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mostmysignificant piece of work for the publication was my “Raiders in Action” spread. The spread showcased the victory of the Boys Varisty Soccer team at the State Finals. In taking on this spread, my goal was to include as many players as possible, and to reveal the community and achievements that the soccer team obtained. At first, it was a little hard to complete this spread as many were apprehensive to commit to an interview, but as I kept asking other players, I received my responses. I also had to deeply interrogate the players as there were several different pieces of information that did not line up, and this prompted me to go to the soccer coach and obtain the true information. I believe that this is my most significant piece of work because the Boys soccer team winning the State Final was a significant event in itself. I’m grateful for the opportunity to cover the topic. I incorporated the theme into my spread throughout the title, and I tried something new with the article on the picture. Overall, it was a fun spread to curate and I’m very happy with the end result.