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Marudhar Arts Auction No. 23
In Conjunction with 9th National Numismatic Exhibition 23rd - 25th February 2018 Bibliography •
A Catalog of The Indian Coins in the British Museum By John Allan
Living without Silver, John S. Deyell, Oxford University Press 1999
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Kushan Coins: By Gobl
Michael Mitchiner :– The Coinage and History of Southern India Karnataka-Andhra Part I, 1998
Michael Mitchiner :– Oriental Coins & Their values, The Ancient & Classical world Part I&II 1978 Michael Mitchiner :– The Coinage and History of Southern India Tamilnadu-Kerala part II 1998 South Asian Coins and Paper Money Indian Edition – 2013. By Rajender Maru South India Coins By K. Ganesh & Dr. M Girijapati
The Coinage and History of Vijayanagara Empire By Dr. M. Girijapathi
The Coins of The British Commonwealth of Nation - Part 3 & 4 By F. Pridmore The Coins Of The Indian Sultanates By Mr. Stan Goron & Mr. J.P. Goenka
The Gupta Gold Coins of Bayana Hoard, Prof. A.S. Altekar NSI Varanasi 1954 Ancient Indian Coins Revisited - Wilfred Pieper
The Coins of the East India Co. Presidency Series by Paul Steven
Antique License No. : 01 | TIN : 29570625106 | Service Tax No. ACLPM3367RSD001 | GST No. 29ACLPM3367R1ZL
Buyer's Premium is 12.5% plus GST of 18% a total of 14.75% on the Hammer Price. Additionally, 5% GST onNumismatic Coins (Chp 9705, Sr. #262, pg.42) of 12% on items of Numismatic Interest other than Numismatic coins (Chp 9705, Sr. #239, pg.79) is payable, as per the"Rate on GST of Goods" booklet.
Banking Details Current Account Name: Marudhar Arts SBI Bank, Church Street, Bangalore A/C No : 31823905540 RTGS / NEFT IFSC: SBIN0007987 HDFC, Gandhi Bazar, Bangalore A/C No: 04462020001066 RTGS / NEFT IFSC: HDFC0000446
Price : INR 750 / 15 USD
Marudhar Arts Auction No. 23
In Conjunction with 9th National Numismatic Exhibition 23th - 25th February 2018
Session I at 3:30 pm, Saturday, February 24th, 2018. Order of Sale Coins of Ancient India
Lot No.
1 to 86
Coins of Hindu Medieval
Lot No. 87 to 102
Coins of Sultanate of India
Lot No. 103 to 159
Coins of Mughal Emperors of India
Lot No. 160 to 282
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom
Lot No. 283 to 318
Coins of Indian Princely States
Lot No. 319 to 378
Coins of European Enclaves in India
Lot No. 379 to 391
Coins of Presidencies of India
Lot No. 392 to 425
Coins of British India
Lot No. 426 to 518
Coins of Republic India
Lot No. 519 to 541
Coins of Worldwide
Lot No. 542 to 551
Lot No. 552 to 562
Paper Money
Lot No. 563 to 570
Error Paper Money & Coins
Lot No. 571 to 585
Session II at 11:30 am, Sunday, February 25th, 2018. Order of Sale
Coins of Ancient India
Lot No. 586 to 661
Coins of Hindu Medieval
Lot No. 662 to 687
Coins of Sultanate of India
Lot No. 688 to 734
Coins of Mughal Emperors of India
Lot No. 735 to 865
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom
Lot No. 866 to 927
Coins of Indian Princely States
Lot No. 928 to 995
Coins of European Enclaves in India
Lot No. 996 to 1006
Coins of Presidencies of India
Lot No. 1007 to 1037
Coins of British India
Lot No. 1038 to 1195
Coins of Republic India
Lot No. 1196 to 1218
Coins of Worldwide
Lot No. 1219 to 1242
Lot No. 1243 to 1266
Paper Money
Lot No. 1267 to 1277
Error Paper Money & Coins
Lot No. 1278 to 1309
Lot No. 1310 to 1314
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Auction – 23 Session – 1
Coins of Ancient India Punch-Marked Coins 1
1. Gandhara Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Bentbar (Satamana), Obv: 2 six petaled flower each end of the bar with three different counter marks, Rev: uniface, 11.36g, 40.96x8.99mm, (W. Pieper # 9), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 2. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Bihar Region, Silver 1/2 Satamana (50 Rattis), Series 0, Obv: six armed symbol in the centre of field surrrounded by the banker marks sun, leaf, dot surrounded grains and damru symbol, Rev: uniface, 5.3g, 28.83mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 3. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five symbols consisting 2xsun, six armed symbol, elephant, bull and tree, Rev: banker marks, 3.32g, 23.93x23.49mm, (Raj. Series-12 # 226), about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
4. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, six armed symbol, six pointed star with centre dot, taurine symbol surrounded by dots and bow and arrow symbol, Rev: banker mark rectangular box dots inside, 3.28g, 26.48mm, (MACW # 3898), about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4500 5. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, six armed symbol, wheel, tree, plough and other symbols, Rev: several banker marks, 3.37g, 26.92mm, about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 6. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, six armed symbol, rabbit on the arched hill, bull and a standard with taurines, Rev: counterstrike symbols, 3.38g, 21.06x14.56mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 7. Archaic , Shakya Janapada (600-500 BC), Narhan hoard (Pentagon) type, Silver 5 Shana, Obv: single symbol of a square with a dot in the center and ancillary symbols around, Rev: uniface and scyphate, 6.51g, 22.14mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
