Rainclouds- Shower of Success and Happiness on Human Life

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Editor note It is a feeling of fulfilment to release the second issue of Rain Clouds. The people of our countr y getting into the mode of depressed lifestyle. Alarmingly ,Tamilnadu and Pondicherr y stands second in the suicidal rate says “ The Hindu Newspaper”. Happiness is the need of the hour ,it is gaining momentum in the life of ever y human being. Being happy creates tremendous positive result in our physical wellness as well as mental. This issue has taken focus on finding happiness for healthier life-style. To get ridoff negative life-style .we must know how to make good in suppressing the depressing thoughts

and negative way of living. Effective ways to overcome depression is exposed in this issue. Readers will find the life-transforming information to maintain good health .Ultimate aim of this issue is to help the readers to grasp the path of success and happiness as they cruise towards the vital destination called fulfilment of life.

“Happiness is the key to your wellness.’’

EDITORIAL Editor Rajan Jayabalan Design Studio vScribble Creative Head Ruthran R Art Director Vijay Anand G M Marketing Christine V Martin 2 ¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2



MANAGER’S IMPACT ---------12


ALIVE AS A RIVER--------- 18 3 ¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2



adness is an absolute emotional response to an unfriend l y environment. For tunatel y, most of us have suppor t systems like famil y friendship, prayers and spiritual gur u to get happiness. S ome people fall into depression due to the chemic al imbalance in the brain system. Possibl y they require a doctor ’s medication to treat. The other group of people develop depression due to stress and strain caused by the routine activities of their life. Majorit y of them get depressed when they are unable to achie ve their ambitions or face failures in meeting their expectations. The other reasons for depression are loss of 4 ¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2

loved ones, in Indian scenar io we call it “ love failure” which means getting separated from the boy fr iendship or a gir l. All the above mentioned are our emotional reactions to unfavorable things that are happening around us. “ LO O K AT 10 WAY S TO C H A S E O U T D EP RES S I O N A N D S A D N ES S.” H AV E A P U RP O S E I N LI F E S ome people spend most of their life time in sadness just because they don’t know where they are heading in the journey called ‘ life ’.

They are like abandoned boats tossed up and down in the sea and goes in the direction of the wind. No direction and pur pose is set. There are as many as meaning ful purpose one c an set to move ahead positivel y. S uch as if you have a famil y, the pur pose could be to build a healthy and disciplined famil y life; if you have lot of money, spend it for poor children’s education and for the less pr ivileged. Likewise one c an find innumerable pur poses in the life. Once you set the definite pur pose of your life, depression will have no place in your life. F O RG I V EN ES S People have been known to keep gr udges for life times. W hen we keep the gr udges, anger, bitterness in our hear t it is onl y a burden. W hen you forgive, you remove these weights off from your hear t and mind ultimatel y putting yourself in a happier position. H AV E Q UA N T I T Y A N D Q UA LI T Y S LEEP S leeping adequatel y is healthy for your body and mind. The health exper ts recommend at least there should be 7½ - 8 hours of sleep. People who do not get the right amount of sleep suffer c ardiac problems. Nowaday s, cor porate, recommends “power nap” which means 10 minutes of quic k nap for their executives so that they become more agile and aler t in completing the task.

D O RE G U LA R EX ERC I S E Exercises like r unning, br isk walking and aerobics stimulate a hormone called endorphins. This hormone is pumped throughout your body while you exercise and makes you feel good and happy. If you are not used to the habit of exercising, star t at once and its benefits are numerous. D RI N K P LEN T Y O F WAT ER O ur body requires adequate quantit y of water for its biological functioning. Dr inking 7 – 8 glasses of water a day will make your brain function active and also offer enough oxygen for efficient functioning. Fur thermore, water c leanses the bodil y system and helps exit filthy dir t from our body thereby maintaining the physical body fit and fine. LI S T EN TO G O O D M U S I C G O O D M U S I C REV ERB ERAT ES P O S I T I V E C H O RD S I N O U R F EELI N G S Many research studies have proven that listening to good music makes people happier and comfor table. We c an also develop a habit of listening to good music through Radio F.M, iPod and audio system. The best time for listening music is time before going to bed. It c an stimulate good sleep.

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F RI EN D S H I P FAC TO R S ocial suppor t is ver y impor tant to get r id of depression. People who are lonel y tend to develop low spir it and depressed mood swings. Engage with a friend, who c an understand you better. S pend time with him or her and share your vie ws and concerns about life, relationships and ambitions. A loyal friendship will al way s open–up positive doors. Basicall y, we want to be heard, appreciated and loved. We can get all of them from a good friendship.

