time for exercise as it will actually help alleviate that added stress that the holidays can bring. Most high-intensity workouts are short & quick like Tabata intervals (20 seconds on, 10 seconds). You could do a 16 minute Tabata circuit with 4 body-weight movements, like jumping squats, push-ups, jumping lunges & sit-ups. Or ditch your usual 45-minute jog for 6 rounds of 400m sprints with 90 seconds rest in between. If things really don’t go as planned, then don’t forget that you can burn a lot of extra calories easily with activity not dedicated to formal exercise. NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) comprises all our activity that doesn’t involve eating, sleeping, breathing or formal exercise. So things like shoveling snow, cleaning the house, prepping food in the kitchen or playing with the kids can all add up! Have a standing desk in your office or home? Use it!


4. Eat Sensibly Before You Go For some who are accustomed to intermittent fasting, you may find utilizing this strategy before a party very beneficial. But for most of us, fasting all day before a social function is not a good idea! We all know what happens when we go to the supermarket when we're hungry right? So why would you think going to a party on an empty stomach would be any different? The only difference, is instead of filling your shopping cart with lots of delicious treats, you wind up filling your belly! To avoid that scenario, it's best to eat sensibly throughout the day. Stay on top of your lean protein and steer clear of starchy carbohydrates like rice, bread, pasta & cereals. Having a green, protein smoothie or a delicious salad (check out the brussel sprout slaw) before you go is a great way to pack in some nutrients & keep your hunger at bay.

5. Be Mindful Part of being healthy is cultivating a positive mindset. It can be very easy to slip into a cycle of negative self-talk when you feel like you are not accomplishing the things you “should” be, especially when it comes to following a diet or fitness routine. Start the day with a 10-minute meditation, or go for a walk and focus on a simple mantra like "the secret to having it all, is knowing I already do." Alternatively, try focusing your attention on five things you are grateful for. Part of being healthy is cultivating a positive mindset. It can be very easy to slip into a cycle of negative self-talk when you feel like you are not accomplishing the things you “should” be, especially when it comes to following a diet or fitness routine. Start the day with a 10-minute meditation, or go for a walk and focus on a simple mantra like "the secret to having it all, is knowing I already do." Alternatively, try focusing your attention on five things you are grateful for


The Struggle is Real

Overcoming Holiday Pressures This time of year can wreak havoc on our health, not just physically but mentally too. Our desire to please others is innately human and tends to be heightened at this time of year. This isn’t a bad thing when we are mindful of what’s driving our actions, but for some, the need to satiate that feeling can cause us to overburden ourselves us. At this time of year when more is demanded of us than usual, it’s important to recognize whether the pressures you’re feeling are internal or real. Should you “lean in” to them or can you respectfully decline a social invite and honor your need for space? Here are some of the sticky situations in which we often find ourselves around the holidays and some strategies to help you go about handling those scenarios like a pro

1. Saying no to Food Prepared by Others OWN YOUR EATING

Holiday Survival Guide

Have some of the food - if you want it - but take small portions or decline on some that you’re not a fan of or that you might have access to often. It is possible to be polite and grateful without forcing yourself to eat food you don’t really want. Just be vocal in your appreciation instead. Don’t just stuff your face to satisfy your hunger, eat mindfully and be expressive in your gratitude for what’s been prepared. Instead of having seconds, gratitude can be more beneficially expressed by asking your friends or family for the recipe or by taking the time to share a favorite memory with them. “Hey mom, this pecan pie tastes so good! It reminds me of our first Thanksgiving that we went to see the Macy’s parade downtown. Remember how I wandered off for a minute and you thought you lost me?! Wasn’t that funny!” Remember, resisting food that you really want can often lead to overeating later on. So try not to label food as “off-limits”. Plan ahead when you can – ask your mom what kinds of pies she’s Along with a solid game plan, we’ve making and if she can send you the recipe so you can put it into MyFitnessPal. If you can’t get packed this guide full of healthful recipes that you can easily prepare for the recipe, just search for a comparable slice of pie in the app. any social gathering or even share with your family and friends in

anticipation Thanksgiving and If you want to do your best at being dialed in and you’re attending something likeof a pot-luck, Christmas celebrations. then bring a couple of dishes so you can be accurate with and plan ahead for at least 50% of your dinner later on. I did this last year at Thanksgiving by making a Skinny Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake (check out our recipes!) and roasted brussel sprouts.


The Struggle is Real

Overcoming Holiday Pressures 2. Feeling Obligated to attend Social Functions If you don’t want to go out, why not? Are you feeling overwhelmed? If so are you getting enough sleep? Or have you already attended a lot of functions and you just need your own space? Get to the root of why you feel the need to be alone. Respect your space and your need to decompress and rest. Spend 10 minutes a day journaling or meditating, or go for a long walk to clear your mind. If you’ve been over-doing it, work on getting to bed 30 minutes earlier. Sleep has a profound effect on our sense of anxiety as well as stabilizing our blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar levels caused by lack of sleep can lead to cravings, instances of overeating and feeling agitated. If you find social occasions stressful and notice this is when you tend to eat and drink or go off track, then pick and choose which ones you go to. Don’t avoid them all together! Try buddying up with a close friend and let them know that you feel uncomfortable at these gatherings and will they stick with you for the night? Another strategy I use – the same one I use to get my butt in the gym – is to commit myself to staying only for a certain length of time. I tell myself I’m only going to stay an hour and I have a pre-prepared statement to say if people try to get me to stay any longer. If you’re caught off guard and nothing comes to mind, you can just blame the babysitter or the dogs! Being honest isn’t a bad tactic either, try it! “Actually, I’m completely exhausted and I want to stay on top of my commitment to get to the gym 4 times this week so I really do need to leave now.” Not only will your friends respect your honesty but I’m sure they’ll be impressed and supportive too!

3. Food at Social Gatherings is Impossible to Track “Ugh, it’s so difficult to track anything with accuracy so why bother?!” It’s easy to let this mindset get the better of you. Sure, it can be difficult to guesstimate foods or find something truly comparable in the app, but tracking something is better than nothing! Maybe it’s not the challenge of actually tracking with accuracy that you face, but the desire to be off your phone for the night so you can enjoy being fully present. If that’s the case then don’t worry about tracking. Instead just focus on what you know you need to eat. Fill your plate with leafy greens, lean protein, some healthy fats and other veggies. Once you’ve eaten all that you probably won’t be hungry for much else! And if you are? Wait another 15 minutes and drink some water before going back for seconds. Chances are you actually don’t need a second-plate full.


The Struggle is Real

Overcoming Holiday Pressures 4. Everyone else is Indulging My family is the worst! In the best possible way of course. All they want is to see me having fun. Their definition of fun just happens to be a little different to mine! Drinking a ton of alcohol and consuming anything and everything you want may seem like fun in the moment but is all that overindulgence really necessary? You know it isn’t, but peer pressure can be a bitch! Try to remember why you’re there and what makes you feel good. I know how I feel when I drink and eat too much; like total garbage and usually it last for days not just 24 hours. Recognize that there isn’t really any need to indulge excessively. You can eat and drink any day you want to! Tomorrow is another day that will no doubt be full of leftovers. Don’t forget to enjoy the company you’re in too. If you’re relaxed and smiling, your friends will be able to see that you’re having a good time and are less likely to thrust a drink in your hand or more food in your face to get you to “lighten up” or “have some fun”. A sneaky trick I pull often at parties is to fill a wine glass with club soda or sparkling water to give the appearance of having a drink. It actually makes me feel more comfortable too! If you feel the urge to indulge with food, check out all the options first and then choose a couple items that will satiate that need for a little indulgence. I always pick the smallest size plate too so that when I fill it, my brain is tricked into thinking there is an abundance of food. Trust me on this, you’ll start feeling satisfied before your first mouthful!

5. Being a “Yes Man” & Neglecting Your Routine Shifting your priorities to accommodate others is common this time of year. You say yes to doing more things and you inevitably find yourself running out of time. Suddenly, you realize your 5-day a week gym streak has turned into 2 days and you can’t remember the last time you walked the dog. Compromising the healthy habits you’ve worked diligently on building is definitely discouraged! You’ve worked hard to make these habits a part of your every-day routine, so why are they the first things you sacrifice? Learn to negotiate instead. To be clear, negotiation isn’t. the same as compromising. In a negotiation, each person gets something in exchange for giving something their partner wants. In compromise, neither partner actually gets what they want. For example, if your partner wants you to go out to their holiday work function one night and your time is already constrained, then negotiate. Agree to go to the party, but make sure you get something you want out of this too. How about going for that nice long bike ride he’s been promising you, or can he help you make up time lost by going to the grocery store for you whilst you work out the next day? Respecting and valuing your own time, means learning when to say no to doing more and how you can say yes while still getting what you want and need too. If you don’t take care of your needs, who else is going to?