8. South-Vidarbha Janapada (400-300 BC), Painganga River system, Silver 1/2 Karshapana, ABCC type, Obv: configuration of four symbols including elephant to right, river turtle and dots, 2xcircle with dots and crescents, Rev: traces of origional symbols, 1.55g, 19.83mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 9. Kosala Janapada (525-465 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: punches consisting six pointed star with central dot, trishkele, dot surrounded by english word S type triangular symbol, flower and other symbols, Rev:various banker marks,2.60g, 24.84mm, about veryfine+,Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 10. Kosala Janapada (525-465 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: four symbols consisting trishkele, dot surrounded by english word S type triangular symbol, bull, six pointed star with dots, Rev: various banker marks, 2.9g, 18.93mm, (Raj. Series-64#1003), about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-7000
9 1
Coins of Ancient India 11. Vatsa Janapada (500-410 BC), Kashi Region, Silver Karshapana, ABCC type, Obv: four punches consisting vatsa royal mark of scorpion, elephant, pair of geomatrical symbols with lines field, Rev: banker marks, 3.1g, 28.65x21.94mm, Unlisted type, about UNC, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 12. Kalinga Janapada (500-260 BC), Silver Karshapana, ABCC type, Obv: four punches consisting candelebrum, scorprio and 2xelephant standing facing left with two taurines, Rev: banker marks, 3.1g, 22.09mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Very unusual combination for the type. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 13. Erikachha, Sahasasena (300-200 BC), Copper Unit, Obv: brahmi legend “Rajno Sa ha sa se na sa” in two lines divided by a counter marked palm tree on hill symbol/supta, Rev: uniface, 1.59g, 12.09x11.22mm, (Variant of W. Pieper # 517), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
14. Ujjaini Region (200 BC), Copper Unit, Obv: an array of symbols, tree in railing, fishes in a pond, wheel with arrowed spokes, triangle-headed standard, river below, ujjaini symbol, Rev: bold double orbed ujjaini symbol, 5.22g, 18.54mm, (W. Pieper # 379-380), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 13
Kuninda Dynasty 15. Amoghbuti (200 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: a deer standing facing right, crowned by two cobras & a square box with parasol, railed yupa shown on a two-box platform under the deer, goddess lakshmi standing facing to the right of the deer, dotted lotus hovering above her head and brahmi legend around “Rajna Kunindasya Amoghbutisya Maharajasya”, (Great King Amoghbuti, of The Kunindas), Rev: a six arched hill with parasol river below surmounted by the nandipada (buddhist triratna) surrounded by a swastika, an indradhvaja, a tree in railing and kharoshthi legend around “Rana Kunindasa Amoghbutisa Maharajasa”, (Great King Amogh, of the Kunindas), 2.02g, 17.13mm,(Variant of W. Pieper # 1143), reverse doublestrucked, about very fine, Extremely Rare.
This would be the second instance of the appearance of a yupa in railing on a coin of the Kunindas, the first example of this type listed in W. Pieper Collection. In the obverse goddess legs are slightly bent to right, an unusual specimen for the type. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 16. Amoghbuti (200 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: a deer standing facing right, crowned by two cobras& a square box with parasol, six arched hill with parasol under the deer, goddess lakshmi standing facing to the right of the deer, dotted lotus hovering above her head and brahmi legend around “ Rajnah Kunindasya Amoghbutisya Maharajasya”, (Great King Amoghbuti, of The Kunindas), Rev: a six arched hill with parasol river below surmounted by the nandipada (buddhist triratna) surrounded by a swastika, an indradhvaja and a tree in railing, kharoshthi legend around “Rana Kunindasa Amoghbutisa Maharajasa”, (Great King Amogh, of the Kunindas), 2.05g, 18.07mm, (W. Pieper # 1137), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4500 17. Amoghbuti (200 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: a deer standing facing right, crowned by two cobras& a square box with parasol, triangle box with parasol under the deer, goddess lakshmi standing facing to the right of the deer, dotted lotus hovering above her head and brahmi legend around “Rajnah Kunindasya Amoghbutisya Maharajasya”, (Great king Amoghbuti, of The Kunindas), Rev: a six arched hill with parasol river below surmounted by the nandipada (buddhist triratna) surrounded by a swastika, an indradhvaja, a tree in railing and kharoshthi legend around “Rana Kunindasa Amoghbutisa Maharajasa”, (Great King Amogh, of the Kunindas), 2.13g, 17.48mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.
