Rail Professional Industry Reference Book 2022

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Published by Rail Professional Ltd £80.00

8th Edition



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In this Yearbook

Contents PUBLISHER RAIL PROFESSIONAL LTD Hallmark House, Downham Road, Ramsden Heath, Essex CM11 1PU Telephone: +44 (0)1268 711811 EDITORIAL EDITOR SAM SHERWOOD-HALE editor@railpro.co.uk DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEAN SALISBURY CASSY BLUE ADAM OVERALL JAMIE TREGARTHEN sales@railpro.co.uk RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING recruitment@railpro.co.uk SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions@railpro.co.uk ADMINISTRATION CHERIE NUGENT info@railpro.co.uk LISA ETHERINGTON admin@railpro.co.uk DESIGN & PRODUCTION ALICIA BANNISTER LUKASZ SACZEK production@railpro.co.uk

Rail Professional welcomes contributions in the form of articles, photographs or letters, preferably by email. Original photographs may be submitted, but, while every care will be exercised, neither the editor nor the publisher

Foreword A look ahead to 2022 from Ian Fitzpatrick, CEO and Principal of the National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure............. 05 Government and Regulatory Profiles of bodies and organisations with oversight or responsibility for the rail industry.......................................... 06 Infrastructure Profiles of companies responsible for construction of major infrastructure projects............................................ 49 Holding Companies Profiles of companies that hold franchises for rail routes. . ........................ 63 Passenger Operators Profiles of companies responsible for the operation of passenger trains.............................................................. 73 Freight Operators Profiles of companies responsible for the operation of freight trains.................................................................. 130 UK Rail Today A collection of articles on a variety of topics from experts in every area of the rail industry.................................................. 140

take responsibility for loss of, or damage to, material sent. Submission of material to Rail Professional will be taken as permission for it to be published in the magazine and online. ISBN 978-0-9932146-8-4


Professional Organisations An A-Z list of professional organisations.................................................. 317

© All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including

Industry Suppliers By product/Sevice..................................................................................... 330

photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the copyright owners. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the

A-Z Directory Full company listings.. ............................................................................... 349

publisher, nor does it accept liability for any printing errors or otherwise which may occur.


Government and Regulatory

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Rail in 2022: between challenges and opportunities


n a year bookended by rising Covid cases and falling train passenger numbers, it would be easy to dismiss 2021 as a groundhog year for the rail industry. Ian Fitzpatrick, CEO and Principal of the National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure, looks back on the year as a catalyst for levelling up in 2022. For the rail sector, 2021 did not get off to an especially auspicious start: new Covid-19 rules in January instructed people to work from home wherever possible, and passenger use of national rail was down to 17 per cent of normal levels. A year later, and passenger rail usage continues to be affected, with research from the industry body Rail Delivery Group (RDG) showing that even in October the number of railway journeys was just 45 per cent of what it was before the coronavirus crisis – and these figures are likely to fall again due to recently renewed focus on remote working. No one could argue, then, that 2021 wasn’t a challenging year for rail; nor would it seem imprudent to predict that 2022 will be equally challenging. However, to paraphrase the old adage: ‘every challenge is an opportunity in disguise’, and the past year has brought in opportunities by the trainload. After all, as summarised in the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail published back in May: ‘The pandemic has forced everyone in the sector to confront the reality of the railways’ problems and made it impossible to delay or shrink from reform.’ Setting the stage for change The nature of this reform was outlined in the abovementioned Plan for Rail, seen by many as the biggest shake-up of the UK rail industry in 25 years with its announcement of a new public body named Great British Railways, to replace the rail franchising system in effect since 1996. Welcomed by some in the industry, and met with reservation by others, the new plan clearly demonstrates that the government’s investment in the sector is long-term. This investment was confirmed in October as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget and Spending Review, which committed to delivering ‘over £35 billion of rail investment including High Speed Two, rail enhancements and vital renewals to improve passenger journeys and connectivity across the country – focusing on the Midlands and the North’. In addition to this settlement, the government will continue to progress with its £500 million promise to restore transport links previously lost in the Beeching cuts of the 1960s. This is great news for the communities in question, demonstrating a commitment to regional investment in England that lies at the heart of the National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI), and its two campuses in Birmingham and Doncaster.

This regional investment took a turn for the controversial in November, with the publication of the long-awaited Integrated Rail Plan. Headlines focused largely on the axing of the eastern leg of HS2 and the scaling back of the Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) project, which understandably have drawn some criticism from regional leaders and industry figures in the north. There was praise, however, from others, including Chairman Sir John Peace of the regional trade body Midlands Connect: ‘Although these plans are different in some respects to what we’d expected, there are a lot of positives in here and lots of things to be excited about – a new high-speed connection between Birmingham and East Midlands Parkway, direct links onto HS2 for Derby, Nottingham, and Chesterfield and a commitment to the Midlands Rail Hub.’ Opportunities for levelling up When considering the plan in full, I would echo Sir John’s positivity: rather than reneging on commitments to level up, the Integrated Rail Plan proposes a series of improvements to existing infrastructure, meaning the country can level up almost a decade sooner and across more communities. To use an example close to NCATI’s heart: under earlier plans, smaller towns on existing main lines such as Doncaster would have seen little improvement and even their services cut back; under this latest programme of upgrades, the East Coast Main Line from York to London will see track improvements, higher speeds, and digital signalling ‘to slash journey times’. This is a big win for Doncaster, and for the South Yorkshire region as a whole; it also highlights the urgency with which our country’s skills gaps and shortages will need to be addressed if we want improvements like these to take shape. After all, these improvements – and the government’s rail modernisation plans more broadly – will require skilled engineers much sooner, and across more varying skillsets and locations, than if the focus was purely on supporting new high-speed rail projects. NCATI’s mission is threefold, aiming to deliver the skilled workforce of tomorrow by: encouraging more people into the rail sector to address skills shortages; offering them varied pathways to address skills gaps; and developing a truly ‘National’ College that provides higher-level training across the country. The developments of 2021 and the opportunities they present for levelling up in 2022 and beyond therefore make NCATI’s mission all the more urgent and vital, and highlight the ever-greater need for industry peers to support us in this mission. Supporting the new NCATI Having relaunched in 2021 as part of the University of Birmingham group, NCATI has in the last year undergone some changes in leadership. With a new balance of industry and education experience, we can ensure that the courses we offer to aspiring engineers are directly linked to what employers in the sector need to deliver rail projects now and in the future. Under its new leadership, NCATI now gets a second chance to forge successful partnerships with organisations across the rail sector, and to make sure that these partnerships help provide the skilled workforce of the future with the right equipment, the right courses, and the right career opportunities. If you’re interested in engaging with us or finding out more about the work we do, please get in touch – we’re always happy to help, and would really welcome your support in addressing the sector’s skills challenges in 2022 and the years ahead. You can find further details on page 278 and contact us on 0330 120 0375 or enquiries@ncati.ac.uk. 5

Government and Regulatory

Department for Transport The Department for Transport provides strategic direction and funding to the railways in England and Wales and buys rail franchises and projects. Their work is directed and overseen by the Secretary of State for Transport and their team


he Department’s work is directed and overseen by the Secretary of State, Grant Shapps, and his Ministerial team which is made up of four MPs and one Lords Minister. The Minister of State Chris Heaton-Harris and Parliamentary Undersecretary Baroness Vere are both directly involved in rail. The DfT rail portfolio is organised into three separate groups: • Rail Strategy and Services Group • Rail Infrastructure Group • High Speed Rail Group Rail Strategy and Services Group The Rail Strategy and Services Group is led by Conrad Bailey, who oversees:

• Developing strategy and policy for the rail sector in the context of broader government policy • Managing the department’s overall expenditure on rail services and infrastructure • Ensuring delivery of major projects and programmes including the: • £5.7 billion Intercity Express Programme • £7 billion Thameslink programme • £14.8 billion Crossrail programme (jointly with Transport for London) • Delivering the ongoing programme of rail franchises • Effective sponsorship of: British Transport Police, Network Rail, Office of Rail and Road, Rail Accidents Investigation Branch, Transport Focus Rail Infrastructure Group The Rail Infrastructure Group is led by David Hughes. This portfolio includes Northern Powerhouse Rail and the Integrated Rail Plan, the Transpennine Route Upgrade, Restoring Your Railway, other Network Rail enhancements, East West Rail and Crossrail. High Speed Rail Group The High Speed Rail Group is led by Clive Maxwell who is the senior responsible owner and sponsor for the High Speed 2 programme and is responsible at executive committee level for the department’s work on a number of other major rail projects. These projects include East West Rail, Northern Powerhouse Rail and Crossrail 2. He is a member of the department’s executive committee and board. 6

Network Rail Network Rail is a central Government body which operates as a ‘not for dividend’ company regulated by the Office of Rail and Road. It owns, operates, maintains and develops Britain’s railway and is responsible for ensuring that the railway is safe and reliable. As NR’s sole Member, the Secretary of State for Transport is accountable to Parliament for the activities and performance of Network Rail. A framework agreement published in July 2019 stipulates that the Secretary of State has the power to appoint and dismiss the Chair of Network Rail and approve the board’s suggested candidate for Chief Executive. The Secretary of State also determines the Rail Investment Strategy and Statement of Funds Available which contain the Government’s plans for investment on the network. Oversight The DfT oversees the British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) and Transport Focus. The Chair and Board members of the BTPA are appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport directly. Transport Focus has a board of non-executive members appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport (a Chair and five members). Transport Focus is the statutory independent consumer watchdog for Britain’s rail passengers. The TF Board has three other members (in addition to the five appointed by the SofS) who are appointed by Scottish Ministers, the National Assembly for Wales and the London Assembly. The British Transport Police Authority is the oversight body for the BTP, the specialist police force for the rail network across Great Britain. The Office of Rail and Road is the independent safety and economic regulator for the railways. The Secretary of State appoints the Chair and other Board members. The Secretary of State issues the ORR with general guidance in respect of the exercise of its rail functions. The ORR is responsible for assessing whether the Secretary of State’s proposals are deliverable by Network Rail within the level of public funding available. London and Continental Railways (LCR) is wholly owned by the Department of Transport and High Speed Two (HS2) Limited is an executive non-departmental

public body, sponsored by the Department for Transport. The East West Railway Company (EWRC) is a non-departmental public arm’s length body set up by the Government to accelerate the East West Rail project – a new rail link between Cambridge and Oxford. EWRC works with the Department for Transport. The Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) works with the DfT but independently investigates accidents to improve railway safety and inform the industry and the public.

KEY PERSONNEL Secretary of State for Transport: The Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP Minister of State for Transport: Chris Heaton-Harris MP Minister of State for Transport: Andrew Stephenson MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State: Rachel Maclean MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State: Robert Courts MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State: Baroness Vere of Norbiton Permanent Secretary: Bernadette Kelly Director General of High Speed and Major Rail Projects: Clive Maxwell Directors General Rail Strategy and Services Group: Conrad Bailey Director General, Rail Infrastructure Group: David Hughes Directors General Rail Group: Polly Payne and Ruth Hannant

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 4DR Tel: 0300 330 3000 Email: dft@dft.gov.uk Visit: www.dft.gov.uk

InterCity Patrick Bateson

Restoring Your Railway Amanda Roper

Transpennine Route Upgrade Project Director Farha Sheikh

Crossrail Alex Luke

Governance & Reporting Vacant

Enforcement Portfolio and Heathrow Access Stuart White

Southeast and Anglian James Conway

North and Stations Paul Fishwick

Russ MacMillan

Matthew Lodge

Western and Wessex Jonathan Daley

Rail Infrastructure North

Rail Infrastructure South

Rail Competitiveness Jeremy Hotchkiss

International Rail Andrea Pearson

Integrated Rail Plan Sarah Nattrass

Northern Powerhouse Rail Jenni Singleton

Nick Bisson

Integrated Rail Plan/Northern Powerhouse Rail

Rail Infrastructure Group

East West Rail Karen Brand and Cath Terry

Cavendish Elithorn

Rail Infrastructure Central

Workforce, IR, Pensions Lakhbir Hans

Rail Analysis Jenna O’Byrne and Mark Ledbury

Dan Moore

Rail Strategy Products Oliver Mulvey

Sacha Hatteea and Claire Gibbs

Head of Transformation Naomi Abigail Schweitzer

Rail Strategy and Analysis

Rail Workforce and Pensions

Human Resources and Estates Director Louise White

Chief Financial Officer Helen Milne

Director of Corporate Services Carrie Dolan

Director of Corporate Affairs Adrian Long

Director of Strategy, Policy, Digital & Technology Becky Thomas

Director of Enforcement Marian Kitson

Director of Operations (South) Richard Hennessy

Commercial Director Andrew Falvey

Strategy, Policy and Communications Director Lynette Rose

Chief Technical Officer Brian Sullivan

Operations and Customer Services Director Tony Ackroyd

Julie Lennard Chief Executive

Finance Director Tracy Nash

Loveday Rider Chief Executive

Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency

Contract Design Neil Hart

Pia Wilkes Chief Executive

Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Paul Cooke

Chief Technical and Statutory Operations Officer Chris McCabe

Chief Finance and Resources Officer Richard L Brown

Chief Operating Officer Paul Higgs

Environmental Analysis Lucy Kavanagh

Joint Air Quality Unit Suzanne Truman, Isobel Pastor and Laura Keogh

Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Vacant

International Vehicle Standards Ian Yarnold

Office of Zero Emission Vehicles Natasha Robinson/ Gary Cook/ Katie Black

Low Carbon Fuels Rachel Solomon Williams

Environmental Strategy Bob Moran

Hannah Newell

COP26 Transport Jennifer Raynor

Claire Wren

David Hughes Director General Rail Infrastructure Group

Future EU Roads Relationship Policy Vacant

Future EU Roads Relationship East and South Haroona Chugtai

Future EU Roads Relationship Policy/PMO Samantha Collins-Hill

Future EU Roads Relationship West Richard Thomas and Helen McGill

Dave Buttery

Motoring Services Agency Sponsorship Katie Warren and Rose Snashall

Government Car Service Andrew Bingham

Traffic and Technology Anthony Ferguson

Dangerous Goods/Transport Infrastructure Planning Unit Roh Hathlia

Road User Licensing, Insurance and Safety Pauline Reeves

Freight, Operator Licensing and Roadworthiness Duncan Price

Rosalind Wall

Road Safety, Standards and Services

Jessica Matthew

Bus Reform and Recovery Catriona Henderson and Matt Crane

Accessible and Inclusive Travel Ruth Harper

Local Transport Covid-19 Response Sharon Maddix

Active Travel Rupert Furness

Local and Regional Transport Analysis Andrew Morrison

Local Infrastructure, Funding and Delivery Rob Catherall

Statistics Travel and Safety John Wilkins

Local Passenger Transport Caroline Barker/Fiona Lee

Stephen Fidler

Local Transport

Ranjit Baxi Non-Executive

Conrad Bailey Director General, Rail Strategy and Services Group

Roads, Places and Environment Group

Rail North Partnership Gary Bogan

Market Lead, East Coast Market Arthur Borkwood

Market Lead West Coast Partnership Jessica Holland

Fiona White

Markets North

COP26 Transport

Franchising Mobilisation and Resilience John Macquarrie

Commercial Model Design David Edwards

Rail Finance Tim Stamp

Change Richard Cantwell

Simon Smith

Policy, Operations and Change

Passenger Market Lead, Experience Midlands, North & Catherine De Marco Wales Market Eddie Muraszko In-Franchise

Caroline Low

Environment and Future Mobility

Market Lead, Cross London Network Market Tim Rees

Market Lead, South West and London Market Graham Stockbridge

Richard Bruce

Rolling Stock Jag Maitala

Train Strategy & Operations Daniel Ashley

Programme & Procurement Rachel Wilson

Project Director Dan Brandenburger

Market Lead South East and London Market Andrew MacDonald

Jim Richards

Market Lead South East and London Market Toni Eastland

Coordination and Planning Programme Implementation Siobhan Oudahar

Markets South

Peter Wilkinson

Passenger Services

Sam Caughey

Strategy and Planning

Coordination and Planning Group (CAP) Michael Hayes

Vehicle Certification Agency

Reform Delivery and Legislation Charlotte Clarke

Sector Target Operating Model Rob Coffey

Director of People Paula Pitcher

Director of Operations (North) Peter Hearn

Lucy Ryan

Portfolio Management Kate Walters

Elisabeth Cuthbertson

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

Digital & Environment Jennifer Elevique

Rail Communications Chris Duffy

Land Transport National Security Shanez Cheytan

Rail Portfolio Office Sofia Marcal Whittles

One Railway Robin Groth

Philip Luxford

Rail Transformation Programme

Rail Strategy and Services Group

Integration and Security

Union Delivery Caroline Fish

Union Strategy and Union Connectivity Review Gavin James

Midlands, South West and Regional Programmes Andy Rhind

North and Devolution Simon Connick

Ben Smith

London Projects Thomas Barry

Covid-19 Strategy & Planning Kazi Hossain/Nigel Nuttall

Covid-19 Resilience Dan Taylor/Dan Thomas

London Funding and Finance Samantha Collins-Hill

Iain Forbes

Covid-19 Transport Strategic Co-ordination Cathy Miller/Mark Aldworth

Sara Skodbo

Domestic Covid-19

Roads Investment Strategy Client Regional Infrastructure Projects Danny Trup

Roads Investment Strategy Client Complex Infrastructure Projects Rosemary Hopkins

Road Investment Strategy Client Portfolio & Performance Helen Ramsden

Statistics, Road and Freight Gemma Brand

Roads Economics Neil Shorten

Roads Investment Strategy Client Rosemary Hopkins

Roads Investment Strategy Futures Philip Andrews

Jill Adam

Strategic Roads, Economics and Statistics

Clive Maxwell Director General, High Speed Rail Group

Tracy Westall Non-Executive

London, South, East and Housing Carly Freeston

John Hall

Regions, Cities and Devolution

Emma Ward Director General, Roads, Places and Environment Group

Richard Keys Non-Executive

Euston Station Sponsor Stuart Voller

Euston Project Lee Mowle/ Ros Smith-Reid

Kate Cohen

Euston Project

Delivery Strategy and Project Control Vicky O’Brien

Rolling Stock, Systems and Infrastructure Management Paul Mansbridge

Shadow Operator & End State Paul Sherrell

Phase 2a Sponsor Jon Griffiths

Phase 1 Route and Powers Paul Stewart

Alan Over

Phase 1 and 2a, HS2

Phase 2b Strategy Liz WIlson

Phase 2 Strategy Nicola Cullen

Phase 2b Sponsor Stephen Clark

Susanna May

Phase 2b HS2

Client Funding and Strategy Luke Wells

Programme & Benefits Raja Nadarajan

Lynda Rawsthorne

Programme Integration

Communications and Correspondence Vacant

Analysis Alice Crossley

Land & Property Rob Middleton

Gareth Davies Aviation, Maritime, International and Security Group

Nick Joyce Director General, Corporate Delivery Group

Baroness Vere Parliamentary under Secretary

High Speed Rail Group

Tony Poulter Non-Executive

Robert Courts MP Parliamentary under Secretary

Dame Sarah Storey Non-Executive

Trudy Harrison MP Parliamentary under Secretary

Bernadette Kelly CB Permanent Secretary

Andrew Stephenson MP Minister of State

Ian King Non-Executive

Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP Chris Heaton-Harris MP Secretary of State Minister of State

DfT Board

HS2 Ltd, LCR and Crossrail International Shareholding Team Kirsty Austin

Portfolio Assurance and Project Speed Sarah Perring

Advanced Analytics Sam Rose

Data and Analytics Ian Knowles

Central Research Team Siobhan Campbell

Transport Appraisal and Strategic Modelling Liz Jacobs

Amanda Rowlatt

Analysis and Science

Ilona Blue

Operations and Continuous Improvement Cristina Bizzi

Strategy, Policy and Capability Damien Robertson

Commercial Relationship Management Peter Birkbeck

Assurance and Supply Chain Management Peter James

Paul Rodgers

Group Commercial

Future Shared Services Programme Emily Jiggins

Future DfT Programme Andy Gregory

Internal Communications Marie Dunaway

Group HR Operations Sarah Turner

Group HR, Reward, Policy and ALBS Mike Watkins

Business Partnering, Talent and Resourcing Rosie Borland

Organisational Development Francesca Leyne

Kate Caulkin

Group Human Resources

Digital Project Delivery Rachel Nixon

Corporate Security Samantha Hiles

Digital Strategy and Operations Mark Lyons

Group Internal Audit Ronak Kakad

Governance June Bowman

Gavin Gaunt

Group Assurance and Digital

EU Negotiation Advisor Martin Jones

Strategy Unit Ted Hayden Principal Private Secretary & Head of Private Office Rupesh Mehta

Trade Nathan Cox

Global Impact Jane Peters

Eurpean Union Simon Argyle

Louise Morgan

John Parkinson


Transport Security Operations Centre James Brereton

National Security Science and Research Tom Salter

National Security Division Gisela Carr

Lucy Bird

Transport Security, Resilience and Response

Rannia Leontaridi


Aviation Strategy, Consumers and Innovation Jenny Ward

Aviation and Decarbonisation Holly Greig

International Travel Aviation Programme Commercial Lola Fadina Interventions Catherine Adams/ Aviation Security Alistair Cormack International Operations Airports Policy Vacant Lydia Strawson/ Philip Haslam Europe and International Airspace, Jasmine Banghard Modernisation and Noise Aviation Security, Ian Elston Strategy and Policy Sarah Nacey Aviation, Maritime and GA, Safety and Border Analysis Skills Jonathan Saks David Harding

David Silk

Airports, Infrastructure and Commercial Interventions

Border Risks and Operations Paul O’Sullivan

Tom Wechsler

Border Risks and Operations


Accident Investigation Branches

Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Business Management Vacant

Covid-19 Team Katie Meredith

Rail Projects & Secondary Legislation/SI drafting team David Milroy

Rail and London Martin Bedford

EU International Trade James Speybey

Maritime Hussein Kaya

Aviation James Adutt

Roads 2 Mabinthi Kanu

Roads 1 Katie Foster

Rail Passenger Services B Jessica Walters

Chief Medical Adviser Sally Bell

Strategic Lead UK Maritime Business Development Mark Seastron

Director of Finance and Audit Chloe Bowes

Director of HR, Health and Safety, and Estates Matthew Briggs

Head of the Office of the Chairman and Chief Executive Richard Wilson

Commercial and Programmes Director Damien Oliver

Director of Information and Technology Matthew Reynolds

Director of HM Coastguard Claire Hughes

Director of UK Maritime Services Katy Ware

Brian Johnson

Maritime Environment Technology and International Eamonn Beirne

Air Accidents Investigation Branch Crispin Orr

Marine Accident Investigation Branch Andrew Moll

Rail Accident Investigation Branch Simon French

Critical Freight Taskforce Mike Alcock/ Helen Kershaw

Maritime Environment Technology Sarah Francis/ Sandra Dewhurst

Maritime Policy Response John Connell/ Vicki Race

Maritime Security James Driver

Maritime Operations Stephen Benzies

Jo Greenidge

Deputy Legal Director

Rail Passenger Services A Katherine Scott

Brett Welch

Legal Director

Government Legal Department

Darren Shirley

Acceleration Unit*

*directly accountable to the Secretary of State

Petra Wilkinson

Group Media & Corporate George Kotschy

Strategic Communications and External Affairs Vacant

Marketing & Creative Content Sioned James

Suzanne Edmond

Group Communications

Aviation, Maritime, International and Security Group

Business Intelligence and Shared Services Tim Gardner

Finance Business Partners Deborah Allen

Financial Accounting and Control Tirth Benning

Strategic Finance and Planning Lee Taylor

Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser Siobhan Campbell

Strategy and Private Office

Corporate Finance Advisory Joe Hickey Philip Wilson Peter Brown

Property Andy Holdsworth

Kamal Patel

Group Finance

Corporate Delivery Group Corporate Finance and Property

Sarah Sharples

Chief Scientific Adviser

Corporate Sponsorship Portfolio and DOHL Shareholding Lisa Moses

Highways England Shareholding Team Emily Dineley

Network Rail Shareholding Team Tracey Sedgley

Infrastructure Efficiency and Engineering David Coles

Nathan Philips

Project Delivery Excellence and Profession Serena Cussons

Shareholding and Corporate Sponsorship

Caroline Botwood

Portfolio and Project Delivery

September 2021

Government and Regulatory



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Government and Regulatory

Transport Scotland (CÒmhdhail Alba) Transport Scotland is the national transport agency for Scotland, responsible for the ScotRail and Caledonian Sleeper franchises as well as planning and delivering rail policy, strategy and development in Scotland


he Transport Scotland Rail Directorate is responsible for planning and delivering rail policy, strategy and development. It carries out appraisals of capital projects, advises on rail investment decisions and provides the specification of railway outputs that the Scottish Government will wish to buy. The Rail directorate is also responsible for managing the ScotRail and Caledonian Sleeper franchise contracts, specifying and funding Network Rail’s high-level delivery responsibilities in Scotland, and liaising with the Office of Rail and Road in specifying and funding the outputs expected from Network Rail. Transport Scotland has invested over £9 billion in the railway since 2007, which has resulted in: • New fleets of modern electric trains. • New and improved services through the ScotRail and Caledonian Sleeper franchises. • 47 miles of new railway, including the Borders Railway. • 252 miles of electrified lines. • 16 new stations. Franchises ScotRail services will move into Scottish Government ownership when the ScotRail franchise ends, currently expected to be in March 2022. The services will be provided within the public sector, by an arm’s length company owned and controlled by the Scottish Government. This is a result of the Scottish Government’s decision to run ScotRail services through what is known as the ‘Operator of Last Resort’. ScotRail staff will transfer to the new Scottish Government owned entity, with their terms and conditions protected. National Transport Strategy Transport Scotland’s vision, as set out in the National Transport Strategy (NTS2), is for Scotland to have a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system which will help to deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses and visitors. Transport Scotland is an executive agency of the Scottish Government and is accountable to Parliament and the public through Scottish Ministers. Transport Scotland also

Image credit: Transport Scotland

provides input from a Scottish perspective on reserved rail issues such as: European directives, cross-border rail franchises, the Equality Act and safety and standards. Cross-border links Transport Scotland is also looking at crossborder links and, in particular, the economic and environmental benefits that high-speed rail can bring to Scotland. Cross-border passenger services are operated under franchises specified and awarded by the Department for Transport (apart from the Caledonian Sleeper services). Rail freight The rail freight sector is a vital part of Scotland’s economy. The Scottish Government’s vision is for a competitive, sustainable rail freight sector that plays a significant and increasingly important role in Scotland’s economic growth and provides a safer, greener and more efficient way of transporting goods and materials. This vision is backed by a £25 million Scottish Strategic Rail Freight Fund for the period 2019 to 2024. The fund will support the development and delivery costs of proposals for minor-medium freight interventions aimed at improving the capacity and capability of the Scottish network for rail freight. Stations There are currently 360 railway stations in Scotland. Network Rail manages Glasgow Central and Edinburgh Waverley. The railway station at Prestwick Airport is owned and managed by the airport authority. The rest

are leased to and operated by ScotRail. Scottish stations have improved significantly after considerable investment over the last few years. ScotRail has invested around £20 million in delivering front line improvements to passenger facilities at stations. The Scottish Government also provided £20 million for small schemes between 2006 and 2008, improving station facilities across the country. Transport Scotland is committed to ensuring that these facilities are maintained and improved over the course of the current franchise, with further investments being made at stations to support smart ticketing and integrated travel. Investment includes enhanced cycle facilities, upgraded ticket vending machines, multi-modal customer information screens and smart ticketing equipment.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive: Roy Brannen Director of Rail: Bill Reeve Director of Transport Strategy and Analysis: Alison Irvine Director of Low Carbon Economy: Stuart Greig

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow G4 0HF Tel: 01412 727100 Email: info@transport.gov.scot Visit: www.transport.gov.scot 9












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Government and Regulatory

Transport for Wales Transport for Wales (TfW) was set up by Welsh Government in 2016 to oversee public transport in Wales

Stadler Rail An extensive programme of testing and commissioning is being carried out on one of the two Stadler built trains, which made maiden voyages into Canton depot, Cardiff in late November 2021.

Image Credit: Stadler Rail Service


he Transport for Wales Board is made up of the Chair, Chief Executive, four independent non-executives and two executive members. Its role is to provide effective leadership for TfW, monitor performance and promote high standards of public finance. From 2023, an £800 million investment will ensure that 95 per cent of journeys are on new trains. More than half the trains will be assembled in Wales. By December of that year, an extra 285 (29 per cent) more services will run every weekday, including improvements on the Ebbw Vale, Cambrian and Heart of Wales lines and the North Wales Metro (Wrexham Bidston). A new service will link Cardiff and Liverpool via Wrexham. This will create more than six hundred new jobs, including two hundred new ontrain customer service staff, and add thirty apprenticeships per year. A £15 million fund will make stations more accessible, and the launch of a new app allowing customers requiring assistance to ‘turn up and go’ was made available in April 2020. On top of that at least 1,500 new car parking spaces will be created and by 2023 the availability and quality of ticketing facilities will be transformed.

Transport for Wales focuses on planning, commissioning and managing efficient transport by creating transport networks fit for the future that will contribute to the long-term sustainability of Wales. The intention is to create a rail service that benefits the whole of Wales, as well as communities along the border in England and to this end Transport for Wales is: • Working to bring the rail service into line with the regulations for persons of reduced mobility ensuring everyone can benefit from a better service. • Committed to meeting the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards by providing better Welsh Language services. • Improving integration with active travel routes making it easier for people to walk and cycle to and from stations. • Working with bidders to ensure they invest in the skills of their staff and suppliers and that local people have opportunities for employment. • Investing around three-quarters of a billion pounds to transform the valley lines to Treherbert, Aberdare, Merthyr Tydfil, Rhymney and Coryton, electrifying around 107 miles of track and upgrading infrastructure to enable improved journey times and more trains every hour.

New Metros The South Wales Metro is an integrated public transport network for the Cardiff Capital Region which will involve electrifying around 170 kilometres of track, upgrading stations and signalling and building at least five new stations. TfW is investing £800 million in new faster, greener trains for the South Wales Metro and the Wales and Borders rail service. The Swansea Bay Metro will transform public transport in the Swansea Bay area, TfW will be introducing new trains on services through the Swansea Bay area, increasing capacity on services to West Wales and between South West Wales and Manchester. From 2024, TfW will be introducing a first-class service between Swansea and Manchester on their new trains.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: James Price Commercial and Customer Experience Director: David O’Leary Communications Director: Lewis Brencher Consultancy and Corporate Services Director: Geoff Ogden Finance Director: Heather Clash North Wales Development Director: Lee Robinson People and Organisational Development Director: Lisa Yates Rail Operations Director: Alexia Course Rail Programme Director: Karl Gilmore Safety & Sustainability Director: Gareth Morgan

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: South Gate House, Wood Street, Cardiff CF10 1EW Tel: 029 2167 3434 Email: contact@transportfor.wales Visit: www.tfw.gov.wales 11

Government and Regulatory

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Government and Regulatory

Department for Infrastructure (An Roinn Bonneagair) The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) was formed in May 2016 and operates under the direction and control of the Minister for Infrastructure


fI is staffed by civil servants who are accountable to the Minister for Infrastructure. The Minister is a member of the Northern Ireland Executive and accountable to the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Departmental Permanent Secretary, Katrina Godfrey, is the Accounting Officer for DfI and the Minister’s principal adviser. Katrina Godfrey chairs the Departmental Board, which directs the delivery of Corporate Governance within the Department. Details of the arrangements which have been established to ensure proper and effective management of the Department’s affairs are set out in the Corporate Governance Framework. The Departmental Board comprises a further five executive members and two non-executive, independent members. The Department provides capital and revenue grant funding to Translink for Northern Ireland Railways to operate rail services. The funding helps maintain and develop the rail infrastructure, allows rail services to operate safely and efficiently and helps make public transport an attractive alternative to private transport. Public Transport Division carries out the governance function of Translink on behalf of DfI and monitors spend of the grant allocated to Translink against plans, ensuring that projects demonstrate value for taxpayers’ money and expenditure falls within budgetary limits. The past few years have seen significant investment in the railways. From 2014/15 to 2020/21, the Department has funded over £360 million of capital works on the railways here. The major projects recently completed include: • North West Multi Modal Transport Hub • New Portrush Train Station • Knockmore to Lurgan Ballast Rehabilitation • Lurgan Area Track Renewal The Department has responsibility for the licensing, safety certification and safety authorisations of all mainline, light railways and heritage railways operating in Northern Ireland in exercise of the powers

conferred on it under the Railway Safety Act (Northern Ireland) 2002. The Department regulates railway safety to ensure all Railway Undertakings, Infrastructure Managers and heritage rail operators comply with regulatory duties to provide a safe rail network. In addition, the Department is the Competent Authority for assessing compliance with technical standard on the rail network. The Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company The Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company (NITHC) is a public corporation and its responsibilities include holding and managing property assets and the oversight, in terms of support, control and supervision, of its private limited subsidiary companies, the principal ones being Ulsterbus, Metro (previously Citybus) and Northern Ireland Railways, trading jointly as Translink. It is expected to operate commercially and has a duty to operate in line with Ministerial policy. The chairman and other directors of the Holding Company shall be appointed from among persons who appear to the Minister to have had wide experience of, and to have shown capacity in, transport, industrial, commercial or financial matters or to have other adequate or suitable experience, and the Minister in appointing them shall have regard to the desirability of including among them persons who are directors of, or concerned in the management of, the subsidiaries of the Holding Company. Travel Survey 2017-2019 In July 2021 the Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch (ASRB) of the Department for Infrastructure published The Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) In-depth Report, containing statistics for 2017-2019. The key points for 2017-2019 are: • In 2017-2019, 71 per cent of all journeys were made by car, 18 per cent by walking, five per cent by public transport (Ulsterbus, Metro, Other Bus, Northern Ireland Railways, Black Taxi) and one per cent by cycling, similar to ten years ago. • Around one third of all journeys were less than two miles long. Just under one

half of these journeys were on foot and a similar proportion were by car. The car was the dominant mode of transport for journeys of two miles and over. • Just under one sixth of all respondents travelled on a bus once a week or more. Around one in 30 of all respondents travelled on a train once a week or more.

KEY PERSONNEL Permanent Secretary: Katrina Godfrey Deputy Secretary – Resources, Governance and EU Group: Declan McGeown Director of Safe and Sustainable Travel Division: Chris Hughes Director of Finance: Susan Anderson Director of Corporate Policy and Planning Division: Sian Kerr Director of Transport Policy Division: Liz Loughran Director of Gateways and EU Relations: Bernie Rooney Director of Public Transport Division: Jackie Robinson Head of Internal Audit: Tracey Woods

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Department for Infrastructure, Departmental Co-ordination Unit, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB Tel: 028 9054 0540 Email: dcu@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk Visit: www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk 13

Government and Regulatory

Transport for the North Transport for the North is the country’s first Sub-national Transport Body, formed to transform the transport system across the North of England, providing the infrastructure needed to drive economic growth


ransport for the North became England’s first Sub-national Transport Body in April 2018, bringing together the North’s 20 Local Transport Authorities and eleven Local Enterprise Partnerships to enable the North to speak with one voice on the transport infrastructure investment needed to drive transformational growth and rebalance the UK economy. Strategic Rail The Strategic Rail programme is key to ensuring the synergies between the North’s classic rail network, the Northern Powerhouse Rail programme, together with HS2 Phase 2b and Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU), through the Integrated Rail Programme (IRP), are fully optimised. In operational terms, the programme partners with the Department for Transport in overseeing and managing the region’s biggest rail operators – Northern Trains Limited and TransPennine Express. The Rail North Partnership, informed by the advice and guidance of the Rail North Committee and the Department for Transport, oversees and manages the performance and delivery targets of these operators and works to ensure they are both fit for purpose and future-proofed. In 2020, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, the above work took on a special significance as both regional and national government effectively took control of the operators to ensure they could both meet national needs in providing essential transport links and have some protection against the economic effects of the pandemic. Rail recovery is now a key focus for the programme. The Northern and TransPennine Express rail services run through 25 local authority areas, including the 20 authorities that sit on the Partnership Board of Transport for the North. We engage regularly with representatives from all 25 authorities through our Rail Officer Reference Group. Northern Powerhouse Rail Northern Powerhouse Rail is a major strategic rail programme that will deliver radical improvements to train service frequencies and journey times, to better connect the key economic areas in the North

of England. Delivered over a phased 30-year period, the programme will transform eastwest rail travel across the region to enhance connectivity, capacity and reliability. By linking the east and west of the North, as well as linking with HS2, Northern Powerhouse Rail will deliver vastly improved regional rail connections, providing modern, high-speed, low-carbon services which will improve the passenger experience, and encourage a modal shift from cars to trains, contributing greatly to the decarbonisation agenda. Northern Powerhouse Rail will also release capacity in the existing rail network, supporting improvements in the local and freight services on which much of the region depends, as well as improving connectivity to international gateways including Manchester Airport. The programme will connect the major urban centres of the North, and under-served communities, to generate opportunity, attract investment, create jobs and move the North towards a more integrated economy that will ‘level-up’ the region and boost UK productivity The North’s economy will flourish with proper investment. Regional strengths in advanced manufacturing and research have already attracted investment from Boeing in Sheffield and Siemens in Goole, while recent announcements of the new UK Infrastructure Bank in Leeds and ‘Treasury North’ in Darlington, as well as the announcement of three freeports in the region in the 2021 budget, show confidence and ambition for the North. To maximise and expand upon this ambition, the North’s creaking rail infrastructure must be improved. Covid-19 hit the North especially hard, in part because the economy and industry of the region didn’t allow as many people to work remotely during the pandemic in comparison to the rest of the country. There is a strong case to invest in Northern transport infrastructure, with the North less affected by potential changes to future working patterns, as has been shown with high numbers of passengers returning to rail post-pandemic. Ultimately, Northern Powerhouse Rail - delivered in full alongside HS2 and the Transpennine Route Upgrade – will define the North’s economic prosperity for the rest

of this century, boosting jobs and growth, while also playing a significant role in reducing carbon emissions in the region and delivering tangible transformational benefits to people and business. Stay in touch Transport for the North produces a regular podcast on all things transport and the Northern Powerhouse, covering topics such as devolution, levelling up, economic growth, productivity, investment and more. It is available via the TfN website and on Spotify and Soundcloud. The All Points North e-newsletter highlights the top stories each week – sign up via the TfN website.

KEY PERSONNEL Interim Chair: Councillor Louise Gittins Chief Executive: Martin Tugwell Director of Business Capabilities: Dawn Madin Finance Director: Iain Craven Northern Powerhouse Rail Director: Tim Wood Strategic Rail Director: David Hoggarth Rail North Partnership Director: Gary Bogan Interim Strategy and Programme Director: Tim Foster Major Roads Director: Peter Molyneux

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 2nd Floor, 4 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BN Tel: 0161 244 0888 Email: info@transportforthenorth.com Visit: www.transportforthenorth.com 15

Government and Regulatory

Transport for London Transport for London (TfL) is the integrated transport authority responsible for delivering the Mayor of London’s strategy and commitments on transport


very day around 30 million journeys are made across the network and TfL keeps the city moving, runs the day-to-day operation of the Capital’s public transport network and manages London’s main roads. The services operated include London Underground, London Buses, Docklands Light Railway, London Overground, TfL Rail, London Trams, London River Services, London Dial-a-Ride, Victoria Coach Station, Santander Cycles and the Emirates Air Line. TfL provides modern ways to pay through Oyster and contactless payment cards and provides live travel information in a variety of formats to help people move around London. The TfL programme of transport capital investment is one of the world’s largest. It is modernising Tube services and stations, transforming the road network and making it safer, especially for more vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. TfL Rail TfL started managing the Liverpool Street to Shenfield rail service in May 2015 and the running of eleven stations between Acton Main Line and Taplow (excluding Slough station) in December 2017. Those stations transferred to TfL Rail outside London were included because they are part of an existing rail route. TfL Rail does not affect the ‘fast’ trains that serve major stops. These are still the responsibility of the Government and run alongside TfL services. TfL has overall responsibility for the train frequency specifications, standards for station facilities and overall performance as well as fares and revenue management. On 20 September 2021, TfL opened the new extension to the Northern Line from Kennington to Battersea Power Station. The extension took seven years to build and is a vital part of enabling regeneration across the Vauxhall, Nine Elms and Battersea Opportunity Area. The two stations at Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station are connected with three kilometres of new twin-tunnel railways. Journey times from the new stations to the West End of the City will be approximately 15 minutes, and the stations are set to unlock 25,000 jobs and 20,000 new homes. The extension project also boasts an impressive benefit to cost ratio of 16

at least eight to one, truly representing one of the most successful examples of Transit Oriented Development (TOD). Docklands Light Railway The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) opened in 1987 and operates as a driverless, computerised system with performance and dependability among the best in the UK. The number of people using the DLR has increased rapidly, rising from ten million in the early 1990s to around 122 million in 2018/19 and the DLR route has been extended six times. The DLR is operated by KeolisAmey Docklands under a franchisee contract awarded by TfL. A contract was awarded to Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles, S.A (CAF) in June 2019 to replace some of the oldest trains operating on the network. The new fleet of walk through trains are expected to start entering passenger service from 2023 providing a number of customer improvements, including the latest audio and visual real-time travel information. London Overground TfL is responsible for London Overground – a group of orbital lines serving many areas of the Capital. Launched in 2007, around a third of all Londoners are within walking distance of a London Overground station. There are six London Overground routes that, together, form an outer London orbital network. This route travels through 23 London boroughs, as well as southern Hertfordshire and serves 112 stations. More than 189 million people used the Overground in 2018/19, compared to 33 million in 2008/09. In November 2016 Arriva began to manage the network’s stations and trains on a day-to-day basis. Network Rail manages and maintains most of the track and signals, as London Overground is part of the National Rail network. London Trams TfL took over the running of Trams in 2008 and completely refurbished the Trams network which had been created eight years earlier. Trams offer frequent services from Croydon to Wimbledon, Beckenham Junction, Elmers End and New Addington. TfL sets the specifications for tram frequency and overall performance, is responsible for fares and revenue, carries out maintenance,

and plans and funds improvements and extensions to the network. The tram network has 17 miles of track, 34 trams in the fleet and 39 stops. It serves seven National Rail stations and more than fifty bus routes, nearly 29 million passengers used the service in 2018/19. Tram Operations (TOL), a subsidiary of First Group, operates trams day-to-day under a franchisee agreement with TfL. TOL’s contract will expire in 2030. London Underground London Underground, better known as the Tube, opened in 1863, it is the world’s oldest underground railway network, and one of the largest. TfL is responsible for all aspects of the Tube’s operations including running the trains, stations and control centres, making sure the Tube is safe and secure, and collecting and protecting fares revenue as well as the maintenance and renewal of most of the infrastructure used by the Tube, although some services run over track that is the responsibility of Network Rail. The Tube handles up to five million passenger journeys per day. At peak times, there are more than 543 trains in use on the eleven lines that cover 250 miles and serve 270 stations.

KEY PERSONNEL Commissioner: Andy Byford Chief Finance Officer: Simon Kilonback General Counsel: Howard Carter Managing Director, Crossrail 2: Michèle Dix CBE Managing Director, Customers, Communication and Technology: Vernon Everitt Managing Director, Surface Transport: Gareth Powell Managing Director, London Underground: Andy Lord Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer: Lilli Matson

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ Tel: 0343 222 1234 Email: Contact via website Visit: www.tfl.gov.uk

Government and Regulatory

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Formed on 1 April 2011, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority is run jointly by the leaders of the ten councils and the Mayor of Greater Manchester


ver the last decade several devolution agreements have been signed between Government and the GMCA. These agreements brought new powers and responsibilities to the region, including transport. To deliver these devolution agreements, it was decided that Greater Manchester should have an elected Mayor to act as a directly elected point of accountability for the GMCA. The GMCA is run jointly by the leaders of the ten councils and the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham. Functional executive bodies, such as Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), are responsible for the delivery of services

with the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee (TfGMC) and its sub committees managing the TfGM and creating the transport policy on behalf of the GMCA, however some decisions still require approval by the GMCA. TfGM delivers the GMCA’s transport policies, by coordinating transport networks across the region, deciding where to invest transport funding, and owning and running the Metrolink tram service. TfGM is a key partner in Rail North and Transport for the North. GMCA coordinates transport services through the public body Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM).

KEY PERSONNEL Mayor: Andy Burnham Chief Executive: Eamonn Boylan Head of Communications: Smyth Harper Director of Communications & Engagement: Claire Norman CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU Tel: 0161 778 7000 Email: enquiries@ greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk Visit: www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk


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Government and Regulatory

West Midlands Combined Authority

Image credit: West Midlands Combined Authority

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is the strategic authority with powers over transport, economic development and regeneration for the West Midlands


he authority consists of 18 local authorities and four Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) working together to move powers from Whitehall to the West Midlands and its locally elected politicians. It includes the seven metropolitan West Midlands councils (constituent authorities), ten nonconstituent authorities/councils and one observer council, as well as the Mayor of the West Midlands. The transport arm of the WMCA is Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) which coordinates investment to improve the region’s transport infrastructure and create a fully integrated, safe and secure network. It is also responsible for assessing and planning for the region’s future transport needs so the network can meet the demands of businesses and a growing population. The expansion of the Midland Metro tram system is just one of the many projects that TfWM is delivering to help meet those future needs. Midlands Rail Hub The Midlands Rail Hub is a £2 billion package

of improvements to transform east-west rail connections. The project was awarded £20 million in the March 2020 Budget to develop the scheme to outline business case. The plans outline a programme of new and upgraded infrastructure that will be implemented in phases between now and 2033. It will strengthen rail links between Leicester, Nottingham, Coventry, Derby, Hereford and Worcester, improve services to Wales and the South West and allow more people to access HS2. HS2 Connectivity Package investment The WMCA has been a strong advocate for the planned HS2 line and has put in place a £4.4 billion HS2 Growth Strategy to make the most of HS2 arriving in the West Midlands. As part of this Growth Strategy there is a Local Connectivity Package of 20 transport schemes to effectively ‘plugin’ the two new HS2 stations to local transport network. These schemes include the transformational East-West Metro with tram extensions to Dudley/ Brierley Hill and

through East Birmingham to North Solihull and the HS2 Interchange station. West Midlands Rail Executive The region is looking to reverse some the Beeching cuts by reopening rail lines to passenger services for the first time in decades. These include the Camp Hill line serving suburbs in South Birmingham and the line between Walsall and Wolverhampton. Railway stations, including the busy University Station in Edgbaston, are also being rebuilt as the region prepares to host the Coventry City of Culture in 2021 and Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Local rail services are co-managed by the West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) – a partnership of 16 local transport authorities – and the Department for Transport under the West Midlands franchise. Services are run by West Midlands Trains (a joint venture between Abellio, East Japan Railway Company and Mitsui) but branded West Midlands Railway.

KEY PERSONNEL Interim Chief Executive: Laura Shoaf Director of Customer Experience: Steve McAleavy Director of Integrated Network Services: Pete Bond Metro Programme Director: Phil Hewitt Director of Policy, Strategy and Innovation: Mike Waters Director of Programme Development: Sandeep Shingadia Director of Network Resilience: Anne Shaw Director of Rail: Malcolm Holmes Lead Member for Transport for the WMCA: Cllr Roger Lawrence

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands B19 3SD Tel: 0121 200 2787 Email: customer.services@tfwm.org.uk Visit: www.wmca.org.uk 19

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Government and Regulatory

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)


he Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Executive (GGPTE) was created in 1972 to oversee all suburban railways in the Glasgow area. In the 1980s it was replaced by the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive (SPTE). In 1996, the Executive was reincorporated as a body consisting of councillors drawn from the twelve Council Areas which succeeded Strathclyde Region. In 2006 Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive (and Authority), along with the WESTRANS voluntary regional transport partnership, was replaced by the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport. It is part of the transport framework created by the Scottish Government, which is made up of a national transport agency, Transport Scotland, and seven Regional Transport Partnerships. As part of this latest reorganisation SPT gained responsibility for planning for all regional transport (not just public transport) though it lost several specific powers relating to rail franchising and concessionary fares. SPT is the largest of the seven regional transport partnerships. SPT’s role involves planning and delivering transport solutions for all modes of transport across the region, in conjunction with member councils and industry partners. It runs the Glasgow Subway, a host of specialist bus services and is responsible for delivering public transport. The Partnership consists of 20 elected members representing the twelve constituent authorities in the west of Scotland and between seven and nine appointed members. In March 2021 the Chair and Vice-Chairs of SPT presented a proposal to evolve SPT into ‘Transport for Strathclyde’, a more powerful authority in control of one network across the region. It called for a new parliamentary Bill to empower the body and a ‘public transport social contract’ with the public which guarantees access to work, health, education and recreation – ‘without breaking the bank or planet’. Rail Glasgow has the largest network of suburban railway lines in the UK outside of London. SPT is no longer involved in the everyday operation of the rail network. The rolling

Image credit: Strathclyde Partnership for Transport

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) is the Regional Transport Partnership for the west of Scotland

stock was operated on behalf of SPT by First ScotRail (also part of FirstGroup) until March 2015, since April that same year Abellio ScotRail has operated rail services under the ScotRail brand. Subway The Glasgow Subway is the only underground metro system in Scotland. Originally built for the Glasgow District Subway Company, the railway first opened in 1896. The Subway is generally recognised as the world’s third oldest underground railway, after London and Budapest. And the only one that has never been expanded from its original route. The Subway forms a circle in the centrewest of Glasgow and carries 13 million passengers each year. The entire route is underground, contained in twin tunnels, 15 stations are distributed along the route length of over six miles. Eight of the stations are north of the River Clyde which dissects the circular route. In 1977, Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Executive closed it for major modernisation works. The railway in its present form reopened for operation on 16 April 1980. Now part of SPT, the railway is one of the few in the UK remaining in public ownership and is ‘vertically integrated’, which means SPT’s responsibility covers all aspects of operation and infrastructure. In 2016, SPT took a significant step forward in improving its Subway and

is currently undergoing its biggest modernisation programme in more than 30 years. A £288 million funding package for the work is being supported by the Scottish Government. As well as the new trains, the Subway’s signalling equipment, control systems and control centre will all be replaced, and the upgrade will include new platform screen doors. Once the modernisation plan is complete, and it has been fully tested, the Subway will move from its current partially automatic trains to Unattended Train Operations (UTO). SPT administers a range of integrated travel tickets, such as ZoneCard, Roundabout and Daytripper giving discounted fares on buses, trains, ferries and the Subway. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive: Gordon Maclennan Assistant Chief Executive: Valerie Davidson Director of Finance & HR: Neil Wylie

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 131 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5JF Tel: 0141 332 6811 Email: enquiry@spt.co.uk Visit: www.spt.co.uk 21

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Government and Regulatory

North East Combined Authority The NECA is the legal body that brings together the seven councils of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland


he North East Combined Authority’s ambition, as set out in its Transport Manifesto is to provide affordable, attractive, reliable, safe, healthy transport choices for businesses, residents and visitors while enhancing the environment.

1961 in accordance with the Transport Act 1968 and is responsible for overseeing work and ensuring good governance. The vast majority of these responsibilities have been delegated to a committee of NECA – the Transport North East (Tyne and Wear) SubCommittee.

Image credit: NEXUS

Working with partners, the NECA provides leadership and a united voice on key strategic transport issues, links strategic transport planning with economic priorities, provides strong representation on transport issues of national significance including rail, air travel, strategic road network and ports as well as providing more effective coordination to enable improvement to the area’s public transport network. Previously overseen by the Tyne and Wear Integrated Transport Authority (ITA), in 2014 the responsibilities and assets of the ITA were transferred to the NECA. From that date the Tyne and Wear Integrated Transport Area was dissolved. NEXUS manages the functions which it previously delivered within the Tyne and Wear area. NEXUS is the trading name of the Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive. NEXUS is an independent organisation. It was created in 1969 by the Tyneside Passenger Transport (Designation) Order

Some responsibilities, such as the setting of transport levies and the approval of the regional transport strategy are discharged by the Authority’s principal decision-making body – the NECA Leadership Board. The NECA has prepared and submitted a bid on behalf of the seven local authorities which aims to obtain in excess of £100 million in funding which will be invested in major improvements to sustainable transport in the area. The aim of this bid is to help close the area’s productivity gap through better connectivity and more mobility, enabling growth, reducing congestion and improving air quality and public health at the same time. Metro The Tyne and Wear Metro serves Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, South Tyneside, North Tyneside and Sunderland. When the Metro opened to the public in August 1980 it

was Britain’s first light rapid transit system and was the first railway in the country to be truly wheelchair compatible. The system was progressively opened in phases through to 1984 when the full 34 miles of the original network became operational with the opening of the line into South Shields. In its first year of full operation there were more than sixty million passenger journeys. The local rail network was privatised in 1996, however, Tyne and Wear PTE, Nexus as it is now called, kept responsibility for the operation of the Metro. The Metro was extended to Sunderland in April 2002. North East transforming cities fund bid In March 2018 the Department for Transport (DFT) launched a Call for Proposals for city region authorities wishing to obtain capital funding from its Transforming Cities Fund (TCF). On 28 November 2019 the North East region submitted an ambitious and integrated programme of capital investments to the Department for Transport, seeking funding from the Transforming Cities Fund. The region’s programme envisages a £467 million investment in public transport, sustainable transport and supporting capital investment. The programme as a whole represents high value for money – its economic benefits outweigh the costs of investment by a ratio of 3:1 – and can be delivered by 2023. KEY PERSONNEL Deputy Head of Paid Service: Patrick Melia Deputy Head of Paid Service: John Hewitt, George Mansbridge Chief Finance Officer: Paul Darby Policy and Scrutiny Officer: Gavin Armstrong

CONTACT INFORMATION c/o South Tyneside Council Town Hall & Civic Offices Westoe Road, South Shields NE33 2RL Tel: 0191 643 5339 Email: enquiries@northeastca.gov.uk Visit: www.northeastca.gov.uk 23

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Government and Regulatory

Transport for Greater Manchester Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is a not-for-profit local Government body responsible for delivering the transport strategy set by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)


Image credit: Transport for Greater Manchester

ore than 5.6 million journeys are made across Greater Manchester’s transport network each day. TfGM coordinates transport networks across the region, decides where to invest transport funding, and owns and runs the Metrolink tram service. It builds and manages bus stations and transport interchanges, provides travel planning and timetable information to passengers, and promotes walking and cycling as safe and healthy choices. The Greater Manchester rail network is now used by around forty million

passengers a year. This is an increase of thirty per cent over the past decade and TfGM has an influential voice in developing the best possible rail services in Greater Manchester. TfGM assets include 99 Metrolink stops across the light rail network, 120 tram vehicles, 15 Park & Ride sites, 20 Free Buses, over 15 transport interchanges and many other properties. In 2021, TfGM marked ten years since its inception after a reform of local government in Greater Manchester granted the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive

(GMPTE) more powers and led to a rebranding. Since the rebranding, TfGM has delivered many high profile and successful projects and schemes, including: • The £1.5 billion ‘Phase Three’ Metrolink expansion between 2010 and 2015, which saw new lines through dozens of local communities, with extensions to Rochdale via Oldham, Ashton-under-Lyne, East Didsbury and Manchester Airport. • The £350 million Trafford Park line in March 2020, adding a further 5.5km of track and six new stops to serve one of the region’s major employment, leisure and retail destinations. • New transport interchanges in Rochdale, Ashton, Altrincham, Wythenshawe and Bolton, while Radcliffe and Wigan now enjoy new, state-of-the-art bus stations. • The award-winning £122 million Leigh to Ellenbrook Guided Busway in April 2016 which, prior to the pandemic, required extra services to help cope with demand. • The delivery of the first 55 miles of safe cycling and walking routes by the end of 2021, with plenty more schemes in the pipeline for delivery as part of the Bee Network, a plan for the UK’s largest cycling and walking network. • The TravelSafe Partnership – a multiagency body led by TfGM and Greater Manchester Police, that takes an intelligence-lead, problem-solving approach to tackling crime and ASB on public transport. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Operating Officer: Bob Morris Finance and Corporate Services Director: Steve Warrener Head of Rail Programme: Simon Elliott Communications Officer: David Stevenson

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BG Tel: 0161 224 41000 Email: customer.relations@tfgm.com Visit: www.tfgm.com 25

Government and Regulatory


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Government and Regulatory

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) The South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) became a part of the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority at the end of 2021


YMCA brings together the local authorities of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield, SYPTE and the private sector through the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Transport Strategy sets out the transport priorities for the region up to 2040. It sets out on a strategic level how the SYMCA intend to better connect the major urban and economic growth centres to enable the better flow of people, goods, businesses and ideas across the City Region, as well as promoting rural and visitor economies.

Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are private sector-led partnerships between businesses and the South Yorkshire Local Authorities. They play a central role in deciding local economic priorities and undertake activities to drive economic growth and create local jobs. The purpose of the South Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership is: • To originate economic policy, author and maintain a Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) for SYMCA and determine key funding priorities. • To support the South Yorkshire Mayor in developing the Local Industrial Strategy.

KEY PERSONNEL Executive Director: Stephen Edwards Director of Customer Services: Tim Taylor Principal Solicitor and Secretary: Steve Davenport Head of Information Technology: Andy Dickinson HR Business Partner Manager: Rachael Radford CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ Tel: 0114 276 7575 Email: communications@sypte.co.uk Visit: www.sypte.co.uk


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Government and Regulatory

Office of Rail and Road The Office of Rail and Road is a non-ministerial government department and is the independent economic and safety regulator for Britain’s railway.


he Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is responsible for protecting the interests of rail users now and in the future. ORR does this by holding Network Rail (and in future Great British Railways) to account and keeping the railway safe by regulating the rail industry’s health and safety performance. It also holds HighSpeed1 Ltd (HS1) to account and makes sure that the rail industry is competitive and fair. ORR is also the monitor of National Highways and ORR has economic regulatory functions in relation to railways in Northern Ireland and the UK section of the Channel Tunnel.

ORR IN BRIEF: ORR regulates Network Rail including setting the targets it must achieve and reporting regularly on its performance. ORR also regulates health and safety standards and compliance across the whole rail industry. It oversees competition and consumer rights issues – driving a better deal for rail passengers and taxpayers. ORR regulates the HighSpeed1 link to the Channel Tunnel. ORR is the monitor of National Highways’ performance and efficiency against government set targets.

Keeping Britain’s railway safe Britain has one of the safest railways in Europe for passengers and workers. With more than 100 HM Railway Inspectors dedicated to keeping every railway safe – from the mainline network, London Underground to light rail, trams, and the heritage sector – ORR works with the rail industry to identify, assess, and manage safety issues. Inspectors are out on the network every day ensuring all train and freight operating companies and Network Rail manage passenger and workforce health and safety risks appropriately. ORR also offers advice, guidance and conducts research to promote continuous improvement. ORR’s inspectors carry out investigations into breaches of health and safety law on the railway and take both informal and formal enforcement action, and as a last resort, ORR can prosecute a company for health and safety failings when things go wrong. Holding Network Rail and HS1 to account The railway network needs to be run for the benefit of the whole country. ORR oversees Network Rail (and in future Great British Railways), holding it to account for its performance and service – overseeing whether it is delivering value for money – for passengers, the freight industry, and taxpayers. As part of this, ORR monitors Network Rail’s train punctuality performance and upkeep of rail assets. ORR is also responsible for determining operator access when disputes arise between Network Rail and operators. As outlined in the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail, the role of Network Rail is changing through rail reform. ORR’s role will adapt to reflect these changes and ensure ORR remains a strong independent body overseeing Great British Railways. This is essential to maintaining accountability, transparency, and efficiency across the network. ORR also holds HS1 to account for the performance of its railway for train services, upkeep of the network and that it meets its efficiency targets. ORR is working with the French rail regulator Autorité de Régulation des Activités Ferroviaires (ARAF) to promote competition, full transparency, and fair access to the Channel Tunnel. ORR works to ensure that rail markets are

competitive and fair – for passengers, freight customers, railway operators and taxpayers. ORR does this by integrating its economic, competition and consumer functions and powers. ORR and consumers For consumers, ORR has a key role to improve the rail passenger experience for which it has regulatory responsibility, taking prompt and effective action to improve the service that passengers receive where it is required. ORR also sets guidance on the standards train and station operators must meet on assisted travel, ensure train companies provide accurate and timely information, particularly during disruption, et complaint handling procedures and monitor train and station operators against these. Independent publication of railway data As the accredited primary provider of railway industry official statistics, ORR publishes a range of statistics, including railway performance, rail usage (both passenger and freight) and safety. This open data and information about the rail industry promotes transparency and a better understanding of Britain’s railway. The trustworthiness, quality and value of ORR statistics are overseen by the UK Statistics Authority’s regulatory arm – the Office for Statistics Regulation. KEY PERSONNEL Chair: Declan Collier Chief Executive: John Larkinson Director, Economics, Markets and Strategy: Dan Brown Director, Corporate Operations & Organisational Development: Vinita Hill Chief Inspector of Railways and Director, Railway Safety: Ian Prosser CBE Interim Director of Railway Planning & Performance: Feras Alshaker Director of Communications: Russell Grossman CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 25 Cabot Square London E14 4QZ Tel: 020 7282 2000 Visit: www.orr.gov.uk 29

Government and Regulatory

Rail Safety and Standards Board The RSSB (Rail Safety and Standards Board) is an independent body, working with its 88 member companies to drive improvements in the British rail system


ts role is to help the rail industry continually improve its health and safety performance in order to reduce risk to rail employees, passengers and the public at large. RSSB does this through developing standards, providing analysis and insight to health and safety data, carrying out research, promoting sustainability principles, and facilitating the industry’s technology strategy. RSSB’s strategic priorities are: • Supporting healthy and safe collaboration and informing industry decisions to reduce risk and harm. • Supporting enhanced performance and efficiency updating standards, modernising systems, informing and enabling innovation. • Supporting the application of sustainability principles by collating and sharing tools and best practice.

Image credit: Rail Safety and Standards Board

RSSB members include Network Rail and other infrastructure managers, all the train operating companies (TOCs), all the freight operating companies (FOCs), rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs), infrastructure contractors, and suppliers. Sustainable Rail Executive (SRE) by RSSB The SRE is a pan-industry group of rail industry leaders, committed to sustainability leadership who will be responsible for a new Sustainable Rail Strategy. The group

will oversee and promote the development of an ambitious, affordable, and coherent sustainability programme to make rail the leading mode of sustainable transport. SRE’s representatives are drawn from: Chiltern Railways by Arriva, Crossrail, Department for Transport, DB Cargo, Eversholt Rail, HS2, Network Rail, Office of Rail and Road, Rail Operations Group, Rail Delivery Group, Rail Freight Group, Railway Industry Association, RSSB, Siemens, Transpennine Express. Five-year plan On 4 April 2019, RSSB published its 20192024 Business Plan, outlining how it will work over the next five years to support a safer railway into Control Period 6 (CP6) and beyond. Setting out how RSSB will meet a range of industry priorities and challenges to put passengers first, the plan focuses on the crucial areas of safety, health and wellbeing, sustainability, efficiency, innovation and the future post-Brexit. Specific 2021-22 deliverables include: • Continue to develop the Covid-19 risk assessment to reflect the rollout of vaccinations. • Drive forward our Leading Health and Safety on British Railways strategy as the groups set up to oversee its implementation enter the next phase of working on their plans. • Champion the need for improved accessibility and support ‘levelling up’. • Pursue work to understand how rail can become more affordable and reliable. • Support knowledge sharing in the innovation arena and continue to promote the benefits of the Rail Technical Strategy. • Lead the development of GB rail’s first ever Sustainability Strategy. Training courses One of the many benefits for members and affiliates is preferential access to training courses. RSSB leverages the expertise and knowledge of trainers who are leaders in their field to offer high-quality courses that help build industry’s competencies. The training courses are delivered by technical leaders that


designed them, and they are regularly updated to reflect the ever-changing environment of the rail sector. To support the rail industry to grow, refresh competencies and minimise skills fade, RSSB’s training courses have been developed to give members and affiliates the greatest flexibility for learning. All courses can be delivered in a face-to-face setting of the company’s choosing, or remotely. E-Learning courses are also available in some key topic areas such as mental health and non-technical skills. To see the full list of courses, visit www.rssb.co.uk/training. An example of how remote learning and a modular approach benefited learners is the Risk-Based Training Needs Analysis (RBTNA) course that was delivered to Transport for Wales Rail Services (TfWRS) in May 2020. TfWRS approached RSSB to help review and redevelop the RBTNA for its conductor role. The course was originally face-to-face delivery, but it was adapted into three twohour sessions and delivered remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

KEY PERSONNEL Chair: Barbara Moorhouse Chief Executive Officer: Mark Phillips Chief Financial Officer: Paul Marchant Chief Operating Officer: Johnny Schute Business Development & Engagement Director: Paul McLaughlin Director of Projects: Nizar Awad Human Resources Director: Keith Hanlon-Smith Director of Standards: Tom Lee Director of System Safety, Health & Wellbeing: Ali Chegini Director of Research and Development: Luisa Moisio Technical Director: Chris Lawrence Information Technology Director: Eileen Pevreall

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Helicon, 1 South Place, London EC2M 2RB Tel: 020 3142 5300 Email: enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk Visit: www.rssb.co.uk

Government and Regulatory

Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme The Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme ensures key suppliers can become recognised as best-in-class at delivering the most challenging and high-risk products and services.


ISAS is the Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme. It ensures that suppliers of critical products have the appropriate systems, processes, competence, resources, facilities and procedures. Companies undergo a challenging assessment by a Railway Industry Supplier Approval Body (RISAB). The assessment involves on-site interviews and evaluations to get proof that the company can meet the standards expected. A successful assessment leads to the award of a RISAS certificate. This is evidence that an independent, robust, rigorous and transparent assessment of the supplier has

taken place, by experts. These details are added to the RISAS website which holds a searchable database of companies who hold RISAS certificates and details the products and services they cover. RSSB manages the scheme on behalf of the rail industry providing its profile and governance. RSSB also accredits the RISABs. RISAS currently covers suppliers of critical products and services for the overhaul of rolling stock assets and components – the rail vehicle after-market sector. Work is now underway to transform RISAS with a more comprehensive scope and provide better value-for-money.

KEY PERSONNEL Scheme management: Slavina Nikolova, RSSB; Neil Dinmore, RSSB Committee: Steve Ingleton, Unipart Rail Limited; Christopher Nickolls, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited; John Barber, Rail Safety and Standards Board Ltd; Michael Jacks, First Trenitalia West Coast Rail Ltd; Nicola Phillips, Siemens Mobility Limited; Kevin Limb, Eversholt Rail Limited; Neil Dinmore, Rail Safety and Standards Board Ltd; David Clarke, Railway Industry Association (RIA); Leevan Finney, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited; Slavina Nikolova, Rail Safety and Standards Board Ltd CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Helicon, 1 South Place, London EC2M 2RB Tel: 020 3142 5376 Email: risas.admin@rssb.co.uk Visit: www.risas.co.uk

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Government and Regulatory

CIRAS CIRAS is an independent, not-for-profit confidential reporting service, funded by its members


ts ambition is to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and passengers across the transport sector. Transport workers can get in touch and CIRAS listens to their concerns in complete confidence. CIRAS raises the concern with the relevant company and sends the response back to the person who raised the concern so that they know what action has been taken. CIRAS members use the intelligence they

receive from reports to reduce risk, improve safety and wellbeing, and foster a positive safety culture. CIRAS also works with its 2,000-strong member community to share learning and good practice. Starting out as a charity working with one train operator over 20 years ago, today CIRAS members span construction, transport operators including bus, light rail, tram, urban metros and mainline rail, and the transport supply chain. CIRAS is part of the RSSB Group.


CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Helicon, One South Place, London EC2M 2RB Enquiries: 020 3142 5369 Reporting hotline: 0800 4 101 101 Email: enquiries@ciras.org.uk Website: www.ciras.org.uk

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Government and Regulatory

RISQS RISQS is recognised and supported by the rail industry as the most effective means of deriving assurance and managing supply chain risk


t gives the industry’s 100-plus buyer members the assurance to do business with confidence with 4,000 supplier members. It’s an open, fair and transparent way for them to be formally recognised as capable providers of products and services to the GB rail market, on a smart, quick, easy web-based platform. Suppliers can be audited once via RISQS for their capabilities avoiding the need for them to be subjected to multiple, duplicate auditing from different buyers. As a scheme user you can, access the cutting edge on-line platform, save time and money by avoiding need for duplicate audits,

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and get independent qualification through the industry scheme. Buyers can buy with confidence, search for and reach suitable suppliers and understand their capability, reducing the need for additional audits. Suppliers stand out and are visible to buyers as qualified and verified. RISQS is managed by RSSB to ensure it remains an independent, industry scheme working in the interests of safety. It provides oversight, coordination and a team of dedicated specialists to provide the necessary industry interfaces, service provider delivery and coordination, and ongoing system improvements.

KEY PERSONNEL Scheme management: Gillian Scott, RSSB Committee: Alasdair Reisner, CECA (Independent Chair); Lee Rudderham / Paul Kiteley / Alex Davidson, Transport for London / London Underground; Clive Berrington / Ken Blackley, Network Rail Procurement; Liz Chiariello / Mark Jelley, Network Rail Assurance; Gareth Morris (Chair) / Mike Healey (Vice Chair), Buyer Consultation Group; Amanda Bate (Chair) / Gemma Newby (Vice Chair), Supplier Consultation Group; Sarah Jane Waith / Aled Huish, Transport for Wales; Lee Parlett / Suk Rathore, High Speed (1); Neil Ovenden, Rail Delivery Group; David Clarke, Railway Industry Association; Antony Howard, Head of Assurance, RSSB; Gillian Scott, Scheme Management Organisation CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Helicon, 1 South Place, London EC2M 2RB Tel: 020 3142 5300 Email: admin@risqs.org Visit: www.risqs.org


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Government and Regulatory

Light Rail Safety and Standards Board Established in 2018, the Light Rail Safety and Standards Board (LRSSB) is committed to further improvements to what is already one of the safest forms of public transport


rawing on experience and expertise from across the sector, it brings all aspects of light rail safety under one roof while providing a central resource where colleagues can access the latest guidance and standards documentation. Building on the significant work initially undertaken by a safety steering group formed by the sector’s representative organisation, UK Tram, the LRSSB is ensuring the implementation of RAIB’s recommendations, and exploring innovative ways to drive continuous safety improvements on existing and future networks. One of the LRSSB’s key development projects is the Tram Accident and Incident

Reporting database (TAIR), a pioneering online reporting system aimed at enhancing tram safety. The majority of UK networks now utilise the platform as their primary database and the LRSSB continues to work with the Office of Rail and Road on its future utilisation. As part of a continuous development programme, its use for RIDDOR reporting is under consideration. Whilst all tramway and light rail systems have different challenges and potential hazards, the TAIR database enables them to add their own data to the platform and contribute to the most comprehensive risk management tool developed for the light rail sector in the UK. With strong support from across the wider light rail community,

and funding from the Department of Transport, the LRSSB is also taking the lead on numerous research projects.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive: Carl Williams Administration Manager: Erica Pearson Safety Assurance: Mark Ashmore CONTACT INFORMATION Address: LRSSB, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD Email: info@lrssb.co.uk

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Government and Regulatory

National Infrastructure Commission The National Infrastructure Commission carries out in-depth studies into the UK’s major infrastructure needs and makes recommendations to the government


he National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) is an executive agency of the Treasury that provides impartial, expert advice and makes independent recommendations to the Government on economic infrastructure. The Commission functions in an open and transparent manner, building consensus around its recommendations and engaging across parties and with the public, policymakers, infrastructure experts and relevant bodies. Recommendations made by the NIC represent the views of the Commission and are not a statement of Government policy. However, the Government is required to respond formally to the Commission’s National Infrastructure Assessment and specific studies it undertakes. The NIC engages closely with devolved administrations and bodies under their jurisdictions as appropriate, particularly on matters where the respective infrastructure policy responsibilities of the UK. Government and devolved administrations interact. The NIC ensures that appropriate working arrangements are in place. The Commission’s remit does not include spending where infrastructure investment decisions rest with the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Commission undertakes research into specific transport proposals when asked to do so by government, but also advises on broader questions of policy and approach to planning upgrades and new investment in road, rail, and other transport modes. The National Infrastructure Assessment The National Infrastructure Commission is charged with preparing a National Infrastructure Assessment once every Parliament, looking at the long-term needs of the main sectors of the UK’s economic infrastructure, including energy, transport, digital communications, waste, water and floods risk management. The first National Infrastructure Assessment was published in July 2018, and made a series of recommendations for meeting the UK’s infrastructure needs up to 2050. Its core proposals include:

• Nationwide full fibre broadband by 2033. • Half of the UK’s power provided by renewables by 2030, as part of a shift to a highly renewable generation mix – a target upgraded to 65 per cent of UK power by 2030. • Three quarters of plastic packaging recycled by 2030. • £43 billion of stable long-term transport funding for regional cities and new devolved powers for city leaders. • A national rapid charging network to support a goal of 100 per cent of new car and van sales being electric by 2030. • Ensuring resilience to drought through halving leakages by 2050, additional water supply infrastructure and demand reduction. • A national standard of flood resilience for all communities by 2050. The Assessment recommendations represent a major long-term programme of investment in the UK’s infrastructure. This includes substantial funding for major schemes such as Crossrail 2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail. The Assessment also highlights the need to shift to a low carbon economy, for example through decarbonising how the UK heats its homes and businesses. Furthermore, the Commission recommends the UK must prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles and these need more time for evidence or technology to develop. The Assessment sets out the actions needed to enable robust decisions to be taken in future. In November 2020, the government published its National Infrastructure Strategy. The Strategy adopted the majority of the recommendations made in the Commission’s first Assessment. The Commission is now working on the second National Infrastructure Assessment, to be published in autumn 2023. The Young Professionals Panel The Young Professionals Panel supports and informs the Commission’s work and ensures a strong voice for the next generation of infrastructure leaders in the Commission’s work. The second cohort features ten young infrastructure professionals from a range of

professions, backgrounds and regions of the country. The Panel has its own agenda and work programme developed in conjunction with the Commission. Example Report In November 2017 the Government asked the Commission to conduct a new study on the future of freight. The Commission’s study reviewed options to improve the existing infrastructure and recommended ways to use new technologies and processes to transform how freight is moved. A Call for Evidence was issued in January 2018 and an interim report was published on 21 December 2018. The final report of the study – Better delivery: the challenge for freight – found that through the adoption of new technologies and the recognition of freight’s needs in the planning system, it is possible to decarbonise road and rail freight by 2050 and manage its contribution to congestion. The government published its formal response to the study in August 2021, welcoming the core themes of the Commission’s report, and announcing its intention to form a partnership with the freight industry to create a ‘future of freight’ strategic plan with a cross-modal focus. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive: James Heath Chair: Sir John Armitt CBE Commissioner: Neale Coleman CBE Commissioner: Professor Sir Tim Besley CBE Commissioner: Professor David Fisk CB Commissioner: Andy Green CBE Commissioner: Professor Sadie Morgan OBE Commissioner: Julia Prescot Commissioner: Bridget Rosewell CBE

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Finlaison House, 15 Furnival Street, London EC4A 1AB Tel: 020 7270 4428 / 1381 Email: enquiries@nic.gov.uk Visit: www.nic.org.uk Twitter: @NatInfraCom 37

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Government and Regulatory

Rail Accident Investigation Branch The Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) independently investigates accidents to improve railway safety, and inform the industry and the public


ord Cullen’s inquiry report on the Ladbroke Grove rail accident in 1999 recommended the creation of an organisation to independently investigate railway accidents to improve safety. RAIB became operational in October 2005 as the independent body for investigating accidents and incidents on mainline railways, metros, tramways and heritage railways throughout the UK. RAIB employs inspectors and principal inspectors with either a professional railway or investigation background and gives them extensive training in railway operations, railway engineering and investigating. Including the inspectors and the team who provide essential business support, RAIB has a total staff of 43 people. Investigations are focused solely on improving safety. RAIB are not a prosecuting body and do not apportion blame or liability. Possible breaches of legislation are dealt with by other organisations, usually the police and safety authorities. RAIB’s responsibilities are: • To investigate causes of railway accidents and incidents where it believes investigation will bring safety learning to the industry. • Identify the factors that may lead to a similar accident or make the consequences worse. • Highlight gaps in the railway industry’s safety defences that are revealed during investigations. • Make recommendations to prevent the same thing happening again. • Increase awareness of how railway accidents happen and cooperate with other investigation organisations nationally and internationally to share and encourage good practice. Whenever RAIB investigates, it publishes the results as an investigation report. RAIB also produces safety digests that highlight learning points which have emerged from the preliminary examination of an event. RAIB investigates accidents and incidents which occur on the UK main line networks (Network Rail and Northern Ireland Railways), London Underground, other metro systems, tramways, heritage railways and the UK part of the Channel Tunnel. Operators of these types of railway

and tramway have a duty under the law to notify RAIB of some types of accidents and incidents. RAIB monitors operations on the major networks through various industry reporting systems and has the legal power and discretion to decide to investigate any event that occurs on a system that is within its scope, not just those that it is notified of as a requirement. Some events on the main line railways that result in death or serious injury will not be investigated by RAIB (and in some cases they do not have to be notified to RAIB). There are two main reasons why this may happen. In many cases, from the information available at the time, it appears that the person concerned has deliberately trespassed or otherwise put themselves in harm’s way. If RAIB is satisfied, after making enquiries, that although an accidental sequence of events has resulted in tragic consequences, there are no safety lessons to be learned, RAIB will not investigate further. RAIB priorities • Continued delivery of high-quality investigations and the dissemination of timely and effective safety learning. • Working with other railway accident investigators in the UK to share good practice and to help improve the quality of investigations throughout the industry. • The active exploration of new ways of working with the other transport accident investigation branches to promote improvements to its effectiveness, efficiency and resilience, whilst also safeguarding RAIB’s functional independence in the selection and conduct of investigations. • To review and revise RAIB’s documented working arrangements with British Transport Police and the Office of Rail and Road. • Implementing a new computer tool for the management of investigation data. • Continuing to explore ways of communicating RAIB safety learning in a way that better meets the needs of stakeholders (including the use of social media). • Working to improve information exchange with railway accident investigation bodies in Europe and beyond. • Forging new working relationships with

the rail industry and academia. • A fresh examination of the way RAIB recruits and develops its talent to promote greater inclusion, and improve the diversity of its team. As it is based in operational centres in Derby and Farnborough, RAIB is able to respond quickly to accidents in any part of the UK. Safety digests Safety digests are a way of quickly sharing important safety messages when RAIB have decided not to undertake a full investigation for any of the following reasons: • The safety learning has already been covered by a previous recommendation or will be addressed by an ongoing investigation. • The safety learning mainly relates to compliance with existing rules, procedures or standards. A recent safety digest looked at a near miss, RAIB summarised the incident, described the cause of the incident and highlighted the important safety messages relevant to the incident.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Inspector: Simon French

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Wharf, Stores Road, Derby DE21 4BA Tel: 01332 253300 Email: enquiries@raib.gov.uk Visit: www.gov.uk/government/ organisations/ rail-accident-investigation-branch


Government and Regulatory


Government and Regulatory

British Transport Police Authority Founded in 2004, the British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) is responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective police force for the railways Image credit: British Transport Police Authority


ith the passing of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003, the BTPA was established to oversee the British Transport Police (BTP), review its performance and allocate funding for its budget. It also deals with complaints, recruitment, and managing relationships with the rail industry. The Authority is responsible for setting objectives for British Transport Police (BTP) before the beginning of each financial year. The BTPA announces these objectives, as well as its strategic direction and performance review of the Force by publishing its annual Policing Plan, Strategic Plan and its Annual Reports. The Policing Plan contains the Force’s priorities for the year and the financial resources expected to be available to deliver the plan. The Strategic Plan sets out the Authority’s medium and long-term strategies for policing the railways. At the end of each financial year, the Annual Reports cover the policing of the railways in that year. The BTPA is also responsible for recruitment of Chief Officers and BTP senior Directors. Strategic Plan 2018-22 The existing 2018-2021 Strategy provided the framework for BTPA’s policing plan and was the product of a comprehensive strategic review in 2017. At the beginning of each strategic planning cycle, BTPA would ordinarily conduct an extensive review. With this not being possible in 2021 the BTPA published a refreshed Strategy for policing Britain’s railways which updates and extends the existing plans to 2022. The BTPA will undertake an extensive review during 2021 to formulate its plans for 2022-25, with the anticipation that this will include focusing on the recommendations of the Williams Rail Review. Some key goals are the upgrade of all front-line mobile devices; the modernisation of public contact, which builds on the recently delivered digital public access for services, and the relocation of BTP’s command and control centre and other functions in Birmingham as part of the estates modernisation programme. An earlier plan referred to working towards plans to deliver devolution of railway policing in Scotland. The Scottish and UK Governments have carefully considered the options for this and have decided to retain the current successful model.

Funding and Budget As well as billing the rail industry for the costs of running the BTP, the BTPA determines the budget of the police force and oversees large financial projects. The Authority maintains the accounts of BTP and has them audited each financial year. For 2021/22 the BTPA set a core policing budget of £328.1 million for policing Great Britain’s railways. A total of £255.5 million has been allocated to overground rail services and £72.6 million for London Underground. Police Service Agreements The BTPA enters into Police Service Agreements (PSAs) with TOCs and FOCs, PSAs require payment from the train companies to the BTPA in exchange for the policing of the railway and associated property. When a new rail franchise is awarded by the Department for Transport, the winning company is usually required to enter into a new or existing PSA with the BTPA.

KEY PERSONNEL Chairman: Ron Barclay-Smith Deputy Chairman: Andy Cooper Chief Executive and Accounting Officer: Hugh Ind Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Chief Executive and Treasurer: Sarah Mcgarel Communications Manager: Katie Stanton Member Engagement Manager: Raquel Cortes

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: British Transport Police FHQ, 23 Camden Road, London, NW1 9LN Tel: 07900 394397 Tel – Media: 0300 123 9104 Email: general.enquiries@btpa.police.uk Visit: www.btpa.police.uk 41

Government and Regulatory


Government and Regulatory

British Transport Police Policing Britain’s railways, the British Transport Police serve rail operators, their staff and passengers across the country

Image credit: Railway Mission


he BTP is split into three divisions covering London and the South East of England, The Pennines, Midlands, South West and Wales, and Scotland. Their mission is to protect and serve the railway environment and its community, keeping levels of disruption, crime and the fear of crime as low as possible. BTP employs 3,123, police officers, 233 PCSOs (Police Community Support Officer), 306 special constabulary officers and 1,452 police staff. Due to Covid-19 related travel restrictions, the rail network experienced a significant reduction in passenger numbers. At the start of the third national lockdown in January 2021, Network Rail and Transport for London (TfL) managed stations saw just 15-20 per cent of normal passenger use. This reduction in passengers resulted in a change in demand on the Force in terms of crime. In the initial stages of the pandemic crime levels were extremely low (around 30 per cent of previous levels) but returned to near normal levels in late 2020 (around 80 per cent of previous recorded crime). Targeted intelligence-led deployments and proactive policing operations under Operation Viking and Operation Engulf to deter, disrupt and detect violent crime, resulted in a 29 per cent reduction in these types of crimes. These operations, together with other crime prevention tactics, such as

the deployment of knife arches, contributed to an increase in the number of weapons seized by 13 per cent (752 during 2019/20 compared with 851 during 2020/21). During 2020/21, BTP officers and PCSOs intervened in 25,997 cases involving vulnerable people. This included identifying and safeguarding children and young people, responding to people in mental health crisis and dealing with domestic abuse, stalking and harassment. National Strategies Every three years BTPA sets out medium and long-term objectives for the British Transport Police in a Strategic Plan. This is in addition to the annual policing plans, which cover objectives for the three-year period from the date of the plan’s publication. In 2020, a decision was made to extend the 2018-2021 BTPA Strategic Plan for an additional year to 2022, due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic. You can read more about the strategic plans in the British Transport Police Association section. Moving the Needle In 2020 BTP launched the Moving the Needle action plan, setting out its commitment to tackle racism and unconscious bias and make BTP a fairer more inclusive police force. Moving the Needle is

an ambitious, wide-ranging plan which has been drawn up through discussion with a cross section of the Force’s employees. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Constable: Lucy D’Orsi Deputy Chief Constable: Adrian Hanstock Assistant Chief Constable: Charlie Doyle Assistant Chief Constable: Sean O’Callaghan B Division – Chief Superintendent: Martin Fry C Division – Chief Superintendent: Allan Gregory D Division – Chief Superintendent: Eddie Wylie Head of Corporate Communications: Allison Potter Drake Director of Finance and Commercial Services: Tracey Martin Director of Strategy and Change: Simon Downey CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Force Headquarters, 25 Camden Road, London NW1 9LN Tel: 0800 40 50 40 Email: first_contact@btp.pnn.police.uk Visit: www.btp.police.uk 43

Government and Regulatory

Transport Focus Transport Focus is the independent transport user watchdog. Booth established in 1920 Clarence Frederick Booth and since that time has continued to be Its mission CF is to get Ltd thewas best deal for rail by passengers passed down through the generations of the Booth family.

The company has been associated with the scrapping of diesel and electric locomotives since the 1960s and has an excellent reputation as one of the largest rolling stock recyclers in the UK, winning nationally released tenders from KEY PERSONNEL ithseveral a strong emphasis onoperating companies. Structure Chair: Jeff Halliwell of the main rail


evidence-based campaigning Transport Focus is an executive nonChief Executive: Anthony Smith Theresearch, head office is located in Rotherham, South Yorkshire at Clarence Metalby Works company’s gantry cranes and Transport Focus departmental public body, sponsored the with the Director: David Sidebottom and three derrick cranes making the site quite distinctive. ensures that it knows what Department for Transport. Transport Focus Resources Director: Nigel Holden is happening on the ground. It uses its makes major decisions at Board meetings, Head of Strategy: Guy Dangerfield knowledge to influence decisions on behalf held in public four times per year. Decisions Head of Policy: Mike Hewitson of passengers to secure improvements and are also made at monthly management Head of Insight: Louise Coward make a difference. team meetings. Head of Innovation and Partnerships: Transport Focus is the voice of transport Transport Focus can have up to 14 Board Ian Wright users. It carries out research on transport members. The Scottish Government, Welsh Head of Communications: Sara Nelson user experiences and needs for the future. Government and the Greater London This includes the large scale National Rail Authority each appoint a member to Passenger Survey where over 50,000 rail the Board. The remaining appointments CONTACT INFORMATION passengers give their views on rail journeys are made by the Secretary of State for Address: Albany House, 86 Petty France, twice a year. Three current areas of focus are: Transport. Recruitment to the Board is London SW1H 9EA • Encouraging more passengers to claim based on merit. Appointments are regulated Tel: 0300 123 0860 compensation on delayed rail journeys. by The Office of the Commissioner for Public Email: info@transportfocus.org.uk • Breaking down barriers to bus use. Appointments. Visit: www.transportfocus.org.uk CF Booth Ltd was established in 1920 by Clarence Frederick Booth and since that time has continued to be • Better information on roads. passed down through the generations of the Booth family. The company has been associated with the scrapping of diesel and electric locomotives since the 1960s and has an excellent reputation as one of the largest rolling stock recyclers in the UK, winning nationally released tenders from several of the main rail operating companies. The head office is located in Rotherham, South Yorkshire at Clarence Metal Works with the company’s gantry cranes and three derrick cranes making the site quite distinctive.

CF Booth rolling stock division has achieved both ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and has invested heavily in

CF Boothdeveloping Ltd is onethe ofinfrastructure the leadingtometal handle all kinds of rolling stock including more than 1,500 metres of rail sidings, ed in 1920 byrecycling Clarencecompanies Frederick in Booth andEstablished since that time has continued to be UK. which allows us tothe accommodate a substantial amount of rolling stock. Work continues at present with rail vehicles erations of theinBooth 1920 family. by Clarence the to Network Rail and the proximity of the railway sidings to roads give this side being broughtFrederick in through Booth, a connection business of has from a local metal trader thegrown business a high profile with many wagons, carriages, underground and departmental stock being processed. ated with the scrapping of diesel and electric locomotives since the 1960s and has an into one of the largest independently run In recyclers addition, our extremely buying process and quick payment terms mean that for many companies he largest rolling stock UK,competitive winning nationally released tenders from recycling companies in in the Europe and is nearing wishing to dispose of their rolling stock, CF Booth Ltd is the first port of call. Besides processing rolling stock for ng companies. its 100ththeir yearresidual anniversary. CF ferrous Booth metals, has been ferrous/non we also salvage any or all components that may be required by railway associated with the scrapping of diesel preservationists. otherham, South Yorkshire at Clarence Metal Works and with the company’s gantry cranes electric locomotives since the 1960’s and is now one of the largest rolling stock recyclers in the UK, working with ng the site quite distinctive. The current Rolling Stock Manager, Christopher Davis, says: “We are proud to be playing a major role in supporting CF Booth rolling stock division has achieved both ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and has invested heavily in several ofthe the main rail operating companies. UK national rail industry and extremely proud to provide a valuable service toofrailway enthusiasts and developing the infrastructure to handle all kinds rolling stock including more than 1,500 metres of rail sidings, We are more than just a metalthe recycler, ourcontinue continued investment in infrastructure and quality personnel has put which allows us to accommodate a substantial amount rolling stock. Work continues at present with rail vehicles preservationists throughout UK as they to restore rolling stock vehicles tooftheir former glory for future being brought in through a connection to Network Rail and the proximity of the railway sidings to roads give this side us at the generations forefront of metal recycling industry. Working with global businesses and international brands has made to the enjoy. We value the relationship we have built up with preservationists and enthusiasts over the years’’. of the business a high profile with many wagons, carriages, underground and departmental stock being processed. us think differently and strive to continue our development. In addition, our extremely competitive buying process and quick payment terms mean that for many companies wishing toisdispose of their rolling CF BoothLtd Ltd isa thepart first port call. Besides processing rolling stock for Our rolling stock asbestos removal/disposal service supported bystock, Demex ofofthe CF Booth Group. Their their residual ferrous/non ferrous metals, we also salvage any or all components that may be required by railway fully trained and accredited operatives use the very latest equipment and techniques to safely strip out and dispose preservationists. of asbestos. Besides processing rolling stock for their residual ferrous/non-ferrous metals, we also salvage all The current Rolling Stock Manager, Christopher Davis, says: “We are proud to be playing a majorany role in or supporting the UK national rail industry and extremely proud to provide a valuable service to railway enthusiasts and components that may be required by Railway Companies and Railway Preservationists. preservationists throughout the UK as they continue to restore rolling stock vehicles to their former glory for future generations to enjoy. We value the relationship we have built up with preservationists and enthusiasts over the years’’.

Office Tel: +44 (0) 1709 559198 | Fax: +44 (0) 1709 562631 | www.cfbooth.com All enquiries regarding your rolling stock can be directed to: Christopher Davis, Rolling Stock Manager - CF Booth Limited, Clarence Metal Works, Armer Street, Rotherham, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, S60 1AF

Office Tel: +44 (0) 1709 559198 | Fax: +44 (0) 1709 562631 | www.cfbooth.com


All enquiries regarding your rolling stock can be directed to: Christopher Davis, Rolling Stock Manager - CF Booth Limited, Clarence Metal Works, Armer Street, Rotherham, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, S60 1AF

Government and Regulatory

London TravelWatch London TravelWatch is the official watchdog organisation representing the interests of transport users in and around the nation’s capital since July 2000


ondon TravelWatch was set up by Parliament to be the official voice of London’s travelling public. Funded by the London Assembly and accountable to it via the Assembly’s Transport Committee, the watchdog represents users of the national rail network in London and the surrounding commuter belt and international rail passengers using Eurostar. It also represents all those who use buses, the Underground, Docklands Light Railway (DLR), dial-a-ride, trams, taxis, cable cars and river transport, as well as cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians and other users of London’s principal road network.

The watchdog aims to secure a better journey experience for everyone travelling in and around London: commuters, leisure travellers, visitors and tourists however they travel. Its multimodal remit reflects the way most people use transport in London – making active choices between modes and interchanging from one mode to another in the course of a typical journey. London TravelWatch carries out a variety of activities, including: • Commissioning and carrying out research, evaluating and interpreting the research carried out by others, to ensure that its work is based on the best possible evidence. • Investigating complaints that people have been unable to resolve with service providers. • Reviewing over enquiries from transport users, taking up cases with

• •

the operator when the original response the complainant had received was unsatisfactory. Monitoring trends in service quality as part of an intelligence-led approach. Regularly meeting with and seeking to influence the relevant parts of the transport industry on all issues which affect the travelling public. Working with a wide range of public interest organisations, user groups and research bodies to ensure it keeps up to date with passenger experiences and concerns. Speaking for the travelling public in discussions with opinion formers and decision makers at all levels, including the Mayor of London, the London Assembly, the Government, Parliament, and local councils.

In 2021, London TravelWatch brought TfL and the rail industry together to improve cooperation on data sharing, which has led to better information being given to transport users about the busyness of services. At the start of the pandemic in 2020, TfL removed the facility to pay by cash at over 200 Underground, DLR and Overground stations across the capital on a temporary basis and later in 2020, they proposed to extend this to cover all their stations in London. London TravelWatch research showed the significant impact withdrawing cash would have on passengers, especially those on low incomes, children or the 260,000 adults in London without a bank account. London TravelWatch’s investigation showed that some stations don’t have a Ticket Stop, usually a newsagent or convenience store, nearby, meaning that it would have been harder to top up an Oyster card with cash. On 21 June 2021, Transport for London Commissioner Andy Byford confirmed that the ability to pay by cash will start to be reinstated at all of the Underground, Overground and DLR stations where it was removed at the start of the pandemic. London TravelWatch also has a statutory role to assess the impact and make recommendations if proposals are made for the closure of a railway line or a station (or station facilities) within the London railway area. London TravelWatch keeps its work

priorities under review by means of a simple set of criteria. These criteria are similar to those used by other consumer protection and enforcement bodies and allow London TravelWatch to plan and coordinate its activity with other consumer bodies and the London Assembly. London TravelWatch Board meetings are open to the public, details are available on its website. Public statements In comments made prior to the Comprehensive Spending announcement, London TravelWatch Director, Emma Gibson highlighted several priorities for the capital: ‘Londoners will want to see a safe, frequent and reliable Tube service so it is essential that TfL have enough money available to be able to invest in new Tube trains and signalling upgrades as well as CCTV on Tube lines which don’t currently have it. Investment is also needed to ensure that TfL’s programme to make more stations step free can continue. In addition to this, investment in more zero emission, electric buses is essential to help improve air quality and make an important contribution towards decarbonising transport in the capital.’

KEY PERSONNEL Chair: Arthur Leathley Deputy Chair and Chair of the Policy Committee: Alan Benson Director: Emma Gibson Chief Executive: Anthony Smith Advocacy, Operations & Communications Manager: Richard Freeston-Clough Casework Manager: Susan James

CONTACT INFORMATION Correspondence address: London TravelWatch PO Box 5594 Southend on Sea SS1 9PZ Tel: 020 3176 2999 Email: info@londontravelwatch.org.uk Visit: www.londontravelwatch.org.uk 45

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Crossrail Established in 2001, Crossrail was set up to build the new railway that will become known as the Elizabeth line when it opens through central London

Image credit: Crossrail


ointly sponsored by Transport for London (TfL) and the Department for Transport, once the railway is complete it will be handed over to TfL and run as part of London’s integrated transport network. Crossrail Ltd became a wholly owned subsidiary of TfL on 5 December 2008, after years of planning and development, Crossrail broke ground on 15 May 2009 at Canary Wharf, tunnelling began in May 2012 with eight tunnel boring machines (TBM) called Phyllis, Ada, Elizabeth, Victoria, Jessica, Ellie, Sophia and Mary used to construct the rail tunnels under London. Crossrail remains on track to open the Elizabeth line in the first half of 2022 and continues to make progress on completing the works necessary to start passenger services in the central section of the railway, from Paddington to Abbey Wood. When the Elizabeth line opens, it will operate as three separate railways. Passengers will still have to change at Paddington for services to Reading or Heathrow Airport, and at Liverpool Street for services to Shenfield. Following the opening of the central section, services across the Elizabeth line from Reading and Heathrow in the west and Shenfield in the

east will be introduced. Original plans saw these services being integrated in two separate stages six months and then a year after the central section opens but latest plans have now brought those together and will mean journeys can be made into the central section from Autumn 2022. The final Elizabeth line timetable will be in place no later than May 2023. As of October 2021, delivery of the Elizabeth line was in its complex final stages. The project is currently operating timetabled train movements in the central operating section, known as Trial Running, and has handed over seven of the ten new stations to TfL. The Trial Running programme involves integrated trials to test that the railway is safe and reliable. Crossrail is running twelve trains per hour (tph) in the 42 kilometres of tunnels that have been built below London, increasing train mileage, building reliability and flushing out issues with the systems and signalling software. The final phase after Trial Running is known as Trial Operations and involves testing over 150 real-time service scenarios to ensure the readiness of the railway, some of which will include staff volunteers to simulate passengers.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive: Mark Wild Chief Finance Officer: Rachel McLean Chief Programme Officer: Jim Crawford Chief Operations Officer: Howard Smith Technical Director: Colin Brown Health, Safety, Quality & Environment Director: Carole Bardell-Wise General Counsel and Company Secretary: Susan Beadles Commercial Director: Sam Costello Chief of Staff: Nduka Ezediuno Head of External Affairs: Peter MacLennan

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 5 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN Tel: 0345 602 3813 Email: helpdesk@crossrail.co.uk Visit: www.crossrail.co.uk



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East West Railway Company The East West Railway Company was set up in 2017 to develop a railway that serves people living and working between Oxford, Cambridge, Bedford and Milton Keynes


he company’s role is to oversee the work already underway on East West Rail between Oxford, Bedford and Milton Keynes, to develop the case for the section between Bedford and Cambridge, and to integrate the two sections of the project to get the best results for all the communities between Oxford and Cambridge. East West Railway company works with four key stakeholders: The Department for Transport, Network Rail, East West Rail Alliance, East West Rail Consortium. In January 2021, the Government announced £760 million to support the new East West Rail line.

The investment means further vital construction work can begin and represents an important milestone in the East West Rail project. The funding is for part of the line between Oxford and Bletchley/Milton Keynes and means this section of East West Rail is expected to be up and running by 2025. Delivery of this stage is expected to provide work for 1,500 people, injecting an estimated £1.1 billion pounds into the local economy. The first section of railway on East West Rail Phase Two was successfully commissioned over the August Bank Holiday weekend in 2021.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive, East West Railway Company: Simon Blanchflower, CBE Chair, East West Railway Company: Neil Sachdev Strategy Director, East West Railway Company: Will Gallagher Programme Delivery Director: Ian Parker Engineering Director: Simon Scott CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1 Grafton Gate, Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes Mk9 1Fb Tel: 0330 1340067 Email: contact@eastwestrail.co.uk

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Getlink On 20 November 2017, Groupe Eurotunnel changed its name to Getlink, the group manages cross-Channel transport for passenger vehicles, trucks, Eurostar passengers and rail freight trains which travel through the Channel Tunnel


n 1802, French mining engineer Albert Mathieu-Favier put forward the first ever design for a cross-Channel fixed link based on the principle of a bored two-level tunnel. Two-hundred years later, Eurotunnel became the first private company to be granted a rail operator’s licence valid across Europe, following the liberalisation of rail freight. 25 per cent of the trade between the UK and the European union is carried through the tunnel, with 320 daily trains, more than half of which carry goods. Each year, Eurotunnel safely transports more than 20 million passengers, 1.6 million trucks, 2.6 million cars, two billion tonnekilometres of freight and, eventually, one gigawatt of electricity.

Since 18 September 2021, a new crossChannel freight service has been open to all transporters, using an unaccompanied mode through the Channel Tunnel. The crossing is managed by Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight and operates 24 hours a day and six days per week. Departures are from the Group’s two terminals in Calais or Folkestone with a capacity of 8,300 trailers per year. At the end of 2021, Eurotunnel and CargoBeamer signed a partnership for the launch of a new, 100 per cent unaccompanied rail freight transport service across the Short Straits, from Calais to Ashford. The extension of the rolling motorway from Perpignan to Ashford is a logical step in developing a future international intermodal network between the Channel and the Mediterranean.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: Yann Leriche Deputy CEO: François Gauthey Chief Operating Officer – Corporate: Michel Boudoussier Chief Operating Officer – Europorte: Pascal Sainson Commercial Director – Concession: Jo Willacy CONTACT INFORMATION Address: UK Terminal, Ashford Road, Folkestone, Kent CT18 8XX Tel: 0844 335 3535 Email: communication.internet@ getlinkgroup.com Visit: www.getlinkgroup.com


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High Speed 1 High Speed 1 (HS1) is the UK’s first section of high-speed rail and operates along a 68-mile-long railway between St Pancras International in London and the Channel Tunnel


perating as both a domestic and international service, the line carries passengers from St Pancras International in London to the Channel Tunnel and connects with the international high-speed routes between London and Paris, London and Brussels and London and Amsterdam. HS1 Ltd has the 30-year concession to own and operate HS1, as well as the stations along the route: St Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International. In July 2017 HS1 Ltd was acquired by a consortium comprising of funds advised and managed by InfraRed Capital Partners Limited and Equitix Investment Management Limited.The cost of construction was £6.2 billion. HS1’s domestic service, Southeastern High Speed, was introduced in 2009 and transports passengers from St Pancras International to Kent. Journey times to Ebbsfleet International are only 17 minutes, with Ashford International just 37 minutes from St Pancras. In 2018, approximately 15.7 million journeys were made on Southeastern High Speed. Socioeconomic benefits of High Speed 1 In 2017, HS1 Ltd published a report entitled ‘10 Businesses at 10 Years’. The report presents real life examples of how HS1 has helped ten of the most exciting businesses in Kent to grow and prosper. An accompanying survey of leading Kent businesses showed that: • 91 per cent of those asked said that their business has benefitted from HS1 • 89 per cent said that HS1 has made Kent a more attractive place to set up a business • Over one third said that HS1 was a factor when choosing to set up their business in Kent • Over 80 per cent said that HS1 had helped their business grow • One hundred per cent said that HS1 will play an important role in the future growth of Kent. Dyan Crowther, CEO of HS1 Limited, said: ‘As the nation’s first and only high-speed railway, HS1 has been a catalyst for growth, generating economic, cultural and social value in the regions it serves and the UK more widely.’

Passengers using HS1 have doubled since launch, with services carrying over twenty million domestic and international passengers each year and with an unrivalled average delay per train of just eight seconds. A report independently produced by Visit Kent and tourism economists Destination Research revealed that for every HS1 leisure journey made to Kent in 2016, £81 was added to Kent’s local economy. Almost 6,000 tourism sector jobs in Kent have been created and supported by HS1 with the total economic contribution to Kent’s visitor economy, since domestic HS1 services began, estimated at over £311 million. The findings demonstrate further the remarkable growth of Kent’s visitor economy, the value of which has increased by £1 billion since 2003. Kent’s visitor economy is now worth in excess of £3.8 billion and it is expected that the line will provide at least £10 billion of further regenerative benefits over the next 50 years. Freight rail services HS1 Ltd is in a state of readiness for freight operating companies to operate high-speed services on the network. Being a highspeed railway network, which provides high economic value to its customers, there are significant benefits to be seen by freight operating companies, in particular those who deliver time critical commodities to its customers. As such, the high-speed rail network provides a dynamic transport infrastructure which leads to substantial commercial benefits for organisations. Growth Approximately 50 million people visit St Pancras International every year, for both the station’s retail offering and its rail services to Europe and Kent. Passenger numbers on the high-speed line are set to rise to 127 per cent by 2044. The total number of trains on HS1 is at 73,402 (2018-

High-Speed One St Pancras Image credit: Sam Lane Photography

19). This is mostly attributed to the increase in timetabled international services which are up 386 compared to 2017-18. In 2018, HS1 Ltd announced that it would be working closely with other infrastructure managers to help develop new routes, including a direct passenger service to Bordeaux.

KEY PERSONNEL Chairman: Keith Ludeman Chief Executive Officer: Dyan Crowther Chief Financial Officer: Mark Farrer General Counsel & Corporate Services Director: Lucy Clarke-Bodicoat Commercial Director: Wendy Spinks Engineering Director: Richard Thorp

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 5th Floor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG Tel: 020 7014 2700 Email: info@highspeed1.co.uk Visit: www.highspeed1.co.uk 55

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High Speed Two (HS2) High Speed Two (HS2) is the company responsible for developing and promoting the UK’s new high-speed rail network. It is funded by grant-in-aid from the Government


S2 will link eight of the UK’s major cities and serve millions of people. Travelling between the cities of the Midlands and the North will become much easier. HS2 will free up extra capacity for local passenger and freight services on the existing network. So, as well as efficiently carrying millions of people, the new railway will benefit those who never use it. Economic value HS2 will begin rebalancing the UK economy long before the trains start running. It’s already beginning to boost economic development in the Midlands and the North, and to ease pressure on London by creating opportunities elsewhere. HS2 will create around 25,000 jobs and fuel economic benefits worth over £103 billion to the UK. Route HS2 will connect London to Edinburgh and Glasgow, running from Euston through the new station at Old Oak Common and then onto Birmingham. From there it will split off and run to the East Midlands Hub in one direction and to Manchester Piccadilly via Crewe in the other direction. That first stretch to Birmingham is Phase One which is expected to be completed by 2026. The second is Phase Two. It will be delivered in two phases: Phase 2a extends from the West Midlands to Crewe and is due to open in 2027. Phase 2b continues the line to Manchester and also joins the existing railway just south of Wigan. Meanwhile Phase 2b’s eastern leg runs from Leeds via HS2’s East Midlands Hub to Birmingham. Phase 2b services will begin in 2033. The remainder of the journey north will use the East Coast Mainline to connect the East Midlands Hub to Newcastle. Ecology HS2’s specialist ecology teams will plant over 300,000 trees, bringing the total to 730,000, across the Phase One route between London and the Midlands to over by Spring 2021. HS2 funding is available for a wide range of independent environmental projects to benefit nature and communities along the route. This could include creating new parks and play facilities, investing in green spaces in urban areas, regenerating areas

along canals, and conserving and enhancing the historic environment. By working in partnership with organisations and individuals, HS2’s Green Corridor will deliver a positive, long term legacy for the natural and historic environment, and for people and communities across the country. Graduate recruitment scheme The opportunity to join one of Europe’s biggest infrastructure projects, and play a role in levelling up Britain, will become a reality for the 17 people who secure a place on HS2’s coveted two-year graduate programme. With a major engineering programme ahead, HS2 is bolstering its infrastructure directorate by offering the opportunity for engineering graduates to join the teams charged with overseeing the delivery of the stations, tunnels and viaducts along the 140-mile section of the first phase of the railway. Freight Throughout 2021, more than 180 freight trains are delivered material to the site taking the equivalent of 12,670 trucks (HGVs) off the road and saving 30,150 tonnes of carbon – the equivalent of flying from London to Edinburgh 930 times. The train – operated by DB Cargo UK and Hanson – delivered 1,650 tonnes of aggregate that will be used in the construction of the temporary Calvert Railhead. Across the whole HS2 project, 15,000 freight trains are set to be used to haul 10 million tonnes of aggregate to construction sites – taking the equivalent of 1.5 million HGVs off the UK’s road. Station Arup’s design for HS2’s Interchange station received a gold award at 2020’s World Architecture News (WAN) awards ceremony. The awards bring together the most senior and influential professionals from across Architecture internationally to recognise and celebrate excellence. The year’s awards, held online due to lockdown restrictions, saw designs for the new Solihull HS2 station recognised in the ‘Future Projects – Transport’ category for their sustainability credentials and the station’s glue-laminated timber structure, which judges said is a ‘very impressive response to sustainable design for the future’.

The award follows on from the station’s recent recognition as the first railway station globally to achieve the BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ certification – a measure of sustainability for new and refurbished buildings – putting it in the top one per cent of buildings in the UK for eco-friendly credentials. Chiltern Tunnel In May 2021, a 170 metre long Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) covered the first mile cutting through a mix of chalk and flint beneath the Chiltern hills just outside London. Named ‘Florence’ by local school children, the TBM is one of two identical machines excavating the twin ten-mile-long tunnels. A second machine, named ‘Cecilia’ is a short way behind, with both TBMs expected to break out in around three years time. Designed specifically for the geology of the Chilterns, each machine is a selfcontained underground factory, digging the tunnel, lining it with concrete wall segments and grouting them into place as it moves forward. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: Mark Thurston Chairman: Allan Cook CBE Chief Financial Officer: Michael Bradley CB Infrastructure Director: Chris Rayner Safety and Assurance Director: Emma Head Human Resources Director: Neil Hayward General Counsel and Company Secretary: Nicole Geoghegan Managing Director – Phase Two: Tim Smart Strategic Director for Stakeholder Engagement and Communications: Aileen Thompson

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Two Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA Tel: 0808 143 4434 Email: HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk Visit: www.hs2.org.uk 57


LCR LCR is a skilled commercial developer and the UK Government’s regeneration and placemaking expert. It has a 25-year track record of creating exciting new destinations for people to live, work and experience


CR uses its skills in land assembly, placemaking and development to unlock regeneration opportunities. Its unique position on the cusp of the public and private sectors allows it to transform the most complex sites, using an imaginative approach to problem solving to bring forward schemes that deliver homes and jobs, and create value from public sector real estate assets. The team’s considerable experience includes the delivery and sale of the High Speed 1 railway and the associated multibillion-pound, mixed-use developments at King’s Cross and Stratford City – two of London’s most successful regeneration stories.


Strategic partnerships Using expertise gained from delivering some of the UK’s most successful regeneration projects, LCR collaborates with local authorities, LEPs, government agencies and private developers to deliver outstanding developments. It provides long-term support and forms joint venture partnerships to create the conditions to ensure every destination reaches its full potential, with a focus on driving public value through delivering meaningful outcomes, not shortterm returns.

KEY PERSONNEL Chairman: Nick Markham Chief Executive Officer: Peter Hawthorne Partnerships & Property Director: Catherine Birks Chief Operations and Transformation Officer: Nigel Crainey Finance Director & Company Secretary: Alan Peelo CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 20 Cranbourn Street, London WC2H 7AA Tel: 020 7391 4300 Email: info@lcrproperty.co.uk Visit: www.lcrproperty.co.uk



Midland Metro Alliance The West Midlands Combined Authority, the design consortium of Egis, Tony Gee and Pell Frischmann, and contractor Colas Rail came together to form the Midland Metro Alliance in July 2016


ach of the partner companies brings a complementary area of expertise to the alliance. The real focus, however, is on leaving a legacy of skills and experience for the region, even after the extensions are complete and helping the West Midlands attract regeneration and investment. Ongoing projects The Midland Metro Alliance is working with Transport for West Midlands on a number of projects for the West Midlands Metro network, each in differing stages of development, design or delivery. Wolverhampton City Centre Metro extension As part of the Wolverhampton Interchange, the West Midlands Metro extension will run from a junction with the existing West Midlands Metro system close to the current terminus at Wolverhampton St. George’s through to Wolverhampton Railway Station. West Midlands Metro will stop at the city’s Bus Station on Pipers Row, before continuing to Wolverhampton Railway Station, allowing easy interchange with other modes of transport in an area of the region where most journeys are completed by private vehicle. Birmingham Eastside Metro extension The Secretary of State for Transport has announced that he has decided to make the Midland Metro (Birmingham City Eastside Extension) Order and relevant documents to this order can be found via the Statutory Information tab below. The Birmingham Eastside Metro extension to Digbeth will serve the High Speed 2 (HS2) station at Curzon Street, separating from the existing West Midlands Metro line at Bull Street. The route is planned to consist of 1.7 kilometres of twin track running from Bull Street to a new terminus at High Street Deritend. The scheme includes four additional West Midlands Metro stops serving the east of Birmingham City Centre. The extension will service the Eastside regeneration area offering connections with New Street, Moor Street and Snow Hill Railway Stations, in addition to the new HS2 station. The scheme also includes a new

Image credit: Midland Metro Alliance

bus interchange adjacent to Clayton Hotel Birmingham to provide an efficient bus, Sprint and coach interchange with HS2. Sustainability Each project has an overarching Project Sustainability Plan, detailing how the project is to contribute to the sustainability objectives and how the project will manage any environmental impacts. All new projects are registered with CEEQUAL and will complete a CEEQUAL Assessment to assess the sustainability of the scheme against a benchmark of industry best practice. The CEEQUAL process is externally verified giving assurance of the quality of the awards. All new construction works will also register with the National Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS). The CCS is a voluntary code of practice that seeks to minimise any disturbance or negative impact

(in terms of noise, dust and inconvenience) sometimes caused by construction sites to the immediate neighbourhood; eradicate offensive behaviour and language from construction site; and recognise and reward the constructor’s commitment to raise standards of site management, safety and environmental awareness beyond statutory duties. As with CEEQUAL the code offers an external validation of the scheme performance against industry best practice.

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 4th Floor Alpha Tower, Suffolk St, Queensway, Birmingham B1 1TT Tel: 0121 643 8729 Email: communications@ metroalliance.co.uk Visit: www.metroalliance.co.uk 59


Network Rail Network Rail runs, maintains and develops Great Britain’s tracks, signalling, bridges, tunnels, level crossings, viaducts and 20 key stations


etwork Rail is a public sector arm’s length body, giving it commercial and operational freedom. Its main customers are the TOCs and FOCs which provide services on Network Rail’s infrastructure. Network Rail owns, operates and develops Britain’s 20,000 miles of railway track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and viaducts and the thousands of signals, level crossings and 20 of the UK’s largest stations. In 2014, Network Rail began devolving day-today responsibility for railway businesses to eight strategic geographical areas. In late 2018, new Chief Executive Andrew Haines announced plans to deepen devolution, with 14 routes sitting under five new regions – Scotland’s Railway, Wales and Western, North West and Central, Southern and Eastern. These new regions became operational in June 2019.

Performance On 1 April 2019, the rail industry introduced a new, more detailed and precise set of measures to better understand train performance. The additional ‘on time’ measures reflect that good performance needs to be delivered throughout the whole journey and that every minute matters for passengers. The official measure of punctuality used up until then, known as public performance measure (PPM), considers trains to be punctual if they are five or ten minutes after schedule, for short and long-distance journeys respectively, at their destination, but the new measures report cancellations and the proportion of trains arriving to the minute at every station on the timetable. Network Rail also measures its safety performance using a model produced by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). Eastern 1 Anglia Route 2 East Coast Route 3 East Midlands Route 4 North & East Route

North West & Central 5 Central Route 6 North West Route 7 West Coast South Route


Scotland’s Railway 8 Scotland Route

Southern 9 Kent Route 10 Network Rail High Speed 11 Sussex Route 12 Wessex Route

Wales & Western 13 Wales & Borders Route 14 Western Route


Control Period 6 Network Rail runs five-year long Control Periods which it uses to determine priorities for investment. Each Control Period begins on 1 April and ends on 31 March to coincide with the financial year. Control Period 6 began in April 2019. Strategic Freight Network The Strategic Freight Network (SFN) aims to create a network of freight capable rail corridors across Britain by upgrading the existing network and building new infrastructure at key locations to allow more freight to travel on rail. Schemes currently underway include gauge clearance, train lengthening and capacity building. Eastern With railway from the borders of Scotland to the nation’s capital, Eastern region is critical to the success of Britain. It is an incredibly busy region, operating some of the busiest and most congested rail lines in the country, transporting large numbers of commuters to and from busy cities including Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Derby, Norwich, Cambridge and London. The region is also home to other major transport hubs including three airports and 13 freight ports, connecting millions of people every day to city, town, coast and country, to friends and family, jobs and leisure, as well as goods to businesses here and abroad.





1 5







Image credit: Railway Mission 60

It measures safety from the perspective of passengers at stations and all aspects of interaction between the general public and the railway.

North West and Central North West & Central (NW&C) is the ‘Backbone of Britain’ – the economic spine linking the United Kingdom’s main cities, connecting workers with jobs, people with loved ones and bringing goods to market. The infrastructure runs from London Euston and Marylebone in the south through the Chiltern and West Midlands regions, the North West of England and Cumbria before joining with Scotland at Gretna. NW&C is home to the West Coast Mainline, the busiest mixed-use railway in Europe, serving London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Glasgow.


Southern The new Southern region serves passengers and freight operators from Devon in the West to Kent in the East and links Wessex, Sussex and Kent as well as Network Rail High Speed. With over 5,800 employees, the Southern region is responsible for more than 700 million passenger journeys each year. Over the next five years the region will invest £6.3 billion to operate, maintain and renew the railway. Over 7000 passenger and freight services operate on the region every weekday – more than a third of Britain’s rail services. Southern moves over 266,000 tonnes of freight each week and owns and maintains 3,300 miles of track, 4,986 bridges, 895 level crossings and 7,990 signals. Wales and Western With a 5,000-strong workforce and 2,700 miles of railway, these routes exist to serve communities and businesses of Wales, the Thames Valley, West of England and the South West Peninsula. Wales and Western transports commuters to key employment hubs including London, Cardiff, Bristol,

Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, directly serving London Heathrow, Europe’s busiest international airport and providing connections to Cardiff, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, and London Gatwick airports. Wales and Western supports leisure and tourism in all of these areas and supports critical freight services, notably aggregates, moving millions of tonnes of freight every year. Scotland’s Railway Scotland’s Railway covers a large geographical area from the Borders to Thurso at the far tip of the North East of Scotland. It provides rapid access along busy commuter routes to the country’s seven cities. It fulfils a variety of travel needs from business and leisure to daily commuter services, including cross border services; it supports rural services and the needs of freight customers alike. Over 2,500 daily services support the needs of communities and business across Scotland and the border to England, operating the largest suburban rail network outside London which meets the daily needs of customers into Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city.

KEY PERSONNEL Chair: Sir Peter Hendy CBE Chief Executive: Andrew Haines Managing Director, Route Services: Susan Cooklin Group Director, Safety, Technical & Engineering: Martin Frobisher Group Director, System Operator: Jake Kelly Chief Financial Officer: Jeremy Westlake Group HR Director: Pauline Holroyd Group Communications Director: Caroline Murdoch Managing Director, Eastern region: Rob McIntosh Managing Director, North West and Central region: Tim Shoveller Managing Director, Southern region: John Halsall Managing Director, Wales and Western: Michelle Handforth Managing Director, Scotland’s Railway: Alex Hynes CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1 Eversholt Street, London NW1 2DN Tel: 020 7557 8000 Email: Contact via website Visit: www.networkrail.co.uk


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Holding Companies

Abellio UK Abellio is one of the UK’s largest transport groups, operating five rail franchises, as well as 740 buses on 52 London bus routes


ver 16,000 people are employed across its operating companies, which collectively serve over a million passengers in England and Scotland every day. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Dutch rail operator

Nederlandse Spoorwegen, Abellio was founded in 2002 to take advantage of the liberalisation of the European transport sector, and it now has operations in the UK and Germany. Abellio first entered the UK transport

market in 2003 and has since established itself as one of the UK’s foremost rail owning groups, accounting for nearly one in five of all UK rail customers – the largest it has been in its operating history. Its UK rail franchises are Merseyrail (a 50:50 venture with Serco), Greater Anglia (a 60:40 venture with Mitsui), ScotRail, West Midlands Trains (a 70:15:15 venture with Mitsui and JR East) and East Midlands Railway. After taking its first steps into the London bus market in 2009, the company now runs around eight per cent of all London bus services. Abellio wants to make it easier to travel, by providing comfortable, reliable journeys which are simple for people to plan, buy and use. To this end, the company is investing heavily across its UK rail franchises to transform its services, improve its customers’ experience and help to deliver a sustainable zero carbon future. Through its £3 billion investment in new trains for all its operating companies, Abellio is delivering more seats and services. This investment and innovation reflect Abellio’s strong commitment to improving its customers’ experience by delivering the more reliable, simple and sustainable transport services they rightly expect.

KEY PERSONNEL MD Abellio UK: Dominic Booth COO Bus: Alan Pilbeam COO Rail: Dave Kaye Financial Director: Chris Harris Managing Director Rail Retailing and Digital Business: Stewart Fox-Mills UK New Trains Project & Fleet Director, and ScotRail COO: Alex White Human Resources Director: Andrew Meadows Director of Communication: Allan Watt Managing Director, Abellio Group: Angelique Magielse

New trains outside Kirkdale Depot Image credit: Abellio

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 5th Floor, The Culzean Building, 36 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 1LU Tel: 0141 320 0620 Email: communications@abellio.co.uk Visit: www.abellio.com/uk 63




“By rolling out the KT Locker systems across multiple stations we can ensure the safety, security and importantly reliability of these valuable pieces of equipment.” Ian Hughes, Senior Conductor Manager, at Transport for Wales said. From customer-facing solutions such as intelligent charging asset lockers that enable customers to use the system for the securing and charging of mobile devices, to the secure management of keys for signal boxes of the rail industry, we can help.

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Holding Companies

Arriva UK Trains Arriva UK Trains is a major player in the UK’s rail market


rriva operates all the different models currently in use on Britain’s railways; from the purely commercial, open access model with Grand Central, and high performing operations such as CrossCountry and Chiltern, through to the successful concession model, or passenger service contract, operated by Arriva Rail London, better known as the London Overground.

between London Marylebone and Birmingham Moor Street, to Aylesbury via Amersham. Following an investment of £250 million, Chiltern Railways run a service between Oxford and London Marylebone, on which route they enjoy a successful partnership with Bicester Village. Chiltern remains one of Britain’s most popular and reliable train operating companies, regularly scoring in the top

London Overground Arriva Rail London operates the London Overground network under contract to Transport for London (TfL). The seven and half year concession commenced in November 2016, with the network linking 23 of London’s 33 boroughs. Working in partnership with TfL, Arriva Rail London has delivered improvements for customers through more frequent services, new trains, better facilities and improved interchanges, and has developed stations and lines to meet increasing passenger demand. The partnership also supports new homes (such as new links to Barking Riverside), jobs around stations and the environment. Arriva TrainCare Arriva’s TrainCare business provides maintenance depots and servicing facilities for electric and diesel trains. In recent years, Arriva TrainCare has grown following substantial investment in developing heavy maintenance work. Operating from five depots in strategic locations across the country, Arriva TrainCare currently provides overnight and heavy maintenance services to several train operating companies and ROSCOs, along with post production support for new train manufacturers. Arriva Road Transport Services Arriva Road Transport Services offer rail replacement, minibus and taxi provision, duplicate transport services and event transportation hire across the UK.

Image credit: Arriva Trains / Grand Central

CrossCountry The CrossCountry network is the most extensive rail contract in the UK. Stretching from Aberdeen to Penzance, and from Stansted Airport to Cardiff, it calls at more than 120 stations. Based in Birmingham, CrossCountry connects seven of Britain’s ten largest cities, delivering services every weekday that equate to some forty million passenger journeys a year. CrossCountry has been awarded five stars under the EFQM ‘Recognise for Excellence’ accreditation and the coveted UK Excellence Award by the British Quality Foundation. Chiltern Railways Chiltern Railways provide scheduled passenger services along the M40 corridor

quartile of all operators for customer satisfaction and punctuality in national rail passenger surveys. Grand Central Grand Central is an established fully commercial train operating company connecting the North East of England and Yorkshire to London under an open access agreement. It has been providing high quality rail services since 2007 and delivers customer satisfaction that is regularly among the highest scoring of all operators. Grand Central has done this while growing passenger numbers and introducing real competition on the East Coast Main Line, exerting downwards pressure on ticket costs for passengers.

KEY PERSONNEL Arriva CEO: Mike Cooper Arriva Chief Financial Officer: Christian Goeseke Managing Director UK Trains: David Brown Arriva UK Trains Finance and Commercial Director: Amanda Furlong

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Arriva plc, Admiral Way, Doxford, International Business Pk, Sunderland SR3 3XP Tel: 0191 520 4000 Email: enquiries@arriva.co.uk Visit: www.arriva.co.uk 65

Holding Companies

First Group First Group operates four rail franchises, Avanti West Coast, Great Western Railway, South Western Railway, TransPennine Express and one open access passenger rail service, Hull Trains

Image credit: FirstGroup


irst is an experienced operator of all types of passenger railways – intercity, commuter, regional and sleeper services and as one of the most experienced operators in the UK. First have proposed and delivered over £650 million capital investment into the franchises since 2006. Since they began running rail operations, they have introduced more than 740 additional vehicles across various franchises, which has also led to the creation of new depot facilities and jobs. The customer app for First operating companies has been downloaded more than one million times; First is working with councils to introduce smart ticketing and has led one of the largest roll outs of free Wi-Fi on the UK rail network. Owner First Group owns Great Western Railway (GWR) which operates the Great Western rail franchise area. This includes South Wales, the West Country, the Cotswolds, and large parts of Southern England. On 30 March 202 FirstGroup signed a Direct Award with the Department for Transport to continue operating GWR services until 31 March 2023, with a possible extension of up to one further year.

Image credit: FirstGroup / Great Western Railway

overseeing an investment which lead to an 80 per cent rise in capacity at the busiest times of the day and increase connections between the largest cities in the North and Scotland by 55 per cent by 2019. TPE has now begun to introduce 220 new carriages, and new services, including Liverpool to Glasgow, and extending its East Coast route from Newcastle to Edinburgh. Hull Trains First Group open access operation of Hull Trains began service in 2000, making 90 journeys a week between London, Hull and intermediate stations, and transporting more than a million people annually – an increase of more than ten times since inception. First Group have secured track access rights to operate the service until 2029.

The South Western Rail franchise was awarded to FirstGroup and MTR in March 2017. They began operating the network on 20 August 2017 and will continue until at least August 2024. SWR operates almost 2,000 services per day across the network, providing commuter, inter-urban, regional and long distance services to passengers in south west London and southern counties of England. First Group introduced refurbished trains to the Portsmouth-London line in late 2019, with new suburban rolling stock due in the next few months. Timetable changes in May and December 2019 added more than 350 new services per week. First Group also owns TransPennine Express which provides vital connections between key cities in the North of England and Scotland. TransPennine Express operates intercity services on three main routes: • North TransPennine • South TransPennine • North West and Scotland Frist Group will operate the franchise until at least 2023, and during that time TPE is

London Trams First Group operates the London Trams network on behalf of Transport for London, which sees patronage of around 29 million passengers per year. Passenger numbers have increased by more than ten million since the start of operations. KEY PERSONNEL Non-Executive Chairman, Chair of the Nomination Committee: David Martin Chief Executive Officer: Matthew Gregory Managing Director – First Rail: Steve Montgomery Chief Financial Officer: Ryan Mangold Group Employee Director: Ant Green

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 395 King Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 5RP Tel: 01224 650100 Email: contactus.fec@firstgroup.com Visit: www.firstgroupplc.com 67

Holding Companies

Go-Ahead Group Go-Ahead Group provides 30 per cent of all passenger journeys in the UK across its two operating companies, Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) and Southeastern


ince foundation in the 1980s, GoAhead has transformed from a small bus operator in northeast England to a FTSE 250 company. It employs 28,000 people in the UK and overseas, who work hard to deliver safe, reliable and valuefor-money services for passengers. Go-Ahead has a devolved approach to the management of its bus and train operating companies. They are run autonomously, are locally-branded, and the management teams are empowered to respond directly


to the needs of the local communities they serve. Working in this way ensures Go-Ahead retains strong local expertise and can focus on the needs of customers and adapt quickly to changing conditions in local markets. It is the largest operator of bus services in London, running around a quarter of London’s buses and outside of London, its regional bus services account for around eleven per cent of the UK market. Go-Ahead also runs bus services in Singapore and began running services in Ireland in 2018.

KEY PERSONNEL CEO of Go-Ahead: David Brown Chief Financial Officer: Elodie Brian Chairman: Clare Hollingsworth Group Chief Executive: Christian Schreyer Group Company Secretary: Carolyn Ferguson Group Commercial and Customer Director: Katy Taylor Managing Director Rail Development: Charlie Hodgson CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Go-Ahead Group plc, 4 Matthew Parker Street, Westminster, London SW1H 9NP Tel: 020 7799 8999 Email: Enquiries@go-ahead.com Visit: www.go-ahead.com Visit: www.keolis.co.uk

Holding Companies

Keolis Keolis operates public transport networks on behalf of three hundred transport authorities around the world. It is now present in 16 countries across four continents

Southeastern Owned and operated by Go-Ahead Group (65 per cent) and Keolis (35 per cent) with the contract running until the end of 2021. GTR GTR, which stands for Govia Thameslink Railway, is the largest train operating company in the UK and was created following the merger of Great Northern, Thameslink, Southern and Gatwick Express in July 2015. Before the pandemic, GTR carried more passengers, people and trains than any other franchise in the country with 341 million passenger journeys each year across 800 miles of network. In addition, the franchise operates 516 trains, manages 235trains stations and employs over 7,200 people.

Nottingham Trams Depot Image credit: Keolis

Tramlink Keolis is part of the Tramlink consortium responsible for the operation, maintenance and ongoing expansion of the Nottingham tram system. In December 2011, Tramlink entered into a PPP (Public-Private Partnership) agreement for 22 and a half years. Together Keolis, Trent Barton, Alstom and Vinci, are the industrial shareholders in the Tramlink Nottingham concession company. The network has undergone a major expansion programme opening two new lines in August 2015, which saw the addition of an extra 10.8 miles of track and new vehicles, taking the total fleet to more than twenty trams.

DLR Canning Town Image credit: Keolis


ith over 25 years in the UK, Keolis has operated 722 million passenger journeys across 4,732 kilometres of track and employs 9,500 people. Keolis is part of joint ventures with Amey, Go-Ahead and is part of one consortium.

almost 103 kilometres of track, with a fleet of 120 modern trams catering for more than 34 million journeys a year. KeolisAmey Docklands was awarded the franchise in July 2014 to operate and maintain the Docklands Light Railway in London until at least 2024.

KeolisAmey joint ventures KeolisAmey Metrolink, a joint venture between Keolis and Amey, took over operations and maintenance of Manchester’s Metrolink for a period of up to 10 years from July 2017. The KeolisAmey Metrolink tram system is the largest of its kind in the UK. It serves 99 stops across eight different lines along

Go-Ahead joint ventures Govia is a joint-venture between Keolis (35 per cent) and The Go-Ahead Group (65 per cent). As the country’s busiest rail operator, Govia is responsible for 5,500 services and more than one million passengers per day. It operates two major commuter rail franchises, Southeastern and GTR (Govia Thameslink Railway), serving over 500 stations.

KEY PERSONNEL Chairman of Keolis UK: Sir Derek Jones CEO: Alistair Gordon Chief Financial Officer: Virginie Merle Managing Director of KeolisAmey Docklands: Abdellah Chajai

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Evergreen House North, 160 Euston Road, London NW1 2DX Tel: 020 3691 1715 Email: comms@keolis.co.uk Visit: www.keolis.co.uk 69

Holding Companies

MTR Corporation MTR Corporation was established in 1975 with a mission to construct and operate an urban metro system for Hong Kong. Today, MTR is regarded as one of the world’s leading railways for safety, reliability, customer service and cost efficiency


n June 2000, it was re-established as MTR Corporation Limited and was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in October 2000. In December 2007, the operations of the government-owned rail operator, the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, were merged into MTR. The merged rail network comprises nine commuter railway lines, a light rail network and a highspeed airport express link with an average weekday ridership of more than 5.6 million passengers in Hong Kong. Globally, MTR delivers services for over 13 million people each day, more than 4.7 billion journeys every year.

United Kingdom In the UK, MTR has been connecting people and communities for almost 15 years and has an established track record of excellence. It operated the London Overground in partnership with Arriva for ten years, and currently operates TfL Rail services on behalf of Transport for London and South Western Railway in partnership with FirstGroup. Its track record on the London Overground and TfL Rail are particularly well known within the UK’s rail industry, with the company twice winning both the National Rail Awards’ Passenger of the Year Award and London Transport Awards’ Rail Operator of the Year.


CONTACT INFORMATION Address: MTR Corporation Limited, Third floor, 123 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5EA Visit: www.mtreurope.com

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Holding Companies

Serco Serco has global expertise in the design, setting up, operation, and maintenance of heavy rail, metro and light rail operations across the globe – from the turnkey operation of the Dubai Tram to redefining a luxury experience on the Scottish Caledonian Sleeper

Caledonian Sleeper Serco began operating Caledonian Sleeper in April 2015 after it was selected by Transport Scotland to manage the new 15- year franchise back in May 2014. Total revenue to Serco over the franchise period is estimated at up to £800 million, of which approximately £180 million will be in the form of franchise payments. In 2019, Caledonian Sleeper’s service was transformed when it debuted 75 new carriages across its Highlander and Lowlander routes – delivering on a commitment made when the contract was won. The fleet, built at a cost of £150 million, has been part funded by capital grants from Scottish Ministers and from the UK Government. Merseyrail Merseyrail is a 50/50 JV between Serco and Abellio. Serco have redesigned the model of delivering a city region wide rail transit system through a model of operational excellence by focussing on delivering high levels of predictability, reliability, punctuality, trust, safety and customer service. All of which has led to Merseyrail

consistently being at or around the top of the league on customer satisfaction and operational performance. Serco Rail Technical Services SRTS is part of Serco’s Transport business, which operates various transport services around the world (primarily rail but also air, sea and road related). A specialist provider of Rolling Stock Testing & Commissioning (T&C) and technical assurance services, it is uniquely placed to provide a deep technical and practical insight into GB railway operations. Today it has over 50 years’ experience across a broad range of rolling stock and infrastructure technical services through the rolling stock development lifecycle. SRTS provides engineers at client depots and routes across the GB rail network. SRTS works closely with train manufacturers to successfully deliver extensive and complex rolling stock testing programmes at sites and other worldwide test tracks and depots. In 2021, SRTS completed the delivery of a contract for Network Rail, to undertake a programme of validation testing on the newly electrified section of the

Midland Mainline from Bedford to Corby. Electrification of the route was completed in August 2020, with testing concluding in March 2021. SRTS engineers delivered and fitted instrumentation to three East Midland Railway (EMR) operated, Siemens-built Class 360 units equipped with Brecknell Willis HPS MkII pantographs. This allowed for real-time monitoring of the contact force at the pantograph-Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) interface as the units travelled over the whole route. The SRTS engineers worked as an integrated team with NR, EMR and Siemens to a very tight schedule, to undertake collection, collation, and analysis of on-track test data to support system and construction validation of the newly installed OLE. This work is the latest project between SRTS and Network Rail for electrification validation testing across the UK, including Gospel Oak to Barking (GOBE) in London, the Edinburgh to Glasgow Improvement Programme (EGIP) and the Stirling, Dunblane and Alloa Improvement Programme (SDAIP).

KEY PERSONNEL Chairman: Sir Roy Gardner Group Chief Executive Officer: Rupert Soames OBE Chief Executive Officer, Serco UK and Europe: Mark Irwin Group Chief Financial Officer: Nigel Crossley Managing Director, Transport for the UK & Europe: John Whitehurst Group Human Resources Director: Anthony Kirby

MML Testing Job Image credit: Serco

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Serco House, 16 Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9XB Tel: 01256 745900 Email: generalenquiries@serco.com Visit: www.serco.com 71

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Passenger Operators

Avanti West Coast Avanti West Coast is one part of the West Coast Partnership, a joint venture between FirstGroup and Trenitalia, and operates the 400-mile long west coast route that serves cities including Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and London, as well as Scotland and North Wales


nder the West Coast Partnership, which celebrated its first anniversary in December 2020, First Trenitalia is committed to delivering a range of passenger enhancements for InterCity West Coast services including new and upgraded trains, simplified fares, more destinations and improved onboard experience. The programme will transform all 56 of Avanti West Coast’s Pendolinos which have served routes between London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, and Edinburgh for close to 20 years and the upgrade will return the whole Pendolino fleet to an ‘as new’ condition. Rail manufacturer Alstom will oversee the refurbishment at their new depot in Widnes in the North West securing 100 skilled jobs. The first train, set number 390125, is due to have re-entered service by late 2021. The upgrade programme will run until February 2024 when the last of the 56 strong fleet is expected to leave Widnes. UK suppliers will benefit from 80 per cent of the £117 million investment, which is financed by Angel Trains, one of the UK’s leading train Asset Management companies.

High-Speed Rail West Coast Partnership will invest £1 million plus as part of the University of Leeds’s plans for The Institute for High Speed Rail and System Integration. The research tie-in will help deliver a UK centre of excellence for rail engineering in the Leeds City Region and is intended to drive improved customer experience and operation of HS2. When fully operational, the Institute will be capable of simulating the conditions found on busy rail networks, the findings of which will play a key part in the shaping of HS2 services. In the community Avanti West Coast has launched a new fund to encourage ideas to improve stations and local communities along its route. The Customer and Communities Investment Scheme (CCIS) encourages applications from projects that address regeneration challenges and tackle social needs across the regions served by Avanti West Coast. The money will be awarded to the successful bidders over a two-year period. This latest investment by the inter-city operator is part of its focus on helping others with community and charitable initiatives.

There are three phases of the CCIS, which spans five years and is set to provide a total of £5.5 million in funding. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Phil Whittingham Exec Director, Finance: Mark Whitehouse Exec Director, Commercial: Sarah Copley Exec Director, Operations & Safety: Gus Dunster Exec Director, People: Pauline Whitehead Exec Director, Customer Experience: Natasha Grice Exec Director, Projects: Michael Weston Exec Director, Technology: Rob Tyler Partnership and Strategy Director: Richard Scott Employee Director: Elizabeth Power CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4DN Customer Support Phone: 0345 528 0253 Email: customer.resolutions@ avantiwestcoast.co.uk Visit: www.avantiwestcoast.co.uk

Avanti West Coast Pendolino Image credit: Avanti West Coast


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Passenger Operators

Blackpool Tramway Home to mainland Britain’s first electric tramway, the Blackpool Tramway is the last surviving first-generation tramway in the UK


he oldest part of the tramway, along Blackpool Promenade, was opened on 29 September, 1885, originally using conduit collection. The electric supply was converted to overhead power four years later. Over 130 years later and 2017 was a redletter year for the Tramway as September saw the eightieth anniversary of the Brush Car tram and in October a collection of illuminated heritage trams paraded along the promenade for the first time in the tramway’s history. Modernisation Over five million passengers rode the Tramway in 2016 and in 2012 it underwent renewal efforts which saw modern light rail trams operating along the eleven miles of coastline. The £100 million redevelopment was completed in April 2012 and involved the relaying of track and the building of a new depot. Other upgrades included a brand new fleet of Bombardier trams that have reduced journey times by up to 15 minutes. Bombardier’s trams have level boarding and step-free interiors as well as designated disabled/pushchair areas. The vehicles are 32 metres long, split into five sections and can accommodate up to 222 passengers.

and low fares, in 2022, the Tramway extension is set to complete which will provide an integrated train, tram and bus network for Blackpool. New upgrades The improvements previously made to the tramway received such a positive response from the public that at the end of 2018 Blackpool Transport alongside Blackpool Council began further upgrades. The existing tramway service operates between Starr Gate and Fleetwood Ferry from approximately 05.30am until 11.30pm, with a peak service every ten minutes. The tramway extension will leave the existing route at North Pier, via a two-way double track junction. The route will cross the Promenade highway and enter Talbot Square, which is being remodelled to provide segregation of trams and highway traffic. The existing pedestrian signals on the Promenade will be replaced by a signalled intersection. A new eastbound tram stop

is to be located in Talbot Square, to allow interchanges with the existing North Pier tram stops. Beyond Talbot Square, a double track alignment continues eastwards in the centre of the highway.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Jane Cole Finance Director: James Carney Director of People & Stakeholders: Sally Shaw

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: C/O Blackpool Transport Services Limited, Rigby Road, Blackpool FY1 5DD Tel: 01253 473001 Email: enquiries@blackpooltransport.com Visit: www.blackpooltransport.com

Heritage Heritage Blackpool is unique to the UK as it has the freedom to operate unmodified vintage trams throughout the year under its heritage brand, Blackpool Heritage Tram Tours. The Heritage Tram Tours have gone from strength-to-strength since 2014 and is a fine example of modern day voluntary working, with up to ninety per cent of its workforce being volunteers. There are twelve different types of car that have been used on the tramway over its 133year lifespan, with some travelling around the world, like the iconic Boat car which was used in the USA during the 1970s. Global Light Rail Awards The Blackpool Tramway won the award for the Most Improved System in 2020/21. Blackpool Trams saw a resurgence in customer numbers after the Blackpool staycation boom brought about by travel restrictions in the wake of the Covid lockdown. Coupled with seamless ticketing

Image credit: Light Rail Awards


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Passenger Operators

c2c c2c operates services between Fenchurch Street and Shoeburyness, serving 26 stations in East London and South Essex


uilt and operated by the London Tilbury & Southend Railway in the 1850s, the current c2c rail service has operated under a number of different names and ownership during its 160 year lifespan. The line was once known as the Seaside line until spending a few unfortunate years nicknamed the ‘Misery Line’ in the 1990s after privatisation, with fifty years of nationalisation in between. Trenitalia paid £72.6 million for c2c after being awarded a PreQualification Questionnaire Passport enabling it to bid for franchises without needing to resubmit corporate data.

Fenchurch Street

Route Map







West Ham






4 Barking


4 Upminster

Step free access on the London bound platform only



Zone 1–6 Travelcard and Oyster PAYG Validity Area

Liverpool Street


Tower Hill 150m Tower Gateway 200m Tower Millennium Pier 644m

Jubilee DLR


2 Dagenham Dock Step free access Grays bound platform only

2 Purfleet

Zone 1–6 Travelcard and Oyster PAYG Validity Area

Chafford Hundred

2 2

Extended Oyster PAYG Validity Area

2 Ockendon

2 Grays

Extended Oyster PAYG Validity Area

Step free access by arrangement

2 West Horndon

2 Tilbury Town

Step free access on Southend bound platform only

4 Laindon 2 East Tilbury 4 Basildon 2 Stanford-le-Hope


2 Pitsea


4 Benfleet

2 4 Leigh-on-Sea 21st century service c2c currently serves 26 Key 2 4 Chalkwell stations on the London, Tilbury and Southend 2 4 Westcliff Railway line from London Fenchurch Street to the 2 4 Southend Central northern Thames Gateway area of southern Essex 4 Southend East Connections with including Grays, Leigh-on-Sea 4 Thorpe Bay and Southend-on-Sea. The main route from Fenchurch 4 Shoeburyness Street to Shoeburyness is 63 kilometres with a fastest journey time of 58 minutes. Image credit: c2c As c2c is mainly a London commuter railway and the typical journey is between 40 and 80 Record breaking minutes, it does not offer First Class seating. c2c holds both UK records for the Its Class 357s have standard high density punctuality of its train service: for annual ‘3 + 2’ seating to meet high demand at peak punctuality, at 97.5 per cent; and for times, however 17 trains were converted into punctuality over a four-week period, at 98.8 a metro style with ‘two and two’ seating and per cent (set in August 2010). grab handles. c2c has also led the rail industry in being London Underground’s District line the first company to introduce customer connects with c2c indirectly at Tower Hill friendly new products such as Automatic (for Fenchurch Street) and directly at West Delay Repay for customers whose journeys Ham, Barking and Upminster. Tickets are are delayed, Flexi-Season tickets for partfully interchangeable between the two time workers, and Personal Punctuality operators. There are also interchanges at Reports which allow customers to track Limehouse and West Ham with Docklands exactly how punctual the trains that they Light Railway and at Barking and Upminster were on have been. with London Overground. During 2016 the number of c2c passenger Limited Service Grays Service

Southend Central via Grays Service


Shoeburyness via Southend and Basildon Service Number of Off-Peak Trains Per Hour More services run during peak hours from selected stations Step Free Access – (Street to Platform)

Step free access on London bound platform only

London Underground


London Overground




National Rail

No step free connection between platform

journeys rose by eight per cent, boosted especially by the opening of the DLR station at West Ham in 2011 and the rise of Canary Wharf as a financial centre. In January 2020 research by independent passenger watchdog Transport Focus today concluded 87 per cent of c2c passengers were satisfied with the punctuality of c2c’s service. Technology The c2c app called c2c Live provides a one-stop-shop for c2c passengers with everything from personalised journey information to buying tickets, and even paying for car parking. Developed with IBM, this is the first app made by a UK rail company to include nationwide door-to-door public transport journey planning, enabling users to plan a route for any journey anywhere in the UK. Other developments include the new c2c Smart card which allows c2c season ticket holders to switch from paper tickets to an Oyster-style tap-and-go smartcard ticket they can use anywhere on the c2c route.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Julian Drury Engineering Director: Duncan Wilkins Delivery Director: Laura McEwen Finance Director: Dr Robert Taylor Commercial Director: Clare McCaffrey Business Change Director: Marc Sellis HR Director: Donna Thorpe

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 2nd Floor, Cutlers Court, 115 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7BR Tel: 0345 744 4422 Email: contact@c2crail.co.uk Visit: www.c2c-online.co.uk 77



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Passenger Operators

Caledonian Sleeper Since Serco took over the Caledonian Sleeper franchise in 2015, the overnight service between London and Scotland has gone from strength to strength


aledonian Sleeper runs on two routes – the Lowlander and the Highlander. The Lowlander route connects Scotland’s two biggest cities, Glasgow and Edinburgh, with the capital of the UK while the Highlander connects London with Aberdeen, Fort William and Inverness. Services run in both directions six nights a week, with the trains calling at dozens of other stations along the way.

trains – 75 carriages debuting across the Lowland and Highland routes. The fleet, built at a cost of £150 million, has been part funded by capital grants from Scottish Ministers and from the UK government. Designed to accommodate the modern-day traveller, the new trains offer accommodation ranging from completely new comfort seats for the budget traveller to rooms with double beds and en-suites – for the first time in the history of Caledonian Sleeper. Upgrades and investment Accommodation includes: In 2019, the service took a giant leap • Completely new redesigned comfort seats forward with the introduction of its new with personal locker, reading light and charging point. • Classic Rooms (solo or shared use Route Map with an option of interconnecting rooms, toiletries Stations included). Fort William Inverness Aberdeen • Club Rooms Spean Bridge Carrbridge Stonehaven Roy Bridge Aviemore Montrose (solo or shared Tulloch Kingussie Arbroath Corrour Newtonmore Carnoustie use with en-suite, Rannoch Dalwhinnie Dundee station lounge Bridge of Orchy Blair Atholl Leuchars (for St Andrews) Upper Tyndrum Pitlochry Kirkcaldy access, breakfast, Crianlarich Dunkeld & Birnam Inverkeithing Ardlui Perth luxury toiletries Arrochar & Tarbet Gleneagles included). Garelochhead Dunblane Helensburgh Upper Stirling • Caledonian Dumbarton Central Falkirk Grahamston Dalmuir Double (double Glasgow Queen Street bed with en-suite, Inverness station lounge Aberdeen access, breakfast, luxury toiletries Fort William included). Dundee • Accessible Edinburgh Glasgow Rooms (double Motherwell or twin, toiletries Carstairs included Carlisle and directly adjacent to accessible toilet). Preston Crewe

Watford Junction

Image credit: Caledonian Sleeper

London Euston

Other new features are included on the new trains, such as a hotel-style keycard entry system, charging panels and WiFi throughout the train. Commenting on the launch, Ryan Flaherty, Serco’s

Managing Director for Caledonian Sleeper, said: ‘Our new trains have been years in the making and to see them make their debut is a huge moment for everyone involved in making this dream a reality. The overriding ambition has been to deliver on our vision of a Caledonian Sleeper service fit for today’s traveller, one that combines the modern facilities people expect with that feeling of nostalgia that comes from long-distance railway travel. We want guests to have a magical journey with us, whether they are travelling for business or for pleasure.’ Global appeal In 2015, the sleeper train service was named as one of Lonely Planet’s Super Sleeper Journeys and in 2014 it was named one of the best six railway adventures in the world by Travel magazine. Both singled out the Highland route to Fort William, known as The Deerstalker, as ‘one of the world’s most unforgettable train adventures’ and that it ‘isn’t a train ride, it’s an escape’. More recently, in 2019 Caledonian Sleeper was ranked in Lonely Planet’s Ultimate United Kingdom Travelist which ranks the 500 greatest experiences across Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. Accessibility Caledonian Sleeper has worked to ensure the best possible experience for guests with access needs. With a new range of accessible accommodation, the service is committed to ensuring accessible guests have the space they need to travel comfortably and safely between London and Scotland.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Ryan Flaherty Operations Director: Magnus Conn Guest Experience Director: Graham Kelly Finance Director: Chris Gemmell

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1-5 Union Street, Inverness IV1 1PP Tel: 0330 060 0500 Email: enquiry@sleeper.scot Visit: www.sleeper.scot 79

Passenger Operators

Chiltern Railways Chiltern Railways began the franchise in 1996 following privatisation. The TOC is owned by Deutsche Bahn and is part of Arriva


t the end of 2017 passenger and freight train companies, Network Rail and their suppliers, launched a ‘single plan’ for Britain’s railway. Dave Penney, Managing Director of Chiltern Railways, said at the time: ‘Over the next 18 months alone, our investment plans will mean more trains, running more punctually, with value-for money tickets that are easier to buy and use, and better information at people’s fingertips when things do go wrong.’ Late night trains A new Winter/Spring timetable came into effect on Sunday, 10 December 2017. Chiltern Railways put on more services and provided more seats over the festive period between Oxford, Bicester and London from December. Website and app Chiltern Railway’s new website has introduced several new features including a cheapest fare indicator and the ability to book season tickets, business upgrades and passengers assistance on a mobile. A new app was launched at the start of 2018. Rolling stock Chiltern Railways also determined that additional DMU vehicles would be needed to account for the planned network growth. In 2015, it took nine Class 170 units on lease following the expiry of the contract between First TransPennine Express and the trains’ owners, Porterbrook. These units were cascaded to Chiltern on a phased approach and were converted into a Class 168 unit configuration to ensure full compatibility and integration with the other Chiltern DMU units. All nine units are now in passenger service bringing additional capacity to the fleet. Technology In 2017 Chiltern trialled a ‘hands-free’ fares system for twelve months, part funded by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). New technology will identify devices in travellers’ pockets or bags using Bluetooth signals and deduct fares when they finish their journey, removing the need to purchase a ticket. The trial will involve around fifty passengers between five stations: Oxford Parkway, Islip, Bicester Village, Bicester North and London Marylebone. Chiltern is 80

Image credit: Magtec

also working on providing passengers with continuous Wi-Fi through a partnership with EE, the biggest, fastest and most reliable network in the UK. Arriva will use a planned, innovative project with EE as a test bed for possible rollout across other franchises including the new Northern Rail franchise. The partnership will involve EE adding extra network capacity and coverage through a wireless trackside network, making ‘no WiFi bars’ onboard a thing of the past – even through tunnels. Decarbonising Chiltern Railways has been awarded a new contract which includes commitments to continue working towards decarbonising and modernising its fleet. Chiltern is working with Magtec on the Hybrid DMU project with Angel Trains, Britain’s leading train asset management company. The £4 milion Class 165 Hybrid DMU project aims to reduce carbon and gaseous emissions, whilst addressing local air quality and noise pollution issues. The Hybrid DMU train’s electric drive offers improved acceleration compared to its diesel-only counterparts, potentially reducing journey times for passengers. Its smart drive system is able to detect proximity to stations or depots, switching to battery power to cut emissions

and noise in populated areas. Magtec’s new range-extender generators charge the traction battery and deliver power to the traction motor. They are smaller and more efficient than existing diesel engines and comply with the latest emissions standards. The battery is also recharged by the train’s regenerative braking system, increasing overall efficiency and further reducing emissions.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Richard Allan Commercial & Customer Strategy Director: Eleni Jordan Engineering and Safety Director: Ian Hyde Operations Director: Mark Goodall HR Director: Maria Zywica Finance Director: Richard Johnson

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Banbury ICC, Merton Street, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 4RN Tel: 0345 600 5165 Email: customer.service@ chilternrailways.co.uk Visit: www.chilternrailways.co.uk

Passenger Operators

CrossCountry Since 2007 CrossCountry has provided passenger services to more parts of Great Britain than any other train operator, including operating the country’s longest passenger service from Aberdeen to Penzance


rossCountry operates five High Speed Trains, 58 Voyager trains and 29 Turbostar trains. The Voyagers, built by Bombardier and maintained at their purpose built facility in Staffordshire, are formed of four or five coaches and sometimes couple together to provide longer trains. These trains are the backbone of CrossCountry’s North-South long-distance services. The High Speed Trains are formed of seven coaches and operate services on the Anglo-Scottish route via the East Coast and maintained by GWR at Laira Depot in Devon. All five have been updated to modern specifications for accessibility including powered external doors and controlled emission toilets. The addition of two additional HST power cars in December 2020 increased the availability of the fleet, replacing some Voyagers to allow more services to be operated as double-sets for extra capacity at the busiest times. The Turbostars are formed of two or three coaches, operating in single or multiple formations dependent upon demand. They operate between Cardiff and Nottingham, and Birmingham, Leicester, Cambridge and Stansted Airport. These are maintained by West Midlands Trains at Tyseley Depot in the West Midlands. The addition of six carriages in May 2021 allowed greater capacity on many services in the East and West Midlands. Promoting safety

In 2020 CrossCountry completed its three year partnership with UK Scouts, promoting the importance of awareness and personal safety amongst younger generations when on or near the railway.

During the partnership over 34,000 Personal Safety Scouting badges were awarded and the scheme was recognised for its achievements in several awards by rail industry and external organisations, including the International CSR Excellence and Peer Awards, against strong competition from some of the largest UK and European brands and businesses. Supporting the regions CrossCountry continues its commitment to delivering actions that benefit the customers and communities that it serves. In 2020 it established a new regionalised management structure, with directors and teams responsible for making its products and services more relevant to customers and local stakeholders. A partnership with the Newcastle College Rail Academy continues to support educating the students, by promoting the diverse and widespread careers across the rail sector. Through this partnership CrossCountry has donated over £50,000 worth of IT equipment as well as being a key contributor to events helping students to get a better overview of the industry. CrossCountry also supports many Community Rail Partners along its network, working on a variety of activities to strengthen their work bridging the gaps between rail and the wider community. This has included supporting award-winning collaborative projects such as ‘Dwell Time’ focused on raising awareness of mental wellbeing, featuring art, poetry and writing along the Penistone Line as well as nationally and even internationally. CrossCountry has helped fund transformative regeneration projects such as the ‘Whistlestop café’ in partnership with the Derwent Valley CRP, transforming old and unused heritage station buildings into enterprising and useful spaces, and other projects to establish tourist information hubs and support local community food banks. National Railway Museum Partnership In 2021, CrossCountry renewed its corporate partnership with the National Railway Museum. The partnership provides opportunities to work together towards the museum’s Vision 2025, to capture the hearts and minds of the next generation of engineers, innovators and thinkers. The National Railway Museum is committed

to highlighting the work of today’s railway network, as seen in the recent Railway Heroes exhibition showcasing railway workers who gave back to their communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Vision 2025 is a six-year journey to transform the National Railway Museum, York, and Locomotion in Shildon into the ‘World’s Railway Museum’ by becoming a global engineering powerhouse and a space to celebrate the past, present and future of railway. Judith McNicol, Director of the National Railway Museum, said: ‘I am thrilled that CrossCountry has committed to supporting the National Railway Museum once again. The support of our partners will allow us to achieve our aspiration to become the World’s Railway Museum through the transformational Vision 2025 masterplan.’ Anna Weeks, North East & Scotland Regional Director at CrossCountry Trains said: ‘We are delighted to be renewing our partnership with the National Railway Museum to show our support towards Vision 2025 and help inspire the engineers and railway employees of the future.’

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Tom Joyner Commercial Director: Ben Simkin Human Resources Director: Karen Doores Finance Director: Gillian Ingham Network Services Director: Lee Paxton Regional Director, North East & Scotland: Anne Weeks Regional Director, Midlands & North West: John Robson Regional Director, East Midlands & East Anglia: Richard Morris Regional Director, West & Wales: Sarah Kelley

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 5th Floor, Cannon House, 18 The Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 6BS Tel: 0344 736 9123 Email: info@crosscountrytrains.co.uk Visit: www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk 81

Passenger Operators

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Passenger Operators

Edinburgh Trams Edinburgh Trams began operating in May 2014, achieving profitability in 2016 which was a full two years ahead of schedule


uring its first year of service the network carried nearly five million passengers – more than 360,000 ahead of its prelaunch target. This had grown to almost 5.5 million by its second year which contributed to the TOC making a profit so soon. Edinburgh Trams’ 8.7 mile network has 16 stops that stretch from Edinburgh Airport in the west to York Place in the east.

Five year anniversary Five years in and residents have embraced Edinburgh’s new transport kid with a steady growth in users totalling 27.7 million customer journeys since 2015. Year-on-year they have reported increasing patronage, with a total growth of 40 per cent between

Ticketing Regular users of trams and buses in the city can use the Ridacard, which gives the best value travel whenever it’s used. Fully contactless, one-week, four-week and annual tickets can be stored on Image credit: Edinburgh Trams the card, with the latter two offering savings on the weekly rate. Passengers are also able to use their 2015 and 2018. In 2018, carrying 7.3 million smartphones for travel by using Edinburgh people to work, college, on much-needed Trams’ free app. It provides users with live holidays or just to enjoy all the capital has information on the quickest way to reach to offer. their destination and enables m-tickets to be Keeping up with demand, Edinburgh downloaded and activated as needed. Trams strove to improve the existing A new feature was added to the app timetable and soon increased services by in November 2015 that for the first time 23 per cent offering more trams and more allowed users to ‘share’ tickets, so tickets seats, and reducing the travel time between can be sent through the smartphone’s native Edinburgh Airport and the City Centre to sharing technology such as Bluetooth, less than 30 minutes. As a result, there has AirDrop, e-mail, social media or text. been significant growth in those choosing Edinburgh Trams, and its sister company Edinburgh Trams to travel to and from Lothian Buses, also partnered with Google airport, with these journeys increasing Maps from the beginning of 2016 to provide by 56 per cent between 2015 and 2018. real-time travel information. The look of the trams have changed in the last five years and it’s not unexpected to Technical Innovation see a clown’s face or an octopus holding Edinburgh Trams has been Highly Christmas presents gliding along Princes Commended for the launch of an innovative Street. In 2017 the City of Edinburgh safety tool at 2021’s Global Light Rail Council transferred the advertising rights Awards. A joint submission by Edinburgh to Transport for Edinburgh and Edinburgh Trams and sector body UKTram was Trams, and the first commercial agreement shortlisted thanks to the development of took place with CR Smith who had 18 trams a website portal and associated app which within the fleet branded with various scenes allows contractors to apply for permission to from across Scotland. 2018 saw Edinburgh work near the tramway. The website, known Trams advertising at full occupancy thanks as PERMIT+, gives Engineers the ability to to new partnerships with Diageo, Parabola, review the status of all applications as well as Aberdeen Standard Investments, Qatar ongoing engineering works. Airlines and others as well as small-to-

medium local businesses and complimentary advertising for local charities. Not one to rest on their success Edinburgh Trams have continued to push the boundaries on industry norms by being the first UK system to allow bikes on board, supporting the city’s desire for integrated

transport and active travel. Making the system truly accessible, Edinburgh Trams permitted mobility scooters on board, allowing those who need that bit more support able to travel safely and confidently. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Lea Harrison Chairman: Charlene Wallace Chief Executive – Transport for Edinburgh: George Lowder Operations Manager: Sarah Singh Engineering Manager: Colin Kerr Customer Experience Manager: Dean Anderson Finance Manager: Tom Neil Safety & Standards Manager: Michael Powell HR Manager: Sue Bucher

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1 Myreton Drive, Edinburgh EH12 9GF Tel: 0131 338 5780 Email: customer@edinburghtrams.com Visit: www.edinburghtrams.com 83


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Passenger Operators

Elizabeth Line

Image credit: Transport for London

The Elizabeth Line will stretch more than 60 miles from Reading and Heathrow in the west through central tunnels across London to Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east


enamed and rebranded as the Elizabeth line in 2016, the first new Class 345 trains entered passenger service in June 2017 between Liverpool Street and Shenfield. But that was only phase one. The trains will be rolled out over five phases, phase two saw TfL running trains from Heathrow and Hayes & Harlington to Paddington in May 2018. All of these services will run in anticipation of the opening of the Elizabeth line through central London as soon as practically possible – which is phase three. When the central section opens trains will run from Paddington to Abbey Wood before full through services, including journeys to Heathrow Terminal 5 launching as soon as possible after this. When it reaches full service, the Elizabeth line will be over 60 miles long, linking Reading in the west to Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east. More stations Ten new stations are being built to complement the 31 existing stations that have been redeveloped to allow for the increased traffic the new line will bring. New stations have been built at Paddington, Tottenham Court Road, Whitechapel and Canary Wharf amongst others. The line is split between above ground and underground tracks, with 13 miles of twinbore tunnels having been dug under London. The existing Network Rail stations in outer London, Berkshire and Essex will

have been upgraded and connected to the newly built tracks. In total, there are fifteen existing London Underground, London Overground and DLR stations that will be serviced by the Elizabeth line. Accessibility Lifts will also have been installed at every Elizabeth line station to ensure stepfree access from the street all the way to the platform. The enhancements to the older stations have included improving accessibility at the ticket office windows and wider entrances to ticket halls. Better trains The new trains are 200 metres long and can carry up to 1,500 people. The trains will use up to 30 per cent less energy by tapping into the electricity produced whilst braking and then pumping that back into the power supply, just like a Formula One car. The trains have three double doors per side which open onto a clear area which allows for easier access to the metro-style and bay seating within. Other features include multiple wheelchair dedicated areas and mixed-use seating that can be flipped up to accommodate wheelchairs. Manufactured by Bombardier Transportation, the Elizabeth line will operate seventy of the EMUs (electric multiple units) and carry half a million people across London every single day.

Shorter journeys The Elizabeth line will be fully integrated into the existing London transport network, reducing travel times across the board. Londoners will see their commuting times tumble as Canary Warf to Liverpool Street, a trip which used to take 21 minutes, will take just six minutes. Other journeys like Paddington from Tottenham Court Road will take just four minutes, compared to twenty minutes currently. British companies won 96 per cent of the contracts for the project. The Elizabeth line, which was originally called Crossrail, is managed by TfL. Crossrail Limited is constructing the new railway and the project is jointly sponsored by the Department for Transport and TfL.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director for MTR Elizabeth Line: Steve Murphy Operations Director for the Elizabeth Line (TfL): Howard Smith

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ Tel: 0343 222 0000 Email: Contact via website Visit: www.tfl.gov.uk/elizabeth-line 85

Passenger Operators

Enterprise Enterprise is the cross-border intercity train service between Dublin Connolly in the Republic of Ireland and Belfast Central in Northern Ireland



Strategic Development Plan Enterprise put out a document titled the ‘Strategic Development Plan’ in June 2018, detailing the projected population growth along the Dublin-Belfast corridor and how both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland plan to develop the railway. The three initiatives laid out in the plan are: • Introduction of an hourly service frequency between the two cities. • Infrastructure enhancements to improve journey times and connections. • Electrification through investment in infrastructure and rolling stock. The long-term goal of electrification set out in the plan recommends replacing the existing rolling stock with electrically powered units by 2035. A new fleet of nine train sets would be required to permit an hourly service, which could come by 2024.


Image credit: Enterprise


ointly operated by Iarnród Éireann (IE) and NI Railways (NIR) Enterprise operates on the Belfast to Dublin line. The Great Northern Railway (Ireland) (GNR(I)) introduced the service as the ‘Enterprise Express’ in August 1947 in an attempt to compete with air travel which was challenging the railways as Swissair and Pan Am both began using Shannon Airport as a stop-off on transatlantic flights in the Spring of that year. The initial service ran between Belfast Great Victoria Street station and Dublin Amiens Street station, which was renamed Dublin Connolly in 1966. Customs checks were limited to the Belfast and Dublin terminals to reduce journey times by ensuring that journeys were non-stop. In October 1950 the service was extended beyond Dublin to Cork. This proved unsuccessful and ceased in September 1953 when the governments of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland nationalised the GNR as the Great Northern Railway Board (GNRB). In October 1958 the GNRB was dissolved and its assets and liabilities were split between Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) and the Ulster Transport Authority (UTA) – the predecessors of Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) and Northern Ireland Railways (NIR) respectively. Following the completion of the Belfast Central Line Project, the Belfast terminal moved to Belfast Central station in 1976. The service was upgraded in September 1997 with a new timetable and new coaching stock from French train makers De Dietrich Ferroviaire (now Alstom DDF). At this point the service, which had operated under either the IÉ or NIR brands, was branded separately as Enterprise. The service has suffered disruption, particularly during the Troubles, when it was regularly halted by bomb threats. Since the Northern Ireland peace process, however, such disruption has diminished. Renewed investment in recent years has seen the line upgraded to continuously welded track capable of ninety mph running along the southern part of the route, as part of Iarnród Éireann’s rail network upgrades.

The Northern Ireland section of the line was also upgraded to run at speeds of ninety mph on many sections of the line. The Enterprise brand aims to be politically neutral, there are no Irish Rail or NI Railways logos inside or outside the train, only Enterprise specific branding, all announcements are made in English and not in Irish, and purchases are dual priced in Pounds Sterling as well as in Euros. Operating eight services in each direction, Monday to Saturday and five journeys in each direction on Sundays, the journey takes just over two hours. If an Enterprise set is unavailable, either a NIR or an IÉ set can be used. Both NIR and IÉ have equipped a number of their DMUs to each other’s specifications so they may be used in the event of a breakdown.

KEY PERSONNEL CEO: Jim Meade Director Infrastructure Manager: Don Cunningham Chief Financial Officer: Aidan Cronin Director Human Resources: Ciaran Masterson Commercial Director: Gerry Culligan

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Enterprise c/o Iarnród Éireann HQ, Connolly Station, Amien Street, Dublin 1, D01 V6V6 Eire Tel: +353 1 836 6222 Email: info@irishrail.ie Visit: www.irishrail.ie/Enterprise

Passenger Operators

Eurostar Eurostar is a high-speed train that directly links the UK to France and Belgium via the Channel Tunnel, taking travellers from city to city


ince 1994, Eurostar has more than doubled the total number of passengers travelling (whether by air or train) between London and Paris and Brussels. On 31 December 2009, Eurostar (U.K.) Ltd changed its name to Eurostar International Ltd and on 1 September 2010, it became one unified business owned by three shareholders: SNCF (55 per cent), SNCB (five per cent) and LCR (40 per cent). LCR’s holding was transferred to the Treasury in June 2014. In May 2015, the UK government completed the sale of its 40 per cent share to a consortium made up of two companies: Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec (CDPQ) and Hermes Infrastructure. In 2019 the shareholders of Eurostar announced the launch of the Green Speed project and their ambition to bring together Eurostar and Thalys, the French-Belgian high speed rail operator, to create one unified European high speed rail company.

from London to Paris has been slashed from three hours to two hours and 15 minutes and passenger numbers have grown from just under three million in the first full year of service to eleven million in 2018. The Channel Tunnel It took just under six years and 13,000 workers to build the Channel Tunnel. The total cost came at an eye-watering £4.65 billion which would be the equivalent of £12 billion in today’s money. The Channel Tunnel runs between Calais in northern France and Folkestone in south Kent. The Channel Tunnel is made of three separate tunnels running parallel to each other. One train tunnel running south (UK to France), one train tunnel running north (France to UK) and one service tunnel. The Channel Tunnel is 31.5 miles long, 23.5 miles of which is under the English Channel, making it the world’s longest undersea tunnel.

Passenger traffic In 2019 overall passenger numbers on Eurostar increased by 1.7 per cent (11.1 million 2019: eleven million 2018), sales revenues were slightly lower (£987 million 2019: £989 million 2018) impacted by industrial action in France during the year. The preliminary unaudited operating profit for 2019 was £92 million. Leisure traffic that year was boosted by the success of Eurostar’s new service between London and Amsterdam. The high-speed rail link between London and the Netherlands, which marked its first anniversary in April 2019, saw over a quarter of a million passengers travelling since launch in April 2018. To meet consumer demand, Eurostar put tickets on sale for a third daily service starting in June 2019 and committed to introducing additional services as soon as the governments have put border controls in place for the Amsterdam-London leg of the journey. The London-Amsterdam service began operating full direct services both to and from the Netherlands on 26 October 2020.

Community and environment From the early days of operation, Eurostar has championed the environmental benefits of high-speed rail and encouraged the switch to sustainable modes of transport for short


























Le Mans


Belfort Basel












Liège Namur Charleroi






Rolling stock On 14 November 2019, Eurostar celebrated 25 years of service, during which time it has revolutionised cross-Channel travel. Since it began operating in 1994, the journey time




Dole Chalonssur-Saône


Le Creusot












Chamb éry Grenoble





Nice Aix-En-Provence




KEY PERSONNEL Chair: Dominique Reiniche Chief Executive Officer: Jacques Damas Chief Financial Officer: Darren Welsford Director of Communications: Mary Walsh Chief Operating Officer: Simon Lejeune Chief Customer Officer: Marc Noaro Strategy Director and Company Secretary: Gareth Williams Chief Information Officer: Laurent Bellan Business Optimisation Director: François Le Doze Customer Engagement Director: Richard Sherwood Customer Experience Director: Amber Kirby


La Rochelle Limoges

haul international travel, with a Eurostar journey emitting 80 per cent less carbon than the equivalent short-haul flight. The 17 new e320 trains carry 20 per cent more passengers, which is twice as many as a jumbo jet, and they are 17 per cent more efficient per seat than its original fleet. Eurostar is committed to giving young people opportunities and offers work experience and mentoring programmes aimed at providing a combination of advice, support and first-hand experience to help them gain skills. For those looking to start a career, there is a long established engineering apprenticeship programme, and a new customer service apprenticeship programme across its stations, its contact centre and onboard. Eurostar supports the communities in which it operates and has forged partnerships with organisations ranging from honey clubs, which produce honey for some of the deserts on board its trains, to local schools and Kent Walk to School, a scheme that takes more than 250,000 car journeys off Kent’s roads.




Cannes St Raphaël Toulon


Lourdes Perpignan

Continental high speed lines Non high speed lines

Image credit: Eurostar

Eurostar seasonal routes Channel tunnel

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Eurostar International Ltd, Times House, Bravingtons Walk, London N1 9AW Tel: 0343 218 6186 Email: traveller.care@eurostar.com Visit: www.eurostar.com 87

Passenger Operators

Gatwick Express Since 1984, Gatwick Express has operated as the only non-stop train service between central London and Gatwick Airport


atwick Express operates 160 services carrying around 13,000 travellers a day and covers around 1.6 million miles a year. Running between London Victoria station and Gatwick Airport, the airport train service departs every 15 minutes, enabling passengers to reach the airport, which is located directly beneath the train’s south terminal, in around 30 minutes. Plans were unveiled in December 2014 to redevelop Gatwick Airport train station, which is located in the heart of the South Terminal of Gatwick Airport, with Network Rail and Gatwick Airport both contributing £30 million, and the Government £50.5 million, to the £120.5 million upgrade. The upgrade will double the size of the station concourse through the construction of a new concourse above platforms 5, 6 and 7.


KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: Patrick Verwer Chief Operating Officer: Steve White Chief Financial Officer: Ian McLaren Engineering Director: Gerry McFadden Infrastructure Director: Keith Jipps Operations Planning Director: Scott Brightwell Business Improvement Director & Deputy COO: Alex Foulds Head of Safety: Mark Whitely Human Resources Director: Andy Bindon Acting Communications and Marketing Director: Myriam Walburger Passenger Service Director: Angie Doll

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1st Floor, Monument Place, 24 Monument Street, London EC3R 8AJ Tel: 0345 850 1530 Email: customerservices@ gatwickexpress.com Visit: www.gatwickexpress.com



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Passenger Operators

Glasgow Subway


he 15 stations of the Subway are distributed over a six mile circuit of the West End and City Centre of Glasgow, with eight stations to the North of the River Clyde and seven to the South. There are two lines: an outer circle running clockwise and an inner circle running anticlockwise. Upgrades The full-scale upgrade will ensure that the highest quality of service is delivered to the 40,000 passengers who use the Subway every day. The Glasgow Subway is 120-years old and is the third oldest underground system in the world behind London and Budapest. A £288 million funding package for the work is being supported by the Scottish Government and rebuilding work is happening right across the network. Modernisation In 2011/12, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) secured funding from the Scottish Government to fully upgrade and modernise the Subway. This included the refurbishment of all 15 stations, a strand of work which will is now expected to be completed in 2022. In 2013, SPT also introduced a new Smartcard ticketing system as part of the modernisation programme which has revolutionised ticketing options across all forms of transport in the region with train and bus operators all developing smart ticketing options. With more than 230,000 Subway Smartcards now in operation, SPT continues to work with transport operators and Transport Scotland to develop more

Image credit: Strathclyde Partnership for

The Glasgow Subway carries 13 million passengers each year, and is currently undergoing its biggest modernisation programme in more than 30 years

integrated ticketing opportunities across the region. In 2016, SPT announced a significant step forward in the modernisation programme with the award of contract for the new rolling stock, signalling and equipment to the Stadler Bussnang AG/Ansaldo STS (now Hitachi) Consortium. The contract worth £200 million will include the 17 new Subway trains which are of the same length and size as existing rolling stock but made up of four-car sets as opposed to the current three-car sets. They also feature open gangways to maximise the space available. The first of the new trains was on show at InnoTrans 2018, the international Trade Fair for transport technology in Berlin, by leading manufacturer Stadler. As well as the new trains, the Subway’s signalling equipment, control systems and control centre will all be replaced bringing improved availability and reliability to

passengers. The system will include new platform screen doors, which will be ‘half height’ to preserve as much space and openness within the stations as possible while still maintaining passenger safety and security. Once the new full system is in place – trains, signalling, operational control centre, platform screen doors – and has been fully tested, the Subway will move from its current partially automatic trains to Unattended Train Operations (UTO). Transport Focus survey The 2018 Transport Focus survey reported overall passenger satisfaction reached 97 per cent, whilst 95 per cent of surveyed passengers said that they were satisfied with the Subway’s level of punctuality. 80 per cent said that they were satisfied with the value for money the service provides.

KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive: Gordon Maclennan Assistant Chief Executive: Valerie Davidson Director of Subway: Antony Smith Director of Finance & HR: Neil Wylie

The Glasgow Subway train in Glasgow Image credit: Stadler Rail Service

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Broomloan Depot, Robert St, Lanarkshire, Glasgow G51 3HB Tel: 0141 332 6811 Email: enquiry@spt.co.uk Visit: www.spt.co.uk 89

Passenger Operators

Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) operates the Great Northern, Thameslink, Southern and Gatwick Express routes


TR is the largest and busiest single rail franchise in the UK: in terms of passenger numbers (around 25 per cent of all train passenger journeys), trains, revenue and staff (6,500 people employed). The franchise encompasses King’s Lynn in the north and Brighton in the south, serving London as well as several important regional centres including Cambridge, Luton, Peterborough, Portsmouth and Southampton. It also provides direct links to major airports (Gatwick and Luton) as well as St Pancras International. GTR will operate under its ERMA until the end of its contract term in March 2022, with the potential for a further extension. In January 2021, GTR joined enterprise technology network, swiftscale, for access to its global scaleup ecosystem – a network of


organisations offering innovative technology services to meet business challenges and opportunities. As part of swiftscale’s corporate partner network, GTR is joining other leading organisations including NatWest Group, Coca-Cola European Partners, the Ministry of Defence and Macquarie Group, advancing themselves through scaleup collaboration. Rolling stock GTR is currently carrying out a £55 million fleet modernisation programme on 270 trains. The trains form the UK’s biggest fleet of ‘Electrostars’, the most common type of electric-powered train built since rail privatisation in the 1990s. The Derbybuilt, air-conditioned trains have been very successful and GTR’s Electrostars have been in service for up to 20 years. The £55 million

programme is funded by Porterbrook, the train owner from whom GTR leases the fleets. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: Patrick Verwer Chief Operating Officer: Steve White Chief Financial Officer: Ian McLaren Managing Director – Southern and Gatwick Express: Angie Doll CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Go-Ahead Group plc, 4 Matthew Parker Street, Westminster, London SW1H 9NP Tel: 020 7799 8999 Email: communications@go-ahead.com Visit: www.go-ahead.com

Connect • Inform • Control » Passenger Information LiveCom

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rail@televic.com 90


Burnham Market


Gatwick Express




This is a general guide to the basic daily services. Not all trains stop at all stations on each coloured line, so please check the timetable.





King’s Lynn

Great Northern Southern




Other train operators may provide additional services along some of our routes.


Other train operators’ routes Bus links Limited service stations on our network

Downham Market Littleport Ely

to Yorkshire, the North East and Scotland

Interchange stations Interchange with London Underground Interchange with London Overground


Interchange with London Tramlink Interchange with Eurostar Interchange with other operators’ train services

to the West Midlands, North West and Scotland

Interchange with Airports Ferry service routes Hovercraft service routes

Cambridge North St. Ives


to the East Midlands and South Yorkshire




Leighton Buzzard


Ashwell & Morden Baldock



Luton Airport Parkway

Meldreth Royston

Letchworth Garden City

Leagrave Dunstable

Stevenage Luton Airport

On Mondays to Saturdays from December 2018 until further notice, buses will replace trains between Stevenage and Hertford North and between Stevenage and Watton-at-Stone. For more information visit: greatnorthernrail.com/railreplacement



Hertford North

Welwyn North Harpenden



Welwyn Garden City



St. Albans City

Welham Green

Hemel Hempstead

Crews Hill

Brookmans Park


Gordon Hill

Potters Bar Watford Junction

Elstree & Borehamwood

Enfield Chase

Hadley Wood

Grange Park

New Barnet

Mill Hill Broadway

Oakleigh Park Hendon

Image credit: Go-Ahead Group / Govia Thameslink Railway

Harrow & Wealdstone

Kentish Town London St. Pancras International

Oyster and contactless to Paddington payment can be used in the yellow shaded area

Kensington (Olympia)

Hornsey Harringay Finsbury Park Drayton Park Highbury & Islington Essex Road London King’s Cross Old Street Moorgate

City Thameslink



London Blackfriars



Elephant & Castle





Battersea Park to London Waterloo

to Clapham Junction

Brockley North Dulwich West Dulwich

Tulse Hill


Gipsy Hill


Haydons Road Tooting


Wimbledon Chase

Sutton Common

West Sutton Sutton Cheam Ewell East

to London

Southampton Airport Parkway to Dorking rne to Portsmouth itte Eastleigh *B on t ls o o *W g olin y *Sh etle am ter eh *N mble s a n Far rtche *H sledo k Po sham ic ur w B Co n * a Sw Hilsea n to London to Channel Islands, Fratton pto t France and Spain ham avan on H ngt Bed th Portsmouth & Southsea li r b o r e Wa Emsw ourn e thb urn Sou utbo sham e N Portsmouth Bo ourn b ter Harbour Fish iches m d nha For Ch Bar to Gosport and Isle of Wight

Bognor Regis




West Croydon

Carshalton Beeches

Greenhithe for Bluewater Beckenham Hill to Ebsfleet International and London


Penge West





Bromley South

Beckenham Junction



Rochester Chatham

St. Mary Cray Swanley

Petts Wood


Coulsdon Woodmansterne Town Reedham

Epsom Downs

to Guildford


Tattenham Corner


to Dorking

to Reigate



Nutfield Godstone


Edenbridge Town




Gatwick Airport



East Grinstead


Ashington Washington

Leigh Penshurst


to Kent Coast


Doleham* Three Oaks Ore to London

Buxted Uckfield

Plumpton Cooksbridge*

Preston Park Glynde Berwick Polegate



e e a g n k g London a g g te -Se rthin rthin rthin ancin by-Se thwic ersga rtslad ingto Hov e yRoad o r o -on L gm ing-b Po Brighton (Brighton) Wo ast W Sou Fish am Ald An r ton est W reh Go E ing W o r r h S Du to France

Falmer Lewes Southease





Ham Street



Wivelsfield Burgess Hill

International Europe

Hurst Green Edenbridge

Haywards Heath

Horsham Southwater

Tha Maidstone East wil mesli to Canterbury l op nk and Ramsgate era serv te fr ice Bearstead om s on to Dec this em r Dover ber oute 201 Ashford and 9 to London

to London



Three Bridges Crawley


West Malling


Woldingham Whyteleafe Whyteleafe South

to Margate and Ramsgate

Borough Green

Bat & Ball

Upper Warlingham







Christ’s Hospital Billingshurst Pulborough Amberley Arundel

Purley Kenley

Rainham to North Kent


to Sevenoaks


Kingswood Tadworth



South Croydon


Coulsdon South


Box Hill & Westhumble

Dorking Deepdene


East Croydon

Purley Oaks

Swanscombe Northfleet Gravesend

Kent House



Effingham Junction


Stone Crossing

Forest Hill


Ashtead to London






Hackbridge Carshalton

St. Helier

London Road Guildford (Guildford)

Abbey Wood Slade Green

Norwood Junction

Mitcham Junction

Morden South

to Reading



Mitcham Eastfields

South Merton



Penge East Crystal Palace

Streatham Common Norbury Thornton Heath

to Guildford



West Norwood

Streatham Hill

er 2


Westcombe Park

Honor Oak Park

Sydenham Hill



East Dulwich

Herne Hill


Charlton Tha wil mesli Woolwich Arsenal l op nk era serv te fr ice om s on Plumstead Dec this em ber route 201 9

Crofton Park


Loughborough Junction



Maze Hill

New Cross Gate

Peckham Rye

Denmark Hill




to Highbury & Islington

Queens Road Peckham Imperial Wharf


South Bermondsey


London Victoria

West Brompton


Wandsworth Common

to Isle of Wight

Bowes Park

London Bridge

Clapham Junction

Southampton Central St. Denys*


Palmers Green

Alexandra Palace

West Hampstead Thameslink

Shepherd’s Bush

Winchmore Hill

New Southgate


Wembley Central

to Stansted Airport and London

Foxton Shepreth



to Newmarket and Ipswich


St. Neots Bedford

Milton Keynes Central


to Bournemouth

to Norwich and Ipswich


Hastings St. Leonards Warrior Square Bexhill Collington Cooden Beach Normans Bay Pevensey Bay* Pevensey & Westham

Hampden Park Eastbourne

Newhaven Town Newhaven Harbour

Bishopstone Seaford Produced by

23.3.2018 (GTR All Brands Diagram)



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Passenger Operators

Grand Central Rail

Image credit: Arriva Trains UK / Grand Central

Grand Central Rail is an independent open-access operator connecting London Kings Cross, Yorkshire and the North East

window which is continually updated on a rolling basis. Grand Central was able to make the upgrade after adopting the new Rail Availability & Reservation Service (RARS) system and working with its suppliers.


rand Central’s first route was launched in December 2007 and linked London Kings Cross with York and the North East. In May 2010, this was joined by our West Riding service, linking Doncaster, Bradford and West Yorkshire with London - most recently adding Low Moor in 2017. In August 2014, Grand Central was granted an extension of its operating rights until December 2026. Routes Grand Central connects Yorkshire and the North East to London with two routes. Five daily services on the North East to London route run between Sunderland and London King’s Cross calling at Hartlepool, Eaglescliffe, Northallerton, Thirsk and York. This route is known as the North Eastern service. Four daily services which run on the Yorkshire to London route operate between Bradford Interchange and London King’s Cross calling at Halifax, Brighouse, Mirfield, Wakefield Kirkgate and Doncaster. Some services also call at Pontefract Monkhill. This is known as the West Riding or West Yorkshire service. In May 2018 Grand Central commenced operating services on the West Coast Main Line from London Euston to Blackpool after

the Office of Rail and Road granted fellow Arriva subsidiary Alliance Rail Holdings access rights for ten years. Passengers In the Summer of 2020, the Transport Focus National Rail Passenger Survey (NRPS) reported that Grand Central enjoyed an overall customer satisfaction score of 95 per cent, as well as topping the Value for Money table with a passenger rating of 74 per cent. Travellers also reported a 95 per cent satisfaction rate with Grand Central’s punctuality, and strongly improved scores for onboard aspects of the journey following a £9 million refurbishment programme. E-ticketing Grand Central Rail introduced e-ticketing towards the end of 2017, allowing customers to buy tickets online and display them on their mobile or tablet device. Instead of queuing at stations or waiting for tickets to be delivered, customers can now pay for their fare online. Available on desktop and mobile devices, tickets stay available until ten minutes before departure and after purchasing customers receive an email with a downloadable PDF that features a barcode scanned by crew and ticket gates. Grand Central has a six-month reservation

Trains Grand Central operates an all-Adelante fleet, with its ten Class 180 trains receiving extensive refurbishment and updates to improve passenger comfort in 2018. Grand central has five named trains: The Ashley Jackson which is named after Yorkshire Artist Ashley Jackson and the James Herriot train which is named after the famous North Yorkshire vet and author. The Hart of the North train was named following Grand Central’s ‘Name Our Train’ competition in the Hartlepool Mail and the other two trains are named after William Shakespeare and Wakefield Kirkgate station. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Richard McClean Chief Operating Officer: Sean English Fleet Director: Dave Hatfield Commercial and Customer Policy Director: Louise Blyth Finance Director: Mark Dale Head of HR: Angela Newsome Revenue Manager: Nick Clarke

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Grand Central Rail, Northern House, 9 Rougier Street, York YO1 6HZ Tel: 0345 603 4852 Email: customer.services@ grandcentralrail.com Visit: www.grandcentralrail.com 93

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Passenger Operators

Great Northern The Great Northern Franchise operates trains between London and the east of England, including Cambridge, Peterborough and King’s Lynn



Burnham Market Hunstanton Dersingham

This is a general guide to the basic daily services. Not all trains stop at all stations on each coloured line, so please check the timetable. Routes are shown in different colours to help identify the general pattern.

