Constructing Environments LogBook (Wk 8)

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Raina Shauki 698887

WK8 – Studio Report The section of the Oval Pavilion building that I had to analyse was the ‘Pop Up Window’ found at the rear of the building. The image on the left shows the whole window, and the diagram on the right shows the placement of the window in terms of the A3 Oval Pavilion plans. Although the Rloor plan of the Oval Pavilion is able to show the location of the window in relation to the rest of the building, a larger scale drawing is needed to discuss the details of the window.

The diagram on the left shows some of the details of the pop-­‐ window, although a more detailed diagram will be discussed on the next page. The image on the right shows the side detail that I focused on for the individual part of the studio activity. As can be seen in the image, the window reveal (the section of the window that comes out) has a black metal skin, which is joined at corners with mitered, Rixed joints.

ENVS10003 Constructing Environments

WK8 – Studio Report

Raina Shauki 698887

The diagram on the right was done by me using the Oval Pavilion A3 plan document as reference. The diagram shows the metal hood of the window reveal, as well as the glazing of the windows, insulation in the wall and some structural members. The image on the left shows the reveal of the diagram on the actual building. The black steel hood can be seen easily in this image, as well as the window glazing and the caulk junction at the edge of the glass. The structural members shown in the diagram can not be seen in the image in the left.

The diagram on the left shows the top of the Pop Up Window reveal. In the diagram, the external brick wall of the building is shown, with insulation laid behind it. Structural elements at the top of the window are similar to the structural elements in the diagram above, with a steel frame, framing blocks and the external steel hood.

ENVS10003 Constructing Environments

WK8 – Learning Loop

ENVS10003 Constructing Environments

Raina Shauki 698887

WK8 GLOSSARY Window sash – De7lection – Moment of inertia – Door furniture – Stress – Shear force –

ENVS10003 Constructing Environments

Raina Shauki 698887

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