In the obverse the symbol we are seeing between the legs of deer triangle box with parasol type is extremely rare for a type. Also the flower is held by goddess type is unusual in this specimen. Probably first coin to be offered in sale. Estimated Price: 7000-8000 17 2
Auction – 23 Session – 1
18. City State of Shuktimati (100 BC), Cast Copper Unit, Obv: horse walking to left, taurine upside down infront, brahmi legend top “Sutimati”, Rev: elephant walking to left, triangular headed infront, taurine & ujjaini symbol top, 1.9g, 13.12x13.00mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 19. Audumbara Dynasty, Mahadeva (100 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: elephant standing on platform facing to left, front of trident, around brahmi legend, “ ta ma ha de va”, Rev: humped bull facing right, with a dotted circle in front and legend in kharoshti, “Bhagavata Mahadevasa Rajaraja”, 2.13g, 21.52mm, (MACW # 4436), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 18,000-22,000
20. Sebakas of Vidarbha, Sebak (100 BC), Square Copper Unit, Obv: bull facing to right, river below with fishes, tree railing infront, brahmi legend on top “(Ra no) Se ba (ka sa)”, Rev: counter marked srivatsa symbol, 5.25g, 21.71x23.15mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 Satvahana Dynasty
21. Satkarni I (100 BC), Potin Unit, Northern Deccan-Vidarbha Region, Obv: triangular headed bold nandipada (taurine) in the centre, an animal (elephant ?), ujjaini symbol beside and brahmi legend at top “Rajno Siri”, Rev: double trees in railing, 3.86g, 23.06x18.61mm, about extremely fine, Rare. The coin is of re-struck type with the undertype of the similar coin which is visible. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
22. Sri Satakarni (17-107 AD), (Sati Counter Stuck by Satkarni Vidarabha?), Copper Unit, Obv: ujjain symbol and brahmi legend below “Si ri Sa ta ka ni sa”, Rev: tree in railing, 1.9g, 13.75x12.70mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 23. Kochiputra/Kausikiputra Siri Satakarni, Nasik Region, Potin Unit, Obv: elephant walking to right, trunk upraised, 4-orbed ujjain symbol and a sacred pot (kumbh) above, brahmi legend around “Rajno Kochiputasa Siri Sa(takanisa)”, Rev: tree in railing with broad leaves within circle, 5.68g, 19.83mm, (Coinage of Satavahana Empire, Pl.VII#B20), about very fine+, Scarce. This type with a rotund elephant was issued at Nashik by Kochiputra. An attractive specimen with lovely patina. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
24. Vasisthiputra Sri Satakarni (200 AD), Silver Dramma, Portrait type, Obv: bust of king to right wearing large earings, brahmi legend around “Sri Satakarnisa Rano Vasithiputasa”, Rev: sun and six-arched hill, ujjaini symbol with reiver below, tamil legend in brahmi script “Arasanaku Vasitti makanaku Tiru Satakaniko”, 2.20g, 15.31mm, (W.Pieper # 687), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
25. Copper Square Unit, Lion/Elephant type, Obv: lion to right with indradhvaja and swastika above, tree in railing on right, with ujjaini symbol above, Rev: elephant to right with taurine and swastika above, 4.9g, 17.20x17.57mm, (W.Pieper # 717), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
Yaudheyas of Rohtak 26. Bahudhanayaka (100 BC), Billon Karshapana (32 Rattis), Obv: humped bull standing right with railed lingam on right, brahmi legend “Yaudheyanam Bahudhanyake”, Rev: elephant to right, nandipada symbol above, 3.51g, 19.0mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
27. Bahudhanayaka (100 BC), Billon Karshapana (32 Rattis), Obv: humped bull standing right with railed lingam on right, brahmi legend “Yaudheyanam Bahudhanyake”, Rev: elephant to right on the street, nandipada symbol above, 3.41g, 18.30mm, (Handa. Pl. XL # 5), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 The Position of the legs of bull are different in both of the above coins. 3
Coins of Ancient India Panchala Dynasty 28. Suryamitra (10 BC-1AD), Copper Double Karshapana, Obv: peculiar panchala symbols, brahmi legend below “Suryamitasa”, Rev: railed tree and hill symbol, 11.23g, 21.16mm, (MACW # 4548), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000
29. Bhanumitra (1-20 AD), Copper 1/2 Karshapana, Obv: goddess lakshmi facing, flanked by eight-arched hill and stylized fire altar with serrated line below, brahmi legend “Rajno Bhanumitrasya” above, Rev: tree in railing, 3.46g, 14.16mm, Unlisted type, choice very fine+, Exceedingly Rare. This rare series is known only from a hoard discovered a few years ago that contained the coins of Bhanumitra, recently in an article by the Wilfred Pieper he mentioned that he believes that the deity is Mansadevi. Estimated Price: 15,000-18,000 30. Bhanumitra (1-20 AD), Copper Karshapana, Obv: goddess lakshmi facing, flanked by eight-arched hill and stylized fire altar with serrated line below, brahmi legend (“Rajno Bhanumitrasya”) above, Rev: tree in railing, 8.36g, 20.85mm, Unlisted type, choice extremely fine+, Extremely Rare. This rare series is known only from a hoard discovered a few years ago that contained the coins of Bhanumitra, recently in an article by the Wilfred Pieper he mentioned that he believes that the deity is Mansadevi. Estimated Price: 18,000-22,000