King’s Lynn






King’s Lynn and Cambridge Cambridge local Peterborough Hertford Welwyn

Image credit: Great Northern

Downham Market


to Yorkshire, the North East and Scotland



Other train operators’ routes Bus links Principal stations Interchange with London Underground Interchange with London Overground Interchange with other operators’ train services


to Newmarket and Ipswich

Cambridge North St. Ives

Cambridge Foxton

St. Neots

to Stansted Airport and London

Shepreth Sandy

Meldreth Royston


Ashwell & Morden



Step-Free access between the street and all platforms Some step-free access between the street and platforms Step-free access is available in the direction of the arrow No step-free access between the street and platforms Notes: Platform access points may vary and there may not be be step-free access to or between all station areas or facilities. Access routes may be unsuitable for unassisted wheelchair users owing to the gradient of ramps or other reasons. We want to be able to offer you the best possible assistance, so we ask you to contact us in advance of your journey if possible. We will always try to offer the best possible service. However, the shorter notice we receive, the less time we have to make arrangements and there may be a delay in you receiving assistance. Thameslink and Great Northern Assisted Travel 0800 058 2844 For most up-to-date station facilities see www.nationarail.co.uk


Baldock Letchworth Garden City

Stevenage Knebworth

Hertford North Bayford

Welwyn Garden City St. Albans


Hatfield Welham Green

Crews Hill

Brookmans Park

Gordon Hill

Potters Bar

Enfield Chase

Hadley Wood

Grange Park

New Barnet

Winchmore Hill

Oakleigh Park

Palmers Green Bowes Park

STAFF AVAILABILITY On-train or station staff available at all times On-train or station staff available at certain times only No on-train or station staff available

Alexandra Palace Hornsey Oyster and contactless payment can be used in the yellow shaded area


Rolling stock At the end of 2019, Great Northern completed a £240 million train fleet renewal and introduced 25 six-carriage Siemens-built Class 717 units on the route between London Moorgate and Stevenage, Hertford North and Welwyn Garden City. The new trains have capacity for 943 people, an eleven per cent increase on the old 313 trains they replaced. The new 717s also feature a ‘snow mode’, which changes the way the brakes work to improve reliability in snowy conditions.


Welwyn North

New Southgate

8.2.2017 (GN Routes Diagram)

to Norwich and Ipswich

Littleport Ely

Other train operators may provide additional services along some of our routes.

Produced by



ince 2016 Great Northern has invested in new trains and increased services. It has doubled overall capacity on the Cambridge to London route and installed new air-conditioned trains from Cambridge to King’s Lynn.

Harringay Finsbury Park Drayton Park Highbury & Islington Essex Road Old Street London King’s Cross Moorgate


Image credit: Great Northern

Routes As part of the East Coast Digital Programme, The Northern City Line to Moorgate in central London will begin transition to ETCS in 2022 with the aim of switching off conventional signalling in 2023. The system will then be rolled out across the East Coast Main Line from London as far as Stoke Tunnels, south of Grantham. On 21 September 2021, Govia Thameslink Railway has successfully run one of its Great Northern Moorgate Class 717 trains using the digital in-cab signalling system ETCS level 2 (European Train Control System). KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: Patrick Verwer Chief Operating Officer: Steve White Chief Financial Officer: Ian McLaren Engineering Director: Gerry McFadden Infrastructure Director: Keith Jipps Operations Planning Director: Scott Brightwell Business Improvement Director & Deputy COO: Alex Foulds Passenger Service Director: Stuart Cheshire Head of Safety: Mark Whitely Human Resources Director: Andy Bindon Communications and Marketing Director: Collette Dunkley

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1st Floor, Monument Place, 24 Monument Street, London EC3R 8AJ Tel: 0345 026 4700 Email: customerservices@greatnorthernrail.com Visit: www.greatnorthernrail.com 95

Passenger Operators

Great Western Railway Great Western Railway (GWR) operates trains across the Great Western franchise area, which includes South Wales, the West Country, the Cotswolds, across southern England and into London

Image credit: Great Western Railway


WR provides high speed, commuter, regional and branch line train services, and before the covid-19 pandemic helped over 100 million passengers reach their destinations every year. GWR was recently awarded an extension to its direct award franchise (called DA3), which shall run up to 31 March 2023, with an option to extend for a further year. Throughout the Covid pandemic GWR increased its cleaning hours every week by 24 per cent since March 2020 alongside sanitising (fogging) of 1,120 vehicles and carrying out 2,150 on board surface tests (ATP) every four weeks. Routes GWR runs trains between London and Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Oxford, Exeter, Reading, Swindon, Plymouth and Windsor. In 2021, the Government restored the Dartmoor Line, allowing services to resume for first time in half a century on 20 November 2021, the service will run hourly from May 2022.

Plan. In the Summer of 2021, GWR ran the first electric-only train to and from South Wales when it used a 12-car Class 387 to run electric-only from Swindon to Cardiff. More than £7.5 billion has been spent on electrifying the region’s routes from London to Newbury and Cardiff and track upgrades, as well as improvements to stations, the opening of new stations and the introduction of hundreds of new trains. Before Christmas 2018 GWR took delivery of its final Class 800 Intercity Express Train (IET) from manufacturer Hitachi, with a further 127 (Class 802) carriages – 15 trains – still to be rolled out during 2019. Replacing 40-year-old High Speed Trains, the IETs have up to 24 per cent more seats per train. Following completion of Network Rail’s electrification to Newbury new Electrostar, suburban commuter, trains have also been able to run to the town for the first time having been rolled out across London and the Thames Valley during late 2017 and 2018.

Rolling Stock GWR is working on plans to reduce the carbon emissions of its train fleet, with a view to removing all diesel-only traction from the network by 2040 in line with the Government’s Transport Decarbonisation

Mobile assistance At the end of 2019 GWR launched a mobile Customer Assistance Team to help those with reduced mobility to be able to travel with confidence. GWR’s new ten-member mobile team means that a member of staff


can travel with the passenger, taking care of the entire journey experience and ensuring continuity of service. Launched in December 2019 the team has now helped over 500 customers.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Mark Hopwood Engineering Director: Simon Green Customer Service and Transformation Director: Richard Rowland Commercial Development Director and Deputy MD: Matthew Golton Director of Sales and Marketing: Phil Delaney Director, Compliance, Sustainability & Environment: Joe Graham Finance Director: Duncan Rimmer Director of HR: Ruth Busby

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Milford House, 1 Milford Street, Swindon SN1 1HL Tel: 0345 700 0125 Email: GWR.feedback@GWR.com Visit: www.gwr.com

Passenger Operators

Discover potential. Drive performance.


Passenger Operators

Greater Anglia Greater Anglia provides intercity, commuter and rural services throughout Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire

Image credit: Greater Anglia


reater Anglia operates 1,300 train services per day across 133 stations. With the inception of the new franchise in October 2016, Abellio announced it would invest £1.4 billion in fleet replacement which resulted in 33,000 new train seats at morning and evening peak travel times. Greater Anglia is owned by ‘NS’ in the Netherlands who operate the rail services, stations and facilities on much of the Dutch network, the Department for Transport (DfT) awarded a further contract for Greater Anglia to operate services until 2025. Rolling stock As part of a £1.4 billion investment in transforming train services in East Anglia. Greater Anglia is currently in the process of replacing all trains in its fleet with brand new ones, which are all longer, with more seats, USB and plug sockets, fast free Wi-Fi, air conditioning and improved accessibility features as well as dedicated cycle spaces. Throughout 2021, Greater Anglia introduced new commuter trains to replace 98

all the company’s old trains on Great Eastern Main Line routes between Liverpool Street and Southend Victoria, Braintree, Southminster, Stowmarket, Ipswich, Colchester, Clacton, Walton-on-the-Naze and Harwich. In March 2021, the first of 133 Aventra Class 720 trains being built by Alstom in Derby was introduced on the Clacton to London route. In September of the same year, the trains ran for the first time on the Harwich and Walton-on-theNaze branch lines. The full introduction of new trains on Greater Anglia’s services is due to be completed in Summer 2022. Carbon emissions Greater Anglia commissioned environmental consultancy WSP to assess its environmental impact which revealed that in 2020/21 financial year Greater Anglia reduced its overall Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by eleven per cent. This is in addition to the eleven per cent reduction in 2019/20, meaning that the company has reduced CO2 emissions by 21 per cent over the last two years.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Jamie Burles Train Service Delivery Director: Jay Thompson Engineering Director: Martin Beable Commercial and Customer Services Director: Martin Moran Franchise and Programmes Director: Ian McConnell Asset Management Director: Simone Bailey HR Director: Katy Bucknell Finance Director: Adam Golton Business Readiness Director: Andrew Goodrum CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Head Office, 11th Floor, One Stratford Place, Montfitchet Road, London E20 1EJ Tel: 020 3356 2650 Email: contactcentre@greateranglia.co.uk Visit: www.greateranglia.co.uk

Passenger Operators

Heathrow Express Heathrow Express is a non-franchised, non-subsidised private rail company which runs up to 150 services a day between London Paddington and Heathrow Airport


aunched in 1998, the regular nonstop service takes 15 minutes from London Paddington to Terminals 2 & 3 and six minutes more to Terminal 5. Heathrow Express offers exceptional customer service and great value fares Heathrow Express tickets start from just £5.50 each way every day of the week when booked in advance. An agreement with the Department for Transport announced in March 2018 confirmed the Heathrow Express service – a wholly-owned subsidiary of Heathrow Airport Holdings – will run until at least 2028. Under a management contract announced at the time, Great Western Railway now operates Heathrow Express trains while Heathrow Express remains a non-franchised, non-subsidised

private Train Operating Company with responsibility for the track access agreement, marketing, ticketing, revenues and overall customer experience of the service. The agreement will also see GWR introduce a specially converted, dedicated fleet of class 387 trains to the Heathrow Express service in 2020 complete with Wi-Fi, at seat power, additional luggage space and the option of Business First. In October 2019 Heathrow Express launched a new airline style pricing system with fares from £5.50 available every day of the week complimenting the existing kids go free offer. The fares came as part of a new multi-lingual website and app which speeds up booking and makes information such as live train times easier to find.

KEY PERSONNEL Director: Les Freer Head of Train Services: Sophie Chapman Head of Pricing and Technology: Karan Suri Head of Commercial: Chris Crauford Head of Finance: Mick Leyden

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: The Compass Centre, Nelson Road, London Heathrow Airport TW6 2GW Tel: 0345 600 1515 Email: sales@heathrowexpress.com Visit: www.heathrowexpress.com

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Passenger Operators

Hull Trains Hull Trains operates long-distance services between London King’s Cross and Hull and Beverley

Image credit: Hull Trains

Image credit: Hull Trains


he first train from London King’s Cross set off on its maiden voyage in September 2000, a year that would see 80,000 passengers travel to the capital city from Hull Paragon Station. In 2018, this figure had increased to 10 million, one year after it had been named Best UK Train Operator. Rolling stock In 2019, the business began to increase its capacity from four to five units, and more seats per train, with a £60 million investment in its Paragon fleet which completely replaced the old fleet. The high-

tech bi-mode, electric and diesel, trains which were assembled by Hitachi in the UK are one of the most modern and innovative trains on the UK’s rail network. New technology In 2021, Hull Trains introduced new technology which publishes the level of passengers onboard in real time. This innovation allows passengers to check how busy the train is on the Hull Trains website or app, thanks to official data supplied by onboard managers. It has been developed by First Rail, part of FirstGroup the parent company of Hull Trains.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: David Gibson Production Director: Louise Mendham Finance Manager: Glenn McLeish-Longthorn Head of HR and People Support: Deborah Birch Head of Safety and Environment: Mark Shepherd Head of Commercial Development: Tom McFall Head of Customer and Stakeholder Engagement: Paul Jackson

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: South Wing, Cherry Court, 36 Ferensway, Hull, HU2 8NH Ferensway, Hull HU1 3UT Tel: 0345 071 0222 Email: customerservices.hull@ firstgroup.com Visit: www.hulltrains.co.uk 101

Passenger Operators

Docklands Light Railway The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) is an automated light metro system serving the redeveloped Docklands area of London

DLR routes

Improvement works to track and stations may affect your journey. Check publicity in stations, visit tfl.gov.uk or follow @TfLTravelAlerts

All DLR stations have step-free access from train to street

Fare Zones


Fare Zones


Fare Zone



Royal Victoria Stratford High Street

Stratford Ë Bank Central Circle District Northern Waterloo & City ËCannon Street 250m

Tower Gateway Circle

Tower Hill 150m


West Ham Ë

Abbey Road

Royal Docks 320m

Ë Stratford International

Bow Church Pudding Mill Lane

Central Jubilee Overground TfL Rail


Bow Road 320m

Hammersmith & City Bow Road 320m

District Hammersmith & City Jubilee

Devons Road

Gallions Reach Cyprus


Canning Town

West Silvertown

Pontoon Dock


Shadwell Overground 50m

Limehouse Ë

Tower Pier Ë Fenchurch Street 100m



West India Quay

West India Quay not served by trains from Bank towards Lewisham

Fare Zone

Woolwich Arsenal Ë

King George V



Canary Wharf

Heron Quays




South Quay


grown from two to three cars. Today the railway has 45 stations, 25 miles of track and 149 carriages and during 2019/20 it carried 117 million passengers. The network currently has a 99 per cent reliability record – ranking it as one of the best performing railways in the UK. The DLR service Every station has step-free access to platforms and trains and the network has multiple connections with the Tube, buses, National Rail, Overground, river and coach

Cutty Sark for Maritime Greenwich

Mudchute Crossharbour

Canary Wharf 75m

Woolwich Arsenal Pier

Fare Zones

Fare Zone

Fare Zone


he DLR began operating in 1987, with eleven trains serving 15 stations and in its first year of operation it carried 6.7 million people. KeolisAmey Docklands, a joint venture formed between Keolis and Amey, was awarded the franchise in July 2014 to operate and maintain the Docklands Light Railway in London until 2025. It took over operation of the franchise from Serco Docklands in December 2014. Since it opened the DLR route has been extended six times while DLR trains themselves have

Fare Zone


London City Airport


All Saints

Tower Hill 150m


Station closed until late December 2017

Royal Albert

Star Lane

East India

Langdon Park

Beckton Park

Prince Regent Custom House for ExCeL

Emirates Air Line

Island Gardens

Greenwich Pier

Elverson Road

Greenwich Ë Deptford Bridge

Lewisham Ë

Fare Zones


services. Transport for London (TfL) sets the specifications for train frequency and overall performance and is responsible for fares and revenue. It also plans and funds improvements and extensions to the network. The DLR also connects with London’s cable car, the Emirates Air Line, at Royal Victoria. All stations have level access to the trains along with lift or ramp access to the platforms.

Part number 28124/402 06.17

Rolling stock The rolling stock programme will replace two-thirds of the existing fleet and provide ten additional trains to provide more capacity and support population and employment growth across the network. DLR customers will benefit from more frequent and reliable journeys from 2024. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Abdellah Chajai Service Delivery Director: Marcus Jones TfL’s Director of Rail and Sponsored Services: Jonathan Fox TfL’s General Manager for the DLR: Trish Ashton

A Docklands Light Railway carriage arrived at the London Rail Academy in December Image Credit: London Rail Academy / Capital City College Group


CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Castor Lane, Poplar, London E14 0BL Tel: 020 7363 9500 Email: reception@keolisameydlr.co.uk Visit: www.keolisameydocklands.info

Image credit: KeolisAmey Docklands

Fare Zone

The first and last two sets of doors on three-carriage trains will not open at these stations. Please use the centre of the train

Passenger Operators

London North Eastern Railway London North Eastern Railway (LNER) operates long-distance intercity services on the East Coast Main Line from London to North East England and Scotland


he company is owned by the Department for Transport (DfT). LNER took over the InterCity East Coast franchise in June 2018, after the previous privately owned operator Virgin Trains East Coast returned it to the Government following sustained financial difficulties. LNER is the second time that a Government appointed operator of last resort has taken control of the InterCity East Coast franchise; between 2009 and 2015 the franchise was operated by East Coast following National Express East Coast defaulting. Routes LNER runs from London Kings Cross to Leeds, York, Newcastle, Edinburgh Waverly, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness. Rolling stock In May 2019 LNER introduced the first of its new Azuma trains on the East Coast Route. The Azuma trains were built at Hitachi’s rail vehicle manufacturing plant in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, the 65 trains provided an extra 12,200 seats, and with an expanded timetable, increased capacity into London’s King’s Cross station by 28 per cent during peak times. Passengers According to the National Rail Passenger Survey by Transport Focus for Spring 2020, 91 per cent of passengers had ‘overall satisfaction with the journey’. LNER was the first in the industry to roll out its trial of an ‘at-seat’ catering offer. The ‘Let’s Eat at Your Seat’ service enables customers in Standard to order and pay for food and drinks from their phone in the comfort of their own seat. LNER was also the first train company in the UK to use new artificial intelligence software to better manage disruption. When services are disrupted, the new system by JNCTION, aims to help LNER ensure any delays are kept as minimal as possible.

LNER invested more than £14 million over the 2020/21 period in improvements to stations and facilities. From a total transformation of Doncaster Station to new travel centres and toilets at York, a customer lounge at Berwick and car parks at Durham and Grantham, LNER has created first class facilities right along the East Coast of the UK with further improvements to come. New service On 13 December 2021, LNER began direct Azuma services between Middlesbrough and London King’s Cross. Additional LNER Middlesbrough services are planned in the future following the completion of further works around Middlesbrough station which are currently being drawn up by Network Rail and following a significant timetable change on the East Coast Main Line.

Inverness Aviemore



Stonehaven Montrose




Dundee Gleneagles Stirling Falkirk Grahamston Glasgow Central


Leuchars Kirkcaldy Inverkeithing


Edinburgh Waverley Dunbar Berwick-upon-Tweed Alnmouth Morpeth Sunderland (Weekdays only)

Newcastle Durham Darlington Skipton

Harrogate Northallerton


Horsforth (Except Sunday)


KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: David Horne; Commercial Director: Suzanne Donnelly; Engineering Director: John Doughty; Major Projects Director: Tim Hedley-Jones; Marketing Director: Danny Gonzalez; Customer Experience Director: Claire Ansley; Safety and Operations Director: Warrick Dent; People Director: Clare Burles; Finance Director: Tim Kavanagh

Bradford Forster Square (Except Sunday)

Leeds Wakefield Westgate

Selby Hull Brough Doncaster Retford Lincoln Newark North Gate Grantham Peterborough Stevenage

St. Pancras International (for Eurostar)

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: East Coast House 25, Skeldergate, York YO1 6DH Tel: 0345 722 5333 Email: customers@lner.co.uk Visit: www.lner.co.uk


One train per hour or more

London King’s Cross Less frequent service

Image credit: London North Eastern Railway


Passenger Operators

London Overground The London Overground, known to Londoners as the Orange Line, launched in 2007 and runs along a circular route around inner London, connecting 23 boroughs of the capital city and parts of southern Hertfordshire


rriva Rail London took over the London Overground network in November 2016 and supports TfL in delivering further improvements for customers on the already hugely popular network. The vast majority of the London Overground network is operated on Network Rail tracks, which are also used by other rail operators, freight and maintenance services. 187 million journeys were made on the Overground in the year 2019/20, compared to just 33 million when it launched in 2007/8. One third of Londoners live within walking distance of a London Overground station and overall satisfaction scores were at 87 per cent on the Spring 2020 National Rail Passenger Survey. A fleet of 106 trains operate on the network comprising 49 four-car and 57 fivecar electric trains. These trains make around 17,000 station stops each day. In 2020, Class 710 ‘Aventra’ trains began operating on the West Anglia routes, replacing the legacy fleet of Class 315s and 317s. The new Class 710 trains feature walk-through carriages, airconditioning, live network information and improved accessibility. Stations New London Overground trains run on all services to Liverpool Street from Chingford, Cheshunt and Enfield Town stations. Over half of London Overground stations have step-free access from street to platform. A further five stations are proposed to be made step-free by 2024 as part of the Department for Transport’s Access for All scheme. Transport for London are building a fourkilometre extension (1.5 kilometres of new track) of the London Overground Gospel Oak to Barking route into the Barking Riverside development in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. This will be supported by a new station at the heart of the development. The extension, due to open in autumn 2022, will provide an essential rail link to support the development of Barking Riverside, serving both new and existing residents. It will facilitate an interchange at Barking with the existing Fenchurch Street line and the District and Hammersmith & City lines, improving transport infrastructure to the area. 104

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Paul Hutchings Performance Director: Matt Pocock Finance Director: Steve Best Customer Experience Director: Stella Rogers HR Director: Oli Gant Engineering Director: Kate Marjoribanks

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ Tel: 0343 222 1234 Email: overgroundinfo@tfl.gov.uk Visit: www.tfl.gov.uk/overground

London Overground Cheshunt

Theobalds Grove

Highams Park

Edmonton Green Silver Street

Watford Junction

Upminster Emerson Park

TfL Rail


Enfield Town



Turkey Street Bush Hill Park


Romford to Upminster services end at 2141/2154 Mondays to Saturdays and 1941/1954 Sundays

Wood Street

White Hart Lane Victoria

Walthamstow Central

Bruce Grove

Watford High Street

South Tottenham


Leyton Midland Road

Blackhorse Road

Harringay Green Lanes

Walthamstow Queen’s Road


Carpenders Park Seven Sisters

St. James Street


Hatch End

Crouch Hill

Leytonstone High Road Wanstead Park

Stamford Hill

Headstone Lane

TfL Rail Forest Gate 300m


Woodgrange Park

Stoke Newington

Harrow & Wealdstone

Upper Holloway


Rectory Road


Finchley Road & Frognal

North Wembley

West Hampstead Wembley Central

Gospel Oak

Jubilee 100m 100m Trains to Luton


Highbury & Islington

Camden Road

Hampstead Heath

South Kenton

Kentish Town West

Caledonian Road & Barnsbury

Dalston Kingsland

Willesden Junction

Kensal Green

Queen’s Park

Kilburn High Road

South Hampstead


Cambridge Heath


Shoreditch High Street

Bethnal Green Bakerloo

Northern Victoria

Liverpool Street


Central Circle Hammersmith & City Metropolitan TfL Rail Trains to Southend and Stansted

Acton Central Central 100m

Shepherd’s Bush South Acton

Kensington (Olympia) Gunnersbury

River Thames


Rotherhithe District

Canada Water Peckham Rye

Imperial Wharf River Thames

Clapham Junction

Trains to Gatwick

Key to symbols

Clapham High Street Wandsworth Road

Denmark Hill


Surrey Quays Queens Road Peckham

New Cross New Cross Gate


Clapham North 100m


Interchange stations

Honor Oak Park

Step-free access from street to train Step-free access from street to platform National Rail

DLR 100m

Shadwell Wapping

District line open at weekends and on some public holidays

West Brompton


District Hammersmith & City



Kew Gardens

Central Jubilee DLR TfL Rail Trains to Southend


London Fields

Kensal Rise Harlesden

Hackney Wick

Dalston Junction

Brondesbury Park

Stonebridge Park


Homerton Hackney Central



District Hammersmith & City

Hackney Downs

Riverboat services

Highams Park No step-free access to the northbound platform until late May 2017

Crystal Palace West Croydon Trams

Norwood Junction

Forest Hill Sydenham


Penge West Correct at time of going to print, March 2017


Image credit: Transport for London

Passenger Operators

Tramlink Spanning a 17-mile-long route, the London Tramlink runs through central Croydon from Wimbledon, Beckenham, Elmers End and New Addington

London Trams

Image credit: Transport for London

Improvement works to track and stops may affect your journey. Check publicity at stops, visit tfl.gov.uk or follow @TfLTravelAlerts


West Croydon

Blackhorse Lane


Wellesley Road

Harrington Road




Reeves Corner Wimbledon District

Merton Park Dundonald Road

Phipps Bridge Morden Road

Belgrave Walk


Beddington Lane

Mitcham Junction

Ampere Way

Therapia Lane

Lebanon Road

Wandle Park

Waddon Marsh

Church Street

George Street

East Croydon


Addington Village

Coombe Lane Lloyd Park

Gravel Hill

New King Henry’s Addington Drive

Avenue Road


Beckenham Junction

Beckenham Road

Elmers End


Version A · 02.2018


ramtrack Croydon Limited (TCL) was awarded a 99-year concession to build and run a tram system in 1996. The Tram system opened in 2000. As well as on street running, it made use of a number of disused railway alignments. Part of the line between Wimbledon and Croydon actually follows the route of the Surrey Iron Railway which first opened in 1803 with horse drawn trains, some 22 years before the much more famous Stockton to Darlington Railway. In June 2008, TfL bought out TCL, and set about refurbishing trams, track, and tram stops, which had received little investment since the system opened. In June 2012, six new trams were introduced, enabling services in central Croydon to be increased from eight to twelve trams an hour, and allowing a new route from Therapia Lane to Elmers End. A total of 34 trams run in a circle round Croydon and then carry on west and east for 39 stops. In April 2016, services between Wimbledon and Croydon increased from eight to twelve trams per hour, following the completion of works to build an additional tram platform at Wimbledon station. Passengers Since 2000, the number of passengers on the network has increased from 14 million to around 30 million today, and this is expected to reach nearly 60 million by 2030. An upgrade to the trams network is acknowledged to be needed to accommodate this growth. Trams for Growth summarises TfL’s proposed 20-year plan to accommodate growing demand, improve reliability and support the regeneration of Croydon town centre and the wider south London.

Trams 2030 Passenger numbers are expected to grow to nearly 60 million by 2030, Trams 2030 summarises TfL’s proposed 15-year plan to accommodate growing demand, improve reliability and support the regeneration of Croydon town centre. Trams 2030 sets out TfL’s ongoing works (including the Wimbledon line enhancement programme), the current proposals including major upgrades and expansions to the network, such as Dingwall Road Loop, and the longer term plan for trams in south London.

Cashless trams and Integration You can’t buy a paper ticket at tram stops but there are still a number of different ways to pay for your journey:

Rolling stock The original fleet comprised 24 articulated low floor Flexity Swift CR4000 trams built by Bombardier Transportation in Vienna numbered beginning at 2530, continuing from the highest-numbered tram 2529 on London’s former tram network, which closed in 1952. In 2006, the CR4000 fleet was refurbished, with the bus-like destination blinds being replaced by an electronic dot system. In 2009 the fleet was repainted into a new green livery. In January 2011, Tramtrack Croydon opened a tender for the supply of ten new or second-hand trams from the end of summer 2011. The trams will be used between Therapia Lane and Elmers End. On 18th August 2011, TfL announced that Stadler Rail had won a £16 million contract to supply six Variobahn trams. They entered service in 2012. In August 2013, TfL ordered an additional four Variotrams for delivery in 2015, for use on the Wimbledon to Croydon link, an order which was later increased to six. This brought the total Variotram fleet up to ten in 2015 and twelve in 2016 when the final two trams were delivered.

Passengers can use a contactless bank card, device or Oyster card to pay for their journey, needing only to touch the yellow reader on the tram platform before boarding. London Trams are cashless with paper tickets no longer available at tram stops.

• Pay as you go with contactless (card or device) or an Oyster card for £1.50 for a single adult journey • Travelcard including Zones 3,4 5 or 6 • Bus & Tram Pass on an Oyster card • One Day Bus & Tram Pass • Paper Day Travelcard including Zones 3,4 5 or 6

KEY PERSONNEL General Manager, London Trams: Mark Davis Director of Rail and Sponsored Services at TfL: Jonathan Fox

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ Tel: 0343 222 000 Email: Contact via website Visit: www.tfl.gov.uk/modes/trams/ 105

Passenger Operators

London Underground Ltd Over 150 years ago the first trains ran on the first underground railway the world had ever seen, today the London Underground is the fourth largest underground network in the world

Image credit: Brendan Bell


ach year the London Underground carries over one billion people across the nation’s capital, the same number as the United Kingdom’s National Rail network. The network is just under 250 miles in total length, with just over one station for every mile track there are eleven lines serviced by 270 stations. Opened in 1863, the first journey was on what is today the Circle, Hammersmith & City, and Metropolitan lines from Paddington (Bishop’s Road) to Farringdon Street. For the first one hundred years the Underground, nicknamed the Tube, was funded by private companies, the current operator, London Underground, is a wholly own subsidiary of Transport for London (TfL). Trend setting In the 1860s only basic signage – the station name and exit – was provided, in 1892 the first rail map was shown at stations on the District Line with the first free map being distributed to the public in 1908. That same year the world-famous roundel, the red circle logo featured at every station and all the Underground signage, first appeared. The London Underground made several advancements throughout the 19th Century, many of them coming before any other city in the world had even built its own underground line. The first tunnel was opened in 1880 with the first deep level electric line coming ten years later in 1890. By 1884 there were over 800 trains running on the Inner Circle every day, less than ten years later the Government had approved five more underground lines. Six different 106

lines had been opened before the turn of the century. The Oyster card was first introduced in 2002, other cities, like Hong Kong in 1997 with the Octopus card had brought in their own automatic touch ticketing cards. Others came later such as the SmartLink card in New York 2007 and the Opal card in Sydney which was expanded to include the city’s light rail in 2014. Modern organisation In order to keep up with the pace of growth London experienced at the turn of the new millennium, multiple changes were made to the Underground’s organisational structure and operating procedures. The first change came with the creation of TfL in the Summer of 2000. For four years the Underground was reorganised into a public-private partnership (PPP) where private infrastructure companies carried out upgrades and maintenance work on the system. This arrangement was short lived however and in 2003 the London Underground became a subsidiary of TfL. Of the two private companies that had been working on the Underground as part of the PPP scheme, one went into administration in 2007 and TfL assumed control of the other in 2010. Passenger fares account for 92 per cent of the current operational expenditure. Global brand The Underground is a world-famous brand, with ridership records broken almost every day during the 2012 London Olympics. The Tube carried athletes and spectators

across the city during the sporting event and one year later was ranked as the most improved brand according to London’s Buzz rankings. In May 2017 TfL struck its first global licensing deal, looking to capitalise off the iconic London Underground imagery with products like designer chairs using tube seat patterns and creating new designs using Harry Beck’s schematic underground network map. The classic aesthetic has been used unofficially for years, with various products like t-shirts adorned with the famous phrase ‘mid the gap’ embossed over the roundel sign and other fashion items incorporating the famous visuals. Customer experience On a working day, three million trips are taken using an Oyster card. Contactless bank cards are integrated with the same technology and so also allow passengers to travel seamlessly across the network. TfL continues to improve and expand the Tube. A huge signalling upgrade is currently being undertaken on the District, Circle, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan lines. The £5.4 billion project will increase capacity by forty per cent and make journeys quicker and more reliable. A new extension is also being built to the Northern line.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Mark Wild Finance Director: Tanya Coff Director of Renewals & Enhancements: Caroline Sheridan Director of HR: Jean Cockerill Director of Network Operations: Nigel Holness Director of Asset Operations: Peter McNaught

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ Tel: 0343 222 1234 Email: Contact via website Visit: www. tfl.gov.uk/modes/tube/

Passenger Operators

Lumo Launched in 2021, Lumo operates on the East Coast of the UK between London & Edinburgh, calling at Stevenage, Newcastle & Morpeth

Samuel Taylor Limited Precision engineering since 1899 Image credit: Lumo


umo trains run on the East Coast Main Line and call at Newcastle, Morpeth and Stevenage, helping to improve regional connectivity while offering alternatives to Newcastle and Luton airports. Lumo is an open-access operator, not subject to franchising and aims to create over 13 million additional passenger journeys in the next decade as well as reducing carbon emissions by encouraging travellers to use greener, electric travel. It will contribute as much as £250 million to the UK economy over ten years. Owned by FirstGroup, Lumo has invested £15 million on digital and IT infrastructure and £100 million on the manufacture and maintenance of five brand new, state-of-the-art Hitachi AT300 intercity electric trains. Lumo has invested £2 million in a Training Academy to develop a fresh-thinking generation of rail colleagues, focused on passenger wellbeing and on-board customer service, harnessing new technology and caring for vulnerable passengers. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Helen Wylde

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CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 4th Floor, Central Square South Orchard Street Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 3PG Tel: 03455280409 Email: lumopr@grayling.com. Visit: www.lumo.co.uk 107

Passenger Operators

Merseyrail The Merseyrail commuter network incorporates two lines, the Northern Line and the Wirral Line


he self-contained network operates over 600 regular services per day, every 15 minutes, to 68 stations throughout the Liverpool City Region, including four underground stations in the city centre that receive services every few minutes, with its Liverpool Central station being one of the busiest outside of London. Merseyrail is a 50:50 joint venture between Serco and Abellio, run as a concession agreement with governing body Merseytravel. As part of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Merseytravel delivers transport projects that support the economic growth of the region. Serco and Abellio took over from Arriva Trains Merseyside in 2003, winning a 25year contract. The company operates a fleet of 59 trains and employs 1,200 people.

Rolling stock In February 2017, Merseytravel ordered 52 new EMUs from Stadler for a complete fleet renewal. The modern Stadler EMUs are future-proofed, having been prepared for the retrofit of ERTMS and dual voltage equipment, and thus comply with the Liverpool City Region Long Term Rail Strategy. On 26 August 2021, Stadler handed over the first of 53 trains to Liverpool City Region. In July of that year trials undertaken on new Stadler-built trains using battery technology were successfully completed, paving the way to the potential expansion of the Merseyrail network, with services reaching as far as Wrexham and Preston. Producing fewer carbon emissions than standard vehicles and enabling the operator to run on an extended network, the battery train boasts enviable green credentials and

provides clients with greater flexibility than a standard train. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Andy Heath Commercial Director: Suzanne Grant Human Resources Director: Jane English Safety and Engineering Director: Mike Roe Operations Director: Zoe Hands CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Merseyrail, 9th Floor Rail House, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool L1 1JF Tel: 0151 555 1111 Email: comment@merseyrail.org Visit: www.merseyrail.org


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Passenger Operators

Metrolink Owned by Transport for Greater Manchester and operated by Keolis/ Amey, the Metrolink tram system connects all major railway stations and tourist attractions within Manchester

Whitefield sunrise with tram Image credit: Manchester Metrolink


wned by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), the sprawling tram network boasts 93 stops, and spans 60 miles across seven of the ten districts of Greater Manchester, with a fleet of 123 trams, the M5000 model, manufactured by Bombardier. Built in three phases over three decades, the network serves Bury, Oldham and Rochdale in the north, Ashton-under-Lyne in the east, Eccles and MediaCityUK in the west, and Altrincham, Wythenshawe, Chorlton, Manchester Airport and East Didsbury in the south. Construction work on the transformational £165 million Second City Crossing (2CC) finished in late 2016 – the final phase of a £1.5 billion investment to expand the network. A section of the line opened between Victoria station and an award-winning new stop at Exchange Square in December 2015 thanks to fast-track funding from the European Regional Development Fund. Following three years of construction work, the final section of the Metrolink Second

City Crossing, between Exchange Square and St Peter’s Square, was opened to passengers on 26 February 2017. 2CC allows Metrolink to run more services through the heart of the city on a new route running from St Peter’s Square along Cross Street to Victoria Station. It also gives Metrolink greater operational flexibility and improved service reliability. As part of the 2CC package TfGM has undertaken a programme of city centre stop expansions and improvement works. This culminated with an expanded new look stop opening in St Peter’s Square in summer 2016, following a 14 month build programme which saw services run through the city on a single line of track. Contactless journeys and The Bee Network The tram network’s touch in/ touch out system allows customers to travel quickly, securely and flexibly across the network without the need to download an app or buy a paper ticket. Initially launched in July

2019, it was further enhanced following the roll-out of the Bee Flex Weekly in September 2021 and by 17 September more than five million contactless journeys. The Bee Network is TfGM’s vision for an integrated transport system which will join together buses, trams, cycling and walking by 2024, with rail incorporated by 2030, to transform how people travel in Greater Manchester. KEY PERSONNEL Head of Metrolink: Danny Vaughan Managing Director: Aline Frantzen CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Metrolink Trafford Depot, Warwick Road, Stretford, Manchester M16 0GZ Tel: 0161 205 2000 Email: customerservices@metrolink.co.uk Visit: www.metrolink.co.uk 109

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Passenger Operators

Northern Northern covers an area taking in Newcastle and Carlisle across to Liverpool and Manchester, then to Huddersfield and Nottingham


orthern is the second largest train operator in the UK, employing more than 6,000 people and running regional and commuter services across the north of England. The operator has retired its entire Pacer fleet and has introduced 100 brand new trains, part of a £500 million investment in regional rail. It is offering customers ‘a better way to go’ with further improvements across the network including the renovation of station facilities, better lighting, upgraded car parks and enhanced CCTV coverage. Northern provides more than 2,500 local and regional train services every day across the north of England, serving a population of nearly 15 million. There are more than 100 million passenger journeys made on the network each year. Northern Trains Limited is owned by DfT OLR Holdings Limited (DOHL), which took on the operation of Northern rail services on 1 March 2020. DOHL is led by the same team that successfully managed the transfer of Virgin Trains East Coast into public ownership to become LNER in 2018. It was established

by the UK Government’s Department for Transport to fulfil the Secretary of State for Transport’s requirements under Section 30 of the Railways Act 1993 – which places a duty on the Secretary of State for Transport to continue to provide rail services if a franchise is terminated.

Northern and East Midlands Railway (EMR). All former EMR employees have transferred to Northern as part of the deal and join the more than 6,000 colleagues already working for the publicly owned operator.

Improvements Northern is continuing a rollout of new state-of-the-art trains with a top speed of 100mph and delivering extra capacity with a new fleet. New technology is being trialled to identify crowding pinch points to reduce overcrowding and work is underway to extend platforms at 30 stations across the network to allow for longer trains and to improve journeys.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Nick Donovan Safety and Environment Director: Andrea Jacobs Commercial Director: Mark Powles Engineering Director: Jack Commandeur Finance Director: Teresa Broxton Regional Directors: Chris Jackson (Central & West), Tony Baxter (East), Kerry Peters (North East)

Neville Hill engineering depot On 17 October 2021 Northern took full control of the Neville Hill depot in Leeds. The depot, which currently employs around 550 engineers, technicians and train presentation operatives, is a critical element for rail services in the North and had previously been jointly managed by

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Northern House, York YO1 6HZ Tel: 0800 200 6060 Email: enquiries@northernrailway.co.uk Visit: www.northernrailway.co.uk

Neville Hill Depot Image credit: Northern Railway



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Passenger Operators

Nottingham Express Transit (NET) Award-winning network goes from strength to strength


ollowing the opening of two new extensions in 2015, Nottingham’s popular tram network now stretches 20 miles across the city and wider conurbation. From Hucknall and Phoenix Park to the north of Nottingham to Clifton in the south and Toton in the west, the network has a total of 51 stops including key locations such as Old Market Square in the heart of the city, Nottingham railway station, the Queens Medical Centre and the prestigious NG2 business park. The award-winning system first opened in 2004 and is now operated and maintained by Nottingham Trams Ltd (Keolis) on behalf of concessionaire Tramlink Nottingham. In December 2011, the consortium was awarded a 23-year concession by Nottingham City Council to manage the delivery of the NET Phase Two expansion project and the ongoing operation of a network which has fast become a real success story. Patronage Since the opening of the lines to Clifton and Toton the network has consistently seen substantial growth in patronage and, in the year to 31 March 2019, it recorded nearly 19 million customer journeys – an increase of 5.6 per cent on the previous twelve months. The tram’s popularity has been driven by a range of innovative marketing campaigns, community engagement activities and an increasingly dynamic approach to customer communications. These measures have been supported by improvements in operational performance, with general reliability levels standing at around 97 per cent, leading to customer satisfaction feedback which consistently ranks amongst the best in the country for public transport operators.

Image credit: Nottingham Express Transit

Contactless journeys On 27 September 2021, contactless payment became available

across the network. Nottingham Contactless is a partnership between Nottingham City Council, NET trams, Nottingham City Transport and CT4N (who run the Linkbus/Medilink network) to make paying for bus and tram trips even easier by using contactless. Rolling stock The network operates a 37-strong mixed fleet of Bombardier Incentro AT6/5 and Alstom Citadis 302 trams, all maintained within its Wilkinson Street depot headquarters. NET took delivery of 22 Citadis models in preparation for the expansion of the network while the Incentro trams have been in operation since 2004 and recently underwent a major refurbishment programme. In addition to adopting a fresh, new look they are also benefitting from a full mechanical overhaul, replacement floors and new interior fittings aimed at boosting reliability, comfort and accessibility. All of Nottingham’s trams have been named in recognition of historic characters, wellknown literary figures, scientists, community leaders, actors and sports stars related to the city.

KEY PERSONNEL Director and General Manager: Paul Robinson Head of Operations: Mike Mabey HR Manager: Maria Dobney Customer Service Manager: Constantina Samara

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: NET Depot, Armstrong Way, Wilkinson Street, Nottingham NG7 7NW Tel: 0115 824 6060 Email: info@thetram.net Visit: www.thetram.net 113

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The MOSA division of Wilkinson Star Ltd is the sole importer and after sales service agent for the full range of Engine Driven Welder Generators, Generating Sets & Lighting Towers manufactured by MOSA Italy, a company founded in 1963. MOSA Engine Driven Welder Generators, together with MOSA Generating Sets & Lighting Towers are supplied to a wide range of industry sectors in the UK including plant & tool hire, welding & engineering distributors, power generation specialists, Network Rail, Crossrail & London Underground contractors together with many overseas projects requiring the use of reliable equipment. With the backing of Wilkinson Star and a commitment to customer service, product innovation, competitive pricing and stock availability, MOSA offers you – the customer, a quality product with first class support.


Passenger Operators

Pre Metro Operations Pre Metro Operations runs the Stourbridge Shuttle in the West Midlands, a turn-up-and-go service using environmentally-friendly Class 139 railcars


re Metro Operations (PMOL) was founded in 1999 as an independent train operation company with the aim to establish innovative and lowcost light rail transit services on branch lines across the UK. The company first saw the potential to help connect the Stourbridge community with the rest of the Black Country using light rail technology on the Stourbridge Town to Stourbridge Junction branch line. Between 2005 and 2006, the company used a prototype Parry People’s Movers railcar during a trial period to test the viability of using light rail innovations on the Stourbridge branch line. Running this experimental service was a huge success, and PMOL subsequently decided to make the service permanent, receiving depot and operating licencing from the ORR. In 2009, the company launched seven day operations at Stourbridge,

replacing the existing heavy rail operation. Using two newly constructed Class 139 LPG fuelled, flywheel hybrid railcars, PMOL ran light rail transit services on the branch line with high reliability and efficiency; providing Sunday service on the line for the first time since 1914. The Stourbridge operation continued to see patronage grow, frequency increase, emissions have been cut, and service operation costs have been reduced. In recognition of this, Pre Metro Operations was awarded ‘Highly Commended’ at the Global Light Rail Awards in 2016 and 2017. They remain the only award winning VLR operators in the UK. The Stourbridge Shuttle currently operates seven days a week with basic ten-minute frequency. The reliability of the service was 99.84 per cent in 2021, having operated 500,000 miles and completed over six million passenger journeys to date. The

service has become ever popular within the local community. PMOL now runs the service on behalf of the West Midlands Railway franchise and is scheduled to do so until 2026. In light of the Restoring Your Railway DfT initiative, promoted by the Government, the company is ready to work with scheme developers, transport franchises and investors looking to establish cost-effective and green solutions that will restore Britain’s railway connectivity using a highly effective business model, vast amounts of experience, and over two decades of expertise in the light rail industry. Not being tied to any one vehicle manufacturer, the company is also working with leading UK light rail innovators to create a brighter, cleaner, and greener future for Britain’s railways. Stourbridge The Stourbridge Shuttle remains the UK’s most reliable train operation, recording an average PPM rating of 99.84 per cent in 2021. In October 2021, Stourbridge was named Britain’s favourite station after winning the World Cup of Stations 2021, organised by the Rail Delivery Group. Out of more than 2,500 stations across the country, Stourbridge was shortlisted as one of 48 qualifying stations participating in the weeklong tournament of Twitter polls. In the final round Stourbridge overtook Glasgow Central in the last minutes taking 43.3 per cent of the votes, with Glasgow Central agonisingly close with 40.9 per cent.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director and CEO: Philip R Evans Company Chairman: Geoff R Lusher Company Secretary: Steve Jasper Director: Professor Alan Wenban-Smith Director: Mathew Taylor

Image credit: Pre Metro Operations

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 54-56 Hagley Rd, Stourbridge DY8 1QD Tel: 01384 441385 Email: info@premetro.org Visit: www.premetro.co.uk 115

Passenger Operators

ScotRail ScotRail is the national railway franchise of Scotland and has been operated by Abellio since April 2015


cotRail provides over 94 million passenger journeys each year, with over 2,300 intercity, regional and suburban rail services a day, more than 340 stations, and 1,016 trains serving Scotland’s railway. Between 2014 and 2019 Scotland’s Railway electrified 325 kilometres of the country’s central railway network. This investment supported the introduction of a new £370 million fleet of 70 faster, greener, modern electric trains, the class 385 built by Hitachi, with 44 per cent more capacity for customers. More than 76 per cent of passenger and 45 per cent of freight journeys are already electrified on Scotland’s Railway, and rail is already the most sustainable mode of public transport, contributing only one per cent of Scotland’s overall transport carbon emissions. On 8 April the last of ScotRail’s upgraded Inter7City high speed trains has arrived in Scotland. The upgraded Inter7City high speed trains initially operated on the East Coast mainline between Aberdeen and Edinburgh, but now run on the following routes serving all seven Scottish cities. The refurbishment programme was carried out by Wabtec Doncaster (coaches) and Brush Traction Loughborough (power cars) from late 2017 through to 2021. Record investment Figures published on 20 January 2020 revealed that record investment across Scotland’s Railway, including £475 million on new and upgraded trains, is delivering a better service for customers. ScotRail completed its rollout of Class 385 trains into passenger service in December 2019, and the final addition to the 70 strong fleet of electric trains has brought the train operator’s total number of carriages across Scotland’s Railway to 1,016 – an increase of 28 per cent since the start of the Abellio franchise. Earlier in the year, ScotRail introduced the first eight-carriage Class 385 trains between Glasgow and Edinburgh. This follows the retirement of ScotRail’s Class 314 trains, which operated on routes across Strathclyde since 1979. The stateof-the-art Hitachi built Class 385 trains operate on routes across Central Scotland, and the completion of platform extensions at Glasgow Queen Street station by Network Rail has enabled ScotRail to operate eight116

carriage Class 385 Express trains between Glasgow and Edinburgh via Falkirk High. ScotRail is also in the process of introducing 26 refurbished high-speed Inter7City trains to connect Scotland’s seven cities. When the Inter7City rollout is complete, it will allow the train operator to make better use of its existing trains, with even more carriages deployed to Fife and the Borders. Motherwell station redevelopment On 14 September 2021, the £14.5 million redevelopment of Motherwell station entered its third phase. Once completed the whole project will deliver an enhanced station forecourt and building with glazed roof and brighter, larger concourse. Improved ticket retailing facilities and an improved rail/bus interchange on Muir Street. There will also be new facilities for taxis, car drop-offs and disabled parking.

KEY PERSONNEL ScotRail Alliance Managing Director: Alex Hynes ScotRail Alliance Communications Director: Sue Evans ScotRail Alliance Infrastructure Director (Scotland Route): David Dickson ScotRail Chief Operating Officer: Angus Thom ScotRail Finance Director: James Downey ScotRail HR Director: Gerry Skelton ScotRail Sustainability, Safety and Assurance Director: David Lister ScotRail Commercial Director: Lesley Kane ScotRail Operations Director: David Simpson ScotRail Engineering Director: Syeda Ghufran

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: First floor, Atrium Court, 50 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6HQ Tel: 0344 811 0141 Email: customer.relations@scotrail.co.uk Visit: www.scotrail.co.uk

Passenger Operators

Image credit: ScotRail 117

Passenger Operators

South Western Railway South Western Railway provides commuter inter-urban, regional and long distance services to passengers in South West London and southern counties of England and Island Line services on the Isle of Wight

Image credit: South Western Railway


outh Western Railway (SWR) was awarded the South Western franchise in March 2017, and took over from South West Trains on 20 August 2017. SWR is owned 70/30 by FirstGroup and MTR. The company operates commuter services from London Waterloo to south west London and suburban and regional services in Surrey, Hampshire and Dorset, as well as regional services in Devon, Somerset, Berkshire and Wiltshire. Investment On 14 2018 November South Western Railway’s first fully refurbished and reconfigured Class 444 train entered passenger service, offering additional seating capacity and high quality improvements to passenger accommodation. The refurbishment and reconfiguration of the train is part of SWR’s £50 million Desiro interior upgrade programme. The project is being delivered by the trains’ manufacturer, Siemens Mobility and is designed to increase much needed seating capacity in standard class and bring the interior accommodation up to date with some state-of-the-art features including enhanced Wi-Fi; inductive charging tables and at-seat power; and a full 118

refurbishment of passenger accommodation using quality materials. The refurbishment of the Desiro fleet is part of a £110 million programme to refurbish five fleets in all by the end of 2020, equating to over 900 carriages. The final refurbished Desiro train, a Class 450, joined the existing Desiro fleet and entered passenger service on 9 January 2020. The refurbishment was completed by the trains’ original manufacturer, Siemens. The investment was financed by Angel Trains and is part of SWR’s wider £1.2 billion plan to offer customers more capacity and frequent trains, quicker journey times and better connectivity, together with station improvements and a better, smarter ticket buying experience. Island Line The Island Line runs north to south along the east of the Isle of Wight and has existed since 1864 and in 2021 The Island Line was closed for a £26 million transformation of the railway’s trains, stations and infrastructure as part of South Western Railway’s Journey to Better. The new Class 484 fleet is made up of former London Underground trains, extensively refurbished

by Vivarail in Long Marston. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Claire Mann Operations and Safety Director: Jacqui Dey Engineering Director: Neil Drury Performance and Planning Director: Steve Tyler Customer Experience Director: Alan Penlington Finance Director: Kenny McPhail HR Director: Sharon Johnston Commercial and Business Development Director: Peter Williams Communications Director: Yvette London Major Projects Director: Mac Andrade

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Friars Bridge Court, 41-45 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NZ Phone: 0345 600 0650 Email: Contact via website Website: www.southwesternrailway.com

Passenger Operators

SE Trains Southeastern operates regional and commuter services in south east London, Kent and parts of East Sussex

Southeastern routes


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West Malling (for Kings Hill)

East Malling


Swanley Station Swanley station has received a £2.25 million funding package. The work will deliver a range of improvements, including a bigger booking hall with an attractive glass frontage, which will provide an impressive new gateway to the town. New information screens will be installed, along with better lighting and more CCTV to make passengers feel safe and secure. To ease congestion and improve air quality the approach road to the station will become one-way. Cycling and walking to the station will be encouraged.


Bat & Ball

Maidstone West

Rolling stock New City Beam trains are being introduced on routes between London, Dartford, Hayes and Sevenoaks. By Spring 2022, 30 of these new trains will be in service, replacing a number of older trains on these routes. Mainline trains throughout Kent are Bombardier Class 375 Electrostars and Metro trains on the inter-city London routes are Class 465 and 466 Networkers and Class 376 Electrostars. High-speed trains from Kent to St Pancras International are HitachiClass 395 trains.




Borough Green & Wrotham

East Farleigh



Halling Kemsing


n October 2021, the Government-owned SE Trains took over the franchise as an operator of last resort.




Maidstone Barracks

We are working to improve accessibility at our stations. For the latest information visit southeasternrailway.co.uk Map correct as of Feb 2021.




Dunton Green



6 7 8


y le




y le


Hayes (Kent)



Shoreham (Kent)






W es

Sole Street


Petts Wood





Eden Park West Wickham

Beckenham Junction


Elmers End


Clock House




& ld


Ba y


Swale Kemsley



Farningham Road




St Mary Cray



f ie

Bromley North







to n

Northfleet Elmstead Woods





Kent House

New Beckenham

Ebbsfleet International


Sundridge Park

This station does not have step free access

For information about Oyster and Pay as you go fares visit: tfl.gov.uk/fares

Dartford Stone Crossing

Grove Park


Lower Sydenham Penge East



Sydenham Hill


This station has some step-free access to the platforms, which may be in both directions or in one direction only - for more information please visit southeasternrailway.co.uk

Pay as you go can be used between St Pancras and Stratford International. Specific fares apply on this route. Capping does not apply.

Barnehurst Albany Park

New Eltham


Ladywell Catford Bridge

West Dulwich




Step-free access to all platforms - may include long or steep ramps. Access between platforms may be via the street.



(Zone 2 & 3)

Bexleyheath Welling

has introduced more early morning services to London and more late night services out of London. Over 75 per cent (1,400) of its daily services go into and out of London and its services are heavily geared to meet a huge and growing demand for peak hour travel. More employees have been deployed on gatelines at key stations and more customer service staff are on hand to help passengers with information and provide advice when and where it’s needed. Southeastern has improved the number of ticketing options available to its passengers, providing them with more options and better value for money payment methods. This includes the extension of Oyster to Dartford and Swanley, and between St Pancras International and Stratford International. Southeastern has also been working to increase off-peak travel by bringing in Advance tickets and a Summer campaign was run to offer passengers a twenty per cent online discount offer on offpeak tickets.

This station has step-free access to all platforms

Limited station call


Falconwood Eltham

Hither Green

TfL River Bus Service

Oyster and Contactless pay as you go area


Kidbrooke Blackheath

London Travelcard Zones 1-8

Slade Green

Eurostar Terminal


(Zone 2 & 3)


Te yn

ad e he Ry un N ha m l ck Hil Pe ark m en




Tramlink Interchange

Ferry Link


St Johns

Abbey Wood



Woolwich Dockyard

Overground Interchange

Docklands Light Rail Interchange

To help those with accessibility needs the key below shows levels of accessibility at our stations. Book assistance by calling Passenger Assist on 0800 783 4524 or Text Relay number 18001 0800 783 4524


Woolwich Arsenal


Maze Hill

New Cross

Underground Interchange


Other operator routes



Be llin B gh H ec a il k Ra l enh m ve am ns bo ur ne

gh ou cn or J hb ug Lo

London Bridge

(Zone 1 & 2)

Crofton Park

Image credit: Southeastern

Southeastern high speed route (HS1)


(Zone 2 & 3)

Elephant & Castle

Herne Hill


Southeastern limited service routes

7 8

Southeastern high speed service routes

Westcombe Park


Waterloo East



Southeastern high speed limitedservice routes




Cannon Street

City Thameslink



Stratford International


Charing Cross


Outside fare zones, charges may vary


St Pancras International



ha Fa m ve rs ha m


Ore Hastings St Leonards Warrior Square

The project team is starting to set up now and the upgrade is scheduled to be completed in May 2021. The £2.25 million funding has come from two grants. The first is £1.5 million from the Kent County Council (KCC) Local Growth Fund, via the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP). The second is £750,000 from Sevenoaks District Council’s (SDC) Community Infrastructure Levy. The contract has been awarded to a local Kent based company, WPB, who will be working in partnership with Southeastern and Network Rail to deliver the project. Busy platforms Southeastern runs around two thousand metro, mainline and high-speed services each weekday from the southeast of England into London across 748 route miles, along twelve main lines. Its trains serve more London terminals than any other operator (London Victoria, London Charing Cross, London Blackfriars, London Cannon Street and St Pancras International) and some of its services also run through London Bridge – with one of the busiest train platforms in Europe. Only twenty per cent of Southeastern passengers are leisure travellers, meaning eighty per cent are commuters. The TOC

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Steve White Engineering Director: Mark Johnson Passenger Services Director: David Wornham Train Services Director: Scott Brightwell Commercial Director: Alicia Andrews HR Director: Scott Maynard Finance Director: Felix Beeson

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Friars Bridge Court, 41-45 Blackfriars Road, South Bank, London SE1 8NZ Tel: 0345 322 7021 Email: Contact via website Visit: www.southeasternrailway.co.uk 119

Passenger Operators

Stagecoach Supertram

Gr She an ffi vi eld lle Ro Sta ad tio Th n / e Sh Hal e la Pa ffiel m U rk d C n Gr o i an lleg ge e Ar bo Par Cro ur k G ft th ra or ng n e Sp e Ro rin ad g M Lan an e o Gl ea Ho r To dl lli p es ns s T en He ow d rd in ne gs nd /L ei gh to HE n Ro RD ad IN GS PA RK







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Stagecoach Supertram has been serving the city of Sheffield since 1994 with four tram lines calling at 50 stops

Image credit: Stagecoach Supertram

on to the national rail network to Parkgate Retail Centre via Rotherham Central station. The Government funded programme is a partnership between South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), Network Rail, Stagecoach Supertram and Northern Rail to pilot this pioneering technology. The seven Stadler built tram trains have been in public service since September 2017.

Image credit: Stagecoach Supertram


he tram is owned by the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive, which built the network at a cost of around £240 million. It was opened in stages between 1994 and 1995 and was run by South Yorkshire Supertram (SYSL) until 1997, when Stagecoach bought the concession for £1.15 million that gives it control until 2024. The tramway is served by eight park and ride sites enabling easy parking for car users wishing to complete their journey by tram. Four sites offer paid for parking and the other three sites have free designated parking. Railway Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) 120

distributes electricity to trains at 750 volts DC, which is considerably more than the power on most tram systems. Around 14.5 million passengers use the tram every year. Tram Train innovation Tram train vehicles that can operate on both mainline rail and tram tracks rolled out on 25 October 2018, making it possible to make a single journey between tram stops and conventional rail stations. Three Tram Trains an hour travel on the Supertram network from Sheffield Cathedral to Meadowhall South, before proceeding over a new section of track linking the tram line to the rail track called the Tinsley Chord and

Staff Around 330 employees maintain and operate the trams from the Nunnery depot.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Tim Bilby Corporate Communications Manager: Sian Freestone-Walker

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Nunnery Depot, Woodbourn Road, Sheffield S9 3LS Tel: 0114 272 8282 Email: supertram.enquiries@ supertram.com Visit: www.stagecoachbus.com/ supertram

Passenger Operators

Stansted Express The Stansted Express ferries passengers from Stansted Airport to central London in just 47 minutes


tansted Express trains leave from a station directly below Stansted Airport every 15 minutes, reaching the London Underground station of Tottenham Hale in 36 minutes and London Liverpool Street in 47 minutes. The Stansted Express service is operated by Abellio Greater Anglia in a franchise that will last until 2025. Ticketing Unlike the Heathrow Express and the Gatwick Express, which require the purchase of premium tickets to use the services, normal rail tickets are valid on the Stansted Express.

Customers can purchase tickets six months in advance and are able to access their ticket within the Stansted Express app. During the Summer months capacity on the service is expanded by 5,000 seats to accommodate increased holiday travel. This is made possible by increasing the number of carriages on the trains from eight carriages to twelve. Airport experiences A First-Class ticket on Stansted Express gives passengers access to airport security FastTrack. The same ticket also allows for unlimited luggage.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Jamie Burles

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 11th Floor,1 Stratford Place, Montfitchet Road, London E20 1EJ Tel: 0345 600 7245 Email: contactcentre@greateranglia.co.uk Visit: www.stanstedexpress.com


Passenger Operators

Translink (Northern Ireland Railways) Translink operates train services connecting cities, towns and villages throughout Northern Ireland and some cross border routes


ranslink runs public transport services across Northern Ireland, with the operations of NI Railways, Ulsterbus, Metro and Glider managed under a single team. Translink carries 1.5 million passengers every week and operates over and maintain 300 miles of rail track. Rolling stock Translink aims to operate a zero emission fleet across the network by 2040, with 21 new Class 4000 CAF train carriages entering service on the NI Railways network at the end of 2021. In the coming years, Translink will introduce a fleet of new bi-mode trains for use on the NI Railways network, as well as working towards the electrification of the rail network by 2035. Translink is also participating, along with colleagues in Irish Rail and other key stakeholders, in an allIreland Strategic Rail Review, initiated by Government Ministers in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, to discuss potential expansion and greater connectivity across the island-wide railway network, as well as participating in the UK Government’s Union Connectivity Review. KEY PERSONNEL Group Chief Executive: Chris Conway Deputy Group Chief Executive: Gordon Milligan Chief Operating Officer: Phillip O’Neill Chief Financial Officer: Patrick Anderson Director of Engineering & Sponsorship: Clive Bradberry Director of Infrastructure & Projects: John Glass Director of Service Operations: Ian Campbell Corporate Communications Manager: Lynda Shannon









Larne Town Glynn Magheramorne Ballycarry Whitehead Downshire


Ballymena Antrim Mossley West


Carrickfergus Clipperstown Trooperslane Greenisland Jordanstown r Whiteabbey d rte Yorkgate ua oo Q ic yw ltra l n o ta Cu H Ti


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Lisburn Moira Lurgan

Portadown Scarva Poyntzpass

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Rail passengers with a valid rail ticket can travel between Central Station and Belfast city centre free of charge on Translink Metro bus services. Free Ulsterbus connections from Newry Station to Newry city centre and from Londonderry Station to Derry city centre.

KEY Main Bus & Rail Interchange Dublin Line

Newry Dundalk Drogheda

Londonderry Line Portadown/Newry Line

Bangor Line

t es rW o ng Ba

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Free bus into town Adelaide Balmoral Finaghy Dunmurry Derriaghy Lambeg Hilden


CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7LX Tel: 028 9066 6630 Email: feedback@translink.co.uk Visit: www.translink.co.uk

Image credit: Translink


Portrush Line

Larne Line Airport Express 300 service to Belfast International Airport Airport Express 600 service to George Best Belfast City Airport

www.translink.co.uk or call 028 90 66 66 30


Passenger Operators

TransPennine Express TransPennine Express (TPE) is an intercity operator that connects towns and cities across the North and into Scotland

North TransPennine runs from Newcastle to Manchester Airport, Redcar/Middlesbrough to Manchester Airport, Scarborough to Liverpool, Edinburgh to Liverpool and Hull to Manchester Piccadilly. South TransPennine runs from Cleethorpes via Doncaster and Sheffield to Manchester Airport and North West and Scotland runs from Liverpool and Manchester Airport to Preston, Oxenholme, Carlisle, Penrith, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Image credit: First Group / TransPennine Express

Rolling stock TPE customers travel on some of the most modern trains in the country following the introduction of three brand new Nova fleets. The state-of-the-art intercity trains feature more seats, bigger tables, plug sockets and USB charging points, free Wi-Fi in both First and Standard Class, access to a complimentary entertainment service and electronic seat reservations. TPE is currently delivering a £500 million investment into improvements on its network that will transform customer journeys across the North of England and into Scotland. A collaborative partnership between Siemens Mobility, TransPennine Express and Eversholt Rail will see the full 51-strong Class 185 fleet receive a digital upgrade – connecting to the cloud to access real time information. KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Matthew Golton Commercial Director: Darren Higgins Fleet Director: Paul Staples Major Projects Director: Chris Nutton Operations Director: Paul Watson Customer Experience Director: Kathryn O’Brien Service Planning Director: Jerry Farquharson Strategy Director: Louise Ebbs Finance Director: Carolann James

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 7th Floor, Bridgewater House, 60 Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 6LT Tel: 0345 600 1671 Email: tpecustomer.relations@ firstgroup.com Visit: www.tpexpress.co.uk

Image credit: First Group / TransPennine Express


Passenger Operators

CORE SERVICES • Building Repair, Maintenance & PPM (Planned Prevented Maintenance) • Reactive Faults & Repairs • Electrical Services • Plumbing & Heating • Building Refurbishments & Upgrades • Damp Proofing & Structural Repairs • Cabinetry Manufacture • Carpentry & Joinery • Signage & Graphics • Heritage Canopies & Overbridge Cladding Specialists • Washroom Cubicle Design with In-House Manufacture • Workshop services to include Laminate Supply/Cut & Edge Banding Services • ICATS - Specialist Sprayer Industrial Coating Applicator & Specialist Blaster



WEST SERVICES West Services was established in 2003 with a major rail company being one of our first clients, Over the last 18 years West Services has grown in size year on year, Time and investment has been given to ensuring West Services is at the forefront of all aspects of our business, we have various divisions and a growing number of staff, As our team grows as does our business, continually gaining the trust of new clients while retaining the trust of our existing ones.

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From office fitouts to large canopy & overbridge timber cladding refurbishments, the works of the West Services team have received many accolades and commendation from our customers, with a canopy refurbishment featuring in the annual report of the Railway Heritage Trust.

01634 666 295 www.westservices.co.uk



Passenger Operators

Tyne and Wear Metro The Tyne and Wear Metro services Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, South Tyneside, North Tyneside and Sunderland in the Tyne and Wear region


he local transport authority Nexus owns and operates the system, taking over from DB Regio Tyne & Wear Limited, a subsidiary of Arriva UK Trains, in April 2017. Nexus will operate the line for two years until a new operating contract can be agreed. The Tyne and Wear Metro was the first

Rolling stock Stadler is building 46 new Metro trains for Nexus, which will be delivered up to 2024. They will be responsible for servicing and maintaining these trains for 35 years, underscoring their commitment to the regional economy. The new trains, which will be 15 times more reliable and will cut energy consumption by 30 per cent, will have modern features including improved internet connectivity, charging points, air conditioning and a step-change in accessibility. Stadler is also in the process of building a new £70 million Metro depot at Gosforth as part of the new fleet project. The total value of the partnership between Nexus and Stadler, which will include decommissioning of the existing Metro fleet, could rise to £700 million over 35 years, through a contract to maintain the new trains for up to 35 years depending on performance. The Department for Transport will also provide revenue support to help meet the maintenance costs of the new trains.

Image credit: Nexus / Stadler Rail Service / Tyne and Wear Metro


Bank Foot

Callerton Parkway


Kingston Park

South Gosforth

Four Lane Ends

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Tobyn Hughes Director of Finance and Resources: John Fenwick Transport Strategy Director: Philip Meikle Metro Services Director: Chris Carson Customer Service Director: Huw Lewis CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Nexus House, St James Boulevard, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4AX Tel: 0191 203 3333 Email: contactmetro@nexus.org.uk Visit: www.nexus.org.uk

West Monkseaton

Northumberland Park



Regent Centre

Wansbeck Road

Depot The first sections of new sidings have been completed at Gosforth Metro depot as part of the ongoing £70 million project to completely rebuild the depot. A new stabling area has been created on the site, and the first test trains have been successfully run in. These tracks will be used to serve the new depot and park the new trains when they start to arrive in 2023. The completion of these sidings, knows as ‘stabling roads’, paves the way for further demolition work on the existing depot building, which is 100 years-old.

modern light rail system in the UK when it opened in 1980. It now has sixty stations on a 46-mile network that connects Newcastle Airport with South Hylton on the Green Line and St James with South Shields on the Yellow Line.




Ilford Road West Jesmond

Whitley Bay


Jesmond Newcastle City Centre

St James

Haymarket Monument

Chillingham Road Manors




Hadrian Road

Percy Main

Central Station


North Shields

River Tyne

Gateshead Gateshead Stadium


Pelaw Heworth

Main Bus Interchange Rail Interchange Ferry (only A+B+C tickets valid) Airport Park and Ride

nexus.org.uk/metro 0191 20 20 747

Meadow Well


Jarrow Hebburn

Simonside Bede


Tyne Dock

Brockley Whins Fellgate

South Shields

East Boldon Seaburn

St Peter’s

Stadium of Light

River Wear Sunderland City Centre


Image credit: Nexus / Tyne and Wear Metro

South Hylton

University Millfield


Park Lane



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Passenger Operators

Venice-Simplon-Orient Express The Venice-Simplon-Orient Express operates a luxury service from London to Venice, taking in Paris and Verona on the way

Image credit: Belmond / Venice-Simplon-Orient Express


perated by luxury travel company Belmond, the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (VSOE) epitomises the glamour and elegance of the Golden Age of travel. Taking luxury seekers from London to Venice and stopping off at other places across the European continent at cities like Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Istanbul, Prague, Vienna and Verona. Seasonal service VSOE runs services between March and November. The journey is not intended as a functional rail service taking passengers from A to B, but as a five-star experience in every sense of the word. Belmond operates 47 luxury hotels, restaurants, tourist trains and river cruises in 24 countries and that standard comes across in the accommodation, dining and overall experience of the VSOE.

Trains The VSOE continental leg contains 18 carriages – twelve sleeping cars, three dining cars, a bar car and two former sleepers, which provide accommodation for the staff and storage rooms for luggage and supplies. By day the twin-cabin rooms look out on the European countryside flying by and by night the rooms are transformed into bedrooms. The carriages were refurbished in 2017 to bring them up to date with modern standards of safety and comfort. In March 2018 the ‘Grand Suites’ were launched, each of these suites feature a private bathroom and living area fashioned after the 1920s ‘art deco’ style designed by Wimberly Interiors. 2021 brought new Grand Tour routes crisscrossing through Europe. Embark on a thrilling voyage connecting some of the continent’s most vibrant cultural hubs. Explore the elaborate canals of Amsterdam – taking in the world-class museums by day

and sampling the Dutch cuisine by night – before boarding the train for your overnight adventure. KEY PERSONNEL Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer: Martin O’Grady Vice President, Legal: Abigail Hunt Vice President, Trains & Cruises: Gary Franklin Director of Sales, Trains & Cruises: Lucy Clark

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane, London SE1 2HP Tel: 0845 077 2222 Email: reservations.uk@belmond.com Visit: www.belmond.com 127



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have been supplying some of the largest rail build and maintenance firms for over 10 years, now considered some of the best in the world!



Passenger Operators Approved Hydraulics






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Passenger Operators

West Midlands Metro and Railway West Midlands Railway runs services through Birmingham and on the Coventry to Nuneaton branch lines and West Midlands Metro tram runs between Birmingham and Wolverhampton

Image credit: Belmond / Venice-Simplon-Orient Express


est Midlands Railway is operated by West Midlands Trains Ltd, run as part of a joint venture between Abellio and the Japanese conglomerate Mitsui & Co. The West Midlands Railway brand was announced in 2017, after being created by the West Midlands Combined Authority. West Midlands Railway has a shared management board with London Northwestern Railway and both brands are in the midst of a £1 billion investment programme by West Midlands Trains owners Abellio, JR East and Mitsui. This figure includes £680 million on trains, including new stock produced by Bombardier and CAF, as well as £70 million on depots. More than £60 million is to be invested in station improvements delivering over a thousand new car parking spaces and over 2,500 cycle parking spaces. This is alongside new and refurbished waiting rooms, more seats at stations and feasibility studies into developing new stations in the West Midlands. There will be nearly £1 billion invested into the overall network over the course of the franchise, £680 million of that will go into new and refurbished trains. Bombardier and CAF will manufacture 413 new carriages, creating space for an extra 85,000 passengers on rush hour services in Birmingham and London. A total of 333 of the new trains will be produced by Bombardier at its facility in Derby. Midland Metro (MML) was awarded a 15year operations and maintenance contract

for the Metro system by the WMCA starting on 24 June 2018. Working with Transport for West Midlands, it expects to grow the £12 million turnover to £50 million by 2030. It currently employs 200 staff and carries eight million passengers per year, it is expected this will grow to over 400 staff and 30 million passengers by 2030. The West Midlands Combined Authority and Transport for West Midlands is spearheading a £1.3 billion investment programme. The project will add new control, communications and passenger information systems and an upgraded depot, control room and maintenance facilities. Rolling stock Eight third generation Urbos trams, manufactured to order by CAF, arrived in the West Midlands at the end of 2021, with the first five being put into service ready for the opening of extensions to the network in Birmingham and Wolverhampton city centres. A further 13 trams will be delivered in 2023 ahead of the opening of the Metro extension currently under construction between Wednesbury and Brierley Hill. The purchase of the 21 vehicles was part on an £83.5 million deal signed in 2019 between West Midlands Metro and manufacturer CAF. Also included is technical support and battery management services over 30 years, as well as an option to purchase a further 29 trams as the network grows. The network will triple in size, as a £1.3 billion investment programme

being spearheaded by the West Midlands Combined Authority and Transport for West Midlands is completed. The line is being extended by 1.2 miles from New Street station to Hagley Road and is currently predicted to start operations by 2022. In order to maintain the aesthetic of the buildings along the extension parts of the route will not have overhead lines and the trams will instead run on batteries. The single line currently stops at 26 stations with four more under construction. When completed the Metro will serve over 80 tram stops, more than 20 transport interchanges and link Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Dudley, Brierley Hill, Digbeth, North Solihull, Birmingham Airport, the NEC and HS2.

KEY PERSONNEL West Midlands Railway Managing Director: Julian Edwards West Midlands Railway Finance Director: David Lindsay West Midlands Railway Fleet Director: Tim Sayer Mayor of the West Midlands: Andy Street Lead Member for Transport for the WMCA: Cllr Ian Ward TfWM Managing Director: Laura Shoaf CONTACT INFORMATION West Midlands Railway Address: 134 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2ES Tel: 0333 311 0039 Email: Contact Via Website CONTACT INFORMATION West Midlands Metro Address: 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham B19 3SD Tel: 0345 835 8181 Email: customerservices@ westmidlandsmetro.com Visit: www.westmidlandsmetro.com 129

Freight Operators

Colas Rail Freight Formerly known as Seco Rail, Colas Rail is a rail freight operator owned by French industrial group Bouygues

C • • • •

olas Rail is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of railway infrastructure services. The organisation is split into four different sections: Rail Infrastructure. Rail Services. Urban Rail. High-Speed Rail

Tunnel to Fawkham Junction in north Kent, with a design speed of 300 kph, including the OCS and Mechanical and Electrical equipment and services.

Rail Infrastructure In 2019, Colas Rail UK won a ten-year contract for the South Rail Systems Alliance (SRSA) across three Network Rail regions in the South of the UK – Western & Wales, Southern and Anglia. High-speed rail Colas Rail built 74 kilometres of new highspeed double track line from the Channel

Rolling stock Colas Rail currently operates an extensive fleet of railway assets: 130 locomotives, 500 wagons and two track-laying trains. As well as three ballast clearing machines, 32 ballast tampers, three stabilisers, 13 ballast regulators, 55 road-rail vehicles, 15 loaders, and three concreting trains, across the 20 countries in which it operates. Included in this collection are several ‘Specialist Wagons’ including eight ‘Slinger’ rail delivery and recovery gantry wagons, one high capacity 125T Kirow crane KRC 1200 UK, 16 PEM LEM switch handling

units (PEMs/LEMs) and two Track Relaying Machines (TRM).

KEY PERSONNEL CEO: Jean-Pierre Bertrand Deputy CEO: Stephens Haynes Rail Freight Director: Simon Ball

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Dacre House, Dacre St, Westminster, London SW1H 0DJ Tel: 020 7593 5348 Email: info@ colasrail.co.uk Visit: www.colasrail.co.uk


•E X C E L L E N C E


SINCE 1911•




TEL: +44 (0) 1246 299 100

Freight Operators

DB Cargo UK DB Cargo UK is the largest rail freight haulier in the UK. It operates freight and infrastructure services, as well as passenger charter trains throughout the UK


he company was born in 1996 when assets from the former British Rail freight business were used to form English Welsh and Scottish Railway (EWS). In 2007 Deutsche Bahn AG acquired all shares in the company and in 2016 renamed it DB Cargo UK. Maritime Intermodal In October 2021, DB Cargo UK announced plans to lease its Mossend EuroTerminal rail freight facility to Maritime Intermodal. The Lanarkshire depot provides intermodal freight transfer between rail and road and is well-placed at the centre of Scotland’s road network, next to the M8 motorway linking Glasgow and Edinburgh. The announcement came two years after Maritime Intermodal took over the lease of DB’s intermodal rail freight facilities in Wakefield, West Yorkshire and Trafford Park in Manchester. Under the terms of that agreement: • DB Cargo UK was contracted to run Maritime Intermodal’s rail operations out of Felixstowe and Southampton • Maritime Intermodal took on responsibility for DB Cargo UK’s terminals in Trafford Park, Manchester and Wakefield in West Yorkshire, thus strengthening the road haulier’s national network of strategic hubs • Maritime Intermodal took responsibility for DB Cargo UK’s existing intermodal customers on its Felixstowe and Southampton services. New contracts DB Cargo UK signed a new ten-year contract with Brett Aggregates. The contract will see DB Cargo UK transport millions of tonnes of sea-dredged products every year from Brett’s marine aggregates terminals in Ipswich, Cliffe and Newhaven. DB Cargo UK has been awarded a new, five-year haulage contract with Tarmac. The announcement is a welcome boost for the rail freight company which already runs a range of services for Tarmac to and from Mountsorrel Quarry in Leicestershire and its aggregates facility in Angerstein Wharf, Greenwich, London. DB Cargo UK has been awarded a new, two-year contract to transport china clay for Imerys. DB Cargo UK also signed a fiveyear ‘hook and haul’ contract to transport

Image credit: Deutsche Bahn

supplies of sustainable biomass to Drax. Each train will carry around 1,650 tonnes of sustainable biomass to Drax Power Station, which provides flexible and reliable renewable power for millions of UK homes and businesses. DB Cargo UK has also secured a new three year deal with fellow rail freight company GB Railfreight (GBRf) to undertake the maintenance of ten Class 60 locomotives for them as well as providing technical infield support. Logistics In October 2018, UK manufacturing was given a major boost with the opening of DB Cargo UK’s new £6 million steel logistics centre in the West Midlands. Construction took more than twelve months and saw the German-owned freight operator more than double the size of its existing facility in Knowles Road, Wolverhampton, which receives imported steel from as far afield as Holland and Sweden. The £6 million project was one of the largest investments in rail freight in the past five years and seen as a major vote of confidence in the UK’s continuing ability to trade and attract inward investment post-Brexit. The new state-of-the-art logistics centre is now used by some of the world’s biggest steel companies including ArcelorMittal,

Tata Steel and SSAB; providing a major boost to local businesses that use their products in their manufacturing processes. Track infrastructure renewals In August 2019, DB Cargo UK started work on a multi-million programme of investment to improve track and rail infrastructure at three key sites. The UK’s largest rail freight operator is replacing more than 20 kilometres of track at its depots at Immingham in North Lincolnshire, Rotherham in South Yorkshire and Toton in Nottinghamshire. The investment will further improve the safety and reliability of services. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Executive Officer: Andrea Rossi Chief Financial Officer: Deb Hardy Chief Operations Officer: Dirk Nolte Head of Sales: Roger Neary

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Lakeside Business Park, Carolina Way, Doncaster, DN45PN Tel: 01302 575000 Email: Uk.dbcargo@deutschebahn.com Visit: www.uk.dbcargo.com 131

Freight Operators

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Freight Operators

Direct Rail Services Operating for over 25 years, Direct Rail Services (DRS) is one of the UK’s leading national rail freight operators


RS has a uniquely flexible and efficient fleet of locomotives and rolling stock. Their fleet of Class 88, 68, 66, 57 and 37 locomotives offer unbridled flexibility allowing them to deliver freight services across the network. The Class 88 is their state-of-the-art bi-mode locomotive, the only dual powered locomotive in the UK. It can run on overhead electricity and offers industry leading CO2 savings, but also up to 500 miles on diesel power when no overhead lines are available. Unique amongst UK rail freight businesses, DRS is not only fully accredited to ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 14001 environmental standards, but has also achieved the occupational health and safety approval BS OHSAS 18001. With a unique blend of skills and experience, the company offers a comprehensive package of rail transport and related services, tailor-made to match a wide range of exacting customer requirements. DRS’s award winning UK-wide operations are delivered from a national network of fully equipped depots and facilities, supported by a 24/7 control centre. Supporting DRS’s core business of delivering safe, secure and reliable transport services for some of the most sensitive and demanding loads is an ever-expanding portfolio of key rail activities.

DRS operates a unique fleet of locomotives matched with a flexible team of highly trained, fully experienced staff, providing a comprehensive range of infrastructure support services including: • Autumn Rail Head Treatment Trains (RHTT). • Winter snow clearance utilising DRS’ own MSP-fitted locomotives and Network Rail Independent Snow Ploughs and Beilhack Ploughs. • Overhead line ‘ice breaking’ service. • MPV weed-spraying operations. • S&C Video MPV Operation. • A variety of Test Trains, including Network Rail Saloon services. In addition to these key services, DRS also supports Supply Chain Operations for Network Rail with the extensive resources required to facilitate its infrastructure renewal requirements, including the provision of Network Services, Bulk Ballast Services, Delivery Trains and Possession Services. Nuclear Transport Solutions In April 2021, Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS), a specialist nuclear transport organisation, was launched. NTS is part of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group and specialises in the operational, commercial, engineering, legal,

and regulatory expertise that underpin nuclear transport and logistics operations. Operating from a network of more than thirty depots and sites, from Georgemas in the far north of Scotland to Devonport on the south coast, Nuclear Transport Solutions operate seven fully nuclear-capable regional railheads that are positioned to support decommissioning and new build activities, and safe, high-security stabling facilities at strategic locations.

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Chris Connelly Senior Business Manager: Sabrina Brannan Senior Business Manager: Gary Brownell Business Development Manager: Luke Asbridge

CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Direct Rail Services, Regents Court, Baron Way, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4SJ Tel: 01228 406600 Email: communications@drsl.co.uk Visit: www.directrailservices.com

Network Rail Railhead Treatment Trains Image credit: Direct Rail Services / Network Rail


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Freight Operators

Freightliner Group Freightliner is an intermodal and bulk haulage rail freight company operating in the UK and Continental Europe


ounded in 1965 in the UK, Freightliner has since expanded into Continental Europe. After a few years operating only intermodal services from ports like Southampton and Tilbury to Birmingham, Manchester and others, Freightliner began operating infrastructure trains for Network Rail in 1999. In the first ten years after privatisation Freightliner trebled the number of services it ran. Freightliner and sister company Pentalver are owned by Genesee & Wyoming Inc. (G&W). G&W owns or leases 116 freight railroads worldwide organised in eight locally managed operating regions with 7,300 employees serving 3,000 customers. Intermodal Freightliner is the leading UK intermodal rail freight operator for the transportation of maritime containers with a comprehensive network offering the complete logistics package or trunk rail moves. Operating around a hundred services daily, Freightliner moves over 770,000 maritime containers per year from the deepsea ports of Felixstowe, Southampton and London Gateway to all major conurbations in the UK, offering total coverage of the UK network. The combined Pentalver/ Freightliner road fleet consists of more than 350 modern tractor units and over 900

trailers to compliment the rail operations, providing a total logistics solution to their customer base. Rolling stock The bulk of the fleet is made up of Class 66 locomotives, which were introduced in 1998. In 2009 Freightliner introduced 19 Powerhaul locomotives; these have the same haulage capacity of 1,800 tonnes and run at the same speed. In 2018/19, Freightliner added eight Class 59 locomotives to their fleet for the Mendip Rail contract. In 2019/20, Freightliner added 13 electric class 90 locomotives from Porterbrook Leasing to complement its existing ten locomotives. They operate using the 25k overhead line supply, reducing the dependency on diesel traction and contributing to making rail an even more sustainable and carbon-neutral mode for transporting freight. Rail freight is already producing 76 per cent las carbon per gross tonne mile than road freight, and Freightliner is the largest user of electric locomotives to haul freight. The expansion of the electric fleet helps to improve that footprint further. Some of the locomotives will replace the ageing class 86 fleet which will be retired from service until they can be overhauled and re-introduced as Freightliner expands its electrically hauled services.

FFA-G wagons In late 2021, 230 new Freightliner FFA-G wagons arrived in the UK from Poland, representing the next generation of energy efficient, 40ft intermodal wagons. The new FFA-G wagon is the culmination of two-anda-half years of work with partners Greenbrier Europe and Wabtec Axiom Rail and is the latest contribution to Freightliner’s energysaving strategy. Designed with fuel efficiency in mind, the FFA-G wagon is more than two tonnes lighter per platform than its nearest competitor, driving significantly less weight per train whilst maintaining industry safety standards. The modern low track force bogies ensure significantly reduced noise levels and minimise track damage. KEY PERSONNEL Chief Financial Officer: Patrick Taylor Chief Commercial Officer: Emma Dempsey CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 3rd Floor, 90 Whitfield Street, London W1T 4EZ Tel: 03330 169545 Email: info@gwrr.co.uk Visit: www.freightliner.co.uk

Image credit: Freightliner Group


Freight Operators

GB Railfreight GB Railfreight (GBRf ) is the third largest rail freight operator in the United Kingdom, transporting goods for a wide range of customers


BRf’s new £3 million building accommodates GBRf’s traincrew and office staff including its 24hour control centre, training and operations departments, as well as the asset management team. The building plays host to three new purpose-built classrooms and state-of-the-art simulators which will be used to develop future generations of talent from the local area and beyond. This year alone, 120 people are expected to use the facility and develop skills to qualify for a variety of roles from trainee train drivers to apprenticeships. Sustainability and wellbeing are central to the new headquarters, with features such as solar panels, electric vehicle charging points and cycle racks as well as a catering hub and new shower facilities for its around the clock staff. Upgrade to Eastleigh and Bescot LDCs for Network Rail GBRf has completed two major upgrade projects funded by Network Rail worth over £1.5 million, aimed at improving vital Local Distribution Centres (LDCs) in Eastleigh and Bescot. Both LDC’s act as a focal point for the shunting, marshalling and preparation of trains needed to support vital engineering works carried out by Network Rail. The work on Eastleigh LDC, in Hampshire, has been two years in the making with GBRf

Image credit: GBRf


replacing old cabins with updated facilities that provide full recreational capability, offices for management, a meeting room, as well as a vantage point that overlooks the yard. Alongside this, GBRf undertook a car park overhaul, maximising the potential parking for those operating onsite. Contracts GB Railfreight (GBRf) renewed its contract with Tarmac for five years from January 2020 to 31 December 2025. GB Railfreight (GBRf) and Rail Stone Solutions (RSS) signed two contracts to support construction on the first phase of HS2. The deals, with HS2 contractors EKFB (Eiffage, Kier, Ferrovial BAM Nuttall) and BBV (Balfour Beatty VINCI) will see GBRf join forces with RSS to deliver aggregates by rail to the high speed rail project’s main construction compounds. As part of the deal with EKFB, GBRf will support the training of new train drivers at their new state-of-the-art twin-simulators near Peterborough where the UK’s first and only full-cab freight European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) simulator centre is located. New locomotives In June 2019, GBRf announced three Class 66 locomotives were to be leased from Beacon Rail Leasing and introduced to the UK rail network from Sweden. The

locomotives mark GBRf’s continued growth and investment in its fleet. These locos are the most widely operated modern freight locomotives in the European market and will further strengthen GBRf’s already reliable fleet. GBRf have considerable experience bringing locomotives from Europe to the UK. Previous conversions include 66 747/8/9/5/51 from European to UK specification with the assistance of Electro Motive Diesels (EMD).

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: John Smith Commercial Director: Liam Day Engineering Director: Bob Tiller Production Director: Ian Langton Finance Director: Karl Goulding-Davis Asset Director: David Golding Business Development Director: Tim Hartley General Infrastructure Manager: Alex Kirk CONTACT INFORMATION Address: LONDON HQ, 3rd Floor, 55 Old Broad Street, London EC2M 1RX Tel: 020 7904 3393 Email: info@gbrailfreight.com Visit: www.gbrailfreight.com

Freight Operators

Rail Operations (UK) Rail Operations (UK) is the parent company of Rail Operations Group (ROG), Traxion and Orion


part from providing strategic direction to the group, Rail Operations (UK) incorporates a Project Management Office (PMO) to deliver support to major projects, both within the group itself and to external customers. Examples of this include: • ERTMS support to Crossrail. • Train planning support to Orion. • Procurement of the UK’s first fleet of trimode class 93 locomotives. Rail Operations (UK) specialises in train movements relating to rolling stock delivery, testing, maintenance, modification and refurbishment programmes. Train operations include new build deliveries, train testing, fault-free running and mileage accumulation of new rolling stock. Current fleet support includes fleet maintenance, modification and refurbishment programmes, fleet cascade or transfer programmes, vehicle / fleet testing (e.g. ETCS fitment) and infrastructure-train interface testing. Rail Operations (UK) also provides storage regimes to support new build, off lease and redundant rolling stock.

These services are principally in support of the rolling stock leasing, manufacturing and engineering sectors and involve everything from project management through to the delivery and testing of new train fleets. Rail Operations Group partnered with the Barrow Hill Roundhouse to provide a shuttle service to the 2021 Rail Ale Festival. On 4 August 2021 Rail Operations Group operated Retro Railtours’ first tour since 2019.

General movements • Passenger (ECS), ad-hoc freight or engineering rolling stock movements. • Traction and rolling stock movements for private owners / operators. Rail Operations (UK) also has a fleet of dedicated locomotives which have been modified with electrical brake translation equipment and a range of coupler types to enable direct coupling to, and through automatic brake control of, most UK EMU types. This negates the need to use historic barrier and translator type vehicles.

Rail Operations Group Delivering innovation and diversification to the UK rail industry the Rail Operations group of companies provides a range of specialist services to the UK rail industry.

Traxion Traxion is a specialist rolling stock management company delivering services related to rolling stock storage and disposals. Today’s rolling stock storage programmes require suitable storage facilities, within which, a varying range of rolling stock servicing or maintenance regimes are provided. Traxion can tailor to include the following: • Wheel Bearing Rotations. • Weekly Inspections. • Transit of the unit to and from an approved engineering provider for more in-depth inspection. • Arrange with Rail Operations Group transit to and from originating depot to storage. • Asset surveys and reports to clients at their request.

Orion Orion started trading in 2020, delivering high speed logistics services across the UK using re-purposed passenger trains employing bi-mode traction systems. Orion has already ordered the first class 769 ‘Flex’ units which will be used to convey light goods and parcel type commodities. These trains can operate over all UK rail routes and will serve national and regional logistics hubs, terminal, principal and regional stations and deep sea and inland ports. Rolling stock On 16 February 2021, Rail Operations (UK) completed a Sale and Purchase Agreement with Heathrow Airport Limited, the parent company of Heathrow Express, to acquire the fleet of five Class 360/2 multiple units, plus spare parts. On 14 January 2021 Stadler and Rail Operations (UK) signed a framework agreement for the supply of thirty Class 93 tri-mode locomotives. The advanced locomotives will significantly reduce CO2 emissions for both rail freight as well as potential passenger transport services, underscoring Stadler’s green credentials and demonstrating its commitment to decarbonisation. Deliveries are expected to start in early 2023.

KEY PERSONNEL Group President: Karl Watts Chairman: Neil Bennett Chief Operating Officer: David Burley Production Director: Paul Orchard CONTACT INFORMATION Address: First Floor, Wyvern House, Railway Terrace, Derby DE1 2RU Tel: 01332 343295 Email: info@railopsgroup.co.uk Visit: www.railopsgroup.co.uk 137

Freight Operators

Victa Railfreight Victa Railfreight provides a wide range of support services to rail freight customers, operators and suppliers, including freight handling, logistics services, staff provision and legislative advice for the freight sector


icta Railfreight is independent from key industry players but maintains a close relationship to all aspects of the rail sector. In 2014 it gained a UK wide Non Passenger Train Operators Licence that has enabled it to offer ‘last mile’ shunts, local tripping and feeder services and ‘short line’ capability as well as ground staff provision for freight operating companies and T3 possession operations. Victa Railfreight is one of the longest standing members of the RFG. Victa’s success over the past few years has seen turnover and staff numbers grow from £400,000 and 23 in 2015 to £6.5 million and 130 in 2018. On Phase One of HS1 Victa’s partnership contract with the main contractor for track


laying and overhead line works Amec-Spie followed on from the initial operational advice and included a full rail logistics support package worth £5.6 million. This included management of the overall rail operation serving the 50 mile-plus long construction site, managing and operating a large railhead with 18.6 miles of track, dealing with 72 plus train movements per day plus ancillary shunting at its peak. Crossrail Victa’s involvement with the fit out of the Crossrail tunnels under London was as one of a number of suppliers providing the operational manpower for the construction trains for ATC (Alstom, Costain & TSO).

KEY PERSONNEL Managing Director: Neil Sime Contract & Resources Manager: Debbie Simmons Head of Operations & Safety: Kevin Langley Third Party Services Manager: Colette Ranford CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Unit 1 The Viewpoint, Boxley Road, Boxley Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 2DZ Tel: 01622 690978 Email: enquiries@victa-railfreight.com Visit: www.victa-railfreight.com



Fast and quiet – can we have it both ways? Daniel Lurcock, Dr Martin Toward, Dr Giacomo Squicciarini and Prof David Thompson of the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton explain how train speed affects noise

Noise hot-spots from a passing Class 374 Eurostar train

ISVR researchers using a 90-microphone array

ISVR Consulting is an enterprise unit at the University of Southampton. Working alongside the ISVR (Institute of Sound & Vibration Research) at the University, they have been studying noise and vibration research for the last 25 years. This has included measurements to improve understanding on the factors affecting noise such as the surface unevenness of the rails and wheels, and the dynamics of the track. They have worked in the development of mitigation solutions such as rail dampers that reduce noise radiated by the track. In their research into railway noise and vibration they also use measurements conducted from the comfort of their own acoustic laboratories and test track, often alongside advanced computer models. How loud is a train? This sounds like a simple enough question, but things are often more complicated than they first seem. Noise from a passing train is generated from several sources. These can include rolling noise radiated from the track and wheels, aerodynamic sources, propulsion 140

components, and ventilation plant. Each of these individual source types has its own ‘sound power’ characteristics which can depend on the track conditions and the operating conditions of the train. In addition, noise from each source will depend, not only on how far away the listener is, but also whether that listener is located to the

side, front or rear of the source. The noise sources are located at various positions on the train, and most are dependent to some extent on train speed. However, determining the sound power characteristics of each train noise source is complicated, this is because a single microphone can only measure noise from all

Train Noise Expert, main user interface


the sources combined. Recordings of noise from multiple microphones can be processed to help reveal ‘hot-spots’ of noise coming from a moving train and therefore help determine the sound power characteristics of individual sources. The figure overleaf shows members of the team undertaking measurements using a 90-microphone array on HS1, with an example of some noise hotspots from a Class 374. Because of the number of sources and configurations that need to be considered, predicting the noise profile of a passing train can be quite a challenge. Whilst we could just try and get a measurement of train noise directly, this is not always possible, for example for new train or track designs that have not been built yet. In response to this requirement to predict noise from trains from multiple sources, ISVR Consulting has developed

sleepers and medium stiffness rail pads. In the software, generic source types may also be specified (with their sound power and directivity characteristics). These can be made to be independent of speed or alternatively provided with a speeddependent correction. In this case study, the following additional sources have been included: • Raised pantograph (aerodynamic, point source), • Lowered pantograph (aerodynamic, point source), • Windscreen (aerodynamic, point source), • Traction (point source), • Bogies (aerodynamic, point source, with unique value for leading bogie), • HVACs (box source), • Roof-level gaps (aerodynamic, point source).

dependent on speed, and that at high speeds, aerodynamic sources become dominant. Aerodynamic sources are shown to have a significantly higher speed dependence than rolling noise or traction sources. This is an important consideration for high-speed rail, which is faced with the additional challenge that many of the aerodynamic sources are at roof level and are therefore difficult to mitigate with conventional trackside noise barriers.

Time profile of train pass-bys

Time profile of 80 kph train pass-by, with source groupings

3D view of train geometry and source locations

the commercially available software Train Noise Expert. This builds upon the work within the EU project ‘ACOUTRAIN’, which provided methods to predict noise from trains in accordance with ISO 3095:2013. It also incorporates the same rolling noise prediction methods as the widely used ‘TWINS’ software. A screenshot of Train Noise Expert’s user interface is provided opposite. Speed and noise One of the topics of interest is the impact of speed on railway noise. A case study is presented based on an indicative highspeed train. A range of speeds have been selected, consisting of 80, 160, 320 and 400 kph. Train and track parameters for the hypothetical high-speed train/track situation and are based on measured and modelled data from a selection of high-speed railways. For rolling noise sources, the sound power of the components is calculated by using models based on the ‘TWINS’ approach. Track and vehicle parameters for this study wre set to values typical of modern high speed rail: 8 coach EMU, with disc-braked wheels travelling at speeds betweem 80 and 400 kph on ballasted track with monoblock

A 3D representation (generated by Train Noise Expert) of the train geometry, source positions and directivities, and receiver locations for the case study train is shown above. Results are shown in this Section for train pass-bys for a receiver position 7.5 metres from the centre of the track, at a height of 1.2 metres above the rail. The time profiles of the overall noise levels are shown above, top-right. The figure above, centre-right shows the sound pressure level time profile of the 80 kph train in more detail, with the contributions of the individual source groups. The peaks at the start and the end of the 80 kph pass-by are more pronounced than at the other speeds, it is seen that whilst the central portion of the time profile is dominated by rolling noise, the peaks at the start and end of the profile are due to the traction sources. In contrast, the peaks at the start and end of the 400 kph pass-by are due to aerodynamic sources. By combining the various source types by group, an impression of the overall speed dependencies of each source type is shown above, bottom right. This highlights that the main noise contributions are highly

Overall A-weighted sound pressure levels for pass-bys, with train speed

For other train types (e.g. freight, local, high-speed, metro, trams), the dominant noise sources can vary, partly due to individual train design and partly due to differences in their main operating speeds. For this reason, appropriate noise mitigation solutions may differ between train types. This kind of prediction approach can therefore be helpful in ensuring that when noise mitigation is required, the most costeffective solutions can be employed. Towards a quieter future There is much research going on in this field to better understand and predict railway noise. This is important due to the costs and disruption required to run tests on physical trains. The work that ISVR Consulting are doing to develop prediction software is important for train and railway designers and is a step towards ensuring that appropriate attention is given to the dominant sources when considering mitigation measures. Tel: +44 (0) 2­3 8059 2162 Email: rail@isvr.co.uk Visit: www.isvr.co.uk 141

Antenna Systems

5G and future onboard train communications Much has been discussed over the last few years about where the future of train communications will lead, particularly with the advent of 5G technology and the benefits this technology can bring


or both future Passenger Infotainment and Onboard operational purposes 5G technology will be heavily relied upon. 5G technology will also benefit hugely Train to Train, Train to Ground and Train to Infrastructure, offering for the first time a unified communication platform for the whole Rail ecosystem. Passenger Infotainment systems using OnBoard Train Wi-Fi is heavily dependent on the quality and capacity of access to the

Internet and 5G with its high throughput capability, guaranteed ‘Slice’ availability and low latency is key to offering higher levels of Passenger satisfaction in the future. The new up and coming Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) which will eventually replace GSM-R for realtime Train operational communications is also based heavily on 5G technology. The uptake of 5G for use with Railway Rollingstock will require a significant investment in new infrastructure

particularly trackside-based to enable the performance benefits of 5G to be harnessed fully. On the train itself the ‘link’ between the trackside wireless infrastructure and the onboard train communication equipment and sub-systems, the Antenna System, is of great importance. It can have a significantly good or detrimentally bad effect, on the overall performance of the Passenger Infotainment and OnBoard Operational systems.

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Antenna Systems

existence since 2007, it has already forged ties with many major European Train Manufacturers and Sub-System suppliers. Antonics has been involved recently with the Colibri project (Coach Link for Broadband Information Exchange) for a division of Deutsch Bahn, called DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH, where various systems Outdoor Roof Antenna both on Train and in Stations have been digitized leading to near Selecting the correct and optimum seamless integration primarily using LTE and Antenna design to maximise the data Wi-Fi wireless technologies. transfer from the 5G network connections The Colibri system has been rolled out in and then connecting to individual users via more than 1,700 Trains all around Germany. Wi-Fi and systems onboard the train is key Antonics was responsible for designing and to achieving better Customer Satisfaction supplying a ‘combi’ Multiband Antenna for and Operational efficiency. installation on the trains, incorporating dual One of the leading developers of 5G LTE, WLAN MIMO and GPS antenna arrays Train Antenna technology today, is a young in a single module. German technology driven company based The Colibri project is now looking at 5G in Velten, near Berlin, called Antonicstechnology to push the performance of its ICP GmbH. system integration capabilities even further They produce highly innovative antenna and Antonics is playing a major role to help systems for public transport systems. Using achieve this. the latest technologies ANTONICS-ICP Antonics success has been built on develops and manufactures tailor made train being extremely flexible in terms of design, antenna solutions for professional radio manufacturing and supply and offering applications from its rapidly expanding excellent Customer Support both technically factory in Germany. and commercially. With extensive inhouse Engineering, Test Core products include 5G 4x4 MIMO and precision manufacturing capabilities, Outdoor Train Antennas, Inside Train Wi-FI Antonics offers customized design and Antennas with MIMO 6x6 technology and a Multiband Antenna technology to exacting Dual-GSM-R Protection Filter. Quality and Technical standards. Its highly innovative multiband antennas Although Antonics has only been in run under the series name OmPlecs-

Indoor Antenna

TOP 200 AMR. Antonics can offer Antennae for both individual applications and ‘all in one antenna for multiple wireless applications including: • 70cm-Band/trunked radio/ TETRA, GSM-R. • GSM 1800. • UMTS, LTE, 2x2 LTE MIMO, 4x4 LTE MIMO. • 5G MIMO. • Wi-Fi 2.4, Wi-Fi 5.8. • GPS/ GLONASS. Working in partnership with their UK agents IndustrialComms, Antonics is looking to expand its business presence in the burgeoning UK Train market both for new trains and retrofitting projects. For more information, get in touch with Graham Bull at IndustrialComms via the contact information below. Tel: 0203 086 9569 Email: sales@industrialcomms.com Visit: www.antonics.com/en / www.industrialcomms.com/pages/antonics

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Leading the way in waterway engineering projects Kaymac Marine and Civil Engineering Ltd. have earned an impressive reputation for delivering innovative, sustainable infrastructure solutions while ensuring minimal disruption to rail services


ince Kaymac began working with, what was then, British Rail in the 1980s, this family run company have evolved to become one of the leading experts in all manner of railway infrastructure projects in marine and water environments. In those early years Kaymac would undertake structural diving examinations above and below the waterline in the challenging environment of tidal estuaries and rivers. The quality of the work they delivered would lead them to develop longterm, loyal relationships with clients who still turn to Kaymac’s expertise more than 30 years later. As Kaymac’s reputation grew so did their in-house rail engineering team to accommodate an ever-increasing client base throughout the UK. Kaymac are renowned for delivering a safe, timely and professional high-quality service which adds value to a customer’s assets. Kaymac are the first choice to contact when issues arise from a rail track running over a culvert, river or watercourse. Rail construction companies know they can rely on Kaymac’s expertise to carry out an inspection survey before repairing and protecting the infrastructure. Kaymac are RISQS audited and verified; all Kaymac operatives are PTS (Personal Track Safety) trained to current legislation as specialist sub-contractors. For all stakeholders involved, it is of utmost importance that these assets are managed efficiently and effectively to ensure rail structures remain safe and dependable. This leads on to trust, which is a key factor in any business relationship and takes on even greater significance in such complex and hazardous work, where safety is of paramount importance. The trust between Kaymac and their clients has been earned through their ability to consistently deliver what they promise - sustainable, timely railway infrastructure solutions to the highest standard. Combatting the effects of climate change The recent COP 26 summit in Glasgow has raised awareness of the issues facing businesses in the UK with regards to

climate change. However, this isn’t news for Kaymac. Demand for Kaymac’s expertise has increased significantly over the past few years as more clients look to repair damage caused by the effects of global warming and also future-proof infrastructure for the challenges that lie ahead. Rising sea levels, more extreme weather conditions and frequent flooding are all having a devastating effect on rail infrastructure throughout the UK but Kaymac are giving clients the confidence and peace of mind to face whatever nature has in store. An innovative approach saving time and money In late July 2020, Kaymac were contacted by a client to assist with developing a proposal that would permit the safe installation of a fabric formwork scour protection system to the abutment of the Spey Viaduct railway bridge, near Inverness, Scotland. The client had planned to undertake the works in dry conditions using a portable frame dam system. However, this would not be feasible given the depth of the river in certain sections. Following the site visit, Kaymac’s engineers developed an alternative proposal which would permit the undertaking of the works through diving operations, without adapting the detailed permanent works design which would have likely resulted in the works being delayed until the following Spring, 2021.

Kaymac advised the client that a number of value engineering principles could be implemented. These included utilising the existing rock armour material that was on site and due to be used for the permanent works, which would protect their diving operatives from the river flows during installation. Kaymac take their environmental responsibilities extremely seriously and had to assure the client and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency that the work would prevent any pollution or suspended particles from entering the watercourse and being dispersed downstream. Confined space operations As well as scour protection, and as mentioned earlier, Kaymac have also fought the effects of climate change and fluvial erosion in a diverse range of rail engineering projects throughout the UK. These include emergency and planned repairs to culverts that run diagonally beneath rail tracks where fluvial pressure has caused erosion, embankment slip and failure causing damage to the integrity and safety of the structure. The projects involved specialist confined space operations and engineering techniques. Timber structure repairs Kaymac also specialise in repairs to timber 145


Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering is the leading provider of marine civil and subsea diving engineering services supporting major rail asset maintenance schemes across the UK

Rail specialist contractors since 1989

En g i n eeri ng I nn ova ti o n Above a n d Below t h e Wa te r li n e

Tamworth Scour Protection Scheme

Redbridge Scour Protection Scheme, River Tweed, Galashiels, Scotland

Swansea • Bristol • Kent 146

01792 301818 www.kaymacmarine.co.uk


structures in a tidal environment involving a combination of traditional, marine, civil and sub-sea engineering. The team work from floating plant to remove and replace existing bolt assemblies on a one for one basis under live load conditions. They also remove and replace diagonal bracing and horizontal waling timbers, against the clock and within the blockade. Floating plant and access systems Kaymac civils division are able to ‘walkon-water’ to carry out masonry repairs to structures with difficult access and environments. Kaymac’s engineers have the capacity to design and fabricate bespoke access systems in-house, and also use modular pontoon barge access systems and supporting vessels to carry out repairs at all states of the tide, without any disruptions to rail users. Television feature Kaymac recently featured on episode three of Britain’s Scenic Railways on Channel 4, a scour protection project on the Redbridge Viaduct in Galashiels, Scotland. This is an arched viaduct carrying two rail lines between Galashiels and Tweedbank. The

scour repairs involved the removal of the riverbed material from between the piers and the installation of a scour mattress to protect the structure from the fast-flowing river. Following the installation of the mattress, the original riverbed material was reinstated to the original level. To ensure the Kaymac team could work safely, a portable dam system was used to reduce the river flow and create a manageable working area around each pier. This provided protection for their plant equipment, and more importantly for their team of in-house, qualified commercial divers when installing the permanent works underwater. The River Tweed is susceptible to high water levels and fast flows, making it a difficult and far from straight forward project – exactly the challenging conditions that Kaymac excel in. Delivering the best results Kaymac have always sourced and trialled new technologies and innovative methods to ensure that they have the safest, most productive and cost effective ways of managing transport projects, even highly regulated and time-sensitive ones. Having proven success and demonstrated

continuous commitment to being at the forefront of developments in this discipline, they guarantee the best results for clients whilst reducing downtime for users.

• • • • • • • • • •

Kaymac’s specialist services Commercial diving operations. Scour protection. Culvert repairs and re-lining. Confined space engineering. Repair of timber structures. Concrete repairs and bridge strengthening. Design and installation of floating access systems. Flood alleviation. Design and installation of temporary works within watercourses. Inspections and surveys.

Kaymac also work within several other industry sectors, including water utilities; marine ports and harbours; energy; highways; and environmental bodies. Sustainability is always at the forefront of any work undertaken and Kaymac work closely with the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. As with every project, Kaymac take immense pride in the consistency and quality of their work and this is helped by the fact that the whole engineering team is in-house and are experienced in their respective areas of expertise. This also ensures the highest standards of safety because they have worked with each other for years and that familiarity reduces risk. Investing in staff Kaymac understand that their employees are their most valuable asset and invest heavily in staff while operating a successful career progression programme. The team also benefit from excellent training to ensure they have all of the necessary qualifications in an ever-changing industry. In fact, Kaymac are the only company in the UK that provide a Commercial Diving Apprenticeship scheme and the apprentices are given positions within Kaymac upon qualifying. As well as having their headquarters in Swansea, Kaymac have further offices in Bristol and in Kent to accommodate loyal clients in both the public and private sectors. The philosophy of delivering sustainable, timely, cost-effective solutions that cause minimal disruption to rail services has stood them in good stead over the years. And with demand for their services continuing to grow, the future looks bright for Kaymac and the rail network across the UK. Tel: 01792 301818 Email: Rhiannon.Crees-Moore@kaymacltd.co.uk Visit: www.kaymacmarine.co.uk 147

Civil Engineering

Why choose Huck® Fasteners? Fasteners are an important engineering component; product reliability is key


uck fasteners are used in many tough engineering applications, although their function is simple – to hold components together – there are a wide variety of designs and sizes available. These fasteners have been designed to cope with extreme stress and vibration, providing strength and facilitating lighter, stronger, more durable structures. Huck Fasteners are commonly used in railcars, railway tracks, rolling stock, aerospace, truck suspensions and chassis, bridge construction, heavy defense vehicles and mining/quarrying applications. In fact, anywhere that fastener failure is not an option. Engineered for easy installation, and long, reliable life Direct-tension HuckBolt’s and structural blind fasteners can often be a faster, more cost efficient, and safer alternative to traditional processes. Fasteners are an important engineering component; therefore, product reliability is key. Due to the complex working environment, traditional bolted joints often experience self-loosening (gradual loss of preload) over their working life, which can cause a decrease in the structures strength and loss of joint integrity. The key difference between HuckBolt and conventional fastener installations is found in the structure of the threads of each of the fastening systems. Instead of the deep threads required to achieve a tolerance fit

between conventional nuts and bolts, the HuckBolt pin requires only shallow locking grooves into which the collar is swaged. The shallow design of the locking grooves allows for a much larger pin root radius, which contributes significantly to the fatigue strength – up to five times that of a conventional nut and bolt. Alternatives to welding For years, welding was seen as the only way to ensure the integrity of joints in demanding load-bearing or high-vibration structures. Today there are alternatives to welding, the direct-tension, swaged Huck BobTail® Lockbolt is a uniquely engineered fastener. It is a two-part fastening system that consists of a pin and a collar. This enables the structure to be easily preassembled by hand allowing for additional alterations and checks. The fastener is then installed using a direct tension technique, in which the pin is pulled and the collar is simultaneously swaged into the locking grooves of the pin, deforming the collar into the grooves and swaging the material forward. This action develops the high clamp force. The Huck BobTail has been designed to provide superior joining strength and offers fast, secure and simple installation. Even taking into consideration the need to drill holes, installing a Lockbolt is significantly faster than welding a joint and a quick visual inspection is all that is required to confirm the accuracy and quality of the installation.

HuckBolt’s can be effectively used with virtually any metal, and disparate metals with dissimilar coefficients of thermal expansion present no problems. Varying piece sizes in a joint are readily accommodated, and surface finishes are not harmed. Most importantly, HuckBolt’s are proven to hold up over years of service in demanding high-stress, high-vibration environments.

Independently tested with third party approval The Huck BobTail 12,14,16, 20mm and one-inch diameters, after lengthy and vigorous independent testing, has gained the prestigious Allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassungen (German national technical approval) from the world renowned DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) for use in both static and dynamic applications in civil engineering. The approval concludes that retorque/re-tension of an installed Huck BobTail LockBolt is not possible and also not necessary, and connections do not require maintenance regarding preload. Joints fastened together by BobTail large diameter LockBolts, within the range specified, are maintenance free. Technical support that will add value to your project Star Fasteners have been a Huck fastener distributor for over thirty years and are the UK’s largest stockists. Star Fasteners work closely with their customers to understand their applications and suggest new products that they may not have initially considered for a project. They can do this thanks to the knowledge and experience that they have within the market. Tel: 0115 9324939 Email: sales@starfasteners.co.uk Visit: www.starfasteners.co.uk


UK’s largest distributor






Telephone: +44 (0)1159 324 939



Email: sales@starfasteners.co.uk


Construction and Maintenance

Ballast Feeder Systems Railcare modernises the railway industry with efficient, sustainable, and green machines

Railcare Sweden Ltd, Daniel Oholm

Ballast Feeder System together with two Railvac machines on a project outside Aberdeen, in a series of single 12-hour shifts during five-weekend blockades


ince 2005 Railcare has been a part of the railway industry within the UK bringing new technology for the maintenance work on the railway. The core business for Railcare is the Railvac, a machine that excavates using vacuum technology. The Railvac was the first innovation from the company in the early 1990s and since then Railcare has gained lots of experience and created even more innovations. Developing the UK business Last year, Railcare was working all over the country across all of Network Rail’s routes. With a framework contract from Network Rail as a base for the business, Railcare offers various types of work with the Railvac and the Ballast Feeder. The Railvac offers great versatility, it is efficient, safe, and cost-effective. Everything from switch and crossing work, re-ballasting prior to renewal and for heavy refurbishment works, through level crossings, wet spot areas, drainage works, also excavation for under track crossings, sleeper, and bearer change, and much more. The ballast feeder system is well proven and has demonstrated itself as safe and very reliable. The Ballast Feeder System is designed to operate together with the Railvac, the removal/backfilling setup offers a unique industrial approach to the time-consuming 150

MPV - the first and the world’s largest battery-powered rail vehicle

removal, re-ballasting, or backfilling process. The front belt conveyor, used for material distribution, can swing 180 degrees from side to side to drop the material exactly where it is needed, in the correct volume, and with a high level of precision. Railcare believes the key to a successful project is to work closely with the customer and plan together.

Railcare has an office along with a hub at Loram’s yard in Derby where customers can visit and watch demonstrations to see what the machines are capable of. New innovations Railcare has developed a new machine, the Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV). This is the first and the world’s largest battery-powered

Construction and Maintenance

rail vehicle. The MPV will be equipped with its own power source, vacuum pumps, hydraulics, and operator cabs, enabling its use as a battery-powered complement. This is a self-propelled, battery vacuum excavator with 1100 kWh, zero emissions, and reduced noise. The prototype has been used successfully for six months on projects in Sweden. During the pandemic It has been a difficult time for all during the pandemic, the railway must continue to operate in a crisis and as such, all workers on the railway are key workers. The whole industry has worked very hard to ensure the railway is kept in a good condition and functions as it should. ‘I’m very proud of all my staff for the work they have delivered to the customer with the highest quality, safety, and efficiency even during a pandemic. To help the fight against Covid-19 the company also helped various charities in different ways’ says Daniel Öholm MD Railcare Sweden Ltd. Excavate and re-ballasting wet spots, Hither Green

Tel: Email: Visit:

The Railvac and Ballast Feeder System industry concept delivers increased re-ballasting capacity. Always non-intrusive, with the track in situ and without disconnections!

www.railcare.co.uk 151

15 C

Elegant technology, integrated with you.

+ + C


C 7

Infinitive Group help customers make data-driven decisions that drive digital transformation aligning technology, people, and process to increase revenue and system performance, reduce cost, and mitigate risk.


Email us at: info@infinitivegroup.co.uk Call us on: +44 (0) 1908 018 900 Or visit our new website at: www.infinitivegroup.co.uk


Management & Advisory | Engineering & Technology | Research & Development


Preparing for the digital-first railway era Infinitive Group’s Ben Craze and Gavin Beattie reflect on the challenges faced during the global coronavirus pandemic and how digital transformation is playing a key role in supporting railway companies deliver ongoing benefits


he Covid-19 pandemic has triggered multiple paradigm shifts that have disrupted traditional ways of working, forcing many companies to adapt if they are to survive and continue to be part of the future of transportation. To overcome the effects of the pandemic, many railway companies are developing and deploying digital-first roadmaps that are driving the industry’s transformation into a new era of the railway. The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been a catalyst for change within the rail industry. So, to adapt to the new normal, what has now become business as usual? • Collaboration facilitated by company data sharing and cloud-based data storage this is fast becoming a new standard. • Using what is at hand to manage out of a crisis and identifying underutilised subscriptions to a wide range of data sources. • Anything, anywhere approaches. PreCovid-19 application growth has now been extended into the day-to-day business world with the provision of associated consumer technology being readily accessible and excellent. • Super-fast, and reasonably priced communication networks are now commonplace. • An ongoing drive to be smarter, better, faster! Who are Infinitive Group? Infinitive Group are a specialist consultancy and engineering technology business that sit at the intersection of the railway and IT industries servicing the transport sector. Infinitive Group works with its clients across the UK, Europe and Australia and excels at using big data and analytics to extract, transform and visualise information from complex datasets. Infinitive Group want to draw attention to the value-add SME/specialist suppliers that have the right domain knowledge to support Great British Railways and the WilliamsShapps plan for rail. Infinitive Group are advocates of open data where it allows the operator to make better decisions. There is a time and place for additional hardware, but it should not necessarily be the starting point. Infinitive Group has worked with multiple

owners, operators, and suppliers throughout the pandemic. A keen understanding of remote data acquisition supported by expert knowledge of industry communication protocols has allowed work to continue unabated to deliver analytical studies using real-world condition data. Time series analysis involves complex methods for analysing data to extract meaningful statistics and other characteristics. Developing analytical models and visualisations from event and time series data is a prime example of how Infinitive Group has been able to support its clients who are working hard to prepare for the easing of travel restrictions and maintain delivery of their business goals. We always challenge ourselves to focus on the art of the possible although faced with ever increasing volumes and complexity of data. Cloud computing has, in part, made storage, management, and processing of data easier, but there is still the battle for your brain to problem solve and fix what a machine can’t do for itself. Where we think we’ve got it right is the application of machine learning to do the heavy lifting anomaly detection blended with human insights and oversight for refinement and adjustment. Within a well configured cloud environment, units of computing are readily available and easily scalable to keep up with the requirements of most tasks, we’re pleased to say that spinning up a server,

even for a bespoke analytics piece, is now a simple process. We have entered an age when advanced information technology, once the exclusive privilege of large, wealthy companies, is now available to anyone. Infinitive Group want to address the tech gap between basic technology enablement and the cutting edge. That means understanding the clients’ application’s requirements and - crucially – providing the right technology for it to be successful. The companies that can take advantage of this will be the ones that grow and thrive. Good communication is key to any successful remote condition monitoring system. Many operators, both in the UK and abroad, understand the need, but aren’t sure how to deliver it, even though the prerequisite technologies have been in place in other sectors for many years. Within our railway careers to date, ideas have typically been surpassed by the speed and communication coverage and of the time. With the introduction of 5G, Wi-Fi, and other more exotic technologies like satellite comms, we might yet see the solutions we dream of matched or even outpaced by the communications development needed to deliver them. Increasingly, much of what makes a business comes from having the right tech. Both in the traditional sense, for day-to-day O&M delivery, but more recently to attract and retain the very best new employees and


Consulting Lighting

top talent from a tech-savvy generation. Likewise, passenger demands are being driven by consumer products and services originating outside of the railway, they are becoming increasingly intolerant of an experience that limits their productivity or connectivity. Infinitive Group recognises this and believes that having a trusted tech partner is crucial for success and has established itself as a leading engineering and technology advisory. Partnerships, insights and new ideas Infinitive Group’s products, technology and services are honed to enable productivity and collaboration. It’s in-house R&D department gives it considerable insight into how both people and railway businesses use technology. The projects Infinitive Group has delivered thus far have demonstrated the groundbreaking insights into vehicle condition and maintenance through the combination of specialist industry knowledge and the effective utilisation of existing real-time datasets. Cross subsystem analysis provides key information for trends in traction performance, door health and compressor efficiency among others. Partnerships with key industry OEMs and suppliers have allowed the creation of a stable, scalable platform, which have been rolled out across multiple fleets. The platform offering from Infinitive Group allows the building of a future-proof, scalable system, which provides innovative, and targeted information in areas where it is most needed. Physical and digital expansion despite the pandemic To provide the team with new facilities, greater space, and better accessibility, Infinitive Group has recently completed the


relocation to new offices, expanding whilst remaining close to the emerging railway hub of Milton Keynes. The move was made more complicated because of covid restrictions, but careful planning through lockdowns made it a brilliant success. Bletchley Park will always be our spiritual home, so it was with a slightly heavy heart that we moved out of our first home and into our new premises. It wasn’t something that we undertook lightly in the middle of a pandemic, but we wanted a space that was befitting of the business that we’ve grown into. It was a bit tense vacating the old offices at very short notice and adopting a 100 per cent remote working policy, but we were confident that we could pull it off with the preparation and provision of technology that we had in place so that business continuity would be unaffected. We didn’t move far geographically, but in terms of space, outlook, and future-proofing, the new office and facilities couldn’t be more different to the old. Despite the challenges of 2021, Infinitive has achieved a lot of milestones this year, including certification in three ISO management systems, 9001, 14001 and 45001, and the Government-backed scheme for Cyber Essentials. In keeping with the physical building upgrades, Infinitive Group has completely revamped their website in keeping with an ever-maturing corporate identity and brand. Not only does it have a fresh new look, now with a bolt-on Client Portal web-application which is part of Infinitive’s vision to be a one-stop shop for clients, but it also links it to their wider Artemis analytics platform.

Looking ahead Infinitive Group are launching the next phase of their growth plan and believe that SME involvement may be one potential solution to effects of the pandemic, but moreover to prepare for the digital-first era on the horizon. Whilst it is encouraging to see so many railway organisations commence with their digital transformations, there is still space for more, so please do consider reaching out to us if your company is considering setting out on a digital journey. We continually expand our technology ecosystem to ensure we can provide the very best in class engineering technology solutions to our customers. If you would like to contact us to see how we could help drive innovation and increase RAM capability, please get in touch to find out how we can help your business. With the easing of travel restrictions, the railway will need to tempt passengers back with a more appealing experience. In addition to the use of existing sensors, advances in processing power and cloud storage, along with the emergence of new technologies and ideas such as machine learning, can analyse vast amounts of data. This can enable new ways of understanding exactly how a business is functioning to improve performance. Ben Craze is CEO at Infinitive Group and Gavin Beattie is Head of Systems Engineering at Infinitive Group Tel: info@infinitivegroup.co.uk Email: +44 (0) 1908 018 900 Visit: www.infinitivegroup.co.uk



Consulting – SMEs

Future-proofing the UK rail network When it comes to adding value to UK railway clients and at all levels of the rail supply chain, Railway Project Services (RPS) is the SME consultancy to watch

critical safety, cost and programme issues. The business aligns delivery with stakeholders’ disparate requirements to ensure contracts are administered to meet on-time and safe handover. So what makes RPS uniquely placed to support infrastructure clients? Most of all, its resolute focus and agility for applying its experience for the benefit of each client’s unique and nuanced requirements.


ince 2017, RPS’ team has expanded organically to 15 project managers, estimators, graphic designers, and bid specialists in response to growing client demand due to award-winning service. Railway clients with the foresight and vision to engage SME project management benefit from reduced overheads, detailed expertise, and agile and adaptive services. Operating as an SME means RPS avoids excessive management layers, so clients interface directly with senior decision makers. This is important because the future UK rail sector will embed SMEs into the drive for efficiency. The business counts some of the UK’s most important clients among the recipients of its problem-solving approach to infrastructure development and upgrades. They include Network Rail, West Midlands Trains, HS2, and Siemens. This calibre of clients is testament to the high-quality, proactive service that encompasses: • Client-side project management across all lifecycle stages to maintain programme and minimise budget risk. • Technical stakeholder management across complex, multidisciplinary, multifunded projects. • Project businsses case development for station and infrastructure improvements to justify funding requirements. • Delivery-stage contract administration for projects. • Entry-into-service, handover, and project close-out support to de-risk these critical stages of delivery. Led by Managing Director Joe Whalen, RPS’ passion for improving project cost and time efficiency, from scope definition 156

to completion, stems from its having recognised opportunities for those benefits on dozens of projects and work programmes. RPS’ accolades include awards from the Railway Industry Association and the Federation of Small Businesses. In 2020, RPS secured ISO 9001 certification on top of its RISQS verification, enabling it to support a wider range of clients operating to the strictest governance and quality assurance protocols. RPS’ clients include Network Rail, HS2, WMT, Siemens, Morgan Sindall, VVB, GRAHAM Group, Quinn Core to RPS’ offering is client-side project management. Infrastructure organisations such as West Midlands Trains rely on RPS to deliver projects as important as: • Major station upgrades such as at Perry Barr and Birmingham University. • Operational station asset improvements including customer information screens and ticket office facilities across the whole route. • Improvements to maintenance depots where complex safety-critical requirements interface with influential stakeholders. Such complex, multidisciplinary scopes can be delivered only with the integral involvement of project management resources proven to be credible and experienced in guiding schemes through all stages. RPS unlocks client value by addressing

Getting the job done RPS drives successful project delivery through collaborative leadership with clients. The team works with clients’ teams to build the right behaviours. It maintains continuity of resources on projects to avoid loss of project knowledge due to changing teams. Consequently, clients benefit from cumulative project and corporate knowledge gain due to the consistency of expertise. The expertise includes detailed understanding of operation and governance gained from environments such as Network Rail, train operating companies, and freight and major infrastructure settings. This combination is particularly critical in third-party-led projects for which multiple funders create complex networks of needs and drivers. RPS represents West Midlands Trains on the Birmingham University Station project. The £60 million investment will be home to a plethora of services including an NHS diagnostic centre, retail offering, accessible toilets, and a Changing Places Room. RPS’ project management scope includes: • Ensuring the design delivers a station that can be operated safely and efficiently by the TOC. • Working with stakeholders (e.g. University of Birmingham, West Midlands Combined Authority, and the Canal and Rivers Trust) to ensure their requirements are built into the design. • Collating, quantifying, managing and reporting project requirements and aligning them with other parties’. This work de-risks the project and ensures the station will benefit passengers for years to come.

Consulting – SMEs

Defining and delivering the scope that actually achieves clients’ requirements RPS believes project requirements must inform project scopes. The scope drives design, leading to the Construction Phase Plan that delivers the requirements. Changing project demands, multiple stakeholders and time constraints can disrupt this rigour. To safeguard against that risk, Director of Projects Richard Gannon believes: ‘Recording and tracking requirements through development and into delivery is a key way in which we protect our clients’ projects against budget and programme risks.’ For that reason, all RPS projects use a requirements log to collate, track and manage requirements throughout the project lifecycle. Managing stakeholders’ concurrent requirements RPS is currently working on multi-millionpound station upgrades at which multiple stakeholders are contributing funding and expect specific benefits in return. The NHS, English Heritage, Canal and Rivers Trust, Highways England, Midland Metro Alliance, and higher education institutions

are all working with RPS to deliver projects. RPS’ management of those parties is underpinned by:

• Open and collaborative communication to unlock challenges and align requirements with project scopes. • Communicating project changes openly so that all stakeholders are aware of the impacts on developing designs. • Stakeholder mapping to ensure no parties are ‘off radar’. Robust contract administration Recognising that effective contract administration ensures open communication of risks and protects all parties from increased cost, all RPS’ project managers are trained in administering NEC contracts. By working with clients’ procurement teams, RPS builds the best Options for each project to ensure risks are borne by parties most able to manage them. The ideal project management service RPS’ strength lies in its agility as an SME, high-quality project teams, and a commitment to driving forward the UK’s capability in railway project management. Tel: 01664 494098 Email: Contact@rps-team.co.uk Visit:www.railwayprojectservices.co.uk


Control Room Solutions

Sophisticated Control Room Solutions Mayteck offer furniture solutions for all integrated control room environments. With a great number of years’ experience in this field, we can plan, develop and manufacture perfectly adapted solutions for a variety of environments such as public and industrial control centres and operation control centres


t Mayteck, we have a strong focus on functionality, design and innovation. With over 40 years of experience in missioncritical control room equipment, you can trust in our ability to design, develop, and manufacture a seamlessly adapted solution for your control room. We have created custom consoles for public, industrial, security, process, and secure government control centres and have a full range of experience to enable us to assist you with your specific requirements. Ergonomics in the control room is the prerequisite for an optimal and hasslefree interface. The users, their demanding activities and the integration of technology are of central importance with individually adjustable control room furniture. In essence, we find a solution to enable you and your team to work at their most optimum productivity. Services – OEM As an original equipment manufacturer, we have the advantage of producing custom technical furniture, designed specifically for your business needs. We can take your requirements and incorporate them with our numerous years of knowledge and experience of the industry, to produce a truly bespoke solution. Drawing design and layout We will provide detailed component drawings and electromechanical design using the latest 3D image rendering applications to realistically present your unique solution to you. Not only are all our designs smoothly integrated with the necessary technology, but these designs can also be tailored to incorporate your company branding if you so wish. For console layouts, we supply renderings (complete with all surroundings) to give you an idea of what to expect with the finished product. We can now also provide full motion videos and immersive Virtual Reality videos to simulate your new control room. This helps bring your design to life and enables you to navigate through the environment and observe the spatial placement of furniture as if you were on site. 158

Prototype and Testing We can turn your ideas and suggestions into reality, allowing you to review before we release it for production. As standard, all our prototypes must pass a series of safety and quality tests prior to release. Control centres are subject to intensive continuous stress due to shift operation. Several guidelines and standards provide recommendations for the ergonomic design of control rooms, so all our workstations include the following compliance certification ISO 11064 Ergonomic design of control centres, DGUV information 215-410 VDU and office workplaces and DIN EN 527-2 Requirements for safety, strength and durability. Project Management We handle all projects with exceptional attention to detail, tailoring each project to your specific needs. We will manage the entire project from beginning to end ensuring consistent communication with you throughout the enquiry to installation process. Production Once you are happy with the prototype, we will incorporate your plans and timelines into our supply chain management system. We also manufacture a wide range of products such as custom brackets, chassis plates, support frames etc. Our products are manufactured via a technique known as CNC punching and forming to maintain the reliability and find limit dimensional tolerances. Precision MIG and TIG welding and frame fabrication are also available,

together with any protective or cosmetic finished required. Logistics As part of the complete service, we will arrange for your product to be dispatched and delivered to your location of choice, including international destinations. Our installation team will be happy to fit and manage the installation for you. Consoles Our ergonomically designed consoles are engineered to meet a demanding 24 hour environment and used in control rooms and operational centres worldwide. We think it’s important to invest in durability and on-site upgrading. • We provide reliability due to proven designs and environmentally friendly materials. • The ergonomic and innovative designs resulting from occupational medical research. • Customised solutions due to analysis of process and space conditions. • Future-proof due to modular design and high durability of materials used. • Upgrading to the latest technology is possible at any time thanks to the modular design of our control room products. Ergocon Workstation The Ultimate Solution in electrically heightadjustable ergonomic control consoles. It sets the standard for the most demanding 24-hour deployments in various types of

Control Room Solutions

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control rooms and control suites. It includes the best possible ergonomics, using multidimensional setting options on three axes (table height, monitor height and viewing distance). To keep up with the growing requirements for control centre consoles, we have developed the new Knurr Ergocon console with multiple features: • Electrical Height Adjustment with Collision protection using integrated piezoelectric sensors. • Intelligent cable routing where cables can be routed through cable chains, into

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a 3 x 1U Installation space, beneath the tabletop. Spacious vertical support on the side of the table, accessible from both inside and out. High Quality desk tops which are available in rectangular and curved designs, single level or bi level work surface and framed by ergonomic and heavy duty Knurr Ergosoft edging. Modular console system where there is a choice of four different base frame widths (1400, 1800, 2200 and 2 x 1400 for extralarge consoles). Stability and design is included in the core structure of the workstation with stable c-base frames for maximum legroom. Standard compliance is included in all our control consoles.

Ergocontrol We offer a wide range of accessories to seamlessly fit with any of our ergonomic workstations and control consoles. This ranges from cabinets, pedestals monitor arms or lighting, we will be able to supply and install these for you. One accessory that many rail industry customers have found invaluable is the

Ergocontrol. Ergocontrol is the intelligent control for workstations in control rooms The console offers up to 1,000 different users the ability to log in to the console via RFID and store their own personal settings for seated position, standing position and monitor distance using the Ergocontrol system. Stored settings can be called up at any console networked to a user group, which means up to 48 different consoles are ready to be automatically adjusted to any user in that group. Tel: 0800 048 5207 Email: sales@mayteck.co.uk Visit: www.mayteck.co.uk


Mayteck offers 40 years of experience in mission-critical control workstations. You can trust we will design, develop, and manufacture the most efficient solution for you and your team. Our range includes the highest quality technical furniture including custom consoles and desks, 24-hour control room chairs and 19” cabinets.

Website: www.mayteck.co.uk | Telephone: 0800 048 5207 | Email: sales@mayteck.co.uk



Radius Group Radius Group was founded with the mission to create a premium quality lifting service, prioritising the key principles of safety, innovation and expertise


n commencing, few people could have predicted how quickly it would grow into an industry leading, end to end, fully managed logistics and installation service to both Network Rail and London Underground. Indeed, the rail sector is just one of many in the UK that have benefited from the dedicated and experienced teams that have added value to many projects nationwide. Radius specialise in providing expertise on projects that are logistically challenging, require performance in tight and enclosed spaces, involve large and or unusually shaped plant or equipment, and are both, on the critical path of the project whilst being extremely time sensitive. We are widely regarded by our clients as their specialist problem solvers; helping to manage and mitigate specific project risks. We are typically called upon early within projects when other specialist contractors and suppliers are unable to provide a safe or technically acceptable solution. We have been committed to concise and understandable safe systems of work since the companies’ foundation, a precedency that remains a key focus. The long-term partnerships with employees, customers and suppliers are based exclusively on sustainable behaviour and the resulting values that follow. For each specialist sector that we serve, we have also developed unique operational methods and manufactured equipment

of our own original design. To assist with projects within the rail sector for example, Radius own and operate the only London Underground approved escalator sledge, capable of carrying up to 450kgs down escalators to specific project locations. Our industry leading project paperwork ensures a quick and pain free process of acceptance by the client and any involved stakeholders, saving unnecessary delays and repeat submissions. Thus giving you reassurance that the operation is in safe hands. Utilising cutting edge software and planning tools, technology is always at the forefront of Radius offerings. Since 2006 we have played a major part in the installation of fans and associated ancillary components of London Underground’s ‘Cooling the Tube Programme’. This has given Radius unequalled experience in the installation of Tunnel Ventilation equipment in a rail environment. Radius can offer a full turnkey solution for the installation of the fan, attenuators, transition pieces, dampers and associated components. This has included off-site warehousing, sequenced site delivery, offload servicing and on-site lifting of various types of plant and mechanical equipment. Radius have recently completed the installation of the ventilation equipment on London Undergrounds Northern Line Extension working with our clients to deliver a safe and successful installation.

Radius have completed the mechanical installation of the water-cooled Platform Air Handling Units installed on the Victoria, Piccadilly, Central & Bakerloo Lines. These units were delivered using engineering trains, and required a complex quad lift using four lifting beams clamped to the tunnel ring bolts. We have also worked on the delivery of


PLEASE CALL +44 (0)1604 622 865

info@radiusgroup.co.uk www.radiusgroup.co.uk



new equipment and the recovery of old equipment on forty London Underground substation upgrades, all in the last three years as well as fifteen substation upgrades for Network Rail. We have an impressive success and safety record on projects involving lifting/handling and installing heavy plant within both surface and sub surface environments. The Radius plant installation team were also heavily involved in the planning and execution of the following works on Crossrail, which were delivered on-time and on-budget:

• Non-Traction Power Installation to point of use. • OHLE Switchboard Installation to point of use. • Station UPS Installation to point of use. • LV Switchgear at various Crossrail Stations. • Tunnel vent shaft fans and associated components Installation.

Our project and installation teams have considerable experience in managing logistics for installation/ fit out projects. We are industry leading with both the technical knowledge and expertise to provide a bespoke handling solution for delivering large heavy items into challenging industrial and commercial environments. We utilise a variety of methods including but not limited to Hydraulic Gantries, Hydraulic Skidding Systems, Versa Lift, Industrial & All Terrain Forklift, Stair Robots, A Frames, Hoists, Engineering Trains & Cranes. Our Plant Installation division is backed by our Contract Lifting teams, meaning that we can competitively provide, not only plant handling support, but supplement your works using our in-house personnel. We offer a vast range of contract lifting services from lorry loader through to telehandler, mobile, spider to crawler crane, and tower crane through to helicopter lifts. Our industry leading contract lifting expertise is complimented by the Radius Tower Crane division. Radius has access to the world’s largest crane bank through partnership with NFT. Combining our own technical engineering knowledge, plus the manufacturers (Manitowoc Potain) global technical support, makes Radius a world leading provider in the Tower Crane rental business. Tel: +44 (0) 1604 622 865 Email: info@radiusgroup.co.uk Visit: www.radiusgroup.co.uk







h o c h i k i e u r o p e . c o m / e s p

Demolition – Major Infrastructure

Rail orientated demolition and asbestos removal Clarke Demolition Company Limited (CDC) is part of the Tru7 Group and operates from their purpose-built offices and workshop in Ipswich, Suffolk


e provide a nationwide service for any type of rail orientated demolition and asbestos removal. The management and site teams have many years’ experience working on the rail infrastructure, with the first brick arch bridge on the London Liverpool ST to Norwich line being demolished in 1983. Subsequent to that initial foray, 25 further similar structures were demolished on that line as part of the electrification process. The company has now demolished over 150 rail bridges of all types and size, including: • Rail overbridges. • Rail underbridges.

• Viaducts. • Road bridges. • River bridges. The structures demolished have also ranged from brick arch, steel beam with brick jack arch, steel beam with concrete deck, precast concrete decks with both pre and post tensioned concrete. The methods of demolition have ranged from complete dismantling, cutting and lifting, robotic demolition, traditional breaking down with machines and explosive blowdowns. One project even required the demolition of a large footbridge within Waverley station in Edinburgh Station under the cover of the main glass roof, which

hampered access and the work considerably. On another occasion the site team had to remain on site to assist British Rail (as it was then) with the reconstruction of the replacement bridge in the wilds of the Essex countryside! Other structures demolished have been Rail Maintenance Sheds, Sidings, Water Towers, Platforms, Platform Canopies, OHLE Structures, Signal Boxes, Station Buildings, Staircases and Walkways, Footbridges, P-Way Huts and other lineside structures. Staff are PTS trained and the company has its own Sentinel Sponsor for the issue of Track Visitor Permits if required. In addition to the actual work, the company can provide all temporary works


Demolition – Major Infrastructure

design and installation with CAT 2 & 3 check facilities. During the construction of the Cross Channel Rail Link, eleven bridges were demolished on behalf of Balfour Beatty and three further ones for Skanska. Two of the Balfour bridges were demolished in the same weekend. More recently we demolished a large road bridge over the Norwich to London line at Romford which required three phases as the A127 road had to be open at all times until the replacement bridge was completed. The final phase required the two large steel trestle deck supports to be removed underneath the new structure which again posed several constraints and restrictions on the method of work. However, it was all completed well within the required timescales and the line re-opened without incident. CDC is a member of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors and has achieved accreditation under the NFDC Site Audit Accreditation Scheme, CHAS, Constructionline Gold, RISQS, CIRAS, SafeContractor and Builders Profile. Environment At CDC, we work hard to reduce the impact of our activities on our immediate surroundings and on the wider. This acceptance of our responsibility is reinforced by the achievement of certification to the international standard for environmental

management system ISO14001. We reinforce this in three key areas: • Environmental Planning. • Pollution Control. • Recycling. For the majority of projects, we routinely prepare an environmental aspect and impact assessment to identify, control and reduce any environmental impact that our activity may create. This covers acceptable limits for emissions, minimum levels for recycling, any monitoring procedures and compliance with any legislation. At CDC, our work brings us in close contact with people and their living environment. We take responsibility to eliminate or minimise pollution and emissions from our sites. The combination of modern demolition techniques and well-maintained plant and equipment ensures we limit/eliminate noise, vibration, dust, contamination, spillages and excessive carbon emissions, where possible. With well-planned traffic management plans, we can also reduce disruption from excessive vehicle movements to and from site. As a responsible client, we understand that you wish to commit wholeheartedly to minimise environmental impact and CDC is here to help you achieve your goals. Talk to us about the many ways we can support your sustainability initiatives in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Tel: 01473 736791 Email: info@cdcdemolition.co.uk Visit: www.tru7.com

A13 Bridge Demolition, Essex



Clarke Demolition Company Ltd


Demolition and Asbestos Management Services

Demolition, asbestos removal and salvage services The company was first formed in 1929 by a South African gentleman trading as EA Bond Builders Ltd and working out of a small yard in the town of Rhymney, South Wales


hey were operational throughout the Second World War and beyond, undertaking construction works for the Ministry of Defence amongst others. As the company grew, they diversified and invested heavily in mechanical plant, working the mines and tips for the National Coal Board through the 1960s and 70s until the gradual demise of the coal industry and the closing of mines shortly afterwards. The company was bought out by current owner Robert (Bob) Bailey at this time and traded as RN Bailey, however the recession hit hard around 1974 and the decision was made to take the company in a slightly different direction, with the formation of Bond Contractors Ltd. The new organisation grew significantly, becoming a large scale civil engineering company undertaking muck shift, groundworks, highway works and piling whilst assembling a large, skilled workforce. The company traded successfully up until 1999 when the economic climate meant that it was no longer viable to pursue large scale civil engineering projects. This brings us to the formation of Bond Demolition Ltd in the same year, with the decision at the time to work within the public sector to try and provide some job security for its loyal employees. Membership of the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) was transferred to the new company in 1999 and National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) membership attained in 2005. We are pleased to offer a diverse, multidisciplined in-house service to our valued Clients and as our name suggests demolition has always been viewed as our primary activity. Being established members of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors, we offer a professional service to our client base through fully CCDO carded, competent and time served staff. We offer our services on a nationwide basis and can engage as either Principal Contractor or specialist sub-contractor with our Clients, also assuming the role of Principal Designer during the construction phase. 166

With over 80 years of in-house demolition experience, our management can provide a complete turn-key offering including: • • • • •

Document review. Site reconnaissance. Planning / client partnering. Expert advice for our customer. Design of an effective solution, working with highly acclaimed industry consultants for specialist services (e.g. explosive demolition). • Safe and timely delivery of a project. • Project review on completion. • Client feedback. In providing specialist demolition and asbestos removal activities, as well as undertaking groundworks and land reclamation projects, Bond Demolition Ltd places significant emphasis on environmental matters in the execution of its works, assisting in protecting the environment as a whole, as well as our personnel whilst at work.

We provide environmental management through the various stages of the project, from planning through to inception, implementing such measures as dust suppression, environmental barriers and screening to mitigate any impact on the surrounding occupants, businesses and natural habitat. To supplement these measures, we arrange personal, dust, vibration and noise monitoring as well as air testing across our sites. Additionally, we look to produce a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) for each of our projects, which identifies and assesses the aspects of demolition that could have an environmental impact. We are always looking at new opportunities to reclaim/recycle materials during the strip out and demolition processes and have links to a network of specialist waste companies throughout the UK, thus ensuring materials are not transported any great distances, consequently reducing the carbon footprint.

Demolition and Asbestos Management Services

A Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) is produced for each project to estimate and record the waste produced and disposed of / recycled, observing our responsibility under current legislation and guidance. We offer our customers complete transparency, with all records being made available on site and copies issued as necessary. Where practicable, we look to recycle between 95 and 100 per cent of materials on our projects, depending on the precise nature of the structures being demolished. We look to engage closely with our client and utilising our expertise, guide them through the process from inception through to practical completion. Bond Demolition Ltd was the first demolition contractor in Wales to adopt the Oil-Quick automatic quick hitch coupling system for hydraulic attachments, providing a safe mechanism of attachment change for the machine operators and minimizing the risk of hydraulic oil loss through the process.

• • • • •

Remote controlled demolition. Explosive demolition. Work downs. Sub-structure removal. Processing of arisings.

• Asbestos removal (licensed and nonlicensed). • Soft and hard strip. • Refurbishment. • Mechanical demolition.

The site comprised a two-storey learning centre with basement boiler room and training centre at the rear. Works included the soft strip of internal fixtures and fittings, in-house removal of asbestos containing

Working in numerous sectors including but not limited to housing, light and heavy industrial, nuclear, MoD, petrochemical, commercial, explosive, façade retention and city centre environments. Case study – The Severnside training center The Severnside training center was the former Education Traded and Support Services that served the South Gloucestershire area. The facilities were moved elsewhere as part of the restructuring of services within the council and as such the buildings were surplus to requirements with demolition paving the way for a new sports pitch and residential housing.

materials, demolition of existing buildings down to top of floor slab, uplifting of slabs and foundations, crushing and stockpiling at agreed location. Key elements • Asbestos removal as positively identified in the re-survey. • Soft strip and removal of loose materials. • Demolition down to top of floor slab. • Uplifting of slabs and foundations including basement. • Removal of positively identified contaminated coal tar. • Crushing to 6F2. Challenges • Live school and nursery to the boundary. • Ecological constraints i.e. nesting birds and bat roosts. • Deliveries in and out during specific times. • Contaminated coal tar. Tel: 02920 888 788 Email: info@bonddemolition.co.uk Visit: www.bonddemolition.co.uk

Bond Demolition Ltd Over 50 years of experience in geotechnical and civil engineering, demolition, asbestos removal, consultancy and salvage services. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide an honest, efficient, professional and not least personal service to all our clients, evidenced by the large volume of repeat business we continue to secure. Unit 3B Ocean Park, Pant Glas Industrial Estate, Caerphilly CF83 8DR Telephone: 02920 888 788 Email: info@bonddemolition.co.uk Web: www.bonddemolition.co.uk


Demolition, Asbestos Removal and Land Remediation

Experts with a proven track record Rhodar is a leading provider to the UK’s transport infrastructure, across rail, road, airports and shipping, and a single source for asbestos removal, demolition and land remediation


ur rail client base covers a wide range of leading names, with whom we successfully partner to complete asbestos removal, demolition and land remediation projects, across the UK. This along with our newly formed passive fire protection division provides clients with a comprehensive enabling works package. Our clients include Network Rail, Transport for London (TfL) (incorporating London Underground), Tier 1 & 2 Contractors such as Siemens, Amey, Amco Giffen and Spence alongside multiple Train Operating Companies and franchise holders. Rhodar has been providing exceptional service across both public and private sectors since 1976, earning our enviable reputation for uncompromising quality along the way. We are supported by over 500 employees at 14 facilities, nationwide. We work at every level within the rail industry, operating across all UK rail assets, including trackside works, liaising closely with Network Rail to meet their exacting requirements, along with rail asset lease holders such as Arch Co and their property portfolio. Our experience is proven across a wide range of sectors with high profile clients, who demand maximum security,

exacting risk assessments and methodology. Rhodar has RISQS accreditation and audited certification, as well as Sentinel Personal Trackside Safety Operatives and safety critical services. In addition to leading rail names, our national framework clients include Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL), The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), UK Parliament, SP Energy Networks and the Ministry of Defence (MoD). As we progress through CP6 along with our engagement with HS2 (working through the likes of BBV and Fusion), we continue to assist Tier 1 rail contractors across the UK on a range of projects.

Asbestos Removal When either licenced or non-notifiable asbestos materials are identified, we carry out the works expertly through our HSE asbestos licence, devising innovative solutions to enable works to be completed within the constraints of the project environment. For example, the ‘floating’ platform solution we developed for Network Rail at Waterloo Station. Demolition As members of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC), our years of expertise working across the rail network has seen us work on direct rail assets or adjacent properties and structures. Our experienced management, planning and organisational regimes allow for the smooth running of projects. For example, within allocated possession slots. Land Remediation Our Personal Track Safety (PTS) trained teams work on complex remediation projects in high-risk locations. We hold a permit to satisfy the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 for mobile plant and treatment operations, and our works cover site investigation, remediation of ground and groundwater contamination.


Demolition, Asbestos Removal and Land Remediation

Network Rail case studies We’ve been working closely with Network Rail for over a decade in a contracted framework relationship. Throughout this time, we’ve become expert in the nuances of the rail industry and bring that experience to improve outcomes for rail projects. Rhodar has undertaken asbestos removal, demolition and land remediation projects for Network Rail as either individual specialisms or collectively within enabling works packages.

The overall works were conducted over a twelve-week period in a variety of shift patterns to suit the location and accessibility of the site which included normal working hours, weekend and evening possessions. All works were undertaken in a lineside environment under a Network Rail safe system of work and COSS supervision. Additional works were undertaken to demolish the Bristol East Relay Room in a lineside location just outside of Bristol Temple Meads Station. Works were carried

remediation of impacted soils, to enable construction of a compound for plant, equipment and site offices ahead of planned engineering works to the active railway lines and flyover. Adhering to Network Rail protocols and the requirements of CARSOIL, we removed fragments of asbestos from the soil, excavated contaminated soil and removed it safely from the site. Special consideration was given to movement of vehicles beneath the flyover, maintaining its structural stability.

London Waterloo At London Waterloo an innovative solution was required for asbestos removal planned works, when replacing the central ‘Bait Raft’ advertising boards above platform ticket turnstiles with digital screens. Using a floating scaffold and modular DCUs, working 1am-4am shifts, Rhodar successfully removed the ACMs without hindering the daily 400,000 turnstile footfall. The project success was reflected in our nomination for the UK Rail Industry Awards, in the Outstanding Projects category. The Head of Safety & Sustainable Development at Network Rail commented: ‘Rhodar presented an innovative solution for a prime station location. Their commitment to quality, and understanding of the importance of a cohesive design, made them a great partner in meeting the functional and aesthetic goals of the project.’

out using hand demolition techniques to break the concrete roof and demolish the walls before breaking the slab with a small micro excavator and backfilling using imported MOT Type 1. Due to ALO working restrictions, our demolition works were undertaken over a five week period during a series of daytime and evening line blocks.

Maidstone East train station As a key delivery partner within the £2.5 million NSIP project, Rhodar was appointed by Network Rail, as principal contractor, to remove asbestos and demolish the former Victoria Hotel and Public House, situated on top of a live railway tunnel above one of Southeastern’s busiest railway lines, adjacent to the town centre, transport links and Maidstone East train station. On completion of the demolition phase, Rhodar excavated the basement to expose the tunnel, applied a waterproof lining and installed a permanent fill solution up to development level. This prepared the site for the new station entrance and forecourt development. Due to the building’s position over a live railway line, the demolition had to be carefully planned and managed to minimise any stress or impact placed on the rail tunnel below.

Bristol Area Signalling Renewal & Enhancement project For the Bristol Area Signalling Renewal & Enhancement (BASRE) Project, Rhodar worked in conjunction with Network Rail to remove asbestos insulating board ceilings from 14 relay rooms at various locations within the Bristol region. The rooms were being prepared for demolition following decommissioning after the signalling upgrade works.

Bletchley flyover As an example of a land remediation project, Rhodar removed asbestos waste materials and contaminated soil from Network Rail land beneath Bletchley flyover. We cleared the site of waste materials and carried out

Award-winning service Our innovative work has been recognised with a number of industry awards – we were named winner in the outstanding projects (<£3 million category) at the UK Rail Industry Awards (UKRIA) for our unique asbestos removal project for Great Western Railway (GWR) in Penzance where we removed asbestos containing materials from one of GWR’s vast 192-metre HST maintenance depots in Penzance. Our innovative, bespoke multi-level rolling 169

Demolition, Asbestos Removal and Land Remediation

Greener fleet Our award-winning fleet is accredited with Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) Bronze. Switching to Shell FuelSave Diesel, hybrid & electric vehicles, have helped us to reduce energy consumption whilst lowering CO2 emissions across our 250-vehicle fleet. All monitored via our on-board Masternaut Telematics system, for which Rhodar carry the Fleet CO2 Programme Silver Certification verified by The Energy Saving Trust. We also use the Midas online fuel management system for all group vehicles.

(wheeled) enclosure enabled the safe removal of asbestos in 26-metre sections, whilst ensuring daily train maintenance could continue to operate. A train movement

Embankment West Rhodar was appointed as asbestos removal, demolition and remediation specialists for the enabling works phase of the Embankment West development site, close to Manchester city centre and a live rail network. Working in conjunction with Network Rail and the developer we implemented effective plans to minimise disruption, dust, noise and vibration impact on the public and the network. Prior to demolition, asbestos-containing materials were abated and notifiable and non-notifiable waste was removed. Follow-on remediation commenced with excavation below ground level in order to remove relict in-ground structures. The demolition phase involved the removal of the overburden and splitting the arches in an innovative way to prevent vibrations or loads being transferred onto Network Rail’s foundations. This significantly cut costs and reduced programme time by around eight weeks.

access and egress system was also employed to ensure the safety of our operatives, with up to six High Speed Train (HST) movements per day.

Sustainable working We work with our suppliers to ensure a robust ‘chain of custody’. This means we have viable and sustainable origins on our plant, materials and consumables. For example we use: • FSC-registered timber for our asbestos removal enclosures. • Innovative electric plant and equipment, like hybrid crushers and excavators, and fully electric tracked dumpers, on demolition and land remediation projects. Our aim is to reflect Network Rail’s Sustainable Development Strategy, and we continually do this through: • • • •

Efficient use of natural resources. Innovation with sustainable materials. Reduce, reuse or recycle any waste. Energy efficiency across all of our infrastructure and operations.

Tel: 0800 834 669 Email: info@rhodar.co.uk Visit: www.rhodar.co.uk LinkedIn: Rhodar 170


EXPERTS WITH A PROVEN TRACK RECORD Asbestos Removal Industry leading asbestos abatement

Demolition Dismantling the past, delivering the future

Land Remediation Unlocking the potential of brownfield land

Contact Rhodar for Remediation, Asbestos and/or Demolition support.

0800 834 669 • www.rhodar.co.uk Follow us:


Demolition and Land Remediation

Clearing the way for rail infrastructure Maylarch Environmental Limited is an award-winning enabling contractor offering Demolition, Land Remediation and Licensed Asbestos Removal, proud to be a member of the HS2 delivery team


stablished in 1984 Maylarch has grown to be a leading provider of compliant safe and successful demolition and remediation projects across the South of England and the Midlands. With a reputation for technical excellence Maylarch are proud to include the majority of the top construction companies within their client list as well as local authorities, prestigious universities and the NHS. Maylarch offer the full suite of Demolition and Soft Strip services and are equally happy working as a Principle Contractor or a Sub Contractor. With a Fully Licensed Asbestos Removal Division and Ground Remediation expertise Maylarch can offer a turnkey approach to enabling projects or clients. Maylarch are Members of The NFDC the leading demolition Trade Association. Maylarch are also Members of ARCA (The Asbestos Removal Contractors Association) With our in-house team of Demolition and Licensed Asbestos Removal Operatives fully qualified and competent to work on the Network Rai infrastructure and policies procedures compliant with Rail Group Standards we can help you deliver your rail projects to the highest safety standards. We are currently successfully enrolled onto the demolition frameworks or both the Fusion JV and KFB JV working on the


HS route in our region. We have to date carried out over £1,300,000 worth of and land remediation on two separate sites at Chipping Warden or Fusion. We are in the process of gearing up for six demolition projects on KFB sites through sections C2 and C3, which are to be carried out in the next six months. These have a combined total value of over £400,000 with the likelihood of growth following asbestos surveys and ground investigations. EKFB have the comfort of knowing that; should any above or below ground contamination be discovered during or upon completion of the demolition we have the in house; licensing skills plant and equipment to carry out any further remediation works that are required. This will lead to minimal disruption to programme as continuity can be maintained as well as mitigating large demobilisation/remobilisation costs. We have the capacity and geographical coverage to take on further projects along the Southern and Central sections of the planned HS route. In addition to this our teams come with a working knowledge of HS principles and protocols. From a £5,000 Asbestos Removal project right through to a £2,000,000 Demolition Enabling package, Maylarch have the staff, skills and experience to ensure that your project succeeds in every way.

“We have the capacity and geographical coverage to take on further projects along the Southern and Central sections of the planned HS route.” Tel: 01865 883829 Email: enquiries@maylarch.co.uk Visit: www.maylarch.co.uk

We supply skilled personnel solutions to all areas of the Rail Infrastructure, London Underground and Construction Industries. These are just some of the resources we regularly supply ∙ Groundworks Staff ∙ Labourers ∙ Civils Gangs ∙ Renewals & Maintenance Staff

∙ Safety Critical Ops ∙ Project Controls ∙ Technical Staff ∙ Planners

∙ BTA (LU) Operatives ∙ Plant Operators ∙ Vegetation Clearing Ops ∙ HSQE

∙ Site Management ∙ Project Office Based Resources ∙ Project Management ∙ Track Inducted Operatives

If you are currently looking for your next opportunity, get in touch, we are always recruiting skilled staff. 7 Henwood Industrial Estate Ashford Kent TN24 8DH 01233 625464 ashford@crs-rail.co.uk

Unit 1 Crompton Road Business Park Off Wheatley Hall Road Doncaster DN2 4PA www.civilrailsolutions.co.uk 01302 965330 doncaster@crs-rail.co.uk


Depots – Maintenance and Services

Keeping clean Wilcomatic Rail specialises in the design and maintenance of wash systems for trains, trams, and monorails


e’re globally accredited for supplying and installing more than 40 wash systems and other associated depot equipment in both the UK and overseas. In addition to our 65 strong UK-based maintenance team, we have a huge support network working closely with an extensive network of engineers and maintenance partners across the world to deliver the levels of support expected by today’s customers. We can provide remote monitoring for our train wash systems across the world from both our UK and Indian maintenance centres and are able to provide a full range of spare parts and technical support to the most remote of locations. Our systems wash trains day-in-day-out everywhere from New Zealand and Australia to the Far East, Middle East, and Brazil. With our cutting-edge train wash technology giving the highest standards guaranteed, our train wash systems consistently outperform those from other manufacturers. They clean better, they’re quicker and use resources more efficiently. We also supply and maintain Controlled emission toilets (CET), Lubrication systems, T-system satellites and Pump stations as well as maintaining stock levels of consumables such as wash chemicals and brushes. The East Coast Integrated Depot The East Coast Integrated Depot (ECID) in Singapore will be the world’s first multistorey train and bus depot, combining three existing depots into one complex. As land is expensive and sought after on the small island, the Land Transit Authority initiated the project to save approximately 44 hectares of land which would then be used for other purposes. Construction began on the $2 billion (£1.1 billion) build in 2016, with an expected completion date of 2024. Siemens were awarded the tender to provide electrical and industrial equipment for the project. Having just completed a project with Wilcomatic in Malaysia receiving thirteen successful wash systems, Siemens approached Wilcomatic to work with them on the East Coast Integrated Depot. Wilcomatic provided a quote and were awarded the project over worldwide competition. The ECID was a unique project for Wilcomatic, requiring three separate, fully automated wash systems that would meet 174

the specific requirements for the Land Transit Authority’s different train models and lengths. Two machines will be installed in tunnels, making the design even more challenging. Wilcomatic compiled a detailed, technical specification and design of the machine, which was put forward to the Land Transit Authority as part of Siemens’ tender. The Land Transit Authority found Wilcomatic’s proposal matched their requirements, which helped cement their preference for Siemens as their equipment provider. Able to handle a continuous 24/7 processing of trains, the machines wash with sprays and brushes to provide a unique solution, and fully dry each train before it exits the wash programme, both of which were key requirements from the LTA. An extensive water recycling system also needed to be specially designed for handling the substantial number of trains. Controlled emissions toilets Controlled emission toilets (CETs) are now the rail industry standard. Simply put, CETs store waste in a large, secure tank in the train’s body instead of depositing the sewage directly onto the tracks. Every night when the train reaches the depot, the waste can be easily pumped out of the tank and disposed of safely. CETs are more hygienic for travellers – with the sealed tanks able to prevent unpleasant smells from escaping – and much

kinder to the environment and the people working on railway lines. Retention tanks are now commonplace enough for operators still using older-style toilets to receive negative media coverage for doing so. Controlled Emission Toilets are therefore a must for all newly-produced trains, and increasingly important for older rolling stock to be retro-fitted with. Features CETs are available in a range of different configurations to suit the infrastructure they will have to work within. For instance: • Emptying systems are available in manual or automatic options. • Most toilet retention tanks are cleared from fixed trackside extraction stations, but mobile extraction units are an alternative option for depots with limited space. • Underfloor systems are another option for where trackside space is at a premium. Each module connects to a main vacuum wastewater line to dispose of sewage safely and rinse tanks with clean water. • Remote diagnostics can be installed to monitor tank levels and identify any potential problems before they become serious. How difficult is it to install toilet retention tanks? All modern train fleets are built to accommodate Controlled Emission Toilets,

Depots – Maintenance and Services

with the main requirement being adequate space and access to the train’s plumbing system. It is when it comes to retrofitting older trains that more problems can occur. Unfortunately, operators know that replacing an old toilet with a modern CET

requires more than just bolting a tank on. Space on the underframe needs to be created to accommodate the tanks – and as there often isn’t the room for this to be directly under the toilets themselves, pipes will likely need to be re-routed. Installing

vacuum systems to enable more powerful flushing and save water adds another layer of complexity. Retrofitting an entire fleet can be a major operation, which is why operators are often reluctant to sanction upgrades. There are very live concerns over rolling stock being out of action for extended periods – putting more pressure on already squeezed capacity. However, with new, modern fleets often taking years to arrive, retrofitting is nonetheless essential in the medium term. What operators and manufacturers of new trains both need is access to the right expertise and a range of CET options. Not only will this ensure the best systems for the job, it will also mean as quick a turnaround as possible and prevention of costly delays. At Wilcomatic, we know the rail industry inside out. Our industry-leading designers and engineers are on hand to plan, build and install the best solution for your fleet’s needs. Contact us today to see how our range of systems can help to improve your depot facilities. Tel: +44(0) 20 8649 5760 Email: sales@wilcomatic.co.uk Visit: www.wilcomatic.co.uk/rail-wash-systems/


 sales@wilcomatic.co.uk

 www.wilcomatic.co.uk/rail-wash-systems

Wilcomatic are the UK’s leading supplier of commercial wash systems. Trains, Trams & Monorails are cleaner with us. 175





DIN Rail Power Supplies

DIN-Rail power supplies for railway applications PULS DIN-Rail power supplies are authorised by NRAP for use on railway infrastructure for which Network Rail is the manager under ROGS regulations


ULS Power the specialist manufacturer of high reliability DINRail power supplies provides a range of reliable, efficient and robust DINRail power supplies specifically for railway applications. Using technology based on designs already proven in tens of thousands of industrial applications worldwide PULS power supplies also feature DIN-Rail mounting to enable simple integration into cabinets and enclosures both on board rolling stock and trackside. Performance requirements for electronic systems in railway applications are challenging on several fronts; failures cannot be tolerated, even under extreme mechanical stress over an extended temperature range. Further, the input voltages in railways differ from those experienced in industrial applications ruling out the use of standard commercial grade devices. PULS railway approved power supplies are ideally suited to the latest infrastructure projects such as HS2 and extensions to underground rail networks. PULS railway specific power supplies may be used in a wide range of applications within the train and on the track including, central power, air conditioning, communication and infotainment systems, signaling technology and train protection systems. PULS products are deployed in major infrastructure investments such as the SBB (Swiss Federal Railways) where power supplies have been installed along the railway track in some 800 electrical cabinets all over Switzerland for the control of power lines for the trains. Critical to this contract was the ability of PULS to deliver and support the chosen product types for many years after design-in, while also delivering cost savings over the existing installation. PULS continue to innovate and have recently introduced the new FIEPOS range of rugged IP67 rated power supplies which need no protective enclosure. These power supplies provide an intelligent distributed power solution and may be mounted in close proximity to, or actually on, the load. This reduces installation costs and simplifies commissioning while introducing increased flexibility and the ability to easily reconfigure systems. 178

PULS railway range of power supplies provide one hundred per cent greater mains failure bridging time than required by the railway standard EN 50155 (S2), are weather resistant with all PCBs having conformal coating as standard and are completely convection cooled simplifying installation, further increasing reliability and minimising system noise. Fully EN 50155 certified PULS DIN-Rail power supplies are classified according to T3, TX, C2 and S2 for use on rolling stock. They also meet EN 61373 for shock and vibration, EN 50121-3-2 for EMC requirements and EN 45545-2 for fire protection on a railway vehicle according to hazard level HL3. Five models from the PULS QS Series have been awarded full acceptance certification by Network Rail for use with

signaling equipment in environments not exceeding 95 per cent relative humidity. The Network Rail product acceptance process is required for products intended for use on or about rail infrastructure and ensures they are safe, reliable, fit for purpose, compatible and do not export unacceptable risks to the infrastructure. Only accepted products, (except those allowed by NR/ L2/RSE/100/05) may be used on rail infrastructure. Three of the Network Rail approved PULS DIN-Rail power supplies feature the advanced PULS ‘Hiccupplus’ overload protection mode. These employ technology innovations to overcome the problems associated with early hiccup protection circuits which were considered too sensitive when used in conjunction with motors or

DIN Rail Power Supplies

loads that are equipped with large input capacity, running power supplies in parallel or battery charging. These are the QS40.241 with a DC output of 24V/40A, and the QS20.481.C1 and QS20.241.C1 with outputs of 48V/10A and 24V/20A respectively and

offer system designers and installers’ uncomplicated assembly and permits flexible positioning of the devices. Optional wall and side mounting brackets offer alternative mounting options. Spring-clamp terminals provide shock and vibration resistance, making installation intuitive and facilitates simple wiring without tools. Key features of the PULS QS Series of DIN-Rail power supplies include a wide input range from 100 to 240Vac, and a very wide operating temperature from -40⁰C to +70⁰C (depending on model) without derating (+60⁰C to +70⁰C with derating), typical efficiency greater than 94 per cent and operation in environments with up to 95 per cent maximum relative humidity. All models have a nominal 110Vdc input with a wide voltage fluctuation tolerance of -30 to +40 per cent and are available with an output voltage range from 24 to 28VDC with power ratings of 100, 200 and 400W. For more information on PULS DIN-Rail railway power supplies, get in touch with them via the contact information below.

feature conformal coating The two other approved DIN-Rail power supplies are the QS10.481.C1 providing an output of 48V/5A and the QS5.241.A1 rated at 24V/5A, which are also conformal coated. PULS DIN-Rail power supplies

Tel: 01525 841 001 Email: sales@puls.co.uk Visit: www.pulspower.com

DIN-Rail Power Supplies for


200W 39mm

100W 40mm

200W 60mm

400W 65mm

sales@puls.co.uk www.pulspower.com 179

Ecology – Vegetation Management

Mechanised vegetation management solutions Established in 1992 by owner and managing director Andy Back, Avondale provides vegetation management to a wide range of clients in key market sectors, with 30 years’ experience on the rail


he corporate philosophy has always been to supply mechanised solutions to vegetation control wherever possible. They provide huge efficiencies in cost and productivity as well as significant safety benefits. Fewer personnel trackside means fewer at risk. Avondale brings a wealth of experience in managing vegetation, including tree stock, enabling engineering rail professionals to do what they do best. Key services include but are not limited to: • Asset cleaning including tunnels, signs and graffiti removal. • Plant hire with operator. • Herbicide spraying. • Pesticide spraying. • Flailing. • Tree works. • Fencing.

As a key supplier to the Network Rail OnTrack Plant contract and working under its own POS (Plant Operators Scheme), it can supply services to the rail industry nationwide. From road to rail to site A major issue with service delivery on the rail infrastructure is often gaining access to sites that may be remote or on routes that are operating at near capacity. Road Rail Vehicles can mitigate this issue by using the existing road network to get close to site reducing the requirement for lengthy line blocks. Avondale operates a fleet of unique, purpose-built Mercedes Benz Unimogs. The Unimog is a self-contained, versatile, ‘go anywhere’ power unit operating a range of attachments; many designed and developed in-house. These are fitted to the front, mid

Andy Back, Owner and Managing Director

and rear of the vehicle and powered directly by the front and rear PTO (Power Take Off) high pressure air or hydraulic systems or a combination. The Unimog’s advantage is its off-road capability that allows it to approach the tracks at a 90-degree angle and cross them; its revolving platform is then lowered hydraulically transforming the Unimog into a fully functional rail vehicle in a very short time. ‘Track occupation’ is the key word here. The aim is maximum productivity in minimum available closure time. Effective solutions to new problems The company has always had a reputation for the design, development and delivery of bespoke vegetation solutions. Recent successful projects include the mechanised treatment of Oak Processionary Moth, an invasive species that has health implications for trees, humans and animals. Avondale’s solution removes the risk of human contact whilst maximising treatment during shorter mid-week possessions, with all affected areas being treated within a limited window of opportunity in the moth’s life cycle. Avondale delivers biodiversity enhancement projects for Highways England (high speed roads) that can easily be adapted for rail use. This includes selective weed control to manage woody vegetation to encourage local grass and wildflowers species, wildflower seed broadcasting and hydroseeding. A selective brushwood 180

Ecology – Vegetation Management

herbicide can control the regeneration and germination of woody vegetation and invasive species (such as Japanese Knotweed) without damage to surrounding grass species. The principle applies to various gradients where established ground cover can naturally bind loose soil, reducing erosion. The establishment of desired species will help to naturally suppress unwanted ones and create a varied ground canopy to enhance wildlife habitats. Future developments will continue with this theme researching and developing viable and sustainable delivery mechanisms. For example, an electric or hybrid powered machine to enable rail tunnel cleaning to take place. ‘Let us solve your on track and off track vegetation problems. The answer is yes, now what is the question?’ – Andy Back, Owner and Managing Director.

Tel: 01634 823200 Email: info@avondaleuk.com Visit: www.avondaleuk.com




Ecology Consultancy

Keystone: keeping on track with ecology June 2017 saw the sudden and somewhat daunting prospect as an SME of being awarded our first major contract on behalf of HS2 Ltd and with this the pride and satisfaction of achieving our goal of pushing into the large-scale rail and infrastructure market


aving supported various Tier 1 suppliers since 2006, this opportunity gave us the impetus to invest in our own Rail Management System and become a RISQS accredited supplier, with the ability to sponsor staff in-house, in an effort to broaden our client base and generate opportunities to support larger and more complex schemes within the sector. Following a successful RISQS application, ISO9001, ISO14001 & National Highways Sector Scheme accreditations swiftly followed, marking a major step in company

Pond created by Keystone after two seasons


protocol and procedures as well as a statement of intent to provide our Ecological Consultancy and Contacting services to a broader higher level market. Fast forward four years, a further four landmark HS2 contracts, as well as our first direct appointment by Network Rail, and the evolution feels complete. Keystone had proven themselves on one of the UK’s largest ever construction schemes and the challenge was no longer to establish ourselves within the sector but more so, how to evolve with the times and continue to provide our clients with the highest level of service, ensuring

they remain compliant with changing environmental legislation whilst striving to achieve added value and meeting the targets currently being discussed under the COP26 summit. Environmental and protected species legislation has historically been seen as a blocker to construction, a hurdle to overcome, an inconvenience. However, with the growing recognition that biodiversity is key to a healthy ecosystem, and with the requirement for infrastructure developers to achieve net gain consistently within their projects, there is opportunity in

Ecology Consultancy

protected species mitigation and through targeted habitat management and creation. It is no coincidence that wildlife thrives alongside our rail infrastructure network, despite little historical effort to promote its presence, and although protected species can on occasion cause disruption, with the appropriate foresight, planning and programme understanding, their presence and any potential mitigation measures need not be seen as a negative nor cause delays. Habitat corridors are key to population expansion and long-term viability and our rail network provides the perfect starting block to facilitate this, along with huge expanses of currently unmanaged land with great potential for biodiversity enhancement and offsetting for future essential upgrades and maintenance operations. HS2, habitat creation and species translocation To date Keystone has created over 33 hectares of habitat spread across ten individual sites which will, in time, form part of the wider green corridor bordering HS2. Key habitat features have been installed to provide flora and fauna with the fundamental building blocks to create a thriving ecosystem which will be managed over time to create an optimal environment for populations to establish and subsequently to expand. The green corridor will provide the perfect highway to encourage population integration and expansion as well as providing an area of green space for communities to enjoy and explore, surrounded by nature. These key habitat features have included creation of 17 new wildlife ponds, planting of 35,000 new trees and shrubs, creation of 9 reptile basking banks, installation of nearly 50 bat and bird boxes, 120,000m2 of grass and wildflower seeding and over 13,000 metres of fencing which will protect and segregate the new habitats as they establish. Since their creation, ongoing management of these sites, tailored to meet their specific needs and requirements, has resulted in uptake on a level we never could have anticipated, dragonflies and butterflies swarm the sites during summer months and amphibians have established healthy breeding populations within the new ponds. Perhaps the most rewarding element of the work has been witnessing the speed at which flora and fauna take up residence, demonstrating that given the right ingredients and initial aftercare, land of little biodiversity value can very swiftly become a thriving ecosystem. In addition to the habitat creation packages, Keystone were also a key supplier aiding in the translocation of protected species. Our contracting and consultancy teams supported one another across a number of sites with the installation of over 70 kilometres of herptile fencing utilised to exclude reptiles and amphibians from

the construction footprint and relocating them to areas of retained or specifically created habitats which, now matured, provide optimal conditions to sustain the populations. It is difficult to plan for that which you do not know, and the key to preparing for any works which may interact with protected habitats or their inhabitant species is solid baseline survey data. Once you have this information, along with a true representation of any potential impacts, the process to mitigate and compensate can begin and the fundamental key to this must remain, irrespective of what is unearthed at survey stage – what is the end goal? Understanding your client’s needs, programme and constraints is vital to providing a robust consultancy service and early contractor involvement is Norcar quad tracked loader extracting timber for use in habitat piles essential to ensure a project remains on target but also sets out with realistic and achievable goals. If you get the fundamentals right early, cost, programme and risk management are all well Network Rail Ecology Surveys within reach. Keystone were recently awarded We have policies and processes in place tenders to complete UK Habitat to ensure that we deliver to our clients, a Classification surveys and Condition high quality and environmentally conscious Assessment on behalf of Network Rail service at all times. Our services must meet across nearly 30 miles of track, with a our company’s high internal expectations as view to informing potential biodiversity well as the brief of any project on behalf of offsetting values and opportunities our client. All surveys and reporting outputs through strategic management and are delivered in accordance with standards habitat enhancement. In parallel, and guidance set out by our governing body, Badger and bat surveys are being the Chartered Institute of Ecology and undertaken to risk manage planned Environmental Management (CIEEM). maintenance operations and clearance Our team of surveyors have the of trees affected by Ash Dieback disease experience and relevant skill set required to (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). successfully deliver complex project briefs and the company has recently invested in CIEEM led training (Calculating and Using Keystone specialise in providing the Biodiversity Units & Biodiversity Net Gain complete ecological consultancy and Through Development) specific to the contracting package, from Phase 1 and Phase delivery of projects requiring biodiversity net II flora/fauna surveys to habitat creation, gain. This allows us to better inform clients protected species translocation and ongoing of ways in which they can meet key statutory species and habitat monitoring. The key objectives and also add value through their benefit to our integrated consultancy and landscaping and mitigation efforts. contracting teams is our ability to develop Our ecologists also have the practical and achievable solutions which appropriate botanical skills to undertake are not only feasible from a buildability detailed habitats surveys, as well as the perspective but also commercially, adding corresponding condition assessments value along the way through innovative required for each habitat type. Investment in recycling of materials and use of specialist our team ensures they are all competent in technology and equipment. obtaining information which is necessary in With both divisions of the business, we order to develop an approach to achieving a are able to offer a seamless transition from net gain for biodiversity either via on-site or the survey stage to the implementation of off-site means across a variety of scenarios. mitigation on the ground, offering one main 183

Keystone Environmental Ltd are an independent ecological specialist with a practical, intelligent and pioneering approach to advising its clients. We plan, design and deliver complete ecological solutions that minimise risk – both for your organisation and for the natural environment. Our core Consultancy and Contracting services include: • • • • • • •

Ecological and Arboricultural Surveys Ecological Impact Assessments Ecological Mitigation, EPS License Applications and Translocations Landscape Ecological/Construction Environmental Management Plans GIS and Mapping/Biodiversity Offsetting and Net Gain Calculations Tree and Vegetation Clearance/Wildlife Fencing Habitat Creation, Restoration and Management

www.keyenv.co.uk info@keyenv.co.uk


Head/Southern Office T +44 (0)1666 503687 The Old Barn, Park Farm Buildings,, Beverston, Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8TT Welsh Office T +44 (0)2920 504024 Falcon Drive, Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF10 4RU


Tel: 0845 634 3131 / info@ehsroofing.net / www.ehsroofing.co.uk 627 KINGSBURY ROAD, ERDINGTON, BIRMINGHAM, B24 9PP 184

Ecology Consultancy

Thermal imaging camera in position for crossing point survey, with example thermal still of foraging Bat once dark

point of contact throughout to ensure that we continue to meet the project brief and delivery deadlines as the work progresses. By combining keen insights at survey stage with sound legislative knowledge and robust project management processes, we have become a trusted and legitimate ecological partner to some of the UK’s leading organisations. We continue to invest in research and development, extending our operation into new sectors and regional locations and helping our clients build their own understanding and knowledge of ecology. Our robust, intelligent approach to surveys and regulation minimises costs, risks, and delays, yielding complete, bespoke solutions that will maximise the success of your scheme. Investment in technology Company growth and market expansion has provided the commercial stability to allow Keystone to compete for larger more complex work packages whilst also allowing for considerable capital investment, targeted on both state of the art contracting machinery and also technology to aid in our survey activities. The key focus on any company investment is how we can improve our services, provide more reliable survey data whilst also reducing the demand on surveyors. The most significant and stand out demonstration being our investment in thermal imaging cameras to assist with bat activity and emergence surveys. These units have revolutionised our surveying methodology by enabling us to see continued bat activity once light levels deteriorate as the differences in the heat

of objects is easy to see. The units have been particularly useful for confirming the emergence of bats which typically appear when it is quite dark and to also observe bats crossing over particular features such as an unlit road. They are also very useful for the survey of trees, particularly if features which may support bat roosts are cluttered by leaf foliage or branches as footage can be reviewed once back at the office to confirm the findings of the surveyor. Whilst we have typically used these cameras to aid surveyors, in some situations they could actually replace a surveyor, for example in an unsafe location as the footage can be reviewed later in the safety of the office and correlated to observed behaviour alongside any acoustic recordings obtained. Couple this with the ability to slow and analyse movements, geo-map commuting patterns and cross reference with audio data from site, the survey outputs are a world apart from your traditional bat surveyor and bat detector. Notably the cameras can often cover a wider vista than a static surveyor potentially reducing the numbers required on some survey locations, and subsequently costs to the client. Where required, the units can also be stationed in a fixed position and left attended but from a distance, particularly useful when surveying bridge structures or crossing points which may otherwise compromise the safety and comfort of the field surveyor. It is safe to say having utilised the two new cameras solidly for a very intense survey season, often with both units being utilised four nights a week, the significant company investment and lengthy research prior to purchase has

been thoroughly rewarded and in doing so has enabled us to offer a level of service far superior to traditional survey techniques. Looking back, it is fair to say that the Keystone team have excelled both individually and collectively in their efforts to push the company to the next level and I owe special thanks to one and all, along with our supporting clients, who have played their part in this process. It would not be right to completely overlook a worldwide pandemic which has brought such disruption, and in some cases the end of their operations. Yet despite the professional, personal, and operational challenges we have all faced, to have maintained company growth, actively recruited and achieved repetitive record years is an achievement of which we can be very proud. As the country begins its journey out of such an unprecedented and difficult situation, it is with great optimism that we continue forward with the confidence that we can support our staff and our clients with any future challenges, however big or small. To find out more about how Keystone can assist with your ongoing projects, be it through specialist consultancy or contracting involvement please get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 01666 503687 Email: info@keyenv.co.uk Visit: www.keyenv.co.uk Keystone Ecology and Habitats are currently recruiting for individuals keen to become part of our ambitious growing team, please submit your CV along with a short covering letter to: recruitment@keyenv.co.uk 185


EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE SOLUTIONS Design, Fabrication, Installation . . .

. . . Maintenance & Refurbishment We partner with: Infrastructure providers Primary contractors Tier 2 and 3 suppliers requiring the specialist resources we offer


Our accreditations and certifications include: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, RISQS, HERS, NICEIC, CHAS, SafeContractor, JOSCAR and other key industry standards

ICEE Managed Services Ltd, 20 Arnside Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7UP Telephone: 02392 230 604 | Email: sales@icee.co.uk | Website: https://www.icee.co.uk


Delivering a bright energy future for the UK’s railways The UK’s net zero goals are setting the stage and fuelling interest to reach a net zero railway, including a rolling programme of electrification and fleet orders of hydrogen and battery trains


n 2021’s autumn budget and spending review, it was announced that a £46 billion investment will be set aside for railways and high-quality transport infrastructure that will bring communities across the UK closer together and connect them to opportunity. This is an exciting and opportune time for the rail industry to review how their electricity infrastructure can be modernised and future-proofed to support goals including efficiency and reliability of service, customer satisfaction and cost effectiveness while minimising environmental impact. Having a long-term strategic energy partner with a strong industry track record at delivering innovative rail projects that are aligned with these goals will be crucial. Five key characteristics to look for in your long-term strategic energy partner are safety, innovation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and collaboration. These characteristics ensure that your rail network electricity infrastructure will be taken care of with professionalism, benefit from an integrated and holistic view in mind and delivered to the standard required for the next decade and beyond. Safety UK Power Networks Services manages the associated risks of working with electricity and delivers safely for its clients in the most complex and challenging environments every day. Whilst working on Europe’s busiest runways, trackside on the UK’s fastest mainline railway, at nuclear sites, and military facilities, UK Power Networks Services has achieved an unprecedented safety record of zero lost time injuries in over 5,000,000 hours worked. This outstanding achievement is down to an unrelenting focus on safety, innovative processes and training programmes for colleagues and clients, and a culture where safety always comes first. Innovation As well as adopting the latest technology, it is critical that your partner should be able to adapt when unforeseen challenges arise on projects and respond with innovative solutions to keep the project on track. UK Power Networks Services’ innovative work

on the Great Western Electrification Project between Maidenhead and Cardiff included the implementation of a ground-breaking Rationalised Autotransformer System. The system delivers significant cost savings and better reliability for its client compared to other systems installed in the UK. Through innovation, we have also achieved a 99.9875 per cent network availability for High Speed 1, connecting St. Pancras in London to the Channel tunnel. Network resilience coupled with high availability of assets have been at the heart of High Speed 1’s success as Europe’s best performing high speed railway. Sustainability Sustainable solutions have a positive effect on the environment, economy, and people. These ‘triple bottom line’ benefits can have the greatest impact through major infrastructure projects, but any effective energy partner must develop and preserve objectives which: • Protect and improve the natural

• • • •

environment while reducing carbon emissions Invest in local economies and communities Employ locally during construction and ongoing operations Deliver the work safely for communities and employees Enable the future by designing systems that stand the test of time.

