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KICKS stylish

Each soccer player had their favorite brand of cleats.

Cleats may be perceived as a simple piece of footwear to protect feet from the soccer ball, but different types of cleats could affect players’ performances. Members of the varsity soccer team talked about their favorite cleats and how they enhanced their game.

DRIBBLING THE BALL, junior Cosme Salas avoids the University School players. Despite an injury, Salas finished the play. “I was knocked down, but came back up and continued on to fight for the win”, Salas said. Photo by Fox Mar

I wear the Puma cleats. These are my ride or die’s, because they are the lightest cleats that have ever put on my feet, making playing and running easier for me.

- Henrique Ortega ‘24

wear the Nike Mercurials. They are my favorite, because they are super light on the feet, allowing me to run faster. also love the pattern.


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- Rodrigo Navarro ‘24

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