Maharathis of Andhra (100 AD) Maharathi was one of the titles that adorned the feudal rulers during the Satavahana period. Other feudal titles used were Mahagramikas, Mahabhojas, Mahasenapathis, Mahatalvaras etc.. The word Maharathi is perhaps derived from the word Rathikas who were a specific geographic group of people in the present day Maharashtra. The Rathikas infact find mention in Ashokan inscriptions along with another group of people called the Bhojakas. This suggests that the Maharathi title predates the Satavahana period. Satavahanas as a major power in the Deccan is by now sufficiently clear from the fact that coins such as those of the Kuras and coins with the appelation Maharathi both precede and overlap with satavahana coins in stratigraphic contexts. This stratigraphic position is now further confirmed by excavation at Veerapuram (Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh) where coins of local Maharathis first merge with uninscribed coins and then occur with few Satavahana pieces. Dr Shailen Bhandare has published in his thesis a hitherto unknown Maharathi issue bearing the legend ‘Maharathisa Chulavarunisa’.
31. Chulavaruni, During the Satavahana Era, Copper Unit, Obv: lion standing in centre facing to right, brahmi legend “Ma ha ra thi sa chu la va ru na sa”, Rev: tree railing, yupa and circular object, 6.34g, 18.67mm, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Superb bold strike, shows the complete details on the obverse with full legends visibility. Estimated Price: 30,000-40,000 32. Chulavaruni, During the Satavahana Era, Copper Unit, Obv: lion standing in centre facing to right, brahmi legend “Ma ha ra thi sa(chu la va ru na)sa”, pair of triangular headed symbol, swastika and circular symbol (sun or moon) is visible, Rev: elephant standing in centre, brahmi legends around “Mahara. . . . nasa”, 6.67g, 20.02mm, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Stunning example from this series with the extra symbols of swastika, triangular headed symbol, sun or moon and elephant are visible hence there are chances of overstrike on some other coin. Estimated Price: 40,000-50,000
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Indo Scythians 33. Maues (90-57 BC), Copper Hemi-Obol, Obv: head of elephant right, wearing bell, reel and pellet border, Rev: caduceus, kohat monogram in the centre and greek legend besides ‘ BAΣIΛEΩΣ MAVOY’, 7.97g, 26.43mm, (MACW # 2196), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 33
34. Azes I (57-35 BC), Copper Penta Chalkon, Obv: king holding spear, mounted on horse walking right, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY / AZOY’, Rev: humped bull facing right, control mark above, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa rajarajasa mahatasa / ayasa’, 10.70g, 19.88x21.88mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 35. Azes I (57-35 BC), Copper Tetradrachma, Obv: king mounted on horse walking right, holding spear, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY /AZOY’, Rev: humped bull standing right, hazara monogram above, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa rajarajasa mahatasa ayasa’, 21.60g, 36.23mm, (Mitch.Vol.6 # Type 754), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 36. Azes II (35-12 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: king mounted on horse walking right & holding whip, greek legend around ‘BAIE BAIEN MEAOY / AZOY’, Rev: pallas standing facing with right arm raised and shield by left side long spear behind her, monograms at left and right, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa rajarasa mahatasa ayasa’, 2.25g, 15.33mm, (MACW # 2306), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 6000-7000 Greeks and Indo-Greeks 37 . Euthydemos I (230-190 BC), Silver Tetradrachma, Obv: diademed head of king facing right, within dotted border, Rev: hercules seated left on a pile rocks, holding a club in right hand which he rests on another pile of rocks, greek legend BAΣIΛEΩΣ EYΘYΔHMOY, monogram in lower right field, 16.52g, 28.83mm, (MACW # 1624), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-65,000