UK Power Networks Services looks for every opportunity to make a positive sustainable impact for its clients. It is currently delivering energy cost reductions to clients through improving the efficiency of their assets, by co-locating solar PV with substations. Recently, the first electric vehicles and charge points have also been introduced into its fleet to improve air quality for future generations. These have been introduced at its Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted Airport depots, and electric vehicle charge points at its London City Airport depot. 187


Diversity and inclusion Embracing diversity and inclusion as a strategic imperative is critical for any organisation that strives for high performance. Supporting diversity and promoting inclusion within workplaces is about valuing the individual and what they bring to their role. Fostering an environment where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their potential enables organisations to effectively increase their employee engagement and realise an increase in productivity. Power Networks Services’ ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusiveness is demonstrated by its National Equality Standard accreditation. It is one of only a small number of UK companies to achieve this benchmarked standard for creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. In 2021, it was also named sixth in ‘The Sunday Times 25 Best Big Companies To Work For’ list. Collaboration Any long-term strategic partner must be experienced at collaborating with multiple partners when delivering complex and large-scale projects involving renewals, enhancements and major schemes while demonstrating ‘value for money’ infrastructure investment. The more partners involved in a project the greater the complications that can arise. UK Power Networks Services is committed to establishing long-lasting, open and trusting relationships. It is accredited in the Collaborative Business Relationship Management System ISO 44001:2017 standard to help it deliver successful collaborative relationships with appropriate clients, delivery partners and suppliers. Through a collaborative approach, it contributes to the creation of value oriented enterprising teams that deliver high performing infrastructure. Conclusion To be effective, your long-term strategic energy partner needs to demonstrate these five crucial characteristics – safety, innovation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and collaboration. UK Power Networks Services’ business is built around these characteristics. Its investment is focussed on these characteristics. Its greatest successes are where it has brought these characteristics to life in its delivery with its clients. It has delivered for its clients for more than 50 years and its portfolio includes High Speed 1, Network Rail, London Underground, Docklands Light Railway, and EDF (Hinkley Point C). UK Power Networks Services also delivers for leading UK airports, Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted and London City. Email: enquiries@ukpowernetworks.co.uk Visit: ukpowernetworksservices.co.uk 188


The Thepower powerto todeliver deliver high highspeed speedrail rail


AsAsyour yourstrategic strategicpartner, partner,we weunlock unlockthe the power powerofofyour yourenergy energyinfrastructure infrastructureand and enable enableyou youtotofocus focusononyour yourcore corebusiness. business.

ukpowernetworksservices.co.uk ukpowernetworksservices.co.uk 189

Electrification – Enclosures

Outdoor enclosures – the unsung heroes Outdoor enclosures, the ones you see beside the road, on the pavement, trackside on the railways


he ones you walk past every day without giving them a second thought, these metal boxes, more often than not contain highly critical equipment that is fundamental to our everyday life. Broadband connection, the controls of signalling on the railways, the important instructions on overhead motorway gantries, these functions and many more impact our daily activity. Whether we are working from home or travelling, the controls that make these things possible are housed out of sight and out of mind. That’s not a bad thing, they are designed to be inconspicuous to the public. Outdoor enclosures need to be many things, they have to be functional and flexible to house various forms of equipment, they have to aesthetically pleasing whilst also being secure enough to be placed in both remote and busy public spaces. Surviving the elements is another critical feature, they could be placed outdoors for in excess of ten years whilst dealing with the hottest summers and harshest winters. So, whilst outdoor enclosures may seem a fairly innocuous feature there’s actually a great deal of design and innovation in them. When equipment has to be placed

outdoors, it’s not just one factor that has to be considered. Unlike indoor applications there are so many more variables that need to be taken into account. Let’s talk about the weather for instance. Heat and humidity in the summer, cold and ice in the winter; not to mention the wind and rain. Faced with the elements the enclosures design, construction and material used needs to withstand everything the weather can throw at it. Using powder coated Aluminium means the enclosure is protected from the outside elements, we at Rittal also give the enclosure a double skin. Having a double skin does many things, it helps with the UV solar gain during warmer times protecting the equipment internally just that little bit more from overheating, Alternatively, if cooling (passive or active) is required, the dual casing makes this more manageable. A double skin also means additional heat when the temperature drops, rather than the heat dissipating quickly through the walls of the cabinet. Heat from the equipment or an internal heater means critical equipment can be kept at its optimum working temperature whether its summer or winter. A double skin also means better

protection from intentional or accidental damage. Outer skins can easily be replaced bringing the enclosure back to its original condition whilst the inner skin protects the internal equipment whilst the repair works are being carried out. No need to replace the whole enclosure if only the outer shell is damaged. Other key design features are the ones that keep outside elements outside. For outdoor enclosure one key element is the Ingress Protection (IP) rating achieved. We would suggest IP55 rating as being sufficient for an outdoor enclosure. This means the cabinet is protected from wind driven rain and dust. What is of great importance, is that the enclosure is designed so that standing water does not pool on the enclosure or sit on the enclosure seals. If the seals are protected, then the risk of leakage into the enclosure is low. Enclosures where water can sit for a prolonged period of times means eventually a breakdown in the seal material. If this standing water, then goes onto freeze it can cause a gap between the enclosure door and housing. Overhanging roofs that fully protect the enclosure door seal is an imperative design feature that

Enclosures from the smallest to the largest. ENCLOSURES 190



Electrification – Enclosures

money by allowing a system to be online in a shorter timescale. The need for outdoor systems is increasing due to the ever-expanding requirement for all things to be connected. This need will only increase but it is paramount that when a system is to be placed outside serious consideration is given to the design of the housing that the critical infrastructure equipment will sit in. Whether it be telecoms, rail, airports or highways the overriding factors are the same. Protection from the outside world is key!

Rittal outdoor enclosure

must not be overlooked when placing such a product outdoors. Security is critical outdoor. Whether this be specific lock types dependant on customer and application, or maybe even remote access could be required. These features need to be options to give the end client peace of mind. Whether the cabinet is in a crowded busy town centre, a remote or an airport runway, access to the inside of the enclosure needs to be limited as much as possible to those who don’t have the authority. Whilst the outer design of the cabinet is

arguably the most important the internals of the cabinet need to be versatile, flexible and also future proofed. Technology moves at such a rate these days that in some instances by the time a system is deployed the electrical components within it have been superseded. By having a more flexible system for mounting within the cabinet this can mean the ability to upgrade at a later date using the existing enclosures. By doing so it reduces the need for downtime, reduces labour and parts costs and overall saves the end client time and


Company profile Rittal, headquartered in Herborn, Hesse, Germany, is a leading global provider of solutions for industrial enclosures, power distribution, climate control and IT infrastructure, as well as software and services. Rittal solutions can be found in more than 90 percent of all industrial sectors worldwide. Systems made by Rittal are deployed across a variety of industrial and IT applications, including vertical sectors such as the transport industry, power generation, mechanical and plant engineering, IT and telecommunications. Rittal is active worldwide with 9,300 employees and 58 subsidiaries. Its broad product range includes infrastructure solutions for modular and energy-efficient data centres with innovative concepts for the security of physical data and systems. Tel: 01709 704000 Email: information@rittal.co.uk Visit: www.rittal.co.uk

SOFTWARE & SERVICES www.rittal.co.uk



Equipment enclosures get smart Like most industries today, the rail sector is being affected by fast-moving changes in technology. In turn, this may affect the ubiquitous but essential trackside equipment enclosure. Here, ICEE Managed Services describes how to gain more benefits from this often undervalued asset

The start of a complete enclosure solution: ICEE uses advanced 3D solid modelling (CAD) and design for manufacture (CAM) software to optimise cutting, bending and fabrication of enclosure parts, ensuring right-first-time, high quality build results, at least cost (Picture courtesy of Bystronic.co.uk)


y way of introduction, ICEE possesses over thirty years’ experience in electrical and telecommunication applications, having produced complete enclosure solutions for many industries, including the highway and rail sectors. In particular, on a bespoke basis to the customers’ specifications, it includes not only the design, manufacture, maintenance and refurbishment of trackside equipment enclosures, but also the manufacture of kiosks and information desks for use in busy railway stations. A key asset in infrastructure communication and control networks, the job of an equipment enclosure is to provide a weatherproof envelope, with strong protection against unauthorised access, and to maintain the right internal environment, enabling vital equipment to work properly. However, these days the technology inside is evolving rapidly. Unlike previous eras, in the digital age nothing stands still for long. Flexibility, agility and adaptability to change are now key watchwords. Enclosures 192

have to meet new requirements and become ‘smarter’. Developments such as fibre optic telecommunication systems, wireless networks and other significant innovations mean there is constant ‘technology churn’. That trend is set to continue, particularly with growing adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), advent of the potent 5G wireless standard, more demand for Wi-Fi and the expectation of it all to be readily available and accessible. Not only is technology changing, the climate is too. Hotter summers and wetter winters may affect the temperature or humidity of an enclosure interior and equipment performance. This highly topical consideration has to be factored into any new design specification. Why is bespoke important? Today, certain types of communication and control technologies are in rapid transformation. When such equipment in an enclosure is upgraded, the new parts or assemblies may be bigger or smaller, or require more cooling. Whole new elements

may be added to the system, requiring enclosure extensions. More cables may have to be fitted and space has to be made for routing and connecting. In short, all this means the enclosure must help and not hinder change. Ideally, future change issues should be considered at the design stage and decisions made about whether a standard or bespoke enclosure will be a safe, longterm investment. The risk is, as technology advances so rapidly now, the wrong decision on an enclosure could mean one or many having to be replaced or scrapped in the future, an expensive gamble. In this scenario, a standard or off-theshelf enclosure may prove inflexible and hard to modify, especially if many have to be changed in the field. Unwelcome compromises often arise and in some cases, system performance could suffer in the short or long term. In comparison, a bespoke enclosure may be designed to provide exactly what is required now and have flexibility builtin to accommodate future changes or


Installation and maintenance: ICEE not only designs and makes bespoke equipment enclosures for a number of industries, the company also installs and maintains cabinets and systems in the field. Upgrading and refurbishment is another cost-saving service.

improvements. Thus, the customer gets the right solution today and a ‘futureproof’ asset. Compromise is minimised or eliminated. Investment is protected. The bespoke approach also provides the opportunity to build in competitive features. Competitive features with bespoke What does ‘competitive features’ mean? Let’s look at an example. ICEE works in several industries including the telecommunications sector. In particular, the company delivers complete enclosure solutions to a number of fast-growing and ambitious broadband internet service providers (ISPs). The government’s aim to provide ‘fast fibre’ throughout the United Kingdom before this decade ends has resulted in an explosion of new and regional ISPs across the UK, competing against large national, established names. Many of these new enterprises want bespoke enclosure solutions that serve not only their existing and known requirements now, but also include features that provide competitive edge and future flexibility. In general, these competitive features are designed to streamline installation, commissioning, maintenance and upgrading. Later, refurbishment across the network may also be a requirement. ‘Future-proofing’ features range from simple to complicated. Such as providing more internal brackets and mountings to quickly re-position existing equipment and make room to install new devices, with easily implemented cable management options, or attachment of comprehensive cabinet extensions. There may be special requirements. In

remote areas, sensors are sometimes fitted in the enclosure to detect unauthorised entry or vandalism, or ensure secure locking after maintenance is done. Generally, valuable data can be collected to support performance reports and aid traceability audits. Connection through the network or wireless telemetry enables this data to be automatically transmitted to and fro between a control centre and a remote enclosure, or between a network of several. ‘Smart’ or connected enclosures have the potential to play a key role in positively contributing to the operational and financial performance of an organisation. If many enclosures on the network or infrastructure have this ‘joined up’ capability it can lead to higher productivity, more efficiency, increased competitiveness and profitability and above all, service excellence. Hence the enclosure is no longer a passive metal box, but one to be exploited as an integrated platform actively supporting management of the business. Bespoke is cost-effective The point is that a standard or off-theshelf cabinet is unlikely to meet all the functional demands described above, or offer much flexibility. In fact, all the enclosures ICEE make, install and maintain today are bespoke, built to a customer’s specific requirements. At ICEE, in relation to cost, the reason bespoke now competes with standard on price and speed of delivery is thanks to today’s sophisticated design and lean manufacturing processes, all based on interconnected digital technology. This starts

with computer-aided design (CAD) featuring powerful and realistic 3D solid modelling, seamlessly linked to computer numerical control (CNC) production machinery in the factory. A centralised business and supply chain management system coupled to strict project management ensures scheduling, delivery and installation are efficiently achieved. With bespoke comes another advantage, namely rapid prototyping on-screen. These days ICEE rarely builds a physical prototype. Instead, ‘soft’ prototyping is mostly done collaboratively, productively and remotely via video conferencing and the web. This saves money and precious time - no travelling and no limit on where collaborators are based. There are other major time and cost saving benefits. To aid optimisation, more iterations may be explored immediately onscreen. Potential issues and risks may also be identified and rectified at this early design stage, when it is easier to make changes. Parts and fabrication may be checked for rightness, rather than discovering costly mistakes after making one or more physical prototypes. A complete solution from one source Much of the story so far centres on the early design, manufacturing, fabrication or assembly stages of the enclosure lifecycle (or kiosk, or desk, or another type of enclosure or structure). Of course, subsequent stages are just as important including installation, commissioning, maintenance, upgrading and refurbishment, or decommissioning and replacement when required. Over the years ICEE has developed a successful approach to delivering this complete, end-to-end process. Other key attributes include the importance of standards and compliance, such as being part of the Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS). Besides participation in RISQS, one of ICEE’s strengths is a policy of investing heavily in certification including possession of four flagship ISO standards, NICEIC, SafeContractor, CHAS and other widely recognised accreditations. Typically, ICEE seeks to work with infrastructure operators and prime contractors because, in a time of great pressures on industry, it can flexibly supplement a customer’s resources and provide extra capacity on demand. In contrast, with smaller enterprises the company can fill a gap, enabling those organisations to successfully bid for larger projects – whether for smart enclosure solutions, kiosks and desking for rail station operations, or another type of complete enclosure package, in each case supplied by one reliable, proven and highly accredited partner. Tel: 02392 230 604 Email: sales@icee.co.uk Visit: www.icee.co.uk 193

Fatigue Management

Managing your team’s fatigue Fatigue Manager is the specialist rail industry, online platform to help manage fatigue and risk in the workforce – arriving in Q2 2022


atigue management is a key safety issue within the rail industry, so much so that Network Rail is enhancing their standards in an effort to reduce the impact of this known risk to the industries workforce. Fatigue Manager is a unique package, developed by GRID Innovations to support employers and sponsors in managing this difficult risk in the rail sector – and so much more. GRID Innovations was set up by four Health and Safety professionals who bring a wealth of cross sector experience, with a key focus on the Rail, Construction and Utilities industries. The vision for GRID Innovations is to develop products to support organisations by reducing much of the administrative burden on operational and back-office staff. GRID is about to launch a platform they have been working on for some time, that they believe offers a solution to fill an industry-wide need. Their goal was to use their expertise to develop an effective, affordable and user-friendly platform for organisations to manage the fatigue of their staff and to provide them with a record of compliance to statutory requirements, industry best practice and client requirements. The result: Fatigue Manager. Fatigue Manager comprises a web and app-based database system featuring a variety of tools to make effective fatigue management possible for organisations

in the most cost-effective way possible. It helps increase safety – and compliance – at a fraction of the cost of the administration resource requirements of carrying out a similar function manually or with basic excel spreadsheets, while also removing the possibility of human error from parts of the processes. Background Fatigue is a significant risk factor across all industries and can contribute to accidents and incidents, in addition to reducing baseline performance due to it leading to a reduction in concentration and impairment of decision making. Fatigue also has negative effects on physical health, mental health and wellbeing. For this reason, numerous legislations have been introduced that place increasing levels of obligations on organisation to manage their fatigue effectively, including the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and Regulation 25 of the Rail and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 (As amended). As a result, industries have made fatigue management a requirement of their supply chain approval processes, including Network Rail (RISQS scheme), Oils & Gas Industry (FPAL scheme), United Utilities (UVDB scheme) and many of the large Principal

Contractors (Building Confidence Scheme). Network Rail has recently published an updated Fatigue Risk Management standard with a compliance date of October 2022. The new standard raises the levels of fatigue management required and will need to be adhered to by all their staff and supply chain. To ensure that fatigue is eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level, the new regulations encourage both managers and site staff to consider fatigue at all times throughout a shift, taking into account total hours and site and commute times, to ensure the proactive management and mitigation of fatigue. Previously, there has not been a cost effective, made-for-purpose solution on the market – companies generally use spreadsheets and time sheet systems of varying qualities and as an industry, processes in this area are generally fairy weak or flawed in key areas – with those that manage fatigue effectively relying heavily on administrative resource. Taking care of safety while companies take care of business Fatigue Manager will provide an easy and time effective way to ensure the health and wellbeing of an organisation’s people. It will simplify fatigue and risk management and reduce the burden of administration, with everything in one simple-to-use platform. The web-based platform presents a clear overview of shifts, rosters and hours worked, enabling efficient planning and monitoring of fatigue amongst the workforce with clear Fatigue and Risk indexes displayed throughout. It will also support optimal deployment of staff, compliance with HSE requirements and benefits to the health and well-being of teams due to an increased focus on the risks associated with fatigue. Fatigue Manager in practice Fatigue manager has been designed to make tracking and administration quicker, easier and more accurate than was previously the norm. Obviously, every detail has been considered with multiple package options for variations on individual organisation’s requirements. The following provides an overview of the key sections within the platform. Organisational Login – On receipt of the admin login details via automated email (including a handy option for


Fatigue Management

bracket of 500+ employees. Bespoke plans are also available for those with specific demands and tailored platform usage needs, meaning there is a package available for every business who is interested in managing their fatigue safely and effectively. Fatigue Manager in summary:

multiple admins) access becomes available to the control panels and dashboard of key information. A company profile is set up including billing information, package subscription and general business information such as the postcode and office locations. Admin Control – Admins will then be required to create profiles for each staff member including basic information such as where staff are based, job roles and contact details. The workers log in details can then be sent out directly allowing them access to view their scheduled rosters and input their actual hours worked via either the web portal or an app. At this point admins can also add their Clients and Primary Sponsors along with any Teams and frequent Work locations. Dashboards – At a glimpse, admins have a clear view of several critical data points that are driven from within the platform and the information that has been pre set through the rosters. Admins will know how many staff are currently working, if there are any absentees and have a clear view of fatigue and risk indexes. Exceedances and accidents will also be flagged up along with any staff who are yet to input actual hours – critical information such as this will be highlighted in red with notifications sent to the admin to investigate and will feed through into the reports and trending information graphs. Rosters – Building rosters in the system is pain and hassle free for admins and can be done months and even years in advance if the relevant information is on hand. The interface for roster creation is clean and simple, requiring just the essential information such as start and end dates, location, site contact details

and the allocation of your workforce. Our calendar view is aligned with the Network Rail calendar which allows clear views of upcoming and previous rosters. Rolling FRI scores along with planned vs actual and hidden hours are all included in the roster view. FRI – Firstly, the organisation will assign its working time limits and create a risk assessment for each employee based on the nature of their work, break schedule and typical commuting time. Once workers are then rostered, all the above information along with the roster schedule feeds through our bespoke API directly into the HSE Fatigue Risk Assessment system. This is what sets Fatigue Manager apart and makes it the complete solution as no spreadsheets or manual calculations are required, all scores are generated by the industry standard algorithm to provide the most accurate results possible. Most businesses will use a version of the HSE calculator which may well be outdated and not producing accurate results, Fatigue Manager is directly integrated with the host system meaning instant score feedback. Having this information readily available means admins can manage shift patterns and roster staff more easily with a higher degree of confidence that fatigue and risk indexes will not be exceeded. The affordable way to manage Fatigue Fatigue Manager is the most cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes due to the scalable pricing model that has been adopted which effectively works on a volume discount method. Plans start for organisations with one to five employees, rising to the highest

• • • •

Added, proven safety Ensure Compliance Simple to use Cost-effective

Firstly, and most importantly, Fatigue Manager helps reduce the probability of a fatigue related safety events – clearly protecting people is essential and one of the platform’s key goals. And because of the requirements created by today’s legislation, it actually allows companies to show that they’re looking after the health and wellbeing of their workforce. Fatigue Manager complies with all UK legislation and Network Rail standards, HSE Fatigue Risk Index Calculator and Network Rail Hidden hours. It helps companies manage fatigue and risk compliance as well as RISQS scheme requirements. Fatigue Manager makes it easy to plan, view and manage a workforce and workflow. By viewing a dashboard, management reports can be easily accessed, facilitating the monitoring of key workflow data. This reduces administration and offers cost efficiencies through saving time and resources. Fatigue Manager is an affordable way to manage safety – whatever the business size – with plans from as little as £100p/m Next steps Fatigue Manager is in the final stages of development with live testing and pilots commencing right now. To register your interest or for further information about Fatigue Manager, get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 08002 335 988 Email: email info@grid-i.co.uk Visit: www.fatiguemanager.com 195

The smarter way to manage staff fatigue. Safe. Simple. Compliant.

FATIGUE MANAGEMENT FP??? ADVERT Manage your fatigue for

FREE for 30 days

Fatigue, leading to a lack in concentration and impaired decisionmaking is a significant risk to both the productivity of your business and the health and well-being of your workers and customers. The Fatigue Manager specialist rail industry online platform is simple and affordable, helping you manage, monitor and mitigate this risk.

• Look after the health and wellbeing of your people • Comply with legal requirements • Comply with RISQS requirements and Network Rail standards • Integrate rosters to manage your workforce better • Save time, minimise risk and reduce cost To find out more about Fatigue Manager call 0800 233 5988 or email info@grid-i.co.uk

Powered by GRID Innovations 196


Flooring Solutions

Building a beautiful environment Forbo Flooring Systems help to create a greener rail environment with Marmoleum FR² & Striato FR floor coverings


esigning rail vehicles to be greener is not just about using more eco-friendly engine parts and body components, it also means using sustainable products in the interior of the rail vehicle. Marmoleum FR² is a linoleum floor covering made from natural materials. A floor covering associated with sustainability, durability, high quality and innovative design. Natural ingredients The key raw materials used in the linoleum production include linseed oil, which comes from the flax plant seeds, wood floor as production waste from controlled forestry plantations and jute, a crop whose fibres provide the material for the membrane onto which the linoleum is calendared. These raw materials are obtained from their natural habitat right where they grow and renew, often in just twelve months time. Jute and flax are annual crops that can be harvested just like wheat or corn. Extracting rosin is a continuous process, while wood flour, a waste material from the timber industry, is derived from European production forests. Limestone is available in abundance.

CO2 neutral floor coverings Forbo’s Marmoleum FR² and Striato FR have been independently confirmed as CO₂ neutral floor coverings in the cradle to gate phase of the product’s life cycle, without the need for offsetting. In simple terms, the CO₂ produced in the extraction, transportation and manufacturing process of Marmoleum FR² / Striato FR is balanced by the removal of CO₂ through the growing of its natural ingredients such as flax, jute and rosin.


Flooring Solutions

has a low cost of ownership, along with: • Homogeneous durable construction. • A truly sustainable floor covering. • Low life cycle costs. • Naturally bacteriostatic. • Easy to clean. • Lightweight at 2.9kg/m2. • Wide range of designs and colourways. • Cut to size/shape option available. • Suitable for use with underfloor hearing. Design and colour Available in an extensive number of designs and colourways Marmoleum FR2 creates a bright, fresh and modern look, enhancing any passenger experience. The different designs and colourways can be effortlessly mixed or used alone. Our Marmoleum Striato FR linear designed floor coverings have been designed to create a contemporary and comfortable environment with a warm and welcoming feel for rail vehicle interiors. With an intuitive reference to nature, the 16 references in the Marmoleum Striato FR collection make it possible to create various atmospheres within a space. The neutral, rich colours have the ability to adapt easily and come to life in combination with other materials as well as with each other. With Marmoleum Striato FR, the floor can act as a canvas offering endless possibilities. Marmoleum FR2/ Striato FR is the best flooring choice for every sustainable interior. By using sustainable and durable materials in your rail projects, you can also contribute to a better environment.

Marmoleum FR2 also has a unique suitability for a diverse range of environments where hygiene and the control of bacteria are important. It’s ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria stems from the natural raw materials that go into its production, namely linseed oil. The bacteriostatic qualities are an inherent property of the product and won’t diminish over time, providing peace of mind and constant protection from the moment it is installed. Better indoor environments A floor covering solution that is easy to clean and maintain as well as durable, safe and comfortable for both wheeled and foot traffic. Awarded the prestigious Allergy UK Seal of Approval as, with the correct cleaning and maintenance regime, it won’t harbour dust mites, contributing to a better indoor environment for all. Because it lasts for so long and is so easy to clean, Marmoleum FR2 198

The importance of entrance systems It is also important to consider that by removing wet and dry soiling from the soles of shoes and wheel treads, an effective entrance system reduces premature wear and tear to interior floor coverings, minimises cleaning and maintenance costs and protects passengers by reducing slip hazards. Coral FR (Classic FR/ Brush FR/ Duo FR/ Welcome FR) is a collection of textile clean off products for entrances with heavy traffic, other benefits include: • Stops up to 95 per cent of dirt and moisture. • Excellent dirt storage/soil hiding. • Available with different backing options for quicker installation. • Reaction to fire EN45545-2: HL2/ HL3 (depending on design). To find out more about the full range of Forbo Flooring System’s floor and wall covering solutions available to the rail industry please get in touch via the contact information below.

Tel: +44 (0)1773 744121 Email: transport@forbo.com Visit: www.forbo-flooring.com/rail






Collaborative, digital, integrated and value driven Whether we’re stabilising earthworks, drilling rock, or installing piles we use industry leading digital construction methods to build it before we build it


AM Ritchies is the ground engineering division of BAM Nuttall. We provide fully integrated services for a wide range of railway customers – both public and private sector, from small local projects to national infrastructure projects. Over 60 years, we’ve built a reputation as the go-to ground engineering team for complex problem solving and bestvalue, sustainable delivery within the rail sector – with no surprises. So, you’ll know exactly what to expect from your project, and we’ll get it right first time. Digital construction is built in, not bolt on. With 60 years’ experience in ground engineering, we know how to succeed in the most regulated environments exactly like the rail sector. We’re proud to uphold accreditations and go beyond the standards in a wide range of ground engineering disciplines. Above all, our people are our biggest asset. That’s why we offer ongoing personal development for the whole team. We want our people to be as good as they can be so we can collaborate at all levels to deliver the BAM Ritchies service you expect. Our busiest and most challenging year so far In the year when we saw the most difficult trading conditions encountered by any generation both within our industry and the wider community BAM Ritchies have excelled in every aspect of our business. We adapted to dynamic continual change and overcame the challenges posed by a global pandemic. This has been achieved by the extraordinary efforts of everyone involved within our teams throughout the UK. Interaction with our customers has moved to ECI and multistage tendering meaning that we have been able to consistently provide our customers increased out-turn value and projects that closer match their needs and expectations. A key area of note is that of digital construction. Within the past 18 months we have seen a move towards projects that have been built virtually before they are built technically. This has led to improved utilisation of space on restricted sites, clash detection and avoidance and a much greater

ability to be able to adapt to the inevitable dynamic change that occurs on every site. A great example of this is our soil nailing works on the Bearsted blockade where we successfully estimated, planned, rehearsed, and delivered a 14-day blockade from conception to completion within six months. The use of digital tools meant we could test and prove our approach quickly, simply and without getting muddy boots. All of our rail sector projects go through a digital rehearsal to ensure that all goes to plan and there are no issues when we get to delivery. We adapted to dynamic continual change and overcame the challenges posed by a global pandemic whilst successfully delivering numerous complex projects. This was achieved by making use of our ‘break glass in case of emergency’ Continuity

Planning, developed over the previous ten years, which foresaw this circumstance as one of its scenarios in an environment that many did not. Our site teams adapted using social distancing, temperature checks, physical barriers and air fed extraction hoods borrowed from the extractive industries part of our business to continue to support our customers and the challenges they faced. All of these measures were implemented on our extensive work bank on the CP6 Network Rail Frameworks across the UK. A year of exceptional success The pandemic has hugely impacted the way many people work and where they work. This instant, huge change to peoples commuting habits meant that the railway sector found itself in a position of massively reduced 201


traffic on their infrastructure, enabling the sector to quickly mobilise the opportunities to deliver projects. Through our engagement with numerous CP6 Framework contractors we stepped up to the challenges that were being laid down. There was a need to comply with all the Health and Safety requirements associated with the pandemic while embracing the opportunities to accelerate the delivery of numerous key projects on the Network Rail Infrastructure. Where blockades previously took 12-18 months to plan and deliver, it become possible to do this within six months. This was the approach available to us at Bearsted and Warhurst, which over delivered in their performance and delivery. Further accelerated success has been delivered at the Lovers Walk project. The way we work at BAM Ritchies • We have Integrated Solutions – One team, eight specialisms We harness talent from our eight ground engineering disciplines to create a fully integrated team. A team equipped to manage all moving parts of a rail project construction process to increase value, lower risk and reduce waste in ground engineering. • We are Digital – We build it before we build it From pre-construction to delivery, we use forward-thinking digital tools that minimise risk and help us collaborate more successfully, with you, our supply chain, and the community. It helps us deliver safe, efficient rail projects every time. • We are Predictable – Your deadlines, our guarantee We don’t do surprises. That’s why we arm our team with digital techniques to keep well ahead of the construction process. So, we can stay in control of our performance and fix problems before they cause delays. Our blockades exceed expectations and deliver right first time, on time, every time. • We are Sustainable – Engineered for the future At BAM Ritchies, reducing our carbon footprint is a fundamental. Not only do we invest in energy efficient plant, fossil fuel alternatives, materials, and construction processes. We also upskill the companies we work with, to instil sustainability through the supply chain. We don’t have an alternative so we must change.


Lovers Walk Rig

Building a sustainable railway Our future is in the balance, we have to change the way that we deliver what we do so that we can guarantee a world for generations to come. We also have to guarantee that the rail infrastructure is resilient to the impact of Climate change and enables problem free travel for the passengers. We have changed all our plant over to be fuelled on HVO, so cutting 90 per cent of the carbon footprint of our plant, we continue to invest in upgrading and replacement of our plant fleet so its more efficient, reliable, and economic. We already have cement free concrete for piles, we have recycled steel for rebar, soil nails and rock bolts. We have solar panel powered welfare, offices, and security. We have electric cars and vans for our people. We are investing in research with universities to find alternatives to cement in the grout we need for our projects, this is the last hurdle to a virtually carbon free future for our geotechnical and ground engineering disciplines. This is our aim and our vision, to deliver a sustainable railway. If we all contribute and all make the changes then we will achieve a future for generations to come. Company profile BAM Ritchies is the specialist geotechnical division of BAM Nuttall Ltd; one of the UK’s leading civil engineering contractors and an operating company of the European construction group Royal BAM. BAM Ritchies started business in Scotland over 55 years ago in 1963 and is now one of the country’s leading and award-winning geotechnical contractors. The organisation employs 300 trained and experienced staff. BAM Ritchies has a turnover in excess of £62 million carrying out ground

investigation, ground engineering, drilling, and blasting and concrete techniques: completing contracts up to £20 million in value. BAM Ritchies operate UK wide from offices in Kilsyth near Glasgow, Warrington, Nailsea near Bristol, and Godstone in Surrey. Tel: 07740 771075 Email: matt.ewing@bam.com Visit: www.bamritchies.co.uk

Bearsted Blockade Works

Our experience will make all the difference, with in-house Access Planning, Safety Critical Staff & CAA Accredited UAV Pilots. We provide survey data for today and future BIM environments. Using the latest technology our services include Gauging • 3D Modelling Asset Management OLE • UAV Surveys

Signal Sighting S&C Surveying

Call us on 01483 797111 to learn more. www.abasurveying.co.uk 203

Geotechnical – Excavation

Reaching out to keep on track Network rail have committed to support the government’s target of being net-zero by 2050 and deliver £4 billion of efficiencies through use of new technology and innovative approaches. This involves working closely with their supply chain to improve productivity through new technology and innovative methods of working

22m long reach with envelope control


he selection of construction equipment for current schemes across CP6 (2019-2024) demands careful consideration not only in terms of environmental credentials, but also capability and availability of specialist plant to ensure these targeted efficiencies are met. Long reach excavator specialists, WM Plant Hire, with a wide-ranging fleet from four to 115 tonnes have invested heavily in recent years to ensure that they have the capability to tackle almost every eventuality. Whilst the reach is always a major factor, access constraints usually dictate the size of the machine and so the company has extended its offering in this specialist market. Their fleet includes a wide track – low ground pressure long reach machine, a zero tail swing that fully rotates within the width of the tracks and ‘Spider’ or ‘Walking’ excavator that can access where tracked machines are unable to go. Their 14 tonne Spider can work on steep slopes, in deep water and climb over obstacles such as fencing and safety barriers and has successfully completed some critical projects. Involvement in the rail sector for over 25 years has developed their expertise and allowed them to enhance their offering to help clients overcome challenges faced. Working on numerous high-profile contracts including HS1, HS2, Crossrail, Hooley Cutting, London Underground and Evergreen, together with emergency 204

schemes and blockades at Barnehurst, Bearsted, Crowhurst, High Brooms and Newington Embankment to name a few, have demonstrated that efficiencies can be achieved by selecting the right machine regardless of the application. The company also offers experienced and dedicated long reach operators which it believes gives the customer the very best in safe and productive working. Commitment to safety and environment Working closely with the equipment manufacturer on the exact machine specification ensures that safety features are enhanced wherever possible to meet the stringent requirements of rail operations. Their capability to offer the full range of machine control systems: height, lift, slew and envelope control, together with additional safety features including 360 degree all round vision cameras, boom and dipper mounted cameras and LED lights, is designed to maximise safety. Above all and one of key safety features of the long reach excavator is the fact that operations can be carried out at a safe distance with minimal disruption to the rail network by allowing lines to remain open. WM Plant Hire have shown their commitment to environmental improvements across the fleet with the latest low emission technology employed and most recently using alternative greener fuels such as HVO.

Earthworks and embankments Network Rail’s strategy outlines its aspiration ‘to see infrastructure free from service-affecting earthworks failures’ placing an emphasis on key activities within its earthworks asset management to achieve this aim including failure detection and better targeted capital interventions to reduce disruption to train services. With a major benefit of ‘long reach’ operations allowing lines to remain open and improve efficiency WM Plant Hire have seen their fleet of specialist machines working well across the UK with key Network Rail contractors, demonstrating their versatility in assisting the delivery of soil nailing, embankment stabilisation and emergency repair schemes. Emergency response Due to unprecedented heavy rain last winter a section of embankment dating back to Victorian times was affected by a land slip in Kent, at Newington between Rainham and Sittingbourne. Having the necessary resources, the company mobilised its machines swiftly to assist Network Rail engineers working 24/7 with contractors Van Elle and Balfour Beatty to deliver 62 metres of sheet piled wall, removal of 1,000 tonnes of slipped clay, placement, and compaction of new engineered fill and 329 metres of track drainage. Ongoing bad weather caused further slippage at High Brooms near Tunbridge

Geotechnical – Excavation

Wells on a larger scale. Working with BAM Nuttall to remove some 5000 tonnes of failed material, WM Plant supplied more than four long reach machines including their 13-metre rubber tracked long reach machines working from track level and larger, more powerful 18-metre and 22-metre long reach excavators working from the top of the embankment using GPS machine control technology to reprofile to the new design. Their 22-metre long reach was used by BAM Ritchies to provide the long-term fix using soil nailing to anchor the slope and this was fitted with an electronic slew restrictor for safe working near the overhead lines. The really critical task was to clear material in close proximity of these overhead power lines that couldn’t be isolated – this is where the ‘Spider’ machine came into its own. With the capability to work directly on the 35-degree steep slope, the Batemag Spider machine was able to work within safe distance of the cables using a tilt-rotate unit to allow grading at any angle to be achieved with any buckets or attachments. While many rail emergencies can involve blockades often the use of long reach for planned works can avoid this. At Morley Station

working with Story Contracting a 13-metre long reach fitted with rubber tracks enabled soil nailing operations to be carried out over a wall from local highway reducing the need for works trackside and therefore duration of closure required.

Spider Batemag

Technology and innovation Rail embankment sites can often face real challenges with access constraints. Innovative approaches using machines within the WM Plant Hire fleet have improved efficiencies in embankment schemes by overcoming some of these problems. Their latest 16-metre reach ‘Zero Tail Swing’ long reach machine was used for some vegetation removal on a blockade and the ‘Spider’ Excavator has a proven track record on slopes. The fitting of

electronic machine control further enhances the safety and efficiency and is now widely accepted for that added safety benefit. Ensuring customers benefit from new innovations and investment is particularly important to this family business. With their passion and dedication, they actively seek feedback from clients to ensure their continual investment in their fleet reflects customer needs. To this end, current investment is being targeted to enable the supply in the New Year of more zero-tail long reach machines for constrained sites together with 22-metre long reach machines, specially configured for maximum capability with increased lifting power that may be needed for soil nailing operations. Larger drill masts weighing several tonnes are required for certain projects, with WM Plant Hire reporting one such job using a mast weighing nine tonnes fitted to their larger CAT 374 long reach machine – now that really is impressive! For more information, please contact us via the contact information below. Tel: 01746 769555 Email: info@wmplanthire.com Visit: wmplanthire.com

• 8 - 30m / Zero Tail Swing • LGP and ‘Spider’ excavators • Rock cutting / Slope reprofiling • Embankment drainage / Soil nailing • Full machine control systems • Specialist operators • UK wide

wmplanthire.com • 01746 769555 205


Driving workplace wellbeing and supporting employee health Medigold Health is one of the UK’s most trusted providers of occupational health and wellbeing solutions


ccredited by the Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS), Medigold Health currently support over 20 clients in the rail industry and have worked with employers in the sector for over 20 years. Their dedicated rail team includes specialist doctors and account managers who understand the unique pressures of the sector. The organisation is dedicated to helping employers keep their people in work, safe and well through a range of services including absence management, employee screening, alcohol and drug testing and support and specialist employee mental health and wellbeing services. Working with employers of all sizes, from blue chip companies to small and medium-sized enterprises, Medigold Health can tailor its services to provide bespoke solutions, to suit their clients’ specific needs. Helping employers to look after their greatest asset Medigold Health was set up in 1998 by Dr Mike Goldsmith, whose mission was 206

to improve the world of work by helping organisations to look after their most valuable asset: their people. From humble beginnings and a team of just five, the company has grown into a £33M business employing 560 staff across more than 60 locations from its headquarters in Queensbridge, Northampton. With more than 2,000 clients looking after 3 million individual employees, Medigold Health employs over 200 occupational health clinicians running 100+ clinics across the UK. Always at the forefront of innovation, they also operate the largest fleet of mobile screening units in the country, enabling them to carry out medicals and alcohol and drug tests on site, minimising employee downtime. The organisation nevertheless remains true to its original values as a family business, with Mike’s son Alex Goldsmith now at the helm. Fifteen years after joining the company from a career in investment banking in 2006 to help his father during a period of ill health, Alex is now CEO, and he is still as committed as ever to the employee

wellness sector and continues to find its positive effect on the wider community extremely rewarding. The Medigold Health Group’s corporate health services are designed to deliver: • A better understanding of workforce health. • Improved intelligence, enabling informed decision-making. • The ability to shape organisations using robust data. • The power to boost the wellbeing of employees. • Greater efficiencies leading to reduced costs. We need to talk about alcohol and drug misuse Perhaps one of the less talked about but more concerning issues facing employers



Founded in 1998, the Medigold Health Group is one of the country's most trusted Occupational Health & Wellbeing providers. With over 20 years' experience within the rail industry, we can help you and your organisation with: PTS medicals Train Driver medicals Train Worker medicals Absence management Alcohol & drug testing Employee wellbeing Mental health support COVID-19 services

www.medigold-health.com 207


since the start of the pandemic has been the worrying rise in alcohol and drug use and the impact that this is having on workforce wellbeing and safety at work, particularly in more safety critical industries, such as rail and construction. Medigold Health offers market-leading alcohol and drug testing and support services through its specialist Hampton Knight division, which has over 21 years’ experience in this field. It continues to invest in technology and systems that will help to streamline the process of testing and reporting, rolling out the latest testing equipment and providing advice to employers on policy and ways to support those with substance dependency issues.

The impact on mental and health and wellbeing Smith added: ‘Alcohol and drug misuse can disrupt spatial awareness, affect reaction times and lead to a lack of co-ordination, which can make accidents more likely. It can significantly impair employees’ ability to function safely and productively at work. ‘However, perhaps one of the most significant effects of drug and alcohol misuse is its impact on mental health. It is our belief that organisations should support employees who declare an alcohol or drug dependency to access the help and treatment they need. All organisations have a duty of care for the wellbeing of their employees, and it is much more individuals drinking at home. Over 5,500 drivers failed the roadside breath test last year between the hours of 6am and 12pm. ‘Alcohol and drug misuse can have a significant impact in the workplace, often resulting in higher levels of absence and reduced performance and greatly increasing risks to health and safety. A robust and effective alcohol and drug testing policy can be a key component of ensuring safety in the workplace for everyone’. Non-judgemental support reaps rewards ‘Hampton Knight advocates a proactive and constructive approach to managing the issue of substance misuse. We believe that any testing programme should be underpinned by a robust policy which seeks to educate

Scot Smith, CEO of Hampton Knight said: ‘There has never been a more important time to focus on your employees’ wellbeing. The increase in problem drinking and substance misuse during the pandemic has been well documented. The latest statistics on drug use indicate that over a quarter of a million individuals are treated for substance misuse annually in the UK. In fact, the UK has one of the highest rates of drug-related deaths in Europe. ‘Alcohol misuse alone costs the UK around £7.3 billion a year through absenteeism, lost productivity, and workplace accidents. The cost to society, including the impact on the NHS and policing, is even greater at £22 billion. ‘Statistics suggest that 75 per cent of those seeking help with alcohol are in work, so it is perhaps no surprise that 40 per cent of accidents at work involve the use of alcohol.’ ‘Morning after effect’ impacts safety ‘One of the most significant risks in this area is the impact of the ‘morning after effect’. As it takes the body one hour to process a single unit of alcohol, consuming large measures in high volumes can mean that employees remain above the minimum legal limit for driving the next day. This has been exacerbated by the pandemic, with many 208

and promote awareness and that employers should offer non-judgemental support to any employees who ask for help. ‘That’s why we provide an end-to-end solution, complementing our flexible alcohol and drug testing services with policy review guidance, counselling and support services and relevant advice and training for managers on how to support individuals who have been identified as having a substance dependency, to help ensure that any issues are dealt with sensitively, fairly and effectively.

less disruptive and costly to support existing staff and get them the help they need than to dismiss them, and then re-hire and train new colleagues. Substance misuse is an illness and employees experiencing issues are entitled to support under the Equality Act 2010. ‘It is vital that we work to address the stigma associated with substance abuse because that is the only way to tackle the hugely detrimental impact of this situation. Hampton Knight can assist by providing initial guidance on how to manage the situation as sensitively as possible by arranging specialist assessment to determine the most appropriate treatment approach. We can also help to draw up a counselling contract between you and your employee and arrange one-to-one support via one of our associate counsellors. ‘Introducing alcohol and drug testing within the workplace starts with having a robust policy in place. Getting this right provides a solid foundation for processes and procedures that everyone can understand and follow. The policy needs to be clear and simple and must be communicated to all employees.’ To find out more about Hampton Knight’s alcohol and drug testing services, get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 0845 127 8888 Email: enquiries@medigold-health.com Visit: www.medigold-health.com/alcohol-drugscreening/





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Heavy Lifting – Bridges

Staying on track Much has been said about the change in direction for Britain’s railways with the integrated rail plan published at the end of 2021


he ambition is to deliver improvements faster than intended, for the HS2 eastern leg and Northern Powerhouse Rail. Covid-19 has played a role in altering some of the assumptions on which the scheme was designed and, bearing in mind its scale and scope, we should perhaps not be surprised that national projects need to evolve, rather than simply ‘be rolled out’. Still, one element of these plans is incontestable: the replacement of older infrastructure is something that has the potential to ‘derail’ entire project timelines, to upset the communities being served by this network, and to increase costs exponentially. Insight pays dividends With Osprey’s experience in replacing rail infrastructure, the temptation is to say, ‘we know how to do this’. However, the reality is that, while we have proprietary methods that bring time and cost efficiencies to each project plan – every major bridge replacement on the network is a unique and challenging exercise. These are some of our rail network highlights over the last 24 months, illustrating the range of projects we’ve worked on across the network. We’ve created new approaches to this particular field of specialist logistics and set new records in the process, working for clients that include Alun Griffiths, J. Murphy & Sons, Dyer and Butler, and BAM Nuttall: Bewsey Street – August 2021 On behalf of J Murphy & Sons Limited, we removed and replaced a Structure 129 railway bridge during a 72-hour possession in Warrington town centre – challenges aplenty, at every stage. A full swept path analysis had to be done on half a kilometre of public highway, navigating both trees and street furniture. The weathering 150Te bridge was lifted clear of its abutments with the Enerpac JS250 system, aboard a ten axle, four file self-propelled modular transport (SPMT) arrangement and temporarily stooled at height in a designated compound – we own our own fleet of SPMTs, and continuously challenge ourselves to find new and innovative use cases that benefit our clients. The new 26-metre long, 350Te bridge was then loaded and installed less than 18 210

hours after the existing bridge was lifted clear. With the JS250 system, we showed our team can innovate, delivering efficient and safe operations: this project clocked up over 4,000 accident-free hours alongside other contractors throughout the weekend. Stour Bridge – May 2021 To replace one of Network Rail’s 1900 bridges, we were planning for a new type of installation – direct fix – that has all the rail infrastructure in place, prior to installation. The bridge is fabricated; the concrete decks are cast, and the tracks are directly fixed, so there’s no ballast needed on the deck.

This new approach is going to be pivotal for Network Rail, as the underside of this new type of bridge now sits 350mm higher at the 1-in-100 flood level for the River Stour. Less risk, more sustainable infrastructure and, crucially, an increased line speed through this part of the network. Penstone Bridge – May 2021 Dyer & Butler commissioned us to replace the Network Rail Penstone Bridge. This involved the tightest access and the tightest timelines too, with the full gamut of our heavy lift and transport equipment in play. That included SPMTs, climbing jacks, gantry

Heavy Lifting – Bridges

systems, our turntable and a large amount of supporting steelwork – the infrastructure was handed back ten hours early. Warrington Bridge – April 2020 At Warrington Bank Quay, J Murphy & Sons Limited asked us to support them in the removal of one old railway bridge carrying two railway tracks, and the installation of its replacement, all over a Bank Holiday weekend. Minimum downtime is crucial. Despite the pandemic being in full flow at this point, and new ways of working such as Covid testing being necessary, we handed back on time and on budget, as always – in fact, we have a reputation for handing over early. Whaley Bridge – November 2020 Sometimes, the space restrictions of a working environment mean a straightforward move does not involve moving straight forwards. This is where Osprey excels. In Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, the town’s Reservoir Road bridge needing a replacement. To support J Murphy & Sons Limited here, we used two SPMT (Self-Propelled Modular Transporter) set-ups, each one driven

individually, to remove the two half bridge sections – each one weighing in at around 20 tonnes and install two new U-Decks weighing 60 tonnes each. The maximum width we could put on the road was the same as the trailers themselves, about 5.5 metres, as we needed to move through a residential area. Each section is about twelve metres long, so we fitted a turntable to the top of each SPMT configuration – the first time this had been done, a unique solution for an unusual but increasingly common challenge. We know how to excel in tight spaces, and we’ll take this insight into other projects too. This configuration let our Heavy Lift team pick each bridge section up, move clear of the abutments, and rotate the bridge so that the longer length would then run along the road rather than across it. By planning the setup and delivery of equipment down to the last detail, we were able to use all the space available but minimise the disruption for the community and for Network Rail.

weighed in at over 5,200 tonnes, making it one of the UK’s heaviest single-span bridges. Working for Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd, we used a 144-axle SPMT with 576 wheels, a brilliant team and an innovative arrangement of hydraulic jacks and longitudinal beams to move the superstructure at Gipsy Patch carefully into place. Our approach to installing fixtures on rail infrastructure at ground-level, before moving the asset anywhere really, has set the standard for this kind of project now. We reduce the risks of working at height instantly, and the installation can happen in parallel – there’s no need to factor extra time into the project plan. Like much of the new infrastructure we’re helping to deliver, the Network Rail installation at Gipsy Lane should last for at least the next 125 years. We are proud to be helping Britain not just ‘build back, better’, but to be building a network that can support the next generation of freight and rail passengers, and beyond.

Gipsy Patch – November 2020 As part of the £57 million investment into Cribbs Patchway Metro-Bus Extension scheme, this concrete portal and equipment

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Heritage Railway

Steam railway signals a greener future The last days of steam were not pretty. Grimy, soot-caked, poorly-maintained locomotives belched their way across the land, awaiting their final journey to the scrapyard

Green is clean – the little Terrier locomotive on the right will always win the hearts of visitors to the Kent & East Sussex Railway, but the diesel railcar wins hands down when it comes to being environmentally-friendly. Image courtesy of Ian Scarlett.


ore than 3,000 miles of railway had been axed, more than 2,000 stations closed. Those that remained were shabby. The immaculately uniformed stationmasters were to become a memory. And so it might be seen as ironic that today’s preserved heritage lines are prominent in the campaign to protect the environment. The Kent & East Sussex Railway, which runs through the picturesque Rother Valley, is typical. Its locomotives, lovingly scrubbed and polished by willing volunteers, look as beautiful as when they were built – which in some cases was nearly 150 years ago. A million and more miles under their belts, these historic locomotives amble serenely along the ten-mile track from Tenterden, in Kent, calling at Rolvenden, Wittersham Road and Northiam, before reaching their destination at Bodiam in Sussex. The stations boast fresh paint and fabulous flowers. The volunteer staff, welcome passengers as friends rather than customers. This desire to return to gentler, kinder times, might explain the paradox of an enterprise relying on fossil-burning engines being so committed to the green cause. The K&ESR has in 2021 planted more than 2,000 trees along the railway line; an enticing ‘Nature Detective’ activity sees 212

passengers young and young-at-heart given a spotters’ guide, so they know the best places to watch out for the abundant wildlife; and the railway has formed a specialist team to concentrate on all aspects of sustainability. K&ESR trustee Paul Vidler, from Brighton, is a town planner and has been a volunteer with the K&ESR for nearly 50 years currently volunteering as one of the Company Directors, a Signalman and leading the Railway’s recently formed Sustainability Committee. Paul said: ‘Whilst we are operating a railway powered by coal and diesel, we are a business that owns five stations and a ten-mile stretch of line in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.’ Tenterden Station is in a conservation area. The Railway believes it is the first heritage line in the UK to start using biodiesel. First usage following tests has been extremely encouraging and the move will increase the railway’s green credentials. Although best known for its steam locomotives, which are up to 150 years old, the K&ESR also operates a regular diesel service. Paul said: ‘We all know that burning fossil fuel is bad for the planet, but heritage railways are limited in what we can do to reduce our emissions.’ Between them, heritage lines use a steady 35,000 tonnes a year and the

Heritage Railway

problem sourcing coal is starkly illustrated by figures revealing the collapse of the UK mining industry. In 1913, an astonishing 292,000,000 tonnes were produced. By 2020 this had fallen to 1,700,000 tonnes and by 2025 it will be just 2,500 tonnes, largely from the Forest of Dean, according to the Heritage Railway Association. However there is now a premium hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) made from sustainable raw materials, which releases just 195kg of greenhouse gas for every 1,000 litres of diesel burned, compared to 3,600kg for traditional diesel. Some of the first delivery of 2,000 litres was used by the diesel observation train during the intensive summer train service and it was reported as having ‘never run so well’. Paul said: ‘We want to ensure that where we can, we are doing our bit for environmental responsibility. This new Crown HVO is made from renewable, sustainable raw materials, none of which releases any new CO2 into the atmosphere. It looks like diesel, smells like diesel (don’t ask what it tastes like!) and will be tried on the diesels we operate. It wasn’t overly

expensive and was delivered very quickly.’ Renewable energy is high on the agenda. Paul said: ‘We can consider solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps – how can we utilise our stations and buildings. ‘We are looking as an organisation at how we can buy ‘green’, buying local and reducing food/miles. At how we can reuse/recycle our waste, with separate bins for collection from customers, food waste from our dining trains and industrial waste’ Most passengers arrive at the railway by car and this is another area in which Paul believes improvements can be made. ‘Are we promoting other more sustainable modes of transport? We can look at cycle parking, parking for the disabled, electric vehicle charging points.’ The Rother Valley is perfect walking country and the railway sees this is as great opportunity not only to attract passengers, but also provides links on their website to footpaths and K&ESR Railway Walks. The High Weald Landscape Trail passes through Tenterden. ‘Our aim should be to make K&ESR a leader, not a follower, in sustainability and environmental responsibility. There are so many ways we can lead by example, while at

the same time preserving one of the loveliest heritage lines in the country.’ The Kent & East Sussex Railway, which originally ran from Robertsbridge in Sussex to Headcorn in Kent, was the first light railway opened in Britain under the Light Railways Act of 1896. This act was introduced to reduce the cost of building new railways in rural communities but imposed restrictions on speed, number of trains operating and axle weight of locomotives. The line was built by Colonel Stephens, an early pioneer of the concept who subsequently went on to build and manage many more examples around the UK, most closed many years ago but today’s Docklands Light Railway is a modern example of the concept. The railway is now one of Britain’s most loved and original heritage railways, running trains as a popular tourist attraction, from Tenterden, capital of the Kentish Weald through ten miles of countryside, to Bodiam, Sussex in the shadow of the 600 year old National Trust castle. Email: hdouglas@kesr.org.uk Visit: www.kesr.org.uk Twitter: KandESRailway Facebook: Kent And East Sussex Railway







infraskills.co.uk Skills

Award-Winning Rail and Construction Training Provider INFRA Skills offers commercial training and assessments, funded learning, apprenticeships, and occupational health services.

// Occupational Health Our in-house team, managed by an Occupational Health Nurse, can perform D&A tests and medical examinations following Network Rail standards to determine whether staff are fit to work.

// Commercial Training

// Apprenticeships

INFRA Skills is an NSAR Gold Accredited provider delivering safety-critical training for people working in the rail or construction sector.

On a Rail Apprenticeship Scheme, candidates can learn new skills and knowledge from INFRA Skills.

// Funded Learning INFRA Skills works with selected funding organisations to provide the best future employment opportunities for disadvantaged adults, helping them and the community in which they live. 214

info@infraskills.co.uk Call 0330 113 0006 INFRA Skills Ltd, Tech Block, Gee Business Centre, Holborn Hill, Aston, Birmingham B7 5JR.


INFRA Skills invests in new training centre in Birmingham In September 2021, Andrew Stephenson, Minister of State at the Department of Transport and the HS2 Minister, officially opened the new purpose-built INFRA Skills Training Centre in Aston, Birmingham


he new INFRA Skills Training Centre focuses primarily on rail and construction training. This essential training facility will assist infrastructure companies in developing and training their workforce to meet increasing demand, particularly in the rail sector. The West Midlands area is currently responsible for 49,000 railway-related jobs – the joint second-highest concentration of all UK regions outside of London. Purpose-built rail training area has over 80 metres of track The new centre, located in the heart of the West Midlands, provides modern on-site training. Adjacent to the centre is a purposebuilt Rail Training area with more than 80 metres of railway track, including working points, signals, RRAPs and a level crossing. There has been significant investment, making it one of the best training facilities in the country. INFRA Skills trainers work with students to ensure they gain hands-on, practical experience in learning the skills required to build and maintain rail lines. Learn to build, maintain and repair the UK’s infrastructure INFRA Skills actively supports rail and construction companies to build a workforce capable of building, maintaining, and repairing the UK’s infrastructure, while also ensuring our industry has the skills it needs to grow the economy, especially when HS2 opens in 2026. We spoke with the Minister about the government’s training initiatives and the importance of training providers like INFRA Skills in delivering their plans. Andrew Stephenson MP, Minister of State, Department of Transport said: ‘I’d like to pay tribute to the work of INFRA Skills in delivering the new skilled workforce that we need for the rail sector. There is going to be a huge opportunity in the Rail industry in the years to come. There are many people in the workforce currently who are ageing and have a huge amount of skills that they want to pass on to the next generation, but we need to get that new pipeline of talent. We need to bring more people into the sector, and therefore, INFRA Skills has a real role to play

HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson with Richard Toy, CEO of Auctus Management Group

A recent welding demonstration for the HS2 Minister’s visit



in that in skilling up the next generation to take over those roles and to help support an expanding workforce need.’ The business focuses on four primary areas to support the infrastructure sector: Commercial training and assessments, funded learning, apprenticeships, and occupational health services.

Jake Neal-Brown, an INFRA Skills Trainer, delivering Small Plant training to Apprentices

Apprentices being trained at the new INFRA Skills track induction area

Small Plant session at the new purpose-built track training area


Commercial training INFRA Skills is an NSAR Gold Member that provides safety-critical training for people working in the rail or construction sectors and assessments for those who need to recertify their skills. The business offers a wide range of rail training courses that are ideal for anyone looking to begin a career in the rail or construction industries. PTS (Personal Track Safety) and Track Induction are two examples. We also train more experienced employees who want to advance their careers by upskilling or to recertify their skills. Our trained assessors can provide assessments to people working on Network Rail infrastructure. Engineering Supervisor (ES), Controller of Site Safety (COSS), Protection Controller (PC), Nominated Person (NP), Authorised Person (AP), and Individual Working Alone (IWA) are among the assessments available. Our assessors are available to carry out these assessments during the day, night, or on weekends. Funded learning INFRA Skills works with funding organisations such as Black Country Impact and WMCA to provide the best future employment opportunities for disadvantaged adults, helping them and the community in which they live. The Funded Learning course is a threeweek programme for people aged 19+ who want to learn the essential rail and construction skills needed to start working in this exciting industry. It is taught by rail engineering professionals who have worked or are currently working in the rail industry. Learners will use our excellent training facilities for both classroom and practical sessions. Funded courses have specific criteria that candidates must meet to receive financial assistance. The programmes aim to engage disadvantaged people and provide them with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to prepare for employment or further study in the rail industry. Tackling the skills shortage and improving social mobility INFRA Skills has a long history of reducing the skills shortage and increasing social mobility. It does this through Local Enterprise Partnerships, which include collaboration with colleges, prisons, charities, ex-military and government departments to assist those with disabilities or individuals struggling to find work by


removing the barriers they face. Richard Toy, CEO of Auctus Management Group, INFRA Skills’ parent company said: ‘We recognise the economic and social value that infrastructure projects such as HS2 and the Midland Metro bring to the local economy, whether through the use of local supply chains or the recruitment, training, and development of local labour. We work with local communities, Jobcentre Plus offices, regional and national charities, and local colleges and training providers to provide our clients with access to highly trained professionals, ensuring they have the broadest talent pool possible to deliver projects successfully.’ Our Funded Learning programme is divided into two phases and is delivered over 15 days. CSCS Level 1 Health and Safety, Emergency First Aid at Work, Manual Handling, and Fire Awareness are covered in Phase 1 (five days). The course will cover the essentials to start a career in Rail or Construction. PTS E-Learning, PTS Practical, DCCR, OLEC 1, Small Plant, Track Induction, and Interviews are part of Phase 2 (ten days).

Fingerprint D&A testing procedure under COVID restrictions

Apprenticeships On a Rail Apprenticeship Scheme, candidates can learn new skills and knowledge from INFRA Skills, a respected training provider with an NSAR Gold Award. Employees can be up-skilled to gain new skills and knowledge. We can offer a Level 3 Rail Apprenticeship as a reputable training company with an NSAR Gold Award for the delivery of Rail Training. The Apprenticeship Levy can be used to fund both new entrant training and up-skilling and re-skilling. To ensure a positive outcome for all involved, we hold regular evaluations with the trainers, line manager, and apprentice to review progress. Occupational health Our in-house team, managed by an Occupational Health Nurse, can perform D&A tests and medical examinations following Network Rail standards to determine whether staff are fit to work. We are also qualified to conduct wellness assessments and provide lifestyle advice. The rail sector must do more to safeguard workers against serious occupational and mental health issues. Any business in the UK can use our team of highly qualified and professional professionals to conduct D&A and medical exams to decide whether employees are fit to work. All assessments are supervised by their in-house Occupational Health Nurse. PTS medical and drug and alcohol testing An approved medical provider must conduct a medical evaluation. Under Network Rail’s authority, RISQS regulates this, and INFRA Skills is RISQS-accredited to deliver this service. Regular audits ensure providers

EDI Training in INFRA Skills classroom

meet the quality control standards for the specific performance and training requirements needed to conduct reliable medical assessments. PTS Courses (the cornerstone for any rail maintenance job) are only available to candidates who have passed the PTS Medical and a Drug & Alcohol Test. These tests are mandated by Network Rail and are essential for safety reasons. You must have a valid PTS Medical and PTS Drug & Alcohol Test throughout your rail career. Fingerprint drug testing for non-rail employees Fingerprint drug testing is a popular non-invasive solution for non-rail staff. INFRA Skills can also perform wellbeing assessments at their training centre or the client’s site if a minimum of ten persons are present.

Steven Morley, General Manager of INFRA Skills said: ‘We have invested in our new training centre in Birmingham, where we offer a variety of courses and practical training. We aim to prepare candidates for a rewarding career in rail or construction or continue upskilling by developing new knowledge. We play a vital role in developing a continuous supply chain of highly skilled and diverse talent with specific sector expertise by delivering commercial training, funded learning, and apprenticeships.’ Anyone interested in learning more about INFRA Skills, their training programmes, safety-critical training courses and assessments get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 0330 113 0006 Email: info@infraskills.co.uk. Visit: www.infraskills.co.uk 217

Infrastructure – Skills

Providing people for infrastructure – a contingent labour perspective At £38.9 billion, the size of the UK market for construction contingent labour is now thirteen times larger than it was in the early 1990s, when it was £3 billion


n 2018 there was an average of over 1.3 million temporary or contract workers on the industry’s payroll on a typical day. The temporary labour market continues to thrive because of the flexibility it offers and how well it adapt to changing demands of the infrastructure sector. These ever-increasing demands include managing and motivating a workforce effectively; managing performance and costs of short-term projects; developing the skills required over the long term; collaborating widely across the supply chain; and adding social value to local communities. In addition, today’s customers expect far more from their contingent labour suppliers than in past decades, often wanting to work in partnership with contingent labour suppliers, looking for advice and support for planning and tendering. So, in this diversified contingent labour market, with record levels of employment and job vacancies, how does one company


meet these demands while boosting the number of workers available? As experts in recruitment and support services for infrastructure markets, McGinley Support Services explains how they do just that. ‘A competent, qualified and motivated workforce is the first key for every project, no matter how big or small’ says Dermot McGinley, Managing Director, McGinley Support Services. Collaboration drives continuous improvement Given the announcement in late 2021 of the intended £96 billion Integrated Rail Plan and connected long-term planning across the supply chain, it is imperative that all stakeholders and suppliers engage early on when planning these projects, collaborating to provide the most effective and reliable service. A key lesson to note is that the traditional ‘master-servant’ model of command and control is unlikely to get the best outcome, especially in a sector increasingly focused on collaboration with initiatives such as Project 13. Playing multiple labour providers against each other tends to result in a ‘race to the bottom’, leading to inconsistent supply and a poorly motivated workforce. While a true collaborative labour provision can be more complex and timeconsuming to set up, it will deliver greater rewards with a well-trained and loyal workforce. Both procurement and projects need to facilitate open discussions with collaborators, to foster an environment of common goals and shared innovation. This could mean labour desk partners sharing common KPIs and agreeing on robust document processes – part of a ‘new normal’ for McGinley, according to Sean McGinley, Chief Operating Officer.

‘We look for clients, workers and suppliers that share our values and goals, evaluating them for best practices that reflect our own commitment to high standards. We value long term progressive relationships that bring efficiencies, innovation and mutual benefits. Once we are engaged, we offer consistent long term supply opportunities.’ Forward planning boosts workforce management The rail sector makes significant use of contingent labour, so it is crucial for labour providers to be able to effectively identify demand and any ‘hot’ periods of work. Forward planning is crucial in allowing contingent labour providers time to run recruitment campaigns in geo-targeted locations, training and upskilling of workers with specific skill sets and competencies to deliver the works concerned. But in order for this 100 per cent accuracy of labour requirements to be provided, the labour provider must work closely with the customer, to ensure work schedules are available. HSQE Director John Jebson notes the link to safety: ‘The award of multi-year, sole supply contracts has enabled us on certain projects to directly employ more key workers and provide them with job security and an improved career path, whilst minimising changes at short notice. This is the way forward, and a change I am excited to see as that helps overall well-being.’

Infrastructure – Skills

Making a difference to local communities and changing people’s lives The infrastructure sector plays a key part in the Government’s ‘Build Back Better’ plan for growth. Projects on the scale of HS2 add significant demand for labour to a booming sector - it is clear we need to attract high numbers of new entrants to the sector and tackle systemic challenges such as a looming ‘retirement wall’. This means recruiting new entrants, upskilling and training existing workers and expanding apprenticeship programmes and other employment models such as traineeships is a must. The rail network connects communities across the UK and supports millions of lives and many small businesses. For a contingent labour provider, it is about more than just supply of workers and project deadlines. It is important to give back to local communities, creating social value by focusing on employability and so helping all parts of society with job opportunities or by preparing people to apply for work. At McGinley, we aim to make a difference to people’s lives. By getting right into the heart of communities close to where the business works, we can create that legacy.

different needs, including female workers, school leavers, ex-offenders, or the workless, plus those with protected characteristics. We also support food banks and similar community projects.’

According to Fiona Burke, HR Director: ‘Long term contracts allow us to support workers’ development over many years whether trainees, apprentices, or potential future leaders. Taking positive action in our recruitment, we target parts of the UK in most need. We work with many groups with

About McGinley We provide contingent site and office workers, and find permanent employees for contractors, subcontractors, asset managers and consultants working across the entire UK Infrastructure sector. For over 40 years we have been trusted by our customers to build and manage workforces, both large and small on their behalf. We are responsible for providing all roles on Network Rail’s CP6 in Southern Wessex; NW&C North West; NW&C Central & West Coast Mainline; plus, the High Output workforce. We also manage workers on Civil engineering and Tunnelling projects such as HS2 and Crossrail. Get in touch via the contact information below to fulfil your requirements. Tel: 0845 543 5953 Email: info@mcginley.co.uk Visit: www.mcginley.co.uk

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New solutions for energy distribution in rail vehicles Connectors for rail applications need to be extremely robust, but also easy to install and maintain


ARTING has developed new solutions for rail vehicles which focus on the safety and durability of the entire infrastructure. These three new HARTING products are part of a complete system of cabling that extends from the vehicle roof to the underfloor distribution. The Han® HPR (High Pressure Railway) VarioShell is a housing system which has been specially designed for jumper applications. Thanks to a circumferential internal seal and mounting frame, the two-piece housing/hood achieves an IP69K rating. As the cover is removable, the housing/hood can be installed from both inside and outside the rail vehicle. This also simplifies servicing and maintenance because the housing cover can be opened and faulty conductors or contacts replaced without disconnecting all the connections. The contours of the VarioShell allow dirt deposits to slide off while channels guide water away from the housing screws so that rust does not form. Special curvatures on the upper side ensure that ice and snow slide off without exerting pressure on the wall and housing, increasing service life. The VarioShell is an open system that also houses mounting frames, cable managers and shielding plates to route and hold cables with different diameters. It can be used as a surface or panel mounted housing and is a robust alternative to distribution boxes for installation on the roof, outer wall or bogie. The Han® HPR HPTC (High Performance Transformer Connector) has been developed to meet all the requirements of the rail market. Hoods, housings and cable glands have been optimised for outdoor use, ensuring the connection between pantograph, transformer and train busbar remains stable over the long term. Existing contours on the transformer can be reused, meaning design changes are unnecessary. This product has been specially designed for simple assembly, maximum safety and to minimise the number of components used. A crimped contact on the cable side is inserted into a three-part, touch-proof insulating body and there is a cable gland that protects against dust and moisture whilst also forming part of the shielding, absorbing residual currents and transferring

them to the housing. The hoods and housings are metallically contacting on all sides, which means the cover and underside are connected across the entire contact surface. This is a new development, being the first transformer connector that is specially designed for shielded connections. Collecting and discharging residual currents is achieved with the Han® HPR HPTC P800 thanks to its two separate contact zones. It is directly connected to the flange housing by a surface on the underside and there is a thread on the upper side for a potential grounding, which dissipates the remaining residual currents. Neither shrinking nor taping are required in the assembly process and the interfaces are quick to prepare; simply crimp the contacts, insert the insulating body with shield contact into the housing, close the cover, and the cable side is ready. Two coding elements in the panel mounted housing enable 16 different possible combinations and one connector is sufficient for the transformer connection, meaning there is no risk of confusion.

The Han® HPR TrainPowerLine (TPL) replaces existing solutions such as UIC, power or Y-distributors for train busbars. It is tailored to modern trains running in a network and offers weight advantages of up to ten kilograms per rail vehicle compared to previous standards. As a result, very little space is required to reliably supply all the electrical equipment and systems of the train. Following requests from customers, the application was simplified considerably. A uniform solution replaces the many variants that were previously required for busbar construction and the number of parts used has been significantly reduced. At the same time, safety is top priority: male and female contacts are designed to be touch-proof and there are ground potentials on the top and bottom of the housing. The contours of the TPL also effectively remove dirt and ice to the sides. Previous interfaces for the underfloor were often hard-wired. The TPL is designed so that all connection points are now pluggable. The housings are equipped with 221


Han® HC Modular high-current contacts that transmit power up to 800 A / 5100 V DC / 3000 V AC. The housing is based on the Han® HPR design and is made of corrosionresistant aluminium die castings. Therefore, the TPL is ideally suited for use in harsh environmental conditions and outdoor applications. This interface is a uniform connector design for the entire underbody distribution system of a train. Its advantages include shorter installation times, more economical use of materials, weight reduction and standardised assembly processes. As well as product systems, HARTING also offer customised solutions for rail vehicle technology. This supports the trend of progressive modularisation, whereby modern rail vehicles are often built at different production sites. This modular approach offers many advantages to manufacturers such as time savings both in the assembly and commissioning


of rail vehicles. With specialisms including cable assemblies, box builds and inter-car jumpers for the rail market, HARTING use their experience to design and create custom solutions that meet your exact requirements. All customised products are built and tested at their fully IRIS-certified manufacturing facility in Northampton and are based on marketleading connectors from the extensive HARTING range, including M12 and Han-Modular®. Inter-car jumpers are designed to run connections between train carriages, including roof or underfloor systems, ensuring a reliable supply of data, signals and power along the train. The HanModular® series allows you to create a versatile solution by combining individual inserts for different transmission media into standard-sized industrial connector housings. The series offers over a hundred different inserts, enabling a wide range of customisable combination options. For example, as the demand for data communications in rail vehicles increases, powerful network and data interfaces are required to power information systems and fast, reliable internet access. The Han® Gigabit module enables Cat. 7A transmission in the inter-vehicle area and

delivers higher frequency bandwidth for the flow of data. The interface is also shock and vibration resistant according to EN 61373 and shielded against electromagnetic interference (EMC). For the connection of WLAN equipment, X-coded M12 PushPull connectors enclosed in a box build are the ideal solution. As space for components becomes increasingly scarce in rail vehicles, the M12 PushPull offers handling, time and reliability benefits. The two sections are clicked into place by hand, a tool-free installation method which simplifies tricky installations and means the assembly density can be significantly increased, helping to save valuable space. No matter what the degree of complexity, HARTING have the capacity to produce bespoke, project-specific solutions to suit your needs, including installing components, efficiently routing cable harnesses and fabrication. To further assist you, their design team can create a 3D CAD visualisation of your build beforehand to ensure absolute accuracy before manufacturing begins. To learn more about HARTING’s range of rail products and solutions, get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 01604 827500 Email: salesUK@harting.com Visit: www.harting.com/UK/en-gb/markets/ transportation

Standardisation is the key. Han® HPR VarioShell – The next dimension of flexibility.

The next level of inter-car jumper solutions ■ Longer lifetime due to optimised design against water, dust and ice ■ Time savings during the whole installation process due to free access from all directions ■ Weight savings due to the replacement of distribution boxes and shorter cable runs ■ High flexibility due to full compatibility with the whole Han® HPR portfolio (retrofit) One Range. No Limits: www.HARTING.com/VarioShell


Innovation – Insulation

Thermal and acoustic insulation for passenger safety and comfort The safety and comfort of passengers and staff is of paramount importance to rail operators, as is profitability


hose responsible for the design and maintenance of railway vehicles can help to meet all three criteria with the selection of the correct thermal and acoustic insulation. Leading global manufacturer of flexible equipment insulation material and engineered foams, Armacell, has more than 50 years’ experience in the railway industry, with a product range specifically designed to meet the specific requirements of this sector, including a comprehensive collection of fire safety and acoustic solutions. Fire safety In the event of a fire, for the protection of passengers and staff alike, all railway vehicles must meet the fire protection standard EN 45545-2 (Railway applications – Fire protection on railway vehicles Part 2: Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components), with refrigerant and air-duct pipework achieving at least Hazard Level (HL) 2. The objective of these standards is to minimise the risk of fires starting, the level of toxic smoke generated and the spread of fire throughout railway vehicles. Armacell’s ArmaFlex® Rail range is the first flexible closed-cell thermal insulation with integrated fire protection for the railway industry; while some products achieve HL2, others meet HL3, providing the highest possible level of fire protection. ArmaFlex Rail SD offers exceptional fire properties and extremely low smoke density, achieving an excellent Euroclass Bs1 D0 rating for insulation tubes. Its smoke development is also up to ten times lower than that of a standard elastomeric insulation product, with self-extinguishing material that does not propagate fire or produce burning droplets. ArmaFlex Rail includes a wide range of products for application throughout vehicles, including in-heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC-R) systems on floors, walls and ceilings and around lavatory modules. In addition to providing a superior degree of fire protection, ArmaFlex Rail solutions guarantee the reliably low level of thermal conductivity necessary to prevent heat loss 224

and so ensure energy-efficiency. The energy required for heating and air-conditioning rail vehicles alone can account for up to 40 per cent of total energy use. The products are constructed from Armacell’s ArmaFlex closed-cell flexible elastomeric foam (FEF). Closed-cell FEF provides a superior degree of thermal insulation to open-cell materials such as mineral wool, maintaining a reliably low level of thermal conductivity over time. Comprising millions of tightly packed, closed air-filled cells, each bonded to those around it, ArmaFlex forms an impenetrable barrier for air and moisture, so maintaining thermal performance while mitigating against mechanical corrosion of the insulated equipment. A steadily low level of thermal conductivity is particularly important when it comes to the insulation of fresh-and

waste-water systems relating to washrooms and on-board kitchens, as temperature fluctuations can lead to contamination with legionella bacteria. ArmaFlex is the only FEF featuring built-in Microban® antimicrobial protection, guarding against the development of bacteria, mould and mildew which, over time, can compromise the performance of both the insulation itself and the equipment it protects. ArmaFlex Rail FEF products are easy to install on account of their flexibility, built-in vapour barrier and homogenous, threedimensionally linked structure which allows the material to be easily cut without the release of harmful dust and fibres. Acoustic comfort Optimising acoustic comfort is one of the most important factors in improving the

Innovation – Insulation

overall customer experience and making railways more competitive with other transportation modes. Armacell’s ArmaComfort® Rail products provide superior sound attenuation technology, minimising disturbance for a higher level of comfort for passengers as they sleep, work and communicate. Rolling noise is the main source of sound on high-speed trains, permeating carriages through floors, walls and ceilings and around doors. As trains become faster and passenger expectations rise, the minimisation of this sound becomes ever more important. Those responsible for the design and maintenance of railway vehicles have to balance the need for a low degree of noise transmission with a requirement to minimise the weight of and amount of space required by acoustic insulation. The lighter the train, the more energyefficient, environmentally sustainable and cost-effective its operation. The ultra-thin ArmaComfort range comprises products that offer an optimal weight-to-performance

ratio. A 3mm insulation provides a transmission loss of Rw 30 dB, while 5mm achieves a loss of Rw 34 dB. Company profile Armacell is an environmentally responsible manufacturer: ISO 14001-certified, its manufacturing processes minimise the emission of greenhouse gases produced and are energy-efficient. The company offers an unrivalled level of service: with a UK-based dedicated customer service team, national sales representatives and a technical support and application training service, it is able to offer a large range of value-added services. Based in Oldham, Greater Manchester, Armacell UK is part of Armacell, a multinational organisation employing 3,135 employees across 24 manufacturing plants in 16 countries. For more information, get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 0161 287 7100 Visit: www.armacell.co.uk 225


Utilising camera surveillance Now ubiquitous in England, camera surveillance offers the possibilities of crime prevention and increased employee and passenger safety


he recent introduction of Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) by Train Operating Companies (TOCs) such as South Western Railway, together with increased usage of CCTV, present significant compliance challenges because the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 are likely to be engaged. To set the scene, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides the rules for the storage, management, and processing of personal data. Following Brexit, the United Kingdom UK-GDPR replaced the EU-GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) was amended. The UK-GDPR similarly applies to organisations which process or control ‘personal data’, i.e., information which relates to an identifiable individual. Since the objective of surveillance within rail stations and trains is to monitor and record the actions of individuals and identify these individuals as necessary to prevent crime, most of the data collected could fall into the category of personal data within the meaning of the UK-GDPR and DPA. TOCs should have undertaken a Data Protection Impact Assessment before introducing CCTV and BWCs to assess and reduce the data protection risks associated with using these surveillance methods within trains, stations and other areas. For example, BWCs are portable and consequently vulnerable to loss, theft, or damage. How are these risks to be reduced? The loss of personal data may incur substantial penalties, and thus TOCs must ensure necessary safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. Any data stored on the camera itself should be encrypted in order to minimise the risk of a data security breach. Other measures to reduce risk include staff training, and ensuring that operators of CCTV cameras are licensed by the SIA. In order to rely on the Prevention of Crime Exemption successfully, the use of surveillance cameras must be necessary, legitimate, and proportionate. In essence, their use should be restricted as much as is possible. For example, should all front-line staff wear the cameras, or is it sufficient for those working in particular areas to wear them? If the BWC captures both audio and video there needs to be an independent justification for obtaining and retaining each. 226

There may be circumstances where it is legitimate to retain images but not audio: for example where audio is irrelevant to the circumstances surrounding any crime

and simply records unrelated private conversations. Where audio and video recordings cannot be separated, the cameras should only be utilised in instances where


both are appropriate, such as for identifying perpetrators of crime. Individuals must be informed that they are being monitored and recorded, with prominent signage or announcements. Signs should contain contact details for the TOC or other industry party operating the system and explain the purpose of the monitoring. Any personal data captured should be retained for as brief a period as possible so as not to frustrate the purpose for which it was obtained. The information may be passed to the police without notifying the data subjects if that would prejudice the prevention of crime. Finally, TOCs should be aware that the present CCTV codes of conduct are outdated, with the most recent ICO code of practice published in 2014. In the ever-changing world of security technologies, TOCs need to be alert to new data protection risks and conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments to assess them. In summary, TOCs should verify that cameras are only recording the individuals and locations necessary for the legitimate purpose, and that the data recorded is stored for as little time as possible.

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Safety on tracks

Market Leader for automated protection Level Crossings · · · · · · · · ·

Certified SIL3 Modular design PLC driven Variety of crossing options Plug & Play Easily replaceable low weight barriers Improved WLCC RCM Conventional or Signal interlocking train

Warning Systems NR Approved

Lookout Operated Warning Systems · Reduced staff requirements · Protection at night and poor visibility · Mobile maintenance or Short worksites

Unit 3 Falcon Park, Claymore, Tame Valley Industrial Estate, Tamworth B77 5DQ

T +44 (0)1827 28 9996 www.schweizer-electronic.com



Automated Track Warning Systems · Automated and safer than lookouts · Simpler track access and improved productivity · Reduced staff costs · Work on live rail or near adjacent open line Automatic Sector Switching

Level Crossings

Schweizer Electronic Group The Schweizer Electronic Group is a market leader for automated protection of track workers and equipment running on rails across Europe and the rest of the world


or over 50 years, Schweizer Electronic AG has developed and manufactured train detection and warning systems. Still a family owned business with headquarters in Switzerland, the groups goal is to increase safety whilst also improving access efficiency, user friendliness and overall productivity. Supplying countries across Europe for over a decade, the group provides a range of products including: • Automated Track Warning Systems (ATWS). • Lookout Operated Warning Systems (LOWS). • Semi-Automated Track Warning Systems (SATWS). • Signal Controlled Warning Systems (SCWS). • FLEX Level Crossings. Our core competencies centre on high security remote control and radio data transmission systems, along with interactive

diagnostic systems for use wherever safety and efficiency are important. Within the business, all operating processes are governed and certified in accordance with ISO9001:2006 and CENELEC EN 50 126. Our newest radio-based product, Minimel Lynx provides a platform for the next generation of track warning systems and is currently being used in LOWS, ATWS and SATWS across Europe. Automated Track Warning Systems (ATWS) Our ATWS system uses mechanical treadles or the most up to date wheel detection systems attached to the running rails to automatically detect the wheels of passing trains. These are positioned to provide a warning to track workers of approaching trains. The distances are applicable to the work area. A control unit processes these signals and passes the warning signal to either cable connected lamps or horns, whichever

is required for the work site. This signal can also be used to operate individually carried radio warning devices for each worker and work group. A combination of signal devices can be set up to monitor train activity through crossovers and signaling, which leads to trains being automatically being counted out of the work area, therefore cancelling out the warning. ATWS gives: • Automatic detection and warning. • Improved track access and workgroup productivity. • Reduced headcount. • Enables work on live rail or near an adjacent open line. Lookout Operated Warning Systems (LOWS) LOWS operates as a manual system and requires manpower to detect the trains approach. Positioned at an appropriate sighting distance, the lookout uses a hand switch to give the required warnings to track


Level Crossings

workers. These warnings are transmitted through mobile radio warning units carried by each workgroup. Cancellation of the warning is also carried out manually. • LOWS gives: • Protection at night or in poor visibility • Short notice access for mobile maintenance teams Signal Controlled Warning Systems (SCWS) Schweizer Electronic offers a permanent safety solution for sections of the railway using SCWS. Similar to the other group warning products in that it improves track access and maximises network availability whilst continuing to provide a safe working environment for personnel track side, giving reliable automatic warnings. This is achieved via signals received directly from the interlocking which are then used to calculate the appropriate warning tailored to line speed and site conditions. Our SCWS solutions are capable of working with SSI, RRI systems and can integrate with ETCS and ERTMS. Level crossings Manufactured using standard industrial components with Innovative LED optics and wheel sensor technology, our FLEX level crossing offers reliability and attractive lifecycle costs. Certified SIL3, FLEX uses a modular design to allow for lower costs across


engineering, approvals and overall project. FLEX provides: • Reduced costs using PLC technology. • A range of crossings from User Worked to Multi Barrier systems. • Plug and Play technology reducing installation times. • Easily replaceable low weight barriers with no counterweights.

• Low lifecycle costs. • RCM. • Conventional or signal interlocking train detection. Tel: 01827 28 9996 Email: info@schweizer-electronic.com Visit: www.schweizer-electronic.com


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TALK TO THE COVEYA TEAM TO FIND OUT MORE Call 0800 915 9195 | Sales@coveya.co.uk 231

Lighting Management Systems

Delmatic takes control of lighting at major rail projects Delmatic are leading international suppliers of advanced lighting management systems


elmatic have global expertise in supplying systems to some of the world’s largest and most prestigious buildings and rail infrastructure projects, including Crossrail, the Northern Line extension, Kings Cross Station, Doha Metro, Dubai Metro and the Haramain High Speed Railway. Delmatic pioneered electronic lighting control in 1959 and supplied the world’s first smart lighting management system. Today, Delmatic systems reimagine and redefine lighting control, providing absolute flexibility and versatility, achieving optimum energy and operational efficiency, sharing valuable real-time intelligence with other connected systems, integrating emergency light and battery testing and monitoring, and applying biodynamic tuneable-white profiles for enhanced comfort and wellbeing. Delmatic’s lighting management systems are modular, scalable solutions that seamlessly mesh wired, wireless and mixed-mode devices across physical or cloud networks. The systems continuously monitor, analyse and optimise lighting, as well as the performance of connected building services. Delmatic’s innovative multisensors and controllers combine with powerful graphical user interfaces, dashboards and apps, while expert application of open protocols DALI-2, Lon, BACnet, IP, and MQTT technologies, delivers unparalleled insights and intelligence. An unmatched depth of experience, a clear focus on the latest technologies and attentive project management made Delmatic the supplier of choice for Crossrail – Europe’s largest single public infrastructure development. Delmatic’s systems provide smart, secure and energy-efficient management and monitoring of normal and emergency lighting throughout eight Elizabeth line stations – Paddington, Bond Street, Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon, Liverpool Street, Whitechapel, Custom House and Woolwich as well as the network of shafts and portals. Delmatic’s involvement with Crossrail started at the earliest days of framework design, working collaboratively with the various project teams to create, supply and commission state-of-the-art systems that support Crossrail’s goal to deliver 232

energy-efficient, sustainable solutions. The project included the development of a unique set of BREEAM criteria for underground stations enabling assessment of sustainability and environmental performance. Crossrail is the first underground railway in the world to be rated under the scheme and will set a benchmark for future transportation projects. Delmatic’s smart lighting management systems enhance sustainability and minimise energy consumption through advanced digital dimming, which continuously adapts lighting levels and scenes based on presence, absence and daylight, coupled with the operational efficiencies gained through real-time management and monitoring of the lighting network. The systems log the number of hours each lamp has been in operation and generates relamping plans which avoid the premature replacement of luminaires (with the associated environmental and disposal issues) by ensuring that lamps are sustainably replaced at the optimum point. The systems also play a crucial role in supporting station security and safety. The lighting management systems integrate with the central battery network to provide comprehensive emergency light monitoring and testing, as well as track the performance of every lamp and highlight failures in real time. Innovative software algorithms monitor the illumination impact of individual lamp failures and automatically increase the output of neighbouring lighting to compensate for the outages. Throughout the stations different colour temperatures of lighting are used to promote intuitive wayfinding and transit movement. Commuters are encouraged to instinctively move towards the warmer tones of lighting on the station platforms, after exiting escalators or corridors which are lit in a cooler blue colour.

Delmatic’s innovative lighting management systems installed at Crossrail, received Highly Commended in the category of ‘Best Large Project’ at the 2020 DALI Lighting Awards. DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface), is a dedicated international protocol for digital lighting control that enables the easy installation of robust, scalable and flexible lighting networks. The DALI Lighting Awards showcase the very best application of DALI lighting management solutions around the world, and the accolade is testament to Delmatic’s commitment to design and supply cutting-edge systems of the highest quality. Delmatic’s systems also monitor and manage lighting in the new Northern Line extension stations – Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station. The Northern line extension is the first major expansion of the London Underground in almost 25 years. Delmatic’s smart systems optimise sustainability and energy-efficiency by

Lighting Management Systems

continuously adjusting lighting to changes in occupancy and the contribution of daylight. The systems also integrate with the central battery networks to track the real-time performance and status of the central batteries and provide a complete emergency light monitoring solution. Delmatic’s track record in providing advanced lighting controls for major international transportation projects was instrumental in their selection for Saudi Arabia’s Haramain High Speed Rail network. The 460 km high speed rail line links the cities of Mecca and Medinah via Jeddah and King Abdullah Economic City. Delmatic systems provide powerful scene-setting control and monitoring within the huge destination stations – ranging from 275,000 sqm to 460,000 sqm – as well as control of decorative concourse and façade lighting. During the day, decorative yet efficient lighting scenes sequence according to solar scheduling, daylight detection and occupation. After dark, dynamic scenarios simulate stars in a night sky while precision rotation and focusing of projectors onto spherical chandeliers cascade diamonds of light onto the station concourses and platforms. The complete

systems are managed and monitored across the IP network using Delmatic’s animated graphical software. Delmatic systems provide energy-efficient control of lighting across thirty-seven Doha Metro stations. The lighting management systems provide SCADA and open protocol Modbus communication across the stations’ IT network, and integrate with the stations’ building management system to share key data and optimise operational efficiency. The stations employ luminous lighting schemes designed to enhance the experience and safety of travellers through the underground stations. The unique ‘vaulted spaces’ architecture directs daylight deep into the interior and the Delmatic systems dynamically adjust lighting to replicate the effects of daylight in subterranean areas. Integrated light lines along the stations ceiling and pillars double as wayfinding elements and the systems initiate configurable day, evening, and night lighting accents and scenes as well as support and security functions. Delmatic have over 60 years’ expertise in the supply of advanced lighting management solutions to major international projects. Delmatic’s wealth of experience in the rail

sector, their deep understanding of the unique requirements and challenges of rail projects, and detailed knowledge of current and emerging technologies, enables them to give unique insight into the best-practice applications of advanced open-networked systems that optimise energy-efficiency and sustainability. Delmatic’s network of international offices and project teams work closely with clients, consultants, designers and contractors to offer unmatched advice and technical support. Delmatic coordinate every stage of a project, guiding it from initial design through delivery and installation to final commissioning, training and successful handover. Delmatic also provide comprehensive after sales support, and partner with clients to continually reevaluate system configuration and operating parameters to ensure maximum energy and operational efficiency across the complete building life cycle. Contact Delmatic to discuss the best lighting management solution for your rail project. Tel: 020 3184 2000 Email: info@delmatic.com Visit: www.delmatic.com


Maintenance – Rolling Stock

Cut the right costs The maintenance of rolling stock in a post-NRC world will require intelligence and the power to harness the latest technology


vid online shoppers probably noticed a changing trend from about June 2021. Prior to this we went online, clicked the items we wanted, paid our money and (not many) days later the item arrived on our doorstep. Not so today, where we are increasingly seeing 10, 15 or even more days-long delays in fulfilment and shipping. It is too simplistic to blame Brexit, Covid, or the blocked Suez Canal even, yet all those elements had cumulative marginal impacts on a very lean and fragile system. Chat to senior rail maintenance professionals and they share a similar view of the fragility in the system. Whilst performance and efficiency are high on the NRC agenda, and rightly so, in most organisations costs will need to be managed, and although maintenance is exempt the present voluntary severance scheme (VSS), are we primed to make intelligent cost savings in the future? Might we be sleepwalking into a worse place? The Covid pandemic has challenged many conventional economic forecasts as underlying social behaviour has shifted. 234

In many organisations this is manifesting with significant numbers of people choosing earlier retirement, even with reduced pension, to have a greater quality of life. This is particularly affecting the 55 to 60 age profile. Skilled rail engineering staff disproportionately fill that age profile. A recent study revealed several rail companies have over 35 per cent of staff in that age group (the national average being 27 per cent). This could mean that VSS might adversely impact engineering skill level. Ordinarily this presents an opportunity to fill the ranks with exciting young talent. But, as anyone who has tried recruiting recently will have found, young engineering talent is not in great supply in the UK. At a time when more skilled engineering staff is likely to be needed combined with a high ‘flight risk’ through VSS – caution might be the watch word. Intelligent cost savings will improve value In any transport business, maintenance takes a big slice of the cost cake and continually needs to get leaner. Depot

managers will be hard pushed to explain where such cuts can be made without impact on service. It is likely that in the first tranche of cost-cutting maintenance will be ring-fenced but, in the future, how can we intelligently reduce costs and yet improve value? An experienced planner once suggested that matching load (work hours required) to capacity (people hours to turn spanners) is everything in vehicle maintenance value. Well, it might not be everything, but it is a good 80 per cent for sure. Organisations with a pool of 100 maintenance technicians, often deploy up to ten heads on other duties. Surely taking ten out will have an impact on availability? Not so, given the high service focus of rail what typically happens is quality of maintenance will be marginalised. Not in a safety way, but activities like cleaning and presentation will be compromised, and other minor corners might be cut. As reliability lags poor quality maintenance by about twelve months (depending on fleet age), taking ten heads away will have little immediate effect. Confirmation bias then convinces us, we

Maintenance – Rolling Stock

only needed 90, and often are even tempted to take more away. But what if only 90 heads were required? Measuring productivity is key here, a good figure in an efficient rail maintenance organisation is 60 per cent; values below this indicate it is haemorrhaging hours (cash). Productivity is a key barometer of maintenance performance, measuring it accurately signposts ways to improve value. The Plan-led philosophy is a proactive approach to maintenance that considers efficiency and effectiveness at every juncture. Consider an operating theatre, the surgeon doesn’t set out their own tools, walk down to the X-ray department for the foils. Everything is presented to them so they can perform at 100 per cent during the operation. When the technician arrives on shift, the work instructions, tools, materials, train, and tasking sheets should be ready to start work immediately. Team Leader workstations out on the shop floor where good supervision (production control) is afforded would help the depot deliver at the best performance possible. Although defects cannot be predicted, the plan-led philosophy demands more than just waiting and reacting. Plan-led maintenance

forecasts, schedules, prepares and uses technology more effectively to reduce variability and control defects better. Planled uses a combination of LEAN and MRP tools, in a proactive philosophy. Harnessing technology and making it work for us Modern trains are crammed with technology, data is downloaded from them at a rate the Apollo missions could only dream of. Yet much of it is ignored. Using this technology as part of the plan-led philosophy enables the intelligent application of preventative maintenance. Doors are opened and closed many times a day by passengers; why not use telemetry to spot when door actuators are getting ‘tired’ and schedule a change, rather than changing routinely. In 1974 the USAF undertook a study to consider the impacts of removing preventative maintenance. In the short term they discovered removing maintenance improved reliability. A similar phenomenon was observed by London-serving TOCs during the Olympics. A note of caution, in both cases longer-term issues were noted. RR Aero engines have a big data analyst team considering data streaming from

their 55,000 engines worldwide. Actively applying this data has enabled them to keep engines on wing for eight years, saving airlines millions in overhaul costs. Rail has (at least) equally as capable systems but they are not being utilised to proactively reduce maintenance. EngPro has estimated that by using technology more effectively and challenging maintenance tasks through MSG-3 techniques, over 60 per cent of ‘depot maintenance’ could be safely removed. In the 100 people example above, that means you now only need 40 people. • Maintenance philosophy needs to be proactive. • Matching load and capacity accurately is a vital success enabler. • Grow data analysis capability to leverage the technology better. • Build production engineering capability to safely remove pointless maintenance. • Link this all together in plan-led capability. Tel: 07841 029276 Email: contact@engpro.co.uk Visit: www.engpro.co.uk

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Door to door brush solutions Founded back in 1923 and now part of the KOTI group of companies, Kleeneze-KOTI are the leading manufacturer of brush strip products in the UK


rom humble beginnings selling household brushes door to door around Bristol, Kleeneze-KOTI now design and manufacture flexible brush strip seals and solutions for all aspects of the rail, automotive and aerospace sectors. Brush strip is one of the most adaptable sealing products available and much like Bristol’s own industrial heritage and evolution, Kleeneze-KOTI are continually developing practical solutions to today’s problems. Many of their dedicated team have over 30 years’ experience in providing bespoke solutions, and because they focus entirely on brush strip, Kleeneze-KOTI have built up an unrivalled knowledge and expertise that enables them to provide innovative solutions across all industries. Minding the gap Wherever there are sliding or pivoting parts, brush strips seals the gap perfectly. From cab control levers to signalling and points covers, brush strip seals prevent the intrusion of rodents, dirt and contaminants. Sliding platform screen doors fitted with fire retardant brush strip seals, suppress underground train noise, improve station climatic control and help keep platform environments cleaner. Gaps between sliding train carriage doors and internal panels are discretely sealed with custom formed brush strip, preventing accidental entrapment and foreign objects fouling the door operating system. Passenger safety Escalator Safetystrip is a durable brush deflector designed to provide a tactile reminder to passengers to keep away from the hazard zones between the moving step and the stationery sidewall and reduce the risk of an entrapment incident. First installed on London Underground escalators in 1982, Escalator Safetystrip has been protecting passengers from sidewall entrapment for over 35 years. Successfully fitted to over 400 escalators across the existing network, Escalator Safetystrip and platform screen door seals will also protect the expected 200 million passengers on the new Elizabeth Line due to open in 2022. Trackside cable protection Electrical enclosures, junction boxes and

trackside ducting are warm dry places, irresistible to rodents. There are many points of access through which a determined rodent can squeeze and make a nest and problems occur because rats love to chew. As they gnaw through the protective plastic casing they dangerously expose the vital electrical and data cable. Specially designed RODENTBRUSH is easy to use, and incredibly effective in deterring rodents. Unlike other forms of pest control, RODENTBRUSH can be easily removed for routine maintenance and then replaced for ongoing cable protection. Rodent brush can be exposed to all elements, allows air to circulate and water to drain away.

Always here to help As a close knit and dedicated team, KleenezeKOTI are proud of the products and service they provide. They offer a complete design, advisory and manufacturing service, providing friendly assistance in all aspects of problem solving with brush strip technology. So whether you are a designer, specifier or end user, their brushes may provide the perfect solution. Simply contact their friendly customer service team or ask one of the technical team to visit via the contact information below. Tel: 01179 582 450 Email: sales@ksl.uk.com Visit: www.kleenezekoti.co.uk 237



Secures tracking arm on Bogies

Removes fans, pumps etc.

BRAKE ACUATOR REMOVAL TOOL Holds actuator while it is removed from the Bogie

BOGIE DROP SUPPORT Removes engines and gearboxes

Safety and quality are our top priorities. Majorlift products are manufactured under the ISO9001:2015 quality assurance system. We will be pleased to quote, design & build hydraulic lifting equipment to suit your individual needs.

Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment Ltd . Arnolds Field Estate . Wickwar . Wotton-Under-Edge . GL12 8JD 238

(+44) (0)1454 299299 ~ www.majorlift.com

Manufacturing – Lifting Equipment

Flexibility in manufacturing Majorlift Hydraulic Engineering is a Bristol based manufacturer of specialist lifting equipment


stablished in 1971, we have been designing and manufacturing our own range of machinery for use in automotive, aerospace and defence applications. Increasingly, we are being asked to supply specialist lifting equipment for rail applications and have developed a range of tools for handling accessories up to one tonne in weight, such as actuators, air conditioning fans, cardan shafts and gearboxes, although we have the technology to lift up to 40 tonnes! Increasingly, we are being asked to work alongside the depot’s H&S team to develop safe methods of removing large, often heavy & frequently awkward shaped components from carriages, locos and wagons. A good example of which is a product we developed to remove the steps from carriages on the Eurostar. These weigh around 300kgs and need to be removed at an angle and then supported safely while being moved away from the carriage for maintenance. Once ready, the whole unit must be lifted up and replaced without damaging either the mechanics or the carriage. Developed in under three months, the finished unit was delivered and accepted readily by the customer. Another problematic maintenance issue, faced by many depots is the safe removal & refitting of hydraulic brake actuator units. These are heavy castings where the weight is off centre in several planes. The result is that handling these units, offering them up and fitting them can be a dangerous manoeuvre and there have been reports of finger injuries and traps against the rail. However, Majorlift was able to innovate and produced a solution based on our Patrolman trolley jack, as used by the biggest names in automotive roadside assistance. Combining an elegantly modified design with rails to bridge the pit and a mounting plate to secure the actuator has delivered a solution that makes removal and refitting, safe, quick and straightforward. This particular solution highlights one of the many benefits of using Majorlift. Relatively unknown in the rail sector, Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment limited is the market leading brand in automotive lifting. As such, with designs that use common parts from our volume manufacture of lifting equipment means that the solutions we are offer for rail clients benefit from large scale manufacture of components to provide affordable solutions, even for small batches of products.

We have developed a range of selfsupporting jacks, using a three-stage ram with a mounting plate that allows awkwardly shaped units to be secured and lowered safely, such as accumulators and couplings. The technology is well proven as they have been developed from our successful Vertical Transmission Jacks, used in automotive garages for removing gearboxes and transmissions from Heavy Vehicles. To make this product as versatile as possible, we have been able to standardise the fittings of the mounting plates so that a single base unit can complete several different servicing jobs, meaning cheaper overall cost and less space required for storage. We are encouraging designers to include a ‘jack rail’ in all new pits being installed. This allows users to future proof their facility by building in the ability to run lifting equipment – such as our industry leading commercial pit jack along the length of the bay to support, remove and refit heavy components from anywhere under the carriage, wagon or locomotive being maintained. Design and manufacture of all of our products happens in our factory just outside of Bristol. We use 3D Computer modelling to ensure that components are not over stressed and will be stable in use. We can also use the same software to model the underside of the rail vehicles and the pit to ensure we have the necessary space to carry out the work and to design mountings to fit

the unit being serviced. Our manufacturing facility uses modern CNC technology to machine 95 per cent of the product from raw materials – including all the rams and cylinders, power packs and air motors. Retaining this inhouse allows us to rigorously control the quality of the products and the lead times to our customers. We have invested in a highly flexible manufacturing process that allows cost effective manufacture of small volumes of products. Majorlift can produce large and small solutions, tailored to the customer’s needs – our largest application was to manufacture a bespoke lift for the removal and replacement of engines, gearboxes, cooler and fuel units from the Siemens Class 185 Diesel Train. Probably our smallest product is a turnbuckle, used for securing the trailing arm on bogies being moved for servicing. Majorlift products are in use all over the world and by such well known groups as the AA & the RAC, SKF bearings, Ryder group and Snap on. We are happy to brand for customers and most of our automotive product is sold through distributors in their own colours. We have built a business on a foundation of quality and customer service and would be happy to demonstrate these to you. Tel: 01454 299299 Email: info@majorlift.com Visit: www.majorlift.com/majorlift-rail/ 239




LIFTING JACKS & PIT EXPERTS Lifting and inspection equipment you can rely on for all maintenance of rail vehicles. With 40 years’ experience on heavy duty lifting solutions, Totalkare combines world class products with industry leading support to facilitate effective maintenance and repair.




Manufacturing – Railway Lifting Jacks

Rail depot solutions from the workshop equipment experts Totalkare has been supplying workshop equipment in the UK for more than 40 years, with a proven track record for quality of product and after sales support


everaging its position as the UK market leader for the supply of mobile column lifts for heavy duty commercial vehicles, Totalkare entered the UK rail market at the start of 2019 after partnering with experienced Italian manufacturer Emanuel, themselves boasting more than 100 years in the industry. Railway lifting jacks Initially offering railway lifting jacks, Totalkare’s mechanical knowledge and established UK-wide field service coverage, combined with Emanuel’s longstanding reputation for build quality, represented an impressive proposition for rail manufacturers and the UK supply chain alike. Orders followed from the likes of Hitachi Rail and Mirage as awareness of

Totalkare’s entry into the market grew. Available in a range of lifting capacities from 5,500 – 50,000kg per jack, Totalkare’s railway lifting jacks can be configured in sets of four to 128 (facilitating the lifting of a single carriage or an entire train) and are designed to meet Machine Directive 2006/42/CE and approved to European EN1493. Available with fixed or movable anvil, the electromechanical lifting jacks are supplied with a computerised control unit with event storing and recording that can be upgraded with self-programmed maintenance. Rail inspection pits In 2021, Totalkare extended its product offering in the rail market to include prefabricated steel inspection pits for rail

depots. A bespoke offering manufactured to customer requirements, Totalkare’s rail inspection pits make access to the underside of a railed vehicle easy, allowing engineers to work in a safe, well-lit environment. Fully welded construction prevents water ingress, the pits are installed with a unique bond of steel to concrete for a long-lasting rolling stock maintenance solution that offers a more permanent alternative to railway lifting jacks. Do you require support with your rolling stock maintenance? For further information and Live Chat assistance, get in touch with Totalkare via the contact information below. Tel: 0121 585 2724 Email: sales@totalkare.co.uk Visit: www.totalkare.co.uk.



ESP makes life simple ESP Group makes life simple for millions of transport users by supporting passengers on every step of their journey


s well as being the largest dedicated transport contact centre in the UK, ESP Group is the UK’s leading smart card personalisation and bureau service. High profile contracts for the public and private sector include Transport for London (TFL), Translink Northern Ireland, London Councils, Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport for Wales, and Stagecoach Group. The Group comprises: • Journeycall (based in Arbroath, Scotland) which delivers unscripted contact centre support, fulfilment services, delay repay and passenger assist services. • Systex (based in Hull, East Yorkshire) which is a systems development company and smartcard bureau. Journeycall’s standard services include support channels such as voice, email, white mail and web chat, with optional upgrades to social media marketing, social media customer support, video call and SMS to meet the needs of passengers. Journeycall is an expert in customer services, and is used to servicing contracts 24/7, 365 days a year. Their highly skilled teams are experienced in delivering first rate customer support to both dedicated and blended campaigns. They have a proven ability to effectively and efficiently manage a full spectrum of inbound and outbound customer interactions with varying service levels across all contact channels – from high volume transactional interactions through to full end-to-end, comprehensive customer case management. Through these services, ESP supports passengers and travellers during every stage of their journey – whether it is getting a travelcard to customers; having someone on the end of the phone; or responding to online chat enquiries. Based in the coastal town of Arbroath, Journeycall is the UK’s largest transportcentric contact centre, providing services across the UK and internationally. The award-winning omni-channel customer experience centre, founded in 2003, is led by Managing Director Theresa Slevin. In her role as CEO of ESP Group, Theresa has also steered the business through lockdown, and is confident that the business is ready to match the resurging needs of the recovery. During lockdown, with transport numbers 242

reduced due to government restrictions, Journeycall looked to help Scotland’s Covid response by offering its customer expertise to NHS Scotland. The last two years has been an unprecedented time, which ESP has navigated by a combination of flexible working, seeking different outlets for its services and protecting its core activity. Since March 2020, Journeycall has implemented its robust remote working solution and currently has 130 advisors working from home with scope to scale up exponentially. They have committed to home working as a standard business offering and are prepared to manage and support customers through any unexpected challenges that may arise. Journeycall’s enviable reputation for customer relationship management services remains at the heart of its success. When restrictions eased there was a run of new contract wins for big name clients, including the Civil Aviation Authority, NHS Scotland and a renewed contract with Transport for London. In Hull, Systex provides online payment and ticketing services, including providing smart cards for transport clients and other bodies that use identification services such as universities, local authorities and membership clubs. Systex develops bespoke software for

clients to deliver their smart-centric schemes including card management and local card issuance systems, public facing web portals, and reporting and analytic packages. Their in-house bureau issues personalised and anonymous smart cards for transport clients and other bodies that use identification services such as universities, local authorities and membership clubs. As market leaders, Systex applies its skills, technology and expertise to provide a range of services based on smart card systems. From cards that help disabled people access local authority services to a new equine passport system, they seek innovative solutions for customers and new sectors that will benefit from Systex’s technical expertise. The company is celebrating a number of recent successes including a four-year contract extension with Belfast-based Translink. The new contract extends a 15-year relationship for Systex to provide Smartpass Bureau Services as well as smartcard provision of around 150,000 cards annually across ten different schemes. The agreement also includes associated systems and services, including web portals for online applications, card management systems for applicant management and hard copy application processing which is typical of the wraparound provision ESP offers. A critical aspect of Systex’s work is data


protection and fulfilment. Its card provision can range from the simplest of membership cards to smart-chip enabled versions that contain complete data detail. Cards can be designed to meet exact requirements creating an entirely bespoke product. Think global, act local ESP Group has won contracts in the UK, Europe and America but it values its local communities. As a significant employer in Arbroath, the business provides job opportunities, training and support to school leavers, mature returnees to the labour market and those who need flexible hours. It has a high retention rate and chooses to promote from within wherever possible. As a company that puts people first, attracting, developing and retaining the right people is at the heart of its business. As technical innovators, Systex has also developed strong links with Hull University’s science and engineering department. Each year, a number of graduate students are provided access to Systex’s technical capability with expert mentoring on design, coding and systems, with the students working alongside developers on technical and software projects.

Quality and security As so much of the work is customerfacing, ESP places quality and the customer experience at the heart of its operations. It has ISO 27001, 14001 and 9001 Management Systems in place, and a dedicated team works alongside fully certified internal auditors across the business. All team members undertake a rigorous training programme during induction to ensure they achieve excellence in every aspect of their work.

Data security is also a priority. Journeycall works to the Data Protection Act and the EU’s GDPR regulations, and is both PCI DSS accredited and Cyber Essentials certified. As part of its dedication to both quality and security, Journeycall has invested in technology, including a cloudbased telephone system, which provides state-of-the-art multimedia customer interactions and allows 100 per cent of calls to be recorded using PCI-compliant software. Callers are responded to quickly in a streamlined and efficient way, all the while demonstrating a commitment to operational excellence. There are so many initiatives to support passengers when it comes to public transport. These include new forms of payment and smartphone apps, as well as other services to assist those who need further help. ESP is expert at making the best of technology but never forgets that no matter how clever the technology gets; customers always appreciate the human touch. ESP will always be about people helping people. Tel: 01241 730300 Visit: www.the-espgroup.com



HAV free and eco equipment Diamond Hire and Sales have invested in innovative electric machinery which can make your site carbon neutral, free of HAV, and compliant with all aspects of manual handling with just one call


ur equipment is your gateway to a cleaner and safer working environment, carbon free, remote operation and minimal labour costs; the future looks safer with Diamond Hire and Sales. Why you need innovative equipment The workplace environment is different today, there are many mandatory conditions that have to be attended to, that’s why innovation is so important as it helps us to meet those requirements without compromising the job in hand. We know the concrete is still very hard and heavy, that has not changed it’s just how we go about removing it! Traditional methods are not acceptable as they don’t meet legislation, so the future has to come from innovation as they combat the issues and provide the answer, ‘Safe working for all’ on time and within budget. Equipment that we hire and sell Part of a full range of models to suit your environment, the automated Minnich Rock Drill is ideal for rock drilling, vertical or horizontal dowel bars and anchor holes in concrete. The robotic electric Brokks is perfect for controlled demolition, whether breaking or crunching these machines demolish concrete like no other. For removing debris, look no further than the Hi-Tip electric Twinca barrow with 800kg load capacity, this one-man operation makes light work of shifting rubble. Last but not least is our very own Sindrilla, the first patented hands-free drilling solution for those everyday holes, you can drill all day long, free from drill rotation and HAV, the Sindrilla is compact, mobile and dustless. Minnich Rock Drill This drill is essential for future railway projects, perfect for dowel bar drilling, induction line drilling, anchor hole drilling and hydraulic bursting prior to removing unwanted concrete. It mitigates HAV to the operator due to its remote operation and keeps workers safe. The drill penetrations are fast, cost effective and reliable ensuring accurate placement of dowels and fixings after drilling. Brokks Our Brokks are the robots that you need. It enables your business to keep up with Health 244

and Safety vibration legalisation along with commercial pressure. They are small in size meaning they can fit into tight spaces; however, they boast a hydraulic system that runs on a low flow/high pressure principle which gives them enormous strength. These Brokks do not emit any fumes and keeps

noise pollution at a minimum. Hiring or purchasing this excellent piece of Swedish engineering from us will guarantee safety and a faster, cleaner, and more accurate job. Perfect for those challenging railway projects where health and safety is paramount.


Twincas This is your perfect machine for the clean-up process and is a necessity for those labour intensive clear up jobs. The Twinca HI-Tip

Electric Dumpers are battery powered and omit no noise or fumes whilst in operation. Allowing operatives to use the machine inside or outside all day on a full charge. It

can hold up to 800kg debris and with the press of a button can dump its load into your skip. Operatives have no fatigue or manual handling concerns when operating the walk behind Twinca Hi-Tip Dumper. Sindrilla Our very own percussive mobile drill that will leave you with the perfect dustless hole that is clean and accurate ready for your chosen bar or anchor. It is rig mounted and offers a perfect hands-free drilling solution for those everyday percussive holes. Omitting no vibration exposure to the operator, they are safe from HAV and can be used all day. Our equipment which is available to hire is safe, robust, and very cost effective, it can be delivered to your project by contacting us directly. It provides solutions to those everyday site constraints that all construction managers and workers face each and every day. This is the new method of working, a glimpse into the future and we are happy to share it with you. Tel: 01252 524141 Email: info@diamondhiresales.co.uk Visit: www.diamondhiresales.co.uk



Specialised on-track machinery for all aspects of railway engineering works operating throughout mainland Europe, the UK and Australia.

Glasgow Manchester Reading

+44 (0)141 212 5630 +44 (0)161 694 4240 +44 (0)118 950 3380

info@swietelsky.co.uk 246

Plant and Machinery

Swietelsky Babcock Rail - driving innovation Swietelsky along with our JV partner Babcock (SB Rail), working in collaboration with our rail industry partners have consistently delivered a number of firsts to the UK track infrastructure market


rom the introduction of the Plasser and Theurer AFM2000-RT Ballast distributing systems in 2006 SB Rail have consistently delivered innovative machine systems and working methods, these include: • 125mph plain line track renewal hand backs. • First ever 125mph S&C renewal hand backs. • First ever use of Sprinter concept of tamping in the UK. • First introduction of Plasser and Theurer Unimat 09-4x4/4S Dynamic Tamper with integrated intelligent DTS. Having the ability to handback switch and crossing as well as plain line projects at line speed allows for improved track quality, significantly less disruption and an enhanced passenger experience. Historically, ballast has required a period of settlement after heavy maintenance or renewal activity, this was achieved by normal in-service trains, running at a reduced speed to mitigate against any uneven ballast settlement. Using Dynamic Track Stabilising technology, it simulates the passage of 100,000 tonnes of traffic, thus giving a more uniformed consolidation of the track system and removing the requirement for temporary speed restrictions. Swietelsky were the first UK based Company to introduce Plasser and Theurer Unimat 09-4x4/4S Dynamic technology to the UK in 2014. Since the UK first introduction of 928001 a further machine was introduced in 2016 (74002) with two

more in 2020 (75012 & 75013) and two more in 2021 (75014 & 75015). These machines have proven to be a great success working with the Network Rail maintenance teams and working on various Plain Line and S&C renewal sites across the country.

Unimat 09-4x4/4S dynamic tamper The Unimat 09-4x4/4s Dynamic Machine represents the most sophisticated tamping and lining system available in the UK, the machine is able to provide performance surpassing that of any other switch and crossing tamper currently in use in the UK.

Operational capability The applications for this machine are many and varied. The biggest advance offered by its unique capability is the increase in tamping speed through turnouts and crossovers. Coupled with high output plain line tamping capability, this machine provides a tamping and lining system with over a third increase in the production capacity compared to the non-dynamic S&C tamping fleet in the UK. The proven 09 satellite tamping bank system provides for a modern and ergonomic

This machine is designed specifically to meet the unique demands of both high output renewal and maintenance works. It offers the highest output performance, coupled with improved quality, within ever decreasing possession times.

operator works station. Tamping banks on the 09 machines have had a redesign with lifecycle and quality of results the key requirements, the banks now have fewer moving parts, but they are still capable of tamping all current turnout and

With 75014 & 75015 being commissioned in 2021 this makes Swietelsky the largest supplier of this type of machine in the UK.


Plant and Machinery

the SB Rail fleet in the UK On Track Machine Market for years to come.

crossing designs. This redesign has led to an extension to our expected tamping bank overhaul cycles. In addition, the machines utilise the most sophisticated geometry control and monitoring systems available on any tamping system. The machine operates using the latest application of SMART ALC geometry guidance hardware, to augment the guidance software a DRP digital recording system is used to collect information measured from the machine’s output. This allows an accurate representation of the achieved geometry to be compared against the relevant geometry standards. The 09-4x4-4S also provides significant benefits on track renewal operations, both switch and crossing and plain line. The incorporation of the ‘intelligent’ dynamic track stabilising (DTS) unit on the machine eliminates the need for expensive four and twelve-week follow up tamping works and provides the ability to increase hand back

speeds which was first demonstrated as a UK first S&C 125mph hand-back utilising machines 928001 and 74002. This investment secures the lead technology position for Swietelsky as part of 248

Dynamic track stabilisation – why use it? The use of modern tamping and DTS technologies allow greater uniformity of consolidation and tighter track geometry tolerances to be achieved which are the catalysts for achieving 80mph+ line speed openings. The DTS operates using a concentric fly wheel to simulate 100,000 tonnes of traffic. Further control and adjustment of Track geometry alignment can be made by differing loads to each rail that is to be stabilised. This provides the ability to make small changes to the track geometry profile. The use of DTS systems allows a controlled force distribution to take place in three dimensions meaning that the lateral and longitudinal resistances are both improved. In the vertical sense, it leads to a homogeneous ballast consolidation and the avoidance of sleeper voiding. The unit has an independent measurement trolley separate from the tamping measurement system that provides a final understanding of track geometry position. This data is then displayed in the Data Recording Processor (DRP), this can be used as evidence for the hand back engineer. Another rationale for stabilising S&C, which has been treated during renewal or regular track maintenance, is that the operation of a DTS has proven to affect a 30 per cent increase in the track tamping intervals, which is reflected in a considerable reduction in maintenance cost and the achievement of the asset design life. In the first instance, thought should be given to how a DTS works:

These forces are transmitted into the track and subsequently into the ballast bed. • Vibration frequency is normally in the range of 32 – 37 Hertz (max 45). 1Hz = 1 oscillation cycle per second. The dynamic effect eases sleepers into the ballast bed causing a ‘flowing’ movement of the stone, allowing it to settle more closely together, reducing voids. For the more technically minded readers, the SB Rail 09-4x4/4S DTS has the following pre-set operating modes available: • Constant vertical load – achieves the maximum possible uniformity of settlement, ideal for renewals. • Standard variable on both rails – variable pressure on both rails for cross level correction and adjustment; ideal for straight non-canted track. • Superelevated rail pressure variable – constant pressure on datum rail, variable on float rail; ideal for S&C and canted track. The benefits include • Measured track geometry, stabilisation and Resistance to Lateral Displacement (RLD) values provide a high level of confidence for track hand back staff and NR Engineering teams – tangible evidence provided by the machine’s DRP. • Homogenous track consolidation and instantaneous increase in lateral stability of around 80 per cent improved ballast stiffness. • Reduces ‘quality tamp’ requirements. • Tamping and DTS operation become ‘business as usual’ for line speed opening due to the straightforward and repeatable process. • Reduction in Schedule costs. • Subsequent Mean Time Between Intervention (MTBI) is increased by 30-50 per cent. • Enhance prevention of track buckling, improving safety. Operating six 09-4x4-4S and three 09-3X tampers in the UK has led to efficiencies in our staff training and competence development, whilst the end user gets to experience the latest state of the art technology, it is then their choice to work the machines on high profile 125mph handback sites, two miles plus of maintenance tamping in a midweek night or utilising the on-board spot-tamping (sprinter) programme to remove short wavelength track faults. If you have any questions on the DTS process or the effectiveness of the process, get in touch with our technical department via the contact information below.

• There are two, heavy, dynamic consolidating units producing a horizontal oscillation directed laterally into the track structure with a combined vertical load.

Email: C.goldie@swietelsky.co.uk Visit: www.sbrail.com



Get in touch Call us on +44 7738 544703 for an informal discussion about how we can help you meet the challenges of your project.

tenbroekeco.com 249


Beyond eye protection Numbers don’t lie. As 90 per cent of eye injuries could be avoided if wearing the proper protective eyewear, we made it our mission at Bollé Safety to protect workers’ vision, all over the world, in the harshest environments


et, safety eyewear should not just be about protection. Led by innovation for over 130 years, we develop all our products and services to go beyond both our wearers’ expectations and international standards. As a result, comfort, protection, durability, and quality are inherent assets of each Bollé Safety model, in both our plano and prescription ranges. With lenses and coatings engineered to support workers in their specific duties, we

provide employees the required peace of mind to excel in any situation. To ensure the wellbeing of all wearers, we design all our products improve sight, precision & performance so that wearers may have all the capacity to give their fullest. PLATINUM for instance is the marketleading permanent double-sided K and N, anti-scratch and anti-fog coating to guarantee the clearest vision at all times. Another example of our innovation at the

service of employees’ productivity is CSP (Comfort, Sense, Perception). This wide range of lens tints and technologies provide the optimal visual comfort in indoor and outdoor environments by sharpening vision while filtering UVs and enhancing contrast, thus focusing on individual’s skills. For workers spending most of their time on digital tools, Bollé Safety developed ProBlu, a range of products reducing eye strain and fatigue for administrative workers. Yet, Bollé Safety’s services are not in rest. With dedicated customer services, we make it one of our priorities to offer you a customised answer to your specific need and to ensure that you find the right products and the right fit to guarantee the safety of all your employees. And if you don’t find the perfect product within our range, our special project team can be of assistance with tailormade products and services. In the spirit of improving sustainability within the PPE eyewear, Bollé Safety is auditing its partners to ensure that we share the same sustainable values and work ethics and that we act together towards more eco-friendly consciousness through our Go Green Plan. Recognised as one of the key companies in the safety eyewear sector, we indeed take it as one of our responsibilities to become more conscious and to push the whole industry towards more sustainability, at every level. As a sign of quality and consistency, we are proud members of BSIF and have been certified ISO 9001. After months of work and a drive to succeed, we are proud to bring parts of our production back to the United Kingdom. Our CURA range, specially designed for the Healthcare professionals, is 100 per cent sourced, manufactured and recycled in the UK. As a result, we become more agile to our customers’ unique needs, our products have a reduced carbon footprint, and we safeguard jobs in the United Kingdom. This first step to more local production is just the beginning, and we are hoping to offer you more local products in the near future. It’s time to see all you can do. Tel: 0208 391 3194 Email: rebecca.francis@bolle-safety.com Visit: www.bolle-safety.com



WHEN OTHERS SEE LIMITATIONS YOU SEE OPPORTUNITIES Don’t just protect your eyes. Improve what you use them for with Comfort Sense Perception (CSP) filtering technology. With multiple tints and technologies to choose from, our innovative lenses are designed to protect and improve your vision no matter what your particular situation entails.


Project Management

The connection between services JCK Ltd are the complete mechanical, electrical, HVAC and steelwork turnkey solution focussed on building long lasting relationships with their clients


stablished in 2003, with over 17 years’ experience, JCK are a fully integrated, privately owned building services engineering and steelwork business. JCK have grown year upon year both in turnover and geographical spread and have successfully and consistently been delivering excellent services to clients in their areas of specialism: • Professional Building M&E Services • Rail • Steelwork • Specialist Airport Installations • Data Centres • Professional workforce sourcing • Sustainability and best practice The company is driven by the leadership and extensive experience of directors, Adam Crangle and Terry Brown and their expert, highly regarded teams of project management, design, craft and technical specialists. Always passionate about completing projects to the highest standards, on time and defect free, the company ethos is very much focused upon project delivery and 252

client expectation, and it is this that has enabled JCK to enter into long term strategic partnerships with some of the biggest clients in our industry. JCK’s people The success of JCK is, and will always be built on the quality of their people, they have a diverse and enthusiastic team of project managers, engineers, surveyors and planners as well as trainees across the business and are actively developing the next generation to continue and build on this success. The exceptional levels of service they provide and the seamless way that JCK integrate with the client team is evidenced by the high volume of repeat business achieved through recommendation and satisfied clients. Providing staff training at all levels right through to professional recognition, the company has extensive proven capabilities enabling them to take a ‘lead coordination’ role on major projects. JCK complement their engineering teams on site with qualified planners, design engineers, and document controllers, as well as commissioning and close out managers

How JCK add value? JCK are passionate about the multidimensional important challenges that local and international clients and their service partners bring to them, meeting these challenges with broad, highly integrated capabilities across the organisation, over a decade of concentrated experience and profound commitment to being an unquestionably reliable partner that they believe all infrastructure projects require, together creating safe cost-effective solutions to sustain, revitalise and advance the communities and industries they serve. Specialist installations JCK are a specialist contractor, providing a host of services from supplying experienced reliable personnel, through to management, installation and delivery of projects, playing an integral role in the successful delivery of major projects, whilst demonstrating their reputation for quality, consistency, reliability and ultimately delivery to programme, resulting in expansion of clientele. Understanding the complexities of


Project Management

working in a secure environment and appreciating the need for a strict protocol around programme, design changes and delivery logistics to a secure site, JCKs attention to detail and high-quality delivery make them the partner of choice. With the ability to provide independent and comprehensive project management capability across the full scope of development cycles, a proven track record, along with intimate knowledge of the market, JCK are able to develop unique solutions to each project, focused on the delivery of value and assured outcomes, in terms of budget, programme, schedule, quality and sustainability. JCK can also offer turnkey solutions and consultancy dedicated to producing outstanding results for customers with engineering, construction and property related ambitions. With a vast building services technical capability, JCK have established a reputation through the successful delivery of many complex mechanical and electrical solutions from new build through to the refurbishment of prestigious buildings, establishing a reputation that has generated repeat business clientele, JCK are proud to have long standing relationships with many blue-chip clients. Having the capability to provide full mechanical and electrical survey services as well as investing in cutting edge hardware, software and training resulting in the knowledge and experience required to carry out 3D scans and import the data into 3D 254

models for clash detection, JCK have the ability to present the results in real time thought JCKs dedicated customer portals. The preferred approach of JCK is partnering, which delivers mutual best value, reduced risk, continual improvement and sustainable, profitable growth. Sustaining a healthy future Committed to driving revolutionary change in the industry, JCK promote the sustainability agenda through their own business operations and supporting their clients to achieve their sustainable business goals. JCK want to create a place for people to thrive in their business, deliver performance they can be proud of, support communities who are better for knowing them, and ensure environments are both protected and enhanced. Corporate social responsibility JCK take full responsibility for ensuring all activities have an affirmative impact on people and the environment. This is not merely by self-regulation, but also by proactively seeking out ways to create positive opportunities for the communities where they have a presence, and for the people who work with them. JCK have been lucky enough to partner with many charities and continue to strive to support the local community. Building partnerships with local colleges and organisations, JCK regularly invest in the future of young apprentices and trainees.

Bespoke web applications Through the skills of an in-house development team, JCK are able to integrate their Internal Construction Management System (ICMS) and web applications, allowing clients a more efficient online experience. A key element of the ICMS system is that it has been built to bring together all aspects of project information in one place, at each key stage, to ensure that all parties have the information and tools necessary to successfully complete a project safely, on time, on budget and with the upmost transparency. Health safety and environment JCK afford the highest priority to delivering exemplary standards of quality, health, safety and environmental management in all aspects of their operations, priding themselves on their exemplary HS&E record and committing to ensuring that this high standard is maintained by implementation of best practice, delivery of effective training, encouragement of learning and involvement, and by an integrated and proactive approach with clients, partners and people. If you would like to find out more, please contact JCK via the information below Tel: 0207 100 3783 Email: info@jckltd.com Visit: www.jckltd.com


Rolling Stock – Bogies & Couplers

New investment puts William Cook Rail on track for growth William Cook Rail has completed the latest stage in its ongoing investment programme to stay at the forefront of the design, manufacture and overhaul of safety-critical components and systems for the global rail industry


he British company serves train builders and operators including Alstom, Bombardier, Siemens, Stadler and Transport for London from its world-leading foundry, machining and workshop facilities in Leeds, West Yorkshire. William Cook Rail is also developing the next generation of industry talent through its apprenticeship and training programmes to create and maintain highly skilled engineering jobs in the North of England. The company currently employs 116 people across a range of disciplines. The most recent investment includes a new £1.5 million state-of-the-art heat treatment facility to help achieve the superior mechanical properties required for the ultra high-strength but lightweight steel components demanded by the rail industry. The new technology allows tight control of temperatures as high as 1,000°C to achieve challenging combinations of hardness, toughness and ductility. The company has also commissioned a £200,000 dimensional inspection facility, installed in a temperature and humiditycontrolled room and capable of measuring accurately to two thousandths of a millimetre. The new Coordinate Measuring Machine allows the rapid automated measurement of precision components. These latest investments complement the company’s state-of-the-art foundry facilities constructed over recent years. As well as winning orders to supply hightech components and systems to customers across the world, William Cook Rail is attracting industry praise for its expertise: the company was a finalist in the Cast Metals Federation 2019 awards for the innovative steel bolster it developed for Alstom Transport’s Citadis Spirit light rail vehicle programme in Canada. Rolling stock company Porterbrook chose William Cook Rail to support the groundbreaking HydroFLEX project to create the UK’s first hydrogen-ready passenger train, which was showcased at the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow. The company supplied a range of components 256

William Cook Rail’s world-leading foundry in Leeds, West Yorkshire

A hot load is removed from William Cook Rail’s new state-of-the-art heat treatment facility

including large safety-critical fabrications and small electrical connectors to a tight delivery schedule. Looking ahead, William Cook Rail is planning additional investment in its extensive machining facilities, which already includes 24 CNC machining centres, including a Correa FOX gantry milling machine capable of accommodating complete bogie frames. Mr William Cook, Director, said: ‘We have invested millions of pounds in our advanced manufacturing facilities and highly skilled

workforce in the North of England. William Cook Rail is completely dedicated to the design, manufacture and overhaul of safetycritical components and mechanical systems for the rail industry. ‘Our world-class factory is unique in its focus on rail. Unlike other foundries and machine shops serving more disparate markets, we have built our quality systems around the internationally recognised gold standard of the rail industry, IRIS. We speak the same language as our customers. ‘With countries across the world spending

Rolling Stock – Bogies & Couplers

Callum Hayes, Will Fraser and Shivan Morkar with a Cairo monorail expansion joint

Rising stars at William Cook Rail Rising stars like Will Fraser, Callum Hayes and Shivan Morkar are playing important roles in the continued success of William Cook Rail. The trio are part of the 116-strong workforce at the company’s state-of-the-art design, manufacture and overhaul site in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Will Fraser, 28, is a design engineer and automotive engineering graduate who joined the company in 2019. He said: ‘We have a can-do attitude at William Cook Rail, an emphasis on perseverance and a team of bright people who see projects through from

start to completion. We provide a service that people rely on and we have been key workers during the pandemic. In the future, I want to become a chartered engineer and develop my core skills to be able to take on any design project.’ Callum Hayes, 28, is a materials manager and joined the company in 2020. He grew up locally and knew of William Cook Rail as a strong and reputable employer. He said: ‘I like the variety of the projects that come through. We are expanding our overhaul business and doing more complex work with electrical and

billions on rail infrastructure, rolling stock and services, William Cook Rail is extremely well placed for growth and, as a UK company based in the heart of the Northern Powerhouse, we welcome the government’s plan to invest £96 billion in delivering faster and better journeys to more people across the North and the Midlands.’ William Cook Rail last year commissioned a new £1 million bogie overhaul workshop to expand its growing overhaul business, offering improved supply chain security, cost competitiveness and turnaround times for UK rolling stock owners and operators.

The 8,000 sq. ft. workshop is a natural extension of the company’s existing coupler workshop, supporting rolling stock owners and operators with a wide range of heavy overhaul services. The facility undertakes cleaning, shot blasting, non-destructive testing, repair welding (under the EN 15085-2:2020 standard), component replacement, painting and rebuild work for bogies. These services are complemented by the Correa Fox machine capable of accommodating complete bogie frames after repair. The company’s biggest customer for

William Cook Rail’s new CMC CMM dimensional inspection machine measuring traction motor components for the Long Island Rail Road

pneumatic components and need someone like myself to estimate and plan the material requirements.’ Shivan Morkar, 24, is a machining development engineer and is responsible for new developments and projects in the machine shop. He joined William Cook Rail as an apprentice machinist in 2016 and completed his degree apprenticeship in 2021 after winning multiple industry training awards. Shivan said: ‘The company provides a friendly and supportive environment and continues to push and encourage me to develop my skills, knowledge and experience.’ Will, Callum and Shivan worked together on the Cairo monorail project and showed the customer what could be achieved, what it would look like and were able to despatch the initial series of prototypes against a tight deadline. Shivan said: ‘It was good to see how well we worked as a team.’ Barry Swift, Plant Manager at William Cook Rail, said: ‘We are extremely proud of the way these three young engineers have integrated with the more experienced members of William Cook Rail.’

overhaul work is Transport for London and its contribution to keeping London moving was recognised in 2019 when the public authority named William Cook Rail the ‘Best SME’ at its annual supplier awards. William Cook Rail is increasingly working on rail infrastructure as well as rolling stock. Earlier this year, the company designed, manufactured and shipped to a challenging timescale an initial series of expansion joints for new extensions to Cairo’s rapid transit monorail system. The project showcased not only the company’s manufacturing capabilities but also its design and project management skills. William Cook previously cast six-metre high steel supports for a flagship new viaduct for the Paris Metro system. The company has a small but specialist side-line in heritage rail and has produced cast steel components such as driving wheels for new-build steam locomotives including A1 Pacific class ‘Tornado’, B17 class ‘Spirit of Sandringham’ and P2 class ‘Prince of Wales’. The company regularly overhauls ‘Commonwealth’ type bogies for heritage rolling stock. William Cook Rail is part of the William Cook group, a £60 million specialist engineer in the defence, rail and industrial sectors. Tel: +44 (0)113 249 6363 Email: rail@cook-rail.co.uk Visit: www.william-cook.co.uk 257

Rolling Stock – Computing Platforms

Computing equipment at the rail edge RUGGED MOBILE Systems consider how suppliers and manufacturers are ensuring that advances in IT hardware are made available to support applications in the demanding on-train environments


lacing computing equipment into a rail environment presents a number of challenges. The continuing rapid advances in computing, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced video and data analytics etc., are already delivering benefits to many areas of businesses and society. The rail industry is no exception in wishing to exploit these advances. However, the implementation of such technology in rail, and in particular to on-train environments, has its own set of requirements and challenges not seen in most traditional IT. RUGGED MOBILE Systems has for the past twelve years been the UK value added partner and distributor for NEXCOM Inc – a world leader in the design and manufacture of mobile computing platforms. These platforms include an extensive range of solutions specifically developed and certified for use on rolling stock. This range is continually being extended to keep abreast of the latest technical advances in computer technology and ensuring that these advances are available for the benefit of on-train applications. The demand On-train computing solutions are required for a broad range of application areas including train security, safety and operational management; train telematics and asset monitoring; passenger information and entertainment; driver cab information support and train communication infrastructure etc. These applications encompass video recording and analytics solutions for passenger and luggage security, seat occupancy, Covid-19 mask wearing compliance, people counting, door clearance, and include the adoption of AI based analytics for scene analysis and facial recognition etc. In addition, train forward facing applications with video and LIDAR analytics for monitoring signal light adherence, detecting track obstructions, flooding alert, vegetation ingress assessments, and even rail-side and bridge damage detection. There is also potential for providing platform approach surveillance, with on-train cab display and alerting of platform incident etc., prior to the train arriving at the platform, and similar solutions for crossing incident warning direct to the train. 258

There are also a host of requirements for more advanced telematics and asset monitoring to improve the reliability and maintainability of the rolling stock. These range from real time pantograph and overhead power line monitoring using video analytics to sensor based monitoring of the drive train, breaking and doors functions etc. Enhanced passenger information with real-time updating of Passenger Information Displays and messaging boards, with access to additional real-time information and status of on-going connections across the rail network and beyond. Passengers also have an expectation to see seamless usage of internet access and streaming while on their journey – either via their own personal devices or seat back display systems. The ability of the train operator to support additional passenger services, such as train hosted video streaming, without needing to access the wider internet off the train, is now a reality. Support is also available for rail operators for enhancing on-train ticket verification and issuing, and on-train retail operations. Also, other systems can provide support to achieve optimal staffing of trains. These applications create increased demand for secure on-train communications, with high performance mobile access hubs, providing Wi-Fi access and multiple 4G/LTE and 5G communications channels to the internet/the cloud while on the move. The hubs also need to support high throughput on-train networks, including up to 10G Ethernet (copper and fibre SFP+ networks) and multiple Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) connections to PoE camera’s, PoE displays, intelligent antenna and sensors etc. The on-train challenge The computing platforms to support such on-train applications are required to meet the strict criteria for EMC (electro-magnetic compatibility), operating temperature ranges, shock, vibration, and power input performance that the rail industry has defined for any electronic equipment installed on rolling stock. Manufacturers are required to independently certify that the equipment they supply meet Rail Standards, including the general standard EN-50155, fire safety standard EN-45545-2, plus other rail power standards. To complicate things further, a wide range of supply voltages are used on rolling stock,

with standards including 24, 48, 72, 96 and 110VDC. System PSU’s also need to continue to deliver output during power interruptions of up to 10ms etc. The train environment has a number of additional constraints not usually seen elsewhere. There are physical constraints, with limited cabinet space, resulting in equipment sharing enclosures with other electronic and electrical equipment, placing restrictions on the size of systems that can be deployed. This can also impact the operating temperature range of equipment. High data communications rates cannot be guarantee from the moving train to the internet, or to other off train rail systems. As a result, many systems are optimised for most processing to be carried out at the edge, and not returned centrally for processing. This is especially so with camerabased solutions, where data storage and analytics, including AI processing, is carried out locally on the train. In addition, systems are usually expected to run unattended, with no local terminal, and often need remote system management support. Specifiers often prefer systems that are fanless and be verified to an IP sealing standard for dust and water ingress – for improved reliability. There is also an expectation that the systems will have high longevity and availability of supply. The solutions NEXCOM Inc has a long and strong track record for manufacturing a wide range of high-quality systems that meet the requirement for most of the application areas mentioned above and maintain strict compliance with the rolling stock regulations and standards. These include compact entry level nROK

Rolling Stock – Computing Platforms

1020-A and VTC 1910-IPK systems with low power intel Atom cpu’s, for general purpose use. The nROK 622x Series systems utilizing the latest Intel Atom x7-3950 and nROK 1031 with Elkhart Lake cpu’s, providing configuration flexibility for cost effective wireless gateway, video surveillance, analytics, storage and communications solutions. The nROK7251 and nROK7252 Series provide access to powerful Intel 9th Generation Intel i7 and Xeon cpu’s, with up to 64GB RAM and user accessible storage bays to meet large data storage requirements. They can support up to eight PoE ports, are ‘5G ready’ and can optionally support up to four LTE/5G modules with eight externally accessible SIM cards to maximise connectivity and throughput. Additional options for booster AI accelerator modules from Intel and NVIDIA are also available. The nROK75x Series support the full range of power input standards, and also have options for wide range 24VDC through 110VDC PSUs, so identical systems can be used across fleets with differing power supply standards. The above nROK systems all have -40oC to +70oC (OT4) operating temperature ranges,

and some are be sealed to IP65 or IP67. The latest NEXCOM vROK3030 10.4inch all-in-one railway open frame panel computer, is designed for human machine interface (HMI) and passenger information system applications. It implements the latest Intel Atom® x6414RE processor for both Windows and Linux platforms. It is able to support analog camera x 4 or PoE camera x 2 (Optional) for security purpose. The LCD panel 1,200nits guarantees sunlight readability and the open frame provides mounting flexibility. AI at the railway edge The NEXCOM AI edge accelerator aROK range is specifically for rail artificial intelligence applications, employing artificial neural networks, machine vision and machine learning. Delivering ‘Inference At The Edge’ is NEXCOM’s goal to help developers to deal with mass computationalintensive processes efficiently and accurately and avoid the need to do it centrally in the cloud. The aROK 5510 19-inch 2U Rackmount AI Intelligent Railway Computer supports high powered NVIDIA AI GPU’s modules closely coupled with Intel i7 9th Generation

and Xeon cpu’s and provides up to 128GB RAM. It also supports a high speed NVMe drive plus six externally accessible drive bays, giving up to 24TB of on-train storage, plus options for four PoE ports and Dual 10G LAN (Fibre SFP+) and multiple expansion ports for up to four LTE/5G modems (with again eight SIM slot) and WLAN modems. The aROK 8110 Scalable Expansion AI Intelligent Railway Computer has similar GPU and cpu performance to the aROK 5510 but has an alternative form factor, and supports more PCIe modules, including three PCIe X4 slots and one PCIe X16slot. Optional PCIe modules are available, each supporting four channel PoE ports, giving total of 12 PoE. With this wealth of rail focussed computing products and experience, along-side a proven configuration and customisation service, RUGGED MOBILE Systems and NEXCOM are ideal partners for any on-train computing project. For more information, get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: +44 (0) 1691 900222 Email: gesjones@rm-systems.co.uk Visit: www.ruggedmobilesystems.co.uk


Rolling Stock – Global

A global journey Stadler provides a comprehensive range of products in the heavy and urban transport segments: high-speed trains, intercity trains, regional and commuter heavy rail trains, underground trains, tram-trains and trams

One of the new trains at Kirkdale, Liverpool in summer 2021


tadler manufactures mainline locomotives, shunting locomotives and passenger carriages and is the world’s leading manufacturer in the rack-and-pinion rail vehicle industry. Featuring state-of-the-art technology, its trains are reliable, safe, and offer maximum comfort for passengers. To date, the Swiss rail builder has sold more than 8,000 units in 41 countries. The company was founded in 1942 and is headquartered in Switzerland. With a keen focus on the environment, Stadler produces innovative, sustainable and durable high-quality products. It is a market leader on sustainable and emission-free traction, applying the following eco-design principles in development, production and maintenance, as well as low-emission drive technologies: • Eco-friendly choice of materials in terms of weight, recyclability and functionality. • Eco-friendly choice of suppliers in terms of proximity to production, means of transport and packaging. • Production of sub-systems and components use up-to-date innovative technologies and procedures. • Minimal energy consumption of 260

trains and locomotives when they are operational. • Trains and locomotives make minimal levels of noise, including vibration. • Eco-friendly choice of materials and procedures for maintenance. • Easily removable components to facilitate recycling at the end of a vehicle’s life. Live orders in the UK Stadler and Rail Operations (UK) Limited signed a framework agreement for 30 Class 93 tri-mode locomotives in January 2021. An initial batch of ten locomotives are due for delivery in early 2023. The advanced locomotives will significantly reduce CO2 emissions for both rail freight as well as for potential passenger transport services, underscoring Stadler’s green credentials and demonstrating its commitment to decarbonisation. Class 93 is a Bo’Bo’ mixed-traffic locomotive based on Stadler’s Class 68 and Class 88 locomotives, which have been operating successfully in the UK for some years. It is capable of reaching higher speed than the previous ones, i.e. 110 mph instead of 100 mph. Stadler’s first tri-mode locomotive has

three different power sources. In electric mode, it is able to run on 25kV AC overhead lines with a power of 4,000 kW. In addition, the locomotive features a CATERPILLAR C32 engine and Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) traction battery packs, allowing it to operate over non-electrified lines. The diesel engine has a nominal power of 900 kW and meets EU 97/68 Stage V emission requirements. The two LTO battery packs provide 400kW extra power to supplement the engine when the locomotive is running in diesel/battery hybrid mode, as well as last mile carbon free shunting operation. In 2020, Stadler signed a contract with Nexus for delivery and maintenance of 46 METRO trains for the Tyne and Wear Metro. It was the company’s third METRO order in Great Britain in just shy of four years. Entirely replacing the 40 year old legacy fleet, trains will be bright and open, with special multi-functional areas for wheelchairs, prams, luggage and bicycles. They will feel more secure, featuring video surveillance, protection systems for door operation and clear warning displays. Good thermal and acoustic insulation will regulate on-board temperatures for the comfort of passengers, and newly developed air-sprung



Rolling Stock – Global

bogies will reduce noise. The 60-metre long trains will each consist of five carriages, which can accommodate up to 556 passengers. Eight large double doors allow passengers to get on and off quickly. Power is supplied via an overhead line with 1,500 V DC and the maximum speed is 80 per kph. The lightweight vehicle, the recovery of braking energy and the use of highly efficient traction converter technology will all help reduce energy consumption. Trains will be built to accommodate an energy storage system, enabling them to operate on an extended network in future. Following the completion of the design review in the summer of 2021, the manufacturing process is now in full swing. In 2018, Transport for Wales awarded Stadler a contract to supply 36 three-car CITYLINK tram-trains and 35 FLIRT trains. The CITYLINK three-car tram-trains will rely on 25 kV as well as battery power. Eleven of the FLIRTs will be diesel-operated. The other 24 FLIRTs will be tri-mode, capable of running on diesel, overhead electric wires and battery power. The trimode fleet consists of seven three-car and 17 four-car trains. The use of batteries on tram-trains and tri-modes is an innovative and cost-effective solution that will provide a fully electric, environmentally friendly service north of Cardiff by enabling ‘smart electrification’ on the infrastructure. Trains will be longer and have more seats, which have been ergonomically designed to maximise passenger comfort. Each seat will be fitted with power sockets. Other stateof-the-art features include air-conditioning throughout and wide passenger information screens, providing customers with up-tothe-minute travel information. Noise and vibrations will be kept to a minimum, with the new trains quieter than the current ones. In November 2021, the first FLIRT

arrived in Cardiff for testing on the network. The Citylinks, being made in Valencia, are undergoing type-testing, with the first set to arrive in Cardiff in 2022. Stadler’s first order for METRO trains was secured in 2017 when it and Merseytravel (on behalf of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) signed a contract for the manufacture and delivery of 52 trains for the Liverpool City Region. New trains will replace one of the oldest fleets in the UK and run on the Merseyrail network. Boasting the latest advances in safety and technology, including live-streamed CCTV, Wi-Fi and air-conditioning, they will feature open, airy compartments, which will be entirely walkthrough, wider aisles and larger vestibules at the doorways. They will provide step-free access for all passengers. Strong but lightweight carriages, built from aluminium extrusions will promote safety and be more energy-efficient, demonstrating Stadler’s environmental credentials. The 64.98 metre-long and 2.82 metre-wide trains will operate on a 750V DC third rail at a maximum speed of 75 mph (120 km/h). The units will also be equipped with batteries that allow independent movement of the units in the workshop and depot areas. The trains will have the potential to be retrofitted for 25 kV AC operation and ETCS Level II. In 2021, the Combined Authority ordered another train and announced that seven of the 53-strong fleet would be IPEMUs (independently powered electrical multiple units), enabling them to run on an extended Merseyrail network in future. The introduction of these battery trains would mean that passengers can make their journey seamlessly by rail. In turn, this allows operators to increase patronage. In 2016, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport awarded Stadler in consortium with Ansaldo STS (now Hitachi Rail) the

CGI shows Class 93 tr-mode locomotive for Rail Operations (UK)


contract to supply 17 METRO trains for the Glasgow Subway, one of the oldest and smallest underground networks in the world. With its unusually narrow track and tunnels gauges, Glasgow Subway operates solely within its original Victorian tunnels, and has a track gauge of 1.22 metres and tunnel gauge of just 3.4 metres in diameter. This makes the contract highly complex. Tailormade to suit the network, trains will have a maximum speed of 58 km/h. They will be the same length and size as existing rolling stock, but made up of fourcar sets, as opposed to the current three-car sets. They will feature open gangways to maximise space and will be equipped for fully automatic, unattended train operation. This is the first time that Stadler is manufacturing trains for a driverless system. Stadler Rail Service UK This division of the Stadler Group offers tailored maintenance solutions to optimise the cost efficiency and availability of clients’ fleets through full service; modernisation and overhauls; spare parts and material supplies; vehicle repairs; service support; and rail data and maintenance software. Customer benefits include availability, lower number of spares, improved reliability and an enhanced reputation among passengers. Stadler Rail Service UK provides these services for a growing number of clients in the UK, including the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Nexus and Greater Anglia, employing around 370 people across three areas of the country.

Tel: +41 (0) 71 626 21 20 Email: Rail.Stadler@stadlerrail.com Visit: www.stadlerrail.com Social Media: Stadler on LinkedIn, Xing and Facebook

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Rolling Stock – Livery

Wrapping the rail industry Aura Brand Solutions is one of Europe’s leading commercial graphics and visual communication companies


e provide branding, signage, labelling, and image management services. We do this principally using high performance print, graphic and refurbishment solutions. We have vast experience of working on large-scale rail branding projects and have a successful track record in delivering these projects regardless of the geographic profile or the asset type, to a varied customer base. We offer extensive complementary services to deliver a full suite of flexible project solutions for the rail sector, as well as the fleet and architectural markets. Some of these additional services we provide include an in-house design team, marketing, online ordering portal, and site audits. The stability of our customer base and number of long-standing relationships built with our clients, many lasting for over 15 years, clearly demonstrates our ability to deliver on quality, service and price in a highly competitive market. Project success lies in the implementation, so we pride ourselves on the resources we put in place to manage and plan projects; from the survey of sites, project manager 264

experts of the industry, and interpretation of branding standards to the logistics, safe-working and quality ‘first-time right’ installation approach. With Account & Project Managers based throughout the country and the UK’s largest directly employed installation operation and approved sub-contract installation network, nationwide support is always available to all our rail customers. Our project management team consists of an account representative, an external project manager, installation experts, and in-house designers. This ensures that we look after your project throughout every aspect. Over the years we have been lucky to work on a number of notable projects with highprofile rail industry brands. One of these was in 2020, where Aura showcased an incredibly successful project that was worked on in collaboration with Porterbrook at one of the many exhibitions attended that year – Rail Live. This event is the UK’s only exhibition that brings the entire rail industry together in a real rail environment. Rail Live is renowned for including ontrack machinery demos and live displays of

most exciting and innovative new products and rolling stock equipment. At Rail Live we took the opportunity to demonstrate our phenomenal work and new products as part of Porterbrook’s creative feat – the InnovationHub. The hub was a four-car class 319 train repurposed into class 379 as a static testbed and working environment for SMEs looking to experiment with new tech, data, and passenger solutions before they go live. Aura Brand Solutions were selected as one of the 25 UK-based companies to demonstrate more than 30 new products on the InnovationHub. Working closely with Porterbrook, we refurbished two trains for the event – the Innovation Train and the HydroFLEX train. We wrapped the exterior of 2 x 4 car carriages – one for the Innovation and one for the Hydroflex livery – with one carriage wrapped per day. It took us approximately two days of prepping with spray, and another two full days of wrapping. All the graphics produced for the interior and exterior of the trains came from our unique in-house design team, meaning that the entire livery was comprised of original

Rolling Stock – Livery

design work and graphics. Another notable project that gained incredibly positive reviews and nationwide coverage in the media was our project of providing Avanti West Coast’s Pride train wrap. Aura Brand Solutions were approached by Avanti West Coast to develop a new Pridethemed livery for their fleet that celebrated the LGBTQ+ community and highlighted the importance of diversity. This train wrap was to be a part of their Live Proud programme – initiatives and commitments to making Avanti West Coast an inclusive place to work, where differences are celebrated and staff can be their authentic selves. Alongside providing the full wrap for the Pride train, Aura Brand Solutions also agreed to supply all access equipment. Working within all government-advised social distancing measures, we ensured that health and safety was a top priority while installing. This project coincided with Aura’s continued support of Avanti West Coast – running alongside recent contracts with them and Alstom, including the exterior refurbishment of their Class 390, and the interior refurbishment for the class 221

Avanti West Coast fleet with Bombardier. The design of the train itself was provided by Avanti West Coast, and our in-house design team scaled all visuals for production and application to allow Avanti West Coast to complete all engineering changes. Alstom completed all paint and corrosion repairs, and Aura Brand Solutions supplied and applied film for project. One of our future ambitions is to continue our commitment to sustainability and add to our existing initiatives. We harness our environmentally conscious approach to sustainability to work on ways to prevent, reuse, reduce and recycle the waste we generate; restrict pollution; and continuously decrease our carbon footprint. We promote the use of all non-PVC solutions, including using industry leaders 3M’s Envision Wrap Films, in numerous rail projects to showcase our commitment to sustainability, and have received incredibly positive feedback from all our clients. Not only are the films non-PVC and more environmentally friendly, but also are phthalate-free; made in part with a bio-based materials; manufactured using 58 per cent less solvent; and made without chlorine or other halogens added.

We predominantly use Envision Print Wrap Film 480 – a high-quality, environmentally-friendly alternative for printing large format graphics, with some of its features including: • Twelve years durability. • Can be used for both external and internal use. • Six-year warranty. • Has a slower burn rate with less smoke giving 4.5x longer evacuation time. We are always actively implementing sustainable methods within our new and existing business practices, that provide innovative solutions and a positive social and environmental impact. For more details about our vast range of rail products and solutions please get in touch with us. Our Rail Division Director, Tim Locke, will be more than happy to discuss how we can help bring your rail projects to life!

Tel: +44 (0)7774 473 707 Email: tlocke@aurabrands.com Visit: www.aurabrands.com


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08/12/2021 13:14:13

Rolling Stock – Maintenance

One-stop-shop maintenance Successfully maintaining your rolling stock or fleet to the highest standards can be a hassle if you have to use multiple companies to get everything taken care of. This makes having a reliable, expert supplier an instrumental pillar to the success of your business


t Loram, we understand the value of having a turnkey approach when it comes to rolling stock, which is why we pride ourselves on being maintenance experts with an innovative one-stop-shop approach. With over 50 years of experience in providing services to the rail industry, we are continually improving our offering meaning we deliver cost-effective solutions that keep your assets in optimum condition throughout their operational life. We are proactive and dedicated, incorporating safety and compliance measures into everything we do to ensure that all your rolling stock maintenance needs can be taken care of in the safest way possible. Rail grinding Operating across the entire UK rail network, we are industry leaders in rail grinding services and bespoke re-engineering projects for heavy haul, high-speed, underground, and metro-rail systems. We truly do it all. Our unmatched portfolio consists of numerous services, including production, specialty, and transit rail grinding. These services will significantly reduce wear on your rolling stock, prevent premature rail failures or replacements, and extend your rail life and track component life. Our aim is to maximise your ROI, amplify the value of your rail assets, and ultimately allow you to provide your passengers with improved ride quality and comfort. Rail operations One unique feature of our services is that we hold a mainline operating license, which gives us the ability to operate and move stock, provide drivers to transport trains on the network, and provide a higher level of support to all our customers. Adhering to strict safety standards, we can guarantee that your rolling stock will be handled professionally and with care when moving from one site to another. Our numerous highly trained crew members out in the field can provide you with traction training and route conducting, ad-hoc engineering, and rolling stock movements to and from maintenance facilities. One fundamental aspect that is needed

to keep your rail operations consistent is the capacity of building space to undertake repairs. At the Derby RTC Business Park, we have extensive facilities space of 100,000 sq. ft that provides considerable scope for all fleet sizes and types. Our vast space includes a wash road, fuelling point, pits, and workshops, which allows us to take care of everything in one place without the hassle of moving stock.

Maintenance Rail vehicle maintenance is crucial for delivering high-quality and high-performing assets to your customers. So, choosing the right maintenance company to invest in can differentiate fleet failure and optimal operational performance. As maintenance experts, we offer an extensive range of supreme rolling stock engineering and maintenance solutions. 267

Rolling Stock – Maintenance

Our infrastructure maintenance provisions maximize the life and value of your rail assets by precision extraction of fatigued metal, restoration of the rail head profile, and removal of rail defects to enhance your rail grinding program. We also provide fleet upkeep and repairs out in the field as part of daily routine maintenance, meaning we can attend to your fleet whenever and wherever required. ‘At Loram, we pride ourselves on the responsiveness and capability of our maintenance staff. We strive for high performance by being intolerant of service failures. We are a customer-focussed team which values open and honest communication with the client to deliver an industry-leading service’ says Paul Long, Technical Director. Projects Our portfolio of resources also includes heavy overhauls and modifications, enhancements, repurposing, and best-in-


class refurbishment services. We recently had the joy of announcing a multi-million-pound deal with Network Rail to repurpose at least 250 side tipper ballast wagons. The work will involve removing the tipper element of the wagons to create reusable and far more versatile non-tipping static containers. Loram UK and Network Rail have worked together on maintenance and infrastructure programmes before, and Andrew Watson, our International Business Development Director, said the programme would further strengthen that relationship. He said: ‘The availability of wagons generally is an issue, so to be able to repurpose 250 provides much greater flexibility for Network Rail. It’s a project we’re very excited to be involved in and allows us to expand our horizons. ‘We are always looking at diversifying, and this allows us to not only carry out the work but manage the logistics in regards to collecting the wagons, the processes around

the repurposing and sending them back to Network Rail.’ The two-year repurposing programme will be done at our Derby site and will help secure around 35 jobs for the duration, along with 20 others across the supply chain. We have a superior breadth of experience under our belt, which means we can give you everything you need to consistently optimize operational excellence with minimal downtime. Whether you’re looking to enhance the infrastructure of your fleet or refurbish rolling stock, you can be assured that our innovative and specialist services will tick every box of your rail needs. To ensure your rolling stock is in safe hands, get in touch with us today via the contact information below to discuss how we can elevate your operations and rolling stock. Tel: 07554 939 396 Email: commercial@loram.co.uk LinkedIn and Twitter: #LoramRailOps


• Our industry-focused, highly skilled, experienced engineers are the best in their field and work on innovative projects that are shaping the future of rail.

• Our willingness to share risk, enjoy the rewards and work together with our worldwide customer base underpins our commitment to long-term relationships.


• Local vehicle build capabilities from our dedicated, fully-equipped depot in the UK. • Major fleet enhancement and conversion capabilities.


• UK-wide operations capabilities, giving you peace of mind that the vehicle can be on location when required.

• Management of all collection, delivery, testing and commissioning responsibilities through Loram 365 Control.


• Delivering maintenance for high fleet reliability and availability, from a dedicated maintenance facility at the RTC in Derby. • Field-based maintenance capabilities across mixed OTM, engineering and freight train fleets. • Providing turnkey engineering solutions to boost fleet performance. • All maintenance provided to meet Entity in Charge of Maintenance regulations.

Call us: 07554 939 396 Email us: commercial@loram.co.uk #LoramRailOps


Safety and Security – Site Lighting and Site Safety

Prioritising safety with innovative railway safety solutions Regardless of the size, scope or nature of your project, ensuring worker safety will always be at the very top of your priority list


owever, a recent piece of research undertaken by HSE found that the construction sector was failing in a number of key areas. The HSE 2020 Construction statistics in Great Britain report found that, in comparison to industries that undertook similar work, the construction sector had a fatal injury rate that was almost four times that of all the industry rate. In terms of non-fatal injuries, data from The Labour Force Survey (as quoted in the HSE report) found that 2.8 per cent of workers in the construction sector suffered from an injury, a figure ‘significantly higher than the all industry rate’. Working within the railway renewal and construction sector is about as high-risk as it gets. That is why it is so vital that companies recognise their duty to adopt the very best, most sophisticated and dependable safety solutions within the industry. Triptex is a company that is committed to connecting these companies to solutions that they can depend on. Safety equipment that can be installed quickly and easily, establishing a safe working environment, with minimal delay to your project. What’s more, Triptex provides a railway safety service that covers all bases. Its products include safety barrier fencing, link


lights, tower lights and other accessories – everything that you need to ensure your site meets all of the railway industry safety standards. Below, we’ll be exploring these safety products in more detail (including their use cases and benefits). This way, it will be easier than ever for you to determine what safety features your site needs, and the most efficient and effective ways to reduce the risks that are present.

and bull head rails, ensuring a high strength and fully dependable barrier. Magnetic Safety Barrier Fencing operates in a very similar way, but uses high-strength magnets to fit the barrier directly to the web of the rail. It is renowned for its remarkable ease of installation and mobilisation, while still delivering the same level of safety. Magnetic Safety Barrier Fencing is more than 20 times faster to erect and dismantle, in comparison with conventional methods.

Safety barrier fencing Safety barrier fencing provides a rigid barrier fence system, which protects workers from moving trains. These fences are adjustable, extremely strong and are universal, so will fit onto any track. They are quick and easy to both install and dismantle, without the need for any tools or specialist equipment. Triptex provides two types of safety barrier fencing – Vortok and Magnetic Safety Barrier Fencing. Vortok Safety Barrier Fencing is both universal and adjustable, with a barrier that is designed to be positioned four feet away from the running rail. It is extremely strong, with the permission to be fixed on tracks that are running trains at speeds up to 100 mph. It works by clamping directly onto two areas of the tracks, both the flat bottomed

Link lights Link lights are designed to flood light long stretches of rail track. It creates a temporary lighting system, which lights engineering projects of any distance. In addition to rail tracks, they are also ideally suited to road or tunnel construction projects. These lights are easily portable, and are quick to both install and mobilise. What’s more, thanks to the use of LED lighting, link lights offer significant energy savings, and can achieve a running cost of 80 per cent less (compared to tower lights). The lights are designed so that, if any individual lights fail, power will keep flowing along the chain, meaning the light will not go out. Tower lights Tower lights light up a huge construction

Safety and Security – Site Lighting and Site Safety

area, and the adjustable stabilisers and level indicator enable construction workers to install and use tower lights across a vast array of different terrain, and even uneven grounds. Thanks to the on-road tow trailer, these lights can easily be transported to wherever they are required on the site. This equipment is extremely sturdy, and will hold firm against all the extreme conditions that are present on a modern railway construction project. Solar powered tower lighting solutions have also experienced a rapid rise in popularity. These eco-conscious options are ideal for companies that are wanting to meet or improve their environmental targets, and prove their eco-conscious focus to their customers. Other accessories Rail Safety Barrier Systems Gates are a fantastic additional option to a rail safety barrier. These gates create safe access points,

for construction workers to access the track whenever required. The gates are secured by a locking pin, providing a safe and yet easy to use access point. All of Triptex’s system gates are fully approved and meet all of the current industry safety standards. Another innovative accessory in this product range are the Rail Safety Barrier Linklite Brackets. These enable users to install Linklite directly onto an established rail safety barrier. This means that, if the project timescale requires it, the team can safely work outside of daylight hours.

• Dedicated and attentive customer service. • High quality, industry leading technology. • Affordable pricing.

Triptex’s commitment to railway safety Triptex provides its clients with a fast and efficient railway safety service, and a large range of railway safety solutions that can be adopted to meet all of the specific requirements of your site. The benefits of working with Triptex include (but aren’t limited to):

Triptex is a relatively young company, having been established in 2015. Already, however, it is rapidly expanding, and it is working alongside some of the largest names in the industry, including the likes of Volker Rail, VINCI Construction, KIER and South Eastern. The company has high ambitions, and its future goals include continuing its work to develop a blue chip client base. This commitment to industry innovation, provided with a characteristically open and attentive approach, has meant that Triptex has become the chosen supplier of clients across the country. You can find out more about Triptex and its work towards facilitating higher safety standards across the industry on its website.

• Rapid 48-hour delivery service. • The majority of orders delivered on the very same day. • Hiring options - Triptex also offers hiring options across its products, including. railway safety barriers and site lighting.

Tel: 0808 164 9533 Email: info@triptex.co.uk Visit: www.triptex.co.uk 271

Scaffolding & Access

Beyond Brexit Throughout all the challenges Layher continues delivering for the rail sector


f Brexit has dropped out of the main headlines for much of the last year, it is still very much at the forefront across industry – not least for those involved in the rail sector, where many companies have adapted and shaped operations to meet the new challenges. Since the UK’s departure from the EU, one particular organisation in the scaffolding and access sector – which has its feet firmly planted on both sides of The Channel – is ideally placed to reflect on how the changes have been accommodated and, moreover, have opened up new opportunities. Layher Ltd., the world’s largest manufacturer of system scaffolding, access and temporary protection systems, who point to many new build and maintenance projects across the rail industry, can take a genuinely balanced view. UK Managing Director, Sean Pike explains: ‘Our manufacturing plant near Stuttgart in Germany supplies a total of 42 subsidiaries worldwide and the UK has long been a growing market for our equipment and expertise’ he says. ‘Importantly, this has always had the provision of local services at its core and, through careful planning and clear-cut customer commitment, we have been able to maintain this by making a smooth transition to life outside the EU.’ 272

The organisation has long believed that customers’ decisions to use its modular systems is not based solely on proven designs, safety and performance, but also on the ability to access the full range of support services at a local level. Layher’s head office in this country in Letchworth is supplemented by a network of regional depots – at Eggborough near Doncaster, West Bromwich in the West Midlands and Livingston in Scotland. ‘To continue to pursue this philosophy, we took the decision in late 2019 to ensure each of our depots in the UK was fully stocked in readiness for the Brexit date, thereby accounting for any potential delays during the Brexit process’ continues Sean Pike. Sean Pike also emphasises the role played by Layher’s support capability in this context. Clearly an element of the company’s service that does not depend on physical material availability or delivery, it not only operated normally during the Brexit period but, now beyond, is continuing to thrive. Indeed, gaining a full understanding of the procedures involved – and being able to help customers do likewise – has also been vital in helping to create new business opportunities. ‘We have long held the view that,

irrespective of a project’s type or size in the rail sector – such as the provision of access for station development or, perhaps, the installation of temporary bridging structures – the relationship we build with each customer is the same’ adds Sean Pike. ‘Our service can range from initial support on site to the creation of structural design and build programmes, and we are always looking to develop operational partnerships that reflect the specific needs of each individual contractor.’ In this context, he highlights the growing use of computer-based design capability – ranging from CAD drawings, with the benefit of Layher’s LayPLAN facility, to the company’s full Scaffolding Information Modelling (SIM) software. ‘The aim is always to develop scaffolding structures that complement and accommodate specific layout and functional needs in the most effective way’ he explains. ‘This is the case both in terms of access provision when complete, and also during the build process itself.’ Importantly, UK customers can continue to rely on ongoing production investment, such as Layher’s recently commissioned third manufacturing plant, which underpins the company’s delivery capability. At the same time, Sean Pike points out that Layher remains fully committed to product development, much of which is derived directly from customer feedback. For example, he highlights components such as a choice of bridging systems and Layher’s recently introduced FlexBeam and AGS systems – all of which are seeing the rail sector as one of the main beneficiaries. ‘The fact that we have also been able to maintain this element of our service irrespective of potential Brexit considerations, has been extremely important to our customers across the board, including rail’ he adds. The continuing confidence and commitment that can now be demonstrated by Layher’s operations in the UK remain fully endorsed at Layher’s head office by Principal Shareholder, Georg Layher who says: ‘The UK is a key market for us and the growth that we have been able to achieve, particularly in the last decade, reflects on both the suitability and design innovation of our products as well as the accelerating move away from traditional tube and coupler scaffolding’ he says. ‘The efficiency, versatility and safety benefits associated with our systems and our

Scaffolding & Access

ongoing belief in using customer feedback to drive innovation will continue to be as relevant and as important in the future – irrespective of the relationship between the UK and Europe. Our belief in continuing success and growth in the UK at a local level remains as strong as ever.’ It is a view that is echoed here by Sean Pike: ‘Post-Brexit, and as we slowly emerge from the pandemic, our customer base is becoming increasingly active – in many cases, more so than before the events of 2020. The fact that we are able to respond to, and match, this growth pays testimony not only to our Brexit planning and ongoing equipment delivery capability, but it also reflects on our belief in working closely with customers to develop strategies that meet their individual needs. ‘This is the optimum way to ensure their order requirements are best met – despite fluctuations such as the widely acknowledged material supply shortage – allowing them to grow and develop their own businesses long into the future’ Sean Pike concludes. Tel: 01462 475100 Email: info@layher.co.uk Visit: www.layher.co.uk


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The past, present and future of system scaffolding

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25/11/2021 14:22

Security – Doors

Security doors for the rail industry Sean Ballard, Group Managing Director at Sunray Engineering explains how the rail industry is benefiting from their range of bespoke security door products


ecurity is becoming a more prominent consideration in the Rail Industry. As part of the UK’s critical infrastructure, all rail networks and hubs (stations and power) must be protected regardless of the volume or usage. When it comes to the rail network there is an inherent need for such security measures in the form of various products and services, which are key to the protection of assets and the users. Our products are designed to blend in with the environment or build in which they are used, yet are manufactured to provide performance such as ventilation and cooling for instance with our Steel Louvre Systems and examples of use include transformer or power rooms, tunnel or shaft ventilation, and then other product examples include steel security and fire doors which restrict and control critical access areas and of course provide up to four hours fire resistance. Newer to our range and particularly relevant to areas which have Trackside embankments or areas close to Electrified Rail or Cables are our GRP Walkways, Platforms and Access Stairs. GRP is widely specified due to the nonconductivity of the product yet has the integral strength for weight loading. These can be brightly coloured with integrated grip on the grid and define safe passageways or access for rail workforce staff as well as passengers in the event of emergencies. As specialists in providing bespoke Security Solutions to the Rail Industry, Sunray have provided a number of products in applications where security for electrical 274

switch gear, tailored pressure relief measures for escape routes, plant room ventilation, station security, fire compartmentation as well as specialist Blast and Fire protection consideration, all of which is uniquely designed for a specific project. Due to the nature of Rail infrastructures, we often find ourselves working with complex design solutions where practicality and design must harmonise, yet

functionality and performance is critical. This can present challenges, however our ability to ‘tailor’ product ensures we blend seamlessly into any given structure. We manufacture all products at our factories in Ashford, which ensures the control, quality, and timely delivery of product to meet customer expectation. We also regularly test on site in association with the BRE (British Research Establishment)

Security – Doors

especially for those projects requiring ‘one off’ type scenarios. This ensures our Rail clients benefit from our proven history and track record of investing in design and innovation. As pioneers of the niche, when it comes to Security Doors and Systems, we will always strive to build the impossible yet blend with the environment. This makes us well placed for working with the Rail Sector so we can provide tailor made solutions

to exceptional criteria’s and demands the industry often faces. Sunray continues to invest heavily into R&D, keeping ahead the of the ever-changing regulations. Tomorrow’s products will require even more security and protection and given Sunray’s capabilities and experience we are well placed to assist this critical infrastructure and industry.

For more details, get in touch with our specialist team via the contact information below. Sean Ballard is Group Managing Director at Sunray Engineering Tel: 01233 639039 Email: sales@sunraydoors.co.uk Visit: www.sunraydoors.co.uk

SECURITY DOORS FOR THE RAIL INDUSTRY ● SPECIALIST RAIL SOLUTIONS - Overground, Underground/TFL, DLR ● REFERENCE PROJECTS - Crossrail, DLR, TFL, EuroTunnel ● BESPOKE SOLUTIONS - Tailored designs to meet project criteria ● INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE - Qualified, Compliant & Trained Operatives ● TECHNICAL SUPPORT - Consultative advice with complete back up concept to installation

For more details, call our specialised team to discuss your particular project on:

01233 639039

sales@sunraydoors.co.uk www.sunraydoors.co.uk


Security – Perimeter

Improving security for our transport infrastructure Following the easing of Covid restrictions this year, use of the UK’s roads and public transport network has almost returned to pre-pandemic levels, Peter Jackson, MD of Jacksons Fencing looks at the data


n March 2021, the Government published the Build Back Better: Our Plan for Growth strategy, which aims to begin transforming vital transit networks to relieve some pressure on transport infrastructure and local communities across the country. More recently, Rishi Sunak announced in his autumn budget for that year, that in order to level up the UK, £5.7 billion is being provided to build London-style transport facilities in Manchester, Liverpool and the West Midlands. A further £2.6 billion was confirmed to be used for developing a long-term pipeline for over 50 local road upgrades, £5 billion for local roads maintenance, and £5 billion for building roads for buses, as well as cycle lanes and pathways. The Government’s Build Back Better Plan is encouraging not only for those using the transport networks, but also for local communities and those involved in the planned developments across the UK. However, this proposed, rapid expansion over the next few years will also broaden 276

opportunities for criminals and vandals possibly impacting the safety of the transport network. It’s essential that transport security and perimeter safety are acknowledged and considered throughout every project, and any practical solutions that can reduce potential risks and threats are fully integrated into the design of such systems. Direct discussion Our recent research across the nation’s rail engineering profession found that 68 per cent of respondents thought much more needs to be done to improve railway perimeter safety. Engineers we spoke to directly stressed they wanted increased communication from product manufacturers, easier access to product specification, and increased inspection measures. Adopting these changes would all contribute towards the improvement of perimeter safety, it was felt. Illegal behaviour It is reported that during lockdown, crime

rates decreased, however, now restrictions have been lifted in the UK, these threats are rising. According to Farsight, by July 2021 there had been a seven per cent increase in crimes committed in the UK compared to April 2021, when restrictions started to ease. These statistics establish that risks to transport infrastructure, including railways, motorways, and ports are likely to increase, therefore security systems should be regularly checked to ensure they’re fit to withstand criminal behaviour. From our findings, there are two big threats to railway safety: ‘vandalism’ and ‘trespassers with criminal intent,’ and more recently other nations are witnessing increasing accounts of vandalism and theft, as well as anti-social behaviour. With new widespread projects involving railways, such as HS2 and Crossrail, safety measures need to be continuously developed by engineers and implemented in order to avoid or minimise potential accidents or criminal occurrences from taking place. Each site is unique and will need to be designed differently in order to meet the























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Security – Perimeter

requirements and prevent any criminal or illegal behaviour occurring. These issues can include end-user safety, emergency access, risk management, and pressing environmental concerns, such as increased temperature, unpredictable weather, and noise pollution. Animal welfare also needs to be taken into consideration. Safety solutions Having clearly identified the various threats to the safety of the transport infrastructure, it’s possible to outline solutions that will provide security, and ensure the areas discussed remain efficient and environmentally friendly. There are specific forms of protection that should be prioritised during transport upgrade and maintenance projects. I have broken them down into sections, clearly categorising what you should be looking out for. Assessments are key Starting the project by conducting a systematic assessment of the area will point out any noteworthy issues, including the most appropriate security barriers for the perimeter of the site. Aesthetics should also be taken into consideration at this stage, as our survey highlighted this is often a priority that is forgotten. With a simple online search, it’s possible to find a number of products that are aesthetically pleasing, fitting, and provide the best form of safety and protection. Meeting the requirements Next, make sure you’re adhering to both the safety and sustainability requirements of the wider project. If you need advice, suppliers’ websites or product videos can help to explain the requirements you need to


meet the quality and level provided. When in doubt, ask an expert.

fence, gate, or barrier, make sure you follow this checklist:

Economic benefit It is important when working on these extensive projects to think about and prioritise high quality materials. Doing your research, understanding what is best, and choosing those which will last, will help manage the budget and likely prevent any further costs at a later stage. For instance, using a galvanised or zinc alloy-coated steel for fencing and gates will deliver even more protection against weathering and prevent any corrosion or rust, therefore extending the life of the product, and making it easier to maintain. More robust, high-quality products are often cost-effective as they will be less likely to require repairs or deteriorate, so make sure to think about the lifetime value of specified products beforehand. Also, if the budget is limited, make an effort to avoid opting for fence panels without a guarantee as it is likely these will require maintenance or need replacing sooner compared to those high-quality fences with a guarantee.

• Obtain proof or certification from your supplier. • Be sure of your fencing’s suitability to site-specific ground conditions. • Check specifications to ensure effectiveness against specific threats. • Specify appropriate coatings especially for use in corrosive atmospheres. • Install in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. • Regularly inspect for condition, damage, and operation. • Regularly maintain to prevent premature degrading.

Security systems that deter criminals Implementing an advised integrated security approach will significantly reduce the threat of criminal behaviour. Think to combine perimeter fencing with surveillance, such as CCTV cameras, and technology that enables alarms if there is a threat, such as anti-intrusion detection alarms or monitors. These are readily available and can help reduce potential imminent criminal occurrences or accidents. The complete checklist When specifying a ‘tested and certified’ product for a development site, such as a

Essential collaboration Policy makers or owners are not exclusively responsible for the reinforcement of transport security. Engineers working on rail, road, and port projects or in developments and designs all have an important role to improve security and minimise the risk and impact on local, surrounding communities. Security and acoustic barriers need considerable investment, but in return they provide protection for the public using the transport networks and also the general public from a range of risks. Suppliers are prepared to aid this drive towards securing transport, but in order for them to do so, improved training is required so those within the industry can fully understand the benefits of long-term investments, such as high-quality security fencing and access control. Tel: 0800 408 4739 Email: security@jacksons-fencing.co.uk Visit: www.jacksons-security.co.uk

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Expert solutions. No compromise. 279

Skills – Training

Delivering the skilled workforce of tomorrow As a seamless link between education and industry, the National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) is ideally placed to put the UK rail workforce back on track


n order to deliver the major infrastructure programmes and rail modernisation initiatives planned across the UK, the rail workforce – and the transport and infrastructure sectors more broadly – need a greater number of talented people, with a different blend of skills, and from more diverse backgrounds. This threepronged skills challenge sits at the heart of why the National College was established in 2017 and remains integral to the employerled curriculum that we offer today across our two state-of-the-art campuses in Birmingham and Doncaster. Addressing the skills needs of the wider industry Our foundations are built on being truly industry responsive: previously known as the National College for High Speed Rail and specialising in providing the vocational training required to deliver high speed rail projects such as HS2, we have since diversified to meet the demands of the


broader transport and infrastructure sectors. This includes offering technical training in pathways ranging from systems engineering to project management to digital design, endowing our learners with a more varied skillset and ultimately helping to deliver a highly skilled and adaptable workforce. Opening doors at every level Having relaunched in 2021 as part of the University of Birmingham group, NCATI is led by a team with strong links to both education and industry, who are ideally placed to advise and shape our offer in order to attract learners to the sector. To this end, our curriculum offer is not only expansive in the broad spectrum of career opportunities it showcases and leads to, but it is also accessible from levels two to six in order to demonstrate that rail can be a career destination for all. With one of the major barriers preventing people from considering careers in the rail industry being the perceived lack of necessary skills or

qualifications, this is crucial. Our curriculum offer is for ages 16 and over and includes part-time and full-time courses, as well as apprenticeships, all utilising the very best technology, facilities and teaching practice. Our industry links Industry collaboration is integral to our success, our outlook and how we promote ourselves to prospective learners. NCATI has already benefitted significantly from engaging with leading sector employers like Honeywell, BBV, Atkins, Arcadis and Volker Rail. This network of employers supports us in a variety of ways, from offering apprenticeships and placements, to giving learners at the College access to the very latest thinking in the industry via guest lectures, mentoring, and visits to their sites and depots. As well as tapping into a wealth of knowledge and experience, our strong industry links give our learners the most upto-date equipment to train with and prepare

Skills – Training

at the heart of NCATI, we have supported apprenticeship trailblazer groups, the latest of which led to the creation of a new Apprenticeship Standard for Land Referencing, which will also be delivered by the College.

them for the working world, with over £9 million of specialist kit and equipment having been donated to us (including two former Eurostar power cars, Trimble

surveying equipment and 300 metres of track from British Steel). Demonstrating the two-way collaboration between education and industry that lies

Rail as an industry for everyone Through our offer, we are addressing the three-pronged skills challenge by: encouraging young people and adults into the advanced transport and infrastructure sectors, as well as upskilling those who have already made their careers within the industries; broadening our skills base and digitalising the sector through varied pathways; and drawing on a far more diverse talent pool than ever before. One organisation alone cannot solve issues like the skills gap, but with continued collaboration with our colleagues in industry, and increased provision for learners both at the start of their careers and mid-career, NCATI is committed to making a very strong case for rail as an industry for everyone. Tel: 0330 120 0375 Email enquiries@ncati.ac.uk Visit: www.ncati.ac.uk

A COLLEGE DESIGNED WITH EMPLOYERS, FOR EMPLOYERS Supporting business growth By providing new and existing employees with the skills your business needs

Dedicated to the sector The only FE college in the country dedicated to the skills agenda for the sector

Saving you time and money A dedicated Employer Engagement Team who will find the right solution for you

Apprenticeship recruitment support We will help you find your ideal candidate

Account management We are committed to ensuring you receive the highest level of customer care, with account management provided for all of our employer partners

Get in touch and tell us what your training needs are and we’ll find the right solution for you.

ncati.ac.uk enquiries@ncati.ac.uk 0330 120 0375 281

Supply Chain

All aboard: next stop – supply chain transformation Over the past 12 – 18 months we have found that businesses are looking for a new approach to supply chain management


s we have engaged with more and more key stakeholders in the UK rail sector we’re seeing a desire to address areas that traditionally would have been performed in-house, such as demand forecasting, product sourcing, inventory management and tail end commodity spend. TVS SCS’ end to end solutions enable the rail sector to focus on and enhance their particular areas of experience, be that manufacturing and maintaining rolling stock right the way through to delivering best in class passenger experience. By taking a step back and outsourcing certain processes and requirements, they can become a leaner, more focused business. At TVS SCS, we can have direct and meaningful input into the supplier relationships and contribute to finding solutions to problems and issues that our customer sometimes doesn’t even realise they have. The key to our offering is our ability to manage inventory better, ensuring the highest availability while keeping costs to an absolute minimum. Alongside this, we provide best in class procurement solutions for our client’s spare parts and across a wide range of other core categories. Supply chain transformation Our solutions are individually tailored to each customer, and this starts with our Information Systems. At TVS SCS, we utilise the strength of our in-house developed platform Msys; a Cyber Essentials Plus certified system that drives our best-in-class supply chain solutions. Some of the benefits you can expect from Msys include intuitive usability, reducing the time spent training staff on day-to-day usage, efficiency, automation of tasks that otherwise would take time and cost money to complete and control. You will always have full visibility and cost control of your supply chain. Sitting within Msys, we have multiple systems that provide a wide range of solutions to the problems you may be facing. For example, our Warehouse Management System allows us to utilise real-time information to optimise the performance and accuracy of our warehouse 282

and distribution centres. This platform can also be integrated with purchase ledgers and update storage availability and stock shortage in real-time as they happen. Another bespoke platform that we have deployed to provide cost savings is our demand forecasting and planning solution. This can vastly reduce unrequired longterm stock holdings and deliver substantial improvements in product availability by ensuring the stock you need is on the shelf when you need it.

The Msys platform gives TVS SCS an edge in optimising your supply chain; as this platform is bespoke to TVS SCS, we can quickly make amendments to the software as required, rather than using a third-party provider to attempt to get changes made. TVS SCS is currently engaged in a longterm contract that involves supporting the infrastructure of the United Kingdom’s railway network, supporting the large-scale investment made to improve the United Kingdom’s rail infrastructure.

Supply Chain

Operational challenges The ongoing LGV driver shortages across the UK and Europe mean that some supply chains face stock shortages; however, TVS SCS engage various strategies that ensure that we have a robust and resilient supply chain that is ready to overcome challenges. These challenges, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, have made supply chain disruption inevitable. TVS SCS are acutely aware of the importance of having local, regional and

national supply chains providing ‘close to site’ supplier sources. This is now highly evident through the ‘Buy Britain’ mantra. Of course, the requirement to still utilise global supply chains remains a highly important factor for us but ensuring that we have contingencies in place allows us to continue to deliver for your business. Final destination By utilising the expertise of TVS SCS to transform your supply chain, you can expect

to find a robust supply chain network that effectively negates the chance of disruption. Our supply chains are agile and innovative; we use cutting edge technology to streamline movement, enabling us to adapt to a quickly moving sector; whilst simultaneously providing cost savings. Our demand forecasting expertise means you will only be ordering parts you need when you need them, releasing valuable cash back into your business. Ultimately, we can build a high level of operational efficiency which actively works to provide maximised profitability potential. Our industry expert, Andy Lawrence, has 30 years of experience of logistics and supply chain management and brings a strong knowledge of the rail sector, allowing him to identify areas of opportunity and growth within your supply chain. If you would like to start a conversation about how we can transform your supply chain, get in touch with Andy via the contact information below. Tel: 07342999504 Email: andy.lawrence@tvsscs.com Visit: www.tvsscs.com


Survey Equipment

The evolution of rail surveying techniques and equipment Ben Carruthers, Business Development Director - Rail Technology & Monitoring at Sunbelt Rentals takes us through the major developments in the surveying world


sing the right equipment is key to getting any type of job done properly and efficiently on the railway. With more and more surveying tools available to complete different types of jobs, it is something of a minefield for people to know exactly what equipment they need and how to use it. For many, it is human nature to stick to what they know. But with more modern solutions of surveying on the railway now available, there may be more efficient and accurate means of achieving results. When I went to school, I was taught trigonometry. At the time, I questioned what I would ever use trigonometry for, but it turns out that the principles of Sin, Cos and Tan form the basis of my working life on a daily basis. Whether the equipment is a Track Gauge or a Total Station, they all work in essentially the same way. Old surveying techniques When I first started surveying in the early 1990s, the Total Station was king and we used it for just about everything. Add a Track Gauge to the equation and you have most things covered. The Rail Foot was the final piece of the puzzle that would allow us to measure the tracks as accurately as possible. I remember surveying the tracks in Birkenhead one day, using a metal rail foot to pick up Insulated Block Joints (IBJ). The Signaller at the time wasn’t very happy, but it was all we had. We ended up offsetting every single IBJ. Any levelling was carried out from a local benchmark providing the wall was still standing and hadn’t been knocked over. And we had to visit trig pillars to get OS coordinates. When I joined Leica in the late 1990s, GPS (Global Positioning Systems) technology was not widely in use for surveying like it is today. Nowadays, it is referred to as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems). The reason for the name change is because GPS was the name for the American system. During the cold war, there were just two satellite constellations. The American system known as GPS and the Russian system known as Glonass. The Russian satellites were not maintained in the 1990s and fell into disrepair until the early 2000s when 284

efforts were made to return the system to full operation. The American system had what was known as ‘selective availability’, distortions to the timing coming from the satellites – this was a legacy of the Cold War. The Selective availability was subsequently switched off in 2000. During selective availability any GNSS receiver only had an accuracy of about 100 metres. However, introducing a Base Station, you could increase the accuracy to 5cm. The problem was that to position the Base Station you had to occupy the point and log data for about four to six hours. When there were fewer satellites available, this could increase the acquisition time up to twelve hours. Nowadays, without selective availability, any receiver can get under ten metres accuracy anywhere in the world immediately. Today, we also have access to two additional satellite systems - the European system, Galileo, and the Chinese system, Beidou. This makes GNSS much more usable, and this technology can be found in pretty much every mobile phone, as well as in cars and parcel tracking systems, to name a few. They are even being used to run autonomous delivery robots in Milton Keynes. Added to this, the ordinance survey has set up OSnet which is a network of over 100 Base Stations across the country. This means users can obtain OS position and height

above sea level in a matter of seconds. This proves particularly impressive when carrying out site control surveying on a new site. In terms of limitations, GNSS won’t work under trees or in and around buildings, so a Total Station must be used in these areas. Introduction of laser scanning The next major development in the surveying world was Laser Scanning. I usually explain this as a Total Station on steroids. Normally a surveyor with a oneperson kit will take about five seconds to walk to a point, erect the detail pole and take a measurement. A typical Laser Scanner will measure about one million points a second and generally covers a 360 dome above and around the scanner. A typical set-up with imaging can take about 15 minutes. The system still needs line of sight to objects, so multiple set-ups are required to pick up all the aspects of what the user is surveying. The challenge is to link these scans together (known as Registration) so that you have one large Scanworld of the object of interest. Once this is completed, you have billions of points each of have their own 3D position and can be used to extract data. Extracting the features from the resultant point cloud involves individually picking the points. This was a manual, time-consuming job in the past, however recently this is one of the major areas of improvement.