Holiday Health Hacks –

Eat a salad or green protein shake before you go

The Highlights LIMIT ALCOHOL disguise your water by drinking out of a wine glass

drink water or zero calorie drinks in between alcohol

consider all your available food options (peruse the table)

Eat veggies & lean protein

choose one or two seasonal Wait 15 minutes treats you wouldn’t normally before going up have & skip the oreos or for seconds, Eat to Panera muffins, 80% full Track or choose not to track and be OK with it, Engage in as much conversation as possible, it’ll Eat slowly and slow your eating down chew all your food

give yourself a max number of drinks at each social gathering commit to a workout the next morning with a buddy volunteer to be DD


At Own Your Eating we believe in slaying the day! We use the word SLAY as an easy to remember acronym for our lifestyle. What does SLAY mean to us? S – Sweat! A little (or a lot) every day. L – Live! Don’t lose sight of finding balance in your life. A – Awareness! Developing awareness is fundamental for growth and self-improvement. Y – You! Be you no matter what. Figure out your purpose, your “why” and let it drive you


Choose a small plate

PREPARE IN ADVANCE Practice guesstimating food portions at home Plan ahead what you’ll eat Bring your own side or dessert Have take-away boxes or bags on hand so you aren’t left with ALL the leftovers

Need a little helpful reminder to keeping slaying the day? Check out our cute tanks in the OYE store. As a little extra gratitude, get 20% off your tank with the code:



APPS, SIDES & MAINS Sweet Potato hummus

Apple pie spiced chickpeas Brussel sprout slaw

Curried Pumpkin Soup

Creamy low-fat broccoli salad

Mashed Cauliflower gratin Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese

Apple stuffed acorn squash

BREAKFAST Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Sweet Potato Biscuits

Sausage and Egg Muffins Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes Pumpkin Pie Parfaits

Gratifying Vegetable Gravy

Turkey Chili & Sweet Potato Turkey Meatballs

Apple & Sage Turkey Meatloaf

Apple and Black Forest Ham Stuffing BBQ Turkey Flatbread Eggplant Parmigiana


Peanut Butter Tofu Pie

Skinny Pumpkin Cheesecake pie

Crockpot Pecan Pie Double Chocolate “Brownie” Biscotti Holiday Sugar Cookies


No-Bake Cranberry Brownies



Pumpkin Pie Smoothie I don’t know about you, but when I think of Fall a Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Latte always springs to mind! For those of you who can’t live without a bit of pumpkin spice in your life, try out this low carb pumpkin pie smoothie. It’s great for breakfast or a snack and super filling from all the fiber that’s in pumpkin. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, October usually marks the start of autumn (“fall”) but living in Florida the change in season isn’t quite so obvious! My first indicator that Fall was here was seeing all the pumpkins lined up outside Whole Foods. Aren’t the colours, shapes and sizes just incredible!? It’s been a long, hot, sticky summer so I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw them. I knew that cooler weather would soon be with us. Until then, I’m gonna get my pumpkin spice latte fix with this refreshing smoothie instead. It’s the perfect healthy drink for the holidays! Speaking of healthy drinks, make sure you check out our Skinny on Starbucks ordering tips!

COURSE: BREAKFAST, SNACK | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: PUMPKIN, SMOOTHIE | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 10 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 1 PERSON | CALORIES: 262 KCAL | AUTHOR: ROZ ACKERMAN If you're a fan of pumpkin spice latte then you're gonna love this pumpkin pie smoothie! A delicious way to get on top of your protein for the day and enjoy all the flavors of pumpkin pie without the added calories.

INGREDIENTS 0.75 cup Almond Milk -Vanilla - Unsweetened or unsweetenedcoconut milk | 0.50 cup Pumpkin Puree | 0.50 tsp pumpkin spice mix1 tsp vanilla extract | 60 grams banana (frozen) | 0.25 cup Water optional | 31 grams Vanilla Protein optional | 1 tsp cinnamon, ground

INSTRUCTIONS Throw everything in a blender and blend! Pretty simple huh?! To get a thicker consistency add some ice. Add water slowly to achieve desired consistency for your smoothie.

RECIPE NOTES Add a shot of cold espresso to get your full fix of pumpkin spice latte! The addition of vanilla protein helps sweeten this up a little too.


Nutrition Facts Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Amount Per Serving (1 glass)

Calories 262

Calories from Fat 45 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 5g


Polyunsaturated Fat 1g Monounsaturated Fat 1g

Sodium 489mg


Potassium 408mg


Total Carbohydrates 31g


Dietary Fiber 7g


Sugars 12g

Protein 26g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C Iron

19% 29%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Holiday Spiced Sweet Potato Biscuits Holiday Spiced Sweet Potato Biscuits

Bring a little bit of southern flare to your morning with some scratch-made sweet potato biscuits! Your family and friends will love that little hint of sweetness when they bite into their biscuit. Oh and as an added bonus, your kitchen will smell AHHH-MAZING as these babies are baking. If you want to indulge the kids on Thanksgiving morning then make a batch stuffed with miniature marshmallows for a new spin on a marshmallow-topped sweet potato casserole. Biscuits are great as prep-ahead foods. You can easily have all your biscuits pre-prepared and ready to cook straight from the freezer. They will only take a couple minutes longer to bake meaning you won’t have to sacrifice much oven time at all meaning there’s plenty of opportunity to cook all your other holiday dishes. If you’re preparing these biscuits for breakfast, they’d go great with a veggie omelette or our Sausage and Egg Muffins!


COURSE: SIDE DISH, SNACK | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: SWEET POTATO | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME : 15 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME : 25 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 12 BISCUITS | CALORIES: 141 KCAL | AUTHOR: ROZ ACKERMAN Adapted from multiple resources of sweet potato biscuit recipes! If you wanted to serve this as a sweet snack or dessert then take a peek at the Sweet Potato Marshmallow Biscuit from the Smitten Kitten!

INGREDIENTS 2 cup All Purpose Flour | 1 tbsp Baking Powder| 1/2 tsp Salt | 1/4 tsp nutmeg, ground | 1/4 tsp ginger, ground | 71 gram Butter -Unsalted | 191 gram 191 gram | 1/3 cup Whole Milk | 1.5 tbsp Organic Stevia Blend (Granular Allpurpose Sweetener | 1/8 tsp cloves, ground

INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a small bowl, whisk together the mashed sweet potatoes and 1/3 cup milk. Set aside. In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt; process for a few seconds to mix. Add the chunks of cold butter, then pulse a few times until the mixture resembles coarse meal with some pea-size chunks of butter within. (If you don't have a food processor, this can be done by hand with a pastry cutter or your hands.) 4. Transfer the flour mixture to a medium bowl, then add the sweet potato mixture and fold gently to ombine. Add the remaining 3 tablespoons milk a little at a time until the dough is just moistened and holds together (you may not need all of it). 5. Sprinkle a small handful of flour on a work surface. Turn the dough out onto the surface and knead lightly 2 or 3 times with the palm of your hand until the mixture comes together. Pat the dough into a 3/4-inch round. Using a 2-1/2 inch-round biscuit cutter or glass, cut the dough into biscuits. Gently press the scraps into another round and cut out more biscuits. Place the biscuits onto the prepared baking sheet and bake until golden on the bottom and firm to the touch, 12-14 minutes. Serve warm with honey butter.


RECIPE NOTES Prepare in advance: Biscuits are best on the first day that they’re baked. To make them ahead of time, arrange cut biscuits on a tray to freeze them. Once frozen, transfer them to a freezer bag until needed. When you're ready to bake, set oven to the same temperature and cook straight from the freezer; biscuits will take about 2 minutes longer to bake. The biscuits can be frozen in an airtight container or sealable plastic bag for up to 3 months before baking.

Nutrition Facts Holiday Spiced Sweet Potato Biscuits Amount Per Serving (1 Biscuits)

Calories 141

Calories from Fat 45 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 5g Saturated Fat 3g



Monounsaturated Fat 1g

Cholesterol 14mg


Sodium 132mg


Potassium 13mg


Total Carbohydrates 20g


Dietary Fiber 1g


Sugars 3g

Protein 3g


Vitamin A

65% 2% 2%

Vitamin C Calcium

Iron * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Sausage & Egg Muffins Yes, you heard me right. You can have the body you want and eat sausage & egg muffins! You might be more accustomed to the golden arch McMuffin variety but at 470 calories & 30g of fat a pop it’s not recommended that they’re an every-day feature. If you struggle keeping your carbs and fat in check – who doesn’t around the holidays?! – then you’ll want to have a go at whipping up these paleo, low-carb sausage and egg muffins instead! You’ll certainly be able to eat a whole lot more of them! They make for a perfect and easy start to your holiday morning as you can make these several days in advance and store them in an air-tight container in the fridge. Any opportunity I get to save time in the kitchen on Christmas morning I’ll take!


Yes, you heard me right. You can have the body you want and eat sausage & egg muffins! Forget the golden arch McMuffin variety, they'll set you back 470 calories & 30g of fat a pop! Check out this super low fat and low carb option instead. This muffin recipe is easy to follow and they make the perfect high protein snack for your grab and go breakfast.

INGREDIENTS 9 large eggs | 8-9 oz ground sausage meat or | 3 Applegate | 2 cups steamed kale | 1/4 tsp salt | 1/4 tsp pepper

Nutrition Facts Sausage & Egg Muffins Amount Per Serving (1 muffin)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350º. Grease or lightly spray a muffin tin/silicone tray & set to one side.

2. Whisk together the eggs in a mixing bowl and the salt & pepper. 3. Ladle the mixture into the muffin tins filling to just about 1/4 way, then add your cooked ground sausage or sausage links & kale to each muffin.

4. Finish by pouring the egg mixture in each muffin compartment leaving a little space at the top of each one.

5. Bake for about 15 minutes until eggs are set. Serve mmediately orallow to cool and then store in the fridge until ready for eating!


Calories 105

Calories from Fat 54 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 6g Saturated Fat 2g



Polyunsaturated Fat 1g Monounsaturated Fat 1g

Cholesterol 227mg


Sodium 315mg


Potassium 68mg


Total Carbohydrates 2g


Protein 10g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C






* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Holiday Spiced Sweet Potato Biscuits Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes These pumpkin pancakes received the gold standard of approval in my household; and by that I mean my sisters tried them and shockingly liked them in spite of the pumpkin! It took them some convincing that a vegetable wouldn’t ruin their pancakes! There’s something about a sweet and savory flavor combination that just sends my taste buds wild and I know I’m not the only one. This recipe is an homage to my first American breakfast experience & for all of you out there who need to satisfy that sense of indulgence without the undesirable consequences of an all-you-can-eat buffet.


Nutrition Facts Pumpkin Pancakes with Protein Amount Per Serving

Get your Sunday soul food fix on with these deliciously hearty pumpkin pancakes.

Calories 376

Calories from Fat 162 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 18g


Saturated Fat 2g Polyunsaturated Fat 1g

INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup almond flour| 2 tbsp coconut flour| 1/2 tbsp cinnamon | 1 tbsp ground flax seed | 1 scoop vanilla protein powder optional | 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice | 1/4 tsp baking soda | 1/4 cup pumpkin puree | 3/4 cup egg whites | 1 tbsp honeyoptional | 1/2 tsp vanilla powder

Cholesterol 25mg Sodium 454mg Potassium 202mg

8% 19% 6%

Total Carbohydrates 30g Dietary Fiber 10g


Sugars 15g

Protein 28g Vitamin C Calcium Iron

56% 1% 53% 14%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Pumpkin Pie Parfaits This is an easy 7 ingredient recipe that makes a great substitute for pumpkin pie - whether you're trying to save time or calories! These parfaits will satisfy your pie cravings in under 150 calories per serving!Some days I wake up and feel like eating pie for breakfast. Anyone else ever feel that way?! Although I believe in indulging my sweet tooth now and again for breakfast, I've found a delicious compromise that's only 150 calories per serving! These pumpkin pie parfaits really hit the spot. Making them a perfect substitute for a healthier holiday dessert or for breakfast when you find yourself with a real hankering for pie! PREP TIME : BREAKFAST, DESSERT | KEYWORD: PUMPKIN PIE | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 30 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 40 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 4 PARFAIT CUPS | CALORIES: 147 KCAL AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN An easy 7 ingredient recipe that makes a great substitute for pumpkin pie whether you're trying to save time or calories! These parfaits will satisfy your pie cravings in under 150 calories per serving!