38. Eucratides I (170-145 BC), Silver Obol, Obv: diademed bust of king facing right, dotted border around, Rev: caps and palms of the dioscuri, greek legend besides ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ EYKPATIΔOY’ (of King Eucratides), 0.63g, 11.24mm, (Mitch. Vol.1 # type 180), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 39. Eucratides I (170-145 BC), Silver Obol, Obv: diademed, helmeted and draped bust of king facing right, dotted border around, Rev: caps and palms of the dioscuri, monogram below, greek legend besides ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ EYKPATIΔOY’ (of King Eucratides), 0.55g, 11.0mm, (Mitch. Vol.1# type 181), choice extremely fine, Very Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000
37 39
Coins of Ancient India 40. Menander I (155 - 130 BC), Pushkalavati Mint, Copper Square Unit, Obv: elephant head right, trunk raised, bellsuspended from neck, with legend around BAIE THPO MENANPO, Rev: kharoshthi legend, ‘maharajasa tratarasa menandrasa’ (Great King Savior Menander), club of herakles, vertical, handle down, monogram left, A right, 2.81g,14.26x13.96mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
41. Menander I (155-130 BC), Bronze Octuple (Bilingual Obol), Obv: head of bull facing, greek legend on three sides ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ MENANΔPOY’, Rev: tripod, monogram at right, kharoshthi legend on three sides ‘maharajasa tratarasa menamdrasa’, 19.93g, 22.12x21.52mm, (Mitch. Vol.2 # type 233), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 41 42. Menender I (155-130 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: diademed bust of king left, holding spear in thrust position in right hand, aegies on left shoulder, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ // MENANΔPOY’ (of saviour king menender), Rev: athena alkidemos standing right, holding aegis on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, taxila mark at left, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa tratarasa // menamdrasa’ (saviour king menender), 2.04g, 16.90mm, (MACW # 1788), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 43. Antialcidas (145-135 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: bust of king wearing a helmet, with greek legend around ‘BASILEOS NIKEPHOROU ANTIALKIDOU’ (of victorious king antialcidas), Rev: seated zeus holding sceptre, with nike on his extended arm, holding out a wreath to a baby elephant with bell, kharoshthi legend ‘maharajasa jayadharasa antialcitasa’, 2.3g, 17.38mm, (MACW # 1843), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
44. Seleukid Kings of Syria, Philip I Philedelphus (92-83 BC), Silver Tetradrachma, Obv: diademed head of philip I to right, Rev: zeus seated left, holding nike in his right hand and long sceptre with his left, all within laurel-wreath, 16.05g, 26.53mm, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 44
Roman Empire 45. Tiberius (14-37 AD), Silver Denarius, Obv: laureate head right, legend around ‘TI CAESAR DIVI AVG AVGVSTVS’, Rev: livia, as pax seated right on throne with ornate legs holding olive branch and sceptre, triple line below, legend around ‘PONTIF MAXIM’, 3.65g, 18.54mm, (RIC # 28), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
46. Vespasian (69-79 AD), Silver Denarius, Obv: laureate head left, legend around ‘IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG’, Rev: eagle standing left, wings spread, legend around ‘COS VI’, 3.10g, 19.02mm, (RIC # 89), about very fine, Rare. Laureate head to left is rare in this type. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
47. Faustina I, Senior (138-141 AD), Silver Denarius, Obv: draped bust right, hair elaborately waved in several loops around head, braided, drawn up and coiled on top, legend around ‘DIVA FAVSTINA’, Rev: vesta, standing left, sceptre in left hand, palladium in right,, legend around ‘VES TA’, 3.09g, 16.18mm, (RIC # 400), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-9000
48. Faustina II, Junior (147-176 AD), Silver Denarius, Obv: draped bust right, legend around ‘FAVSTINA AVGVSTA’, Rev: fecunditas standing left between two children, holding two more in arms, legend around ‘FECVND AVGVSTAE’, 3.36g, 16.27mm, (BMC # 89/RIC # 676), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4500-5500 48 49. Geta (198-200 AD), Silver Denarius, Obv: draped bust right, legend around ‘P SEPT GETA CAES PONT’, Rev: nobilitas standing right, holding sceptre and palladium, legend around ‘NOBILITAS’, 3.46g, 17.82mm, (RIC # 13a), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
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50. Severus Alexander (222-235 AD), Rome Mint, Copper Drachma, Obv: laureate draped bust , legend around ‘IMP M [...] ƧEV ALEXANDER’, Rev: providentia standing facing, altar at left, lettering T E, 7.30g, 17.11mm, about very fine, Rare & Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 50
Kushan Dynasty 51. Vima Takhto, Billon Di-Chalkon, Obv: bull standing right, illegible Greek legend around, Rev: bactrian camel standing right, kharoshthi legend “Maharajaasa Rajadirajasa Devaputrasa Vima Takha”, 4.3g, 14.83mm, (Var. MACW # 2896), about very fine+, Very Rare.