D O N OT WA S T E T I M E Pr ior itiz e your work. Give first impor tance to urgent and impor tant work. Al ways plan ahead. P lan well before doing any task. We are stressed when we delay to accomplish a task. To avoid stress w rite down your task in the order of pr iorit y. P lan it before a day. RE A D G O O D B O O KS S pend time on reading good books. A lot of wise people have w ritten on their exper ienc6 ÂŚ Rainclouds ÂŚ Volume 2 - Issue 2

es. Those ideas will fetch you great results for your successful living. Create a small librar y in home. W hen you retire to bed in night have the habit of reading books of positivit y. CO U N T O N T H E N I C E T H I N G S O F YO U R LI F E Remember to count on your blessings. There have been innumerable nice and blessed things that you came across in your life. Have you ever remembered them? F ind some time to ponder upon the blessed and defining e vents of your

life. Get into a conversation with your famil y members by highlighting all the nice little incidents which your cher ished more.

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roubles are a part of our living. No man could ever reach the phases of success without passing through the troubled zone of the life. The life–style, what we have chosen today has rather high risk of inviting unexpected upsets and worries. If you look into the over view of married life, working atmosphere, educational system, familial values - all these aspects throw a threat of uncertainty and fear. So the world has become a racing track, where the humans are ruthlessly competing with each other. At some point, we helplessly say “How am I going to manage this bugging boss, ever yday in the office? W hen you turn toward the family side “How am I going to secure the children’s future?” Then, if your turn toward relationship, a girl friend might say “ This guy is quite crazy, he never understands my feelings”. A wife may say, “My husband is always after business and office; he hardly spends time with the children”. A school going child says, “My class teacher gives loads of assignment and home work and it is really a hardship to go to school”. You may face wide range of troubles which could push you down into the dark room. But, do remember the light of confidence, rightly to say, the self confidence can strengthen you to find ways to come out of the darkened room. W hy should you know the importance of self– confidence? Significantly, how can you glow the light of confidence to find the right path so that you could walk boldly out of the troubles? 1) COMPARING WITH OTHERS IS THE ROU TE TO DISAPPOINTMENTS. You may have lesser confidence because you think ever y other person is better than you. At some point we also feel that others have only lesser problems than us. Though this is likely, it is not always true. Ever yone has up and downs in their lives. Studies have found that spending time on face book, whats app

and other social media often encourages people to compare themselves with others. The reason for this is, people only post their good happenings and triumphs and not their realities of daily life. In order to outsmart the trouble which disturb your stability, you must think for the solution within your limits rather crossing over the boundaries of others to search for a solution there. If you want to build self confidence, you must first stop comparing and tr y not to make your life more like your best friend, your elder brother or like those of the celebrities you have seen on television. W hat is required is caring about your problems within your limits, which can fetch you the rewarding results for sure. 2) FOSTER THE SENSE OF CERTAINT Y Build your strength upon right beliefs. First of all, believe in yourself. Then check whether the beliefs are rightly formed. Most beliefs are thoughts that have been simply been taken from others without even exploring the realities of life. The over-stressing burdens of life might put you in the sense of uncertainty and hopelessness. “I am born to suffer in this world”, “No good things will happen for me”, these words of negativity are uttered when the sense of uncertainty dominates. W hen you remove the thoughts of uncertainty and hopelessness you go from doubt to certainty and hopelessness to hope. Therefore fill your thoughts up with the sense of certainty and positive beliefs saying “I am born to live”; “I shall overcome my problem at any cost ”. As you embrace the sense of certainty meaning freedom from doubts and gain absolute conviction, you are sure to face the troubles with confidence and find the positive solutions for ending the troubles.

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3) ALWAYS LOOK FOR “SUCCESS STORIES” If you have lend your eyes upon marriages that end in divorce, you will have a reference that marriages doesn’t work. If you have seen many loving marriages, you will have a reference that marriages are blessed one. So if you turn your mind upon success stories, this view will help you boost up your confidence level. We must make untiring effort to look for success stories and set our foot on that successful life path. Looking unto the defeating stories will tarnish your “self ” as well as the “confidence”. In the business take the successful business man as your role model. For familial living seek unto the forefathers or relatives who had been successful in family life.

