By analyzing 2 reforms implemented by Mao, explain the affect Mao’s rule had on the lives of Chinese people, 1949-76.
Mao Zedong “Communism is not lo ve. Communism is a ham mer which we use to crush the en emy”. - Mao
Is Mao Zedong a hero or villain? Mao Zedong: Mean or nice?
Bung Karno and Mao Zedong
Background Mao was born from a peasant family, therefore he attracted to communism in his youth. In 1921, he helped founding chinese communist party in 1921. By 19341, Chiang Kai-Shek started a campaign against the Communists in Jiangxi. However, in 1934 they broke though Chiang's lines and the Communist Red Army made their own celebration called 'Long March", to set up new Communist. Mao marched 100.000 men over 3000 kilometer, to fight. He used a guerilla tactics, and campaign against the Nationalist troops on the way. Although, they were success, but it was a disaster since the Read army lost 90% of its men, and maybe only 10 percent survived it. Therefore, it was a propaganda success. In the village, where it ended Mao emerged as the Communist leader, then Read Army spread communist ideas among chinese peasants in the village. As a result, by 1936 everyone heard of the Long March, and of the new Communist leader Mao Zedong.
Map showing the Long March
“ W E A N N O U N C E T H E S E T T I N G U P O F T H E P E O P L E ʼ S R E P U B L I C O
C H I N A . O U R N AT I O N W I L L F R O M N O W O N E N T E R T H E L A R G E F A M I LY O F P E A C E L O V I N G A N D F R E E D O M -
L O V I N G N AT I O N S O F T H E W O R L D . I T W I L L W O R K B R AV E LY T O C R E AT E I T S O W N C I V I L I Z AT I O N A N D H A P P I N E S S A N D W I L L AT T H E S A M E T I M E P R O M O T E W O R L D P E A C E A N D F R E E D O M . O U R N AT I O N W I L L N E V E R A G A I N B E I N S U LT E D . W E H AV E S T O O D U P. ” - M A O S P E A K I N G I N 1 9 4 9
Introduction It was more than 30 years China had been at war. For more than millions people had died. However, In october 1949 Mao announced his plans for a new peaceful china, and also for a better china. The announcement held at the gate of the Heavenly Place in Beijing. The new republic of china was governed by an alliance of the communists with a number of smaller parties.China established their power with chair man Mao, and the communist Prime Minister Zhuo Enlai. Mao put his ideas, and running it though party workers in each local area. it was a great challenge to rebuild china after the civil war, and the foreign position. China was underdeveloped, and the system of government was in disorder. There was really a little industry. Mao put his effort to spread communist ideas among the peasants, and he was aware that Chinese disliked change. Nevertheless, Mao announced that China is in opposition to imperialism, feudalism, bureaucracy, and struggle for independence, democracy, peace, and also unity. However, The new government started rebuild to restore the whole problems. Two examples of the problem that occurred at that time were Inflation and low production. Firstly, the government required land reform, improving the past feudal system, and also embraced the five year economic plan to support economic growth. Therefore, agriculture and industry got highly increased above the level to china before the war in 1950.
Rebuilding China
Agrarian Reform Law, 1950
☛ Then, they divided out the village land between the peasants. ☛ They also encouraged peasants to put landlords on trial, they called it as 'people courts' ☛ At the trial, landlords were accused of; Charging high rents/mistreating their tenants. They also send to special camps for imprisoned, executed or to be re-educated. ☛ The party workers also helped the landlords courts, but it was the peasants who ran them and made the decision. Therefore, the support for Mao is increased.
Mao Zedong
☛ In 1950, Mao started the Agrarian Reform Law. He ordered and told his Communist party workers, to go to each village to enforce it.
Agrarian Reform Law, 1950 - Images
Huang Chin-chi was found guilty at this 驶people始s court始 of being a despotic landlord. Then, He was shot on 17 January 1953.
Impacts On China
A CRUCIAL IMPACTS OF THE AGRARIAN REFORM LAW: The termination of Feudalism. It was an action of bringing feudalism to an end. Landowner of land ended with the land being accorded to peasants. The landlords had been removed by the peasants. Lots of landlords were imprisoned or even executed. Collectivization started off and abolishing private ownership Almost all the family shared their work and the land of the farm.
Many owners, especially landlords were to blame of many crimes against peasants on their land. As a result, approximately for about one million former landlords were executed in 1949-1953
However, new technologies and methods were also adopted and introduced There was a huge investment for the development of fertilizers, hybrid seeds. Not only that, they invested on the irrigation systems along the bank many chinese rivers.
“Chairman Mao put up his famous ‘bombard the Headquarters’ poster. He attacked the leaders from the top downwards. His main targets were Liu Shao-qi and Deng Xiaoping.. ! Soon, lots of people in Changsa, some very important, were being accused and removed from office. It seemed that every day good people were being exposed, as evil and only pretending to support the Revolution.. Most felt that the Cultural Revolution was a wonderful thing because when our enemies were uncovered China would be much safer. So I felt excited and happy and I wished I could do something to help” - A 12 years old boy, named Liang Heng, describes the beginning of the Cultural Revolution.