INGREDIENTS 2 large eggs | 1 tbsp Lemon juice, raw | 0.25 cup Almond Milk -Vanilla - Unsweetened| 0.50 tsp Salt 2 cups Greek Yogurt 0%Fat | 14 oz. Canned Pumpkin | 0.25 cup Sugar free Maple Syrup homemade or Cary's

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a large bowl, combine the pumpkin puree, eggs, lemon juice, milk,sugar -free maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice, and salt. Stir until thoroughly combined. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and bake for 30 minutes. When fully baked, let the mixture cool for at least 10 minutes. 3. To assemble the parfaits, layer Âź cup of the pumpkin mixture into the bottom of a small glass or jar. Then, layer Âź cup of the yogurt over the pumpkin mixture. Repeat with another layer each of pumpkin mixture and yogurt.

4. Top each parfait with granola, pecan pieces or crumbled graham crackers!

RECIPE NOTES For more of a cheesecake feel, you could crumble some low fat graham crackers into the base of your parfait cups or sprinkle on top.

Nutrition Facts Pumpkin Pie Parfaits

Amount Per Serving (4 cups)

Calories 147

Calories from Fat 27 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 3g Saturated Fat 1g

5% 5%

Monounsaturated Fat 1g

Cholesterol 98mg Sodium 412mg Potassium 50mg Total Carbohydrates 15g Dietary Fiber 3g

33% 17% 1% 5% 12%

Sugars 8g

Protein 17g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C






* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Apps, Sides & Mains


Sweet Potato Hummus Sweet potato hummus adds an autumn spin to a traditional hummus. This dish is great for entertaining or a mid-day snack. Top it with some chopped nuts or toasted pumpkin seeds for a bit of crunch and pair it with a variety of crudités, such as cinnamon dusted pita chips or dried apple slices for an extra festive twist. It keeps well in the fridge so you can make it the day before any event you’re having or attending. I think this would go really well as a dip for turkey meatballs too!

PREP TIME : APPETIZER, SNACK | KEYWORD: CHICKPEAS, HUMMUS, SWEET POTATO | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 1 HOUR | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR 10 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 16 | CALORIES: 67 KCAL AUTHOR : LAURA DANIEL Sweet potato adds a surprising twist to make this hummus a bit more festive! Serve it with a variety of cut veggies, cinnamon pita chips and dried apple slices for an easy crowd pleaser!

INGREDIENTS 1 medium sweet potato | 1 can chickpeas no salt added, drained | 1 tsp lemon zest | Juice of 1 lemon | 1/4 cup tahini | 1 tbsp olive oil | 1/4 tsp cumin| 1/8 tsp smoked paprika | 1/8 tsp cinnamon | 1/2 tsp kosher salt

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Roast or boil sweet potato until soft. About 1 hour at 375°F for a medium sweet potato. Remove skin after baking.

2. Combine all ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.

RECIPE NOTES Add in more olive oil or water to create desired consistency.


Nutrition Facts Sweet Potato Hummus Amount Per Serving (2 tbsp)

Calories 67

Calories from Fat 27 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 3g Saturated Fat 0.3g

5% 2%

Monounsaturated Fat 0.5g

Sodium 40.5mg


Potassium 45mg


Total Carbohydrates 9g


Dietary Fiber 2g


Sugars 2g

Protein 2.2g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C


Calcium Iron

7.2% 2%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Apple Pie Spiced Chickpeas I love a crunchy snack, and these crispy chickpeas satisfy my snack cravings while packing a good amount of plant based protein. With fall in full swing I decided to spice these up with cinnamon and nutmeg, but feel free to add whatever combination of spices you love! I think a chili spiced version of these would be REALLY tasty too! They’re a great lower calorie alternative to the more traditional bowls of nuts that you might normall have on offer as snacks for guests. chickpeas (or Garbanzo beans) are really quite versatile and they’re cheap! They can be blended into just about any dish or stand completely on their own as something satisfying and delicious. Check out these 25 different recipes ( to maximize your chickpea consumption.

COURSE: SNACK | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD : APPLE PIE SPICE, CHICKPEAS, CINNAMON | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES| COOK TIME: 45 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 55 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 4 | CALORIES: 129 KCAL| AUTHOR: LAURA Crispy little bites seasoned with flavors of fall! Quick to make and easy to scale up for a week of snacking or to share with friends!

INGREDIENTS 1 can Garbanzo Beansno no salt added | 1 tbsp olive oil extra virgin | 1 tsp cinnamon | 1/2 tsp nutmeg | 1/2 tsp salt

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pre-heat oven to 375 °F.

2. Rinse and drain garbanzo beans, place between paper towels or dish towels and dry throughly (the drier they are the crispier they will be!) 3. Combine dried beans with olive oil, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Toss to combine.

4. Spread beans in a single layer on a baking dish. 5. Bake for 30-45 minutes, tossing every 15 minutes.

6. Let cool completely before storing in an airtight container.


Nutrition Facts Apple Pie Spiced Chickpeas Amount Per Serving (1 serving)

Calories 129

Calories from Fat 45 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 5g Saturated Fat 1g



Monounsaturated Fat 3g

Sodium 26mg Potassium 187mg Total Carbohydrates 16g Dietary Fiber 4g Sugars 3g

Protein 5g Calcium Iron

1% 5%


16% 10% 2% 29%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Brussel SproutHummus Slaw Sweet Potato Holiday greens are typically just alternative vessels Sweet potato hummus an for cramming even more deliciousadds fat-based foods autumn spin to a traditional hummus. into our mouths - hello Green Bean Casserole and This dish is great for entertaining or a to Bacon Parmesan Brussel Sprouts! So in an effort mid-day snack. Top it with some help you guys reserve your valuable fat macros for choppedI nuts or toasted pumpkin other indulgences, thought a little palate-cleansing a bit of crunch and pair it slaw wouldseeds be a for great accompaniment to your with a variety of crudités, such as holiday dinner. This would also be a strategic small cinnamon pita chips orThe dried meal to have prior todusted going to any party. an extra festive It addition ofapple appleslices ciderfor vinegar to this dishtwist. not only keeps well in the fridge so you can helps to balance all the flavors, but it’s said to feed make it thehelp day balance before any event and healthy gut bacteria, digestion you’re having or attending. I think this improve satiety so you feel more satisfied between would go really ashealthy a dip for turkey meals. Filling up a little on well some greens meatballs too! before you start eating your main course is a great way to keep your appetite satisfied and reduce the risk of over eating. No one likes that feeling of lying on the sofa and feeling so sick and full that you can't move – OK no one except Jason and maybe a handful of others!

COURSE: SIDE DISH | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD : BRUSSEL SPROUTS, SIDE DISH, SLAW, VINEGAR SLAW | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES| :SERVINGS: 10 PEOPLE | CALORIES: 63 KCAL | AUTHOR: LAURA DANIEL Enjoy this mayo-free slaw that's bursting with fresh citrus flavors and provides bite after bite of satisfying crunch.

INGREDIENTS 1 lb brussel sprouts| 1/2 granny smith apple | 1/4 cup dried cranberries | 1 oz chopped pecans | 2 tbsp apple cider | 1 tsp lemon zest | juice from half lemon | 1 tsp dijon mustard | 1/2 tsp diced garlic| 1/4 tsp kosher salt| 1 pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove ends and thicker outer leaves from brussel spouts. Thinly slice to created a shredded look.

2. Slice apple into matchsticks.

3. Toss apple and brussel sprouts in large bowl.

4. Whisk together vinegar, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, mustard, salt and pepper and pour over slaw. Toss to coat. 5. Toss in dried cranberries and pecans.


Nutrition Facts Sweet Potato Brussel SproutHummus Slaw

Amount Per Serving (1 (2portion) tbsp)

Calories 63 67

Calories from Fat 18 27 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 2g 3g Saturated Fat 0.3g Polyunsaturated Fat 0.6g

5% 3% 2%

Monounsaturated Fat 1.2g 0.5g

Sodium 37.5mg 40.5mg


Potassium 17mg 45mg

0% 1%

Total Carbohydrates 9g


Dietary Fiber 2.4g 2g

10% 8%

Sugars 5g 2g

Protein 2g 2.2g


Vitamin A

79% 2%

Vitamin C

52% 9%


7.2% 1.5%


2.6% 2%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Curried Pumpkin Soup

Although it stays pretty toasty down here in Florida all year round, as the humidity starts to drop, there’s nothing I love more than cranking the A/C and enjoying a rich and warming bowl of spicy pumpkin soup. Yes yes, I know it’s not very ecologically friendly but damn it, I want my little piece of winter too! You might not know this, but somewhat surprisingly, pumpkin contains more potassium than bananas. We don’t produce potassium naturally in the body so it’s important to make sure we incorporate enough of this mineral into our diets. Potassium is pretty important as it helps regulate fluid balance, normalizes blood pressure and regulates heart and kidney functions. The recommended daily intake for potassium for adults is 4,700 milligrams. One cup of mashed pumpkin contains about 564 milligrams so it’s a great addition to your diet if you’re not a fan of bananas and looking for a way to help lower your blood pressure without having to pop any pills. You can either use fresh pumpkin or canned pumpkin for this recipe, depending on how much time you’re willing to spend in the kitchen. If you’re using fresh pumpkin then you’ll definitely want to roast your pumpkin first.


COURSE: DINNER, LUNCH | CUISINE: AMERICAN, MEDITERRANEAN | KEYWORD : SOUP | PREP TIME: 5 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 25 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 30 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 4 BOWLS | CALORIES: 204 KCAL | AUTHOR: ROZ This easy pumpkin soup recipe requires just a handful of ingredients, and is full to the brim with fall flavors! Made with canned pumpkin, Greek yogurt, an apple, and curry powder, this warming dish is the ultimate combination of comforting, hearty and healthy.

