Sustainability That Sells: Smart Marketing and Promotional Ideas from the Rainforest Alliance

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sustainability that


Smart marketing and promotional ideas from the


sustainability that Sells

doing well by doing right

Meeting the challenges of today’s global marketplace Global transformations are occurring at an unprecedented pace, with grassroots movements springing up as fast as you can hit “send” on your smartphone. A change in one place has the power to ripple out and impact communities thousands of miles away. Similarly, our planet’s environment is undergoing seismic change — increased incidences of droughts, floods and other extreme weather events, the destruction of wildlife habitat, the mass extinction of species — and the effects of these shifts are equally momentous. What does it all mean for your business? How do you adapt to this rapidly shifting “landscape,” in every sense of that word? You start by making sure that your business is on the path to sustainability. And that’s where the Rainforest Alliance comes in. While the public is eager to support companies that are socially and environmentally responsible, consumers are also savvy enough to distinguish between brands that only talk the talk and those that actually walk the walk. This means that as a responsible business, it’s in your best interests to examine your supply chain, source products and services that have been independently evaluated and deemed legitimately sustainable, and communicate your commitment to customers. And the Rainforest Alliance can help you achieve all of those goals. We know that strong ethics and earnings can co-exist.

For over a quarter of a century, we have worked to ensure that a responsible approach to business and land management can result in a sustainable future for all.




THE NEW NORMAL Look around you — at the paper, coffee, tissues, wood furniture, chocolate, fruit or tea you stock in your store or serve to your customers. All of these items originated on forests or farms, some of which are responsibly managed, others not. Thanks to technology, it’s never been easier for consumers to know the difference, and it’s up to you to do the same — to learn whether or not you’re supporting a sustainable supply chain. That’s where we come in. For over 25 years, the Rainforest Alliance and our nonprofit partners have transformed the way that business is done, making sustainability the “new normal.” In collaboration with locally based conservation groups, we’ve developed rigorous standards for farming, logging and tourism enterprises, integrating environmental and social sustainability into production and sourcing practices across entire supply chains — from individual farmers, loggers and tourism businesses to traders, government agencies and multinational corporations. We work closely with farmers, forest managers and tourism companies to ensure that they provide havens for endangered wildlife; good conditions for workers, their families and local communities; and environmental services that benefit the larger global community — such as clean water and air, healthy soils and a reduction of the greenhouse gases that lead to climate change. Farms and companies that comply with comprehensive environmental, social and economic criteria receive the Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal or the Rainforest Alliance Verified™ mark, and forestry businesses also earn the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSC®) label when they meet the FSC’s strict standards. Once certified ® or verified, these responsible businesses can market their efforts around the globe, giving consumers the power to vote with their dollars and support producers and retailers that practice what they preach. The Mark of Responsible Forestry



sustainability that Sells



A survey of global consumers found that 87 percent are “very likely” to consider a company’s social and environmental commitment before deciding what to buy and where to shop.1


switch brands to one that is associated with a good cause.1


opportunity, and 67 percent have actually done so in the last 12 months.1


a 39 percent increase in just four years.2


make money at the same time.2


operate responsibly and address social and environmental issues.1

Given similar price and quality, 91 percent are “very” or “somewhat likely” to

would buy a product with a social and/or environmental benefit if given the

would recommend a brand that supports a good cause over one that doesn’t —

believe it is acceptable for brands to support good causes and

want companies to go beyond the minimum standards required by law to

The numbers tell a powerful story: Sustainability sells. But that doesn’t mean selling at any cost or fooling the public with greenwashing. Increasingly, consumers are looking for independent confirmation to ensure that the items and services they buy are produced sustainably.


say they would boycott a company’s products/services upon learning it behaved irresponsibly, and 55 percent reported that they’ve refused to purchase for this reason in the last year.1


say they “often” or “always” look for trustmarks, while an additional

1 2 3

32 percent “sometimes” do the same.3

Cone Communications/Echo Global CSR Study, 2013. Goodpurpose 2012, Trusting Trustmarks Survey, BBMG/The Collective, April 1, 2013.


e h t w o l l fo

frog! FRUIT





Increasingly, consumers are recognizing the Rainforest Alliance frog as a symbol of sustainability. They know that it represents farms, forestry businesses and tourism companies that are supporting a healthy environment and good conditions for workers and local communities.