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Survey Equipment

The software houses have now developed auto-extraction of data. This means they can extract objects like the running edge of the rail and overhead catenary from point cloud data. N4CE software for example, can extract height and stagger data for 100’s of metres of rail in seconds. Latest evolution of mobile mapping The latest evolution to rail measurement is the introduction of Mobile Mapping. This uses a combination of Laser Scanning and imagery on a mobile platform. Instead of being static like a normal Laser Scanner, the Mobile Mapping system uses a combination of GNSS and inertial measurement to dynamically work out the route that is taken in terms of coordinates. It can then generate a point cloud just like a Laser Scanner. The big difference is that users can cover vast distances at one sitting. For example, a Surveyor could mount the system on a Road Rail Vehicle (RRV) and travel at up to 20mph along the tracks, surveying not only the track they are on, but the adjacent roads as well. The accuracy is similar to GNSS, however significant mission planning is required which is key to a successful survey. Drones for surveying Drones are also proving more and more popular for large scale surveys and earthworks. Although the use of drones is relatively new and using them commercially requires licensing, the photogrammetry techniques used to create 3D data have existed since 1850s thanks to Aimé Laussedat. However, as digital photography is the main source for drones, computers rather than humans can carry out calculations much faster. The deliverable is the same point cloud as Laser Scanning/Mobile Mapping, so this method still requires same interpolation of the data. Modern equipment makes processes faster and more efficient Track gauges, sighting boards and other gauges have been around for many years to measure basic things such as track geometry and clearance. And there are still some instances where this equipment remains the best tool for the job. However, more modern surveying equipment makes the processes faster and more efficient. As an example, one of the surveying techniques I previously used was to measure height and stagger. This involved placing an Abtus 4640 Laser Height and Stagger Gauge on the track then lining the laser with the contact wire. The measurement would be taken with the laser, the stagger read and if necessary, the REFOS (Rail Edge Face Of Structure) would be measured. Once all the readings had been taken, you would then have to write them down along with the gantry number. This all took around 20-30 seconds. 286

Earlier this year, Abtus released a nextgeneration model called the ABT8000 Laser Height and Stagger Gauge. With this device, the user aligns the laser, presses a measure button and the display shows the results. If the user is happy with the results, they press the record button and the data is stored to a PDA in their hand. This process takes just 5-10 seconds, which can make a huge difference at 3am in the morning when it’s raining and a Signaller is keen for you to hand back a line block. Another example might be that you need to check the versines on a section of track but also check twist and cant at the same time. One option is to use a Track Gauge and Sighting Boards, but the quicker way would be to use the new Geismar Topaz system, which calculates geometry and versines as you go. Not only can you view the data real time, but it also records the data and produces the relevant reports. Sunbelt Rentals have all the above technologies and solutions available for customers to use. However, people are

sometimes reticent to use as new bit of technology that they are not experienced with. At Sunbelt Rentals, we have sterile areas which allow us to demonstrate, train and allow customers to experience how to use the latest equipment on track, but not on a live line. This enables customers to familiarise themselves with products and learn the right techniques before they use it under pressure. We also have manufacturertrained Service Technicians who ensure that equipment arrives on site in optimum condition. This is key in rail environments where time is critical, and safety is paramount. Ben Carruthers is Business Development Director - Rail Technology & Monitoring at Sunbelt Rentals Tel: 0808 196 8639 Email: NROC@sunbeltrentals.co.uk Visit: NROC@sunbeltrentals.co.uk LinkedIn and YouTube: Sunbelt Rentals UK & Ireland


Surveying through all stages PBH have a long history in railway surveying and have always ensured that our teams have expertise in both innovative surveying techniques alongside track safety training.


his has enabled PBH to expand our survey team to include COSS, ES, SWL1, SWL2 and Protection Controllers, all supported by five experienced Safe Work Planners providing quality access planning. This experience enables us to internally plan, manage and safely deliver surveys to support tight programme constraints in all parts of the UK. Planning With extensive knowledge of track access planning requirements, our RISQS accredited planning team are fully trained and competent with the expertise needed to support delivery of all workstreams safely. The knowledge and experience of working nationally allows our team of professionally qualified staff to provide a full spectrum of planning support services. We can support the delivery of programmes of all sizes in all corners of the UK. We have the capability to plan long and short-term track access using all resources available to keep your programme on track. PBH Planning also pride ourselves on the production of quality safety critical paperwork compliant with NR/L2/OHS 019 to ensure the safe delivery of all work on site. The wealth of knowledge and experience within our team allows us to offer bespoke services enabling the planning and management of tailor-made programmes to suit your requirements and ensure a service of the highest standard. We can also look at alternative approaches to help deliver challenging programmes. PBH Planning has over 40 years combined experience working with Network Rail Maintenance, Track Renewals and many principal contractors and we have helped to deliver many programmes on behalf of all of our clients safely and on time. Plain Line Surveys PBH have surveyed plain-line sites across the UK supplying data to many of the principal contractors. Each PBH surveyor has extensive componentry knowledge which, coupled with modern surveying techniques, ensures a final deliverable that meets and often exceeds the current Network Rail standards. S&C Surveys Complex S&C surveys require the highest

degree of knowledge and understanding of the permanent way infrastructure. The PBH team is highly skilled and trained in carrying out S&C surveys, with many years of experience of working closely with our in-house design teams to undertake these projects. Our survey teams work efficiently with single-operator robotic instrumentation and mass data capture systems to ensure that track access is utilised in the most efficient way possible. Gauging Surveys PBH Surveys provide structure gauge clearance surveys in compliance with Network Rail Standard NR/L2/TRK/3203. To ensure the safe passage of trains, surveys are carried out as part of the suite of gauging standards which manage risk relating to gauging compatibility, structural clearances, passing clearances and calculation of stepping clearances on the infrastructure. All gauging surveys are carried out with the latest compliant equipment utilising track mounted Abtus Routescans, Balfour Beatty Lasersweep, Robel Platform Gages and track mounted laser scanners on Track Measuring devices (TMDs). Gauging surveys include rail geometry collected from both TMDs and conventional topographical methods. The Permanent Way Design team within PBH Rail offers full clearance analysis through ClearRoute providing Network Rail National Gauging Database reports. Laser Scanning Surveys When surveying some of the largest and most complex structures on the network, PBH harness the benefits of laser scanning to ensure a more robust deliverable. Some of the benefits of laser scanning include: • Entire and accurate dimensions • A repeatable 3D environment allowing for easy navigation • Geo-referenced information which can be linked to design projects • Provision of an accurate basis to build infrastructure models • Safe non-contact data capture even in difficult or dangerous places to access • A ‘Capture-All/Capture-Once’ methodology to reduce the need for site revisits • An insurance policy against future scope

creep – the data is there even if not required at the project outset Utilities PBH Surveys offer PAS128 compliant Utilities Surveys to allow designers to know what is potentially beneath them when preparing and working on a site. This can help mitigate potential issues when breaking ground or positioning large plant and machinery during construction works, which may cause damage to services passing through the site. PBH use the latest detection techniques including Electromagnetic Detection, signal induced threading and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to locate utilities. Monitoring At PBH, we provide a range of monitoring services which can be tailored to suit the requirements of our client. Utilising a range of techniques, we are currently involved in monitoring track, structures and embankments on the railway infrastructure throughout the UK. The techniques deployed on these projects range from traditional track monitoring using retro reflective targets and total stations, to automatic wireless mesh networks which can deliver movement information in real time via an online web portal. Our tender stage consultation services aid our clients to consider monitoring provisions and solutions at the procurement and bid stages. The PBH Monitoring team have close working relationships with several leading global suppliers of monitoring equipment to provide monitoring solutions through all stages of construction and maintenance. UAV UAV surveys collect data using small remotely piloted aircraft systems, otherwise known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). PBH UAV operational platforms can be legally flown in wind speeds up to 20mph, and at heights up to 400 feet. UAVs will be operated within line of sight of the pilot, or within 500 metres, whichever is the lesser of the two. PBH Surveys operate UAVs under a Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO) with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), with permission to operate multi-rotors (≤20kg). The platforms currently utilised to carry 287



out work are either: A. A multi rotor UAV with a payload operating a 100mp camera, or B. A multi roto UAV with a 20mp camera/HD .mp4 video recorded UAV Surveys are a fantastic way to record orthomosaics and detailed 3D models of areas where poor quality, outdated or limited data is available. Rail depots Depots, although part of the railway infrastructure often pose a different set of challenges. Some examples of this would be: • Typically, depots are open when the railway network is closed • Generally, tracks are in a poor condition as maintenance is reduced due to the low speeds permitted • Often depots have a collection of varying materials and S&C ages which requires a wealth of experience when trying to identify

of all features required in specification. • Rendered High Detail – Photorealistic Models used for heritage grade/planning applications etc Case studies Below are some examples of different projects that PBH Rail has worked on.

Scotland for CRSA and Network Rail Works Delivery. This results in an annual combined workbank of circa 300 sites, ranging from Plain Line, Gauge Clearance, Drainage and S&C. Our in-house Planning, Survey, Track Design and OLE Design allows one point of contact for the client which ensures the demanding delivery timescales are met.

Kilsby Tunnel Network Rail realised that the Covid-19 pandemic would cause a reduced train service. As a result, a potential blockade could be secured on the West Coast Mainline covering Kilsby Tunnel to undertake the renewal of 800 yards of drainage and 870 yards of track. PBH got the call ten days before the blockade was due to start, requesting a full survey and design. PBH mobilised survey resources to complete

Monitoring PBH are regularly commissioned to undertake monitoring across a variety of projects. We are experienced in the use of remote web-based monitoring and conventional monitoring. Projects range from the monitoring of tracks, buildings, embankments and railway infrastructure such as tunnels, bridges and arches. PBH have developed bespoke monitoring solutions to meet the client’s needs.

the survey over one weekend night shift, processed the data and delivered to the design team within three days. The design team turned the design around within a week in time for the renewal to start.

Depot Newton Heath was surveyed by PBH due to various concerns raised by the Depot Manager regarding the condition of the structure, therefore a survey was required to assess what repairs were needed to be undertaken. We installed and coordinated a new grid tied to Snake Grid TPEN11 utilising six-hour GNSS observations as per the Northern Programmes standard. A mix of traditional topographical survey, UAV survey and terrestrial laser scanning was undertaken in order to deliver this project in the most efficient manner. The final deliverables were delivered to LOD300 standard along with our usual 3D dgn, registered point cloud and full NR3100 standard survey report. A flythrough of the site was created in order to assist the client with their design from the comfort of their own desk, minimising the need for further site walkouts.

Some depots have stabled stock that cannot be moved - PBH are well versed in selecting appropriate survey techniques to minimise the problems this may cause for a complete survey deliverable. Depots also require staff to communicate with depot managers to agree local safeworking arrangements on closed/open lines within the depot. This requires a clear understanding of depot layouts to work in close proximity to stabled trains and ensure minimal gaps are left in survey data. Deliverables PBH Surveys can deliver outputs directly tailored to client requirements: • ‘Traditional’ Linework/linestyles 2D Drawings – dgn/.dwg • ‘Traditional’ 3D Wireframe Drawings –.dgn/.dwg • ‘Simple Hybrid’ 3D Wireframes/ Solid Models – combining traditional track surveys with 3D Solid models of complicated structures - dgn/. dwg/.rvt/.msh • ‘Complex Hybrid’ 3D Wireframes/ Solid Models – Full solid models of all infrastructure supplemented with traditional topographic surveys - dgn/. dwg/.rvt/.msh • Total 3D Solid Models – No traditional Linework. - dgn/.dwg/.rvt/.msh All deliverables can be tailored to suit time/ cost budgets. • Outline Detail – Building Shapes/ groundforms – representative components. • Medium Detail – Building Shapes/ Features – basic componentry accurately depicted. • High Detail – WYSIWYM “What You See Is What You Model” Accurate depictions

Central Rail Systems Alliance S&C PBH is delivering detailed S&C surveys for the CRSA Alliance across multiple regions. PBH undertake all access planning, paperwork and Safety Critical Staff for the client to ensure efficient delivery of both surveys and client design. A large percentage of PBH’s staff have extensive experience in this type of work which is demonstrated by our capacity to supply the large amount of survey data that is required when renewing S&C. Our regional based survey teams and internal planning resource services allow any changes to the delivery programme to be actioned quickly and safely. Central Rail Systems Alliance Plain Line Workbank and Network Rail Workbank Through CP6, PBH Rail is delivering Plain Line surveys across LNE, LNW, Anglia and

Tel: 07487 717 900 Email: Matt.Chilton@pbhrail.com Visit: www.pbhrail.com 289

Technology – Heating

HEAT EXCHANGERS Heat Exchange Group (HEG) is a UK company based in Wakefield and Prudhoe (near Newcastle) supporting the UK rail industry with servicing and replacement radiators, coolers, saloon heaters vessels and fabricated tanks for the current UK rail network


ur USP for existing rail operating companies is to offer a dedicated fast turnaround Clean, Test & Repair (CTR) service out of our Prudhoe service centre, so that planned and unplanned maintenance schedules in national service depots are kept to a minimum. When existing heat exchangers cannot be put back into service following a CTR, HEG can utilise its existing spare parts stock or inhouse manufacturing cell in Wakefield, so that customers are not waiting for replacement items.

Dedicated manufacturing rail cell We have manufactured heat exchangers for a range of locomotives over the years and some are listed below, however we are now seeing more enquiries for electric / battery powered vehicles: • CL 66. • CL 92. • CL 150, 153, 156, 158/9. • CL 170 / 175. • CL 180 / 185. • CL 220. • CL 369.

Aluminium Radiator and Saloon heater Within the rail cell we have aluminium welders, fitters, machine operators and a delivery service, so that all requirements are covered.

With HEG we have an inhouse engineering department specialising in thermal and mechanical design solutions, for: • New heat exchangers for new trains. • Reverse engineering of old heat exchangers, so that new parts can be


manufactured. • Technical issues that need to be designed out. • Maintenance issues that need to be design out. Within the department we have a range of software packages and experience within the team to find alternative solutions. To support customers further, we have the facility to manufacture one-off prototypes for testing both on and off the rail network, to ensure operating parameters are achieved. HEG have the following accreditations to ensure quality is consistently maintained throughout the business: • ISO 9001 – Quality system. • ISO 3834 Part 2 – Welding Management. • ISO 14001 – Environmental. • ISO 45001 – Health & Safety.

Tel: 03001 240 495 Email: sales@heatexchangegroup.co.uk Visit: www.heatexchangegroup.co.uk/rail-heat-exchangers/



For a more resilient passenger rail Four strategies for improving flexibility, responsiveness and efficiency


he global pandemic has certainly disrupted the passenger rail sector in an unprecedented way: volatile demand, evolving sanitary procedures, frequent timetable changes – and of course – plummeting ridership revenues. Nonetheless, passenger rail remains a core component of urban mobility and decarbonization of the transportation sector. These challenges, along with an evolving market and growing operational constraints, require rail operators to be more flexible and efficient than ever. For over 40 years, public transport and passenger rail operators worldwide have relied on the integrated modules and powerful algorithms in GIRO’s HASTUS software to optimize planning, scheduling and operations activities. Within an integrated environment, operators can plan, schedule and manage mission-critical resources, from track access and timetables to workforce assignments and train schedules. The resulting efficiency gains enable them to meet evolving business goals while also striking the right balance between quality of service, resource constraints and operation costs. Below are four proven strategies for achieving such resilience. They stem from discussions between rail operators and GIRO’s chief rail experts, Alexandre Savard, Director of Business Development, and JeanMarc Pennont, Product Manager. • Strategy 1: Implement dynamic timetabling to adapt and improve service. • Strategy 2: Leverage integrated planning to improve processes, resource allocation and costs. 292

• Strategy 3: Optimize rolling stock and maintenance planning to make schedules more robust and cost-efficient. • Strategy 4: Embrace short-term workforce scheduling and optimization to adapt to changes and empower frontline staff. Dynamic timetabling The pandemic has doubled or even tripled the frequency at which some railways have had to adjust their timetables. This doesn’t include all the last-minute changes needed to keep up with evolving sanitary rules and rampant workforce unavailability. One of the biggest barriers to dynamic timetable adjustments has long been crew shifts, which can’t be significantly changed once they’re agreed upon with staff and the union. ‘HASTUS has powerful optimization capabilities that allow for dynamic shift adjustments while keeping them within the acceptable range – such as ensuring the new report time stays within 30 minutes of the original report time’ says Jean-Marc Pennont. ‘It also takes into account up-todate ridership data and projected demand as well as rolling-stock plans. Imagine a single environment where you can move a train and instantly visualize and resolve the impacts on rolling stock and work shifts.’ Integrated planning Rail timetabling is just one piece of the complex scheduling puzzle. Annual scheduling, day of operations, timetables, track access, rolling stock, workforce. Everything has to be carefully synchronized to allocate resources in the most robust and cost-efficient way possible, without

compromising on safety. Being able to publish changes to schedules quickly is also essential, as riders, on-board workforce and station staff need – and expect – to have the most up-to-date schedules. Managing track access in a shared infrastructure network used by various operators is another puzzle. It takes time, expertise, and resources to efficiently analyse new track-access requests and apply changes, especially on high-traffic corridors. ‘HASTUS streamlines the back-and-forth between the infrastructure manager and train operators’ says Alexandre Savard. ‘If a rail operator requests a new train path or changes to an existing path to better fit its new timetable, HASTUS can use custom or standard data interfaces such as RailML to analyse and process responses from the infrastructure manager. For instance, if track access is granted, but with a slight time variation, HASTUS would automatically inform the operator if this violates any of its rolling-stock circulation rules or creates any discrepancies in workforce assignments. By improving integration and collaboration between stakeholders, HASTUS ensures that all resources required at a given time and location are available. This makes it easier for operators to adapt their services more efficiently while controlling access costs and planning more robust schedules.’ Rolling stock maintenance Creating and securing a viable rollingstock plan is yet another complex matter. Operators naturally want to keep these plans as stable as possible, as any planned or unplanned changes to rolling stock are likely to impact timetables and assigned staff. With optimization software, operators can generate, compare and put rolling-stock plans in service in record time. ‘The rolling-stock optimization algorithms in HASTUS can consider variables such as passenger demand, infrastructure constraints, rolling-stock types, yard capacity, maintenance and servicing plans and overnight service’ says Pennont. ‘This ensures the most cost-efficient deployment of rolling stock to cover all services while meeting maintenance requirements.’ By generating and optimizing rollingstock plans, operators can increase network robustness and quality of service while adapting schedules more dynamically to meet changing passenger demand or cope with service adaptations such as track works.


It can also lead to potential cost savings by reducing mileage, improving maintenance schedules and accurately defining the required workforce. ‘Optimization is a multi-variable problem in which resources, quality of service and costs have to be carefully balanced’ says Savard. ‘Optimization software leads to better-adapted rolling-stock plans that are robust, conflict-free, and ready to put in service with minimal adjustments.’ Empower frontline staff Technology also lets operators build more freedom into their workforce assignments. One case in point is SNCF, which recently tested a dynamic work-assignment system that considers staff preferences at the Paris Est station. This was done in the context of a major HASTUS implementation program aimed at transforming rolling-stock and workforce planning and management at SNCF Voyages, Transilien and TER. GIRO has also collaborated with several operators on developing short-term optimization algorithms and personalized rostering features in HASTUS. Instead of assigning detailed workweeks several months in advance, operators now only publish days

off and high-level duties to employees on a mobile portal. Employees then enter their work preferences for a given date or period using their smartphone. ‘If a train driver who normally works day shifts needs to attend to some personal matters, they can indicate a preference for evening shifts for the next little while’ explains Pennont. ‘When the adjustments period is closed, HASTUS distributes work by taking into account all rules, regulations, qualifications, costs and personal preferences in the most efficient and fair manner possible.’ Operators who adopt this more flexible and personalized short-term planning approach report a significant decrease in absenteeism, uncovered work and overtime costs. Employees say they have a better work-life balance and feel empowered because they are more involved in the planning process. ‘We support rail operators across the globe, and nearly all of them are focused on building enough resilience into their ecosystem to handle whatever the future brings’ says Alexandre Savard. ‘Optimization software lets them improve robustness, flexibility and efficiency.’

Tel: +1 514 383 0404 Email: info@giro.ca Visit: www.giro.ca LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/giro

IMPROVING RESILIENCE IN PASSENGER RAIL Meet evolving business goals and strike the right balance between quality of service, resource constraints and operation costs with HASTUS software.



Technology and Innovation

Brakes for all seasons PlasmaTrack ends ‘Leaves on the Line’ delays, autumnal timetables and increases the UK network capacity with ‘Summer Braking All Year Round’


utumnal delays on the rail network have been estimated to cost the UK £350 million every year. PlasmaTrack is a railway technology business which is focused on unlocking predictable and optimized braking for the UK rail network. It will achieve this through the use of its patented high energy plasma system; to remove & retard the formation of low friction contamination on the railhead (‘Leaves on the Line’) and thereby returning the rail wheel interface to summer braking conditions. The vision for the business is to deliver a strong product portfolio around Predictable & Optimised Braking solutions for the Rail Industry. Leading a revolution in rail network operation through Closer Running of railway vehicles and a safe increase in network capacity. Over the next three to five years the sales of PlasmaTrack Cleaning & Track Monitoring systems will gain traction with UK and global network operators as the only full turnkey solution to enable Closer Running of rail vehicles. Product range The technology was born out of an Innovate UK SBRI feasibility study launched by the Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) for Predictable & Optimised Braking. The end goal of this industry calling is to increase the UK rail network capacity through Closer Running. Plasma is well established in other industries for cleaning, sterilization & surface deposition. PlasmaTrack developed IP for a plasma cleaning system suitable

Plasma on track testing


for the railways. It eradicates track contamination through thermal ablation, such as leaf layer, and returns the track from ‘Autumnal’ to ‘Summer Braking conditions’. It has two track cleaning products: • Low speed PlasmaTrack system. • High speed PlasmaTrack system. Delivering track cleaning within a possession up to 7.5 kph. This system uses energy sources suitable for mounting on a Road-Rail Trailer pulled by road-rail service vehicle or a dedicated Road-Rail Vehicle. This system will deliver a solution for faster running and more efficient Rail Head Track Treatment (RHTT) trains, up to 95 kph. This modular system can be placed onto Multi-Purpose Vehicles (MPV) or Wagons and outperforms water jetting by 50 per cent on speed and 40 per cent on cleaning efficiency. PlasmaTrack cleaning systems enabling summer braking conditions all year round will lead to the end of Autumnal timetabling. Rapid deployment off rail to target hotspots removes scheduling challenges. Faster treatment without consumable materials eases maintenance scheduling. Non-toxic, with zero water table impact and lower fuel consumption per treatment kilometre. In addition to track cleaning systems PlasmaTrack has also developed a system for sensing and evaluating the track condition. This was developed with support from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) utilizing a novel application of RAMAN spectroscopy. This is the first technology which has analysed the railhead contaminant

PlasmaTrack Handheld Track Sensing Product

on live track in the UK and can be used to predict changes in the track conditions, indicate which cleaning regime should occur and confirm a successful intervention has occurred returning the track to suitable braking conditions. This is embodied in three different products: 1. Handheld for use by on Track Engineers. 2. Trackside data logging module. 3. On vehicle dynamic monitoring system. PlasmaTrack sensing systems will give Improved service delivery through prediction of conditions & proactive intervention. Less disruptions to service by removing unscheduled maintenance. Addressing serious issues of stress and defensive driving. Giving confidence to engine driver to operate based on real-time conditions. The ultimate goal of this business is to enable the development of a miniaturised passenger/freight train born system. This will replace every onboard sanding system with PlasmaTrack adhesion guaranteeing product. Active during braking and initial traction acceleration this system replaces on train grit applicators (also known as sanders). It will also have a cumulative effect for entire network cleaning the track for following trains.

Technology and Innovation

This is the 21st century solution to track adhesion, on train, giving independence of environmental conditions. Leading to Predictable & optimized braking enabling closer running of vehicles to ERTMS & ETCS. Ultimately, increasing passenger capacity on the same infrastructure addressing the doubling of passenger journeys over the last 20 years.

Prototype. During this time, it has published and had granted several patents with respect to plasma track cleaning and track sensing, as well as many scientific papers around low adhesion intervention. Subsequently it has completed a successful on network trial with Network Rail Wales in Autumn 2020 of its Road to Rail product. This showed efficacy for cleaning the track at over 7.5 kph. It has also demonstrated the high-speed product on a full-scale rolling track and bogie with Knorr Bremse in Germany on its ATLAS test laboratory. This showed efficacy at 95 kph completely removing leaf layer from the track and returning the braking conditions to maximum levels. Network Rail launched a PIN (Periodic Indicative Notice 02/06/2020) for new track cleaning innovations. PlasmaTrack is the only UK based innovation, selected by Network Rail, for live line testing ahead of three other potentials.

Achievements The team completed the technological development through 3 Phases of grant funding managed by the RSSB. Phase 1 Feasibility, Phase 2 Demonstrator. Phase 3

Future plans The team has grown from a bias in engineering design & science to include commercial experience from the Railway industry.

Freight train mounted system

The board includes Julian Swan CEO, Mark Hester Director, Roger Gray Director, Alastair Burton CFO and Jeremy Long Chair (ex CEO of MTR and founder of GB Rail Freight). Its advisory board includes Lucy Prior MBE (formerly Head of Trade Rail alliance and RTS), Abi Broadley (ex Managing director of Aquarius Rail), Apuvarna Singh (ex Head of Innovation & Information Management at Network Rail), Richard Teideman (20 years of experience as Commercial Director). With this team PlasmaTrack initial market will be track cleaning on the UK through Network Rail. Further markets include European, North American and far Eastern rail markets. OEM train manufacturers & Train Operating Companies (TOC) are the key target for the onboard Passenger / Freight train mounted system. PlasmaTrack systems will bring the dawn of Closer Running on every network through Predictable & Optimised Braking. Tel: 07748767688 Email: julian@plasmatrack.co.uk Visit: www.plasmatrack.co.uk

Sustainable Track Cleaning Technology

• • • • • •


RHTT - MPV plasma cleaning 95kph Road to Rail plasma cleaning 7.5kph Mobile Track condition monitor Live Network Track condition data logging Driver feed-back track condition sensing Passenger & Freight vehicle plasma adhesion system

www.plasmatrack.co.uk 295

Track and Trackside – Sidings

Side by side with the industry Scott Parnell Ltd is the UK’s only specialist rail merchant, supplying all civils materials in the sector and across the country


ur dedicated Rail Team hold over 120 years’ experience in the industry between them, providing their customers with a knowledgeable and personable service. First established by Dave Scott and Steve Parnell the company has been incredibly successful due to the people who make up the business. Alongside the standard offering of products we also look to challenge traditional products and processes by offering a range of solutions which look to reduce carbon consumption, increase productivity and also encourage biodiversity. Arcosystem, six metre span elevated cable troughing was the first innovation

brought to market by the Rail Team, in 2016. Introducing a product which significantly reduces the raw material required, speeds up installation by up to 75 per cent and reduces whole life costs. Following the success of the sole distribution of this product Scott Parnell then became delivery partners for an entire range of products: • Touchsafe™ 100 per cent GRP palisade fencing, which removes the use of steel and therefore the need to earth bond the fencing as all touch potential is removed. • Technocrete cement free post mix. This revolutionary product saves over 70 per cent on carbon levels compared to using

cement filled material. It is manufactured using recycled vegetable oil and reduces material weight by 97 pe cent. • FlexMSE vegetated retaining wall system which can improve biodiversity in our built environment by offering a green alternative to traditional cement and steel retaining wall products. • And, most recently TDS-400 Drainage panel which is an engineered panel made from recycled UK plastic that creates a fast draining access path to lineside drainage, preventing surface flooding. Our reputation for supporting product innovation in the sector is unrivalled. Our team are constantly looking for our next delivery partnership to introduce the latest product innovation to our customer base and challenge traditional methods of construction. Are you our next partner? If you have a product which you would like distribution support with, contact our Rail Team via the information below to discuss how we can support you. Tel:0208 805 5797 Email: rail@scottparnell.com Visit: www.scottparnell.com

The UK’s number 1 independent rail merchant and the UK’s only rail supplier of: • • • • 296

Arcosystem Technocrete FlexMSE TDS-400

0208 805 5797 www.scottparnell.co.uk

Securing National Infrastructure


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LPCB Security Doors & Window Bar Sets for the Rail Industry

Morgan Marine Ltd., Llandybïe, Ammanford, Carms SA18Buildings 3GY and Cabinets Steel and GRP Telephone: 01269 850 437 Email: sales@morgan-marine.com Web: Tested to LPS 1175 SR2 andwww.morgan-marine.com SR3 and SR4 Please refer to Red Book Live for full listings


Training – Assessing

Creating a skilled workforce through apprenticeships Investment in the next generation is the key to long term sustainability for the railway, as none of us live forever!


M Training and Assessing takes a railway centred approach to apprenticeships. Along with Educationwise Academy we have created a unique apprenticeship scheme for Signalling Apprentices. There are a number of concerns that companies have about apprenticeship schemes. Local colleges don’t have railway expertise One of the problems railway companies have with apprenticeship schemes provided by local colleges is that they focus on general engineering skills and knowledge. This means that the apprentices then must go on Signalling courses paid for by the company to make them useful engineers for the company. As you will know, this doesn’t come cheap. However, we have matched up the skills and knowledge required in the apprenticeship standards to the skills and knowledge required to be a Signal Engineer. This means that we have incorporated the traditional signalling courses into the learning that the apprentices do for their apprenticeship. Therefore, they get their training at no extra cost to the company. This also means more time to get experience putting into practice what they have learnt. Day release isn’t compatible with shift and weekend work Day release can work well for industries that work 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. As we all know the railway doesn’t work like this. In the railway there is shift work and weekend work. Also, quite rightly, there are limits on the time apprentices can work for and how long they need as rest periods. If the college decides that their day release will be on a Monday this can mean that they can’t work any weekends, which may be very inconvenient and expensive for the company. We have done this differently. Instead of ‘day release’, we do ‘block release’. This means that one week a month for ten months of the year they have a whole week of training. Therefore, we can plan in the traditional railway courses, as well as the technical knowledge training. The advantage for the apprentice is that they can 298

concentrate and get immersed in a subject for the week without any other distractions. They can do the traditional courses in the same way as any other engineer, as it is all incorporated within the scheme plan. The advantage for the company is that they know their apprentice will be in training for the week but the other 3/4 weeks of the month they can work in the same way as any other employee, including nights and weekends. Apprentices may have to be sent away for their railway courses With the college route, because the apprentices are not having the railway courses included in their college work, they

are often sent away to training schools to complete the signalling courses. This means extra time away from working. It also means extra costs for the company, as they quite often have to send them away on courses which means having to pay travel and accommodation costs as well. For larger companies that have six or more apprentices, we will come and deliver the training at your premises. This means that the apprentices are not staying away and there are no extra costs for the company. For smaller companies who only have a few apprentices, we group them by area so that they are not travelling away all the time. This also means that they get to meet

Training – Assessing

other apprentices from different companies and appreciate different roles that each company can play. It also creates a support network between the apprentices, as they are all signalling apprentices and often have the same questions and issues, so they can support each other. Colleges are often large and inflexible in their approach Colleges by their very nature, are all very large and therefore any apprentices have to fit in with the timetable and staffing set by the college. We are a small organisation and are therefore able to be flexible in our approach to the apprenticeship. An example would be when there is a commissioning on, we can delay the training for that month and move it to a different month which might be more suitable. We are also able to combine both face to face learning and online learning. One of the benefits of continuing to deliver during the pandemic, is that our trainers have become adept at using video training and online e-portfolio systems, to ensure that the learners can get the maximum benefit and don’t lose out when they are not physically able to meet together.

What do the levels mean?

• Level 2 is a one-year apprenticeship and is suitable for those who are going to be engineering operatives. • Level 3 is a three-year apprenticeship and is suitable for those who are going to be engineering technicians. • Level 4 is a more in-depth apprenticeship and is particularly suitable for those who are going on to be design engineers. • Level 5, this is a two year apprenticeship which is entirely competence based. Apprentices will gain the same amount of knowledge as the other apprentices; however, they will need to complete a portfolio of evidence that proves the planning, processing, maintenance and production of railway assets and equipment.

most. There are different rules in each of our nations, but for England, if you are a large employer and you pay into the government’s ‘Levy pot’ you have already paid for your apprentices. All you are doing is claiming that money back. The money goes straight to the training provider to pay for their apprenticeship training and assessment. Any training that goes towards the knowledge and skills training set out in the apprenticeship is covered. You only have to pay their wages and other training that isn’t covered by the apprenticeship e.g. PTS. If you don’t pay into the ‘Levy pot’ you only have to pay five per cent of the cost of training your apprentices. For example, for a Level 3 Technician you would pay less than £500 per year towards the cost of their training. This is probably less than a week long training course you would send them on. If you would like more information, please contact us at: enquiries@pmtanda.co.uk or our partner Educationwise Academy at: info@education-wise.org

It can’t cost nothing – there must be a catch? This is the question that we get asked the

Tel: 01874 620704 Email: enquiries@pmtanda.co.uk Visit: pmtanda.co.uk

We are currently delivering Signalling Apprenticeships from Level 2 to Level 4, and we are currently planning for Level 5 for 2022:


Training – Specialist Skills

Supporting the rail industry amidst growing demand Complete Training Solutions (CTS) is a Liverpool based, specialised Health and Safety training provider, with over 25 years of combined industry experience


he training provider offers a range of qualifications suitable for those in the rail industry, including IRATA Rope Access, CITB and IOSH training courses. The in-house training and bespoke training facilities on offer, allows CTS to run courses that accommodate the schedules and training needs of employers and individuals alike. In recent years, the rail industry has been affected by the lack of skilled labour, hampering productivity within the industry, 300

and with an increased demand for track maintenance, and new major rail projects over the horizon the need for skilled labour is more crucial than ever. It is vital businesses can employ skilled professionals who will effectively support the demands of the industry. Government capital expenditure is expected to increase resulting in raising of departmental budgets, providing an opportunity for pipeline rail construction projects and greater maintenance. For

businesses, now is the time to invest in their workers, ready for the upcoming demand. At CTS their courses support rail professionals and business. Offering a wide range of health and safety training in the likes of rope access, confined space and first aid, CTS is accredited to deliver IOSH, IRATA and City and Guilds courses to name just a few. All courses take place at one of two waterfront training facilities, which are conveniently located close to Liverpool City Centre. Their specialist trainers support

Training – Specialist Skills

delegates for their journeys in the rail industry. Delegates can become experts in Health and Safety measures and procedures through undergoing IOSH or CITB courses, or undertaking a level 1, 2 or 3 IRATA Rope Access Course. All courses support professionals to acquire the knowledge and skills to work safely in rail maintenance or construction. Their City and Guilds training course is ideal for delegates who will be embarking on a career in confined spaces, while IRATA and Rope Access Training will enable learners to work safely at height using rope access. With three levels of IRATA Rope Access Courses to choose from, Complete Training Solutions can help delegates progress to the next stage of their careers – and climb the next rung on the rope ladder. As a successful long standing training provider, Complete Training Solutions has built an impressive and loyal customer base. Their ongoing dedication to providing high-quality training across the four sectors in which they operate has helped delegates enter the industry with the necessary skills. Their operations continue to grow and evolve offering a first-class service to individuals and businesses.

Testimonials ‘We all thoroughly enjoyed the course and the level of presentation, probably the best instructor I have ever come across in 45 years in the business. Thank you CTS, excellent facilities and staff.’ ‘With everything going on, I was quite nervous about attending this course but after seeing all the Covid-19 precautions that have been put in place, it filled me with confidence. CTS have gone above and beyond to ensure our health and safety during these uncertain times.’ ‘Always down to earth instructors who know what they are talking about. Complete always cater for our lastminute needs with no problems.’ ‘Instructors were very knowledgeable and reassuring. I felt very comfortable as this is something I haven’t experienced before.’

The course catalogue displays a variety of course options available for people looking to get into the rail industry, with all levels available there is something to suit the needs of every business and individual. Tel 0151 541 8352 Email: info@completetrainingsolutions.co.uk Visit: completetrainingsolutions.co.uk

Health & Safety training We deliver industry-leading training from our elite facilities in Liverpool, UK. Specialists in IRATA industrial rope access training Multiple levels of CITB certification Expertly led City & Guilds Confined Space training

Use Code ‘Rail2022’ on our website for a 5% Discount Online discount applies to selected IRATA, CITB, IOSH and City & Guilds courses

BOOK NOW | T. 0151 708 9785

completetrainingsolutions.co.uk info@completetrainingsolutions.co.uk 301

Training – Track Safety

Training is key to success High quality, responsive training is key to a competent and more productive workforce and the development of a workforce is important


kills and competence come hand in hand to make a safer industry. Trust Seaton Rail to deliver – from the classroom to the front line. Seaton Rail’s Railway and Track Safety Training Courses provide their own workforce, companies and individual contractors with the skills, knowledge and certification to ensure that rail works are carried out efficiently and safely as well as in full compliance with Network Rail Standards. Ensuring that people are safe whilst working in a high-risk environment is imperative, on the contrary, there is the need for people to not only be aware of how to keep themselves safe on the railway but how to safely and competently complete works – often to strict and demanding timescales. Seaton Rail’s subject area of expertise is railway track safety training and compliance. The courses and assessments they deliver range from Personal Track Safety (PTS) up to Safe System of Work Planner (SSOWP) including Controller of Site Safety (COSS), Engineering Supervisor (ES) and Person in Charge of Possession (PICOP). Seaton Rail have full nationwide coverage and full-time trainers and assessors which allows them to meet their clients demands and needs. Courses are often tailored to suit individuals, meaning that the content is relevant whilst still delivering the knowledge as per Network Rail standards. Working alongside other departments within the organisation, they strive to enrich the lives of others by delivering high quality, responsive training – the aim is to be inspiring, innovative and outstanding. Recently graded as a GOLD (outstanding) Network Rail training and assessment provider by the National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR), Seaton Rail are rigorously inspected and adhere to the relevant Network Rail standards. In addition to railway track safety training, they deliver level 1-4 OFQUAL accredited health, safety and compliance training raining from Health and Safety, First Aid, Functional Skills, Customer Service, teacher/assessor qualifications, Food Safety & Business Skills. Seaton Rail form a collaborative partnership with all their clients to achieve maximum productivity and performance metrics to get the job done! Of course, safety is paramount and as members of the British Safety Council they are committed to working towards Health, Safety and 302

Environmental best practice. Their industry specialists have a combined 120 years of railway experience and in partnership with the training division, they offer Safe Work Planning, track access, the booking and management of isolations and possessions, on track protection and warning services, labour supply and Drugs and Alcohol screenings and medical screenings. Creating a safe working environment

track side ‘on or near the line’ requires careful planning before work can begin. A job that is planned well is more likely to make full use of available resources, be more costeffective and above all be safer to implement. Seaton Rail form a collaborative partnership with all their clients to achieve maximum productivity and performance metrics to get the job done. Seaton Rail can quickly provide a bespoke, dedicated and experienced

Training – Track Safety

workforce of the highest quality to their clients thus enabling maximum possession utilisation and project delivery within agreed budget and time constraints. In addition, all of their staff have extensive route knowledge, dramatically reducing the risk of any of your works being aborted. Seaton Rail have a full time, directly employed On Track Division, together with their large database of Support Staff they can offer full UK nationwide coverage of contingent on-track labour and protection and warning staff for safety critical manpower requirements covering all aspects of rail work. The railway industry no longer simply requires recruitment agencies to supply a labour force, the rail industry requires qualified and experienced staff to assess and resource the needs of individual clients on a project to project basis. Seaton Rail offer dedicated industry specialists to resource and supply experienced personnel that match clients’ bespoke requirements to ensure the client and their project receive the attention and ongoing support that optimise ‘best practice’ working. Another service they provide to the industry is Drugs and Alcohol and medical

Guards, Conductors, Shunters, Signallers, Permanent Way workers and all other Safety Critical staff and their employers are subject to the Transport & Works Act which makes it a criminal offence for employees to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, additionally, employers are bound by law to have procedures in place to prevent this from occurring. It is an offence under section 27 of the act for employees to carry out and for employers to allow employees to carry out, safety critical tasks while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Safety critical workers are subject to medical screenings to determine suitability to workRailway in a safety critical role and, Safety if Seaton Rail’s and Track Trainin applicable, be with issuedthe withskills, restrictions whilst provide companies knowledge and c working on or near the line. Due to their to ensure vast thatexpertise works on the safety, railway are carried out effi in track planning and track Rail ensure theNetwork Rai safely as well as inaccess full Seaton compliance with training delivered is of the highest quality andone learners the classroom ambitious Seaton Rail are of theleave leading railway training and assessment to progress their career on railway recently graded GOLD (outstanding) bythe NSAR. Our courses are deli knowing exactly to promote andtheir message professional,and full-time trainers whohow know how to get maintain a safe working also tailor course content and format environment. to meet your specific requirem Our courses are delivered at our modern training centres in Brid screenings. Any allegations of drinkGoole, and drug 01262 608 313 York, Tel: Rotherham, Warrington and Glasgow where we have ex abuse in the railway industry are of facilities, concern. lunch Email: info@seaton-rail.com is provided, unlimited free hot and cold drinks and fre Safety Critical staff including Train Drivers, Visit: training www.seaton-rail.com We also arrange to meet the requirements of our Client including early, late and night turns of duty. Training is also available a or at a premises of your choice.

trust us

to deliver

trust us

trust us to deliver

to deliver

Seaton Rail’s Railway and Track Safety Training Courses Workplace assessm Courses we deliver (both initial and recertification): provide companies with the skills, knowledge and certification • Personal Track Safety • Individual Worki to ensure that works on the railway are carried out efficientlytoand • Rail’s Working Near or Adjacent DC Conductor Rail Courses • Controller of Site Seaton Railway and TracktheSafety Training (DCCR) OLP, CRP LLT and safely as well as in full compliance with Network provide companiesRail withStandards. the skills, knowledge and certification •


• Engineering Sup

to ensureIndividual that works on theAlone railway are carried out efficiently• and Working Safe System of W Seaton Rail are one of the leading railway training• and assessment providers, safely•as well as in of full compliance Network Controller Site Safety (OLP with and CRP LLT) Rail Standards. • Possession Supp recently graded GOLD (outstanding) by NSAR. Our courses are delivered by • Protection Controller • Person in Charge Railtheir are one of the leading railway professional, full-time trainers who know howSeaton to get message across. Wetraining can and assessment providers, LevelGOLD Crossing Attendant recently• graded (outstanding) by NSAR. Our courses are delivered by also tailor course content and format to meet professional, your •specific requirements. Points Operator full-time trainers who know how to get their message across. We can Our courses are delivered at our modern training in Bridlington, • centres Engineering Supervisor also tailor course content and format to meet your specific requirements. Our courses are delivered at our modern training centres in Bridlington, • Safe Work Leader 1 and 2 Conversion Goole, York, Rotherham, Warrington and Glasgow where we have excellent Goole, York, Rotherham, Warrington and Glasgow where we have excellent • Safe System of Work Planner facilities, lunch is provided, unlimited free hot facilities, and cold drinks and free wi-fi. is provided, unlimited free hot and cold drinks and free wi-fi. • lunch Possession support We also arrange training to meet the requirements of our Clients shift We also arrange training to meet thepatterns requirements of our Clients shift patterns • OLEC 1 including early, late and nightatturns ofweekends, duty. Training is also available at the weekends, including early, late and night turns of duty. Training is also available the • Industry Common or at a premises of your choice. Induction or at a premises of your choice. • Person in Charge of Possession

trust us


to deliver



Courses we deliver (both initial and recertification):• •

• Track Personal Safety Track Safety • Seaton Rail’s Railway and Training Courses • Working Near or Adjacent to the DC Conductor Rail• • provide companies with the skills, knowledge and certification (DCCR) • Lookout to ensure that works on the •railway are carried out efficiently and • • • Individual Working Alone safely as well as in full compliance with Network Rail Standards. • • Controller of Site Safety (OLP and CRP LLT) Protection Seaton Rail are one of the leading •railway trainingController and assessment providers, • byLevel Crossing Attendant recently graded GOLD (outstanding) NSAR. Our courses are delivered by Points professional, full-time trainers who •know howOperator to get their message across. We can • toEngineering Supervisor also tailor course content and format meet your specific requirements. • Safe Work Leader 1 and Conversion Our courses are delivered at our modern training centres in2Bridlington, Safe Systemwhere of Work Goole, York, Rotherham, Warrington• and Glasgow wePlanner have excellent • free Possession support facilities, lunch is provided, unlimited hot and cold drinks and free wi-fi. 1 We also arrange training to meet •the OLEC requirements of our Clients shift patterns • duty. Industry Common Inductionat the weekends, including early, late and night turns of Training is also available • Person in Charge of Possession or at a premises of your choice.

Seaton Rail has an outstanding reputation in the long-standing, trusted relationships with all of ou

partnerships to achieve maximum productivity an Workplace assessments we deliver: the job done!

Courses we deliver (both initial and recertification):

• • • • • •

Personal Track Safety Workplace assessments we deliver: Working Near or Adjacent to the DC Conductor Rail (DCCR) • Individual Working Alone Lookout Individual Working Alone • Controller of Site Safety (Including ControllerOLP, of Site Safety (OLP andPC) CRP LLT) CRP LLT and Protection Controller • Engineering Supervisor Level Crossing Attendant Points • Operator Safe System of Work Planner Engineering Supervisor • Possession Support Safe Work Leader 1 and 2 Conversion • Person inPlanner Charge of Possession Safe System of Work Possession support OLEC 1 Industry Common Induction Person in Charge of Possession

Serving the rail industry throughout the U.

• Individual Working Alone  Possession, Isolation and Railway I  Safe System of Work Planning • Controller of Site Safety (Including  Work Package Planning  Railway Safety Training & Workplac OLP, CRP LLT and PC)  First Aid, Health & Safety and Comp  PTS Drugs and Alcohol Screening • Engineering Supervisor  Supply of Contingent Labour and O • Safe System of Work Planner Services • Possession Support • Person in Charge of Possession

Telephone: 01262 608 313 Web: www.seaton-rail.com Email: training@seaton-rail.com Seaton Rail has an long-standing, trus partnerships to ach the job done! Tel: 01262 608313

info@seaton-rail.com www.seaton-rail.com

Serving the

Seaton Rail has an outstanding reputation in the rail industry and strives to build long-standing, trusted relationships with all of our clients. We form collaborative partnerships to achieve maximum productivity and performance metrics to get the job done! Serving the rail industry throughout the U.K. 24/7 365 days a year.       

Possession, Isolation and Railway Interface Planning Safe System of Work Planning Work Package Planning Railway Safety Training & Workplace Assessments First Aid, Health & Safety and Compliance Training PTS Drugs and Alcohol Screening Supply of Contingent Labour and On Track Protection & Warning Services


Telephone: 01262 608 313 Tel: 01262 608313  Safe Web: www.seaton-rail.com info@seaton-rail.com www.seaton-rail.com Email: training@seaton-rail.com Seaton Rail has an outstanding reputati  Tel: Work 01 long-standing, trusted relationships with  Railw partnerships to achieve maximum produ info@se 303 First the job done! Seaton Rail has an outstanding reputation in the rail industry and strives to build long-standing, trusted relationships with all of our clients. We form collaborative partnerships to achieve maximum productivity and performance metrics to get the job done!

Courses we deliver (both initial and recertification):

• •

Personal Track Safety Working Near or Adjacent to the DC Conductor Rail

Workplace assessments we deliver:

• Individual Working Alone

Telephone:• 01262 Controller608 of Site 313 Safety (Including

Serving the rail industry throughout the U.K. 24/7 365 days a year.       

Possession, Isolation and Railway Interface Planning Safe System of Work Planning Work Package Planning Railway Safety Training & Workplace Assessments First Aid, Health & Safety and Compliance Training PTS Drugs and Alcohol Screening Supply of Contingent Labour and On Track Protection & Warning Services


 through PTS Serving the rail industry



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www.gzconsultants.com 304

Tunnelling – Interview

Kurt Zeidler, Principal at GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Sam Sherwood-Hale spoke to Kurt Zeidler, Principal at GALL ZEIDLER Consultants about his career, the history and development of tunnelling and GALL ZEIDLER’s work on HS2

my career the TBMs underwent enormous development, and now we can use them for almost any ground condition. So there has been an adequate development in this period, but it was not a quantum leap, there was a constant, steady improvement, especially in the materials that we use and in quality control, materials became much better known and more reliable which led to more repeatable results. But we haven’t really seen a quantum leap, because the industry is relatively conservative, so progress is slow. Where the codes regulations are concerned, I have seen the Euro code come into play, which didn’t exist when I started. The Euro codes are relatively widely implemented these days, which is an improvement from the national codes by providing a common base. There are many more specifications and standards in place for materials, there were types of concrete that we tested when I first began my career but there are no universal design standards for fibre reinforced concrete for example, even though we use it quite widely And testing standards for fibre reinforced concrete are available.

You’ve had a career spanning 35 years, how far back does your involvement in the UK go? I would say it goes back a long time, I worked in the UK for the first time in 1991 on Crossrail, in its early days and then we founded the company in Austria in 1999 and then first opened a UK office in 2006. Of course, much of my career has been spent working all around the world but with quite a long time in the United States, that’s where I teamed up with Mr Gall and this formed the beginnings of Gall Zeidler. Then I came back to Europe in 2011, I decided it was time to put a bit more effort into the UK office, leaving Mr. Gall to run the operations in

America. Of course going back further, it all started in my home country of Austria, where I worked primarily on construction sites, from 1981 to 1990, doing a little bit of design and then I started my own company in 1999. How has underground construction technology changed during that time? There have been significant changes, when I started, we used different materials and equipment. I remember my first tunnel was a TBM tunnel, it was a mainframe TBM which is for hard rock but there were no other TBMs available, and their use was very limited. Yet, over the first 20 years of

In recent years, the 130-year-old Severn Tunnel was made ready for electrification of the South Wales Mainline and Farnworth Tunnel was upgraded to accommodate two electrified lines near Bolton. Gall Zeidler Consultants provided expert design review services as the Category 3 independent design-checking engineer on the Farnworth project, what goes into rehabilitating a tunnel? Unfortunately, in particular the UK but also in many other countries as well, there is not that much appetite for rehabilitating old tunnels, despite the fact that the infrastructure is aging in all developed countries, because we all started our railways at around the same time. I have had discussions with relevant bodies in the UK for over 20 years about rehabilitation, but they are constrained by operational requirements, budget and timing. But there are specific challenges when it comes to rehabilitating old tunnels and I always 305

Tunnelling – Interview

try to use this experience I gained with rehabilitating old tunnels in the design for new tunnels, because I realized that for all kinds of reasons, lack of knowledge or lack of adequate materials, certain things were not done the way we would do it today, to make the tunnels live longer. When you start a railway tunnel rehabilitation project, it is typically a requirement of the authority that either the downtime or the closure time has to be limited to the absolute minimum, and you might even have to reopen the track whilst the rehabilitation goes on. That’s certainly a big challenge. And because our infrastructure is so in dire need of refurbishment, because we haven’t done a lot of that work for a long time, this gets more and more pressing, and less and less feasible to have both operations and, and rehabilitation going on at the same time. So that that’s one of the challenges. The other challenge is the lack of documentation. Typically, where there is a lack of documentation, you can’t really rely on what information you do actually have because there has not always been a strictly standardised system for documenting projects. For example, we worked on a project in Pittsburgh in the USA, where there was this ten-metre-high cavern above the tunnel. During the tunnel construction this area had collapsed, they cleared it out and built a brick arch in this area and then over roughly 100 years, material was falling on top of the brick arch and nobody knew that there was actually a void behind it. So when we got in there, we emptied out the refuse which was sitting atop the brick arch and all of a sudden all we saw was a big hole. And the real shocker for everybody was there was a house above us with a swimming pool. There was only a two and a half metre thick, solid sandstone slab in between us and the house – and nobody knew for decades! It’s like when you refurbish an old house, there’s always a surprise. Regardless of what you’re trying to plan, there’s always work to do afterwards that is different to what you expected. So, what we did was build a new arch and then filled the void with concrete, and that was the first time people realized that they had this huge void below them. So you have to be very creative in that moment, because it’s a problem where there’s no documentation and I imagine there’s not many instances where you’ve got this sort of issue, so it’s likely there’s no precedent to draw upon when you’re coming up with a solution? When it comes to collapses, there are often no reports on it, so you have to be prepared for all kinds of things. Typically, the condition of the lining itself, if it’s a brick lining, or stone masonry, that’s quite well known before you start. So you can determine the condition of the brickwork, 306

but what’s behind the brickwork can still cause difficulties. There are some tools being used, like ground penetrating radar, but we still need to develop new tools to give us a more reliable picture of the conditions behind the lining. We can map the shape of the tunnel very accurately and see its deformation, but that alone doesn’t tell you the whole story. A great example of past tunnelling is The Thames tunnel, the world’s first shieldtunnel under a river, which was a gift from Brunel who invented this rectangular shield and used bricks of extraordinary quality. It is unbelievable how hard those bricks were. But one of the other challenges facing these old tunnels is water, which is the prime cause of degradation that comes from the inflow of water inflow. Because in the good old days, we didn’t have a lot of material to act efficiently in such a way to close off the groundwater and avoid ground water intrusion into the lining of the brickwork. We were talking earlier about tunnel boring machines, TBMs, obviously today they are much more widely utilized in tunnel construction. Is that always by necessity, or is it the case that the technology has just improved so much that people are finding uses for them? I think it is always demand, unfortunately, I believe we are not tempted to invent new things for something which we don’t have a need for in that moment. The need for soft ground tunnelling machines came from the urban areas, where there is a higher demand for infrastructure, and the vast majority of big cities are built on soft ground. When you look at London, it is a historic city of tunnels and the reason for that is because of its relatively soft ground which is still well suitable for tunnelling. In your paper, ‘Modern urban tunnelling responding to social needs’, you talked about the socioeconomic reasons for major infrastructure projects, how much of that that has been the focus of your career? I asked myself very often, why do we do this? Because it’s a major effort, it’s a major investment of money, time, human resources, materials. This paper came from a discussion with my partner where we discussed this very question and wanted to publish an answer – why are we so enthusiastic about HS2 for example? So, instead of being technical, we looked at the potential effect of Crossrail once it is open – things like the value of property but also the reduction in travel time for commuters, which should improve their wellbeing, for some people it cuts their travel time in half. You’ve worked on Crossrail and on HS2, the Western Rail Link to Heathrow

Airport as well. What improvements in sustainability have been made in these more recent projects? We have improved the durability of the materials and we have tighter quality control, more protection measures like waterproofing so we can prevent the groundwater from flowing into the structure. Structures today probably have 50 to 100 per cent longer lifetimes than traditional structures. There’s always a discussion about the impact on the environment in any of these projects, for quite some time we ignored the environment when we built infrastructure. Anything we do has an effect on the environment and on our surroundings, but we can reduce the negative effects. For a long time grouting the ground was a generic solution for almost everything, whereas today we are much more efficient with the use of grout and due to the TBM technology, we use much less grout. When I look at HS2, our involvement is as a designer for the C1 project, the Chiltern Tunnel, and nearby there is a water extraction field which has a lot of pumps extracting drinking water and there was a long discussion about avoiding polluting the groundwater, which could then affect the pump fields. In the past, it would just be accepted that we had to build it so we have to risk doing this harm, but now the mindset has changed about the use of materials, and the use of natural resources as well, so we focus on engineering a solution. Our work in the Chilterns is focussed on designing the 38 cross passages and the portal where the TBM started where we came up with a support system in the portal area to avoid settlements. Do you think that a tunnel under the Irish Sea linking to Scotland and Northern Ireland feasible? Absolutely, yes it would be technically feasible, you would probably have to build islands in between where you can have escape shafts and ventilation shafts. Whether financially and economically, it makes sense is a different story, which to be honest, I can’t answer, if you look at the Eurotunnel, it makes much more sense to use that then flying from London to Paris, and there are plans for tunnel projects between Denmark and Sweden, I believe. For the future of tunnelling, we have to bring down the costs and the time spent on the project, and those are interconnected of course. We need to develop technologies which can increase the speed of tunnelling and reduce the costs of it. We also have to reduce the time involved with general planning, Crossrail is an example, I was personally involved in Crossrail in 1991, and I was there in 2012 when it finally started construction.

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Tunneling – LIfe Cycle Support

Innovative solutions for the subterranean space Part of the Swiss based Amberg Group, Amberg Technologies / Amberg Engineering has many years of experience in all types of soft ground tunnel construction


sing both conventional methods and tunnel boring machines, Amberg is one of the world’s leading engineering and technology companies, which for more than 50 years has been developing designs and construction solutions in the fields of underground railway, metro and road tunnels. Amberg has built up a wealth of knowledge by building underground railways all around the world and deepened its understanding through close cooperation with research groups and the industry. This enables them to select the right technology for the particular local requirements. The company’s experts work with the most appropriate tunnelling methods, select the correct lining and deliver the optimum alignment. In addition, Amberg develops safety concepts and emergency planning, and design the ventilation for railway tunnels and stations. Signature projects include the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the Semmering Base Tunnel, Lyon Turin TELT Base Tunnel, the Brenner Base Tunnel, the Ceneri Base Tunnel, Follobanen, and many more. In Britain Amberg has been a strong partner for local contractors, building and maintaining railway infrastructure and tunnelling infrastructure for more than 30 years. Landmark projects in the UK realised with the technology and engineering of Amberg Switzerland include the below. 308

Crossrail London The contractors have relied on Amberg Tunnel as their tunnel survey and construction application along with Amberg Navigator in the field, providing intuitive tunnel construction and verification methods. Adapting to the latest tunnel survey technologies contractors on the project realized the potential to gain efficiency in the survey workflow which led to significant cost savings in a competitive construction environment. Amberg Navigator proved to be a tunnelling solution which was easy to learn and use, often operated by non-surveyors in the field. In the following phase of the project AMBERG RAIL provided the technology and the equipment to lay the slab track in the new tunnels with high levels of precision and efficiency. Additionally, the Amberg GRP track measuring device was deployed to do the quality control plus the clearance verification with an onboard laser scanner. What equipment was used? • GRP 1000 Slab Track to lay the tracks. • VMS 1000 for the relative and geometric quality control. • GRP 5000 for Clearance verification. What are the benefits for the customer the track owner? • The confidence that the tracks are

perfectly laid. • Reduction of high maintenance costs. • Properly aligned tracks are an important safety factor. What were the benefits for the contractor? • Cost-effective solution which allowed them to deliver the track meeting the highly set specifications. • Cost savings on equipment and crew. • Timely delivery of the tracks in the tunnels. • Minimal training of the track builders due to the unified AMBERG Rail field application even when using altering applications. • Strong local support by SCCS. Network Rail Challenge Network Rail always strives to improve efficiency and safety as demand on the network is very high and track access becomes more limited. Early in 2016 Network Rail opted for the latest development by AMBERG TECHNOLOGIES, the IMS 3000 Tamping system. The foresighted decision for the AMBERG IMS solution has proven to meet todays and the future requirements. The systems are being used by Network Rail Highoutput depots, which is the part of Network Rail that carries out track renewals and ballast cleaning. The AMBERG IMS3000 systems are used to carryout design verification surveys before

Tunneling – LIfe Cycle Support

the work begins, for pre and post tamping surveys and finally for as-built surveys to ensure the required track geometry has been installed. Up until then the surveys were done using a tape measure and five-point laser with a list of required offsets to the adjacent track. The improvement in productivity and quality using the AMBERG IMS solution over traditional methods have been significant. The benefits for Network Rail are: • Half the staff needed - double production output – double measurement accuracy – 100 per cent digitalized. • Strong local support by SCCS. Furthermore, the AMBERG IMS systems were used on the WCML (West Coast Main Line) for maintenance. The WCML is one of the only tracks in the UK where with a full control network with a control point on each OLE gantry (Overhead Line Equipment) and a 3D design. The systems are used to carry out maintenance surveys against the exiting design and create slue and lift campaigns to improve and maintain track geometry and safety. While our GRP systems are currently used on fixed installation in London, we

see a number of rail survey companies adopting AMBERG IMS, particularly the 5000 scanning system as it offers fast efficient capture of track and surrounding infrastructure. The AMBERG IMS 5000 system simultaneously measures rail positions, 3D point cloud and gauging data at speeds of up to 4km of track per hour. It can also be used in combination with data from a variety of other sources including drones to provide clients with a complete solution for rail surveying, from both the ground and the air. Our customers in the UK are already seeing the benefits of this technology allowing them to mitigate risk, improve safety, save cost and reduce program time, whilst delivering high-quality data.

supporting contractors on the HS2 project in the years to come. A wealth of experience with proven track records Over more than 50 years AMBERG has realized over 800 projects worldwide, spread through the five continents and in more than 25 countries. AMBERG masters all phases of the lifecycle of under-ground and rail infrastructure projects and are capable to advise and provide support to implement future-oriented solutions. Well established practices make for fast decision-making processes enabling quick and competent reactions to changed conditions or unexpected events. Everything comes from a single source and with AMBERG as your partner you get engineering at its best.

Other successful projects where AMBERG played an important role Thames Tideway Tunnel. Looking at the excellent results and the cost savings on the Crossrail project all contractors on the Thames Tideway project opted for the AMBERG Tunnel solution. Using advanced tunnel survey applications for the various shafts and connecting tunnels. AMBERG Rail and Tunnel are already

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TOUGH PROJECTS CALL FOR SMART MEASURES The main goal of modern tunneling projects is to optimise the tunnel excavation process and workflows. Efficient, cost-effective design and surveying solutions are needed, without placing precision and safety at risk. Engineering at its best www.ambergengineering.com

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Tunnels – Prefabricated

Success stories from the world of tunneling Mobil Baustoffe, a subsidiary of STRABAG SE, a European-based technology partner for construction services, specialises in the reliable and cost-effective production of concrete for large scale construction projects such as tunnels, dams and similar major projects around the world

Credit: © PD Ports


he project related production of aggregates e.g. made from tunnel excavation material, the production of tunnel segments for TBM driven tunnels and the production of annular gap filling materials, as well as consulting are part of our services. The company started in 1998 with its first concrete deliveries for a tunnelling project in Germany. Since then, many projects – from tunnels to airports – were added to the reference list. From the UK to Oman and Chile to Azerbaijan, Mobil Baustoffe experts have been involved in a big array of construction sites. Well known tunnels like the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland or the Brenner Base tunnel in Italy have been built using Mobil Baustoffe’s concrete. In 2008, Mobil Baustoffe was purchased by STRABAG and can since rely on the strong network of its parent company. Success story – Crossrail In the UK, Mobil Baustoffe was involved in the Crossrail projects C300 and C410 in 310

Credit: © Mobil Baustoffe

London for the BFK JV. For the C300 lot, we produced the backfill grout component A using a bespoke setup directly at the tunnel entrance. The containerised grout plants were designed to ensure continuous production of grout even in the unlikely event of one plant breaking down. Using seven interconnected powder silos, we were not only able to achieve the storage capacity required, but also to use the constituents in both plants if necessary. The unloading of grout into the client’s vehicles was performed in close cooperation with the site directly at the start of the tunnel. For the C410 lot, we developed a tailor-made concrete mixing plant for the production of concrete right in the centre of London. The concrete batching plant with a 3.33 m³ twin-shaft mixer was designed to have the smallest footprint possible to fit in the space given. Using an overhead silo for aggregates and a large, screwed cement silo, we were able to achieve the storage capacity of constituents needed for 300 m³ of concrete as specified by the client. The

delivery of the constituents was performed smoothly right into the heart of London via Oxford Street. Using the plant in a 24/7 shift system, we were able to supply concrete directly into the client’s concrete pump (placed under the batching plant) at any given time. Under challenging conditions, we fully satisfied the needs of our customer. Success story – Finnetunnel We successfully produced 48,000 tunnel lining segments with extremely low tolerances for the construction of Finnetunnel for Deutsche Bahn. In doing so, we exceeded the planned performance by up to 40 per cent. This allowed our client to complete tunnelling work for the two tunnel sections within the given timeframe. The production took place in a factory built directly in front of the tunnel in a brand new and bespoke shed housing the carousel system, the curing chamber and a storage area. We also developed special concrete mix


Because success comes from working together. STRABAG subsidiary Mobil Baustoffe specialises in the production of on-site concrete for large scale construction projects such as tunnels but also produces high precision prefabricated segments for TBM drives (“tubbings”). Mobil Baustoffe has been in operation for around two decades and has produced over 15 million cubic meters of concrete in many countries around the globe. Clients can be found across the whole spectrum of contractors, from large groups to small businesses. In the UK Mobile Baustoffe experts have been involved in the Crossrail sites C300 and C410; are currently working for the North Yorkshire Polyhalite Project and are part of the team for the upcoming Segments production for the HS2 S2 East tunnel. To find out more visit our homepage: www.mobil-baustoffe.com

Mobil Baustoffe GmbH, Trimburgstr. 2, 81249 München, Tel. +49 89 8954574-0, office@mobil-baustoffe.com


Tunnels – Prefabricated

Credit: © Rudi Froese

Credit: © Mobil Baustoffe

designs with our concrete technologists. With the support of an external concrete expert, the need for the segments coating, which is normally required by the German standard for the given ground water condition, could be eliminated. This also helped to reduce costs. According to the client, our production of the tunnel lining segments for Finnetunnel showed a quality never seen before in a comparable timeframe. For this project, Mobil Baustoffe produced the segments, the concrete and the backfill material – a real ‘one-stop-shop’ approach for everything concrete related. Success story – Cityringen Copenhagen, Denmark For the Cityringen Project in Copenhagen, we successfully produced over 125,000 high precision segments for about 30 kilometres of tunnel. To do so, we installed a production yard within the confines of Sassnitz Ferry Port on Rügen island (Germany). Production of reinforcement cages and segments was done in two separate sheds. The planned output was exceeded by up to 35 per cent. Our client shipped the finished segments via vessel to a storage yard in Copenhagen and eventually by truck to the respective sites along the tunnel line. Success story – North Yorkshire Polyhalite Project, UK On this site, Mobil Baustoffe experts produced the concrete for STRABAG’s segment precast factory. During a short period of very high demand for prefabricated segments, Mobil Baustoffe supported the 312

Credit: © Dirk Brzoska

site with a rapidly setup segment production in its existing facility in Sassnitz, Germany. The segments were then shipped to the UK and placed in the tunnel. Only by standing with STRABAG’s slogan ‘TEAMS WORK’, such an outstanding cooperation was possible and lead to fantastic results. New Project – Tunnel construction works along HS2 (UK) Recently, STRABAG and Mobil Baustoffe have been awarded the contract to produce approximately 36,000 precast concrete segments for the tunnel construction works along HS2 (High Speed Two). The segments will be produced in a state-of-the-art factory to be built and operated by STRABAG UK Ltd. by the end of 2022 in the port of Hartlepool in the north of England. The project, commissioned by Skanska Costain STRABAG JV (SCS JV), will be realised on a leased industrial site at Hartlepool Docks to be developed into a production factory, storage and transport facility. With delivery starting in spring 2023, the high-quality tunnel segments will be used on one of the HS2 construction sites in London: the eastern section of the Northolt Tunnel, consisting of a 5.6 kilometre long, twin-tube tunnel between Green Park Way Ventilation Shaft and Victoria Road Ancillary Shaft. The manufacture of precast tunnel segments (Hartlepool, UK) Considering the precast manufacturing process, the units will be manufactured by means of an automated carousel system, the carousel consisting of a main production line,

a concrete cabin, a curing chamber and a prestorage area. The moulds are prepared along the production line by the installation of the appropriate cage and any other specified fixings. They then enter the concrete cabin where they will be filled with the concrete mixed in the batching plant and transferred inside the building by the flying hopper. Once the concrete is poured and the surface of the unit is finished, they are checked and then vibrated to ensure consistency of the final cast unit. Having travelled along the main production lines, the moulds will enter the curing chamber where the high temperature of the environment will accelerate the hydration process of the concrete to allow the unit to gain sufficient strength and be demoulded and transferred to the pre-storage area. The curing area is a three-stage process where the moulds initially enter an area of higher heat, then travel slowly to two other zones of decreasing heat. Having undergone the initial curing stages, the moulds enter the pre-storage area where they will be tilted by a tilting table, then lifted and stacked for approximately 24 hours prior to exiting the building through the table conveyor and taken to the precast unit storage area by the trolleys/forklift. Once in these storage areas, the precast units will continue the curing process for 28 days until they can be transported from site as a finished product. Tel: +49 89 8954574-0 Email: office@mobil-baustoffe.com Visit: www. mobil-baustoffe.com


100% CARBON NEUTRAL PPE PROTECTING YOUR PEOPLE AND THE PLANET We’re launching Signal as the UK’s first, entire range of 100% carbon neutral Rail PPE and are looking to lead the way through this initiative, which supports our own climate action goals but also provides a platform to help our customers achieve theirs. If your business has its own climate agenda, and you’re looking for genuine initiatives that can help you achieve your targets, talk to us today. Call 023 9225 4442 or email sales@safeaid.co.uk

Choose Signal for your carbon neutral PPE.



Workwear – PPE

Not your average PPE Supplier Now leading the way with the UK’s first complete range of 100 per cent carbon neutral Rail PPE, we look at the journey so far for Safeaid, the specialist supplier of PPE and safety workwear to the rail industry

the 1970s as the Health and Safety at Work Act started to have an impact. Then, as the requirements for health and safety in the workplace increased, the team could see that to become a trusted partner, rather than just a supplier, would make good sense to all concerned. Becoming specialists in rail To add real value, Safeaid needed to truly understand its customers, so the decision was taken to focus activities on specific markets and become absolute specialists. This focus has enabled Safeaid to offer enhanced levels of service through its knowledge and expertise around products and industry safety standards. Initially, it focussed on the infrastructure markets, with the vision to become a fully integrated, indispensable part of a clients’ workflow through technological innovation and world-class customer service. It was just over 15 years ago that it identified the rail industry as a key market, fuelled by a genuine passion for ‘all things rail’ and a conviction that its know-how could make a positive difference – particularly to the rail PPE product range.


t is 46 years ago this year that Safeaid first opened for business. The leading specialist supplier of PPE and safety workwear was initially set up by current Chairman Roger Bowen to provide first aid products to customers in the south of England. Fast forward to the present, and the business has more than four decades of health and safety expertise and – with a focus on quality and compliance – has built a reputation, product range and service that its customers can rely on. It works with major contractors and sub-contractors on 314

leading projects throughout the UK and understands that PPE has to work just as hard as those who wear it. ‘Companies need to be certain that their workforce is not at risk of injury from noncompliant PPE and the reputation of the company is not at risk of damage as a result’ says Safeaid Managing Director, Richard Bowen. ‘Trust and confidence should be pre-requisites when choosing a PPE supplier and with so much at stake, procurement decisions must be taken wisely and based on factors other than price alone.’ The company expanded its offering in

Innovators in rail PPE Through working alongside track workers and health and safety professionals, the team identified a gap in the market for high quality, great value, fit for purpose PPE and from this, the Signal PPE range was developed. Advanced materials and processing technologies are employed in the fabrication of these high-performance products, with comfort and practicality at the core of the designs, which include features such as: • Large internal pockets for carrying notebooks or tablets. • Articulated sleeves, so that jackets don’t ride up when arms are raised. • Cuffs with thumbholes, to maintain full arm protection when gloves are worn. • Pocket flaps to give protection from rain. • Zipped pockets to keep keys, wallets and phones secure. • Eyewear that doesn’t steam up. Style was also a key factor in developing the range. ‘Naturally, companies want their workforce to look smart and professional as they’re a direct reflection of the business’

Workwear – PPE

says Richard, ‘but equally, employees want to feel good in what they’re wearing and if their workwear is great quality, they feel valued by their organisation – there are even studies that show how productivity is improved as a result. Signal, has quickly become the product of choice for many of our customers and is affectionately regarded as the industry’s best-loved PPE brand.’ Another benefit of manufacturing their own garment range is that Safeaid has complete control over supply and is not reliant on UK wholesalers. Safeaid is also the originator of QuickBand, the armband identification system which has changed the way the rail market uses armbands, replacing the outdated metal and acrylic alternatives. These initiatives underpin its commitment to innovations in rail. Knowing what the market wants The key to the company’s success is continually investing in developing and improving its product and service offerings, in line with customer requirements. In addition to Signal, these currently include market-leading PPE management platform, Mi365 and Fast-Track an order fulfilment service which gives customers next day delivery for branded PPE. ‘Ordering, controlling and managing PPE can be a real headache’, says Richard, ‘so we developed Mi365 to give customers a stress-free and time saving automated system which they can access free of charge.’ As well as making the process of ordering much easier, it has been proven to save customers up to 20 per cent on their annual PPE spend as it has the ability

to set budgets and purchasing limits. It also offers many compliance benefits as it has full reporting capabilities and the PPE issued can be tracked, traced and signatures captured. First class customer service and responding to customer needs is what drives the business and an example of this is Fast-Track which was launched following a customer survey. ‘As a leading Rail PPE specialist supplier, we fully appreciate the complexities of rail infrastructure projects, as well as the implications of missing a possession window’, said Roy Stone, Safeaid Sales Director. ‘We already provided next day delivery as standard on our stock items, but it came to light through the survey, that customers often needed their branded PPE just as fast.’ It seemed a relatively simple thing for Safeaid to fix as it already had an in-house branding facility. It invested in additional state-of-the-art equipment and more staff for that department and within a couple of weeks, it launched Fast-Track, its super-fast order fulfilment service which offers the fastest turnaround possible for branded PPE and is unique to Safeaid. Customers can now place orders and on the same day, their garments are picked from the warehouse, have their company logos applied, are wrapped and packed and despatched to arrive with the customer the very next day. ‘Fast-Track is genuinely industry-leading, and interestingly, customers have been quite taken aback that we’ve been able to do it’, added Roy. ‘Since its launch in Summer 2021, it has already proved to be a lifesaver for some organisations.’

Environmental initiatives – the new focus For such a forward-thinking business, it is hardly surprising that climate change is the next major focus for Safeaid with its launch of Signal as the UK’s first complete range of 100 per cent carbon neutral PPE for rail. ‘There is, understandably, huge pressure on businesses to lower their carbon footprint’ said Richard, ‘and our customers, just like us, are keen to play their part. For companies like ours to actively engage in climate action by selling carbon neutral products and services, we are taking responsibility for our unavoidable emissions by offsetting them. This in turn enables our customers to make climate-conscious decisions and sends a clear message to their workforce and well as those involved in the projects they work on.’ The process involves Safeaid providing a lot of data around all the items it produces. From this, the carbon emissions are accurately calculated and offset through a range of projects it supports. The second part involves reducing emissions through developing sustainable climate action strategies. Everything is independently audited by a certified third party. Safeaid’s investment in the initiative, supports its customers’ environmental objectives and immediately contributes towards helping them achieve their targets. For further information about Safeaid and its products and services, get in touch via the contact information below. Tel: 023 9225 4442 Email: sales@safeaid.co.uk Visit: www.safeaid.co.uk. 315


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Professional Organisations

Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) The Association is dedicated to promoting safety and professionalism throughout the licensed asbestos removal industry. As the UK’s leading association representing the interests of asbestos removal contractors and associated businesses ARCA provides guidance, asbestos training and support on all legislative requirements for members and their clients. www.arca.org.uk

Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF) ASLEF is Britain’s trade union for train drivers. Its 23,500 members are employed in the train operating companies, the freight companies, London Underground and some Light Rapid Transport. The first recorded meeting was held on 7 February 1880. www.aslef.org.uk

Associated Train Crew Union (ATCU) ATCU, an accountable and democratic independent Union founded to address the issues affecting all our colleagues and to meet the aspirations of all those working in the rail industry. www.atcu.org.uk

Association for Consultancy & Engineering (ACE) The Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) is the association for the UK’s professional consultancies and engineering companies operating in the social and economic infrastructure sectors. ACE champions infrastructure to government and other stakeholders, representing the views of around 450 members. www.acenet.co.uk

Association for European Transport (AET) The Association for European Transport is a European organisation for transport professionals. It provides networking opportunities to enable the exchange of ideas, information and opportunities among its 300 corporate and individual members, who are based in more than 35 countries. www.aetransport.org/en-gb

Association for Project Management (APM) APM the chartered body for the project profession, is committed to developing and promoting the value of project management to deliver improved project outcomes for societal benefit. With more than 30,000 individual members and over 500 organisations participating in its Corporate Partnership Programme, APM is the largest professional body for project management in Europe. www.apm.org.uk

Association of Fencing Industries (AFI) AFI exists to promote safety, quality and professionalism throughout the UK, working to make the fencing industry stronger. We support our members with expert advice, exclusive benefits and encourage inter-member trading and collaboration. The AFI continually works to raise the profile and image of the UK fencing industry. www.afiorg.uk

Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) is a non-profit making trade association established to improve the profile and quality of

geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. The membership comprises UK organisations and individuals having a common interest in the business of site investigation, geotechnics, geoenvironmental engineering, engineering geology, geochemistry, hydrogeology, and other related disciplines. www.ags.org.uk

Association of Railway Training Providers (ARTP) The ARTP is the trade association for suppliers of training, assessment and development services to the rail industry and has more than 50-member organisations. www.artp.co.uk

Association of Technical Lightning & Access Specialists (ATLAS) ATLAS has been representing the leading players in the lightning protection and specialist access sector since 1946. At the forefront of all industry developments, ATLAS is committed to improving working practices, technical excellence and the skills of the workforce to provide the highest quality service to the industry’s clients. www.atlas.org.uk

Association of Transport Coordinating Officers (ATCO) The Association of Transport Coordinating Officers was formed in 1974, joining together senior public transport officers of local government across the UK. ATCO’s members include staff directly concerned with strategic policy development and implementation for securing passenger transport services for a wide range of public authorities. www.atco.org.uk

Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) The Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) formed in 1985 to ensure that its member companies offer superior levels of safety for pedestrian automatic doors. The members can advise on every aspect of automatic doors, from the initial selection and specification,through to installation. www.adsa.org.uk

British Drilling Association (BDA) ‘The British Drilling Association (BDA) is a trade association, formed in 1976, to look after the needs of the land drilling and geotechnical sector in its many formats. BDA members come together to raise standards; improve health & safety; train and educate and promote industry skills, to all those involved in drilling and geotechnics. BDA members are expected to uphold the highest standards and we recommend that anybody that is procuring services or suppliers in this sector, do so from a BDA Member. www.britishdrillingassociation.co.uk

British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) Representing and supporting businesses in the hydraulic, pneumatic and motion control industries in the UK. The only voice for the industry in the UK, the BFPA encourages all organisations or individuals to explore the options open to them through the Association. www.bfpa.co.uk


Professional Organisations

90 corporate members, it is one of the most vibrant gatherings of professional tunnellers in the world. www.britishtunnelling.com British Geophysical Association (BGA) The British Geophysical Association is a Joint Association of the Geological Society of London and the Royal Astronomical Society. Its aims are to promote the subject of geophysics, and to strengthen the relationship between geophysics and the other natural sciences in the UK. Membership of the BGA is open to Fellows of either of the Parent Societies. www.geophysics.org.uk

British Geotechnical Association (BGA) We are the principal association for geotechnical engineers in the United Kingdom. We also perform the role of the Ground Board for the Institution of Civil Engineers, as well as being the UK member of the International Society for Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM). www.britishgeotech.org

British International Freight Association (BIFA) The British International Freight Association is the trade association for UK-registered companies engaged in international movement of freight by rail, air, road and sea. It has around 1,500 corporate members who offer a wide range of services within these various modes of transport. www.bifa.org/home

British Parking Association (BPA) We are a not-for-profit organisation representing the UK parking and traffic management profession. We work with our 750 plus corporate members and stakeholders to support their communities, improve compliance by those managing and using parking facilities, and encourage fairness to achieve our vision of excellence in parking for all. www.britishparking.co.uk 318

British Pest Control Association BCPA is the leading UK trade association, representing organisations with a professional interest in the eradication and management of public health pests. We’re a not-for-profit organisation acting in the interests of our members and on behalf of the pest management industry in the UK. www.bpca.org.uk

British Precast Tracing its roots back to 1918, British Precast is the trade association of precast concrete manufacturers. The main aims of the federation are to promote precast concrete in the construction market and to disseminate information, through a range of industry representation and by shared knowledge, to add value to its member companies. www.britishprecast.org

British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) The trade association for the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Regulation and has Primary Authority status with Trading Standards. The BSIF has active links with many government departments and over 130 representative Trade Bodies.The Federation has some 350 members, ranging from manufacturers and distributors of safety products through to test houses, certification bodies and specialist safety service providers. www.bsif.co.uk

British Security Industry Association (BSIA) The BSIA is the trade association representing the UK’s private security industry. Its members provide more than 70 per cent of the UK’s security products and services (by turnover) including electronic solutions such as access control and CCTV, as well as security guarding and consultancy services. www.bsia.co.uk

British Standards Institution (BSI) BSI is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make excellence a habit. For more than a century we have been challenging mediocrity and complacency to help embed excellence into the way people and products work. That means showing businesses how to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth. As a global leader in helping organizations improve, our clients range from high profile brands to small, local companies in 182 countries worldwide. www.bsigroup.com

British Transport Police (BTP) British Transport Police is responsible for policing the UK rail network nationally, protecting passengers, rail operators and their staff across the country. It also covers the London Underground, DLR, Midland Metro tram system, Croydon Tramlink, Sunderland Metro, Glasgow Subway and Emirates Airline. www.btp.police.uk

British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) BTPA is the independent body responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective police force for rail operators, their staff and passengers. Its duties and functions are like those of the Scottish Police Authority or a police and crime commissioner in England and Wales, but it oversees a force that is responsible for policing a much wider area – the railways of Great Britain. www.btpa.police.uk

British Tunnelling Society (BTS) The BTS is an Associated Society of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). With a current membership of 788 individual members and

Campaign for Better Transport Campaign for Better Transport is a national charity which works to make sustainable transport available to all and encourage its use. Campaign for Better Transport’s vision is for all communities to have access to high quality, sustainable transport that meets their needs, improves quality of life and protects the environment. www.bettertransport.org.uk

Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) The Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) is a professional body and unifying voice within the construction sector. Bringing together members, who work across the life cycle of the built environment, specialising in a wide range of disciplines, CABE shares knowledge, raises standards and develops professional building engineers. www.cbuilde.com

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) is an international centre of excellence for the practice and profession of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). CIArb is passionate about promoting a harmonious society and helping people and organisations avoid, manage and resolve conflict through our global network of more than 21,500 members, students included. www.ciarb.org

Professional Organisations

Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) The Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists is the lead qualifying body for Architectural Technology. Founded in 1965, it represents those working and studying within the discipline. CIAT qualifies Chartered Architectural Technologists, MCIAT and professionally qualified Architectural Technicians, TCIAT. www.ciat.org.uk

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) The CIPD is the professional body for HR and people development. The registered charity champions better work and working lives and has been setting the benchmark for excellence in people and organisation development for more than 100 years. It has a community of more than 150,000 members across the world, provides thought leadership through independent research on the world of work, and offers professional training and accreditation for those working in HR and learning and development. www.cipd.co.uk

Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) is an international qualifying body dedicated to the regulation, education and training of surveyors working within civil engineering. It has relevant competencies for geospatial engineers and commercial managers, leading to grades of membership and professional registration as chartered or incorporated engineer. www.cices.org

Chartered Institution of Railway Operators

Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) We are the leading professional membership body representing ecologists and environmental managers in the UK and Ireland. We are passionate about nature and pragmatic about the need to manage it in ways that add value to society. Our Registered Practices deliver the best outcomes for biodiversity, whilst supporting successful development. www.cieem.net

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) The Chartered body for professionals involved in the movement of goods, people and their associated supply chains. Delivering career development, relevant information, essential networking and professional recognition. Promoting pride in your profession. Delivering your development. Driving professional recognition. Providing essential news, guidance, and information. Keeping you moving. www.ciltuk.org.uk

Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) CIPS is the largest organisation in the world dedicated to the procurement and supply profession and acts as the profession’s voice, supporting individuals and organisations to achieve excellence and providing the Global Standard in Procurement and Supply. It is the awarding body regulated by OFQUAL in England for procurement and supply management qualifications. www.cips.org

Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) CIBSE is the standard setter and authority on building services engineering. It publishes Guidance and Codes which are internationally recognised as authoritative and sets the criteria for best practice in the profession. The Institution speaks for the profession and so is consulted by government on matters relating to construction, engineering and sustainability. It is represented on major bodies and organisations which govern construction and engineering occupations in the UK, Europe and worldwide. www.cibse.org

Chartered Institution of Railway Operators (CIRO) CIRO exists for its members and the rail industry, promoting best practice and representing the interests of railway operators at all levels. It delivers membership services, learning opportunities and courses that are tailored specifically to the needs of the industry, many of which lead to internationally recognised qualifications www.railwayoperators.co.uk

Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is the professional body for experts in quality management. We support individuals and organisations to improve the performance of their business through quality management. With 19,000 members located in 130 countries, the CQI is uniquely placed to lead the global quality profession. We encompass the whole quality community, including quality management professionals (CQI members) and management systems auditors, through our International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) members. www.quality.org

UK’s leading training providers, together with Gen2, allows us to offer Ofsted graded “Outstanding” technical training, assessment and certification in the engineering, rail and construction sector nationwide. www.cityandguilds.com

Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) Representing civil engineering contractors, CECA builds and maintains the UK’s critical infrastructure networks in transport, energy, water, waste and communications. It has more than 300 members who are estimated to carry out around 70 per cent of all civil engineering activity in the UK. www.ceca.co.uk

Community Rail Network Community Rail Network is the membership body for over 70 community rail partnerships, representing over 80 community rail lines across the UK, as well as more than 1,000 station adoption groups. It supports its members to be effective in benefiting their communities and railways, socially, environmentally and economically. www.communityrail.org.uk

Community Transport Association (CTA) The Community Transport Association (CTA) is a national charity that represents and supports providers of community transport: thousands of local charities and community groups across the UK that all provide transport services that fulfil a social purpose and community benefit. www.ctauk.org

City & Guilds of London Institute (C&G) We are a global leader in skills development and training delivery across several sectors. Our recent acquisition of lntertrain, one of the 319

Professional Organisations

Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT) The Confederation acts as the voice of the bus and coach industry, and the focus for consultation on national and international legislation, local regulations, operational practices and engineering standards. It has direct access to politicians and policy advisors, ensuring its members’ voices are heard and their interests safeguarded. www.cpt-uk.org

Confidential Incident Reporting & Analysis Service (CIRAS) CIRAS is a confidential incident reporting and analysis service that delivers assurance for member organisations across the UK. It is a totally independent service governed by the ‘CIRAS Committee’, comprising representatives from the UK rail industry, TfL, UK Light Rail, Trams and other UK transport modes. www.ciras.org.uk

Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) CIRIA is a neutral, independent, not-for-profit body that links organisations with common interests and facilitates a range of collaborative activities that help improve the industry. www.ciria.org

Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) supports the skills needs of British construction – in England, Scotland and Wales. It attracts talent to the construction sector, so employers have an adequate recruitment pool, and encourages employers of all sizes to access the skills training necessary to grow their businesses. www.citb.co.uk


Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) The Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) is the leading trade association for the plant hire industry in the UK and CPA Members supply 85% of hired plant to the construction industry. Established for 75 years, the CPA has over 1,600 members, with premises in the City of London, and a permanent staff of experienced employees. The Association is governed by a Council of Members, who represent of planthire companies of all types and sizes throughout the country. www.cpa.uk.net

Construction Products Association (CPA) The Construction Products Association represents the UK’s manufacturers and distributors of construction products and materials. The sector directly provides jobs for 373,000 people across 23,884 companies and has an annual turnover of £61.2 billion.The Construction Products Association is the leading voice to promote and campaign for this vital UK industry. www.constructionproducts.org.uk

Contract Flooring Association (CFA) Members of the Association include Flooring Contractors, Manufacturers, Distributors and Consultants – large and small, operating from locations throughout the UK. Members work across a wide range of flooring finishes including carpets, underlays, vinyl, rubber, timber, adhesives and flooring accessories. www.cfa.org.uk

Cycling UK Since 1878 Cycling UK has worked for safer streets, opened up new traffic-free routes and inspired more people with the confidence to get on their bikes. We promote all forms

of cycling to inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to ride. We support our members and defend UK cyclists’ rights for safer roads, better infrastructure and legal protection. www.cyclinguk.org

Delay Attribution Board (DAB) The Delay Attribution Board is an industry body established under the Network Code to ‘Lead, Monitor and Advise’ the Rail Industry on the attribution of train delays. The Board comprises representatives from Network Rail and Train Operators, with an independent Chair, providing knowledge and experience from across the industry. www.delayattributionboard.co.uk

Department for Transport (DfT) The government department, which is run by the Secretary of State for Transport, is responsible for the English transport network and a limited number of matters in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Among the DfT’s aims are to sustain economic growth, improve productivity through reliable and efficient transport networks and to enhance access for all to jobs, services, and social networks. www.dft.gov.uk

Drilling and Sawing Association (DSA) The DSA’s mission is to promote the work of professional drilling and sawing contractors by highlighting the main advantages of cutting concrete with diamond tools, which include precision cutting within the shortest time scale, reduced noise, dust and debris and maintenance of structural integrity. www.drillandsaw.org.uk

Engineering Council The regulatory body for the UK engineering profession, it holds the national Register of 230,000 Engineering Technicians (EngTech),

Incorporated Engineers (IEng), Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Information and Communications Technology Technicians (ICTTech). The Council also sets and maintains the internationally recognised standards of professional competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. www.engc.org.uk

Engineering Industries Association (EIA) The EIA has more than 70 years’ experience in promoting trade and representing the interests and aspirations of the UK engineering manufacturing sector, particularly SME’s. It’s an accredited trade organisation for Department of International Trade, assisting UK SME’s in their participation at overseas engineering trade shows. www.eia.co.uk

ENCITE ENSCITE is a unique organisation, created to improve the performance of supply chain companies in the transport equipment manufacturing sector. Following the success of previous ENSCITE project Enscite 3 is continuing to support productivity in the aerospace, automotive and rail supply chain. www.derby.ac.uk/HTG

European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO) EPTO is the trade association of the European Passenger Transport Operators, whose members are the six largest private public transport companies in Eu rope. Established in 2006, EPTO promotes the development of a competitive market structure for the supply of public transport services. EPTO has worked closely with the European Commission in the development of transport policy particularly in the field of opening of the passenger transport market and competition law and membership is available to qualifying operators. www.epto.net

Professional Organisations

Excellence Achievement Learning (EAL) EAL is the specialist skills partner, awarding organisation, and EPAO for industry. We develop rail qualifications and deliver EPA informed by expertise and experience. Our rail portfolio spans all engineering disciplines; from track, traction and rolling stock, to signalling, telecoms, electrification, and overhead line. Contact us for a responsive skills solution service. www.eal.org.uk

Federation of Master Builders (FMB) The Federation of Master Builders is the largest trade association in the UK construction industry, representing thousands of firms in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Established in 1941 to protect the interests of small and medium-sized (SME) construction firms, the FMB is independent and non-profit making, lobbying for members’ interests at both the national and local level. www.fmb.org.uk

Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) The FPS is the industry body for foundation contractors. Members undertake piling and geotechnical works on construction projects. All FPS members are independently and regularly audited to ensure they represent the best quality in the industry. The standards expected are rigorous and encompass technical ability, quality management, sustainability, safety and training. www.fps.org.uk

skills and knowledge. As well as the heritage sector, there is increasing demand for the knowledge and skills of FTMRC members, with modern architectural design fashion attracted by the wide variety of colours and finishes available, especially in the zinc product range. www.ftmrc.co.uk

Fire Industry Association (FIA) The FIA is the largest fire protection trade association in the UK with 1000 members. We are a not-forprofit organisation and a major provider of fire safety training. Our objective is to promote, improve and perfect fire protection methods, devices, services and apparatus. We achieve this through the representation of our members, providing technical support, guidance and opportunities for professional advancement through education and appropriate regulation. www.fia.uk.com

Galvanizers Association (GA) Galvanizers Association is the representational body for the hot dip galvanizing industry in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Galvanizers Association (GA) has provided authoritative information and advice on hot dip galvanizing to users and potential users since it was first established in 1949. www.galvanizing.org.uk

Greengauge 21 Greengauge 21 aims to promote a network approach to Britain‘s railways, through extending the reach of high-speed services (to Scotland, North Wales and across England) and showing how the existing network can best be freed up to improve local and regional services. It also carries out research to support the case for investment in rail in rural areas and improving freight and logistics services and links to ports and airports. www.greengauge21.net

Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) The Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) was formed in June 2006 to serve as the focal point for organisations with business interests in Ground Source Energy. The GSHPA encourages the growth and development of the ground source heat pump industry . www.gshp.org.uk

Guild of Master Craftsmen (GMC) The Guild of Master Craftsmen is the UK’s most established trade association, representing craftspeople recognised for their skill, integrity and expertise. See how we can support you at www.guildmc.com or to find a craftsperson in your area go to. www.findacraftsman.com www.guildmc.com

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) We’re Britain‘s national regulator for workplace health and safety, preventing work-related death, injury and ill health. Our activities are supported by globally recognised scientific expertise. HSE does not endorse commercial products or companies including the Rail Professional reference book or other products or companies within this publication. www.hse.gov.uk

Help to Grow: Management Programme Join 30,000+ senior leaders of small and medium sized business to boost business performance resilience and long-term growth. This 12-week 90% government funded programme has been designed to be completed alongside fulltime work. Learn through online and face-to-face sessions, alongside peer support and mentoring. Find out more about our programme here: www.derby.ac.uk/HTG

Heritage Railway Association The HRA is the UK’s trade association for heritage and minor railways, heritage tramways, cliff railways, and related museums and organisations. We represent our 300 members to national and regional government; provide business support, guidance and technical advice; and we help promote heritage rail which attracts 13million visitors each year. www.heritagerailways.com

Hire Association Europe (HAE) SafeHire is a Private Standard developed by Hire Association Europe and Event Hire Association (HAE EHA) with the assistance of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and the Prefabricated Access Supplie rs’ and Manufacturers’ Association (PASMA). All HAE EHA members have to be SafeHire Certified to demonstrate competence and compliance in all the key areas of business activity, particularly H&S legislation. www.hae.org.uk

INCOSE UK Ltd INCOSE UK is a Professional Engineering Institution licensed by the Engineering Council. INCOSE UK acts as the UK Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), a not-forprofit membership organisation founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realisation of successful systems. INCOSE UK Offers members: professional development pathways, contact with local, working and interest groups, INCOSE UK Publications and networking events such as the Annual Systems Engineering Conference. www.incoseonline.org

Federation of Traditional Metal Roofing Contractors (FTMRC) FTMRC are the largest Federation for traditional metal roof detailing and installation, demanding higher craft 321

Professional Organisations

Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) The rope access technique developed by IRATA is used in a wide range of repair, maintenance, inspection and access work. Rope access methodology boasts an unrivalled safety record, short set-up and dismantling time, positive environmental benefits and removes the need for invasive access equipment or disruption to a worksite. www.irata.org

Institute of Acoustics (IOA) The Institute of Acoustics is the UK’s professional body for those working in acoustics, noise and vibration. It was formed in 1974 from the amalgamation of the Acoustics Group of the Institute of Physics and the British Acoustical Society (a daughter society of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers). The Institute of Acoustics is a nominated body of the Engineering Council, offering registration at Chartered and Incorporated Engineer levels. www.ioa.org.uk

Institute of Asset Management (IAM) The Institute of Asset Management (the IAM) is the international professional body for people and organisations involved in the acquisition, operation and care of physical assets. The IAM is dedicated to furthering knowledge and understanding of asset management. www.theIAM.org

Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME) Our members include foundry workers, design engineers, metallurgists, moulders, patternmakers, CAD technicians, methods engineers, researchers, students and suppliers to the industry. The aim of the institute 322

is to bring together people from all sectors and levels, to offer help and advice, technical support and professional development opportunities, helping our members make the most of their careers in the castings industry. www.icme.org.uk

Institute of Construction Management (ICM) Open Door to all construction sectors, learn more about the Institute of Construction Management, your invite – contact the membership department for an ICM Information Pack. We will provide you with information about an Institute that cares about you, your profession, your employer and your customers in competent safety! National CDM Competence Registry™® launched 2018 – CDM4BIM Gateway™ launched 2019. www.the-icm.co.uk

Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS) The UK’s professional body for corporate responsibility and sustainability. We help Individual members develop their careers by setting professional standards, qualifying their experience, recognising their achievements and supporting them through CPD. We help Organisational members by enabling them to demonstrate their organisation’s commitment to responsible and sustainable business, share best practice and build their CR and sustainability capacity through dedicated member events. www.icrs.info

Institute of Corrosion (Icorr) The institute is a learned body, offering training and certification in various corrosion mitigation disciplines. In addition to regional branches, it has two technical divisions: Corrosion Science and Corrosion Engineering, which provide an informal forum for the exchange of ideas and information relating to corrosion engineering issues. www.icorr.org

Institute of Customer Service The Institute of Customer Service is the professional body for customer service delivering tangible benefit to organisations and individuals so that our customers can improve their customers’ experience and their own business performance. The Institute is a membership body with a community of over 400 organisational members – from the private, public and third sectors – and many individual memberships. www.instituteofcustomerservice.com

Institute of Directors (IoD) The IoD represents, supports, and develops directors. With branches across the UK, membership provides access to information and professional advice, networking, and flexible working spaces, alongside influence on issues from tax to infrastructure. The Institute, a Royal Charter body since 1906, offers incompany training and professional development for individual directors, with the Chartered Director programme at its pinnacle. www.iod.com

Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) IEMA is the professional body for everyone working in environment and sustainability. We provide resources, tools and knowledge sharing along with high-quality formal training to meet the needs of our members. We believe that together we’re positively changing attitudes to sustainability as a progressive force for good. Together we’re transforming the world to sustainability. www.iema.net

Institute of Materials Finishing (IMF) To provide a focus for Surface Engineering and Finishing activities worldwide through the fulfilment of the technical, educational and professional needs at all levels for both the individuals and companies involved in the coatings industry. www.materialsfinishing.org

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) IOM3 is a major UK engineering institution whose activities encompasses the whole materials cycle, from exploration and extraction, through characterisation, processing, forming, finishing and application, to product recycling and land reuse. It exists to promote and develop all aspects of materials science and engineering, geology, mining and associated technologies, mineral and petroleum engineering and extraction metallurgy, as a leading authority in the worldwide materials and mining community. www.iom3.org

Institute of Rail Welding (IoRW) Set up in 2002 by TWI (The Welding Institute) and Network Rail in the aftermath of the Hatfield disaster. The IoRW is a focal point for good rail welding practice, development and competence and aims to raise awareness of rail welding throughout the industry. www.iorw.org

Institute of Risk Management (IRM) IRM is the leading professional body for risk management. We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation that champions excellence in managing risk to improve organisational performance. We do this by providing internationally recognised qualifications and training, publishing research and guidance and raising professional standards across the world. Our members work in all industries, in all risk disciplines and across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. We’ve recently launched our new Certificate in Supply Chain Risk Management. www.theirm.org

Professional Organisations

Institute of Spring Technology (IST) IST are at the forefront of the spring making industry developing Spring Calculator Professional (SCP) the leading, go-to, spring validation software. Used to design, test and adapt springs under real world constraint s. We also provide ISO 17025 accredited testing, technical training, failure analyses and consultancy; giving impartial and informative advice to the world‘s spring making industry. www.ist.org.uk

Institute of Transport Administration (IoTA) The IoTA is a membership organisation dedicated to promoting professionalism in transport. Founded in 1944, it creates up-to-date training and best practice schemes to facilitate the educational needs of transport manager and/or operators. www.iota.org.uk

The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) is the body for workplace and facilities professionals. We exist to promote excellence among a worldwide membership community of around 14,000 and to demonstrate the value and contribution of workplace and facilities management more widely. www.iwfm.org.uk/

Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) A global professional engineering institution that promotes and advances civil engineering. Established in 1818, ICE has more than 90,000 members, around a third of whom are based overseas. ICE qualifies civil engineering professionals, helps them exchange knowledge and best practice, and promotes their important contribution to society. www.ice.org.uk

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with over 168,000 members in 150 countries. It is also the most interdisciplinary – to reflect the increasingly diverse nature of engineering in the 21st century. www.theiet.org

Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) Founded in 1945, Chartered in 2012, the IED is the premier membership body representing engineering and product designers. We aim to support and inspire our members to achieve their career goals and professional aspirations. www.ied.org.uk

Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) The IES represents professionals from fields as diverse as air quality, land contamination and education – wherever you find environmental work underpinned by science. We utilise our network of professionals, educational institutions, researchers, and policymakers to stand up for science, scientists and for the natural world. www.the-ies.org

Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) The IFE is a global professional membership body for those in the fire sector that seek to increase their knowledge, professional recognition and understanding of fire through a global discourse. With over 100 years of history, the IFE is instrumental in shaping a future world that is safer from fire. The IFE offers internationally recognised membership grades and fire-related qualifications and delivers more than 6,000 exams annually. www.ife.org.uk

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Established in 1847, the Institution has some of the world‘s greatest engineers in its history books. It is one of the fastest growing professional engineering institutions with operations around the world and more than 120,000 members working at the heart of the most dynamic industries. www.imeche.org

Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health is the Chartered body for health and safety professionals. With more than 47,000 members in 130 countries, it’s the world‘s biggest professional health and safety organisation. IOSH sets standards, and supports, develops and connects its members with resources, guidance, events and training. It’s the voice of the profession, campaigning on issues that affect millions of working people. www.iosh.co.uk

Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) Protecting the safety of all those who travel and work on railway systems worldwide. The IRSE is the professional institution for all those engaged in or associated with railway signalling and telecommunications, train control, traffic management and allied professions. www.irse.org

Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) IStructE is the world‘s largest membership organisation dedicated to structural engineering. The Institution leads and supports the development of structural engineering worldwide, in order to secure a safe and resilient built environment for all. www.istructe.org

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) ITS United Kingdom, the UK association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), is a not-for-profit public/private sector association financed by members’ subscriptions and provides a forum for all organisations concerned with ITS. www.its-uk.org.uk

International Air Rail Organisation (IARO) The IARO is a worldwide organisation dedicated to spreading best practice and workable ideas for rail links to airports. The organisation enables the exchange of experience, ideas and information through access to its databases, workshops, seminars and via fellow members. www.iaro.com

International Geosynthetic Society (IGS UK) The aims of the IGS UK chapter are to collect and distribute knowledge about geosynthetics & their applications by facilitating conferences, symposiums, evening presentations & research in order to promote the advancement of the state of the art of geosynthetics & to improve the communication and understanding of geosynthetic products between designers, manufacturers and users of the products. www.igs-uk.org

International Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete Association (GRCA) GRC is a material that has been widely used within the railway industry, ranging from permanent formwork for bridges through to decorative cladding on stations and buildings. Many GRCA members have knowledge and experience of working within the rail sector and we would recommend contacting them using our members contact information which is available via our website. www.grca.online 323

Professional Organisations

International Institute of Obsolescence (IIOM) The International Institute of Obsolescence Management (IIOM) is a not for profit professional body for those involved in, or interested in, Obsolescence Management. The Institute is for professionals worldwide who are dedicated to furthering their knowledge and understanding of the Obsolescence Management discipline and who wish to network with a wide group of companies from a global membership. www.theiiom.org

International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) IIRSM is the professional home for everyone involved in managing risk. Our members work across all sectors of industry, worldwide and they lead the way in managing risks to benefit people, society, government and business. We welcome individual and corporate members from all sectors of industry, including :construction; oil and gas; engineering; public sector; facilities; hospitality and healthcare, and more. www.iirsm.org

International Liaison Group of Government Railway Inspectorates (ILGGRI) ILGGRI is an informal platform for contact between the independent European railway inspectorates and its representatives, the national safety authorities (NSA’s). Its aim is to be an effective forum for European safety authorities that can be consulted on railway health, safety and interoperability matters. www.ilggri.org

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is a democratic 324

global union federation of nearly 700 transport workers trade unions representing around 20 million workers in 150 countries. The ITF works to improve the lives of transport workers globally, encouraging and organising international solidarity among its network of affiliates. The ITF represents the interests of transport workers’ unions in bodies that take decisions affecting jobs, employment conditions and safety in the transport industry. www.itfglobal.org

Landscape Institute (LI) The Landscape Institute (LI) is the chartered body for the landscape profession. It is an educational charity that promotes the art and science of landscape practice. The Li’s aim, through the work of its members is to protect, conserve and enhance the natural and built environment for the public benefit. The LI provides a professional home for all landscape practitioners including landscape scientists, landscape planners, landscape architects, landscape managers and urban designers. www.landscapeinstitute.org

Lead Contractors Association (LCA) The Lead Contractors Association was formed in 1984 to promote and protect quality standards in working with lead sheet. The LCA consists of specialist installer members and Industry associate members. All members are vetted, and their work graded on a regular basis. Only LCA members can provide a 25-year guarantee of their work. www.leadcontractors.co.uk

Lead Sheet Training Academy (LSTA) The Lead Sheet Training Academy is at the forefront of training for those using lead or hard metals in the construction industry. LSTA operates from a modern purpose built training facility in Kent that includes full scale training rigs and a well-equipped environment in which to learn, recreating real-life situations. www.leadsheet.co.uk

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) With origins dating back to 1943, the LEEA represents all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide. Some of the key areas that it operates in include training services, industry representation, technical support, health and safety and marketing. www.leeaint.com

Light Rail Transit Association (LRTA) Free of any trade or political affiliation, the UK-based not for profit is among the world’s leading organisations concerned with bringing better public transport – through light rail, tramway – to towns and cities worldwide. www.lrta.org

Locomotive & Carriage Institution (L&CI) The Institution was founded in 1911 and was then known as the Institution of Locomotive Inspectors and Foreman. Our present title was adopted in 1931. Since then we have continued to provide a knowledge of and interest in all aspects of the railway industry. Whilst based in Britain, we also have members in Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. www.lococarriage.org.uk

Logistics UK Logistics UK (formerly FTA) is the voice of the UK logistics industry, representing the transport interests of companies that move goods by road, rail, sea and air. The Organisation delivers safe, sustainable and efficient logistics, raises awareness of the industry, informs its members about the latest compliance requirements and provides training schemes to improve the skills and knowledge of drivers and industry managers. www.logistics.org.uk

Mineral Products Association (MPA) The Mineral Products Association (MPA) is the trade association for the aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, dimension stone, lime, mortar and silica sand industries. It has a growing membership of 530 companies and is the sectoral voice for mineral products. MPA membership is made up of most independent SME quarrying companies throughout the UK, as well as the 9 major international and global companies. www.mineralproducts.org

National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) Founded in 1945 the NASC membership now accounts for a significant share of the UK’s total industry workload and is increasingly making its mark in Europe. Our members operate from locations throughout the UK. www.nasc.org.uk

National Federation of Builders (NFB) The National Federation of Builders (NFB) represents sole traders to large, billion pound construction companies and house builders across England and Wales, with turnover ranging from below £500,000 to £1.1 billion. As one of the UK’s longest standing trade bodies, it was created to represent the building profession and to promote conditions its members need to thrive and contribute to the economic success of the UK. www.builders.org.uk

Professional Organisations

the railway industry give us the unparalleled ability to provide solutions that work for you. www.net-cert.co.uk National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) NFDC is the longest-established and only trade body representing the UK demolition industry, having championed industry standards and promoted the value of using accredited demolition contractors for 80 years. We are proud that many local authorities and developers choose NFDC members to conduct demolition works nationwide. A full list of audited and accredited demolition contractors can be found via a searchable ‘Find Members’ database on NFDC’s website. www.demolition-nfdc.com

National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) The National Federation of Roofing Contractors Limited (NFRC) is the UK’s largest roofing trade association. With a history spanning 128 years, NFRC has established itself as the voice of the roofing industry, constantly adapting to change and innovation to ensure its members are at the fore front. www.nfrc.co.uk

National Railway Museum Home to iconic locomotives and an unrivalled collection of engineering brilliance, we celebrate the past, present and future of innovation on the railways. Dedicated to igniting our visitors’ curiosity about the people, places and engineering marvels behind the railways, we put our passion for amazing stories into everything we do. www.railwaymuseum.org.uk

National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR) The National Skills Academy for Rail is an organisation established to enable the sector to deliver a modern and efficient, world class railway through the development of a highly skilled and productive workforce. www.nsar.co.uk

National Transport Trust The Trust is the only British charity established to promote and encourage the preservation and restoration of the UK’s transport heritage, including rail, road and air. Founded in 1965, it provides advice and assistance, organises public events and works to secure suitable accommodation and maintenance facilities for historic items. www.transporttrust.com

National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) Formed after a merger of the National Union of Railwaymen and the National Union of Seamen, The RMT is a British trade union for workers from almost every sector of the transport industry. Protecting its members’ pay and conditions, it currently represents more than 80,000 people. www.rmt.org.uk

Near Surface Geophysics Group (NSGG) NSGG aims to advance, encourage and support the study and practice of near-surface geophysics, predominantly restricted to depths of investigation down to 500m. Areas of application include hydrogeology, engineering, archaeology, forensic science, environmental investigations and monitoring, mineral exploration, hazard assessment and geological mapping. www.nsgg.org.uk

Network Certification Body (NCB) Network Certification Body (NCB) provides a system-wide approach to railway assurance and certification on infrastructure, vehicle and freight projects, both UK and worldwide. Our knowledge of the processes and our connections throughout

Office of Rail and Road (ORR) The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is responsible for protecting the interests of rail users now and in the future. ORR does this by holding Network Rail (and in future Great British Railways) to account and keeping the railway safe by regulating the rail industry’s health and safety performance. It also holds HighSpeed1 Ltd (HS1) to account and makes sure that the rail industry is competitive and fair. ORR is also the monitor of National Highways and ORR has economic regulatory functions in relation to railways in Northern Ireland and the UK section of the Channel Tunnel. www.orr.gov.uk

Painting and Decorating Association (PDA) The UK’s largest trade and employers’ Association for painters and decorators in the industry. The Painting & Decorating Association has members across the length and breadth of the country and has been committed to encouraging best practice since1894. www.paintingdecoratingassociation. co.uk

Perimeter Security Suppliers Association (PSSA) The Perimeter Security Suppliers Association (PSSA) is the trade association for companies manufacturing, installing or supplying independently tested and rated high security perimeter protection products. PSSA members undergo strict vetting and criteria checks ensuring that accepted industry requirements are met to give end users confidence in the product received. www.pssasecurity.org

Permanent Way Institution (PWI) The Permanent Way Institution is a modern professional technical engineering institution for rail engineers. Its main objectives are to collect and share technical knowledge and best practice from and within the rail industry; contribute to the raising of standards through professional registration and increase the competency of rail engineers at all levels through its services. Individual & corporate membership available. www.thepwi.org

Pipe Jacking Association (PJA) Dedicated to best practice for the cost effective and environmentally sensitive installation of utility services underground. The PJA provides: Detailed design advisory publications based on industry best practice. Case studies covering a range of applications and typical carbon savings. CPD lectures for clients and design teams. Presentations and animations to explain the technology. Research at leading universities and student teaching resources. Carbon calculator demonstrating carbon savings of non-disruptive methods. www.pipejacking.org

Rail Alliance The Rail Alliance sits at the very heart of the rail supply chain by bringing rail customers, suppliers and supply chain opportunities together. As the UK’s fastest growing B2B rail community it spans all aspects of the rail sector and is now part of the University of Birmingham, Birmingham Centre for Rail Research (BCRRE). www.railalliance.co.uk


Professional Organisations

Rail Delivery Group (RDG) The Rail Delivery Group brings together Britain’s rail companies to deliver a better railway. All passenger and freight rail companies are members of the RDG, as well as Network Rail and HS2. RDG provides services and support to our members enabling them to transform and deliver a successful railway, benefiting customers, taxpayers and the economy. www.raildeliverygroup.com

Rail Forum Midlands (RFM) Rail Forum Midlands brings together rail businesses with national and regional government supporting them to grow, export, innovate and create skilled employment. Owned and governed by our members we provide unrivalled networking opportunities encouraging collaboration across the regional supply chain and beyond. www.midlandsrail.co.uk

Rail Freight Group (RFG) The leading representative body for rail freight in the UK, RFG’s members include ports, terminal operators, equipment suppliers and support services. It campaigns to ensure politicians and key decision makers are well informed, enabling them to make the right decisions for rail freight and UK logistics. www.rfg.org.uk

Rail Industry Contractors Association (RICA) RICA was established in 1999 to represent the interests of small and medium enterprises in the rail industry. Its focus is on helping member companies grow through active engagement with major customers as well as influencing the direction of the industry on safety and commercial matters. www.rica.uk.com


Rail Plant Association (RPA) Set up by members of the Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA), the Rail Plant Association’s (RPA) main purpose is to look after the interests of its members that hire plant and equipment for use on railway infrastructure. The CPA conditions under which plant owners generally provide their services assist in protecting and safeguarding owners, while remaining compliant with railway standards. www.cpa.uk.net/rpa

Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) RSSB provides research, analysis, and insight to help the industry work together to deliver a better, safer railway. As a membership­ based rail industry body, RSSB includes train and freight operating companies, infrastructure managers, contractors, rolling stock leasing companies and suppliers, and our work involves partnerships with academia and other railways across the world . www.rssb.co.uk

Rail Supply Group (RSG) The Rail Supply Group (RSG) is the leadership body for the rail supply sector, working in partnership with Rail Delivery Group to set the direction for the industry. We bring Government and the private sector together to champion the rail supply chain, focusing on four areas of work: driving growth; accelerating innovation; doubling exports and improving skills. www.railsupplygroup.org

Rail Wagon Association Limited (RWA) A rail industry trade body whose members have a commercial interest in the safe and efficient operation of railway wagons in the UK. It engages with developments

and initiatives by participation in industry committees and liaising with government, standard setters, Network Rail and regulatory bodies. RWA is a member of UIP, the European grouping of wagon trade bodies. www.railwagon.org

Railfuture Railfuture is the UK’s leading independent organisation campaigning for better rail services for passengers and freight. The voluntary group represents rail users and has around 20,000 affiliated and individual members. Over the past 50 years it has played a major part in getting more than 370 new and reopened stations and more than 500 miles of route to join the network. www.railfuture.org.uk

Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) The Railway Benefit is the only charity that supports railway people and their families. Nobody can predict the future and offering that peace of mind within your industry is a charity that may be able to help you. The charity has been helping railway people for nearly 160 years, improving the quality of life of current and former railway people in the UK. www.railwaybenefitfund.org.uk

Railway Children Every day vulnerable children and young people end up at UK railway stations with no one else to turn to. We’ve teamed up with the British Transport Police (BTP) to create a safety net – and a safety network – for those children who need our help the most. And we’re here to help them for as long as it takes. www.railwaychildren.org.uk

Railway Civil Engineers’ Association (RCEA) The RCEA exists to foster professional development

and exchange knowledge and experience between railway engineers. The Association’s main areas of expertise include main line, London Underground and light rail. It works with other engineering disciplines through the Railway Engineering Forum and Young Railway Professionals to develop strategies for the UK network. www.rcea.org.uk

Railway Employees & Public Transport Association (REPTA) REPTA (Railway Employees & Public Transport Association) was established in 1893 to offer rail workers travel concessions. It now offers a full benefits package for its membership and is open to all personnel and families in the transport industry. REPTA is managed by officers and trustees, area councils and local collectors. www.repta.co.uk

Railway Enginemen’s Assurance Society The Railway Enginemen’s Assurance Society was established in 1865 and its ethos is the same today as it was then: to provide financial security through Savings Plans and to support its members and their families affected by death or injury that permanently prevents them from carrying out their duties. www.enginemens.co.uk

Railway Heritage Designation Advisory Board The Railway Heritage Designation Advisory Board has 12 members, consisting of individuals in the rail industry, archives and records offices, museum world, and heritage railway. It meets three times a year to recommend artefacts and records for designation by the Board of Trustees of the Science Museum. www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/about_ us/smg/corporate/railway_heritage_ designation_advisory_board

Professional Organisations

Railway Heritage Trust The Trust gives grants towards the restoration and regeneration of historic (listed) buildings and structures on the national network and is often consulted on applications for listed building consent and planning. Now in its 37th year, it has awarded more than 1,900 grants worth in excess of £62 million since its inception. www.railwayheritagetrust.co.uk

Railway Housing Association (RHA) Railway Housing Association owns over 1,500 rented homes in 24 local authority areas in addition, we also manage 73 leasehold properties for older people. We are proud of our heritage and retain our charitable values whilst being committed to the future provision of accessible homes and services to meet housing need. www.railwayha.co.uk

Railway Industry Association (RIA) RIA is the voice of the UK rail supply community, with over 300 companies in membership. We help to grow a sustainable, highperforming, railway supply industry, and to export UK rail expertise and products. We promote and represent our members’ interests to policy makers, clients and other stakeholders in the UK and overseas. www.riagb.org.uk

Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) RISAS ensures key suppliers can become recognised as best-in-class at delivering the most challenging and high-risk products and services for the GB mainline railway. The scheme currently covers suppliers of critical products and services for the overhaul of rolling stock assets and components in the rail vehicle after-market sector. Work is now underway to transform RISAS including an expanded scope. www.risas-online.org

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) The official rail industry scheme for supplier assurance. Buyers of products and services throughout Great Britain’s rail industry­including Network Rail, TfL, train and freight operating companies and rolling stock organisations – use RISQS as its supplier qualification service. The scheme helps suppliers sell into the industry by providing an open, fair and transparent way for them to be formally recognised as capable providers of products and services. www.risqs.org

Railway Mission Railway Mission provides independent, impartial, confidential short-term pastoral support to all railway staff and members of the public affected by railway operations. Our work complements the welfare services provided by rail employers. Our chaplains also act as chaplains to British Transport Police and support suicide prevention and mental health. Registered charity in England and Wales (1128024) and in Scotland (SC045897). A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (06519565) www.railwaymission.org

Railway Tie Association (RTA) The Railway Tie Association is the forum for the interests and needs of all groups that depend on the wood crosstie for their business success. Our mission since 1919: To ensure that the engineered wood crosstie system continues to evolve and improve in order to remain cost-effective and meet the ever-changing requirements of track systems around the world. www.rta.org

Retired Railway Officers Society (RROS) Consisting of retired senior managers from the wider rail industry, the society has more than 700 members with meetings on a monthly basis. There are regular talks and discussion on current topics, and updates on news of colleagues, pensions and travel facilities. www.rros.org.uk

Royal Academy of Engineering The Royal Academy of Engineering is harnessing the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone. www.raeng.org.uk

Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) was founded in 1916 as the professional body for all chartered architects in Scotland and is the foremost architectural institute in the country dealing with architecture and the built environment. The RIAS offer a wide range of services and products for architects, students of architecture, construction industry professionals and all those with an interest in the built environment and the design process. www.rias.org.uk

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) The RIBA is a global professional membership body driving excellence in architecture. We serve our members and society in order to deliver better buildings and places, stronger communities and a sustainable environment. Being inclusive, ethical, environmentally aware and collaborative underpins all that we do. www.architecture.com

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) We are RICS. Everything we do is designed to effect positive change in the built and natural environments. Through our respected global standards, leading professional progression and our trusted data and insight, we promote and enforce the highest professional standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. www.rics.org

Scottish Association for Public Transport (SAPT) The association campaigns for an efficient, world-class transport system for Scotland; sustainable public transport for rural and urban communities; city streets free from road traffic pollution and congestion; coordinated train, bus and ferry services; and high-speed rail for Scottish Intercity and AngloScottish routes. www.sapt.org.uk

Scottish Buidling Federation The Scottish Building Federation was established in 1985 working with its members to bring together ideals, collective needs and collaborative business practices. SBF continues to represent the interests and aspirations of its members throughout Scotland. The membership is made up of hundreds of different types of companies including large, mediumsized and small businesses working within construction and general contracting. www.scottish-building.co.uk


Professional Organisations

Scottish Plant Owners Association (SPOA) The Scottish Plant Owners Association is an unincorporated trade association founded in 1950. SPOA is a trade association whose members are all interested in the business of owning and hiring plant used in the UK construction industry. There are more than 250-member organisations. www.spoa.org.uk

Society of Operations Engineers (SOE) SOE works to advance Operations Engineering for the benefit of everyone through education, training, study and research. SOE also establishes and maintains standards of competence and conduct for those engaged in Operations Engineering professionally, with an emphasis on enhancing public safety. Through its Professional Sectors of IRTE, IPlantE and BES, SOE directly influences the road transport, plant and engineer surveying sectors, developing best practice and improving compliance across the board. www.soe.org.uk

Structural Timber Association (STA) As the UK’s leading organisation representing the structural timber sector and associated supply chain companies, the STA has an objective to drive quality and product innovation through expert technical guidance and research – underpinned by education, training and event programmes. www.structuraltimber.co.uk

The Survey Association (TSA) The role of TSA is to promote best practice amongst its members, provide a forum for members for discussion, debate 328

and continuing professional development and, to the wider audience such as engineers and architects, provide guidance on new methods and techniques and a list of suitably qualified and experienced companies. www.tsa-uk.org.uk

Trades Union Congress (TUC) The TUC is the voice of Britain at work. We exist to improve working life and promote equality for everyone. The TUC brings together more than 5.5 million working people who belong to our 48-member unions. We support trade unions to grow and thrive, and we stand up for everyone who works for a living. Every day, we campaign for more and better jobs, and a more equal, more prosperous country. www.tuc.org.uk

Transport Benevolent Fund CIO Simply known as TBF, this not-forprofit membership charity offers a wide range of financial, health and welfare benefits to those working in the public transport industry should need, hardship or distress arise. Membership costs just £1.25 a week, covering the member, their live-in partner and dependent children. Registered charity in England and Wales no. 1160901, in Scotland SC047016. www.tbf.org.uk

Transport Focus We are the independent transport user watchdog. Our mission is to get the best deal for passengers and road users. With a strong emphasis on evidence-based campaigning and research, we ensure that we know what is happening on the ground. We use our knowledge to influence decisions on behalf of passengers and road users to secure improvements and make a difference. www.transportfocus.org.uk

Transport for London (TfL) Transport for London (TfL) is the integrated transport authority responsible for delivering Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s strategy and commitments on transport. It runs the day-to-day operation of the Capital’s public transport network, including London Underground, London Overground, Docklands Light Railway, London Buses and TfL Rail services, as well as managing London‘s main roads and the Santander Cycles bicycle hire scheme. In the first half of 2022, TfL will also launch the Elizabeth line as London’s newest railway. www.tfl.gov.uk

Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) Founded in 1897, the union for transport and travel employees represents around 30,000 administrative, managerial, professional and technical workers, ranging from engineers and senior managers to booking office staff and call centre workers. www.tssa.org.uk

UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN) The UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN) is a powerful collaboration between academia and industry, providing a step­ change in innovation in the sector and accelerating new technologies and products from research into market applications globally. www.ukrrin.org.uk

UK Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) The UKSTT (United Kingdom Society for Trenchless Technology) is a registered charity involved in the development and promotion of Trenchless techniques, sometimes termed No-Dig techniques. We should be of interest to all people involved in the installation of new and renewal or replacement of, pipes, sewers or cables.

It should also be of special interest to government bodies, environmentalists, or anyone with concern over street works or traffic congestion. www.ukstt.org.uk

UK Tram UK Tram was established to enable key stakeholders in the UK tramway industry to present a single voice in dealing with government and statutory bodies to enable it to develop a coordinated and structured approach to regulation, procurement and standardisation within the industry. www.uktram.co.uk

UNIFE UNIFE – the European Rail Supply Industry Association, directly represents European companies responsible for the design, manufacture, maintenance and refurbishment of rail transport systems, subsystems and related equipment. UNIFE’s mission is to foster an environment where its members can provide railway systems to cater for the growing demands of rail transport. Twitter: @UNIFE www.unife.org

Unite the Union Unite, the country’s largest union, represents 12,000 members working in the rail industry, mainly in engineering and maintenance roles. The union engages with Network Rail and the railway employers to advance the pay and employment conditions of its members. www.unitetheunion.org

Professional Organisations

United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the sole national accreditation body for the United Kingdom. UKAS is recognised by government, to assess against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance capability of these evaluators. UKAS is a non-profitdistributing private company, limited by guarantee. UKAS is independent of Government. www.ukas.com

Connect with us

Young Rail Professionals (YRP) In order to secure the future of rail, YRP promotes the rail industry as a great place to work, inspires the next generation of railway talent and develops the future leaders of the industry. www.youngrailpro.com

Urban Transport Group The Urban Transport Group brings together and promotes the interests of Britain’s largest urban areas on transport. Our full members are Transport for West Midlands, Merseytravel (Liverpool City Region), Nexus (Tyne and Wear), South Yorkshire PTE (Sheffield City Region), Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport for London, West Yorkshire Combined Authority. We also have associate members between them our members serve over 24 million people. www.urbantransportgroup.org

Women in Rail Women in Rail is a charity comprising men and women from the UK rail sector, working alongside undertakings and stakeholders in the industry to support the development, promotion and attraction of women in the railway and, more broadly, improve gender balance, equality, diversity and inclusion in the UK rail sector. www.womeninrail.org


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Industry Suppliers by Product/Service

GOVERNMENT / REGULATORY / STAKEHOLDER Academic & Research Institutions Institute of Railway Research Institute of Railway Research University of Huddersfield National College for High Speed Rail TECHNO CTA Limited University of Birmingham Central / Local Government Department for Infrastructure (Belfast) Department for Transport (DfT) Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) London TravelWatch National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) North East Combined Authority (NECA) Office of Rail and Road (ORR) r2p UK Systems Ltd South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive Transport Focus Transport for Greater Manchester Transport for London (TfL) Transport for the North Transport for Wales Transport Scotland West Midlands Combined Authority Franchise Owners Arriva UK FirstGroup PLC Go-Ahead Group Plc Keolis (UK) Ltd MTR Corporation Limited Serco Group Plc Stourbridge Shuttle - Pre Metro Operations Ltd Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) Infrastructure Owners Crossrail Ltd East West Rail Getlink (formerly Eurotunnel) High Speed 1 (HS1 Ltd) High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd London Continental Railways (LCR) Midland Metro Alliance Network Rail Professional Organisations Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen (ASLEF) Associated Train Crew Union (ATCU) Association for Consultancy & Engineering (ACE) Association for European Transport (AET) Association for Project Management (APM) Association of Fencing Industries (AFI) Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) Association of Railway Training Providers (ARTP) Association of Technical Lightning & Access Specialists (ATLAS) Association of Transport Coordinating Officers (ATCO) Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) British Drilling Association (BDA) British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) British Geomembrane Association (BGA) British Geophysical Association (BGA) British Geotechnical Association (BGA) British International Freight Association (BIFA) British Parking Association (BPA) British Pest Control Association (BPCA) British Precast British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) British Security Industry Association (BSIA) British Standards Institution (BSI) British Transport Police (BTP) British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) British Tunnelling Society (BTS) Campaign for Better Transport Capel (CS) Ltd Chartered Association of Building


Engineers (CABE) Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) Chartered Institution of Railway Operators (CIRO) Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) City & Guilds of London Institute (C&G) Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) Community Rail Network Community Transport Association (CTA) Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT) Confidential Incident Reporting & Analysis Service (CIRAS) Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) Construction Plant-Hire Association (CPA) Construction Products Association (CPA) Contract Flooring Association (CFA) Cycling UK Delay Attribution Board (DAB) Department for Transport (DfT) Drilling and Sawing Association (DSA) Engineering Council Engineering Group - The Geological Society Engineering Industries Association (EIA) European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO) Excellence Achievement Learning (EAL) Federation of Master Builders (FMB) Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) Fire Industry Association (FIA) Freight on Rail Galvanizers Association (GA) Greengauge 21 Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) Guild of Master Craftsmen (GMC) Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Heritage Railway Association High Speed Rail Industry Leaders (HSRIL) Hire Association Europe (HAE) HKA Incose UK Ltd Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) Institute of Acoustics (IOA) Institute of Asset Management (IAM) Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME) Institute of Construction Management (ICM) Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS) Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) Institute of Customer Service Institute of Directors (IoD) Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) Institute of Materials Finishing (IMF) Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) Institute of Rail Welding (IoRW) Institute of Risk Management (IRM) Institute of Spring Technology (IST) Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Institution of Railway Signal

Engineers (IRSE) Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) International Air Rail Organisation (IARO) International Geosynthetic Society (IGS UK) International Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete Association (GRCA) International Institute of Obsolescence (IIOM) International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) International Liaison Group of Government Railway Inspectorates (ILGGRI) International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) Landscape Institute (LI) Lead Contractors Association (LCA) Lead Sheet Training Academy (LSTA) Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) Light Rail Transit Association (LRTA) Locomotive & Carriage Institution (L&CI) Logistics UK Mineral Products Association (MPA) National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) National Federation of Builders (NFB) National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) National Railway Museum National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR) National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) Near Surface Geophysics Group (NSGG) Network Certification Body (NCB) Office of Rail and Road (ORR) Painting and Decorating Association (PDA) Perimeter Security Suppliers Association (PSSA) Permanent Way Institution (PWI) Pipe Jacking Association (PJA) Rail Alliance Rail Delivery Group (RDG) Rail Forum Midlands (RFM) Rail Freight Group (RFG) Rail Industry Contractors Association (RICA) Rail Plant Association (RPA) Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Rail Supply Group (RSG) Railfuture Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) Railway Children Railway Civil Engineers Association (RCEA) Railway Employees & Public Transport Association (REPTA) Railway Enginemen’s Assurance Society Railway Heritage Designation Advisory Board Railway Heritage Trust Railway Housing Association (RHA) Railway Industry Association (RIA) Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) Railway Mission Railway Study Forum (RSF) Retired Railway Officers’ Society (RROS) Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies Alliance (SEMTA) Scottish Association for Public Transport (SAPT) Society of Operations Engineers (SOE) Stone Federation Structural Timber Association (STA) Survey Association (TSA) TECHNO CTA Limited Trades Union Congress (TUC) Transport Benevolent Fund CIO Transport Focus

Transport for London (TfL) Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) Transport Trust UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN) UK Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) UK Tram UNIFE Unite the Union United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Urban Transport Group VVB Group Women in Rail Young Rail Professionals (YRP) Regulatory British Transport Police (BTP) British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) Confidential Incident Reporting & Analysis Service (CIRAS) JVR Consultancy Ltd Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) Rail Delivery Group (RDG) Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) TECHNO CTA Limited RAILWAY OPERATORS Leasing / Hire Locomotives Browns Fasteners Ltd Direct Rail Services Ltd Eversholt Rail Limited Porterbrook Leasing Company Limited r2p UK Systems Ltd Leasing / Hire Rolling Stock Browns Fasteners Ltd Direct Rail Services Ltd Eversholt Rail Limited Porterbrook Leasing Company Limited r2p UK Systems Ltd Light Rail, Tram & Metro Browns Fasteners Ltd Camel Precast Cleshar Contract Services Ltd E-Tech Components UK Ltd Elite Ground Support Services GHD Greenwood Engineering Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Leewood Projects Ltd Parry People Movers Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd Xrail Group Train Operator (Freight) Browns Fasteners Ltd Camel Precast Colas Rail Ltd DB Cargo (UK) Limited Direct Rail Services Ltd Forwardis UK Ltd Freightliner Group Limited GB Railfreight r2p UK Systems Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Riviera Trains Ltd SLC Operations Victa Railfreight Ltd Train Operator (Passenger) Alliance Rail Holdings Blackpool Tramway Browns Fasteners Ltd c2c Rail Ltd Caledonian Sleeper Camel Precast Chiltern Railways CrossCountry East Midlands Trains Edinburgh Trams Elizabeth line Enterprise Eurostar International Ltd Gatwick Express Glasgow Subway (SPT) Govia Thameslink Railway (London) Grand Central Rail Great Northern Rail Great Western Railway Greater Anglia

Heathrow Express Hull Trains KeolisAmey Docklands Ltd London North Eastern Railway (LNER) London Overground London Tramlink London Underground Ltd (TfL) Merseyrail Metrolink Northern Ireland Railways Northern Trains Ltd Nottingham Express Transit r2p UK Systems Ltd Scotrail South Western Railway Southeastern Southern Stagecoach Supertram Stansted Express Stourbridge Shuttle - Pre Metro Operations Ltd TransPennine Express Tyne & Wear Metro Venice Simplon-Orient-Express Wales and Borders West Midlands Metro West Midlands Trains OPERATION & MANAGEMENT Accreditation / Compliance / Assessment Adfil AEGIS Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) ARC Academy UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arup (Head Office) AssessTech Aura Brand Solutions Book my Course Training Courses Bridgeway Consulting Limited C2E Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd DB ESG DGauge Ltd Ebeni Limited Electromagnetic Testing Services Ltd Era Technology Eurofins York Everlast Group Ltd GES Consulting Ltd GHD HaRMUK Ltd Ideagen Ltd JVR Consultancy Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited McCrory Training NTS Premier Services Rail Operations Group Ltd Railmed Ltd Railweight Ricardo Rail Seaton Rail Limited Serco Rail Technical Services SGS Correl Rail Limited SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd SOCOTEC UK Limited T&RS Engineering Ltd TECHNO CTA Limited The QSS Group Limited Trimble UK TRL TXM Consult Unipart Rail Warringtonfire Watson & Watson Health and Safety Consultants Limited Xrail Group Acoustic Consultants Elite Ground Support Services KP Acoustics Architectural Services Adaptive Modules Ltd Adfil Aecom Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Capel (CS) Ltd Crestwood Environmental DCA Design International Elite Ground Support Services GHD Jacobs UK Ltd JNP Group

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Legion Limited McNealy Brown Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Murphy Geospatial Nicoll Russell Studios Purcell Royal Haskoning DHV Sadler Brown Architecture Schoenemann Design Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd TSP Projects Viztek Ltd Asset Management AARC Professional Services Limited ABB Electrification Products Aecom Alchemy Metals Ltd Allan Webb Ltd Amey TPT Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arup (Head Office) AssessTech Aura Brand Solutions Babcock International BMT Asset Performance Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd Camel Precast Concrete Repairs Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd DB ESG Ensafe Consultants Era Technology Firstco FREQUENTIS UK Limited Fugro G-volution Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GeoAccess GHD Ground Control Limited Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK Henderson Thomas Associates Limited HUB Auto ID Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Intertek – Production and Integrity Assurance Jacobs UK Ltd James Fisher Testing Services JVR Consultancy Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited Kluber Lubrication Leadec Leica Geosystems Ltd Loram UK Ltd MCL Rail Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV Murphy Geospatial Nomad Digital (Head Office) Omnicom Balfour Beatty OSL Rail Limited PBH Rail PBWel Perpetuum Ltd Petrotechnics Ltd Project Control Tools PSG Ltd Quartix Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Resonate Group Ltd RS Clare & Co Limited Serco Rail Technical Services Severn Partnership Skanska Construction UK Ltd Snap-on Industrial SOCOTEC Monitoring UK Ltd Sohal Shopfronts & Shutter Ltd Sonatest Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Telent Technology Services Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited Torrent Trackside Trackmaps Trimble UK TRL TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult UK Power Networks Services UKDN Waterflow Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Upshot UK Ltd VGC Rail Projects Warringtonfire XEIAD Xrail Group

Clearance Services Grange Archive Services MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Orbis Protect Collaborative Working AARC Professional Services Limited ABB Electrification Products Adfil Aecom Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amey TPT Andrew Reid Arup (Head Office) Aura Brand Solutions Babcock International Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd C2E Consulting Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd DM Development Coaching Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd EviFile Limited Excell Rail Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd G-volution Ltd GES Consulting Ltd GHD GIRO Gleeds Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK Harmonic Limited Imtech/Dynniq Institute of Railway Research J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd JFC Civils UK Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group Kiepe Electric UK Ltd LogiKal Projects Loram UK Ltd Lundy Projects Morson Human Resources Ltd t/a Morson Talent National Composites Centre Novus Rail Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Pipex Ltd PlasmaTrack Ltd Project Control Tools Purcell Royal Haskoning DHV Schoenemann Design Serco Rail Technical Services Severn Partnership Siemens Signature Rail Limited Skanska Construction UK Ltd SLC Rail Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Steelway Fensecure Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd TBAT Innovation Limited TEAL Consulting Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited The Consultancy Company TRL TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail University of Birmingham Van Elle Rail VGC Labour Solutions VGC Personnel VGC Rail Projects VisiLean Warringtonfire Welding Alloys Group Xrail Group Commercial Financial & Technical Advisor Adfil Arburies Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Schoenemann Design TBAT Innovation Limited TenBroeke Company Limited Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions TXM Consult Commercial Management Adfil Arburies Ltd C2E Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd

Elite Ground Support Services Ensafe Consultants First Class Partnerships Limited Gardiner & Theobald LLP GHD Harmonic Limited HKA Legion Limited Real-Time Consultants Ltd SpaceandPeople Standish Engineering Co Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited TXM Consult Commissioning Solutions Andrew Reid Capel (CS) Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Conferences Elite Ground Support Services Consultants AARC Professional Services Limited Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd Adfil Aecom AEGIS Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Altran UK Analysys Mason Limited Arburies Ltd Arup (Head Office) Astley Signs ATA Recruitment Ltd Augean Plc Aura Brand Solutions Baker Consultants Ltd Baqus Group Plc BMT Asset Performance Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd CADFEM UK CAE Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd CECL – Global Cogitamus Complete Cyber ConsultCarr Limited - Rail Sector Consultant Crestwood Environmental Crouch Waterfall Cundall Lift & Escalator Consultants Cygnet Projects Ltd D2 Rail & Civils Ltd Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd DB ESG Design and Analysis Ltd DGauge Ltd Direct Rail Services Ltd DM Development Coaching Ltd Ebeni Limited Electromagnetic Testing Services Ltd Ensafe Consultants Era Technology Eurofins York Excell Rail Ltd Executive Compass® First Class Partnerships Limited Firstco Fourway Communication Ltd Freshwater G-volution Ltd GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GES Consulting Ltd GHD GIRO Gleeds Harmonic Limited HaRMUK Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited HKA HPC Asset Services & Hygiene Pro Clean Ltd Innova Care Concepts Institute of Railway Research Intermodality Ltd Intertek – Production and Integrity Assurance IPEX Consulting Limited ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton J Morgan Consulting Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd James Fisher Testing Services JOBSON JAMES RAIL - INSURANCE JVR Consultancy Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited

KP Acoustics LC Switchgear Limited Leadec Leewood Projects Ltd LogiKal Projects Lundy Projects MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Martin Castle Ltd Met Office Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd MobiHub MTag Composites Ltd Murphy Geospatial Newgate (Newark) Ltd NewRail Nicoll Russell Studios Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Novus Rail Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Onis Consulting Limited Overhead Line Engineering Limited Parry People Movers Ltd Pennant PLC People 1st PlasmaTrack Ltd Power Testing Limited PSG Ltd Purcell Rail Operations Group Ltd Rail Personnel Real-Time Consultants Ltd Red Viking Rail Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Royal Haskoning DHV RSK SAP Ecology and Environmental Ltd Schoenemann Design Seaton Rail Limited Semcon Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Severn Partnership SGS Correl Rail Limited Signature Rail Limited SLC Rail Smartwater Technology Ltd Softech Global Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Spitfire Steer Davies Gleave Syntax Consultancy T&RS Engineering Ltd TEAL Consulting Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited The Consultancy Company The Ecology Co-op The Ecology Consultancy The OPC The Rail Estate Consultancy Ltd The Railway Consultancy Ltd Thomson Ecology Ltd Trackmaps Transport Investigations Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Trimble UK TRL TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult UK Power Networks Services UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Vettica BV VGC Personnel Vigier Rail AG WAGO Limited Warringtonfire Waterman Group Watson & Watson Health and Safety Consultants Limited White Lion Engineering Ltd Wilde Analysis Ltd XEIAD Xrail Group Zetica Rail Consulting Complete Cyber Contract Delivery AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Aecom Alan Dick Communications Ltd Atom Training Centre Babcock International Bond Demolition Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd C2E Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing

Services Ltd Emico Limited Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd EviFile Limited Excell Rail Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GHD Gleeds Global Rail Construction Ltd Harmonic Limited HKA J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group Loram UK Ltd Lundy Projects Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morrison Utility Services Limited Neary Rail and Construction Novus Rail Ltd NRL Oakes Power Services Ltd Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd Seaton Rail Limited Skanska Construction UK Ltd SLC Rail Smartwater Technology Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited The SES Group Torrent Trackside TRL TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult UK Power Networks Services Van Elle Rail Vettica BV VGC Rail Projects Viztek Ltd VolkerFitzpatrick XEIAD Xrail Group Contract Operations / Fleet Management AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Amida Ltd Atom Training Centre Aura Brand Solutions Babcock International Capel (CS) Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Emico Limited Galldris Services Ltd GIRO Harmonic Limited Jacobs UK Ltd Loram UK Ltd Millcroft Group Newgate (Newark) Ltd NRL PSG Ltd Quartix Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Signature Rail Limited TrAchem Ltd TXM Consult UK Power Networks Services UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Van Elle Rail Vettica BV VGC Rail Projects Cost Management Adaptive Modules Ltd Arburies Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd G-volution Ltd Gardiner & Theobald LLP GHD HKA Legion Limited Petrotechnics Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Signature Rail Limited Standish Engineering Co Ltd TXM Consult Unipart Rail Vettica BV VisiLean


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Data & Information Systems 21st Century Technology 3SL ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics Adaptive Modules Ltd Advanced New Technology Aecom AEGIS Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Alan Dick Communications Ltd Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) AssessTech Axiomtek UK Ltd Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd BELDEN Bernstein Ltd Blue Chip Technology Captec Coeval (Ltd) Common Time Ltd Core Systems Software Crittall Windows Limited Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Diamond Point International Esoterix EviFile Limited FDB Electrical Ltd Ferrograph Limited Finance Birmingham – National Rail Supply Growth Fund FREQUENTIS UK Limited Freshwater Fujikura Europe Ltd GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) Galldris Services Ltd GHD GIRO Glow New Media Ltd GRID Innovations HaRMUK Ltd HARTING Ltd HORIBA MIRA Ltd HUB Auto ID Ltd Human Reliability ICEE Managed Services Ltd Ideagen Ltd Industrial Communication Products Ltd Jaltek Systems Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group Kadfire Limited Kilborn Consulting Limited Legion Limited Magrenko Ltd Maker Coating Systems Ltd Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Mayteck Ltd Pandrol Petards Postfield Systems Ltd PRBX (Powerbox) UK PSD Group r2p UK Systems Ltd RAILTEX 2022 – Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd RCU Solutions Real-Time Consultants Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Signature Rail Limited Sirenum SNC-Lavalin (formerly known as Interfleet) Sqills Sunbelt Rentals Limited Triscan Systems Ltd Trueform TSG Fleet TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Unistrut University of Birmingham Vettica BV VisiLean Weston Analytics Xanta Limited Xrail Group 19 Inch Racks, Enclosures & Cabinets ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics Andrew Reid Bernstein Ltd Cannon Technologies Group Limited Captec Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd


FREQUENTIS UK Limited Fujikura Europe Ltd Harland Simon Power Solutions HARTING Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd ICEE Managed Services Ltd Industrial Communication Products Ltd Jaltek Systems Mayteck Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication Unipart Rail DATA Systems / Management 3SL ABB Electrification Products Adaptive Modules Ltd Amaro Group Andrew Reid Arup (Head Office) AssessTech BELDEN Brand-Rex Ltd Captec Common Time Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Data Techniques Dorma Kaba Ltd Electroustic Ltd Emico Limited Esoterix Eurotech EviFile Limited Firstco FREQUENTIS UK Limited Fujikura Europe Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GHD GIRO Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK HaRMUK Ltd Ideagen Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Jacobs UK Ltd Jaltek Systems Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group JVR Consultancy Ltd Kadfire Limited Kiepe Electric UK Ltd MacRail Systems Ltd Met Office Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV Nexus Alpha Low Power Systems Ltd Oltec Group Omnicom Balfour Beatty Pandrol PD Devices Ltd Penton UK Ltd Perpetuum Ltd Postfield Systems Ltd PULS UK Ltd Railweight Scisys UK Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Smartwater Technology Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Tracsis PLC Trimble Rail Solutions Trolex Ltd TSG Fleet TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail Unistrut University of Birmingham Zircon Software Ltd Fare Collection Common Time Ltd GHD Parkeon Ltd Scheidt & Bachmann UK Ltd Transport Investigations Ltd Vettica BV Intelligent Transport Systems Adaptive Modules Ltd Andrew Reid Axiomtek UK Ltd Coeval (Ltd) Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Diamond Point International FREQUENTIS UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd GIRO HARTING Ltd HORIBA MIRA Ltd Jaltek Systems r2p UK Systems Ltd

RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd Signature Rail Limited University of Birmingham Vettica BV IT Hardware / Software / Consultancy 3SL ABB Electrification Products Adaptive Modules Ltd AEGIS Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Arup (Head Office) AssessTech Axiomtek UK Ltd Azteq Solutions Ltd BELDEN CADFEM UK CAE Ltd Captec Common Time Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Diamond Point International Electroustic Ltd Esoterix Eurotech EviFile Limited Forgetrack Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Freshwater Fujikura Europe Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GIRO HaCon (UK) Hawkgrove Limited HUB Auto ID Ltd Human Reliability Industrial Communication Products Ltd Jabero Consulting Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group Kadfire Limited Legion Limited LogiKal Projects MacRail Systems Ltd Met Office Nexus Alpha Low Power Systems Ltd Omnicom Balfour Beatty Penton UK Ltd Primary Image Ltd Project Control Tools Project EU Ltd Propeller Studios Real-Time Consultants Ltd Resonate Group Ltd RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd Scisys UK Ltd SeSys Ltd Signature Rail Limited Sirenum Softil Ltd Sqills Telent Technology Services Ltd The Bionic Eye Tracsis PLC Trimble UK TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail VisiLean Weston Analytics Xrail Group Zircon Software Ltd Online Rail Booking & Fulfilment Common Time Ltd Evolvi Rail Systems GHD Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group Passenger Information Systems 21st Century Technology ABI Electronics Acorel Adaptive Modules Ltd AEGIS Alan Dick Communications Ltd Andrew Reid Arup (Head Office) Babcock International Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Bosch Security Systems UK Captec Coeval (Ltd) Common Time Ltd DB ESG Electroustic Ltd Emico Limited Esoterix Eurotech FDB Electrical Ltd

Ferrograph Limited Firstco Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd GHD GIRO Glow New Media Ltd Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK HaCon (UK) HARTING Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Industrial Communication Products Ltd Infotec Ltd Jaltek Systems Kadfire Limited Kiepe Electric UK Ltd LPA Connection Systems LPA Group Plc Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV Nexus Alpha Low Power Systems Ltd Nomad Digital (Head Office) Parkeon Ltd Penton UK Ltd Petards r2p UK Systems Ltd RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Siemens Signature Rail Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Telegartner UK Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Teleque Ltd Televic Rail NV Tracsis PLC Trainfx Ltd Trolex Ltd Unipart Rail Vettica BV Wabtec Rail Limited Xrail Group Radio Communications & Equipment ABI Electronics Alan Dick Communications Ltd Andrew Reid Babcock International BELDEN Chatterbox Limited Co-Channel Electronics Ltd Common Time Ltd DAC Limited Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Data Techniques DB ESG dBD Communications DNH WW Ltd Electroustic Ltd Emico Limited Firstco Fourway Communication Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Industrial Communication Products Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jaltek Systems Kiepe Electric UK Ltd LPA Connection Systems LPA Group Plc Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Ogier Electronics Limited OSL Rail Limited Siemens Spotcom Ltd Stadium IGT Sunbelt Rentals Limited Swann Group Ltd Telegartner UK Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Teleque Ltd Televic Rail NV Trainfx Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Upshot UK Ltd Wabtec Rail Limited Wrekin Circuits Ltd Real Time Information Systems ABI Electronics Adaptive Modules Ltd Andrew Reid Coeval (Ltd) Data Acquisition & Testing

Services Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd GRID Innovations Jaltek Systems Project Control Tools r2p UK Systems Ltd Sirenum Trimble Rail Solutions Triscan Systems Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Renewable Energy Power Supplies ABI Electronics Andrew Reid Galldris Services Ltd Jaltek Systems Marlec Engineering Co Ltd PRBX (Powerbox) UK Tyrone Fabrication Vettica BV Technology finance ABB Electrification Products Andrew Reid Econocom Finance Birmingham – National Rail Supply Growth Fund Telecommunications Design Services Adaptive Modules Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Fujikura Europe Ltd Industrial Communication Products Ltd Jaltek Systems Kilborn Consulting Limited Softil Ltd Tyrone Fabrication Telecommunications Systems & Equipment ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics Adaptive Modules Ltd Aecom AEG Power Solutions Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Amaro Group Amida Ltd Azteq Solutions Ltd Babcock International BELDEN Capel (CS) Ltd Captec Common Time Ltd Craig & Derricott Ltd Crittall Windows Limited DAC Limited Data Techniques Digital Barriers Services Ltd EasyStart Batteries Electroustic Ltd Emico Limited Eurotech Firstco Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd Forever Group Fourway Communication Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Fujikura Europe Ltd GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) GHD Giffen Group Ltd Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK HARTING Ltd Hosiden Besson Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Icomera iLECSYS Rail Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Industrial Communication Products Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jaltek Systems Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited LPA Connection Systems Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Nexus Alpha Low Power Systems Ltd Nomad Digital (Head Office) OSL Rail Limited Passcomm Limited PD Devices Ltd Penton UK Ltd Perpetuum Ltd RCU Solutions Ricardo Rail Schneider Electric Ltd SeSys Ltd Siemens

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Softil Ltd STEGO (UK) Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Swann Group Ltd Telegartner UK Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Teleque Ltd Televic Rail NV Trainfx Ltd Transport Investigations Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication Upshot UK Ltd Telematics Adaptive Modules Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Industrial Communication Products Ltd Jaltek Systems r2p UK Systems Ltd RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd Ticketing / Ticketing Systems 21st Century Technology ABI Electronics Adaptive Modules Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Captec Common Time Ltd Evolvi Rail Systems FDB Electrical Ltd GHD HaCon (UK) Jaltek Systems Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group Parkeon Ltd Scheidt & Bachmann UK Ltd Stadium IGT STEGO (UK) Ltd Trainfx Ltd Vettica BV Visualisation / Stimulation Agility3 Modelling and Simulation VR Experiences / Training Software Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Wireless Data Communications Softil Ltd Spotcom Ltd Design Services ABB Electrification Products Actavo Building Solutions Adaptive Modules Ltd Adfil Aecom AJC Trailers Ltd Amida Ltd Andrew Reid Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd Arup (Head Office) Astley Signs Aura Brand Solutions Babcock International Baqus Group Plc Belvoir Rail Ltd Bender UK Ltd Bespoke by Evans BPR Architects Ltd CADFEM UK CAE Ltd CECL – Global Craig & Derricott Ltd Creactive Design Crouch Waterfall Cundall Lift & Escalator Consultants Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd DB ESG DCA Design International Design and Analysis Ltd DGauge Ltd Dura Composites Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Firstco FJD Consulting and Design Fourway Communication Ltd Freshwater Furrer + Frey GB Ltd GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems GES Consulting Ltd GHD Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Human Reliability

iLECSYS Rail Ltd ISC Best Practice Consultancy ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd Jaltek Systems James Fisher Testing Services JFC Civils UK Kadfire Limited Kiepe Electric UK Ltd Legion Limited Lundy Projects Magrenko Ltd Marchantcain Group Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morrison Utility Services Limited Murphy Geospatial National Composites Centre Newgate (Newark) Ltd Nicoll Russell Studios Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Novus Rail Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Oltec Group OSL Rail Limited Parry People Movers Ltd PBH Rail Pipex Ltd PlasmaTrack Ltd Power Jacks Priestman Goode Purcell Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Remedy Geotechnics Ltd Ricardo Rail Royal Haskoning DHV RSS Infrastructure Ltd Sadler Brown Architecture Schoenemann Design SLC Rail Softech Global Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Stewart Signs Rail Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions TSP Projects TXM Consult Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail Van Elle Rail VGC Rail Projects Waterman Group Wentworth House Rail Systems Limited XEIAD Xrail Group Design Consultancy Analysis by Firth BPR Architects Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd GES Consulting Ltd Rapid Ramp (wheelchair ramp manufacturer, supplier and installer) Tangerine Driver Only Operations GES Consulting Ltd HARTING Ltd Loram UK Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd Engineering Consultancy ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics Adfil Alan Dick Communications Ltd Allan Webb Ltd Andrew Reid Bender UK Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd CECL – Global Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd D2 Rail & Civils Ltd Design and Analysis Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited EH Hassell & Sons Ltd EngPro Solutions Ensafe Consultants ESR Technology Fairway Hydraulics Limited Furrer + Frey GB Ltd G-volution Ltd

GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GeoAccess GHD Harmonic Limited Henderson Thomas Associates Limited HKA Houghton International HYTORC Institute of Railway Research ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton Leadec Leewood Projects Ltd Legion Limited Marchantcain Group McCrory Training Newgate (Newark) Ltd Novus Rail Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Osprey Heavy Lift PBH Rail PlasmaTrack Ltd Provertha Connectors, Cables & Solutions GMBH RCU Solutions Real-Time Consultants Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RINA RSS Infrastructure Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Shire Structures Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd TBAT Innovation Limited TenBroeke Company Limited Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions TXM Consult UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail University of Birmingham Warringtonfire Xrail Group Tunnel Design BAND-IT Company Ltd Environmental Protection and Control 4 Acre Ecology ACCON UK Limited ACS Testing Ltd Adfil AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) APPS UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arrow Solutions Bond Demolition Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited CCS Jeweltone Ltd CF Booth Limited Cirrus Research Civil Rail Solutions Ltd Coeval (Ltd) Cygnet Projects Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited Electrosteel Castings (UK) Ltd Encompass Environmental Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton Keystone Environmental Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Marshalls CPM Martin Castle Ltd NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd Northern Divers Orbis Protect Pandrol Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Pulsar Instruments Plc Reactive Group Services Rhodar Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS SAP Ecology and Environmental Ltd SEP Rail Services Smart Rail Services Limited TCS Geotechnics The Ecology Co-op TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Vigier Rail AG Yara UK Limited

Anti-icer Arrow Solutions Camel Precast Asbestos Services ABP Associates Limited B&B Industrial Dismantling Limited CF Booth Limited Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd Rhodar Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Bird Control Reactive Group Services Bulk Sample Analysis Ensafe Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd SEP Rail Services Carbon Assessment FJD Consulting and Design Cost and Carbon Reduction G-volution Ltd Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Ecological Services 4 Acre Ecology Coeval (Ltd) Elite Ground Support Services Environment Protection 3M ACCON UK Limited Aecom APPS UK Ltd Arup (Head Office) Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Baker Consultants Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Coeval (Ltd) Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Ensafe Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GHD Ground Control Limited Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Keystone Environmental Ltd Middlemarch Environmental Ltd MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Royal Haskoning DHV RS Clare & Co Limited RSK RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS SAP Ecology and Environmental Ltd SOUNDEX Temporary Noise Control The Ecology Co-op The Ecology Consultancy Three Shires Ltd TSP Projects Vigier Rail AG Yara UK Limited Flood Risk Assessment Capel (CS) Ltd Geotechnical Equipment / Services Aarsleff Ground Engineering ABG Geosynthetics ACS Testing Ltd Aecom Amida Ltd Arup (Head Office) Babcock International BAM Ritchies CAN CC Ground Investigations Ltd Coffey Geotechnics Ltd Concept Engineering Consultants Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Dr. Sauer & Partners Elite Ground Support Services Ensafe Consultants FLI Structures Fugro Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GeoAccess

Geotechnical Engineering Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Ischebeck Titan Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd James Fisher Testing Services Keller Ltd Korec Group Live Trakway | Barriers | Bridges | Lights MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Neary Rail and Construction NTS Premier Services OSL Rail Limited Plowman Craven Ltd Prolec Ltd Quantum Geotechnical Limited RSK RUAS SEP Rail Services Severn Partnership SOCOTEC Monitoring UK Ltd SOCOTEC UK Limited Soil Engineering Geoservices Limited Sonic Drilling Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited TCS Geotechnics Tencate Geosynthetics Terram & Tubex The Bionic Eye Topdrill Ltd TSP Projects Upshot UK Ltd Uretek UK Van Elle Rail Verdant Solutions Ltd ZF UK Laser Limited Noise & Vibration Control 3M A-Plant Rail ACCON UK Limited Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arup (Head Office) British Steel Cirrus Research Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited Galldris Services Ltd GHD GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Ischebeck Titan Ltd ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Nord-Lock Group NRL Pandrol Pulsar Instruments Plc RSK SBC Rail Schaeffler (UK) Ltd Selectequip Ltd SEP Rail Services SOUNDEX Temporary Noise Control Strail (UK) Ltd Tiflex Ltd – Trackelast Specialist Rail Solutions TSP Projects Tufnol Composites Ltd Van Elle Rail Vigier Rail AG WAGO Limited Whitmore Europe Ltd Pest Control AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited CCS Jeweltone Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Encompass Environmental Ltd Ensafe Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Ground Control Limited Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Mitie Pest Control Ltd Oltec Group Orbis Protect Reactive Group Services SMP Electronics / Samalite Products The Pied Piper Pest Control Company Ltd


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Polymers Adfil Bitrez Limited Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited DWG Resins Elite Ground Support Services Galldris Services Ltd Scott Bader Co Ltd TCS Geotechnics Root Barriers ABG Geosynthetics Elite Ground Support Services Galldris Services Ltd Liniar Ltd TCS Geotechnics Seasonal Arrow Solutions Camel Precast Elite Ground Support Services Stormwater Control Products ABG Geosynthetics ACO Technologies Plc Adfil Althon Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Marshalls CPM Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation TCS Geotechnics TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Surface Water Management ABG Geosynthetics ACO Technologies Plc Adfil Althon Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Galldris Services Ltd Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation TCS Geotechnics Sustainable Procurement Adfil Aecom Alan Dick Communications Ltd Charcroft Electronics Galldris Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Olleco Pipex Ltd RSK RSS Infrastructure Ltd Sill Lighting (UK) Ltd Skanska Construction UK Ltd SLC Rail The Consultancy Company TRL TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd VGC Rail Projects Vigier Rail AG White Lion Engineering Ltd Underwater Inspections / Services Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess GPS Marine Contractors Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd James Fisher Testing Services Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Northern Divers OSL Rail Limited Upshot UK Ltd Vivax – Metrotech Ltd XEIAD Vegetation Control AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Babcock International Bodacc Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buck & Hickman CAN CCS Jeweltone Ltd Civil Rail Solutions Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Elcot Environmental Encompass Environmental Ltd Enduramaxx Limited Epicuro Ltd Galldris Services Ltd


GeoAccess Ground Control Limited Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd Keystone Environmental Ltd Korec Group Liniar Ltd Martin Castle Ltd Mitie Pest Control Ltd MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Neary Rail and Construction NTS Premier Services OSL Rail Limited Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Red Viking Rail Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RTG Rail Services Limited Running Rail Ltd SEP Rail Services Spectrum Contracting Services Limited STEGO (UK) Ltd Stobart Rail TCS Geotechnics The Bionic Eye Three Shires Ltd Trackmaps Verdant Solutions Ltd Vital – Head Office Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Wrekin Products Ltd XEIAD Winterisation Arrow Solutions Camel Precast Elite Ground Support Services Facility Management Alchemy Metals Ltd Andrew Reid Armorgard Security Products Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd CCS Jeweltone Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Eldapoint Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Leadec Lista UK Ltd Newgate (Newark) Ltd NSS Group - Nationwide Specialist Services Premier Pits Pulsar Instruments Plc Snap-on Industrial TBA Protective Technologies Ltd The SES Group Facility Management Equipment A-Plant Rail Alan Dick Communications Ltd Aqua-Solv Solutions Ltd Armorgard Security Products Autodrain Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Camel Precast Captec Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Dura Composites Ltd Eldapoint Ltd Enduramaxx Limited Eurotech Everlast Group Ltd Furse Gemma Lighting Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd Klingspor Abrasives Limited Leadec Lista UK Ltd Millcroft Group Newgate (Newark) Ltd NTS Premier Services Office Depot Oltec Group Premier Pits Pulsar Instruments Plc Rapid Ramp (wheelchair ramp manufacturer, supplier and installer) Serpro Ltd Severn Partnership Skanska Construction UK Ltd Snap-on Industrial Sonatest Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Facility Management Services Airguard Filters Ltd

AJC Trailers Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alchemy Metals Ltd Andrew Reid Atom Training Centre Camel Precast CCS Jeweltone Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd CP Plus Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Eldapoint Ltd Ensafe Consultants Eurotech Firstco Gemma Lighting Glasdon UK Ltd Ground Control Limited Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Lanes for Drains Leadec Leica Geosystems Ltd Millcroft Group Mitie Pest Control Ltd Murphy Geospatial Newgate (Newark) Ltd NTS Premier Services Oltec Group Premier Pits REACT Specialist Cleaning Ltd RTG Rail Services Limited Smartwater Technology Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Telent Technology Services Ltd The SES Group Trackmaps TSG Fleet Upshot UK Ltd Viztek Ltd Thermal Management GeoAccess Leadec STEGO (UK) Ltd TBA Protective Technologies Ltd Financial Services Finance Birmingham – National Rail Supply Growth Fund Rail Manche Finance SLC Investments SLC Rail TenBroeke Company Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Franchise Bid Support ABB Electrification Products Amey TPT Aura Brand Solutions Cogitamus First Class Partnerships Limited GHD HaRMUK Ltd Schoenemann Design TenBroeke Company Limited The Railway Consultancy Ltd Thornton & Lowe TXM Consult HR, Recruitment and Training AARC Professional Services Limited Adfil AEGIS Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Atom Training Centre Blueprint Recruitment Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited C2E Consulting CCL Rail Training Civil Rail Solutions Ltd Critical Project Resourcing Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Daniel Owen Ltd Equipe Group Excell Rail Ltd Harvey Thomas INFRA Skills Ltd Intertrain UK Ltd Maxim Recruitment McCrory Training MSA Safety – Latchways PLC National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) OPC Assessment Pendersons Ltd PM Training and Assessing Ltd Pulsar Instruments Plc Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd Samuel Knight International – Rail Recruitment

Tec Training (GB) Ltd The SES Group Trackmaps TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Recruit Assessment AARC Professional Services Limited Capel (CS) Ltd SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Southside Rail Training Ltd Education Training ARC Academy UK Ltd Atom Training Centre Babcock International C2E Consulting Cleshar Contract Services Ltd DM Development Coaching Ltd Equipe Group Era Technology Essempy Freshwater HPC Asset Services & Hygiene Pro Clean Ltd HSS Hire PLC Infrastructure Training Services Ltd McCrory Training Multimodal NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd NewRail NTS Premier Services Pendersons Ltd Pennant PLC People 1st PM Training and Assessing Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RT Training Solutions Ltd Seaton Rail Limited SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd Southside Rail Training Ltd TEAL Consulting Ltd Tec Training (GB) Ltd Trackmaps Transport Investigations Ltd University of Birmingham XEIAD Labour Supply AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Alma Rail Limited Amaro Group ATA Recruitment Ltd Atom Services Atom Training Centre Auctus Management Group Axis Recruitment UK Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Civil Rail Solutions Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Daniel Owen Ltd Data Techniques Excell Rail Ltd Ganymede Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Linear Recruitment Maple Resourcing McCrory Training McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd Millcroft Group Morson Human Resources Ltd t/a Morson Talent Neary Rail and Construction NRL NTS Premier Services OSL Rail Limited Pendersons Ltd ProActive Recruitment Services PSR Solutions Rail Operations Group Ltd Real-Time Consultants Ltd Red Viking Rail Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RT Training Solutions Ltd RTG Rail Services Limited Running Rail Ltd Samuel Knight International – Rail Recruitment Seaton Rail Limited Selective Recruitment Solutions Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd TECHNO CTA Limited Telent Technology Services Ltd Trackwork Ltd

Transport Investigations Ltd TXM Recruit Van Elle Rail VGC Labour Solutions Vital – Head Office Xrail Group Media Training Atom Training Centre Freshwater Recruitment / Personnel Services Advance Training & Recruitment Amida Ltd ATA Recruitment Ltd Atom Services Atom Training Centre Auctus Management Group Axis Recruitment UK Ltd Blueprint Recruitment Solutions C2E Consulting Caval Limited CCL Rail Training Civil Rail Solutions Ltd Collingwood Executive Recruitment Commercial Consultants (UK) Ltd Coyle Personnel Limited Critical Project Resourcing Ltd Daniel Owen Ltd Eden Brown Excell Rail Ltd Ford and Stanley Ltd Foxwell Brown Ltd Future Talent Recruitment Ltd Harvey Thomas HPC Asset Services & Hygiene Pro Clean Ltd Impact Executives Ltd Intec (UK) Ltd Jonathan Lee Recruitment Linear Recruitment Maple Resourcing McCrory Training McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd Morson Human Resources Ltd t/a Morson Talent Newsom Consulting Ltd Nexus Recruitment Solutions NRL NTS Premier Services OPC Assessment PFB Recruitment Ltd Platinum Resources Primat Recruitment PSR Solutions PWS Technical Services Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) Real-Time Consultants Ltd Resourcing Solutions Limited Rex Advertising Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Samuel Knight International – Rail Recruitment Seaton Rail Limited Selective Recruitment Solutions Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Syntax Consultancy Technology Resourcing Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd The National Engineering & Construction Recruitment Exhibition The SES Group TXM Recruit VGC Personnel Vital – Head Office Xrail Group Training Services AARC Professional Services Limited ABB Electrification Products Adfil Advance Training & Recruitment AEGIS Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Alan Dick Communications Ltd Amtrain (Midlands) Ltd ARC Academy UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Atom Training Centre Auctus Management Group Babcock International Benchmark Training Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited C2E Consulting Cable Detection Ltd CCL Rail Training Cleshar Contract Services Ltd DM Development Coaching Ltd Equipe Group Era Technology Eurofins York

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Forgetrack Ltd Freshwater Great Central Railway Plc HaRMUK Ltd HKA HPC Asset Services & Hygiene Pro Clean Ltd INFRA Skills Ltd Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Intertrain UK Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Kopta Training Korec Group McCrory Training McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd Morson Human Resources Ltd t/a Morson Talent MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Multimodal NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) Neway Training Solutions Limited NewRail North Yorkshire Moors Railway NRL NRL NTS Premier Services Oltec Group OPC Assessment Pendersons Ltd Pennant PLC People 1st PM Training and Assessing Ltd PPS Rail Pristine Condition Ltd ProActive Recruitment Services PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd. Pulsar Instruments Plc Qualitrain Rail Operations Group Ltd Real Skills Training Limited RSK RSS Infrastructure Ltd RT Training Solutions Ltd Schaeffler (UK) Ltd Seaton Rail Limited Siemens Signet Solutions SKF (UK) Limited SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd Southside Rail Training Ltd Spitfire Tec Training (GB) Ltd TECHNO CTA Limited The Consultancy Company The QSS Group Limited The SES Group Trackmaps Trackwork Ltd Transport Investigations Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Van Elle Rail Victa Railfreight Ltd Vivax – Metrotech Ltd Waterfront Conference Company Watson & Watson Health and Safety Consultants Limited Wilde Analysis Ltd XEIAD Inspection Services ABB Electrification Products AEGIS Aura Brand Solutions Bridgeway Consulting Limited Clow Group Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Ensafe Consultants Era Technology EviFile Limited Forecourt Installations Services Ltd Fugro Geismar UK Ltd GeoAccess Giffen Group Ltd HaRMUK Ltd Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd Intertek NDT & Materials Testing James Fisher Testing Services Kiepe Electric UK Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited Manchester Metrology Ltd Martin Castle Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Murphy Geospatial NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd

Northern Divers Novus Rail Ltd NSS Group - Nationwide Specialist Services Omnicom Balfour Beatty Perpetuum Ltd SGS Correl Rail Limited SOCOTEC UK Limited Standish Engineering Co Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK T&RS Engineering Ltd Trackwork Ltd Trimble Rail Solutions TXM Consult Upshot UK Ltd VGC Rail Projects Warringtonfire Waterman Group XEIAD Xrail Group Zetica Rail Training, Leasing and Onsite Inspection Services Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd Intertek NDT & Materials Testing Manchester Metrology Ltd Insurance JOBSON JAMES RAIL - INSURANCE SJL Insurance Services Square Mile Broking Ltd Insurance & Risk Management HaRMUK Ltd JOBSON JAMES RAIL - INSURANCE Square Mile Broking Ltd Legal Services Clifford Chance LLP Dentons DWF LLP Ensafe Consultants Freeths LLP HaRMUK Ltd Kennedys Law LLP Mariel Irvine Solicitors Norton Rose Fulbright Simmons & Simmons SLC Rail Southside Rail Training Ltd Transport Investigations Ltd Lone Worker Protection Orbis Protect Marketing and PR Services APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Cogitamus European Rail Timetable Kingfisher Productions RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS Schoenemann Design SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd SpaceandPeople Tecocraft LTD Wonderland Agency Advertising APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Elite Ground Support Services Ferrograph Limited Freshwater Kadfire Limited Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) Rex Advertising Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Schoenemann Design SpaceandPeople The Write Angle Wonderland Agency Crisis Management Cogitamus FREQUENTIS UK Limited Freshwater Event Management APPS UK Ltd Cogitamus Elite Ground Support Services FREQUENTIS UK Limited Freshwater Schoenemann Design SpaceandPeople Waterfront Conference Company Wonderland Agency Graphic & Digital Design Astley Signs

Aura Brand Solutions Freshwater Galldris Services Ltd Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) RSS Infrastructure Ltd Schoenemann Design Internal Communications AARC Professional Services Limited FREQUENTIS UK Limited Freshwater Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) Schoenemann Design SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Livery Arlington Fleet Group Arriva Traincare Astley Signs Atlantic Design Aura Brand Solutions Brodie Engineering Limited Datum Composites Freshwater Lexicraft Ltd Novograf Primary Image Ltd Schoenemann Design Stewart Signs Rail Trolex Ltd Wabtec Rail Limited Marketing AARC Professional Services Limited APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Elite Ground Support Services Freshwater Kadfire Limited Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) Rex Advertising Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Schoenemann Design SpaceandPeople Public Relations AARC Professional Services Limited Aura Brand Solutions Cogitamus Freshwater Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) RSS Infrastructure Ltd Schoenemann Design SpaceandPeople Rail Photo Library APPS UK Ltd Rail Images Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) RSS Infrastructure Ltd Video Production APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Cogitamus Freshwater Kingfisher Productions RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS Schoenemann Design SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Monitoring Services ABB Electrification Products ACCON UK Limited Andrew Reid APPS UK Ltd Bender UK Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Freshwater Gardiner & Theobald LLP Geo-Environmental Services Ltd HaRMUK Ltd Houghton International Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd Instrumentel Ltd KJ Hall Surveyors Ltd LC Switchgear Limited Murphy Geospatial Novus Rail Ltd Orbis Protect Pandrol Senceive Limited Serco Rail Technical Services Topdrill Ltd Trimble Rail Solutions

Non Destructive Testing ACS Testing Ltd Houghton International Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd Out Of Hours Response Centre Orbis Protect Procurement Services Alan Dick Communications Ltd Allan Webb Ltd APPS UK Ltd C2E Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd Excell Rail Ltd GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Gardiner & Theobald LLP GHD HKA RPS - Railway Project Services Schoenemann Design Standish Engineering Co Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Project Management AARC Professional Services Limited ABB Electrification Products ABP Associates Limited Aecom AEGIS Alan Dick Communications Ltd Amida Ltd Andrew Reid APPS UK Ltd Arup (Head Office) Atom Training Centre Aura Brand Solutions Babcock International Baqus Group Plc BMT Asset Performance Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Civil Rail Solutions Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd CPC Project Services LLP D2 Rail & Civils Ltd Dartford Composites Ltd Data Techniques DB ESG Emico Limited EngPro Solutions Era Technology Everlast Group Ltd EviFile Limited Excell Rail Ltd Firstco Forgetrack Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Furrer + Frey GB Ltd GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Gardiner & Theobald LLP GHD Giffen Group Ltd GIRO Gleeds Global Rail Construction Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Harmonic Limited HaRMUK Ltd HPC Asset Services & Hygiene Pro Clean Ltd Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jabero Consulting Jacobs UK Ltd Kiepe Electric UK Ltd Leadec Leewood Projects Ltd LogiKal Projects Loram UK Ltd Lundy Projects Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morrison Utility Services Limited MTag Composites Ltd Murphy Geospatial Neary Rail and Construction Novus Rail Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Oltec Group OSL Rail Limited Pipex Ltd Power Testing Limited Rail Operations Group Ltd Rainford Solutions Ltd RCU Solutions

Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd Real-Time Consultants Ltd Red Viking Rail Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Ricardo Rail Royal Haskoning DHV RPS - Railway Project Services RSS Infrastructure Ltd RT Training Solutions Ltd Running Rail Ltd Sadler Brown Architecture Schoenemann Design Serco Rail Technical Services SGS Correl Rail Limited Skanska Construction UK Ltd SLC Rail Smartwater Technology Ltd Softech Global Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd T&RS Engineering Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited The Consultancy Company TRL TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult UK Power Networks Services UKDN Waterflow Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Van Elle Rail VGC Personnel VGC Rail Projects Viztek Ltd Wabtec Rail Limited Waterman Group Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd White Lion Engineering Ltd XEIAD Xrail Group Property / Estate Management AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Amey TPT Amida Ltd BNP Paribas Real Estate Camel Precast Cygnet Projects Ltd Ensafe Consultants GHD Ground Control Limited J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Leadec Murphy Geospatial Oltec Group Sadler Brown Architecture Selectaglaze Ltd Smyth Composites Limited TenBroeke Company Limited Trackmaps Trimble UK Upshot UK Ltd Property/Estate Management SLC Property Research Services Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Alliance Rail Holdings ATA Recruitment Ltd Aura Brand Solutions CECL – Global Creactive Design Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd DGauge Ltd G-volution Ltd Human Reliability Institute of Railway Research University of Huddersfield Jungle Green MRC Ltd MobiHub Multimodal NewRail PlasmaTrack Ltd Purcell Standish Engineering Co Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd The Railway Consultancy Ltd Transport Investigations Ltd TRL Unipart Rail White Lion Engineering Ltd Wilde Analysis Ltd Research Testing AMG Superalloys Ltd Axis Test Laboratories Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Services Ltd EMC Hire Ltd Eurofins York Firstco G-volution Ltd Great Central Railway Plc Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Institute of Railway Research University of Huddersfield Kiepe Electric UK Ltd National Composites Centre NewRail Pipex Ltd RSK SLC Rail Standish Engineering Co Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd TRL Unipart Rail University of Birmingham Van Elle Rail Wilde Analysis Ltd XEIAD Safety and Security AARC Professional Services Limited AbsTracked Solutions Ltd ACCON UK Limited Adfil Advanced New Technology AEGIS Alchemy Metals Ltd Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) APPS UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arctic Air Solutions Ltd Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd Armorgard Security Products Atex Global Ltd Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Barkers Fencing Bernstein Ltd Bolle Safety Bradgate Containers C.Scope International Ltd Cable Services Group CAP Productions Limited Cirrus Research Complete Cyber Coretech Solutions Ltd Creative Composites Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Delmatic E2S Warning Signals Elite Precast Concrete Ltd Encompass Environmental Ltd Engineered Composites Ltd ESR Technology Everlast Group Ltd EviFile Limited FREQUENTIS UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd GES Consulting Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd GRID Innovations HARTING Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited ICEE Managed Services Ltd ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton JSP Limited Kee Systems Key Fasteners KITE Projects Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Leadec LKQ Coatings Martin Castle Ltd McCrory Training MCL Rail Medigold Health MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Newgate (Newark) Ltd Oasys Ltd OPC Assessment Orbis Protect PBWel Pramac-Generac UK PRBX (Powerbox) UK Protec Direct PULSAR® Railway Safety Solutions Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Rhodar Limited Safeaid Limited Serco Rail Technical Services Sicuro UK - Monitored Security Solutions Sirenum Smyth Composites Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener


Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Sunbelt Rentals Limited TBA Protective Technologies Ltd Teleque Ltd The SES Group Torrent Trackside Transport Benevolent Fund CIO Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Trimble Rail Solutions Triptex Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Warringtonfire Accident Investigator / Investigations Aecom Dellner Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GES Consulting Ltd HaRMUK Ltd Human Reliability JVR Consultancy Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Murphy Geospatial OPC Assessment Rail Operations Group Ltd Ricardo Rail RSK RWB Group Seaton Rail Limited Serco Rail Technical Services SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd The QSS Group Limited TRL Zetica Rail Acoustic Barrier ACCON UK Limited E2S Warning Signals Elite Ground Support Services Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd HS Jackson and Son (Fencing) Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Anti-Slip Safety Solutions Elite Ground Support Services Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Heskins Ltd Impreglon UK Maker Coating Systems Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Rust-Oleum UK Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Step on Safety TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd CCTV & Video Analytics 21st Century Technology 360 Vision Technology Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Atex Global Ltd Axis Communications (UK) Ltd Babcock International Bosch Security Systems UK Captec Coretech Solutions Ltd Data Techniques Digital Barriers Services Ltd Emico Limited Firstco Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GHD HARTING Ltd Kiepe Electric UK Ltd Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Nomad Digital (Head Office) Ogier Electronics Limited Oltec Group Omnicom Balfour Beatty Orbis Protect OSL Rail Limited Passcomm Limited Penton UK Ltd Petards r2p UK Systems Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd SeSys Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited Swann Group Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Teleque Ltd Televic Rail NV

The Bionic Eye Tracsis PLC Trainfx Ltd TRL Unipart Rail Upshot UK Ltd Wrekin Circuits Ltd Zircon Software Ltd Control & Automation Equipment ABB Electrification Products AMELEC Instruments Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Atex Global Ltd Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Bernstein Ltd Delmatic E2S Warning Signals FREQUENTIS UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd GES Consulting Ltd HARTING Ltd HS Jackson and Son (Fencing) Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV Moorecorp Ltd PRBX (Powerbox) UK Real-Time Consultants Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Control Panels ABB Electrification Products AMELEC Instruments Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Austin-Lenika Project Services Ltd Axair Fans UK Limited Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Bernstein Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd GES Consulting Ltd Harland Simon Power Solutions HARTING Ltd Human Reliability IXYS UK Westcode Ltd LC Switchgear Limited Moorecorp Ltd R Baker (Electrical) Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Cybersecurity Complete Cyber Derailment Investigation & ReRailing of Derailed Vehicles Alma Rail Limited Galldris Services Ltd Railway Support Services Disabled Refuge Systems Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd RCU Solutions Disabled Toilet Alarms Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Drug / Alcohol Testing Amtrain (Midlands) Ltd ARC Academy UK Ltd Atom Training Centre Ayrshire Medical Services Ltd Galldris Services Ltd JVR Consultancy Ltd McCrory Training Medigold Health NTS Premier Services Railmed Ltd SOCOTEC UK Limited TECHNO CTA Limited VGC Labour Solutions VGC Rail Projects Enclosures ABB Electrification Products Alltask AME-3D Armorgard Security Products Barkers Fencing Bernstein Ltd Blok ‘N’ Mesh Bradgate Containers Bradleys Metal Finishers BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Cable Services Group Cablecraft (a part of Shoal Group Ltd) Cannon Technologies Group Limited Charles Endirect Ltd Creative Composites Ltd Dartford Composites Ltd

Dorma Kaba Ltd Emico Limited Ferrograph Limited g2 Energy Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Giffen Group Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Henry Williams Ltd HS Jackson and Son (Fencing) Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited ICEE Managed Services Ltd iLECSYS Rail Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kadfire Limited Kleeneze – Koti Ltd LC Switchgear Limited Liniar Ltd Lucy Zodion Ltd Mardix Rail Midland Alloy Ltd Millcroft Group Morgan Marine Ltd Mors Smitt (A Wabtec Company) MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Nord-Lock Group PACE Networks Passcomm Limited Phoenix Contact Ltd Pipex Ltd Portastor Ltd PRV Engineering Ltd Quinshield Ltd Rail Waiting Structures Rainford Solutions Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Rittal Limited RS Electrical (RSE) Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd Schroff UK Limited Sheerspeed Shelters Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Steelway Fensecure Ltd STEGO (UK) Ltd Torrent Trackside TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd WAGO Limited Fencing A-Plant Rail Alma Rail Limited Amaro Group Armorgard Security Products Auctus Management Group Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Barkers Fencing Blok ‘N’ Mesh Britannia Construction Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Chris Wheeler Construction Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Dorma Kaba Ltd Dura Composites Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Elite Precast Concrete Ltd Encompass Environmental Ltd Engineered Composites Ltd Everlast Group Ltd FP McCann Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Ground Control Limited GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Had-Fab Limited HS Jackson and Son (Fencing) Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Kee Systems KITE Projects Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Lanes for Drains Leadec Level Crossing Installations Ltd Liniar Ltd MCL Rail MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Neary Rail and Construction Newgate (Newark) Ltd NTS Premier Services Orbis Protect Powdertech (Corby) Ltd Premier Rail Services PRV Engineering Ltd R.M.Smith Fencing Ltd RCU Solutions Red Viking Rail Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd

Running Rail Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Steelway Fensecure Ltd Stobart Rail Sunbelt Rentals Limited Swann Group Ltd Three Shires Ltd Torrent Trackside Triptex Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Warringtonfire Zaun Limited Fire Protection / Detection / Control 3M AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Adfil AEI Cables Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Colt Construction Limited DB ESG E2S Warning Signals Emico Limited ESB Environmental Ltd Everlast Group Ltd FP McCann Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Giffen Group Ltd Hilti (GB) Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Leadec Legion Limited MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Nobel Fire Systems Oltec Group Platipus Anchors Ltd Rhodar Limited Schneider Electric Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited TBA Protective Technologies Ltd Telent Technology Services Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Tufnol Composites Ltd Unipart Rail Warringtonfire Zollner UK Ltd Fire Telephone Systems Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd GRP Housings & Enclosures Elite Ground Support Services Health / Wellbeing APPS UK Ltd Ayrshire Medical Services Ltd Derma Shield Skincare Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GRID Innovations HaRMUK Ltd ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton Medigold Health Pramac-Generac UK Railmed Ltd Safeaid Limited SC Johnson Professional Staff Absence Solutions Limited Transport Benevolent Fund CIO Healthcare / Medical Screening Amtrain (Midlands) Ltd Atom Training Centre Ayrshire Medical Services Ltd Derma Shield Skincare Galldris Services Ltd J Morgan Consulting Ltd McCrory Training Medigold Health NTS Premier Services Rail Operations Group Ltd Railmed Ltd SC Johnson Professional The QSS Group Limited PPE - Personal Protective Equipment 3M Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arctic Air Solutions Ltd Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd Ballyclare Limited Bolle Safety Brammer Derma Shield Skincare

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Elite Ground Support Services Galldris Services Ltd HSS Hire PLC Jafco Tools Ltd JSP Limited JVR Consultancy Ltd Lindström Group LKQ Coatings MC Electronics Ltd McCrory Training MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Optical Coating Technologies PBWel Pronto Direct Protec Direct PULSAR® Safeaid Limited SC Johnson Professional Spartan Safety Ltd Techpol Ltd Tower Supplies TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Public Address Systems Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Rescue Services Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Crittall Windows Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Martin Castle Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Trackmaps XEIAD Risk / Safety Assessment 1st Line Defence Ltd 3M AARC Professional Services Limited Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd Advanced New Technology AEGIS Alan Dick Communications Ltd Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Atex Global Ltd Auctus Management Group Barkers Fencing C.Scope International Ltd Cirrus Research Cleshar Contract Services Ltd DB ESG DGauge Ltd Ebeni Limited Era Technology Firstco Galldris Services Ltd GES Consulting Ltd Gleeds GRID Innovations HaRMUK Ltd Ideagen Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Intertek – Production and Integrity Assurance J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd JVR Consultancy Ltd Kiepe Electric UK Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited Martin Castle Ltd Met Office Millcroft Group MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Murphy Geospatial NewRail NTS Premier Services Oasys Ltd Oltec Group Omnicom Balfour Beatty OPC Assessment Paperless Construction Petrotechnics Ltd Pristine Condition Ltd Rail Operations Group Ltd Railmed Ltd Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd Real-Time Consultants Ltd Redscan Cyber Security Ltd Ricardo Rail Royal Haskoning DHV RSK RSS Infrastructure Ltd Seaton Rail Limited Severn Partnership Sirenum SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd SOCOTEC UK Limited Sonatest Ltd

Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd T&RS Engineering Ltd The QSS Group Limited The SES Group TRL Unipart Rail Van Elle Rail VGC Labour Solutions VGC Rail Projects Warringtonfire Watson & Watson Health and Safety Consultants Limited Wilde Analysis Ltd Risk Management 1st Line Defence Ltd AARC Professional Services Limited Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd AbsTracked Solutions Ltd Aecom AEGIS Alan Dick Communications Ltd Atex Global Ltd BMT Asset Performance Ltd C.Scope International Ltd DM Development Coaching Ltd Ebeni Limited ESR Technology EviFile Limited Forgetrack Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Gardiner & Theobald LLP Gleeds GRID Innovations HaRMUK Ltd Ideagen Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd JVR Consultancy Ltd Kiepe Electric UK Ltd LogiKal Projects Martin Castle Ltd Millcroft Group Murphy Geospatial NTS Premier Services Oasys Ltd Oltec Group Omnicom Balfour Beatty Orbis Protect Paperless Construction Petrotechnics Ltd Pramac-Generac UK Rail Operations Group Ltd Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd Real-Time Consultants Ltd Ricardo Rail RSK RSS Infrastructure Ltd Seaton Rail Limited SLC Rail SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd SOCOTEC UK Limited TenBroeke Company Limited The QSS Group Limited The SES Group Trimble UK TRL Unipart Rail VGC Rail Projects Warringtonfire Watson & Watson Health and Safety Consultants Limited Wilde Analysis Ltd Security Equipment / Services AJC Trailers Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alchemy Metals Ltd Andrew Reid Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd Armorgard Security Products ATEC Fire & Security Atex Global Ltd Blok ‘N’ Mesh Bosch Security Systems UK Brammer Buck & Hickman Dorma Kaba Ltd Emico Limited ExMesh Security Products Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd Galldris Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Leadec Legion Limited Lingwood Security Management Limited NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd Newgate (Newark) Ltd NTS Premier Services Oltec Group

Onis Consulting Limited Orbis Protect Pragmasis Limited ProActive Recruitment Services Quartix Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd Red Viking Rail Ltd Redscan Cyber Security Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd SMP Electronics / Samalite Products Steelway Fensecure Ltd The SES Group Trackmaps Transport Investigations Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unilite Limited Vital – Head Office Security Fasteners Barkers Fencing CAP Productions Limited Galldris Services Ltd Key Fasteners MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Uniforms/Staff Wear Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Galldris Services Ltd Jermyn Street Design MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Pronto Direct Protec Direct PULSAR® Safeaid Limited Spartan Safety Ltd Tower Supplies TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Voice Alarm Systems Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd FREQUENTIS UK Limited Stakeholder Engagement AARC Professional Services Limited Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Andrew Reid Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cogitamus ConsultCarr Limited - Rail Sector Consultant Freshwater Galldris Services Ltd Gardiner & Theobald LLP Harmonic Limited RPS - Railway Project Services SpaceandPeople TenBroeke Company Limited The Railway Consultancy Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult Translation Services AST Language Services Ltd Vacant Property Screens Orbis Protect Value Management Andrew Reid Arburies Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd G-volution Ltd Gardiner & Theobald LLP GHD RPS - Railway Project Services TenBroeke Company Limited Vehicle Certification / Assessment AEGIS DB ESG Design and Analysis Ltd DGauge Ltd Era Technology Galldris Services Ltd Railweight Ricardo Rail Schoenemann Design SGS Correl Rail Limited Unipart Rail

INFRASTRUCTURE Adhesives 3M Adomast Manufacturing Limited Aura Brand Solutions Bitrez Limited Galldris Services Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Maker Coating Systems Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Scott Bader Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Bespoke M+E Services ABB Electrification Products Accurate Section Benders Andrew Reid Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd FJD Consulting and Design Galldris Services Ltd JCK Ltd Lucy Zodion Ltd Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd West Maintenance Services Buildings and Structures ABA Surveying Ltd Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited AEGIS Allen Watson Ltd AM1 Projects Ltd Amberg Engineering AG Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) APPS UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arrk Europe Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Axminster Carpets Limited Banagher Precast Concrete Bernstein Ltd Bond Demolition Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd BWB Consulting Cable Services Group Capel (CS) Ltd CCS Jeweltone Ltd CECL – Global Clark-Drain Ltd Coeval (Ltd) Concrete Repairs Limited Coverdale Specialist Contracting Coveya Ltd Creative Composites Ltd Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Delmatic Elite Precast Concrete Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Furneaux Riddall & Co Ltd Furrer + Frey GB Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Holemasters Hydram Engineering Limited Innova Care Concepts JNP Group KITE Projects Kleeneze – Koti Ltd KP Acoustics Layher Ltd Leadec Mabey Hire Limited Maccaferri Ltd Marchantcain Group Martin Castle Ltd McCrory Training MH Southern & Company Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Newgate (Newark) Ltd Nicoll Russell Studios Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Novus Rail Ltd PBH Rail PBWel Pennys Group Ltd

Pod-Trak Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Pramac-Generac UK Premier Pits PSG Ltd Pulsar Instruments Plc RCU Solutions Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Rhodar Limited Roxtec Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS Senceive Limited SEP Rail Services Silenzio Panels Ltd Site Contract Personnel (SCP) Skelair International Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Snap-on Industrial Sovereign Hydroseal LP Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Structural Soils Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited TBA Protective Technologies Ltd TCS Geotechnics TenBroeke Company Limited Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Twinfix Limited Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services Vigier Rail AG VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Warringtonfire Westcotec Limited BIM (Building Information Modelling) ABA Surveying Ltd ABB Electrification Products ACO Technologies Plc Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amberg Engineering AG Andrew Reid Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Aworth Survey Consultants BPR Architects Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd BWB Consulting CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Crouch Waterfall D2 Rail & Civils Ltd Everlast Group Ltd EviFile Limited FJD Consulting and Design Galldris Services Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GHD Layher Ltd Leadec Maccaferri Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd Nicoll Russell Studios Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Novus Rail Ltd Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation RUAS Sadler Brown Architecture SEP Rail Services UK Power Networks Services VolkerFitzpatrick Bridge Building / Maintenance Aarsleff Ground Engineering ABG Geosynthetics Actavo Building Solutions Adomast Manufacturing Limited Aecom Alltask Amida Ltd Andrews Fasteners Limited APB Construction (UK) Limited Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) Arbil Rail Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd BAM Ritchies Bodacc Ltd Bradleys Metal Finishers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Britannia Construction Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited CAN Cintec International Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Cleveland Bridge UK Ltd Colt Construction Limited Concrete Repairs Limited Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd DGauge Ltd DWG Infraco Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Ensafe Consultants Epicuro Ltd FA Clover & Son Ltd Flexcrete Technology Ltd FP McCann Ltd Freyssinet Furse Galldris Services Ltd Gradus Ltd Graham Construction Grenrose Scaffolding Ltd Ground Control Limited Gunform International Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Henry Williams Ltd Hilti (GB) Ltd Holemasters Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd James Fisher Testing Services Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Klingspor Abrasives Limited Lanes for Drains Layher Ltd Leadec Lindapter International Liniar Ltd Links Signs Ltd Mabey Hire Limited Maker Coating Systems Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Marchantcain Group McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd McNealy Brown Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Murphy Geospatial Neary Rail and Construction Nord-Lock Group Osprey Heavy Lift Pipex Ltd Pontoon Works Ltd Predator Trailers Ltd Probst Handling Equipment PSG Ltd RUAS Rust-Oleum UK Ltd SBC Rail Severn Partnership Skanska Construction UK Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Snap-on Industrial Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Steelway Fensecure Ltd Stirling Maynard Stobart Rail Taziker Industrial Limited The Bionic Eye Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TRL TSP Projects Upshot UK Ltd Uretek UK Viztek Ltd VolkerFitzpatrick Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Warringtonfire Wood Group Industrial Services Ltd XEIAD Car Parks Aarsleff Ground Engineering ABG Geosynthetics Adfil Alma Rail Limited Apcoa Parking (UK) Ltd APT Skidata Ltd Astley Signs Axair Fans UK Limited Britannia Construction Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Concrete Repairs Limited


Crouch Waterfall Dorma Kaba Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Elite Precast Concrete Ltd Emico Limited Ensafe Consultants Epicuro Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Falco UK Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Graham Construction Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Imtech/Dynniq Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd JFC Civils UK JPCS Limited Leadec LPA Group Plc LPA Lighting System Maker Coating Systems Ltd McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Neary Rail and Construction Newgate (Newark) Ltd Platipus Anchors Ltd Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Poundfield Precast Powdertech (Corby) Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS Running Rail Ltd Skanska Construction UK Ltd SLC Rail Smyth Composites Limited Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stirling Maynard Swann Group Ltd TCS Geotechnics Terram & Tubex Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TPA Rapid Rail Access TSP Projects VolkerFitzpatrick Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Civil Engineering Design ABG Geosynthetics Adfil Amberg Engineering AG Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd BWB Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd CECL – Global Coffey Geotechnics Ltd Crouch Waterfall FJD Consulting and Design GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd JNP Group Keltbray Group KP Acoustics Leadec Lowery Ltd Mabey Hire Limited Maccaferri Ltd PBH Rail Pod-Trak Premier Pits Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd SBC Rail Shire Structures Ltd Sovereign Hydroseal LP VolkerFitzpatrick Civil Engineering Products / Services A-Plant Rail Aarsleff Ground Engineering ABG Geosynthetics ACO Technologies Plc Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited Aecom Aerco Ltd AJC Trailers Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alma Rail Limited Althon Limited AME-3D Amida Ltd Andrews Fasteners Limited APB Construction (UK) Limited APPS UK Ltd Arnold Laver & Co Ltd Arup (Head Office) Auctus Management Group Babcock International

BAM Ritchies Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd CADFEM UK CAE Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited CAN Capel (CS) Ltd Cintec International Ltd Clark-Drain Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd Core Systems Software Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Don and Low Ltd Dura Composites Ltd DWG Infraco Ltd DWG Resins Elite Ground Support Services Elite Precast Concrete Ltd Epicuro Ltd Everlast Group Ltd FJD Consulting and Design FLI Structures Forecourt Installations Services Ltd FP McCann Ltd Freyssinet G-Tech Copers Limited Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd GeoAccess GHD Global Rail Construction Ltd GPS Marine Contractors Ltd Gradus Ltd Graham Construction Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Hilti (GB) Ltd HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd HKA HTL Group Ltd Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd James Fisher Testing Services JFC Civils UK Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Kee Safety Keller Ltd Keltbray Group KITE Projects Klingspor Abrasives Limited Korec Group Layher Ltd Leadec Legion Limited Leica Geosystems Ltd Level Crossing Installations Ltd Liniar Ltd LogiKal Projects Lowery Ltd Lundy Projects Mabey Hire Limited Maccaferri Ltd Mallatite Signals McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd MGF Ltd MH Southern & Company Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Murphy Geospatial Neary Rail and Construction Novus Rail Ltd Padley & Venables Paperless Construction Platipus Anchors Ltd Plowman Craven Ltd Pod-Trak Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation POS Services PreCast Advanced Track Ltd Premier Pits Probst Handling Equipment Prolec Ltd PRV Engineering Ltd Quantum Geotechnical Limited Rail Freight Services Roxtec Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS Running Rail Ltd Shire Structures Ltd Signal House Group Ltd Site Contract Personnel (SCP) Skanska Construction UK Ltd

SLC Rail Smyth Composites Limited Snap-on Industrial Soprema UK Sovereign Hydroseal LP Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Steel Line Ltd Steelway Fensecure Ltd Stirling Maynard Stobart Rail Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited SVR Plastics Taziker Industrial Limited TCS Geotechnics Tencate Geosynthetics Terram & Tubex The Bionic Eye The Ecology Consultancy Torrent Trackside TSP Projects Tufnol Composites Ltd Uretek UK Van Elle Rail Verdant Solutions Ltd Vigier Rail AG Vivax – Metrotech Ltd Viztek Ltd VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Wrekin Products Ltd XEIAD Construction / Building Services A-Plant Rail Aarsleff Ground Engineering ABP Associates Limited Actavo Building Solutions ADE Power Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited Aecom Airguard Filters Ltd AJC Trailers Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alltask Alma Rail Limited Amida Ltd Anderton Concrete Products Andrew Reid APPS UK Ltd Arnold Laver & Co Ltd Auctus Management Group Babcock International Bond Demolition Ltd Bradleys Metal Finishers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Britannia Construction Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Core Systems Software Coveya Ltd Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Data Techniques EHS Holdings Ltd t/as EHS Roofing Elite Ground Support Services Emico Limited Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd FLI Structures Forecourt Installations Services Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd FP McCann Ltd Freyssinet Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GeoAccess Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Had-Fab Limited Hilti (GB) Ltd HKA Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd John McAslan & Partners Jointing Technologies Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kee Safety Kite Group Ltd Lanes for Drains

Layher Ltd Leadec Leewood Projects Ltd Level Crossing Installations Ltd Lindapter International Liniar Ltd Links Signs Ltd Live Trakway | Barriers | Bridges | Lights LogiKal Projects Lowery Ltd Maccaferri Ltd Maker Coating Systems Ltd Mallatite Signals McCrory Training McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd McNealy Brown Ltd MGF Ltd MH Southern & Company Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Murphy Geospatial Neary Rail and Construction Newgate (Newark) Ltd Nord-Lock Group Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd NTS Premier Services OSL Rail Limited Padley & Venables Pod-Trak POS Services Poundfield Precast Premier Pits PRV Engineering Ltd Red Viking Rail Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RTG Rail Services Limited Running Rail Ltd Severn Partnership Shire Structures Ltd Skanska Construction UK Ltd SLC Rail Smyth Composites Limited Sonic Drilling Ltd Sovereign Hydroseal LP Steelway Fensecure Ltd Taziker Industrial Limited TCS Geotechnics TECHNO CTA Limited The Bionic Eye Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Trackwork Ltd Trendrail Ltd – Specialists in Engineering TSP Projects Tufnol Composites Ltd Twinfix Limited Tyrone Fabrication Van Elle Rail Vigier Rail AG Vivax – Metrotech Ltd Viztek Ltd VolkerFitzpatrick Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd West Maintenance Services Wood Group Industrial Services Ltd XEIAD Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers ABG Geosynthetics Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited Amberg Engineering AG APPS UK Ltd Arcadia Alive Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited BWB Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd CECL – Global Concrete Repairs Limited Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd DWG Resins Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd FJD Consulting and Design GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Gurit (UK) Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited HKA JNP Group KP Acoustics Leadec Links Signs Ltd

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Maker Coating Systems Ltd McCrory Training Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Newgate (Newark) Ltd PBH Rail Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd Shire Structures Ltd StressMap Structural Soils Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited Vigier Rail AG Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Contractors Principle ABB Electrification Products Actavo Building Solutions Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited AM1 Projects Ltd Amida Ltd APB Construction (UK) Limited APPS UK Ltd Arup (Head Office) Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Babcock International BAM Ritchies Bridgeway Consulting Limited Britannia Construction Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Emico Limited Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd Graham Construction Ground Control Limited Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd LogiKal Projects Lowery Ltd Lundy Projects McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd Millcroft Group Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Morrison Utility Services Limited Murphy Geospatial Newgate (Newark) Ltd OSL Rail Limited Pipex Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stonewest Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Taziker Industrial Limited TSP Projects Van Elle Rail VolkerFitzpatrick Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Contractors Specialist ABB Electrification Products Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited AEGIS Allen Watson Ltd Alltask AM1 Projects Ltd Amberg Engineering AG APB Construction (UK) Limited Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) APPS UK Ltd Arup (Head Office) Astley Signs Avondale Environmental Services Ltd BAM Ritchies Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Bodacc Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Britannia Construction Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd CAN Capel (CS) Ltd CC Ground Investigations Ltd CCS Jeweltone Ltd Cintec International Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Concrete Repairs Limited Coveya Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Data Techniques

DWG Resins Eldapoint Ltd Electromagnetic Testing Services Ltd Emico Limited Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd FA Clover & Son Ltd Firstco Forecourt Installations Services Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd Freyssinet Furse G-Tech Copers Limited Galldris Services Ltd Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GeoAccess GHD Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd GLS Coatings Ltd GPS Marine Contractors Ltd Grenrose Scaffolding Ltd Ground Control Limited Gunform International Ltd HaRMUK Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Holemasters Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Innova Care Concepts J. Murphy & Sons Ltd James Fisher Testing Services Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Keller Ltd Lanes for Drains Layher Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd Live Trakway | Barriers | Bridges | Lights Lundy Projects Maker Coating Systems Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Mallatite McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd McNealy Brown Ltd ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield MH Southern & Company Ltd Millcroft Group Morrison Utility Services Limited Murphy Geospatial Newgate (Newark) Ltd Novus Rail Ltd Osprey Heavy Lift Pipex Ltd Pontoon Works Ltd Poundfield Precast Premier Pits Quantum Geotechnical Limited Rail Freight Services Rapid Ramp (wheelchair ramp manufacturer, supplier and installer) Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RUAS Sefac UK Ltd Semmco Ltd SLC Rail SOCOTEC Monitoring UK Ltd Soil Engineering Geoservices Limited Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Steelway Fensecure Ltd Stobart Rail Stonewest Ltd Taziker Industrial Limited Topdrill Ltd Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Twinfix Limited Upshot UK Ltd Uretek UK Van Elle Rail VolkerFitzpatrick Walker Construction (UK) Ltd

Demolition APPS UK Ltd B&B Industrial Dismantling Limited Bond Demolition Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Coveya Ltd Crouch Waterfall Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Holemasters KP Acoustics Leadec Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Pennys Group Ltd Rhodar Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd

Cycle Parking Adfil Capel (CS) Ltd Cyclepods Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Leadec Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation RSS Infrastructure Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited TCS Geotechnics

Glass Glazing Arlington Fleet Group Belvoir Rail Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Independent Glass Co Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd PSV Glass PSV Wipers Ltd Romag

Dismantling APPS UK Ltd B&B Industrial Dismantling Limited Bond Demolition Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Holemasters Leadec Lowery Ltd Pennys Group Ltd Rhodar Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Electrical installation Houghton International West Maintenance Services Fabric Capel (CS) Ltd ESB Environmental Ltd Leadec Powertherm Contracting Services West Maintenance Services Fire Protection Capel (CS) Ltd Indestructible Paint Limited SolarFire Systems Flooring Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Coverdale Specialist Contracting Design Flooring Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Everlast Group Ltd Forbo Flooring Systems UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Kite Group Ltd Leadec Premier Pits Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd Step on Safety TPA Rapid Rail Access Viztek Ltd West Maintenance Services Furniture Capel (CS) Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd Mayteck Ltd Office Depot RSS Infrastructure Ltd West Maintenance Services

RSS Infrastructure Ltd Selectaglaze Ltd Silenzio Panels Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Twinfix Limited Unipart Rail Wabtec Rail Limited West Maintenance Services GRP Dagger Boards Capel (CS) Ltd Leadec Smyth Composites Limited West Maintenance Services Astley Signs Aura Brand Solutions Axminster Carpets Limited Camira Fabrics Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd ESB Environmental Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Forbo Flooring Systems UK Limited Galldris Services Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd Novograf RSS Infrastructure Ltd TBA Protective Technologies Ltd West Maintenance Services Lifts Bernstein Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Facelift Galldris Services Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Leadec PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Lighting Bernstein Ltd Cable Services Group Capel (CS) Ltd Delmatic Dexeco Ltd (subsidary of Dextra Group plc) Everlast Group Ltd Furneaux Riddall & Co Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Goodlight JCK Ltd Leadec Mallatite Signals Modern Eon | Lighting Services in UK Pramac-Generac UK PULS UK Ltd RCU Solutions RSS Infrastructure Ltd Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Torrent Trackside Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Lighting Solutions Cable Services Group Capel (CS) Ltd Delmatic Designplan Lighting Dexeco Ltd (subsidary of Dextra Group plc) Furneaux Riddall & Co Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Gemma Lighting Global Rail Construction Ltd Goodlight HSS Hire PLC Kent PHK Ltd Leadec Linklite Systems Ltd Lucy Zodion Ltd Mallatite Signals Morris Site Machinery Optical Coating Technologies Pramac-Generac UK RSS Infrastructure Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited Torrent Trackside Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Westcotec Limited Zeta Specialist Lighting Lightning Protection ABB Electrification Products Andrew Reid Cable Services Group Capel (CS) Ltd CCS Jeweltone Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Leadec Mallatite Signals PBWel

PD Devices Ltd Torrent Trackside Zeta Specialist Lighting Polycarbonate Glazing Capel (CS) Ltd Leadec Twinfix Limited Precast concrete Banagher Precast Concrete Sandel Fabrics Capel (CS) Ltd ESB Environmental Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Leadec TBA Protective Technologies Ltd Server Cabinets & Containment ABB Electrification Products Andrew Reid Cannon Technologies Group Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Captec Creative Composites Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Leadec Mayteck Ltd Signage ABB Electrification Products Adaptive Modules Ltd Apcoa Parking (UK) Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Astley Signs Aura Brand Solutions Ballast Tools UK Ltd BCM GRC Ltd Brammer Buck & Hickman Capel (CS) Ltd Coeval (Ltd) Everlast Group Ltd Ferrograph Limited FLI Structures Galldris Services Ltd Giffen Group Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Horizon Group J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd Kadfire Limited Kroy Europe Ltd Leadec Lexicraft Ltd Links Signs Ltd LPA Channel Electric Maker Coating Systems Ltd Merson Group Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Neary Rail and Construction Nord-Lock Group Novus Rail Ltd Ogier Electronics Limited Optical Coating Technologies Powdertech (Corby) Ltd PULS UK Ltd Pulsar Instruments Plc RSS Infrastructure Ltd Running Rail Ltd Rydon Signs Ltd Selectequip Ltd Shire Structures Ltd Smartwater Technology Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Stewart Signs Rail Stocksigns Ltd Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Viztek Ltd Walker Construction (UK) Ltd West Maintenance Services Westcotec Limited Zeta Specialist Lighting Specialist Bridge Installer Osprey Heavy Lift Sprayed Concrete Specialist Capel (CS) Ltd Gunform International Ltd Leadec Structural Engineering Design Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited Amberg Engineering AG Arrk Europe Ltd


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Bridgeway Consulting Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd BWB Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd CECL – Global Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Everlast Group Ltd FJD Consulting and Design GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Had-Fab Limited JNP Group Leadec Martin Castle Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd PBH Rail RUAS Shire Structures Ltd StressMap Temporary Works Capel (CS) Ltd Elite Ground Support Services FJD Consulting and Design Leadec Rapid Ramp (wheelchair ramp manufacturer, supplier and installer) Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Tunnel Monitoring & Ventilation Adfil Amberg Engineering AG Andrew Reid Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) APPS UK Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Factair Limited Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess JCK Ltd KP Acoustics Leadec RUAS Senceive Limited SEP Rail Services Sunbelt Rentals Limited Torrent Trackside Tunnels Services / Equipment ABB Electrification Products Adaptive Modules Ltd Adfil Adomast Manufacturing Limited Aecom Alan Dick Communications Ltd Allen Watson Ltd Amberg Engineering AG Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) APPS UK Ltd Arbil Rail Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Charles Endirect Ltd Cintec International Ltd Colt Construction Limited Coveya Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd DGauge Ltd Dr. Sauer & Partners Elite Ground Support Services Emico Limited Excalibur Screwbolts Ltd Factair Limited FP McCann Ltd Fugro Furrer + Frey GB Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess GHD Giffen Group Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Gunform International Ltd Henry Williams Ltd Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd James Fisher Testing Services JCK Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Keller Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Leadec Liniar Ltd LPA Group Plc LPA Lighting System


MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd MGF Ltd Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV Murphy Geospatial Neary Rail and Construction Newgate (Newark) Ltd Padley & Venables Predator Trailers Ltd Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd Roxtec Ltd SBC Rail SeSys Ltd Skanska Construction UK Ltd Skelair International Ltd SMP Electronics / Samalite Products Spectrum Contracting Services Limited SRS Rail System International Ltd Steelway Fensecure Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited TCS Geotechnics The Bionic Eye Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Vigier Rail AG Wood Group Industrial Services Ltd XEIAD Upholstery & Trim Camira Fabrics Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Leadec Novograf TBA Protective Technologies Ltd Vitreous Enamel Cladding Astley Signs Global Rail Construction Ltd Cleaning and Maintenance Adomast Manufacturing Limited AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) APPS UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arrow Solutions Bridgeway Consulting Limited CCS Jeweltone Ltd Concrete Repairs Limited CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd EHS Holdings Ltd t/as EHS Roofing Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Holemasters JSP Limited Leadec Links Signs Ltd Martin Castle Ltd Pramac-Generac UK RCU Solutions Rhodar Limited RUAS Site Contract Personnel (SCP) Smyth Composites Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Structural Soils Ltd TBA Protective Technologies Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Urban Hygiene Ltd Warringtonfire Wilcomatic Limited Blast cleaning equipment and consumables APPS UK Ltd CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Enduramaxx Limited Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd Rhodar Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Blast work PPE CryoGen Derma Shield Skincare Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd JSP Limited Leadec TBA Protective Technologies Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC)

Building & Structures Maintenance 3M Aarsleff Ground Engineering Adomast Manufacturing Limited Aecom AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alltask Amberg Engineering AG Amida Ltd Ampteam Ltd Anderton Concrete Products Andrews Fasteners Limited APB Construction (UK) Limited APPS UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Auctus Management Group Bodacc Ltd Bradleys Metal Finishers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Britannia Construction Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited CAN Cintec International Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Clow Group Ltd Colt Construction Limited Concrete Repairs Limited CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Dura Composites Ltd DWG Infraco Ltd DWG Resins Emico Limited Enduramaxx Limited Everlast Group Ltd Flexcrete Technology Ltd FP McCann Ltd Freyssinet Furse Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd GeoAccess Giffen Group Ltd GPS Marine Contractors Ltd Graham Construction Grenrose Scaffolding Ltd Hilti (GB) Ltd Holemasters Impreglon UK Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd James Fisher Testing Services Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kee Systems Klingspor Abrasives Limited Lanes for Drains Layher Ltd Leadec Legion Limited Lindapter International Liniar Ltd Links Signs Ltd LogiKal Projects Lundy Projects Maker Coating Systems Ltd Martin Castle Ltd McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd McNealy Brown Ltd Millcroft Group MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Murphy Geospatial Neary Rail and Construction Nord-Lock Group NTS Premier Services OCL Regeneration Ltd OSL Rail Limited PD Devices Ltd Pod-Trak POS Services Powdertech (Corby) Ltd Predator Trailers Ltd Probst Handling Equipment Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RUAS Rust-Oleum UK Ltd Severn Partnership Site Contract Personnel (SCP) Skanska Construction UK Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Snap-on Industrial Sonatest Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Steelway Fensecure Ltd Stirling Maynard Stobart Rail

Stonewest Ltd Taziker Industrial Limited The Bionic Eye TRL TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Twinfix Limited Upshot UK Ltd Uretek UK Viztek Ltd WAGO Limited Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Warringtonfire XEIAD Cleaning Services AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) APPS UK Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Arrow Solutions Atom Training Centre Axis Cleaning and Support Services Ltd CCS Jeweltone Ltd CryoGen Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Leadec Links Signs Ltd Martin Castle Ltd Mitie Pest Control Ltd Office Depot QCS (Lanark) Ltd Rail Order Ltd REACT Specialist Cleaning Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Complete Blast Rooms APPS UK Ltd CryoGen Galldris Services Ltd Leadec West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Decontamination & Deep Cleans AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) APPS UK Ltd CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Leadec REACT Specialist Cleaning Ltd Rhodar Limited Structural Soils Ltd Dust Extraction APPS UK Ltd CryoGen Galldris Services Ltd Leadec Pramac-Generac UK West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Exterior & Interior Train Cleaning Products Arrow Solutions Derma Shield Skincare Leadec Urban Hygiene Ltd Wilcomatic Limited Industrial Cleaning and Maintenance Chemicals Arrow Solutions Galldris Services Ltd Leadec Wilcomatic Limited Composites APPS UK Ltd Arrk Europe Ltd ATAM (UK) Ltd Bespoke Composite Panels CCS/Complete Composite Systems Cecence Ltd Concrete Repairs Limited Corex Honeycomb Dura Composites Ltd Evergrip Limited Gurit (UK) Ltd Quinshield Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Scott Bader Co Ltd Smyth Composites Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UK Composite Decking University of Birmingham

De-icing Arrow Solutions Brammer Buck & Hickman Camel Precast Enduramaxx Limited Ground Control Limited Harmill Systems Limited Imtech/Dynniq Met Office Oltec Group Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Selectequip Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited TrAchem Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Drainage ACO Technologies Plc Allen Watson Ltd APPS UK Ltd Excell Rail Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Leadec Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation SBC Rail Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Torrent Trackside TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Electrical AM1 Projects Ltd Andrew Reid Arthur Flury (UK) Ltd ATAM (UK) Ltd BAND-IT Company Ltd Barnbrook Systems Ltd Bender UK Ltd Bernstein Ltd British Cables Company C.Scope International Ltd Cable Services Group CEF CHH Conex Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd EasyStart Batteries Gordon Services UK Ltd HARTING Ltd HGI Generators International HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited HYTORC iLECSYS Rail Ltd Jaltek Systems LC Switchgear Limited Leadec Mosdorfer Rail Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Oakes Power Services Ltd Overhead Line Engineering Limited PBH Rail PBWel Pod-Trak Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation PRBX (Powerbox) UK Provertha Connectors, Cables & Solutions GMBH Prysmian UK PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd RCU Solutions Roxtec Ltd RS Electrical (RSE) Ltd Samuel Taylor Ltd Shenton Group Slingco Limited SPL Powerlines UK Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Stäubli Electrical Connectors Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Sunbelt Rentals Limited T-UK Tecnologic UK Time 24 Torrent Trackside Traction Rail Electrical Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail VolkerRail Inter-Vehicle Jumper Systems / Car to Car Electrical Connections HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Batteries Alan Dick Communications Ltd DMS technologies EasyStart Batteries Harland Simon Power Solutions HARTING Ltd Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Limited Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Moorecorp Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd PB Design & Developments Ltd PULS UK Ltd Rotronics Battery Management Solutions TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication Battery Chargers DMS technologies EasyStart Batteries Harland Simon Power Solutions HARTING Ltd Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Limited Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Moorecorp Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd PB Design & Developments Ltd PE Systems Ltd PRBX (Powerbox) UK PULS UK Ltd Rotronics Battery Management Solutions Torrent Trackside TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Battery Manufacturers & Supplies Capitol Industrial Batteries Systems Limited DMS technologies EasyStart Batteries Harland Simon Power Solutions Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Limited Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Moorecorp Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Rotronics Battery Management Solutions Samuel Taylor Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Cable Avoidance Tools C.Scope International Ltd Cables / Cable Accessories AB Connectors Ltd / TT Electronics Aecom AEI Cables Aerco Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alchemy Metals Ltd Alma Rail Limited AM1 Projects Ltd Amphenol Ltd BAND-IT Company Ltd BCM GRC Ltd Belvoir Rail Ltd Bernstein Ltd Brand-Rex Ltd Britannia Construction Ltd British Cables Company C.Scope International Ltd Cable Detection Ltd Cable Services Group Cablecraft (a part of Shoal Group Ltd) Capel (CS) Ltd Cembre Ltd CHH Conex Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Colt Construction Limited Coulstock & Place Engineering Ltd Data Techniques Draka Dura Composites Ltd Eland Cables Ltd Electroustic Ltd Ellis Patents Ltd Emico Limited ETS Cable Components Flexicon Ltd Giffen Group Ltd HARTING Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Infrastructure Training Services Ltd IS-Rayfast J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jaltek Systems JFC Civils UK Jointing Technologies KEC Limited Kleeneze – Koti Ltd

Kroy Europe Ltd Leoni Tailor-Made Cables UK Ltd Lindapter International Linklite Systems Ltd Lowery Ltd LPA Channel Electric LPA Group Plc Magrenko Ltd Mettex Electric Co Ltd Mors Smitt (A Wabtec Company) Mosdorfer Rail Ltd Neary Rail and Construction Oakes Power Services Ltd Onis Consulting Limited Passcomm Limited PBWel PD Devices Ltd Phoenix Contact Ltd Pipex Ltd Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Power Testing Limited Prolec Ltd Provertha Connectors, Cables & Solutions GMBH Prysmian UK Roxtec Ltd RS Electrical (RSE) Ltd Running Rail Ltd SBC Rail Schneider Electric Ltd Siemens Silver Fox Limited Skanska Construction UK Ltd Slingco Limited Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stäubli Electrical Connectors Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited Teepee Electrical Telegartner UK Ltd Time 24 Torrent Trackside Transit Cable Products TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication Unipart Rail Unistrut UNITRUNK Ltd Vivax – Metrotech Ltd WAGO Limited Cables Hoses & Connectors AB Connectors Ltd / TT Electronics AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd AEI Cables Amphenol Ltd Arlington Fleet Group BAND-IT Company Ltd Belvoir Rail Ltd Brammer Brand-Rex Ltd British Cables Company BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Buck & Hickman Cable Services Group CHH Conex Ltd Dellner Ltd Draka Eland Cables Ltd Flexicon Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd HydraPower Dynamics Ltd IFC Inflow iLECSYS Rail Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd KEC Limited LPA Channel Electric LPA Connection Systems LPA Group Plc Mettex Electric Co Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd Parker Hannifin Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Provertha Connectors, Cables & Solutions GMBH Rotec Hydraulics Schaltbau-ME Stäubli Electrical Connectors Sunbelt Rentals Limited Time 24 Torrent Trackside Trolex Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Wabtec Rail Limited WAGO Limited William Cook Rail Ltd Charger Supplies ABB Electrification Products Capel (CS) Ltd Capitol Industrial Batteries

Systems Limited Gaia Converter Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Moorecorp Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Oakes Power Services Ltd PRBX (Powerbox) UK Torrent Trackside TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Class ll Power Bender UK Ltd Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation PRBX (Powerbox) UK Prysmian UK PULS UK Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Electrical Contact Materials and Assemblies Capel (CS) Ltd Samuel Taylor Ltd Electrical Installation Contractor ABB Electrification Products AM1 Projects Ltd Austin-Lenika Project Services Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Geismar UK Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd JCK Ltd Kent PHK Ltd Leadec Lowery Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd OSL Rail Limited Pod-Trak Solution Rail Ltd SPL Powerlines UK Time 24 Traction Rail Electrical Ltd Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services VolkerRail West Maintenance Services Electrical Testing Equipment AM1 Projects Ltd Arthur Flury (UK) Ltd Bender UK Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd iLECSYS Rail Ltd Leadec Mosdorfer Rail Ltd Oakes Power Services Ltd PBWel Stäubli Electrical Connectors Sunbelt Rentals Limited Torrent Trackside Tracklink UK Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd VolkerRail Electronic Hand Tools Cable Services Group HYTORC Mosdorfer Rail Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited Torrent Trackside Tracklink UK Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Fibre Optics Capel (CS) Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Pipe & Cable Location Equipment C.Scope International Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Power Solutions ABB Electrification Products Andrew Reid Bender UK Ltd Cable Services Group Capel (CS) Ltd DMS technologies EasyStart Batteries Gaia Converter Global Rail Construction Ltd Harland Simon Power Solutions HGI Generators International Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd

IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Mosdorfer Rail Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Oakes Power Services Ltd PBH Rail PRBX (Powerbox) UK PULS UK Ltd RCU Solutions Socomec U.K. Limited Stäubli Electrical Connectors Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Sunbelt Rentals Limited Torrent Trackside UK Power Networks Services Unistrut VolkerRail Power Supply Equipment ABB Electrification Products AMELEC Instruments Cable Services Group Capel (CS) Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd EasyStart Batteries Gaia Converter Harland Simon Power Solutions HGI Generators International Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd James Troop & Co Ltd Kent PHK Ltd Mallatite Signals Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Moorecorp Ltd Mosdorfer Rail Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Oakes Power Services Ltd PBWel PRBX (Powerbox) UK PULS UK Ltd R Baker (Electrical) Ltd RCU Solutions Relec Electronics Ltd Rotronics Battery Management Solutions Shenton Group Sunbelt Rentals Limited Time 24 Torrent Trackside TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail VolkerRail Power Unit / Electric ABB Electrification Products AEG Power Solutions Ltd AEGIS Arlington Fleet Group Cabel UK Capel (CS) Ltd CPC Battery Services Ltd EasyStart Batteries Enersys Limited Gaia Converter Houghton International Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Mallatite Signals Mecc Alte UK MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Oakes Power Services Ltd PRBX (Powerbox) UK PULS UK Ltd R Baker (Electrical) Ltd REO (UK) Ltd Rotec Hydraulics Shenton Group Siemens Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Torrent Trackside TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail Wabtec Rail Limited Semiconductors Capel (CS) Ltd GD Rectifiers Shore Supply Systems ABB Electrification Products Bender UK Ltd Gaia Converter

Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited LC Switchgear Limited PULS UK Ltd Unipart Rail Switchgear ABB Electrification Products ADE Power AM1 Projects Ltd AMELEC Instruments Cable Services Group Gaia Converter Harland Simon Power Solutions Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd JCK Ltd LC Switchgear Limited MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Oakes Power Services Ltd PBWel PSG Ltd Samuel Taylor Ltd Time 24 TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services VolkerRail Transducers & Signal Conditioning Equipment AMELEC Instruments Barnbrook Systems Ltd Bender UK Ltd Jaltek Systems PSG Ltd RCU Solutions TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Electrification Equipment / Services 3M A-Plant Rail Aecom Amida Ltd Arthur Flury (UK) Ltd Arup (Head Office) ATL Transformers Ltd Babcock International Bradgate Containers Brecknell Willis Cable Services Group Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Cintec International Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd DGauge Ltd Dorma Kaba Ltd EasyStart Batteries Emico Limited EviFile Limited FLI Structures Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd Furrer + Frey GB Ltd g2 Energy Ltd Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd Had-Fab Limited Henry Williams Ltd iLECSYS Rail Ltd Infrastructure Training Services Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Jointing Technologies Keltbray Group Lindapter International Lowery Ltd LPA Channel Electric LPA Connection Systems LPA Group Plc LPA Transport Plus Lucy Zodion Ltd Lundy Projects Mardix Rail ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield Morrison Utility Services Limited Mors Smitt (A Wabtec Company) Mosdorfer Rail Ltd NTS Premier Services Oakes Power Services Ltd Onis Consulting Limited Overhead Line Engineering Limited PACE Networks Pandrol PBH Rail PBWel PD Devices Ltd Pod-Trak Power Testing Limited PULS UK Ltd


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service R Baker (Electrical) Ltd RCU Solutions Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd RS Electrical (RSE) Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Siemens Snap-on Industrial Spectrum Contracting Services Limited SPL Powerlines UK SRS Rail System International Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited The Bionic Eye Torrent Trackside Tracklink UK Ltd Traction Rail Electrical Ltd Trendrail Ltd – Specialists in Engineering TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrone Fabrication UK Power Networks Services Unipart Rail Upshot UK Ltd Van Elle Rail WJ Project Services Limited OLE Design Wentworth House Rail Systems Limited Overhead electrification BAND-IT Company Ltd EviFile Limited Keltbray Group Engineering Tools / Equipment 3M A-Plant Rail ABI Electronics Aecom Alan Dick Communications Ltd Arbil Rail Armorgard Security Products Auctus Management Group Autodrain Ballast Tools UK Ltd Belvoir Rail Ltd Brammer Buck & Hickman Cable Detection Ltd Cablecraft (a part of Shoal Group Ltd) Capel (CS) Ltd Cembre Ltd Chainings Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd EH Hassell & Sons Ltd Electroustic Ltd EMC Hire Ltd Emico Limited Enerpac Fairway Hydraulics Limited Freyssinet Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Greenwood Engineering Halifax Rack and Screw Cutting Co Limited Harmill Systems Limited HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd HTL Group Ltd HYTORC iLECSYS Rail Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd Jointing Technologies Kingston Engineering Co (Hull) Ltd Kite Group Ltd Klingspor Abrasives Limited Lista UK Ltd Memolub Lubrication Systems MGF Ltd Millcroft Group Norbar Torque Tools Ltd Nord-Lock Group Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Onis Consulting Limited Padley & Venables PBWel Platipus Anchors Ltd Power Jacks Predator Trailers Ltd Probst Handling Equipment Quality Precision Engineering Ltd R Baker (Electrical) Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd S+C Engineering Schaeffler (UK) Ltd Sefac UK Ltd Selectequip Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Skanska Construction UK Ltd


Slingco Limited SMP Electronics / Samalite Products Snap-on Industrial Sonatest Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd SPL Powerlines UK Stahlwille Tools Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Staytite Ltd Steelway Fensecure Ltd Thermit Welding (GB) Ltd Thomson Engineering Design Ltd Torrent Trackside Tufnol Composites Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unilite Limited Vivax – Metrotech Ltd Fasteners BAND-IT Company Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Multidisciplinary Engineering Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd FJD Consulting and Design Route Feasibility Studies Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd The Railway Consultancy Ltd Station Feasibility Studies Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd The Railway Consultancy Ltd Painting and Coating 3M Adomast Manufacturing Limited AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Barkers Fencing Concrete Repairs Limited CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd Highland Galvanizers Hydram Engineering Limited Joseph Ash Galvanizing Links Signs Ltd LKQ Coatings Optus Anti-skid surfacing systems PSG Ltd Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings Silenzio Panels Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TrAchem Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West Maintenance Services Corrosion Protection 3M AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Anochrome Technologies APB Construction (UK) Limited APPS UK Ltd Arrow Solutions Aura Brand Solutions Bradleys Metal Finishers British Steel Colt Construction Limited Concrete Repairs Limited CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Dacrylate Paints Ltd Epicuro Ltd FA Clover & Son Ltd Flexcrete Technology Ltd Freyssinet Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd GLS Coatings Ltd Graco BVBA Impreglon UK Indestructible Paint Limited Intertek – Production and Integrity Assurance Joseph Ash Galvanizing Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Layher Ltd Liniar Ltd LKQ Coatings

Maker Coating Systems Ltd Millcroft Group Oltec Group Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer PSG Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Rust-Oleum UK Ltd Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Steel Protection Consultancy Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Taziker Industrial Limited Techpol Ltd TrAchem Ltd Tufnol Composites Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Verdant Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) XEIAD Industrial Coatings Adomast Manufacturing Limited AME-3D Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Bitrez Limited Capel (CS) Ltd CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd GLS Coatings Ltd Impreglon UK Indestructible Paint Limited LKQ Coatings Optus Anti-skid surfacing systems Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer Plascoat Systems Ltd PSG Ltd Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Techpol Ltd TrAchem Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) West Maintenance Services Industrial Painting Contractors AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Capel (CS) Ltd Cheshire Mouldings CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd FA Clover & Son Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GenAir UK Ltd K&M McLoughlin Decorating Ltd LKQ Coatings Maker Coating Systems Ltd PSG Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Metalwork Coating AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Bradleys Metal Finishers Capel (CS) Ltd CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Everlast Group Ltd FA Clover & Son Ltd Frank Hand (Galvanizers) Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited IRS Surfacing Technologies Ltd Joseph Ash Galvanizing LKQ Coatings Maker Coating Systems Ltd Mallatite Signals Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer Plascoat Systems Ltd PSG Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TrAchem Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre

Ltd (WLSBC) West Maintenance Services Paint Finishing AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Bradleys Metal Finishers Capel (CS) Ltd CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Everlast Group Ltd FA Clover & Son Ltd Galldris Services Ltd LKQ Coatings Maker Coating Systems Ltd Mallatite Signals Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer PSG Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Techpol Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) West Maintenance Services Powder Coating Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Barkers Fencing Bradleys Metal Finishers CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Dyer Engineering Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Horizon Group Hydram Engineering Limited Joseph Ash Galvanizing LKQ Coatings Maker Coating Systems Ltd Mallatite Signals Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer PB Metal Finishing Systems Ltd Plascoat Systems Ltd Silenzio Panels Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Power Coated Fasteners Aura Brand Solutions Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Spray Finishing Equipment APPS UK Ltd CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Graco BVBA LKQ Coatings Maker Coating Systems Ltd Mallatite Signals Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) West Maintenance Services Wet Paint Spray Finishing Anochrome Technologies APPS UK Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Bradleys Metal Finishers CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Dyer Engineering Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited LKQ Coatings Maker Coating Systems Ltd Mallatite Signals Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer PSG Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Techpol Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Zinc Metal Spraying Anochrome Technologies

APPS UK Ltd Bradleys Metal Finishers CryoGen Galldris Services Ltd Impreglon UK Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Plant Hire A-Plant Rail AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Advante - Oasis® Welfare Aquarius Railroad Technologies Ltd Arbil Rail ATI Tank Hire Limited Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Babcock International Brian Doogue Haulage Ltd CCF Plant Hire Ltd – t/as Access Plant Eldapoint Ltd Facelift Freyssinet Geismar UK Ltd Hilti (GB) Ltd HSS Hire PLC J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Live Trakway | Barriers | Bridges | Lights Lundy Projects Metcalfe Plant Hire Limited MGF Ltd Millcroft Group Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Pennys Group Ltd Pontoon Works Ltd Pramac-Generac UK Probst Handling Equipment Rail Freight Services Rail Vac Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd Skelair International Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd SRS Rail System International Ltd Stobart Rail Torrent Trackside TPA Rapid Rail Access TXM Plant Ltd Van Elle Rail Vivax – Metrotech Ltd VolkerRail Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Working At Height Ltd Rubber Extrusions and Components Nufox Rubber Ltd White Cross Rubber Products Scaffolding Labour & Access Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Crouch Waterfall CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Dura Composites Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Excell Rail Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Kee Systems Layher Ltd Martin Castle Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Northern Divers Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd Premier Pits RUAS Smyth Composites Limited Sunbelt Rentals Limited Scaffolding Labour & Equipment Capel (CS) Ltd Crouch Waterfall CryoGen Everlast Group Ltd Excell Rail Ltd Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Specialist Access Equipment Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Bratts Ladders Bridgeway Consulting Limited Crouch Waterfall CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Dura Composites Ltd

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Elite Ground Support Services Everlast Group Ltd Facelift GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited HSS Hire PLC Kee Systems Layher Ltd Martin Castle Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Northern Divers Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd Portaramp UK Limited Premier Pits Railway Safety Solutions Ltd RUAS Sunbelt Rentals Limited TPA Rapid Rail Access Steps, Platforms & Walkways Anderton Concrete Products Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Bratts Ladders Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd Crouch Waterfall CryoGen Cygnet Projects Ltd Dura Composites Ltd Dyer Engineering Ltd Elite Ground Support Services Everlast Group Ltd Facelift Global Rail Construction Ltd Had-Fab Limited Kee Systems Layher Ltd Legion Limited Maker Coating Systems Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd PcP Gratings Ltd Portaramp UK Limited Railway Safety Solutions Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects TPA Rapid Rail Access Working At Height Ltd Seats / Seating Capital Seating Limited Signalling ABI Electronics Bender UK Ltd Bernstein Ltd Bradgate Containers Bridgeway Consulting Limited EviFile Limited Frauscher Sensortechnik HARTING Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Keltbray Group PBWel Prysmian UK PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd RCU Solutions Roxtec Ltd Schweizer Electronic Ltd Signalling Engineering SigTech Rail Stadler Rail Management AG Time 24 Trackmaps TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Dorman Unipart Rail University of Birmingham VolkerRail Signalling & Train Control ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics Aecom AEG Power Solutions Ltd AEI Cables Alan Dick Communications Ltd Amaro Group AMELEC Instruments Amida Ltd Arup (Head Office) ATL Transformers Ltd Babcock International Bender UK Ltd Bernstein Ltd Bradgate Containers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Captec Collis Engineering Ltd

Craig & Derricott Ltd Data Techniques DB ESG DMS technologies Electroustic Ltd FLI Structures Furse Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems GHD Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd HARTING Ltd Henry Williams Ltd Hill and Smith Ltd t/a Variable Message Signs Hitachi Information Control Systems Hitachi Rail Europe HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd iLECSYS Rail Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd KEC Limited Keltbray Group Kilborn Consulting Limited LEM Regional Office UK LPA Channel Electric Mallatite Signals Mors Smitt (A Wabtec Company) NRL Optical Coating Technologies OSL Rail Limited Park Signalling Limited PD Devices Ltd Prysmian UK PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd Resonate Group Ltd Ricardo Rail Running Rail Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Schneider Electric Ltd Schweizer Electronic Ltd Sheerspeed Shelters Ltd Siemens Signal House Group Ltd Signet Solutions SigTech Rail Stadler Rail Management AG Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Swann Group Ltd Time 24 Trackmaps Trans-Tronic Ltd TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Dorman Unipart Rail University of Birmingham VolkerRail Wrekin Circuits Ltd Xrail Group Zircon Software Ltd Signalling Surge Protection ABB Electrification Products AMELEC Instruments Bender UK Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited iLECSYS Rail Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Keltbray Group PBWel PD Devices Ltd PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd Roxtec Ltd SigTech Rail TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Stations Andrew Reid APPS UK Ltd Astley Signs Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cable Services Group Crouch Waterfall Dura Composites Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Memolub Lubrication Systems Pod-Trak RCU Solutions RUAS Silenzio Panels Ltd

Smyth Composites Limited Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Sunbelt Rentals Limited TenBroeke Company Limited Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Twinfix Limited VolkerFitzpatrick Station Equipment / Services ABB Electrification Products Aecom Amey TPT Andrew Reid APPS UK Ltd Arup (Head Office) Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Bradleys Metal Finishers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cable Services Group Camel Precast Capel (CS) Ltd Captec Craig & Derricott Ltd Cycle-Works Cyclepods Ltd Emico Limited Eurotech FDB Electrical Ltd FJD Consulting and Design Fourway Communication Ltd FP McCann Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GEC Anderson Limited GHD Giffen Group Ltd Harmill Systems Limited HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd Horizon Group Imtech/Dynniq IXYS UK Westcode Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd JCK Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Legion Limited LEM Regional Office UK Mallatite Signals Memolub Lubrication Systems Midland Alloy Ltd Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd Multispan Ltd Neary Rail and Construction OSL Rail Limited Pod-Trak Portaramp UK Limited r2p UK Systems Ltd Rail Waiting Structures Railway Safety Solutions Ltd Rapid Ramp Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd RUAS Schneider Electric Ltd Silenzio Panels Ltd Sill Lighting (UK) Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Steel Line Ltd Steelway Fensecure Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited Telegartner UK Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited Torrent Trackside TSP Projects Twinfix Limited VolkerRail Zollner UK Ltd Station Platforms Anderton Concrete Products APPS UK Ltd Astley Signs Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cable Services Group Camel Precast Capel (CS) Ltd Crouch Waterfall Dura Composites Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GHD Global Rail Construction Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Legion Limited Links Signs Ltd Mallatite Signals Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Pod-Trak

POS Services Poundfield Precast Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Romag RUAS Silenzio Panels Ltd Smyth Composites Limited Spectrum Contracting Services Limited TECHNO CTA Limited Torrent Trackside Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Twinfix Limited VolkerFitzpatrick Station Refurbishment Camel Precast Capel (CS) Ltd Links Signs Ltd Smyth Composites Limited West Maintenance Services Steel Housing ADE Power Bradgate Containers Dyer Engineering Ltd Had-Fab Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Structural Fasteners & Tools BAND-IT Company Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sub-Contract Laser Cutting CAP Productions Limited Dyer Engineering Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited Laser Process Ltd Surface Preparation Equipment Bridgeway Consulting Limited CryoGen Links Signs Ltd StressMap West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) Surveying and Inspection ABA Surveying Ltd Amberg Engineering AG Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited BWB Consulting C.Scope International Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd CCS Jeweltone Ltd Concrete Repairs Limited Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra Henderson Thomas Associates Limited ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton JNP Group JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd KP Acoustics Level X NDT Malcolm Hughes Martin Castle Ltd Northern Divers Novus Rail Ltd PBH Rail RUAS Senceive Limited SEP Rail Services Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Structural Soils Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Trimble Rail Solutions UK Power Networks Services Warringtonfire 3D Laser Scanning ABA Surveying Ltd Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amberg Engineering AG Bridgeway Consulting Limited BWB Consulting Central Alliance Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd

MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd PBH Rail Plowman Craven Ltd SEP Rail Services StressMap Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK 3D Laser Scanning And Topographical Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amberg Engineering AG Bridgeway Consulting Limited BWB Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra Henderson Thomas Associates Limited JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd PBH Rail RUAS SEP Rail Services SubVision Surveys Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Aerial Photography ABA Surveying Ltd Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amberg Engineering AG Bridgeway Consulting Limited Central Alliance Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra Henderson Thomas Associates Limited MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Mitie Pest Control Ltd PBH Rail RUAS SEP Rail Services Upshot UK Ltd Bridge Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Aworth Survey Consultants Bridgeway Consulting Limited BWB Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd Central Alliance Ltd Concrete Repairs Limited Crouch Waterfall Cygnet Projects Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Ensafe Consultants FJD Consulting and Design Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra GHD Henderson Thomas Associates Limited MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Northern Divers PBH Rail Plowman Craven Ltd RUAS SEP Rail Services Spectrum Contracting Services Limited StressMap Structural Soils Ltd Topdrill Ltd Upshot UK Ltd Warringtonfire CCTV Drainage Inspection Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Cygnet Projects Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra Henderson Thomas Associates Limited MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd PBH Rail


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service SEP Rail Services Structural Soils Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd Desktop Utility Searches Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Groundwise Searches Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd PBH Rail SEP Rail Services SubVision Surveys Ltd Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Amberg Engineering AG Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Concrete Repairs Limited Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd PBH Rail SEP Rail Services Structural Soils Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd Measurement Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amberg Engineering AG Aworth Survey Consultants Bridgeway Consulting Limited Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Cygnet Projects Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd KJ Hall Surveyors Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd Novus Rail Ltd PBH Rail RUAS Schenck Process Ltd SEP Rail Services South Survey Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Xrail Group Non Destructive Testing Capel (CS) Ltd GeoAccess Level X NDT SEP Rail Services Obstacle Detection ABA Surveying Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Groeneveld Lubrication Solutions Henderson Thomas Associates Limited MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd PBH Rail SEP Rail Services Structural Soils Ltd PAS:128 Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd SEP Rail Services Structural Soils Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd Rope Access Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd


BAM Ritchies Bodacc Ltd Brammer Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buck & Hickman CAN CCS Jeweltone Ltd Colt Construction Limited Concrete Repairs Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Ground Control Limited Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Lindapter International Martin Castle Ltd Platipus Anchors Ltd SEP Rail Services Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stobart Rail Structural Soils Ltd Three Shires Ltd Warringtonfire Wood Group Industrial Services Ltd XEIAD Setting Out - Measured Building Surveys ABA Surveying Ltd Aworth Survey Consultants CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Novus Rail Ltd PBH Rail SEP Rail Services SubVision Surveys Ltd Site Investigation Contractors ABB Electrification Products Amberg Engineering AG Bridgeway Consulting Limited C.Scope International Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd CC Ground Investigations Ltd Central Alliance Ltd Concrete Repairs Limited Cygnet Projects Ltd Ensafe Consultants Galldris Services Ltd Geo-Environmental Services Ltd GeoAccess GHD Global Rail Construction Ltd Henderson Thomas Associates Limited JNP Group JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd Lowery Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd SEP Rail Services Structural Soils Ltd Topdrill Ltd Surveying Consultancy ABA Surveying Ltd Alan Dick Communications Ltd Amberg Engineering AG Aworth Survey Consultants Brammer Bridgeway Consulting Limited C.Scope International Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Ensafe Consultants Everlast Group Ltd GALL ZEIDLER Consultants Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra GHD Henderson Thomas Associates Limited JNP Group JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd KP Acoustics MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Martin Castle Ltd Novus Rail Ltd PBH Rail RUAS SEP Rail Services Stonewest Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd The Ecology Consultancy Surveying Equipment / Services ABA Surveying Ltd

Abloy UK Alan Dick Communications Ltd Alma Rail Limited Amaro Group Amberg Engineering AG Babcock International Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buck & Hickman C.Scope International Ltd Cable Detection Ltd Capel (CS) Ltd Central Alliance Ltd DGauge Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd EMC Hire Ltd Everlast Group Ltd Fourway Communication Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess GHD Ground Control Limited Henderson Thomas Associates Limited J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd James Fisher Testing Services Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Kilborn Consulting Limited KJ Hall Surveyors Ltd Korec Group KP Acoustics Leica Geosystems Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Mike Worby Survey Consultancy Ltd Millcroft Group MJ Rees & Company Ltd Mosdorfer Rail Ltd Nord-Lock Group Novus Rail Ltd Omnicom Balfour Beatty OSL Rail Limited PBH Rail RSK RUAS Senceive Limited SEP Rail Services Severn Partnership Shire Structures Ltd SMP Electronics / Samalite Products SOCOTEC UK Limited South Survey Ltd Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd Transport Investigations Ltd Trimble UK UKDN Waterflow Ltd Upshot UK Ltd VGC Rail Projects Vivax – Metrotech Ltd XEIAD Zetica Rail Topographical Surveys 2D and 3D ABA Surveying Ltd Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Amberg Engineering AG Aworth Survey Consultants Bridgeway Consulting Limited BWB Consulting Capel (CS) Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Novus Rail Ltd PBH Rail RUAS SEP Rail Services Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Structural Soils Ltd SubVision Surveys Ltd UAV’s ABA Surveying Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Central Alliance Ltd Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Geoterra JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd Mitie Pest Control Ltd PBH Rail RUAS SEP Rail Services Upshot UK Ltd Utility Mapping Surveys 2D and 3D

ABA Surveying Ltd Amberg Engineering AG Bridgeway Consulting Limited C.Scope International Ltd CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Central Alliance Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GeoAccess Henderson Thomas Associates Limited JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd PBH Rail RUAS RWB Group SEP Rail Services SubVision Surveys Ltd Test & Overhaul Services ABB Electrification Products Alan Dick Communications Ltd Capitol Industrial Batteries Systems Limited Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Semcon Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Standish Engineering Co Ltd Unipart Rail Track Adfil AEGIS APPS UK Ltd Armorgard Security Products Bernstein Ltd Bradgate Containers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd C.Scope International Ltd Cable Services Group Coveya Ltd Creative Composites Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd E2S Warning Signals Eland Cables Ltd Elwood International Ltd Engineered Composites Ltd Excell Rail Ltd GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) Galldris Services Ltd HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd Holemasters Hydram Engineering Limited HYTORC ICEE Managed Services Ltd Kluber Lubrication LC Switchgear Limited MATISA (U.K) Ltd McCrory Training Newgate (Newark) Ltd Pandrol PBH Rail PBWel PcP Gratings Ltd Pendersons Ltd PlasmaTrack Ltd Prysmian UK PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd Railcare Sweden Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RWB Group Safeaid Limited Schweizer Electronic Ltd Senceive Limited SigTech Rail Skelair International Ltd Snap-on Industrial Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Strail (UK) Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited TCS Geotechnics Torrent Trackside Trackmaps Triptex Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Vigier Rail AG VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Welfare Vans 4 Less CESS Elwood International Ltd Conductor Rail Heating AM1 Projects Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Cable Services Group

Galldris Services Ltd LC Switchgear Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Elevated Cable Trough System PcP Gratings Ltd Flood Response RWB Group Level Crossings Aecom AEGIS Alma Rail Limited AM1 Projects Ltd Arup (Head Office) Babcock International Bender UK Ltd Bernstein Ltd Bradleys Metal Finishers Bridgeway Consulting Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Cleshar Contract Services Ltd DAC Limited Digital Barriers Services Ltd DMS technologies E2S Warning Signals Galldris Services Ltd Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems GHD Giffen Group Ltd Global Rail Construction Ltd Henry Williams Ltd Imtech/Dynniq Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd JPCS Limited Kilborn Consulting Limited Level Crossing Installations Ltd McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd Neary Rail and Construction Newgate (Newark) Ltd Novus Rail Ltd OSL Rail Limited Polysafe Level Crossings Systems Ltd Premier Rail Services PULS UK Ltd Rosehill Rail RSS Infrastructure Ltd SBC Rail Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Schweizer Electronic Ltd Siemens Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Strail (UK) Ltd The Bionic Eye Trackmaps TSP Projects TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Upshot UK Ltd Uretek UK VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Xrail Group Shelters LOC & REB’S Bradgate Containers Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Cannon Technologies Group Limited Galldris Services Ltd PSG Ltd PULS UK Ltd Quinshield Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd Sheerspeed Shelters Ltd Unipart Rail Sleepers Adfil Bridgeway Consulting Limited British Steel Calders & Grandidge Galldris Services Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd SBC Rail Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Vigier Rail AG VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Track Maintenance Services 1stinRail A-Plant Rail Aecom

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Alan Dick Communications Ltd AM1 Projects Ltd Amida Ltd APPS UK Ltd Arbil Rail Auctus Management Group Babcock International Ballast Tools UK Ltd Bridgeway Consulting Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd C.Scope International Ltd Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Coveya Ltd DWG Infraco Ltd Elwood International Ltd Enduramaxx Limited Excell Rail Ltd Freightliner Group Limited Fugro Galldris Services Ltd Geismar UK Ltd GHD Ground Control Limited Hanson Cement Holemasters Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Interflon UK Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Kluber Lubrication Korec Group LPA Transport Plus McCrory Training MGF Ltd Murphy Geospatial Nord-Lock Group Novus Rail Ltd NRL NRL NTS Premier Services PBWel Pendersons Ltd Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Perpetuum Ltd PlasmaTrack Ltd Pod-Trak POS Services Prolec Ltd Railcare Sweden Ltd Railweight Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd RT Training Solutions Ltd Running Rail Ltd RWB Group Senceive Limited Serco Rail Technical Services SigTech Rail SMP Electronics / Samalite Products Smyth Composites Limited Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stobart Rail Sunbelt Rentals Limited Swietelsky Construction Company Limited TCS Geotechnics TECHNO CTA Limited Thermit Welding (GB) Ltd Torrent Trackside Trackwork Ltd Trendrail Ltd – Specialists in Engineering TSP Projects Uretek UK Vital – Head Office VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Zetica Rail Track Material & Equipment A-Plant Rail Adfil Aecom Alan Dick Communications Ltd AM1 Projects Ltd Amaro Group Andrews Fasteners Limited APPS UK Ltd Arbil Rail Armorgard Security Products Auctus Management Group Ballast Tools UK Ltd British Steel Browns Fasteners Ltd Cable Services Group

Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Charles Endirect Ltd Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Cloburn Quarry Company Ltd Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd Direct Track Solutions Limited Don and Low Ltd DWG Infraco Ltd Eland Cables Ltd Elwood International Ltd Emico Limited Enduramaxx Limited Engineered Composites Ltd Excalibur Screwbolts Ltd FLI Structures FP McCann Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Geismar UK Ltd Greenwood Engineering Hanson Cement Hayley Rail Henry Williams Ltd Hilti (GB) Ltd HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd Holdtrade (UK) Ltd Holemasters HSS Hire PLC HYTORC Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Jafco Tools Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Klingspor Abrasives Limited Linklite Systems Ltd MC Electronics Ltd McGeoch Technology Ltd ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield MGF Ltd Murphy Geospatial Nord-Lock Group Padley & Venables Pandrol PBH Rail PBWel Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd PlasmaTrack Ltd PreCast Advanced Track Ltd Predator Trailers Ltd Prysmian UK Rail Freight Services Railweight RS Clare & Co Limited RSS Infrastructure Ltd Safeaid Limited SBC Rail Selectequip Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Sheerspeed Shelters Ltd Sicut Enterprises Ltd Skelair International Ltd SMP Electronics / Samalite Products Smyth Composites Limited Snap-on Industrial Sonatest Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited SRS Rail System International Ltd Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Steelway Fensecure Ltd Sunbelt Rentals Limited SVR Plastics TCS Geotechnics Terram & Tubex Thermit Welding (GB) Ltd Tiflex Ltd – Trackelast Specialist Rail Solutions Track Maintenance Equipment Limited Trackmaps Trackwork Ltd Trendrail Ltd – Specialists in Engineering Triptex Limited TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Vigier Rail AG VolkerFitzpatrick Whitmore Europe Ltd Zetica Rail Track Safety Elite Ground Support Services Pendersons Ltd Railway Safety Solutions Ltd Trimble Rail Solutions Triptex Limited Trackside Enclosures & Cabinets Alan Dick Communications Ltd

AM1 Projects Ltd Armorgard Security Products Bernstein Ltd Cable Services Group Cannon Technologies Group Limited Creative Composites Ltd Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Dyer Engineering Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited ICEE Managed Services Ltd Impreglon UK Kleeneze – Koti Ltd LC Switchgear Limited PSG Ltd RSS Infrastructure Ltd Safeaid Limited Smyth Composites Limited Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Welfare Vans 4 Less Trackside Telephones GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) Galldris Services Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Traffic Management Systems Captec Coeval (Ltd) Galldris Services Ltd GHD Hitachi Rail Europe JSP Limited Legion Limited Mallatite Signals Marlec Engineering Co Ltd ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield Newgate (Newark) Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Dorman VolkerRail Westcotec Limited Welding Products / Services 3M A-Plant Rail Babcock International Ballast Tools UK Ltd Brammer British Steel BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Buck & Hickman Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited Cleshar Contract Services Ltd CryoGen Dyer Engineering Ltd Fronius UK Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd HGI Generators International Hilti (GB) Ltd iLECSYS Rail Ltd Infrastructure Training Services Ltd J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Kite Group Ltd Lindapter International LKQ Coatings McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd Midland Alloy Ltd NRL Pandrol Pod-Trak PRV Engineering Ltd Riverview Welding Services RSS Infrastructure Ltd S+C Engineering Sheerspeed Shelters Ltd Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Steelway Fensecure Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Thermit Welding (GB) Ltd Trendrail Ltd – Specialists in Engineering TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Vital – Head Office VolkerRail

ROLLING STOCK & TRACTION Air Horns & Valves DRB Group Limited ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Zollner UK Ltd CET Systems Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Design and Analysis Ltd GBR-Rail Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Vogelsang Wilcomatic Limited Yara UK Limited Depots APPS UK Ltd Armorgard Security Products Aura Brand Solutions Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Dura Composites Ltd EngPro Solutions Galldris Services Ltd GBR-Rail Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Houghton International Incap Electronics UK Ltd KITE Projects LC Switchgear Limited Lista UK Ltd LKQ Coatings Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment Limited MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Newgate (Newark) Ltd PBWel Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Pramac-Generac UK Premier Pits Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited Time 24 Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions TrAchem Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd TXM Consult Unipart Rail VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Wickens Engineering Ltd Wilkinson Star Ltd Yara UK Limited Depot Workshop Equipment ABB Electrification Products Airguard Filters Ltd APPS UK Ltd Arbil Rail Arlington Fleet Group Armorgard Security Products Brammer Buck & Hickman Craig & Derricott Ltd Derma Shield Skincare DRB Group Limited FDB Electrical Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Harmill Systems Limited IFC Inflow Klingspor Abrasives Limited LKQ Coatings Lucy Zodion Ltd M Barnwell Services Ltd Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment Limited MC Electronics Ltd Mechan Limited Newgate (Newark) Ltd Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Pramac-Generac UK Premier Pits Sefac UK Ltd Semmco Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions TrAchem Ltd TSG Fleet Tufnol Composites Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail VolkerFitzpatrick

Wickens Engineering Ltd Wilkinson Star Ltd William Cook Rail Ltd Zonegreen Diesel Exhaust Extraction APPS UK Ltd Blaschke Umwelttechnik GmbH Galldris Services Ltd LKQ Coatings Powertherm Contracting Services VolkerFitzpatrick Yara UK Limited Maintenance Depots ABB Electrification Products APPS UK Ltd Armorgard Security Products Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd DRB Group Limited Dura Composites Ltd EngPro Solutions Galldris Services Ltd Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd Greenwood Engineering HaRMUK Ltd Hitachi Rail Europe Human Reliability JNP Group LC Switchgear Limited Leadec MC Electronics Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Pramac-Generac UK Railway Support Services RS Clare & Co Limited Specialist Engineering Services Ltd TenBroeke Company Limited Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions TrAchem Ltd TXM Consult UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail VolkerFitzpatrick VolkerRail Wilkinson Star Ltd Platforms & Access Equipment For Depots Airguard Filters Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Craig & Derricott Ltd Dorma Kaba Ltd DRB Group Limited Elite Ground Support Services Facelift Galldris Services Ltd GBR-Rail Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd HSS Hire PLC IFC Inflow iLECSYS Rail Ltd Kee Systems KITE Projects LKQ Coatings LPA Channel Electric Midland Alloy Ltd MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Pipex Ltd Portaramp UK Limited Premier Pits Quantum Mouldings Ltd Semmco Ltd Steelway Fensecure Ltd Telegartner UK Ltd Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions Utility Equipment Limited VolkerFitzpatrick Repair / Overhaul / Workshop Services 3M AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd ABB Electrification Products Airguard Filters Ltd AP Diesels Ltd APPS UK Ltd Aqua-Solv Solutions Ltd Arlington Fleet Group Arriva Traincare Associated Rewinds Ireland Limited Aura Brand Solutions Brodie Engineering Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Cabel UK Coulstock & Place Engineering Ltd Craig & Derricott Ltd Datum Composites DB ESG Dellner Ltd Diamond Rail Services DRB Group Limited Dyer Engineering Ltd EngPro Solutions Freightliner Group Limited Galldris Services Ltd GDM Heat Transfer Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Hindle Reman Houghton International Houghton International IFC Inflow IGW International n.v Incap Electronics UK Ltd IXYS UK Westcode Ltd James Troop & Co Ltd Johnson Security Lista UK Ltd LKQ Coatings LPA Group Plc LUR Ltd M Barnwell Services Ltd Nord-Lock Group OLD Engineering Co Ltd PBWel Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Perpetuum Ltd Premier Pits Rowe Hankins Ltd. Rubirail Sabre Rail Services Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Sefac UK Ltd Semcon Ltd SKF (UK) Limited Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Tecforce Ltd Thermacom Ltd Time 24 Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions TrAchem Ltd Tufnol Composites Ltd TXM Consult UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail VolkerFitzpatrick Wabtec Rail Limited Welding Alloys Group William Cook Rail Ltd ZF Services UK Ltd Zonegreen Specialist Depot Equipment Maintenance APPS UK Ltd Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GBR-Rail Ltd Incap Electronics UK Ltd LC Switchgear Limited Leadec LKQ Coatings PBWel Premier Pits Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions VolkerFitzpatrick Storage Systems & Handling Wickens Engineering Ltd Washing Systems - Vehicles AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd APPS UK Ltd Aqua-Solv Solutions Ltd Arriva Traincare Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GBR-Rail Ltd Innuscience Jumo Instrument Co Ltd LKQ Coatings Power Jacks Pramac-Generac UK QCS (Lanark) Ltd Smith Brothers & Webb / Britannia


Washing Systems Unipart Rail VolkerFitzpatrick Wilcomatic Limited Equipment & Ancillary Products ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics AME-3D AMELEC Instruments Armacell UK Armorgard Security Products Axair Fans UK Limited CAP Productions Limited Capital Seating Limited Chainings Ltd Coulstock & Place Engineering Ltd Derma Shield Skincare Design and Analysis Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited Dyer Engineering Ltd GDM Heat Transfer Ltd HSS Hire PLC HYTORC IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Lista UK Ltd MC Electronics Ltd Moorecorp Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd Rubirail Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services TPA Rapid Rail Access UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Welding Alloys Group Wilkinson Star Ltd WISKA UK Extruded Silicone Sections & Sheeting Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited J-Flex Rubber Products Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd Nufox Rubber Ltd Fasteners 3M Andrews Fasteners Limited Armacell UK Browns Fasteners Ltd CAP Productions Limited DRB Group Limited Key Fasteners Northern Precision Ltd Pandrol Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Powertherm Contracting Services Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail WISKA UK Fuel and Lubricants Galldris Services Ltd Kent & East Sussex Railway – Heritage Railway Kluber Lubrication LKQ Coatings Memolub Lubrication Systems RS Clare & Co Limited The Tankbusters & Tankbusters Commercial Ltd TrAchem Ltd Triscan Systems Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Automatic Lubrication Systems Bijur Delimon International Groeneveld Lubrication Solutions Kent & East Sussex Railway – Heritage Railway Kluber Lubrication LKQ Coatings Memolub Lubrication Systems TrAchem Ltd Triscan Systems Ltd Contaminated Diesel Fuel Cleaning The Tankbusters & Tankbusters Commercial Ltd Diesel & Oil Alteration Chainings Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GDM Heat Transfer Ltd Triscan Systems Ltd

Diesel Fuelling Equipment Alpeco Ltd Datatrack | Part of The Triscan Group Galldris Services Ltd IFC Inflow LKQ Coatings Polgain Cams, Camshafts & Precision Engineering The Tankbusters & Tankbusters Commercial Ltd Triscan Systems Ltd TSG Fleet Unipart Rail Wilcomatic Limited Engine Oil Management Galldris Services Ltd Groeneveld Lubrication Solutions LKQ Coatings Triscan Systems Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Fuel - Tanks, Pumps, Gauging Alpeco Ltd Datatrack | Part of The Triscan Group Galldris Services Ltd Grayson Thermal Systems IFC Inflow Triscan Systems Ltd TSG Fleet TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Fuel Suppliers Galldris Services Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Lubrication Systems Bijur Delimon International Galldris Services Ltd Kluber Lubrication ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield Memolub Lubrication Systems RS Clare & Co Limited TrAchem Ltd Triscan Systems Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Wilcomatic Limited Hydraulic Equipment CAP Productions Limited DRB Group Limited Fairway Hydraulics Limited Galldris Services Ltd HTL Group Ltd HYTORC Micro-Mesh Filtration Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Tidyco Ltd Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions On-Board Services AEGIS GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) GD Rectifiers HARTING Ltd HaslerRail AG HaslerRail Secheron UK HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Industrial Communication Products Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Nomad Digital (Head Office) PRBX (Powerbox) UK RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd Catering / On-train Services DB ESG Office Depot r2p UK Systems Ltd On-Board Entertainment AEGIS Arlington Fleet Group Belvoir Rail Ltd DAC Limited Electroustic Ltd HARTING Ltd Icomera Industrial Communication Products Ltd Nomad Digital (Head Office) r2p UK Systems Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Televic Rail NV Trainfx Ltd

Wabtec Rail Limited On-Board Power Supply Equipment ABB Electrification Products Armacell UK DRB Group Limited GD Rectifiers IXYS UK Westcode Ltd James Troop & Co Ltd Moorecorp Ltd MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Powertherm Contracting Services PRBX (Powerbox) UK PULS UK Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd Relec Electronics Ltd WISKA UK On-Board Train Comms GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) HARTING Ltd HaslerRail AG HaslerRail Secheron UK Industrial Communication Products Ltd Nomad Digital (Head Office) PULS UK Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd Softil Ltd Passenger WiFi HARTING Ltd HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Industrial Communication Products Ltd Nomad Digital (Head Office) PULS UK Ltd r2p UK Systems Ltd On-Track Plant Hindle Reman King Vehicle Engineering Ltd Pramac-Generac UK Railcare Sweden Ltd S+C Engineering Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Torrent Trackside TPA Rapid Rail Access Unipart Rail Pneumatic Control Valves & Systems DRB Group Limited IFC Inflow Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd Moorecorp Ltd PSI Technologies Ltd Rotec Hydraulics TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Power Transmission Screws ABB Electrification Products Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited DRB Group Limited Power Jacks TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Rail Conversions APPS UK Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd G-volution Ltd Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Newgate (Newark) Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Road Rail Vehicles APPS UK Ltd Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Design and Analysis Ltd Keltbray Group King Rail S+C Engineering Specialist Engineering Services Ltd Spectrum Contracting Services Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) VolkerRail

Rolling Stock ABI Electronics AEGIS AJT Engineering Ltd APA Design Ltd APPS UK Ltd Arrk Europe Ltd Aura Brand Solutions Barnbrook Systems Ltd Bender UK Ltd Bernstein Ltd Bespoke Composite Panels CAP Productions Limited Capitol Industrial Batteries Systems Limited Cecence Ltd CF Booth Limited Creative Composites Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited DRB Group Limited Forbo Flooring Systems UK Limited G-volution Ltd GD Rectifiers HaslerRail AG HaslerRail Secheron UK Houghton International HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited Industrial Communication Products Ltd J-Flex Rubber Products Kent & East Sussex Railway – Heritage Railway Kingston Engineering Co (Hull) Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Kluber Lubrication LKQ Coatings Maycast - Nokes Precision Engineering MTU UK Ltd Pennys Group Ltd Petards Premier Pits Prysmian UK Record Electrical Associates Ltd Roxtec Ltd S+C Engineering Samuel Taylor Ltd Schweizer Electronic Ltd Semcon Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Slingco Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Time 24 TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Tribo Rail UK Ltd Trimble Rail Solutions TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Tyrolit Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Voith Turbo Limited Yara UK Limited Axles / Wheelsets / Suspension AEGIS AJT Engineering Ltd AME-3D Arlington Fleet Group BG Steels Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd DB ESG Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited DRB Group Limited Ferrabyrne Limited Freightliner Group Limited GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd IGW International n.v ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton Jumo Instrument Co Ltd LUR Ltd M Barnwell Services Ltd ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield Mini Gears Group Nord-Lock Group OLD Engineering Co Ltd Perpetuum Ltd Premier Pits Sabre Rail Services Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services SKF (UK) Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Tecforce Ltd

Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Voith Turbo Limited Wabtec Rail Limited White Lion Engineering Ltd William Cook Rail Ltd ZF Services UK Ltd Bogie Jumpers HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Bogies Running Gear AEGIS AJT Engineering Ltd Arlington Fleet Group BG Steels Ltd Brodie Engineering Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd David Brown Gear Systems Limited DB Cargo (UK) Limited DRB Group Limited GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd IGW International n.v Jumo Instrument Co Ltd KEC Limited LUR Ltd M Barnwell Services Ltd ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield Mini Gears Group Nord-Lock Group OLD Engineering Co Ltd Perpetuum Ltd Powertherm Contracting Services Serco Rail Technical Services SKF (UK) Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Tecforce Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Voith Turbo Limited Wabtec Rail Limited White Lion Engineering Ltd William Cook Rail Ltd ZF Services UK Ltd Brakes ABI Electronics AEGIS Arlington Fleet Group Barnbrook Systems Ltd BG Steels Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd DB ESG Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited DRB Group Limited EBC Brakes Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems (UK) Ltd LUR Ltd M Barnwell Services Ltd Mini Gears Group Sabre Rail Services Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Tecforce Ltd Tidyco Ltd Tribo Rail UK Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail William Cook Rail Ltd Composite Materials AME-3D Browns Fasteners Ltd TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Fibre Optics HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Freight Cars / Carriages AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Abnormal Load Services – ALS AEGIS Airguard Filters Ltd Arlington Fleet Group Aura Brand Solutions Bradleys Metal Finishers Browns Fasteners Ltd CF Booth Limited Corex Honeycomb Datum Composites

Design and Analysis Ltd DGauge Ltd Direct Rail Services Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd KP Acoustics Parker Hannifin Schweizer Electronic Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Standish Engineering Co Ltd TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Wabtec Rail Limited White Lion Engineering Ltd William Cook Rail Ltd

Novograf Parker Hannifin Pro-Style Ltd Quantum Mouldings Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Signature Aromas Ltd Stadler Rail Management AG Techpol Ltd Televic Rail NV Tiflex Ltd – Trackelast Specialist Rail Solutions TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Tufnol Composites Ltd Unipart Rail Wabtec Rail Limited

Inter-Vehicle Jumper Systems / Car to Car Electrical Connections HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd

Polymers AME-3D Nufox Rubber Ltd

Passenger Cars / Carriages Abnormal Load Services – ALS AEGIS Aeropair Ltd Arlington Fleet Group Arrk Europe Ltd Atlantic Design Aura Brand Solutions Axair Fans UK Limited Belvoir Rail Ltd Brodie Engineering Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd Corex Honeycomb Creative Composites Ltd Datum Composites DB ESG Dellner Ltd Design and Analysis Ltd DGauge Ltd Diamond Rail Services Direct Rail Services Ltd GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kent & East Sussex Railway – Heritage Railway Kleeneze – Koti Ltd KP Acoustics Midland Alloy Ltd Schweizer Electronic Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Siemens Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Techpol Ltd TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Tufnol Composites Ltd TXM Consult Wabtec Rail Limited White Lion Engineering Ltd William Cook Rail Ltd

Power Unit / Diesel AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics AEGIS AP Diesels Ltd APPS UK Ltd Arlington Fleet Group Browns Fasteners Ltd Enersys Limited Freightliner Group Limited Hindle Reman Houghton International IFC Inflow James Troop & Co Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd MTU UK Ltd Powertherm Contracting Services Rubirail Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Voith Turbo Limited Wabtec Rail Limited Yara UK Limited

Passenger Cars / Interiors AEGIS Aeropair Ltd Airguard Filters Ltd Altro APA Design Ltd Arlington Fleet Group Arriva Traincare Arrk Europe Ltd Atlantic Design Aura Brand Solutions Axair Fans UK Limited Belvoir Rail Ltd Bespoke Composite Panels Brodie Engineering Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Camira Fabrics Ltd Corex Honeycomb Creative Composites Ltd Dartford Composites Ltd Datum Composites DB ESG DCA Design International Dellner Ltd Design and Analysis Ltd Diamond Rail Services Forbo Flooring Systems UK Limited GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd Hydram Engineering Limited Jewers Doors Limited Johnson Security Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd LPA Channel Electric LPA Group Plc LPA Lighting System McGeoch Technology Ltd Midland Alloy Ltd

Rolling Stock Components AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd ABB Electrification Products AEGIS Aerco Ltd Airguard Filters Ltd AJT Engineering Ltd AME-3D AP Diesels Ltd Arlington Fleet Group Arrk Europe Ltd Axair Fans UK Limited Beakbane Ltd Belvoir Rail Ltd Bender UK Ltd BG Steels Ltd Brecknell Willis Browns Fasteners Ltd BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division CAP Productions Limited Capital Seating Limited CF Booth Limited Charcroft Electronics Craig & Derricott Ltd Dartford Composites Ltd Datum Composites David Brown Gear Systems Limited Dellner Ltd Design and Analysis Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited Dorma Kaba Ltd DRB Group Limited Dyer Engineering Ltd EBC Brakes Ferrabyrne Limited Flexicon Ltd GD Rectifiers GDM Heat Transfer Ltd GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd Grayson Thermal Systems Greenwood Engineering GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Gurit (UK) Ltd HaslerRail AG HaslerRail Secheron UK Hayley Rail Houghton International Hydram Engineering Limited HydraPower Dynamics Ltd I M Kelly R&A Ltd IFC Inflow IGW International n.v IXYS UK Westcode Ltd J-Flex Rubber Products

Jumo Instrument Co Ltd KEC Limited Kingston Engineering Co (Hull) Ltd Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Kluber Lubrication LEM Regional Office UK LPA Channel Electric LUR Ltd M Barnwell Services Ltd Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd Maycast - Nokes Precision Engineering Mettex Electric Co Ltd Micro-Mesh Filtration Midland Alloy Ltd Mini Gears Group MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Nord-Lock Group Nufox Rubber Ltd Oleo International Omnicom Balfour Beatty Parker Hannifin PD Devices Ltd Pro-Style Ltd Prysmian UK PSV Wipers Ltd Record Electrical Associates Ltd Rowe Hankins Ltd. Roxtec Ltd Sabre Rail Services Ltd Samuel Taylor Ltd Schaeffler (UK) Ltd Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Schaltbau-ME Serco Rail Technical Services Shield Batteries Ltd SKF (UK) Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Tecforce Ltd Televic Rail NV Tiflex Ltd – Trackelast Specialist Rail Solutions Time 24 TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Tribo Rail UK Ltd Trolex Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Voith Turbo Limited Vulcanite UK Wabtec Rail Limited WAGO Limited William Cook Rail Ltd Rolling Stock Fabrication AJT Engineering Ltd Arrk Europe Ltd Belvoir Rail Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Corex Honeycomb Creative Composites Ltd DRB Group Limited Hydram Engineering Limited J-Flex Rubber Products Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Nufox Rubber Ltd Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Stadler Rail Management AG Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Rolling Stock OEM Armacell UK Axair Fans UK Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Capital Seating Limited Capitol Industrial Batteries Systems Limited Datum Composites Design and Analysis Ltd Dorma Kaba Ltd DRB Group Limited EBC Brakes GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd HaslerRail AG HaslerRail Secheron UK Hitachi Rail Europe Jumo Instrument Co Ltd LUR Ltd Midland Alloy Ltd Omnicom Balfour Beatty Prysmian UK Siemens Stadler Rail Management AG

Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Techpol Ltd TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions William Cook Rail Ltd Rolling Stock Refurbishment 3M AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd AEGIS Aeropair Ltd Arbil Rail Arlington Fleet Group Arriva Traincare Arrk Europe Ltd Atlantic Design Aura Brand Solutions Axair Fans UK Limited Belvoir Rail Ltd Bernstein Ltd Brodie Engineering Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Capital Seating Limited Capitol Industrial Batteries Systems Limited Carters Flooring (Transport) Ltd Craig & Derricott Ltd Dacrylate Paints Ltd Dartford Composites Ltd Datum Composites David Brown Gear Systems Limited DB ESG Design and Analysis Ltd Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited Diamond Rail Services DRB Group Limited Forbo Flooring Systems UK Limited Freightliner Group Limited GDM Heat Transfer Ltd HydraPower Dynamics Ltd I M Kelly R&A Ltd IGW International n.v Jewers Doors Limited Jumo Instrument Co Ltd KEC Limited Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Klingspor Abrasives Limited LKQ Coatings LPA Group Plc LPA Transport Plus LUR Ltd Maycast - Nokes Precision Engineering McGeoch Technology Ltd Mettex Electric Co Ltd Midland Alloy Ltd Novograf Parker Hannifin Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd PSI Technologies Ltd S+C Engineering Samuel Taylor Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services Slingco Limited Stadler Rail Management AG Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Tecforce Ltd Techpol Ltd Televic Rail NV Time 24 TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions Tribo Rail UK Ltd Trolex Ltd Tufnol Composites Ltd TXM Consult UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Unipart Rail Voith Turbo Limited Wabtec Rail Limited William Cook Rail Ltd Seating Capital Seating Limited Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Special Lightweight Insulating Materials Cecence Ltd TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd Structural Fasteners and Lockbolts AME-3D Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor)


Industry Suppliers by Product/Service Train Heating & Airconditioning Belvoir Rail Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd Coulstock & Place Engineering Ltd Grayson Thermal Systems Gurit (UK) Ltd Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK Train to Ground Communication HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Waste Removal APPS UK Ltd Browns Fasteners Ltd CF Booth Limited Pennys Group Ltd REACT Specialist Cleaning Ltd Rhodar Limited Rolling Stock Disposal / Scrap Metal Dealers CF Booth Limited Seating Capital Seating Limited Speed/Pressure Indicators & Gauges Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd HaslerRail AG HaslerRail Secheron UK Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd Record Electrical Associates Ltd Serco Rail Technical Services TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Structural Fasteners AME-3D Browns Fasteners Ltd CAP Productions Limited HYTORC Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd Standish Engineering Co Ltd Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Traction Equipment ABB Electrification Products ABI Electronics Associated Rewinds Ireland Limited Hitachi Rail Europe Polgain Cams, Camshafts & Precision Engineering Serco Rail Technical Services TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Voith Turbo Limited Weighing Systems Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd Electroustic Ltd Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Mechan Limited Railweight Weighwell Engineering Ltd Wiper Equipment CAP Productions Limited Hepworth Group - B Hepworth and Co Ltd PSV Wipers Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd FREIGHT Cranes / Lifting Equipment ABB Electrification Products Abnormal Load Services – ALS Advante - Oasis® Welfare AE Engineering Ltd Allelys Heavy Haulage Ltd Arbil Rail Baldwins Crane Hire Ltd Brammer Brodie Engineering Limited Browns Fasteners Ltd Buck & Hickman Collett & Sons Ltd EH Hassell & Sons Ltd Emerson Crane Hire Ltd Facelift Galldris Services Ltd Houghton International


Intermodality Ltd Keytracker KP Acoustics Kranlyft UK Ltd Mechan Limited Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Nord-Lock Group Osprey Heavy Lift Power Jacks Premier Pits Railway Support Services Sunbelt Rentals Limited Thomson Engineering Design Ltd Torrent Trackside Van Elle Rail VolkerRail Yaplex Ltd Yara UK Limited Freight Handlers Abnormal Load Services – ALS Collett & Sons Ltd Galldris Services Ltd GPS Marine Contractors Ltd Keytracker KP Acoustics Osprey Heavy Lift Rail Freight Services Van Elle Rail Whittall Group Yaplex Ltd Yara UK Limited Heavy Haulage / Road Transfer Abnormal Load Services – ALS Allelys Heavy Haulage Ltd Brian Doogue Haulage Ltd Carlisle Warehousing Ltd Collett & Sons Ltd Galldris Services Ltd HTL Group Ltd Keytracker KP Acoustics Osprey Heavy Lift TSG Fleet Unipart Rail Van Elle Rail Vaughan Plant Haulage Ltd William Cook Rail Ltd Yara UK Limited Intermodal Rail Freight Abnormal Load Services – ALS Aecom Browns Fasteners Ltd DB Cargo (UK) Limited Direct Rail Services Ltd Freight Arranger Intermodality Ltd Jacobs UK Ltd Keytracker KP Acoustics Malcolm Rail Osprey Heavy Lift Rail Freight Services Stobart Rail Victa Railfreight Ltd Wabtec Rail Limited William Cook Rail Ltd Yara UK Limited Logistics Abnormal Load Services – ALS Cheshire Mouldings Collett & Sons Ltd Galldris Services Ltd Keytracker KP Acoustics Malcolm Rail Osprey Heavy Lift South Survey Ltd Specialist Engineering Services Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Van Elle Rail Yaplex Ltd Yara UK Limited Terminal / Terminal Operators British Cables Company DB Cargo (UK) Limited Direct Rail Services Ltd Furse Intermodality Ltd Keytracker Malcolm Rail Newgate (Newark) Ltd Osprey Heavy Lift Rail Freight Services Stobart Rail Van Elle Rail Whittall Group Yara UK Limited

Warehousing & Distribution Abnormal Load Services – ALS Allelys Heavy Haulage Ltd Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Carlisle Warehousing Ltd Collett & Sons Ltd Hayley Rail Intermodality Ltd Keytracker KP Acoustics Lista UK Ltd Malcolm Rail Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Osprey Heavy Lift Stobart Rail TenBroeke Company Limited TrAchem Ltd TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Unipart Rail Van Elle Rail Yara UK Limited Zeta Specialist Lighting

A-Z Directory 1st Line Defence Ltd Unit 3 Maple Park, Essex Road Hoddesdon EN11 0EX T: 01992 446974 E: info@1stlinedefence.co.uk W: www.1stlinedefence.co.uk 1stinRail 1d North Crescent, Cody Road London E16 4TE T: 020 7474 1459 E: info@1stinrail.co.uk W: www.1stinrail.co.uk 21st Century Technology 12 Charter Point Way, Ashby-De-La-Zouch Leicestershire LE65 1NF T: 0844 871 7990 E: info@21stplc.com W: www.21stplc.com 360 Vision Technology Ltd 7 Seymour Court, Manor Park Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1SY T: 0870 903 3601 E: info@360visiontechnology.com W: www.360visiontechnology.com 3Di International Limited 1 Ham Business Centre, 53 Brighton Road Shoreham-by-Sea West Sussex BN43 6RE T: 01273 464883 E: 3di@dial.pipex.com W: www.3di-international.com 3M Bracknell 3M Centre, Cain Road Bracknell Berkshire RG12 8HT T: 0870 608 0050 E: bondingsolutions.uk@3mukcit.freshdesk.com W: www.3m.co.uk 3SL Suite 2, 22a Duke Street Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria LA14 1HH T: 01229 838867 E: salesdetails@threesl.com W: www.threesl.com 3Squared Ltd Fountain Precinct, Balm Green Sheffield S1 2JA T: 0333 121 3333 E: hello@3squared.com W: www.3squared.com 3Ways Railway & Construction Services Ltd Unit 8 & 9, Thurrock Commercial Pk Purfleet Ind Park South Ockenden RM15 4XA T: 01708 680160 E: info@3waysrcs.co.uk W: www.3waysrcs.co.uk

4 Acre Ecology is an ecological consultancy offering expert advice and services, based on sound, scientific data. We provide services including species (bat, Badger, GCN, reptile, Dormouse) and habitat surveys, mitigation design, site management plans, protected species licencing, planning advice and Ecological Clerk of Works. 4 Acre Ecology The Little House, Lower Crescent Minster Lovell Witney OX29 0SD T: 01993 864958 E: info@4acreecology.co.uk W: www.4acreecology.co.uk 4 Rail Services Ltd Unit 11, Iron Bridge Close Great Central Way London NW10 0UF T: 020 8955 1700 E: enquiries@4-rail.com W: www.4-rail.com 40Seven Limited Cross Green Ind Estate, Cross Green Way Leeds LS9 0SE T: 0113 201 9700 E: info@40seven.com W: www.40seven.com 42 Technology Ltd 5-6 Meadow Lane, St Ives Cambridgeshire PE27 4LG

T: 01480 302700 E: answers@42technology.com W: www.42technology.com 80:20 Communications Hadleigh House, 232 High Street Guildford Surrey GU1 3JF T: 01483 447380 E: hello@8020comms.com W: www.8020comms.com 8Point8 Support Limited U10-12 Yorkshire Way, West Moor Park Doncaster South Yorkshire DN3 3FE T: 01302 965050 E: info@8point8support.com W: www.8point8support.com A Hingley & Son (Timber) Ltd Nether Lane, Hazlewood Belpher Derbyshire DE56 4AP T: 01773 550055 E: sales@hingleytimber.co.uk W: www.hingleytimber.co.uk A-Plant Rail 102 Dalton Avenue, Birchwood Park Warrington Cheshire WA3 6YE T: 0845 602 1304 E: rail@aplant.com W: www.aplant.com A&E Systems Europe 3 Charles Wood Road, Dereham Norfolk NR19 1SX T: 01362 694915 E: uk@ae-sys.com W: www.ae-sys.com A&J Fabtech Ltd 700 Bretton Way, Bretton Park Ind Estate Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF12 9BS T: 01924 439614 E: sales@ajfabtech.com W: www.ajfabtech.com A&M EDM Limited Unit 25, Mornington Road Smethwick West Midlands B66 2JE T: 0121 558 8352 E: info@amedm.co.uk W: www.amedm.co.uk A&M Electrical Services Ltd Unit 9, 194 Commerce Park Stephenson Road Washington NE37 3HR T: 0191 419 1519 E: info@amelectricals.com W: www.am-electricals.com A1 Group Silver Birches, Highland Avenue Wokingham Berkshire RG41 4SP T: 0118 989 4652 E: info@a1groupcomp.co.uk W: www.a1groupcomp.co.uk AA Security Ltd 57 Green Lane, Ilford Essex IG1 1XG T: 020 8514 0861 E: info@aasecurity.co.uk W: www.aasecurity.co.uk Aalco Metals Ltd Unit 6 Parkway Ind Est, Pacific Avenue Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7WP T: 01932 576820 E: info@aalco.co.uk W: www.aalco.co.uk

Specialist railway consultancy committed to excellence. Our motivation is to help clients achieve their goals by delivering expert advice across a range of disciplines and at all levels, from frontline operations through to the boardroom. Professionalism, collaboration and a friendly though determined ethos form the basis of our core values. AARC Professional Services Limited 1 Lant Close, Kings Bromley Staffordshire DE13 7JW T: 01543 472782 E: info@aarcps.co.uk W: www.aarcps.co.uk

Aaron Rail Ltd Bramhall Moor Tech Park, Pepper Road Hazel Grove Stockport SK7 5BW T: 0161 302 3670 E: enquiries@aaronrail.co.uk W: www.aaronrail.co.uk Aarsleff Ground Engineering Hawton Lane, Balderton Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 3BU T: 01636 611140 E: info@aarsleff.co.uk W: www.aarsleff.co.uk Aati Rail Limited 11 Swinborne Drive, Springwood Ind Estate Braintree Essex CM7 2YP T: 01376 346278 E: info@aati.co.uk W: www.aati.co.uk AB Connectors Ltd / TT Electronics Mountain Ash, Abercynon Rhondda Cynon Taff Wales CF45 4SF T: 01443 740331 E: sales@ttabconnectors.com W: www.ttabconnectors.com AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd Units 5-7, Warwick Street Industrial Estate Chesterfield S40 2TT T: 01246 208831 E: sales@abhoses.com W: www.abhoses.com AB Precision (Poole) Limited 1 Fleets Lane, Poole Dorset BH15 3BZ T: 01202 665000 E: enquires@abprecision.co.uk W: www.abprecision.co.uk AB Turnkey Solutions Ltd U2 The Engima Centre, Bilton Road Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1HW T: 01908 644748 E: sales@abturnkey.co.uk W: www.abturnkey.co.uk AB2000 Ltd 95 Westburn Drive, Cambuslang Glasgow Scotland G72 7NA T: 0141 646 1212 E: enquiries@ab2000.co.uk W: www.ab2000.co.uk

With over 25 years’ experience working on the railways ABA Surveying are thoroughly familiar with the challenges faced by our clients and will successfully meet and exceed all their surveying requirements. We survey, measure and accurately model all rail infrastructure including Network Rail, Tfl, LUL, DLR, Tram and Metro. ABA Surveying Ltd The Lansbury Estate, Lower Guildford Road Woking Surrey GU21 2EP T: 01483 797111 E: info@abasurveying.co.uk W: www.abasurveying.co.uk Abacus Lighting Ltd Oddicroft Lane, Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 5FT T: 01623 511111 E: sales@abacuslighting.com W: www.abacuslighting.com ABB Electrification Products Tower Court, Foleshill Enterprise Pk Courtaulds Way Coventry CV6 5NX T: 024 7636 8500 E: info@abb.co.uk W: www.abb.com Abbey Pynford Foundation Systems Ltd 2-6 Bilton Way, Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1UU T: 01442 212112 E: Info@abbeypynford.co.uk W: www.abbeypynford.co.uk

Abbi Access Services Ltd Clwyd Close, Hawarden Ind Estate Manor Lane Hawarden CH5 3PZ T: 01244 629919 E: admin@abbiaccess.com W: www.abbiaccess.com

ARC provides independent professional consultancy and assessment services to rail operators, suppliers, regulators and Government bodies in the UK and Australia. We support our clients in the approvals process through effective and efficient management of safety risks and the achievement of a safer railway. Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd 11 Albyn Place, Edinburgh EH2 4NG T: 0131 220 0164 E: rail@consultarc.com W: www.consultarc.com Abel Systems Ltd Station Road, Tupton Chesterfield Derbeyshire S42 6DA T: 01246 851175 E: sales@abelsystems.co.uk W: www.abelsystems.co.uk Abellio UK HQ 5th Floor, The Culzean Building 36 Renfield Street Glasgow G2 1LU T: 0141 320 0620 E: customer.care@abellio.co.uk W: www.abellio.com Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce The Hub Exploration Dr, Aberdeen Energy Park Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB23 8GX T: 01224 343900 E: info@agcc.co.uk W: www.agcc.co.uk ABG Construction & Mineral Tools Ltd Charterhouse Road, Coventry CV1 2BJ T: 024 7635 6344 E: info@abgtools.com W: www.abgtools.com ABG Geosynthetics E7 Meltham Mills Road, Meltham Holmfirth HD9 4BS T: 01484 852096 E: enquiries@abgltd.com W: www.abg-geosynthetics.com

ABI Electronics is a UK manufacturer of specialist equipment used in the maintenance and repair of railway electronics. ABI rail customers include international train operators, OEMs and service providers who save millions of pounds repairing instead of replacing technologies such as door controls, power electronics, braking systems, signalling, barriers and more. ABI Electronics Dodworth Business Park, Barnsley South Yorkshire S75 3SP T: 01226 207420 E: sales@abielectronics.co.uk W: www.abielectronics.co.uk Able Piling U2 Sharlands Rd Ind Est, Sharlands Road Newgate Lane Fareham Hampshire PO14 1RD T: 01489 797600 E: sales@frankifoundations.co.uk W: www.frankifoundations.co.uk Abloy UK Portobello Works, School Street Willenhall West Midlands W13 3PW T: 01902 364500 E: info@abloy.co.uk W: www.abloy.co.uk


A-Z Directory ABM Precast Solutions Ltd Ollerton Road, Tuxford Newark Nottinghamshire NG22 0PQ T: 01777 872233 E: precast@abmeurope.com W: www.abmprecast.co.uk

ALS’ teams are highly experienced logistics specialists providing our clients with a reliable, professional and honest service with one local point of contact. Our multilingual staff across the globe, offer unique multi-modal transportation management and solutions to manufacturers / suppliers of oversized and heavy lift rail vehicles which include locomotives; wagons; bogies and associated ancillary equipment. Abnormal Load Services – ALS Building 3, Eltherington Bus Pk, 1305 Hedon Road, Hull, East Yorks HU9 5QD T: 01482 796214 E: info@als-europe.com W: www.abnormal-loads.com ABP Associates Limited 8 Chancerygate Bus Ctr, Manor House Avenue Millbrook Southampton SO15 0AE T: 02380 528571 E: marvin.sexton@abp.uk.com W: www.abp.uk.com Abracs Ltd Abracs House, George Cayley Drive Clifton Moor York YO30 4XE T: 01904 789997 E: abracs@abracs.com W: www.abracs.com ABS Consulting Ltd EQE House, The Beacons, Warrington Road Birchwood Cheshire WA3 6WJ T: 01925 287300 E: enquiriesuk@abs-group.com W: www.abs-group.com ABS Consulting Ltd (London Office) ABS House, 1 Frying Pan Alley London E1 7HR T: 020 7377 4422 E: info@abs-group.com W: www.abs-group.com Absoft Ltd Davidson House, Aberdeen Innovation Pk Balgownie Road Aberdeen AB22 8GT T: 01224 707088 E: info@absoft.co.uk W: www.absoft.co.uk

Abtus Limited Falconer Road, Haverhill Suffolk CB9 7XU T: 01440 702938 E: sales@abtus.com W: www.abtus.com

Acheson + Glover 4 Marlin Office Village, 1250 Chester Road Castle Vale Birmingham B35 7AZ T: 0121 747 0202 E: specifications@ag.uk.com W: www.ag.uk.com

Adam Smith Conferences 14 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8HN T: 020 8004 5707 E: info@adamsmithconferences.com W: www.adamsmithconferences.com

ACAL BFI UK Ltd 3 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane Wokingham RG41 2EY T: 0118 978 8878 E: sales-uk@acalbfi.co.uk W: www.acalbfi.co.uk

Achilles Information Ltd 30 Western Avenue, Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4SH T: 01235 861118 E: enquiries@achilles.com W: www.achilles.com

Adamson Associates 6th floor, 1 Canada Sq Canary Wharf London E14 5AB T: 020 7418 2068 E: info-uk@adamson-associates.com W: www.adamson-associates.com

Acanthus Architects LW Voysey House, Barley Mow Passage London W4 4PN T: 020 8994 2288 E: design@acanthuslw.com W: www.acanthuslw.com

ACM Composite Bearings Ltd Derwent Way, Wath West Ind Estate Rotherham South Yorkshire S63 6EX T: 01709 874951 E: sales@acmbearings.co.uk W: www.acmbearings.co.uk

Adaptive Modules Ltd Lorna House, 103 Lorna Road Hove East Sussex BN3 3EL T: 01273 830929 E: sales@adaptivemodules.com W: www.adaptivemodules.com

Accelerator Solutions Ltd Elizabeth House, 6th Floor 39 York Road London SE1 7NQ T: 0845 260 6886 E: info@acceleratorsolutions.com W: www.acceleratorsolutions.com

ACO Technologies Plc ACO Business Park, Hitchin Road Shefford Bedfordshire SG17 5TE T: 01462 816666 E: technologies@aco.co.uk W: www.aco.co.uk

Adare SEC Byron House, Willow Drive Nottingham NG15 0DP T: 01623 727500 E: enquiries@adaresec.com W: www.adaresec.com

Accenture 9-10 St Andrew Square Edinburgh EH2 2AF T: 0131 718 3501 E: info@accenture.com W: www.accenture.com

Acorel Unit 23, Braintree Ent Centre 46 Springwood Dr Braintree CM7 2YN T: 01376 324825 E: info@acorel.com W: www.acorel.com

ADAS (Cambridge) Battle Gate Road, Boxworth Cambridge CB23 4NN T: 01954 268200 E: enquiries@adas.co.uk W: www.adas.uk

Access Design & Engineering Marsh Road, Middlesbrough Cleveland TS1 5JS T: 01952 588788 E: sales@access-design.co.uk W: www.access-design.co.uk

Acorn Group – Head Office Somerton House, Hazell Drive Newport NP10 8FY T: 01633 660000 E: branch@acornpeople.com W: www.acornpeople.com

ADAS Uk Ltd (Head Office) Spring Lodge, 172 Chester Road Helsby WA6 0AR T: 01928 726006 E: enquiries@adas.co.uk W: www.adas.co.uk

Access Disputes Committee 1 Eversholt Street, Floor 8 London NW1 2DN T: 020 7554 0601 E: sec.adc@btconnect.com W: www.accessdisputesrail.org

Acorn Industries Ltd Unit A Denby Way, Hellaby Ind Estate Rotherham South Yorkshire S66 8HR T: 0800 876 6441 E: info@acorn-ind.co.uk W: www.acorn-ind.co.uk

Addagrip Terraco Ltd Addagrip House, Bell Lane Ind Estate Uckfield East Sussex TN22 1QL T: 01825 761333 E: sales@addagrip.co.uk W: www.addagrip.co.uk

Access IS 18 Suttons Bus Park, Reading Berkshire RG6 1AZ T: 0118 966 3333 E: sales@access-is.com W: www.access-is.com

Acousteel Naylor Court, Patterson Road Blaydon-on-Tyne Tyne & Wear NE21 5SD T: 0191 499 0244 E: sales@nislimited.com W: www.acousteel.com

Addleshaw Goddard LLP Milton Gate, 60 Chiswell Street London EC1Y 4AG T: 020 7305 5692 E: info@addleshawgoddard.com W: www.addleshawgoddard.com

Acoustic Sensing Technology UK Ltd 22nd Floor City Tower, Piccadilly Plaza Manchester M1 4BT T: 0161 413 9615 E: office@acousticsensing.co.uk W: www.acousticsensing.co.uk

ADE Power Hellaby Industrial Est, Hellaby Lane Rotherham S66 8HN T: 01977 657982 E: enquiries@adeltd.co.uk W: www.adeltd.co.uk

Acrastyle Limited North Lonsdale Road, Ulverston Cumbria LA12 9DP T: 01229 583232 E: enquiries@acrastyle.co.uk W: www.acrastyle.co.uk

Adecco Group UK & Ireland Millennium Bridge House, 2 Lambeth Hill London EC4V 4BG T: 020 7403 0978 E: headoffice@adeccogroup.com W: www.adecco.co.uk

ACS Testing Ltd Unit 14, Blackhill Road West Poole Dorset BH16 6LE T: 01202 622858 E: testing@acstesting.co.uk W: www.acsgroupofcompanies.co.uk

Adeo Construction Consultants Oakhurst Business Park, Wilberforce Way Southwater West Sussex RH13 9RT T: 01403 821770 E: enquiries@adeo.uk.com W: www.adeo.uk.com

Actaccom Ltd (Actiform Group) Queens Buildings, Lowlands Road Mirfield West Yorkshire WF14 8LX T: 01924 498557 E: sales@actiformgroup.co.uk W: www.actiformgroup.co.uk

Adey Steel Falcon Industrial Park, Meadow Lane Loughborough LE11 1HL T: 01509 556677 E: mail@adeysteel.co.uk W: www.adeysteelgroup.co.uk

Actavo Building Solutions Unit 1 First Floor, Calder Close Calder Park Wakefield WF4 3BA T: 0330 102 5544 E: building.uk@actavo.com W: www.actavo.com

Adfield Group The Granary, Beckbury Shifnal Shropshire TF11 9DG T: 01952 752500 E: hello@adfield.co.uk W: www.adfield.co.uk

Acumen Design Associates Ltd Holborn Hall, 193-197 High Holborn London WC1V 7BD T: 020 3026 4560 E: info@acumen-da.com W: www.acumen-da.com

Adfil Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road Barbican London EC1M 7AD T: 01482 863777 E: info@adfil.co.uk W: www.adfil.com

ACCON UK are specialists in noise and vibration for railway projects. As one of the leading expert consultancies in railway noise, vibration, and ground-borne noise, with over 30 years’ experience in rail projects, we are able to provide specialist consultancy services covering planning, construction, operation and investigation of noise issues. ACCON UK Limited Unit B Fronds Park, Frouds Lane Aldermaston Reading RG7 4LH T: 0118 971 0000 E: enquiry@accon-uk.com W: www.accon-uk.com

AbsTracked Solutions is a highly respected safety, assurance and competence management consultancy, specialising in the railway and airport sectors. Our core workstreams include regulatory submissions, change management, project safety assurance and accident investigation. For information on these services or for a demonstration of our tablet-based electronic competence management application, please visit ‘Contact Us’ at www.AbsTracked.co.uk. AbsTracked Solutions Ltd AbsTracked House, 120 Birches Lane South Wingfield Derbyshire DE55 7LZ T: 07872 609 619 E: enquiries@AbsTracked.co.uk W: www.abstracked.co.uk


Accord Marketing Ltd Endeavour House, 189 Shaftesbury Avenue Covent Garden London WC2H 8JR T: 020 7395 9655 E: enquiries@accordmarketing.com W: www.accordmarketing.com Accurate Section Benders Dawley Brook Road, Kingswinford West Midlands DY6 7AU T: 01384 402402 E: sales@accuratesectionbenders.co.uk W: www.accuratesectionbenders.co.uk Aces Compressors Unit 4 Tower Estate, Warpsgrove Lane Chalgrove Oxfordshire OX44 7XZ T: 01865 891522 E: info@acescomp.co.uk W: www.acescomp.co.uk

A-Z Directory

Adomast manufacture a comprehensive range of high performance and specialist construction chemicals for civil engineering and railway applications. Included are a diverse and high quality range of cementitious and epoxy and polyester resin based protective/repair compounds. We also offer bespoke manufacturing where products can be specifically designed for exacting applications. Adomast Manufacturing Limited Units 1 & 2, Barkston Road Carlton Ind Estate Barnsley S71 3HU T: 01226 707863 E: enquiries@adomast.co.uk W: www.adomast.co.uk ADP Group Ltd Firing Close Farm, Wickwar Wotton Under Edge Gloucestershire GL12 8PE T: 01454 227115 E: info@adpgroupltd.com W: www.adpgroupltd.com ADS Group Limited (Farnborough) Show Centre, ETPS Road, Farnborough Aerodrome Hampshire GU14 6FD T: 020 7091 4500 E: enquiries@adsgroup.org.uk W: www.adsgroup.org.uk ADS Group Limited (Head Office) Salamanca Square, 9 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SP T: 020 7091 4500 E: enquiries@adsgroup.org.uk W: www.adsgroup.org.uk ADT Fire & Security Security House, The Summit Hanworth Road Sunbury on Thames TW16 5DB T: 01932 743229 E: sales@adt.co.uk W: www.tycoint.com Advance Electronics Ltd Advance Park, Wrexham Wales LL14 3YR T: 01978 821000 E: sales@aelgroup.co.uk W: www.aelgroup.co.uk Advance Training & Recruitment Stamford House, 91 Woodbridge Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4QD T: 01483 361061 E: info@advance-trs.com W: www.advance-trs.com Advanced Building Composites (ABC) Ltd Civils House, Cemetery Road Telford Shropshire TF4 2BS T: 01952 504288 E: sales@abc-uk.com W: www.abc-uk.com Advanced Chemical Etching Ltd (ACE) 31-34 Hortonwood 33, Telford Shropshire TF1 7EX T: 01952 416666 E: info@ace-uk.net W: www.ace-uk.net Advanced Engineering Techniques Ltd (AET UK) 9-15 Holbrook Avenue, Holbrook Ind Estate Halfway Sheffield S20 3FF T: 0114 247 5725 E: sales@aetuk.com W: www.aetuk.com Advanced Handling Ltd Newcombe Way, Orton Southgate Peterborough PE2 6SE T: 01778 345365 E: sales@advancedhandling.co.uk W: www.advancedhandling.co.uk Advanced New Technology Pippingford Park Manor, Nutley Uckfield TN22 3HW T: 01825 713058 E: info@a-n-t.com W: www.a-n-t.com

Advanced Resource Managers (ARM) Langstone Tech Park, Langstone Road Havant Hampshire PO9 1SA T: 023 9222 8228 E: hello@arm.co.uk W: www.arm.co.uk Advanced Selection Ltd 30 Bell Street, Romsey Hamsphire SO51 8GW T: 023 8074 4455 E: office@advancedselect.co.uk W: www.advancedselect.co.uk Advantage Resourcing (London & City) No 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8EJ T: 020 7390 7000 E: infoaruk@advantageresourcing.com W: www.advantageresourcing.co.uk Advantage xPO No 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8EJ T: 020 7390 7000 E: info@advantagexpo.com W: www.advantagexpo.com Advante - Oasis® Welfare 10/11 Argent Court, Sylvan Way Basildon Essex SS15 6TH T: 01268 280500 E: sales@advante.co.uk W: www.advante.co.uk Advantech Unit 3 Gunnery Terrace, Duke of Wellington Ave Royal Arsenal Woolwich London SE18 6SW T: 020 8836 9732 E: embedded@advantech.eu W: www.advantech.eu AE Engineering Ltd Unit 3, Maritime Street Fleetwood Lancashire FY7 7PB T: 0800 987 5434 E: info@ae-engineering.co.uk W: www.ae-engineering.co.uk AE Harris & Co (Birmingham) Ltd 109-138 Northwood St Birmingham B3 1SZ T: 0121 200 3700 E: sales@aeharris.co.uk W: www.aeharris.co.uk AE Oscroft & Sons Limited Washford Ind Estate, Heming Road Redditch Worcestershire B98 0EA T: 01527 502203 E: info@aeoscroft.co.uk W: www.aeoscroft.co.uk AE Yates Ltd Cranfield Road, Lostock Ind Estate Lostock Bolton BL6 4SB T: 01204 696175 E: civils@aeyates.co.uk W: www.aeyates.co.uk Aecom Tricentre 3, Newbridge Square Swindon SN1 1BY T: 01793 508500 E: enquiries@aecom.com W: www.aecom.com Aedas Group Ltd Ivory House, St Katharine Docks London E1W 1AT T: 020 3764 5450 E: London@aedas.com W: www.aedas.com AEG Power Solutions Ltd Electric Avenue, Enfield Middlesex EN3 7XU T: 01992 719200 E: sales@aegps.com W: www.aegps.com

AEGIS was formed in 1997 as an independent engineering company and now incorporates Aegis Engineering Systems Ltd and Aegis Certification Services Ltd. Since its formation AEGIS has built a reputation for engineering expertise, innovative solutions and value for money. Key services include Engineering, Assurance, Compatibility, RAMS, CSM and Independent Services AEGIS 29 Brunel Parkway, Pride Park Derby DE24 8HR T: 01332 384302 E: sales@aegisengineering.co.uk W: www.aegisengineering.co.uk AEI Cables Durham Road, Birtley Chester-le-Street County Durham DH3 2TD T: 0191 410 3111 E: sales@aeicables.co.uk W: www.aeicables.co.uk Aerco Ltd 17 Lawson Hunt Ind Park, Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3JR T: 01403 260206 E: sales@aerco.co.uk W: www.aerco.co.uk Aerolux Ltd 91 Chorley Road, Blackpool Lancashire FY3 7XQ T: 01253 396670 E: sales@aerolux.co.uk W: www.aerolux.co.uk

Aeropair are a 25 year old, Worldwide, Aircraft and Railway Carriage Interior Production and Repair company with vast experience on all Composite, Plastic and Metallic machined and formed parts to include seating with a range of over 5000 parts, with JV’s in Asia and India for the supply of Multiple Fabric solutions. Bespoke VVIP & VIP Interiors also supported. Aeropair Ltd 5 Neil Street, Meadowside Street Renfrew Scotland PA4 8TA T: 0141 886 7005 E: enquiries@aeropair.co.uk W: www.aeropair.co.uk AF Switchgear Ltd Nunn Brook Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 2HU T: 01623 555600 E: sales@afswitchgear.co.uk W: www.afswitchgear.co.uk Afford Rent A Car Royal Oak Garage, City Road Fenton Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2PX T: 01782 848627 E: info@affordrentacar.co.uk W: www.affordrentacar.co.uk AGD Equipment Ltd Avonbrook House, 198 Masons Road Stratford Ent Park Stratford CV37 9LQ T: 01789 292227 E: info@agd-equipment.co.uk W: www.agd-equipment.co.uk AGD Systems Ltd White Lion House, Gloucester Road Cheltenham GL51 0TF T: 01452 854212 E: sales@agd-systems.com W: www.agd-systems.com Agency Brazil 54 Marshall Street, Soho London W1D 7AZ T: 020 7785 7383 E: london@agencybrazil.com W: www.agencybrazil.com

Aggregate Industries UK Ltd (Leicestershire) Bardon Hill, Coalville Leicestershire LE67 1TL T: 01530 510066 E: aggregates@aggregate.com W: www.aggregate.com Aggregate Industries UK Ltd (Scotland) Duntilland Quay, Salsburgh Shotts North Lanarkshire ML7 4NZ T: 01698 870811 E: aggregates@aggregate.com W: www.aggregate.com Aggregate Industries UK Ltd (Somerset) Edwin Sims House, Vallis Road Frome Somerset BA11 3EG T: 01373 456789 E: aggregates@aggregate.com W: www.aggregate.com Aggreko UK Ltd Kimpton Ind Estate, 14 Sandiford Road Sutton SM3 9RD T: 0345 824 7365 E: hire@aggreko.co.uk W: www.aggreko.co.uk AGH Engineering Ltd Mill House, North Street York North Yorkshire YO1 6JQ T: 01904 545040 E: info@aghengineering.co.uk W: www.aghengineering.co.uk Agility3 Modelling and Simulation Unit 7 Titmore Court, Titmore Green Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 7JT T: 01438 488066 E: info@agility3.co.uk W: www.agility3.co.uk AGS One (Anti Graffiti Systems) Unit D, Prospect House, Hyde Business Park Brighton BN2 4JE T: 01273 690059 E: info@agsone.co.uk W: www.agsone.co.uk AHL Resourcing Solutions Ltd Unit B3, Hillborough Bus Park Sweechbridge Road Herne Bay Kent CT6 6TE T: 01227 362415 E: info@ahlsolutions.co.uk W: www.ahlsolutions.co.uk AHR Group Limited 5-8 Harwick Street London EC1R 4RG T: 020 7837 9789 E: london@ahr.co.uk W: www.ahr.co.uk AIA Worldwide Ltd 200 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4HD T: 020 7993 1300 E: contactus@aia.co.uk W: www.aia.co.uk Ainscough Crane Hire Limited Bradley Hall, Bradley Lane Standish Lancashire WN6 0XQ T: 0800 272 637 E: info@ainscough.co.uk W: www.ainscough.co.uk Air Products PLC Hersham Place, 41-61 Molesey Road Hersham Walton On Thames KT12 4RZ T: 0800 389 0202 E: apukinfo@airproducts.com W: www.airproduct.co.uk Air Rail News Ltd Link House, 140 Tolworth Broadway Surbiton KT6 7HT T: 020 8339 6124 E: info@globalairrail.com W: www.globalairrail.com Air Sea Scotland Ltd Eagle House, 159 Wright Street Renfrew Renfrewshire PA4 8AN T: 0141 887 8877 E: admin@airseascotland.co.uk W: www.airseascotland.co.uk


A-Z Directory Aird Geomatics Ltd 222-224, Queensferry Road Edinburgh EH4 2BN T: 0131 322 4141 E: geomatics@airdgroup.co.uk W: www.airdgroup.co.uk Airguard Filters Ltd Unit 16, Watery Lane Ind Estate Willenhall West Midlands WV13 3SU T: 0333 323 2684 E: sales@airguardfilters.co.uk W: www.airguardfilters.co.uk Airport Operators Assocation 3 Birdcage Walk London SW1H 9JJ T: 020 7799 3171 E: info@aoa.org.uk W: www.aoa.org.uk Airquick Ltd Brunel Business Park, Jessop Close Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 2AE T: 01636 640480 E: sales@airquick.co.uk W: www.airquick.co.uk Airtec International Ltd 40 Couper Street, Glasgow Scotland G4 0DL T: 0141 552 5591 E: enquiries@airtecinternational.co.uk W: www.airtecinternational.com AJ Paveley & Co 416 Golden Hillock Road, Birmingham West Midlands B112QH T: 0121 772 1739 E: sales@ajpaveley.com W: www.ajpaveley.com AJ Wells Architectural Enamel Bishop’s Way, Newport Isle of Wight PO30 5WS T: 01983 537766 E: enamel@ajwells.co.uk W: www.ajwells.com AJC Retail Solutions Ltd 1 Bilton Way, Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1UU T: 01582 727760 E: info@ajcretailsolutions.co.uk W: www.ajcretailsolutions.co.uk AJC Trailers Ltd Unit 10, Cosgrove Way Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1XL T: 01582 486663 E: info@ajc-trailers.co.uk W: www.easycabin.co.uk AJT Engineering Ltd Craigshaw Crescent, West Tullos Aberdeen AB12 3TB T: 01224 871791 E: info@ajt-engineering.co.uk W: www.ajt-engineering.co.uk Aker Solutions Building 6, Chiswick Park 566 High Road London W4 5YS T: 020 8987 2000 E: info@akersolutions.com W: www.akersolutions.com AKKA Aeroconseil UK 4 Brabazon Office Park, Gold Course Lane Filton Bristol BS34 7PZ T: 0117 974 9820 E: aeroconseil-uk@aeroconseil.com W: www.akka-technologies.com Al-Vac UK Limited Beecroft Nursery, Queen Anne Drive Wimborne Dorset BH21 3BA T: 01202 668001 E: mike@al-vac.co.uk W: www.al-vac.co.uk Alan Dick Communications Ltd Unit 11 Billet Lane, Normanby Ent Park Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 9YH T: 01724 292200 E: info@alandickcomms.com W: www.alandickcomms.com Alcad 1st Floor Unit 5, Astra Centre Edingburgh Way Harlow CM20 2BN


T: 01279 772555 E: alcad@alcad.com W: www.alcad.com Alchemy Metals Ltd Cavendish Point, Cavendish Road Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EU T: 01438 745307 E: enquiries@alchemymetals.co.uk W: www.alchemymetals.com ALControl Oil & Fuel Labratories Ltd (Conwy) Unit 6, Conwy, Morfa Enterprise Park Parc Caer Seion Conwy Gwynedd LL32 8FA T: 01492 574750 E: oilinfo@alcontrol.com W: www.alcontrol.com ALE Heavylift – Head Office 2 Parker Court, Staffordshire Tech Park Stafford ST18 0WP T: 01889 272500 E: info@ale-heavylift.co.uk W: www.ale-heavylift.com ALE UK Ltd G/F Lunar House, Mercury Business Park Wycombe Lane Buckinghamshire HP10 0HH T: 01628 810777 E: info.uki@al-enterprise.com W: www.al-enterprise.com Alere Healthcare Connections Ltd U8 Prospect Bus Park, Langston Road Loughton Essex IG10 3TR T: 0845 677 3002 E: sales@alerehealthcareconnections.com W: www.alerehealthcareconnections.com Alere Toxicology PLC (Formerly Concateno UK) 21 Blacklands Way, Abingdon Business Park Abingdon OX14 1DY T: 01235 861483 E: toxeu.enquiries@alere.com W: www.aleretoxicology.com Alexandra West Park House, Thornbury Bristol BS35 2NT T: 0333 600 1111 E: customercare@alexandra.co.uk W: www.alexandra.co.uk Alfred Bagnall & Sons (North) 6 Manor Lane, Shipley West Yorkshire BD18 3RD T: 01274 714800 E: info@bagnalls.co.uk W: www.bagnalls.co.uk All Clothing & Protection Ltd U6-7 Manor Park Ind Est, Station Road South Southampton Hampshire SO40 9HP T: 023 8042 8003 E: sales@allclothing.co.uk W: www.allclothing.co.uk Allan J Hargreaves Plant Engineers Ltd Longmeadow Lane, Red Marsh Ind Estate Thornton Cleveleys FY5 4JT T: 01253 859677 E: enquiries@ajhplant.com W: www.ajhplant.com Allan Webb Ltd Red Lodge, Bonds Mill Stonehouse GL10 3RF T: 01453 824581 E: sales@allanwebb.co.uk W: www.allanwebb.co.uk Allelys Heavy Haulage Ltd Benavon, The Slough Studley Warwickshire B80 7EN T: 01527 852408 E: heavyhaulage@allelys.co.uk W: www.allelys.co.uk ALLEN & YORK Ltd Farrs House, Cowgrove Wimborne Dorset BH21 4EL T: 01202 888986 E: info@allen-york.com W: www.allen-york.com Allen Watson Ltd Rowhook Manor Estate, Rowhook Horsham RH12 3PS T: 01403 790772 E: sales@allenwatson.com W: www.allenwatson.com

Allerton Steel Thurston Road, Northallerton North Yorkshire DL6 2NA T: 01609 774471 E: contactus@allertonsteel.co.uk W: www.allertonsteel.co.uk

ALLIANCE is a UK based NDT Company providing the full range of Non-Destructive Testing Services, however, we specialise in Asset Management Programmes which utilise our highly skilled and experienced API and EEMUA Engineers. Our core business is dedicated to the Inspection and Certification of Ageing Plant on COMAH sites throughout the UK.

Alpeco Ltd 66-69 Rabans Close, Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP19 8RS T: 01296 619510 E: sales@alpeco.co.uk W: www.alpecoltd.com Alpha Adhesives & Sealants Ltd Llewellyn Close, Sandy Lane Ind Estate Stourport Worcestershire DY13 9RH T: 01299 828626 E: sales@alpha-adhesives.co.uk W: www.alpha-adhesives.co.uk Alpha Electronics Ltd (Southern) U6-7 Spectrum Bus Park, Bircholt Road Maidstone Kent ME15 9YP T: 01622 690187 E: sales@alpha-electronics.com W: www.alpha-electronics.com

Alliance Inspection Ltd Unit 9, Old Marsh Farm Barns Old Marsh Farm Rd Sealand Chester CH5 2LY T: 01244 952531 E: enquiries@allianceinspection.co.uk W: www.allianceinspection.co.uk

Alpha Sheetmetal Ltd Unit 7, Naylor Road Sweetbriar Ind Est Norwich NR3 2BZ T: 01603 486108 E: sales@alphasheetmetal.com W: www.alphasheetmetal.com

Alliance Rail Holdings Northern House, Rougier Street York YO1 6HZ T: 01904 628904 E: info@alliancerail.co.uk W: www.alliancerail.co.uk

Alpha Technologies Europe Ltd Twyford House, Thorley Bishop’s Stortford Hertfordshire CM22 7PA T: 01279 501110 E: customerservice-EMEA@alphatechnologies.com W: www.alphatechnologies.com

Allied Insulators Ltd Unit 5, Scotia Road Bus Park Fitzgerald Way Tunstall Staffs ST6 4HN T: 0845 481 0208 E: enquiries@alliedinsulators.com W: www.alliedinsulators.com

Alphatek Hyperperformance Coatings Ltd A5 Cuba Ind Estate, Bolton Road North Ramsbottom BL0 0NE T: 01706 821021 E: postbox@alphatek.co.uk W: www.alphatek.co.uk

Allies & Morrison 85 Southwark Street London SE1 0HX T: 020 7921 0100 E: newprojects@alliesandmorrison.com W: www.alliesandmorrison.com

Alsim System Building Limited Stockholm Road, Hull East Yorkshire HU7 0XW T: 01482 372525 E: enquiry@alsim.co.uk W: www.alsim.co.uk

Allison Enterprises Ltd East Fordell, Glenfarg Perth Scotland PH22 9QQ T: 01577 830003 E: info@allisonenterprises.co.uk W: www.allisonenterprises.co.uk

Alstom Transport UK Ltd Inspira House, Martinfield Welwyn Garden City AL7 1GW T: 01707 383700 E: sales@transport.alstom.com W: www.alstom.com

Allport Cargo Services Ltd Allport House, 1 Cowley Business Park Cowley Uxbridge UB8 2AD T: 01895 206000 E: info@uk.allportcargoservices.com W: www.allportcargoservices.com

Alstom UK The Place, 175 High Holborn London WC1V 7AA T: 020 7438 9230 E: AES-UK@alstom.com W: www.alstom.com

Allsee Technologies Ltd Unit 5 Woodgate BP, Kettles Wood Drive Birmingham B32 3DB T: 0121 421 4458 E: info@allsee-tech.com W: www.allsee-tech.com

Alter Lanscapes Ltd Weels Farm, Lochwinnoch Renfrewshire Scotland PA12 4LD T: 01505 842201 E: enquiries@alterfencing.com W: www.alterlandscapes.co.uk

Alltask Alltask House, Commissioners Road Medway City Estate Strood ME2 4EJ T: 01634 298000 E: enquiries@alltask.co.uk W: www.alltask.co.uk Alltype Fencing Specialists Ltd Ye Wentes Wayes, High Road Langdon Hills Essex SS16 6HY T: 01268 545192 E: sales@alltypefencing.com W: www.alltypefencing.com Ally Structures Unit 5a, Aviation Park, Flint Road Saltney Ferry Chester CH4 0GZ T: 01244 531889 E: sales@allystructures.co.uk W: www.allystructures.co.uk Alma Rail Limited 176 Chesterfield Road, North Wingfield Chesterfield Derbyshire S42 5LA T: 01246 852621 E: info@almarail.co.uk W: www.almarail.co.uk

Althon are the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of Precast Concrete Headwalls with the largest range in the UK. These can be specified with factory fitted accessories including penstocks, flap valves, handrails & trash screens. Althon’s website has a Headwall Specifier Tool, making it easy to identify the most appropriate models & accessories. Althon Limited MAG Group Building, Vulcan Road South Norwich Norfolk NR6 6AF T: 01603 488700 E: sales@althon.co.uk W: www.althon.co.uk Altran UK Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane London SE1 2HP T: 020 3117 0700 E: reception@altran.com W: www.altran.co.uk

A-Z Directory Altro Works Road, Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 1NW T: 01462 489516 E: enquiries@altro.com W: www.altro.com Alucast Limited Western Way, Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7BW T: 0121 556 6111 E: sales@alucast.co.uk W: www.alucast.co.uk Alumasc Water Management Solutions Station Road, Burton Latimer Kettering Northamptonshire NN15 5JP T: 01536 383810 E: info@alumascwms.co.uk W: www.alumascwms.co.uk Aluminium Lighting Company Ltd Croeserv Ind Estate, Eastern Avenue Cymmer Port Talbot SA13 3PB T: 01639 852502 E: sales@alulight.co.uk W: www.aluminium-lighting.com Aluminium Special Projects Ltd (ASP Group) Unit 39 Second Avenue, The Pensnett Estate Kingswinford West Midlands DY6 7UW T: 01384 291900 E: help@aspgroup.co.uk W: www.aspgroup.co.uk Alun Griffiths Ltd Waterways House, Merthyr Road Llanfoist Abergavenny NP7 9PE T: 01873 857211 E: enquiries@alungriffiths.co.uk W: www.alungriffiths.co.uk AM Sensors Ltd Chedzoy Lane, Chedzoy Bridgewater Somerset TA7 8QS T: 01278 448374 E: info@amsensors.com W: www.amsensors.com

AM1 Projects are a specialist Principal Contractor established in 2011 to maintain, design and build E&P electrification schemes for the rail and transport sector. Our multi-disciplined E&P teams carry out routine maintenance, modifications, and renewals on existing & new infrastructure to provide a safe and reliable rail network. AM1 Projects Ltd 111 Hopewell Drive, Chatham Kent ME5 7NP T: 01634 400033 E: info@am1projects.co.uk W: www.am1projects.co.uk Amantys Power Electronics Ltd Compass House, Vision Park Histon Cambridge CB24 9AD T: 01223 652530 E: info@amantys.co.uk W: www.amantys.co.uk Amaro Group Unit J2, Knights Park Ind Estate Knights Road Strood Rochester ME2 2LS T: 0845 207 1190 E: equiries@amarogoup.co.uk W: www.amarogroup.co.uk Amazon Medical Limited Carrington Bus Park, Carrington Manchester M31 4XL T: 0161 776 4336 E: sales@amazonmedical.co.uk W: www.amazonmedical.co.uk

One of the world’s leading engineering companies in underground design for more than 50 years. Developing design and construction solutions in the fields of underground railway, road and metro tunnels, caverns and infrastructure galleries. Specialising in innovative solutions for the subterranean space. We are part of the Amberg Group who are a leading provider in infrastructure and logistic solutions. Amberg Engineering AG Trockenloostrasse 21, 8105 Regensdorf-Watt Switzerland T: +41 44 870 91 11 E: information@amberg.ch W: ambergengineering.com Amberol Ltd The Plantation, King Street Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7TT T: 01773 830930 E: sales@amberol.co.uk W: www.amberol.co.uk AmcoGiffen Whaley Road, Barugh Barnsley S75 1HT T: 01226 243413 E: info@amcogiffen.co.uk W: www.amcogiffen.co.uk AME-3D Momentum House, Church Lane Dinnington Sheffield S25 2RG T: 01909 550 999 E: info@ame-3d.co.uk W: www.ame-3d.co.uk

45 Years Quality Manufacturing and Supply of Signal Conditioning, Process Monitoring and Control Instrumentation for the process industry sectors. Seismic qualified Non-Smart, Non-uProcessor based, Type A instruments for SIL 1, SIL 2, SIL 3 rated Safety System Loop applications, as well as Network Rail Approved Non-intrusive AC/DC Current Transducers. AMELEC Instruments Cochran Close, Crownhill Ind Estate Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK8 0AJ T: 01908 567003 E: sales@amelec-uk.com W: www.amelec-uk.com Ametek Airscrew 111 Windmill Road, Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex TW16 7EF T: 01932 765822 E: mail.airscrew@ametek.co.uk W: www.ametekaerospaceanddefense.com Amethyst Surveys Ltd Unit 2 Davy Court, Central Park Rugby Warwickshire CV23 0UZ T: 01788 566740 E: enquiries@amethystsurveys.com W: www.amethystsurveys.com Amey Rail 10 Furnival Street, London EC4A 1AB T: 0800 521660 E: customercontact@amey.co.uk W: www.amey.co.uk Amey TPT 3rd Floor, 10 Furnival Street London EC4A 1AB T: 020 7921 2930 E: enquiriesTPT@amey.co.uk W: www.tpt.amey.co.uk AMG Superalloys Ltd Fullerton Road, Rotherham South Yorkshire S60 1DL T: 01709 828500 E: info@amg-s.com W: www.amg-s.com

Amida Ltd 1st Floor, Victoria House 1 Leonard Circus London EC2A 4DQ T: 020 7033 3100 E: london@amida-recruit.com W: www.amida-recruit.com AMOT Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 3SZ T: 01284 762222 E: info@amot.com W: www.amot.com Ampetronic Ltd Unit 2 Trentside, Business Village Farndon Road Newark NG24 4XB T: 01636 610062 E: support@ampetronic.co W: www.ampetronic.co Amphenol Ltd Thanet Way, Whitstable Kent CT5 3JF T: 01227 773200 E: info@amphenol.co.uk W: www.amphenol.co.uk Amplicon Centenary Ind Estate, Hollingdean Road Brighton BN2 4AW T: 01273 570220 E: sales@amplicon.com W: www.amplicon.com Ampteam Ltd 5/6 Charlotte Street Dudley West Midlands DY1 1TD T: 01384 252777 E: unifold@ampsteam.co.uk W: www.ampteam.co.uk AMS Acoustics Ltd 104 Fox Lane London N13 4AX T: 020 8886 4060 E: info@amsacoustics.com W: www.amsacoustics.co.uk AMS No-Dig Ltd Brigg Road Scunthorpe DN16 1AP T: 01724 294294 E: enquiries@amsnodig.com W: www.amsnodig.com AMT Coffee Ltd 1 Knightsbridge Green London SW1X 7NE T: 020 3772 4000 E: feedback@amtcoffee.co.uk W: www.amtcoffee.co.uk AMT Sybex Ltd The Spirella Building, Bridge Road Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 4ET T: 01462 476400 E: info@amt-sybex.com W: www.amt-sybex.com Amtrain (Midlands) Ltd A38 Southbound, Rykneld Street Fradley Staffordshire WS13 8RD T: 01283 792633 E: info@amtrain.co.uk W: www.amtrain.co.uk AN Wallis & Co Ltd Greasley Street, Bulwell Nottingham NG6 8NG T: 0115 927 1721 E: info@an-wallis.com W: www.an-wallis.com AN4 Group Ltd 8 The Windmills, St Marys Close Alton Hampshire GU34 1EF T: 01420 544440 E: sales@an4group.com W: www.an4group.com Analysis by Firth Suite 101A Standish Cen, Cross Street Standish wigan WN6 0HQ T: 01257 427667 E: info@abyf.co.uk W: www.abyf.co.uk

Analysys Mason is the world’s leading management consultancy focused on telecoms, media and technology (TMT). We bring together unparalleled commercial and technical understanding to deliver bespoke consultancy on strategy, transaction support, transformation, regulation and policy, further strengthened by globally respected research. We are committed to our clients, employees and communities – contributing to a world where technology delivers for all. Analysys Mason Limited Bush House, North West Wing Aldwych London WC2B 4PJ T: 020 7395 9000 E: enquiries@analysysmason.com W: www.analysysmason.com Anchor Systems (International) Ltd Units 44-46, Rowfant Business Centre Wallage Lane Rowfant W Sussex RH10 4NQ T: 01342 719362 E: info@anchorsystems.co.uk W: www.anchorsystems.co.uk Anderselite Ltd (Head Office) 1st Floor, 100 Cannon Street London EC4N 6TU T: 020 7743 7500 E: contactus@anderselite.com W: www.anderselite.com Anderselite Ltd (Salford Office) Adamson House, 2 Centenary Way Salford Manchester M50 1RD T: 0161 832 7577 E: contactus@anderselite.com W: www.anderselite.com Anderson Acoustics Unit 9, Baden Place Crosby Row London SE1 1YW T: 020 3176 7909 E: hello@andersonacoustics.co.uk W: www.andersonacoustics.co.uk Anderton Concrete Products Units 1&2 Cosgrove, Business Park Soot Hill Anderton Cheshire Northwich CW9 6AA T: 0333 234 3434 E: rail@andertonconcrete.co.uk W: www.andertonconcrete.co.uk Andover Trailers Limited 75 Columbus Way, Walworth Ind Estate Andover Hampshire SP10 5NP T: 01264 358944 E: sales@andovertrailers.co.uk W: www.andovertrailers.co.uk Andreas STIHL Ltd STIHL House, Stanhope Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3YT T: 01276 20202 E: enquiries@stihl.co.uk W: www.stihl.co.uk Andrew Reid 240 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NW T: 020 7332 0500 E: general@andrewreid.co.uk W: www.andrewreid.co.uk Andrews Fasteners Limited Unit 8, Latchmore Park Latchmore Road Leeds LS12 6DN T: 0113 246 9992 E: sales@andrewsfasteners.co.uk W: www.andrewsfasteners.uk Andrews Signs & Engravers Ltd Units 5 & 6, Rawcliffe Ind Estate Manor Lane York YO30 5XY T: 01904 400800 E: sales@andrewssigns.co.uk W: www.andrewssigns.co.uk Andy Foan Ltd 15 Bloomsbury Drive, Nuthall Nottingham NG16 1RJ T: 07584 191412 E: SandC@andyfoan.co.uk W: www.andyfoan.co.uk


A-Z Directory Angel Trains Limited 123 Victoria Street London SW1E 6DE T: 020 7592 0500 E: communications@angeltrains.co.uk W: www.angeltrains.co.uk

Anthony Brookes Surveys Ltd Unit 2, Thornbury Office Park Midland Way Thornbury BS35 2BS T: 01454 419133 E: absurveys@aol.com W: www.anthonybrookes.com

Apex Engineering Ltd Unit B5 Southgate, Commerce Park Frome Somerset BA11 2RY T: 01373 469977 E: office@apexengineering.co.uk W: www.apexengineering.co.uk

APT Skidata Ltd Unit 1, Maxted Corner Maxted Road Hemel Hempstead HP2 7RA T: 020 8421 2411 E: enquiries@aptskidata.co.uk W: www.aptcontrols.co.uk

Anglia Land Surveys Ltd Bowthorpe Hall Road, Bowthorpe Hall Norwich NR5 9AA T: 01603 749600 E: mail@als-surveys.com W: www.als-surveys.com

ANV Measurement System Beaufort Court, 17 Roebuck Way Milton Keynes MK5 8HL T: 01908 642846 E: info@noise-and-vibration.co.uk W: www.noise-and-vibration.co.uk

Apex Engineering Services Ltd F7 Waterfront Studios, 1 Dock Road London E16 1AH T: 020 7018 1635 E: enquiry@apex.uk.net W: www.apex.uk.net

Aqua Fabrications Ltd Belmont House, Garnett Place Skelmersdale Lancashire WN8 9UB T: 01695 51933 E: sales@aquafab.co.uk W: www.aquafab.co.uk

Anglia Metal Ltd Good Hope Close, Normanton Ind Estate Normanton West Yorkshire WS6 1TR T: 01924 223744 E: sales@angliametal.com W: www.anglianmetal.com

Aon Ltd The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building 122 Leadenhall St London EC3V 4AN T: 020 7623 5500 E: enquiries@aon.com W: www.aon.com

Apex Engineering Solutions 9 York Place Leeds LS1 2DS T: 0113 245 3309 E: leeds@apexes.co.uk W: www.apexes.co.uk

Aqua-Solv Solutions Ltd 5 Malt Kiln Road, Plumley Knutsford Cheshire WA16 OTS T: 01565 740600 E: info@aquasolvsolutions.com W: www.aquasolvsolutions.com

Anglian NDT Limited 27 Haverscroft Ind Est, New Road Attleborough Norfolk NR17 1YE T: 01953 457070 E: info@angliandt.com W: www.anglianndt.com

AP Diesels Ltd 25a Victoria Street, Englefield Green Egham Surrey TW20 0QY T: 01784 437228 E: office@apdiesels.com W: www.apdiesels.com

API Capacitors Leyden Works, Station Road Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR31 0HB T: 01493 652752 E: info@api-capacitors.com W: www.api-capacitors.com

Aquarius Railroad Technologies Ltd Old Sleningford Farm, North Stainley Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3JB T: 01765 635021 E: enquiries@aquariusrail.com W: www.aquariusrail.com

Animal Systems Ltd 4 St Mary’s Courtyard, East Farm, Codford Warminster Wiltshire BA12 0PG T: 01985 800300 E: admin@animalsystems.co.uk W: www.animalsystems.co.uk

AP Webb Plant Hire Ltd Common Road, Stafford Staffordshire ST16 3DQ T: 01785 241335 E: info@apwebbplanthire.co.uk W: www.apwebbplanthire.co.uk

Apollo Chemicals Ltd Sandy Way, Amington Ind Estate Tamworth Staffordshire B77 4DS T: 01827 54281 E: enquiries@apollo.co.uk W: www.apollo.co.uk

AquaSpira Limited Profile Park, Junction Street Nelson BB9 8AH T: 01282 608510 E: info@aquaspira.com W: www.aquaspira.com

Application Solutions (Safety and Security) Ltd Unit 17, Cliffe Ind Estate Lewes East Sussex BN8 6JL T: 01273 405411 E: sales@asl-control.co.uk W: www.asl-control.co.uk

Aquobex Limited Building 69, Building Research Estab Bucknalls Lane Garston Watford WD25 9XX T: 01923 518582 E: sales@aquobex.com W: www.aquobex.com

Applied Card Technologies Ltd Langley Gate, Kington Langley Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 5SE T: 01249 751200 E: info@weareact.com W: www.weareact.com

Arbil Rail Providence Street, Lye Stowbridge West Midlands DY9 8HS T: 0845 600 4332 E: rail@arbil.co.uk W: www.arbil.co.uk

Applied Industrial Systems (AIS) IH 1.16 Q West, 1110 Great West Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 0GP T: 020 8747 2130 E: info@applied.co.uk W: www.applied.co.uk

ARBOR Technology UK Ltd Unit 32, Walker Avenue Wolverton Mill Milton Keynes MK12 5TW T: 01908 310100 E: sales@arbor-uk.com W: www.arbor-uk.com

Applied Inspection Ltd Mosley Street, Burton-on-Trent Staffordshire DE14 1DW T: 01283 515163 E: burtoninfo@appliedinspection.co.uk W: www.appliedinspection.co.uk

Arburies Ltd Waterside House, Station Road Irthlingborough NN9 5QF T: 0845 463 5180 E: enquiries@arburies.co.uk W: www.arburies.co.uk

Anixter (UK) Ltd Unit A, The Beacons, Warrington Road Risley Warrington WA3 6GB T: 01925 848039 E: railsales@anixter.com W: www.anixter.com

The Anochrome Group of companies are surface coating and metal finishing specialists supplying many Market sectors from Automotive, Construction, Rail, to Wind Energy and Petro chemical Industries. Anochrome Service 2000 customer from the six Manufacturing sites meeting the capacity to process in excess of 3,000 tonnes per week. Anochrome Technologies Anochrome Group, Wood lane Fordhouses Wolverhamton WV10 8HN T: 01902 397 333 E: enquiries@ anochrome-group.co.uk W: www.anochrome.com Another Level Car Parks Ltd Tweedale Way Oldham OL9 7LD T: 0845 345 3835 E: info@anotherlevelcarparks.co.uk W: www.anotherlevelcarparks.co.uk Ansaldo STS UK Ltd Hudson House, Platform 1 Victoria Station London SW1V 1JT T: 020 3574 4980 E: info@ansaldo-sts.com W: www.ansaldo-sts.com ANT Telecommunications Limited Unit 5, The Courtyard, Meadowbank Furlong Road Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5AU T: 01494 833100 E: info@anttelecom.co.uk W: www.anttelecom.co.uk Antagrade Electrical Limited 6 Verity Court, Middlewich Cheshire CW10 0GW T: 01606 833299 E: enquiries@antagrade.co.uk W: www.antagrade.co.uk Antal International Network 64 Baker Street, Marylebone London W1U 7GB T: 020 7467 2520 E: info@antal.com W: www.antal.com


Established in 1992 with a reputation for delivering quality design. A full design service from initial concept studies through to production ready designs. Our pro-active approach to design encompasses: • Concept/Industrial Design • Manufacturing and Production Design • Structural Analysis • Mock-up build and prototypes • Cab Exteriors and Interiors • Saloon interiors • UAT Modules • Catering Modules APA Design Ltd Suite 4.1, Litchurch Plaza Litchurch Lane Derby DE24 8AA T: 01332 299022 E: infoderby@apadesign.co.uk W: www.apadesign.co.uk APB Construction (UK) Limited Grange Business Centre, River Works Grange Lane Sheffield S5 ODP T: 01709 541000 E: info@apbcon.co.uk W: www.aeyates.co.uk Apcoa Parking (UK) Ltd Wellington House, 4-10 Cowley Road Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 2XW T: 01895 272500 E: uk.sales@apcoa.com W: www.apcoa.com APD Communications Ltd Newlands Centre, Inglemire Lane Hull HU6 7TQ T: 01482 808300 E: info@apdcomms.com W: www.apdcomms.com Aperio Systems Limited Level 17, Dashwood House 69 Old Broad St London EC2M 1QS T: 020 7256 4090 E: info@aperioltd.com W: www.aperioltd.com Apex Cables Limited Saint Johns Road, Meadowfield Ind Estate Durham DH7 8RJ T: 0191 378 7900 E: info@apexcables.co.uk W: www.apexcables.co.uk

Approved Hydraulics Ltd Unit 1 Avery Trad Est, Kenwood Road North Redditch Stockport SK5 6PH T: 0161 480 0869 E: sales@approvedhydraulics.co.uk W: www.approvedhydraulics.co.uk Approved Inspector Services Limited 14 Berkeley Street London W1J 8DX T: 020 7491 1914 E: info@approvedinspector.co.uk W: www.approvedinspector.co.uk APPS UK Ltd Paisley Works, 14 Windover Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 7EB T: 01480 458888 E: sales@appsuk.com W: www.apps-group.com APR Services Block B, 1st Floor, Queens Road Barnet Hertfordshire EN5 4DL T: 020 8449 9143 E: mail@aprservices.net W: www.aprservices.net APT Controls Group Unit 1, Maxted Corner Maxted Road Hemel Hempstead HP2 7RA T: 020 8421 2411 E: webenquiries@aptcontrols.co.uk W: www.aptcontrols.co.uk

Arbus Ltd Ellis Square, Selsey Chichester West Sussex PO20 0AY T: 01243 606219 E: info@arbus.co.uk W: www.arbus.co.uk ARC Academy UK Ltd 17-18 Centre Court, Treforest Ind Estate Pontypridd South Wales CF37 5YR T: 01443 842856 E: info@arcacademyuk.com W: www.arcacademyuk.com

A leading Human Factors, Non-technical Skills, Psychological Assessment and Leadership & Management Training and Consultancy provider to the UK Rail industry. Everything we do is tailored to your needs through blending two disciplines; Psychology and Management to support people in delivering sustainable and measurable behavioural change. Arcadia Alive Ltd The Quadrant, 99 Parkway Avenue Sheffield S9 4WG T: 0845 260 0126 E: talk@arcadiaalive.com W: www.arcadiaalive.com

A-Z Directory Arcadis Arcadis House, 34 York Way London N1 9AB T: 020 7812 2000 E: UKenquiries@arcadis.com W: www.arcadis.com

T: 020 3031 9200 E: communications@arrivarl.co.uk W: www.arrivaraillondon.co.uk

Archbold Logistics Ltd Birch Industrial Estate, Whittle Lane Heywood Lancashire OL10 2SX T: 01706 627201 E: enquiries@archbold.co.uk W: www.archbold.co.uk

Arktis was established in 1985 and by an ex Royal Marine. The original goal was simple, to create something that would be far superior, comfortable, durable and functional to British standard issue military gear. Today, Arktis manufacture specialist clothing & equipment for Police, Military and Utilities all over the world.

Archer Signs and Panels Limited 6 Daniels Way, Hucknall Nottingham NG15 7LL T: 0115 968 1152 E: sales@archersafetysigns.co.uk W: www.archersafetysigns.co.uk

Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd Unit 3 Peek House, Pinhoe Trading Estate Exeter EX4 8JN T: 01392 201614 E: info@arktis.co.uk W: www.arktisltd.co.uk

Archerdale Ltd Hirstwood Works, Hirstwood Road Shipley West Yorkshire BD18 4BU T: 01274 595783 E: sales@archerdale.com W: www.archerdale.com ArchOver Ltd 5th Floor, 40 Gracechurch Street London EC3V 0BT T: 020 3021 8100 E: info@archover.com W: www.archover.com Arco Limited PO Box 21, 1 Blackfriargate Hull HU1 1BH T: 0330 390 2050 E: customer.service@support.arco.co.uk W: www.arco.co.uk

Arlington Fleet Group Railworks Gate 2, Campbell Road Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 5AD T: 023 8069 6789 E: info@arlington-fleet.co.uk W: www.arlington-fleet.com ARM Engineering Langstone Tech Park, Langstone Road Havant Hampshire PO9 1SA T: 023 9222 8228 E: hello@arm.co.uk W: www.arm.co.uk

Arco Professional Safety Services Ltd Unit 5, 6, 7, Raleigh Hall Ind Estate Swynnerton Road Eccleshall ST21 6JL T: 0330 390 0822 E: info@arcoservices.co.uk W: www.arcoservices.co.uk

Armacell develops innovative and safe thermal, acoustic and mechanical solutions that create sustainable value for its customers. ArmaFlex Rail is the world’s first closed-cell insulation to meet EN 45545-2 fire protection requirements, and is ideal for the protection of refrigerant pipework and air ducts on railway vehicles.

Arconic Fastening Systems Ltd Unit C, Stafford Park 7 Telford Shropshire TF3 3BQ T: 01952 290011 E: info@afsglobal.net W: www.afsglobal.net

Armacell UK Mars Street, Oldham Lancashire OL9 6LY T: 0161 287 7100 E: Info.uk@armacell.com W: www.armacell.co.uk

Arctic Air Filtration Overpressure Systems Unit 2 Mill Works, Gregorys Mill Street Worcester WR3 8BA T: 01905 616664 E: julian@arcticaircon.co.uk W: www.arcticaircon.co.uk Arctic Air Solutions Ltd Unit 2, Mill Works Worcester WR3 8BA T: 01905 616664 E: info@arcticairsolutions.co.uk W: www.arcticairsolutions.co.uk Ardent Management Ltd Print Rooms, 164-180 Union Street London SE1 0LH T: 020 3693 2500 E: info@ardent-management.com W: www.ardent-management.com Ardmore Construction Limited 6 Wharf Studios, 28 Wharf Road London N1 7GR T: 020 8344 0300 E: info@ardmoregroup.co.uk W: www.ardmoregroup.co.uk Ark Signalling Consultancy Ltd Lower Granary, Cornwells Farm Marden Kent TN12 9NS T: 01622 902880 E: enquiries@arksignalling.co.uk W: www.arksignalling.co.uk

Armcon Limited Armcon Business Park, London Road South Poynton Cheshire SK12 1LQ T: 01625 856680 E: sales@armcon.com W: www.armcon.com Armitage Communications Mill House, Wandle Road London Croydon CR0 4SD T: 020 8667 9660 E: info@armitage-comms.co.uk W: www.armitage-comms.co.uk Armorduct systems Ltd Building 9, The Pensnett Estate Kingswinford West Midlands DY6 7TG T: 01384 233445 E: sales@armorductsystems.co.uk W: www.armorductsystems.co.uk Armorgard Security Products Unit 14-16 Standard Way, Fareham Indsutrial Park Fareham Hampshire PO16 8XB T: 023 9238 0280 E: sales@armorgard.co.uk W: www.armorgard.co.uk Arnold Laver & Co Ltd Bramall Lane, Sheffield South Yorkshire S2 4RJ T: 0114 223 0300 E: marketing@laver.co.uk W: www.laver.co.uk ARR Craib Transport Ltd Howe Moss Drive, Kirk Hill Ind Estate Dyce Aberdeen AB21 0GL T: 01224 771122 E: info@arr-craib.co.uk W: www.arr-craib.co.uk Arriva Rail London Overground House, 125 Finchley Road Swiss Cottage London NW3 6HY

Arriva Traincare 2 Cranham Court, Arden Square Crewe Cheshire CW1 6HA T: 01270 508000 E: info@arrivatc.com W: www.arrivatc.com Arriva UK Admiral Way, Doxford Int Bus Park Sunderland SR3 3XP T: 0191 520 4000 E: enquiries@arriva.co.uk W: www.arriva.co.uk Arrk Europe Ltd Nuneaton Tech Centre, Caldwell Road Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 4NG T: 024 7658 0700 E: ntc@arrkeurope.com W: www.arrkeurope.com Arrow County Supplies (Head Office) Arrow House, Longden Road Shrewsbury SY3 9AE T: 01743 283600 E: response@arrowcounty.com W: www.arrowcounty.com Arrow Solutions Rawdon Road, Moria Swadlincote Derbyshire DE12 6DA T: 01283 221044 E: sales@arrowchem.com W: www.arrowchem.com Artcom Tradebridge Ltd Unit 2a, Strathallan Airfield Auchterarder Perthshire PH3 1LA T: 01764 663000 E: info@artcom-tradebridge.com W: www.artcom-tradebridge.com Artel Rubber Co Ltd Unit F, Springfield Bus Park Alcester Warwickshire B49 6PU T: 01789 774099 E: sales@artelrubber.co.uk W: www.artelrubber.com Artelia Group High Holborn House, 52-54 High Holborn London WC1V 6RL T: 020 7269 0450 E: enquiries@uk.arteliagroup.com W: www.uk.arteliagroup.com Artemis Intelligent Power Ltd Unit 3, Edgefield Ind Estate Loanhead Midlothian EH20 9TB T: 0131 440 6269 E: enquiries@artemisip.com W: www.artemisip.com Arthur D Little Ltd Merlin Place, Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0DP T: 01223 427100 E: enquiries.uk@adlittle.com W: www.adlittle.co.uk

Arthur Flury manufactures reliable, precisionmade OLE components which have contributed for many years to the safety and efficiency of the UK rail network. Our Milton Keynes office provides local support and liaises with our Swiss factory to ensure that we consistently meet our UK customers’ expectations. Arthur Flury (UK) Ltd Unit 218, Milton Keynes Bus Ctr Foxhunter Drive Milton Keynes MK14 6GD T: 01908 686766 E: info@aflury.co.uk W: www.aflury.co.uk Arthur J Gallagher Limited The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook London EC4N 8AW T: 020 7204 6000 E: ukenquiries@ajg.com W: www.ajginternational.com

Arun Construction Services Ltd Unit U1, Riverside Ind Estate Bridge Road Little Hampton BN17 5DF T: 01903 734444 E: info@arunservices.co.uk W: www.arunservices.co.uk Arup (Head Office) 8-13 Fitzroy Street London W1T 4BQ T: 0121 213 3000 E: rail@arup.com W: www.arup.com ARUP (Manchester Office) 6th floor, 3 Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BN T: 0161 228 2331 E: manchester@arup.com W: www.arup.com ARUP (Newcastle Office) Central Square, Forth Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3PL T: 0191 261 6080 E: newcastle@arup.com W: www.arup.com AS Peck Engineering 116 Whitby Road, Ruislip Middlesex HA4 9DR T: 01895 621398 E: info@aspeckeng.co.uk W: www.aspeckeng.co.uk Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) Unit 1, Stretton Bus Park 2 Brunel Drive Stretton DE13 0BY T: 01283 566467 E: info@arca.org.uk W: www.arca.org.uk Ascertus Limited Office 305, 1 Northumberland Avenue Trafalgar Square London WC2N 5BW T: 020 3126 4960 E: contactus@ascertus.com W: www.ascertus.com ASCO Joucomatic Ltd Pit Hey Place, West Pimbo Skelmersdale Lancashire WN8 9PG T: 01695 713600 E: enquiries.asco.uk@emerson.com W: www.asco.com Ascom (UK) Ltd Wall Island, Birmingham Road Lichfield WS14 0QP T: 0121 353 6151 E: sales@ascom.co.uk W: www.ascom.com ASD Lighting PLC Mangham Road, Bardot Hall Ind Estate Rotherham S61 4RJ T: 01709 374898 E: info@asdlighting.com W: www.asdlighting.com ASD Ltd. T/A Kloeckner Metals UK Valley Farm Road, Stourton Leeds West Yorkshire LS10 1SD T: 0113 254 0711 E: enquiries@kloeckner.com W: www.kloecknermetalsuk.com ASD Ltd. T/A Kloeckner Metals UK Daventry Alvis Way, Royal Oak Ind Estate Daventry Northamptonshire NN11 8QQ T: 01327 876021 E: daventry@kloeckner.com W: www.kloecknermetalsuk.com Ashby & Croft Ltd 5 Oliver Road, Riverside Ind Estate West Thurrock Essex RM20 3ED T: 01708 869600 E: info@ashbycroft.com W: www.ashbycroft.com Ashurst Broadwalk House, 5 Appold Street London EC2A 2HA T: 020 7638 1111 E: enquiries@ashurst.com W: www.ashurst.com


A-Z Directory ASI Solutions Limited Office 610, Milton Keynes Bus Ctr Linford Wood Milton Keynes MK14 6GD T: 01908 246000 E: enquiry@asisolutions.co.uk W: www.asisolutions.co.uk

Associated British Ports (Swansea & Port Talbot) Harbour Office, Lockhead King’s Dock Swansea West Glamorgan SA1 1QR T: 0870 609 6699 E: swansea@abports.co.uk W: www.abports.co.uk

Aspin Consulting Ltd (Midlands) Nunn Brook Road, Huthwaite Nottinghamshire NG17 2HU T: 01623 446100 E: info@aspingroup.com W: www.aspingroup.com

Associated British Ports – Head Office 2nd Floor, 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES T: 020 7430 1177 E: pr@abports.co.uk W: www.abports.co.uk

Aspire Consultants – Keltbray Unit 12 Weston Road, Crewe Hall Ent Park Crewe CW1 6UA T: 01270 254176 E: info@aspirerail.co.uk W: www.keltbray.com

Associated Rewinds Ireland Limited Whitestown Road, Tallaght Business Park Dublin D24 EV62 T: 00 35 314520033 E: contact@associatedrewinds.com W: www.associatedrewinds.com

Assembly Solutions Limited Nile Street, Bolton Lancashire BL3 6BW T: 01204 521999 E: sales@assembly-solutions.com W: www.assembly-solutions.com Assertis 2-6 Boundary Row London SE1 8HP T: 020 3207 9663 E: info@assertis.co.uk W: www.assertis.co.uk

AssessTech are the UK’s leading provider of electronic competence management software and training consultancy, all focused on delivering a safer railway for the UK. They work with 85% of the UK’s rail network providing services to customers such as Great Western Railway, Northern, Southeastern, Greater Anglia, Heathrow Rail and Eurostar. AssessTech 41 Church Road, Guildford Surrey GU1 4NQ T: 01483 338646 E: info@assesstech.com W: www.assesstech.com

ASLEF is Britain’s trade union for train drivers. Its 23,500 members are employed in the train operating companies, the freight companies, London Underground and some Light Rapid Transport. The first recorded meeting was held on 7 February 1880. Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen (ASLEF) 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell London EC1M 4NN T: 020 7324 2400 E: info@aslef.org.uk W: www.aslef.org.uk Associated Train Crew Union (ATCU) PO Box 763, Cudworth Barnsley S72 8YD T: 01226 716417 E: headoffice@atcu.org.uk W: www.atcu.org.uk Associated Utility Supplies Ltd Riverside House, Colliers Way Clayton West Huddersfield HD8 9TR T: 01484 860575 E: sales@aus.co.uk W: www.aus.co.uk

Association of Technical Lightning & Access Specialists (ATLAS) 6-8 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX T: 0844 249 0026 E: info@atlas.org.uk W: www.atlas.org.uk Association of Transport Coordinating Officers (ATCO) Hermes House, St John’s Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN4 9UT T: 07757 944689 E: ellie.thornley@atco.org.uk W: www.atco.org.uk Assystem UK Ltd Club Street, Bamber Bridge Preston PR5 6FN T: 01772 645000 E: communication@assystem.com W: www.assystem.co.uk AST Language Services Ltd Unit 8, Ayr Street Nottingham NG7 4FX T: 0115 970 5633 E: enquiries@astls.co.uk W: www.astlanguage.com Ast Rail (Ast Signs Ltd) The Box, Eden Bus Park Penrith Cumbria CA11 9FB T: 01768 892292 E: info@astsigns.com W: www.astsigns.co.uk

Astley is considered the UK leading supplier of brand graphics and signage, working within numerous sectors including travel and transport. We provide wayfinding design and implementation, extensive options for building and station signage along with the production of creative branded environments, responding to the latest market trends. Astley Signs Redforrest House, Queens Court North Earlsway Team Valley NE11 0BP T: 03332 300 440 E: enquiries@astley-uk.com W: www.astley-uk.com

Association for Consultancy & Engineering (ACE) Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street London SW1H 0QL T: 020 7222 6557 E: consult@acenet.co.uk W: www.acenet.co.uk

Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET T: 0121 204 3000 E: thehub@aston.ac.uk W: www.aston.ac.uk

Association for European Transport (AET) Forester House, Doctors Lane Henley-in-Arden B95 5AW T: 01564 793552 E: info@aetransport.org W: www.aetransport.org

Astute Global / Astute Electronics Ltd Astute House, Rutherford Close Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EF T: 01438 909909 E: sales@astute.global W: www.astute.global

Association for Project Management (APM) Ibis House, Regent Park Summerleys Road Princes Risborough HP27 9LE T: 0845 458 1944 E: marketing@apm.org.uk W: www.apm.org.uk

AT Kearney Limited Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street London WC2N 6HT T: 020 7468 8000 E: reception.london@atkearney.com W: www.atkearney.com

Association of Fencing Industries (AFI) 19 Omega, Thurston Road Northallerton DL6 2NJ T: 020 8253 4516 E: info@afiorg.uk W: www.afiorg.uk

ATA Recruitment Ltd Derby Conference Centre, London Road Derby DE24 8UX T: 0808 164 2000 E: info@ata-recruitment.co.uk W: www.ata-recruitment.co.uk

Associated British Ports (Ayr) Port Office, North Harbour Street Ayr Ayrshire KA8 8AH T: 01292 281687 E: ayr@abports.co.uk W: www.abports.co.uk

Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) Forum Court Office 205, Devonshire Hse Bus Ctr 29-31 Elmfield Rd Bromley BR1 1LT T: 020 8658 8212 E: ags@ags.org.uk W: www.ags.org.uk

ATAM (UK) Ltd The Fluid Power Centre, Watling Street Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6BQ T: 02476 326060 E: sales@atam.uk.com W: www.atam.uk.com

Associated British Ports (Garston) Port Office, Garston Liverpool Merseyside L19 2JW T: 0151 427 5971 E: garston@abports.co.uk W: www.abports.co.uk

Association of Railway Training Providers (ARTP) Kelvin House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01332 360033 E: info@artp.co.uk W: www.artp.co.uk

Asset ID Limited 70a High Street, Shepperton Middlesex TW17 9AU T: 01932 269900 E: sales@assetid.co.uk W: www.assetid.co.uk Asset International Structures Stephenson Street, Newport South Wales NP19 4XH T: 01633 637505 E: info@assetint.co.uk W: www.assetint.co.uk Asset Management Consulting Limited 221 St John Street, Clerkenwell London EC1V 4LY T: 020 7688 2828 E: enquiries@amcl.com W: www.amcl.com Asset-Pro Ltd Concorde House, 24 Cecil Pashley Way Shoreham Airport West Sussex BN43 5FF T: 0845 121 0101 E: enquiries@asset-pro.com W: www.asset-pro.com


ATB Special Products Unit 11, Waterfall Lane Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6PU T: 0121 698 3100 E: spsales@atb-sp.com W: www.atb-motors.com

ATEC Fire & Security 1 Element Court, Hilton Cross Bus Park Featherstone Wolverhampton WV10 7FE T: 0330 058 0050 E: info@atec-security.co.uk W: www.atec-security.co.uk Atex Global Ltd 12 Radway Road, Southampton Hampshire SO15 7PW T: 0800 756 5305 E: sales@atexglobal.com W: www.atexglobal.com ATG Access Ltd CoBaCo House, North Florida Road Haydock Ind Estate Merseyside WA11 9TP T: 0845 675 7574 E: enquiries@atgaccess.com W: www.atgaccess.com ATI Tank Hire Limited Yarmouth Business Park, Thamesfield Way Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR31 0DN T: 01493 441747 E: info@atitanks.co.uk W: www.atitankhire.co.uk Atkins Global – Head Office (Euston Tower) 286 Euston Road London NW13 3AT T: 020 7121 2000 E: info@atkinsglobal.com W: www.atkinsglobal.com ATL Transformers Ltd Hanson Close, Manson Street Middleton Manchester M24 2HD T: 0161 653 0902 E: sales@atltransformers.co.uk W: www.atltransformers.co.uk Atlantic Design Branch Hill Mews, Branch Hill London NW3 7LT T: 020 7435 1777 E: enq@atlanticdesign.uk.com W: www.atlanticdesign.uk.com Atlantic Geomatics (UK) Ltd Enterprise House, Gillan Way Penrith Cumbria CA11 9BP T: 01768 483310 E: enquiries@atlanticgeomatics.co.uk W: www.atlanticgeomatics.co.uk Atlas Copco Compressors Ltd Swallowdale Lane, Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7HA T: 0845 601 0001 E: uk.enquiries@uk.atlascopco.com W: www.atlascopco.com Atmos Recruitment Ltd Timberlake Barn, Stock Lane Congresbury North Somerset BS49 5JL T: 01934 835779 E: getintouch@atmosrecruitment.com W: www.atmosrecruitment.com Atom Services 408 Trocoll House, Wakering Road Barking Essex IG11 8PD T: 020 8591 5140 E: info@atom-services.co.uk W: www.atom-services.co.uk Atom Training Centre 4th Floor, The Clockhouse East Street Barking IG11 8EQ T: 020 8591 5140 E: admin@atomtraining.co.uk W: www.atomtraining.co.uk ATOS Second Floor, MidCity Place 71 High Holborn London WC1V 6EA T: 0800 783 3040 E: ukwebenquiries@atos.net W: www.atos.net Attobus Ltd Unit D2, Watlington Ind Estate Cuxham Road Watlington OX49 5LU T: 01628 537300 E: sales@attobus.com W: www.attobus.com

A-Z Directory Auctus Management Group The Atlas Building, 16 Portland Street Aston Birmingham B6 5RX T: 0121 366 8800 E: info@auctusmg.co.uk W: www.auctusmg.co.uk Auditel (U.K.) Limited St. Paul’s Gate, Cross Street Winchester SO23 8SZ T: 01962 863 915 E: info@auditel.co.uk W: www.auditel.co.uk Augean Plc 4 Rudgate Court, Walton Wetherby North Yorkshire LS23 7BF T: 01937 844980 E: aec-sales@augeanplc.com W: www.augeanplc.com

Aura Brand Solutions are one of Europe’s leading branding experts – supplying full rail refurbishments, project management, and rolling stock rebranding. Over the years we’ve packaged this with complementary services, such as in-house design, marketing and social media, and site audits, to deliver a full suite of flexible project solutions. Aura Brand Solutions Freemantle Road, Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EA T: 0845 052 5241 E: info@aurabrands.com W: www.aurabrands.com Aurora Lifts Ltd (Head Office) West Yoke, Michaels Lane, Ash Sevenoaks Kent TN15 7EP T: 01474 879858 E: info@aurora-lifts.co.uk W: www.aurora-lifts.co.uk Austin Reynolds Ltd Augustine House, Gogmore Lane Chertsey Surrey KT16 9AP T: 01932 568888 E: sales@austinreynolds.co.uk W: www.austinreynolds.com

Austin-Lenika Project Services Ltd Unit 5c Hillthorpe Farm, Knoll Lane Preston Lancashire PR4 4TB T: 01772 619573 E: sales@austin-lenika.co.uk W: www.austin-lenika.co.uk Autins Group PLC Central Point One, Central Park Drive Rugby Warwickshire CV23 0WE T: 01788 578300 E: sales@autins.co.uk W: www.autins.co.uk Autoclenz Limited Stanhope Road, Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9BE T: 01283 550033 E: sales@autoclenz.co.uk W: www.autoclenz.co.uk Autodrain Rotherwell Haigh, Leeds West Yorkshire LS26 0SB T: 0113 205 9332 E: info@autodrain.net W: www.autodrain.net Autoglass 1 Priory Business Park, Cardington Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 3US T: 01234 273636 E: customer.services@autoglass.co.uk W: www.autoglass.nett Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) 13 Tamworth Ent Centre, Philip Dix House Corporation Street Tamworth B79 7DN

T: 01827 216136 E: info@adsa.org.uk W: www.adsa.org.uk

T: 01782 735200 E: sales@awselectronicsgroup.com W: www.awselectronicsgroup.com

Automotive Trim Developments (ATD) Priory Mill, Charter Avenue Coventry West Midlands CV4 8AF T: 024 7669 5150 E: info@autotrimdev.com W: www.autotrimdev.com

Axa Reim UK 155 Bishopsgate, Broadgate London EC2A 3XJ T: 020 7003 2874 E: webmaster-com@axa-im.com W: www.axa-im.com

AV Birch Limited Aldenham Business Park, Muckley Cross Bridgnorth WV16 4RR T: 01767 14418 E: enq@avaccess.co.uk W: www.avaccess.co.uk

Axair Fans UK Limited Centre 500, Lowfield Drive Wolstanton Staffordshire ST5 0UU T: 01782 349430 E: sales@axair-fans.co.uk W: www.axair-fans.co.uk

AV Coatings 13 Tamworth Ent Centre, Philip Dix House Corporation Street Tamworth SA18 1PE T: 01269 825507 E: info@avcoatings.co.uk W: www.avcoatings.co.uk

Axiom Rail Doncaster Works, Hexthorpe Road Doncaster South Yorkshire DN1 1SL T: 01302 340700 E: sales@axiomrail.com W: www.wabtec.com

AV Dawson Ltd Parc Howard Ind Estate, Cwmgors Ammanford Carmarthenshire TS2 1UT T: 01642 219271 E: enquiries@av-dawson.com W: www.av-dawson.com

Axiomtek UK Ltd Peter House, Oxford Street Greater Manchester M1 5AN T: 01612 093680 E: info@axiomtek.co.uk W: www.axiomtek.co.uk

Avalon Abseiling Ltd Avalon House, 45 Tallon Road Hutton Brentwood Essex CM13 1TG T: 01277 500100 E: enquiries@avalonpro.co.uk W: www.avalonpro.co.uk

Axis Cleaning and Support Services Ltd London Head Office, 361-373 City Road London EC1V 1LR T: 020 7520 2100 E: site-enquiries@axis-css.co.uk W: www.axis-css.co.uk

Avanti West Coast North Wing Offices, Euston Station London NW1 2HS T: 07500 122941 E: richard.stanton@avantiwestcoast.co.uk W: www.avantiwestcoast.co.uk

Axis Communications (UK) Ltd 1 Capability Green, Luton Bedfordshire LU1 3LU T: 01582 283760 E: info@axis.com W: www.axis.com

AVL Reach Ltd International House, 124 Cromwell Road London SW7 4ET T: 020 7559 1302 E: info@avlreach.co.uk W: www.avlreach.co.uk

Axis Group Integrated Services London Head Office, 361-373 City Road London EC1V 1LR T: 020 7520 2100 E: site-enquiries@axis-security.co.uk W: www.axis-groupservices.co.uk Axis Recruitment UK Ltd Unit 9, High Point Bus Village Henwood Kent CT9 4JS T: 01233 632294 E: info@axisjobs.com W: www.axisjobs.com

Avondale provides vegetation and asset management services to private and public sector clients across a range of market sectors including the rail and highways infrastructures, construction and local authorities and holds all the necessary technical, quality and environmental accreditations. Our philosophy is to apply mechanised solutions to vegetation control wherever possible. Avondale Environmental Services Ltd Fort Horsted, Primrose Close Chatham Kent ME4 6HZ T: 01634 823200 E: info@avondaleuk.com W: www.avondaleuk.com Avonwood Developments Ltd Knoll Technology Centre, Stapehill Road Hampreston BH21 7ND T: 01202 868000 E: sales@avonwood.co.uk W: www.avonwood.co.uk AW Marketing (AWARE) Ltd 16 Craigweil Close, Stanmore Middlesex HA7 4TR T: 020 8954 9121 E: training_services@marketingintelligence.co.uk W: www.aw-marketing.co.uk Aworth Survey Consultants Norfolk House, Norfolk Way Uckfield East Sussex TN22 1EP T: 01825 768319 E: als@aworth.co.uk W: www.aworth.co.uk AWS Electronics Group Croft Road, Newcastle-Under-Lyme ST5 0TW

A professional and customer focused accredited laboratory with experience in diverse industrial sectors testing products for vibration, climatic, corrosive atmospheres, ingress protection and shock. Axis provides comprehensive testing schedules tailored to individual customer requirements, utilising flexible scheduling to ensure rapid turnaround and short lead times. Axis Test Laboratories Ltd Unit 11A, Oakway Court Durham DH7 8XD T: 0191 378 4653 E: info@axistestlaboratories.co.uk W: www.axistestlaboratories.co.uk Axminster Carpets Limited Woodmead Road, Axminster Devon EX13 5PQ T: 01297 630650 E: sales@axminster-carpets.co.uk W: www.axminster-carpets.co.uk Ayrshire Medical Services Ltd 4 Wellington Square, Ayr South Aryshire KA7 1EN T: 01292 262770 E: info@ayrshiremedical.co.uk W: www.ayrshiremedical.co.uk Ayrshire Metals Limited Royal Oak Way, Daventry Northamptonshire NN11 8NR T: 01327 300990 E: sales@ayrshire.co.uk W: www.ayrshire.co.uk

AZPML 55 Curtain Road London EC2A 3PT T: 020 7033 6480 E: lon@azpml.com W: www.azpml.com Aztec Chemicals Gateway, Crewe Cheshire CW1 6YY T: 01270 655500 E: info@aztecchemicals.com W: www.aztecchemicals.com Azteq Solutions Ltd Azteq House, Maxted Corner Eaton Road Hemel Hempstead HP2 7RA T: 01442 244444 E: info@azteq.com W: www.azteq.com

B&B established 1984 has remained a family orientated company, providing a personal service delivered to high standards. Audited members of the NFDC, RISQS & holders of a full 3 year HSE Asbestos licence- Offering Demolition, Dismantling, Asbestos removal and surveying services to Local Authorities, Rail, Infrastructure, Health Authorities, Highways etc. B&B Industrial Dismantling Limited 4 Queen Street, Worksop Nottinghamshire S80 2AN T: 01909 477799 E: mail@dismantling.org.uk W: www.dismantling.org.uk B&M McHugh Ltd 429a Footscray Road, New Eltham London SE9 3UL T: 020 8859 7706 E: msg@mchughltd.co.uk W: www.mchughltd.co.uk B&S Group Sovereign Way, Chester West Employment Park Chester CH1 4QJ T: 01244 390215 E: info@bsgroupltd.com W: www.bsgroupltd.com Babcock International 33 Wiemore Street London W1U 1QX T: 020 7355 5300 E: info@babcock.co.uk W: www.babcockinternational.com Bachy Soletanche (Southern Office) Foundation Court, Riverside Way Watchmoor Park Camberley Surrey GU15 3RG T: 01276 674940 E: enquiries@bacsol.co.uk W: www.bacsol.co.uk Badenoch & Clark 20 Blythswood Square Glasgow G2 4BG T: 0141 220 6460 E: info@badenochandclark.com W: www.badenochandclark.com Badgemaster Ltd Hazelford Way Ind Est, Newstead Nottingham NG15 0DQ T: 01623 723112 E: customerservices@badgemaster.co.uk W: www.badgemaster.co.uk BAE Systems Plc Warwick House, PO Box 87 Surrey GU14 6YU T: 01252 373232 E: baesystemsinfo@baesystems.com W: www.baesystems.com Baker Bellfield Ltd Display House, Hortonwood 7 Telford Shropshire TF1 7GP T: 01952 677411 E: info@bakerbelfield.co.uk W: www.bakerbelfield.co.uk


A-Z Directory Baker Consultants Ltd West Platform, Cromford Station Cromford Bridge Matlock DE4 5JJ T: 01629 593958 E: info@bakerconsultants.co.uk W: www.bakerconsultants.co.uk

Ballyclare Limited The Forum, Hercules Business Park Bird Hall Lane Stockport SK3 0UX T: 0844 493 2808 E: info@ballyclarelimited.com W: ballyclarelimited.com

Barhale Limited Barhale House, Bescot Crescent Walsall WS1 4NN T: 01922 707700 E: communications@barhale.co.uk W: www.barhale.co.uk

Baker Rose Consulting LLP 53 Davies Street, Mayfair London W1J 5DU T: 020 7788 4784 E: mailbox@bakerrose.com W: www.bakerrose.com

Ballycommon Services 77a Boston Manor Road, Brentford Middlesex TW8 9JQ T: 020 8568 7706 E: mail@ballycommon.co.uk W: www.ballycommon.co.uk

Barkers Fencing Duke Street, Fenton Stoke on Trent Staffordshire ST4 3NS T: 01782 319264 E: sales@barkersfencing.com W: www.barkersfencing.com

Bakerail Services Ltd 4 Green Lane, Hail Weston St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 5JZ T: 01480 471349 E: info@bakerailservices.co.uk W: www.bakerailservices.co.uk

Balvac Ltd Unit 6 Puma Court, Kings Business Park Kings Drive Prescot L34 1PJ T: 01928 719875 E: enquiries.balvac@balvac.co.uk W: www.balvac.co.uk

Barkley Plastics Ltd 120 Highgate Street Birmingham B12 0XR T: 0121 440 1303 E: info@barkley.co.uk W: www.barkley.co.uk

BakerHicks 1 Warwick Tech Park, Gallows Hill Warwickshire CV34 6YL T: 01926 567800 E: contact@bakerhicks.com W: www.bakerhicks.com

Bam Construct UK Ltd Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 4UL T: 01442 238300 E: enquiries@bam.co.uk W: www.bam.co.uk

Barnbrook Systems Ltd 25 Fareham Park Road, Fareham Hampshire PO15 6LD T: 01329 847722 E: sales@barnbrook.co.uk W: www.barnbrook.uk

Balcony Business Services Limited Clouds House, George Road Yorkley Gloucestershire GL15 4TL T: 0845 456 8956 E: enquiries@balconybs.co.uk W: www.balconybs.co.uk

BAM Nuttall Ltd St James House, Knoll Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3XW T: 01276 63484 E: headoffice@bamnuttal.co.uk W: www.bamnuttall.co.uk

Barnshaws Section Benders Ltd Barnshaws Group, Tipton Road Tivdale Oldbury West Midlands B69 3HY T: 0121 557 8261 E: sections@barnshaws.com W: www.barnshaws.com

Baldwin & Francis Ltd President Park, President Way Sheffield S4 7UR T: 0114 286 6000 E: enquiries@baldwinandfrancis.com W: www.baldwinandfrancis.com

British designer and manufacturer of voice alarm, public address and EVC systems. Products designed and built with longevity in mind, have been installed in many prestigious sites worldwide. Baldwin Boxall prides itself, not only on the quality of its products, but also on its customer service and long-term support. Baldwin Boxall Communications Ltd Wealden Ind Estate, Farningham Road Crowborough East Sussex TN6 2JR T: 01892 664422 E: mail@baldwinboxall.co.uk W: www.baldwinboxall.co.uk Baldwins Crane Hire Ltd PO Box 2656, Station Road Langley Middlesex SL2 4ZM T: 01753 583872 E: info@baldwinscranehire.com W: www.baldwinscranehire.com Balfour Beatty Ground Engineering Pavillion C2, Ashwood Park Ashwood Way Basingstoke RG23 8BG T: 01256 400400 E: enquiries-basingstoke@bbge.com W: www.balfourbeatty.com Balfour Beatty Rail 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf London E14 5HU T: 020 7216 6800 E: info@balfourbeatty.com W: www.balfourbeatty.com Ballast Tools UK Ltd 7 Pure Offices, Kembrey Park Swindon Wiltshire SN2 8BW T: 01793 697800 E: sales@btukltd.com W: www.btukltd.com Balls2 Marketing Ltd The Old Chapel, 1c Welbeck Grove Allestree Derby DE22 2LS T: 01332 559406 E: support@balls2marketing.co.uk W: www.balls2marketing.com


Barnsley MBC Wellington House, Wellington Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 1WA T: 01226 773555 E: communications@barnsley.gov.uk W: www.barnsley.gov.uk BAM Ritchies is the leading edge provider of ground engineering services and is fully focused on supporting the UK’s major infrastructure projects. Partnering with our customers at the earliest stage of the project life cycle, we use advanced techniques, equipment and digital technology to deliver optimum, best value solutions. BAM Ritchies Glasgow Road, Kilsyth Glasgow Scotland G65 9BL T: 01236 467000 E: ritchies@bamritchies.co.uk W: www.bamritchies.co.uk Banagher Precast Concrete Mundford Road, Weeting Brandon Norfolk IP27 0PL T: 0161 3000513 E: info@bancrete.com W: www.banagherprecast.com BAND-IT Company Ltd Speedwell Ind Est, Staveley Chesterfield UK S43 3PF T: 01246 479479 E: sfranklin@idexcorp.com W: www.band-it-idex.com Banlaw Systems (Europe) Ltd 1 Rosdendale Way, Blantyre Glasgow G72 ONJ T: 01698 824431 E: info@banlawsystems.com W: www.banlawsystems.com Bapp Industrial Supplies Ltd (Head Office) Claycliffe Road, Barugh Barnsley South Yorkshire S75 1LR T: 01226 388444 E: sales@bappbarnsley.co.uk W: www.bapp.co.uk Baqus Group Plc 2-3 North Mews London WC1N 2JP T: 01202 204888 E: enquiries@baqus.co.uk W: www.baqus.co.uk Barcodes for Business Ltd – Head Office Unit 5, Deans Close Steventon Oxfordshire OX13 6SZ T: 01494 810101 E: enquiries@barcodesforbusiness.co.uk W: www.barcodesforbusiness.co.uk

Basemap Ltd Surrey Tech Centre, 40 Occam Road Guildford Surrey GU2 7YG T: 01483 688470 E: sales@basemap.co.uk W: www.basemap.co.uk BASF Plc PO Box 4, Earl Road Cheadle Hulme Cheshire SK8 6QG T: 0161 485 6222 E: info@basf.com W: www.basf.com BATT Cables PLC The Belfry, Fraser Road Erith Kent DA8 1QH T: 01322 441166 E: battindustrial.sales@batt.co.uk W: www.batt.co.uk Battery Service Hub Ltd Pegasus House, Riverside End Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 7PU T: 01858 433008 E: info@batteryservicehub.com W: www.batteryservicehub.com BAUER Technologies Ltd Millers Three, Southmill Road Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 3DH T: 01279 653108 E: info@bauertech.co.uk W: www.bauertech.co.uk Bayham Ltd Rutherford Road, Daneshill West Ind Est Basingstoke RG24 8PG T: 01256 464911 E: sales@tankgauges.co.uk W: www.tankgauges.co.uk BCM Construction Ltd Devonshire House, 164 Westminster Bridge Rd Waterloo London SE1 7RW T: 020 7551 0998 E: info@bcmconstruction.co.uk W: www.bcmconstruction.co.uk BCM GRC Ltd Unit 22, Civic Industrial Estate Whitchurch Shropshire SY13 1TT T: 01948 665321 E: info@bcmgrc.com W: www.bcmgrc.com Beacon Rail Leasing Ltd 4th Floor, 4 Matthew Parker St London SW1H 9NP

T: 020 3983 0898 E: rail@beaconrail.com W: www.beaconrail.com Beakbane Ltd Stourport Road, Kidderminster Worcestershire DY11 7QT T: 01562 820561 E: info@beakbane.co.uk W: www.beakbane.co.uk Bearward Engineering Ltd Main Road, Far Cotton Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 8HJ T: 01604 762851 E: sales@bearward.com W: www.bearward.com Beaver 84 Ltd Trinity Street, Off Tat Bank Road Oldbury Birmingham B69 4LA T: 0121 543 2950 E: sales@beaver84.co.uk W: www.beaver84.co.uk Bechtel Ltd Park Royal, 2 Lakeside Drive London NW10 7FQ T: 020 8846 5111 W: www.bechtel.com Bechtel Ltd (London Office) 11 Pilgrim Street London EC4V 6RN T: 020 7651 7777 W: www.bechtel.com Beck & Pollitzer Ltd Burnham Road, Dartford Kent DA1 5BD T: 01322 223494 E: dartford@beck-pollitzer.com W: www.beck-pollitzer.com Bedestone Ltd Boulton House, 41 Ickneild Street Hockley Birmingham B18 5AY T: 0121 554 3283 E: info@bedestone.co.uk W: www.bedestone.co.uk Beeby Anderson Recruitment (B-A-R) Wenlock Studios, 50-52 Wharf Road London N1 7EU T: 020 3176 2666 E: contact@b-a-r.com W: www.b-a-r.com Beeswift Limited West Wing, Delta House, Delta Point Greets Green Road West Bromwich B70 9PL T: 0121 524 2323 E: sales@beeswift.com W: www.beeswift.co.uk

As a technology leader and pioneer in the transportation market, Belden works closely with operators, manufacturers and system integrators to design and implement world-class, secure, transportation network infrastructures. Belden offers a proven portfolio of innovative products paired with an unmatched range of services including engineering and maintenance support. Belden Inc Edisonstraat 9 5928 PG Venlo The Netherlands T: 0160 498 3754 E: emea.cic@belden.com W: www.belden.com/rail Belden Manchester Intl Off Ctr, Suite 13 Styal Road Manchester M22 5WB T: 0161 498 3749 E: manchester.salesinfo@belden.com W: www.beldensolutions.com Bell Plastics Lts t/a Safetytread 450 Blandford Road, Poole Dorset BH16 5BN T: 01202 625596 E: safetytread@bellplastics.co.uk W: www.safety-tread.co.uk

A-Z Directory Bellman Media Limited More House Farm, Haywards Heath West Sussex RH17 7RE T: 01444 471884 E: enquiries@bellman.co.uk W: www.bellman.co.uk Bellsure Supplies Ltd Vision House, Bedford Road Petersfield Hampshire GU32 3QB T: 01730 719292 E: info@bellsure.co.uk W: www.bellsure.co.uk Bellvedi Berkhamsted House, 121 High Street Berkhamsted Hertfordshire HP4 2DJ T: 020 3289 4894 E: info@bellvedi.com W: www.bellvedi.com

Belvoir Rail has become one of the key independent suppliers within the UK Rail industry, providing high quality comprehensive materials, components, repair & manufacturing services for many applications. Passenger Rolling Stock, Locomotives, as well as freight wagons. The Company also offers a design service for producing prototype parts, pre-production batches through to final production quantities Belvoir Rail Ltd Unit 13, Manvers Business Park High Hazels Road Cotgrave Notts NG12 3GZ T: 0115 989 2760 E: enquiries@belvoir-rail.com W: www.belvoir-rail.com Belzona Polymerics Ltd Claro Road, Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 4DS T: 01423 567641 E: belzona@belzona.co.uk W: www.belzona.co.uk BEMA Rail Training Metasi House, Unit 1 523 West Street Crewe CW1 3PA T: 01270 501821 E: enquires@bemarailtraining.co.uk W: www.bemarailtraining.co.uk Benchmark Training Ltd Warvey’s Place, Farncombe Estate Broadway Worcestershire WR12 7LJ T: 01386 854387 E: info@benchmarktraining.com W: www.benchmarktraining.com

Bender is a global pioneer of electrical safety technology. Bender rail technology is approved and proven in use on Network Rail infrastructure throughout the UK. Solutions include NR/L2/SIGELP/27725 compliant insulation monitoring and earth fault location systems, enabling the identification of developing faults and improving operational efficiency of rail networks. Bender UK Ltd The Old Tannery, Low Mill Business Park Ulverston Cumbria LA12 9EE T: 01229 480123 E: industrialsales@bender-uk.com W: www.bender-uk.com Bentley Systems (UK) Ltd 20 Gracechurch Street, 9th Floor London EC3V 0BG T: 020 7861 0900 E: info@bentley.com W: www.bentley.com Beresfords Flooring Ltd New House Farm, Belper Road Bradley Ashbourne DE6 1LP

T: 01335 345111 E: info@bfl.uk.com W: www.beresfordsflooring.co.uk

Bernstein are a specialist manufacturer of Enclosures, Safety switches & Sensors. Utilising UK based comprehensive value-added services to deliver world-class “one stop” solution services on a world-wide platform. Bernstein continues to partner all leading rail companies, being a safety critically approved supplier to Siemens, Bombardier and London Crossrail project. Bernstein Ltd Unit 1 Tintagel Way, Westgate Aldridge West Midlands WS9 8ER T: 01922 744999 E: sales@bernstein-ltd.co.uk W: www.bernstein-ltd.co.uk Berry Piling London Limited Berry Piling Group, Axiom House 41 Balcombe Road Horley Surrey RH6 7HF T: 01293 772422 E: sales@berrypilinggroup.co.uk W: www.berrypilinggroup.co.uk Berry Systems Springvale Business & Industrial Park Bilston Wolverhampton WV14 0QL T: 01902 491100 E: sales@berrysystems.co.uk W: www.berrysystems.co.uk Berrymans Lace Mawer LLP (BLM) King’s House, 42 King Street West Manchester M3 2NU T: 0161 236 2002 E: info@blmlaw.com W: www.blmlaw.com Bersche-Rolt Ltd Stream House, Herons Ghyll Uckfield East Sussex TN22 4BY T: 01825 713000 E: mail@bersche-rolt.co.uk W: www.bersche-rolt.co.uk Bespoke by Evans Bespoke Showroom, Parkway Denton Manchester M34 3SG T: 0161 320 2121 E: design@evans-textiles.com W: www.bespokebyevans.com

T: 01204 439100 E: solutions@bethell.co.uk W: www.bethell.co.uk

T: 01260 272744 E: sales@binderuk.com W: www.binderuk.com

Beveridge Associates Partnership Limited Regency House, Station Road Harold Wood Essex RM3 0BS T: 01708 336969 E: info@Beveridge-Associates.co.uk W: www.beveridge-associates.co.uk

Bingham Rail (DS) Ltd Barrow Road, Wincobank Sheffield S9 1JZ T: 0114 243 8441 E: info@binghamrail.com W: www.binghamrail.co.uk

Beyond Interactive Communications Ltd Ribble Saw Mill, Paley Road Preston PR1 8LT T: 0844 335 0390 E: info@beyondinteractive.co.uk W: www.beyondinteractive.co.uk

Bircham Dyson Bell LLP 50 Broadway, London SW1H 0BL T: 020 7227 7000 E: enquiries@bdb-law.co.uk W: www.bdb-law.co.uk

BG Steels Ltd Little Edge House, Eyam Hope Valley Derbyshire S32 5RE T: 07831 759594 E: bj.hague@bgsteels.co.uk W: www.bgsteels.co.uk

Bird & Bird LLP 12 New Fetter Lane London EC4A 1JP T: 020 7415 6000 E: info@twobirds.com W: www.twobirds.com

BGB Engineering Ltd 357 Dysart Road, Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 7NB T: 01476 576280 E: sales@bgbinnovation.com W: www.bgbinnovation.com

Bird Free Ltd 3 Tyndale House, Tyndale Lane London N1 2UL T: 020 7359 9988 E: ian.smith@bird-free.com W: www.bird-free.com

BHA BHA Cromwell House, PO Box 302 Carshalton SM5 9AU T: 0843 523 1024 E: contact@bhacromwell.co.uk W: www.bhacromwell.co.uk

Birmingham Prototypes Limited Unit 7, Madley Road Ind Estate North Moons Moat Redditch B98 9NB T: 01527 68071 E: info@birminghamprototypes.co.uk W: www.birminghamprototypes.co.uk

bhi Ltd 22 Woolven Close, Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 9RR T: 01444 870333 E: info@bhi-ltd.com W: www.bhi-ltd.com

Birmingham Specialities Ltd Lincoln Works, Moor Lane Witton Birmingham B6 7HE T: 0121 356 5026 E: sales@bhamspec.co.uk W: www.bhamspec.co.uk

BHSF Occupational Health Ltd G/F Suite Lyndon House, 62 Hagley Road Birmingham B16 8PE T: 01527 577242 E: admin@bhsfoh.co.uk W: www.bhsfoh.co.uk

Birtley Group Mary Avenue, Birtley County Durham DH3 1JF T: 0191 410 6631 E: info@birtleygroup.co.uk W: www.birtleygroup.co.uk

Bibby Distribution 105 Duke Street, Liverpool Merseyside L1 5JQ T: 0151 708 8000 E: info@bibbydist.co.uk W: www.bibbydist.co.uk

Bisham Consulting Cedar House, Glade Road Marlow Buckinghamshire SL7 1DQ T: 01628 487000 E: contact@bishamconsulting.com W: www.bishamconsulting.com

BCP has been manufacturing structural aluminium honeycomb panels for the rail industry for over 25 years. Using cost-effective techniques, BCP manufactures laminate panels to provide lightweight, strong and durable products including galley carts and meal containers. BCP also offer interior solutions including flooring and doors, cabin dividers and table tops.