The Cultural Revolution
In 1959, Mao resigned as President of china. Although, he was resigned but he remained as chairman of the Communist party. In the mid 1960s, Suddenly, he concerned more about the direct China seemed to be taking. He thinks that townspeople, and the middle-class were getting wealthy at the expense of the peasants and ordinary people. Mao started to take more active role in China. In 1966, millions of copies of quotations of chairman Mao (Mao's little red book) were printed and distributed free to celebrate his achievements. Mao called for the young people to rise up and get china free of anticommunist elements within the party, schools, universities and society as whole. Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shao - qi were dismissed form their jobs. Deng was forced to become a waiter. while Liu died in 1969 after three years in prison.
The Cultural Revolution
The Cultural Revolution - Mao wanted to start more effective bureaucracy. - He organized group of young people, to spread the idea of socialism around china - They fought against the democratic society,
- Mao told the young students of China to form themselves into Red Guards. - Then, they went on the riot. - Children reviled their own parents parents as anti- Communist. - Mao wanted to brainwash Chinese society , especially young students, and create chinese citizens who would grow up to become uneducated and mindless. - As a result, this revolution was based on the belief that school should be simpler, and when a person read, they become more unintelligent , not more intelligent.
Impacts On China
1. The Cultural Revolution made China fall into a deep crisis or their economy was collapsed. 2. The production got highly decreased, suc h as amount of r ice grains p r o d u c e d a y e a r, a n d c o t t o n production. 3. As a result, the price for those productions got increased. 4. Most citizens became peasants and worked in the farms in order to feed their family. 5. This revolution made many citizens to
lose their jobs and properties, such as politicians, landowner, and the high class society.
Impacts on Economy and Families.
Impacts on School and Students.
1.Schools and Collages were closed during the Cultural Revolution. 2.Therefore, lots of Chinese students were not able to study. 3. It’s a must for a school to teach the students about the advantages and values of the Cultural Revolution 4. A lot of students dropped out from school, and also many students blocked from completing school. 5. For Chinese young people, who couldn’t afford to go to school, they then worked in factories and farm to help their family, earning money.
They then sent to the countryside, after the graduation. Mao thought it was necessary for graduate to be reeducated by farmers and peasants.
Impacts on School and Students.
7.About four million high school and college graduates and about sixteen million students are sent to the farmland, and ended up working the farms and performing manual labor. 8.Gradually, problems arose for Chinese young people, due to the lack of food, housing, and money. 9. Lots of talented students talents were wasted, because they ended up working in farmland.
10. In 1976, Mao dead, and the Gang of Four was dismissed. As a result, it’s a signed the end of the Cultural Revolution. 11.
By December of 1977, The Eleven Party congress ended this revolution.
This revolution makes lots of people in poverty, and also educational opportunity was forever over.
It took many long years to fix the educational.
14.For some people, their lives changed for the better as they were able to escape the pain of this revolution.
15. However, for most of them, it was a nightmare. The cultural revolution still remained and escaping from that reality is only hope, because the collapse of the economy and government had huge impacts on their lives which took years and years to repair.
A young group of Red Guards Mao gathered to fight against democratic society
A gathering during the end of the Cultural Revolution, China.
“The cultural
The Gang Of Four
revolution was really a good thing. In the 1950s the Chinese were very simple. They Three people are brought through the street by Red Guards believed in after being accused of being anti-revolutionary. the Communistslike my mother. She’s a teacher. Whatever the Communists said she thought was great. Then in the Cultural Revolution they locked her up for a year and a half because hr father was a well-known scholar whom they said was a ‘capitalist’. Some Red guards in her school made her kneel on broken glass in front of all the students. For an intelligent person it was about the worst thing that could happen- to be made to feel so small. Her eyes were opened by the Cultural Revolution. She saw through the communist”. - A 16 years old chinese speaking .
Conclusion In conclusion, I concluded that Mao had introduced many positive and negative changes to China which impacted on sections of the China people. The positive change of both reforms are first, collectivization was introduced to the peasants, new investment were also adopted, such as hybrid seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation system, and also they get rid of Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shao by doing the culture revolution. Not only that, he spread the ideas of socialism around china. Although it has good impacts on sections of the China people, however these two reforms had bad impacts on the chinese people especially, peasants, landlords, students, and family. Lots of landlords were being executed, and removed the peasants during the great leap forward. Students were not able to go to school, lots of problems occurred due to the lack of food, money, and housing. As a result, many people were
left in poverty and lots of educational opportunity was forever over. These two reforms had scarred lives, but the chinese people regained a hope for a better tomorrow. The hope for a better life in china is started off, as many households and and families were put the past behind them, as they put their head up and head out towards a better future.
Works Cited "China 1949 to 1953." History Learning Site. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. <http://>. What Changes in Agriculture Did Communist Rule Bring?" - Content for Teachers and Students following a Gcse History Course. Web. 01 Dec. 2011. <http://>. "Mao's China." Mao's China. Web. Nov.-Dec. 2011. < modernworldhistory/pdf/Maos-China-1930-76.pdf>. "Mao Zedong The Great Leap Forward." Liberty News Environment Civil Liberties Alerts News Wildlife Conservation Earthhope Action Network. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. < forum/showthread.php?tid=206>.