2x 52
This coin is showing Vima Takha’s name from about 4 o’clock to about 2 o’clock on the reverse. Mitchiner assigned & listed the coins of this type issued by Kujula Kadphises. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 52. Vima Kadphises (113-127 AD), Gold 1/4 Dinar, Obv: crowned and diademed head of vima kadphises right, within window, Rev: totem of Shiva, composite trident-rudder with axe and goat skin on shaft; to left, tamgha to right, buddhist triratana (three jewels), kharoshthi legend, 1.69g, 12.02mm, (MK # 9), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-80,000 53. Vima Kadphises (95-127 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: crowned, diademed half-length bust on clouds facing left, holding club and elephant goad, tamgha behind, greek legend around “King Vima Kadphises”, Rev: shiva standing facing, with head turned to left, holding trident, club and deer skin, tamgha to left, nandipada symbol to right, kharoshthi legend “Maharajasa Rajadirajasa sarvaloga isvarasa mahisvarasa Vima Kathphishasa tratara”, 8.0g, 20.29mm, (Gobl # 19.4), about very fine+, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 3,50,000-4,50,000 54. Kanishka I (127-140 AD), Gold Dinar, Oesho (Shiva) type, Obv: crowned, diademed king standing facing left, holding spear and sacrificing at fire altar left, bactrian legend around ‘ÞAONANOÞAO KA-NHÞKI KOÞANO(King of kings’, Rev: four armed lord shiva standing facing towards left, hair in topknot wears dhoti, holds titled water-pot and holding damru (vajra) in extended lower right hand, thunderbolt in upper left hand, and an animal by horns (buck) with lower left hand on hip, tamgha to left, dotted border, bactrian legend to right ‘ OhÞO’ (Oesho), 7.85g, 16.6mm, (Variant of Gobl # 37), about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,25,000 55. Huvishka (160-190 AD), Gold Dinar, Ardoksho type, Obv: diademed and crowned half-length bust left on clouds, holding mace-sceptre in one hand and the hilt of his sword with the other and bactrian legend around ‘þAONANOþAO OOηþKI KOþANO (King of Kings Huvishka Kushan)’, Rev: goddess ardoksho standing, extending cornucopia with both hand, bactrian legend “APΔOXþO” (Ardoksho) at left, tamgha at right, 7.82g, 20.04mm, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 70,000-80,000 56. Vasudeva I (190-230 AD), Kushano-Sassanian, Gold 1/4 Dinar, Oesho (Shiva) type, Obv: king nimbate standing facing left, wearing pointed headdress, holding trident and sacrificing over fire altar and holding a trident, filtered trident to left, bactrian legend around, Rev: ithyphallic shiva standing facing, holding garland and trident, the nandi bull behind with annulet on rump, standing left, tamgha to upper left field, triple pellets below nandi’s head, bactrian legend ‘Ohpo’(Oesho) in right margin within dotted border, 2.08g, 16.10mm, about very fine+, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000
55 7
Coins of Ancient India 57. Vasudeva I (190-230 AD), Gold Dinar, OESHO (Shiva) Type, Obv: crowned, diademed king standing facing, nimbate, holding trident and sacrificing at altar at left, second trident above fire altar, bactrian legend around ‘þAONONOþAO BA .. ZΔOηO KOþANO (King of Kings Bazodeo Kushan)’, Rev: lord shiva standing facing, holding trident and wreath, the bull nandi standing behind facing the left side with bactrian legend at left ‘OηþO ‘(Oesho) and tamgha at left, 7.98g, 19.94mm, (Variant of Gobl # 504), about extremely fine+, fully struck on fairly generous flan, complete details with lusterous condition, Rare. Estimated Price: 70,000-90,000 58. Kanishka III (250-300AD), Gold Dinar, Oesho (Shiva) type, Obv: king helmeted, standing facing left, flames on shoulder, sacrificing over altar and holding trident, brahmi letter ‘Va’ under the king’s arm, holding trident and ‘Su’ in the field beyond the trident and another brahmi letter ‘Thi’ between king’s feet, Rev: shiva nimbate, standing facing, holding trident and diadem, bull (Nandi) standing behind to left, bactrian legend ‘OηþO (Oesho)’ in the right field, with tamgha to upper left, 8.0g, 20.44mm, (Gobl #626), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-55,000 59. Vasudeva II (275-310 AD), Gold Dinar, Ardoksho type, Obv: crowned, diademed king standing facing left, holding trident in right hand sacrificing over altar at left, garlanded trident above altar, brahmi letter ‘Bha’ at feet to left, ‘Ga’ below left arm, ‘Vasu’ to outer right, Rev: goddess of plenty ardochsho enthroned facing, holding diadem and cornucopia, bactrian legend right “APOXO”, tamgha in upper left field, 7.80g, 18.76mm, (MK # 577), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000 60. Shaka I (325-345 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: king standilng left, holding a trident in right hand, making an offering at an altar with his left hand, garlanded trident above alter, brahmi initials,’Vi ‘near legs and sita below the hand, Rev: ardoksho enthroned facing, holding cornucopia, tamgha in upper left field, bactrian legend at right “APΔOXþO”, 7.78g, 18.41mm, about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000