INGREDIENTS 2 tsp curry powder | 1 tbsp olive oil| 2 cloves garlic | ½ large onion | 1 medium red apple | 2 cups low sodium chicken or vegetable broth| 2 14 oz cans pumpkin | 1 cup low-fat greekyogurt | 1/2 tsp salt | 1 dash pepper (to taste)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Core the apple, and dice into small pieces, skin-on. 2. Crush the garlic and thinly slice the onion. 3. Add the olive oil, garlic, and onion to a medium-large pot.

RECIPE NOTES You can easily substitute pumpkin for butternut squash if pumpkin isn't your jam. To make this vegetarian simply substitute the chicken broth for vegetable stock and the greek yogurt for low-fat coconut milk to give it that slightly creamier texture. Just be mindful that this will reduce the protein content of the soup and increase the amount of fat per serving.

4. Place the pot on the stove, and turn the burner onto medium heat. 5. Cook the garlic and onions until softened, stirring occasionally. 6. Add the diced apple and curry powder to the pot. Saute for 2-3 minutes until aromatic. 7. Pour the broth and canned pumpkin into the pot. Stir to combine the Ingredients. 8. Season the soup with salt and pepper.

Curried Pumpkin Soup

Amount Per Serving (1 bowl)

Calories 204

Calories from Fat 36 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 4g Saturated Fat 1g



Monounsaturated Fat 4g

9. Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat to low.

Cholesterol 5mg


10. Simmer for 25 minutes on low.

Sodium 142mg


Potassium 126mg


Total Carbohydrates 29g


11. After 25 minutes, stir in the Greek yogurt, and simmer for another 5minutes. 12. Let the soup cool slightly. Pour the soup into the blender. Blend on medium-high until smooth. Alternatively, you can use an immersion blender if you have one. 13. Ladle the soup into serving bowls, garnish with cinnamon and enjoy!


Nutrition Facts

Dietary Fiber7g


Sugars 16g

Protein 10g


Vitamin A

438% 15% 12%

Vitamin C Calcium Iron


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Creamy Low-Fat Broccoli Salad

This recipe comes from one of our client’s and friends, Justin Drake! Make sure you check out Justin’s transformation on our site and whilst you’re at it, check out his wife Ashley too! When the Drakes first started tracking their macros, like most people they realized that hitting their protein every day was a real struggle. So they got creative with their go to family recipes and casseroles and found sneaky ways to meet their protein needs. This broccoli salad is one of them that I got the pleasure of enjoying at a meet & greet on the Kentucky leg of our nutrition seminar tour in the summer of 2017. Anyway, this is probably the first time in my life that I honestly found broccoli to be tasty! OK, except for when it’s cleverly disguised in amongst some beef. But this has all the flavor without the unpleasant effects of too much salt. I highly recommend this addition to your holiday apps spread, especially if you want to keep your digestive system happy and healthy for all the leftovers to come!


COURSE: APPETIZER, SIDE DISH | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: BROCCOLI | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 10 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 4 PEOPLE | CALORIES: 117 KCAL AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN Here's a side dish that you can whip up in under 10 minutes making it perfect for any gathering when you have multiple dishes to prepare. Prep your salad and dressing in advance and then mix the yogurt dressing with your broccoli salad about 30 minutes before serving to maintain maximum freshness and that satisfying crunch.

INGREDIENTS 1 cup chopped red onion| 2 tsp white wine vinegar | 4 slices Applegate Turkey bacon cooked crispy and chopped | 1 cup fat free plain greek yogurt| 300 g broccoli florets | 1/4 cup dried cranberries

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Using a small mixing bowl combine the greek yogurt and vinegar. You want the yogurt to be a little thinned out but still creamy. 2. In a large salad bowl mix the broccoli florets with the red onion, dried cranberries and bacon. 3. Pour the yogurt dressing over the top and toss until the broccoli is evenly coated. 4. Season to taste and enjoy!

RECIPE NOTES In order to measure out 1 serving make sure you weigh your large salad bowl before you add all your ingredients. Weigh the salad again once you have combined everything and then subtract the original weight of the bowl. Take the total weight and divide it by 4 to calculate the weight of each serving and then portion out each serving into separate containers or separate bowls.


Nutrition Facts Creamy Low-Fat Broccoli Salad Amount Per Serving (4 bowls)

Calories 117

Calories from Fat 18 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 2g


Cholesterol 28mg


Sodium 242mg


Potassium 112mg


Total Carbohydrates 13g


Dietary Fiber2g


Sugars 8g


Protein 12g


Vitamin C

38% 8%

Calcium Iron


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Mashed Cauliflower Gratin Sweet Potato Hummus Sweet an This is a potato perfecthummus side dish adds for your autumn spin to a traditional hummus. Thanksgiving feast! You can get all of the This dish is great for entertaining a creamy cheesy goodness of potatoorgratin mid-day snack. Top it with some with a whole lot less carbs thanks to chopped nuts toasted pumpkin cauliflower! Plusor the egg whites pack a seeds punch, for a bitsomething of crunch that and pair it protein can be with a variety of crudités, such as hard to get enough of during the cinnamon dusted pitabaking chips dish or dried holidays.I used a large to apple slices for an extra festive twist. It prepare this cauliflower gratin, but I think keeps well in the fridge so you can this would look so great served up in make it the before ramekins. Youday could alsoany use event a muffin you’re having or attending. this tray if you don’t have a bunchI think of small would go really well as a dip for turkey ramekins. meatballs too!

COURSE : SIDE DISH |CUISINE: AMERICAN |KEYWORD: CAULIFLOWER, GRATIN | PREP TIME: 20 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 45 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR 5 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 8 PEOPLE | CALORIES : 58 KCAL | AUTHOR : LAURA DANIEL A take on a potato gratin with a whole lot less fat and carbs thanks to cauliflower and egg whites. If you're looking to make it your own try out different types of cheese for the topping. I used a light cheddar but gruyere would be a great alternative!

INGREDIENTS 1 head cauliflower | 3 oz light sharp cheddar cheese shredded | 1/4 cup almond milk unsweetened |1 egg| 2 egg whites| 1 tbs dijon mustard |1/2 tsp kosher salt| 1/8 tsp nutmeg| pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F.

2. spread cauliflower on baking sheet, spray with non-stick spray, season with salt and pepper to taste and roast for 20-30 min or until fork tender. Alternatively you can boil or steam the cauliflower until fork tender. 3. In a food processor or blender, add in egg, egg whites, almond milk,mustard, nutmeg, salt, pepper and half the cheese. Add in cooked cauliflower and blend until combined and smooth. 4. Spray a casserole dish with non-stick spray and pour cauliflower mixture into pan. Top with remaining cheese. 5. Bake for 35-45 min. or until top begins to brown.


Nutrition Facts Sweet Potato Mashed Cauliflower Hummus Gratin Amount Per Serving (2 tbsp)

67 Calories 58

27 Calories from Fat 22 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 2.4g 3g Saturated Fat 1.3g 0.3g Monounsaturated Fat 0.5g

Cholesterol 29mg Sodium 40.5mg Sodium 214.5mg Potassium 45mg Potassium 27.8mg Total Carbohydrates 9g Total Carbohydrates 3g Dietary Fiber 2g

Dietary Fiber 0.7g Sugars 2g

5% 4% 2% 7% 10%

2% 9% 1% 1%

3% 1% 8% 3%

Sugars2.2g 0.7g Protein


Vitamin5.7g A Protein

79% 11%

A Vitamin C

3.4% 9%

Calcium Calcium

7.2% 10.5%



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese

Who doesn’t crave the comfort of mac n' cheese this time of year?! But all that butter, cheese and cream can be hard to “afford” if you’re keeping your nutrition in check! Well we have the perfect compromise with this quick to make, low-fat version. It makes for a great holiday side dish that even your vegan friends and family can enjoy too! If you want to make it a bit fancier try adding it to a baking dish with herbed breadcrumbs and bake it until the bread crumbs start to crisp up and turn golden brown. Want to turn this into a main course option? Add some spiced ground beef to really give this dish a satisfying depth of flavor. Easily transform these into cute little bite-size apps by dividing the recipe into a small muffin tin and baking in the oven at 425 for about 8-10 minutes. Voila! Mini Mac n’ Cheese bites! COURSE: DINNER | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD : BUTTERNUT SQUASH, FALL, MAC AND CHEESE, PASTA, VEGAN | PREP TIME: 30 MINUTES| COOK TIME: 30 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR | SERVINGS: 8 SERVINGS | CALORIES: 245 KCAL| AUTHOR: LAURA DANIEL A mac n' cheese alternative using veggies to create a creamy sauce! Whip this up as a side dish at your Thanksgiving gathering and surprise your guest with the sneaky swap!

INGREDIENTS 1 lb butternut squashcubed | 1/2 sweet onion cubed | 1 lb pasta | 1/2 cup almond milk unsweetened | 3 tbsp nutritional yeast | 1 tsp roasted, diced garlic | 1 tsp dijon mustard | 1/8 tsp smoked paprika | 1/4 tsp nutmeg | 1/2 tsp salt more for pasta water | pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pre-heat oven to 375°F.

2. Spread butternut squash and onion cubes on baking sheet. Spray with olive oil spray and lightly salt and pepper. Toss to coat. 3. Roast veggies for 30 minutes or until tender.

4. While veggies are cooking, cook pasta according to package instructions. Before straining, reserve at least 2 tablespoons cooking liquid.

5. When squash and onion are tender, removed and place in blender with nutritional yeast, mustard, garlic, paprika, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Add in 1-2 tablespoons of cooking water and almond milk. 6. Pour butternut squash sauce over pasta and toss to combine!


