Portfolio Di Meng University of Pennsylvania, Master of Architecture candidate 2016 University of Washington, B.A with honors in Arch Studies,
Architecture is a process of delivering spaces.
Space is memory, discovery and inspiration.
Table of Contents Academic Works 01 Invasion
- A Dancing Performance Insertion
02 Full Scale
- A subdivision Matrix as public pavilion
03 Chasing with Light
- A Volume with Plane and Space
04 Wind Lift - An Observation Tower 05 Paddling Through - The Boat Street Project 06 Connection - A Water-Bluff Field Laboratory 07 Repeating Frame
- A Collaboration of Experimental Film Artists
08 Interactive Space
7 10 12 14 18 22 25
- Capital Hill Culinary School
09 The Taste of Wine
- A Winery , Gallery and Restaurant
Personal Works 10 Photography, Drawings and Graphic works
_A performing art space at 30th Street Station, Philadelphia
“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.” ― Rumi As a dancing performing art space, this project starts with a series studies of human body movement and eventually come up with a pavilion that houses performing spaces.
01 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti
Dancing body movement studies and diagrams
02 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti_ Scheme 1
Dancing movement drives the form of stage spaces 03 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti_ Scheme 1
Dancing movement drives the form of stage spaces 04 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti_ Scheme 1
invasion an interactive performing art center
invasion an interactive performing art center
invasion an interactive performing art center
design team: Di Meng
PennDesign Arch 501 Design Studio Fall 2013, instructor: Ezio Blasetti
PennDesign Arch 501 Design Studio Fall 2013, instructor: Ezio Blasetti
design team: Di Meng
Forms are abstracted from the kinect study of body movement PennDesign Arch 501 Design Studio Fall 2013, instructor: Ezio Blasetti
05 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti_ Scheme 2
design team: Di Meng
Forms are abstracted from the kinect study of body movement
Perspective rendering of the dancing pavilion inserted into the 30th street station in Philadelphia
06 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti_ Scheme 2
02Full Scale
_A Subdivision Matrix as public pavilion
As a full scale design build project, this pavilion is designed and constructed in cooperation with Yingfei Wang. The idea of subdivision and scale is carried through the whole design and build process.
07 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti
Subdivision Process 08 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti
Full Scale model & study with the tectonics 09 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti
03Chasing with Light
“SPACE is extension, purposefully controlled and clearly defined. It is not substantial matter, but the void that exists between two points, between two lines, between two planes, between two moments.” —— Heinnch Engle This project is an intruduction to spatial concepts essential to architecture. Planes are no longer two dimensional object but turn to three dimensional volume. The play between space, light and shadow is the main concept for this model. 10 Di Meng_Arch 501_Fall 2013_Prof Ezio Blasetti
Physical model & study with light and shadow Chasing with Light 11
04Wind Lift
_An Observation Tower at Gasworks Park, Seattle, WA
“SPACE is extension, purposefully controlled and clearly defined. It is not substantial matter, but the void that exists between two points, between two lines, between two planes, between two moments.” —— Heinnch Engle Located at the shoreline of Gasworks Park, this observation tower is designed with a folding technique to create different framed views. Since kite flying is the most popular acticity in Gasworks Park, the folding form is responding to the shape of kite. People could arrive this tower from either water or land. 12
Di Meng_Arch 211_Spring 2011_4 Weeks_Prof Gundula Proksch
1 2 3 4 5 1 Approaching view from water 2 Approaching view from Gasworks park. 3 Views while stepping up into the tower 4 Peek to Gasworks plants 5 Site section.
Wind Lift 13
05Paddling Through _The Boat Street Project
Paddling through reeds and trees, you see different views one after another. As the working place for a painter and a canoe crafter, this building provides two seperate working areas. One area functions as a painting studio, and the other one is the workshop for making canoes. The shared top gallery connects the two space while also creates a feeling of traveling through something.
14 Di Meng_Arch 100_Summer 2010_2 Weeks_Prof Judith Swain
1 Site Plan 2 Physical Model: Lake-Building relationship
1 2
Paddling Through 15
2 1
1 Physical Model: Entrance 2 Program Diagram
16 Di Meng_Arch 100_Summer 2010_2 Weeks_Prof Judith Swain
Plan and Section (hand drawing) Paddling Through 17
_Discovery Park Field Lab
“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” —— Frank Lloyd Wright This is a design invention on water-bluff edge conditions fund at Discovery Park. The task was to design a field lab for Seattle high school science students that will be used year round for environmental study.
18 Di Meng_Arch 300_Autumn 2011_3 Weeks_Prof Elizabeth Golden
2 1
3 4
1 Design process 2 concept model 3 Approaching view 4 Art gallery Connection 19
This Lab utilizes a continuous circulation for students to get into lab space. The main concept is to tie the two edges together with the main laboratory space which is the core of this building. The deck responds to the changing tide, which is for students to take samples and observate water level changes.