sustainability that Sells



By sourcing and promoting products bearing the frog, you can benefit in the following ways:








how to promote

the frog

Consumers want to know about the origins of the products they’re buying — they want to hear about your company’s commitment to sustainability. The Rainforest Alliance can help you craft effective stories, messaging and promotional ideas. Here are a few ways to reach out to your customers: • IN-STORE DISPLAYS • CONTESTS, GIVEAWAYS & COUPONS • TASTINGS & PROMOTIONAL EVENTS


R e s ta u r a n t / C a f é

Offer special promotions and highlight your sustainable sourcing practices on your menu

O f f i c e - S u p p ly S t or e

Create in-store displays and provide coupons for Rainforest Alliance Certified products


sustainability that Sells


Hang signage, hold tastings and print your store’s bags on certified paper

B i g - B o x S t or e

Cause-related marketing projects build loyalty and help customers feel good about your brand



ou d r o w e h t getting


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S a m ’s C l u b –

A division of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Sam’s Club is a leading warehouse membership club and the eighth largest retailer in the US, with 620 club locations nationwide. The company’s sustainability goals include sourcing renewable energy, creating zero waste and increasing the assortment of sustainable products across categories. Among the club’s merchandise, which includes fresh groceries, pharmacy goods, restaurant supplies and apparel, Sam’s Club supports socially, economically and environmentally sustainable produce. The company sources fresh bananas, grapes, kiwi, pineapple and flowers from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

“ We are continuously listening to our members and repeatedly hear that an item’s sustainable value is an important consideration in their purchasing decisions. Our produce merchants seek only premium quality produce and flowers, working with growers before any seeds are planted to customize a uniquely Sam’s Club shopping experience. Collaborating with the Rainforest Alliance to bring quality sustainably farmed produce and flowers to our clubs was a no-brainer in our promise to give members what they want.”

Lipton –

The iconic tea brand began working with the Rainforest Alliance in 2007 when the company’s 33,000-acre Kericho tea estate in Kenya became the first Rainforest Alliance Certified tea farm in the world — an achievement that recognized the estate’s managers for planting trees, using renewable resources, and providing workers and their families with free housing, health services and early education for their children, among many other sustainability practices. Since then, Lipton has committed to sourcing all of the tea in its teabags from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms by the year 2015. As of January 2013, 90 percent of the tea in the company’s US teabags came from certified farms, and 75 percent of Lipton teabag blends globally contained Rainforest Alliance Certified tea.

“ Lipton is committed to giving consumers a quality tea experience, from the moment the leaves are plucked to the very last sip of a freshly brewed cup. We also believe that if people buy more sustainably sourced products, it will make a difference.”

— Alfie Vivian Vice President




— Shawn Baldwin S e n i or V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f F r e s h , F r e e z e r a n d C oo l e r M e rc h a n d i s e SAM’S CLUB



sustainability that Sells

D o m ta r –

As the largest uncoated-paper producer in North America, Domtar has been working with the Rainforest Alliance since 2000 on responsible paper production and fiber sourcing. The company is pursuing FSC certification for all of the forests it manages, a milestone that has already been achieved at all of its pulp and paper manufacturing facilities. In 2012, Domtar committed to increasing the utilization of FSC-certified fiber above current levels by 25 percent before 2020, with the goal of procuring 100 percent of its fiber from FSC-certified sources in the future. Domtar continues to demonstrate a strong commitment to promoting responsible sourcing and increasing the market for certified products. “ The Rainforest Alliance Certified seal appears on all of our FSCcertified product packaging and sales materials because it allows us to share our common values with customers. It is a recognizable seal, which when combined with the FSC label serves as proof of our commitment to sustainability.”

— Paige Goff V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f S u s ta i n a b i l i t y a n d B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c at i o n s DOMTAR


B a l a n c e B a r – Balance Bar Company, one of the first nutrition/energy bar makers in the US, debuted its Dark line of bars in November 2012, the first of its kind to carry the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal. Available in three flavors — Dark Chocolate Crunch, Dark Chocolate Coconut and Dark Chocolate Peanut — Balance Bar® Dark bars all contain 100 percent Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. To promote the launch, the company offered customers a limited-time 50 percent discount on the product through exclusive retailers.

“ Purchasing cocoa from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms has given us the opportunity to meet rising consumer demand for sustainably sourced ingredients that still deliver great taste. By having the Rainforest Alliance frog on our Balance Bar Dark line packaging, it’s easier for consumers to quickly identify that this is a product that is good both for them and our environment.”