Nutrition Facts Butternut Squash Mac n' Cheese Amount Per Serving (1 portion)

Calories 245

Calories from Fat 13 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 1.4g


Sodium 175mg


Potassium 229mg


Total Carbohydrates 50g Dietary Fiber 4g

17% 16%

Sugars 5g

Protein 9g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C




* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Apple Acorn Squash SweetStuffed Potato Hummus

Acorn squash is such a tasty side dish - in fact it's almost a meal in itself! If you have any vegetarian guests attending your holiday celebrations then acorn squash is a wonderful main dish as it makes a neat little bowl for you to stuff just about anything in to.Now I know these big squashes can be a little intimidating. They're usually rock hard so how do you start to even get into it without losing a finger? Well, you're definitely going to need a chef's knife, but if your squash is super tough then a little trick I use is to microwave it for a minute or two to soften it up a tad. Don't microwave it too long though or it will start to cook!Have your chef’s knife? So the trick is to start on one side of the stem and cut straight through the squash (not the stem; don’t even bother with the stem!) until you’ve cut through to the hollow middle. Continue cutting around the side of the squash, through the tip, then around the other side, ending up on the other side of the stem.Then, grab your squash and pull it apart. As you pull apart the sides, the squash will split to one side of the stem. You can either chop the stem out at this point, or just leave it in.This recipe is based on one acorn squash being split 4 ways because if you're anything like me, you want to save room for ALL the other sides - trust me, you wanna make sure you try the Butternut Squash Mac n' Cheese.


COURSE: DINNER, SIDE DISH | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: ACORN SQUASH, THANKSGIVING | PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 1 HOUR | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR 10 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 4 PEOPLE | CALORIES:99 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN This is a super simple side dish that could easily double up as a main course for any of your vegetarian friends! Stuffing your squash with apple adds a sweet, tangy flavor making it a tasty accompaniment to contrast all the other savory items on your plate.

INGREDIENTS 1 medium acorn squash| 1 cup chopped peeled apple | 4 teaspoons honey | 2 teaspoons butter | 1/8 teaspoon ground

Nutrition Facts Apple-Stuffed Acorn Squash Amount Per Serving

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cut squash in half; discard seeds. Place squash cut side up in a 9x5-in. loaf pan. Fill centers with apple. Cover and bake at 400° for 30 minutes. 2. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine honey and butter. Cover and microwave on high for 15-20 seconds or until butter is melted. Drizzle over squash. Sprinkle with cinnamon. 3. Bake, uncovered, 25-30 minutes longer or until tender.

RECIPE NOTES To make this dish a little more savory, sprinkle with parmesan cheese!

Calories 99

Calories from Fat 18 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 2g


Saturated Fat 1g


Monounsaturated Fat 1g Cholesterol 5mg


Sodium 17mg


Potassium 411mg


Total Carbohydrates 21g


Dietary Fiber 2.5g


Sugars 8.5g Protein 1g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C Calcium

22% 4%



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Gratifying Vegetable Gravy Sweet Potato Hummus

There are two types of people in this world; those who liberally dress their Thanksgiving dinner in gravy and those who prefer a healthy dollop of cranberry sauce instead. In spite of my sweet tooth, when it comes to roast dinners I'm pretty traditional and typically go for a generous pour of gravy. Don't let it's liquid consistency fool you though, as it can be far from light when it comes to calories. Depending on how it's made and quite how liberal you are with your pour, your gravy could contain between 10-20 grams of fat and carbs per serving. That's a lot when you think about all the other foods you're likely to consume throughout the day. Gravy is typically made from the juice of cooked meat and thickened with flour or cornstarch. In this recipe, we cut the fat by using vegetables and water as the base for the sauce. So not only in this gravy fat-free, it's also gluten free and completely vegan! Now you can enjoy that extra slice of pumpkin pie cheesecake!


COURSE : SIDE DISH |CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: GLUTEN FREE, GRAVY, VEGAN | PREP TIME: 5 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 15 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 20 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 2 CUPS | CALORIES : 26 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN This fat-free gravy has a full-depth of flavors and is completely vegan friendly!

INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon water or olive oil (optional)| 1 medium yellow onion chopped | 2 cloves garlic minced|4 ounces mushrooms sliced (about 1 cuploosely packed)| 1 medium Yukon golden cut into 1-inch chunks (4-6 ounces by weight)| 2 tablespoons tamari gluten-free soy sauce |1 cup water | 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt |1/4 teaspoon black pepper

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat and saute the onion until it starts to soften, about 5 minutes.

2. Add in the garlic and mushrooms and stir for 1 or 2 minutes, just until the garlic is fragrant. Add in the potato, tamari, and water and bring the water to a boil. 3. Once boiling, lower the heat to a simmer and cover the pan. Cook until the potatoes are fork-tender, about 10 minutes. (The smaller you cut the potatoes, the faster they will cook.) 4. Once tender, carefully transfer the contents of the pan to a high-speed blender or food processor, and add in the salt and black pepper. Blend until smooth, using a towel to carefully cover the vent at the top of your machine so that the steam can escape. (And not blow the lid off your blender!)

5. Adjust any seasoning to taste and serve warm over your favorite veggies or turkey dinner. Any leftover gravy can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week in the fridge.

RECIPE NOTES If you’d prefer to avoid potatoes, you could use cauliflower or parsnips as a substitute, though you might need to use a little more for thickness. You could also use more mushrooms instead, which would give you more of a mushroom flavor if that's what you like! This recipe is easily adaptable as long as you taste as you go.


Nutrition Facts Gratifying Vegetable Gravy Amount Per Serving Calories 26 % Daily Value* Sodium 379mg


Potassium 67mg


Total Carbohydrates 5g


Dietary Fiber 1g


Sugars 1g Protein 1g



8% 1%



Vitamin C

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Sweet Potato Hummus Turkey & Sweet Potato Chili

Dig out your slow cooker for this one and then sit back & enjoy a spiked coffee! As a busy entrepreneur I love to use my slow cooker whenever I can. It saves so much time and it doesn’t matter what recipe I try, it always turns out delicious. Such a good way to create any crowd pleasing meal when you’re having guests over and avoid the normal stress of rotating dishes in the oven. This chili is full of lean protein, low on fat and packed full of high fiber carbs from the beans and sweet potatoes which makes it super satisfying and filling. If you want a little more fat you can have fun with toppings like cheese, avocado and sour cream... yum! You could also substitute your meat choice for something with a little more fat like beef. I wanted to keep my serving fairly lean so I topped it with 0% greek yogurt and some diced green onions.You can easily make this vegetarian by switching out the turkey for more vegetables like eggplant and butternut squash. Not a fan of turkey? No problem! Just substitute with lean ground beef or lamb even!Use this recipe as your alternative to roast turkey on Thanksgiving or Christmas, or save it for all your turkey leftovers. Just allow the chili to cook first and then throw in your cooked, shredded turkey breast towards the end.



This is a great dish for a cool fall day. Throw everything in the slow cooker in the morning and have a delicious and healthy dinner ready in the evening! I love topping it with greek yogurt and chopped green onions. This holds up great for to-go lunches and as leftovers too!Note: this is a relatively mild chili. If you want more of a spicy kick add in a diced jalapeĂąo pepper.

INGREDIENTS 1 lbs ground turkey99% lean | 1 can black beans 15 oz, drained & rinsed | 1 can kidney beans 15 oz, drained & rinsed|1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes 28 oz| 1 cup bone broth| 1 medium sweet potato cubed |1/2 sweet onion diced |1 poblano pepper diced |1 sweet bell pepper diced |1 tbsp olive oil |3 cloves garlic minced |1 tbsp chili powder |1 tsp cumin |1/2 tsp cinnamon |1/2 tsp salt | 1 dash black pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Brown turkey in saucepan with 1 tablespoon olive oil. 2. Add in diced peppers, onions, garlic, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon,

salt and black pepper. Stir to combine and cook until slightly browned.

3. Add cooked turkey mixture to slow cooker. Add in sweet potato,

beans, crushed tomatoes and bone broth. Adding more or less bone broth to bring consistency to your preference.

4. Let simmer on low for 4-6 hours or until sweet potatoes are fork tender.


Nutrition Facts Turkey & Sweet Potato Chili Amount Per Serving (1 g) Calories 314

Calories from Fat 36 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 4g


Monounsaturated Fat 2g Cholesterol 47mg


Sodium 398mg


Potassium 737mg


Total Carbohydrates 42g


Dietary Fiber 11g


Sugars 8g Protein 1g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C Calcium

58% 16%



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Turkey Meatballs Sweet Potato Hummus Thanksgiving in a bite! These lean turkey meatballs make great appetizers, or for a more casual gathering you could use these instead of roasting a full turkey. They are super easy to freeze too; just arrange them in a single layer on a non-stick baking sheet and place in the freezer until frozen (this prevents them from sticking to each other). Then transfer them to freezer bags. Remove and warm in pasta sauce or in the microwave as needed.These would be super cute served on cocktail sticks with the sweet potato hummus for dipping! COURSE : APPETIZER, DINNER |CUISINE: AMERICAN |KEYWORD: MEATBALL, THANKSGIVING, TURKEY | PREP TIME:25 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 30 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 55 MINUTES| SERVINGS: 20 | CALORIES : 57 KCAL | AUTHOR : LAURA DANIEL Roasting a full turkey takes time and careful attention to make sure it's cooked to perfection. Make your life easier with turkey meatballs instead!

INGREDIENTS 1 celery stalk diced | 1 medium carrot diced | 1/4 medium sweet onion diced | 1 tbsp butter| 1 tbsp fresh sage chopped | 1/2 tbsp fresh rosemary chopped | 1 garlic clove| 20 oz lean ground turkey 93% | 2 egg whites| 1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs| 1/2 tsp kosher salt

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat pot over medium heat. Melt butter and add diced celery, carrots,onions. Cook until softened, about 15 mins. Stirring occasionally. 2. Turn off heat and add in sage, rosemary and garlic. Transfer mixture to a large mixing bowl and let cool completely. 3. Preheat oven to 400°F.

4. Once veggies are cooled, add in turkey, breadcrumbs, egg whites, salt and pepper to taste. Mix until combined.

5. Spray mini muffin tin with non-stick spray. Measure out 1.5oz of mixture, roll into ball and place each into a cup of the muffin pan. 6. Bake for 30 mins or until the meatballs start to brown and the internal temperature is 165°F.

RECIPE NOTES If the mixture is too wet and you want to ensure the balls stay round, roll each ball into more breadcrumbs before shaping and placing in muffin tin. I did not do this and they still tasted great! They just ended up taking on the shape of the muffin tin. Still perfect little turkey bites to set out for a party! Bonus, they don't roll around the serving dish!