“BE AN ONLOOKER OF SUCCESS STORIES, NOT TO THE DEFEATING STORIES” “SENSE OF CERTAINT Y CAN CHANGE THE ROU TE TO UNCERTAINT Y ” 4) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER One of the surest ways of building self-confidence is to empower yourself through knowledge. By becoming more knowledgeable you can find means to escape from the trouble that troubles you often. There are individuals still struggling to get rid of their troubles. That is because they live in the state of dilemma which means they are not aware of the solutions and are not making any effort to enlighten themselves with adequate knowledge. The sources of knowledge are readily available. Talking to someone who has adequate experience and sharing the troubles with someone who is undergoing problems same as that of yours are the surest ways to gain the required idea to come out of the problems. There are many inspiring books written by well–experienced writers. The wide range of subjects on spiritualism, counseling, wellness, positive–thinking - all these could offer valuable lessons to escape from pricking troubles. Furthermore, while you are understanding the mechanism to come out of your sorrowful state, you are also boosting up your self confidence level. Empower yourself with knowledge. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon to combat threatening worries that overpower your life. 10¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2


SOLU TION–SEEKING MIND SET Focusing on solutions instead of worr ying over the problems is one of the best method you can do for enhancing your confidence. “I am fat and not fit ”, “I eat a lot of junk foods, double decker cheese grilled and drink sweetened drinks”. Many a time “I feel guilty about these unhealthy habits”. “I know I am making a mistake, but just couldn’t do anything about it ”. If you notice yourself, you are only focusing on the problem. There are no efforts made to seek solutions. Now what should you do? Shift your attention from worr ying behavior to the solution-seeking mindset. W hat could the solution-seeking frame of mind do for you? It is used to deal with and bring an end to a problem. Bringing an end to the problem, is what we need ultimateat any cost. Just worr ying upon the disturbing trouble would be more pricking than relieving. NOTABLE POINTS “A little light in the dark”. W here there is little light of confidence the troubling darkness will not have its stay. W hat we need at the moment of pricking trouble is essentially the confidence than anything else. Oh “I am drowning day by day in the floods of unexpected problems”. Oh, I am in the total darkness and left clueless as the shadow of the troubles cover my space. With the confident state of mind you can pass the light through the dark. An escape route is visible and thereby you shall bring an end to the troubles”. You can boost the level of the confidence the moment you stop comparing yourself with others. Next, the confident people will focus their mind on seeking solutions rather than letting their mind to the state of confusions. Empower yourself with knowledge. Knowledge has the power to depower the strong and any forceful problems. Remember, always look unto the success stories. If you take defeating stories as your reference, then you could face the set back in moving for ward.

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hat does an organization need? to answer with strong desire and unshakable People. True! people are the real plans to reach for impressionable level in asset to an organization. More their career. High ambition, result – driven than that, the right people are the long attributes will set apart the self–motivated lasting asset to their organization. The real people. Always they want to move ahead, challenge for any manager is to get the and concentrate on growth. W hatever job right people. Nowadays, organization deploy is given, they manifest the ability of growyoung and energetic manager in the key ing from existing level to the higher one. position. These brilliant managers are ver y So, the manager or the inter viewer should alwell aware that right people are the most ways have a keen eye on these qualities to pick essential requirement for building a great up the right candidates from the lot. By getting product as well as a great company. Hiring these people into the organization, a managpeople for the organization is one of most er can ensure the right setting for growth. unpredictable tasks. In the few minutes of inter viewing, employment tests cannot fetch the right candidates. The B) GET PROBLEM candidates most probably SOLVERS may attend the inter view session by well rehearsed A small mistake can cost body languages. All clues heavily on the organization. HOW TO GET THE and evaluations at some W hen an organization get point might be misread by ‘problem makers’ instead of RIGHT PEOPLE the inter viewer. In the end, ‘problem solvers’. By truth culturally as well as characthere is no human being in INTO YOUR ter-wise unfit candidates are the world without probhired. Regrettably, unsuitlems. The success lies upon ORGANIZATION? able personnel are fetched how we manage and find for the prospective position. solutions to the problems. The feeling that strikes the An organization is a place manager who hired them where bundles of probwould be adding salt over the blood–stained lems exist. Actually speaking, problems wound. Knowing who you want to hire is get evolved from one level to another levabsolutely a vital knowledge for good reel. W ill the organization able sur vive with cruitment of candidates. The following four ‘problem makers’. Certainly, it can become things can ensure the right people for your alive only with ‘problem solvers’. The manorganization. agers and employers should set standards while employing people for their organization. The right people will always be probA) GET SELF–MOTIVATED PEOPLE lem solvers because they have nurtured that W ho are called ‘self–motivated people’? The skill to go after the problems and solve it. answer is simple. Those who have clarity of The inter viewers should be prudent enough direction in whatever they do. In the context to frame such questions. They can make of a job-seeker, the person will know why he a case study of a problem in the orgawants this job and how he would scale the nization and place it before the candiheights in the given position. A manager must date. Evaluate the candidate based on be able to find out what are the candidates amtheir ability to analyze the problem and bitions and goals in the longer perspectives of how they are able break the complexity the job. By asking some basic question “what and find the right solution to the problem. is your long term ambition in your career?” In contrast, when a problem maker is seThe self–motivated candidates will be able lected in the space of the right employ-