— Katia Facchetti Chief Marketing Officer NBTY

C l e a rwat e r P a p e r –

The largest supplier of private-label tissue products to retail grocery chains (including the in-house tissue-product brands of some of the country’s biggest supermarkets), Clearwater Paper was the first manufacturer in the US to offer FSC-certified facial tissue as well as a full line of FSC-certified paperboard products. Though the company has received certification for 12 out of its 14 manufacturing facilities, it does not own any timberland and must purchase all of the wood fiber it needs from external suppliers. Clearwater Paper has made it a priority to know how its fiber is sourced, and buys only from companies that manage their forestlands responsibly.

“ We believe our customers care about the manner in which a product is made as well as its quality. People want assurances that the raw materials we use are environmentally and socially sustainable. By working with the Rainforest Alliance and the Forest Stewardship Council, we show that Clearwater Paper is mindful of the future in every respect, and that we are committed to continuously improving sustainability companywide.”

— Linda K. Massman P r e s i d e n t & CEO CLEARWATER PAPER



sustainability that Sells

C a r i bo u C o f f e e – One of the leading coffee brands in the US, Caribou Coffee sources 100 percent of its beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. Its signature roasts are available at the company’s more than 465 coffeehouses nationwide, as well as grocery stores, universities, business campuses and other venues. Caribou publicizes its long commitment to sourcing certified beans via its website, point-of-sale materials, menu boards and coffee bags, which feature the seal along with a description of Rainforest Alliance certification and its benefits. The company also invests in training its baristas and staff to ensure that they understand the meaning of the seal. “ At Caribou Coffee, our commitment to community extends beyond our coffeehouses and into the farming communities that grow our beans. We believe that sustainable coffee can help create a more sustainable world, and that’s why we’ve teamed up with the Rainforest Alliance. Not only do they work to protect the planet, but they also ensure that farm workers and their families are treated well, helping to create thriving communities around the world.”

— Mike Tattersfield CEO CARIBOU COFFEE

S ta p l e s – The world’s largest office products company and second largest Internet retailer, Staples has been working with the Rainforest Alliance since 2009 to green its supply chain. The company is committed to becoming a sustainability leader by offering more sustainable products, maximizing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy, providing customers with easy recycling solutions and eliminating operational waste.

“ We chose to work with the Rainforest Alliance for several reasons: their collaborative successes with global brands on sustainable sourcing; their deep expertise in the forestry sector; and their strong record of driving advancements in environmental standards, supplier certification and the sale of greener products.”

— Mark Buckley Vice President


E n v i ro n m e n ta l A f fa i r s STAPLES



sustainability that Sells

Green your supply chain and promote your commitment to a healthier planet and better conditions for workers! The Rainforest Alliance offers a variety of tools and services to make it easier for your business to source sustainable products and market your commitment to customers.

We can help you...

• Review and trace your supply chain. • Identify strengths, weaknesses and potentially risky gaps.

• Educate your suppliers and help them move toward sustainability.

• Find additional sources for the sustainable products you require.

• Train your staff on sustainability issues.

• Develop messaging that works for your various audiences.

• Tell your story to consumers.

Let the Rainforest Alliance

guide you on the path to sustainability. For information about sourcing and supply-chain management, please contact Mark Comolli, To learn more about marketing your commitment to sustainability, please visit our website,

Paper with a Greater Purpose EarthChoice® Office Paper is an everyday, dependable paper for all office printing and copying. It’s engineered to run smoothly on a wide variety of printing equipment and guaranteed on all high-speed copiers, and laser and inkjet printers. EarthChoice Office Paper meets the global forest management standards of the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC®) and is certified by the Rainforest Alliance. By purchasing EarthChoice Office Paper, environmentally and socially responsible companies and consumers can do their part to protect the environment by ensuring sustainable forests. Domtar has collaborated with the Rainforest Alliance for many years on responsible fiber sourcing and paper production. By using Rainforest Alliance Certified™ EarthChoice papers, companies are assured that their paper is manufactured to high ethical standards and does not contradict their social values.

233 Broadway, 28th Floor New York, NY 10279 tel 212.677.1900 fax 212.677.2187 USA HONDURAS









Printed on 80 lb. Cougar® Cover, Super Smooth Finish SKU 30014012 Printed in USA 10/2013

PHOTO CREDITS: Page 1, Orangutan: Paul Hillman, Page 2, Owl: Stacy Niedzwiecki, Page 2, Little Boy: William Crosse, Page 3, Loris: Kalyan Varma , Page 8, Flowers: Sam’s Club DESIGN: Caliber | ILLUSTRATION: Ernesto Pacheco

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