Nutrition Facts Sweet Potato Turkey Meatballs Hummus (2ball) tbsp) Amount Per Serving (1

67 Calories 57

Calories from Fat 23 27 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 2.6g 3g Saturated Fat 1g 0.3g Monounsaturated Fat 0.5g

Cholesterol 21.5mg Sodium 40.5mg Sodium 65mg Potassium 45mg Potassium 37mg Total Carbohydrates 9g Total Carbohydrates 2.2g Dietary Fiber 2g

Dietary Fiber 0.3g Sugars 2g

5% 4% 2% 5% 7%

2% 3% 1% 1%

3% 1% 8% 1%

Sugars2.2g 0.5g Protein


Vitamin6.3g A Protein

79% 13%

Vitamin VitaminAC

9% 13.7%

CalciumC Vitamin

7.2% 2.3%

Iron Calcium

2% 1%



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Apple & Sage Turkey Meatloaf

If you’re worried about prepping the main course for your holiday feastravaganza, there's no need to panic! We’ve got a total fail-safe recipe for you with this festive twist on your traditional turkey meatloaf. When it comes to everything I look for in a recipe, this one does a great job at checking all the boxes; cheap, few ingredients, simple steps and maximum results! Meatloaf is one of those miracle meals that turns out full of flavor and super tender if you just stick to the plan. It’s not hard. I promise! I got it right first time round despite being a Brit. Traditionally made with ground beef, making it with ground turkey instead makes this a lot leaner than your normal loaf. The addition of applesauce and apples help to keep the loaf really moist and the contrasting spice flavors really elevate this recipe from a classic family staple to something more sophisticated that’s definitely worthy of making this your main dish on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. COURSE : DINNER |CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: HOLIDAY DINNER, MEATLOAF | PREP TIME : 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 50 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR | SERVINGS: 6 PEOPLE | CALORIES : 161 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN A festive twist on a traditional meatloaf, transforms this simple, family classic into a sophisticated meal worthy of any seasonal celebrations.

INGREDIENTS 3 Sticks fresh Celery Sticks | 1 medium apple peeled,cored & shredded | 1 clove Garlic, raw | 1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil | 0.50 cup Oats | 1 large Egg | 2 tbsp fresh sage,chopped | 0.25 tsp pumpkin pie spice | 1 lb Lean Ground Turkey | 1 tsp salt | 0.50 tsp ground, Pepper | 0.25 cup Sugar-free Ketchup | 1 large Onion | 0.50 cup unsweetened applesauce

Nutrition Facts Sweet & Apple Potato Sage Hummus Turkey Meatloaf (2slice) tbsp) Amount Per Serving (1

67 Calories 161

Calories from Fat 27 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 3g

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Dice onion, celery, and garlic and peel, then grate apple. Saute all together with olive oil over medium heat for about 10 minutes. 3. While the veggies cook, mix oats, applesauce, egg, sage, spice, salt,pepper, and turkey together in a large bowl.

4. Add the apple and veggie mix to the turkey mixture and combine thoroughly, using your hands if necessary. 5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and form mixture into a loaf. 6. Top with ketchup or another spread. 7. Bake for about 50 minutes.

36 14

Saturated Fat 1g 0.3g

5% 5% 2%

Polyunsaturated Fat 1g0.5g Monounsaturated Fat Monounsaturated Sodium 40.5mg Fat 1g


Potassium 45mg Cholesterol 78mg

26% 1%

Total Carbohydrates 9g Sodium 552mg Dietary Fiber 2g

Potassium 143mg Sugars 2g

Total Carbohydrates 18g Protein 2.2g Dietary Fiber 3g Vitamin A Sugars 7g

Vitamin C

Protein 15g Calcium Vitamin A

Iron Vitamin C

3% 23% 8% 4% 6% 4% 12% 79% 9% 30% 7.2% 2% 2% 8%

Calcium 7% * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie Iron 8% diet. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Apple BlackHummus Forest Ham Stuffing Sweet & Potato

If there’s one thing I couldn’t go without over the holidays it’s stuffing. Yep, my mum’s stuffing is THAT good! But I’ve come to realize there’s a reason why it tastes so damn good. So, in an effort not to lose my mind and to help others in similar predicament, I’ve found this way more calorie friendly version of a stuffing that I know most of you are gonna love. Hopefully you’re not sick of apples yet The sweet citrus flavor of apples pairs so well with pork. In this recipe we’re using cubes of black forest ham to keep it much leaner but still pack it full of flavor. I opted not to forego the bread because I didn’t want to make this something totally different, but you could definitely go for the radical option of switching out bread for riced cauliflower or cauliflower florets. If you were just looking for a gluten-free alternative then substituting with quinoa would work really well too!


COURSE : SIDE DISH | CUISINE: AMERICAN EUROPEAN | KEYWORD: HOLIDAY, STUFFING, THANKSGIVING | PREP TIME : 45 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 45 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 12 SERVINGS | CALORIES : 174 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN Smoky Black Forest ham, celery and onion are common in stuffing, but the surprise ingredient here is applesauce, which keeps the stuffing moist and also boosts the flavor of the diced Granny Smiths.

INGREDIENTS 5 tbsp Butter - Unsalted | 2 cups chopped celery | 8 oz. Black Forest Ham,cubed | 1 tbsp Ground Cinnamon | 1/4 tsp nutmeg, ground | 1 tbsp dried oregano | 1.25 cup Unsweetened apple sauce | 1/8 tsp salt | 1/2 tsp ground black pepper Black Pepper -Ground | 2 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley | 1 cup Low Sodium Chicken Broth | 7 slices Brownberrry Whole Wheat Bread,cubed (about 5 cups) | 470 grams Granny Smith Apple peeled and diced | 20 oz onion, chopped (about 4 cups)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.

2. Spread bread on a rimmed baking sheet and toast, stirring occasionally,until dry and lightly browned, 18 to 22 minutes. Transfer to a largebowl.

3. Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add apples and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes. Transfer to the bowl with the bread. Add 2 tablespoons butter, onions, celery and ham to the pan; increase heat to medium-high and cook, stirring occasionally, until just starting to brown, about 5 minutes. 4. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring occasionally, until very soft, 10 to 15 minutes more.

5. Add oregano, cinnamon and nutmeg; cook, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Transfer to the bowl with the bread. Add applesauce, parsley, pepper and salt and mix well. Add broth and gently stir until well combined. Transfer to the prepared baking dish. Cube the remaining 2 tablespoons butter and dot the top of the stuffing with it. 6. Bake until browned, 40 to 45 minutes.

RECIPE NOTES You can easily make this ahead by preparing the stuffing and refrigerating for up to 1 day. Let it stand at room temperature for 20 minutes before baking.


Nutrition Facts Apple & Black Forest Ham Stuffing Amount Per Serving Calories 174

Calories from Fat 54 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 6g


Saturated Fat 3g


Polyunsaturated Fat 1g Monounsaturated Fat 1g Cholesterol 23mg


Sodium 387mg


Potassium 126mg


Total Carbohydrates 24g


Dietary Fiber 4g


Sugars 12g Protein 6g


Vitamin A


Vitamin C Calcium

16% 8%



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

BBQ Turkey Flatbread Sweet Potato Hummus Here’s a tasty twist on your traditional Thanksgiving meal, this turkey flatbread is a great option for any potluck holiday event or “Friendsgiving” gathering you might be attending. Flatbreads are also the ultimate use for leftovers! Instead of re-heating your same old plate of Thanksgiving dinner, or ordering out for pizza, just get a little creative and sue this recipe as your guide for inspiration.I used left-over turkey but the recipe is very adaptable and forgiving! I think it would be great with a thin layer of mashed sweet potatoes as a base or try drizzling with your leftover cranberry sauce!If you're looking for something to bring to a "Friendsgiving" this could even cut into smaller slices and would work great as an easy appetizer to share.

COURSE : APPETIZER, DINNER, MAIN COURSE |CUISINE: AMERICAN |KEYWORD: FLATBREAD, PIZZA, TURKEY | PREP TIME : 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 20 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 30 MINUTES| SERVINGS: 2 PEOPLE | CALORIES: 300 KCAL | AUTHOR : LAURA DANIEL Turkey's great and all but there ain't no party like a pizza party! Whether you're using up your holiday leftovers or just looking for a tasty low calorie pizza option this recipe hits the mark.

INGREDIENTS 1 lavash flatbread| 4 tbsp Annie's BBQ sauce |4 oz leftover turkey | 1/4 red onion thinly sliced | 1 oz sharp light cheddar finely shredded | 1/2 Apple thinly sliced | 2 tsp minced garlic

Nutrition Facts Sweet BBQ Turkey Potato Flatbread Hummus Amount Per Serving (2 tbsp)

67 Calories 300

% Daily Value* Total Fat 11g 3g Saturated Fat 3g 0.3g Monounsaturated Fat 0.5g

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F.

2. Place large cast iron (or oven safe) pan over medium heat. Add lavash bread to pan. 3. Spray flatbread lightly with olive oil spray and evenly spread garlic on top.

4. Add cheese, apples, onions and turkey evenly on top. 5. Drizzle with BBQ sauce.

6. Once cheese begins to melt and oven is pre-heated, place in oven for 10 minutes or until warmed through and edges begin to crisp.

39 14

99 Calories from Fat 27

Cholesterol 54mg Sodium 40.5mg Sodium 505mg Potassium 45mg Potassium 39mg Total Carbohydrates 9g Total Carbohydrates 30g Dietary Fiber 2g

Dietary Fiber 6.5g Sugars 2g

5% 17% 2% 15% 18%

2% 21% 1% 1%

3% 10% 8% 26%

Sugars2.2g 10g Protein


Vitamin26g A Protein

79% 52%

Vitamin VitaminAC

9% 7.5%

CalciumC Vitamin

7.2% 4.5%

Iron Calcium

2% 1%



* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Eggplant Parmigiana Here’s a vegetarian feast fit for all those cheese lovers out there! Eggplant is the key ingredient in this simple skillet dish that can easily be turned into a family-size meal. You’ll be surprised by just how much protein is provided by this meat-free dish. You can easily turn this into a meat version and use up all those turkey leftovers!


INGREDIENTS 1 medium aubergine sliced into 1cm thick rounds | 1 clove garlic peeled and crushed | 10 g tomato puree Extra(or paste) | 150 g tinned chopped tomatoes | 11/2 tsp red wine vinegar | 1 Pinch of dried oregano Salt and pepper | 80 g low-fat mozzarella cheese sliced | 10 g grated parmesan

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Heat a frying pan over a medium high heat,brush the aubergine slices with a little oil and spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray. Fry in batches until golden. Remove from the pan and set aside. 2. Coat the pan with a little more spray, add the garlic and fry for a minute. Stir in the tomato puree, tomatoes, vinegar and oregano. Simmer gently for a couple of minutes then remove from the heat and season to taste.

