1 minute read

Bayside - Daniel Lara ‘23

Daniel Lara


6Insert photographer



from theEditor

Mia Carrasco Sara Gelrud

Thank you for picking up the 41st volume of Reflections, our literary and arts magazine!

Noting that we have had 40 past volumes, why do we come back every year with a new publication? Well, why do we create art and write in the first place? Sometimes it’s to pass the time, and other times it serves as a way to release emotions. Every piece of work featured in this publication has its own reason for being and examines different facets of the human existence.

Beauty is all around us and it’s in the process of living that we grow and find ways to express our stories. Reading, along with art, is a global connector. One does not have to read Inferno in his or her native language in order to recognize the beauty of Dante’s verse. Similarly, one does not have to understand Klimt’s “The Kiss” in order to appreciate its grace. Through literature and art, we are able to find comfort in knowing that others share our experiences and that we’re not alone.

This magazine houses a diverse collection of experiences and memories which we hope help you gain empathy, understanding, and inspiration from the people around you. Through these shared experiences, we hope our community is strengthened. You, me, us: we all have a place in the world and this collection proves it.

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