61. Magra (Rebel), Gold Dinar, Ardoksho Type, Obv: king standing facing, nimbate, holding staff topped with chakra (wheel), sacrificing over altar to left, trident with ribbon to left, blundered bactrian legend around, uncertain brahmi legend “Ma sha (Magra)” at right, ‘Ga’ below the king’s arm, Rev: goddess of plenty ardoksho enthroned facing, holding investiture garland and cornucopia, bactrian legend at right “APΔOXþO”, tamgha to upper left, 7.72g, 18.80mm,(Gobl # 578), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,10,000-1,30,000 61
Post-Kushan 62. Rudrabala (300 AD), Copper Unit, Obv: recumbant bull left, brahmi letter ‘Ru’ below and dotted border around, Rev: kota symbol flanked by brahmi letters ‘dra/ba (la)’, 4.61g, 18.10mm, about very fine, Rare & Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
Western Kshatrapas 63. Jayadaman, Potin Unit, Obv; humped bull standing right, axe upright to the right, corrupt greek inscriptions above, wavy line with dots in a dotted border, Rev: six-arched hill, crescent left, sun right, in dotted border brahmi inscription, “Rajno KsaTraPaSa Svami JayaDaMaSa” , 0.95g, 12.41x10.86mm, (A.M Fishman # type 17.2), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
64. Kardamaka Family, Rudrasena I (200-222 AD), Silver Drachma, SE 124/202 AD, Obv: bust of king facing right, date behind, corrupt greek legend around, Rev: three arched hill with crescent in center, moon to left and sun to right, wavy line below, brahmi legend in “Rajno Mahakshatrapasa Rudrasihasaputrasa Rajno Mahakshatrapa(sa Ru)drasenasa”, 1.8g, 15.07mm, about very fine+. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
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Gupta Empire
65. Samudragupta (335-370 AD), Gold Dinar, Sceptre (Standard) type, Obv: king standing left, holding the royal sceptre (rajadanda) adorned with pataka in left hand , garuda standard at left, brahmi legend under arm, “Samudra”, circular brahmi legend, Rev: goddess lakshmi seated on throne holding diadem and corcucopia with tamgha to left, brahmi legend “Parakramah” and inverted triangle with dot in the right field, 7.21g, 19.59mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. III-11, Unlisted tamgha type), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 65,000-75,000
66. Samudragupta (345-375 AD), Gold Dinar, ‘Ashwamedha’ type, Obv: sacrificial horse standing left,Yupa (sacrificial post) in its front, yupa has an ornamental pedestral in two steps, slightly bent in the centre, crescent behind the haunch of the horse, and string of beads above the head and back, brahmi legend (“Rajadhiraja Pri....vata dava jayatyahri” ) (King of Kings, who conquered the earth, Restorer of Ashwamedha), around, brahmi letter ‘Si’ (Siddam) on top of a pedestal placed on the platform under the horse belly, Rev: chief queen in the guise of a goddess, standing left pedestal carrying a fly-whisk in her flexed hand, placed on her shoulder and holding towel in left hand, brahmi legend “Ashwamedha Parakramah” in the right field and ritual needle or Soochi in the left, 7.37g, 21.59mm, Unlisted Soochi type, (Variant of Altekar. Bayana Hoard # Pl.V-5), choice extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4,00,000-6,00,000
67. Samudragupta (335-370AD), Gold Dinar, “Battle Axe” Type, Obv: king standing facing left, wearing a close-fitted cap, tailed coat and trousers, there is a dagger hanging on his left side, the king holds a Battle Axe (Parashu) in left hand, right hand resting on waist, dwarf attendant (Vamana) at left, facing right and holding crescent-topped standard, brahmi legend below the left hand of the king “Samudra” and partly visible circular legend reads “Kritantaparshurjaya (tyajita rajjetajitah”) Rev: goddess lakshmi enthroned facing on a throne, feets of goddess are resting on lotus, holding diadem in her right hand and cornucopia in left, tamgha to left, complete brahmi legend “Kritantaparashu” (Battle axe),7.72g, 20.50mm, Unlisted type (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. V-6-14), choice extremely fine+, Extremely Rare. The dwarf (Vamana) is of tall height type which is generally not offered in the sales, the general types are seen. This specimen is struck remarkably efficient with aesthetic designs, and the jewels worn by king and goddess are fully visible. Impressive striking and immaculate condition which is missing from all the major collections. Estimated Price: 7,00,000-9,00,000 9
Coins of Ancient India
68. Samudragupta (335-370 AD), Gold Dinar, “Lyrist” Type, Obv: king seated upright facing left on a high-backed throne, wearing pearled crown (cap) and only dhoti (bare bodied), playing a veena (lute) that rests on his knees and brahmi character ‘Si’ for Siddham (luck) on footstool, circular brahmi legend “Maharajadhiraja Shri...(Samudra) guptah”, the letter ‘ptah’ appears between the lute and the king’s head Rev: goddess lakshmi, nimbate seated left on a wicker stool, holding a diadem fillet in her right hand and a cornucopia in the left, the feets are resting on the carpet, brahmi legend “Samudraguptah” in the right margin, 7.5g, 22.22mm, Unlisted type, obverse is slightly doublestrucked, choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare. This specimen is of very high artistic details and designs where the corrnucopia held by goddess is distinct of all those types listed by Altekar and in BMC collection. Tamgha which is always seen in front of the Goddess is absent on this specimen. Another important point to notice here that there is no carpet under the feet of goddess. Estimated Price: 5,50,000-7,50,000