Bijur Delimon International is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of various fluid dispensing products and systems. • Wheel Flange Lubrication • Top of Rail Lubrication • RAILJET pCoRail GPS controller • Wheel Wear Reduction • Wheel Squealing Noise Reduction • Wheel Rail Contact • Biodegradable Lubricant for Rail • Wheel Reprofiling Saving • RSSB RISQS Certified

Bespoke Composite Panels 5 Stukeley Bus Centre, Blackstone Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 6EF T: 01480 435302 E: sales@bespokecompositepanels.com W: www.bespokecompositepanels.com

Bijur Delimon International Ramsden Court, Ramsden Road, Rotherwas Ind Est, Hereford HR2 6LR T: 01432 365000 E: info@bijurdelimon.co.uk W: www.bijurdelimon.com

Best Impressions 15 Starfield Road London W12 9SN T: 020 8740 6443 E: talk2us@best-impressions.co.uk W: www.best-impressions.co.uk

Bidvest Noonan (UK) Limited 15 St Botolph Street, Aldgate London EC3A 7BB T: 0203 319 1750 E: info@bidvestnoonan.com W: www.bidvestnoonan.co.uk

Betafence Limited PO Box 119, Shepcote Lane Sheffield S9 1TY T: 0114 256 7800 E: sales.sheffield@betafence.com W: www.betafence.co.uk

Bikeaway Limited Bell Close, Newnham Ind Estate Plympton Devon PL7 4JH T: 01752 202116 E: info@bikeaway.com W: www.bikeaway.com

Bethell Construction Limited Dane House, Europa Park Stoneclough Road Kearsley M26 1GE

Binder Fastener Systems UK Limited Unit 16a, John Bradshaw Court Alexandria Way Congleton Cheshire CW12 1LB

Bitmen Products Tex Engineering Limited, Unit 35 Claydon Bus Pk Gipping Road Ipswich Suffolk IP6 0NL T: 01257 264403 E: info@tex-engineering.co.uk W: www.tex-engineering.co.uk Bitrez Limited Bradley Hall Ind Estate, Bradley Lane Standish Wigan WN6 0XQ T: 01257 425512 E: enquiries@bitrez.co.uk W: www.bitrez.com BJD Group 2 The Mill Rectory Farm, Farndon Road Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 9TU T: 01858 455098 E: mailbox@bjdgroup.com W: www.bjdgroup.co.uk Black Diamond Security Vision House, Durham Lane West Moor Park Doncaster DN3 3FE T: 0800 804 8112 E: info@blackdiamondsecurity.co.uk W: www.blackdiamondsecurity.co.uk Blackbox Co UK Ltd 3 The Courtyard, Bracknell RG12 2XB T: 01344 513333 E: info@blackbox-co.com W: www.blackbox-co.com Blackbridge Communications Limited Zetland House, 5-25 Scrutton Street London EC2A 4HJ T: 020 7729 8969 E: hello@blackbridge.co.uk W: www.blackbridge.co.uk


A-Z Directory Blackpool Tramway (Blackpool Transport, Services Limited) Rigby Road Blackpool FY1 5DD T: 01253 473001 E: enquiries@blackpooltransport.com W: www.blackpooltransport.com

BMAC Ltd U13-14 Shepley Ind Est, South Shepley Road Audenshaw Manchester M34 5DW T: 0161 337 3070 E: enquiries@bmac.ltd.uk W: www.bmac.ltd.uk

Blagg & Johnson Ltd Newark Business Park, Brunel Drive Newark Nottighamshire NG24 2EG T: 01636 703137 E: sales@blaggs.co.uk W: www.blaggs.co.uk

BME Nitech Ltd Unit 2a Nevis Bus Park, Blagownie Road Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB22 8NT T: 01224 825320 E: sales@bmenitech.co.uk W: www.bmenitech.co.uk

Blake Morgan LLP New Kings Court, Tollgate Chandlers Ford Eastleigh Hants SO53 3LG T: 023 8090 8090 E: info@blakemorgan.co.uk W: www.blakemorgan.co.uk

BMT Asset Performance Ltd 1st Floor, Berkeley Hse, The Square Lower Bristol Road Bath BA2 3BH T: 01225 473727 E: info@bmtapl.com W: www.bmtapl.com

Our business is to protect railway depot personnel from harmful diesel engine exhaust emissions. Whether you are looking for a simple or sophisticated solution, we provide quality exhaust extraction systems, from design, to manufacturing and installation. With 45 years of experience Blaschke is recognized as one of the most important specialists. Blaschke Umwelttechnik GmbH Industriestrasse 13, 86405 Meitingen Germany T: 00 49 8271 8169-0 E: info@hblaschke.de W: www.hblaschke.de Blocksil Ltd Cathedral House, 5 Beacon Street Lichfield WS13 7AA T: 01543 887840 E: info@blocksil.co.uk W: www.blocksil.co.uk Blok ‘N’ Mesh Unit 1, Hammond Rd Liverpool L33 7UL T: 0870 950 57 88 E: webteam@bloknmesh.com W: www.bloknmesh.com Bloomberg LLP 3 Queen Victoria Street London EC4N 4TQ T: 020 7330 7500 E: inquiry1@bloomberg.net W: www.bloomberg.com Bloxwich Transport & Container Products Ltd 10 Cedars Bus Centre, Avon Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1QJ T: 01543 435160 E: sales@bloxwichgroup.com W: www.bloxwichgroup.com Blue Chip Technology Chowley Oak, Chowley Oak Lane Tattenhall Chester CH3 9EX T: 01829 772000 E: sales@bluechiptechnology.com W: www.bluechiptechnology.com Blueprint Recruitment Ltd 6/7 Pentland House, Glenrothes Fife Scotland KY6 2A T: 0159 263 1644 E: info@blueprint-recruitment.co.uk W: www.blueprint-recruitment.co.uk Blueprint Recruitment Solutions Fartec, Carnac Court Cams Hall Estate Fareham Hampshire PO16 8JY T: 023 9260 3030 E: info@blueprintrecruit.com W: www.blueprintrecruit.com Bluesky PR Centurion House, 136-142 London Road St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 1PQ T: 01582 790700 E: hello@bluesky-pr.com W: www.bluesky-pr.net


BMT Group Goodrich House, 1 Waldegrave Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8LZ T: 020 8949 5544 E: enquiries@bmtmail.com W: www.bmt.org BNP Paribas Real Estate Portwall Place, Portwall Lane Bristol BS1 6NA T: 0117 984 8400 E: realestate.press@bnpparibas.com W: www.realestate.bnpparibas.co.uk BOC Ltd The Priestly Centre, 10 Priestley Road Guildford Surrey M28 2UT T: 0808 278 4993 E: custserv@boc.com W: www.boconline.co.uk Bodacc Ltd Unit 7, Griffin Entreprise Park Penrhyndeudraeth Gwynedd LL48 6LE T: 01766 238020 E: admin@bodaccltd.co.uk W: www.bodaccltd.co.uk Boddingtons Electrical Prospect House, Queenborough Lane Gt Notley Braintree CM77 7AG T: 01376 567490 E: info@boddingtons-electrical.com W: www.boddingtons-electrical.com Bodycote PLC Macclesfield Head Office Springwood Court, Springwood Close Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 2XF T: 01625 505300 E: customer.response@bodycote.com W: www.bodycote.com Bodyguard Workwear Ltd Adams Street Birmingham B7 4LS T: 0121 359 8880 E: info@bodyguardworkwear.co.uk W: www.bodyguardworkwear.co.uk

Bollé Safety, the safety eyewear specialist. With a wide range of comfortable and protective safety and prescription eyewear, Bollé Safety has the right equipment for your unique needs. Led by innovation for over 130 years, we develop all our products and services to go beyond our users’ expectations. Bolle Safety C83 Barwell Bus Park, Leatherhead Road Chessington Surrey KT9 2NY T: 020 8391 4700 E: sales@bolle-safety.co.uk W: www.bolle-safety.com BOMAG (Great Britain) Ltd Sheldon Way, Larkfield Aylesford ME20 6SE T: 01622 716611 E: gb@bomag.com W: www.bomag.com

Operating across the whole of the UK and with over 50 years of experience in geotechnical and civil engineering, demolition, asbestos removal, consultancy, remediation and salvage services. We offer solutions that minimise the amount of man power via innovative planning and logistics engaging modern technology/ machinery. Bond Demolition Ltd Unit 3B Ocean Park, Pant Glas Ind. Estate Caerphilly CF83 8DR T: 02920 888 788 E: info@bonddemolition.co.uk W: www.bonddemolition.co.uk Bond Insurance Service Ltd Salisbury House, 81 High Street Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 5AS T: 01707 291200 E: enquiries@bond-insurance.co.uk W: www.bond-insurance.co.uk Bonomi UK Ltd The Fluid Power Center, Watling Street Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6BQ T: 024 7635 4535 E: sales@bonomi.co.uk W: www.bonomi.co.uk

Bourton Group LLP 5 Cottesbrooke Park, Heartlands Daventry Northamptonshire NN11 8YL T: 01926 633333 E: info@bourton.co.uk W: www.bourton.co.uk Bowden Bros Ltd Brickworks House, Spook Hill North Holmwood Surrey RH5 4HR T: 01306 743355 E: sales@bowden-bros.com W: www.bowden-bros.com BPH Rail and Civil Engineering Ltd Unit 8 Little Hyde Hall, Hatfield Heath Road Sawbridgeworth Hertfordshire CM21 9HX T: 01279 724913 E: enquiries@bphrail.co.uk W: www.bphrail.co.uk BPR Architects Ltd The Boathouse, Embankment Putney London SW15 1LB T: 020 8785 9983 E: info@bprarchitects.com W: www.bprarchitects.com

Bonsers (Nottingham) Limited No2 The Tractor Barn, Hall Farm Yard Kirklington Newark NG22 8NN T: 01636 815986 E: contact@bonsersrestoration.co.uk W: www.bonsersrestoration.co.uk

Bradgate Containers design and manufacture a wide range of specialist equipment including containers and modules used in the rail sector for applications from traction electrification through to signalling supplies PSP’s and SSP’s. From fully welded to bonded panel, mild steel to stainless steel, at Bradgate we have the solution to fit the customer needs.

Book my Course Training Courses Book My Course Ltd, Diamond Way Nene Park Irthlingborough NN9 5QF T: 01933 233884 E: enquiries@bookmycourse.co.uk W: www.bookmycourse.co.uk

Bradgate Containers Leicester Road, Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9EG T: 01509 508678 E: sales@bradgate.co.uk W: www.bradgate.co.uk

Booth Industries International Ltd PO Box 50, Nelson Street Bolton Lancashire BL3 2AP T: 01204 366333 E: enquiries@booth-industries.co.uk W: www.booth-industries.co.uk Booth-Muirie Ltd South Caldeen Road, Coatbridge Scotland ML5 4EG T: 01236 345500 E: enquiries@boothmuirie.co.uk W: www.boothmuirie.co.uk Bosch Rexroth Limited 15 Cromwell Road, St. Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 2ES T: 01480 223200 E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk W: www.boschrexroth.co.uk Bosch Security & Saftety Systems Broadwater Park, North Orbital Road Denham UB9 5HJ T: 0330 123 9979 E: service-enquiries@uk.bosch.com W: www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems UK PO Box 750, Uxbridge Middlesex UB9 5ZJ T: 01895 878088 E: security.systems@uk.bosch.com W: www.uk.boschsecurity.com Bosley International Ltd Elfed House, Oak Tree Court Cardiff Bus Park Cardiff CF23 8RS T: 0845 224 7604 E: recruitment@bosleyinternational.co.uk W: www.bosleyinternational.co.uk Bott Ltd Bude-Stratton Bus Park, Bude Cornwall EX23 8LY T: 01288 357788 E: info@bottltd.co.uk W: www.bottltd.co.uk

Bradley Manufacturing Junction 21 Bus Park, Gorse Street Chadderton Oldham OL9 9QH T: 01706 621421 E: web@bradleymanufacturing.com W: www.bradleymanufacturing.co.uk Bradleys Metal Finishers 49 Knightsdale Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP1 4JJ T: 01473 461400 E: sales@bradleys-uk.com W: www.bradleysmetalfinishers.com Brady UK Wildmere Ind Estate, Banbury Oxon OX16 3JU T: 01295 228288 E: csuk@bradycorp.com W: www.brad.co.uk Brammer Headway Road Wolverhampton WV10 6PZ T: 01902 395000 E: marketing.uk@brammer.biz W: www.brammer.co.uk Brand Biology Ltd 470 Bath Road, Bristol BS4 3AP T: 0117 922 1500 E: hello@brandbiology.com W: www.brandbiology.com Brand-Rex Ltd West Bridgewater Street, Leigh Lancashire WN7 4HB T: 01942 265500 E: sales@brand-rex.com W: www.brand-rex.com Brand8 PR Round Foundry, Media Centre Foundry Street Leeds LS11 5QP T: 0113 394 4580 E: info@brand8pr.com W: www.brand8pr.com

A-Z Directory Brandauer 235 Bridge Street West, Birmingham West Midlands B19 2YU T: 0121 359 2822 E: sales@brandauer.co.uk W: www.brandauer.co.uk

Brett Martin Ltd 24 Roughfort Road, Newtownabbey Co Antrim BT36 4RB T: 028 9084 9999 E: mail@brettmartin.com W: www.brettmartin.com

British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) Cheriton House, Cromwell Park Chipping Norton Oxon OX7 5SR T: 01608 647900 E: enquiries@bfpa.co.uk W: www.bfpa.co.uk

British Standards Institution (BSI) 389 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick London W4 4AL T: 0345 080 9001 E: cservices@bsigroup.com W: www.bsigroup.com

Brandformula Ltd Fourth Floor, 5 London Wall Buildings Finsbury Circus London EC2M 5NS T: 020 7265 7880 E: info@brandformula.co.uk W: www.brandformula.co.uk

Brevia Consulting (Brevia Ltd) 5 Salamanca Place, Lambeth London SE1 7HP T: 020 7091 1650 E: contact@brevia.co.uk W: www.brevia.co.uk

British Geological Survey Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth Nottingham NG12 5GG T: 0115 936 3100 E: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk W: www.bgs.ac.uk

British Steel PO BOX 1, Brigg Road Scunthorpe DN16 1BP T: 01724 404040 E: rail@britishsteel.co.uk W: www.britishsteel.co.uk

Brands2Life 2 Floor, Blue Fin Building 110 Southwark St London SE1 0SU T: 020 7592 1200 E: info@brands2life.com W: www.brands2life.com

Brian Cole Associates Ltd Orient House, Church Way Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 4HJ T: 01933 440024 E: enquiry@bcal.co.uk W: www.bcal.co.uk

British Geomembrane Association (BGA) E: office@britishgeomembran eassociation.co.uk W: www.britishgeomembrane association.co.uk

Brass Agency (Head Office) Moorfield House, Alma Road Leeds LS6 2AH T: 0113 230 4000 E: hello@brassagency.com W: www.brassagency.com

Brian Doogue Haulage Ltd London Gateway, Scratchwood Services Barnet Way London NW7 3JA T: 020 8959 6673 E: bdhaulage@live.co.uk

British Geophysical Association (BGA) c/o The RAS, Burlington House Piccadilly London W1J 0BQ T: 020 7734 4582 E: secretary@geophysics.org.uk W: www.britgeophysics.org

British Transport Police (BTP) BTP Headquarters, 25 Camden Road London NW1 9LN T: 0800 40 50 40 E: first_contact@btp.pnn.police.uk W: www.btp.police.uk

Bridges Communications Limited York House, 5a Holly Hill Lane Sarisbury Green Southampton SO31 7AB T: 01489 559976 E: team@bridgescommunications.co.uk W: www.bridgescommunications.co.uk

British Geotechnical Association (BGA) 1 Great George Street London SW1P 3AA T: 020 7665 2007 E: bga@britishgeotech.org.uk W: www.britishgeotech.org

Bridgeway Consulting Limited Bridgeway House, Riverside Way Nottingham NG2 1DP T: 0115 9191111 E: enquiries@bridgeway-consulting.co.uk W: www.bridgeway-consulting.co.uk

British Gypsum Ltd Gotham Road, East Leake Loughborough Leicestershire LE12 6HX T: 0115 945 1000 E: bgtechnical.enquiries@bpb.com W: www.biritsh-gypsum.co.uk

Briggs Equipment UK Ltd Orbital 7, Orbital Way Cannock Staffordshire WS11 8XW T: 0330 123 9814 E: info@briggsequipment.co.uk W: www.briggsequipment.co.uk

British International Freight Association (BIFA) Redfern House, Browells Lane Feltham Middlesex TW13 7EP T: 020 8844 2266 E: bifa@bifa.org W: www.bifa.org

BriggsAmasco Amasco House, 101 Powke Lane Cradley Heath B64 5PX T: 0121 502 9600 E: enquiries@birggsamasco.co.uk W: www.briggsamasco.co.uk

British Mica Co Ltd 123 Barkers Lane, Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9RR T: 01234 327977 E: info@britishmica.co.uk W: www.britishmica.co.uk

Brighter Comms 33-35 West Bute Street, Cardiff South Glamorgan CF10 5LH T: 029 2102 3190 E: talk@brightercomms.co.uk W: www.brightercomms.co.uk

British Parking Association (BPA) Chelsea House, 8-14 The Broadway Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 3AH T: 01444 447300 E: info@britishparking.co.uk W: www.britishparking.co.uk

Brintons Carpets Limited Stourport Road, Kidderminster Worcestershire DY11 7PZ T: 01562 820000 E: contact@brintons.co.uk W: www.brintons.co.uk

British Pest Control Association (BPCA) 4a Mallard Way, Pride Park Derby DE24 8GX T: 01332 294288 E: enquiry@bpca.org.uk W: www.bpca.org.uk

Britannia Construction Ltd Britannia House, Staverton Tech Park Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6TQ T: 01452 859880 E: info@britanniaconstruction.co.uk W: www.britanniaconstruction.co.uk

British Precast The Old Rectory, Main Street Glenfield Leicestershire LE3 8DG T: 0116 232 5170 E: info@britishprecast.org W: www.britishprecast.org

British Approvals Service For Cables (BASEC) Presley House, Presley Way Crownhill Milton Keynes MK8 0ES T: 01908 267300 E: mail@basec.org.uk W: www.basec.org.uk

British Retail Consortium 2 London Bridge London SE1 9RA T: 020 7854 8900 E: info@brc.org.uk W: www.brc.org.uk

British Cables Company Delaunays Road, Crumpsall Manchester M9 8FP T: 0161 741 2359 E: info@britishcables.com W: www.britishcablescompany.com

British Safety Council 70 Chancellor’s Road, Hammersmith London W6 9RS T: 020 3510 8355 E: customer.service@britsafe.org W: www.britsafe.org

British Chamber of Commerce 65 Petty France, Westminster London SW1H 9EU T: 020 7654 5800 E: info@britishchambers.org.uk W: www.britishchambers.org.uk

British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) Bsif House, 3 Austens Mews Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP1 3AF T: 01442 248744 E: enquiries@bsif.co.uk W: www.bsif.co.uk

British Drilling Association (BDA) Alphab House, Alfred Street Pinxton Nottinghamshire NG16 6NQ T: 01773 778751 E: office@britishdrillingassociation.co.uk W: www.britishdrillingassociation.co.uk

British Security Industry Association (BSIA) Anbrian House, First Floor 1 The Tything Worcester WR1 1HD T: 01905 342020 E: info@bsia.co.uk W: www.bsia.co.uk

Bratts Ladders Abbeyfield Road, Lenton Ind Estate Nottingham NG7 2SZ T: 0115 986 6851 E: sales@brattsladders.com W: www.brattsladders.com Bray Design 75a Burgh Road, Skegness Lincolnshire PE25 2RJ T: 01754 898044 E: info@braydesign.co.uk W: www.braydesign.co.uk Braybrook Ltd 3c Sopwith Crescent, Hurricane Way Wickford Essex SS11 8YU T: 01268 763399 E: admin@braybrookltd.co.uk W: www.braybrookltd.co.uk Brazen (UK) PR & Content Marketing Brazen House, 27 Great Ancoats Street Manchester M4 5AJ T: 0161 923 4994 E: info@wearebrazenpr.com W: www.brazenpr.com BRE Watford Bucknalls Lane Watford WD25 9XX T: 0333 321 8811 E: enquiries@bregroup.com W: www.bregroup.com Breckenridge Old Bond Store, Back of the Walls Southampton Hampshire SO14 3HA T: 023 8043 3348 E: hello@breckenridge.agency W: www.breckenridge.agency Brecknell Willis PO Box 10, Chard Somerset TA20 2DE T: 01460 260700 E: brecknellwillis@wabtec.com W: www.brecknellwillis.com Bremskerl (UK) Ltd 4b Ashmead Ind Estate, Ashmead Road Keynsham Bristol BS31 1TU T: 0117 946 1600 E: online@bremskerl.com W: www.bremskerl.de Brett Aggregates Ltd Brett House, Bysing Wood Road Faversham Kent ME13 7UD T: 01795 594000 E: aggssalesenquiries@brett.co.uk W: www.brett.co.uk Brett Aggregates Ltd Waldringfield Road, Brightwel Ipswich Suffolk IP2 8LY T: 01473 811900 E: saleseastern@brett.co.uk W: www.brett.co.uk

British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) The Forum, 5th Floor North 74-80 Camden St London NW1 0EG T: 020 7383 0259 E: general.enquiries@btpa.police.uk W: www.btpa.police.uk British Tunnelling Society (BTS) 1 Great George Street London SW1P 3AA T: 020 7665 2238 E: bts@ice.org.uk W: www.britishtunnelling.com Briton Fabricators Ltd Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham NG15 6EP T: 0115 963 2901 E: sales@britonsltd.co.uk W: www.britonsltd.co.uk Broadway Malyan (Weybridge Office) 3 Weybridge Bus Park, Addlestone Road Weybridge Surrey KT15 2BW T: 01932 845599 E: wey@BroadwayMalyan.com W: www.broadwaymalyan.com Brockhouse Forgings Ltd Howard Street, West Bromwich West Midlands B70 0SN T: 0121 556 1241 E: info@brockhouse.co.uk W: www.brockhouse.co.uk Brodie Engineering Limited Bonnyton Rail Depot, Munro Place Kilmarnock Ayrshire KA1 2NP T: 01563 546280 E: mail@brodie-engineering.co.uk W: www.brodie-engineering.co.uk Brodies LLP 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Scotland EH3 8HA T: 0131 228 3777 E: mailbox@brodies.com W: www.brodies.com Brogan Group UK Ltd 4 Falcon Gate, Falcon Way Shire Park Welwyn Garden City AL7 1TW T: 0333 358 0007 E: enquiries@brogangroup.com W: www.brogangroup.com Brokk UK Ltd Unit 2a, Moss End Bus Village Crooklands Milnthorpe LA7 7NU T: 01539 566055 E: info@brokk.com W: www.brokk.com Brookvex IMS Sandham House, Boundary Business Court 92-94 Church Road Mitcham Surrey CR4 3TD T: 020 8687 5560 E: info@brookvexims.com W: www.brookvexims.com Browns Fasteners Ltd PO Box 13, Deanfield Mills Asquith Avenue Morley, Leeds LS27 9RE T: 0113 252 2185 E: sales@brownsfasteners.co.uk W: www.brownsfasteners.co.uk


A-Z Directory Browse Bion Unit 19/20, Lakeside Park Medway City Estate Rochester Kent ME2 4LT T: 01634 710063 E: sales@browsebion.com W: www.browsebion.com Brunel University Kingston Lane, Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 3PH T: 01895 274000 E: ukeu-admissions@brunel.ac.uk W: www.brunel.ac.uk

Over the past 20years Buckingham Group has established a strong track record for the safe, on-time, in-budget delivery of a wide range of complex, multi-disciplinary Railway Projects. Working collaboratively with our Rail Clients we provide a fully integrated end-to-end delivery model, encompassing all stages of design, project, and programme management.

Bruton Knowles Greybrook House, 28 Brook Street London W1K 5DH T: 0845 200 6489 E: marketing@brutonknowles.co.uk W: www.brutonknowles.co.uk

Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Silverstone Road, Stowe Buckinghamshire MK18 5LJ T: 01280 823355 E: bd@buckinghamgroup.co.uk W: www.buckinghamgroup.co.uk

Bryan & Armstrong Ltd 22 Wenlock Road, Hoxton London EC1V 4PY T: 020 7129 7075 E: enquiry@bryan-armstrong.com W: www.bryan-armstrong.com Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP Adelaide House, London Bridge London EC4R 9HA T: 020 3400 1000 E: info@bclplaw.ccom W: www.blplaw.com Bryen & Langeley Ltd 6 Lagoon Road, Orpington Kent BR5 3QX T: 020 8850 7775 E: info@bryen-langley.com W: www.bryen-langley.com Bryn Thomas Cranes Ltd 421 Chester Road, Flint Wales CH6 5SE T: 01352 733984 E: sales@brynthomascranes.com W: www.brynthomascranes.com BSP Consulting (Nottingham Office) Head Office, 12 Oxford Street Nottingham NG1 5BG T: 0115 840 2227 E: rail@bsp-consulting.co.uk W: www.bsp-consulting.co.uk BSP International Foundations Ltd Claydon Business Park, Gipping Road Great Blakenham Ipswich Suffolk IP6 0NL T: 01473 830431 E: sales@bspif.co.uk W: www.bsp-if.com BSRIA Ltd Old Bracknell Lane, West Bracknell Berkshire RG12 7AH T: 01344 465600 E: bsria@bsria.co.uk W: www.bsria.co.uk BSV Recruitment Ltd Lynton House, Station Approach Woking Surrey GU22 7PY T: 01483 768600 E: info@bsvrecruitment.co.uk W: www.bsvrecruitment.co.uk BTROS electronics Unit 4b, Castlewood Bus Park Farmwell Lane Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17 1JF T: 01773 814640 E: esales@btros.co.uk W: www.btros-electronics.com BTRoS Interiors and Cabling Division Litchurch Lane Works Derby DE24 8AD T: 01332 257500 E: bdm@btros.co.uk W: www.btros.co.uk Buck & Hickman National Distb Centre, Headway Road Wolverhampton WV10 6PZ T: 01902 395000 E: enquiries@buckandhickman.com W: www.buckandhickman.com


Buildbase Gemini One, 5520, Oxford Business Park Cowley Oxford OX4 2LL T: 01865 871700 E: oxford@buildbase.co.uk W: www.buildbase.co.uk Building Design Partnership (BDP) 16 Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell London EC1V 4LJ T: 020 7812 8000 E: london@bdp.com W: www.bdp.com Bulk Freight (Midlands) Ltd Trent Lane, Castle Donington Derby Derbyshire DE74 2NP T: 01322 853358 E: sales@bulkfreight.co.uk W: www.bulkfreight.co.uk Bulkhaul Ltd Brignell Road, Riverside Park Ind Est Middlesbrough Cleveland TS2 1PS T: 01642 230423 E: info@bulkhaul.co.uk W: www.bulkhaul.co.uk Bunkabin Tweedale Way Oldham OL9 7LD T: 0345 456 7899 E: hires@bunkabin.co.uk W: www.bunkabin.co.uk Bunzl Greenham Bunzl UK Limited, Greenham House 671 London Road Middlesex TW7 4EX T: 0845 300 6672 E: sales@greenham.com W: www.greenham.com Bupa – Health Care Service Delivery Battle Bridge House, 300 Grays Inn Road London WC1X 8DU T: 020 7656 3710 E: BattleBridgeHouse@bupa.com W: www.bupa.co.uk Burges Salmon One Glass Wharf Bristol BS2 0ZX T: 0117 939 2000 E: marketing@burges-salmon.com W: www.burges-salmon.com Burrell & Mistry Ltd 7a Lambs Conduit Psge, Holborn London WC1R 4RG T: 020 7092 3090 E: post@burrellmistry.com W: www.burrellmistry.com Burrows Electrical Limited Ansona Works, Steamer Terrace Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QP T: 01245 267428 E: enquiries@burrowselectrical.com W: www.burrowselectrical.com Burtonwood Generator & Switchgear Services Ltd Unit 2, Saint Michael’s Road St Helens Merseyside WA9 4WZ T: 01744 814444 E: info@burtonwoodgroup.com W: www.burtonwoodgroup.com

Business Dispatch Ltd Unit 3&4, Kingspark Bus Centre 152-178 Kingston New Malden Surrey KT3 3ST T: 020 8605 1771 E: info@businessdispatch.co.uk W: www.businessdispatch.co.uk

Cable Dynamics Ltd Unit 15, Binghams Pk Bus Centre Potten End Hill Hemel Hempstead HP1 3BN T: 01442 234808 E: enquiries@cabledynamics.co.uk W: www.cabledynamcs.co.uk

Butler & Young (BYL) Ltd Unit 10, Airport House Purley Way Croydon CR0 0XZ T: 020 8253 4900 E: enquiries@byl.co.uk W: www.butlerandyoung.co.uk

Cable Jointing Services Ltd North Farm House, Warden Law Houghton le Spring Tyne & Wear DH5 8LX T: 0191 512 6040 E: info@cablejointingservices.com W: www.cablejointingservices.com

BWB Consulting 5th Floor, Waterfront House Station Street Nottingham NG2 3DQ T: 0115 924 1100 E: nottingham@bwbconsulting.com W: www.bwbconsulting.com BWCS Limited 6 Worcester Road, Ledbury Herefordshire HR8 1BN T: 01531 634326 E: info@bwcs.com W: www.bwcs.com ByteSnap Design 2 Devon Way, Longbridge Tech Park Birmingham B31 2TS T: 0121 222 5433 E: info@bytesnap.co.uk W: www.bytesnap.co.uk

The Cable Services Group was founded in 1971 and is the UK’s leading Specialist Electrical Distributor. We stock and supply both cable and cable accessories to the domestic and international markets, and can provide full technical back up to our customers on all the products supplied. Cable Services Group Bridge House, Bridge Road Wrexham Ind Est Wrexham LL13 9PS T: 01978 340450 E: rail@cableservices.co.uk W: www.cableservices.co.uk

Bywater Training Ltd Couchmore House, Littleworth Road Esher Surrey KT90 9TN T: 0333 123 9001 E: contact@bywater.co.uk W: www.bywater.co.uk

Cable Telecommunications Training Services Ltd Jubilee Place, Lindum Business Park Station Road North Hykeham LN6 3QX T: 01522 880900 E: info@cable-training.co.uk W: www.cable-training.co.uk

C.Scope International Ltd Kingsnorth Tech Park, Wotton Road Ashford Kent TN23 6LN T: 01233 629181 E: info@cscope.co.uk W: www.cscopelocators.com

Cablecraft (a part of Shoal Group Ltd) Cablecraft House, Circle Business Centre Blackburn Road Houghton Regis LU5 5DD T: 01582 606033 E: sales@cablecraft.co.uk W: www.cablecraft.co.uk

C&S Equipment Ltd 15 Wingbury Courtyard, Leighton Road Wingrave Buckinghamshire HP22 4LW T: 01296 688500 E: sales@CandSequipment.co.uk W: www.candsequipment.co.uk

CACI Ltd Kensington Village, Avonmore Road London W14 8TS T: 020 7602 6000 E: compliance@caci.co.uk W: www.caci.co.uk

c2c Rail Ltd 2nd Floor, Cutlers Court 115 Houndsditch London EC3A 7BR T: 0345 744 4422 E: contact@c2crail.co.uk W: www.c2c-online.co.uk C2E Consulting 1-2 Broadgate Circle London EC2M 2QS T: 07939 919141 E: enquiries@c2econsulting.co.uk W: www.c2econsulting.co.uk C3S Projects Ltd Riverside House, Elland Bridge Elland Halifax HX5 0SQ T: 01422 313800 E: info@c3s.com W: www.c3s.com Cabel UK 8 Pillings Road, Oakham Rutland LE15 6QF T: 01572 755168 E: info@cabeluk.com W: www.cabeluk.com Cabfind Twelve Quays House, Egerton Wharf Birkenhead Wirral CH41 1LD T: 0843 658 1122 E: enquiries@cabfind.com W: www.cabfind.com Cable Detection Ltd Unit 1 Blythe Park, Cresswell Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RD T: 01782 384630 E: sales@cabledetection.co.uk W: www.cabledetection.co.uk

Cadenza has particular expertise and experience in feasibility studies (including Restore Your Railway projects), strategic asset management, and technical advisory services. Our customers trust us to think holistically and imaginatively, rating value for money as ‘Good or Very Good’ for 95% of our projects since we started in 2015. Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd 8-10 South Street, Epsom Surrey KT18 7PF T: 07786 430420 E: info@cadenza.co.uk W: www.cadenza.co.uk CADFEM UK CAE Ltd Airport House, Purley Way Croydon Surrey CR0 0XZ T: 020 8256 0630 E: info@cadfemuk.com W: www.cadfemukandireland.com Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Limited 1 Cadman Court, Morley Leeds LS27 0RX T: 0113 284 2415 E: info@cairncross.uk.com W: www.cairncross.uk.com Calco Services Ltd 5th Floor, Melrose House 42 Dingwall Road Croydon CR0 2NE T: 020 8655 1600 E: careers@calco.co.uk W: www.calco.co.uk

A-Z Directory

Calders and Grandidge have been suppliers of timber sleepers, crossings/bearers and fencing into the UK rail industry for well over a hundred years. We still offer traditional coal tar creosote treated timbers as well as Celcure treatment and we also supply hardwood sleepers and crossings in lengths up to 9.0m. Calders & Grandidge 194 London Road, Wyberton Boston PE21 7HJ T: 01205 358866 E: enquiries@caldersandgrandidge.com W: www.caldersandgrandidge.com Caledonian Sleeper 1 Union Street, Inverness Scotland IV1 1PP T: 0330 060 0500 E: enquiry@sleeper.scot W: www.sleeper.scot Calibration, Maintenance & Repair (CMR) Ltd Units 3-7, Home Farm Ind Park Norwich Road Marsham Norfolk NR10 5PQ T: 01603 279557 E: support@cmrcalibrate.co.uk W: www.cmrcalibrate.co.uk Calibre Search Ltd 7 Brewery Place, Brewery Wharf Leeds West Yorkshire LS10 1NE T: 0113 234 6047 E: info@calibresearch.co.uk W: www.calibresearch.co.uk CallConfidential The Town House, Market Street Halisham East Sussex BN27 2AE T: 01323 818030 E: info@callconfidential.com W: www.callconfidential.com Calverley Control Installations Ltd Blacup House, Royds Close Leeds West Yorkshire LS12 6LL T: 0113 279 6611 E: info@calverleycontrols.co.uk W: www.calverleycontrols.co.uk Camargue 7 Bayley Street London WC1B 3HB T: 020 7636 7366 W: www.camargue.uk Cambrian Transport Limited Green Farm, Country House Bristol Road Falfield Glos GL12 8DL T: 01454 260319 E: enquiries@cambriantransport.com W: www.cambriantransport.com Camel Precast Hoyle Mill Road, Kinsley Pontefract West Yorkshire WF9 5JB T: 01652 641 204 E: info@camelprecast.co.uk W: www.camelprecast.co.uk Camfaud Concrete Pumps Ltd High Road, Thornwood Common Epping Essex CM16 6LU T: 01992 560898 E: sales@camfaud.co.uk W: www.camfaud.co.uk

With a belief that each journey should be an experience to be treasured, Camira textiles are created to offer the highest levels of comfort, safety, and visual appeal – with the durability to be enjoyed for years to come. Blending forward-thinking design with unrivalled manufacturing experience, we provide contemporary flat woven fabrics and timeless plush moquettes for rail interiors. Camira Fabrics Ltd The Watermill, Wheatley Park Mirfield West Yorkshire WF14 8HE T: 03330 324 568 E: transportfabrics@camirafabrics.com W: www.camirafabrics.com Camlin Rail (Headquarters) 31 Ferguson Drive, Knockmore Hill Ind Park Lisburn Lisburn BT28 2EX T: 028 9262 6989 E: mail@camlingroup.com W: www.camlingroup.com Camlok Lifting Clamps Knutsford Way, Sealand Ind Estate Chester CH1 4NZ T: 01244 375375 E: sales.uk@cmco.eu W: www.cmworks.com Camozzi Automation Ltd The Fluid Power Centre, Watling Street Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6BQ T: 024 7637 4114 E: askus@camozzi.co.uk W: www.camozzi.co.uk Campaign for Better Transport 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ T: 0300 303 3824 E: info@bettertransport.org.uk W: www.bettertransport.org.uk CAN Smeckley Wood Close, Chesterfield Trd Estate Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9PZ T: 01246 261111 E: info@can.ltd.uk W: www.can.ltd.uk Cannon Technologies Group Limited Stem Lane, Queensway New Milton Hampshire BH25 5NU T: 01425 632600 E: sales@cannontech.co.uk W: www.cannontech.co.uk CAP Productions Limited The Crescent, Hockley Birmingham B18 5NL T: 0121 554 9811 E: sales@capproductions.co.uk W: www.capprodcutions.co.uk Capel (CS) Ltd 638 Cranbrook Road, Ilford Essex IG6 1HJ T: 0208 518 5354 E: info@capelcsltd.com W: www.capelcsltd.com Capgemini UK 1 Forge End, Woking Surrey GU21 6BD T: 01483 764764 E: centralmarketing.uk@capgemini.com W: www.capgemini.com Capita Property and Infrastructure Ltd 65 Gresham Street London EC2V 7NQ T: 020 7709 4500 W: www.capitaproperty.co.uk Capita Property Ltd (East Grinstead) Capita Symonds House, Wood Street East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 1UU T: 01342 327161 E: media@capita.co.uk W: www.capitaproperty.co.uk

Capital Aluminium Extrusions Limited Cleator Moor Trd Estate, Cleator Moor Cumbria CA25 5QB T: 01946 811771 E: enquiries@capalex.co.uk W: www.capalex.co.uk

Capital Seating are UK distributors for Grammer Rail – manufacturer of high-quality seating systems for both driver and passengers. Grammer set standards in comfort, ergonomics, design, modularity, safety and economic efficiency, whilst ensuring ongoing research to provide a steady flow of innovation. Capital offer a full refurbishment and parts service on all types of seating. Capital Seating Limited Unit 1 Forward Park, Sheene Road Gorse Hill Ind Est Leicester LE4 1BF T: 0116 216 9910 E: grammer@capitalseating.co.uk W: www.grammer.co.uk Capitol Group Capitol House, 232 Tolworth Rise Tolworth Surrey KT5 9ND T: 020 8330 7716 E: headoffice@thecapitolgroup.co.uk W: www.thecapitolgroup.co.uk

Capitol Industrial Batteries is an independent manufacturer and supplier of all types of industrial, stationary, and transportation Batteries. As a recognised leader in service provision, Capitol Industrial Batteries works closely with its valued customers to develop, manufacture and deliver both traditional and alternative types of batteries for a wide range of equipment and applications. Capitol Industrial Batteries Systems Limited 22 Napier Court, Wardpark North Cumbernauld Glasgow G68 0LG T: 01236 731982 E: info@capitolbatteries.com W: www.capitolbatteries.com Cappagh Construction Cappagh House, 8 Waterside Way London SW17 0AB T: 020 8947 4000 E: office@cappagh.co.uk W: www.cappagh.co.uk Capstone Recruitment First Floor, Northumberland House Great Portland St London W1W 6QP T: 020 3757 5000 E: london@capstone-recruitment.com W: www.capstone-recruitment.com Captec 7 Whittle Avenue, Segensworth Fareham PO15 5SH T: 01489 866066 E: sales@uk.captec-group.com W: www.captec-group.com Capula Ltd Orion House, Stone Business Park Staffordshire ST15 0LT T: 01785 827000 E: contactus@capula.co.uk W: www.capula.co.uk

Carlisle Rail Freight Terminal is located on the well established Kingstown Industrial Estate in Carlisle close to j44 of M6 with excellent road and rail connections. The facility has its own private siding and adjacent concrete yard with capacity for loading and unloading freight from road to rail or vice versa. Carlisle Warehousing Ltd The Old Court House, Weobley Hereford HR4 8SG T: 01544 318788 E: hfp@wwlgroup.co.uk W: www.wwlgroup.co.uk Carlton Die Castings Ltd 88 Greenhill Road, Paisley Scotland PA3 1RD T: 0141 887 8355 E: sales@carltondie.com W: www.carltondie.com Carlton Technologies Ltd Unit 4, Church View Bus Park Coney Green Road Chesterfield S45 9HA T: 01246 861330 E: sales@carltontech.co.uk W: www.carltontech.co.uk Carmet Tug Riverbank Road, Bromborough Wirral CH62 3JQ T: 0151 327 8018 E: tugs@carmet.co.uk W: www.carmettugs.co.uk Carmichael UK Head Office, 34 Upper High Street Thame Oxon OX9 2DN T: 01844 212058 E: info@carmichaeluk.com W: www.carmichaeluk.com Carnon Contracting Wheal Jane, Earth Science Park Baldhu Truro Cornwall TR3 6EE T: 01872 560200 E: contracts@carnon-contracting.co.uk W: www.carnon-contracting.co.uk Carter Jonas One Chapel Place London W1G 0BG T: 020 3131 6264 E: info@carterjonas.co.uk W: www.carterjonas.co.uk Carters Flooring (Transport) Ltd Unit 1 The Fulcrum, Low’s Lane Stanton-by-Dale Derbyshire DE7 4QU T: 0115 932 1691 E: info@carters-flooring.co.uk W: www.carters-flooring.co.uk Cartoozo Keystone, Innovation Centre Croxton Road Thetford IP24 1JD T: 020 7060 6772 E: sales@cartoozo.com W: www.cartoozo.com Cartyne Transport Co Ltd 440 Petershill Road, Springburn Glasgow Lanarkshire G21 4AA T: 0141 557 1199 E: info@carntyne-transport.co.uk W: www.carntyne-transport.co.uk Carver Engineering Services Ltd 11 Brunel Close, Brunel Ind Estate Blyth Road Doncaster DN11 8QA T: 01302 751900 E: info@carverengineering.com W: www.carverengineering.com Carwood Motor Units Ltd Herald Way, Binley Coventry CV3 2RQ T: 024 7644 9533 E: sales@carwood.co.uk W: www.carwood.co.uk


A-Z Directory Case CE UK Ltd 1st Floor, Barclay Court 2 Heavens Walk Doncaster DN4 5HZ T: 0844 273 4339 E: eucaseceukroi@cnh.com W: www.casece.com

CCS Electronics 4 Aragon Court, Manor Park Cheshire WA7 1SP T: 01928 579797 E: sales@ccselec.com W: www.ccselec.com

Cembre Ltd Dunton Park, Kingsbury Road Curdworth Sutton Coldfield B76 9EB T: 01675 470440 E: sales@cembre.co.uk W: www.cembre.co.uk

Cass Hayward LLP York House, Welsh Street Chepstow Monmouthshire NP16 5UW T: 01291 626994 E: office@casshayward.com W: www.casshayward.com

CCS Jeweltone Ltd Bath Place Wharf, Downs Road Maldon Essex CM9 5HG T: 01621 841 222 E: sales@jeweltonesolutions.uk W: www.ccsjeweltone.com

Censol Ltd Forbes Close, Long Eaton Nottingham NG10 1PR T: 0115 972 7070 E: info@censol.co.uk W: www.censol.co.uk

Established in 1920 CF Booth Ltd has an excellent reputation as one of the largest rolling stock recyclers in the UK, winning nationally released tenders from several of the main rail operating companies. CF Booth rolling stock division hold both ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and RISQS certified.

Cast UK Ltd - Manchester Office 7 Jordan Street, Castlefield Manchester M15 4PY T: 0161 825 0825 E: hello@castuk.com W: www.castuk.com

CCS/Complete Composite Systems 503 Broadway, Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 3PT T: 01462 659876 E: info@completecomposite.co.uk W: www.completecomposites.co.uk

Central Alliance Alliance House, South Park Way 41 Business Park Wakefield WF2 0XJ T: 01924 229889 E: info@central-alliance.co.uk W: www.central-alliance.co.uk

CF Booth Limited Clarence Metal Works, Armer Street Rotherham Yorkshire S60 1AF T: 01709 559198 E: chrisdavis@cfbooth.com W: www.cfbooth.com

CAT 1 Safety Training Ltd Office 9, East London Off Centre 80-86 St Mary Road Walthamstow London E17 9RE T: 020 8223 1257 E: info@cat1safety.com W: www.cat1safety.com

CCTV Drainage Surveys – Midland Survey Cromwell House, Westfield Road Southam Warwickshire CV47 0JH T: 01926 810811 E: admin@midlandsurvey.co.uk W: www.midlandsurvey.co.uk

Central Alliance Ltd Alliance House, South Park Way 41 Business Park Wakefield WF2 0XJ T: 01924 229889 E: info@central-alliance.co.uk W: www.central-alliance.co.uk

CD Fencing & Construction Services Ltd Cocklebury Road, Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 3QE T: 01249 460187 E: info@cdfencing.co.uk W: www.cdfencing.co.uk

Central Piling Rawden Enterprise Park, Sixth Avenue Halstead Essex CO9 2FL T: 01787 474000 E: info@centralpiling.com W: www.centralpiling.com

CDH Recruitment Ltd 2 Cambridge Gardens, Hastings East Sussex TN34 1EH T: 0845 126 2299 E: info@cdhrecruitment.co.uk W: www.cdhrecruitment.co.uk

Centre for Policy Studies 57 Tutton Street, Westminster London SW1P 3QL T: 020 7222 4488 E: mail@cps.org.uk W: www.cps.org.uk

CDM-UK The Sawmill, Sunnyside Road Quarter Scotland ML3 7XH T: 01698 422551 E: info@cdm-uk.com W: www.cdm-uk.com

Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research Sheffield Hallam, City Campus Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB T: 0114 225 3073 E: cresr@shu.ac.uk W: www.shu.ac.uk

CE Turner (Engineers) Ltd Hudson Road, Saxby Road Ind Estate Melton Mowbray Leicestershire LE13 1BS T: 01664 564643 E: enquire@ceturner.co.uk W: www.ceturner.co.uk

Centregreat Rail Ltd Ynys Bridge, Heol yr Ynys Tongwynlais Cardiff CF15 7NT T: 029 2081 5661 E: office@centregreat.net W: www.centregreatrail.co.uk

Cecence Ltd Unit 6 Bunas Bus Park, Hollom Down Road Lopcomber Corner Hampshire SP5 1BP T: 01264 781115 E: info@cecence.com W: www.cecence.com

Centrus Advisors 10 Queen Street Place London EC4R 1BE T: 020 3846 5670 E: london@centrusadvisors.com W: www.centrusadvisors.com

Ceenorm UK Ltd Unit 2 Highbridge Court, Stafford Park 1 Telford Shropshire TF3 3BD T: 01952 212700 E: sales@ceenorm.co.uk W: www.ceenorm.co.uk

Centurion Safety Products Ltd Howlett Way, Thetford Norfolk IP24 1HZ T: 01842 754266 E: sales@centurionsafety.co.uk W: www.centurionsafety.co.uk

CEEQUAL Ltd Scheme Management Team, Bucknalls Lane Watford WD25 9XX T: 0333 014 7880 E: enquiries@ceequal.com W: www.ceequal.com

Century PR 100 Pall Mall, St James London SW1Y 5HP T: 020 7664 8790 E: info@centurypr.co.uk W: www.centurypr.co.uk

CEF Tom Mackie House, Station Road Kenilworth CV8 1JJ T: 01926 350018 E: naps@cef.co.uk W: www.cef.co.uk

Cerdic Foundries Ltd Beeching Close, Chard Somerset TA20 1BB T: 01460 64301 E: sales@cerdicfoundries.co.uk W: www.cerdicfoundries.co.uk

Celtic Recycling Limited 29-31 Clearwater Road, Queensway Meadows Newport Gwent NP19 4ST T: 01633 274700 E: info@celtic-recycling.co.uk W: www.celtic-recycling.co.uk

Cermag Ltd 92/94 Holywell Road, Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 8AS T: 0114 244 6136 E: sales@cermag.co.uk W: www.cermag.co.uk

Cats Solutions (Cats Group) Two Caen View, Rushy Platt Swindon SN5 8WQ T: 01793 432913 E: sales@cats-solutions.co.uk W: www.cats-solutions.co.uk Caval Limited York House, 31 York Place Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 2ED T: 0113 203 1244 E: enquiries@planetcaval.com W: www.planetcaval.com Cavendish Media Ltd Tower Bridge Bus Centre, 46-48 East Smithfield London E1W 1AW T: 020 7265 1054 E: info@cavendishmedia.com W: www.cavendishmedia.com CB Frost & Co Ltd Green Street, Digbeth Birmingham B12 0NE T: 0121 773 8494 E: info@cbfrost-rubber.com W: www.cbfrost-rubber.com CB Richard Ellis St Martin’s Court, 10 Paternoster Row London EC4M 7HP T: 020 7182 2000 E: corpcomm@cbre.com W: www.cbre.com CBI (Confederation of British Industry) CBI Head Office, Cannon Place 78 Cannon Street London EC4N 6HN T: 020 7379 7400 E: enquiries@cbi.org.uk W: www.cbi.org.uk CC Ground Investigations Ltd Unit A2, Innsworth Technology Pk Innsworth Lane Gloucester GL3 1DL T: 01452 739165 E: info@ccground.co.uk W: www.ccground.co.uk CCD Design & Ergonomics Ltd Second Home, Spitalfields 68-80 Hanbury St London E1 5JL T: 020 7593 2900 E: hello@designbyccd.com W: www.designbyccd.com CCF Plant Hire Ltd – t/as Access Plant 9 Orient Ind Park, Simonds Road Leyton London E10 7DE T: 020 8518 7400 E: hire@accessplant.co.uk W: www.accessplant.co.uk CCL Rail Training Room 104a, Rail House Gresty Road Crewe Cheshire CW2 6EA T: 01270 897647 E: info@ccltraining.com W: www.ccltraining.com


Celtic Energy Ltd 9 Beddau Way, Castlegate Bus Park Caerphilly CF83 2AX T: 029 2076 0990 E: info@coal.com W: www.coal.com

CGMS Ltd Baston House, 140 London Wall London EC2Y 5DN T: 020 7583 6767 E: london@cgms.co.uk W: www.cgms.co.uk CH2M 2nd Floor, Quarnmill House Stores Road Derby DE21 4XF T: 01332 222621 E: hr@ch2m.com W: www.ch2m.com Chainings Ltd Units 1 & 2, Harrow Park Harrow Road Hereford HR4 0EN T: 01432 356318 E: info@chainings.com W: www.chainings.com Chamber of Shipping 30 Park Street London SE1 9EQ T: 020 7417 2800 E: query@ukchamberofshipping.com W: www.britishshipping.org Chambre de Commerce Francaise de GB Lincoln House, 4th Floor 300 High Holborn London WC1V 7JH T: 020 7092 6600 E: mail@ccfgb.co.uk W: www.ccfgb.co.uk Change Recruitment Group Clarendon House, 116 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4LH T: 0131 225 7744 E: mail@changerecruitmentgroup.com W: www.changerecruitmentgroup.com Chaos Design Ltd 32 High Street, Guildford Surrey GU1 3EL T: 020 3053 9140 E: info@chaosdesign.com W: www.chaosdesign.com Charcon Construction Solutions Rowan House, Sheldon Business Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN14 0SQ T: 01249 463244 E: sales@charconcs.com W: www.charconcs.com Charcroft Electronics Dol-y-Coed, Llanwrtyd Wells Powys Wales LD5 4TH T: 01591 610408 E: sales@charcroft.com W: www.charcroft.com

A-Z Directory

Charles Endirect are a leading manufacturer of electrical isolation, distribution and lighting/ asset management equipment and have been supplying to UK and International customers since 1984. Our experience and expertise in the field gives us the edge to manufacture and supply some of the most intelligent products on the market. Charles Endirect Ltd Wessex Way, Wincanton Business Park Wincanton Somerset BA9 9RR T: 01963 828400 E: info@charlesendirect.com W: www.charlesendirect.com Charles Francis Cooper Ltd 3/F, 5 Temple Square, Temple Street Liverpool Merseyside L2 5RH T: 0845 003 9545 E: info@charlesfranciscooper.co.uk W: www.charlesfranciscooper.co.uk Charles Ransford & Son Ltd Station Street, Bishops Castle Shropshire SY9 5AQ T: 01588 638331 E: info@ransfords.co.uk W: www.ransfords.co.uk Charter Security Ltd Suite 6, Ensign House Admiral Way London E14 9XQ T: 020 7515 0771 E: info@charter-security.co.uk W: www.charter-security.co.uk Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) Lutyens House, Billing Brook Road Weston Favell Northampton NN3 8NW T: 01604 404121 E: info@cbuilde.com W: www.cbuilde.com

Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) Easton House, Church Street Stamford PE9 3NZ T: 01780 756777 E: info@cips.org W: www.cips.org Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) 222 Balham High Road London SW12 9BS T: 020 8675 5211 E: membership@cibse.org W: www.cibse.org Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) Dominion House, Sibson Road Sale Cheshire M33 7PP T: 0161 972 3100 E: membership@cices.org W: www.cices.org Chartered Institution of Railway Operators (CIRO) Beacon Bldg 2nd Floor, Stafford Ent. Pk West Weston Rd Stafford ST18 0BF T: 0333 344 0523 E: info@railwayoperators.co.uk W: www.ciro.org Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) 2nd Floor, 10 Furnival Street London EC4A 1AB T: 020 7245 6722 E: marketing@quality.org W: www.quality.org Chatterbox Limited 1 Guards Avenue, Caterham Surrey CR3 5XL T: 01883 334792 E: support@chatterboxradio.com W: www.chatterboxradio.com Chela Ltd 68 Bilton Way, Brimsdown Enfield Middlesex EN3 6EJ T: 020 8805 2150 E: sales@chela.co.uk W: www.chela.co.uk

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) 12 Bloomsbury Square London WC1A 2LP T: 020 7421 7444 E: marketing@ciarb.org W: www.ciarb.org

Chemical Industries Association King’s Buildings, Smith Square London SW1P 3JJ T: 020 7834 3399 E: enquiries@cia.org.uk W: www.cia.org.uk

Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) 397 City Road, London EC1V 1NH T: 020 7278 2206 E: info@ciat.org.uk W: www.ciat.org.uk

Cheshire Mouldings Unit 4, Abbotsfield Road Sutton St Helens WA9 4HU T: 0800 085 3475 E: enquiries@cheshiremouldings.co.uk W: www.cheshiremouldings.co.uk

Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) 43 Southgate Street, Winchester Hampshire SO23 9EH T: 01962 868626 E: enquiries@cieem.net W: www.cieem.net Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation 119 Britannia Walk London N1 7JE T: 020 7336 1555 E: info@ciht.org.uk W: www.ciht.org.uk Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road Corby Northamptonshire NN17 4AX T: 01536 740100 E: enquiry@ciltuk.org.uk W: www.ciltuk.org.uk Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) 151 The Broadway, Wimbledon London SW19 1JQ T: 020 8612 6200 E: cipd@cipd.co.uk W: www.cipd.co.uk

Chester Hydraulics PO Box 740, Unit 21 Calder Vale Rd Wakefield WF1 9RD T: 01924 371161 E: information@grouprhodes.co.uk W: www.grouprhodes.co.uk Chesterfelt Ltd Foxwood Way, Sheepsbridge Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9RA T: 01246 268000 E: general@chesterfelt.co.uk W: www.chesterfelt.co.uk CHH Conex Ltd 4 Holford Way, Holford Ind Estate Witton Birmingham B6 7AX T: 0121 344 4229 E: enquiry@chhconex.com W: www.chhconex.com Chicago Glass Uk Ltd Kingston House, Waterside Court Neptune Close Rochester Kent ME2 4NZ T: 01634 735616 E: info@scratchremovers.co.uk W: www.scratchremovers.co.uk Chicago Pneumatic Zodiac Unit 4, Boundary Way Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7SJ T: 01442 838999 E: cp.marketing@cp.com W: www.cp.co.uk

Chieftain Trailers 207 Coalisland Road, Dungannon Co Tyrone Northern Ireland BT71 4DP T: 028 8774 7531 E: sales@chieftaintrailers.com W: www.chieftaintrailers.com

Cisco Systems Ltd 10 New Square Park, Bedfont Lakes Feltham TW14 8HA T: 020 8824 1000 E: asksg@cisco.com W: www.cisco.com

Chiltern Railways Banbury ICC, Merton Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4RN T: 0345 600 5165 E: customer.service@chilternrailways.co.uk W: www.chilternrailways.co.uk

Citigate Dewe Rogerson 3 London Wall Buildings, London Wall London EC2M 5SY T: 020 7638 9571 E: info@citigatedewerogerson.com W: www.citigatedr.co.uk

Chiltern Railways (Marylebone) Marylebone Railway, Personnel Department Great Centrl House Melcombe Place NW1 6JJ T: 020 7922 9520 E: recruitment@chilternrailways.co.uk W: www.chilternrailways.co.uk

City & Guilds of London Institute (C&G) 1 Giltspur Street London EC1A 9DD T: 020 7294 2468 E: general.enquiries@cityandguildsgroup.com W: www.cityandguilds.com

Chris Reeves Communications 20 Stanton Close, Epsom Surrey KT19 9NP T: 020 8391 2741 E: info@chrisreevescommunications.co.uk W: www.chrisreevescommunications.co.uk

Cityscape Recruitment Ltd 1st Floor Regency House, 43 High Street Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 1ET T: 01923 750095 E: info@cityscapeltd.com W: www.cityscapeltd.com

Chris Wheeler Construction Ltd Church Farm, Burbable Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 3AT T: 01672 810315 E: cw.cw@btinternet.com W: www.chriswheelerconstruction.co.uk

Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster London SW1H 9JJ T: 020 7340 0450 E: enquiries@ceca.co.uk W: www.ceca.co.uk

Chrysalis Rail Ltd Electra House, Electra Way Crewe Cheshire CW1 6GL T: 01270 534683 E: info@chrysalisrail.com W: www.chrysalisrail.com Churchill Trading Services Ltd Unit 1, 40 Coldharbour Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4UN T: 01582 760055 E: helppoint@churchillservices.com W: www.churchillservices.com

Cintec International Ltd have served the rail network for over 20 years in the stabilisation, repair and strengthening of its structures and high performance fixings for ancillary equipment. With a life expectancy of 120 years the Cintec system is the permanent structural solution in a large variety of substrates. Cintec International Ltd 11 Gold Tops, Newport South Wales NP20 4PH T: 01633 246614 E: solutions@cintec.com W: www.cintec.com

Cirrus Research is one of the world’s leading names in the design, manufacture and innovation of scientific acoustic measurement instrumentation. For 50 years, we have helped organisations protect people and the environment from the dangers of excessive noise exposure, with a comprehensive range of products as well as training, instrument calibration, turnkey acoustic solutions, and analytical acoustic services. Cirrus Research Acoustic House, Bridlington Road Hunmanby North Yorkshire YO14 0PH T: 01723 891 655 E: sales@cirrusresearch.com W: www.cirrusresearch.co.uk CIS Services Ltd Matrix House, Brook Road Rayleigh Essex SS6 7XL T: 01268 773331 E: info@cisservices.co.uk W: www.cisservices.co.uk

Since 2008 CRS has been supplying a wide spectrum of manpower solutions to the rail and construction industries. Recognised as a strategic labour supplier, CRS deploys personnel solutions to both NR & LU infrastructure, with an experienced workforce ranging from PTS, LUL and CSCS-CPCS Operatives through to Project Managers. Civil Rail Solutions Ltd 7 Henwood, Ashford Kent TN24 8DH T: 01233 625464 E: ashford@crs-rail.co.uk W: www.civilrailsolutions.co.uk CJ Associates 26 Upper Brook Street London W1K 7QE T: 020 7529 4900 E: info@cjassociates.co.uk W: www.cjassociates.co.uk Clancy Consulting Ltd 7th Fl, Northum House, 303-306 High Holborn London WC1V 7JZ T: 020 3077 0970 E: enquiries@clancy.co.uk W: www.clancy.co.uk Clancy Consulting Ltd Dunham Court, 2 Dunham Road Altrincham Cheshire WA14 4NX T: 0161 613 6000 E: enquiries@clancy.co.uk W: www.clancy.co.uk Clarendon Executive 12b Clarendon Road, Clarendon Dock Belfast Northern Ireland BT1 3BG T: 028 9072 5750 E: enquiries@clarendonexecutive.com W: www.clarendonexecutive.com Clarity Visual Management Melton House, Jackson Way Melton East Yorkshire HU14 3HJ T: 0845 838 0624 E: info@clarityvm.com W: www.clarityvm.com Clark-Drain Ltd Station Road, Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3EQ T: 01733 765317 E: sales@clark-drain.com W: www.clark-drain.com


A-Z Directory Clyde Fasteners Ltd 5 Hawbank Road, College Milton East Kilbride G74 5ET T: 01355 225451 E: info@clydefasteners.com W: www.clydefasteners.com Thriving on the technically difficult projects, from the close proximity of pedestrians etc to Motorway or Rail Bridges that require road/ rail closures and extensive infrastructure protection measures. We have been applying the vital disciplines of Environmental awareness, recycling and health and safety for decades and our record on all three is tantamount to our skill and moral responsibility. Clarke Demolition Company Ltd Sinks Pit, Main Road Kesgrave Ipswich Suffolk IP5 2PE T: 01473 736791 E: enquiries@clarkedemco.com W: www.clarkedemco.com Clayton Equipment Ltd Second Avenue, Centrum 100 Bus Park Burton Upon Trent Staffordshire DE14 2WF T: 01283 524470 E: contact@claytonequipment.co.uk W: www.claytonequipment.co.uk CLD Fencing Systems Unit 11, Springvale Bus Centre Millbuck Way Sandbach Cheshire CW11 3HY T: 01270 764751 E: info@cld-fencing.com W: www.cld-fencing.com Clearview Intelligence Ltd A4, Telford Road Bicester Oxon OX26 4LD T: 01869 362800 E: info@clearview-intelligence.com W: www.clearview-intelligence.com Clemtech 7 Falcon Court, Parklands Business Park Forest Road Denmead Hampshire PO7 6BZ T: 023 9224 2690 E: enquiries@clemtech.co.uk W: www.clemtech.co.uk Cleshar Contract Services Ltd Heather Park House, North Circular Road Stonebridge London NW19 7NN T: 020 8733 8888 E: info@cleshar.co.uk W: www.cleshar.co.uk Cleveland Bridge UK Ltd Yarm Road, Darlington Co Durham DL1 4DE T: 01325 381188 E: info@clevelandbridge.com W: www.clevelandbridge.com Cleveland Cable Co Ltd Riverside Park Road, Middlesbrough Cleveland TS2 1QW T: 01642 241133 E: sales@clevelandcable.com W: www.clevelandcable.conm Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd Dalton Idustrial Estate, Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 3JN T: 01845 577789 E: sales@cleveland-steel.com W: www.cleveland-steel.com Cloburn Quarry Company Ltd Lanark, South Lanark Scotland ML11 8JR T: 01555 663444 E: sales@cloburn.co.uk W: www.cloburn.co.uk Clow Group Ltd 185 Broad Street, Glasgow Scotland G40 2QR T: 0141 554 6272 E: enquiries@clowgroup.co.uk W: www.clowgroup.co.uk Clyde & Co St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditich London EC3A 7AR T: 020 7876 5000 E: info@clydeco.com W: www.clydeco.com


CMA CGM (UK) Shipping Ltd 12 Princes Parade, Princes Dock Liverpool L3 1BG T: 0151 227 1771 E: lpl.genmbox@cma-cgm.com W: www.cma-cgm.com CML Innovative Technologies Ltd 69-70 Eastern Way, Bury St Edmonds Suffolk IP32 7AB T: 01284 714700 E: uksales@cml-it.com W: www.cml-it.com CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street London EC4N 6AF T: 020 7367 3000 E: communications@cms-cmno.com W: www.cms.law CMS Cepcor Precision Services Ltd 1 Vulcan Way, Hermitage Ind Estate Coalville Leicestershire LE67 3AP T: 01530 817000 E: sales@cmscepcor.com W: www.cmscepcor.com CMS Vibration Solutions Ltd Unit 2, Lyncastle Road Warrington WA4 4SN T: 023 8062 5568 E: info@cms-av.com W: www.cms-av.com Co-Channel Electronics Ltd Victoria Road, Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9DB T: 0117 982 0578 E: sales@co-channel.co.uk W: www.co-channel.co.uk Coast Communications and Marketing Ltd Unit 5, Briston Orchard St Mellion Cornwall PL12 6RQ T: 01579 352600 E: info@coastmarcoms.co.uk W: www.coastmarcoms.co.uk Cobalt Telephone Technologies Ltd Intec 2, Wade Road Basingstoke Hampshire RG24 8NE T: 01256 869600 E: info@ctt.co.uk W: www.ctt.co.uk Coburg Banks Ltd 15 Wrens Court, Lower Queen Street Sutton Coldfield B72 1RT T: 0121 362 2300 E: hello@coburgbanks.co.uk W: www.coburgbanks.co.uk Codra Software Limited Regus House, Chester Business Park Heronsway Chester CH4 9QR T: 01244 893221 E: sales-panorama@codra.fr W: www.uk.codra.net Coeval (Ltd) Cumbernauld Bus Centre, 2nd Floor, Lennox House Lennox Road Cumbernauld G67 1LL T: 0141 255 0840 E: info@coeval.uk.com W: www.coeval.uk.com Coffey Geotechnics Ltd Atlantic House, Atlas Business Park Manchester M22 5PR T: 0161 499 6800 E: contactus@coffey.com W: www.coffey.com COFRA Ltd Orltons Barn, Orltons Lane Rusper North Horsham RH12 4RN T: 01293 871637 E: office@cofra.co.uk W: www.cofra.co.uk

Highly experienced public affairs and communications business with outstanding expertise in rail. Focused on achieving the objectives of operators, engineers and innovators through effective, determined and ethical campaigning. Especially knowledgeable on rail devolution with consultants based at locations throughout Great Britain including Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and England’s city regions. Cogitamus 11 Woodfield Road Peterborough PE3 6HD T: 01733 767244 E: info@cogitamus.co.uk W: www.cogitamus.co.uk Cogitare Ltd South Bank Technopark, 90 London Road London SE1 6LN T: 020 7717 1689 E: info@cogitare.biz W: www.cogitare.biz Cognisco Ltd Trent House, University Way Cranfield Bedford MK43 0AN T: 01234 757520 E: information@cognisco.com W: www.cognisco.com Colas Rail Ltd Dacre House, Floor 3 19 Dacre Street London SW1H 0DJ T: 020 7593 5353 E: enquiries@colas.co.uk W: www.colasrail.co.uk Colchester Fuel Injection Ltd Haven Road, Colchester Essex CO2 8HT T: 01206 862049 E: enquiries@colfuel.co.uk W: www.colfuel.co.uk Coleman Construction And Utilities Ltd Unit 1, Brook Way Business Park Ivyhouse Lane Hastings TN35 4NN T: 01424 714885 E: admin@coleman.eu.com W: www.coleman.eu.com Collaborative Project Management Services (CPMS) 64 Clifton Street London EC2A 4HB T: 0330 058 0653 E: info@cpmsrail.co.uk W: www.cpmsrail.co.uk Collett & Sons Ltd Victoria Terminal, Albert Road Halifax HX2 0DF T: 08456 255 233 E: info@collett.co.uk W: www.collett.co.uk Collingwood Executive Recruitment 4 Portal Business Park, Eaton Lane Tarporley Cheshire CW6 9DL T: 01829 732374 E: enquiries@collingwoodsearch.co.uk W: www.collingwoodsearch.co.uk Collins Bartholomew Ltd Westerhill Road, Bishopbriggs Glasgow G64 2QT T: 0141 772 3200 E: ask@collinsbartholomew.com W: www.collinsbartholomew.com Collis Engineering Ltd Salcombe Road, Meadow Lane Ind Estate Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7RG T: 01773 833255 E: sales@collis.co.uk W: www.collis.co.uk Colman Rail Services 8 Fort House Bus Centre, Primrose Close Chatham Kent ME4 6HZ T: 01634 888620 E: office@colmanrail.co.uk W: www.colmanrail.com

Colour-Rail 558 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove Worcestershire B61 0HT T: 0121 453 6518 E: colourrail@aol.com W: www.colourrail.com Colt Construction Limited Freightliner Road, Hull Yorkshire HU3 4UL T: 01482 755755 E: info@colt-construction.co.uk W: www.colt-construction.co.uk Coltraco Ultrasonics 46 Mount Street, Mayfair London W1K 2SA T: 020 7629 8475 E: info@coltraco.co.uk W: www.coltraco.com Coltraco Ultrasonics Ltd Unit 1, Chewton Fields Ston Easton Radstock BA3 4BX T: 01761 241601 E: info@coltraco.com W: www.coltraco.com CoMech Metrology Ltd Derwent House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01332 867700 E: sales@comech.co.uk W: www.comech.co.uk Commend UK Unit 20, M11 Busn Link, Parsonage Lane Stansted Essex CM24 8GF T: 01279 872020 E: sales@commend.co.uk W: www.commend.co.uk Commercial Consultants (UK) Ltd Commercial House, Great Northern Court Great Northern Rd Derby DE1 1LR T: 01332 868291 E: submitcv@commercialconsultants.co.uk W: www.commercialconsultants.co.uk Commerz Bank AG 30 Gresham Street London EC2V 7PG T: 020 7623 8000 E: ir@commerzbank.com W: www.commerzbank.com Commhoist Logistics Ltd Pocket Nook Lane, Lowton Warrington WA3 1AB T: 01942 269335 E: enquiries@commhoist.co.uk W: www.commhoist.co.uk Common Time Ltd 15 St Christophers Way, Pride Park Derby DE24 8JY T: 0845 009 0028 E: info@commontime.com W: www.commontime.com

Comms Design is a high-tech design and manufacturing organisation specialising in low cost signalling and communication equipment for the rail industry. Our solutions cover embedded and application software development, fast-turnaround electronic hardware design, state-of-the-art radio coverage planning & simulation and the delivery of volume manufacture and supply. Comms Design Limited 40 Freeman’s Way, Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1DH T: 01423 895071 E: sales@commsdesign.net W: www.commsdesign.net Community Rail Network The Old Water Tower Huddersfield HD1 1JF T: 01484 548926 E: office@acorp.uk.com W: www.communityrail.org.uk

A-Z Directory Community Transport Association (CTA) 12 Hilton Street Manchester M1 1JF T: 0161 351 1475 E: info@ctauk.org W: www.ctauk.org

Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT) 5th Floor Offices, Chancery House 53-64 Chancery London WC2A 1QS T: 020 7240 3131 E: admin@cpt-uk.org W: www.cpt-uk.org

ComNet Europe Ltd 8 Turnberry Park Road, Gildersome Morley Leeds LS27 7LE T: 0113 307 6400 E: info-europe@comnet.net W: www.comnet.net

Confidential Incident Reporting & Analysis Service (CIRAS) The Helicon, One South Place London EC2M 2RB T: 020 3142 5369 E: enquiries@ciras.org.uk W: www.ciras.org.uk

Complete Cyber offers a range of professional Cybersecurity services to support your Cyber assurance activities and provide security design services to ensure you can comply with Railway security standards. In addition, we offer engineering expertise and innovative solutions to ensure all systems are built with security in mind. Complete Cyber 4 Headland End, Longwick HP27 9FA T: 03301 331 959 E: Contactus@completecyber.co.uk W: www.completecyber.co.uk Complete Drain Clearance 49 Weeping Cross Stafford ST17 0AQ T: 01785 665909 E: info@completedrainclearance.co.uk W: www.completedrainclearance.co.uk

A specialist health and safety training provider for the offshore, rope access and construction industries. With real-world training sites on the Liverpool waterfront we offer a wide range of accredited qualifications such as GWO, IRATA, LEEA and CITB, delivered by industry experts who have both practical and relevant experience. Complete Training Solutions Ltd Unit 12 Glacier Bldgs, Harrington Road Brunswick Bus Park Liverpool L3 4BH T: 0151 708 9785 E: info@completetrainingsolutions.co.uk W: www.completetrainingsolutions.co.uk Comtest Wireless International Ltd (UK Office) Badgemore House, Gravel Hill Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire RG9 4NR T: 01491 579512 E: contact@comtestwireless.eu W: www.comtestwireless.eu Concept Engineering Consultants Ltd Unit 8, Warple Mews Warple Way London W3 0RF T: 020 8811 2880 E: si@conceptconsultants.co.uk W: www.conceptconsultants.co.uk Concerto Somerset House, Strand London WC2R 1LA T: 020 7404 4303 E: info@concerto.uk.com W: www.concerto.uk.com Concrete Canvas Ltd Cowbridge Road, Pontyclun Wales CF72 8HL T: 0345 680 1908 E: info@concretecanvas.com W: www.concretecanvas.com Concrete Repairs Limited Cathite House, 23a Willow Lane Mitcham Surrey CR4 4TU T: 020 8288 4848 E: contact@crl.eu.com W: www.crl.eu.com

Connect Communications Millbank Tower, Millbank London SW1P 4QP T: 020 7592 9592 E: info@connectpa.co.uk W: www.connectpa.co.uk Consarc Consulting Architects Limited 1 Canal Side Studios, 8-14 St Pancras Way London NW1 0QG T: 020 7387 5060 E: mail@consarc.co.uk W: www.consarc.co.uk Consortia Integrated Services Appletree House, 4 Mapledale Road Liverpool L18 5JE T: 0151 294 3114 E: info@consortiais.com W: www.consortiais.com Constellation Lighting Ltd Unit 1, Holbrook Rise, Holbrook Ind Estate Halfway Sheffield S20 3FG T: 0114 247 9900 E: sales@constellationlighting.com W: www.constellationlighting.com Construction Composites Limited Unit 35, Church Road Bus Centre Sittingbourne Kent ME10 3RS T: 01795 435535 E: info@constructioncomposites.com W: www.constructioncomposites.com Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Griffin Court, 15 Long Lane London EC1A 9PN T: 020 7549 3300 E: enquiries@ciria.org W: www.ciria.org Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) Bircham Newton, Kings Lynn Norfolk PE31 6RH T: 0344 994 4400 E: welcome@citb.co.uk W: www.citb.co.uk Construction Marine Limited (CML) The Coach House, Mansion Gate Drive Chapel Allerton Leeds LS7 4SY T: 0113 262 4444 E: info@cml.uk.co W: www.cml.uk.com Construction Monitoring Control Systems Ltd Building 3, Room 14 Building Research Establishment Watford WD25 9XX T: 01923 682300 E: david@cmcsltd.co.uk W: www.cmcsltd.co.uk Construction Plant-Hire Association (CPA) 27-28 Newbury Street, Barbican London EC1A 7HU T: 020 7796 3366 E: enquiries@cpa.uk.net W: www.cpa.uk.net Construction Products Association (CPA) The Building Centre, 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT T: 020 7323 3770 E: enquiries@constructionproducts.org.uk W: www.constructionproducts.org.uk ConsultCarr Limited - Rail Sector Consultant T: 07849 896270 E: richard@consultcarr.com W: www.consultcarr.com Containerlift Services Ltd PO Box 582, Great Dunmow Essex CM6 3QX

T: 0800 174 546 E: enquiries@containerlift.co.uk W: www.containerlift.co.uk Contract Flooring Association (CFA) Unit 23, Eldon Business Park Chilwell Nottingham NG9 6DZ T: 0115 941 1126 E: info@cfa.org.uk W: www.cfa.org.uk Contract Sign Systems Ltd Jon Davey Drive, Treleigh Ind Estate Redruth Cornwall TR16 4AX T: 01209 313449 E: sales@contractsigns.co.uk W: www.contractsigns.co.uk Control Risks Group Ltd Cotton Centre, Cotton Lane London SE1 2QG T: 020 7970 2100 E: enquiries@controlrisks.com W: www.controlrisks.com Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yard Edinburgh Midlothian EH12 5BH T: 0131 474 9200 E: info@cosla.gov.uk W: www.cosla.gov.uk Convert Ltd Units K1 & K2, Gaywood Farm Hole Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6SL T: 01732 868131 E: info@convertltd.co.uk W: www.convertltd.co.uk Coombes Limited Unit 6, New Building Winchester Road Petersfield GU32 3PB T: 01730 231761 E: enquiries@coombesuk.com W: www.coombesuk.com Cooneen Group 23 Cooneen Road, Fivemiletown County Tyrone Northern Ireland BT75 0NE T: 028 8952 1401 E: info@cooneen.com W: www.cooneengroup.com Cooper and Turner Ltd Templeborough Works, Sheffield Road Sheffield S9 1RS T: 0114 256 0057 E: sales@cooperandturner.co.uk W: www.cooperandturner.co.uk Cooper Specialised Handling Ltd Holly Farm Bus Park, Honiley Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 1NP T: 01926 658900 E: info@cooperhandling.com W: www.cooperhandling.com Corbett Keeling Limited 8 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HP T: 020 7626 6266 E: info@corbettkeeling.com W: www.corbettkeeling.com Cordek Ltd Spring Copse Bus Park, Slinfold West Sussex RH13 0SZ T: 01403 799600 E: info@cordek.com W: www.cordek.com Core Systems Software Fusion Hive, North Shore Road Stockton-on-Tees TS18N 2NB T: 07946 170291 E: enquiries@coresystems-software.co.uk W: www.coresystems-software.co.uk Corehard Ltd Viewpoint, Babbage Road Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EQ T: 01438 225102 E: info@corehard.com W: www.corehard.com Coretech Solutions Ltd Unit 1 Moons Park, North Moons Moat Redditch B98 9PA T: 01564 829722 E: getintouch@coretechsol.com W: www.coretechsol.com

Corethree Ltd Suite 14, Building 3, Hatter Lane Croxley Green Bus Park Watford WD14 8YG T: 0845 557 0475 E: info@corethree.net W: www.corethree.net

Corex Honeycomb manufactures aluminium honeycomb core and has been supplying the rail sector for 20+ years. With its high strength and corrosion resistance, our honeycomb is used in doors, floors, furniture, galleys, sanitary modules and partitions. We collaborate with our customers providing a wealth of experience in the field of composites. Corex Honeycomb 5 Stukeley Bus Centre, Blackstone Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 6EF T: 01480 435302 E: sales@corex-honeycomb.com W: www.corex-honeycomb.com Coriel Ltd Uni of Nottingham, Geospatial Building Triumph Road Nottingham NG7 2TU T: 0115 748 4486 E: info@coriel.co.uk W: www.coriel.co.uk Cory Brothers Shipping Agency Ltd Haven Exchange, Felixstowe Suffolk IP11 2QX T: 01394 674822 E: agency@corybrothers.com W: www.corybrothers.com Cory Riverside Energy 2 Coldbath Square, Clerkenwell London EC1R 5HL T: 020 7417 5200 E: info@coryenergy.com W: www.coreyenegy.com Costain Ltd Costain House, Vanwall Business Park Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 4UB T: 01628 842444 E: info@costain.com W: www.costain.com

Coulstock and Place provide a comprehensive service including motor repairs and air-conditioning fan motor overhauls, as well as new motor supply. We are also able to remanufacture air-conditioning compressors for the rail network and offer a complete range of cable management products and bespoke services. Coulstock & Place Engineering Ltd Units 1-7, Bankwood Lane Ind Est Rossington Doncaster DN11 0PS T: 01302 865400 E: info@coulstockandplace.co.uk W: www.coulstockandplace.co.uk Covanburn Contracts Ltd Unit 1, Colvilles Place Kelvin Ind Estate East Kilbride Glasgow G75 0PZ T: 01355 208895 E: enquiries@covanburncontracts.co.uk W: www.covanburn.co.uk Coventry University Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB T: 024 7765 7688 E: ukadmissions@coventry.ac.uk W: www.conventry.ac.uk Coverdale Specialist Contracting Unit 3H, Nevendon Industrial Est Basildon Essex SS13 1DA T: 01268 727555 E: sales@coverdalegroup.co.uk W: www.coverdaleresinflooring.co.uk


A-Z Directory

The team at Coveya are experts in material movement for rail track, ballast works, demolition and tunnelling projects throughout the UK. Our range of modular market leading conveyor systems offer a unique eco-friendly conveyor solution within constrained and larger sites, eliminating downtime, passenger & operational disruption and noise pollution. Coveya Ltd Coveya Ltd, Unit 1, St Ivel Way Warmley Bristol BS30 8TY T: 0800 915 9195 E: sales@coveya.co.uk W: www.coveya.co.uk Cowan Consultancy Limited 3 Turnberry House, 4400 Parkway Whiteley Hampshire PO15 7FJ T: 01489 577488 E: consultants@cowanconsult.co.uk W: www.cowanconsult.co.uk Cowans Sheldon PO Box 9, Saltmeadows Road Gateshead NE8 1SW T: 0191 477 2271 E: info@cowanssheldon.co.uk W: www.clarkechapman.co.uk COWI UK Limited Eastfield, Church Street Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 5HU T: 01889 563680 E: info_uk@cowi.com W: www.cowi.com Cox Wokingham Plastics Limited Fishponds Road, Wokingham Berkshire RG41 2QH T: 0118 977 4861 E: sales@cwpl.net W: www.cwpl.net

Coyle have been providing recruitment services and solutions to the Rail industry since 1996. We are trusted partners to many rail contractors in the UK and developed industry leading rostering and fatigue management systems to safely and efficiently source, plan and deliver large numbers in multiple locations throughout the UK. Coyle Personnel Limited Hygiea, First Floor 66-68 College Road Harrow Middlesex HA1 1BE T: 020 8861 3000 E: info@coyles.co.uk W: www.coyles.co.uk CP Plus Ltd 10 Flask Walk London NW3 1HE T: 020 7431 4001 E: info@cp-plus.co.uk W: www.cp-plus.co.uk CP Power & Automation Ltd 3 Fairfield Court, Seven Stars Ind Estate Coventry West Midlands CV3 4LJ T: 024 7621 4799 E: mail@cppowerautomation.com W: www.cppowerautomation.com CPC Battery Services Ltd 214 Red Lion Road, Surbiton Surrey KT6 7RA T: 020 8397 1813 E: sales@cpcbatteries.co.uk W: www.cpcbatteries.co.uk CPC Project Services LLP Quality House, 5-9 Quality Court Chancery Lane London WC2A 1HP T: 020 7539 4750 E: info@cpcprojectservices.com W: www.cpcprojectservices.com


CPI Ltd (Crane Payment Innovations) Coin House, New Coin Street Royton Oldham OL2 6JZ T: 0161 678 0111 E: sales@cranepi.com W: www.cranepi.com CPRE Campaign to Protect Rural England 5-11 Lavington Street London SE1 0NZ T: 020 7981 2800 E: info@cpre.org.uk W: www.cpre.org.uk CR Reynolds Group Redcliff Court, Redcliff Road Hessle HU13 0EY T: 01482 637373 E: info@crreynolds.co.uk W: www.crreynolds.co.uk Craig & Derricott Ltd Hall Lane, Walsall Wood Walsall West Midlands WS9 9DP T: 01543 375541 E: sales@craigandderricott.com W: www.craigandderricott.com Cranage EMC Testing Limited Tern Valley Bus Park, Wallace Way Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 3AG T: 01630 658568 E: info@cranage.co.uk W: www.cranage.co.uk Crayside Consulting Limited Thorne House, Queen Mary Avenue Basingstoke RG21 5PL T: 01256 329550 E: enquiries@craysideconsulting.co.uk W: www.craysideconsulting.co.uk CRC Industries Ltd Ambersil House Wylds Rd, Castlefield Ind Estate Bridgewater Somerset TA6 4DD T: 01278 727200 E: info.uk@crcind.com W: www.crcindustries.com

T: 0161 359 5999 E: hello@creedcomms.co.uk W: www.creedcomms.co.uk

T: 01670 739970 E: enquiries@csdsealingsystems.co.uk W: www.csdsealingsystems.co.uk

Crestwood Environmental 1 & 2 Nightingale Place, Pendeford Business Park Wolverhampton WV9 5HF T: 01902 229563 E: info@crestwoodenvironmental.co.uk W: www.crestwoodenvironmental.co.uk

CSI Ltd - Computer Systems Intergration Garden Suites 1-4, Coleshill Manor South Drive Coleshill B46 1DL T: 0800 108 8301 E: info@csiltd.co.uk W: www.csiltd.co.uk

Critical Project Resourcing Ltd 6 Blighs Road, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1DA T: 01732 455300 E: info@cpresourcing.co.uk W: www.cpresourcing.co.uk

CSS Recruitment – Head Office CSS House, 10-12 Manor Street Braintree Essex CM7 3HP T: 01376 330700 E: reception@csspeople.co.uk W: www.csspeople.co.uk

Crittall Windows Limited Francis House, Freebournes Road Witham Essex CM8 3UN T: 01376 530800 E: info@crittall-windows.co.uk W: www.crittall-windows.co.uk

CTL Manufacturing Waterside House, Brunel Way Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3SW T: 01453 794100 E: ctl_sales@alpha3manufacturing.com W: www.ctlmanufacturing.com

CrossCountry 5th Floor, Cannon House 18 The Priory Queensway Birmingham B4 6BS T: 0344 736 9123 E: info@crosscountrytrains.co.uk W: www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk

CTS Rail Services Ltd The Railway Station, Green Road Newmarket CB8 9WT T: 01638 669123 E: sales@ctsrailservices.co.uk W: www.ctsrailservices.co.uk

Crossrail Ltd 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf London E14 5LQ T: 020 3229 9100 E: helpdesk@crossrail.co.uk W: www.crossrail.co.uk

CRC Industries UK Ltd 5 Aldermanbury Square London TA6 4DD T: 01942 713667 E: sales@actioncan.com W: www.crcindustries.com

As an established firm of Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Consulting Engineers Crouch Waterfall has extensive experience in the core areas of Bridges, Rail Infrastructure, Buildings, Temporary Works and Geotechnical Services. Formed in 1981, we have enjoyed steady growth with works carried out throughout the UK from three regional offices.

Creactive Design Unit 2, Trojan Business Centre Tachbrook Pk Drive Warwick CV34 6RS T: 01926 499124 E: info@creactive-design.co.uk W: www.creactive-transport.co.uk

Crouch Waterfall 15 Apex Court, Woodlands Bradley Stoke Bristol BS32 4JT T: 01454 270707 E: bristol@crouchwaterfall.co.uk W: www.crouchwaterfall.co.uk

With over 40 years’ experience, Creative Composites is the UK’s most advanced composites manufacturer, at the leading edge of what can be achieved with composites, supplying innovative products for global OEM’s and Blue-chip companies through outstanding engineering, design, unrivalled manufacturing capability and first class customer service. Creative Composites Ltd 1 Ferguson Road, Lisburn County Antrim Northern Ireland BT28 2FW T: 028 9267 3312 E: enquiries@creativecomposites.co.uk W: www.creativecomposites.co.uk

Crowd Dynamics 21 Station Road West, Oxted Surrey RH8 9EE T: 01883 718690 E: enquiries@crowddynamics.com W: www.crowddynamics.com Crowle Wharf Engineers Ltd (CWE) Wharf Road, Ealand Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN17 4JW T: 01724 710455 E: mark.lifsey@cwelimited.com W: www.cwelimited.com Crown International Old Mill Road, Portishead Bristol BS20 7BX T: 01275 818008 E: info@crown-international.co.uk W: www.crown-international.co.uk

Creative Concern Fifth Floor, Fourways House 57 Hutton Street Manchester M1 2EJ T: 0161 236 0600 E: info@creativeconcern.com W: www.creativeconcern.com

Croylek Ltd (Head Offices) 23 Ullswater Crescent, Coulsdon Surrey CR5 2UY T: 020 8668 1481 E: sales@croylek.co.uk W: www.croylek.com

Creative Rail Dining PO Box 10375, Little Waltham Chelmsford Essex CM1 9JW T: 01245 364051 E: enquiries@crdltd.co.uk W: www.crdltd.co.uk

CryoGen Office 45 - 47, Chichester ENT Centre Terminus Road Chichester PO19 8FY T: 01903 731 717 E: info@cryo-gen.co.uk W: www.cryo-gen.co.uk

Creed Communications Limited 3 Tabley Court, Victoria Street Altrincham WA14 1EZ

CSD Sealing Systems Baker Road, Nelson Park Ind Est Cramlington Northumberland NE23 1WQ

CU Phosco Lighting Ltd Charles House, Great Amwell Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9TA T: 01920 860600 E: enquiries@cuphosco.co.uk W: www.cuphosco.co.uk Cube Precision Engineering Ltd Cakemore Road, Rowley Regis West Midlands B65 0QW T: 0121 559 3096 E: sales@cubeprecision.com W: www.cubeprecision.com Cubic Transportation Systems – Europe Office AFC House, Honeycrock Lane Redhill Surrey RH1 5LA T: 01737 782200 E: info-eu@cubic.com W: www.cubic.com Cubis Systems 4 Silverwood Ind Estate, Lurgan Co Armagh BT66 6LN T: 028 3831 3100 E: info@cubis-systems.com W: www.cubis-systems.com Cucumber Public Relations Ltd 61 High Street, Albrighton Wolverhampton WV7 3JG T: 07812 600271 E: russ@cucumberpr.co.uk W: www.cucumberpr.co.uk Cundall Lift & Escalator Consultants Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street Manchester M1 2EJ T: 0161 244 5660 E: manchester@cundall.com W: www.cundall.com Curotec Unit 3, Tealgate, Charnham Park Hungerford Berkshire RG17 0YT T: 01488 662790 E: sales@curotec.eu W: www.curotec.eu Currall Lewis & Martin (Construction) Limited Century House, 47 Century Road Oldbury West Midlands B69 4AW T: 0121 552 9292 E: enquiries@clmconstruction.com W: www.clmconstruction.com Currie & Brown Holdings Limited 12 Dumaresq Street, St Helier Jersey JE2 3RL T: 020 7920 9220 E: enquiries@curriebrown.com W: www.curriebrown.com Cushman & Wakefield 125 Old Broad Street London EC2N 3BQ T: 020 3296 3000 E: procurement.emea@cushwake.com W: www.cushmandwakefield.com

A-Z Directory Customer Consulting Ltd 2 Queens Parade, Bath BA1 2NJ T: 01225 827930 E: info@customerconsulting.com W: www.customerconsulting.com Cycle-Works Unit 24, 8-9 Rodney Road Southsea Portsmouth PO4 8DF T: 023 9281 5555 E: info@cycle-works.com W: www.cycle-works.com Cyclepods Ltd 2 Betsoms Barn, Pilgrims Way Westerham Kent TN16 2DS T: 0845 094 0490 E: info@cyclepods.co.uk W: www.cyclepods.co.uk Cycling UK Parklands, Railton Road Guildford Surrey GU2 9JX T: 01483 238301 E: cycling@cyclinguk.org W: www.cyclinguk.org Cygnet Projects Ltd Unit 3, Wharf Road Ind Estate Ealand North Lincolnshire DN17 4JW T: 01724 622003 E: info@cygnet-projects.co.uk W: www.cygnet-projects.co.uk Cyril Orchard Group Orchard House, 2 Bouverie Road West Folkestone Kent CT20 2RX T: 01303 851000 E: folkestone@cyrilorchard.co.uk W: www.cyrilorchard.co.uk D Morgan Plc New Hey, Chester Road Great Sutton Ellesmere Port CH66 2LS T: 0151 339 8113 E: contact@dmorgan.co.uk W: www.dmorgan.co.uk D-Grease UK Ltd Shawfield Road, Carlton Ind Estate Carlton Barnsley S71 3HW T: 01226 777527 E: enquiries@d-grease.co.uk W: www.d-grease.co.uk D&D Rail Ltd Time House, Time Square Basildon Essex SS14 1DJ T: 01268 520000 E: info@ddrail.com W: www.ddrail.com D2 Rail & Civils Ltd 1 Ridgefield, 16-18 King Street Manchester M2 6AG T: 0161 258 7534 E: info@d2rail.co.uk W: www.d2rail.co.uk DAC Limited Union Mill, Watt Street Sabden Lancashire BB7 9ED T: 01282 447000 E: sales@daclimited.co.uk W: www.daclimited.co.uk Dacrylate Paints Ltd Lindley’s Lane, Kirby-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 8AL T: 01623 753845 E: enquiries@dacrylate.co.uk W: www.dacrylate.co.uk DAF Trucks Ltd Haddenham Business Park, Pegasus Way Haddenham HP17 8LJ T: 01844 261111 E: reception@daftrucks.com W: www.daf.co.uk Daktronics UK Ltd F16 Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive Quedgeley Gloucester GL2 2AT T: 01454 413606 E: uksales@daktronics.co.uk W: www.daktronics.com Dale Power Solutions Ltd Salter Road, Eastfield Ind Estate Scarborough North Yorkshire YO11 3DU

T: 0330 999 3000 E: info@dalepowersolutions.com W: www.dalepowersolutions.co.uk

T: 01332 751503 E: composites@datum-patterns.co.uk W: www.datum-patterns.co.uk

Dalroad Dalroad, Enterprise Way Luton Bedfordshire LU3 4BU T: 01582 505252 E: sales@dalroad.com W: www.dalroad.com

David Brown Gear Systems Limited Park Works, Lockwood Huddersfield Yorkshire HD4 5DD T: 01484 465500 E: uk@davidbrown.com W: www.davidbrown.com

Daniel Owen Ltd Hadwyn House, Field Road Reading RG1 6AP T: 0345 810 1020 E: info@danielowen.co.uk W: www.danielowen.co.uk

David Simmonds Consultancy Ltd Suite 4, Bishop Bateman Court 5-7 New Park St Cambridge CB5 8AT T: 01223 316098 E: admin@davidsimmonds.com W: www.davidsimmonds.com

Daniel Owen Ltd – Head Office Hadwyn House, Field Road Reading RG1 6AP T: 0118 952 1000 E: reading.office@danielowen.co.uk W: www.danielowen.co.uk

Davies Turner & Co Ltd Clipper Boulevard West, Edison’s Park Crossways Dartford DA2 6QJ T: 01322 277558 E: dartfordsales@daviesturner.co.uk W: www.daviesturner.com

Danny Sullivan & Sons 22 Barretts Green Road, Park Royal London NW10 7AE T: 020 8961 1900 E: enquiries@dannysullivan.co.uk W: www.dannysullivan.co.uk

Davies Turner & Co Ltd (Manchester) Unit 8, World Freight Centre Europa Gate Manchester M17 1DY T: 0161 873 4400 E: manchestersales@daviesturner.co.uk W: www.daviesturner.com

Darcy Spillcare Manufacture Ltd UB7 Chaucer Business Pk, Watery Lane Kemsing Sevenoaks TW15 6QY T: 01732 762338 E: web@darcy.co.uk W: www.darcy.co.uk

Day Group Ltd Transport Avenue, Great West Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 9HF T: 020 8380 9600 E: email@daygroup.co.uk W: www.daygroup.co.uk

Dartford Composites Ltd Jubilee Works, Ness Road Erith Kent DA8 2LD T: 01322 350097 E: sales@dartfordcomposites.co.uk W: www.dartfordcomposites.co.uk Data & Process Advantage Limited Advantage House, Stowe Court Stowe Street Lichfield WS13 6AQ T: 01543 401144 E: enquiries@dpadvantage.co.uk W: www.dpadvantage.co.uk

Data Acquisition & Testing Services provide, test, measurement, instrumentation and strain gauging services. Our test engineers are available worldwide. Sales and service of the latest digital data collection equipment with a full calibration facility for instruments and sensors, hire of dataloggers. Vibration, and durability testing is available within our laboratory. Data Acquisition & Testing Services Ltd U4 Gainsborough Close, Gainsborough Bus Park Long Eaton Nottingham NG10 1PX T: 01332 875450 E: enquiries@datsltd.com W: www.datsltd.com Data Techniques Unit 4, Gateway Business Centre Tom Cribb Road London SE28 0EZ T: 020 8319 5640 E: sales@datatechniques.co.uk W: www.datatechniques.co.uk Datasys Limited 15 Queen Street, Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7PT T: 0121 270 4948 E: info@datasys.org.uk W: www.datasys.org.uk Datatrack | Part of The Triscan Group 4 Petre Court, Clayton Business Park Clayton-le-Moors Accrington BB5 5HY T: 0845 350 300 E: info@datatrack.co.uk W: www.thetriscangroup.com Datum Composites 22 Longbridge Lane, Ascot Business Park Ascot Drive Derby DE24 8UJ

DB Cargo (UK) Limited Lakeside Business Park, Carolina Way Doncaster DN4 5PN T: 01302 575000 E: uk.dbcargo@deutschebahn.com W: www.uk.dbcargo.com/rail-uk-en DB ESG Derwent House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01332 483800 E: enquiries@dbesg.com W: www.deutschebahn.com/dbesg dBD Communications 2 Nobel Square, Burnt Mills Ind Estate Basildon Essex SS13 1LS T: 01268 724538 E: sales@dbdcommunications.co.uk W: www.dbdcommunications.co.uk DBK Technitherm Ltd Unit 11, Llantrisant Bus Park Llanterisant Wales CF72 8LF T: 01443 237927 E: info-uk@dbk-group.com W: www.dbk-group.com DC Advisory 5 King William Street London EC4N 7DA T: 020 7856 0999 E: uk.enquiries@dcadvisory.com W: www.uk.dcadvisory.com DCA Design International 19 Church Street, Warwick CV34 4AB T: 01926 499461 E: info@dca-design.com W: www.dca-design.com DDC Precision Ltd DDC Precision House, Willow Farm Bus Park Castle Donington Derbyshire DE74 2NN T: 01332 850222 E: office@ddcprecision.co.uk W: www.ddcprecision.co.uk Dearson Tools Ltd 60 St Andrews Road, Bordesley Birmingham B9 4LN T: 0121 773 4100 E: info@dearsontools.co.uk W: www.dearsontools.co.uk

Deepdale Engineering Co. Ltd Pedmore Road, Dudley West Midlands DY2 0RD T: 01384 480022 E: sales@deepdale-eng.co.uk W: www.deepdale-eng.co.uk DEG Signal Ltd Aspect House, Crusader Park Warminster Wiltshire BA12 8BT T: 01985 212020 E: info@degsignal.co.uk W: www.degsignal.co.uk Dehn (UK) Ltd Unit N8b, Meltham Mills Ind Est Meltham West Yorkshire HD9 4DS T: 01484 859111 E: info@dehn.co.uk W: www.dehn.co.uk Deimos Space UK Ltd Building R103, Fermi Avenue Harwell Oxford OX11 0QR T: 01235 567231 E: contact@deimos-space.com W: www.deimos-space.co.uk Delamode Plc 700 Avenue West, Skyline 120 Great Notley Braintree CM77 7AA T: 01376 333000 E: info@delamode-group.com W: www.delamode-group.com Delatim Limited Unit 33 IO Centre, Armstrong Road London SE18 6RS T: 020 8853 9580 E: info@delatim.co.uk W: www.delatim.co.uk Delay Attribution Board (DAB) Floor 1, Mimet House 5a Praed Street London W2 1NJ T: 07825 766727 E: DABOffice@networkrail.co.uk W: www.delayattributionboard.co.uk Dellner Ltd Hearthcote Road, Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9DX T: 01283 221122 E: info@dellner.com W: www.dellner.com

Delmatic are leading international suppliers of advanced, open, wired, wireless and IoT lighting management systems, that save energy, share monitored data to optimise efficiency and sustainability, simplifying installation, reduce costs and enhance passenger experience. We supply systems to the world’s most prestigious transportation projects, including Crossrail, Northern Line extension, Doha Metro and Haramain High-Speed Railway. Delmatic The Powerhouse, Power Road Chiswick W4 5PY T: 020 3184 2000 E: info@delmatic.com W: www.delmatic.com Deloitte 2 New Street Square London EC4A 3BZ T: 020 7936 3000 E: deloitteprecurement@deloitte.co.uk W: www2.deloitte.com Deltron Enclosures (Dem Manufacturing) Deltron Emcon House, Hargreaves Way Sawcliffe Ind Park Scunthorpe DN15 8RF T: 01724 273206 E: sales@dem-uk.com W: www.dem-uk.com Demob Job Ltd South Shields Bus Works, Henry Robson Way Station Road South Shields NE33 1RF T: 0191 427 4655 E: enquiry@demobjob.co.uk W: www.demobjob.co.uk


A-Z Directory Dentons One Fleet Place London EC4M 7WS T: 020 7320 4001 E: info@dentons.com W: www.dentons.com

Design MAD Ltd 1st Floor Front, 42 Borough High Street London SE1 1XW T: 020 7403 4429 E: studio@designmad.london W: www.designmad.london

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET T: 020 7215 5000 E: enquiries@beis.gov.uk W: www.bis.gov.uk

Designplan Lighting 16 Kimpton Park Way Sutton SM3 9QS T: 020 8254 2023 E: sales@designplan.co.uk W: www.designplan.co.uk

Department for Infrastructure (Belfast) Co-ordination Unit, Clarence Court 10 Adelaide Street Belfast BT2 8GB T: 028 9054 0540 E: dcu@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk W: www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk Department For International Trade (London HQ) King Charles Street, Whitehall London SW1A 2AH T: 020 7215 5000 E: enquiries@trade.gov.uk W: www.gov.uk Department for Transport (DfT) Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR T: 0300 330 3000 E: dft@dft.gov.uk W: www.dft.gov.uk DePe Gear Company Unit 1, Grove Road Ind Estate Fenton Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4LG T: 01782 594114 E: sales@depe.co.uk W: www.depe.co.uk Deploy UK (Ltd) Burdett House, 15-16 Buckingham Street London WC2N 6DU T: 020 7434 0300 E: enquiries@deployuk.com W: www.deployuk.com Depot Rail Ltd Mercury House, Willoughton Drive Gainsborough DN21 1HV T: 01427 619512 E: admin@drail.co.uk W: www.depotrail.co.uk Derby Engineering Unit Ltd Unit 22, Riverside Park, East Service Road Raynesway Derby DE21 7RW T: 01332 660364 E: sales@derbyengineeringunit.co.uk W: www.derbyengineeringunit.co.uk

Diamond Point International Suite 13, Ashford House, Beauford Court, Sir Thomas Longley Rd Rochester Kent ME2 4FA T: 01634 300900 E: sales@dpie.com W: www.dpie.com

Destec Engineering Ltd Five Mile Lane, Washingborough Lincoln LN4 1AF T: 01522 791721 E: sales@destec.co.uk W: www.destec.co.uk

Diamond Rail Services Unit 3, Butterthwaite Lane Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9WA T: 0114 257 0909 E: info@diamondrail.co.uk W: www.diamondrail.co.uk

Develop Training Limited Derby Training Centre, Ascot Drive Derby DE24 8GW T: 01332 253500 E: enquiries@developtraining.co.uk W: www.developtraining.co.uk Develop Training Limited – Swindon (South) Swindon Training Centre, Frankland Road Blagrove Swindon Wiltshire SN5 8YF T: 01793 507690 E: enquiries@developtraining.co.uk W: www.developtraining.co.uk Dewhurst Plc Unit 9 Hampton Bus Park, Hampton Road West Feltham Middlesex TW13 6BD T: 020 8744 8200 E: info@dewhurst.co.uk W: www.dewhurst.co.uk

From platforms and station buildings to train care depots and car parks, Dexeco have lighting solutions to cover all areas across the railway estate. Dexeco have also provided bespoke solutions to heritage stations, maintenance pits, gantries and sidings using a combination of retro-fit gear trays and specially designed products. 86/40/0/0


Dexeco Ltd (subsidary of Dextra Group plc) Brickfields Bus Park, Gillingham Dorset SP8 4PX T: 01747 858100 E: enquiries@dextragroup.co.uk W: www.dextragroup.co.uk

Derbyshire Geotechnical Ltd C/o Torr Farm, Tideswell Moor North Buxton Derbyshire SK17 8JF T: 01298 931030 E: admin@d-geo.co.uk W: www.d-geo.co.uk

Dexine Leyland Rubber Technology Limited Unit 1ab Leyland Bus Pk, Centurion Way Farington Leyland PR25 3GR T: 01772 450930 E: info@dexineleyland.com W: www.dexineleyland.com

Derma Shield Skincare Unit 307, Springvale Ind Est Cwmbran NP44 5BR T: 01633 877569 E: info@dermashield.co.uk W: www.dermashield.co.uk

DFDS Logistics Nordic House, Western Access Road Immingham Dock North East Lincs DN40 2LZ T: 01469 575231 E: sales.uk@dfds.com W: www.dfdslogistics.com

Design & Projects Int Ltd 2 Manor Farm, Flexford Road North Baddesley Hampshire SO52 9DF T: 023 8027 7910 E: info@railwaymaintenance.com W: www.railwaymaintenance.com

DGauge Ltd 11 Brunel Parkway, Pride Park Derby DE24 8HR T: 01332 972360 E: info@dgauge.co.uk W: www.dgauge.co.uk

Design and Analysis Ltd Unit 1, Lake View Drive Sherwood Park Nottingham NG15 0HT T: 0115 888 2666 E: info@designanalysis.co.uk W: www.design-and-analysis.co.uk

DGSOL Creative Ltd 51 Solway Street West, Liverpool L8 0TY T: 0775 991 8069 E: inquiry@dgsol.co.uk W: www.dgsol.co.uk

Design Flooring Ltd Unit 8, Montpelier Central Station Road Bristol BS6 5EE T: 0117 942 6189 E: info@designflooringltd.co.uk W: www.designflooringltd.co.uk

DHL Freight Beveridge Lane, Bardon Ind Estate Coalville Leicestershire LE67 1UA T: 0844 248 0844 E: freightservices@dhl.com W: www.logistics.dhl


Diamond Hire & Sales LLP Elles House, 4B Invincible Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 7QU T: 01252 524141 E: info@diamondhiresales.co.uk W: www.diamondhiresales.co.uk

Diem Ltd Merseyside Office, 11 Jubilee Road Formby Merseyside L37 2HN T: 01704 870461 E: davidinman@diemltd.co.uk W: www.diemltd.co.uk Dieselec Thistle Generators Cadder House, 160 Clober Road Milngavie Glasgow G62 7LW T: 0141 956 7764 E: sales@dtgen.co.uk W: www.dieselecthistle.co.uk Digby Morris Ltd 180 Piccadilly London W1J 9HF T: 020 3900 1136 E: enquiries@digbymorris.com W: www.digbymorris.com Digital Barriers Services Ltd Belle House, Platform 1 Victoria Station London SW1V 1JT T: 020 3553 5888 E: sales@digitalbarriers.com W: www.digitalbarriers.com Dilax Systems UK Ltd Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue London SW19 2RR T: 01908 607340 E: info@dilax.com W: www.dilax.com Direct Corporate Clothing Plc Direct 2 Ind Park, Roway Lane Oldbury West Midlands B69 3ES T: 0121 543 1333 E: info@directcorporate.co.uk W: www.directcorporate.co.uk Direct Insurance Corporate Risks Cumberland House, 129 High Street Billericay Essex CM12 9AH T: 01277 844360 E: info@direct-ins.co.uk W: www.dicr.co.uk Direct Link North 56 Beverely Gardens, Wembley Middlesex HA9 9QZ T: 020 8908 0638 E: info@directlinknorth.com W: www.directlinknorth.com Direct Rail Services Ltd Regents Court, Baron Way Carlisle Cumbria CA6 4SJ T: 01228 406600 E: enquiries@drsl.co.uk W: www.directrailservices.com Direct Track Solutions Limited Unit 1c Midland Place, Midland Way Barlborough Chesterfield S43 4FR T: 01246 810198 E: info@directtracksolutions.co.uk W: www.directtracksolutions.co.uk Distinction Training 1/F Oxford House, Sixth Avenue Doncaster South Yorkshire DN9 3GG T: 01302 623362 E: distinctiontrain@aol.com W: www.distinctiontrain.com

DJ Civil Engineering Ltd 4 Moorhey Street, Oldham Greater Manchester OL4 1JD T: 01467 671892 E: info@djcivil.co.uk W: www.djcivil.co.uk DM Development Coaching Ltd The Mansion House, Calderstones Park Liverpool LI8 3JB T: 0151 724 4439 E: info@dmdevelopmentcoaching.com W: www.dmdevelopmentcoaching.com DMA Europa Ltd Europa Bldg, Arthur Dr Hoo Farm Ind Estate Kidderminster Worcestershire DY11 7RA T: 01562 751436 E: infoallenquiries@DMAEuropa.com W: www.dmaeuropagroup.com DMC Contracts Ltd Unit 17 - 18, The Capstan Centre Thurrock Park Way Tilbury Essex RM18 7HH T: 01375 845070 E: office@dmccontracts.co.uk W: www.dmccontracts.co.uk

DMS technologies is well-known among Rail Engineers for Signalling Batteries & Chargers. We can also build battery packs using battery chemistries such as lead acid, NiMH & Lithium Ion. Through our sister company, Duvine, we provide power supplies for a wide range of applications including Axle Counters, Telecoms and Cathodic Protection. DMS technologies Belbins Business Park, Cupernham Lane Romsey Hampshire SO51 7JF T: 01794 525400 E: sales@dmstech.co.uk W: www.dmstech.co.uk DNH WW Ltd 31 Clarke Road, Mount Farm Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1LG T: 01908 275000 E: dnh@dnh.co.uk W: www.dnh.co.uk Dods Parliamentary Communications 11th Floor, The Shard 32 London Bridge Street London SE1 9SG T: 020 7593 5500 E: customer.service@dodsgroup.com W: www.dodsgroup.com Dold Industries Ltd 11 Hamberts Road, Blackall Ind Estate S Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex CM3 5UW T: 01245 324432 E: admin@dold.co.uk W: www.dold.co.uk Don and Low Ltd Newfordpark House, Glamis Road Forfar Angus DD8 1FR T: 01307 452200 E: enquiries@donlow.co.uk W: www.donlow.co.uk Donald Insall Associates Ltd 12 Devonshire Street London W1G 7AB T: 020 7245 9888 E: consultancy@insall-architects.co.uk W: www.donaldinsallarchitects.co.uk Donfabs & Consillia Ltd The Old Iron Warehouse, The Wharf Shardlow Derby DE72 2GH T: 01332 799705 E: enquiries@consillia.com W: www.donfabsandconsillia.com Donseed UK Ltd Lombard House, 145 Great Charles St Queensway Birmingham B3 3LP T: 020 7240 3007 E: info@donseed.com W: www.donseed.com

A-Z Directory Doran Consulting Norwood House, 96 Great Victoria St Belfast BT2 7BE T: 028 9033 3443 E: info@doran.co.uk W: www.doran.co.uk Dorma Kaba Ltd Lower Moor Way Tiverton Devon EX16 6SS T: 0870 000 5625 E: info.uk@dormakaba.com W: www.dormakaba.com Dorset Woolliscroft Falcon Road, Sowton Ind Estate Exeter Devon EX2 7LB T: 01392 473037 E: info@dorsetwolliscroft.com W: www.dorsetwoolliscroft.com Dow AgroSciences Ltd Capital Park, Fulbourn Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB21 5XE T: 01462 457272 E: DowAgroSciencesUK@dow.com W: www.uk.dowagro.com Downpatrick & County Down Railway Market Street, Downpatrick County Down Northern Ireland BT30 6LZ T: 028 4461 5779 E: info@downrail.co.uk W: www.downrail.co.uk DP World London Gateway No 1 London Gateway, Stanford Le Hope Essex SS17 9DY T: 01375 648300 E: enquiries@londongateway.com W: www.londongateway.com DPSS Cabling Services Ltd Unit 16, Chiltern Bus Village Arundel Rd Uxbridge UB2 2SN T: 01895 251010 E: info@dpsscabling.co.uk W: www.dpsscabling.co.uk Dr. Sauer & Partners 11 Langley Avenue, Surbiton Surrey KT6 6QH T: 020 8339 7090 E: london@dr-sauer.com W: www.dr-sauer.com Dragados SA Regin House, 1-58 Queen Street London EC4N 1SW T: 020 7651 0900 E: info@dragados.com W: www.dragados.com Drainline Southern Ltd Station House South, Mercer Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 3SR T: 01273 269557 E: info@drainlinesouthern.co.uk W: www.drainlinesouthern.co.uk Draka Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 6YU T: 023 8029 5016 E: cableuk@draka.com W: www.drakauk.com Drallim Industries Limited Druy Lane, Ponswood Ind Estate St Leonards on Sea East Sussex TN38 9BA T: 01424 205140 E: sales@drallim.com W: www.drallim.com DRB Power Transmission Ltd First Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park Deeside Flintshire CH5 2QR T: 01244 280280 E: sales@drbgroup.co.uk W: www.drbgroup.co.uk Drilling and Sawing Association (DSA) Unit 3, Brand Street Nottingham NG2 3GW T: 0844 879 3452 E: dsa@drillandsaw.org.uk W: www.drillandsaw.org.uk Drive Lines Technologies Ltd 45 Murdock Road, Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 7PQ

T: 01234 360689 E: enquiries@drivelines.co.uk W: www.drivelines.co.uk Drone Tech Aerospace Ltd 2 Alexandra Gate, Ffordd Pengam Cardiff CF24 2SA T: 07947 212 195 E: info@DroneTechAerospace.co.uk W: www.DroneTechAerospace.co.uk DS + A Ltd Unity Chambers, 34 High East Street Dorchester DT1 1HA T: 01305 310500 E: enquiries@dsa.uk.com W: www.dsa.uk.com DSM Demolition Ltd Arden House, Arden Road Heartlands Birmingham B8 1DE T: 0121 322 2225 E: info@dsmgroup.info W: www.dsmdemolitiongroup.co.uk DSV Road Ltd Scandinavia House, Parkeston Harwich Essex CO12 4QG T: 0844 880 0844 E: info@uk.dsv.com W: www.uk.dsv.com Dual Inventive Ltd Drake House, Decoy Bank North Doncaster South Yorkshire DN4 5JR T: 01724 608020 E: info@dualinventive.com W: www.dualinventive.com dubSEO Suite 16, West Africa House London W5 3QP T: 020 8259 2120 E: hello@dubseo.co.uk W: www.dubseo.co.uk Dunbar and Boardman 2nd Floor, BTHA House 142-146 Long Lane London SE1 4BS T: 020 7739 5093 E: dunbarboardman@tuv-sud.co.uk W: www.tuv-sud.co.uk Dunlop Adhesives Longton Road, Trentham Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8JB T: 01782 591100 E: info@building-adhesives.com W: www.dunloptrade.com DuPont (UK) Ltd 4th Floor, Kings Court London Road Stevenage Herts SG1 2NG T: 01438 734000 W: www.dupont.co.uk Dura Composites Ltd Dura House, Telford Road Clacton on Sea Essex CO15 4LP T: 01255 440291 E: info@duracomposites.com W: www.duracomposites.com Dürr Technik UK Ltd Unit 13 The Ind Quarter, Bath Business Park Foxcote Avenue Peasedown St John BA2 8SF T: 01761 422944 E: office@durrtechnik.co.uk W: www.durr-technik.co.uk Duvine Ltd Unit A8, Sturmer End Ind Estate Sturmer Road Haverhill CB9 7UU T: 01440 706777 E: sales@duvine.co.uk W: www.duvine.co.uk DVR Ltd Unit 1, Bentalls Business Park Pips Hill Basildon Essex SS14 3BN T: 01268 530032 E: sales@dvr-ltd.co.uk W: www.dvr-ltd.co.uk DW Windsor Lighting Pindar Road, Hoddesdon Hertfordshire EN11 0DX T: 01992 474600 E: info@dwwindsor.com W: www.dwwindsor.com

DWF LLP Dalmore House, 110 Queen Street Glasgow G21 3HD T: 0141 228 8000 E: enquiries@dwf.law W: www.dwf.co.uk DWG Infraco Ltd No.2 The Lodge, Burrough Court Melton Mowbray Leicestershire LE14 2QS T: 01664 650666 E: info@dwguk.com W: www.dwguk.com DWG Resins 2 Burrough Court, Burrough-on-the-Hill Melton Mowbray Leicestershire LE14 2QS T: 0800 133 7517 E: info@dwgresins.co.uk W: www.dwgresins.co.uk DWS Advertising Ltd 51 Caroline Street, Limehouse London E1 0JG T: 020 7780 9580 E: dws@dwsadvertising.co.uk W: www.dwsadvertising.co.uk Dyer & Butler Ltd Mead House, Station Road Nursling Southampton Hampshire SO16 0AH T: 023 8074 2222 E: enquiries@dyerandbutler.co.uk W: www.dyerandbutler.co.uk Dyer Engineering Ltd Solutions House, Morrision Road Ind Est Annfield Plain County Durham DH9 7RU T: 01207 288986 E: enquiries@dyer.co.uk W: www.dyer.co.uk Dynamic Track Solutions 7 Haven House, Albemarle Street Harwich Essex CO12 3HL T: 01206 890380 E: manpower@dynamictracksolutions.com W: www.dynamictracksolutions.com DYWIDAG Ltd Datum House, The Pavilions Bridge Hall Lane Bury BL9 7NX T: 0161 797 5511 E: info@dywidag-systems.com W: www.dywidag.com E-Leather Group - Global Headquarters Kingsbridge Centre, Sturrock Way Peterborough PE3 8TZ T: 01733 843939 E: info@eleathergroup.com W: www.eleathergroup.com E-T-A Circuit Breakers Telford Close, Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP19 8DG T: 01296 420336 E: info@e-t-a.co.uk W: www.e-t-a.co.uk E-Tech Components UK Ltd Unit 14 Park Court, Sherdley Business Park Maple View Skelmersdale WN8 9TG T: 01744 762929 E: sales@e-tech-components.co.uk W: www.etechcomponents.co.uk E2S Warning Signals Impress House, Mansell Road London W3 7QH T: 020 8743 8880 E: sales@e2s.com W: www.e2s.com EA Technology Ltd Capenhurst Tech Park, Capenhurst Chester CH1 6ES T: 0151 339 4181 E: sales@eatechnology.com W: www.eatechnology.com EAO Ltd Highland House, Albert Drive Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 9TN T: 01444 236000 E: sales.euk@eao.com W: www.eao.com East Midlands Trains Prospect House, No 1 Prospect Place Millennium Way Pride Park Derby DE24 8HG

T: 01332 867000 E: getintouch@eastmidlandstrains.co.uk W: www.eastmidlandstrains.co.uk East West Rail Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR T: 0300 330 3000 E: info@eastwestrail.org.uk W: www.eastwestrail.org.uk East Yorshire Hydraulics Ltd Harpings Road, National Avenue Kingston-upon-Hull East Yorks HU5 4JF T: 01482 440222 E: esales@eyh.co.uk W: www.eyh.co.uk

Easystart Ltd is the UK & Ireland supplier of both Haze and Monbat VRLA telecom and UPS batteries and has supplied the rail industry with battery power for over 10 years. All stock is held in the UK with both technical and sales support, please call 01536203030 for more information. EasyStart Batteries Unit 9, St Marks Road Corby Northamptonshire NN18 8AN T: 01536 203030 E: sales@easystartbatteries.co.uk W: www.easystartbatteries.co.uk EBC Brakes Upton Valley Way East, Pineham Northampton NN4 9EF T: 01604 583344 E: rail@ebcbrakesuk.com W: www.ebcbrakesrail.com Ebeni Limited Hartham Park, Corsham Wiltshire SN13 0RP T: 01249 700505 E: info@ebeni.com W: www.ebeni.com Eccles (UK Foundries FE) Ltd Portland Street, Walsall West Midlands WS2 8AA T: 01922 613222 E: enquiries@ecccles-uk.co.uk W: www.ecccles-uk.co.uk Econocom Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road Richmond upon Thames TW9 1SE T: 020 8940 2199 E: info.gb@econocom.com W: www.econocom.co.uk Ecus Ltd Brook Holt, 3 Blackburn Road Sheffield S61 2DW T: 0114 266 9292 E: contactus@ecusltd.co.uk W: www.ecusltd.co.uk Eden Brown 222 Bishopsgate London EC2M 4QD T: 020 7422 7300 E: london@edenbrown.com W: www.edenbrown.com Eden Lea Rail Meteor House, RHADS Business Park Finningley Doncaster DN9 3GA T: 01302 791750 E: info@edenlearail.co.uk W: www.edenlearail.co.uk Edesix Ltd 16 Firth Street, Edinburgh Scotland EH1 3LH T: 0131 510 0232 E: sales@edesix.com W: www.edesix.com Edge Hill University St Helens Road, Ormskirk Lancashire L39 4QP T: 01695 575171 E: admissions@edgehill.ac.uk W: www.edgehill.ac.uk


A-Z Directory Edge Selection Ltd Park House, Church Place Swindon Wiltshire SN1 5ED T: 01793 698081 E: info@edgeselection.com W: www.edgeselection.com Edinburgh Trams 1 Myreton Drive Edinburgh EH12 9GF T: 0131 338 5780 E: customer@edinburghtrams.com W: www.edinburghtrams.com EFD Corporate 41 Caxton Court, Garamonde Drive Wymbush Milton Keynes MK8 8DD T: 01908 560669 E: enquiries@efd-corporate.com W: www.efd-corporate.com Efficio Limited 33 Regent Street London SW1Y 4NE T: 020 7550 5677 E: info@efficioconsulting.com W: www.efficioconsulting.com Eglin Concourse International Globe Works, Victoria Road Sowerby Bridge West Yorkshire HX6 3AE T: 01422 317601 E: eglin@racefurniture.com W: www.eglinconcourse.com EH Hassell & Sons Ltd Newstead Ind Trd Estate Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8HX T: 01782 644299 E: info@hassells.com W: www.hassells.com

With prestigious projects such as the roof refurbishment of Earls Court Railway Station, to the roofing and cladding to the Footbridges, Staircases, Lift Shafts and Ticket offices at Oxford and Bicester, Worcester Parkway stations and the cladding at Wolverhampton Railway Station, EHS are able to offer our specialist knowledge to such projects. EHS Holdings Ltd t/as EHS Roofing Newstead Ind Trd Estate Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8HX T: 01782 644299 E: info@hassells.com W: www.hassells.com EJOT UK Ltd Hurricane Close, Sherburn Ent Park Sherburn-in-Elmet Leeds LS25 6PB T: 01977 687040 E: rail@ejot.co.uk W: www.ejot.co.uk

Eland Cables is a global supplier of rail & metro cable and accessories. Our comprehensive portfolio covers OHL, trackside power, signalling, telecoms and station cables including Network Rail PADS cables. Quality and compliance assured with our ISO/IEC17025 lab testing. Extensive stockholding, expert technical and industry support and leading logistics provided. Eland Cables Ltd 53-79 Highgate Road London NW5 1TL T: 020 7241 8759 E: rail@elandcables.com W: www.elandcables.com Elastacloud Limited 34b York Way, Kings Cross London N1 9AB T: 020 7859 4852 E: london@elastacloud.com W: www.elastacloud.com


Elcot Environmental Kingsdown Lane, Blunsdon Swindon Wiltshire SN25 5DL T: 01793 700100 E: enquiries@elcotenviro.com W: www.elcotenviro.com

SINCE 1968

Eldapoint manufacture Re-locatable Equipment Buildings (REB’s) all manufactured to the BR1615D Specification, Secure Steel Accommodation Units, Stores, Changing Rooms, Toilet Blocks, Showers, Specialist Housing’s, we pride ourselves in being the leaders in quality and innovation in the manufacture of bespoke Portable Accommodation & Housings. Eldapoint Ltd Charley Wood Road, Knowsley Ind Estate Knowsley Merseyside L33 7SG T: 0151 548 9838 E: sales.manufacturing@eldapoint.co.uk W: www.eldapoint.co.uk Eldin Rail Limited 19 Sunnyside Road, Paisley Scotland PA2 6JN T: 0141 577 8786 E: enquiries@eldin.co.uk W: www.eldin.co.uk Elecosoft UK Ltd Parkway House, Pegasus Way Haddenham Buckinghamshire HP17 8LJ T: 01844 261700 E: info@elecosoft.com W: www.elecosoft.com Electren UK Ltd 2nd Floor, Regina House, 1-5 Queen Street London EC4N 1SW T: 020 3651 3856 E: electrenuk@electren.co.uk W: www.electren.co.uk Electrification Solutions Ltd 6/F Trafford House, Chester Road Manchester M32 0RS T: 0161 509 7910 E: info@electrificationsolutions.co.uk W: www.electrificationsolutions.co.uk Electro-Motive Diesel Limited Unit 25, Enterprise Bus Park Carcroft Doncaster DN6 8DD T: 01782 562900 E: emdlenquiries@progressrail.com W: www.progressrail.com Electromagnetic Testing Services Ltd Pratts Fields, Lubberhedges Lane Stebbing Essex CM6 3BT T: 01371 856061 E: info@etsemc.co.uk W: www.etsemc.co.uk

Electrosteel are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings, Fabricated Pipework and Ancillary Pipeline Products supplying around the globe. Products comply with the many International and European Standards for conveyance of potable drinking water, raw water and wastewater. Whatever the size or nature of your project, we can provide a tailor-made solution that will meet your requirements. Electrosteel Castings (UK) Ltd Ambrose House, Broombank Road Trad Est Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9QJ T: 01246 264222 E: sales@electrosteel.co.uk W: www.electrosteel.co.uk Electroustic Ltd 32-36 Orchard House, Lodge Farm Business Ctr Castlethorpe Milton Keynes MK19 7ES T: 01908 307200 E: sales@electroustic.co.uk W: www.electroustic.co.uk

Electus Recruitment Solutions Ltd Richmond House, Richmond Hill Bournemouth BH2 6EZ T: 01202 296566 E: info@electusrecruitment.co.uk W: www.electusrecruitment.co.uk

Emerson Crane Hire Ltd Emerson House, Freshwater Road Dagenham RM8 1RX T: 020 8548 3900 E: info@emersoncranes.co.uk W: www.emersoncranes.co.uk

Elite Ground Support Services 1 Steel Close, Little End Road Eaton Socon Cambs PE19 8TT T: 0800 622 6838 E: sales@elite-gss.com W: www.elite-gss.com

Emico Limited 39 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7DN T: 01442 213111 E: contact@emico.co.uk W: www.emico.co.uk

Elite KL Ltd Elite House, 19a Sandy Way Amington Ind Est Tamworth B77 4DT T: 01827 300100 E: info@elitekl.co.uk W: www.elitekl.co.uk

Eminox Limited Miller Road, Corringham Road Ind Est Gainsborough Lincolnshire DN21 1QB T: 01427 810088 E: enquiries@eminox.com W: www.eminox.com

Elite Precast Concrete specialise in supplying the rail industry with a large variety of products for both temporary and permanent works, including Interlocking concrete blocks for retaining walls, refuges. Elite are also the UK’s leading manufacturer of Kentledge blocks providing no dig solutions for hoarding and site security fencing. The range includes concrete barriers for traffic management, vehicle containment barriers and hostile vehicle mitigation. Elite Precast Concrete Ltd Halesfield 9, Telford Shropshire TF7 4QW T: 01952 588885 E: sales@eliteprecast.co.uk W: www.eliteprecast.co.uk Elizabeth line Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ T: 0343 222 1234 W: www.tfl.gov.uk Ellis Patents Ltd High Street, Rillington Malton North Yorkshire YO17 8LA T: 01944 758395 E: sales@ellispatents.co.uk W: www.ellispatents.co.uk Elmatic Wentloog Road, Rumney Cardiff CF3 1XH T: 029 2077 8727 E: sales@elematic.co.uk W: www.elematic.co.uk Eltek Power (UK) Ltd Cleveland Road, Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7EY T: 01442 219355 E: info@eltek.com W: www.eltek.com Eltherm UK Ltd Unit 7, Kingfisher Court Hambridge Road Newbury RG14 5SJ T: 01635 255280 E: uk@eltherm.com W: www.eltherm.com

EMKA Patricia House, Bodmin Road Coventry CV2 5DG T: 024 7661 6505 E: enquries@emka.co.uk W: www.emka.com EML Wildfire The Albany Boathouse, Lower Ham Road Kingston upon Thames Surrey KT2 5BB T: 020 8408 8000 E: enquiries@wildfirepr.com W: www.wildfirepr.com Empark UK Ltd Suite 4b, Stansted Courtyard Parsonage Road Takeley CM22 6PU T: 01279 879395 E: info@empark.co.uk W: www.empark.co.uk Emtelle UK Ltd Haughhead, Hawick Scotland TD9 8LF T: 01450 364000 E: info@emtelle.com W: www.emtelle.com Enable ID 10-12 The Courtyard, Timothy’s Bridge Road Stratford CV37 9NP T: 020 8102 9541 E: hello@enableid.com W: www.enableid.com

Encompass Environmental provides comprehensive vegetation control services to the Rail Industry. Services include complete Weed Control, Vegetation and Tree Management to TOC Maintenance depots, Stations, Station car parks, FOC yards and major Port railheads. Other services include Pest Control, Security Fencing and the eradication of Japanese Knotweed. Encompass Environmental Ltd Cushion Farm Barn, Laxfield Road Stradbroke Suffolk IP21 5JT T: 01379 384200 E: enquiries@encompassenvironmental.co.uk W: www.encompassenvironmental.co.uk

Elwood International Ltd Elwood House, Cross Road Albrighton Wolverhampton WV7 3RA T: 01902 820345 E: info@elwoodinternational.com W: www.elwoodinternational.com

EnCon Construction Ltd 10 Deryn Court, Wharfedale Road Pentwyn Cardiff CF23 7HB T: 029 2073 5111 E: enquiries@encon.uk.com W: www.encon.uk.com

EMC Hire Ltd Unit 1, Ivel Road Shefford Bedfordshire SG17 5JU T: 01462 817111 E: info@emchire.co.uk W: www.emchire.co.uk

Encore Personnel Services Ltd Encore House, 32 Millstone Lane Leicester LE1 5JN T: 0116 262 0651 E: leicesterengineering@encorepersonnel.co.uk W: www.encorepersonnel.co.uk

Emeg Electrical Ltd Unit 3, Dunston Place, Dunston Road Whittington Moor Chesterfield S41 8NL T: 01246 268678 E: enq@emeg.co.uk W: www.emeg.co.uk

Enduramaxx Limited Outgang Road, The Fen Baston Peterborough PE6 9PT T: 01778 562810 E: enquiries@enduramaxx.co.uk W: www.enduraspray.co.uk

A-Z Directory Energi Recruitment Services Ltd Cody Technology Park, Ively Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 0LX T: 01252 413080 E: hello.eu@energi.uk.com W: www.energi.uk.com Enerpac 5 Coopies Field, Morpeth Northumberland NE61 6JT T: 01670 501650 E: sales-uk@enerpac.com W: www.enerpac.com Enersys Limited Oak Court, Clifton Business Park Wynne Avenue Manchester M27 8FF T: 0161 794 4611 E: enersys.rail@uk.enersys.com W: www.enersys.com enGauged Limited 11 Macon Court, Herald Drive Crewe Cheshire CW1 6EA T: 01270 255731 E: enquiries@engauged.co.uk W: www.engauged.co.uk

We are one of the UK’s leading independent supplier of GRP Pultruded Profiles, Handrails, Fencing & Grating. One-hour turnaround on quotations, next day delivery and a free cutting service. Product Areas: GRP Pultruded Profiles GRP Handrail GRP Rods & Tubes GRP Fencing GRP Grating GRP Anti Slip Products GRP Interlocking Flooring GRP Rebar Engineered Composites Ltd Unit B4, Borders 2 Industrial Pk River Lane Saltney Chester CH4 8RJ T: 01244 676 000 E: info@engineered-composites.co.uk W: www.engineered-composites.co.uk Engineering Council 5th Floor, Woolgate Exchange 25 Basinghall St London EC2V 5HA T: 020 3206 0500 E: info@engc.org.uk W: www.engc.org.uk Engineering Group - The Geological Society Burlington House, Piccadilly London W1J 0BG T: 020 7434 9944 E: membership@geolsoc.org.uk W: www.geolsoc.org.uk Engineering Industries Association (EIA) 62 Bayswater Road London W2 3PS T: 020 7298 6455 E: head.office@eia.co.uk W: www.eia.co.uk

Experienced experts in maintenance planning and plan-led transformations. Delivering quality maintenance is one of the most significant ways of improving service performance of your fleet. First rate planning will deliver both quality and business efficiency improvements. EngPro improve your planning capability. Rail, Aviation, Bus and Automotive. EngPro Solutions 1 Sherrard Way, Mytchett Camberley Surrey GU16 6AU T: 07841 029276 E: contact@engpro.co.uk W: www.engpro.co.uk Enjoy Recruitment Group c/o Crossley & Co, Royal Mews Cheltenham GL50 3PQ

T: 01242 252337 E: hello@enjoyrecruitmentgroup.co.uk W: www.enjoyrecruitmentgroup.co.uk Enotrac (UK) Ltd Chancery House, St Nicholas Way Sutton Surrey SM1 1JB T: 020 8770 3501 E: info@enotrac.com W: www.enotrac.com Ensafe Consultants The Forge, Blisworth Hill Farm Stoke Road Northampton NN7 3DB T: 01604 878190 E: info@ensafe.co.uk W: www.ensafe.co.uk Ensto UK Unit 6, Zeus House 16-30 Provost St London N1 7NG T: 020 3750 0154 E: salesuk@ensto.com W: www.ensto.com Entech Technical Solutions Ltd Unit 1 Grovelands, Business Centre Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TE T: 01442 898900 E: info@entechts.co.uk W: www.entechts.com Enterprise c/o Iarnrod Eireann, Connolly Station Amien Street Dublin D01 V6V6 T: +353 1 836 6222 E: info@irishrail.ie W: www.irishrail.ie Entire Engineering Ltd Great Fenton Bus Park, Grove Road Fenton Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4LZ T: 01782 744444 E: sales@entire-group.co.uk W: www.entire-engineerin.co.uk Entrance Matting Systems Ltd Freiston Ent Park, Priory Road Boston Lincolnshire PE22 0JZ T: 01205 761757 E: info@entrance-matting.com W: www.entrance-matting.com EnviroWrap Solutions Limited PO Box 11, Ashford Road Tenterden Kent TN30 6AQ T: 01233 860080 E: enquiries@envirowrap.eu W: www.envirowrap.info EPC-UK Head Office Venture Crescent, Nix’s Hill Ind Estate Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7RA T: 01773 832253 E: info@epc-groupe.co.uk W: www.epc-groupe.co.uk Epicuro Ltd Cardinal House, 39/40 Albermarle Street London W1S 4TE T: 020 7125 0071 E: info@epicuro.co.uk W: www.epicuro.co.uk EPS UK Ltd Units N & O, Freeth Street Colwick Nottingham NG2 3GT T: 0115 896 0486 E: sales@eps-uk.co.uk W: www.eps-uk.co.uk Epsilon Design Engineers Limited 1 Cadman Court, Morley Leeds LS27 0RX T: 0113 284 2415 E: info@epsilondesign.uk.com W: www.epsilondesign.uk.com Equib Ltd Suite 5, Grindleton Bus Centre The Spinney Clitheroe Lancs BB7 4DH T: 01200 449709 E: enquiries@equib.co.uk W: www.equib.co.uk Equipe Group The Paddocks, Home Farm Offices The Upton Estate Banbury OX15 6HU T: 01295 670990 E: info@equipegroup.com W: www.equipegroup.com

Era Technology Cleeve Road, Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7SA T: 01372 367434 E: info@era.co.uk W: www.era.co.uk

Essempy 1 Phoebe Lane, Church End Wavendon Milton Keynes MK17 8LR T: 01908 582491 E: norman.price@essempy.co.uk W: www.essempy.co.uk

Eric Wright Civil Engineering Sceptre House, Sceptre Way Bamber Bridge Preston PR5 6AW T: 01772 698822 E: civils@ericwright.co.uk W: www.ericwright.co.uk

ETA Enclosures (UK) Ltd Unit 2 Ignite, Magan Way Rotherham South Yorkshire S60 1FD T: 01709 386630 E: info@eta-enclosures.co.uk W: www.eta.it

Erith Holdings Ltd Erith House, Queen Street Erith Kent DA8 1RP T: 0370 950 8800 E: bd@erith.com W: www.erith.com

ETS Cable Components Unit 4-6, Red Lion Road Tolworth Surrey KT6 7QD T: 01889 580282 E: sales@etscablecomponents.com W: www.etscablecomponents.com

ERM Ltd 2nd Floor, Exchequer Court 33 St Mary Axe London EC3 8AA T: 020 3206 5200 E: ermuklondon.reception@erm.com W: www.erm.com

Eurofins York Unit 1 Arabesque House, Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9GW T: 0330 430 3456 E: enquiryyork@eurofins.com W: www.eurofins.co.uk/york

Ernst & Young LLP 1 More London Place London SE1 2AF T: 020 7951 2000 E: info@ey.com W: www.ey.com

Eurolog Ltd Orlando House, 3 High Street Teddington Middlesex TW11 8NP T: 020 8977 4407 E: info@eurolog.co.uk W: www.eurolog.co.uk

ESAB (UK) Ltd Warlies Park House, House Shoe Hill Upshire Essex EN9 3SL T: 01992 768515 E: info@esab.co.uk W: www.esab.co.uk

European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO) c/o 8th Floor, The Point 37 North Wharf Rd London W2 1AF E: info@epto.net W: www.epto.net

ESB Environmental Ltd 16 Culimore Road, West Wittering West Sussex PO20 8HB T: 01243 672455 E: sales@esb-environmental.co.uk W: www.esb-environmental.co.uk Esoterix Esoterix Systems, Future Space UWE North Gate Bristol BS34 8RB T: 0117 4285755 E: info@esoterix.co.uk W: www.esoterix.co.uk ESP Group Hudson House, 8 Albany Street Edinburgh EH1 3QB T: 0131 473 1594 E: espgroup@the-espgroup.com W: www.the-espgroup.com

ESR Technology has been providing independent technical consultancy to the rail industry for over 50 years! Our National Centre of Tribology (NCT) team of Engineers, Tribologists, Metallurgists and Materials specialists offer root cause failure analysis, optimisation, industrial tribology and materials expertise to improve safety, improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs. ESR Technology 202 Cavendish Place, Birchwood Park Warrington Cheshire WA3 6WU T: 01925 843400 E: info@esrtechnology.com W: www.esrtechnology.com ESS Safeforce Essential House, Vaux Road Finedon Rd Ind Est Wellingborough NN8 4TG T: 01933 443442 E: ess-safeforce@vpplc.com W: www.ess-safeforce.com Esseco UK Calder Vale Road, Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 5PH T: 01924 234968 E: info@essecouk.com W: www.essecouk.com

European Rail Timetable 28 Monson Way, Oundle Northamptonshire PE8 4QG T: 01832 270198 E: editorial@europeanrailtimetable.eu W: www.europeanrailtimetable.eu Eurostar International Ltd Times House, Bravingtons Walk Regent Quarter London N1 9AW T: 0343 218 6186 E: traveller.care@eurostar.com W: www.eurostar.com Eurotech 2 Clifton Court Cambridge CB1 7BN T: 01223 411200 E: sales.uk@eurotech.com W: www.eurotech.com Evergrip Limited Flaxley Road, Selby North Yorkshire YO8 4BG T: 01757 212744 E: info@evergrip.com W: www.evergrip.com

Everlast Rail have a wealth of experience both in new build and refurbishment sectors. We maintain our status as a market leading specialist in the building envelope. Offer a one stop approach to refurbishment and new build projects. Provide a highly experienced team of professionals with a proven track record Everlast Group Ltd The School House, Parkfield Terrace Pudsey Leeds LS28 6BS T: 0113 255 2739 E: info@everlastgroup.co.uk W: www.everlastgroup.co.uk Eversholt Rail Limited 1st Floor, 210 Pentonville Road London N1 9JY T: 020 7380 5040 E: enquiries@eversholtrail.co.uk W: www.eversholtrail.co.uk


A-Z Directory EviFile Limited The West Wing, Bowcliffe Hall Leeds LS23 6LP T: 0113 859 1669 E: info@evifile.com W: www.evifile.com Evolvi Rail Systems 2nd Floor, Reading Bridge House George Street Reading RG1 8LS T: 01732 598510 E: info@evolvi.co.uk W: www.evolvi.co.uk EWI Recruitment 222 Bishopsgate, The City London EC2M 4QD T: 020 7877 8350 E: hello@ewirecruitment.com W: www.ewirecruitment.com Excalibur Screwbolts Ltd Gate 3 Newhall Nursery, Lower Road Hockley Essex SS5 5JU T: 01702 206962 E: info@excaliburscrewbolts.com W: www.excaliburscrewbolts.com

Excell Rail Ltd is an independent recruitment services provider. With new offices located in Birmingham & Wales, our ethos is to provide a safe, cost effective, reliable and honest approach to rail recruitment. We are accredited via RISQS which provides approval to supply rail industry personnel for safety critical disciplines. Furthermore, we hold 9001:2015, 18001:2007 and 14001:2015 accreditation which confirms our quality procedures are verified. Excell Rail Ltd Rear of unit 5, Severn Road Pontypridd CF37 5SP T: 01443 404201 E: info@excellrail.co.uk W: www.excellrail.co.uk

EAL is the specialist skills partner and awarding organisation for industry. EAL develops and awards industry qualifications through industry partnerships and years of experience supporting the Engineering and Building Service Engineering sectors, we have built unrivalled knowledge and understanding of employer skills needs. We have a range of qualifications which have been developed in conjunction with rail industry experts with a depth of rail sector knowledge, expertise, and experience. Our portfolio covers all six recognised industry engineering disciplines (track, traction and rolling stock, signalling, telecoms, electrification, and overhead line). Contact us for a highly responsive skills solution service, from strategy to delivery. Excellence Achievement Learning (EAL) Unit 2, The Orient Centre Greycaine Road Watford Herts WD24 7GP T: 01923 652400 E: customercare@eal.org.uk W: www.eal.org.uk Excess Baggage Company Unit 2, Provident Ind Estate Pump Lane Hayes UB3 3NE T: 020 8897 5320 E: administration@excess-baggage.com W: www.excess-baggage.com Executive Careers Ltd 77a Victoria Road, Farnborough Hampshire GU14 7PL T: 01252 377177 E: info@executive-careers.com W: www.executive-careers.co.uk Executive Compass® Studio 5, The Kiln, Hoults Yard Walker Road Newcastle NE6 2HL


T: 0191 338 6975 E: info@executivecompass.co.uk W: www.executivecompass.co.uk ExMesh Security Products PO Box 14, Longhill Ind Estate Hartlepool TS25 1PR T: 01429 867388 E: fencing@exmesh.co.uk W: www.exmeshsecurity.co.uk Exol Lubricants Ltd All Saints Road, Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 9TS T: 0121 568 6800 E: sales@exol-lubricants.com W: www.exol-lubricants.com Expedient Recruitment Consultancy Sovereign House, 12-14 Warwick Street Coventry CV5 6ET T: 024 7671 4422 E: info@expedientrecruitment.co.uk W: www.expedientrecruitment.co.uk Experis UK (Manpower Group) 6 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6AB T: 020 3122 0200 E: info@experis.co.uk W: www.experis.co.uk Express Catering 1 Meadow Close, Ilfracombe North Devon EX34 8JA T: 0800 612 4172 E: info@expresscatering.biz W: www.mobilecatering.biz Express Medicals Ltd 8 City Business Centre, Lower Road London SE16 2XB T: 020 7500 6900 E: workhealth@expressmedicals.co.uk W: www.expressmedicals.co.uk Extek Ltd PO Box 9460 Nottingham NG8 9FQ T: 0115 849 6965 E: sales@extek.info W: www.extek.info F3G 34 St James Street London SW1A 1HD T: 020 7766 8500 E: info@f3g.uk W: www.f3g.uk FA Clover & Son Ltd 14 Bardolph Road, Richmond Surrey TW9 2LH T: 020 8948 6321 E: contracts@cloverpainting.com W: www.cloverpainting.com Fabric Architecture Ltd Red Stables, Yokehouse Lane Painswick Gloucester GL6 7QS T: 01452 612800 E: info@fabarc.co.uk W: www.fabricarchitecture.co.uk Fabrikat (Nottingham) Ltd Hamilton Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 5LN T: 01623 442200 E: sales@fabrikat.co.uk W: www.fabrikat.co.uk Facelift Westside, London Road Hickstead West Sussex RH17 5LZ T: 0844 225 4360 E: sales@facelift.co.uk W: www.facelift.co.uk Factair Limited 49 Boss Hall Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP1 5BN T: 01473 746400 E: enquiries@factair.co.uk W: www.factair.co.uk Fairway Hydraulics Limited Unit 96a, Blackpole Trade Estate Worcester WR3 8TJ T: 01905 457519 E: enquiries@fairwayhydraulics.com W: www.fairwayhydraulics.com

Faithful & Gould Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road London NW1 3AT T: 020 7121 2121 E: info@fgould.com W: www.fgould.com Faiveley Vapor Ricon Europe Ltd Meadow Lane, Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 1HS T: 01509 635920 E: sales@vaporricon.co.uk W: www.vaporricon.co.uk Falco UK Ltd Unit 8 Leebrook Way, Leebrook Staffordshire ST13 7AP T: 01538 380080 E: sales@falco.co.uk W: www.falco.co.uk Fantastic Media Ltd Hawthorne House, Dark Lane Birstall Leeds WF17 9LW T: 0345 017 6090 E: info@fantasticmedia.co.uk W: www.fantasticmedia.co.uk Fast Track Management Services Ltd Unit 4 Century Court, Tolpits Lane Watford Hertfordshire WD18 9RS T: 0845 165 6363 E: enquiries@ftrack.co.uk W: www.ftrack.co.uk Fawkes & Reece Ltd 68 Cornhill London EC3V 3QX T: 020 7288 0166 E: recruitment@frlondon.co.uk W: www.fawkesandreece.co.uk FDB Electrical Ltd Unit 20, Worton Hall Ind Estate Worton Road Isleworth TW7 6ER T: 020 8568 4621 E: rcdsales@fdb.uk.com W: www.fdb.uk.com Federation of Master Builders (FMB) David Croft House, 25 Ely Place London EC1N 6TD T: 0330 333 7777 E: reception@fmb.org.uk W: www.fmb.org.uk Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) Forum Court, Office 205 29-31 Elmfield Rd Bromley Kent BR1 1LT T: 020 8663 0947 E: fps@fps.org.uk W: www.fps.org.uk FEIN Industrial Power Tools UK Ltd 4 Badby Park, Hartlands Business Park Daventry Northamptonshire NN1 8YT T: 01327 308730 E: info@fein-uk.co.uk W: www.fein.de Fencing and Lighting Contractors Ltd Unit 2, Sidney Robinson Bus Pk Ascot Drive Derby DE24 8GW T: 01773 531383 E: info@fencingandlighting.co.uk W: www.fencingandlighting.co.uk Feonic Technology Ltd 3e Newlands Science Pk, Inglemire Lane Hull HU6 7TQ T: 01482 806688 E: info@feonic.com W: www.feonic.com Fereday Pollard 30 Kings Bench Street London SE1 0QX T: 020 7253 0303 E: info@feredaypollard.com W: www.fereday-pollard.co.uk Ferrabyrne Limited Fort Road, Littlehampton West Sussex BN17 7QU T: 01903 721317 E: sales@ferrabyrne.co.uk W: www.ferrabyrne.co.uk Ferranti Technologies Ltd Cairo House, Greenacres Road Waterhead Oldham OL4 3JA

T: 0161 624 0281 E: sales@ferranti-technologies.co.uk W: www.ferranti-technologies.co.uk Ferrograph Limited 1 New York Way, New York Ind Park Newcastle NE27 0QF T: 0191 280 8800 E: info@ferrograph.com W: www.ferrograph.com FGD Ltd Smestow Bridge, Bridgnorth Road Wombourne Staffordshire WV5 8AY T: 01902 893226 E: info@fgdltd.co.uk W: www.fgdltd.co.uk Fibox Ltd Suite 25, Durham Tees Bus Centre Orde Wingate Way Stockton-on-Tees TS19 0GD T: 01642 604400 E: salesuk@fibox.com W: www.fibox.co.uk Fibreglass UK Ltd Unit 23-31, Station Road Ind Estate Hailsham East Sussex BN27 2EZ T: 01323 484433 E: info@fibreglassuk.com W: www.fibreglassuk.com Fibrelite Composites Ltd Snaygill Ind Estate, Keighley Road Skipton North Yorkshire BD23 2QR T: 01756 799773 E: enquiries@fibrelite.com W: www.fibrelite.com Ficode Technologies Regus Business Centre, Fort Dunlop Fort Parkway Birmingham B24 9FD T: 020 3695 0893 E: info@ficode.com W: www.ficode.co.uk Finance Birmingham – National Rail Supply Growth Fund Baskerville House, Centenary Square Birmingham B1 2ND T: 0121 233 4903 E: enquiry@financebirmingham.com W: www.financebirmingham.com Finchpalm Ltd 42-44 Claredon Road Watford WD17 1JJ T: 01923 312337 E: info@finchpalm.co.uk W: www.finchpalm.co.uk Findlay Irvine Limited Bog Road, Penicuik Midlothian Scotland EH26 9BU T: 01968 671200 E: sales@findlayirvine.com W: www.findlayirvine.com Finlay Group Lakeside House, Ladford Covert Ind Park Seighford Stafford ST18 9QL T: 01785 282323 E: enquiries@finlay-group.co.uk W: www.finlaygroup.com Fintec Recruit 83 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 2ER T: 0131 564 0755 E: info@fintecrecruit.co.uk W: www.fintecrecruit.co.uk Fircroft Lingley House, 120 Birchwood Point Birchwood Way Warrington WA3 7QH T: 01925 281555 E: warrington@fircroft.com W: www.fircroft.com Fire Fogging Systems Ltd 149a Glasgow Road, Wishaw Lanarkshire Scotland ML2 7QJ T: 01698 386444 E: info@firefighting.co.uk W: www.firefighting.co.uk Fire Industry Association (FIA) Tudor House, Kingsway Business Park Oldfield Road Hampton TW12 2HD T: 020 3166 5002 E: info@fia.uk.com W: www.fia.uk.com

A-Z Directory Fireclad Ltd 5th Floor, 120 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR T: 020 7628 6500 E: admin@fireclad.com W: www.fireclad.com

FJD Consulting and Design 87 Caroline Street, Jewellery Quarter Birmingham West Midlands B3 1UP T: 0121 233 4786 E: simon.moon@fjdconsulting.co.uk W: www.fjdconsulting.co.uk

Firecrest Services Ltd Stables 4, Howbery Park Wallingford Oxon OX10 8BA T: 01491 832810 E: sales@firecrestservices.co.uk W: www.firecrestservices.co.uk

Flagship Consulting Limited Coppergate House, 16 Brune Street London E1 7NJ T: 020 7680 7104 E: info@flagshipconsulting.co.uk W: www.flagshipconsulting.co.uk

Firetrace Ltd Unit 22, Knightsdale Road Ipswich IP1 4JJ T: 01473 744090 E: info@firetrace.co.uk W: www.firetrace.co.uk

Flexcrete Technology Ltd Tomlinson Road, Leyland Lancashire PR25 2DY T: 0845 260 7005 E: web@flexcrete.com W: www.flexcrete.com

Established in 1996, First Class Partnerships (FCP) has built a reputation as a trusted advisor. Our roots are in the British rail industry but our transport consulting is international. We deliver a powerful combination of reallife operations experience and advanced consulting skills and techniques. First Class Partnerships Limited 46 New Broad Street London EC2M 1JH T: 020 3651 5745 E: info@fcpworld.net W: www.fcpworld.net First Components Limited Wallows Ind Estate, Wallows Road Brierley Hill West Midlands DY5 1QA T: 01384 262068 E: info@firstcomponents.co.uk W: www.firstcomponents.co.uk Firstco 8 Celbridge Mews London W2 6EU T: 020 7034 0833 E: info@firstco.uk.com W: www.firstco.uk.com FirstGroup PLC 395 King Street, Aberdeen Scotland AB24 5RP T: 01224 650100 E: contactus.fec@firstgroup.com W: www.firstgroup.com FirstGroup PLC - Resourcing Office Minton Place, Station Road Swindon SN1 1DA T: 01793 425656 E: careers@firstgroup.com W: www.firstgroupcareers.com Fischer Connectors UK The Briars, 11 Waterberry Drive Waterlooville Hampshire PO7 7YH T: 023 9245 9600 E: sales@fisherconnectors.co.uk W: www.fisherconnectors.com Fishbone Solutions 7 Pride Point Drive, Pride Park Derby DE24 8BX T: 01332 899190 E: go-fish@fishbonesolutions.co.uk W: www.fishbonesolutions.co.uk Fission Recruitment Services Unit 13 Venture Point, Stanney Mill Road Ellesmere Port Chester CH2 4NE T: 0151 356 5610 E: enquiries@fission.co.uk W: www.fissionrecruitment.com Fitzgerald Plant Services Ltd Avondale Ind Estate, Avondale Way Cwmbran NP44 1TS T: 01633 860693 E: info@fitzgeraldplant.co.uk W: www.fitzgeraldplant.co.uk

Flexelec UK Ltd Kings Park Ind Estate, Primrose Hill Kings Langley WD4 8ST T: 01923 274477 E: sales@omerin.co.uk W: www.flexelec.com Flexicon Ltd Roman Way, Coleshill Birmingham B46 1HG T: 01675 466900 E: flexiconsales@atkore.com W: www.atkore.com/flexicon FLI Structures Francis & Lewis Int Ltd, Waterwells Drive Waterwells Bus Pk Quedgley Glos GL2 2AA T: 01452 722200 E: sales@fli.co.uk W: www.fli.co.uk Flotec Industrial Limited Unit 8 Pavilion Way, Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 5GW T: 01509 230100 E: sales@floteconline.com W: www.floteconline.com Flowcrete UK Ltd The Flooring Tech Ctr, Booth Lane Sandbach Cheshire CW11 3QF T: 01270 753000 E: ukweb@flowcrete.com W: www.flowcrete.com FlowStone Industrial Flooring Ltd The Shippon, Faenol Farm Ruthin Clywd LL15 2SP T: 0800 009 6910 E: info@flowstonefloors.com W: www.ukindustrialflooring.co.uk Fluke UK Ltd 52 Hurricane Way, Norwich Norfolk NR6 6JB T: 020 7942 0708 E: cs.uk@fluke.com W: www.fluke.com Focus 2000 Infrared Limited 3 Bridge Barns, Long Sutton Langport Somerset TA10 9PZ T: 01458 241723 E: sales@focus2k.co.uk W: www.focus2k.co.uk Focus Resourcing Ltd 5 Richfield Place, 12 Richfield Avenue Reading Berkshire RG1 8EQ T: 0118 956 7064 E: recruitment@focusresourcing.co.uk W: www.focusresourcing.co.uk Focus Security & Surveillance Ltd Unit 1, The Hermitage Bus Park Birchmoor Tamworth Staffs B78 1HS T: 01827 898000 E: enq@focussecurity.co.uk W: www.focussecurity.co.uk Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd 59 Albert Road North, Reigate Surrey RH2 9EL T: 01737 223673 E: enquiries@fonealarm.co.uk W: www.fonealarm.co.uk

Presenting a truly comprehensive and compliant floor and wall covering product for rail vehicles, combining durability, excellent fire resistant properties and great aesthetics. Within the portfolio are textile entrance systems, linoleum, flocked flooring, carpets and textile wall coverings. Offering the widest range of products and within each product category, an array of design, colourway choices as well as bespoke options. Forbo Flooring Systems UK Limited High Holborn Road, Ripley Derbyshire DE5 3NT T: 01773 744121 E: transport@forbo.com W: www.forbo-flooring.com/rail Force One Ltd 24 Long Hill Road, March Cambridgeshire PE15 0BL T: 01354 655441 E: enquiries@forceoneltd.co.uk W: www.forceoneltd.co.uk Ford and Stanley Ltd 44 Royal Scot Road, Pride Park Derby DE24 8AJ T: 01332 344443 E: rail@fordandstanley.com W: www.fordandstanley.com Forecourt Installations Services Ltd Unit 8 Silverwood Court, Fairfield Park Manvers Rotherham South Yorkshire S63 5DB T: 01226 753160 E: info@forecourtinstallationservices.co.uk W: www.forecourtinstallationservices.co.uk Forest of Dean Stone Firms Ltd Bixslade, Stone Works Parkend Gloucestershire GL15 4JS T: 01594 562304 E: info@fodstone.co.uk W: www.fodstone.co.uk Forever Group 204 Sutton Park Road, Kidderminster Worcestershire United Kingdom DY11 6LE T: 0333 358 3808 E: sales@forever-group.co.uk W: www.forever-group.co.uk Forge Europa Ltd The Old Railway, Princes Street Ulverston LA12 7NQ T: 01229 580000 E: infor@forge.co.uk W: www.forge.co.uk Forgetrack Ltd Thistle House, 32a St Andrew Street Hertford Hertfordshire SG14 1JA T: 01992 500900 E: sales@forgetrack.co.uk W: www.forgetrack.co.uk Forkers Ltd Golds Green House, Shaw Street West Bromwich West Midlands B70 0TX T: 0121 505 1010 E: admin@forkers.com W: www.forkers.com Fortel Services Ltd The Forge, Old Perry Street Northfleet Kent DA11 8BT T: 01902 603409 E: enquiries@fortel.co.uk W: www.fortel.co.uk Forwardis UK Ltd Unit 17, 83 Crampton Street London SE17 3BQ T: 020 7939 1900 E: sales@forwardis.co.uk W: www.forwardis.com Fosroc Ltd Drayton Manor Bus Park, Coleshill Road Tamworth Staffordshire B78 3XN T: 01827 262222 E: enquiryuk@fosroc.com W: www.fosroc.com

Four Counties Training Ltd 49-51 Uxbridge Road, London W5 5SA T: 020 8840 5132 E: enquiries@fct.org.uk W: www.fct.uk.com Four Tees Engineers Ltd 1 Dewar Close, Segensworth West Fareham Hampshire PO15 5UB T: 01489 885899 E: info@fourtees.co.uk W: www.fourtees.co.uk Fourway Communication Ltd Unit A, Argyle Gate Argyle Way Stevenage Herts SG1 2AD T: 01992 629182 E: enquiries@fourway.co.uk W: www.fourway.co.uk Foxwell Brown Ltd 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU T: 020 7993 8479 E: inquiries@foxwellbrown.com W: www.foxwellbrown.com FP McCann Ltd Wisbech Road, Littleport Ely Cambridgeshire CB6 1RA T: 01353 861416 E: sales@fpmccann.co.uk W: www.fpmccann.co.uk FPA Consulting Ltd 1 St Andrews House, Vernon Gate Derby DE1 1UJ T: 01332 604321 E: enquiries@fpaconsulting.co.uk W: www.fpaconsulting.co.uk Francis Brown Ltd Hill Street East, Stockton on Tees Cleveland TS18 2HL T: 01642 806000 E: sales@francisbrown.co.uk W: www.francisbrown.co.uk Francis Kirk & Son Ltd Denton Hall Farm Road, Denton Manchester M34 2QN T: 0161 336 2631 E: sales@franciskirk.com W: www.franciskirk.com Francis W Birkett & Sons Ltd St Peg Lane, Cleckheaton West Yorkshire BD19 3SL T: 01274 873366 E: info@fwbirkett.com W: www.westleygroup.co.uk Frank Hand (Galvanizers) Ltd Private Road 7, Colwick Ind Estate Nottingham East Midlands NG4 2AD T: 0115 987 0508 E: enquiries@frankhand.co.uk W: www.frankhand.co.uk Frauscher Sensortechnik Gewerbestraße 1, 4774 St. Marienkirchen Austria T: 00 43 7711 29200 E: office@frauscher.com W: www.frauscher.com Freeths LLP Cumberland Court, 80 Mount Street Nottingham NG1 6HH T: 0115 936 9369 E: postmaster@freeths.co.uk W: www.freeths.co.uk Freight Arranger West View, Brownshill Stroud Gloucestershire GL6 8AQ T: 01453 367150 E: enquiries@freightarranger.co.uk W: www.freightarranger.co.uk Freight on Rail 70 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EJ T: 07593 976548 E: philippa.edmunds@bettertransport.org.uk W: www.freightonrail.org.uk


A-Z Directory

With businesses in the UK and Continental Europe, Freightliner is a leading provider of intermodal and bulk freight haulage. Operating services across the entire UK rail network, Freightliner transports maritime containers from all the main UK deep-sea ports as well as from a network of 12 owned and third party inland terminals. Freightliner Group Limited 6th Floor, The Lewis Building 35 Bull Street Birmingham B4 6EQ T: 03330 168556 E: info@gwrr.co.uk W: www.freightliner.co.uk Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP 65 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1HT T: 020 7936 4000 E: enquiries@freshfields.com W: www.freshfields.com Freshwater Boundary House, 91 Charterhouse Street London EC1M 6HR T: 020 7067 1595 E: hello@freshwater-uk.com W: www.freshwater-uk.com

Fujikura is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of fibre optic cables and equipment for installation, measurement and testing. The Fujikura name has become synonymous with fibre optic cable and fusion splicers and the company is a leading supplier to telecommunication companies around the globe. Fujikura Europe Ltd C51 Barwell Business Pk, Leatherhead Road Chessington Surrey KT9 2NY T: 020 8240 2000 E: sales@fujikura.co.uk W: www.fujikura.co.uk Fujitsu 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW T: 01235 797711 E: askfujitsu@uk.fujitsu.com W: www.fujitsu.com Fullmen Limited Fullmen Industrial Park, Kings Road Canvey Island SS8 0SF T: 01268 683530 E: sales@fullmen.com W: www.fullmen.com

Freyssinet Innovation House, Euston Way Telford Shropshire TF3 4LT T: 01952 201901 E: info@freyssinet.co.uk W: www.freyssinet.co.uk Fronius UK Ltd Maidstone Road, Kingston Milton Keynes MK10 0BD T: 01908 512300 E: info-uk@fronius.com W: www.fronius.co.uk Frontier Economics 71 High Holborn London WC1V 6DA T: 020 7031 7000 E: information@frontier-economics.com W: www.frontier-economics.com FT Transformers Ltd Unit 7 Cyclo Works, Lifford Lane Kings Norton Birmingham B30 3DY T: 0121 451 3204 E: sales@ft-transformers.co.uk W: www.ft-transformers.co.uk FTI Group Ltd Willmotts Business Park, Waterlip Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 4RN T: 01749 881920 E: support@fti-group.co.uk W: www.fti-group.co.uk Fuelcare Ltd Mercury House, Shrewsbury Bus Park Shrewsbury Shropshire SY2 6LG T: 01743 360784 E: sales@fuelcare.com W: www.fuelcare.com Fugro Fugro House, Hithercroft Road Wallingford OX10 9RB T: 01491 820700 E: info@fugro.com W: www.fugro.com

Halo Plus2™ signal lamps Network Rail Approval (Certificate PA/05/965). The signal lamps incorporate ultra-bright LED’s in various colours including BS1376 Class B and other configurations. The Halo Plus2 ™ has a 3-Position rocker switch for halogen spot or signal operation. Switching between colours is by top-mounted, colour coded push buttons. Furneaux Riddall & Co Ltd Alchorne Place, Portsmouth Hamsphire PO3 5PA T: 023 9266 8621 E: info@furneauxriddal.com W: www.furneauxriddall.com

Futurelink Group Kings House, Home Park Estate Kings Langley Hertfordshire WD4 8LZ T: 01923 277900 E: sales@futurelinkgroup.co.uk W: www.futurelinkgroup.co.uk FW Cables Ltd Unit 2, Boultbee Business Units Nechells Place Birmingham B7 5AR T: 0121 685 3000 E: sales@fwcables.co.uk W: www.fwcables.co.uk G-Tech Copers Limited Freightliner Road, Hull East Yorkshire HU3 4UR T: 01482 755855 E: info@g-techlimited.co.uk W: www.g-techlimited.co.uk G-volution Ltd Trym Lodge, 1 Henbury Road Westbury on Trym Bristol BS9 3HQ T: 0117 9596470 E: simon.pickess@g-volution.com W: www.g-volution.com G&M Power Plant Ltd 31 Anson Road, Martlesham Heath Suffolk IP5 3RG T: 01473 662777 E: sales-pt@gmpp.co.uk W: www.gmpp.co.uk G&M Tex Ltd Unit 69, Claydon Business Park Great Blakenham Ipswich IP6 0NL T: 01473 662777 E: sales@gmtex.co.uk W: www.gmtex.co.uk g2 Energy Ltd Olney Office Park, 1 Osier Way Olney Buckinghamshire MK46 5FP T: 01234 482482 E: enquiries@g2energy.co.uk W: www.g2energy.co.uk G4S PLC Southside, 105 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QT T: 020 8770 7000 E: enquiries@uk.g4s.com W: www.g4s.com

Furnitubes International Ltd 3/F Meridian House, Royal Hill Greenwich London SE10 8RD T: 020 8378 3200 E: sales@furnitubes.com W: www.furnitubes.com

GABE 12 Church Street, Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 1DG T: 028 8224 0391 E: info@gabrielhughes.com W: www.gabrielhughes.com

Furrer + Frey GB Ltd Winchester House, 1st Floor 19 Bedford Row London WC1R 4EB T: 020 3740 5455 E: gb@furrerrey.ch W: www.furrerfrey.ch

Gable (UK) Ltd 17-19 Station Road, Hayling Island Hampshire PO11 0EA T: 023 9246 6416 E: gable@gable.co.uk W: www.gabel.co.uk

Furse Wilford Road Nottingham NG2 1EB T: 0115 964 3700 E: enquiry@furse.com W: www.furse.com

GAC Rail Ltd New Works, Burnley Road Halifax West Yorkshire HX6 2TF T: 01422 836091 E: sales@gacrail.co.uk W: www.gacrail.co.uk

Fusion People 3700 Parkway, Solent Business Park Whiteley Fareham Hampshire PO15 7FJ T: 01489 865200 E: enquiries@fusionpeople.com W: www.fusionpeople.com

GAI - Tronics (A division of Hubbell Limited) Brunel Drive, Stretton Park Burton Upon Trent Staffordshire DE13 0BZ T: 01283 500500 E: sales@gai-tronics.co.uk W: www.gai-tronics.com

Future Industrial Services Limited Colt Business Park, Witty Street Hull East Yorkshire HU3 4TT T: 01482 214244 E: enquiriesyorkshire@futureindustrial.com W: www.futureindustrial.com


Future Talent Recruitment Ltd 32 Enterkin Street, Shettleston Glasgow Scotland G32 7BA T: 0141 573 6650 E: info@futuretalentrecruitment.co.uk W: www.futuretalentrecruitment.co.uk

GALL ZEIDLER Consultants 102-104 Park Lane, Croydon Surrey CR0 1JB T: 0208 686 6887 E: office-uk@gzconsultants.com W: www.gzconsultants.com

Gallagher Security (Europe) Ltd Unit 5, Eastboro Fields Hemdale Bus Park Nuneaton CV11 6GL T: 024 7664 1234 E: sales.eu@security.gallagher.com W: www.gallagher.com

Having established ourselves as one of the UK’s leading Rail and Civil Engineering solution providers, our rail division is committed to providing cost-effective solutions, operational excellence and delivery of a superior product to our client’s satisfaction. Our integrated self-delivery model ensures collaboration, increased productivity, and innovation throughout the delivery of our projects. Galldris Group Ltd Galldris House, Pavilion Business Ctr Kinetic Crescent Enfield EN3 7FJ Phone: 01992 763000 Email: info@galldris.co.uk Website: www.galldris.co.uk GallifordTry Rail Pontefract Road, Normanton Wakefield West Yorkshire WF6 1RN T: 01924 245650 E: info@gallifordtry.co.uk W: www.gallifordtry.co.uk Galvanizers Association (GA) Wren’s Court, 56 Victoria Road Sutton Coldfield B72 1SY T: 0121 355 8838 E: ga@hdg.org.uk W: www.galvanizing.org.uk Gamatronic Colmworth Business Park, Eaton Socon Cambridgeshire PE19 8YT T: 01480 479889 E: SalesUK.Gama@solaredge.com W: www.gamatronic.co.uk Ganymede London Road Derby DE24 8UX T: 0333 011 2048 E: info@ganymedesolutions.co.uk W: www.ganymedesolutions.co.uk Gard Chemicals Ltd Chapel Lane, Heckmondwike West Yorkshire WF16 9JP T: 01924 403550 E: sales@gardchemicals.com W: www.gardchemicals.com Gardiner & Theobald LLP 10 South Crescent London WC1E 7BD T: 020 7209 3000 E: london@gardiner.com W: www.gardiner.com Garic Ltd Kingfisher Park, Aviation Road Bury Lancashire BL9 8GD T: 0844 417 9780 E: info@garic.co.uk W: www.garic.co.uk Gatecare Ltd Solar Powered Gate Systems Unit N Tyson Courtyard, Weldon South Ind Estate Corby Northamptonshire NN18 8AZ T: 01536 266211 E: sales@gatecare.co.uk W: www.gatecare.co.uk Gateway Automation Ltd Unit 8 Wainer Close, Lincoln East Midlands LN6 3RY T: 01522 682255 E: info@gatewayautomation.co.uk W: www.gatewayautomation.co.uk Gatwick Express 1st Floor, Monument Place 24 Monument Street London EC3R 8AJ T: 0345 850 1530 E: customerservices@gatwickexpress.com W: www.gatwickexpress.com

A-Z Directory Gauge Communication Suite S1, Unit 1 Verulam Ind Estate 224 London Road St Albans Herts AL1 1JB T: 01721 853952 E: info@gauge-communication.com W: www.gauge-communication.com

GEDORE Marton Street Skipton BD23 1TF T: 01756 706700 E: sales@gedoreuk.com W: www.gedoreuk.com

GB Inspection Systems Ltd 22a Cobbett Road, Burntwood Business Park Burntwood Cannock Staffordshire WS7 3GL T: 0121 351 5025 E: enquiries@gbinspection.com W: www.gbinspection.com

GEE Communications Unit 8a Charnwood Park, Clos Marion Cardiff CF10 4LJ T: 0845 070 1204 E: enquiries@geecommunications.co.uk W: www.geecommunications.co.uk

GB Railfreight 3rd Floor, 55 Old Broad Street London EC2M 1RX T: 020 7983 5124 E: info@gbrailfreight.com W: www.gbrailfreight.com

Gee Construction Co Limited 11 Argent Court, Sylvan Way Basildon Essex SS15 6TH T: 01268 541654 E: marketing@geeconstruction.co.uk W: www.geeconstruction.co.uk Geismar UK Ltd Salthouse Road, Brackmills Ind Estate Northampton NN4 7EX T: 01604 769191 E: sales-uk@geismar.com W: www.geismar.com

GBR-Rail is a leading UK supplier of specialist rail depot equipment, required for the routine daily maintenance of passenger trains. Cleartrak, a sustainable alternative to conventional CET, is a train toilet wastewater treatment system that works whilst the train is in passenger service. Cleartrak optimises railway operations through enabling lengthier journeys free from route constraints and service disruptions. GBR-Rail Ltd Dartmouth House, Bawtry Road Wickersley Rotherham S66 2BL T: 0800 949 9575 E: sales@gbr-rail.com W: www.gbr-rail.com GD Rectifiers Bentley House, 2 William Way Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 9AG T: 020 7983 5134 E: enquiries@gdrectifiers.co.uk W: www.gdrectifiers.co.uk GDM Coolers Manufacturing Ltd Boston Ind Estate, Power Station Road Rugeley Staffordshire WS15 2HS T: 01889 574880 E: sales@gdmcoolers.co.uk W: www.gdmcoolers.co.uk GDM Heat Transfer Ltd Boston Ind Estate, Power Station Road Rugeley Staffordshire WS15 2HS T: 01889 574880 E: sales@gdmcoolers.co.uk W: www.gdmcoolers.com

For over 40 years GDS has delivered class leading displays and turn-key solutions, from innovative design and development, through manufacture, test and installation, commissioning and after-sales service. Our displays are designed to operate reliably and safely in all environmental conditions, be easily serviceable and offer long life. GDS Technology Limited Unit 6 Cobham Centre, Westmead Ind Estate Westlea Swindon SN5 7UJ T: 01793 498020 E: sales.gdstechnology@gds.com W: www.gdstechnology.co.uk GEC Anderson Limited Oakengrove, Shire Lane Hastoe Tring HP23 6LY T: 01442 826999 E: info@gecanderson.co.uk W: www.gecanderson.co.uk

GEM Cable Solutions Ltd Unit C, 165 Saint Albans Road Sandridge St Albans AL4 9NP T: 01727 845750 E: sales@gemcable.co.uk W: www.gemcable.co.uk Gemma Lighting Unit 3 Marshlands Spur, Farlington Portsmouth Hampshire PO6 1RX T: 0800 999 5201 E: info@gemmalighting.com W: www.gemmalighting.com GenAir UK Ltd Unit 28 & 29, Prothero Works Bilport Lane Wednesbury WS10 0NT T: 0844 775 0890 E: sales@genair.co.uk W: www.genair.co.uk Generator Power Limited Foxbridge Way, Normanton Ind Estate Wakefield West Yorkshire WF6 1TW T: 01924 220055 E: info@generator-power.co.uk W: www.genetrator-power.co.uk Gensler Moretown London E1W 1YW T: 020 7073 9600 E: info@gensler.com W: www.gensler.com Genwork Ltd Bromley Street, Lye Stourbridge West Midlands DY9 8HU T: 01384 636588 E: sales@genworkltd.co.uk W: www.genworkltd.co.uk Geo-Environmental Services Ltd Unit 7, Danworth Farm Cuckfield Road Hurstpierpoint BN6 9GL T: 01273 832972 E: mail@gesl.net W: www.gesl.net Geo-Rope Ltd West Quarry, Ballachulish Scotland PH49 4JP T: 01855 811224 E: info@geo-rope.com W: www.geo-rope.com GeoAccess Suite 7 Second Floor, Gresley House Ten Pound Walk Doncaster DN4 5HX T: 01543 411994 E: info@geoaccess.co.uk W: www.geoaccess.co.uk Geobear 24 Eversholt Street London NW1 1AD T: 0800 084 3503 E: info@geobear.co.uk W: www.geobear.co.uk GeoDesign Barriers Ltd 1 Chapel Street, Warwick West Midlands CV34 4HL

T: 01926 405590 E: contact@geodesignbarriers.com W: www.geodesignbarriers.com Geofabrics Ltd Skelton Grange Road, Stourton Leeds LS10 1RZ T: 0113 202 5678 E: info@geofabrics.com W: www.geofabrics.com Georg UK Ltd Unit 7-8, Dunstall Hill Estate Gorsebrook Road Wolverhampton WV6 0PJ T: 01902 715110 E: enquiries@georguk.com W: www.georg-uk.co.uk Geosynthetics Ltd Fleming Road, Harrowbrook Ind Estate Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 3DU T: 01455 617139 E: sales@geosyn.co.uk W: www.geosyn.co.uk Geotech Soil Stabilisation Ltd Suite 1b Market House, 19/21 Market Place Wokingham Surrey RG40 1AP T: 0118 979 6897 E: info@geobind.com W: www.geobind.com Geotechnical Engineering Ltd Centurion House, Olympus Park Quedgeley Gloucestershire GL2 4NF T: 01452 527743 E: geotech@geoeng.co.uk W: www.geoeng.co.uk Geotechnical Observations Ltd Peter Vaughn Building, 9 Avro Way, Brooklands Weybridge Surrey KT13 0YF T: 01932 352040 E: info@geo-observations.com W: www.geo-observations.com Geotechnics Ltd The Goetechnical Centre, 203 Torrington Avenue Tile Hill Coventry CV4 9UT T: 024 7669 4664 E: mail@geotechnics.co.uk W: www.geotechnics.co.uk Geoterra Winnington Hall, Winnington Lane Northwich Cheshire CW8 4DU T: 01606 75755 E: info@geoterra.co.uk W: www.geoterra.co.uk GES Consulting Ltd 61 Islington Street, Ponsonby Auckland NEW ZEALAND 1011 T: 00 64 021 968 131 E: gillian@gesconsulting.co.nz W: www.gesconsulting.co.nz Getlink (formerly Eurotunnel) Channel Tunnel Group, UK Terminal Ashford Road Folkestone Kent CT18 8XX T: 0844 335 3535 E: communication.internet@getlinkgroup.com W: www.getlinkgroup.com