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ee, then the whole show is spoiled. W hen a problem is created by wrong people, the negative tone spreads like a wild fire and devitalize the positive spirit of the right people in the organization. That is why the recruiters should be extra–cautious in picking the problem-solvers to ensure the stability and growth of the organization.

market, but should be seeking the right people with the right character and values. The bottom line values for any organization is to look for people with integrity and aspiration for selfless ser vice. To put it simple, being honest and always putting organization first than oneself. These tremendous qualities in any person is an asset to any organization.


In the pur view of the recruiters, selection must be based on character and values. This must be the primar y focus in the selection criteria.

W hy will an organization need proactive people? W hat can they do for the organization? Being ‘proactive’ means thinking and acting ahead positively. Tr ying to set things right after they have gone wrong is called reactive tendency. Proactive people are initiators, they take a step to act without any compulsion or force from someone else. D uring the inter view process, the interviewer should be prepared with questions that will identify the pro-activeness of the candidate. For example, questions can be, “ W hat are the social programs you have organized during your college days?”; “Can you tell us any two programs that you have designed in your previous job?” Check for the candidates resourcefulness in organizing programs. Tr y to know the challenges the candidates encountered as they initiated certain programs. How did they managed to face the challenges? A good proactive person, not only will think and act ahead, but will also be prepared to face the bitter situation. Consistently, they will go after it until they accomplish the task. By mistake when the organization fails to bring the people who are not proactive, then the whole organization climate begins to experience the total drawing of efficiency and effectiveness. The proactive people are the right people, who are always prepared to act before any serious disaster strikes the organization. GET PEOPLE BASED ON CHARACTER AND VALUES The core values should not be based on what company would like to be in the 14¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2

As it is said, “First build people, then people will build the business”. Yes, build the organization with the right set of people and these people will take the organization to greater heights. If the recruiters compromise on characters and values, by truth they are not only compromising on the efficiency of ser vice but also the long lasting reputation of an organization. In a nutshell, people with the positive characters and uncompromising values should be called as right people. Only by strengthening their hands, the organization can strengthen its position in the market. NOTABLE POINTS Proper people in the proper place ensures everlasting success of an organization. Many organization bite the dust not only by the demotivated people, but also bringing wrong people into the workforce. This is high time the recruiters and decision makers should seek for “problem solvers” and not the “problem makers”, self–motivated and not those who need to be motivated externally ; people with uncompromising characters and values and not that are fragile character builders. At last, firmly get proactive ones and not the reactive ones the organization need to move boldly for “the right people and not the wrong people”.




s you and I walk the journey of life, we are going to meet a lot of challenging situations. Life is not as smooth as a piece of marble stone, but one must also realize that it is like traveling on the bumpy roads, often throwing you up and down. Without knowing this fact, many people are broken down as they face the crisis situations. An inevitably terrifying moment may happen, such as death of a loved one, losing a most comfortable job, and breaking a bond with a lovable person. As parents, they are worried

about their children’s future with regard to their personal characters and their married life. A professional might be disturbed about the uncertainty of business prospects. Students of higher education might feel nervous about their final examination. Furthermore, they are pretty concerned about their job and the pay package since impressive pay can make them walk head up in front of their friends and relatives. The life moments are uncertain Are we prepared to face the challenges which come against our peace of mind and

steady life? Although our life seems to be steady, the mind will search for unpleasant happenings that we might encounter in the future gradually leading us towards the water where you could be plunged into depressions. The depressed mind set will only give a dark picture about the future. Especially during the terrifying moments, you are shattered. These terrifying moments in life can come in different forms. “One day a school teacher received a telegram from the ministry of defense, India. The telegram stated that his only son-most loved 15¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2

