Simple BW CV - Rainati Rahmaputeri

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r ai nr ei naaa@gmai l . com 081293500282 Kal i bat aCi t yApar t ment Kemuni ngT ower ,Uni tK10BF Sout hJ akar t a

2015Pr es ent I nt er i orAr chi t ect ur e Uni ver s i t asI ndones i a 20122015 S MANeger i 8J ak ar t a 20092012 S MPNeger i 216J ak ar t a 20032009 S DI s l am At T aubah 20012003 T KI s l am Al Bar qah

Ski l l s

want s t owor k wi t hyou!

Educat i on

Rai nat i Rahmaput er i

Exper i ences

hey,hi , andhel l o!

2017Pr es ent CoF ounder ,Gener al S ecr et ar yand Pol i t i cal Anal ys tatYout hI ni t i at i vef or Pol i t i cal Par t i ci pat i on 2015Pr es ent Vi cePr es i dentofAr chi t ect ur e Depar t ement2015 MemberofKamuk aPar wat aF T UI( NR1457) 20162017 HeadofHumanDevel opment I k at anMahas i s waAr s i t ek t urF T UI S peak erf orUni ver s i t asI ndones i aat T emuKar yaMahas i s wa Des ai nI nt er i orI ndones i aCongr es s 20152016 S t af fofHumanDevel opment I k at anMahas i s waAr s i t ek t urF T UI HeadofWor k s hopJ ak ar t aChapt er T emuKar yaI l mi ah Mahas i s waAr s i t ek t urI ndones i a S t af fofHumanRes our ces F or um Komuni k as i Mahas i s waAr s i t ek t urJ ak ar t a S t af fofAct i onandS t r at egyRes ear cher BadanEk s ek ut i fMahas i s waF T UI 20132014 Repr es ent at i veofPr ovok e!Magaz i ne Vol ume8

Pr ogr am ManagementandDevel opment Pol i t i cal Anal ys i s HumanDevel opement Coor por at eI dent i t yDevel opement Ur banAr chi t ect ur eandCul t ur eAnal ys i s AdobePhot os hop AdobeI l l us t r at or AdobePr emi er ePr o AdobeAf t erEf f ect Mi cr os of tOf f i ceBas i c

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