1 minute read

National Rail Awards

effective in our chaplaincy approach, through improved disciplines such as Teams meetings and comms, but it will always be the in-person meetings that are most effective and rewarding, so please continue to pray for these avenues to be open to chaplains.

A friend of mine, at a difficult time, was praying when he ‘heard a voice say’, “Do you want Melon or Soup?”


He was immediately aware of Psalm 23 with its still waters, green pastures and fine dining at the height of battle. Our Lord is a giver of peace but often we talk about it and fail to embrace it.

My prayer is that each chaplain (including myself) would hear that call, that invitation, to embrace peace and rest even at our busiest and to be nourished by God so that we may provide nourishment to others in their situations.

Andrew Hall

Area Manager North, West Midlands, Avanti, Chiltern

Be a friend. Just ask.


National Rail Awards

Organised by Rail Magazine and hosted by Nigel Harris, each year the National Rail Awards raises money through guest donations for a chosen charity. On September 16 this year, the charity was Railway Mission. With 900 guests attending the event, it was a good opportunity to raise awareness of the support the chaplaincy provides. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, no physical collection could be made, but we used Total Giving and Text to Donate to raise £3,000. Railway Mission is very grateful to Nigel and his events team from Rail Magazine for the opportunity.

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