1 Approaching rendering 2 Student Dorm
20 Di Meng_Arch 300_Autumn 2011_3 Weeks_Prof Elizabeth Golden
3 Art gallery 4 Lab
Central volume ties bluff edge and water edge together
o Blu
1 Concept Diagram 2 Concept Diagram
3 Program Diagram
ater View to W
t View
4 Circulation Diagram Maximizing views to bluff and water
Connection 21
07Repeating Frame
_A Collaboration of Experimental Film Artists
“Architecture is an art because it is interested not only in the original need of shelter but also in putting together spaces and material in a meaningful manner.” —— Marco Frascari Spaces are excavated from volumes that are created from repititional frame. Frames are fixed, however the spaces are changing throughout the day. Just like the process of film making, combining steady frames together will create moving scenes. 22 Di Meng_Arch 301_Winter 2012_8 Weeks_Prof Jannifer Dee and Galen Minah
Street Elevation
Elevation and Color Study
Scale : 1/8”=1’-0
Top Level Plan Scale : 1/8”=1’-0 Vicinity Plan A
Scale : 1/200”=1’-0
Street Perspective
Street Level Plan
Roof Plan
Scale : 1/8”=1’-0
Scale : 1/16”=1’-0
Section cutting through the gallery, and theatre Repeating Frame 23 Dressing
Trout Models - study of planes and volumes through repetitional frames.
24 Di Meng_Arch 301_Winter 2012_8 Weeks_Prof Jannifer Dee and Galen Minah
08Interactive Space
_Capital Hill Curlinary School
“If geography is the way of describing the solidification and superimposition of the signs of history in form, then the architectural project has the job of revealing the essence of the environmental context through the transformation of form. The environment is therefore not a systemin which to dissolve architecture, but on the contrary, a medium of design.” —— Vittorio Gregotti
25 Di Meng_Arch 302_Spring 2012_10 Weeks_Prof Brian McLaren and Alex Anderson
Street Perspective
Interactive Space 26
1 Urban Context Study 2 Traffic & Circulation (group work)
27 Di Meng_Arch 302_Spring 2012_10 Weeks_Prof Brian McLaren and Alex Anderson
1 2 1 Concept Model 2 Program Diagram
Being a cooking school, farmers market and restaurant, this building is trying to convey an interaction between different spaces. My concept is to show a spatial and functional relationship of the school, market and dining spaces. Interactive Space 28
When walking on Broadway, publics could easily see the activities in cooking school. However, as they get close to the school, they will first enter into a market space. This is corresponding to the cooking process, which starts from picking ingredients and getting through a mess process and finally ends in a fine dining space. The restuarant is being pulled our from the cooking school, showing that dining is an important section of the culinary art curriculum. Though the market seems to be separated from the school, it is linked to the major volume through a bridge. And the other half of the market is tied to the loading space and vertical circulation space in cooking school. The exterior market space defines the corner of this site since busyness of the market is responding to the busyness of the site corner.
29 Di Meng_Arch 302_Spring 2012_10 Weeks_Prof Brian McLaren and Alex Anderson
3 4
5 6 7
1 North section 2 West section 3 Approaching view 4 Market space 5 Massing model, south street view 6 Massing model, bird’s view 7 South elevation
L: Program Collage R: Street Perspective Interactive Space 30
09The Taste of Wine
_A Winery, Gallery and Restuarant at Chateau Ste. Michelle Woodinville, WA
Sunny day with light off
Sunny day with light on
Overcast day with light on
Overcast day with light off
“In our era of industrial materialism, buildings are frequently considered as mere structures of utility and objects of investment without any spiritual task. Consequently, our daily environment is failing in its fundamental task of bringing meaning and hope to our lives.” —— Aarno Ruusuvuori 31 Di Meng_Arch 400_Autumn 2012_10 Weeks_Prof Karen Thomas and John Thomas
Barrel / Aging
3 1
1 A study of wine bottle wall (casted with plaster) 2 Sketch about wine making process 3 Design process The Taste of Wine 32
Situated on 105 wooded acres in Woodinville, Washington, 15 miles northeast of Seattle, Chateau Ste. Michelle is one of the top visitor and historic attractions in the Puget Sound area. This building is intended to be a prospective project on the Chateau Ste Michelle site. Chateau Ste Michelle’s executive team has imagined an opportunity to introduce a freestanding restuarant to their campus.
The site is surrounded by beautiful natural landscape with views to forest and Mt. Ranier. My intent was to maximize views to natural surroundings while providing an iconic building to attract new customers to Chateau Ste, Michelle
Approaching from parking lot
Approaching from Chateau Ste. Michelle
33 Di Meng_Arch 400_Autumn 2012_10 Weeks_Prof Karen Thomas and John Thomas
The Taste of Wine 34
10Photography, Drawings and Graphic Works
University of Washington Neclear Reactor Building
35mm Film Camera Arch 410_Spring 2012
35 Di Meng
Rural Scene Sketch
Di Meng 36
1 Little Girl_8.5”x12” Color Pencile_ 2007
2 Paper Bags_18”x24” Pencile_2010
3 Dream_8.5”x8.5”
Color Pencile_2007
4 Gasworks Park_4”x6” Color pencile_2011
37 Di Meng
38 Attention to details, Japan Trip Photo Records,
Di Meng_Japan Studio_2013 structure / interior / landscape / reflections / joints / textures / details / layers
39 Material Studies_Acrylic on Black Foam_Fall 2013
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Di Meng 3600 Chestnut Street, RM303 MB720, Philadelphia, PA19104 206.618.8656 dimeng90@gmail.com