Giffen Group Ltd Unit T, Lyon Way St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0LQ T: 01727 869126 E: info@giffengroup.co.uk W: www.giffengroup.co.uk Giken Europe B.V. 15 Manchester Mews London W1U 2DX T: 0845 260 8001 E: info@giken.co.uk W: www.giken.co.uk Gilgen Door Systems UK Ltd Crow House, Crow Arch Lane Ringwood Hampshire BH24 1PD T: 0870 000 2424 E: info@gilgendoorsystems.co.uk W: www.gilgendoorsystems.com Gillespies 1 St John’s Square London EC1M 4DH T: 020 7253 2929 E: admin.london@gillespies.co.uk W: www.gillespies.co.uk Gillieron Scott Acoustic Design 130 Brixton Hill London SW2 1RS T: 020 8671 2223 E: ashley@gsacoustics.org W: www.gsacoustics.org Gilpin Demolition & Environmental The Horsefields, Clay Pits Way Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 3GP T: 01626 249696 E: info@gilpindemolition.com W: www.gilpindemolition.com Gioconda Ltd Unit 10 Woodfalls, Gravelly Walls Laddingford Kent ME18 6DA T: 01622 872512 E: mail@gioconda.co.uk W: www.gioconda.co.uk

GIRO has been contributing significantly to efficiency gains in passenger transport for over 40 years, through solutions that optimize planning, scheduling and operations. More than 100 rail operators around the world rely on our HASTUS software to adapt to rapid changes, manage rolling stock and workforce, and improve service quality. GIRO 75 rue de Port-Royal E, Suite 500 Montréal, QC, Canada H3L 3T1 T: +1 514 383 0404 E: info@giro.ca W: www.giro.ca/en-ca

GEW 2 Ltd Mansfield I-Centre, Hamilton Way Masfield Nottinghamshire NG18 5BR T: 0345 508 2057 E: commercialteam@gew2ltd.co.uk W: www.gew2.co.uk

GKD Technologies 17 Cobham Road, Ferndown Wimborne Dorset BH21 7PE T: 01202 971971 E: service@gkdtec.com W: www.gkdtec.com

GGR Group Presentation House, Broadgate Broadway Bus Park Oldham OL9 0JA T: 0161 683 2580 E: info@ggrgroup.co.uk W: www.ggrgroup.co.uk

Glasdon UK Ltd Preston New Road, Blackpool Lancashire FY4 4UL T: 01253 600400 E: sales@glasdon-uk.co.uk W: www.glasdon.com

GHD 10 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1BR T: 020 3077 7900 E: londonmail@ghd.com W: www.ghd.com

Glasgow Subway (SPT) Broomloan Depot, Robert Street Glasgow G51 3HB T: 0141 332 6811 E: enquiry@spt.co.uk W: www.spt.co.uk

GI Hopley Ltd The Sidings Ind Estate, Cammock Lane Settle North Yorkshire BD24 9RP T: 01729 823618 E: info@gihopleyltd.co.uk W: www.gihopleyltd.co.uk

Gleeds 95 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XF T: 0207 631 7000 E: london@gleeds.co.uk W: www.gleeds.com


A-Z Directory Glenair UK Ltd 40 Lower Oakham Way, Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 5BY T: 01623 638100 E: sales@glenair.co.uk W: www.glenair.com Glendale Managed Services The Coach House, Duxbury Hall Road Chorley Lancashire PR7 4AT T: 01257 460461 E: info@glendale-services.co.uk W: www.glandale-services.co.uk Global Rail Construction Ltd Unit 20, The IO Centre, Hatfield Business Park Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 9EW T: 0870 990 4407 E: enquiries@grcl.co.uk W: www.grcl.co.uk Global Transport Forum Ltd 3rd Floor, Petersham House 57a Hatton Garden London EC1N 8JD T: 020 7045 0900 E: marketing@globaltransportforum.com W: www.globaltransportforum.com GlobalData John Carpenter House, 7 Carmelite Street London EC4Y 0BS T: 020 7936 6400 E: info@globaldata.com W: www.globaldata.com Glow New Media Ltd 501 Cotton Exchange, Bixteth Street Liverpool L3 9LQ T: 0151 707 9770 E: info@glow-internet.com W: www.glow-internet.com

GLS Coatings Ltd Unit 1-2 Broncoed Ct, Broncoed Business Park Mold Flitshire CH7 1HP T: 01352 753494 E: info@glsgroupuk.com W: www.glscoatings.co.uk GLW Engineering & Construction Ltd Three Acres, Railway Junction South Creek Road March Cambs PE15 8SD T: 01945 464637 E: info@glwengineering.co.uk W: www.glwengineering.co.uk GME Springs Unit C, GME Industrial Estate Coventry CV6 5NN T: 024 7666 4911 E: info@gmesprings.co.uk W: www.gmesprings.co.uk GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd The Sidings, 7 Station Road Guisley Leeds LS20 8BX T: 01943 870670 E: sales@gmtrubber.com W: www.gmtrubber.com Go-Ahead Group Plc 4 Matthew Parker Street, Westminster London SW1H 9NP T: 020 7799 8999 E: Enquiries@go-ahead.com W: www.go-ahead.com GOBOTiX Ltd 140b Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury SY3 7DN T: 01743 387030 E: sales@gobotix.co.uk W: www.gobotix.co.uk GoCustom Clothing Units 12b+c Orleton, Road Ludlow Business Park Ludlow SY8 1XF T: 0330 223 3321 E: sales@kingflw.com W: www.gocustomclothing.com Gold Group Ltd 5th Floor, East Grinstead House Wood Street West Sussex RH19 1UZ


T: 01342 330500 E: info@goldgroup.co.uk W: www.goldgroup.co.uk Golder Associates (UK) Ltd 20 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LG T: 020 7423 0940 E: info@golder.com W: www.golder.com Goldsmiths University of London New Cross London SE14 6NW T: 020 7919 7171 E: course-info@gold.ac.uk W: www.gold.ac.uk GoMedia Services Ltd Evergreen House North, Grafton Place London NW1 2DX T: 020 3691 1870 E: enquiries@gomedia.io W: www.gomedia.io Goodflex Rubber Company Ltd Unit 4 Weston Ind Est, Honeybourne North Evesham Worcestershire WR11 7QB T: 01386 841480 E: info@goodflexrubber.com W: www.goodflexrubber.com Goodlight Unit 7, J4 Camberley, 15 Doman Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3LB T: 01276 691230 E: sales@goodlight.co.uk W: www.goodlight.co.uk

Established in 1993, Gordon Services UK is an Electro-Mechanical engineering company providing a fast, comprehensive and cost effective service for the railway industry. Now a leading force in the overhauling of components & products from all types of rolling stock throughout the UK including a full state of the art Powder Coating Facility with a large 6m Oven. Gordon Services UK Ltd Unit 8 Dawes Farm, Ivy Barn Lane Ingatestone Essex CM4 0PX T: 01277 352895 E: mark.hardy@gsl-uk.co.uk W: www.gordonservicesukltd.co.uk GOS Tool & Engineering Services Ltd Heritage Court Road, Gilchrist Thomas Estate Blaenavon Gwent NP4 9RL T: 01495 790230 E: enquiries@gosengineering.co.uk W: www.gosengineering.co.uk Govia Thameslink Railway (London) 1st Floor, Monument Place 24 Monument Street London EC3R 8AJ T: 0345 026 4700 E: customerservices@thameslinkrailway.com W: www.thameslinkrailway.com GPL Civil Engineering Ltd GPL Group, PO Box 516 Salford M5 0BJ T: 0161 745 7888 E: enquiries@gplgroup.co.uk W: www.gplgroup.co.uk GPS Marine Contractors Ltd GPS Marine House, Upnor Road, Lower Upnor Rochester Kent ME2 4UY T: 01634 892010 E: enquiries@gpsmarine.co.uk W: www.gpsmarine.co.uk Graco BVBA Slakweidestraat 31, B-3630 Maasmechelen Belgium 3630 T: 0032 8977 0700 E: info@graco.com W: www.graco.com Gradus Ltd Chapel Mill, Park Green Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 7LZ T: 01625 428922 E: imail@gradus.com W: www.gradus.com

Grafters Recruitment Consultants Ltd 7a Bolton Road, Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 3JU T: 01323 737010 E: info@graftersrecruitment.com W: www.graftersrecruitment.com GRAHAM 1 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park Glasgow G41 1HH T: 0141 418 5550 E: info@graham.co.uk W: www.graham.co.uk Graham Construction 5 Ballygowan Road, Hillsborough Co Down Northern Ireland BT26 6XH T: 028 9268 9500 E: info@graham.co.uk W: www.graham.co.uk

Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd the UK’s leading specialist contractor in the supply & installation of Noise Barriers for the Rail industry. Gramm installs all types of Noise Barriers manufactured from concrete, steel, and plastic focussing on whole life costs. Supporting clients design with early engagement in offering low carbon and innovation solutions. Gramm Barrier Systems Ltd 18 Clinton Place, Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NP T: 01323 872243 E: info@grammbarriers.com W: www.grammbarriers.com Grand Central Rail Grand Central Rail, Northern House 9 Rougier Street York YO1 6HZ T: 0345 603 4852 E: customer.services@grandcentralrail.com W: www.grandcentralrail.com Grange Archive Services Unit 2A, 185 Tame Road, Witton Birmingham West Midlands B6 7DA T: 0121 769 0832 E: enquiries@grangearchive.co.uk W: www.grangearchive.co.uk Granger Reis Limited Vertigo, Cheese Lane Bristol BS2 0JJ T: 0844 800 0799 E: info@grangereis.com W: www.grangerreis.com Grantham Coates Surveys Limited 2 Arden Court, Arden Road Alcester Warwickshire B49 6HN T: 01789 764420 E: info@gcsurveys.co.uk W: www.gcsurveys.co.uk Grants Of Shoreditch Ltd Grant House, Prospect Way Brentwood Essex CM13 1XD T: 01277 236190 E: office@grantsint.com W: www.grantsint.com Gravity London 69 Wilson Street, London EC2A 2BB T: 020 7330 8810 E: info@gravitylondon.com W: www.gravitylondon.com GrayBar Ltd 10 Fleming Close, Park Farm Ind Estate Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 6UF T: 01933 676700 E: sales@graybar.co.uk W: www.graybar.co.uk GRAYLING (Birmingham Office) The Assay Office, Newhall St Birmingham B3 1BF T: 0121 265 2760 E: info@grayling.com W: www.grayling.co

Grayson Thermal Systems Wharfdale House, 257 Wharfdale Road Tyseley Birmingham B11 2DP T: 0121 700 5600 E: info@graysonts.com W: www.graysonts.com Great Central Railway Plc Great Central Station, Great Central Road Loughborough LE11 1RW T: 01509 632323 E: sales@gcrailway.co.uk W: www.gcrailway.co.uk Great Northern Rail 1st Floor, Monument Place 24 Monument Street London EC3R 8AJ T: 0345 026 4700 E: customerservices@greatnorthernrail.com W: www.greatnorthernrail.com Great Western Railway Second Floor, Milford House Swindon SN1 1HL T: 01793 499400 E: careers@firstgroup.com W: uk.firstgroupcareers.com Greater Anglia 11th Floor, One Stratford Place Montfitchet Road London E20 1EJ T: 020 3356 2650 E: contactcentre@greateranglia.co.uk W: www.greateranglia.co.uk Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6EU T: 0161 778 7000 E: enquiries@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk W: www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk Greengauge 21 28 Lower Teddington Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames Surrey KT1 4HJ T: 07785 242506 E: co-ordinator@greengauge21.net W: www.greengauge21.net Greenvale Capital LLP 3rd Floor, 1 Vere Street London W1G 0DG T: 020 3230 3707 E: info@greenvalecapital.com W: www.greenvalecapital.com Greenwood Consultants Limited Synergy House, Beauclare Close Leatherhead Surrey KT22 8UB T: 01372 277943 E: info@greenwoodconsultants.com W: www.greenwoodconsultants.com Greenwood Engineering H.J. Holstvej 3-5 C, 2605 Brøndby Denmark T: 0045 3636 0200 E: greenwood@greenwood.dk W: www.greenwood.dk Grenrose Scaffolding Ltd Grenrose House, Compton Road Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EE T: 01438 813948 E: office@grenrose.co.uk W: www.grenroe.co.uk

GRID Innovations business model is to design and build bespoke digital Health and Safety platforms within the Rail, Construction and Utilities industries to reduce the burden on administration with organisations, whilst improving your team’s performance and compliance. GRID Innovations 1 Gibfield, Enterprise Centre Atherton Greater Manchester M46 0SU T: 0800 2335988 E: info@grid-i.co.uk W: www.fatiguemanager.com

A-Z Directory Grimshaw Architects 57 Clerkenwell Road London EC1M 5NG T: 020 7291 4141 E: info@grimshaw.global W: www.grimshaw.global

Guidance Automation Ltd Unit 2, Meridian South Meridian Bus Park Leicester LE19 1WY T: 0116 243 6250 E: info@guidanceautomation.com W: www.guidanceautomation.com

GripDeck UK Unit 1 Chancers Farm, Fossett Lane Colchester Essex CO6 3NY T: 01206 242494 E: mail@gripdeck.co.uk W: www.gripdeck.co.uk

Guild of Master Craftsmen (GMC) 166 High Street, Lewes East Sussex BN7 1XU T: 01273 478449 E: theguild@thegmcgroup.com W: www.guildmc.com

Groeneveld Lubrication Solutions Gelders Hall Road, Shepshed Loughborough LE12 9NH T: 01509 600033 E: info@groeneveld-group.com W: www.groeneveld-lubrication-solutions.com Ground Control Limited 1st Fl Kingfisher House, Radford Way Billericay Essex CM12 0EQ T: 0800 334 5606 E: info@ground-control.co.uk W: www.ground-control.co.uk Ground Developments Ltd Burnhouse Ind Estate, Whitburn Scotland EH47 0LQ T: 01506 884405 E: info@grounddevelopments.co.uk W: www.grounddevelopments.co.uk Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) 39 Dryburgh Road London SW15 1BN T: 0330 223 4302 E: info@gshp.org.uk W: www.gshp.org.uk Ground Transportation Systems, Thales UK Quadrant House, 4 Thomas More Square Thomas More Street London E1W 1YW T: 020 3300 6000 E: transportationcommunication@ ukthalesgroup.com W: www.thalesgroup.com Groundforce (VP PLC) Central House, Beckwith Knowle Otley Rd Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1UD T: 0800 169 5269 E: info@groundforce.co.uk W: www.groundforce.uk.com

Groundwise Searches Ltd is a leading provider of PAS128 level D – Utility Mapping Desk Top Searches. Covering the UK and Ireland, we source the most up to date and detailed utility asset location data, offering clients an efficient and comprehensive dial before you dig service. Groundwise Searches Ltd Suite 6, Princess Caroline House 1 High Street Southend-on-Sea SS1 1JE T: 01702 615566 E: mail@groundwise.com W: www.groundwise.com GroupCytek Ltd Unit 3 The Bus Centre, Woodford Park Ind Est Barlow Drive Winsford CW7 2GN T: 01606 226000 E: projects@groupcytek.com W: www.groupcytek.com GRP Grating Systems 1st Floor The Villa, Astley Hall Drive Astley Manchester M29 7TX T: 01942 878062 E: info@grpgratingsystems.co.uk W: www.grpgratingsystems.co.uk GRS Roadstone (GRS Group) 10 Goldsmith Way, Eliot Business Park Nuneaton CV10 7RJ T: 024 7658 0800 E: info@grsbagging.co.uk W: www.grsroadstone.co.uk GT Engineering (Markyate) Ltd Unit 5 Caxton Park, Caxton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0TY T: 01234 905555 E: info@gtengineering.co.uk W: www.gtengineering.co.uk

Gunform international ltd have carried out numerous contracts nationwide within the rail network. Works including tunnel strengthening and repairs, bridge and station concrete repairs, slope and ground stabilisation works. Utilising Gunite and SHOTCRETE ,PRESSURE POINTING AND GROUTING. Gunform have RISQS certification and all operatives have pts training. Gunform International Ltd 33 Carsthorne Road, Carr Lane Ind Estate Hoylake Cheshire CH47 4FB T: 0151 632 6333 E: info@gunform.com W: www.gunform.com Gunnebo UK Ltd Fairfax House, Pendeford Business Park Wobaston Road Wolverhampton WV9 5HA T: 0370 600 6665 E: service.uk@gunnebo.com W: www.gunnebo.co.uk Gurit (UK) Ltd St Cross Business Park, Newport Isle of Wight PO30 5WU T: 01938 828000 E: contact@gurit.com W: www.gurit.com/rail H Goodwin (Castings) Ltd 155 Stafford Street, Walsall West Midlands WS2 8EY T: 01922 633511 E: enquiries@hgoodwin.com W: www.hgoodwin.com H&M Security Services 476-478 Lakshall Road London E4 9HH T: 020 8523 2227 E: info@hmsecurityservices.co.uk W: www.hmsecurityservices.co.uk H&S Decorating Specialists Ltd 1 Wellesley Avenue, Richings Park Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 9AU T: 01753 654123 E: info@hsgroup.co.uk W: www.hsgroup.co.uk HA Marks Ltd 1 Beadman Street, West Norwood London SE27 0DN T: 020 8659 6918 E: info@hamarks.com W: www.hamarks.co.uk Hack Partners WeWork Old Street, 41 Corsham Street London N1 6DR T: 07724 811099 E: hello@hackpartners.com W: www.hackpartners.com HaCon (UK) Exchange House, 494 Midsummer Boulevard Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK9 2UB T: 0845 835 8688 E: info@hacon.de W: www.hacon.de Had-Fab Limited MacMerry Ind Estate, Tranent East Lothian EH33 1RD T: 01875 611711 E: sales@hadfabltd.co.uk W: www.hadfab.co.uk Hafren Security Fasteners Unit 23, Mochdre Ind Estate Newtown Powys SY16 4LE

T: 01686 621300 E: sales@hafrenfasteners.com W: www.hafrenfasteners.com Haigh Rail Ltd Unit 2, Crompton Business Park Crompton Road Doncaster DN2 4PW T: 01302 342188 E: info@haighrail.com W: www.haighrail.com Haki Limited Magnus, Tame Valley Ind Estate Tamworth Staffordshire B77 5BY T: 01827 282525 E: info@haki.co.uk W: www.haki.com Haldo Developments Ltd Western Way West, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 3SP T: 01284 754043 E: info@haldo.com W: www.haldo.com Halfen Ltd A1/A2 Portland Close, Houghton Regis Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 5AW T: 01582 470300 E: info@halfen.co.uk W: www.halfen.co.uk Halifax Rack and Screw Cutting Co Limited Coronation Works, Armytage Road Brighouse West Yorkshire HD6 1QA T: 01484 714 667 E: halifaxrackandscrew@gmail.com W: www.halifaxrs.com Hall Bros (Groundwork) Limited Garrolds Farm, Benfleet Essex SS7 3DZ T: 01702 523807 E: enquiries@brothers-hall.co.uk W: www.brothers-hall.co.uk Hammond ECS Ltd Canal Road, Cwnbach Aberdare CF44 0AG T: 01685 884813 E: enquiries@hammond-ecs.com W: www.hammond-ecs.co.uk Hampton Knight Ltd Vantage House, Sandy Hill Bus Park Tamworth Staffordshire B77 4DU T: 01827 65999 E: enquiries@hamptonknight.co.uk W: www.hamptonknight.co.uk Hankinson Painting Contractors Cotton Place, 2 Ivy Street Wirral CH41 5EF T: 0333 996 6223 E: info@hankinson.co.uk W: www.hankinson.co.uk Hanson Cement Ketton Works, Ketton Rutland PE9 3SX T: 0330 123 4525 E: sales@hanson.com W: www.hanson.co.uk Hanson Springs Ltd Hanson Place, Gorrells Way Rochdale Lancashire OL11 2PX T: 01706 510600 E: railsprings@hanson-springs.co.uk W: www.hanson-springs.co.uk Hardstaff Barriers Hillside, Gotham Road Kingston On Soar Nottingham NG11 0DF T: 0115 983 2304 E: enquiries@hardstaffbarriers.com W: www.hardstaffbarriers.com Harland Simon Power Solutions Bond Avenue, Bletchley Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK1 1TJ T: 01908 565656 E: sales@hsups.co.uk W: www.harlandsimonups.com Harmill Systems Limited Unit P, Cherrycourt Way Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 4UH T: 01525 851133 E: support@harmill.co.uk W: www.harmill.co.uk

Harmonic is a delivery partner that works with Rail companies to deliver programmes and drive out risk and cost of complex programmes and service. We use a combination of programme management and systems engineering skills, with smart and proven methods and domain knowledge, to make the difference to your performance. Harmonic Limited The Hatchery, Eaglewood Park llminster Somerset TA19 9DQ T: 01460 256500 E: enquiries@harmonicltd.co.uk W: www.harmonic.co.uk HaRMUK Ltd 3 Westfield House, Millfield Lane York YO26 6GA T: 01904 220297 E: info@harmuk.com W: www.harmuk.com Harp Visual Communications Limited Unit C4, Segensworth Bus Centre Segensworth Road Fareham Hampshire PO15 5RQ T: 01329 844005 E: sales@harpvisual.co.uk W: www.harpvisual.com Harrington Generators International Ravenstor Road, Wirksworth Matlock Derby DE4 4FY T: 01629 824284 E: info@hgigenerators.com W: www.hgigenerators.com Harrisons Engineering Lancashire Ltd Judge Walmesley Mill, Longworth Road Billington Clitheroe BB7 9TP T: 01254 823993 E: info@harrisonsengineering.co.uk W: www.harrisons-engineering.co.uk Harsco Rail Ltd Unit 1, Chewton Street Eastwood Nottingham NG16 3HB T: 01773 539480 E: uksales@harsco.com W: www.harscorail.com Hartecast Ltd City View House, Union Street Manchester M12 4JD T: 0161 820 6906 E: info@hartecast.co.uk W: www.hartecast.co.uk

The HARTING Technology Group, specialists in connectivity solutions for Power, Signals and Data, have used their extensive knowledge of the rail sector to offer customised assemblies such as Inter Car Jumpers for Power and Data, in-car networking and enclosure assemblies from their purpose built UK facility in Northampton. HARTING Ltd 51 Caswell Road, Brackmills Ind Estate Northampton NN4 7PW T: 01604 827500 E: salesuk@harting.com W: www.harting.com Harvard Technology Ltd Tyler Close, Normanton Wakefield West Yorkshire WF6 1RL T: 0113 383 1000 E: info@harvardtechnology.com W: www.havardtechnology.com Harvey Thomas 86-90 Paul Street London EC2A 4NE T: 0203 995 2007 E: harveythomasmarketing@gmail.com W: www.harvey-thomas.com


A-Z Directory Haskoll 39 Harrington Gardens London SW7 4JU T: 020 7835 1188 E: info@haskoll.co.uk W: www.haskoll.co.uk

Hasler Rail On-Board Electronics business leads the market in safety-related on-board electronics, sensors, software, and data management solutions for the railway industry. Hasler Rail are a global business with qualified technicians and customer support worldwide, Hasler Rail aims to deliver unparalleled service during product execution and operation. HaslerRail AG Freiburgstrasse 251, 3018 Bern Switzerland T: +41 31 990 71 11 E: info@haslerrail.com W: www.haslerrail.com HaslerRail Secheron UK Unit D6, Brookside Business Park Chadderton Manchester M24 1GS T: 0161 655 6614 E: info@haslerrail.com W: www.haslerrail.com Havas People The HKX Building, 3 Pancras Square London N1C 4AG T: 020 7022 4000 E: info@havasmg.com W: www.havaspeople.com Hawker Siddeley Switchgear Ltd Unit 3, Blackwood Business Park Newport Road Blackwood NP12 2XH T: 01495 223001 E: sales@hss-ltd.com W: www.hss-ltd.com Hawkgrove Limited Rural Entreprise Centre, The Showground Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 6QN T: 01373 710777 E: info@hawkgrove.co.uk W: www.hawkgrove.co.uk Hawkins/Brown 159 St John Street London EC1V 4QJ T: 020 7336 8030 E: mail@hawkinsbrown.com W: www.hawkinsbrown.com Hawsons Pegasus House, 463a Glossop Road Sheffield S10 2QD T: 0114 266 7141 E: email@hawsons.co.uk W: www.hawsons.co.uk Hayley Rail Shelah Road, Halesowen West Midlands B63 3XL T: 0121 585 5841 E: rail@hayley-group.co.uk W: www.hayley-group.co.uk Hays – Head Office 250 Euston Road London NW1 2AF T: 020 7383 2266 E: customerservice@hays.com W: www.hays.co.uk Haywood & Jackson Fabrications Ltd Denton Drive, Northwich Cheshire CW9 7LU T: 01606 47777 E: info@haywoodandjackson.co.uk W: www.haywoodandjackson.co.uk HBC-radiomatic (UK) Ltd 50 Avenue Road, Aston Birmingham West Midlands B6 4DY T: 0121 503 6930 E: sales@hbc-radiomatic.co.uk W: www.hbc-radiomatic.co.uk HBPW LLP 43 Bridgegate, Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 7UX


T: 01777 869896 E: mail@hbpwconsulting.co.uk W: www.hbpw.co.uk HD Sharman Ltd High Peak Works, Chapel-en-le-Frith High Peak Derbyshire SK23 0HW T: 01298 428122 E: info@hdsharman.co.uk W: www.hdsharman.co.uk Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Redgrave Court, Merton Road Bootle Merseyside L20 7HS T: 0300 003 1747 W: www.hse.gov.uk Health and Safety Laboratory Harpur Hill, Buxton Derbyshire SK17 9JN T: 020 3028 2000 E: hslinfo@hsl.gsi.gov.uk W: www.hsl.gov.uk

Heat Exchange Group (HEG) is a UK company based in Wakefield and Prudhoe (near Newcastle) supporting the UK Rail industry with Servicing and replacement Radiators, Coolers, Saloon Heaters Vessels and fabricated Tanks for the current UK rail network. Our USP for existing rail operating companies is to offer a dedicated fast turnaround Clean, Test & Repair. Heat Exchange Group Unit 3 Greens Industrial Park, Calder Vale Road, Wakefield WF1 5PH T: 0300 124 0495 E: sales@heatexchangegroup.co.uk W: heatexchangegroup.co.uk Heathrow Express The Compass Centre, Nelson Road Heathrow Airport Hounslow TW6 2GW T: 0345 600 1515 E: sales@heathrowexpress.com W: www.heathrowexpress.com Heavenly Group Ltd 15 Little Green, Richmond Surrey TW9 1QH T: 020 7554 3355 E: london@weareheavenly.com W: www.heavenly.co.uk Heinrich Georg (UK) Limited Units 7-8, Dunstall Hill Estate Gorsebrook Road Wolverhampton WV6 0PJ T: 01902 715110 E: enquiries@georguk.com W: www.georguk.com Helifix (Sustainable Structural Solutions) The Mille, 1000 Great West Road Brentford London TW9 9DW T: 020 8735 5200 E: sales@helifix.co.uk W: www.helifix.co.uk HellermannTyton Ltd Sharston Green Bus Park, 1 Robeson Way Wythenshawe Manchester M22 4TY T: 0161 945 4181 E: sales@hellermanntyton.co.uk W: www.hellermanntyton.co.uk

Henley Business Group 1st Floor, 47 Bury New Road Prestwich Manchester M25 9JY T: 0800 012 1416 E: info@henleybusiness.com W: www.henleybusiness.com

Hill & Smith Holdings Plc Westhaven House, Arleston Way Shirley West Midlands B90 4LH T: 0121 704 7430 E: enquiries@hsholdings.co.uk W: www.hsholdings.co.uk

Henry Williams Ltd Dodsworth Street, Darlington County Durham DL1 2NY T: 01325 462722 E: sales@hwilliams.co.uk W: www.hwilliams.co.uk

Hill and Smith Ltd t/a Variable Message Signs Unit 1, Monkton Bus Park North Mill Lane Hebburn Tyne & Wear NE31 2JZ T: 0191 423 7070 E: sales@vmstech.co.uk W: www.vmstech.co.uk

Hepworth Rail, the world’s leading supplier of bespoke rail windscreen wiper equipment, has over seventy years experience specialising in the design and manufacture of heavy duty windscreen wiper and wash systems. Replacing or refurbishing? We offer top quality compact systems. We are IRIS, GOST, ISO9001 and EN15085 accredited. Hepworth Group - B Hepworth and Co Ltd 2-4 Merse Road, North Moons Moat Redditch Worcestershire B98 9HL T: 01527 61243 E: rail.web@b-hepworth.com W: www.hepworthrail.co.uk Heritage Railway Association c/o The Railway Station, Havenstreet Ryde Isle of Wight PO33 4DS T: 0800 756 5111 E: contact@hra.uk.com W: www.heritagerailways.com Hertford Controls Ltd 14 Ermine Point, Gentlemens Field Westmill Road Ware Herts SG12 0EF T: 01920 467578 E: info@hertfordcontrols.co.uk W: www.hertfordcontrols.co.uk Heskins Ltd Churchill Rd Ind Estate, Brinscall Lancashire PR6 8RQ T: 01254 832266 E: mail@heskins.com W: www.heskins.com Hevertech Unit 2, Treefield Ind Estate Gildersome Leeds LS27 7JU T: 0113 238 3355 E: enquiries@hevertech.co.uk W: www.hevertech.co.uk HGI Generators International Ravenster Road, Wirksworth Derbyshire DE4 4FY T: 01629 824284 E: sales@hgigenerators.com W: www.hgigenerators.com High Speed 1 (HS1 Ltd) 5th Floor, Kings Place 90 York Way London N1 9AG T: 020 7014 2700 E: info@highspeed1.co.uk W: www.highspeed1.co.uk

Hill Dickinson Legal Services The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose Street London EC2A 2EW T: 020 7283 9033 W: www.hilldickinson.com Hillmoore Fire Protection Ltd Unit 10 Clipper Park, Thurrock Park Way Tilbury Essex RM18 7HG T: 01628 890122 E: info@hillmoorefire.co.uk W: www.hillmoorefire.co.uk

Hilti has been supplying the rail industry for a number of years & a number of our products are Network Rail &/or LUL approved. Traditionally we have supplied tools & fastening solutions, that have been well received within the industry offering both productivity gains and H. & S. benefits. Hilti (GB) Ltd 1 Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park Manchester M17 1BY T: 0800 886 100 E: gbsales@hilti.com W: www.hilti.com Hindle Reman Nelson Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD5 0EL T: 01274 732284 E: reman@hindle.co.uk W: www.hindle.co.uk Hingley Transport Limited 4 Talbots Lane, Brierley Hill West Midlands DY5 2YX T: 01384 262221 E: enquiries@hingleytransport.co.uk W: www.hingley-transportltd.co.uk Hird Rail Development Clifford House, Lady Bank Drive Lakeside Doncaster DN4 5NF T: 01302 952040 E: info@hirdrail.com W: www.hirdrail.com Hire Association Europe (HAE) 2450 Regents Court, The Crescent Solihull B37 7YE T: 0121 380 4600 E: membership@hae.org.uk W: www.hae.org.uk

High Speed Rail Industry Leaders (HSRIL) T: 07984 647367 E: hsril@wearefield.co.uk W: www.rail-leaders.com

Hire Station Fields Farm Road, Long Eaton Nottingham NG10 3FZ T: 0370 990 0999 E: hirestation@vpplc.com W: www.hirestation.co.uk

Help Point Ltd Unit 19 Lakeside Park, Medway City Estate Rochester Kent ME2 4LT T: 01634 723174 E: sales@helppoint.co.uk W: www.helppoint.co.uk

High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd Two Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway Birmingham B4 6GA T: 0808 143 4434 E: HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk W: www.hs2.org.uk

Hitachi Information Control Systems Solstice House, Middleton Drive Bradford on Avon Wiltshire BA15 1GB T: 01225 860140 E: info@hitachi-infocon.com W: www.hitachi-infocon.com

HemingwayDesign 15 Wembley Park Drive, Wembley Middlesex HA9 8HD T: 020 8903 1074 E: info@hemingwaydesign.co.uk W: www.hemingwaydesign.co.uk

High Value Manufacturing Catapult Regus Building, Blythe Valley Bus Park Shirley Solihull B90 8AD T: 01564 711540 E: info@hvm.catapult.org.uk W: www.hvm.catapult.org.uk

Hitachi Rail Europe 7th Floor, 40 Holborn Viaduct London EC1N 2PB T: 020 7970 2700 E: rail.enquiries@hitachirail-eu.com W: www.hitachirail-eu.com

Henderson Thomas Associates Limited Unit 6, Little Mundells Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1EW T: 01707 327 785 E: testing@hendersonthomas.co.uk W: www.hendersonthomas.co.uk

Highland Galvanizers Pinefield Parade Elgin IV30 6FG T: 01343 548855 E: highlandgalvonizersuk@gmail.com W: www.higalv.co.uk

Hitachi Rail Global 1 New Ludgate, 60 Ludgate Hill London EC4M 7AW T: 020 3904 4000 E: rail.enquiries@hitachirail-eu.com W: www.hitachirail-eu.com

A-Z Directory

HJ Skelton and Co Ltd are the appointed sales agents for Rawie in the UK and Eire. Rawie manufacture a wide range of railway buffer stops and wheel stops. Rawie hold product approval for many users throughout the world. HJ Skelton and Co. Ltd 9 The Broadway, Thatcham Berkshire RG19 3JA T: 01635 866877 E: info@hjskelton.com W: www.hjskelton.co.uk HKA 3200 Daresbury Park, Daresbury Warrington Cheshire WA4 4BU T: 01928 756 500 E: helenwalker@hka.com W: www.hka.com HMG Paints Ltd Riverside Works, Collyhurst Road Manchester M40 7RU T: 0161 205 7631 E: sales@hmgpaint.com W: www.hmgpaint.com Hobby Homes 5 St Andrews Way London E3 3PA T: 020 7537 6500 E: sales@hobbyhomes.com W: www.hobbyhomes.com Hodge Clemco Ltd 36 Orgreave Drive, Handsworth Sheffield S13 9NR T: 0114 254 8811 E: sales@hodgeclemco.co.uk W: www.hodgeclemco.co.uk Hogia Transport Systems Ltd St James House, 13 Kensington Square London W8 5HD T: 020 7795 8156 E: sales@hogia.com W: www.hogia.com HOK International Qube, 90 Whitfield Street London W1T 4EZ T: 020 7636 2006 E: london@hok.com W: www.hok.com Holden Aluminium Technologies Ltd Unit 5, Station Road Bromyard Herefordshire HR7 4QT T: 01885 482222 E: info@holdenaluminium.com W: www.holdenaluminium.com Holdtrade (UK) Ltd No 1 The Rubicon, 51 Norman Road Greenwich London SE10 9QB T: 020 8293 5999 E: holdtrade@holdtrade.co.uk W: www.holdtrade.co.uk Holemasters Suite 14, Blackpool Tech Mgmt Ctr Faraday Way Blackpool FY2 0JW T: 01253 892890 E: enquiries@holemasters.co.uk W: www.holemasters.co.uk Hollingworth Bissell Albert Buildings, 49 Queen Victoria St London EC4N 4SA T: 020 7653 1994 E: information@hblaw.co.uk W: www.hblaw.co.uk Hollywell Building Services Ltd New Barnes Mill, Cottonmill Lane St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 2HA T: 01727 810555 E: helpdesk@hollywell.co.uk W: www.hollywell.co.uk

Holmatro UK Unit 6 Easter Park, Lenton Lane Nottingham NG7 2PX T: 0115 973 8590 E: ukrescue@holmatro.com W: www.holmatro.com

HR Kilns Ltd & HR Fibreglass Unit 5 & 7, Gorsey Place Gillibrands Skelmersdale WN8 9UP T: 01695 557711 E: sales@hrkilns.com W: www.hrfibreglass.co.uk

Holophane Europe Ltd Bond Avenue, Bletchley Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK1 1JG T: 01908 649292 E: info@holophane.co.uk W: www.holophane.co.uk

HRS Services Ltd The Maltings, 81 Burton Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S3 8BZ T: 0800 030 4391 E: info@hrsservices.co.uk W: www.hrsservices.co.uk

HUBER+SUHNER is the leading supplier of cables and cable systems and offers application-specific connectivity solutions for the construction of modern railway vehicles and related infrastructure. The requirements of today’s rail industry include high levels of safety, reliability, energy efficiency and comfort. HUBER+SUHNER is your partner for all solutions in connected mobility.

Homegrown Timber (Rail) Ltd Courtlands, Antlands Lane Shipley Bridge Surrey RH6 9TE T: 01293 821321 E: rail@homegrowntimber.com W: www.homegrowntimber.com

HS Carlsteel Engineering Ltd Suite B, Hailey Road Ind Estate Erith Kent DA18 4AU T: 020 8312 1879 E: admin@hscarlsteel.co.uk W: www.hrcarsteel.co.uk

HUBER+SUHNER (UK) Ltd Bicester, Telford Road OX26 4LA T: 01869 364100 E: railway-marketing@hubersuhner.com W: www.hubersuhner.com/en

Established in 1947, Jacksons Fencing is a British manufacturer supplying and installing steel and timber fencing, gates, access control, and acoustic barriers to all sectors including transport, retail, leisure, commercial, industrial, education, residential, and high security. All their fencing solutions are guaranteed for 25 years, providing a low lifetime cost.

We are committed to replace conventional construction methods with providing ingenious and sustainable solutions applying state of the art and highly effective technical textiles. With top-class engineering solutions and more than 150 years of expertise in manufacturing, coating and tailoring of technical textiles.

Honeywell Safety & Productivity Solutions Honeywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1EB T: 01344 656000 W: www.honeywellaidc.com Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Limited Unit 2 Lowfield Drive, Centre 500 Wolstanton Newcastle ST5 0UU T: 01782 667305 E: rail@hoppecke.co.uk W: www.hoppecke.co.uk HORIBA MIRA Ltd Watling Street, Nuneaton Warwickshire CV10 0TU T: 024 7635 5000 E: rail@horiba-mira.com W: www.horiba-mira.com Horizon Group Unit 15b, Britannia Road Milnsbridge Huddersfield HD3 4QF T: 01484 460909 E: sales@thehorizon-group.co.uk W: www.thehorizon-group.co.uk Horton Automatics Ltd Horton Wood 31, Telford Shropshire TF1 7YZ T: 01952 670169 E: sales@horton-automatics.ltd.uk W: www.horton-automatics.ltd.uk Hosiden Besson Ltd 12 St Josephs Close, St Josephs Trading Est Hove East Sussex BN3 7EZ T: 01273 860000 E: info@hbl.co.uk W: www.hbl.co.uk Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer UK Ltd Jarman Way, Royston Hertfordshire SG8 5BQ T: 01223 389800 E: info@hbkworld.com W: www.hbkworld.com Houghton International Beacon Road, Trafford Park Manchester M17 IAF T: 0161 874 5000 E: info@houghtonintl.com W: www.houghtonintl.com Houghton International Houghton International, Ronnie Mitten Works Shields Road NE6 2YL T: 0191 234 3000 E: info@houghton-international.com W: www.houghton-international.com Howe Green Ltd Marsh Lane, Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9QQ T: 01920 463230 E: info@howegreen.co.uk W: www.howegreen.co.uk Howells Railway Products Ltd Longley Lane, Sharston Ind Estate Wythenshawe Manchester M22 4SS T: 0161 945 5567 E: info@howells-railway.co.uk W: www.howells-railway.co.uk HPC Asset Services & Hygiene Pro Clean Ltd 2 Grange Court, Harnett Drive Milton Keynes MK12 5NE T: 0800 024 8090 E: info@hpc-assetservices.com W: www.hygieneproclean.com

HS Jackson and Son (Fencing) Ltd Stowting Common, Ashford Kent TN25 6BN T: 0800 408 4739 E: security@jacksons-fencing.co.uk W: www.jacksons-security.co.uk HSQE Ltd 22 Brownsea Drive, Wickford Essex SS12 9LB T: 0333 733 1111 E: info@hsqe.co.uk W: www.hsqe.co.uk HSS Hire PLC 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham Surrey CR4 4TS T: 020 8936 7307 E: hire@hss.com W: www.hss.com HSS Training 76 Talbolt Road, Old Trafford Manchester M16 0PQ T: 0845 314 2283 E: training@hss.com W: www.hsstraining.com HTA Group Ltd Units 7040-7060, Middlemarch Bus Park Siskin Parkway Coventry CV3 4PE T: 024 7651 6100 E: sales@htagroup.co.uk W: www.htagroup.co.uk HTL Group Ltd 45 Colbourne Avenue, Nelson Park Ind Estate Cramlington Northumberland NE23 1WD T: 01670 700000 E: info@htlgroup.com W: www.hiretorque.co.uk

Huesker Ltd 1 Quay Business Ctr, Harvard Court Calver Road Warrington WA2 8LT T: 01925 629393 E: info@huesker.co.uk W: www.huesker.co.uk Hull Trains South Wing, Cherry Court 36 Ferensway Hull HU2 8NH T: 0345 071 0222 E: customerservices.hull@hulltrains.co.uk W: www.hulltrains.co.uk Human Reliability 1 School House, Higher Lane Dalton Wigan Lancashire WN8 7RP T: 01257 463121 E: info@humanreliability.com W: www.humanreliability.com Hurley Palmer Flatt Ltd NWS House, 1E High Street Purley Surrey CR8 2AS T: 020 8763 5900 E: info@hurleypalmerflatt.com W: www.hurleypalmerflatt.com

Husqvarna Construction Products Unit 4 Glenmore Centre, Waterwells Business Pk Quedgeley Gloucester GL2 2AP T: 0344 844 4568 E: husqvarna.construction@husqvarna.co.uk W: www.husqvarnacp.co.uk

Huawei Technologies (UK) Ltd 300 South Oak Way, Green Park Reading Berkshire RG2 6UF T: 0118 920 8000 E: transportation@huawei.com W: e.huawei.com HUB Auto ID Ltd Unit D, Bartonfields Centre Barton Blount Church Broughton DE65 5AP T: 01509 357080 E: info@hub-autoid.co.uk W: www.hub-autoid.co.uk

Hutchinson Engineering have over 35yrs experience in Design, manufacturing and steel fabrication to many sectors inc, Telecom, Oil & Gas, Renewables and now Rail. Hutchinson are a fully accredited / Audited RISQS Supplier, meeting CE Exec Lv4 for all steel fabrication. Please call us to discuss your requirements today. Hutchinson Engineering Ltd Everite Road, Widnes Cheshire WA8 8PT T: 0151 422 9990 E: info@hutchinsonengineering.co.uk W: www.hutchinsonengineering.co.uk


A-Z Directory HV Wooding Range Road Ind Estate, Range Road Hythe Kent CT21 6HG T: 01303 264471 E: sales@hvwooding.co.uk W: www.hvwooding.co.uk HW Martin (Fencing Contractors) Ltd Fordbridge Lane, Blackwell Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 5JY T: 01773 860600 E: recycling@hwmartin.com W: www.hwmartin.com

Hydram Sheet Metalwork supplies metal products, components and precision sheet metal fabrications to market leading companies in industries such as rail, bus, lighting, furniture, earth-moving machinery and white goods. Hydram’s success is founded on customer satisfaction, aiming to achieve maximum productivity & quality by working closely with customers to establish long term partnerships. Hydram Engineering Limited Avenue One, Chilton Ind Estate Chilton County Durham DL17 0SG T: 01388 720222 E: enquiries@hydram.co.uk W: www.hydram.co.uk HydraPower Dynamics Ltd Saint Marks Street, Birmingham West Midlands B1 2UN T: 0121 456 5656 E: salesoffice@hdl.uk.net W: www.hydrapower-dynamics.com Hydraulic & Offshore Supplies Ltd Offshore House, Southwick Ind Estate Sunderland SR5 3TX T: 0191 549 7335 E: hos@hos.co.uk W: www.hos.co.uk Hydraulic Pumps UK Ltd Summit 2, Mangham Road Barbot Hill Ind Estate Rotherham S61 4RJ T: 01709 360370 E: sales@hydraulicpumps.co.uk W: www.hydraulicpumps.co.uk Hydrostatic Extrusions Limited Arran Road, North Muirton Perth Scotland PH1 3DX T: 01738 494500 E: sales.hydrostatic@bruker.com W: www.bruker.com HYTORC Unit 25 Moorland Way, Nelson Park Ind Estate Cramlington NE23 1WE T: 01670 363800 E: info@hytorc.co.uk W: www.hytorc.co.uk I C Consultants Ltd 58 Prince’s Gate, Exhibition Road London SW7 2QA T: 020 7594 6565 E: consultant-support@imperial.ac.uk W: www.imperial-consultants.co.uk I M Kelly R&A Ltd The Moorings Bus Park, Channel Way Exhall Coventry CV6 6RH T: 024 7664 4026 E: email@imkellyrail.co.uk W: www.imkra.co.uk iBlocks Ltd 189 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3UW T: 020 7234 9060 E: info@iblocks.co.uk W: www.iblocks.co.uk ICB Group Virginia House, 35-51 Station Road Egham Surrey TW20 9LB T: 01784 608100 E: reception@icbgroupuk.com W: www.icbgroupuk.com


ICEE manufactures high-quality, bespoke equipment enclosures, offering a complete, lifecycle service including design, fabrication, fit-out, installation, maintenance, refurbishment and related support. We typically partner with infrastructure operators and principal contractors requiring our specialist resources. A major strength is standards compliance including ISO, RISQS and other key safety and quality certifications. ICEE Managed Services Ltd 20 Arnside Road, Waterlooville Hampshire PO7 7UP T: 02392 230 604 E: sales@icee.co.uk W: www.icee.co.uk ICL Solutions Ltd 10 Rochester Court, Anthony’s Way Rochester Kent ME2 4NW T: 01634 717784 E: info@iclsolutions.co.uk W: www.iclsolutions.co.uk Icomera Victory House, Quayside Chatham Kent ME4 4QU T: 0870 446 0461 E: sales@icomera.com W: www.icomera.com Icon Polymer Group Ltd Thrumpton Lane, Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 6HH T: 01777 714300 E: info@iconaerotech.com W: www.iconaerotech.com ICTS (UK) Limited South Block, Entrance D, Tavistock House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9LG T: 020 7874 7576 E: info@icts.co.uk W: www.icts.co.uk ID Computing Ltd Marble Hall, 80 Nightingale Road Derby DE24 8BF T: 01332 742654 E: enquiries@idcomputing.co.uk W: www.idcomputing.co.uk Ideagen Ltd Ergo House, Mere Way Ruddington Nottinghamshire NG11 6JS T: 01629 699100 E: sales@ideagen.com W: www.ideagen.com Ideas Limited Sanderum House, Oakley Road Chinnor Oxfordshire OX39 4TW T: 01844 355474 E: info@ideas.ltd.uk W: www.ideas.ltd.uk

Igus UK Caswell Road, Brackmills Northampton NN4 7PW T: 01604 677240 E: sales@igus.co.uk W: www.igus.co.uk

Incose UK Ltd The Dyers Building, 21 Silver Street Ilminster Somerset TA19 0DH T: 01460 298217 E: enquiries@incoseuk.org W: www.incoseuk.org

IGW International n.v Kampveldstraat 51, Oostkamp Belgium B-8020 T: 0032 5082 6907 E: info@igwpower.com W: www.igwpower.com

Incremental Solutions York Science Park, Innovation Centre Innovation Way York YO10 5DG T: 01904 435100 E: contact@incrementalsolutions.co.uk W: www.incrementalsolutions.co.uk Independent Glass Co Ltd 540-550 Lawmoor Street, Dixon Blazes Ind Estate Glasgow G5 0UA T: 0141 429 8700 E: toughened@independent.glass.co.uk W: www.independentglass.co.uk

iLECSYS Rail Ltd 1 Kites Park, Summerleys Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9PX T: 01442 828387 E: enquiry@ilecsys.co.uk W: www.ilecsysgroup.co.uk Impact Executives Ltd Heron Tower, 110 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AY T: 020 7314 2011 E: info@impactexecutives.com W: www.impactexecutives.com Impact Security and Medical Training Ltd Unit 15 Peartree Bus, Centre Peartree Road Colchester Essex CO3 0JN T: 01206 562366 E: info@impact-security.com W: www.impact-security.com Imperial College London Room 761, South Kensington Campus Imperial College London SW7 2AZ T: 020 7594 7091 E: me.admissions@imperial.ac.uk W: www.imperial.ac.uk

IFPL Elm Lane, Calbourne Newport Isle Of Wight PO30 4JY T: 01983 555900 E: enquiries@ifpl.com W: www.ifpl.com IFS Laboratories Ltd Textile Innovation, House 1 Lyons Road Trafford Park Manchester M17 1RN T: 0161 505 0650 E: info@ifs-labs.com W: www.ifs-labs.com

INDO Lighting Ltd Units 18-19, Chancerygate Bus Centre Manor House Avenue Southampton SO15 0AE T: 020 3051 1687 E: info@indolighting.com W: www.indolighting.com Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS UK Ltd Artisan, Hillbottom Road High Wycombe HP12 4HJ T: 01494 428900 E: info.uk@ifsworld.com W: www.ifsworld.com

Impreglon UK Kingsbury Link, Trinity Road Piccadilly Tamworth B78 2EX T: 01827 871400 E: info@impreglon.co.uk W: www.impreglon.co.uk

Known by our brand name INDUSTRIALCOMMS we are a dedicated Business to Business (B2B) supplier serving the needs of the UK Rail Infrastructure and Rollingstock sectors. Our product offering spans from Trackside WAN/LAN solutions to 4G/LTE/GSM-R transmission systems to OnBoard Train Wi-Fi and communication solutions.

Imtech/Dynniq Hazelwood House, Lime Tree Way Basingstoke Hampshire RG24 8WS T: 01256 891800 E: sales@dynniq.co.uk W: www.dynniq.co.uk

Industrial Communication Products Ltd The Angel Business Ctr, 1 Luton Rd Toddington Bedfordshire LU5 6DE T: 020 3086 9569 E: sales@industrialcomms.comin W: www.industrialcomms.com

In2Global Ltd 104 Dunstable Road, Studham Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 2QL T: 01582 873447 E: info@in2global.com W: www.in2global.com

Idom Merebrook Limited Cromford Mills, Mill Lane Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3RQ T: 01773 829988 E: info.derbyshire@idom.com W: www.merebrook.co.uk IFC Inflow 3 Ryder Way, Basildon Essex SS13 1QH T: 01268 596900 E: sales@ifcinflow.com W: www.ifcinflow.com

Indestructible Paint Limited 19 - 25 Pentos Drive, Sparkhill Birmingham B11 3TA T: 0121 702 2485 E: sales@indestructible.co.uk W: www.indestructible.co.uk

Industrial Door Services Ltd Adelaide Street, Crindau Park Newport NP20 5NF T: 01633 853335 E: enquiries@indoorserv.co.uk W: www.indoorserv.co.uk Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) 3 Eurogate Bus Park, Trinity Road Ashford TN24 8X T: 01233 754600 E: info@irata.org W: www.irata.org

Incap Electronics UK is a trusted EMS partner with over 20 years experience offering Maintain, Repair and Overhaul services for all aspects of electronics in a dedicated repair centre staffed with expert skilled engineers backed by a valued supply chain adept in sourcing components. Incap Electronics UK Ltd Croft Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme Staffordshire ST5 0TW T: 01782 753200 E: salesuk@incapcorp.com W: www.incapcorp.com Incorporatewear Edison Road, Hams Hall, National Dist Park Coleshill B46 1DA T: 01675 432200 E: enquiries@icwuk.com W: www.incorporatewear.co.uk

Industrial Workwear Ltd Unit 16, Consett Business Centre Consett County Durham DH8 6BP T: 0808 178 1938 E: sales@industrialworkwear.com W: www.industrialworkwear.com Industrilas GB Unit 3, Cedar Court, Halesfield 17 Telford Shropshire TF7 4PF T: 01952 850 416 E: sales.gb@industrilas.com W: www.industrilas.com

A-Z Directory T: 01622 854730 E: info@inlinetrack.co.uk W: www.inlinetrackwelding.co.uk Infinitive Group is a specialist consultancy and engineering technology business that sit at the intersection of operational know-how and information technology. Working with customers to extract, transform and visualise information using Machine Learning and Analytics combined with our expertise to deliver business outcomes that generate revenue, optimise cost and mitigate risk. Infinitive Group Ltd 7 Lakeview House, Bond Avenue Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1FB T: 01908 018900 E: info@infinitivegroup.co.uk W: www.infinitivegroup.co.uk Infor Global Solutions Infor House, 1 Lakeside Road Farnborough GU14 6XP T: 01252 556000 E: ukmarketing@infor.com W: www.infor.co.uk Infotec Ltd The Maltings, Tamworth Road Ashby De La Zouch Leicesterhire LE65 2PS T: 01530 560600 E: sales@infotec.co.uk W: www.infotec.co.uk

Innova Care Concepts Unit 700, Street 5, Thorp Arch Estate Wetherby West Yorkshire LS23 7FZ T: 0345 034 1450 E: enquiries@innova.uk.com W: www.innovacareconcepts.com Innuscience 44 Burners Lane, Kiln Farm Milton Keynes MK11 3HD T: 020 3239 8317 E: uk@innuscience.com W: www.innuscience.com Inside Out Group (Europe) Ltd 190 North Gate, Basford Nottingham NG7 7FT T: 0115 979 1719 E: info@insideoutgroup.co.uk W: www.insideoutgroup.co.uk Insight Security (UK Head Office) Units 1 & 2, Cliffe Ind Estate South Street Lewes East Sussex BN8 6JL T: 01273 475500 E: info@insight-security.com W: www.insight-security.com Inspectahire Instrument Co. Ltd Inspectahire, Badentoy Road Bandentoy Ind Est Portlethen AB12 4YA T: 01224 789692 E: enquiries@inspectahire.com W: www.inspectahire.com Installation Technology Unit 13, Headley Park Area 10 Headley Road East Woodley Reading RG5 4SW T: 0118 969 9777 E: info@installationtechnology.com W: www.installationtechnology.com

INFRA Skills, an NSAR Gold Member, provides commercial training and assessments, funded learning programmes, apprenticeships, and occupational health services from its Birmingham training centre for the Rail and Construction sectors. Our trainers are accredited and have a wide range of experience, ensuring that everyone gets the best possible training outcomes. INFRA Skills Ltd Tech Block, Gee Business Centre Holborn Hill Aston B7 5JR T: 0330 113 0006 E: info@infraskills.co.uk W: www.infraskills.co.uk Infrasafe UK Limited Railsafe House, Whiteley Road Blaydon Tyne & Wear NE21 5NJ T: 0191 499 0024 E: enquiries@infrasafe.co.uk W: www.infrasafe.co.uk Infrastructure Training Services Ltd Heather Park House, North Circular Road Stonebridge London NW19 7NN T: 020 8733 8888 E: info@cleshar.co.uk W: www.cleshar.co.uk Infrata 3rd Floor, 5 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1LG T: 020 7406 7464 E: info@infrata.com W: www.infrata.com Ingersoll Engineers 1 Northumberland Avenue, Trafalgar Square London WC2N 5BW T: 020 7872 5666 E: info@ingersollengineersuk.com W: www.ingersollengineersuk.com Initiate Consulting Ltd 40 Great Portland St, London W1W 7LZ T: 020 7357 9600 E: info@initiate.uk.com W: www.initiate.uk.com Inline Track Welding Ltd Ashmill Business Park, Ashford Road Lenham Maidstone ME17 2GQ

Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW) Suite 2, 21 Bloomsbury Square Bloomsbury London WC1A 2NS T: 020 3051 1077 E: enquiries@icw.uk.com W: www.instituteforcollaborativeworking.com Institute of Acoustics (IOA) Silbury Court, 406 Silbury Boulevard Milton Keynes MK9 2AF T: 0300 999 9675 E: ioa@ioa.org.uk W: www.ioa.org.uk Institute of Asset Management (IAM) St Brandons House, 29 Great George Street Avon Bristol BS1 5QT T: 0845 456 0565 E: office@theiam.org W: www.theiam.org Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME) National Foundry Centre, Tipton Road Tipton West Midlands DY4 7UW T: 0121 752 1810 E: info@icme.org.uk W: www.icme.org.uk Institute of Construction Management (ICM) 24 Landport Terrace, Portsmouth Hampshire PO1 2RG T: 07958 959133 E: info@the-icm.co.uk W: www.the-icm.co.uk Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS) Durham House, Durham House Street London WC2N 6HG T: 020 7839 0199 E: info@icrs.info W: www.icrs.info Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) 5 St. Peters Gardens, Marefair Northampton NN1 1SX T: 01604 438222 E: admin@icorr.org W: www.icorr.org Institute of Customer Service Bridge House, 4 Borough High Street London SE1 9QQ T: 020 7260 2620 E: info@instituteofcustomerservice.com W: www.instituteofcustomerservice.com

Institute of Directors (IoD) 116 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5ED T: 020 7766 8888 E: membership@iod.com W: www.iod.com Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) Saracen House, Crusader Road City Office Park Lincoln LN6 7AS T: 01522 540069 E: info@iema.net W: www.iema.net Institute of Materials Finishing (IMF) Exeter House, 48 Holloway Head Birmingham B1 1NQ T: 078 763 47787 E: info@materialsfinishing.org W: www.materialsfinishing.org Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) 297 Euston Road, London NW1 3AD T: 020 7451 7300 E: membership@iom3.org W: www.iom3.org Institute of Rail Welding (IoRW) Granta Park, Great Abington Cambridge CB21 6AL T: 01223 899567 E: iorw@twi.co.uk W: www.iorw.org

Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) The Grange, Highfield Drive Wigston Leicester LE18 1NN T: 0116 257 3100 E: reception@iosh.com W: www.iosh.com Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) 4th Floor, 1 Birdcage Walk Westminster London SW1H 9JJ T: 020 7808 1180 E: hq@irse.org W: www.irse.org Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) International HQ, 47-58 Bastwick Street London EC1V 3PS T: 020 7235 4535 E: pr@istructe.org W: www.istructe.org

Instrumentel’s condition-based monitoring rail products are being increasingly adopted by rail operators and maintainers to deliver efficiency and maintenance savings. From train door diagnostics to energy meters and HVAC system monitors, Instrumentel products provide rapidly retrofittable, cost effective solutions for improved asset monitoring in the rail industry.

Institute of Railway Research - University of Huddersfield Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH T: 01484 473572 E: irr.info@hud.ac.uk W: research.hud.ac.uk/institutes-centres/irr

Instrumentel Ltd Unit 6, Landmark Court Leeds LS11 8JT T: 0113 831 4725 E: enquiries@instrumentel.com W: www.instrumentel.com

Institute of Risk Management (IRM) 2nd Floor, Sackville House London EC3M 6BN T: 020 7709 9808 E: enquiries@theirm.org W: www.theirm.org

Insync Corporate Healthcare Ltd Excalibur Drive, Thornhill Cardiff CF14 9BB T: 029 2076 1550 E: enquiries@insynchealth.co.uk W: www.insynchealth.com

Institute of Spring Technology (IST) Henry Street Sheffield S3 7EQ T: 0114 276 0771 E: ist@ist.org.uk W: www.ist.org.uk

Intec (UK) Ltd Brunel House, 9 Penrod Way Heysham Lancashire LA3 2UZ T: 01524 865555 E: intec@velosi-intec.com W: www.velosi-intec.com

Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) One Great George Street, Westminster London SW1P 3AA T: 020 7665 2012 E: membership@ice.org.uk W: www.ice.org.uk

Integrated Utility Services Ltd Unit 8, Brindley Way 41 Ind Estate Wakefield WF2 0XQ T: 0800 073 7373 E: enquiries@ius.co.uk W: www.ius.co.uk

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2AY T: 01438 313311 E: postmaster@theiet.org W: www.theiet.org

Integrated Water Services Ltd Green Lane Walsall WS2 7PD T: 0345 600 6028 E: contact@integrated-water.co.uk W: www.integrated-water.co.uk

Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) Courtleigh Wiltshire BA13 3TA T: 01373 822801 E: ied@ied.org.uk W: www.ied.org.uk

Intelligent Data Collection Ltd Unit 2 Cordwalls House, Cordwalls Street Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 9SL T: 0845 003 8747 E: info@intelligent-data-collection.com W: www.intelligentdatacollection.com

Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) First Floor, 6-8 Great Eastern St London EC2A 3NT T: 020 3862 7484 E: info@the-ies.org W: www.the-ies.org

Intelligent Locking Systems Bordesley Hall, Alvechurch Birmingham B48 7QA T: 01527 68885 E: info@ilslocks.co.uk W: www.ilslocks.co.uk

Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) 64-66 Cygnet Court, Timothy’s Bridge Road Stratford CV37 9NW T: 01789 261463 E: info@ife.org.uk W: www.ife.org.uk

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Suite 206, Tower Bridge Bus. Ctr 46-48 East Smithfield St E1W 1AW T: 020 7709 3003 E: mailbox@its-uk.org.uk W: www.its-uk.org.uk

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) 1 Birdcage Walk London SW1H 9JJ T: 020 7222 7899 E: enquiries@imeche.org W: www.imeche.org

Interclamp - Handrail Systems Meyrick Owen Way, The Dockyard Pembroke Dock Pembrokeshire SA72 6WS T: 01646 683584 E: info@interclamp.com W: www.interclamp.com


A-Z Directory Interflon UK Ltd Crofton House, Crofton Road Stockton on Tees Cleveland TS18 2QZ T: 01642 615002 E: sales@interflon.co.uk W: www.interflon.com

Invertec Interiors Ltd Unit 1-6 Trimdon Court, Trimdon Grange Ind Est Trimdon Grange County Durham TS29 6PE T: 01429 882210 E: info@invertec.co.uk W: www.invertec.co.uk

IS-Rayfast 2 Lydiard Fields, Swindon Wiltshire SN5 8UB T: 01793 616700 E: uksales@is-rayfast.com W: www.is-rayfast.com

Intermodality Ltd Owlsbrook House, New Pond Lane Heathfield East Sussex TN21 0NA T: 0845 130 4388 E: info@intermodality.com W: www.intermodality.com

Invictus Resource Ltd Radway Green Bus Centre, Building 01 Office 45-47 Crewe CW2 5PR T: 01270 875393 E: info@invictusresource.co.uk W: www.invictusresource.co.uk

ISC Best Practice Consultancy Market Hall Offices, Market Street Okehampton Devon EX20 1HN T: 01837 54555 E: isc@ischq.com W: www.isc-bestpracticeconsultancy.co.uk

International Air Rail Organisation (IARO) Suite 3, Charter House 26 Claremont Road Surbiton KT6 4QZ T: 020 8390 0000 E: patrick.hicks@iaro.com W: www.iaro.com

IOM Consulting Ltd Research Avenue North, Riccarton Edinburgh Midlothian EH14 4AP T: 0131 449 8000 E: info@iom-world.org W: www.iom-world.org

Ischebeck Titan Ltd John Dean House, Wellington Road Burton Upon Trent DE14 2TG T: 01283 515677 E: sales@ischebeck-titan.co.uk W: www.ischebeck-titan.co.uk

International Geosynthetic Society (IGS UK) Sir Henry Doulton House, Forge Lane Etruria Stoke on Trent ST1 5BD T: 01782 276700 E: committee@igs-uk.org W: www.igs-uk.org

IPEX Consulting Limited Liberty House, 222 Regent Street London W1B 5TR T: 020 3642 5893 E: info@ipexconsulting.com W: www.ipexconsulting.com

ISS Labour Ltd Unit 12, The Albion, Brunel Avenue Salford Manchester M5 4BE T: 0161 743 4480 E: info@isslabour.co.uk W: www.isslabour.co.uk

International Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete Association (GRCA) PO Box 1454 Northampton NN2 1DZ T: 0330 111 4722 E: info@grca.online W: www.grca.online

Iprosurv Technology Centre South Yorkshire S60 5WG T: 0114 4055 007 E: info@iprosurv.com W: www.iprosurv.com

IST Power Products Ltd 64-66 Percy Road Leicester LE2 8FN T: 0116 283 3321 E: sales@istpower.com W: www.istpower.com

International Institute of Obsolescence (IIOM) Unit 3 Curo Park, Frogmore St Albans Hertfordshire AL2 2DD T: 01727 876029 E: admin@theiiom.org W: www.theiiom.org International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) 77 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JA T: 020 8741 9100 E: info@iirsm.org W: www.iirsm.org International Liaison Group of Government Railway Inspectorates (ILGGRI) 25 Cabot Square London E14 4QZ T: 020 7282 2000 E: ilggri@orr.gsi.gov.uk W: www.ilggri.org International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) 49-60 Borough Road London SE1 1DR T: 020 7403 2733 E: mail@itf.org.uk W: www.itfglobal.org Intersect Recruitment Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH T: 020 7812 0632 E: info@intersectglobal.co.uk W: www.intersectglobal.co.uk Interserve Plc Interserve House, Ruscombe Park Twyford Berkshire RG10 9JU T: 0118 932 0123 E: info@interserve.com W: www.interserve.com Intertek – Production and Integrity Assurance Unit 12-15, Longwood Road Manchester M17 1P2 T: 0161 875 7600 E: production.assurance@intertek.com W: www.intertek.com Intertek NDT & Materials Testing 10a Victory Park, Victory Road Derby DE24 8ZF T: 01332 275700 E: ndt@intertek.com W: www.intertek.com Intertrain UK Ltd Balby Court, Balby Carr Bank Carr Hill Doncaster DN4 8DE T: 01302 815530 E: sales@intertrain.biz W: www.railway-training-courses.com


IPS Communication Ltd 53 Ullswater Crescent, Coulsdon Surrey CR5 2HR T: 020 8655 6060 E: sales@ips-ltd.co.uk W: www.ips-ltd.co.uk IQM Software U/2 Hove Tech Centre, St Joseph’s Close Hove East Sussex BN3 7ES T: 01293 226136 E: support@iqmsoftware.co.uk W: www.iqmsoftware.co.ik IQPC Ltd 129 Wilton Road London SW1V 1JZ T: 020 7368 9300 E: enquire@iqpc.co.uk W: www.iqpc.co.uk IRITS Events Ltd Kemp House, 152 City Road London EC1V 2NX T: 020 7112 5357 E: hello@irits.org W: www.irits.org Ironside Farrar 111 McDonald Road Edinburgh EH7 4NW T: 0131 550 6500 E: mail@ironsidefarrar.com W: www.ironsidefarrar.com Ironsides Lubricants Shield Street, Stockport Cheshire SK3 0DS T: 0161 477 5858 E: enquiries@ironsidelubricants.co.uk W: www.ironsideslubricants.co.uk IRS Surfacing Technologies Ltd Unit 8, Abbey Lane Ind Estate Burscough Lancashire L40 7SR T: 01704 89633 E: info@irsltd.co.uk W: www.irsltd.co.uk Irvine-Whitlock Brickstone House, Priory Business Park Bedford Mk44 3JW T: 01234 832300 E: enquiries@irvine-whitlock.co.uk W: www.irvine-whitlock.co.uk IS Consultancy Ltd Skinner House, 35-40 Bell Street Reigate Surrey RH2 7BA T: 01737 228990 E: isc@isconsult.net W: www.isconsult.net

ISVR Consulting is a leading centre of expertise in noise and vibration, linked to the internationally renowned Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton. We provide measurements and predictions for a wide range of railway clients and government agencies in the UK and Europe. ISVR Consulting - University of Southampton University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ T: 023 8059 2162 E: rail@isvr.co.uk W: www.isvr.co.uk ITAL Group Limited Unit 2/3 Ridgeway, Office Park Bedford Road Peterfield GU23 3QF T: 0330 022 5022 E: sales@ital-uk.com W: www.ital-uk.com ITE Group plc The Studios, 2 Kingdom Street London W2 6JG T: 020 3545 9400 E: enquiry@ite-exhibitions.com W: www.ite-exhibitions.com ITSO Ltd Aurora House, Deltic Avenue Rooksley Milton Keynes MK13 8LW T: 01908 255455 E: info@itso.org.uk W: www.itso.org.uk IXC UK Ltd Innov Birmingham Campus, Faraday Wharf Holt Street Birmingham B7 4BB T: 0121 250 5717 E: connect@ixc-uk.com W: www.ixc-uk.com IXYS UK Westcode Ltd Langley Park Way, Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE T: 01249 455500 E: sales@ixysuk.com W: www.ixysuk.com

Since 1984, we have supplied into a wide range of markets, including Rail & Mass Transit, where we provide a wide range of unique elastomer materials & components for both rolling stock and trackside applications, tested and approved to EN45545-2 plus many other certifications. Visit our website or contact us. J-Flex Rubber Products Units 1 & 2, London Rd Bus. Park Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 6HG T: 01777 712400 E: sales@j-flex.co.uk W: www.j-flex.com J Lewis (Auto Electrical) Ltd 21 Impresa Park, Pindar Road Hoddesdon Hertfordshire EN11 0DL T: 01992 469781 E: info@jlae.co.uk W: www.jlae.co.uk J Morgan Consulting Ltd 6 Linnet Drive, Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 5UB T: 07941 160470 E: jem@jmclimited.com W: Www.jmclimited.com J. Murphy & Sons Ltd Hiview House, Highgate Road London NW5 1TN T: 020 7267 4366 E: mail@murphygroup.co.uk W: www.murphygroup.com Jabero Consulting 22 Church Road Tunbridge Wells TN1 1JP T: 01892 535730 E: info@jaberoconsulting.com W: www.jaberoconsulting.com Jacobs UK Ltd 1180 Eskdale Road, Winnersh Berkshire RG41 5TU T: 0118 946 7000 E: info@jacobs.com W: www.jacobs.com Jafco Tools Ltd Access House, Great Western Street Wednesbury West Midlands WS10 7LE T: 0121 556 7700 E: sales@jafcotools.com W: www.jafcotools.com

Jaltek Systems is a leading technology solutions provider, focusing on low to medium volume high mix product profiles. We offer a comprehensive range of vertically integrated design and manufacturing solutions tailored to meet our client’s highly diversified requirements, recognising the market need to be flexible and responsive in a constantly changing landscape. Jaltek Systems Unit 13 Dencora Way, Sundon Park Luton Bedfordshire LU3 3HP T: 01582 578170 E: info@jaltek.com W: www.jaltek.com James Fisher Testing Services Unit 10, City Business Park Easton Road Bristol BS5 0SP T: 01761 414939 E: enquiries@jftesting-services.com W: www.jftesting-services.com

A-Z Directory James Troop & Co Ltd 4 Davy Road, Astmoor Ind Estate Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1PZ T: 01928 566170 E: sales@jamestroop.co.uk W: www.jamestroop.co.uk James Walker Devol U2 Faulds Park Ind Est, Faulds Park Road Gourock Scotland PA19 1FB T: 01475 657360 E: customerservice.devol@jameswalker.biz W: www.devol.com Janson Bridging (UK) Ltd Unit 1, The Ridgeway Bus Park Bedford MK44 3DE T: 01767 641469 E: info@jansonbridging.co.uk W: www.jansonbridging.co.uk

[jSD] fashions clothes for real people at work. We enable the life-cycle of CLOTHES AT WORK. As trusted specialists in the transport sector, [jSD] supply uniforms to: Great Western Railways, South Western Railways; Eurostar, Chiltern Railways, C2C among others. ‘[jSD] are a strategic fit to our business,’ says Eurostar, partners since 2011. Jermyn Street Design 34 Galena Road, Hammersmith London W6 0LT T: 020 8563 5000 E: sales@jsd.co.uk W: www.jsd.co.uk

John Anthony Signs Ltd Claydons Lane, Rayleigh Essex SS6 7UU T: 01268 777333 E: contact@johnanthonysigns.com W: www.johnanthonysigns.com John Bell Pipeline Co Ltd Units 3-4 Camiestone Rd, Thainstone Ind Estate Inverurie Aberdeenshire AB51 5GT T: 01224 714514 E: sales@jbpipeline.co.uk W: www.jbpipeline.co.uk John G Russell (Transport) Ltd Deanside Road, Hillington Glasgow G52 4XB T: 0141 810 8200 E: sales@johngrussell.co.uk W: www.johngrussell.co.uk

Japanese Knotweed Group Ltd Rose Cottage, Birchwood Lane Caterham CR3 5QD T: 01883 336602 E: simon@japaneseknotweedgroup.co.uk W: www.japaneseknotweedgroup.co.uk

Jestico + Whiles Sutton Yard, 65 Goswell Road London EC1V 7EN T: 020 7380 0382 E: info@jesticowhiles.com W: www.jesticowhiles.com

John Laing Group PLC 1 Kingsway London WC2B 6AN T: 020 7901 3200 E: enquiries@laing.com W: www.laing.com

JB Corrie & Co Ltd Frenchmans Road, Petersfield Hampshire GU32 3AP T: 01730 237100 E: sales@jbcorie.co.uk W: www.jbcorie.co.uk

Jewers Doors Limited 1 Juno Place, Stratton Business Park Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 8XP T: 01767 317090 E: postroom@jewersdoors.co.uk W: www.jewersdoors.co.uk

John McAslan & Partners 7-9 William Road London NW1 3ER T: 020 7313 6000 E: mailbox@mcaslan.co.uk W: www.mcaslan.co.uk

JFC Civils UK Hardwick Road, Astmoor Ind Estate Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1PH T: 01928 583391 E: sales@jfccivils.com W: www.jfccivils.com

Johnson Security Orchard Ind Estate, Toddington Gloucestershire GL54 4EB T: 01242 621362 E: sales@johnson-security.co.uk W: www.johnson-security.co.uk

JFM Associates The Old Fire Station, Alexander Road Birmingham B27 6ER T: 0121 706 9485 E: recruit@jfmassociates.co.uk W: www.jfmassociates.co.uk

Johnson Surfacing Limited Sebastian House, 204 Ashgate Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S40 4AL T: 01246 231871 E: sales@johnsonsurfacing.co.uk W: www.johnsonsurfacing.co.uk

JMC Recruitment Solutions Ltd First Floor, Unit 1, Exeter Int Office Park Exeter Devon EX5 2HL T: 01392 268310 E: info@jmc-groupltd.co.uk W: www.jmc-groupltd.co.uk

Jointing Technologies Bellsize Close, Norton Canes Staffordshire WS11 9TQ T: 01543 450555 E: enquiries@jointingtech.co.uk W: www.jointingtech.co.uk

JMD Developments (UK) Ltd Audby Grange, Audby Lane Wetherby LS22 7FD T: 01937 587777 E: enquiries@jmddevelopments.co.uk W: www.jmddevelopments.co.uk

Jonathan Lee Recruitment The Maltings, Mount Road Stourbridge West Midlands DY8 1HZ T: 01384 397555 E: consult@jonlee.co.uk W: www.jonlee.co.uk

JMD Railtech Limited (UK Office) JMDR Rail Tech Centre, Kettlestring Lane Clifton Moor York YO30 4XF T: 01904 477661 E: mail@jmdrailtech.com W: www.jmdr.com

Jonathan Roberts Consulting (JRC) Bridge House, Wanstrow Somerset BA4 4TE T: 07545 641204 E: jr@jrc.org.uk W: www.jrc.org.uk

Established in 2003, JCK has successfully grown year on year, consistently delivering perfect service to clients in our areas of specialism • Professional Building M&E Services • Tunnels and Rail • Airport Installations • Sustainability and Best Practice Through building trusted relationships, we partner with communities, businesses and organisations across the UK. JCK Ltd Pippin Grove, 628 London Road Colnbrook SL3 8QH T: 0207 100 3783 E: info@jckltd.com W: www.jckltd.com JD Neuhaus Ltd Unit 9 & 10, Kirkton Avenue Pitmedden Road Dyce Aberdeen AB21 OBF T: 01224 722751 E: info@jdneuhaus.co.uk W: www.jdngroup.com JDA Software (Berkshire Office) 3 The Arena, Downshire Way Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1PU T: 01344 354500 E: info@jda.com W: www.jda.com Jeep Rail Ltd Room 211, Digital Media Centre County Way Barnsley S70 2JW T: 01226 720720 E: enquiries@jeeprail.com W: www.jeeprail.com Jenkins & Potter 1st Floor, 67-74 Saffron Hill London EC1N 8QX T: 020 7242 8711 E: london@jenkinspotter.co.uk W: www.jenkinspotter.co.uk

JNP Group Woodvale House, Woodvale Road Brighouse West Yorkshire HD6 4AB T: 01484 400691 E: brighouse@jnpgroup.co.uk W: www.jnpgroup.co.uk

Offices in London and throughout the Midlands. RISQS accredited. We insure RIA, PWI, Rail Alliance and 180 other railway companies in the UK, Australia and the Far East. We organise our own rail networking events www.rinevents.co.uk We are the rail insurance market leaders for professional railway companies. Call Keven Park Rail Director 07816 283 949 JOBSON JAMES RAIL - INSURANCE 30 St Paul Square Birmingham B3 1QZ T: 0121 452 8717 E: info@jjrail.co.uk W: www.jjrail.co.uk

Joseph Ash Galvanizing: your next stop for metal finishing services. With eight strategically located plants and a large transport fleet, we offer technical expertise, premium quality, and a first-class service when galvanizing, shot blasting and powder coating steel for the UK’s railways. From station canopies to platforms, and lighting columns to bridges, we’re experts in treating all types of railway steel fabrications. Joseph Ash Galvanizing The Alcora Building 2, Mucklow Hill Halesowen West Midlands B62 8DG T: 0121 504 2573 E: sales@josephash.co.uk W: www.josephash.co.uk Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd Stather Road, Flixborough Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 8RR T: 01724 400000 E: enquiries@jotun.co.uk W: www.jotun.co.uk

ESP Group makes life simple for millions of transport users by supporting passengers on every step of their journey. ​As well as being the largest dedicated transport contact centre in the UK, ESP Group is the UK’s leading smart card personalisation and bureau service. Clients extend across the UK, Europe and America. Journeycall – Part of the ESP Group 3 James Chalmers Road, Arbroath Enterprise Pk Kirkton Ind Estate Arbroath DD11 3QR T: 01241 730300 E: businessdev@journeycall.com W: www.the-espgroup.com JPCS Limited Rejuvo House, The Sidings Hampton Heath Malpas Cheshire SY14 8LU T: 01948 820696 E: info@jpcs.co.uk W: www.jpcs.co.uk JRE Precision Engineering Ltd 18 Bakewell Road, Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 5QY T: 01509 610580 E: info@jreuk.com W: www.jreuk.com JSD Research & Development 14-15 Globe Park, Mossbridge Road Rochdale OL16 5EB T: 01706 646959 E: info@jsdrail.com W: www.jsdrail.com JSM Group Ltd Sterling House, Mutton Lane Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 3AR T: 0800 035 0708 E: enquiries@jsmgroup.com W: www.jsmgroup.com JSP Limited Worsham Mill, Minster Lovell Oxford OX29 0TA T: 01993 826050 E: uksales@jsp.co.uk W: www.jspsafety.com Judge 3D Oakpark Business Park, Alington Road Little Barford St Neots PE19 6WA T: 01480 211080 E: info@judge3d.com W: www.judge3d.com Jumo Instrument Co Ltd Jumo House, Temple Bank Riverway Harlow Essex CM20 2DY T: 01279 635533 E: info.uk@jumo.net W: www.jumo.co.uk Jumpstart 6 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Scotland EH3 8HA T: 0333 305 9184 E: helpinghand@jumpstartuk.co.uk W: www.jumpstartuk.co.uk Jungle Green MRC Ltd 79 Coldharbour Road, Westbury Park Bristol BS6 7LU T: 0117 914 4921 W: www.junglegreenmrc.co.uk JVR Consultancy Ltd 635 Bath Road, Slough Berkshire SL1 6AE T: 01628 56 52 56 E: info@jvrconsultancy.com W: www.jvrconsultancy.com JWG Survey & Engineering Ltd 46 Hamilton Square Birkenhead CH41 5AR T: 0151 342 1671 E: admin@jwg.org.uk W: www.jwg.org.uk


A-Z Directory K&M McLoughlin Decorating Ltd 2nd Floor, 94 Silver Street Enfield EN1 3TW T: 020 8370 7910 E: info@kmdecorating.co.uk W: www.kmdecorating.co.uk

Keltbray Group St Andrew’s House, Portsmouth Road Esher Surrey KT10 9TA T: 020 7643 1000 E: info@keltbray.com W: www.keltbray.com

Keyline Builders Merchants Ltd Unit S3, 8 Strathkelvin Place Kirkintiloch Glasgow G66 1XT T: 0141 777 8979 E: rail@keyline.co.uk W: www.keyline.co.uk

Kadfire Limited Unit 15, Trafford Park Ind Est Trescott Road Redditch B98 7AH T: 01527 595880 E: production@kadfire.com W: www.kadfire.com

Kemada Limited Protec House, Cropton Road Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 4BG T: 01332 325050 E: sales@kemada.co.uk W: www.kemada.co.uk

Keyline Rail Keyline National, Rail Office Grove Road Northfleet Kent DA11 9AX T: 0344 892 2677 E: rail@keyline.co.uk W: www.keyline.co.uk

KAEFER Ltd Riverside House, Rolling Mill Road Viking Ind Est Jarrow NE32 3DP T: 01623 781200 E: infouk@kaefercd.com W: www.kaeferltd.co.uk

Kemp Recruitment Ltd Third Floor, Pine Court, Gervis Road Bournemouth Dorset BH1 3DH T: 0330 440 2323 E: info@kemprecruitment.com W: www.kemprecruitment.com

Kaler Engineering Ltd Kaler House, George Summers Close Rochester Kent ME2 4NS T: 01634 723565 E: enquiry@kaler-group.co.uk W: www.kaler-group.co.uk

Kennedy Pearce Consulting Ltd 1st Floor, 50 St Mary Axe London EC3A 8FR T: 020 3846 0750 E: london@kennedypearce.com W: www.kennedypearce.com

Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering ltd. is a multi-award-winning specialist marine and civil engineering contractor. We are experts in delivering unique and turnkey solutions to complex water-based construction challenges, repairing and maintaining structures within a watercourse, engineering innovation above and below the waterline Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd Osprey Business Park, Byng Street Landore Swansea SA1 2NR T: 01792 301818 E: enquiries@kaymacltd.co.uk W: www.kaymacmarine.co.uk KBH On-Train Media Limited Union House, 182-194 Union Street London SE1 0LH T: 020 7207 5333 E: sales@kbhontrainmedia.co.uk W: www.kbhontrainmedia.co.uk KEC Limited Orpheus House, Calleva Park Aldermaston Berkshire RG7 8TA T: 0118 981 1571 E: sales@kec.co.uk W: www.kec.co.uk Kee Safety Cradley Business Park, Overend Road Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 7DW T: 01384 632188 E: sales@keesafety.com W: www.keesafety.co.uk Kee Systems Thornsett Works, Thornsett Road Wandsworth London SW18 4EW T: 020 8874 6566 E: sales@keesystems.com W: www.keesystems.com Keller Ltd Oxford Road, Ryton on Dunsmore Coventry CV8 3EG T: 024 7651 1266 E: foundations@keller.com W: www.keller.co.uk Kelly Rail Kelly House, Fourth Way Wembley Middlesex HA9 0LH T: 020 8424 0909 E: info@kelly.co.uk W: www.kelly.co.uk Kelly Services UK Ltd 3rd Floor, 100 Cannon Street London EC4N 6EU T: 020 3040 1900 E: londoncity@kellyservices.co.uk W: www.kellyservices.co.uk


Kennedys Law LLP 25 Fenchurch Avenue London EC3M 5AD T: 020 7667 9667 E: enquiries@kennedyslaw.com W: www.kennedyslaw.com

Keystone Environmental Ltd The Old Barn, Park Farm Buildings Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8TT T: 01666 503687 E: info@keyenv.co.uk W: www.keyenv.co.uk Keystone Training Ltd Front Suite, 1st Floor, Charles House 149 Gt Charles St Birmingham B3 3HT T: 07939 997954 E: esther.patrick@keystonetrainingltd.co.uk W: www.keystonetrainingltd.co.uk Keytracker Unit 3, Station Road Rowley Regis West Midlands B65 0JY T: 0121 559 9000 E: sales@keytracker.co.uk W: www.keytracker.co.uk

Kent & East Sussex Railway – Heritage Railway Tenterden Town Station, Station Road Tenterden Kent TN30 6HE T: 01580 765155 E: enquiries@kesr.org.uk W: www.kesr.org.uk Kent Modular Electronics Ltd (KME) 621 Maidstone Road, Rochester Kent ME1 3QJ T: 01634 830123 E: sales@kme.co.uk W: www.kme.co.uk Kent PHK Ltd Kent House, Lower Oakham Way Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 5BY T: 01623 421202 E: enquiries@kentphk.co.uk W: www.kentgroup.com Keolis (UK) Ltd Evergreen House North, 160 Euston Road London NW1 2DX T: 020 3691 1715 E: comms@keolis.co.uk W: www.keolis.com KeolisAmey Docklands Ltd Castor Lane, Poplar London E14 0BL T: 020 7363 9500 E: reception@keolisameydlr.co.uk W: www.keolisameydocklands.info Kernow Model Rail Centre (KMRC) 98a Trelowarren Street, Camborne Cornwall TR14 8AN T: 01209 714099 E: sales@kernowmodelrailcentre.com W: www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com

KGJ Price Rail Contractors Ltd Pant Glas Ind Estate, Bedwas Caerphilly Wales CF83 8DR T: 029 2088 9220 E: enquiries@kgjprice.co.uk W: www.kgjprice.co.uk KH Engineering Services Ltd 4 Crayside, Five Arches Bus Park Maidstone Road Sidcup Kent DA14 5AG T: 020 8309 3100 E: enquiries@khengineeringservices.co.uk W: www.khengineeringservices.co.uk Kiepe Electric UK Ltd 2 Priestley Wharf, Holt Street Aston Birmingham B7 4BN T: 0121 359 7777 E: enquiries@kiepe-electric.co.uk W: www.kiepe-electric.co.uk

Kilborn Consulting Limited is an independent railway engineering consultancy and design business, specialising in the design of new and altered signalling and telecoms systems for UK and Ireland railway infrastructure. Our core services cover technical advice and consultancy, and concept, outline and detailed design for main line and private railways. Kilborn Consulting Limited 6th Floor, South Street, 12 Sheep Street Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 1BL T: 01933 279909 E: mail@kilbornconsulting.co.uk W: www.kilbornconsulting.co.uk

Kilfrost is a leading supplier to the rail networks all over The UK and Europe. Our Kilfrost Rail, TDIce and TDIce Plus are used to di-ice and prevent icing on Rails, Rolling Stock, Third Rail and Pantograph lines. Our products are also used to clear Ballast piles. Contact us via www.kilfrost.com Kilfrost Ltd Albion Works, Haltwhistle Northumberland NE49 0HJ T: 01434 320332 E: info@kilfrost.com W: www.kilfrost.com Kilnbridge Construction Services Ltd McDermott House, Cody Rosd Business Park South Crescent London E16 4TL T: 020 7511 1888 E: office@kilnbridge.com W: www.kilnbridge.com King Rail Riverside, Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 7PX T: 01858 467361 E: info@king.uk.com W: www.king.uk.com King Vehicle Engineering Ltd Riverside, Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 7PX T: 01858 467361 E: info@kingtrailers.co.uk W: www.king.uk.com King’s College London Strand London WC2R 2LS T: 020 7836 5454 E: ucas.enquiries@kcl.ac.uk W: www.kcl.ac.uk Kingfisher Productions PO Box 110, Cullompton EX15 9AZ T: 0333 121 0707 E: sales@railwayvideo.com W: www.railwayvideo.com Kingsley Plastics Limited The Airfield, Winkleigh Devon EX19 8DW T: 01837 83154 E: sales@kingsleyplastics.co.uk W: www.kingsleyplastics.co.uk

With origins dating back to 1919 Kingston Engineering are one of the UK’s leading specialist manufacturers and producers of bespoke Power Screws. We offer a variety of specialised engineering services based on using materials and specifications to suit customer’s exact needs along with accreditation to ISO9001-2015. Kingston Engineering Co (Hull) Ltd Pennington Street, Hull East Yorkshire HU8 7LD T: 01482 325676 E: sales@kingston-engineering.co.uk W: www.kingston-engineering.co.uk

KeTech Systems Ltd Glaisdale Drive East, Bilborough Nottingham NG8 4GU T: 0330 057 8450 E: info@ketech.com W: www.ketech.com

Kitchen Civils Ltd Unit 2-4 Jet Park, Newport East Yorkshire HU15 2PR T: 01430 410044 E: info@kitchencivils.co.uk W: www.kitchencivils.co.uk

Key Fasteners Unit A3 Lakeside Park, Neptune Close Rochester Kent ME2 4LT T: 01732 820101 E: enquiries@keyfasteners.co.uk W: www.keyfasteners.co.uk

Kite Group Ltd 19 Bankhead Drive, Edinburgh EH11 4DW T: 0131 333 4413 E: isla.mcgill@kirtegroupltd.com W: www.kitegroupltd.com

A-Z Directory

KITE Projects specialises in designing & supplying handrail and access solutions for infrastructure projects, focusing on compliance and producing site-workable solutions. We produce handrail solutions in galvanised steel, GRP, bronze and stainless steel and also manufacture bespoke items including: ladders, access ramps, orifice plates, mesh, grills, walkways and GRP step-units. KITE Projects Littleton Lane, Nr Sparsholt Winchester Hampshire SO21 2LS T: 01962 886290 E: sales@kite-projects.co.uk W: www.kite-projects.co.uk KJ Bownes & Sons 2 Bungalow, Wallingwells Worksop Nottinghamshire S81 8DA T: 01909 731647 E: info@kjbownes.com W: www.kjbownes.co.uk KJ Hall Surveyors Ltd 22 Bower Hinton, Martock Somerset TA12 6JY T: 01935 823423 E: admin@kjhsurvey.co.uk W: www.kjhsurvey.co.uk

Kleeneze-Koti is the UK’s leading brush strip manufacture, providing sealing, cleaning, safety and rodent control solutions across the rail industry. Whether you need standard Superseal or Rodentbrush for next day delivery, or a custom made solution, our friendly and efficient customer service team will be happy to help. Kleeneze – Koti Ltd Ansteys Road, Hanham Bristol BS15 3SS T: 0117 958 2450 E: sales@ksl.uk.com W: www.kleenezekoti.co.uk Klingspor Abrasives Limited Dukeries Bus Centre, 31-33 Retford Road Worksop Nottinghamshire S80 2PU T: 01909 712310 E: sales@klingspor.co.uk W: www.klingspor.co.uk Kluber Lubrication Unit 10 Longbow Close, Bradley Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD2 1GQ T: 01422 205115 E: sales@uk.klueber.com W: www.klueber.com KMC International 308 London Road, Hazel Grove Cheshire SK7 4RF T: 0161 818 2448 E: info@kmcinternational.com W: www.kmcinternational.com KN Group (UK) 221 Dover Road, Slough Berkshire SL1 4RF T: 020 3668 9600 E: info@knns.ie W: www.kngroup.com Knorr-Bremse Platform Screen Doors Westinghouse Way, Hampton Park East Melksham Wiltshire SN12 6TL T: 01225 898765 E: neil.ponsillo@knorr-bremse.com W: www.rail.knorr-bremse.com

Knorr-Bremse Rail UK is the source of all KnorrBremse rail systems, services and expertise for UK and Ireland based customers. From sophisticated distributed brake control to monitoring, Knorr-Bremse offers a wide range of proven systems designed to keep trains in-service whilst delivering outstanding safety, performance and whole life value. www.knorr-bremse.co.uk Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems (UK) Ltd Westinghouse Way, Hampton Park East Melksham Wiltshire SN12 6TL T: 01225 898700 E: richard.ward@knorr-bremse.com W: www.rail.knorr-bremse.com Knowledge Transfer Network Suite 218, Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH T: 0333 340 3250 E: enquiries@ktn-uk.org W: www.ktn-uk.co.uk Komplete Group Suite 2 Floor 3, Cardinal Square 10 Nottingham Road Derby DE1 3QT T: 01332 349255 E: enquiries@komplete-group.com W: www.komplete-group.com Kopta Training 18 Lavant Street, Petersfield Hampshire GU32 3EW T: 01703 711202 E: info@kopta.co.uk W: www.kopta.co.uk Korec Group 34-44 Mersey View, Blundellsands House Brighton le Sands Liverpool L22 6QB T: 0151 931 6701 E: info@korecgroup.com W: www.korecgroup.com

Our dynamic team of consultants offers specialised, bespoke advice in acoustics, noise and vibration for a wide range of scenarios and industries, worldwide. Our thorough understanding of acoustics and high level of expertise in acoustic measurements enables us to offer solutions that are as clear and robust, as they are targeted and inspired. KP Acoustics 1 Galena Road London W6 0LT T: 020 8222 8778 E: info@kpacoustics.com W: www.kpacoustics.com KPMG Boxwood Limited 10th Floor, 15 Canada Square London E14 5GL T: 020 7694 1700 E: info@kpmgboxwood.co.uk W: www.kpmgboxwood.co.uk KPMG Legal & Financial Services 15 Canada Square, Canary Wharf London E14 5GL T: 020 7311 1000 W: www.kpmg.co.uk Kranlyft UK Ltd Unit 1 IO Centre, Cabot Park Avonmouth Bristol BS11 0QL T: 0117 982 6661 E: info@kranlyft.co.uk W: www.kranlyft.co.uk Kroy Europe Ltd Unit 2, 14 Commercial Road Reading Berkshire RG2 0QJ T: 0118 986 5200 E: info@kroyeurope.com W: www.kroyeurope.com

Kusch+Co Ltd 48-50 St John Street London EC1M 4DG T: 020 7336 7561 E: info-uk@kusch.com W: www.kusch.com Kwik-Klik Hoardings Ltd 10-14 Ward Street, Bradford West Yorkshire BD7 3PR T: 01274 525660 E: info@kwik-klik.co.uk W: www.kwik-klik.co.uk KWT Global 60 Charlotte Street London W1T 2NU T: 020 7632 7687 E: info@kwtglobal.com W: www.kwtglobal.com L&W Contractors L&W House, Stane Street Billinghurst West Sussex RH14 9AE T: 01403 784286 E: enquiries@lwcontractors.co.uk W: www.lwcontractors.co.uk Laing O’Rouke Infrastructure – Head Office Bridge Place 1 & 2, Anchor Boulevard Crossways Dartford Kent DA2 6SN T: 01322 296200 E: info@laingorourke.com W: www.laingorourke.com Lamplas Ltd Castleside Ind Estate, Consett Co Durham DH8 8JA T: 01207 502474 E: sales@lamplas.co.uk W: www.lamplas.co.uk Lancaster University Bailrigg Lancaster LA1 4YW T: 01524 65201 E: ugadmissions@lancaster.ac.uk W: www.lancaster.ac.uk Land & Water Services Ltd Weston Yard, Albury Guildford Surrey GU5 9AF T: 0844 225 1958 E: enquiries@land-water.co.uk W: www.land-water.co.uk Landscape Institute (LI) 107 Grays Inn Road London WC1X 8TZ T: 0330 808 2230 E: contact@landscapeinstitute.org W: www.landscapeinstitute.org Lanes for Drains 300 Lansdowne Road, Monton Eccles Manchester M30 9PJ T: 0800 526 488 E: sales@lanesgroup.co.uk W: www.lanesfordrains.co.uk

We have been helping the UK’s vast network of rail services run smoothly, from Tram and Underground to Mainline rail, since 1997. Lanes has become a key player in rail with a simple focus – one that provides exactly what our clients need, exactly when they need it, investing heavily in specialist equipment and staff training to make sure that we can always deliver. Lanes Group plc Rail Divison, 16 Lamson Road Rainham Essex RM13 9YY T: 01708 528 770 E: Rainhamrailstaff@lanesgroup.co.uk W: www.lanesgroup.com/lanes-grouprail-division Lanes Rail (Part of Lanes Group) 17 Parkside Lane, Parkside Ind Estate Leeds LS11 5TD T: 0113 385 8400 E: marketingdepartment@lanesgroup.co.uk W: www.lanesgroup.com Langley Holdings PLC Enterprise Way, Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 7HH

T: 01777 700039 E: info@langleyholdings.com W: www.langleyholdings.com LanGuard Ltd Packs Hill Farm, Station Road Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 6JN T: 01858 880898 E: info@languard.co.uk W: www.languard.co.uk Lansons 24a St John Street London EC1M 4AY T: 020 7490 8828 E: consultancy@lansons.com W: www.lansons.com Largam Limited Unit 9, Oak Ind Park Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1XN T: 01371 876121 E: plant@largam.co.uk W: www.largam.co.uk LARS Communications Ltd Keer Bridge Depot, Scotland Road Carnforth Lancashire LA5 9RQ T: 01524 727910 E: info@lars.co.uk W: www.lars.co.uk Laser Process Ltd Keys Park, Cannock Staffordshire WS12 2GE T: 01543 495000 E: sales@laserprocess.co.uk W: www.laserprocess.co.uk Lavender International Unit 7, Sheffield Road Penistone Station Sheffield S36 6HP T: 01226 765769 E: enquiries@lavender-ndt.com W: www.lavender-ndt.com

Proven in a long list of rail industry applications, Layher’s scaffolding, access and protection systems provide safe, versatile solutions. Modular design optimises each installation while tailored product systems, such as temporary footbridge options and public access stairs complete with DDA handrail, deliver clear advantages for the workforce and public alike. Layher Ltd Works Road, Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 1WL T: 01462 475100 E: info@layher.co.uk W: www.layher.co.uk LB Foster Rail Technologies (UK) Ltd Stamford Street Sheffield S9 2TX T: 0114 256 2225 E: sales@lbfoster.co.uk W: www.lbfoster.eu

As an organisation, LCS are committed to satisfying ‘Whole Life Cost Effective Solutions’ for the Railways. The products and services offered are designed to provide low maintenance, cost effective, and long life solutions. All products and services are designed, built, and tested in-house by our qualified and trained staff. LC Switchgear Limited Unit 16, St Josephs Bus Park St Josephs Close Hove East Sussex BN3 7ES T: 01273 770540 E: sales@lcswitchgear.com W: www.lcswitchgear.com


A-Z Directory LCM Environmental The Oil Depot, Wyre Street Padiham Lancashire BB12 8DF T: 0808 164 4570 E: hello@lcmenvironmental.co.uk W: www.lcmenvironmental.co.uk Lead Contractors Association (LCA) Centurion House, 36 London Road East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 1AB T: 01342 317888 E: info@leadcontractors.co.uk W: www.leadcontractors.co.uk Lead Sheet Training Academy (LSTA) Unit 10 Archers Park, Branbridges Road East Peckham Tonbridge Kent TN12 5HP T: 01622 872432 E: info@leadsheet.co.uk W: www.leadsheet.co.uk Leadec Leadec House, 2 Academy Drive Warwick CV34 6QZ T: 01926 623550 E: info-uk@leadec-services.com W: www.leadec-services.com Leadership Champions (UK) Limited Westlands, Long Buckby Road Daventry NN11 2LT T: 01327 705910 E: info@leadership-champions.com W: www.leadership-champions.com Leca UK Regus House, Herons Way Chester Bus Park Chester CH4 9QR T: 0844 335 1770 E: enquiries@leca.co.uk W: www.leca.co.uk Lee Warren Fabrication & Design Ltd Unit 6-9, Silverdale Road Ind Est Hayes Middlesex UB3 3BL T: 020 8813 7474 E: info@leewarren.co.uk W: www.leewarren.co.uk Leewood Projects Ltd 38 Deacon Road, Kingston upon Thames Surrey KT2 6LU T: 020 8541 0715 E: info@leewoodprojects.co.uk W: www.leewoodprojects.co.uk Legion Limited Hamilton House, Mabledon Place Bloomsbury London WC1H 9BB T: 020 7793 0200 E: info@legion.com W: www.legion.com Legrand Electric Limited Great King Street North Birmingham B19 2LF T: 0370 608 9000 E: legrand.sales@legrand.co.uk W: www.legrand.co.uk Leica Geosystems Ltd Hexagon House, Michigan Drive Tongwell Milton Keynes MK15 8HT T: 01908 513400 E: uk.sales@leica-geosystems.com W: www.leica-geosystems.com Leighfisher Ltd New City Court, 20 St Thomas Street London SE1 9RS T: 020 7939 6100 E: leighfisheradmin@leighfisher.com W: www.leighfisher.com LEK Consulting 40 Grosvenor Place London SW1X 7JL T: 020 7389 7200 E: info@lek.com W: www.lek.com LEM Regional Office UK West Lancs Inv Centre, Whitemoss Business Park Skelmersdale Lancashire WN8 9TG T: 01942 388440 E: luk@lem.com W: www.lem.com Leoni Tailor-Made Cables UK Ltd Units 12-14, Boythorpe Bus Units Dockwalk Chesterfield S40 2QR


T: 01246 558618 E: machinery-sensors@leoni.com W: www.leoni.co.uk Lesmac (Fasteners) Ltd 73 Dykehead St, Queenslie Ind Estate Queenslie Glasgow G33 4AQ T: 0141 774 0004 E: sales@lesmac.co.uk W: www.lesmac.co.uk Level Crossing Installations Ltd Canterbury Bus Centre, 18 Ashchurch Road Tewkesbury Gloucestershire GL20 8BT T: 01684 278022 E: enquiries@levelcrossinginstallations.co.uk W: www.levelcrossinginstallations.co.uk Level X NDT 11 Salisbury Grove, Giffard Park Milton Keynes MK14 5QA T: 0844 5855 638 E: consult@levelxndt.com W: www.levelxndt.com Lexicraft Ltd 2 Bromborough Pool, Business Park Price’s Way Bromborough Wirral CH62 4LP T: 0151 647 9281 E: sales@lexicraft.co.uk W: www.lexicraft.co.uk Ley Hill Solutions Limited Beech House, 9 Cheyne Walk Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 1AY T: 01494 772327 E: info@leyhill.com W: www.leyhill.com Leyland Auto Ltd Unit 220 Cocker Road, Walton Summit Ind Est Preston Lancashire PR5 8BP T: 01772 695000 E: sales@leylandauto.com W: www.leylandauto.com Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) 3 Ramsay Court, Kingfisher Way Hinchingbrooke Cambridgeshire PE29 6FY T: 01480 432801 E: mail@leea.co.uk W: www.leeaint.com Light Rail Transit Association (LRTA) c/o 8 Berwick Place, Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 4TU T: 0117 951 7785 E: office@lrta.org W: www.lrta.org LightGreen Power Ltd Suite 1, Bishop Bateman Court Thompson’s Lane Cambridge CB5 8AQ T: 01223 852497 E: sales@lightgreenpower.co.uk W: www.lightgreenpower.co.uk Lighthouse (UK) Ltd Unit 23, Charnwood Business Park North Road Loughborough LE11 1LE T: 01509 264500 E: sales@lighthouse.uk.com W: www.lighthouse.uk.com LimitState Ltd The Innovation Centre, 217 Portobello Sheffield S1 4DP T: 0114 224 2240 E: info@limitstate.com W: www.limitstate.com Linbrooke Services Ltd Unit 3/4, Sheffield Business Park Churchill Way Chapeltown S35 2PY T: 0844 800 0983 E: communications@linbrooke.co.uk W: www.linbrooke.co.uk Lindapter International Lindsay House, Brackenbeck Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD7 2NF T: 01274 521444 E: enquiries@lindapter.com W: www.lindapter.com Lindhurst Engineering Ltd Midland Road, Off Station Road Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 5GS T: 01623 557420 E: sales@lindhurst.co.uk W: www.lindhurstengineering.co.uk

Lindström Group 6 Caxton Park, Caxton Road Bedford MK41 0TY T: 01234 343555 E: sales.uk@lindstromgroup.com W: www.lindstromgroup.com

Listers Geotechnical Consultants Limited Slapton Hill Barn, Blakesley Road Slapton Northamptonshire NN12 8QD T: 01327 860060 E: info@listersgeotechnics.co.uk W: www.listersgeotechnics.co.uk

Linear Guidance Illumination Limited Scientific House, Turnpike Ind Estate Newbury Berkshire RG14 2LR T: 01249 819638 E: info@lineargi.com W: www.lineargi.com

Littlewood Fencing Ltd North Trade Road, Battle East Sussex TN33 9LJ T: 01424 775333 E: info@littlewoodfencing.co.uk W: www.littlewoodfencing.co.uk

Linear Recruitment 18 Paradise Square Sheffield S1 2DE T: 0114 263 4888 E: rail@linearrecruitment.co.uk W: www.linearrecruitment.co.uk

Live Trakway | Barriers | Bridges | Lights Bramley Vale, Chesterfield Derbyshire S44 SGA T: 0870 076 7676 E: enquiries@liontrackhire.com W: www.livetrakway.com

Lineside Structure Maintenance Ltd Works Depot, Lilac Grove Beeston Nottingham NG9 1PF T: 0115 922 5218 E: info@lineside.co.uk W: www.lineside.co.uk

LKQ Coatings Newberry House, Michigan Drive Tongwell Milton Keynes MK15 8HQ T: 01908 517777 E: enquiries@lkqcoatings.com W: www.lkqcoatings.com

Lineworx Ltd Basepoint Centre, Cressex Business Park High Wycombe Buckinghamshire RH12 1TL T: 0333 900 0939 E: info@lineworx.co.uk W: www.lineworx.co.uk

LML Products Ltd Unit L1, Redman Road Calne Wiltshire SN11 9PR T: 01249 810000 E: sales@lmlproducts.co.uk W: www.lmlproducts.co.uk

Lingwood Security Management Limited 6 Penrod Way, Heysham Lancashire LA3 2UZ T: 01524 852275 E: sales@lingwoodsecurity.com W: www.lingwoodsecurity.co.uk

Locktec Ltd Units 7-11, Midlothian Innov Centre Pentlandfield Roslin EH25 9RE T: 0131 445 7788 E: sales@locktec.co.uk W: www.locktec.co.uk

Liniar Ltd Flamstead House, Denby Hall Bus Park Denby Derbyshire DE5 8JX T: 01332 883900 E: sales@liniar.co.uk W: www.liniar.co.uk

Loco Diesel Suppliers 123oil, 1 Beecholme Court 143 Lichfield Road B74 2RY T: 0845 257 1377 E: sales@123oil.co.uk W: www.123oil.co.uk

Liniar Retaining Systems Flamstead House, Denby Hall Business Park Derbyshire DE5 8JX T: 01332 883900 E: info@liniar.co.uk W: www.liniar.co.uk

Locomotive & Carriage Institution (L&CI) 35 Fairacres, Ruislip Middlesex HA4 8AN E: membership.sec@lococarriage.org.uk W: www.lococarriage.org.uk

Linklite Systems Ltd 29 Waterloo Road Wolverhampton WV1 4DJ T: 0345 862 0236 E: sales@linklite.co.uk W: www.linklite.co.uk Links Signs Ltd Drury Lane, St Leonards East Sussex TN38 9BA T: 01424 424423 E: info@linkssigns.co.uk W: www.linkssigns.co.uk Lionweld Kennedy Flooring Limited Marsh Road Middlesbrough TS1 5JS T: 01642 245151 E: sales@lk-uk.com W: www.lk-uk.com

LISTA is the recognized market leader in Europe in respect to workspace and storage equipment. We have set the standard for quality and durability. The selection of cabinets, workstations and shelving systems can be combined to make your workspace work. Our products currently used by over 100 000 satisfied customers. Lista UK Ltd 14 Warren Yard, Warren Farm Wolverton Mill Milton Keynes MK12 5NW T: 01908 222333 E: info.uk@lista.com W: www.lista.co.uk

Logic Engagements Ltd 45-47 High Street, Cobham Surrey KT11 3DP T: 01932 869869 E: info@logicrec.co.uk W: www.lovelogic.co.uk LogiKal Projects Level 3, 27-29 Cursitor Street London EC4A 1LT T: 020 7404 4826 E: info@logikalprojects.com W: www.logikalprojects.com Logistics UK Hermes House, St John’s Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN4 9UZ T: 03717 11 22 22 E: enquiry@logistics.org.uk W: www.logistics.org.uk London Bridge Associates Ltd Cranhurst Lodge, 37-39 Surbiton Hill Rd Surbiton KT6 4TS T: 020 8399 8614 E: welcome@lba.london W: www.lba.london London Business Conferences Group (LBCG) 2nd Floor, 64 Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3QR T: 0845 867 8109 E: info@lbcg.com W: www.lbcg.com London Communications Agency 8th Floor, Berkshire House High Holborn London WC1V 7AA T: 020 7612 8480 E: lca@londoncommunications.co.uk W: www.londoncommunications.co.uk London Continental Railways (LCR) 20 Cranbourn Street, London WC2H 7AA T: 020 7391 4300 E: info@lcrproperty.co.uk W: www.lcrproperty.co.uk

A-Z Directory London North Eastern Railway (LNER) East Coast House, 25 Skeldergate York North Yorkshire Y01 6DH T: 0345 722 5333 E: customers@lner.co.uk W: www.lner.co.uk London NorthWestern Railway 134 Edmund Street Birmingham B3 2ES T: 0333 311 0006 E: Contact.LNR@wmtrains.co.uk W: www.londonnorthwesternrailway.co.uk London Overground Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ T: 0343 222 1234 E: overgroundinfo@tfl.gov.uk W: www.tfl.gov.uk London Tramlink Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ T: 0343 222 1234 W: www.tfl.gov.uk London TravelWatch Europoint, 5-11 Lavington Street London SE1 0NZ T: 020 3176 2999 E: info@londontravelwatch.org.uk W: www.londontravelwatch.org.uk London Underground Ltd (TfL) Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ T: 0343 222 1234 W: www.tfl.gov.uk

Loram offers a complete range of rolling stock engineering, maintenance and restoration services, RISAS approved bogie line, advanced track-focused infrastructure services, rail grinding and innovative maintenance of way. We are uniquely qualified to support both vehicular and on-track engineering and maintenance needs for the industry across the UK and internationally. Loram UK Ltd Kelvin House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE248UP T: 01332 293035 E: enquiries@loram.com W: www.loram.com Loughborough University Epinal Way, Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3TU T: 01509 222222 E: enquiries@lboro.ac.uk W: www.lboro.ac.uk Lowery Ltd Ashley Place, Hanworth Lane Chertsey Surrey KT169JX T: 01932 564248 E: info@lowery.co.uk W: www.lowery.co.uk LPA Channel Electric Bath Road, Thatcham Berkshire RG18 3ST T: 01635 864866 E: enquiries@lpa-channel.com W: www.lpa-group.com LPA Connection Systems Light & Power House, Shire Hill Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3AQ T: 01799 512800 E: sales@lpa-connect.com W: www.lpa-group.com LPA Group Plc Shire Hill, Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3AQ T: 01799 512800 E: enquiries@lpa-group.com W: www.lpa-group.com LPA Lighting System Ripley Drive, Normanton Wakefield West Yorkshire WF6 1QT

T: 01924 224100 E: enquiries@lpa-light.com W: www.lpa-group.com LPA Transport Plus Light & Power House, Shire Hill Saffron walden Essex CB11 3AQ T: 01799 512800 E: enquiries@lpa-connect.com W: www.lpa-group.com Lucy Zodion Ltd Station Road, Sowerby Bridge West Yorkshire HX6 3AF T: 01422 317337 E: sales@lucyzodion.com W: www.lucyzodion.com Lundy Projects 3rd Floor Regent House, Heaton Lane Stockport SK4 1BS T: 0161 476 2996 E: mail@lundy-projects.co.uk W: www.lundy-projects.co.uk LUR Ltd Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park Manchester M17 1EH T: 0161 886 0300 E: contactus@lur.co.uk W: www.lur.co.uk Lutze Limited Unit 3 Sandy Hill Park, Sandy Way Amington Tamworth B77 4DV T: 01827 313330 E: sales.gb@lutze.co.uk W: www.lutze.com Lyndon Scaffolding Valepits Road, Garretts Green Birmingham B33 0TD T: 0121 789 7979 E: enquiries@lyndonscaffolding.co.uk W: www.lyndonscaffolding.co.uk M Barnwell Services Ltd Reginald Road, Smethwick West Midlands B67 5AS T: 0121 429 8011 E: sales@barnwell.co.uk W: www.barnwell.co.uk M Buttkereit Ltd Unit 2, Britannia Road Ind Est Sale Cheshire M33 2AA T: 0161 969 5418 E: sales@buttkereit.co.uk W: www.buttkereit.co.uk M Seals UK Ltd Quartz Close, Enderby Leicester LE19 4SG T: 0116 275 4720 E: sales@m-seals.co.uk W: www.m-seals.co.uk M&I Materials Hibernia Way, Trafford Park Manchester M32 0ZD T: 0161 864 5449 E: mi@mimaterials.com W: www.mimaterials.com Mabanaft Ltd Floor 5, Portland House Cardinal Place London SW1E 5RS T: 020 7802 3300 E: info@mabanaft.co.uk W: www.mabalive.co.uk

Leading temporary works specialist with a national engineering team and the UK’s widest range of temporary works equipment. At the forefront of our industry for 60 years, building a reputation for engineering and service excellence. Expertise includes groundworks, propping, jacking, formwork and falsework systems, temporary access solutions, temporary bridges, and structural and environmental monitoring.

Founded in 1879, Officine Maccaferri soon became a technical reference in the design and development of solutions for hydraulic works and retaining structures. Through technological innovation, geographical expansion and focussed diversification, Maccaferri now offers solutions at a global level for a wide range of civil, geotechnical and environmental engineering applications. Maccaferri Ltd 9 Blenheim Office Park, Fenlock Road Long Hanborough Oxfordshire OX29 8LN T: 01865 770555 E: sales.uk@maccaferri.com W: www.maccaferri.com/uk Macdonald & Company (Recruitment) 2 Harewood Place, Hanover Square London W1S 1BX T: 020 7629 7220 E: connect.uk@macdonaldandcompany.com W: www.macdonaldandcompany.com Macemain + Amstad Ltd Boyle Road, Willowbrook Ind Estate Corby Northamptonshire NN17 5XU T: 01536 401331 E: sales@macemainamstad.com W: www.macemainamstad.com MacRail Systems Ltd Units 1 & 2, Morston Court Aiscombe Way Weston Super Mare BS22 8NG T: 01934 319810 E: info@macrail.co.uk W: www.macrail.co.uk Macrete Ireland limited 50 Creagh Road, Toomebridge Co Antrim BT41 3SE T: 028 7965 0471 E: info@macrete.com W: www.macrete.com MacRoberts LLP Capella, 60 York Street Glasgow G2 8JX T: 0141 303 1100 E: maildesk@macroberts.com W: www.macroberts.com Maddox Consultancy Limited Oakdene, Rectory Road Little Burstead Billericay CM12 9TR T: 020 7588 8800 E: info@maddoxconsultancy.co.uk W: www.maddoxconsultancy.co.uk Magdalene Magdelene House, Compass Point Bus Park St Ives PE27 5JL T: 01480 357777 E: enquiries@magdalene.co.uk W: www.magdalene.co.uk Magrenko Ltd Brookfield Drive, Cannock Staffordshire WS11 0JR T: 01543 572016 E: sales@magrenko.com W: www.magrenko.com Majenta PLM Ltd 5 Medway Court, University Way Cranfield Tech Pk Cranfield MK43 0FQ T: 01234 757695 E: sales@majentaplm.com W: www.majentaplm.com

An independent manufacturer of the best quality, specialist, lifting equipment for automotive, aerospace, rail and other applications. We seek to take the load and risk out of moving heavy assemblies so that our customers can work safely and efficiently. Our range is engineered to keep on performing, ensuring that operational downtime is minimised. Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment Limited Arnolds Field Estate, Wickwar Glos GL12 8JD T: 01454 299299 E: sales@majorlift.com W: www.majorlift.com Maker Coating Systems Ltd Unit 5, Oak Bus Units Thorverton Road Matford Bus Park Exeter EX2 8FS T: 01392 822600 E: sales@makercoating.com W: www.makercoating.com MAL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ltd MAL EOD Ltd, Bulloch House 10 Romford Place Liverpool L3 9DG T: 0151 528 2204 E: enquiries@mal-eod.com W: www.mal-eod.com Malcolm Hughes 65 Cross Street, Sale Manchester M33 7HF T: 0800 833 312 E: surveythis@mhls.co.uk W: www.malcolmhughes.co.uk Malcolm Rail Railport Approach, DIRFT South Crick Northamptonshire NN6 7JZ T: 01788 822122 E: contact@whm.co.uk W: www.malcolmgroup.co.uk Mallatite Hardwick View Road, Holmewood Chesterfield Derbyshire S42 5SA T: 01246 593280 E: sales@mallatite.co.uk W: www.mallatite.co.uk

Mallatite specialises in the design and manufacture of a comprehensive range of LED based light technology solutions for road and rail applications. Our strength is our in-house capability, depth of industry and technical knowledge and experience. Our innovative range of products is continuously expanding. Mallatite Signals Unit 5, Clarendon Drive Tipton West Midlands DY4 0QA T: 0121 557 0234 E: groupsales@mallatite.co.uk W: www.mallatite.co.uk Maltaward Unit 7 Wellingham Way, Holmbush Potteries Faygate Horsham West Sussex RH12 4SE T: 0800 043 2742 E: admin@maltaward.co.uk W: www.maltaward.co.uk Mammoet UK Ltd (Head Office) Beatrix House, Tyne View Terrace Wallsend Tyne & Wear NE28 6SG T: 0191 263 9222 E: sales.uk@mammoet.com W: www.mammoet.com

Mabey Hire Limited Scout Hill, Ravensthorpe Dewsbury WF13 3EJ T: 0845 741 3040 E: info@mabeyhire.co.uk W: www.mabeyhire.co.uk


A-Z Directory

Manchester Metrology LTD are pioneers and innovators of metrology offering specialist contract measurement services using the latest metrology technology and equipment. Offering support across the UK and worldwide our helpful attitude towards our customers are among the many positive attributes which distinguish the company as a benchmark metrology company. Manchester Metrology Ltd Unit 3, The Wellington Centre Whitelands Road Ashton-UnderLyne OL6 6UY T: 0161 637 8744 E: info@manchester-metrology.co.uk W: www.manchester-metrology.co.uk Manchester Metropolitan University All Saints Building Manchester M15 6BH T: 0161 247 2000 E: enquiries@mmu.ac.uk W: www2.mmu.ac.uk Mansell Recruitment Group Mansell House, Priestly Way Crawley West Sussex RH10 9RU T: 01293 404050 E: recruitment@mansell.co.uk W: www.mansell.co.uk Maple Resourcing Aldermary House, 10-15 Queen Street London EC4N 1TX T: 020 7048 0775 E: info@mapleresourcing.com W: www.mapleresourcing.com

Marks Barfield Architects 50 Bromells Road London SW4 0BG T: 020 7501 0180 E: info@marksbarfield.com W: www.marksbarfield.com

Matrax Ltd Kestrel Court, Harbour Road Portishead Bristol BS20 7AN T: 01275 390600 E: contact@matrax.co.uk W: www.matrax.co.uk

Marl International Ltd Marl Business Park, Ulverston Cumbria LA12 9BN T: 01229 582430 E: enquiries@marl.co.uk W: www.leds.co.uk

Matt Black Systems Unit D, Broom Road Bus Park Broom Road Poole BH12 4PA T: 01202 731731 E: mail@mattblacksystems.com W: www.mattblacksystems.com

At Mayteck, we integrate tradition and innovation into everything we do.With over 40 years of experience in mission-critical control room equipment, you can trust we’ll design, develop and manufacture a seamlessly adapted solution for you. We’ve created custom consoles and technical furniture for a large variety of industries.

Matterson Cranes 45 Regent Street, Rochdale Lancashire OL12 0HQ T: 01706 649321 E: matterson@pctgroup.co.uk W: www.mattersoncranes.co.uk

Mayteck Ltd Unit 8, The Old Print Works Fishponds Road Wokingham RG41 2QX T: 0800 048 5207 E: sales@mayteck.co.uk W: www.mayteck.co.uk

When you need power at off grid sites for professional equipment, our specialist team of experienced engineers will find a renewable energy solution to suit. We are Marlec, the UK’s longest standing renewables company of 40 years, manufacturer of micro wind turbines and designer of wind & solar power systems. Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Rutland House, Trevithick Road Corby Northants NN17 5XY T: 01536 201588 E: sales@marlec.co.uk W: www.marlec.co.uk

Marchantcain Group 1 Banner Park, Wickmans Drive Coventry CV4 9XA T: 02476 100 321 E: business@marchantcain.com W: www.marchantcain.com

From our centrally located sales office in Nottingham, United Kingdom, Marsh Bellofram Europe can provide a wide range of products and support including supply of, air regulators, filters, lubricators, pressure gauges, timers, counters, digital panel meters, rolling diaphragms, diaphragm seals, pressure transducers, electrical controls and motor protection.

Mardix Rail Castle Mills, Aynam Road Kendal Cumbria LA9 7DE T: 01539 720161 E: sales@mardix.com W: www.mardix.com

Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd Unit 9, Castle Park Queens Drive Nottingham NG2 1AH T: 0115 993 3300 E: sales@marshbellofram.co.uk W: www.marshbellofram.co.uk Marsh Ltd (Risk Consulting) 1 Tower Place West London EC3R 5BU T: 020 7357 1000 E: info@marsh.com W: www.marsh.com

Mariel has also provided the following 50 words: “Established in 2002, the practice is focused on the needs of a small number of organisations and individuals. We provide a highly responsive and dedicated personal service. Our areas of expertise are complementary, covering data protection, employment law, psychiatric injury claims and inquests and inquiries. Mariel Irvine Solicitors 12 - 13 Clerkenwell Green London EC1R 0QJ T: 020 7608 2275 E: irvine@marielirvine.com W: www.marielirvine.com Maritime Transport UK Maritime House, Clickett Hill Road Felixstowe Ipswich 1P11 4AX T: 01394 617300 E: enquiries@maritimetransport.com W: www.maritimetransport.com Market Research Society The Old Trading House, 15 North Burgh Street London EC1V OJR T: 020 7490 4911 E: info@mrs.org.uk W: www.mrs.org.uk


Marshalls CPM Marshalls CPM, Mells Road Mells Somerset BA11 3PD T: 0117 981 4500 E: salesemail@marshalls.co.uk W: www.cpm-group.com Martin Castle Ltd MCL Unit T4, Leyton Ind Village Argall Avenue London E10 7QP T: 020 8558 5688 E: info@martincastleltd.com W: www.martincastleltd.com Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Rougham Ind Estate, Rougham Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 9ND T: 01359 271167 E: info@mgs.co.uk W: www.mgs.co.uk Masabi Ltd – Head Office Unit 1, 37 Bevenden Street London N1 6BH T: 020 7089 8860 E: enquiries@masabi.com W: www.masabi.com MATISA (U.K) Ltd Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe DN15 6UW T: 01724 786160 E: matisa@matisa.co.uk W: www.matisa.ch

Mattinson Partnership Unit 109, The Print Room 164-180 Union St London SE1 0LH T: 020 7960 2555 E: gmk@mattinsonpartnership.com W: www.mattinsonpartnership.com Max Fordham & Partners 42-43 Gloucester Cres London NW1 7PE T: 020 7267 5161 E: post@maxfordham.com W: www.maxfordham.com Maxim Power Tools 40 Couper Street, Glasgow Scotland G4 0DL T: 0141 552 5591 E: enquiries@maximpower.co.uk W: www.maximpower.co.uk Maxim Recruitment 87b Queens Road, Clarendon Park Leicester LE2 1TT T: 0800 689 4841 E: uk@maximrecruitment.com W: www.maximrecruitment.com Mayarail Ltd Canberra House, 10 First Avenue Finningley Doncaster DN9 3GA T: 0330 016 9779 E: Compliance@mayarail.co.uk W: www.mayarail.co.uk Maycast - Nokes Precision Engineering Factory Lane West, Halstead Essex CO9 1EX T: 01787 477021 E: enquiries@maycast.co.uk W: www.maycast.co.uk Mayflower Engineering Ltd Coleridge Road, Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 5DA T: 0114 244 1353 E: info@mayflower-engineering.co.uk W: www.mayflower-engineering.co.uk

Maylarch Environmental limited offer: Demolition, Licensed Asbestos Removal, and Contaminated Land Remediation Services. Maylarch have a reputation for Safety and Technical Excellence. They are members of the NFDC (National Federation of Demolition Contractors and ARCA (Asbestos Removal Contractors Association). 9001, 45001, 14001 Certified & RISQs Accredited. Maylarch Environmental Ltd Oakwood, Oakfield Ind Estate Eynsham Oxfordshire OX29 4TH T: 01865 883 829 E: Enquiries@maylarch.co.uk W: www.maylarch.co.uk Maynes Coaches Cluny Garage, March Road Ind Estate Buckie Scotland AB56 4BU T: 01542 831219 E: info@maynes.co.uk W: www.maynes.co.uk

MC Electronics Ltd 61 Grimsdyke Road, Hatch End Pinner Middlesex HA5 4PP T: 020 8428 2027 E: info@mcelectronics.co.uk W: www.mcelectronics.co.uk McAuley Engineering 21 Ballymena Road, Ballymoney County Antrim Northern Ireland BT53 7ET T: 028 2766 6646 E: sales@mcauleyengineering.co.uk W: www.mcauleyengineering.co.uk McCrory Training RTC Business Park, Kelvin House London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01332 322253 E: training@mccrory.co.uk W: www.mccrory.co.uk McCulloch Rail Craigiemains, Main Street Ballentrae Girvan South Ayrshire KA26 ONB T: 01465 831350 E: enquiries@mccullochrail.com W: www.mccullochrail.com McGeoch Technology Ltd 86 Lower Tower Street Birmingham B19 3PA T: 0121 687 5850 E: sales@mcgeoch.co.uk W: www.mcgeoch.co.uk

McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) is a specialist provider of contingent labour and recruitment, focused on rail & construction. Supporting clients and contractors alike, we recruit, allocate and manage PTS, Safety Critical & Civils labour safely, on a 24/7 basis. Contact us for all your labour requirements McGinley Support Services (Infrastructure) Ltd Ground Floor, Edward Hyde Building 38 Clarendon Road Watford WD17 1JW T: 0845 543 5953 E: info@mcginley.co.uk W: www.mcginley.co.uk MCL (Martin Childs Ltd) 1 Green Way, Swaffham Norfolk PE37 7FD T: 01760 722275 E: enquiries@martinchilds.com W: www.martinchilds.com MCL Group Industries Ltd New Street, Biddulph Moor Stoke on Trent Staffordshire ST8 7NL T: 01782 375450 E: sales@mcl-grp.co.uk W: www.themclgroup.co.uk

A-Z Directory T: 024 7660 2323 E: info@mgs.co.uk W: www.mgs.co.uk

Dedicated to providing the highest quality rail storage, training and fleet servicing solutions across the UK. Services also include materials handling, shunter hire, groundstaff hire, road-rail facilities, rollingstock refurbishment, servicing facilities including CET and fuelling. MCL Rail 9 Park Square East, Vicarage Chambers Leeds LS1 2LH T: 0203 280 6390 E: enquiries@mclrail.co.uk W: www.mclrail.co.uk McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd 15 Trench Road, Mallusk Newtonabbey Belfast BT36 4TY T: 028 9034 2777 E: mclh@mclh.co.uk W: www.mclh.co.uk McNealy Brown Ltd Units 14-17, Craft Marsh Trading Est Gas Road Sittingbourne ME10 2QB T: 01795 470592 E: info@mcnealybrown.co.uk W: www.mcnealybrown.co.uk MDG Rail Yew Tree House, Broad Lane Wolverhampton WV11 2RG T: 0121 296 2051 E: info@mdgrail.com W: www.mdgrail.com MDS Transmodal Ltd 5-6 Hunters Walk, Canal Street Chester CH1 4EB T: 01244 348301 E: web.enquiries@mdst.co.uk W: www.mdst.co.uk ME Railway Research Group, University of Sheffield Dept Mechanical Eng, Mappin Street Sheffield S1 3JD T: 0114 222 7760 E: D.I.Fletcher@Sheffield.ac.uk W: www.merail.co.uk Mecc Alte UK 6 Lands End Way, Oakham Rutland LE15 6RF T: 01572 771160 E: info@meccalte.co.uk W: www.meccalte.com

Lifting and handling specialist, Mechan, supplies a wide range of equipment for rail depots, including its flagship lifting jacks, bogie drops and traversers. The firm is part of the CIM Group, one of the industry’s most ambitious full-service suppliers and also offers unrivalled technical support, encompassing design, maintenance and refurbishment. Mechan Limited Building 5, Davy Industrial Park Prince of Wales Rd Sheffield S9 4EX T: 0114 257 0563 E: info@mechan.co.uk W: www.mechan.co.uk Medicals Direct Group Limited Buckingham House East, The Broadway Stanmore HA7 4EB T: 0845 108 0446 E: info@wearemdg.com W: www.wearemdg.com

Founded in 1998, the Medigold Health Group is one of the UK’s most trusted Occupational Health and Wellbeing providers. We work with organisations across all industry sectors, delivering services including absence management, employee screening, health surveillance, alcohol and drug testing, and mental health and wellbeing programmes. Medigold Health Medigold House, 1 Queensbridge Northampton NN4 7BF T: 0845 127 8888 E: enquiries@medigold-health.com W: www.medigold-health.com Memolub Lubrication Systems Unit 5, The Green Ind Est Clun Shropshire SY78LG T: 01584 874220 E: lube@s2lube.com W: www.lubricationuk.com Merseyrail 9th Floor Rail House, Lord Nelson Street Liverpool L1 1JF T: 0151 555 1111 E: comment@merseyrail.org W: www.merseyrail.org Merson Group 2 Young Place, Glasgow Scotland G75 0TD T: 01355 243 021 E: enquiries@mersongroup.com W: www.mersongroup.com Met Office Fitzroy Road, Exeter Devon EX1 3PB T: 01392 885680 E: enquiries@metoffice.gov.uk W: www.metoffice.gov.uk Metcalfe Plant Hire Limited Gilwilly Road, Gilwilly Ind Estate Penrith Cumbria CA11 9BL T: 01768 868686 E: enquiries@metcalfe-plant-hire.co.uk W: www.metcalfe-plant-hire.co.uk Metham Aviation Design Ltd (MADCCTV Ltd) Unit 5 Station Approach, Four Marks Alton Hampshire GU34 5HN T: 01420 565618 E: info@madcctv.com W: www.madcctv.com Metrel UK Ltd U/16 1st Qtr Bus Park, Blenheim Road Epsom Surrey KT19 9QN T: 01924 245000 E: sales@metrel.co.uk W: www.metrel.co.uk Metrolink Trafford Depot, Warewick Road South Stretford Manchester M16 0GZ T: 0161 205 2000 E: customerservices@metrolink.co.uk W: www.metrolink.co.uk Mettex Electric Co Ltd Thorpe Way, Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4SP T: 01295 250826 E: sales@mettex.com W: www.mettex.com MGA Group (Marten Gibbon Associates Ltd) 10 Maltings Place, 169 Tower Bridge Road London SE1 3JB T: 020 7186 5101 E: contact@mga-ideas.com W: www.mga-ideas.com MGF Ltd Grant House, Lockett Road Wigan WN4 8DE T: 01942 402700 E: enquiries@mgf.ltd.uk W: www.mgf.ltd.uk MGS Demco (Coventry Office) Hayford Close, Aldermans Green Ind Est Aldermans Green Coventry CV2 2QB

T: 020 7963 8000 E: info@mineralproducts.org W: www.mineralproducts.org Mini Gears Group Top Gear House, Bletchley Road Heaton Mersey I.E. Stockport SK4 3ED T: 0161 432 0222 E: enquiries@minigears.co.uk W: www.minigears.co.uk

M H Southern are Timber Importers & Sawmillers based in the North East. We specialise in supplying the Rail Industry with a range of Large Sectional Timbers including Douglas Fir, Ekki, Opepe and German Whitewood. Also, our range of Fencing and general Carcassing Timbers together with our Milling & Treatment facilities enable us to offer a wide range of products and UK wide delivery. MH Southern & Company Ltd Green Lane Sawmills, Felling Gateshead NE10 0JS T: 0191 489 8231 E: sales@mhsouthern.co.uk W: www.mhsouthern.co.uk Mick George Ltd 6 Lancaster Way, Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU T: 0800 587 3329 E: sales@mickgeorge.co.uk W: www.mickgeorge.co.uk Micro-Mesh Filtration Innovation House, Dabell Avenue Blenheim Ind Est Nottingham NG6 8WA T: 0115 975 2929 E: enquiries@micro-mesh.co.uk W: www.micro-mesh.co.uk Middlemarch Environmental Ltd Triumph House, Birmingham Road Coventry CV5 9AZ T: 01676 525880 E: admin@middlemarch-environmental.com W: www.middlemarch-enviromental.com Midland Alloy Ltd Unit 1, Stafford Park 17 Telford Shropshire TF3 3DG T: 01952 290961 E: sales@midlandalloy.com W: www.midlandalloy.com Midland Metro Alliance 4th Floor Alpha Tower, Suffolk St Queensway Birmingham B1 1TT T: 0121 643 8729 W: www.metroalliance.co.uk Mike Worby Survey Consultancy Ltd 37 Ramblers Way, Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 2JU T: 01707 333677 E: survey@mw-sc.co.uk W: www.mw-sc.co.uk Mikerry Rail Ltd Unit 1, Pontsarn Road Merthyr Tydfil CF48 2TN T: 01685 377011 E: admin@mikerryrail.co.uk W: www.mikerryrail.co.uk Milestone Project Management Solutions Great West House, Great West Road Brentford London TW8 9DF T: 020 8326 5760 E: info@milestoneuk.com W: www.milestoneuk.com Millcroft Group Salutation House, 1 Salutation Road Greenwich London SE10 0AT T: 020 8305 1988 E: sales@millcroft.co.uk W: www.millcroft.co.uk Mills Ltd 13 Fairway Drive, Fairway Ind Estate Greenford Middlesex UB6 8PW T: 020 8833 2626 E: sales@millsltd.com W: www.millsltd.com Mineral Products Association (MPA) Gillingham House, 38-44 Gillingham Street London SW1V 1HU

Mitie Pest Control Ltd Unit 1 Athelney Way, Cheltenham Gloucester GL52 6RT T: 0345 017 1069 E: mpc.sales@mitie.com W: www.mitie.com Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV Travellers Lane, Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 8XB T: 01707 288180 E: automation@meuk.mee.com W: gb3a.mitsubishielectric.com MJ Quinn Intergrated Services (Head Office) Finwell House, 26 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1DS T: 020 7993 0731 E: enquiry@mjquinn.co.uk W: www.mjquinn.co.uk MJ Rees & Company Ltd A1 Vantage Office Park, Old Gloucester Road Hambrook Bristol BS16 1GW T: 01454 252930 E: survey@mjrees.co.uk W: www.mjrees.co.uk MK Surveys 1 Potters Lane, Kiln Farm Milton Keynes MK11 3HE T: 01908 565561 E: mail@mksurveys.co.uk W: www.mksurveys.co.uk MLM Consulting Engineers Ltd North Kiln, Felaw Maltings 46 Felaw Street Ipswich Suffolk IP2 8PN T: 01473 231100 E: contact@mlmgroup.com W: www.mlmgroup.com MMRA Ltd 10 Fleet Place, 4th Floor London EC4M 7RB T: 020 7651 0590 E: info@mmra-cert.com W: www.mmra-cert.com MobiHub Crown House, 183 High Street Bottisham Cambridge CB25 9BB T: 01223 813151 E: info@mobihub.com W: www.mobihub.com

On Site Concrete – Aggregate Processing – Precast Segments – Backfill Grout – Consulting For over 20 years Mobil-Baustoffe has developed and executed solutions for the business segments above. Over 15 million cubic meters of concrete produced for large scale projects in many countries around the globe give an idea of the success story behind the specialist company. Mobil Baustoffe GmbH Trimburgstr. 2, 81249 München Germany T: 00 49 8989 5457 40 E: office@mobil-baustoffe.com W: www.mobil-baustoffe.com Modern Eon | Lighting Services in UK Lighting House, Church Road London SE19 2ET T: 020 8650 9690 E: info@moderneon.co.uk W: www.moderneon-light.com Mole Solutions Ltd Church Farm House, Grafton Road Geddington NN14 1AJ T: 01480 413141 E: info@molesolutions.co.uk W: www.molesolutions.co.uk


A-Z Directory Momentum Services Ltd (Euro Star) Times House, Bravingtons Walk Regent Quarter London N1 9AW T: 020 7843 5619 E: info@momentumltd.eu W: www.momentumservicesltd.com

Morson Human Resources Ltd t/a Morson Talent Adamson House, 2 Centenary Way Salford Manchester M50 1RD T: 0161 707 1516 E: enquiries@morson.com W: www.morson.com

Mono Design Ltd 16 Scarsdale Avenue, Littleover Derby DE23 6ER T: 01332 361616 E: info@monodesign.co.uk W: www.monodesign.co.uk

Motorail UK Limited QRTC, Station Road Long Marston Stratford-on-Avon CV37 8PL T: 01789 721995 E: info@motorail.co.uk W: www.motorail.co.uk

Moorecorp Ltd 9 Millfield Close, Flitwick Bedford MK45 1LB T: 01525 717075 E: sales@moore-ltd.com W: www.moorecorp.co.uk

Movement Strategies 31-35 Kirby Street, Farringdon London EC1N 8TE T: 020 3540 8520 E: info@movementstrategies.com W: www.movementstrategies.com

Morgan Advanced Materials PLC 473 Foleshill Road, Coventry West Midlands CV6 5AQ T: 024 7670 2802 E: info@morganplc.com W: www.morganadvancedmaterials.com

Moxa UK Sanderrum Centre, 30a Upper High Street Thame OX9 3EX T: 01844 355601 E: uk@moxa.com W: www.moxa.com

Morgan Hunt Limited (London Office) 9th Floor, 125 London Road London EC2Y 5AS T: 020 7419 8900 E: info@morganhunt.com W: www.morganhunt.com

MPH Construction Ltd Bromfield House, Bromfield Ind Estate Queens Lane Flintshire CH7 1XB T: 01352 755151 E: info@mphconstruction.co.uk W: www.mphconstruction.co.uk MR Site Services Ltd Unit 6, Worcester Trading Est Worcester WR3 8HR T: 01905 755055 E: welding@mrsiteservices.co.uk W: www.mrsiteservices.co.uk

Morgan Marine, part of Morgan GRP established 1965, leads the field in the design manufacture and installation of both GRP and Steel equipment housings, as well as the largest portfolio of LPCB security rated products available in the UK these are certified to LPCB up to level SR 4 D10. These include doors, window bar-sets, ventilation louvres, cages and access covers. Morgan Marine Ltd Llandybie, Ammanford Carmarthenshire Wales SA18 3GY T: 01269 850437 E: sales@morgan-marine.com W: www.morgan-marine.com Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd Corporation Street, Rugby Warwickshire CV21 2DW T: 01788 534500 E: info.infrastructure@morgansindall.com W: www.construction.morgansindall.com Morgan Sindall Group Kent House, 14-17 Market Place London W1W 8AJ T: 020 7307 9200 E: enquiries@morgansindall.co.uk W: www.morgansindall.com Morganite Electrical Carbon Ltd Upper Forest Way, Morriston Swansea SA6 8PP T: 01792 763000 E: meclsales@morganplc.com W: www.morgancarbon.com Morris Site Machinery Station Road, Four Ashes Wolverhampton WV10 7DB T: 01902 790824 E: info@morrismachinery.co.uk W: www.morrismachinery.co.uk Morrison Utility Services Limited Abel Smith House, Gunnels Wood Road Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2ST T: 01438 743744 E: communications@mgroupservices.com W: www.morrisonus.com Mors Smitt (A Wabtec Company) Graycar Business Park, Burton Upon Trent Staffordshire DE13 8EN T: 01283 722650 E: msu_sales@wabtec.com W: www.mors-smitt.com


MRI Software 9 King Street London EC2V 8EA T: 020 3861 7100 E: emeasales@mrisoftware.com W: www.mrisoftware.com MRL Eye Limited Alfred House, Ropewalk Knottingley West Yorkshire WF11 9AL T: 01977 622000 E: info@mrl-limited.co.uk W: www.mrl-limited.co.uk MSA Safety – Latchways PLC Hopton Park, Devizes Wiltshire SN10 2JP T: 0800 066 2222 E: info.gb@msasafety.com W: www.msasafety.com

Established in 2008, MTAG Composites specialises in the manufacture of high quality Phenolic, Epoxy/Polyester Glass Fibre and Carbon Fibre reinforced plastic mouldings, with a diverse product mix for customers within the aerospace, rail, construction and leisure industries. MTag Composites Ltd Coldham Road, Coningsby Lincolnshire LN4 4SE T: 01526 343790 E: enquiries@mtagcomposites.com W: www.mtagcomposites.com

National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) 4th Floor, 12 Bridewell Place London EC4V 6AP T: 020 7822 7400 E: enquiries@nasc.org.uk W: www.nasc.org.uk In recent years, MTM Power has increasingly developed into one of the largest power supply manufacturer for railway applications in Europe. The decisive factor here is the quality of innovative products and the flexibility and reliability of the company business. MTM Power products meet all relevant standards and VDE/ EN/UL regulations. MTM Power Messtechnik Mellenbach GmbH Zirkel 3, 98744 Schwarzatal Germany T: 0049 367 05 / 6 880 E: info@mtm-power.com W: www.mtm-power.com

NCATI is a state-of-the-art training facility based on two campuses in Birmingham and Doncaster. Relaunched in 2021, the National College provides aspiring engineers and apprentices with the specialist skills required to deliver HS2 and other world-class infrastructure projects, working closely with employers to create the rail workforce of the future.

MTR Corporation Limited Samuel House, 6 St Alban’s Street London SW1Y 4SQ T: 020 7766 3500 E: mtr@mhpc.com W: www.mtreurope.com

National College for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) 2 Lister St, Birmingham B7 4AG T: 0330 120 0375 E: enquiries@ncati.ac.uk W: www.ncati.ac.uk

MTR Elizabeth Line 63 St Mary Avenue London EC3A 8NH T: 020 7444 0213 E: communications@mtrcrossrail.co.uk W: www.mtrcrossrail.co.uk MTU UK Ltd Unit 29, The Birches Ind Estate East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 1XZ T: 01342 335450 E: uk.sales@mtu-online.com W: www.mtu-online.com Muirhead - Scottish Leather Group Operations Baltic Works, Kilbarchan Road Bridge of Weir Scotland PA11 3RH T: 01505 691730 E: marketing@muirhead.co.uk W: www.muirhead.co.uk Multimodal 69 Fulham High Street London SW6 3JW T: 020 7384 7700 E: info@clarionevents.com W: www.multimodal.org.uk Multispan Ltd 20-21 Aviation Way, Southend-on-Sea Essex SS2 6UN T: 01206 619449 E: postmaster@multispan.co.uk W: www.multispan.co.uk Murphy Geospatial 39-41 North Road London N7 9DP T: 020 3598 3775 E: info@murphygs.com W: www.murphygs.com My Visual Management The Willows Studio, Pakenham Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP312JT T: 01359 305010 E: info@myvisualmanagement.co.uk W: www.myvisualmanagement.co.uk MYM Recruitment 80-82 Rainey Street, Magherafelt Northern Ireland BT45 5AJ T: 028 7939 7108 E: team@mymrecruitment.com W: www.mymrecruitment.com NAL Limited Weir Lane, Worcester WR2 4AY T: 01905 427100 E: sales@nal.ltd.uk W: www.nal.ltd.uk NATAS ASBESTOS Ltd Earles Court, Forshaw Heath Lane Solihull B94 5LT T: 0870 751 1880 E: info@natas.co.uk W: www.natas.co.uk

National College for High Speed Rail 2 Lister Street Birmingham B7 4AG T: 0330 120 0375 E: enquiries@nchsr.ac.uk W: www.nchsr.ac.uk National Composites Centre Bristol & Bath, Science Park Emersons Green Bristol BS16 7FS T: 0117 370 7600 E: info@nccuk.com W: www.nccuk.com National Federation of Builders (NFB) Spectrum House, Suite AF29 Gatwick RH6 0LG T: 0345 057 8160 E: info@builders.org.uk W: www.builders.org.uk National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) Resurgam House, Paradise Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 4TF T: 01442 217144 E: info@demolition-nfdc.com W: www.demolition-nfdc.com National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) 31 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DY T: 020 7638 7663 E: helpdesk@nfrc.co.uk W: www.nfrc.co.uk National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) Finlaison House, 15-17 Furnival Street London EC4A 1AB T: 020 7270 4624 E: enquiries@nic.gov.uk W: www.nic.org.uk National Railway Museum Leeman Road, York North Yorkshire YO26 4XJ T: 0333 016 1010 E: nrm@nrm.org.uk W: www.nrm.org.uk National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR) 11 Carteret Street London SW1H 9DJ T: 020 3021 0575 E: enquiries@nsar.co.uk W: www.nsar.co.uk National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) Unity House, 39 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD T: 020 7387 4771 E: info@rmt.org.uk W: www.rmt.org.uk

A-Z Directory Nationwide Data Collection Ltd Haseley Office, Centre Firs Lane Haseley Warwick CV35 7LS T: 01926 485504 E: enquiries@nationwidedatacollection.co.uk W: www.nationwidedatacollection.co.uk

Newcastle College Rail Academy Williams Street, Felling Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE10 0JP T: 0191 200 4486 E: rail@ncl-coll.ac.uk W: www.newcastlecollege.co.uk

Natural Cement Distribution Ltd 10-11 Fountain Parade, Mapplewell Barnsley South Yorkshire S75 6FW T: 01226 381133 E: enquiries@naturalcement.co.uk W: www.naturalcement.co.uk

Newcastle University Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 7RU T: 0191 208 6000 E: pg-info@ncl.ac.uk W: www.ncl.ac.uk

Navigant Consulting 5th Floor, Woolgate Exchange 25 Basinghall St London EC2V 5HA T: 020 7469 1111 E: contactus@navigant.com W: www.navigant.com Naylor Drainage Ltd Clough Green, Cawthorne Barnsley South Yorkshire S75 4AD T: 01226 790591 E: drainage@naylor.co.uk W: www.naylor.co.uk NBC Environment Limited The Mews, Snetterton Park Snetterton Norfolk NR16 2JU T: 0333 567 2020 E: enquiries@nbcenvironment.co.uk W: www.nbcenvironment.co.uk NCC Group XYZ Building, 2 Hardman Boulevard Spinningfields Manchester M3 3AQ T: 0161 209 5200 E: response@nccgroup.trust W: www.nccgroup.trust NDE Clarke Pitchline Ltd NDE Buildings, Aldbourne Road Coventry CV1 4EQ T: 02476 222272 E: sales@ndepower.com W: www.ndepower.com Near Surface Geophysics Group (NSGG) The Geological Society, Burlington House Piccadilly London W1J 0BG T: 020 7434 9944 E: info@nsgg.org.uk W: www.nsgg.org.uk Neary Rail and Construction 9 Coal Pit Lane, Atherton Manchester M46 ORY T: 0845 217 7150 E: info@neary.co.uk W: www.neary.co.uk Network Certification Body (NCB) Groung Floor Caldecotte, The Quadrant Eldergate Milton Keynes MK9 1EN T: 01908 784002 E: ncbenquiries@networkrail.co.uk W: www.net-cert.co.uk Network Rail 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN T: 020 7557 8000 W: www.networkrail.co.uk Network Rail (Manchester) Square One, 4 Travis Street Manchester M1 2NY T: 0161 880 3936 W: www.networkrail.co.uk Networkers International plc 1450 Parkway, Solent Business Park Whiteley Hampshire PO15 7AF T: 01489 882500 E: info@networkerstechnology.com W: www.networkerstechnology.com New Holland Construction Cranes Farm Road, Basildon Essex SS14 3AD T: 01268 533000 E: customerservice.na@newholland.com W: www.newholland.com Neway Training Solutions Limited Kelvin House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01332 360033 E: enquiries@neway-training.com W: www.neway-training.com

We are the UK’s leading supplier of robust and reliable automatic and manual barriers, gates and height restrictors. Whether you’re looking for a simple barrier or large commercial gate we provide quality bespoke British made vehicle access solutions, from design concept, to manufacturing, installation and after-service. Newgate (Newark) Ltd Brunel Drive, Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 2DE T: 01636 700172 E: sales@newgate.uk.com W: www.newgate.uk.com NewRail Newcastle University, Stephenson Building Kensington Terrace Newcastle NE1 7RU T: 0191 208 5821 E: newrail@newcastle.ac.uk W: www.ncl.ac.uk Newsom Consulting Ltd Evergreen House, North Grafton Place London NW1 2DX T: 020 3026 3870 E: enquiries@newsomconsulting.co.uk W: www.newsomconsulting.co.uk Nexus Alpha Low Power Systems Ltd London House, 7 Prescott Place Clapham London SW4 6BS T: 020 7622 6816 E: info@nexusalpha.com W: www.nexusalpha.com Nexus Recruitment Solutions 139 High Street, Portishead Bristol BS20 6PY T: 0845 025 111 E: nexus@nexus-resources.co.uk W: www.nexus-resources.co.uk NG Bailey (Bailey Rail) 3rd Floor, The Angel Building 407 St John Street London EC1V 4AB T: 020 7843 0200 E: generalenquiries@ngbailey.co.uk W: www.ngbailey.com Nicoll Russell Studios 111 King Street, Broughty Ferry Dundee DD5 1EL T: 01382 778966 E: design@nrsarchitects.com W: www.nrsarchitects.com NMB Minebea UK Ltd Doddington Road Lincoln LN6 3RA T: 01522 500933 E: enquiries.lincoln@nmb-minebea.com W: www.nmb-minebea.com Nmcn The County Estate, Huthwaite Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 2HW T: 01623 515008 E: pr@nmcn.com W: www.northmid.co.uk Nobel Fire Systems 7 Quest Park, Moss Hall Road Bury Lancashire BL9 7JZ T: 01706 625777 E: info@nobel-fire-systems.com W: www.nobel-fire-systems.com

Nokia 740 Waterside Drive, Aztec West Bristol BS32 4UF T: 01454 467000 E: info@nokia.com W: www.nokia.com

The world’s leading provider of passenger and fleet rail connectivity solutions. Dedicated to delivering an enhanced service, offering benefits to passengers and operators by improving connectivity for trains, metros, trams & buses globally. The integration of our solutions into the on-board environment improves levels of passenger satisfaction and connectivity, journey information and entertainment, whilst increasing operational efficiency of the fleet. Nomad Digital (Head Office) 5th Floor, One Trinity Broad Chare Newcastle NE1 2HF T: 020 7096 6966 E: experts@nomad-digital.com W: www.nomad-digital.com

T: 01482 227276 E: contact@northerndivers.co.uk W: www.northerndivers.co.uk Northern Ireland Railways 22 Great Victoria St, Belfast Northern Ireland BT2 7LX T: 028 9066 6630 E: feedback@translink.co.uk W: www.translink.co.uk Northern Precision Ltd Unit 3, Durham Lane, Armthorpe Doncaster South Yorkshire DN3 3FE T: 01302 836010 E: sales@npfasteners.com W: www.npfasteners.com Northern Trains Ltd Northern House, York North Yorkshire YO1 6HZ T: 0800 200 6060 E: enquiries@northernrailway.co.uk W: www.northernrailway.co.uk Norton & Associates Ltd 32a High Street, Pinner Middlesex HA5 5PW T: 020 8869 9237 E: mail@norton-associates.co.uk W: www.nortonandassociates.co.uk Norton Rose Fulbright 3 More, London Riverside London SE1 2AQ T: 020 7283 6000 E: marketing@nortonrosefulbright.com W: www.nortonrosefulbright.com

Norbar, the world’s foremost specialist in torque control, has a longstanding association with the rail industry. Our involvement starts with the manufacturers and extends through the life of the rolling stock, the networks and infrastructure. We offer pneumatic, electronic and manual torque multipliers, industrial torque wrenches, calibration and special products services. Norbar Torque Tools Ltd Wildmere Road, Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 3JU T: 01295 753600 E: sales@norbar.com W: www.norbar.com Nord-Lock Group Kingsgate House, Newbury Road Andover Hampshire SP10 4DU T: 01264 355557 E: enquiries@nord-lock.com W: www.nord-lock.com Norelem Ltd Innovation Centre, Longbridge Birmingham B31 2TS T: 0121 222 5322 E: info@norelem.co.uk W: www.norelem.co.uk Nortek Global HVAC UK Ltd Fens Pool Avenue, Brierley Hill West Midlands DY5 1QA T: 01384 489 700 E: reznorsales@nortek.com W: www.reznor.eu North East Combined Authority (NECA) Quadrant Colt Bus Park, The Silverlink North North Tyneside NE27 0BY E: enquiries@northeastca.org.uk W: www.northeastca.gov.uk North Highland Consulting 120 Holborn London EC1N 2TD T: 020 7812 6460 E: info@northhighland.com W: www.northhighland.com North Yorkshire Moors Railway 12 Park Street, Pickering North Yorkshire YO18 7AJ T: 01751 473799 E: admin@nymr.co.uk W: www.nymr.co.uk Northern Divers Oslo Road, Sutton Fields Ind Est Hull HU7 0YN

Nottingham Express Transit NET Depot, Armstrong Way Wilkinson Street Nottingham NG7 7NW T: 0115 942 7777 E: info@thetram.net W: www.thetram.net Novah Ltd Unit 12, Jenson Court Astmoor Ind Estate Runcorn WA7 1SQ T: 01928 242918 E: sales@novah.co.uk W: www.novah.co.uk Novograf 10 Langlands Place, East Kilbride Glasgow G75 0YF T: 01355 900100 E: hello@novograf.co.uk W: www.novograf.co.uk Novus Rail Ltd Solaris Centre, New South Prom Blackpool FY4 1RW T: 01253 478027 E: admin@novus-rail.com W: www.novus-rail.com NQA Certification Ltd Warwick House, Houghton Hall Park Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 5ZX T: 0800 052 2424 E: info@nqa.com W: www.nqa.com NRL Building 5, Glasshouse Bus. Park Wigan Lancashire WN3 6GL T: 01324 625231 E: enquiries@nrl.co.uk W: www.nrlrail.co.uk NRL 2 Norman Court, Albion Road Barnsley South Yorks S71 3TE T: 01942 614650 E: enquiries@nrl.co.uk W: www.nrlrail.co.uk NSI Group Ltd Whitacre Rd Ind Estate, Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6BY T: 024 7637 5656 E: sales@nsigroup.co.uk W: www.nsigroup.co.uk NSS Group - Nationwide Specialist Services 239 Ashley Road, Hale Altrincham Grt Manchester WA15 9NE T: 0161 223 8100 E: salessupport@nssgroup.com W: www.nssgroup.com


A-Z Directory NTS Premier Services UK House, 315 Collier Row Lane Romford Essex RM5 3ND T: 01708 733200 E: info@ntsps.co.uk W: www.ntsps.com

OCL Regeneration Ltd Systems House, Beluncle Halt, Stoke Rd Hoo Rochester Kent ME3 9NT T: 0845 658 5301 E: info@oclonline.co.uk W: www.oclonline.co.uk

Nu Star Material Handling Ltd Lakeside, Ednaston Bus Centre Ednaston Derby DE6 3AE T: 0115 880 0070 E: enquiries@nu-starmhl.com W: www.nu-starmhl.com

Octane Holding Group Ltd Peace Street Bradford BD4 8UF T: 0113 201 2460 E: info@octane.uk.com W: www.octane.uk.com

Nufox reputation within the Rail Industry, comes from providing solutions from concept to finished production. Our engineers and technical experts have knowledge in all aspects of the industry, this is the foundation of our manufacturing capability and includes all areas from material, to rubber extrusion and above all quality. Our products include door seals, glazing strips, gaskets and bespoke fabrications. Nufox Rubber Ltd Unit 1 Bentley Avenue, Middleton Manchester M24 2GP T: 0161 655 8800 E: sales@nufox.com W: www.nufox.com

OPS is a specialist electrical engineering contractor based in the south east of England. OPS offer a full electrical engineering solution from project inception right through to completion or alternatively; offer individual consultancy services across the UK. Visit us at www.oakespowerservices.co.uk for a full list of services. Oakes Power Services Ltd Suite 2010, 6-8 Revenge Road Lordswood Chatham Kent ME5 8UD T: 01634 940796 E: info@ops-ltd.co.uk W: www.oakespowerservices.co.uk

Office Depot 501 Beaumont, Leys Lane Leicester LE4 2BN T: 0116 232 3425 E: ukcustomerservice@officedepot.com W: www.online.officedepot.co.uk Office of Rail and Road (ORR) 25 Cabot Square London E14 4QZ T: 020 7282 2000 E: contact.cct@orr.gov.uk W: www.orr.gov.uk Office Twelve 2 Exploration Drive, Pioneer Park Leicester LE4 5JD T: 0344 801 2012 E: hello@officetwelve.com W: www.officetwelve.com Ogier Electronics Limited U13 Sandridge Park, Porters Wood St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 6PH T: 01727 853521 E: enquiries@ogierelectronics.com W: www.ogierelectronics.com Ogle Models & Prototypes Ltd Birds Hill, Letchworth Hertfordshire SG6 1JA T: 01462 682661 E: info@oglemodels.com W: www.oglemodels.com OLD Engineering Co Ltd Plot 1, Sketchley Lane Ind Est Burbage Leicestershire LE10 3EN T: 01455 612521 E: sales@oldengineering.co.uk W: www.oldengineering.co.uk Oldham Engineering Ltd Castle Iron Works, Overens Street Oldham Lancashire OL4 1LA T: 0161 627 5822 E: sales@oldham-eng.com W: www.oldham-eng.com

Oakland Group LLP 1 Aire Street, Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 4PR T: 0113 234 1944 E: hello@theoaklandgroup.co.uk W: www.theoaklandgroup.co.uk

Oleo International Grovelands, Longford Road Exhall Coventry CV7 9NE T: 024 7664 5555 E: sales@oleo.co.uk W: www.oleo.co.uk

Oasys Ltd Central Square, Forth Street Newcastle NE1 3PL T: 0191 238 7559 E: oasys@arup.com W: www.oasys-software.com

Olleco Northampton Road, Blisworth Northampton NN7 3DR T: 01604 857030 E: enquiries@olleco.co.uk W: www.olleco.co.uk

Oasys Advanced Pedestrian Simulation Software, MassMotion, an award-winning crowd simulation software, provides users the ability to create, simulate, analyse, and revise projects. Customers access a high-tech creation of an elaborate simulation, meeting their project requirements, allowing them to analyse and recognise capacity, flow, and congestion points then extensively and efficiently revise them. Oasys Ltd 8 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BJ T: 0207 755 4515 E: oasys@arup.com W: www.oasys-software.com


Oltec Group Oltec House, 18 Beecham Court Smithy Brooke Road Wigan WN3 6PR T: 01942 829101 E: info@oltecgroup.com W: www.oltecgroup.com Omnicom Balfour Beatty Eboracum House, Clifton Park Avenue York YO30 5PB T: 01904 778100 W: www.omnicombalfourbeatty.com One Way Resourcing Limited U6-7 Cross House Centre, Cross House Road Southampton Hampshire SO14 5GZ T: 023 8098 1600 E: info@oneway.co.uk W: www.oneway.co.uk Onis Consulting Limited 8 Bradley Drive, Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 7WW T: 07930 115709 E: robin@onis-consulting.co.uk W: www.onis-consulting.co.uk

OnTrac is a trusted technology provider to over 50,000 users across the rail industry. OnTrac’s suite of award-winning digital rail products, RailHub, is deployed nationwide across major infrastructure projects across the UK and has transformed the sector’s planning, project delivery, profit margin and – most importantly – safety. OnTrac Ltd Baltimore House, Baltic Business Quarter Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE8 3DF T: 0191 477 4951 E: enquiries@on-trac.co.uk W: www.on-trac.co.uk

We’re a leading provider of psychometric tests and exercises in rail. Our tools are designed to identify capabilities in existing employees or potential in job applicants. We also provide trained assessors and a Bureau Service to oversee assessment testing for any sized recruitment process for those organisations without in-house expertise. OPC Assessment One Wellstones, Watford Hertfordshire WD17 2AE T: 01923 234646 E: admin@theopc.co.uk W: www.theopc.co.uk/assessment Open Technology Ltd 1 Woodlands Court, Albert Drive Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 9TN T: 01444 230660 E: info@opentechnologyuk.com W: www.opentechnologyuk.com Opentree Ltd Cabinet House, Ellerbeck Court Stokesley Bus Park Stokesley TS9 5PT T: 01642 714471 E: info@opentree.co.uk W: www.opentree.co.uk Optasense Ltd Cody Technology Park, Ively Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 0LX T: 01252 392000 E: contact@optasense.com W: www.optasense.com Optical Coating Technologies Unit 8, Lagrange Lichfield Road Tamworth B79 7XD T: 01827 63489 E: info@optical-coatings.com W: www.optical-coatings.com Optosafe Ltd 15 Spiersbridge Way, Spiersbridge Bus Park Thornliebank Glasgow G46 8NG T: 0141 428 3482 E: cctv@optosafe.co.uk W: www.optosafe.co.uk Optus Anti-skid surfacing systems 22 Tarran Way North, Moreton Wirral Merseyside CH46 4UA T: 0151 604 0001 E: info@optus.co.uk W: www.optus.co.uk Orano Projects Limited Suite 7 Hitching Court, Abingdon Business Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 1RA T: 01235 555755 E: abingdon@oranoprojects.uk W: www.oranoprojects.uk Orapi Applied Ltd Spring Road, Smethwick West Midlands B66 1PT T: 0121 525 4000 E: info@orapiapplied.com W: www.orapiapplied.com

Orbis Protect Beaufort House, Cricket Field Road Uxbridge UB8 1QG T: 08000 830 850 E: rail@orbisprotect.com W: www.orbisprotect.com Osborne Rail Fonteyn House, 47-49 London Road Reigate Surrey RH2 9PY T: 0800 025 8008 E: enquiries@osborne.co.uk W: www.osborne.co.uk OSL Global The Railway Exchange, Weston Road Crewe Cheshire CW1 6AA T: 0845 271 9171 E: enquiries@oslglobal.com W: www.oslglobal.com OSL Rail Limited The Railway Exchange, Weston Road Crewe Cheshire CW1 6AA T: 0845 271 9171 E: enquiries@o-s-l.uk.com W: www.oslglobal.com

Make us part of your team. As the UK’s foremost special logistics business, Osprey has its own heavy-lift equipment and one of the UK’s largest SPMT fleets. We offer engineering, planning and support for everything from 5,000 te bridges - lifted and installed as single components - to movements for locomotives, renewables, and modular infrastructure of all sizes. Osprey Heavy Lift Eagle House, The Slough Studley Warwickshire B80 7EN T: 01527 361 230 E: hello@osprey.group W: www.osprey.group Overhead Line Engineering Limited 4b Mallard Way, Pride Park Derby DE24 8GX T: 01332 342122 E: contact@ole-limited.co.uk W: www.ole-limited.co.uk Overseas Trade Shows Agency (OTSA) Montgomery Exhibitions, 9 Manchester Square London W1U 3PL T: 020 7886 3000 E: otsa@otsa.net W: www.otsa.net Oxford Plastic Systems Ltd Enstone Business Park, Enstone Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 4NP T: 01608 678888 E: sales@oxfordplastics.com W: www.oxfordplastics.com P Ducker Systems Ltd Olympus House, Stephenson’s Way Wyvern Bus Park Derby DE21 6LY T: 01332 280195 E: info@pdslimited.co.uk W: www.pdslimited.co.uk PA Consulting Group 10 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DN T: 020 7333 5865 E: info@paconsulting.com W: www.paconsulting.com PACE Networks 4 The Hayloft, Far Peak Northleach GL54 3AP T: 01285 323525 E: info@pace-networks.co.uk W: www.pace-networks.co.uk

A-Z Directory

Padley & Venables – Quality Tools, Made in Britain, Proven Worldwide. Demolition Tools, Contractors’ Tools, Rock Drilling Tools. P&V have been manufacturing quality tools in the UK for over 100 years – using up to date manufacturing methods and production processes to ensure the best possible product where it matters most. Padley & Venables Callywhite Lane, Dronfield Sheffield S18 2XT T: 01246 299100 E: sales@padley-venables.com W: www.padley-venables.com Pageantry Electronic Systems Ltd Argent Court, Hook Rise South Surbiton KT6 7NL T: 020 8391 8360 E: sales@pageantry.co.uk W: www.pageantry.co.uk Paint Inspection Ltd (Head Office) 61 High Street, Fareham Hampshire PO16 7BG T: 0845 463 8680 E: admin@paint-inspection.co.uk W: www.paint-inspection.co.uk Painting and Decorating Association (PDA) 32 Coton Road, Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 5TW T: 024 7635 3776 E: info@paintingdecoratingassociation.co.uk W: www.paintingdecoratingassociation.co.uk Paintmaster Trade Paints Manufacturer Unit 12-17, Bingswood Ind Estate Whaley Bridge Derbyshire SK23 7LY T: 01663 733633 E: orders@paintmaster.co.uk W: www.paintmaster.co.uk Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd 331 Charles Street, Glasgow Scotland G21 2QA T: 0141 553 4040 E: info@palmersgroup.co.uk W: www.palmersgroup.co.uk

Pandrol defines the industry standard across rail fastening systems and aluminothermic welding. Our products and services extend to designing, developing and manufacturing equipment to make constructing and maintaining railways more efficient. Our smart control systems increase productivity, monitor track conditions and improve the overall track life cycle. Pandrol Gateford Road, Worksop Nottinghamshire S81 7AX T: 01909 476101 E: info@pandrol.com W: www.pandrol.com Panduit (Europe) Ltd West World, Westgate London W5 1UD T: 020 8601 7200 E: emea-customerservices@panduit.com W: www.panduit.com Paperless Construction 3 Westfield House, Millfield Lane Nether Poppleton York YO26 6GA T: 01904 373081 E: info@paperlessconstruction.co.uk W: www.paperlessconstruction.co.uk Paragon ID Stockholm Road, Sutton Fields Hull HU7 0XY T: 01482 826343 E: info@bemrosebooth.com W: www.bemrosebooth.com

Specialists in innovative design and product development to enhance service life of train control systems and equipment, using cost effective digital solutions to deliver problem solving solutions to heavy and light rail networks. Park Signalling Limited 3rd Fl Holdsworth Mill, Houldsworth Street Reddish Stockport SK5 6DA T: 0161 219 0161 E: sales@park-signalling.co.uk W: www.park-signalling.co.uk Parkeon Ltd 10 Willis Way, Poole Dorset BH15 3SS T: 01202 339339 E: sales_uk@parkeon.com W: www.parkeon.co.uk Parker Hannifin Tachbrook Park Drive, Tachbrook Park Warwick CV34 6TU T: 01926 317878 E: parker.uk@parker.com W: www.parker.com Parry People Movers Ltd Parry House, Overend Road Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 7RD T: 01384 569553 E: info@parrypeoplemovers.com W: www.parrypeoplemovers.com Partex Marking Systems (UK) Ltd Units 61-64 Station Rd, Coleshill Birmingham B46 1JT T: 01675 463670 E: sales@partex.co.uk W: www.partex.co.uk Partline Limited Dockfield Road, Shipley West Yorkshire BD17 7AZ T: 01274 531531 E: sales@partline.co.uk W: www.partline.co.uk Pascall+Watson The Warehouses, 10 Black Friars Lane London EC4V 6ER T: 020 3837 2500 E: info@pascalls.co.uk W: www.pascalls.co.uk Passcomm Limited 24 Tatton Court, Kingsland Grange Warrington Cheshire WA1 4RR T: 01925 821333 E: sales@passcomm.co.uk W: www.passcomm.co.uk Passenger Transport Networks 49 Stonegate, York Yorkshire YO1 8AW T: 01904 611187 E: info@passengertransportnetworks.co.uk W: www.passengertransportnetworks.co.uk Pathfinder Tours Stag House, Gydynap Lane Inchbrook Woodchester Glos GL5 5EZ T: 01453 835414 E: office@pathfindertours.co.uk W: www.pathfindertours.co.uk Pauley Interactive (Head Office) Bletchley Leys Farm, Whaddon Road Milton Keynes MK17 0EG T: 020 3432 8680 E: info@pauley.co.uk W: www.pauley.co.uk PAYE Stonework and Restoration Ltd Stationmasters House, Mottingham Station Approach London SE9 4EL T: 020 8857 9111 E: ask@paye.net W: www.paye.net Payzone UK Limited Andmore House, Unit 4 Triangle Court Cheshire Bus Park Northwich CW9 7YL

T: 01606 566600 E: info@payzone.co.uk W: www.payzone.co.uk

T: 01364 649248 E: info@pddevices.co.uk W: www.pddevices.co.uk

An Employee

PE Systems Ltd Unit 2, Hindley Green Bus Park Leigh Road Wigan WN2 4TN T: 01942 260330 E: sales@pe-systems.co.uk W: www.pe-systems.co.uk

Owned Company

PB Design & Developments Limited is a proud manufacturer/partner of PADS approved chargers for our Rail, Metro & Underground customers. In addition, our battery chargers, UPS, batteries and system services are trusted in all types of AC and DC standby power applications. Customer service and satisfaction, plain and simple. PB Design & Developments Ltd Hithergreen Ind Estate, Clevedon North Somerset BS21 6XT T: 01275 874411 E: sales@pbdesign.co.uk W: www.pbdesign.co.uk PB Metal Finishing Systems Ltd Unit 11, Eclipse Trading Estate Sedgley Road Tipton DY4 8DQ T: 0121 522 3513 E: info@pbmetalfinishingsystems.com W: www.pbmetalfinishingsystems.com

PBH rail are a well-established survey and design company delivering Track/OLE survey and design nationally, delivering small scale single discipline design to large scale multidisciplinary services. We have a team of 70 experienced staff and work with our partners in Signalling, Civils and E&P providing a one-stop shop for clients. PBH Rail The Old Coach House, 4a Custance Walk York North Yorkshire YO23 1BX T: 01904 655666 E: enquiries@pbhrail.com W: www.pbhrail.com

PEL Services Ltd Unit 1-2, Belvue Business Centre Northolt Middlesex UB5 5QQ T: 0333 123 2100 E: info@pel.co.uk W: www.@pel.co.uk Peli Products (UK) Ltd Peli House, Peakdale Road Brookfield Glossop SK13 6LQ T: 01457 869999 E: sales@peliproducts.co.uk W: www.peliproducts.co.uk

Pendersons are an established training provider within the railway engineering sector specialising particularly in all things On Track Plant, from training new machine and crane controllers, through to manufacturing specialist track attachments. Also supplying safety critical labour to the industry. By being awarded apprenticeship funding are able to provide a full consultancy service to organisations throughout the rail industry and other sectors. Pendersons Ltd Pendersons House, Pleasant Street Stoke-on-Trent ST6 3DL T: 01782 832090 E: info@pendersons.com W: www.pendersons.com Penna Plc (London Central Office) Millennium Bridge House, 2 Lambeth Hill London EC4V 4BG T: 020 3849 2777 E: info@penna.com W: www.penna.com

PBWel Unit 1, Leafield Way, Corsham Corsham Wiltshire SN13 9SW T: 01225 811449 E: sales@pbwel.com W: www.pbwel.com

Pennant PLC Parkway House, Palatine Road Northenden Manchester M22 4DB T: 0161 947 6940 E: rail@pennantplc.co.uk W: www.pennantplc.co.uk

PCE Instruments UK Ltd Unit 11, Southpoint Bus Park Ensign Way Southampton SO31 4RF T: 023 8098 7030 E: info@industrial-needs.com W: www.pce-instruments.com

Penningtons Manches (Solicitors) 125 Wood Street London EC2V 7AW T: 020 7457 3000 E: info@penningtons.co.uk W: www.penningtons.co.uk

PCL is a common-sense company, asking you all the right questions before deploying the best and most time- and cost-efficient cleaning, surface preparation and coatings processes based on extensive experience and expertise. PCL Industrial Cleaning & Coating Ltd PO BOX 455, St Helens WA10 9GA T: 0161 672 7432 E: info@pclicc.co.uk W: www.pclicc.co.uk PcP Gratings Ltd Enterprise Drive, Four Ashes Wolverhampton WV10 7DF T: 01902 791792 E: sales@pcpgratings.co.uk W: www.pcpgratings.co.uk PD Devices Ltd Old station Yard, South Brent Devon TQ10 9AL

We are one of the largest family-owned demolition and operated plant hire companies in the South West with over 60 years of excellent reputation. Our 40+ items of heavy plant range from excavators (1-350t), articulated dump trucks, dozers, JCBs, crushers, and screeners. We get the job done professionally. Pennys Group Ltd Green Street, Ston Easton Somerset BA3 4BY T: 01761 241387 E: info@pennysgroup.co.uk W: www.pennysgroup.co.uk Penso Woodhams Road, Coventry Warwickshire CV3 4FX T: 024 7621 7760 E: info@penso.uk.com W: www.penso.co.uk


A-Z Directory Penspen Ltd Darpen House, 3 Water Lane Richmond Surrey TW9 1TJ T: 020 8334 2700 E: info@penspen.com W: www.penspen.com Penton UK Ltd Unit 2, Teville Industrials Dominion Way Worthing BN14 8NW T: 01903 215315 E: sales@pentonuk.co.uk W: www.pentonuk.co.uk People 1st Hospitality House, 11-59 High Road East Finchley London N2 8AB T: 020 3074 1222 E: info@people1st.co.uk W: www.people1st.co.uk Perimeter Security Suppliers Association (PSSA) Unit 19, Omega Business Village Thurston Road Northallerton DL6 2NJ T: 020 8253 4509 E: admin@pssasecurity.org W: www.pssasecurity.org Permali Gloucester Ltd Permali Park, Bristol Road Gloucester GL1 5TT T: 01452 528282 E: marketing@permali.co.uk W: www.permali.co.uk

Permalok has been supplying Huck© fasteners and tooling to the rail market for over 25 years. We are able to supply from stock Huck© lockbolts and blind fasteners for use in both Permanent Way and rolling stock. We also stock Huck© tooling and offer a tooling repair/ hire service. Permalok Fastening Systems Ltd Unit 1a, Plumtree Ind Estate Harworth Doncaster DN11 8EW T: 01302 711308 E: info@permalokfastening.co.uk W: www.permalokfastening.co.uk

PFB Recruitment Ltd 13 Cromwell Road, Eynesbury St Neots Cambridge PE19 2HP T: 01480 702005 E: paul@pfbrecruitment.com W: www.pfbrecruitment.com

Mosdorfer Rail Ltd (formerly know as Pfisterer Ltd) offer innovative product solutions for High-Speed, Commuter and Light Rail OCS systems. Our in-house technology is developed for the production of safe and reliable materials and products. Mosdorfer offer connectors and systems for the electrification of railway lines: Tensorex® C+ Tensioning Device Droppers Catenary Fittings Insulators Tools Safety Equipment Mosdorfer Rail Ltd (formerly know as Pfisterer Ltd) 2-4 Orgreave Place, Orgreave Sheffield S13 9LU T: 0114 478 8500 E: order.uk@pfisterer.com W: www.pfisterer.com Phixos Limited Teme House, Whittington Road Whittington Worcester WR5 2RY T: 01905 368580 E: contact@phixos.co.uk W: www.phixos.co.uk Phoenix Contact Ltd Halesfield 13, Telford Shropshire TF7 4PG T: 0845 881 2222 E: info@phoenixcontact.co.uk W: www.phoenixcontact.co.uk Pickfords Removal & Storage (Head Office) Genesis House, Kings Langley WD4 8LZ T: 0800 019 8557 E: enquiries@pickfords.com W: www.pickfords.co.uk

Permanent Way Institution (PWI) 5 Mount Crescent, Warley Brentwood CM14 5DB T: 01277 230031 E: secretary@pwi.org W: www.thepwi.org

Picturascope Ltd Suite 5.2a, 140 Tabernacle Street Shoreditch London EC2A 4SD T: 020 7099 8635 E: info@picturascope.com W: www.picturascope.com

Permaquip Ltd Unit A, Brierley Park Close Stanton Hill Nottinghamshire NG17 3JZ T: 01623 513349 E: sales@permaquip.com W: www.permaquip.co.uk

Pilz Automation Technology Pilz House, 3 Little Colliers Field Corby Northamptonshire NN18 8TJ T: 01536 460766 E: sales@pilz.co.uk W: www.pilz.co.uk

Perpetuum Ltd Unit 7 The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Ind Estate Romsey SO51 9DL T: 023 8076 5888 E: info@perpetuum.co.uk W: www.perpetuum.com

Pinnacle PSG 1st Floor, 6 St Andrews Street Holborn London EC4A 3AE T: 020 7017 2000 E: enquiries@pinnaclegroup.co.uk W: www.pinnaclepsg.co.uk

Petards 390 Princesway, Team Valley Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE11 0TU T: 0191 440 1104 E: rail@petards.com W: www.petards.com

Pipe Jacking Association (PJA) 6 Burroughs Bank, Lightmoor Telford TF4 3QS T: 0345 0705201 E: graeme.monteith@pipejacking.org W: www.pipejacking.org

Peter Alvey – Freelance Photographer Alvey & Towers, 8 Nether Street Harby Leicestershire LE14 4BW T: 01949 861894 E: office@alveyandtowers.com W: www.peteralvey.com

Pipex Ltd Devon Ent Facility, 1 Belliver Way Roborough Devon PL6 7BP T: 01752 581200 E: fgssales@nov.com W: www.pipexpx.com

Petrotechnics Ltd Pavilion 3, Craigshaw Business Park Craigshaw Road Aberdeen AB12 3QH T: 01224 337200 E: info@petrotechnics.com W: www.petrotechnics.com

Pirtek (UK) Ltd 199 The Vale, Acton London W3 7QE T: 020 8749 8444 E: info@pirtek.co.uk W: www.pirtek.co.uk Pivovar Ltd Station Yard, York Road Elvington North Yorkshire YO41 4EL


T: 01904 607197 E: sales@pivovar.co.uk W: www.pivovarorders.co.uk Plascoat Systems Ltd Farnham Trading Estate, Farnham Surrey GU9 9NY T: 01252 738220 E: sales@plascoat.com W: www.plascoat.com

Using green energy to clear the residue on tracks, PlasmaTrack will restore the track to a dry, clean and uncontaminated state. Our Plasma technology, enables trains to run as if it were summer all year round, leading to increased capacity and closer running trains. PlasmaTrack Ltd Unit 149, The Light Box, 111 Power Road Chiswick London W4 5PY T: 07748 767688 E: julian@plasmatrack.co.uk W: www.plasmatrack.co.uk Plasser & Theurer Plasser UK Ltd, Manor Road West Ealing London W13 0PP T: 020 8998 4781 E: info@plasser.co.uk W: www.plasser.co.uk Plastech Limited Park Industrial Estate, Liverpool Road Wigan WN4 OYU T: 01942 717110 E: info@plastechtitan.co.uk W: www.plastechtitan.co.uk Plastic Coatings Limited Ham Lane, Kingswinford West Midlands DY6 7JY T: 0800 008 6903 E: enquiries@plastic-coatings.com W: www.plasticcoatings.co.uk Platinum Resources 1 Fore Street, London London EC2Y 9DT T: 020 7242 9944 E: info@platinumresources.co.uk W: www.platinumresources.co.uk Platipus Anchors Ltd Kingsfield Bus Centre, Philanthropic Road Redhill Surrey RH1 4DP T: 01737 762300 E: info@platipus-anchors.com W: www.platipus-anchors.com Plowman Craven Ltd 2 Lea Business Park, Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5EQ T: 01582 765566 E: webenquiry@plowmancraven.co.uk W: www.plowmancraven.co.uk

Creating a skilled workforce is our aim. We provide training and assessment for companies looking to develop their staff. Our areas of expertise are: • Trainer, Assessor and IQA national qualifications • IRSE Licencing • Signalling Training & Assessment • Level 2, 3 and 4 Apprenticeships incorporating traditional railway courses. PM Training and Assessing Ltd The Courtyard Granary, Standard Street Crickhowell Powys NP8 1BP T: 01874 620 704 E: enquiries@pmtanda.co.uk W: www.pmtanda.co.uk PMC Foundations and Underpinning Ltd 10a Ellery Street, Peckham London SE15 3RL T: 020 7639 7642 E: info@pmcfoundations.co.uk W: www.basementunderpinning.co.uk

PMC Marketing Pantiles Chambers, 85 High Street Tunbridge Wells TN1 1XP T: 01892 506992 E: info@pmcmarketing.co.uk W: www.pmcmarketing.co.uk Pneumatrol Limited West End Business Park, Blackburn Road Oswaldtwistle Accrington BB5 4WZ T: 01254 872277 E: sales@pneumatrol.com W: www.pneumatrol.com Pochins Ltd Brooks Lane, Middlewich Cheshire CW10 0JQ T: 01606 833333 E: info@pochins.com W: www.pochins.com Pod-Trak Crove House, 14 Aintree Road Perivale London UB6 7LA T: 020 8998 0010 E: enquiries@pod-trak.com W: www.pod-trak.com Poise Group Ltd Fleet House, 8-12 New Bridge Street London EC4V 6AL T: 020 3086 9400 E: info@poisegroup.uk W: www.poisegroup.uk Polgain Cams, Camshafts & Precision Engineering 1 Crown Score, Off Whapload Road Lowestoft NR32 1JH T: 01502 532880 E: info@polgain.co.uk W: www.polgain.co.uk

Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation Charnwood Business Park, North Road Loughborough LE11 1LE T: 01509 615100 E: civilsenquiries@polypipe.com W: www.polypipe.com Polysafe Level Crossings Systems Ltd 25 King Street Ind Est, Langtoft Peterborough PE6 9NF T: 01778 560555 E: polysafeoffice@polysafe.co.uk W: www.polysafe.co.uk Pontoon Provider Haycocks Lane West Mersea CO5 8SS T: 01206 382317 E: Ben@pontoonprovider.co.uk Pontoon Works Ltd The Old Glove Factory, Bristol Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 4HP T: 01935 814950 E: office@pontoonworks.co.uk W: www.pontoonworks.co.uk Portaramp UK Limited Units 3 & 4, Dolphin Business Park Shadwell Thetford Norfolk IP24 2RY T: 01953 681799 E: sales@portaramp.co.uk W: www.portaramp.co.uk Portastor Ltd New Lane, Huntington York YO32 9PR T: 0845 601 1276 E: action@portastor.com W: www.portastor.com Porterbrook Leasing Company Limited Ivatt House, 7 The Point Pinnacle Way Derby DE24 8ZS T: 01332 285050 E: enquiries@porterbrook.co.uk W: www.porterbrook.co.uk POS Services Cunningham House, 19-21 Westfield Lane Harrow Middlesex HA3 9ED T: 020 8931 8757 E: info@posservicesuk.com W: www.posservicesuk.com

A-Z Directory Positive Willoughby House, 439 Richmond Road Richmond TW1 2AG T: 020 8744 4350 E: enquiries@positive.co.uk W: www.positive.co.uk Postfield Systems Ltd 53 Ullswater Crescent, Couldson Surrey CR5 2HR T: 020 8655 6080 E: accounts@postfield.co.uk W: www.postfieldsystems.wixsite.com Poundfield Precast The Grove, Creeting St Peter Ipswich Suffolk IP6 8QG T: 01449 723150 E: enquiries@poundfield.com W: www.poundfield.com Powdertech (Corby) Ltd Cockerell Road, Phoenix Park Corby Northamptonshire NN17 5DU T: 01536 400890 E: pcl@powdertech.co.uk W: www.powdertechcorby.co.uk Powelectrics 12 Ninian Park, Tamworth Staffordshire B77 5ES T: 01827 310666 E: sales@powelectrics.co.uk W: www.powelectrics.co.uk Powell Dobson Architects Ltd Suite 1F Building One, Eastern Business Park Old St Mellons Cardiff CF3 5EA T: 0333 320 1001 E: cardiff@powelldobson.com W: www.powelldobson.com Power Jacks Kingshill Commercial Pk, Prospect Road Westhill Aberdeenshire AB32 6FP T: 01358 285100 E: sales@powerjacks.com W: www.powerjacks.com Power System Services Ltd Carrwood Road, Sheepbridge Chesterfield S41 9QB T: 01246 268800 E: info@powersystemservices.co.uk W: www.powersystemservices.co.uk Power Systems International Ltd Carina House East, Sunrise Parkway Linford Wood Milton Keynes MK14 6LS T: 01494 871544 E: info@powersystemsinternational.com W: www.powersystemsinternational.com Power Testing Limited 33 Hanbury Road, Widford Ind Estate Chelmsford Essex CM1 3AE T: 01245 266800 E: info@powertesting.co.uk W: www.powertesting.co.uk Powernetics International Ltd Power House, Jason Works Clarence Street Loughborough LE11 1DX T: 01509 214153 E: sales@powernetics.co.uk W: www.powernetics.co.uk

T: 01925 813897 E: enquiries@pps-rail.co.uk W: www.ppsrail.co.uk

T: 020 7580 3444 E: studio@priestmangoode.com W: www.priestmangoode.com

Pragmasis Limited 78 Castlehall, Tamworth Felspar Road Tamworth B77 4DP T: 01827 286267 E: info@pragmasis.com W: www.securityforbikes.com

Primary Image Ltd Business Hub, 10 Elmer Approach Southend-on-Sea Essex SS1 1LW T: 01702 680690 E: hello@primaryimage.com W: www.primaryimage.uk

Pramac-Generac UK Pramac House, Tunstall Arrow South Stoke on Trent ST6 5GF T: 01270 445777 E: uk@pramac.com W: www.towerlight.com

Primat Recruitment Falcon Court, Preston Farm Bus Park Stockton on Tees TS18 3TU T: 01642 130300 E: primatrecruitment@worleyparsons.com W: www.primatrecruitment.com

PRB Consulting The Town House, Market Street Hailsham East Sussex BN27 2AE T: 01323 887186 E: info@prb-consulting.co.uk W: www.prb-consulting.co.uk

Prime Rail Solutions Ltd Dartford Road, March Cambridgeshire PE15 8AE T: 01733 462420 E: info@primerailsolutions.com W: www.primerailsolutions.com

PRBX (Powerbox) UK Suite 57-58 Lynx House, Basepoint Bus Centre Caxton Close Andover SP10 3FG T: 01264 326457 E: info.uk@prbx.com W: www.prbx.com

Pristine Condition Ltd Unit 1, Centenary Business Park Station Road Oxfordshire RG9 1DS T: 01491 414464 E: info@pristinecondition.com W: www.pristinecondition.com

PreCast Advanced Track Ltd Meadow Cottage, Hatton Farm Hatton Warwick CV35 7EY T: 01926 484080 E: info@precastadvancedtrack.com W: www.precastadvancedtrack.com

Pro-Link Europe Limited Irene House, Five Arches Bus Park Maidstone Road Sidcup Kent DA14 5AE T: 020 8309 2700 E: enquire@prolink-europe.com W: www.prolink-europe.com

Predator Trailers Ltd 53 Dungorman Road, Dungannon Co Tyrone Northern Ireland BT71 6SD T: 028 3754 8889 E: info@predator100.com W: www.predator100.com

Pro-Style Ltd Unit 7b Crondal Road, Bayton Road Ind Estate Coventry CV7 9EP T: 024 7636 7441 E: info@pro-style.co.uk W: www.pro-style.co.uk

Premier Calibrations Ltd 219 Bentley Road, Doncaster South Yorkshire DN5 9TB T: 01302 787333 E: premcal@premier-calibration.co.uk W: www.premier-calibration.co.uk

Pro-Tek Engineering Unit 1, Waterloo Industrial Pk Waterloo Road Bidford on Avon B50 4JH T: 01789 490490 E: enquiries@protekeng.co.uk W: www.protek-eng.co.uk

Manufacturing and installing prefabricated steel maintenance and inspection pits for vehicle workshops for over 35 years. Since 2007, and after rigorous research and development, the introduction of Premier Rail Pits has brought this innovative approach to the rail industry. Contact us to find out how a prefabricated steel pit can bring major benefits over traditional precast concrete. Premier Pits Town Drove, Quadring Spalding Lincolnshire PE11 4QP T: 01775 821222 E: info@premierpits.com W: www.premierpits.com/railpits

Powertherm Contracting Services Powerherm Ltd, Francis House Orgreave Drive Sheffield S13 9NR T: 0114 288 9119 E: info@powertherm.co.uk W: www.powertherm.co.uk Pozzoni (Altrincham office) Woodville House, 2 Woodville Road Altrincham WA14 2FH T: 0161 928 7848 E: architects@pozzoni.co.uk W: www.pozzoni.co.uk

Approved installers of all Rosehill, Strail and Polysafe Level Crossing Systems. Premier Rail Services are the largest stockist in the UK of all types of RRAP’s – Strail, Rosehill, Timber, Foam, Metal, & UTAS System available for hire as well as other specialist hire equipment.