one was missing from the battle field. After reading this horrifying news, the teacher said, “Oh my son, I am helpless; how hard and painful your suffering could be”. Then, few minutes later, a close friend called the teacher over phone and said, “He must have been taken as prisoner of war by the terrorist gang”. These terrorists are very cruelly indoctrinated, so they may indulge in painful torture of your son.” Hearing his friend’s view, his heart was terrified to the worst. Almost he felt shattered. He walked a few steps with mild shivering and sat on the sofa. A short time later, the teacher received yet another telegram saying, “The son who was missing, but now found to be dead. He was upset to the core. Fear and agony gripped his heart. He felt the whole big world had fallen upon his head. Till that time, he had felt that life had been very good to him. “I had helped my son to come up to the level of an officer in the army”; “He was having a very lucrative career”; “Worst of all he is yet to be married but died young”, all these worries strangled his mind in stiffness. He felt there was nothing left to live for. Gradually he was pushed into the phase of depression. He neglected the work and let everything go. He avoided meeting friends almost inconsolable. Sometime he lamented loudly “Why god you took my young son, who was looking ahead for a bright future?”. The school teacher decided to leave the job and go away to a remote place, because his tears and bitterness were overwhelming. He could not accept the death of his son… He went to his room started packing up things and just want to get lid of his house. While he was set to move out, there came a beautiful folk song in radio. It said, “Be courageous. Don’t run away from the odds of life. Face it boldly. You shall overcome it.” He started to ponder upon the lines of the song. His mind got a refreshing revelation. “Why should I run away? If I avoid facing the problem, it is not going to fade away. Let me take it on. Gradually, he became courageous. “It has happened; I can’t bring back my boy to life; Neither there is any point in ruining my life”. With this right-set mind the school teacher joined his work. He started taking extra–hour of tuition in the evening for the boys who were weak in academics. Each and every day was very interesting and purposeful. As 16¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2

the teacher began to accept the fate about which he cannot do anything. Instead of running away from problems, the school teacher boldly took it on constructively. These are the effective steps to ground yourself from crisis situations. 1) DON’T WORRY OVER THE THINGS WHICH ARE BEYOND YOUR CONTROL It is just like worrying over the spilled milk. We are not super–human beings to change the unsolved destiny. You may be totally disturbed about things, which you could not do anything about. “I am useless and I can’t change this. Certain times it is impossible to control certain situations in life such a loss of a loved one, cruel in-justice in the society, betrayal by a trusted friend and so on. Some of these situations can agonize you. You need to

simply relax, and empower to mind by saying, “I will not worry upon the things which are beyond my control”. 2) ENGAGE YOURSELF IN A MEANINGFUL AND PURPOSE–CENTERED ACTIVITIES. Somebody said. “You will be happy when you make others happy.” True! when you involve yourself in good and helping activities, your contribution can make a difference. In those activities you are sure to find peace and become consolable. In the above said story, the school teacher was totally depressed from the moment he stopped working. When he refused to go to school and teach, his worrying momentum rose to the highest level. Great people like mother Teresa and Florence Nightingale found their life more fulfilling because of their selfless service to

others.People who keep themselves busy and active cannot find time to worry. It is highly recommended to keep yourself engaged in meaningful and purpose-centered activities. 3) TRY TO WORK ON AREAS WHERE YOU CAN BRING A POSITIVE CHANGE. People rather fail to understand this important thing in life. Spending more energy and time upon things which will not work out can lead people towards stress and strain. Focus on areas where you can involve yourself and inspire others and at the same time where your efforts are accepted and appreciated.Audit you strengths and interests. Simultaneously seek out for task or an organization in which you will be accepted and your work will bring a meaningful change. First step to bring a positive change is to explore the area of possibility. If you find a chance, then make an attempt by confluence your strength and interest. Gradually you will begin to feel the positivity in your frame of mind, realizing a courage to overpower all the obstacles. 4) COPING WITH THE REALITY. We must be open to the truth. Truth is simply the reality. Once we have set our ears to listen to the reality, we should just go ahead to accept the reality. There are certain realities in life, which cannot be changed. There is no point in worrying about them or going after to change them. The story of the school teacher also reveals that he copes up with reality. By worrying over the death of his son, he only lost his stability and fell into depression. The reality is that he cannot bring back the life of his son. We need to understand the realities of our life. Learn to cope up with those realities. Move forward just leaving back all the obstacles.

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ALIVE AS A RIVER How to enjoy the fullness of life and be free from diseases ?