3. Spoon half of the tomato sauce into a shallow roasting dish, arrange the aubergine slices on top then spoon over the remaining sauce. Top with the mozzarella and grated parmesan then bake for 25 minutes until the cheese is bubbling.

40 14

Nutrition Facts Sweet Potato Eggplant Parmigiana Hummus (2dish) tbsp) Amount Per Serving (1

67 Calories 346

Calories from Fat 27 108 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 12g 3g

18% 5%

Saturated Fat 3g 0.3g

15% 2%

Monounsaturated Fat 0.5g

5% 2% 11% 1% 30% 3% 12% 8%

Cholesterol 15mg Sodium 40.5mg Sodium 268mg Potassium 45mg Potassium 1067mg Total Carbohydrates 9g Total Carbohydrates 35g Dietary Fiber 2g Dietary 2g Fiber 15g Sugars


Protein Sugars2.2g 23g


Vitamin A Protein 28g

79% 56%

VitaminAC Vitamin CalciumC Vitamin Calcium Iron

9% 3% 7.2% 19%

2% 23% 7%

*Iron Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Holiday Survival Guide ebook



Peanut ButterHummus Tofu Pie Sweet Potato

What's better than peanut butter!? Umm how about a whole pie of peanut butter!!! Yep, you read that right - a whole glorious pie dedicated to this delicious ingredient. The best part is with the help of tofu and some peanut butter powder, it's a totally macro friendly dessert - so you can have your pie and eat it too! The nutrition facts are for 1/8 of the pie with no additional toppings. But feel free to get creative to make your pie look extra special! A drizzle of melted dark chocolate or some low fat whipped cream or even tossing in some chocolate chips would all be yummy additions. Now I know the sound of tofu may have you questioning the legitimacy of how tasty this pie claims to be but don't let it put you off. If you're new to browsing the tofu shelf in the refrigerated section of the store, keep your eyes peeled for Nasoya Organic Silken Tofu which is often used in desserts or smoothies. It's a great replacement for eggs too!


COURSE : DESSERT | CUISINE: AMERICAN EUROPEAN | KEYWORD:DESSERT, PEANUT BUTTER, PIE, TOFU | PREP TIME : 10 MINUTES | CHILL TIME: 4 HOURS | SERVINGS: 8 SLICES | CALORIES : 217 KCAL | AUTHOR :LAURA DANIEL A macro friendly peanut butter pie! Silken tofu creates a creamy base and peanut butter powder brings the flavor with way less fat! I used a small amount of real peanut butter here to add to the flavor. The crust is courtesy of Skinny Taste but a store bought one would work just as well. Enjoy!


1 package silken tofu | 1/4 cup natural peanut butter | 16 tbsp peanut butter powder | 1 tbsp honey


6 sheets chocolate graham crackers | 2 tbsp raw sugar | 3 tbsp cold whipped butter


2. Place graham, sugar and butter into a food processor and pulse a few times.

3. Add 1 tbsp water and pulse a few more times until it has a texture of coarse meal.

4. Press into an 8-inch pie dish making the crust about 1/8-inch thick evenly all around and up the sides. 5. Refrigerate the crust for 30 minutes before you bake it, this will help prevent crumbling when you want to serve it.

6. Bake until the edges are golden, about 8 to 10 minutes. 7. Remove from the oven and let the crust cool on a wire rack, before filling.

FOR THE FILLING: 1. Combine tofu, peanut butter, peanut butter powder, and honey in food processor or blender and blend until smooth. 2. Pour into crust and chill for at least 4 hours.

RECIPE NOTES This would be great with some chocolate chips thrown in!

Nutrition Facts Peanut Butter Tofu Pie Amount Per Serving (1 slice) Calories 217

Calories from Fat 90 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 10g


Saturated Fat 2g


Polyunsaturated Fat 2g Monounsaturated Fat 4g Cholesterol 5.6mg


Sodium 175mg


Potassium 95mg


Total Carbohydrates 21g


Dietary Fiber 3g


Sugars 10g Protein 10g


Vitamin A



1.3% 7.3%


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Skinny Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie Sweet Potato Hummus

Me and my sweet tooth LOVE this time of year! Its all too easy to let things get out of control with all the delicious desserts everyone brings to the table. That’s why when I get invited to a holiday party, I always make sure to bring a sweet and at least one side dish with me so I know exactly what’s in a couple of the things I’ll end up eating. This year for Thanksgiving I decided to make something a little more exciting than your regular pumpkin pie and found a pumpkin pie cheesecake recipe that looked easy to tweak and make just a little more macro friendly. It turned out so great! It’s so hard to believe the macros per slice are so little! You HAVE to give this a go. To add an extra boost of protein and make this cheesecake nice and creamy without the added fat I used Green Mountain Farms Greek Cream Cheese with 3x the protein. I couldn’t find this in Publix but I was able to get it at Target.

COURSE : DESSERT | CUISINE: AMERICAN EUROPEAN | KEYWORD: CHEESECAKE, PUMPKIN PIE| PREP TIME : 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 45 MINUTES | CHILL TIME: 3 HOURS | TOTAL TIME: 55 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 8 SLICES| CALORIES : 199 KCAL | AUTHOR :ROZ Try this Thanksgiving classic with a twist! Transform your regular pumpkin pie into something a little more exciting with this skinny pumpkin pie cheesecake recipe. It's low calorie and completely creamy and delicious. Give it a go!



150 g Graham Crackers I used Market Pantry Honey Graham Crackers| 2 tbsp stevia | 2 tbsp unsalted butter melted | 5 tbsp unsweetened cashew milk or almond milk


8 oz Greek Yogurt Cream Cheese | 240 gplain non-fat Greek Yogurt I used Fage| 1 cup 120g canned pumpkin puree | 1 tsp vanilla flavored stevia | 1 large egg white room temperature| 1 tsp cornstarch | 1 tsp 1ground cinnamon | 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg | 1/4 tsp ground ginger| 1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Preheat your oven to 300°F and lightly coat the bottom of a springform tin with non-stick spray. I used a 9 tin which was the perfect size for a thin base. If you like your cheesecake base a little thicker you could use a smaller tin. 2. Add the graham crackers to a food processor and pulse into a fine flour.

3. Transfer the graham crackers to a mixing bowl and add the regular stevia. Next add in the butter and milk and mix until completely incorporated. 4. Press the mixture into the tin and bake for about 25 minutes or until it feels dry to touch. 5. Allow to completely cool to room temperature.

FOR THE FILLING 1. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese and greek yogurt until smooth. Mix in the pumpkin puree and vanilla flavored stevia drops. Next add the egg white and mix until just incorporated. Finally add the cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla.

2. Spread the filling mix evenly over the top of the crust. Now get a large roasting pan and fill to about an inch & a half with warm water. Wrap tin foil around the bottom of the cheesecake tin so no water will get inside and then place your cheesecake in the roasting dish. 3. Carefully transfer the dish to the oven and bake for 18-22 minutes. You’ll want the center to barely jiggle when you shake the tin gently. Take a peek inside your oven before opening the door as the draft and change in temperature is the prime culprit for cracks in your cheesecake!

4. Cool your cheesecake completely to room temperature before removing the outside of the tin and covering with plastic wrap. Chill for at least 3 hours before serving. I put mine in the freezer for a couple hours before transferring to the fridge as I was rushed for time!

RECIPE NOTES You'll want to allow your cheesecake to cool to room temperature before removing the outside tin and covering with plastic wrap. Chill in the fridge for 3 hours before serving.


Nutrition Facts Crock Pot Pecan Pie Amount Per Serving (6 pieces) Calories 289

Calories from Fat 135 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 15g


Saturated Fat 5g


Polyunsaturated Fat 3g Monounsaturated Fat 6g Cholesterol 42mg


Sodium 286mg


Potassium 50mg


Total Carbohydrates 49g


Dietary Fiber 1g


Sugars 8g Protein 4g


Vitamin A



1% 4%


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Crockpot Pecan Pie Sweet Potato Hummus

Alright so this recipe does not yield the most macro-friendly of results. Oops! But it's one for your guests to splurge on and will fill your home with the most wonderful flavors that your guests will all be eagerly salivating for Thanksgiving dessert to be served. Not only that, but it only take you 10 minutes to prep, giving you any extra time you need to plan your day of sensible holiday feasting! Toasting the pecans before adding them to the filling intensifies their flavor so this is a helpful step to include to keep the pie lower in fat without sacrificing that nutty, caramel pecan taste. If you do have some spare baking time on your hands, making your own low-fat pie crust dough could save you even more calories! My little macro saving hack here was to only use 5 oz. of the Pillsbury store-bought dough. Just roll it out so it's a little thinner than normal! So smart right?! I also use a substitute sweetener to help keep the carbs low.


COURSE : DESSERT | CUISINE: AMERICAN EUROPEAN | KEYWORD: CROCK POT, PECAN PIE, THANKSGIVING | PREP TIME : 10 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 3 HOURS | TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS 10 MINUTES | SERVINGS: 6 PEOPLE | CALORIES : 289 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN Crock pots have to be just about the best invention ever! This Pecan Pie in a crock pot turned out so great. The super-sweet filling that is so characteristic of a pecan pie sets up perfectly and the pecans turn beautifully golden in color.

INGREDIENTS 5 oz refrigerated pie crust I used Pillsbury & weighed out the dough | 1 egg | 2 large egg whites | 1/2 cup pyure granulated all purpose sweetener | 0.5 cup dark corn syrup | 2 tbsp whipped butter melted | 1/8 teaspoon salt | 1 teaspoon vanilla extract | 0.5 cups chopped pecans or a combination of chopped andwhole pecan halv

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Spray the inside of a crock pot with cooking spray.

2. Place pie crust in crock pot and mold it to fit the shape of the crock pit. (This is easier if you have a round crock pot instead of an oval one, but you can make do with an oval.)

3. In a separate bowl, stir remaining ingredients together, except pecans, until mixed well.

4. Stir in pecans. I like to leave about half the pecans to arrange on top of the filling to make it look prettier. If you want to give your pecan more flavor don't forget to toast them lightly before adding them in.