PP Group of Companies Ltd Profiles Point, Drury Lane Oldham Greater Manchester OL9 7PH T: 0161 938 8080 E: sales@ppgroupltd.co.uk W: www.ppgroupltd.co.uk

Premier Rail Services Plumtree Industrial Est, Plumtree Road Bircotes Doncaster DN11 8EW T: 01302 738020 E: info@premier-rail.co.uk W: www.premier-rail.co.uk

PPS Rail Unit 22 Rufford Court, Hardwick Grange Warrington Cheshire WA1 4RF

Priestman Goode 150 Gt Portland Street London W1W 6QD

ProActive Recruitment Services 78 York Street, Marylebone London W1H 1DP T: 020 7993 6049 E: enquiries@proactiverail.co.uk W: www.proactiverail.co.uk Probst Handling Equipment Unit 2 Fletcher House, Stafford Park 17 Telford TF3 3DG T: 01952 292733 E: sales@probst-handling.co.uk W: www.probst-handling.co.uk Professional Lifting Services Limited Unit 7, Parkview Works 870 Penistone Road Sheffield S6 2DL T: 0114 285 5488 E: mail@plsltd.co.uk W: www.plsltd.co.uk Progress Rail Services UK Ltd Headrig Road, South Queensferry West Lothian Scotland EH30 9SH T: 0131 319 3700 E: prsuk.sales@progressrail.com W: www.progressrail.com

Project Leaders Ltd 137b Minnis Road, Birchington Kent CT7 9NS T: 01843 847848 E: info@projectleaders.co.uk W: www.projectleaders.co.uk Prolec Ltd 25 Benson Road, Nuffield Ind Estate Poole Dorset BH17 0GB T: 01202 681190 E: info@prolec.co.uk W: www.prolec.co.uk Pronto Direct Unit 8 Hornsby Square Basildon Essex SS15 6SD T: 01268 414418 E: support@prontodirect.co.uk W: www.prontodirect.co.uk Propeller Studios First Floor, Alexander House Bus Ctr 40a Wilbury Way Hitchin SG4 0AP T: 01462 440077 E: info@propeller-studios.co.uk W: www.propeller-studios.co.uk Protec Direct Unit 1 Britannia Park, Trident Drive Wednesbury WS10 7XB T: 0870 333 3081 E: sales@protecdirect.co.uk W: www.protecdirect.co.uk Protec Fire Detection Plc Protec House, Churchill Way Nelson Lancashire BB9 6RT T: 01282 717171 E: sales@protec.co.uk W: www.protec.co.uk Protecthear 18 Eve Street, Louth Lincolnshire LN11 0JJ T: 01507 604322 E: enquiries@protecthear.co.uk W: www.protecthear.co.uk Proteq Northern Ltd 96 High Street, Epworth Doncaster DN9 1JS T: 01427 872572 E: info@proteq.co.uk W: www.proteq.co.uk

Provertha are a German based company with four manufacturing facilities in Hungary. We design and manufacture a full range of high-quality rail approved connecters and accessories. We can supply our rail customers with complete solutions including rail approved cable assemblies. M12 (A, B, D & X-codes) field assembled connecters – D-sub connecters and hood systems – distribution/splitter boxes (die cast). Provertha Connectors, Cables & Solutions GMBH Westring 9, Pforzheim Germany 75180 T: 07824 444612 E: chris.osborn@provertha.com W: www.provertha.com

Project 7 Consultancy UK Ltd Westpoint House, 5 Redwood Place Peel Park East Kilbride G74 5PB T: 0844 568 6840 E: enquiries@project7consultancy.com W: www.project7consultancy.com

PRV Engineering Ltd Pegasus House, Polo Grounds New Inn Pontypool Gwent NP4 0TW T: 01495 769697 E: enquiries@prv-engineering.co.uk W: www.prv-engineering.co.uk

Project Control Tools Swalwell, Newcastle upon Tyne NE16 3BE T: 07977 102143 E: Fin.Gregory@projectcontroltools.co.uk W: www.projectcontroltools.co.uk

Prysmian UK Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 6YU T: 023 8029 5555 E: cables.marketing.uk@prysmiangroup.com W: uk.prysmiangroup.com

Project EU Ltd Strathallan House, Midland Road Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP1 4LS T: 0845 680 0193 E: intouch@project.eu.com W: www.project.eu.com

PSD Group 21 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 3TP T: 01293 802039 E: haywardsheath@psdgroup.com W: www.psdgroup.com


A-Z Directory PSG Ltd 2 Bordon Trading Estate, Old Station Way Bordon Hampshire GU35 9HH T: 01428 651246 E: info@paintservices.com W: www.paintservices.com

PULSAR® Eagle Road, Redditch Worcestershire B98 9HF T: 01527 962012 E: sales@pulsaruk.com W: www.pulsaruk.com

Quantum Mouldings Ltd Whitehouse Road, Kidderminster Worcestershire DY10 1HT T: 01562 747975 E: sales@quantummouldings.co.uk W: www.quantummouldings.co.uk

PSR Solutions 8th Floor, 140 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4HY T: 020 3800 0050 E: info@psrsolutions.co.uk W: www.psrsolutions.co.uk

Purcell 15 Bermondsey Square, Tower Bridge Road London SE1 3UN T: 020 7397 7171 E: info@purcelluk.com W: www.purcelluk.com

Quantum Seating Ltd Priory Mill, Charter Avenue Coventry CV4 8AF T: 024 7669 5150 E: info@quantumseating.com W: www.quantumseating.com

PSS Folgate Road, North Walsham Norfolk NR28 0AJ T: 01692 406017 E: sales@pss.co.uk W: www.pss.co.uk

PWC Strategy& (UK) Ltd 7 More London Riverside London SE1 2RT T: 020 7583 5000 E: london.information@strategyand.pwc.com W: www.strategyand.pwc.com

Quartix Ltd Chapel Offices, Park Street Newtown Wales SY16 1EE T: 0870 013 6663 E: enquiries@quaratix.net W: www.quartix.net

PSV Glass Hillbottom Road, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 4HJ T: 01494 533131 E: railsales@psvglass.co.uk W: www.psvglass.com

PWS Technical Services Ltd The Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 1RL T: 01484 508380 E: info@pwstechnicalservices.co.uk W: www.pwstechnicalservices.co.uk

Queen Mary & Westfield College Mile End Road London E1 4NS T: 020 7882 5555 E: admissions@qmul.ac.uk W: www.qmul.ac.uk

PSV Wipers Ltd 18 Kempton Road, Keytec 7 Business Park Pershore Worcestershire WR10 2TA T: 01905 350500 E: sales@psvwipers.com W: www.psvwipers.com

QA Weld Tech Ltd 2a Bowes Road, Riverside Park Ind Est Middlesbrough TS2 1LU T: 01642 222831 E: enquiries@qaweldtech.com W: www.qaweldtech.co.uk

Quest Global G/F Derwent House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01934 421500 E: info@quest-global.com W: www.quest-global.com

PTP Associates Limited The Lodge, 21 Harcourt Road Dorney Reach Berkshire SL6 0DT T: 01628 776059 E: info@ptpassociates.co.uk W: www.ptpassociates.co.uk

QCS (Lanark) Ltd 97 St Leonard Street, Lanark Scotland ML11 7BJ T: 01555 660467 E: enquiries@qcscleaning.co.uk W: www.qcscleaning.co.uk

Quickmap Limited PO Box 12 London SE5 9PN T: 020 7813 3397 E: info@quickmap.com W: www.quickmap.com

PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd. 22 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1PR T: 020 7348 1970 E: info@ptrc-training.co.uk W: www.ptrc-training.co.uk

QED Scaffolding Ltd Lock Street, St Helens Merseyside WA9 1HS T: 01744 751117 E: enquiries@qedscaffoding.com W: www.qedscaffolding.com

Quiligotti Terrazzo Tiles UK Rake Lake, Clifton Juction Manchester M27 8LP T: 0161 727 9798 E: sales@quiligotti.co.uk W: www.quiligotti.co.uk

Pullman Instruments (UK) Ltd Chatsworth House, Chatsworth Terrace Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 5HT T: 01423 720360 E: sales@pullman.co.uk W: www.pullman.co.uk

Qinesis Walton Business Centre, Walton Upon Trent Derbyshire DE12 8ND T: 0845 873 9274 E: growth@qinesis.com W: www.qinesis.com

Quinshield Ltd Capel Hendre Ind Estate, Capel Hendre Ammanford Carmarthenshire SA18 3SJ T: 01269 832220 E: sales@quinshield.com W: www.quinshield.com

QinetiQ Cody Technology Park, Building A7 Ively Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 0LX T: 01252 392000 E: railservices@QinetiQ.com W: www.QinetiQ.com

R Baker (Electrical) Ltd Evans Road, Speke Liverpool L24 9PB T: 0151 486 6760 E: mail@rbaker.co.uk W: www.rbaker.co.uk

QRail NDT (Quantum Rail Limited) Unit 17, 1-2 Sparrow way Canterbury CT3 4AL T: 01227 714714 E: info@qrailndt.com W: www.qrailndt.com

R Bance & Co Ltd Cockcrow Hill House, St Mary’s Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 5HE T: 020 8398 7141 E: enquiries@bance.com W: www.bance.com

QTS Group Rench Farm, Drumclog Strathaven South Lanarkshire ML10 6QJ T: 01357 440222 E: info@qtsgroup.com W: www.qtsgroup.com

R.M.Smith Fencing Ltd Duck Island Lane Ringwood Hampshire BH24 3AA T: 01425 476 617 E: smithfencinguk@gmail.com W: www.smith-fencing.co.uk

Qualitrain 26 Royal Scot Road, Pride Park Derbyshire DE24 8AJ T: 01332 345205 E: info@qualitrain.co.uk W: www.qualitrain.co.uk

R&B Switchgear Services Ltd Switchgear House, The Courtyard Green Lane Heywood Manchester OL10 2EX T: 01706 369933 E: info@rbswitch.co.uk W: www.rbswitchgeargroup.com

PULS is focused entirely on development and production of DIN-rail power supplies. We concentrate our engineering knowledge, resources and energy on one goal: To be the best in this technology. Our range consists of: Single-Phase Power Supplies, Three-Phase Power Supplies, DC/ DC Converters, Buffer Units, DC-UPS Battery Modules and Redundancy Modules. PULS UK Ltd Cranfield Innov Cntr, University Way Cranfield MK43 0BT T: 01525 841001 E: sales@puls.co.uk W: www.pulspower.com/uk/home

Pulsar Instruments is an expert in sound and vibration measurement. The company has over 50 years’ experience in helping the rail industry manage their noise issues by providing sound level meters, long-term noise monitoring kits, noise dosimeters, warning signs and hand-arm vibration meters as well as consultancy advice. Pulsar Instruments Plc Evron Centre, John Street Filey YO14 9DW T: 01723 339 715 E: sales@pulsarinstruments.com W: www.pulsarinstruments.com


Quality Precision Engineering Ltd 1 Coldhams Road Cambridge CB1 3EW T: 01223 215333 E: qpe-ltd@hotmail.co.uk W: www.qpe-ltd.co.uk Quantum Geotechnical Limited Ty Berwig, Bynea Llanelli Camarthanshire SA14 9ST T: 01554 744880 E: enquiries@quantum-geotech.co.uk W: www.quantum-geotech.co.uk

r2p Group is a leading European supplier of on-board systems solutions. Our products portfolio includes: • Saloon & Forward Facing CCTV including Thermal cameras • Pantograph cameras • DCO – Driver Control Operations CCTV systems • Automatic Passenger Counting systems • Passenger Information & Public Address systems for on-train and station platforms • On-train Passenger WiFi system r2p UK Systems Ltd Unit 1, Charlwood Court, County Oak Way Crawley West Sussex RH11 7XA T: 01293 887308 E: salesuk@r2p.com W: www.r2p.com Racon Management Services Limited 5th Floor, 38 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 7DA T: 0141 248 3038 E: Info@racon-ms.com W: www.racon-ms.com

Our experienced project teams & installation crews provide a fully managed logistics service to clients within the London underground infrastructure. Specialising in deliveries to platform level using the only LU approved escalator sledge with a SWL of 450 Kgs. Also providing logistics solutions for power & ventilation within the LU infrastructure and can also supply all your contract lift needs. Radius Group Mainland House, Gladstone Close Northampton NN5 7AY T: 01604 622865 E: info@radiusgroup.co.uk W: www.radiusgroup.co.uk Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) The Wharf, Stores Road Derby DE21 4BA T: 01332 253300 E: enquiries@raib.gov.uk W: www.gov.uk Rail Alliance Quinton Rail Tech Ctr, The Junction,Station Rd Long Marston Stratford-on-Avon CV37 8PL T: 01789 720026 E: info@railalliance.co.uk W: www.railalliance.co.uk Rail Delivery Group (RDG) 2nd Floor, 200 Aldersgate Street London EC1A 4HD T: 020 7841 8000 E: info@raildeliverygroup.com W: www.raildeliverygroup.com Rail Forum Midlands (RFM) Chief Executive Officer, Lonsdale House Quaker Way Derby DE1 3HD T: 01332 593550 E: info@midlandsrail.co.uk W: www.midlandsrail.co.uk Rail Freight Group (RFG) 7 Bury Place London WC1A 2LA T: 020 3116 0007 E: contact@rfg.org.uk W: www.rfg.org.uk Rail Freight Services 1st Fl Mill House, Station Approach Harlow Essex CM20 2EL T: 01279 630890 E: enquiries@railfreightservices.co.uk W: www.railfreightservices.co.uk

A-Z Directory Rail Images 5 Sandhurst Crescent, Leigh-on-Sea Essex SS9 4AL T: 01702 525059 E: info@railimages.co.uk W: www.railimages.co.uk

Rail Training International Ltd North Suite, Parsonage Offices Church Lane Canterbury Kent CT4 7AD T: 01227 769096 E: rtiuk@rti.co.uk W: www.rti.co.uk

Railway Civil Engineers Association (RCEA) 1 Great George Street, Westminster London SW1P 3AA T: 020 7665 2238 E: rcea@ice.org.uk W: www.rcea.org.uk

Rail Industry Contractors Association (RICA) c/o Hill House Cottage, Misbrooks Green Road Beare Green Dorking RH5 4QQ T: 07557 404727 E: enquiries@rica.uk.com W: www.rica.uk.com

Rail Vac 4 Sarum Place Hemel Hempstead HP2 6DP T: 01442 244970 E: info@railvac.com W: www.railvac.com

Railway Convalescent Centre Bridge House, 2 Church Street Dawlish Devon EX7 9AU T: 01626 863303 E: bookings@rch.org.uk W: www.rch.org.uk

Rail Vision Europe Ltd 2 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road Castle Donington Leicestershire DE74 2SA T: 01509 672211 E: enquiries@rail-vision.com W: www.rail-vision.co.uk

Railway Electrical Services Ltd St Bartholomews Church, Hallams Fields Road Ilkeston DE7 4AZ T: 0115 944 4608 E: info@rail-elec.co.uk W: www.railwayelectricalservices.co.uk

Rail Waiting Structures Dyffryn Business Park, Llantwit Major Road Llandow Vale of Glamorgan OF71 7PY T: 01446 795444 E: sales@shelters.co.uk W: www.shelters.co.uk

Railway Employees & Public Transport Association (REPTA) 4 Brackmills Close, Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0PB T: 01623 646789 E: candarolle@btinternet.com W: www.repta.co.uk

Rail Manche Finance is a joint venture established in April 1992 by the National Rail Companies of Great Britain (today as Eurostar International Ltd) and France (SNCF) and provides managed service solutions in respect of back office accounting, settlement and management information systems for Eurostar, Thalys and Elipsos High Speed Train Services. Rail Manche Finance Times House, Bravingtons Walk Regent Quarter London N1 9AW T: 020 7042 9961 E: dh@rmf.co.uk W: www.rmf.co.uk Rail Operations Group Ltd 6 Snow Hill London EC1A 2AY T: 020 7002 7710 E: info@railopsgroup.co.uk W: www.railopsgroup.co.uk Rail Order Ltd 11 Billet Lane, Normanby Ent Park Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 9YH T: 01724 292860 E: sales@rail-order.co.uk W: www.rail-order.co.uk Rail People Solutions Ltd 1 The Old Flour Mills, Mill Road Buckden Cambridgeshire PE19 5WX T: 07825 050554 E: glenis.reagon@rpsltd.uk W: www.railpeoplesolutions.uk Rail Personnel Level 13, 141 Thomson Road Wanchai Hong Kong T: +852 2753 5636 E: info@railpersonnel.com W: www.railpersonnel.com Rail Plant Association (RPA) 27/28 Newbury Street, Barbican London EC1A 7HU T: 020 7796 3366 E: rpa@cpa.uk.net W: www.cpa.uk.net Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) The Helicon, One South Place London EC2M 2RB T: 020 3142 5300 E: enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk W: www.rssb.co.uk Rail Spares Limited Unit 1 Bonnyton Ind Est, Munro Place Kilmarnock Ayrshire KA1 2NP T: 01563 535463 E: sales@railspares.com W: www.railspares.com Rail Supply Group (RSG) c/o 22 Headfort Place London SW1X 7RY T: 07801 301259 E: rsgenquiries@raildeliverygroup.com W: www.railsupplygroup.org Rail Technology Ltd 4 Noon Croft, Alrewas Burton On Trent DE13 7EA T: 01283 790012 E: info@railtechnologyltd.com W: www.railtechnologyltd.com

Railcare Sweden Ltd is a company that focuses on railway maintenance and other connecting services. Railcare’s Railvac OTM’s and Ballast Feeder System offers you a number of advantages compared with traditional methods of excavations in different track areas. Railcare Sweden Ltd Unit 1 Derwent Park, 214-216 London Road Derby DE1 2SX T: 01332 647388 E: info@railcare.co.uk W: www.railcare.co.uk Railfuture 14 Ghent Field Circle, Thurston Suffolk IP31 3UP E: info@railfuture.org.uk W: www.railfuture.org.uk Railmed Ltd Office A&B Lawrence Hse, The Street Hatfield Peverel Essex CM3 2DN T: 01245 382473 E: info@railmed.co.uk W: www.railmed.co.uk Railnews Ltd (Industry Publication) 95 Wellingborough Road, Finedon Wellingborough NN9 5LG T: 01438 281200 E: contact@railnews.co.uk W: www.railnews.co.uk RailTech Solutions Ltd Holbeck Rail Depot, Bridge Road Holbeck Leeds LS11 9UG T: 0118 903 6045 E: team-rts@rts-solutions.net W: www.rts-solutions.net RAILTEX 2022 – Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd Mack Brooks Exhibitions, Romeland House Romeland Hill St Albans AL3 4ET T: 01727 814400 E: railtex@mackbrooks.co.uk W: www.railtex.co.uk Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) 1st Floor, Millennium House 40 Nantwich Road Crewe CW2 6AD T: 0345 241 2885 E: info@railwaybenefitfund.org.uk W: www.railwaybenefitfund.org.uk Railway Brake Services Ltd Unit 2 Sidings Ind Est, Wetmore Road Burton On Trent DE14 1SB T: 01283 440102 E: support@railwaybrakeservices.co.uk W: www.railwaybrakeservices.co.uk Railway Children 1 The Commons, Sandbach Cheshire CW11 1EG T: 01270 757596 E: hello@railwaychildren.org.uk W: www.railwaychildren.org.uk

Railway Engineering Associates Ltd 125 Boden Street Glasgow G40 3PX T: 0141 556 0415 E: postmaster@rea.uk.com W: www.rea.uk.com Railway Enginemen’s Assurance Society 727 Washwood, Heath Road Birmingham B8 2LE T: 0800 328 9140 E: info@enginemens.co.uk W: www.enginemens.co.uk Railway Forgings & Castings Ltd Unit 51, Woodcock Ind Estate Warminster Wiltshire BA12 9DX T: 01985 846000 E: sales@railwayforgingsandcastingsltd.co.uk W: www.railwayforgingsandcastingsltd.co.uk Railway Heritage Designation Advisory Board Science Museum, Exhibition Road London SW7 2DD T: 01904 686242 E: smgrailheritage@sciencemuseum.ac.uk W: www.sciencemuseum.org.uk Railway Heritage Trust 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN T: 020 7904 7354 E: rht@railwayheritagetrust.co.uk W: www.railwayheritagetrust.co.uk Railway Housing Association (RHA) Bank Top House, Garbutt Square Neasham Road Darlington DL1 4DR T: 0800 028 7428 E: info@railwayha.co.uk W: www.railwayha.co.uk

RIA is the voice of the UK rail supply community, with over 300 companies in membership. We help to grow a sustainable, high-performing, railway supply industry, and to export UK rail expertise and products. We promote and represent our members’ interests to policy makers, clients and other stakeholders in the UK and overseas. Railway Industry Association (RIA) Kings Buildings, 16 Smith Square London SW1P 3HQ T: 020 7201 0777 E: ria@riagb.org.uk W: www.riagb.org.uk Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) The Helicon, 1 South Place London EC2M 2RB T: 020 3142 5376 E: risas.admin@rssb.co.uk W: www.risas.co.uk

Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) The Helicon, 1 South Place London EC2M 2RB T: 020 3142 5300 E: admin@risqs.org W: www.risqs.org Railway Mission Rugby Railway Station, Station Approach Rubgy Warwickshire CV21 3LA T: 0203 887 7000 E: office@railwaymission.org W: www.railwaymission.org Railway Moulds & Systems Ltd PO Box 5317, Hove East Sussex BN52 9TP T: 01435 813946 E: sales@r-m-s-ltd.com W: www.railwaymoulds.com Railway Safety Solutions Ltd 5 Ellingham Road, Shepherds Bush London W12 9PR T: 020 7459 4825 E: enquiry@railwaysafetysolutions.com W: www.railwaysafetysolutions.com Railway Study Forum (RSF) Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road Corby Northamptonshire NN17 4AX T: 01536 740100 E: membership@ciltuk.org.uk W: www.ciltuk.org.uk

Railway Support Services provide a fully nationwide breakdown and recovery service for all train operating companies and depots. The very nature of derailments requires a 24/7 service which we provide on a call-out basis. Wheelskating of defective vehicles is also undertaken at short notice as is Class 08 locomotive hire and maintenance. Railway Support Services Montpellier House, Montpellier Drive Cheltenham Gloucester GL50 1TY T: 0870 803 4651 E: info@railwaysupportservices.co.uk W: www.railwaysupportservices.co.uk Railway Systems Consultants Ltd Church View, Knockhundred Row Midhurst West Sussex GU29 9DQ T: 01730 813280 E: rsc@rscuk.com W: www.rscuk.com Railway Wheelset & Brake Ltd 1/F G2, 12 Leeds Road Sheffield S9 3TY T: 0114 303 0705 E: sales@railwaywheelset.co.uk W: www.railwaywheelset.co.uk Railweight Foundry Lane, Smethwick West Midlands B66 2LP T: 0845 246 6714 E: sales@railweight.co.uk W: www.averyweigh-tronix.com Rainford Solutions Ltd Rainford House, Mill Lane, Rainford St Helens Merseyside WA11 8LS T: 01744 889886 E: sales@rainfordsolutions.com W: www.rainfordsolutions.com Ram Services Limited Holyoake House, 240-244 Lowerhouse Lane Burnley Lancashire BB12 6NG T: 01282 452211 E: sales@ramservices.co.uk W: www.ramservices.co.uk Ramboll UK Ltd Carlton House, Ringwood Road Southampton SO40 7HT T: 023 8081 7500 E: southampton@ramboll.co.uk W: uk.ramboll.com


A-Z Directory Ramtech Electronics Ltd Ramtech House, Castlebridge Office Vlg Castle Marina Road Nottingham NG7 1TN T: 0115 957 8282 E: info@ramtech.co.uk W: www.ramtech.co.uk

REC Ltd Osprey House, Pacific Quay Broadway Manchester M50 2UE T: 0845 676 9303 E: info@recltd.co.uk W: www.recltd.co.uk

Rapid Ramp (wheelchair ramp manufacturer, supplier and installer) 10 Menzies Road St Leonards on Sea TN38 9BB T: 01424 714646 E: sales@rapidramp.co.uk W: www.rapidramp.co.uk/public-buildings Rawlplug Ltd Skibo Drive, Thornliebank Ind Estate Glasgow G46 8JR T: 0141 638 7961 E: rawlinfo@rawlplug.co.uk W: www.rawlplug.co.uk

RCU Solutions Limited are specialists in delivering multi-disciplined projects and offering clients full turnkey solutions in electrical, minor civils and telecoms works within the rail, construction and utilities sectors. The company has been built on high standards, which in turn has meant repeat business from our clients. RCU Solutions Constable Suite, Rivenhall Hotel Rivenhall End Witham, Essex CM8 3HB T: 02030 316 511 E: info@rcusolutions.co.uk W: www.rcusolutions.co.uk RE Systems Systems House, Deepdale Business Park Bakewell Derby DE45 1GT T: 01629 813961 E: enquiries@re-systems.co.uk W: www.re-systems.co.uk Reach Engineering & Diving Services Ltd Cottage Leap, Rubgy Warwickshire CV21 3XP T: 01788 570077 E: reds@red-services.co.uk W: www.red-services.co.uk REACT Specialist Cleaning Ltd 115 Hearthcote Road, Swadlincote Burton-on-Trent Derbyshire DE11 9DU T: 01283 550503 E: react@reactsc.co.uk W: www.reactsc.co.uk Reactec Ltd Vantage Point, 3 Cutlins Road Edinburgh EH11 4DF T: 0131 221 0920 E: info@reactec.com W: www.reactec.com Reactive Group Services Broadley Grove, Halifax HX2 0RN T: 01925 393707 E: info@reactivegroupservices.com W: www.pigeon-control.co.uk Readypower Rail Services Group Ltd 620 Wharfedale Road, Winnersh Reading Berkshire RG41 5TP T: 0118 977 4901 E: info@readypower.co.uk W: www.readypower.co.uk Real Skills Training Limited Real House, 215 Crosby Road South Liverpool L21 4LT T: 0151 257 6969 E: info@real-skills.co.uk W: www.real-skills.co.uk Real-Time Consultants Ltd 25 Trenchard Street Bristol BS1 5AN T: 0117 917 1500 E: contact@rtc.co.uk W: www.rtc.co.uk


Reme Industrial Flooring Ltd Manor Farm, 73 The Green Rawcliffe East Yorkshire DN14 8QF T: 01405 839529 E: info@remeflooring.co.uk W: www.remeflooring.co.uk Remedy Geotechnics Ltd ICON Centre, Daventry Northants NN11 0QB T: 01327 304826 E: admin@remedygeotechnics.com W: www.remedygeotechnics.com

Record Electrical Associates Ltd Longford Trading Estate, Thomas Street Stretford Manchester M32 0JT T: 0161 937 5331 E: info@reauk.com W: www.reauk.com Red Viking Rail Ltd 1 Cavendish Court, South Parade Doncaster South Yorkshire DN1 2DJ T: 01302 260380 E: enquiries@redvikingrail.co.uk W: www.redvikinggroup.co.uk RedRay Limited Lantern House, 39-41 High Street Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 5AJ T: 01707 662997 E: enquiries@redray.co.uk W: www.redray.co.uk Redscan Cyber Security Ltd The Shard , 32 London Bridge Street London SE1 9SG T: 0800 107 6098 E: info@redscan.com W: www.redscan.com Regeneris Consulting Ltd Faulkner House, Faulkner Street Manchester M1 4DY T: 0161 234 9910 E: manchester@regeneris.co.uk W: www.regeneris.co.uk Regenesis Cambridge House, Henry Street Bath BA1 1BT T: 01225 618161 E: europe@regenesis.com W: www.regenesis.com Reinforced Earth Company Limited Innovation House, Euston Way Telford TF3 4LT T: 01952 204357 E: info@reinforcedearth.co.uk W: www.reinforcedearth.co.uk

Established in 1978, RELEC Electronics Limited provide specialist power conversion and display products to professional communications, industrial and transportation markets. With over 40 years’ experience Relec Electronics have developed an extensive portfolio of high performance, DC-DC, AC-DC converters and DC-AC inverters with national and international railway standards. Relec Electronics Ltd Animal House, Justin Business Park Sandford Lane Wareham, Dorset BH20 4DY T: 01929 555700 E: sales@relec.co.uk W: www.relec.co.uk Reliable Contractors 301 Northdown Road, Margate Kent CT9 3PA T: 020 3887 7801 E: info@reliablecontractors.co.uk W: www.reliablecontractors.co.uk Relinea - GRP Systems Ltd 14 Crosshill Road, Crumlin Co Antrim BT29 4BQ T: 028 9447 0010 E: info@relinea.com W: www.relinea.com

Remlive Ltd PO Box 189, Bingley West Yorkshire BD16 3UY T: 01274 562135 E: enquiries@remlive.com W: www.remlive.co.uk Rendel Ltd 200 Great Dover Street London SE1 1SA T: 020 7654 0500 E: london@rendel-ltd.com W: www.rendel-ltd.com REO (UK) Ltd Unit 2-4 Callow Hill Rd, Craven Arms Bus Park Craven Arms Shropshire SY7 8NT T: 01588 673411 E: main@reo.co.uk W: www.reo.co.uk Repair Protection & Maintenance Limited Roall Lane, Kellington North Yorkshire DN14 0NY T: 01977 663111 E: info@rpmltd.co.uk W: www.rpmltd.co.uk Resonate Group Ltd Hudson House, 2 Hudson Way Pride Park Derby DE24 8HS T: 01332 221000 E: enquiries@resonate.tech W: www.resonate.tech Resourcing Solutions Limited Thames Valley HQ, Ruscombe Business Park Ruscombe Reading RG10 9JW T: 0118 932 0100 E: marketing@resourcing-solutions.com W: www.resourcing-solutions.com Retired Railway Officers’ Society (RROS) 26 Chester Way London SE11 4UR T: 020 7582 2395 E: malins.rw4@btopenworld.com W: www.rros.org.uk Revitaglaze Ltd Unit 2 Swanwick, Business Park Bridge Road Southampton SO31 7GB T: 020 3384 0220 E: enquiries@revitaglaze.com W: www.revitaglaze.com Rex Advertising Limited The Observatory, 40 Clerkenwell Close London EC1R 0AW T: 020 7336 4585 E: info@rexadvertising.co.uk W: www.rexadvertising.co.uk RGB Network Recruitment Solutions 14-15 Lower, Grosvenor Place London SW1W 0EX T: 020 7932 2800 E: info@rgb.co.uk W: www.rgb.co.uk RHL Recruitment Holdings Ltd The Cedars, Church Road Ashford TN23 1RQ T: 01233 658000 E: recruitment@rhl.co.uk W: www.rhl.co.uk

A leading provider to the UK’s rail transport infrastructure, and a single source for four core solutions: asbestos removal, demolition, land remediation and passive fire protection. Working at every level within the rail industry across all UK rail assets including trackside works, stations and structures. We also work on Government-led infrastructure projects via our Crown Commercial Service (CCS) 7-year framework. Rhodar Limited Astra Park, Parkside Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 5SZ T: 0800 834 669 E: info@rhodar.co.uk W: www.rhodar.co.uk Rhomberg Sersa (UK) Ltd Unit 2 Sarah Court, Yorkshire Way Doncaster DN3 3FD T: 0300 303 0230 E: info.uk@rhomberg-sersa.com W: www.rhomberg-sersa.com RIB Software (UK) Ltd 3rd Floor Abbey House, 74-76 St John Street London EC1M 4DZ T: 020 8629 7088 E: info@rib-software.co.uk W: www.rib-software.co.uk Ricardo Energy & Environment 1 Frederick Sanger Road, Surrey Research Park Guildford GU2 7YD T: 01483 544944 E: enquiry-ee@ricardo.com W: www.ee.ricardo.com Ricardo Rail 30 Eastbourne Terrace London W2 6LA T: 01235 753683 E: railUK@ricardo.com W: rail.ricardo.com Ricardo UK Ltd Shoreham Tech Centre, Old Shoreham Road Shoreham-by-Sea West Sussex BN43 5FG T: 01273 455611 E: info@ricardo.com W: www.ricardo.com Richmond Electronic Services Ltd 42 Hurricane Way, Norwich Norfolk NR6 6JB T: 01603 416304 E: admin@richmondelectronic.co.uk W: www.richmondrepair.co.uk Richmond Interior Supplies Ltd Units 2-4, Chichester Business Ctr Chichester Street Rochdale Lancs OL16 2AU T: 01706 525623 E: info@richmonds-ltd.co.uk W: www.richmonds-ltd.co.uk Rider Hunt Leeds Quarry Dene Lodge, Westwood Lane Leeds LS16 8HH T: 0113 294 7291 E: leeds@rhms.uk.com W: www.riderhunt.co.uk Rider Industrial Services Windfall House, Strawgate Lane Stapleton Darlington DL2 2QW T: 01325 351570 E: info@riderindustrial.co.uk W: www.riderindustrial.co.uk Riegens UK Ltd 230 Avenue West, Skyline 120 Braintree Essex CM77 7AA T: 01376 333400 E: riegens-lighting@riegens-lighting.com W: www.riegens.co.uk Riggots & Co Ltd U/X Lodge Lane Ind Est, Tuxford Newark Nottinghamshire NG22 0NL T: 01777 872525 E: webenquiries@riggott.co.uk W: www.riggott.co.uk

A-Z Directory Rimex Metals UK Ltd Aden Road, Enfield Middlesex EN3 7SU T: 020 8804 0633 E: sales@rimexmetals.com W: www.rimexmetals.com

RMI Engineering Ltd Woodlands Farm, Tye Lane Bramford Suffolk IP8 4LA T: 01473 657511 E: info@railmarine.co.uk W: www.railmarine.co.uk

RINA Cleeve Road, Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7SA T: 01372 367350 E: info@rina.org W: www.rina.org

RMS Rail Projects Ltd 2 White House Close, New Road Laxey Isle Of Man IM4 7BA T: 01388 526203 E: documentcontroller@britamrail.com W: www.rmslocotec.com

RIS Consultants (NW) Ltd Unit 1, The Workshops, Marcus Street Birkenhead Wirral CH41 1EU T: 0800 978 8659 E: info@risgroup.co.uk W: www.risgroup.co.uk

Robens Centre For Occupational Health & Safety 1 Huxley Road, The Surrey Research Pk Guildford GU2 7RE T: 01483 686690 E: info@rcohs.com W: www.rcohs.com

Ritherdon & Company Ltd Lorne Street, Darwen Lancashire BB3 1QW T: 0800 138 7410 E: info@ritherdon.co.uk W: www.ritherdon.co.uk

Robert Lewis Signs Limited Hill Farm, Sealwood Lane Linton Derbyshire DE12 6PA T: 01283 760765 E: robert@robertlewissigns.co.uk W: www.robertlewissigns.co.uk Robert West Consulting Country House, St Mary’s Street Worcester WR1 1HB T: 01905 28288 E: worcester@robertwest.co.uk W: www.robertwest.co.uk

Enclosure systems which satisfy the highest demands for trackside and signalling are one of Rittal’s hallmarks. High performance IT racks, power-distribution components, perfectly tuned climate control units and robust outdoor solutions round off the unique all-embracing enclosure range from a global player in the business of innovation. Rittal Limited Braithwell Way, Hellaby Ind Estate Rotherham South Yorkshire S66 8QY T: 01709 704000 E: information@rittal.co.uk W: www.rittal.co.uk Riverview Welding Services Unit 7, Quell Farm Ind Estate Greatham Lane Pulborough RH20 2ES T: 01798 875676 E: sales@riverviewwelding.co.uk W: www.riverviewwelding.co.uk Rivet Holdings Limited Unit 3, Keys Business Village Keys Park Road Hednesford WS12 2HA T: 0121 766 5445 E: sales@rivetwise.co.uk W: www.rivetwise.co.uk Riviera Trains Ltd 116 Ladbroke Grove London W10 5NE T: 020 7727 4036 E: enquiries@riviera-trains.co.uk W: www.riviera-trains.co.uk RJC Lowloaders Ltd Units 1-2 Federal Est, Newton Road Higham Ferrers Northamptonshire NN10 8HW T: 01933 419350 E: info@rjclowloaders.co.uk W: www.rjclowloaders.co.uk RLE International 1 Endeavour Drive, Feastival Bus Park Basildon Essex SS14 3WF T: 01268 247900 E: info@rle.co.uk W: www.rle.international RMD Kwikform Foundation House, Brickyard Road Aldridge Walsall WS9 8BW T: 01922 743743 E: info@rmdkwikform.com W: www.rmdkwikform.com RMF Construction Services Ltd Unit 2 Oughton Road, Highgate Birmingham B12 0DF T: 0121 440 7970 E: info@rmfconstruction.co.uk W: www.rmfconstruction.co.uk

Robin Mackenzie Partnership (RMP) Unit 1 7Hills Bus Park, Bankhead Crossway South Edinburgh EH11 4EP T: 0345 062 0000 E: rmp@napier.ac.com W: www.rmp.biz Robinson Mesh Products Limited Unit 4 Enterprise Park, Newton Heath Manchester M40 3AL T: 0161 681 6810 E: sales@robinsonmeshproducts.co.uk W: www.robinsonmeshproducts.co.uk Robinsons Tree Service Ltd Beech Farm, Coopers Green Lane St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 9HW T: 01727 848111 E: robinsonstreeservice@ robinsonstreeservice.org.uk W: www.robinsonstreeservice.co.uk ROC Recruitment 37 Duke Streeet London W1U 1LN T: 020 7318 1400 E: reception@roc.co.uk W: www.roc.co.uk Rochling Engineering Plastics (UK) Ltd Waterwells Bus Park, Waterwells Drive Gloucester GL2 2AA T: 01452 727900 E: sales@roechling-plastics.co.uk W: www.roechling.com Rock Fall UK Major House, Unit 1/3, Wimsey Way Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 4LS T: 01773 608616 E: sales@rockfall.com W: www.rockfall.com Rock Rail Holdings Ltd Capital Tower, 91 Waterloo Road London SE1 8RT T: 020 3170 0870 E: info@rockinfrastructure.com W: www.rockinfrastructure.com Rockwool Ltd Pencoed, Bridgend Wales CF35 6NY T: 01656 862621 E: customersupportcentre@rockwool.co.uk W: www.rockwool.co.uk Rocol Rocol House, Wakefield Road Swillington Leeds LS26 8BS T: 0113 232 2700 E: customer.services@rocol.com W: www.rocol.com Rodgers Leask Limited St James House, St Mary’s Wharf Mansfield Road Derby DE1 3TQ

T: 01332 285000 E: rllderby@rodgersleask.co.uk W: www.rodgersleask.com Roger Bullivant Limited RB Walton Park, Hearthcote Road Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9DU T: 01332 977300 E: info@roger-bullivant.co.uk W: www.roger-bullivant.co.uk Romag Leadgate Ind Estate, Consett County Durham DH8 7RS T: 01207 500000 E: sales@romag.co.uk W: www.romag.co.uk Romax Technology Nottingham University, Innovation Park Triumph Road Nottingham NG7 2TU T: 0115 951 8800 E: sales@romaxtech.com W: www.romaxtech.com Romsey Reclamation Ltd Oak Tree Farm, Dunbridge Lane Awbridge Romsey SO51 0GQ T: 01794 342252 E: info@romseyreclamation.com W: www.romseyreclamation.com Ron Hull Demolition Limited Mangham Road, Parkgate Rotherham South Yorkshire S62 6EF T: 01709 524115 E: info@ronhull.co.uk W: www.ronhulldemolition.co.uk

Rotork PLC Brassmill Lane Bath BA1 3JQ T: 01225 733200 E: rotorkuk.sales@rotork.com W: www.rotork.com Rotrex Winches Wimsey Way, Alfreton Trading Estate Alfreton DE55 1AR T: 01773 603997 E: sales@rotrexwinches.co.uk W: www.rotrexwinches.co.uk Rotronics Battery Management Solutions Queen Street, Darlaston West Midlands WS10 8JF T: 0121 526 8185 E: info@rotronicsbms.com W: www.rotronicsbms.com Routescene Mapix Technologies Ltd, 54 Timber Bush Edinburgh EH6 6QH T: 0844 409 9530 E: sales@routescene.com W: www.routescene.com

Ronacrete Ltd Ronac House, Flex Meadow Harlow Essex CM19 5TD T: 01279 638700 E: sales@ronacrete.co.uk W: www.ronacrete.co.uk

Rowe Hankins Ltd. specialises in innovative trainborne and wayside products for the world’s railways. Product lines include, Intelligent Wheel Flange Lubrication Systems, Top of Rail Friction Modifier Systems, 1-4 Channel Speed Sensors, Circuit Breakers, AC/DC Earth Leakage and Non-Intrusive Current Monitors. With services in Design & Engineering to Overhaul and Repair.

Roofcare London 6 Claremont Road Surbiton KT6 4QU T: 020 8485 9639 E: roofcarelondon@gmail.com W: www.roofcarelondon.co.uk

Rowe Hankins Ltd. Power House, Parker Street Bury Lancashire BL9 0RJ T: 0161 765 3000 E: sales@rowehankins.com W: www.rowehankins.com

Rose Plant Hire (Whittlesey) Ltd Padholme Road East, Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 5XL T: 01733 557575 E: info@roseplanthire.co.uk W: www.roseplanthire.co.uk Rosehill Rail Spring Bank Mills, Watson Mill Lane Sowerby Bridge West Yorkshire HX6 3BW T: 01422 839610 E: info@rosehillrail.com W: www.rosehillrail.com Rösler UK Limited 1 Unity Grove, Knowsley Bus Park Prescot Merseyside L34 9GT T: 0151 482 0444 E: rosler-uk@rosler.com W: www.rosler.com RotaBolt Ltd Peartree Business Park, Peartree Lane Dudley DY2 0UW T: 01384 214442 E: sales@rotabolt.co.uk W: www.rotabolt.co.uk Rotabroach Ltd Burgess Road Sheffield S9 2YL T: 0114 221 2510 E: info@rotabroach.co.uk W: www.rotabroach.co.uk Rotec Hydraulics Unit 1 Venture Way, Priorswood Estate Taunton Somerset TA2 8DE T: 01823 348900 E: sales@rotec.net W: www.rotec.net Rothwell Electrical Services Limited Unit 3, Yorvale Bus Pk, Hazel Court James Street York YO10 3DR T: 01904 413172 E: enquiries@rothwellelect.co.uk W: www.rothwellelect.co.uk

Roxburgh EMC (DEM Manufacturing) Deltron Emcon House, Hargreaves Way Sawcliffe Ind Park Scunthorpe DN15 8RF T: 01724 273200 E: sales@dem-uk.com W: www.dem-uk.com

Roxtec cable, pipe and conduit seals have been tested and approved by London Underground. Our solutions protect rail assets against fire, smoke, water damage, rodents, gas, vibration, humidity, dust and electromagnetic interference. The certified seals can be used in many applications including traction power, signalling and rail control, communications, tunnels and bridges, railway stations and rail yards. Roxtec Ltd Unit C1, Waterfold Business Park Bury BL9 7BQ T: 0161 761 5280 E: info@uk.roxtec.com W: www.roxtec.com Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terr London SW1Y 5DG T: 020 7766 0600 E: webmaster@raeng.org.uk W: www.raeng.org.uk Royal Haskoning DHV Rightwell House, Bretton Peterborough PE13 8DW T: 01733 334455 E: info@uk.rhdhv.com W: www.royalhaskoningdhv.co.uk


A-Z Directory Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) 15 Rutland Square Edinburgh EH1 2BE T: 0131 229 7545 E: info@rias.org.uk W: www.rias.org.uk Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD T: 020 7580 5533 E: info@riba.org W: www.architecture.com Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Parliament Square, 12 Great George Street London SW1P 3AD T: 024 7686 8555 E: contactrics@rics.org W: www.rics.org RPC Contracts Ltd Quarryfields, Ruthin Denbighshire LL15 2UG T: 01824 709102 E: contracts@rpcltd.co.uk W: www.rpcltd.co.uk

RPS specialises in railway project management. Our clients include Network Rail, West Midlands Trains, HS2 and Siemens. Our high-quality and proactive service encompasses: • Client-side project management across all lifecycle stages • Technical stakeholder management across complex, multidisciplinary, multifunded projects • Project business case development for station and infrastructure improvements • Delivery-stage contract administration • Entry-into-service, handover, and project close-out suppor RPS - Railway Project Services 2 Brook Park, Gaddesby Lane Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4ZB T: 01664 494098 E: contact@rps-team.co.uk W: railwayprojectservices.co.uk RPS Group Plc 20 Western Avenue, Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4SH T: 01235 438000 E: rpsmp@rpsgroup.com W: www.rpsgroup.com RS Clare & Co Limited 8-14 Stanhope Street Liverpool L8 5RQ T: 0151 709 2902 E: info@rsclare.co.uk W: www.rsclare.com RS Electrical (RSE) Ltd Brookside Ind Estate, Station Street Longport Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4ND T: 01782 575316 E: rseltd@btconnect.com W: www.rselectric.co.uk RSK Spring Lodge, 172 Chester Road Helsby Cheshire WA6 0AR T: 01928 726006 E: communications@rsk.co.uk W: www.rsk.co.uk

Rust-Oleum UK Ltd PO Box 261, Chester-Le-Street County Durham DH3 9EH T: 024 7671 7329 E: info@rust-oleum.eu W: www.rust-oleum.eu

RSS Infrastructure has created a range of integrated infrastructure solutions, including Construction & Civils, Magnetic Track Safety, Overhead Line Electrification, Possession Planning, Safety-Critical Resource, Signalling, Track Warning Services, Vegetation Management and Welding Services. We are the UK’s sole provider of Track Warning Systems. RSS Infrastructure Ltd Tech Block, Gee Business Centre Holborn Hill Aston West Midlands B7 5JR T: 0330 113 0004 E: info@rssinfrastructure.com W: www.rssinfrastructure.com RT Infrastructure Solutions 91 Dales Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP1 4JR T: 01473 242330 E: resource.admin@rt-is.co.uk W: www.rt-is.co.uk RT Training Solutions Ltd 91 Dales Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP1 4JR T: 01473 242344 E: info@rttsolutions.co.uk W: www.rttsolutions.co.uk RTG Rail Services Limited Unit 10, Ilford Trading Estate Paycocke Road Basildon Essex SS14 3DR T: 0330 119 4450 E: info@rtgrail.co.uk W: www.rtgrail.co.uk RUAS 2 Imperial Courtyard, Imperial Park Newport NP10 8UL T: 01633 835123 E: contact@ruas.co.uk W: www.ruas.co.uk Rubirail Victoria Buildings, 27 Victoria Road Draycott Derbyshire DE72 3PS T: 01332 872483 E: info@rubirail.co.uk W: www.rubirail.co.uk

Providing powerful, flexible, EN50155 certified computers for on and off-train rail applications. Having wide range of CPU configurations, including AI platforms, for uses including mobile hubs, intelligent surveillance, passenger information, train and track monitoring etc. Support wide range of power input options, including 24 to 110VDC. Also supply rugged tablets and laptops for rail usage. RUGGED MOBILE Systems Ltd The Carriage House, Brynkinalt Bus. Ctr Chirk Wrexham LL14 5NS T: 01691 900222 E: sales@rm-systems.co.uk W: www.ruggedmobilesystems.co.uk Rullion Engineering Aldermary House, 10-15 Queen Street London EC4N 1TX T: 020 3251 1250 E: london.engineering@rullion.co.uk W: www.rullion.co.uk Running Rail Ltd The Whitehall Centre, Whitehall Road Medway City Estate Rochester Kent ME2 4DZ T: 01634 739010 E: info@runningrail.com W: www.runningrail.com


RWB Group Kinetic Business Centre, Theobald Street Elstree WD6 4PJ T: 0800 488 0658 E: operations@rwbgroup.co.uk W: www.rwbgroup.co.uk

Samuel James Engineering is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of LV switchgear and control gear systems for the Rail Industry. We design, manufacture and commission LV (low voltage) Switchgear and Control Panels, Panel Boards, Automatic Changeover Panels, PSPs, FSPs, DNOs, Shore Supplies and UPS Panels.

Rydon Signs Ltd Unit 3 Peek House, Pinhoe Trading Estate Venny Bridge Exeter EX4 8JN T: 01392 466653 E: sales@rydonsigns.com W: www.rydonsigns.com

Samuel James Engineering 21 Ashton Close, Beaumont Leys Leicester LE4 2BQ T: 01162 350 380 E: sales@samuel-james.co.uk W: www.samuel-james.co.uk

S&T Cover Limited Railway Goods Yard, Dutton Lane Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 6AA T: 023 8098 9545 E: enquiries@s-tcover.co.uk W: www.s-tcover.co.uk S+C Engineering Riverside Works, New Mill Road Kilmarnock Ayrshire KA1 3JG T: 01563 521819 E: info@s-c-engineering.co.uk W: www.s-c-engineering.co.uk Sabre Rail Services Ltd Grindon Way, Heighinton Lane Bus Pk Newton Aycliffe County Durham DL5 6SH T: 01325 300505 E: sales@sabrerail.com W: www.sabrerail.com SACO AEI Polymers UK Ltd. Sandwich Ind Estate, Sandwich Kent CT13 9LY T: 01304 616171 E: uksales@sacoaei.com W: www.sacoaei.co.uk Sadler Brown Architecture 11-12 Riverside Studios, Amethyst Road Newcastle NE4 7YL T: 0191 265 7080 E: info@sadlerbrown.co.uk W: www.sadlerbrown.co.uk

Safeaid is a leading Rail PPE specialist. We manufacture and supply quality, compliant PPE and deliver a responsive and reliable service, including next-day delivery for branded PPE. We stock a comprehensive range of track safety products and our own workwear label, Signal, has become the industry’s best-loved brand. Safeaid Limited 16 Arnside Road, Waterlooville Hampshire PO7 7UP T: 023 9225 4442 E: sales@safeaid.co.uk W: www.safeaid.co.uk

Samuel Knight’s rail consultants specialise in recruiting Project Leadership, Project and Site Management, Commercial, Planning, H&S, Design, IOT, Blue Collar and Safety Critical Staff. We operate across Civil Engineering, Construction, Electrification, Signalling, Rolling Stock and Digital Rail in the UK and overseas. Samuel Knight International – Rail Recruitment Pure Offices, Harbour Road Portishead Bristol BS20 7AN T: 01275 404777 E: rail@samuel-knight.com W: www.samuel-knight.com

Samuel Taylor Ltd is a UK manufacturing company supplying formed metal components to a global customer base. Founded in 1899, it has a long history in the UK Rail industry, supplying electrical contacts both as components and sub-assemblies to customer specifications. Typical products are for use in electromechanical switches. Samuel Taylor Ltd Arthur Street Canal, Lakeside Redditch B98 8JY T: 01527 504910 E: info@samueltaylor.co.uk W: www.samueltaylor.co.uk Sangwin Group of Companies Dansom Lane South, Hull East Yorkshire HU8 7LN T: 01482 329921 E: sales@sangwin.co.uk W: www.sangwin.co.uk

SafetyKleen Profile West, 950 Great West Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 9ES T: 020 3814 8700 E: skuk@safetykleen.eu W: www.safetykleen.eu Salesforce EMEA Limited, Village 9, Floor 26 Salesforce Tower 110 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AY T: 0800 092 1223 E: info@salesforce.com W: www.salesforce.com

Specialising in protected species, habitat surveys & Licensing, S.A.P Ecology & Environmental provide a guided and pragmatic solution for your project. Please get in touch to discuss your projects needs. SAP (UK) Ltd Clockhouse Place, Bedfont Road Feltham Middlesex TW14 8HD T: 0870 608 4000 E: info@sap.com W: www.sap.com

A-Z Directory SAP Ecology and Environmental Ltd 2 Dunloe Terrace, Eaglesfield Dumfries & Galloway DG113PD T: 01461 500754 E: enquiries@sapecology.co.uk W: www.sapecology.co.uk

School of Engineering University of Edinburgh, Sanderson Building The King’s Bldngs Edinburgh EH9 3FB T: 0131 650 6554 E: infopoint@ed.ac.uk W: www.eng.ed.ac.uk

Sarens Booth House, Riverside Park Road Middlesborough TS2 1UT T: 01642 621621 E: info@sarens.com W: uk.sarens.com

Schroff UK Limited Grovelands Bus Centre, Boundary Way Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7TE T: 01442 240471 E: sales.uk@pentair.com W: www.pentairprotect.com

Savigny Oddie Ltd Wallows Ind Estate, Wallows Road Brierley Hill West Midlands DY5 1QA T: 01384 481598 E: info@savigny-oddie.com W: www.savigny-oddie.co.uk SBC Rail Littlewell Lane, Stanton by Dale Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 4QW T: 0115 944 1448 E: info@stanton-bonna.co.uk W: www.stanton-bonna.co.uk

For over 50 years, The Schweizer Electronic Group has developed and manufactured train detection and warning systems. Still a family owned business with headquarters in Switzerland, the group’s goal is to increase safety whilst also improving access efficiency, user friendliness and overall productivity.

SC Johnson Professional Denby Hall Way, Denby DE5 8JZ T: 01773 855100 E: talktous@scj.com W: www.scjp.com/en-gb

Schweizer Electronic Ltd Unit 3 Falcon Park, Claymore Tame Valley Ind Es Tamworth B77 5DQ T: 01827 289996 E: Info.SEUK@schweizer-electronic.com W: www.schweizer-electronic.com

Schaeffler (UK) Ltd Unit 308, Fort Dunlop Fort Parkway Birmingham B24 9FD T: 0121 313 5830 E: info.uk@schaeffler.com W: www.schaeffler.co.uk Schaltbau Transportation UK Ltd Unit 2, Patriot Drive Rooksley Milton Keynes MK13 8PU T: 01908 224140 E: sales@schaltbau-transportation-uk.com W: www.schaltbau.com Schaltbau-ME Springvale Ind Estate, Woodside Way Cwmbran Wales NP44 5BR T: 01633 877555 E: sales@schaltbau-ME.com W: www.schaltbau-ME.com Scheidt & Bachmann UK Ltd U7 Silverglade Bus Park, Leatherhead Road Chessington Surrey KT9 2QL T: 01372 230400 E: info@scheidt-bachmann.co.uk W: www.scheidt-bachmann.co.uk Schenck Process Ltd Unit 3 Alpha Court, Capitol Park Thorne Doncaster DN8 5TZ T: 01302 321313 E: enquiries@schenckprocess.co.uk W: www.schenckprocess.com Schneider Electric Ltd 2nd Floor, 80 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL T: 0870 608 8608 E: sales@schneider-electric.co.uk W: www.schneider-electric.co.uk

Schoenemann Design is an industrial design consultancy specialisting in rolling stock design and refurbishment, with expertise are in all areas of design, and provide design support to manufactures and operators such as Siemens, Hitachi and Abellio. We have detailed knowledge of crash worthiness, human factors and provides creative contemporary solutions. Schoenemann Design Friar Gate Studios, Ford Street Derby DE1 1EE T: 01332 258345 E: andrew@schoenemanndesign.co.uk W: www.schoenemanndesign.co.uk

Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies Alliance (SEMTA) Head Office, Unit 2 The Orient Centre Greycaine Road Watford Herts WD24 7GP T: 0845 643 9001 E: customerservices@semta.org.uk W: www.semta.org.uk Scisys UK Ltd Methuen Park, Chippenham Wiltshire SN14 0GB T: 01249 466466 E: info@scisys.co.uk W: www.scisys.co.uk Scotrail Atrium Court, 50 Waterloo Street Glasgow Scotland G2 6HQ T: 0141 335 5050 E: customer.relations@scotrail.co.uk W: www.scotrail.co.uk Scott Bader Co Ltd Woolaston, Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN29 7RL T: 01933 663100 E: enquiries@scottbader.com W: www.scottbader.com Scott Brownrigg Limited 77 Endell Street London WC2H 9DZ T: 020 7240 7766 E: enquiries@scottbrownrigg.com W: www.scottbrownrigg.com Scott Cables Ltd Unit 7 Merlin Park, Airport Service Road Portsmouth Hampshire PO3 5FU T: 023 9265 2552 E: sales@scottcables.com W: www.scottcables.com Scott Hughes Design Ltd The Flint Glass Works, 64 Jersey Street Manchester M4 6JW T: 0161 605 0831 E: mail@scotthughesdesign.co.uk W: www.scotthughesdesign.co.uk

Scott Parnell are one of the largest independent suppliers of Construction materials to the Civil engineering and Rail industries. Our depots are in Witham Essex, Milton Keynes and Hirwaun, Wales. We hold huge amounts of Groundworks and Civils products along with a large range of Rail specific items. We have our own range of innovative products that set us apart from the rest of the market. Scott Parnell Rail Unit 18, Asheton Farm Bus Centre Stapleford Abbotts Essex RM4 1JU T: 020 8805 5797 E: rail@scottparnell.com W: www.scottparnellrail.com Scottish Association for Public Transport (SAPT) 11 Queens Crescent, Glasgow Scotland G4 9BL T: 07760 381729 E: sapt@btinternet.com W: www.sapt.org.uk Scottish Woodlands Ltd – Head Office Research Park, Riccarton Edinburgh EH14 4AP T: 0131 451 5154 E: enquiries@scottishwoodlands.co.uk W: www.scottishwoodlands.co.uk SCP Colwyn Chambers, 19 York Street Manchester M2 3BA T: 0161 832 4400 E: info@scptransport.co.uk W: www.scptransport.co.uk SCQ Ltd 8 Kimpton Link, 40 Kimpton Road Sutton Surrey SM3 9QP T: 020 8644 4416 E: info@ashleygroup.co.uk W: www.ashleygroup.co.uk Screwfast Foundations Ltd 1st Floor, 4 Sandridge Park Porters Wood Hertfordshire AL3 6PH T: 01727 735550 E: info@screwfast.com W: www.screwfast.com Sea Training International Sguboriau, Y Felinheli Wales LL56 4QP T: 01248 673200 E: training@seatraining.co.uk W: www.seatraining.co.uk Search Consultancy Limited 198 West George Street Glasgow G2 2NR T: 0141 272 7777 E: glasgow@search.co.uk W: www.search.co.uk

Seaton Rail is a leading supplier to Network Rail, Principal Contractors and leading industry specialist contractors for the provision of Possession, Isolation & Railway Safe System of Work Planning, Training and Workplace Assessment, Drugs & Alcohol Screenings, Medical Screenings, Labour Supply and On Track Protection and Warning services. We form a collaborative partnership with all our Client’s to achieve maximum productivity and performance metrics to get the job done!

Secured By Design 1st Floor, 10 Victoria Street London SW1H 0NN T: 020 3862 3999 E: enquiries@police-cpi.co.uk W: www.securedbydesign.com Seetru Limited Albion Dockside Works Bristol BS1 6UT T: 0117 630 6100 E: enquiries@seetru.com W: www.seetru.com Sefac UK Ltd Oldberrow Manor, Ullenhall Warwickshire B95 5PF T: 0121 582 0367 E: sales@sefac-lift.co.uk W: www.sefac-lift.co.uk Select Plant Hire Bridge Place, Anchor Boulevard Dartford Kent DA2 6SN T: 01322 732732 E: infouk@selectplanthire.com W: www.selectplanthire.com Selectaglaze Ltd Alban Park, Hatfield Road St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 OJJ T: 01727 837271 E: enquiries@selectaglaze.co.uk W: www.selectaglaze.co.uk Selectequip Ltd Unit 7, Britannia Way Lichfield Staffordshire WS14 9UY T: 01543 416641 E: sales@selectequip.co.uk W: www.selectequip.co.uk Selective Recruitment Solutions Ltd 13 Vineyard Chambers, Abingdon Oxford OX14 3PX T: 01235 462900 E: info@selective-group.com W: www.selective-group.com Sella Controls Ltd Carrington Field Street, Stockport Cheshire SK1 3JN T: 0161 429 4500 E: reception@sellacontrols.com W: www.sellacontrols.com

Semcon solutions support improving asset reliability, availability and passenger experience through digitalised product information, enabling optimised end user experience. Applying our in-depth industry knowledge, we provide OEM owners information, optimised repair and maintenance procedures and leading training modern and innovative solutions for the railway industry. Semcon Product Information UK Ltd Semcon House, Edgehill Drive Warwick CV34 6NH T: 01926 642935 E: sales@semcon.com W: www.semcon.com Semmco Ltd 9 Kestrel Way, Goldsworth Park Ind Est Woking Surrey GU21 3BA T: 01483 757200 E: sales@semmco.com W: www.semmco.com

Seaton Rail Limited Unit B Enterprise Way, Bessingby Ind Estate Bridlington East Yorkshire YO16 4SF T: 01262 608313 E: info@seaton-rail.com W: www.seaton-rail.com


A-Z Directory

The world’s most reliable, robust, long lasting and cost effective wireless asset condition monitoring system, explicitly designed for Rail/ Civil infrastructure. Senceive’s FlatMesh platform/products solve challenging structural/geotechnical monitoring problems by using unique technology which combines: low power, ultra-long life, low energy intelligent computing; high precision, high stability and high resolution sensors. Senceive Limited 7b/7c Imperial Studios, Imperial Road Fulham London SW6 2AG T: 020 7731 8269 E: info@senceive.com W: www.senceive.com Sentinel Lightening Protection & Earthing Ltd Unit 6a Suite 2, East Bridgford Bus Park Kneeton Road East Bridgford NG13 8PJ T: 0115 961 0520 E: enquiries@sentinellp.com W: www.sentinel-lightning.co.uk

The UK’s fastest growing rail surveying firm, we support the biggest names in rail, measuring, designing and engineering the nation’s railways. From plain line and S&C to gauge clearance and utility mapping surveys, we offer an end-to-end survey solution to the UK’s rail industry. SEP Rail Services 5B Hattersley Court, Ormskirk Lancashire England L39 2AY T: 01904 403 322 E: info@seprail.co.uk W: www.seprail.co.uk Sepura PLC 9000 Cambridge Research, Park Beach Drive Waterbeach Cambridge CB25 9TL T: 01223 876000 E: customer.support@sepura.com W: www.sepura.com Sercal Ltd Unit 1 Littleton Bus Pk, Littleton Drive Huntington Cannock WS12 4TR T: 01543 570074 E: enquiries@sercal.co.uk W: www.sercal.co.uk Serco Group Plc 16 Bartley Wood, Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9XB T: 01256 745900 E: generalenquiries@serco.com W: www.serco.com

Serco Rail Technical Services (SRTS) are a leader in the provision of rail technical expertise, providing an extensive range of services to customers around the world, in the following areas: • Engineering • Strategic Asset Solutions • Non-Destructive Testing and Training • Project Management • Raildata (PADSnet and data management). Our services include: bearing examination, metallurgical investigations, and pantograph testing and monitoring. Serco Rail Technical Services Derwent House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 0330 109 8852 E: enquiries.srts@serco.com W: www.serco.com/srts


Serfis Construction and Engineering Ltd 9a Church Street, Kidderminster Worcestershire DY10 2AD T: 01562 822082 E: info@serfis.co.uk W: www.serfis.co.uk

Sheffield Hallum University City Campus, Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB T: 0114 225 5555 E: enquiries@shu.ac.uk W: www.shu.ac.uk

Sicut Enterprises Ltd 152 City Road, London EC1V 2DN T: 020 8123 6685 E: info@sicut.co.uk W: www.sicut.co.uk

Serpro Ltd Units 1008-1009, Hart St Comm Cntr Hart Street Maidstone ME16 8RF T: 01622 236303 E: accounts@serpro.co.uk W: www.serpro.co.uk

Shelley Signs Ltd 54 Cartmel Drive, Harlescott Shrewsbury Shropshire SY1 3TB T: 01743 460996 E: sales@shelleysigns.co.uk W: www.shelleysigns.co.uk

Siemens 7th Floor, Euston House 24 Eversholt Street London NW1 1AD T: 020 7874 6772 E: info.mobility.gb@siemens.com W: www.siemens.co.uk

Servepro Plc Ltd Network Rail Depot, The Old Carriage Works Holgate Park Drive York YO24 4EH T: 01904 654158 E: info@serveproplc.com W: www.servproplc.com SeSys Ltd 1 Rotherbrook Court, Bedford Road Petersfield Hampshire GU32 3QR T: 01730 230530 E: info@sesys.com W: www.sesys.com Setec Ltd 11 Mallard Way, Derby Derbyshire DE24 8GX T: 01249 704394 E: info@setecltd.co.uk W: www.setecltd.co.uk Severfield UK Ltd Severs House, Dalton Airfield Ind Est Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 3JN T: 01845 577896 E: sales@severfield.com W: www.severfield.com Severn Partnership Lambda House, Hadley Park East Telford Shropshire TF1 6QJ T: 01952 676775 E: info@severnpartnership.com W: www.severnpartnership.com Seymour Harris Limited 58 Oxford Street, Digbeth Birmingham B5 5NR T: 0121 600 7420 E: info@seymourharris.com W: www.seymourharris.com Seymourpowell The Factory, 265 Merton Road London SW18 5JS T: 020 7381 6433 E: reception@seymourpowell.com W: www.seymourpowell.com SGS Correl Rail Limited Gee House, Holborn Hill Birmingham B7 5PA T: 0121 326 9900 E: gb.rail@sgs.com W: www.sgs.com SGS Engineering (UK) Ltd 1 West Side Park, Belmore Way Raynesway Derby DE21 7AZ T: 01332 576850 E: sales@sgs-engineering.com W: www.sgs-engineering.com SH Lighting Ltd Salcombe Road, Meadow Lane Ind Estate Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7RG T: 01773 522390 E: sales@shlighting.co.uk W: www.shlighting.co.uk Shannon Survey Ltd (C.G Surveying Ltd) Gerrards House, Theobald Street Borehamwood Hertfordshire WD6 4RT T: 020 8953 1333 E: sales@shannonsurvey.co.uk W: www.shannonsurvey.co.uk Sheerspeed Shelters Ltd Unit 3, Diamond House, Reme Drive Heathpark Ind Est Honiton Devon EX14 1SE T: 01404 46006 E: sales@sheerspeed.com W: www.sheerspeed.com

The UK’s Leading Technical Experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat & Power Systems. Supply • Install • Maintain Shenton Group’s technical ability and dedication sets them apart from the rest. With a reputation in providing reliable solutions for critical situations, their in-house design, engineering and installation capabilities secures them as a leading supplier. Shenton Group Shenton House, Walworth Road Walworth Bus Park Andover SP10 5LH T: 0344 888 4445 E: sales@shentongroup.co.uk W: www.shentongroup.co.uk Shepherd PR Limited 24a Market Place, Ashbourne Derbyshire DE6 1ES T: 01335 368020 E: info@shepherd-pr.com W: www.shepherd-pr.co.uk Sherborne Sensors 1 Ringway Centre, Edison Road Basingstoke RG21 6YH T: 01256 630300 E: sales@sherbornesensors.com W: www.sherbornesensors.com Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings Tower Works, Kestor Street Bolton Lancashire BL2 2AL T: 01204 521771 E: sales.uk@sherwin.com W: www.sherwin-williams.com Shield Batteries Ltd 277 Stansted Road, Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 2BT T: 01279 652067 E: info@shieldbatteries.co.uk W: www.shieldbatteries.co.uk Shield Security Services (Yorkshire) Ltd 7 Earls Court, Priory Park East Kingston Upon Hull East Yorkshire HU4 7DY T: 01482 300833 E: sales@shield-security.co.uk W: www.shield-security.co.uk Shire Structures Ltd The Chapel, Barnsley Hall Road Bromsgrove Worcestershire B61 0SZ T: 01527 579933 E: engineers@shire-uk.com W: www.shire-uk.com Shrink Polymer Systems (UK) Unit E3, Crown Way, Crown Park Ind Estate Rushden Nothants NN10 6FD T: 01933 356758 E: info@shrinkpolymersystems.co.uk W: www.shrinkpolymersystems.co.uk Sibcas Ltd Easton Road, Bathgate West Lothian EH48 2SF T: 01506 633122 E: enquiries@sibcas.co.uk W: www.sibcas.co.uk Sicuro UK - Monitored Security Solutions 23 Saffron Court Laindon Essex SS15 6SS T: 0800 9991 888 E: info@sicuro.co.uk W: www.sicuro.co.uk

Siemens Mobility Ashby Park, Ashby de la Zouch Leicestershire LE65 1JD T: 01530 258000 E: uk.mobility@siemens.com W: www.siemens.co.uk SIG PLC Signet House, 17 Europa View Sheffield Bus Park Sheffield S9 1XH T: 0114 285 6300 E: info@sigplc.com W: www.siggroup.com SIGMAT Limited Birkbecks, Water Street Skipton North Yorkshire BD23 1PB T: 01756 701522 E: info@sigmat.co.uk W: www.sigmat.co.uk Signal House Group Ltd Cherrycourt Way, Stanbridge Road Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 8UH T: 01525 377477 E: sales@signalhouse.co.uk W: www.collis.co.uk Signalling Engineering The Mount, Barrow Hill Sellinge Ashford Kent TN25 6JQ T: 01303 764344 E: admin@sigtechrail.co.uk W: www.sigtechrail.co.uk Signature Aromas Ltd Signature House, 65-67 Gospel End Street Sedgley West Midlands DY3 3LR T: 01902 678822 E: enquiries@signaturearomas.co.uk W: www.signaturearomas.co.uk

Providing rail operators with decision science software to manage train+crew scheduling and planning; service disruption on the day of operations and driver advisory software. Specialists in algorithm-based optimisation covering train diagrams, crew schedules, train energy consumption and traffic flow through junctions. Products include TrainPlan, ResourcePlan, FleetManager, Energymiser and C-DAS. Signature Rail Limited 6 St Mary’s Court, Blossom Street York YO24 1AH T: 01904 639091 E: info@signaturerail.com W: www.signaturerail.com Signet Solutions Kelvin House, RTC Business Park London Road Derby DE24 8UP T: 01332 343585 E: enquiries@signet-solutions.com W: www.signet-solutions.com SignPost Solutions Unit 5 Clarendon Drive, The Parkway Tipton West Midlands DY4 0QA T: 0121 506 4771 E: sales@signfix.co.uk W: www.signfix.co.uk SigTech Rail Dane Rise, Dog Kennel Lane Lyminge Kent CT18 8ER T: 01303 764344 E: office@sigtechrail.co.uk W: www.sigtechrail.co.uk

A-Z Directory Sika Ltd Watchmead Ind Estate, Welwyn Garden City AL7 1BQ T: 01707 394444 E: sales@uk.sika.com W: www.gbr.sika.com

SKF (UK) Limited Sundon Park Road, Luton Bedfordshire LU3 3BL T: 01582 490049 E: marketing.uk@skf.com W: www.skf.co.uk

Silentblock UK Ltd Wellington Road, Burton upon Trent Staffordshire DE14 2AP T: 01283 741741 E: info@silentbloc.co.uk W: www.silentbloc.co.uk

Skill Scaffolding Ltd Skill House, Andes Road Nursling Southampton SO16 0YZ T: 023 8077 7750 E: enquiries@skillscaffolding.co.uk W: www.skillscaffolding.co.uk SLC Investments 111 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ T: 0121 285 2622 E: Enquiries@slcinvestments.co.uk W: www.slcrail.com

Silenzio Panels Ltd 73 Swaisland Drive, Crayford Kent DA1 4HY T: 01322 557520 E: sales@silenzio.co.uk W: www.silenzio.co.uk Silicone Engineering Limited Blackwater Road, Greenbank Business Park Blackburn Lancashire BB1 3HJ T: 0845 674 4747 E: enquiries@silicone.co.uk W: www.silicone.co.uk Sill Lighting (UK) Ltd 4 Goodson Mews, Wellington Street Thame Oxon OX9 3BX T: 01844 260006 E: sales@sill-uk.com W: www.sill-uk.com Silver Fox Limited 2 Swallowfields, Swallowcourt Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1GY T: 01707 373727 E: sales@silverfox.co.uk W: www.silverfox.co.uk SilverRail Technologies The Heal’s Building, 22 Torrington Place London WC1E 7HJ T: 0845 834 1069 E: info@silverrailtech.com W: www.silverrailtech.com Simmons & Simmons City Point, One Ropemaker Street London EC2Y 9SS T: 020 7628 2020 E: enquiries@simmons-simmons.com W: www.simmons-simmons.com Sirenum 1st Floor Winston House, 349 Regents Park Road London N3 1DH T: 020 3137 2842 E: rail@sirenum.com W: www.sirenum.com Site Vision Surveys Ltd 19 Warwick Street, Rugby Warwickshire CV21 3DH T: 01788 575036 E: enquiries@svsltd.net W: www.svsltd.net SJL Insurance Services Suite C, The Kays Building 23 The Tything Worcester WR1 1HD T: 01905 27775 E: info@sjl-insurance.com W: www.sjl-insurance.com Skanska Construction UK Ltd Maple Cross House, Denham Way Maple Cross Rickmansworth WD3 9SW T: 01923 423100 E: enquiries@skanska.co.uk W: www.skanska.co.uk Skelair International Ltd Units 1 & 2a, Holmes Chapel Bus Park Manor Lane Holmes Chapel CW4 8AB T: 01477 539100 E: enquiries@skelair.com W: www.skelair.com

SLC Operations SLC Operations, 35 Station Road Kings Norton Birmingham B38 8SN T: 0121 227 5756 E: enquiries@slcoperations.com W: www.slcoperations.com SLC Property 111 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ T: 0121 285 2622 E: enquiries@slcproperty.co.uk W: www.slcproperty.co.uk SLC Rail One Eleven, Edmund Street Birmingham B3 2HJ T: 0121 285 2622 E: enquiries@slcrail.com W: www.slcrail.com Slender Winter Partnership Limited The Old School, London Road Westerham Kent TN16 1DN T: 01959 564777 E: swp@swpltd.co.uk W: www.swpltd.co.uk Slingco Limited Station Road, Facit Whitworth Lancashire OL12 8LJ T: 01706 855558 E: sales@slingco.com W: www.slingco.com Smart Component Technologies Ltd Cooper Buildings, Arundel Street Sheffield S1 2NS T: 0114 360 0009 E: info@smartcomptech.com W: www.smartcomptech.com Smart Moves Recruitment Ltd 1st floor Silbury Court, 362 Silbury Boulevard Milton Keynes MK9 2AF T: 01908 308788 E: info@smartmovesrecruitment.co.uk W: www.smartmovesrecruitment.co.uk Smart Rail Services Limited 12 Beech Grove, Weaverham Northwich Cheshire CW8 3JA T: 07540 887458 E: enquiries@smartrailservices.com W: www.smartrailservices.com SMARTbrief - Part of Junction 9 Network Ltd St Johns Innovation Ctr Cowley Road Cambridge CB4 0WS T: 07971 498113 E: jhall@j9imaging.co.uk W: www.smart-brief-app.co.uk Smartwater Technology Ltd 27 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9BU T: 0800 521 669 E: enquiries@smartwater.com W: www.smartwater.com SMC Pneumatics UK Ltd Vincent Avenue, Crownhill Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK8 0AN T: 01908 563888 E: sales@smcpneumatics.co.uk W: www.smcpneumatics.co.uk

Smith Brothers & Webb / Britannia Washing Systems Britannia House, Arden Forest Ind Estate Alcester Warwickshire B49 6EX T: 01789 400096 E: sales@sbw-wash.com W: www.sbw-wash.com Smith Cooper Limited St Helen’s House, King Street Cathedral Quarter Derby DE1 3EE T: 01332 332021 E: derby@smithcooper.co.uk W: www.smithcooper.co.uk Smiths Rail (Smiths Metal) Stratton Business Park, London Road Biggleswade SG18 8LB T: 01767 604704 E: info@smithmetal.com W: www.smithmetal.com SmoothtraxGroup 4, Oaklands Road Petersfield GU32 2EZ T: 07941 458180 E: chris@smoothtraxgroup.co.uk W: www.smoothtraxgroup.co.uk SMP Electronics / Samalite Products Unit 6 Border Farm, Station Road Chobham Woking GU24 8AS T: 01276 855166 E: sales@smpelectronics.com W: www.samalite.com

Specialists in bespoke GRP Dagger Boards, Lightweight GRP Coping, GRP Glazing (Georgian wired), Ballast Boards and well as anti-slip stair treads and flooring. Excellent customer service; all products made (to various thicknesses, size and colour – with or without fire ratings) in our factory in Carnoustie, Scotland. Smyth Composites Limited Unit 10, Panmure Ind Estate Carnoustie Angus DD7 7NP T: 01241 855799 E: admin@scomp.co.uk W: www.scomp.co.uk SNA Europe Ltd (Bahco Tools) Moorhead Way, Bramley Rotherham Yorkshire S66 1YY T: 01709 731731 E: info.uk@snaeurope.com W: www.bahco.com

Snap-on Industrial is a global innovator and manufacturer of tools, workshop equipment, storage and tool control systems used across industry. Snap-on has been the number one tool brand for over 90 years, consistently aiming to provide the most valued productivity solutions wherever in the world they are required. Snap-on Industrial: Tools that work as hard as you do. Snap-on Industrial 38a Telford Way, Kettering Northamptonshire NN16 8UN T: 01536 413904 E: rail@snapon.com W: www.snapon.com SNC-Lavalin (formerly known as Interfleet) SNC-Lavalin House, Pride Parkway Pride Park Derby DE24 8HX T: 01332 223000 E: groupcommunications@snclavalin.com W: www.snclavalin.com Society of Operations Engineers (SOE) 22 Greencoat Place London SW1P 1PR T: 020 7630 1111 E: webmaster@soe.org.uk W: www.soe.org.uk

Socomec U.K. Limited Units 7-9, Lakeside Business Park Broadway Lane Cirencester GL7 5XL T: 01285 863300 E: info.uk@socomec.com W: www.socomec.co.uk SOCOTEC Monitoring UK Ltd 34 Bell Lane, Uckfield East Sussex TN22 1QL T: 01825 701801 E: monitoring@socotec.com W: www.socotec.co.uk/monitoring SOCOTEC UK Limited SOCOTEC House, Bretby Business Park Ashby Road Burton Upon Trent DE15 0YZ T: 01283 554400 E: salesuk@socotec.com W: www.socotec.co.uk Softech Global Ltd Softech House, London Road Albourne West Sussex BN6 9BN T: 01273 833844 E: info@softechglobal.com W: www.softechglobal.com Softil Ltd 24 Raoul Wallenberg St, Building D Tel-Aviv Israel 6971924 T: 00 972 3750 9610 E: amir.angel@softil.com W: www.softil.com Sohal Shopfronts & Shutter Ltd 71 Elmstead Rd, Seven Kings Ilford East London IG3 8AY T: 07469 171423 E: sohalshutters@gmail.com W: www.sohalshopfronts.com Soil Engineering Geoservices Limited Parkside Lane, Dewsbury Road Leeds LS11 5SX T: 0113 271 1111 E: enquiries@soil-engineering.co.uk W: www.soil-engineering.co.uk SolarFire Systems Ledgers Farm, Forest Green Road Fifield Berkshire SL6 2NR T: 01628 902107 E: sales@solarfiresystems.com W: www.solarfiresystems.com Solaris Technologies Ltd Manchester Bus Park, 3000 Aviator Way Manchester M22 5TG T: 0161 266 1860 E: info@solaristechnologies.co.uk W: www.solaristechnologies.co.uk Solid Applications Ltd Old Market Place, Market Street Oldbury B69 4DH T: 0121 544 1400 E: info@solidapps.co.uk W: www.solidapps.co.uk Solution Rail Ltd 26 The Ridgeway, Watford Hertfordshire WD17 4TN T: 020 3589 6715 E: enquiries@solutionrail.co.uk W: www.solutionrail.co.uk Sonatest Ltd Dickens Road, Old Wolverton Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK12 5QQ T: 01908 316345 E: sales@sonatest.com W: www.sonatest.com Sonic Drilling Ltd Thornhills Farm, Love Lane Betchton Cheshire CW11 2TT T: 01477 500177 E: info@sonic-drill.co.uk W: www.sonic-drill.co.uk


A-Z Directory Soprema UK Soprema House, Freebournes Road Witham Essex CM8 3UN T: 0330 058 0668 E: info@soprema.co.uk W: www.soprema.co.uk Sortimo International Ltd 11-17 Ravenhurst Court, Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 6PN T: 01925 831636 E: info@sortimo.co.uk W: www.sortimo.co.uk SOUNDEX Temporary Noise Control Raven Group, The Old Dairy Southfield Avenue Northampton NN4 8AQ T: 0800 814 4422 E: enquiries@soundexsolutions.com W: www.soundexsolutions.com

We are UK suppliers for RS targets, which have been used extensively in connection with railway works for a number of years. The monitoring targets allow for measurements to be taken accurately and safely and can be used for remote monitoring of bridges, tracks, railways and surrounding structures preventing closedown. South Survey Ltd 21 Deanfield Court, Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 1QS T: 01200 429870 E: sales@southsurvey.co.uk W: www.surveyorsequipment.co.uk

Sovereign Hydroseal LP 32-02 Vernon Blvd, PO Box 6466 Astoria NY 11106 T: +1 646 649 5878 E: info@sovereignhydroseal.com W: www.sovereignhydroseal.com

SpaceandPeople are commercialisation space specialists who market, sell and administer exhibition and promotion space in high footfall venues including train stations. We work with brands, businesses, promoters and agencies seeking space for retail, promotions and brand experience, to increase passenger engagement, generate an additional income stream for venues and ensure placements adhere to compliance requirements. SpaceandPeople 3rd Floor, Delta House 50 West Nile Street Glasgow G1 2NP T: 033 33 401 500 E: marketing@spaceandpeople.co.uk W: www.spaceandpeople.co.uk SpanSet UK Ltd Telford Way, Middlewich Chesire CW10 OHX T: 01606 737494 E: customerservices@spanset.co.uk W: www.spanset.co.uk Spartan Safety Ltd 3 Waltham Park Way, Billet Road Walthamstow London E17 5DU T: 020 8527 5888 E: info@spartansafety.co.uk W: www.spartansafety.co.uk

South Western Railway Friars Bridge Court, 41-45 Blackfriars Road South Bank London SE1 8NZ T: 0345 600 0650 E: customerrelations@swrailway.com W: www.southwesternrailway.com

SPCM Ltd 2nd Floor, Afon Building Worthing Road Horsham RH12 1TL T: 0333 900 0939 E: office@spcm.co.uk W: www.spcm.co.uk

South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive 11 Broad Street West Sheffield S1 2BQ T: 0114 276 7575 E: communications@sypte.co.uk W: www.sypte.co.uk

Specialised Tools and Equipment Ltd Unit 15 Riverside Court, Don Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 2TJ T: 0114 383 0110 E: sales@specialisedtools.co.uk W: www.specialisedtools.co.uk

Southampton Solent University East Park Terrace, Southampton SO14 0YN T: 023 8201 3000 E: ask@solent.ac.uk W: www.solent.ac.uk

Specialist Compliant Coatings Ltd 26 Heathfield, Stacey Bushes Milton Keynes MK12 6HR T: 01908 320546 E: info@sccgb.co.uk W: www.sccgb.co.uk

Southdowns Environmental Consultants Ltd 16 Station Street, Lewes East Sussex BN7 2DB T: 01273 488186 E: enquiries@southdowns.eu.com W: www.southdowns.eu.com

Specialist Engineering Services Ltd SES House, Unit 3 Balby Court Balby Carr Bank Doncaster DN4 8DE T: 01302 756800 E: info@ses-holdings.com W: www.ses-group.co.uk

Southeastern Friars Bridge Court, 41-45 Blackfriars Road South Bank London SE1 8NZ T: 0345 322 7021 W: www.southeasternrailway.co.uk

Specialist Plant Associates Ltd Airfield Road, Hinwick Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN29 7JQ T: 01234 781882 E: info@specialistplant.co.uk W: www.specialistplant.co.uk

Southern 1st Floor, Monument Place 24 Monument Street London EC3R 8AJ T: 0345 127 2920 E: comments@southernrailway.com W: www.southernrailway.com Southern Ecological Solutions Sudbury Stables, Sudbury Road Downham Essex CM11 1LB T: 01268 711021 E: officeadmin@ses-eco.co.uk W: www.ses-eco.co.uk Southside Rail Training Ltd The Loft, Lees Road Brabourne Lees Ashford Kent TN25 6QE T: 07719 304668 E: info@southsiderailtraining.com W: www.southsiderailtraining.com


Spectrum Contracting Services Limited 107 Bridge Street, Swinton Manchester M27 4DN T: 0161 711 0399 E: rail@spectrum-group.uk.com W: www.spectrum-group.uk.com Spectrum Freight Ltd PO Box 105, Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9XY T: 01246 456677 E: sales@spectrumfreight.co.uk W: www.spectrumfreight.co.uk Spectrum Technologies Ltd Western Avenue, Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF31 3RT T: 01656 655437 E: sales@spectrumtech.com W: www.spectrumtech.com

Spence Ltd Macmillan House, Paddington Station London W2 1FT T: 020 7387 1268 E: info@spenceltd.co.uk W: www.spenceltd.co.uk Spencer Group Mill Lane, Barrow upon Humber North Lincolnshire DN19 7BD T: 01469 532266 E: think@thespencergroup.co.uk W: www.thespencergroup.co.uk Spencer Rail (Head Office) One Humber Quays, Wellington Street West Hull Yorkshire HU1 2BN T: 01482 766340 E: think@thespencergroup.co.uk W: www.thespencergroup.co.uk Spitfire Kirkhill House, Broom Road East Glasgow G77 5LL T: 0141 639 6880 E: info@spitfireconsultancy.com W: www.spitfireconsultancy.com Spitfire Tours PO Box 824 Taunton TA1 9ET T: 0870 879 3675 E: info@spitfirerailtours.co.uk W: www.spitfirerailtours.co.uk SPL Powerlines UK Unit 4, Potteric Carr Ind Est Potteric Carr Road Doncaster S Yorks DN4 5NP T: 01302 344377 E: office.uk@powerlines-group.com W: www.powerlines-group.com Spotcom Ltd 74 Bridge Street, Titchfield Fareham Hants PO14 3QL T: 07787 522704 E: Andrew@Spotcomltd.co.uk W: www.SpotcomLtd.co.uk SPX Flow Rail Systems Unit 7, Thames Gateway Park Choats Road Dagenham RM9 6RH T: 020 8526 7100 E: sales@spxflow.com W: www.spxflow.com SQES Ltd 24 Highfield View, Barlby Selby YO8 5HB T: 07968 825774 E: suzanne@sqes.co.uk W: www.sqes.co.uk Sqills Palatijn 3, 7521 PN, Enschede The Netherlands T: +31 0 88 774 557 0 E: info@sqills.com W: www.sqills.com Square Mile Broking Ltd Lloyd’s, Gallery 4 12 Leadenhall St London EC3V 1LP T: 020 3725 5706 E: rail@squaremilebroking.com W: www.squaremilebroking.com SRL Technical Services Limited Holbrook House, Little Waldingfield Sudbury Suffolk CO10 0TF T: 01787 247595 E: srlweb@srltsl.com W: www.srltsl.com SRPS Railtours 82 Busby Road, Carmunnock Glasgow G76 9BJ T: 0131 202 1033 E: railtours@srps.org.uk W: www.srps.org.uk

SRS with a history of over 30 years and is a leading supplier of Road Rail plant. The range of equipment comprises of access platforms, cranes, bridge inspection, drum carriers for both OLE and ground cables. Each vehicle is supplied with a highly trained operator, in addition SRS can supply OLEC linesmen. SRS Rail System International Ltd 3 Riverside Way, Gateway Business Park Bolsover Derbyshire S44 6GA T: 01246 241312 E: info@srsrailuk.co.uk W: www.srsrailuk.co.uk Stadium IGT Woodside Road Ind Est, Woodside Road Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 4ET T: 023 8061 0818 E: sales@stadium-igt.com W: www.stadium-igt.com StadiumTM Unit 5, Coventry West Midlands CV2 5DB T: 024 7518 9999 E: info@stadiumtm.co.uk W: www.stadiumtm.co.uk

Stadler provides a comprehensive range of products in the heavy and urban transport segments: High-speed trains, intercity trains, regional and commuter heavy rail trains, underground trains, tram trains and trams. Stadler also manufactures main-line locomotives, shunting locomotives and passenger carriages, including the most powerful diesel-electric locomotive in Europe. Stadler Rail Management AG Stadler Rail AG, Ernst-Stadler-Strasse 1 9565 Bussnang Switzerland T: +41 71 626 21 20 E: stadler.rail@stadlerrail.com W: www.stadlerrail.com Staff Absence Solutions Limited The Old Courthouse, Chapel Street Dunkinfield Cheshire SK16 4DT T: 0161 478 4560 E: info@staffabsencesolutions.com W: www.staffabsencesolutions.com Stagecoach Supertram Nunnery Depot, Woodbourn Road Sheffield S9 3LS T: 0114 272 8282 E: supertram.enquiries@supertram.com W: www.stagecoachbus.com

Since 1862, the STAHLWILLE brand name has stood for a constant drive for perfection. All products made by this company are manufactured in Germany. Hand tools, hand torque tools, multipliers, calibration equipment, tool control & kitting solutions of the highest quality. Our technical representatives are on hand to assist you. Stahlwille Tools Limited Unit 2 D, Albany Park Ind Estate Camberley Surrey GU16 7PL T: 01276 24080 E: sales@stahlwille.co.uk W: www.stahlwille.co.uk Standish Engineering Co Ltd Mayflower Works, Bradley Lane Standish Lancashire WN6 0XF T: 01257 422838 E: info@cnc-machining.co.uk W: www.standishengineering.co.uk

A-Z Directory

Stannah is an independent British lift company, established in 1867. It’s maintenance and repair division hold the maintenance contracts for Network Rail and the DLR network with over 1200 lift products across these networks. It’s major projects team supply and install lifts and escalators across the UK rail network. Stannah Lift Services – Major Projects Watt Close, East Portway Bus. Pk Andover Hampshire SP10 3SD T: 01264 343777 E: contact@stannah.co.uk W: www.stannahlifts.co.uk Stansted Express 11th Floor, 1 Stratford Place Montfitchet Road London E20 1EJ T: 0345 600 7245 E: contactcentre@greateranglia.co.uk W: www.stanstedexpress.com

Stanton Precast are experts in vibration mitigation, ballasted and slab track sleepers and bearers, with over 30 years’ experience supplying to light rail, mainline and high speed lines. Including Crossrail, Nottingham Express Tram (NET), Birmingham Midland Metro. Associated products include big block retaining walls, modular embankment stairs, cable troughs, and drainage systems. Stanton Precast Ltd (a company of Sateba) Littlewell Lane, Stanton-By-Dale Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 4QW T: 0115 944 1448 E: info@stantonprecast.co.uk W: www.stantonprecast.co.uk Stanway Consulting Ltd Aztec West, 2440/2430 The Quadrant Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4AQ T: 01454 878991 E: info@stanwayconsulting.co.uk W: www.stanwayconsulting.co.uk

Star Fasteners; a global Huck® fastener distributor. Stock includes an extensive range specifically for the rail industry, track and permanent way engineers including Lockbolts, the new BobTail® & associated tooling. If structural strength, resistance to vibration & loosening are a requirement – choose Huck fasteners. Many years of application experience ensures unrivalled technical support. Star Fasteners (UK) Ltd (Huck Fastener Distributor) Unit 1, 44 Brookhill Road Pinxton Nottinghamshire NG16 6RY T: 0115 932 4939 E: sales@starfasteners.co.uk W: www.starfasteners.co.uk Stäubli Electrical Connectors Stäubli House, Presley Way Crownhill Milton Keynes MK8 0ES T: 01908 265544 E: ec.uk@staubli.com W: www.staubli.com/electrical

Staytite Ltd supply the approved Hardlock Nut, for S&C and P/Way applications. Hardlock is the reusable self-locking nut that resists loosening by vibration. See PA05/02077. Used by railways worldwide on switches, jointed track, trackside infrastructure. Reduces ongoing maintenance cost and improves fastening joints. Contact for details. Michael Moore 07825 550532 michael@staytite.com Staytite Ltd Staytite House, Coronation Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3RP T: 01494 462322 E: info@staytite.com W: www.staytite.com Steel Line Ltd Unit 27b Orgreave Drive, Sheffield South Yorkshire S13 9NR T: 0114 288 0622 E: enquiries@steelline.co.uk W: www.steelline.co.uk Steel Protection Consultancy Ltd PO Box 6386, Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 6BX T: 01525 852500 E: info@steel-protection.co.uk W: www.steel-protection.co.uk Steelway Fensecure Ltd Queensgate Works, Bilston Road Wolverhampton WV2 2NJ T: 01902 451733 E: marketing@steelway.co.uk W: www.steelway.co.uk Steer Davies Gleave 28-32 Upper Ground London SE1 9PD T: 020 7910 5000 E: ukinfo@steergroup.com W: www.steerdaviesgleave.com STEGO (UK) Ltd Unit 12, 1st Quarter Business Pk Epsom Surrey KT19 9QN T: 01372 747250 E: info@stego.co.uk W: www.stego.co.uk

Step on Safety Ltd supplies bespoke GRP platform, trackside and depot access solutions to the rail industry; Embankment Staircases, Drivers’ Access Platforms, Maintenance Platforms, End of Platform Steps, Catchpit & Trench Covers and more. Step on Safety Factory Lane, Brantham Suffolk CO11 1NH T: 01206 396446 E: sales@steponsafety.co.uk W: www.steponsafety.co.uk Stephen Craven Building Design Ltd Town Hall, Market Place Settle North Yorkshire BD24 9EJ T: 01729 824754 E: stephen.craven@tiscali.co.uk W: www.stephencraven.org Stephen George and Partners LLP 85 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 4TQ T: 020 3755 5178 E: enquiries@stephengeorge.co.uk W: www.stephengeorge.co.uk Stewart Hindmarsh Advertising Ltd Cedars Lodge, The Cedars Ashbrooke Sunderland SR2 7TW T: 0191 564 0300 E: everything@sh-advertising.co.uk W: www.sh-advertising.co.uk

Stewart Signs Rail Trafalgar Close, Chandlers Ford Ind Est Eastleigh Hampshire SO53 4BW T: 023 8025 4781 E: sales@stewartsigns.co.uk W: www.stewartsigns.co.uk Stirling Maynard Stirling House, Rightwell Bretton Peterborough PE3 8DJ T: 01733 262319 E: enquiries@stirlingmaynard.com W: www.stirlingmaynard.com STM Security Group (UK) Ltd Solar House, 1-9 Romford Road Stratford London E15 4LJ T: 020 3597 4264 E: businessenquiries@stmgroupltd.com W: www.stmgroupltd.com Stobart Rail Aviation Way, Lake District Airport Carlisle CA6 4BY T: 01228 882300 E: info@stobartrail.com W: www.stobartrail.com Stocksigns Ltd 43 Ormside Way, Redhill Surrey RH1 2LG T: 01737 774072 E: info@stocksigns.co.uk W: www.stocksigns.co.uk Stockton Engineering Management Ltd Minster House, 272-274 Vauxhall Bridge Victoria London SW1V 1BB T: 020 7931 9898 E: info@stocktonlondon.com W: www.stocktonlondon.com Stone Federation Channel Business Centre, Ingles Manor Castle Hill Avenue Folkestone Kent CT20 2RD T: 01303 856123 E: enquiries@stonefed.org.uk W: www.stonefed.org.uk

Stonewest has been delivering its own brand of excellence for many decades. Whether it be in the area of principal contracting, building refurbishment, restoration, conservation or new build masonry, our award winning company can offer each and every Client the assurance of unrivalled knowledge in traditional and modern building methods. Stonewest Ltd 4 Dean Stanley Street, London SW1P 3JH T: 020 8684 6646 E: info@stonewest.co.uk W: www.stonewest.co.uk

A Step Change in Railway Economy and Efficiency. The company, an ORR licenced TOC, specialises in providing effective and efficient passenger services utilising lightweight railway technology on non-electrified railways. This approach enables conventional railway services on branch lines, tramways or lightly used railways to be provided at a fraction of current railway operating costs and with increased reliability. Stourbridge Shuttle Pre Metro Operations Ltd 54-56 Hagley Road, Stourbridge West Midlands DY8 1QD T: 01384 441325 E: premetro@aol.com W: www.premetro.co.uk

STRAIL (UK) Limited supplies products made from 90% recycled vulcanised rubber, using resilience to protect track geometry and reduce transmission of noise and vibration to the environment. STRAIL is a long-established UK supplier for level crossing systems, with a range that include heavy duty and sleeper spacing independent systems. Strail (UK) Ltd Room 2, 1st Floor, 3 Tannery House Tannery Lane Woking GU23 7EF T: 01483 222090 E: info@strail.com W: www.strail.com Strand7 UK Ltd The Stables, Church Street St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 2BU T: 01480 211011 E: info@strand7.co.uk W: www.strand7.co.uk Stratec Ltd Ellon AB41 9RG T: 07468 711621 E: giles.clarke@stratec-geo.com W: www.stratec-geo.com Strategic Rail Consultants Ltd Fourth Floor, Suite 6 12 Pepper Street London E14 9RP T: 020 7537 2444 E: enquiries@strategicrail.co.uk W: www.strategicrail.co.uk Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) 131 St Vincent Street Glasgow G2 5JF T: 0141 332 6811 E: enquiry@spt.co.uk W: www.spt.co.uk Street Crane Company Limited Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak Derbyshire SK23 0PH T: 01298 808853 E: website@streetcrane.co.uk W: www.streetcrane.co.uk StressMap Venables Building, The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA T: 01908 653452 E: contact@stressmap.co.uk W: www.stressmap.co.uk Structural Adhesives Limited The Adhesive Buildings, Units 12-13a Marlow Rd Ind Est Leicester LE3 2BQ T: 0116 289 4655 E: enquiries@structuraladhesives.co.uk W: www.structuraladhesives.co.uk Structural Fabrications Limited 2 Castings Road, Sir Francis Ley Ind Pk South Derby DE23 8YL T: 01332 747400 E: sales@structural-fabrications.co.uk W: www.structuralfabrications.co.uk Structural Soils Ltd The Potteries, Pottery Street Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 1NJ T: 01977 552255 E: ask@soils.co.uk W: www.soils.co.uk Structural Systems (UK) Ltd 12 Collett Way, Southall Middlesex UB2 4SE T: 020 8843 6500 E: enquiries@structural-systems.co.uk W: www.structuralsystemsuk.com Structural Timber Association (STA) The e-Centre, Cooperage Way Bus Vlg Alloa Scotland FK10 3LY T: 01259 272140 E: office@structuraltimber.co.uk W: www.structuraltimber.co.uk


A-Z Directory Studio Egret West Limited 3 Brewhouse Yard London EC1V 4JQ T: 020 7549 1730 E: hello@egretwest.com W: www.egretwest.com

Superfine Manufacturing Limited Orchardbank Ind Estate, Forfar Angus Scotland DD8 1TD T: 01307 463538 E: sales@superfine.co.uk W: www.superfine.co.uk

Subscan UDS Ltd Subscan House, 126 Whitehall Road Leeds LS12 1AE T: 0344 499 5220 E: info@subscan.com W: www.subscan.com

Superform Aluminium Cosgrove Close, Blackpole Worcester WR3 8UA T: 01905 874300 E: superform@luxfer.com W: www.superforming.com

Subvision Surveys offer a range of professional surveying services. These include Utility Mapping Surveys, PAS128 Surveys, Topographical Surveying, ‘Ground Penetrating Radar’ Surveys, CCTV Drainage Surveys, 3D Laser Scanning and Desktop Utility Searches. We are approved by Safe Contractor / CHAS / Avetta / UKAS / ISO9001 & ISO14001, Builders Profile, ConstructionLine. SubVision Surveys Ltd Mapline House, 14 Bull Lane Rayleigh Essex SS6 8JD T: 0845 567 5677 E: info@subvisionsurveys.co.uk W: www.subvisionsurveys.co.uk Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services UK 193 Camp Hill Birmingham B12 0JJ T: 0121 766 6161 E: service.birmingham@sulzer.com W: www.sulzer.com

Supporting Network Rail and Transport for London infrastructure – keeping the railway moving 365 days a year. Through our nationwide depot network, we supply a wide range of equipment including compactors, generators, trackside lighting, barriers, survey and monitoring equipment, track trolleys and gauges, wrenches, rail drills, OLE equipment and clipping machines. Sunbelt Rentals Limited 102 Dalton Ave, Risley Warrington WA3 6YE T: 0808 196 8639 E: NROC@sunbeltrentals.co.uk W: www.sunbeltrentals.co.uk

Sunray Engineering are leading designers, manufacturers and installers of steel doorsets and louvre products. Our comprehensive portfolio provides bespoke solutions for a variety of project applications through innovative design, technical expertise and dependable quality and service. All our high quality steel door products are designed and manufactured in the UK. Sunray Engineering Ltd 6 Kingsnorth Ind Est, Wotton Road Ashford TN23 6LL T: 01233 639 039 E: sales@sunraydoors.co.uk W: www.sunraydoors.co.uk Super Rod S-O-T Ltd Furlong Lane, Burslem Stoke on Trent ST6 3LE T: 01782 832444 E: info@superrod.co.uk W: www.superrod.co.uk


Surbon Consulting 3a Minton Place, Victoria Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 6QB T: 07799 626196 E: info@surbonconsulting.com W: www.surbonconsulting.com Surface Finishing Equipment Group Unit 10 Armstrong Road, Armstrong Ind Estate Washington NE37 1PR T: 0191 415 3030 E: marketing@sfeg.co.uk W: www.sfeg.co.uk Survey Association (TSA) Northgate Bus Centre, 38 Northgate Newark-on-Trent Nottinghamshire NG24 1EZ T: 01636 642840 E: office@tsa-uk.org.uk W: www.tsa-uk.org.uk Sussex Blast Cleaning Ltd Unit 35, Station Road Ind Estate Hailsham East Sussex BN27 2ER T: 01323 849229 E: info@sussexblastcleaning.co.uk W: www.sussexblastcleaning.co.uk SVR Plastics Units 5/6, Greenhey Place East Gillibrands Skelmersdale WN8 9SA T: 01695 50717 E: enquiries@svrplastics.co.uk W: www.svrplastics.co.uk SW Global Resourcing Ltd (Scotland) 270 Petershill Road, Springburn Glasgow Scotland G21 4AY T: 0141 557 6133 E: Admin@sw-gr.com W: www.sw-gr.com Swann Group Ltd Kent House, 60 Priory Street Tonbridge Kent TN9 2AH T: 01732 770813 E: sales@swanngroupltd.com W: www.swanngroupltd.com Swansea University Singleton Park, Swansea Wales SA2 8PP T: 01792 205678 E: study@swansea.ac.uk W: www.swansea.ac.uk Sweco UK Grove House, Mansion Gate Drive Leeds LS7 4DN T: 0113 262 0000 E: info@sweco.co.uk W: www.sweco.co.uk Sweetnam & Bradley Ltd Industrial Estate, Gloucester Road Malmesbury Wiltshire SN16 0DY T: 01666 823491 E: enquiries@sweetnam-bradley.com W: www.sweetnam-bradley.com

Founded in 1936 by Hellmuth Swietelsky, the company is now one of Austria’s biggest specialist construction companies with an annual turnover close to € 3 billion. Our Bahnbau division owns and operates one of the largest on track machine fleets in Europe and its U.K. based business and has the most modern fleet of on track machines in the country. Swietelsky Construction Company Limited 1st Floor Suite 1, Sycamore House 290 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JR T: 0141 212 5630 E: office@swietelsky.at W: www.swietelsky.com Swift Industrial Supplies Suite 1, Venture Park Selborne Road Alton Hampshire GU34 3HL T: 01420 592540 E: info@swift360.co.uk W: www.swift360.co.uk Sydac Limited The Derwent Bus Centre, Clarke Street Derby DE1 2BU T: 01332 299600 E: sales@sydac.co.uk W: www.sydac.com Synectics 3-4 Broadfield Close, Sheffield South Yorkshire S8 0XN T: 0114 255 2509 E: sales@synecticsglobal.com W: www.synecticsglobal.com Syntax Consultancy Derwent Business Centre, Clarke Street Derby DE1 2BU T: 01332 293605 E: hello@syntaxconsultancy.com W: www.syntaxconsultancy.com System Electrical Ltd Unit 23 Mold Bus Park, Mold Flintshire CH7 1XP T: 01352 750010 E: info@system-electical.com W: www.system-electrical.com Systra UK Ltd 5th Floor, Lancaster House 67 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 1NQ T: 0121 393 4841 E: info_uk@systra.com W: www.systra.co.uk T Sumner Smith Ltd Unit A, Clayton Green Bus Park Library Road Chorley PR6 7EN T: 0333 311 4400 E: info@tssinfrastructure.com W: www.tssinfrastructure.com T-UK Tecnologic UK Unit 1, Farnborough Bus Centre Eelmoor Road Farnborough Hants GU14 7XA T: 01252 377 600 E: sales@tecnologicuk.co.uk W: www.t-uk.co.uk

Moving Rail Projects Forward Together Powering both plant and personnel, T&M have a wide range of bowsers to assist. Providing the vital supply link for crew, our larger bowser models are the perfect option for transporting vast quantities of fuel and water to your location, whilst smaller bowsers offer a nimble alternative for moving around the site. T&M Bowser Solutions T&M House, Star Road Ind Est Partridge Green West Sussex RH13 8RA T: 01293 774 500 E: info@tmplant.co.uk W: bowser-hire.com T&R Test Equipment Ltd 15-16, Woodbridge Meadows Guildford GU1 1BJ T: 01483 207428 E: sales@trtest.com W: www.trtest.com T&RS Engineering Ltd Unit 8 Buccaneer Drive, Fountain Court Hayfield Lane Doncaster DN9 3QP T: 01302 315011 E: mail@trsengineering.co.uk W: www.trsengineering.co.uk Tamura Europe Ltd Clark Avenue, Porte Marsh Ind Estate Calne Wiltshire SN11 9BS T: 01380 731700 E: business@tamura-europe.co.uk W: www.tamura-europe.co.uk Tanfield Engineering Systems Ltd Tanfield Lea Ind Est N, Stanley Co Durham DH9 9NX T: 01207 521111 E: info@tanfieldengineeringsystems.com W: www.tanfieldengineeringsystems.com Tangerine Unit 9 Blue Lion Place, 237 Long lane London SE1 4PU T: 020 7357 0966 E: mail@tangerine.net W: www.tangerine.net Tarmac Portland House, Bickenhill Lane Solihull Birmingham B37 7BQ T: 0121 737 5375 E: pr@tarmac.com W: www.tarmac.com TATA Consultancy Services 33 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7HY T: 020 7245 1800 E: contact.us@tcs.com W: www.tcs.com Taylor Technology Solutions Limited Richmond Court, 128 Maidstone Road Sidcup Kent DA14 5HS T: 020 8320 9944 E: sales@taylortechnologysystems.com W: www.taylortechnologysystems.com Taziker Industrial Limited Unit 6 Lodge Bank, Crown Lane Horwich Lancashire BL6 5HY T: 01204 468080 E: sales@ti.uk.com W: www.ti.uk.com TB Davies (Cardiff ) Ltd Lewis Road, Cardiff CF24 5EB T: 029 2132 0000 E: info@tbdavies.co.uk W: www.tbdavies.co.uk

A-Z Directory

TBA Protective Technologies Ltd are specialist UK manufacturers of the highest performance technical textiles for use in critical fire, thermal and protective applications. Greatly experienced in the provision of fire and slashresistant materials used within rail passenger seating, working with seat manufacturers to meet relevant European and International test standards. TBA Protective Technologies Ltd Transpennine Trade Est, Gorrells Way Rochdale Lancashire OL11 2PX T: 01706 647422 E: info@tba-pt.com W: www.tba-pt.com TBAT Innovation Limited Unit 3, Bradley Court Trent Lane Castle Donington Derbyshire DE74 2UT T: 01332 819740 E: info@tbat.co.uk W: www.tbat.co.uk TCS Geotechnics Units 2 & 5, Tetbury Close Martland Park Wigan WN5 0LA T: 01942 218597 E: sales@tcs-geotechnics.co.uk W: www.tcs-geotechnics.co.uk TEAL Consulting Ltd Deangate, Tuesley Lane Godalming Surrey GU7 1SG T: 01483 420550 E: info@tealconsulting.co.uk W: www.tealconsulting.co.uk Tec Training (GB) Ltd 1 Dock Road London E16 1AH T: 020 7476 1111 E: info@tectraining.co.uk W: www.tectraining.co.uk Tecalemit Eagle Road, Langage Business Park Plymouth Devon PL7 5JY T: 01752 219111 E: sales@tecalemit.co.uk W: www.tecalemit.co.uk Tecforce Ltd Litchurch Lane, Derby Derbyshire DE24 8AA T: 01332 268000 E: sales@tecforce.co.uk W: www.tecforce.co.uk Technical Programme Delivery Ltd Systems House, 10 Heathfield Close Binfield Heath Henley On Thames RG9 4DS T: 01932 228710 E: dir@tpd.uk.com W: www.tpd.uk.com TECHNO CTA Limited 7 Pier Parade London E16 2LJ T: 0207 055 0877 E: info@technocta.co.uk W: www.technocta.co.uk Technocover Ltd (Incorporating Technorail) Henfaes Lane, Welshpool Powys Wales SYL1 7BE T: 01938 555511 E: sales@technocover.co.uk W: www.technocover.co.uk Technology Resourcing Ltd Technology Centre, Surrey Research Park Occam Road Guildford GU2 7YG T: 01483 302211 E: recruit@tech-res.co.uk W: www.tech-res.co.uk Techpol Ltd Unit 4 Rushy Platt, Wootton Bassett Road Swindon Wiltshire SN5 8WQ T: 01793 871550 E: enquiries@techpolltd.com W: www.techpolltd.com

Tecocraft LTD 311 Green Lane, Ilford Essex IG3 9TL T: 07833 027277 E: info@tecocraft.com W: www.tecocraft.co.uk Teepee Electrical Teepee House Unit 6, Leamore Lane Bloxwich, Walsall West Midlands WS2 7DG T: 01922 408 571 E: sales@teepee-electrical.co.uk W: www.teepeeelectrical.co.uk TEK Seating Ltd 14 Decimus Park, Kingstanding Way Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 3PG T: 01892 515028 E: sales@tekseating.co.uk W: www.tekseating.co.uk Telegartner UK Ltd Unit 1, A1(M) Business Centre 157 Dixons Hill Rd Hertfordshire AL9 7JE T: 01707 636600 E: info@telegaertner.co.uk W: www.telegaertner.co.uk

Telent Technology Services Ltd Point 3, Haywood Road Warwick CV34 5AH T: 01926 693000 E: talktotelent@telent.com W: www.telent.com

The Teleque Wireless radio platform announcer is a cost-effective and visible upgrade to existing PA systems. It significantly enhances station operations, increasing the mobility and safety of its platform staff. The Teleque T101 conforms to the National Rail product specification for wireless connectivity (NR/L2/ TEL/30147) and is fully PADS approved. Teleque Ltd 71-75 Shelton Street London WC2H 9JQ T: 01243 278785 E: info@teleque.co.uk W: www.teleque.co.uk

Televic Rail designs, produces and maintains communication and control systems for the rail market. For more than 30 years Televic Rail has been a leading trusted partner for railway operators and train builders all over the world and has equipped more than 60.000 vehicles with on-board solutions. Televic Rail NV Leo Bekaertlaan 1, 8870 Izegem Belgium T: 0032 5130 3045 E: rail@televic.com W: www.televic-rail.com Temple Group Ltd The Woolyard, 52 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3UD T: 020 7394 3700 E: enquiries@templegroup.co.uk W: www.templegroup.co.uk

TenBroekeCo is a firm of multi-disciplinary independent expert advisers on infrastructure, with specialist knowledge in railways, depots and stations. We have taken leading roles in many high-profile UK projects including Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, Jubilee Line, Thameslink, Old Oak Common, Ramsgate and internationally in Turkey, Iraq, India and Bangladesh. TenBroeke Company Limited Dorset House, Regent Park Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7PL T: 01372 824722 E: paul.tweedale@tenbroekeco.com W: www.tenbroekeco.com TenCate Advanced Composites UK Amber Drive, Langley Mill Nottingham NG16 4BE T: 01773 530899 E: tcacsales@tencate.com W: www.tencatecomposites.com Tencate Geosynthetics PO Box 773, Telford Shropshire TF7 9FE T: 01952 588066 E: service.uk@tencategeo.com W: www.tencategeo.eu Teneo Blue Rubicon 5th Floor, 6 More London Place London SE1 2DA T: 020 7260 2700 E: info@teneo.com W: www.teneo.com Tenmat Ltd (Railko Ltd) Ashburton Road West, Trafford Park Manchester M70 1RU T: 0161 872 2181 E: webenquiry@tenmat.com W: www.tenmat.com Tensar International Ltd Cunningham Court, Shadsworth Bus Park Blackburn BB1 2QX T: 01254 262431 E: info@tensar-international.com W: www.tensar.co.uk Terra Solutions Limited 3 Carnbane Bus Park, Shepherds Way Newry Co. Down BT35 6QH T: 028 3026 9848 E: info@terrasolutions.co.uk W: www.terrasolutions.co.uk

The Cylinder Service Centre Ltd Sedling Road, Washington Tyne & Wear NE38 9BZ T: 0191 416 6288 E: sales@cylinder.co.uk W: www.cylinder.co.uk The Deritend Group Ltd Cyprus Street, Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 4PA T: 01902 426354 E: wolverhampton@deritend.co.uk W: www.deritend.co.uk The Ecology Co-op Unit 4 Langham Stables, Langham Lane Lodsworth West Sussex GU28 9BU T: 01798 861800 E: info@ecologyco-op.co.uk W: www.ecologyco-op.co.uk The Ecology Consultancy Tempus Wharf, 33a Bermondsey Wall London SE16 4TQ T: 020 7378 1914 E: marketing@ecologyconsultancy.co.uk W: www.ecologyconsultancy.co.uk The Greenbank Group UK Hartshorne Road, Woodville Derbyshire DE11 7GT T: 0845 0707 097 E: info@greenbankgroup.com W: www.greenbankgroup.com The Imagination Factory Ltd Power Road Studios, 114 Power Road Chiswick London W4 5PY T: 07748 767688 E: julian@imaginationfactory.co.uk W: www.imaginationfactory.co.uk The Input Group Input House, 103 Ashbourne Road Derby DE22 3FW T: 01332 348830 E: office@inputgroup.co.uk W: www.inputgroup.co.uk The National Engineering & Construction Recruitment Exhibition Floor 2, 2-4 St Georges Road Wimbledon SW19 4DP T: 020 8394 5200 E: ner@vmgl.com W: www.engineerjobs.co.uk

Terram & Tubex Blackwater Trading Est, The Causeway Maldon Essex CM9 4GG T: 01621 874200 E: info@terram.com W: www.terram.com

With over 25 years’ experience in the rail industry, we offer specialist psychology and HR solutions for gaps in (safety) performance, support talent acquisition and employee development. Our special interest is in human factors and safety critical role performance, and why people make mistakes and have safety incidents.

TES 2000 Ltd Heath Business Park, Grange Way Colchester Essex CO2 8GU T: 01206 799111 E: info@tes2000.co.uk W: www.tes2000.co.uk

The OPC One Wellstones, Watford Hertfordshire WD17 2AE T: 01923 234646 E: admin@theopc.co.uk W: www.theopc.co.uk

Testo Ltd Newman Lane, Alton Hampshire GU34 2QJ T: 01420 544433 E: info@testo.co.uk W: www.testo.com The Bionic Eye Unit 7, Brook Business Centre Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FX T: 01753 653456 E: info@thebioniceye.co.uk W: www.thebioniceye.co.uk The Consultancy Company 9 Fenlock Court, Blenheim Office Park Long Hanborough Oxford OX29 8LN T: 01993 883421 E: info@the-consultancy.co.uk W: www.the-consultancy.co.uk

The Pied Piper Pest Control Company Ltd 301 Hall Lane London E4 8NU T: 0800 9993999 E: thepiedpiperpestcontrol@gmail.com W: www.thepiedpiper.co.uk The QSS Group Limited 2 St George’s House, Vernon Gate Derby DE1 1UQ T: 01332 221400 E: enquiries@theqss.co.uk W: www.theqssgroup.co.uk The Rail Estate Consultancy Ltd 12 Bridge Wharf, 156 Caledonian Road London N1 9UU T: 020 7837 1114 E: mail@railestate.co.uk W: www.railestate.co.uk


A-Z Directory The Railway Consultancy Ltd 1st floor South Tower, Crystal Palace station London SE19 2AZ T: 020-8676-0395 E: info@railwayconsultancy.com W: www.railwayconsultancy.com The SES Group The Barrows, Roydon Road Harlow CM19 5DY T: 020 3858 0528 E: enquiries@thesesgroup.co.uk W: www.thesesgroup.co.uk The SFS Manufacturing Group Ltd Unit 3, Finway Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1TR T: 01582 509250 E: sales@sfsgrp.com W: www.sfsgrp.com The Spencer Group One Humber Quays, Wellington Street West Hull HU1 2BN T: 0113 815 0015 E: think@thespencergroup.co.uk W: www.spencerrail.co.uk

“Fuel Cleaning at its Best.” Specializes in Cleaning Contaminated Diesel. Removing Water Diesel Bug Contamination/Rust. Tankbuster offers two services: 1) We can come to you etc 2) Tankbusters Manufactures its own Range of Filtration Equipment in 230 & 110 volts or its small portable Filtration unit in 12vol Filtering to One Micron and removing water to 100 parts per million. “That’s fuel filtration at its best” Don’t get caught out by some competitors who cant get close to Tankbusters Filtration Levels The Tankbusters & Tankbusters Commercial Ltd Langworth Junction Mansfield T: 01623 741351 E: info@tankbusters.co.uk W: www.tankbusters.co.uk The Think Tank 40 Clifton Street London EC2A 4DX T: 020 7831 2225 E: info@thinktank.org.uk W: www.thinktank.org.uk

T: 01483 466000 E: enquiries@thomsonecology.com W: www.thomsonecology.com

T: 01483 452283 E: info@timeplansolutions.com W: www.timeplansolutions.com

T: 01623 513355 E: sales@townscape-products.co.uk W: www.townscapeproducts.co.uk

Thomson Engineering Design Ltd Valley Road, Cinderford Gloucestershire GL14 2NZ T: 01594 826679 E: sales@thomsondesignuk.com W: www.thomsonrail.com

Tony Meadows Associates Ltd 3 Fitzroy Mews, Fitzrovia London W1T 6DF T: 020 7388 0004 E: tma@tma.uk.com W: www.tma.uk.com

TP Matrix Ltd Prince Of Wales Bus Pk, Vulcan Street Oldham Greater Manchester OL1 4ER T: 0161 626 4067 E: enquiries@tpmatrix.co.uk W: www.tpmatrixrail.co.uk

Thornton & Lowe 40 Higher Bridge Street Bolton BL1 2HA T: 01204 238046 E: hello@thorntonandlowe.com W: www.thorntonandlowe.com

Topdrill Ltd 7 Deeping Gate, Stonebridge Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK13 0DE T: 01908 321925 E: info@topdrill.co.uk W: www.topdrill.co.uk

TPA Rapid Rail Access Claylands Avenue, Worksop Nottinghamshire S81 7DJ T: 0870 240 2381 E: info@vp-tpa.com W: www.vp-tpa.com

Three Shires Ltd Piper Hole Farm, Eastwell Road Scalford Leicestershire LE14 4SS T: 01664 444604 E: enquiries@threeshires.com W: www.threeshires.com

Torrent Trackside 1st Floor, Ventura House Ventura Park Road Tamworth Staffs B78 3HL T: 0845 769 7168 E: mail@torrent.co.uk W: www.torrent.co.uk

TICS (Global) Ltd PO BOX 139 Sandall Lane, Kirk Sandall Ind Estate Doncaster DN3 1WZ T: 01302 888631 E: info@tics-ltd.co.uk W: www.tics-ltd.co.uk

Total Connections 2009 Ltd Unit 2, Clark Avenue Calne Wilts SN11 9BS T: 01249 812 707 E: sales@tc2009.co.uk W: www.tc2009.co.uk

TIDE Services trading as Geodesys Osprey House, 1 Percy Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 6SZ T: 0800 085 8050 E: customer.services@geodesys.com W: www.geodesys.com

Total Rail Solutions (TRS) Crossways, Stephenson Road Houndmills Basingstoke RG21 6XR T: 01962 711642 E: info@totalrailsolutions.co.uk W: www.totalrailsolutions.co.uk

Derby-based Tidyco, a supplier of EN 45545-2 fire safe hydraulic hoses as well as pneumatic products to the international rail industry; has recently invested £150,000 in state-of-the-art machinery so as to introduce an additional tube bending and manipulation service to market, complete with robotic plotting arm. Contact Tidyco to find out more, quoting: RPYB2019. Tidyco Ltd Nottingham Road Derby DE21 6BW T: 01332 851300 E: sales@tidyco.co.uk W: www.tidyco.co.uk

The Trainline PO Box 23972 Edinburgh EH3 5DA T: 0333 202 2222 E: customer.relations@thetrainline.com W: www.thetrainline.com

Tiflex Ltd – Trackelast Specialist Rail Solutions Tiflex House, Liskeard Cornwall PL14 4NB T: 01579 320808 E: sales@tiflex.co.uk W: www.trackelast.com

The Write Angle 20 Eaton Avenue, Buckshaw VIllage Chorley Lancashire PR7 7NA T: 01772 450990 E: hello@thewriteangle.co.uk W: www.thewriteangle.co.uk

Timbermat Ltd Battersea Road, Heaton Mersey Ind Est Stockport Cheshire SK4 3EA T: 0161 442 3157 E: info@timbermat.co.uk W: www.timbermat.co.uk

Thermacom Ltd Kelvin House, Preston Road Reading Berkshire RG2 0BE T: 0118 918 1400 E: sales@thermagroup.com W: www.thermagroup.com Thermit Welding (GB) Ltd 87 Ferry Lane, Rainham Essex RM13 9YH T: 01708 522626 E: info@thermitwelding.co.uk W: www.thermit-welding.co.uk Thomas Radford 1 Broad Gate, The Headrow Leeds LS1 8EQ T: 0113 834 5546 E: info@thomasradford.co.uk W: www.thomasradford.co.uk Thomson Ecology Ltd Compass House, Surrey Research Park Guildford Surrey GU2 7AG


Time 24 are one of Europe’s largest Rail Contract Manufacturers for the supply of Electromechanical Assemblies and Wiring Harnesses. Fully ISO22163(IRIS) approved and with facilities in both the UK and the low cost Czech Republic, Time 24 have a world class customer base for both Rolling Stock and Infrastructure Applications. Time 24 assemblies are now on over 30,000 UK Rail Carriages. Time 24 19 Victoria Gardens, Burgess Hill West Sussex RH15 9NB T: 01444 257655 E: info@time24.co.uk W: www.time24.com Timeplan Solutions Ltd 12 The Pines, Broad Street Guildford Surrey GU3 3BH

Total Steelworks Road and Rail division is THE name in steelwork for the road and rail sectors. We provide a complete service working alongside construction partners including Highways England and Network Rail, to deliver the most cost effective, high quality and dependable steelwork packages for our customers For more info call 01925 234320 or see us at www.totalsteelfabs.com Total Steelwork & Fabrication Ltd Warrington Central, Trading Estate Bewsey Road Warrington WA2 7LP T: 01925 234320 E: info@totalsteelfabs.com W: www.totalsteelfabs.com Total Training Company (UK) Ltd 365-369 Olton Boulevard, East Olton Solihull West Midlands B27 7DP T: 0121 706 0851 E: info@total-training.uk.com W: www.total-training.uk.com

Totalkare’s railway lifting jacks are perfect for depots and workshops. Available in lifting capacities from 5,500kg to 50,000kg per jack, they are heavy duty and reliable. The jacks can be used in configurations of 4 to 128 columns, with computerised control units providing easy synchronicity, enabling the lifting of a single carriage or series of rail cars. Totalkare Heavy Duty Workshop Solutions Block G1, Dandy Bank Road Pensnett Trad Est Kingswinford DY6 7TD T: 0121 585 2724 E: sales@totalkare.co.uk W: www.totalkare.co.uk Tower Supplies 3 Yarrow Road, Tower Park Poole Dorset BH12 4TS T: 01202 718000 E: sales@towersupplies.com W: www.towersupplies.com Townscape Products Fulwood Road South, Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 2JZ

We bring a wealth of specialist rail industry experience, sector knowledge, strategic and commercial planning expertise and a track record of delivering projects to the highest standard, with our partners. Installing, testing and managing major work projects, from complex large renewal works, to multi-faceted dynamic systems test sessions. TPS Limited (Track Protection & Signalling) Warlies Park House, 11 Old School Block Horseshoe Hill Upshire EN9 3SL T: 01992 786 001 E: info@uk-tps.com W: www.uk-tps.com Trace Heating Projects Ltd Green End House, 33d Greens End Road Meltham Holmfirth West Yorkshire HD9 5NW T: 01484 859700 E: sales@traceheatingprojects.co.uk W: www.traceheatingprojects.co.uk TrAchem Ltd Unit 2 Holmeroyd Bus Pk, Holmeroyd Road Carcroft Doncaster DN6 7EG T: 01302 723111 E: info@trachem.co.uk W: www.oil-store.co.uk Track Maintenance Equipment Limited 2 Station Road Ind Est, Liphook Hampshire GU30 7DR T: 01428 724701 E: sales@tmeltd.co.uk W: www.tmeltd.co.uk

Tracklink is a leading UK supplier of railway equipment, tools and technology. We are also the market leader in calibration services for railway specific instruments and non-railroad specific equipment such as insulation testers and digital thermometers. Tracklink is committed to providing the best possible standard of service to all its clients. Tracklink UK Ltd Unit 5, Miltons Yard Petworth Road Witley, Surrey GU8 5LH T: 01428 685902 E: enquiries@tklink.co.uk W: www.tklink.co.uk Trackmaps PO Box 5259, Beckington Frome BA11 9DD T: 0845 300 1370 E: sales@trackmaps.co.uk W: www.trackmaps.co.uk Trackway Solutions Limited Unit 727a, Street 2 Thorp Arch Estate Wetherby LS23 7FX T: 0845 241 8555 E: info@trackwaysolutions.co.uk W: www.trackwaysolutions.co.uk Trackwork Ltd PO Box 139 Sandall Lane, Kirk Sandall Ind Estate Doncaster DN3 1WZ T: 01302 888666 E: info@trackwork.co.uk W: www.trackwork.co.uk

A-Z Directory Traco Electronic AG Sihlbruggstrasse 111, 6340 Baar Switzerland T: 00 41 43 311 45 11 E: info@tracopower.com W: www.tracopower.com

Transport for Greater Manchester 2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BG T: 0161 244 1000 E: customer.relations@tfgm.com W: www.tfgm.com

Tracsis PLC Nexus, Discovery Way Leeds LS2 3AA T: 0845 125 9162 E: info@tracsis.com W: www.tracsis.com

Transport for London (TfL) Ashfield House, 7 Beaumont Avenue West Kensington London W14 9UY T: 0843 557 3455 W: www.tfl.gov.uk

Tracsis Transport Consultancy 33 Brunel Parkway, Pride Park Derby DE24 8HR E: consultancy@tracsis.com W: www.tracsis.com Traction Rail Electrical Ltd 47 Station Approach, Hayes Bromley BR2 7EB T: 020 8462 6322 E: thecompany@tractionrail.com W: www.tractionrail.com Trades Union Congress (TUC) Congress House, Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS T: 020 7636 4030 E: info@tuc.org.uk W: www.tuc.org.uk Trainfx Ltd 4 Newmarket Court, Newmarket Drive Derby DE24 8NW T: 01332 366175 E: enquiries@trainfx.com W: www.trainfx.com Trans Data Management Ltd 12 Raleigh Court, Priestley Way Crawley RH10 9PD T: 01293 516691 E: info@trans-data.com W: www.trans-data.com Trans-Tronic Ltd Whitting Valley Road, Old Whittington Chesterfield S41 9EY T: 01246 264260 E: sales@trans-tronic.co.uk W: www.trans-tronic.co.uk Transit Cable Products 2 Jane’s Court, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3JJ T: 01223 655664 E: info@transitcableproducts.co.uk W: www.transitcableproducts.co.uk TransPennine Express 7th Floor, Bridgewater House 60 Whitworth St Manchester M1 6LT T: 0345 600 1671 E: tpecustomer.relations@firstgroup.com W: www.tpexpress.co.uk

Simply known as TBF, this not-for-profit membership charity offers a wide range of financial, health and welfare benefits to those working in the public transport industry should need, hardship or distress arise. Membership costs just £1.25 a week, covering the member, their live-in partner and dependent children. Registered charity in England and Wales no. 1160901, in Scotland SC047016. Transport Benevolent Fund CIO Suite 2.7 The Loom, 14 Gowers Walk London E1 8PY T: 0300 333 2000 E: help@tbf.org.uk W: www.tbf.org.uk Transport Focus Albany House, 86 Petty France London SW1H 9EA T: 0300 123 0860 E: info@transportfocus.org.uk W: www.transportfocus.org.uk

Transport for London (TfL) 4th Floor, 14 Pier Walk London SE10 0ES T: 0343 222 1234 W: www.tfl.gov.uk Transport for London (TfL) 5th Floor Central, Templar House 81-87 High Holborn London WC1V 6NU T: 020 7038 4503 W: www.tfl.gov.uk

Trimble UK Hillside House, Parkway North 1500 Stoke Gifford Bristol BS34 8YU T: 0117 203 3500 E: info@atriumsoft.com W: www.trimble.com Helping you remove unwanted vibration and noise. Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions make improvements people can feel physically. With quality, testing and compliance built in, our customers can have the confidence they’re dealing with a true partner that understands their challenges and joins them on the frontline of innovation. Trelleborg Antivibration Solutions 1 Hoods Close Leicester LE4 2BN T: 0116 267 0300 E: antivibration@trelleborg.com W: www.trelleborg.com

Transport for London (TfL) Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ T: 0343 222 0000 W: www.tfl.gov.uk

Tremco Illbruck Limited Coupland Road, Hindley Green Wigan WN2 4HT T: 01942 251400 E: uk.info@tremco-illbruck.com W: www.tremco-illbruck.com

Transport for the North 2nd Floor, 4 Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BN T: 0161 244 0888 E: info@transportforthenorth.com W: www.transportforthenorth.com

Trendrail Ltd – Specialists in Engineering Unit 4, Wilcock Road, Old Boston Trade Estate Haydock WA11 9SR T: 01942 721432 E: info@trendrail.com W: www.trendrail.com

Transport for Wales South Gate House, Wood Street Cardiff CF10 1EW T: 029 2167 3434 E: contact@transportfor.wales W: www.tfw.gov.wales

Trent Instruments Ltd Units 8 & 9, Genesis Business Park Midland Way Nottingham NG7 3EF T: 0115 978 5333 E: sales@trentinstruments.co.uk W: www.trentinstruments.co.uk

Transport Investigations Ltd Unit 65 The Oaks, Manston Business Park Ramsgate Kent CT12 5FD T: 01843 593595 E: info@transportinvestigations.co.uk W: www.transportinvestigations.co.uk

Trenton Fire Ltd Murdock House, 30 Murdock Road Bicester OX26 4PP T: 01869 366545 E: enquiries@trentonfire.co.uk W: www.trentonfire.co.uk

Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) 2nd Floor Walkden House, 17 Devonshire Square London EC2M 4SQ T: 020 7387 2101 E: enquiries@tssa.org.uk W: www.tssa.org.uk

Trevally Engineering Ltd 4 The Avenue, Hale Cheshire WA15 0LX T: 0161 657 3783 E: andrew.knowles@trevallyengineering.com W: www.trevallyengineering.com

Transport Scotland Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundass Road Glasgow G4 0HF T: 0141 272 7100 E: info@transport.gov.scot W: www.transport.gov.scot

TRI Control Systems Colham Green House, Colham Green Road Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 3QQ T: 01895 257500 E: enquiries@tricontrols.com W: www.tricontrols.com

Transport Trust First Floor, 26 Station Approach Hinchley Wood Esher Surrey KT10 0SR T: 020 7928 6464 E: info@transporttrust.com W: www.transporttrust.com Tratos Ltd 10 Eagle Court, Britton Street Farringdon London EC1M 5QD T: 0845 413 9990 E: uk@tratos.eu W: www.tratos.eu Travel Compensation Services Ltd Unit 55, 2 Cromar Way Chelmsford Essex CM1 2QE T: 020 3794 4346 E: info@travelcompensationservices.com W: www.travelcompensationservices.com TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd 12 Clifton Road, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 7EN T: 01480 447400 E: info@trbls.com W: www.trbls.com

Tribo Rail manufactures long-lasting, high quality railway braking products with low disc and wheel wear rates that are proven to reduce fleet maintenance costs. Our portfolio includes organic friction materials to suit any duty cycle or vehicle type including cast iron braked applications. Tribo Rail UK Ltd PO Box 676, Bury Greater Manchester BL8 9RR T: 01298 214980 E: enquiries@triborail.com W: www.triborail.com Trimble Rail Solutions Fenward House, Arkle Road Sandyford Dublin T: 00 353 1 539 8700 E: rail@trimble.com W: www.rail.trimble.com Trimble Tekla UK Trimble House, Gelderd Road Morley Leeds LS27 7JP T: 0113 887 9790 E: tekla.sales.uk@trimble.com W: www.tekla.com

Established in 2015 and specializing in niche construction and rail plant for resale and/or rental. A customer focused organization that prides itself in providing quality products, maintained and serviced to the highest level. Our products include: • Vortok Safety Barrier Fencing • Magnetic Safety Barrier Fencing • Tower Lights • Link Lights Triptex Limited Suite 301, 51 Pinfold Street Birmingham B2 4AY T: 0121 371 0800 E: info@triptex.co.uk W: www.triptex.co.uk Triscan Systems Ltd 4 Petre Court, Clayton Business Park Clayton-le-Moors Accrington Lancs BB5 5HY T: 01254 350302 E: info@triscansystems.com W: www.triscansystems.com Tritech Group Bridge Road North, Wrexham Ind Estate Wrexham North Wales LL13 9PS T: 01978 661111 E: sales@tritechgroup.co.uk W: www.tritechgroup.co.uk TRL Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride Wokingham Berkshire RE40 BGA T: 01344 773131 E: enquiries@trl.co.uk W: www.trl.co.uk Trolex Ltd Newby Road, Hazel Grove Stockport Cheshire SK7 5DY T: 0161 483 1435 E: sales@trolex.com W: www.trolex.com TRS Staffing Solutions 8th Floor, York House Kingsway London WC2B 6UJ T: 020 7419 5800 E: info-uk@trsstaffing.com W: www.trsstaffing.com Trueform Unit 12, Pasadena Trading Estate Pasadena Close Hayes Middlesex UB3 3NQ T: 020 8561 4959 E: sales@trueform.co.uk W: www.trueform.co.uk

TSG Fleet, supply and install products and services to the commercial fleet industry. UK wide 24/7 maintenance and installation services for fuel dispensers, fuel management systems, wireless and analogue tank gauges, above and below ground fuel, diesel and water holding tanks. TSG also carry out site audits, including DSEAR assessments. TSG Fleet Platts Common Ind Est, Hoyland Barnsley South Yorkshire S74 9SE T: 0333 015 3001 E: enquiries.uk@tsg-solutions.com W: www.tsg-solutions.com/uk


A-Z Directory TSP Projects Meridian House, The Crescent York YO24 1AW T: 01904 454600 E: tsp.communications@tspprojects.co.uk W: www.tspprojects.com TTG Technology (Europe) Ltd 1st Floor, 6 Munro Road Springkerse Ind Estate Stirling FK7 7UU T: 01786 448535 E: enquiries@ttgeurope.com W: www.ttgtransportationtechnology.com TTPP Construction Consultants 1/F Crowne House, 56-58 Southwark Street London SE1 1UN T: 020 7940 6500 E: enquiries@ttpp.coo.uk W: www.ttpp.co.uk TTS Rail (Trough-Tec Systems) Clifford House, Lady Bank Drive Lakeside Doncaster DN4 5NF T: 01302 343633 E: info@ttsrail.co.uk W: www.ttsrail.co.uk Tufnol Composites Ltd Wellhead Lane, Perry Barr Birmingham B42 2TN T: 0121 356 9351 E: info@tufnol.co.uk W: www.tufnol.com Tunnelling Accessories Ltd Sidney Little Road, Churchfields Ind Estate St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex TN38 9PU T: 01424 854112 E: info@tunnellingaccessories.co.uk W: www.tunnellingaccessories.co.uk Turbex Limited Unit 1 Riverwey Ind Pk, Newman Lane Alton Hampshire GU34 2QL T: 01420 544909 E: sales@turbex.co.uk W: www.turbex.co.uk Turbo Power Systems Ltd 1 Queens Park, Queensway North Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE11 0NX T: 0191 482 9200 E: info@turbopowersystems.com W: www.turbopowersystems.com Turkington Holdings Limited James Park, Mahon Road Portadown Co. Armagh BT62 3EH T: 028 3833 2807 E: info@turkington-holdings.com W: www.turkington-construction.com Turner & Townsend Group One New Change London EC4M 9AF T: 020 7544 4000 E: lon@turntown.co.uk W: www.turnerandtownsend.com

TVS Supply Chain Solutions provide companies in the rail sector with a wide range of procurement strategies, coupled with innovative supply chain and logistics solutions. Our unique services and solutions provide our clients with cost savings and efficiencies and allows them to concentrate on their core business activities. TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd Logistics House, Buckshaw Avenue Chorley Lancashire PR6 7AJ T: 01257 265 531 E: rail@tvsscs.com W: www.tvsscs.com TWI Certification Granta Park, Great Abington Cambridge CB21 6AL T: 01223 899000 E: twicertification@twi.co.uk W: www.twicertification.com


Twinfix Limited 201 Cavendish Place, Birchwood Park Birchwood Warrington WA3 6WU T: 01925 811311 E: enquiries@twinfix.co.uk W: www.twinfix.co.uk

TXM Consult is a team of operationally experienced senior business leaders providing independent advice and business performance transformation. From operational and performance improvements to strategic advice, and execution of projects, TXM Consult recommends the best value for money solutions, systems and suppliers based on the clients’ strategic objectives and budget. TXM Consult Quarnmill House, Stores Road Derby DE24 4XF T: 07741 664 290 E: info@txmconsult.com W: www.txmconsult.com TXM Plant Ltd 23 Linford Forum, Rockingham Drive Linford Forum Milton Keynes MK14 6LY T: 01908 443000 E: sales@txmplant.co.uk W: www.txmplant.co.uk

TXM Projects provides project solutions on rail vehicles including refurbishment / refresh programmes, safety and reliability improvement modifications, and fleet maintenance support; supporting government organisations, manufacturers, operators, maintainers, and suppliers. TXM Projects operates seamlessly with TXM Recruit and TXM Consult offering clients a complete 360° end-toend rolling stock project solution. TXM Projects Unit 21, Monkspath Business Park Solihull B90 4NZ T: 0121 516 3739 E: info@txmprojects.co.uk W: www.txmprojects.co.uk

The family-owned company based in Schwaz, Austria was founded in 1919 and is a member of the Swarovski Group, has over 4,300 employees at 26 production locations in 11 countries and on 5 continents. TYROLIT’s Metal and Precision and Construction divisions manufacture 80,000 different products. TYROLIT products grind, cut and drill almost any material of any hardness. Tyrolit Ltd Eldon Close, Crick Northampton NN6 7UD T: 01788 823738 E: gborder@tyrolit.com W: www.tyrolit.co.uk Tyrone Fabrication 87 Goland Road, Ballygawley Co Tyrone North Ireland BT702LA T: 028 8556 7200 E: info@tyrone.co.uk W: www.tyrone.co.uk U+I Group PLC 7a Howick Place London SW1P 1DZ T: 020 7828 4777 E: hello@uandiplc.com W: www.developmentsecurities.com UK Composite Decking Redhill House, Hope Street Chester CH4 8BU T: 01244 689 317 E: admin@ukcompositedecking.co.uk W: www.ukcompositedecking.co.uk

UK Power Networks Services provides energy infrastructure solutions to global energy challenges, delivering resilience, cost efficiency and sustainability. They deliver in highly complex and challenging environments, including working on Europe’s busiest runways, trackside on the UK’s fastest mainline railway and at nuclear sites, ports and military facilities. UK Power Networks Services Newington House, 237 Southwark Bridge Rd London SE1 6NP T: 0800 029 4285 E: enquiries@ukpowernetworks.co.uk W: www.ukpowernetworksservices.co.uk

TXM Recruit is a specialist Engineering and Technical recruitment agency, providing temporary, contract and permanent workforce solutions via PSL, MSP and RPO engagement models. Formed by engineers, TXM Recruit remains in the ownership of people who have an extensive history of working within the engineering and recruitment industry. TXM Recruit 2 Grange Court, Harnett Drive Wolverton Mill Milton Keynes MK12 5NE T: 07824 817056 E: info@txmrecruit.co.uk W: www.txmrecruit.co.uk Tyne & Wear Metro Nexus House, St James Boulevard Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4AX T: 0191 203 3333 E: contactmetro@nexus.org.uk W: www.nexus.org.uk

UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN) c/o RSSB, The Helicon 1 South Place London EC2M 2RB T: 020 3142 5300 E: ukrrin@rssb.co.uk W: www.ukrrin.org.uk UK Railtours PO Box 350, Welwyn Hertfordshire AL6 0WG T: 01438 715050 E: info@ukrailtours.com W: www.ukrailtours.com UK Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) Camden House, Warwick Road Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 1TH T: 01926 513773 E: admin@ukstt.org.uk W: www.ukstt.org.uk UK Tram Centro House, 16 Summer Lane Birmingham B19 3SD T: 0121 214 7104 E: info@uktram.co.uk W: www.uktram.co.uk UKDN Waterflow Ltd Block A The Courtyard, Langley Business Park Waterside Drive Slough SL3 6EZ T: 0333 344 9099 E: bids@ukdnwaterflow.co.uk W: www.ukdnwaterflow.co.uk UKRL - UK Rail Leasing Ltd Leicester TMD, Beal Street Leicester LE2 0AA T: 0116 262 2783 E: info@ukrl.co.uk W: www.ukrl.co.uk Ultra Electronics Ltd PMES Towers Business Park, Wheelhouse Road Rugeley Staffordshire WS15 1UZ T: 01889 503300 E: enquiries@ultra-pmes.com W: www.ultra-pmes.com UNIFE Avenue Louise 221, B-1050 Brussels Belgium T: 0032 2626 1260 E: general@unife.org W: www.unife.org Unilite Limited Winyates Way, Moons Moat Ind Estate Redditch Worcestershire B98 9FG T: 01527 584344 E: sales@unilite.co.uk W: www.unilite.co.uk

We have extensive product ranges which have been enhanced by the addition of the Lightweight Signalling Range – designed in close collaboration with Network Rail to meet the changing needs of the industry. UKRL is your comprehensive railway services and engineering partner providing rail vehicle and component overhaul, maintenance & repair, including UK-wide mobile support. We provide passenger train servicing, cleaning and refueling using our 150,000-litre capacity refueling point and modern train-care facility including CET. Able to service 4 vehicles simultaneously. UK Rail Ltd Unit 4, Hollies Business Park Hollies Park Road Cannock WS11 1DB T: 01543 575704 E: info@ukrail-ltd.com W: www.ukrail-ltd.com UK Rail Ltd (Birmingham) 8th Floor, 1 Victoria Square Birmingham B1 1BD T: 01543 575704 E: info@ukrail-ltd.com W: www.ukrail-ltd.com

Unipart Dorman Wennington Road, Southport Merseyside PR9 7TN T: 01704 518000 E: dorman.enquiries@unipartdorman.co.uk W: www.unipartdorman.co.uk

A-Z Directory

Unipart Rail addresses the challenges of the rail industry across the asset lifecycle by working collaboratively with our partners to deliver technology and supply chain solutions that improve performance, reduce risk and optimise cost. At the heart of your success is your supply chain. Reputation, revenue and profit all rely on your ability to deliver for your customers. That’s why we commit so much time, energy and investment into creating the strongest most resilient and most successful supply chains in the industry. We also supply a huge range of world class rail products and technologies across infrastructure, signalling, rolling stock and train operations. High quality, industry compliant rail products delivered where you need them when you need them and in the format required. Unipart Rail Jupiter Building, First Point Balby Carr Bank Doncaster DN4 5JQ T: 01302 731400 E: enquiries@unipartrail.com W: www.unipartrail.com Unistrut Delta Point, Greets Green Road West Bromwich B70 9PL T: 0121 580 6300 E: enquiries@unistrut.com W: www.unistrut.co.uk Unite the Union Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road Holborn London WC1X 8TN T: 020 7611 2500 E: executive.council@unitetheunion.org W: www.unitetheunion.org United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) 2 Pine Trees, Chertsey Lane Staines TW18 3HR T: 01784 429000 E: info@ukas.com W: www.ukas.com United Springs Ltd Mandale Park, Norman Road Rochdale Lancashire OL11 4HP T: 01706 644551 E: united-springs.uk.info@sogefigroup.com W: www.united-springs.com UniTrunk - Harlow Unit G Flex Meadow, Merring Way The Pinnicles Harlow CM19 5SR T: 01279 444481 E: harlow@unitrunk.co.uk W: www.unitrunk.co.uk UNITRUNK Ltd Blaris Ind Estate, Altona Road Lisburn County Antrim BT7 5QB T: 01279 444481 E: lisburn@unitrunk.co.uk W: www.unitrunk.co.uk Univar Specialty Consumables USC House, Vanguard Tame Park Wilnecote Tamworth Staffs B77 5DY T: 01827 255216 E: univarsc@univar.com W: www.univarsc.com University of Birmingham Edgbaston Campus, Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT T: 0121 414 2626 E: railway@contacts.bham.ac.uk W: www.birmingham.ac.uk/railway University of Central Lancashire Preston Lancashire PR1 2HE T: 01772 201201 E: cenquiries@uclan.ac.uk W: www.uclan.ac.uk University of East Anglia Norwich Research Park, Norwich Norfolk NR4 7TJ T: 01603 456161 E: communications@uea.ac.uk W: www.uea.ac.uk

University of Hertfordshire Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 9AB T: 01707 284800 E: ask@herts.ac.uk W: www.herts.ac.uk

Urban Transport Group Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington Street Leeds LS1 2DE T: 0113 251 7204 E: info@urbantransportgroup.org W: www.urbantransportgroup.org

Vertemax Limited Spinney House, Wilcox Close Aylesham Kent CT3 3EP T: 01227 711072 E: info@vertemax.com W: www.vertemax.com

University of Hull Hull East Yorkshire HU6 7RX T: 01482 346311 E: admissions@hull.ac.uk W: www.hull.ac.uk

Urbis Schreder Ltd Lime Tree Way, Hampshire Int Bus Park Basingstoke Hampshire RG24 8GG T: 01256 354446 E: sales@urbis-schreder.com W: www.schrederled.co.uk

Vertical Access Ltd Tame Bank, Unit E211, Warmco Industrial Park Mossley OL5 9AY T: 01457 838722 E: info@verticalaccess.co.uk W: www.verticalaccess.co.uk

University of Liverpool Foundation Building, Brownlow Hill Liverpool L69 7ZX T: 0151 794 2000 E: irro@liv.ac.uk W: www.liv.ac.uk

Uretek UK Colin Saunders Inv Ctr, Newburn Road Banbury Oxford OX16 9PA T: 0800 084 3503 E: info@geobear.com W: www.geobear.co.uk

Vertiv TOR, St Cloud Way Maidenhead SL6 8BN T: 023 8061 0311 E: contact@vertivco.com W: www.vertivco.com

University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL T: 0161 306 9200 E: enquiries@manchester.ac.uk W: www.manchester.ac.uk

Uroven Ltd 45 Station Road Henley on Thames Oxfordshire RG9 1AT T: 01494 845444 W: www.uroven.co.uk

Vettica BV Galerij 33, 1411 LH Naarden The Netherlands T: +31 651899435 E: info@vettica.com W: www.vettica.com

University of Salford The Crescent Salford M5 4WT T: 0161 295 5000 E: enquiries@salford.ac.uk W: www.salford.ac.uk University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ T: 023 8059 8454 E: enquiries@rruk.soton.ac.uk W: www.southampton.ac.uk University of Strathclyde 16 Richmond Street, Glasgow Scotland G1 1XQ T: 0141 552 4400 E: admissions-engineering@strath.ac.uk W: www.strath.ac.uk University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QY T: 0117 965 6261 E: infopoint@uwe.ac.uk W: www.uwe.ac.uk University of Warwick Engineering School of Engineering, University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL T: 024 7652 2046 E: eng-pgadmissions@warwick.ac.uk W: www.warwick.ac.uk/tunnelling University of York Heslington York YO10 5DD T: 01904 320000 E: ug-admissions@york.ac.uk W: www.york.ac.uk Unwin Safety Systems Unwin House, The Horsehoe Coat Road Martock Somerset TA12 6EY T: 01935 827740 E: sales@unwin-safety.co.uk W: www.unwin-safety.com Upshot UK Ltd 260 Bentley Way, Ampress Park Lymington Hampshire SO41 8JW T: 01590 670845 E: info@upshot-uk.com W: www.upshot-uk.com Urban Hygiene Ltd Unit 9, Sky Business Park Robin Hood Airport Doncaster DN9 3GN T: 01302 623193 E: enquiries@urbanhygiene.com W: www.urbanhygiene.com Urban Security Guards Unit 32, DRCA Business Centre 33 Charlotte Despard Ave SW115JE T: 020 3617 8314 E: contactus@urbansecurityguards.co.uk W: www.urbansecurityguards.co.uk

Utility Equipment Limited 28 Longwood Road, Trafford Park Manchester M17 1PZ T: 0161 850 0456 E: enquiries@utility-equipment.com W: www.utility-equipment.com Vac UK Ltd Woodstock Business Park, Meek St Oldham Greater Manchester 0L2 6HL T: 0800 047 3296 E: info@vacukltd.co.uk W: www.vacukltd.co.uk VAE UK Ltd Sir Harry Lauder Road, Portobella Edinburgh EH15 2QA T: 0131 322 7210 E: info@voestalpine.com W: www.voestalpine.com Valmont Stainton Ltd Unit 5 Dukesway, Teesside Ind Estate Thornaby Stockton-on-Tees TS17 9LT T: 01642 766242 E: stainton@valmont.com W: www.valmont-stainton.com Van Elle Rail Kirkby Lane, Pinxton Nottinghamshire NG16 6JA T: 01773 580580 E: info@vanellerail.com W: www.vanellerail.com Vaughan Plant Haulage Ltd Unit1, Frogs Ditch Farm Shepston Lane Hayes UB3 1RN T: 020 8991 6886 E: info@vaughanplanthaulage.com W: www.vaughanplanthaulage.com Vector Foiltec Ltd Archway House, 1-3 Worship Street Shoreditch London EC2A 2AB T: 020 8821 2900 E: GB@vector-foiltec.com W: www.vector-foiltec.com Venesta Limited 1st Floor, Units 19-22 St George’s Square Gravesend Kent DA11 0TA T: 01474 353333 E: marketing@venesta.co.uk W: www.venesta.co.uk Venice Simplon-Orient-Express Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane London SE1 2HP T: 0845 077 2222 E: reservations.uk@belmond.com W: www.belmond.com Veolia 8th Floor, 210 Pentonville Road London N1 9JY T: 020 7812 5000 E: info@veolia.co.uk W: www.veolia.co.uk Verdant Solutions Ltd High Street, Hartfield East Sussex TN7 4AE T: 01892 770470 E: office@verdantsolutions.ltd.uk W: www.verdantsolutions.ltd.uk

VGC Labour Solutions Cardinal House, Bury Street Ruislip HA4 7GD T: 0845 620 1201 E: recruitment@vgcgroup.co.uk W: www.vgcgroup.co.uk VGC Personnel Cardinal House, Bury Street Ruislip HA4 7GD T: 0845 620 1201 E: vgcpersonnel@vgcgroup.co.uk W: www.vgcgroup.co.uk VGC Rail Projects Cardinal House, Bury Street Ruislip HA4 7GD T: 0845 620 1201 E: enq@vgcgroup.co.uk W: www.vgcgroup.co.uk Viaduct Ltd 2, The Court, Bohortha Portscatho Truro Cornwall TR2 5EY T: 01872 581978 E: info@viaduct.uk.com W: www.viaduct.uk.com

Victa Railfreight Ltd Unit 1, Viewpoint, Boxley Road Penenden Heath Maidstone Kent ME14 2DZ T: 01622 690978 E: enquiries@victa-railfreight.com W: www.victa-railfreight.com Vidiwave Ltd Unit 5, Beaufont Court, Roebuck Way Knowlhill Milton Keynes MK5 8HL T: 01908 690090 E: info@vidiwave.co.uk W: www.vidiwave.com Viewtec Signs Ltd Unit 9 Rani Drive, Basford Nottingham NG5 1RF T: 0115 942 1511 E: sales@viewtecsigns.co.uk W: www.viewtecsigns.co.uk Vigier Rail AG Industriezone 2 CH-3225 Müntschemier T: 00 41 32 312 98 50 E: info@vigier-rail.ch W: www.vigier-rail.ch VINCI Construction Grands Projets Great West House GW1, Great West Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 9DF T: 02085 871 882 E: info@vinci-construction.co.uk W: www.vinci-construction-projets.com/en/


A-Z Directory VIP-Polymers Ltd 15 Windover Road, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 7EB T: 01480 411333 E: sales@vip-polymers.com W: www.vip-polymers.com VisiLean 2 Lakeside Drive, Park Royal London NW10 7SQ T: 07949 007437 E: info@visilean.com W: www.visilean.com

VolkerFitzpatrick is a leading engineering and construction company. We are experts in the delivery of rail infrastructure projects, bringing together our capabilities in civil engineering, rail systems, building and design on major construction and enhancement projects, covering depots, stations, platforms, sidings and buildings for both the passenger and freight markets.

Visual Security Services UK Ltd U/30 Coppice Trd Estate, Walter Nash Road West Kidderminster DY11 7QY T: 01562 747241 E: enquiries@visualsecurityltd.co.uk W: www.visualsecurityltd.co.uk

VolkerFitzpatrick Hertford Road, Hoddeson Hertfordshire EN11 9BX T: 01992 305000 E: enquiries@volkerfitzpatrick.co.uk W: www.volkerfitzpatrick.co.uk

Vital – Head Office The Mill, South Hall Street Ordhall Lane Salford M5 4TP T: 0161 836 7000 E: info@vital.uk.com W: www.vital.uk.com Vitec Webber Lenihan Ltd 7 Village Way, Greenmeadow Springs Bus Park Cardiff CF15 7NE T: 029 2062 0232 E: info@vitecconsult.com W: www.vitecwebberlenihan.com

VolkerRail is one of the UK’s leading multidisciplinary railway infrastructure contractors, with a successful track record of delivering projects, ranging from small contracts to joint venture and alliance projects in excess of £1bn. We have a strong reputation, and we aim to stand out from the crowd, by exceeding expectations.

Vivarail Ltd Quinton Rail Tech Ctr, Station Road Stratford Warks CV37 8PL T: 01789 532230 E: info@vivarail.co.uk W: www.vivarail.co.uk

VolkerRail Eagre House, J3 Business Park Carr Hill Balby Doncaster DN4 8DE T: 01302 79 11 00 E: info@volkerrail.co.uk W: www.volkerrail.co.uk

Vivax – Metrotech Ltd Unit 1 B/C, The Polden Business Ctr Bristol Road Bridgewater TA6 4AW T: 01793 822679 E: salesuk@vxmt.com W: www.vivax-metrotech.com Viztek Ltd 15E Southwick Ind Es, Riverside Road Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR5 3JG T: 0191 516 6606 E: info@viztekltd.co.uk W: www.viztekltd.co.uk Vizwear Ltd Enfield Ind Estate, Enfield Street Wigan WN5 8DB T: 01942 219709 E: info@vizwear.com W: www.vizwear.com

Vogelsang supply comprehensive solutions for removing wastewater from toilet systems on trains. Multiple extraction points (connected to a centralised pumping station) or individual units along a service platform or mobile units that can be deployed on passenger platforms are available. Vogelsang have systems too to refresh the clean water supply. Vogelsang Gateway, Crewe Gates Ind Est. Crewe CW1 6YY T: 01270 216 600 E: sales.uk@vogelsang.info W: www.vogelsang.info Voith Turbo Limited Unit 49, Metropolitan Park Bristol Road Greenford UB6 8UP T: 020 8436 1070 E: turbo.uk@voith.com W: www.uk.voithturbo.com

Von Roll UK 42 Wharfedale Road, Bradford West Yorkshire BD4 6SG T: 01274 687777 E: cs.europe.uk@vonroll.com W: www.vonroll.com Vortex Exhaust Technology Ltd 53 Tower Road, Globe Industrial Estate Grays Essex RM17 6ST T: 01375 372037 E: enq@vortexexhausttechnology.com W: www.vortexexhaust.com Vossloh Cogifer UK Limited 80a Scotter Road, Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 8EF T: 01724 862131 E: contact-uk@vossloh-cogifer.com W: www.vossloh.com VP PLC Central House, Beckwith Knowle Otley Road Harrogate HG3 1UD T: 01423 533400 E: enquiries@vpplc.com W: www.vpplc.com VTG Rail UK Ltd Two Parklands, Parklands Business Park Birmingham West Midlands B32 9PZ T: 0121 421 9180 E: salesuk@vtg.com W: www.vtg.com Vulcanite UK PO Box 456, Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE3 9DR T: 0191 490 6203 E: sales-uk@vulcanite.com W: www.vulcanite.com Vulcascot Cable Protectors Ltd Unit 12, Norman-D-Gate, Bedford Road Northampton NN1 5NT T: 0800 035 2842 E: sales@vulcascot.co.uk W: www.vulcascot.co.uk VVB Group 3rd Floor, 25 Watling Street London EC4M 9BR T: 01268 711845 E: info@vvb-eng.com W: www.vvb-eng.com


Wabtec Rail Limited PO Box 400, Doncaster House Hexthorpe Road Doncaster DN1 1SL T: 01302 340700 E: wabtecrail@wabtec.com W: www.wabtecrail.co.uk Wacker Neuson Ltd (Head Office) WN Place, Beacon Way Stafford ST18 0DG T: 01785 785700 E: uk.orders@wackerneuson.com W: www.wackerneuson.co.uk Wade Spring Ltd Highfield Street, Long Eaton Nottingham NG10 4GY T: 0115 946 3000 E: info@wade-spring.co.uk W: www.wade-spring.co.uk WAGO Limited Triton Parak, Swift Valley Ind Estate Rugby Warwickshire CV21 1SG T: 01788 568008 E: ukmarketing@wago.com W: www.wago.com Wales and Borders Evergreen House North, 160 Euston Road London NW1 2DX T: 020 3691 1715 E: comms@keolis.co.uk W: www.keolisamey.cymru Walker Construction (UK) Ltd Park Farm Road, Folkestone Kent CT19 5DY T: 01303 851111 E: admin@walker-construction.co.uk W: www.walker-construction.co.uk Wall to Wall Communications Ltd Unilink House, 21 Lewis Road Sutton Surrey SM1 4BR T: 020 8770 1007 E: info@walltowallcomms.co.uk W: www.walltowallcomms.co.uk Ward Recycling Donald Ward Ltd, Moira Road Woodville Derbyshire DE11 8DG T: 0345 337 0000 E: enquries@ward.com W: www.ward.com Warringtonfire Holmesfield Road, Warrington Cheshire WA1 2DS T: 01925 655116 E: info.warrington@warringtonfire.com W: www.warringtonfire.com Washington Metal Works Bath Road, Felling Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE10 0LH T: 0191 469 4466 E: contact@wmwgroup.co.uk W: www.washington-metalworks.co.uk Washtec UK Ltd Unit 14a Oak Ind Park, Great Dunmow Essex CM9 1XN T: 01371 878800 E: sales@washtec-uk.com W: www.washtec-uk.com Waterfront Conference Company Fleet House, 8-12 New Bridge Street London EC4V 6AL T: 020 7067 1597 E: conference@thewaterfront.co.uk W: www.waterfrontconferencecompany.com

Waterman is a leading global infrastructure and environmental consultancy providing sustainable multidisciplinary rail engineering solutions to private and public sector rail clients. We have extensive experience in all aspects of railway infrastructure, including station and depot design, maintaining and upgrading structures, heavy and light rail schemes and underground networks. Waterman Group Pickfords Wharf, Clink Street London SE1 9DG T: 020 7928 7888 E: mail@watermangroup.com W: www.watermangroup.com Wath Group Unit 1 Bedford Park, Barnsley Road Wath Upon Dearne Rotherham S63 6DQ T: 01709 867900 E: info@wath.co.uk W: www.wathgroup.com Watson & Watson Health and Safety Consultants Limited F1, Wheatley House, 3 Diamond Avenue Kirkby In Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 7GP T: 01623 753654 E: watsonsafety@gmail.com W: www.watsonandwatsonsafety.co.uk Wavesight Limited 13 Dencora Way, Luton Bedfordshire LU3 3HP T: 01582 578160 E: sales@wavesight.com W: www.wavesight.com WDS Components Limited Grangefield Ind Estate, Richardshaw Road Pudsey Leeds LS28 6LE T: 0113 290 9852 E: sales@wdscomponents.com W: www.wdscomponents.com Webro (Long Easton) Limited Vision House, Meadow Brooks Bus Park Long Eaton Nottinghamshire NG10 2GD T: 0115 972 4483 E: info@webro.com W: www.webro.com Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd Stafford Street, Willenhall West Midlands WV13 1RZ T: 01902 601944 E: sales@wedge-galv.co.uk W: www.wedge-galv.co.uk Weighwell Engineering Ltd Weighwell House, Woolley Colliery Road Darton Barnsley S75 5JA T: 0114 269 9955 E: sales@weighwell.com W: www.weighwell.com Welding Alloys Group The Way, Fowlmere North Royston Hertfordshire SG8 7QS T: 01763 207500 E: info@welding-alloys.com W: www.welding-alloys.com Welfare Hire Nationwide Ltd Unit F, Rosie Road Trident Park Normanton WF6 1ZB T: 0845 600 6670 E: info@welfarehire.com W: www.kellinggroup.com/welfare-hire

A-Z Directory

We offer a fleet of new welfare vans with high end conversions from Clarkes, Cartwright’s or Wilker. We offer National delivery and collection services. We can rent our welfare vans from a minimum of 3 days hire to a long-term rental which can include fully comprehensive insurance with zero excess. Welfare Vans 4 Less Royal Oak Garage, City Road Stoke on Trent ST4 2PX T: 01782 848627 E: info@affordrentacar.co.uk W: www.welfarevans4less.co.uk Wenlock Spring Water Ltd Wolverton, Church Stretton Shropshire SY6 6RR T: 01694 781277 E: enquiries@wenlockspring.co.uk W: www.wenlockspring.co.uk Wentworth House Rail Systems Limited Preston Brook Office, U2 Wellfield Bus Park Preston Brook Runcorn WA7 3FR T: 01270 448405 E: enquiries@railelectrification.com W: www.railelectrification.com West London Security Ltd 22–36 Paxton Place, West Norwood London SE27 9SS T: 020 8676 4300 E: info@wls.ltd W: www.westlondonsecurity.com

We manufacture Shot Blast Rooms for refurbishing Under Carriage Equipment, Complete Rolling Stock and Carriage Refirbishment. All systems are bespoked and designed for clients production layouts. We have supplied equipment to: NETWORK RAIL BOMBARDIER ALSTOM EWS WABTEC West London Shot Blast Centre Ltd (WLSBC) 100 Royston Road, Byfleet Surrey KT14 7NY T: 01932 355019 E: crozierwlsbc@aol.com W: www.shot-blast.co.uk West Maintenance Services 27 Riverside, Sir Longley Road Medway City Estate, Rochester Kent ME2 4DP Phone: 07831173464 Email: westservices@me.com Website: www.westservices.co.uk West Midlands Combined Authority 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham West Midlands B19 3SD T: 0121 200 2787 E: customer.services@tfwm.org.uk W: www.westmidlandscombinedauthority.org.uk West Midlands Metro 16 Summer Lane Birmingham B19 3SD T: 0345 835 8181 E: customerservices@westmidlandsmetro.com W: www.westmidlandsmetro.com West Midlands Railway 134 Edmund Street Birmingham B3 2ES T: 0333 311 0039 E: contact.wmr@wmtrains.co.uk W: www.westmidlandsrailway.co.uk West Midlands Trains 134 Edmond Street Birmingham B3 2ES

T: 0333 311 0039 E: questions@wmtrains.co.uk W: www.wmtrains.co.uk

T: 01844 260567 E: sales@wharton.uk W: www.wharton.co.uk

West Yorkshire Combined Authority (Metro) Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington Street Leeds LS1 2DE T: 0113 251 7272 E: enquiries@westyorks-ca.gov.uk W: www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

Wheelsets UK Ltd Canklow Meadows Ind Est, West Bawtry Road Rotherham South Yorkshire S60 2XL T: 01302 322266 E: martin@wheelsets.co.uk W: www.wheelsets.co.uk

Westcode UK is a leading supplier of rail vehicle equipment specialising in air supply, doors systems, pneumatic control, and actuation. Through successful major rolling stock maintenance and refurbishment projects, the Company has developed facilities and expertise to deliver specialist services including surface finishing, overhaul and repair, and engineering support. Westcode Unit 1 Carnegie Road, Port Marsh Ind Estate Caine Wiltshire SN11 9PS T: 01249 822 283 E: enquiries@westcodeuk.com W: www.westcodeuk.com Westcotec Limited 34 Bertie Ward Way, Rash’s Green Ind Est Dereham Norfolk NR19 1TE T: 01362 853124 E: sales@westcotec.co.uk W: www.westcotec.co.uk Westermo Data Communications Ltd Talisman Bus Centre, Duncan Road Park Gate Southampton SO31 7GA T: 01489 580585 E: sales@westermo.co.uk W: www.westermo.co.uk Westgate Communications 58 Cobden Road, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 3UB T: 01732 779087 E: info@westgatecomms.com W: www.westgatecomms.com Westley Engineering Ltd 120 Pritchett Street, Aston Birmingham B6 4EH T: 0121 333 1952 E: info@westleyengineering.co.uk W: www.westleyengineering.co.uk Westlin Group Building 388/8, Liberator House Prestwick KA9 2PT T: 01292 678444 E: enquiries@westlingroup.com W: www.westlingroup.com Weston Analytics Munnelly House, 84-88 Pinner Road Harrow HA1 4LP T: 0203 854 1876 E: sales@westonanalytics.com W: www.westonanalytics.com Weston Partnership Sparrow Hall, Brighton Road Lower Beeding West Sussex RH13 6TL T: 01403 891514 E: info@westonpartnership.co.uk W: www.westonpartnership.co.uk Westshield Ltd Ashcroft House, Bredbury Park Way Chadderton Stockport SK6 2SN T: 0161 682 6222 E: info@westshield.co.uk W: www.westshield.co.uk Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd Estate House, 2 Pembroke Road Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1XR T: 0845 433 4101 E: sales@wettons.co.uk W: www.wettons.co.uk Wharton Electronics Limited Unit 15, Thame Park Bus Centre Wenman Road Thame OX9 3XA

Wheelsure Holdings PLC (Tracksure Ltd) 8 Woburn Street, Ampthill Bedfordshire MK45 2HP T: 01525 840557 E: info@wsgroupglobal.com W: www.wsgroupglobal.com Whitcher Wildlife Ltd Cliff Edge, Cliff Road Darfield Barnsley S73 9HR T: 01226 753271 E: info@whitcher-wildlife.co.uk W: www.witcher-wildlife.co.uk White Cross Rubber Products White Cross, White Cross Street Lancaster LA1 4XS T: 01524 585200 E: info@wcrp.co.uk W: www.wcrp.uk.com White Knight Specialist Portable Lighting Alchorne Place Portsmouth PO3 5PA T: 023 9266 8624 E: info@whiteknight.uk.com W: www.whiteknight.uk.com White Lion Engineering Ltd 49 Church Street, Melbourne Derbyshire DE738EJ T: 07768 192369 E: brown.cc@btinternet.com Whitmore Europe Ltd City Park, Watchmead Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1LT T: 01707 379870 E: info-uk@whitmores.com W: www.whitmores.com Whittall Group The Old Court House, Weobley Hereford HR4 8SG T: 01544 318788 E: whittall@wwlgroup.co.uk W: www.wwlgroup.co.uk Whoosh Media Suite 38-41, The Hop Exchange 24 Southwark St London SE1 1TY T: 020 7403 6763 E: info@whooshmedia.co.uk W: www.whooshmedia.co.uk Wickens Engineering Ltd 1 Shire Business Park, Wainwright Road Worcester WR4 9FA T: 01905 456780 E: sales@wickens.co.uk W: www.wickens.co.uk Wifi Spark 5 Cranmere Court, Lustleigh Close Matford Bus Park Exeter EX2 8PW T: 0344 848 9555 E: info@wifispark.com W: www.wifispark.com

Wilcomatic Rail is the UK’s number one supplier of Trainwash and depot related systems with a comprehensive range of German manufactured Train, Tram and Monorail wash systems. Wilcomatic Rail can also supply and maintain CET, fuelling, Adblue and Water Recycling systems. We can supply a range of accredited Trainwash chemicals. We offer a comprehensive national service/maintenance service. Wilcomatic Limited Unit 5 Commerce Park, 19 Commerce Way Croydon Surrey CR0 4YL T: 020 8649 5768 E: sales@wilcomatic.co.uk W: www.wilcomatic.co.uk/rail-wash-systems

Wilde Analysis Ltd Whitworth House, 28 Charles Street Stockport SK1 3JR T: 0161 474 6886 E: info@wildeanalysis.co.uk W: www.wildeanalysis.co.uk

Wilkinson Star is one of the UK’s leading importers and distributors of welding and industrial equipment. We offer a comprehensive range of welding and resistance welding equipment, welder generators, generators and lighting towers along with air compressors, fume extraction equipment and sanitising systems. Wilkinson Star Ltd Shield Drive, Wardley Ind Estate Worsley Manchester M28 2WD T: 0161 793 8127 E: wilkinsonstar.sales@wilkinsonstar.com W: www.wilkinsonstar247.com WilkinsonEyre 33 Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell London EC1R OBJ T: 020 7608 7900 E: info@wilkinsoneyre.com W: www.wilkinsoneyre.com

William Cook Rail works with train builders and operators to design, manufacture and overhaul safety-critical components and systems for the global rail industry. William Cook Rail is part of the William Cook group, a £60 million specialist engineer in the defence, rail and industrial sectors. William Cook Rail Ltd Cross Green Ind Estate, Cross Green Leeds LS9 0SG T: 0113 249 6363 E: rail@cook-rail.co.uk W: www.william-cook.co.uk William Hackett Lifting Products Ltd Oak Drive, Lionheart Enterprise Pk Alnwick Northumberland NE66 2EU T: 01665 604200 E: info@williamhackett.co.uk W: www.williamhackett.co.uk Wind River UK Ltd 47 Pure Offices, Kembrey Park Swindon Wiltshire SN2 8BW T: 01793 230474 E: customer_advocate@windriver.com W: www.windriver.com Wireless CCTV Ltd Charles Babbage House, Kings Way Business Park Rochdale Greater Manchester OL16 4NW T: 01706 631166 E: sales@wcctv.com W: www.wcctv.co.uk

WISKA UK is the market leader in the manufacture and supply of Junction Boxes, Cable Glands, Cable Protection and Conduit. Offering the widest range of EN 45545 approved cable glands and entries on the market. German designed and engineered, products are tested extensively at WISKA’s state-of-theart laboratory and manufacturing facilities. WISKA UK Unit 7, Hurling Way, St Columb Major Bus Pk, St Columb Major, Cornwall TR9 6SX T: 01208 816062 E: info@wiska.co.uk W: www.wiska.co.uk


A-Z Directory WiTest Equipment Ltd 15-16 Woodbridge Mdws, Guildford Surrey GU3 3JS T: 01483 207428 E: sales@trtest.com W: www.trtest.com

Wring Group Ltd Vale Lane, Bedminster Bristol BS3 5RU T: 0117 923 1320 E: info@wringgroup.co.uk W: www.wringgroup.co.uk

WJ Project Services Limited 11 Bell Lane, Monks Kirby Rugby Warwickshire CV23 0QY T: 07957 641976 E: info@wjpservices.com W: www.wjpservices.com

WSP Group – Basingstoke Mountbatten House, Basing View Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 4HJ T: 01256 318800 E: info@wspgroup.com W: www.wspgroup.com

UK’s long reach excavator specialists, with machines ranging in size from 4-110 tonnes and ability to reach 30 metres. 25 years in the rail sector has developed expertise and allowed us to enhance our offering helping clients overcome challenges faced with machines ideal for working on steep slopes, tight constraints, or soft ground (‘Spider,’ zero tail-swing, LGP). WM Plant Hire (Long reach excavator specialists) Manor Farm Lane, Bridgnorth Shropshire WV16 5HG T: 01746 769555 E: info@wmplanthire.com W: www.wmplanthire.com Women in Rail London Fruit & Wool EXC, 1 Duval Square London E1 6PW T: 020 8432 4320 E: wr@womeninrail.org W: www.womeninrail.org Wonderland Agency Thames Works Studios, Church Street Chiswick London W4 2PD T: 020 3056 6848 E: info@wonderland-agency.com W: www.wonderland-agency.com Wood Group Industrial Services Ltd Kirkstone House, St Omers Road Gateshead Tyne & Wear NE11 9EZ T: 0191 493 2600 E: wgis.comms@woodgroup.com W: www.woodgroup-isl.com Woodward Diesel Systems Lancaster Centre, Meteor Business Park Cheltenham Rd East Gloucester GL2 9QL T: 01452 859940 E: corpinfo@woodward.com W: www.woodward.com Woodway Engineering Ltd Lower Road, Barnacle Coventry CV7 9LD T: 024 7684 1750 E: sales@woodwayengineering.com W: www.woodwayengineering.co.uk Working At Height Ltd Amberley Court, Old Elstead Road Milford Surrey GU8 5EB T: 01483 415410 E: info@workingatheightltd.com W: www.workingatheightltd.com Worldline 1 Trinity Court, Broadlands Wolverhampton WV10 6UH T: 0121 717 4100 E: infowl@worldline.com W: www.worldline.com Wrekin Circuits Ltd 29/30 Hortonwood 33, Telford Shropshire TF1 7EX T: 01952 670011 E: sales@wrekin-circuits.co.uk W: www.wrekin-circuits.co.uk Wrekin Products Ltd Europa Way, Britannia Enterprise Pk Lichfield Staffordshire WS14 9TZ T: 01543 440440 E: sales@wrekinproducts.com W: www.wrekinproducts.com


WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road Croydon Surrey CR9 2ER T: 020 8667 2002 E: contactus@wspgroup.com W: www.wspgroup.com WT Fabrications (NE) Ltd Boathouse Lane Stockton-on-Tees TS18 3AW T: 01642 619191 E: enquiries@wtfabrications.com W: www.wtfabrications.com Xanta Limited 130 Fleet Street London EC4A 2BH T: 020 7583 4500 E: enquiries@xantarail.com W: www.xantarail.com XEIAD Clarendon Court, Manners Avenue Ilkeston Derby DE7 8EF T: 0115 931 9000 E: 42@xeiad.com W: www.xeiad.com Xrail Group Boardman House, 64 Broadway Stratford London E15 1NT T: 0345 060 0700 E: enquiries@xrailgroup.com W: www.xrailgroup.com Yaplex Ltd Derby Road Bus Park, Derby Road Clay Cross Chesterfield S45 9AG T: 01246 860114 E: sales@yaplex.co.uk W: www.yaplex.co.uk Yara UK Limited Harvest House, Europarc Grimsby DN37 9TZ T: 01472 889250 E: katie.oldfield@yara.com W: www.yara.co.uk Yardene Engineering 2000 Ltd Daux Road, Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9SJ T: 01403 783558 E: sales@yardene.co.uk W: www.yardene.co.uk Yeltech Ltd 300 Cathedral Hill, Guildford Surrey GU2 7YB T: 0845 052 3860 E: info@yeltech.com W: www.yeltech.com Young Rail Professionals (YRP) Derby Carriage, & Wagon Works Litchurch Lane Derby DE24 8AD E: info@youngrailpro.com W: www.youngrailpro.com Youngman® Group Limited The Causeway, Maldon Essex CM9 4LJ T: 01621 745900 E: uk.customercare@wernerco.com W: www.youngmanaccess.com

Established for over 80 years YY Security have built their business reputation by always providing a first class service in the installation and servicing of security equipment, across London and the Home Counties. They pride themselves on giving a customer service that is second to none and when you call them you will be immediately connected to one of their friendly and courteous members of staff. Contact Ryan Owens.

Zonegreen specialise in modern rail depot protection systems and are regarded as the world market leaders with the SMART Depot Personnel Protection Systems (DPPSTM). The system, installed throughout the UK and across the world, allows the safe and efficient control of train movements within depots, protecting both staff and infrastructure.

YY Security Installations Ltd Unit 2 & 3, Hillstone Court Empson Street Bow E3 3LT T: 01895 271400 E: projects@yysecurity.com W: www.yysecurity.co.uk

Zonegreen Sir John Brown Building, Davy Industrial Park Prince of Wales Rd Sheffield S9 4EX T: 0114 230 0822 E: info@zonegreen.co.uk W: www.zonegreen.co.uk

Z-Tech Control Systems Ltd Unit 4 Meridian, Buckingway Bus Park Anderson Road Cambridge CB24 4AE T: 01223 653500 E: admin@z-tech.co.uk W: www.z-tech.co.uk

Zuken 1500 Aztec West, Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4RF T: 01454 207800 E: sales-uk@zuken.com W: www.zuken.com

Zarges (UK) Ltd 8 Holden Avenue, Saxon Park Ind Estate Bletchley Milton Keynes MK1 1QU T: 01908 641118 E: sales@zarges.co.uk W: www.zarges.com Zaun Limited Steel Drive, Wolverhampton West Midlands WV10 9ED T: 01902 796699 E: info@zaun.co.uk W: www.zaun.co.uk ZEP UK Limited PO Box 12, Tanhouse Lane Widnes Cheshire WA8 0RD T: 0151 422 1000 E: info@zep.co.uk W: www.zep.co.uk Zeta Specialist Lighting Telford Road, Bicester Oxfordshire OX25 4LB T: 01869 322500 E: info@thezetagroup.com W: www.zetaled.co.uk Zetica Rail Zetica House, Southfield Road Eynsham Oxfordshire OX29 4JB T: 01993 886682 E: rail@zetica.com W: www.zetica.com ZF Services UK Ltd Abbeyfield Road, Lenton Nottingham NG7 2SX T: 0333 240 1123 E: info.zf-services-uk@zf.com W: www.zf.com ZF UK Laser Limited Unit 9 Avocado Court, Commerce Way Trafford Park Manchester M17 1HW T: 0161 871 7050 E: info@zf-uk.com W: www.zf-uk.com Zigma Ground Solutions Unit 11 M11 Bus Link, Parsonage Lane Stansted Essex CM24 8TY T: 01279 647021 E: sales@tufftrak-safety.com W: www.zigmagroundsolutions.com Zircon Software Ltd Bellefield House, Hilperton Road Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 7FP T: 01225 764444 E: info@zirconsoftware.co.uk W: www.zirconsoftware.co.uk Zollner UK Ltd Clayton Business Centre, Midland Road Leeds LS10 2RJ T: 0113 270 3008 E: office@zollner-uk.co.uk W: www.zoellner.de

A-Z Directory

Get on track with Elite interlocking blocks and barriers

British made

Workforce protection barriers avoiding all line closures with adjacent line open

Rockfall prevention with our multi-purpose Jersy barriers

Hoarding stabilisation utilising Elite Duo interlocking blocks

Large ballast bays with walls constructed from our Legato interlocking blocks

Large scale embankment retention using the versatile Legato blocks

Workforce safety refuges built from Elite Duo blocks

Everywhere on rail networks Elite products are seen in use For more information phone 01952 588 885 or browse www.eliteprecast.co.uk or email sales@eliteprecast.co.uk

KM 642263 BS EN 1917 & BS 5911-3

KM 658166 BS 5911-6

Suppliers to 2012 London Olympics, 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games and approved suppliers to Tideway, Crossrail and HS2 (fully compliant transport)

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