There is a famous saying, “If health is lost, something is lost”. Health is the corner stone for enjoyment and being pleasurable. Being healthy does not mean being free from diseases and other ailments, it in fact refers to having a sound mind. A healthy person is strong both externally as well as internally. If you want to enjoy health, you should experience it with completeness in body, mind and spirit. A person may have a strong physique, well built muscles, and the ability to lift-up any weights, but if he is sad within the heart, most of the time 18¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2

he would be found depressed, unable to move with people and strike a cordial relationship. If this is th case, then we cannot never say he is a healthy person. MONEY CANNOT BUY HAPPINESS Money can give luxurious housing, sophisticated cars and delicious food, but we shouldn’t forget that happiness is the primary matter of concern for good bodily health and sound mind and robust spiritualism. The spiritual dimension plays a vital role in offering holistic health to the mankind. Spiritualism connects with being happy and extending love to the fellow human beings, showing compassion towards suffering soul, having the ability to control the anger and the ability to overcome false criticisms and above all filling the heart with peace and calmness.

All these above mentioned qualities, mind you, money cannot buy them. Instead, they need to be earned by allowing our body, mind and spirit to thoroughly pursue happiness. Happiness originates in our heart. Heart is the vital organ that pumps blood in order to ensure life to the human body. Happiness that originates in our heart is transmitted to our mind and spirit. If a man is filled with real happiness undue stress will not rule over his body. When the stress–level is not dominant, naturally our body organs function properly and keep us free from diseases. Health is the primary factor which money cannot buy. We cannot maintain good health by enriching our body mind and soul with solace and peace. The more happier you are, the more healthier you are.

We must make ourselves free from sorrows and worries. Our HAPPINESS PREVENTS heart should be set to pursue hapHEART DISEASE piness thereby filling the mind and A study conducted is 2012 soul with joy solace. revealed that there is a strong connection between happiness and Happiness gives wholesome healthy health. People who found happi- life ness invariably lowered the risk of The body and mind are incardio-vascular diseases. The arter- terconnected, they need to be given ies of human heart shrink when the proper care to ensure holistic and mind is depressed. Whence sorrows healthy life. and worries capture our mind, the When worry takes its place flow of blood to the heart through in our mind, it causes a collateral arteries is disturbed. For a healthy damage to the body. This could be heart, consistent flow of blood is the gateway for diseases such as required. The worries and depressed diabetes, thyroid and rheumatism. state of mind throw–up a negative For example, an individual might effect on the human body thereby be suffering lasting headache. Probaffecting the circuit system arteries ably his or her B.P. level could be resulting in the heart diseases. normal. But sill the person might When a person’s mind is be undergoing bugging pain in the filled with happiness, the arteries head. seldom shrink, they expand and al- By analyzing properly, the low free flow of the blood, which is primary reason for the headache is always good for the heart. constant worry. When the worry is

like constant dripping of water, then it can lead to unstoppable headache. Many people suffer lack of deep sleep. Normally a person should undergo eight hours of continuous sleep. The bottom line is that as the mind is disturbed by worries and heart is gripped with fears and sorrows. Many people treat tension head ache and sleeplessness on their own, using variety of medications. But medicines cannot provide lasting relief. The permanent relief can be attained only by learning to stop worrying and getting into the mode of happiness. WAYS TO FIND HAPPINESS AND HEALTH Health and happiness are mutually inter-dependent. Most of our worries are due to disturbances caused in the mind. When worry takes its course more frequently, it 19¦ Rainclouds ¦ Volume 2 - Issue 2

leads to ill- health such as heart disease, diabetes, thyroid, and rheumatism. As I have indicated earlier, happiness can lower the risk of cardio-vascular diseases. Happiness can provide a conducive mindset for well-being. Happiness can stimulate the individual to cultivate good habits such as exercising, eating balanced diet and sufficient good sleep. SIMPLE WAYS TO BE HAPPY Find yourself with others When you stick around with other people, you can smile a lot. Stick with those who are joyful and positive-minded. Visualize the best Don’t be afraid to look at what you really want and see yourself getting it. The truth is imagining good future will ensure that good happening will come past in your life

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Do things you love As long as you get to do the things you love once in a while, you will find greater happiness. For Eg: Singing, Swimming, outing. Find a meaningful purpose Those who believe they are contributing to the well being of underprivileged or poor people tend to feel better about their lives. Be open to change Willingness to take responsibility to become a better person can increase your level of confidence. Focus on things which you need to change to grow to the higher level.

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