5. Pour your filling into the pie crust. If you reserved some pecans, gently place them on top of the filling. 6. Cover crock pot and cook on HIGH for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. VoilĂ !

Nutrition Facts Crock Pot Pecan Pie Amount Per Serving (6 pieces) Calories 289

Calories from Fat 135 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 15g


Saturated Fat 5g


Polyunsaturated Fat 3g Monounsaturated Fat 6g Cholesterol 42mg


Sodium 286mg


Potassium 50mg


Total Carbohydrates 49g


Dietary Fiber 1g


Sugars 8g

RECIPE NOTES I used an oval crockpot so this will work out much better if you have a round one. You can play around with the ingredients quantities a little and make this 8 slices versus 6. Let me know what tweaks you make to make this pie even better!


Protein 4g


Vitamin A



1% 4%


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Double Chocolate “Brownie� Biscotti Sweet Potato Hummus

Here's my copycat version of Jenn Segal's tried, tested and perfected double chocolate biscotti! If you're not sure whether you're a biscotti fan or not, start with these bad boys! They remind me of the double chocolate espresso biscotti from Whole Foods that I developed a mild addiction to upon discovering them a year ago. There was a brief period when Whole Foods stopped making that particular flavor, MUCH to my dismay. And so rather than attempt to move on from my addiction, I decided I'd just figure out how to make them for myself! And my friends too of course - I'm not about to eat 14 biscotti all on my own now am I?! That would be crazy... So I made these last year at Christmas for some of the coaches & friends at our gym as gifts and wrapped them up in clear little take-away bags with festive bows and ties. They looked so cute! The general consensus was that these things are like crack and should come with an addictive behavior warning! Seriously, they're that good, it's hard to stop at just one! So make sure you store them in an air-tight container on the top-shelf of your pantry.


COURSE : DESSERT | CUISINE: ITALIAN | KEYWORD: BISCOTTI | PREP TIME : 20 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 50 MINUTES | TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR 10 MINUTES| SERVINGS: 14 BISCOTTI | CALORIES : 176 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN I LOVE working with this dough. It is so easy to work with and really doesn't take much time to whip up if your'e using a hand mixer. These biscuits are some of the easiest I've made!

INGREDIENTS 1 tsp baking soda | 3/4 tsp salt | 8 tbsp unsalted butter | 7 tbsp pyure organic stevia, all-purpose blend | 2 large egg | 2 tsp Vanilla extract | 1.50 tbsp Confectioners Powdered Sugar | 6 tbsp Hershey's Cocoa Natural Unsweetened Powder | 30 tbsp All Purpose Flour | | 1/2 cup Semi- Sweet Chocolate Chips

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or use a silicone baking sheet. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.

3. In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, 1-2 minutes. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula. Add the eggs, one at a time, scraping down the bowl and mixing well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla. Add the dry ingredients and chocolate chips and stir on low speed until just combined. 4. Dust a work surface with flour. Using a rubber spatula, scrape the sticky dough out onto the work surface and dust the top of the dough lightly with flour. Using your hands, shape the dough into a rough ball (if it's still too sticky, dust with a bit more flour) and cut in half. 5. Form the dough pieces into two short logs by rolling back and forth.Place the logs onto the prepared baking sheet and shape into longer logs about 3/4-inch high and 2 inches wide. Allow enough space for the logs to spread a few inches while they bake.

6. Bake for about 35 minutes, until firm to the touch. Let the biscotti logs cool on the pan for about 5 minutes, or until just cool enough to touch (if you wait any longer, the biscotti will be difficult to cut); then, using a sharp knife, slice the logs on the diagonal into 3/4-inch slices. They will crumble just a bit; don't worry about it. Turn the biscotti on their sides (so that the cut sides are down) and place back in the oven for 10 minutes to dry and crisp up. Let cool on the pan for a few minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Serve with coffee or milk! These are the best dunked in coffee!

RECIPE NOTES The Dough can be Frozen for up to 3 Months: Shape the dough into 2 logs, wrap each securely in plastic wrap, and place them in a sealable bag. When ready to bake, remove the logs from the freezer, thaw the dough until pliable, and then proceed with recipe.


Nutrition Facts Double Chocolate "Brownie" Biscotti Amount Per Serving (1 biscotti) Calories 176

Calories from Fat 90 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 10g


Saturated Fat 6g


Polyunsaturated Fat 2g Cholesterol 44mg


Sodium 2227mg


Potassium 13mg


Total Carbohydrates 26g


Dietary Fiber 1g


Sugars 6g Protein 3g


Vitamin A



1% 2%


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Holiday SugarHummus Cookies Sweet Potato

You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cookie recipe. And if you do, well you can always cover it up with a ton of icing! Typically these cookies can get pretty high in fat but I made a sneaky substitute for another ingredient that still preserved the flavor and texture of these delightful holiday treats. When you live in a warm climate, it can be a little challenging to find that festive feeling. There’s really no better way to get in to the holiday spirit though than blasting your favorite Christmas tunes and whipping up a batch of buttery, sugar cookies! I’d been looking for an excuse to scratch make some cookies and then I got an early Christmas gift from my mum – a beautiful KitchenAid mixer! I knew I’d have some willing recipients at our local CrossFit box, so I got to work with this classic holiday cookie recipe that I knew would be a real crowd pleaser – let’s face it, they’d have to be really terrible cookies to not be well received by a mob of hungry Crossfitters! These cookies were a HUGE hit with all the members at my CrossFit box – I’m not even mildly exaggerating when I say they were all gone in under 5 minutes. I guess they thought it was “smash cookies for time”. I think the cream cheese addition really helped boost the buttery and creamy taste of these classic sugar cookies!


COURSE : DESSERT, SNACK | CUISINE: AMERICAN | KEYWORD: COOKIES | PREP TIME : 30 MINUTES | COOK TIME: 12 MINUTES | RESTING TIME: 2 HOURS | TOTAL TIME: 42 MINUTES |SERVINGS: 20 COOKIES | CALORIES : 137 KCAL | AUTHOR : ROZ ACKERMAN Happy holidays! Gather up some friends and have yourself a good old cookie decorating party!

INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup 227g Butter | 6 tbsp 168g Green Mountain Greek Cream Cheese & Yogurt| 200 g sugar | 2 cups all purpose flour | 0.5 tsp vanilla extract | 0.5 tsp baking powder

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cream the butter and cream cheese with the sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy. If you have a kitchen mixer I highly recommend using it! 2. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Next add the flour and baking powder and mix until well combined.

3. Take your dough and place it on a large piece of plastic wrap and flatten well. Wrap well and chill for at least an hour. 4. Preheat your oven to 375°.

5. Sprinkle flour over your work surface and roll out about half the dough to 1/8 thickness (keep the other half of your dough in the fridge until you're ready to use). 6. Using the cookie cutters of your choice cut your dough and place on a lined cookie sheet about 1/2 an inch apart. You can use parchment paper or if you have it I love silicone baking sheets.

7. Bake for roughly 9-12 minutes (depending on your oven!) until cookies start to brown on the edges and are firm to touch. Allow to cool on the tray for a couple minutes and then remove to a cooling rack. 8. Round up some kiddy winks or a group of friends and have some fun decorating these delicious cookies with icing and sprinkles! You really don't have to be a pro decorator to make these cookies look festive & delicious.


Nutrition Facts Holiday Sugar Cookies Amount Per Serving (1 cookie) Calories 137

Calories from Fat 45 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 5g


Saturated Fat 3g


Cholesterol 23mg


Sodium 54mg


Potassium 4mg


Total Carbohydrates 19g


Sugars 10g Protein 2g


Vitamin A




* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

No Bake Cranberry Brownies Sweet Potato Hummus

These brownies are packed with all of the chocolate, chewy deliciousness you want from a brownie with none of the guilt! They are full of feel-good foods like chia seeds, nuts and goji berries, making you feel bright from the inside out! Bonus - you don't need to bake these so you can save the oven for more important dishes like that big ol' turkey and pumpkin pie. Feel free to whip these up a few days in advance as they store well in the fridge. Just take them out 30 minutes before serving to let them come to room temperature.



Everything you love about brownies with none of the guilt! In fact you can feel good about eating one of these for dessert since they're full of good-for-you foods like chia seeds, goji berries and walnuts! Whip up a batch for your next holiday gathering...these tasty treats are a crowd pleaser

INGREDIENTS 2 oz dried cranberries | 1 oz dry roasted pistachios| 1 oz raw walnuts | 1 oz raw pecans | 3 tbsp goji berries | 1 tbsp chia seeds | 2 tbsp coconut flakes unsweetened | 1 tbsp cacao powder | 1 serving collagen protein unflavored | 1 tbsp coconut oil melted | 1/4 tsp kosher salt | 1 tbsp warm water | 2 oz 85% dark chocolate

Nutrition Facts No-Bake Cranberry Brownies Amount Per Serving (1 brownie) Calories 96

Calories from Fat 63 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 7g


Saturated Fat 2.7g


Polyunsaturated Fat 1.5g

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Combine everything EXCEPT dark chocolate into food processor and

blend until combined. It will be slightly chunky. 2. Pour mixture onto parchment lined tray and press down and shape mixture into a 4 x 4 square. 3. Melt chocolate in microwave, stirring every 15 seconds until melted and shiny. Spread melted chocolate on top of brownies.

4. Add additional chopped nuts and berries on top if desired before chocolate sets. Chill to set chocolate.

04 53

Monounsaturated Fat 1g Sodium 26.7mg


Potassium 72mg


Total Carbohydrates 7g


Dietary Fiber 2g


Sugars 4g Protein 3g


Vitamin A






* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Thank you for downloading the Own Your Eating Holiday

Survival Guide!

We hope you find it useful! If you did, chances are your friends and family will too, so be a friend and share this with them! During the holidays, our Lifestyle Members turn to their coaches and the OYE community for extra support. If you’re not already a member of our free group on Facebook, join the Own Your Eating Tribe now! Many of our members are thankful for having ongoing support at this time of year instead of waiting until January rolls around. Instead, they start the year out already feeling confident and on top of their game knowing exactly what they need to do to achieve their goals. We don’t promote dieting principles, instead we support sustainable practices that lead to long-term, healthful lifestyle habits. If you need more accountability and support this holiday season, sign up with Own Your Eating. You’ll be paired with an expert coach and on your way to overcoming the holiday season and beyond!

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