1 minute read

The Law of Applause - Nirvana Sharma ‘25


Nirvana Sharma

You’ve got the skill of a child who got too much praise Your artwork was designed for applause but never a stage.

To whom it may concern it’ll be called good but never a great

To prove to yourself that you’re one in a billion you show your stuff around for the constant approval of people youdon’t care about Just so that you know you could’ve done a worse job but was it the artwork or the attention that came with it Sucking you in till there’s nothing left of it

Your screams have been cut out ‘cause what are you if not for the approval of people you don't know, who care way less than you do And the fire in your life starts to slowly fade away, And you can’t remember why you started it, Was it for the applause? The attention? Or the mere love of art? That dragged you into this What is art? When there’s no one there no one to witness it


Margaret Miao


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