69. Samudragupta (335-370 AD), Gold Dinar, Kacha Type, Obv: king nimbate standing to left, holding a chakradhvaja (wheel-headed standard) in his left hand and sacrificing at altar, brahmi legend “Kacho Gamavajatya (Divam Karma bhiruttamair jayati)” (having conquered the earth, kacha wins the heaven by excellent deeds) and ‘Kacha’ written vertically below the kings elbow, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing to left, nimbate, holding a cornucopia, lotus in outstretched right hand and tamgha below, brahmi legend “Sarvarajochchhetta” (exterminator of all kings) in the right field, no carpet under feet, 7.56g, 19.31mm, (Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. VII-4), well centre struck, about very fine+, Very Rare. King in this specimen is seen without diadem with complete readable legends on the reverse. Complete visible details of jewels worn by King are visible. Estimated Price: 85,000-1,00,000 69 70. Samudragupta (335-370 AD), Gold Dinar, Kacha Type, Obv: king nimbate standing to left, holding a chakradhvaja (wheel-headed standard) in his left hand and sacrificing at altar, brahmi legend “Kacho Gamavajatya (Divam Kar mabhiruttamair jayati”)(having conquered the earth, kacha wins the heaven by excellent deeds) and ‘Kacha’ written vertically below the kings elbow, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing to left, nimbate, a cornucopia in her left hand, holding a lotus in right hand bent up and tamgha below, brahmi legend “ Sarvarajochchhetta” (exterminator of all kings) in the right field , no carpet under feet,7.55g, 19.78mm, (Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. VII-10), obverse doublestrucked, about very fine+, Extremely Rare. The important noticeable point is the lotus held by the goddess is rare with the tamgha type at reverse is first time offered, brahmi legends are complete at the reverse within in the specimen. The king is wearing a diadem (ribbons behind the head) is an important feature at obverse. Estimated Price: 80,000-1,00,000 70
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71. Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya) (375-415 AD), Gold Dinar, Archer Type, Obv: king standing left holding bow in his left hand arrow in right hand, wearing a chaloka and short tuckled dhoti, a sash whip tied to his waist. brahmi legend “ Chandra” below arm, garuda standard at left, king wearing a sash, Rev: goddess lakshmi seated facing on a lotus in padmasana, holding diadem in her right hand and lotus in left, tamgha to left with brahmi legend “Sri Vikramah”, 8.19g, 18.53mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XII-4-6), about extremely fine, Rare. Coins with this form of circular tamgha in the Numismatic Circular (#173, 2013, pp.177-8) and suggested that they may be issues of Chandragupta III. Their apparent gold purity, heavier weight and the fact that only a few coins with this symbol are known from the time of Kumaragupta, suggest that this might be a tamgha that was first used late in the reign of Kumaragupta and continued into the time of Chandragupta III. He concluded that it was too early to draw firm conclusions, and it may be the fact that this tamgha was used sporadically in all three reigns. 71
Estimated Price: 65,000-75,000
72. Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya II) (375-415 AD), Gold Dinar, “Lion Slayer” Type, Obv: armored king wearing dhoti slaying the lion and trampling the lion on the belly by left leg, holding bow in left hand with right hand shown as having released the bow string, lion is falling backwards with arrow in its mouth, circular brahmi legend “Narendra.....(Chandra prathitano rane..”) Rev: nimbate goddess lakshmi (durga) with skull cap seated in a riding posture facing straight with high neck on the roaring lion seated with high postured neck, goddess holding diadem in her right hand and left hand resting on the body of the lion, brahmi legend at right “Simhavikrama”, 7.73g, 18.20mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. This specimen is very alluring because of the goddess riding on a lion. The important noticeable point is the unusual pose of the goddess on the reverse where she has seen seated in the riding posture on the lion as if she is riding a horse (usually it is observed that the goddess has the front facing seated pose). The lion appears to be charging towards the left with its mouth agape in a ferocious roar. Goddess holding diadem instead of lotus is a variant of Altekar. Bayana Hoard # Pl. XVIII-6 and the king’s posture is dynamic where he is leaning forward and trampling the lion under his foot rather than standing straight. Estimated Price: 5,00,000-6,00,000
73. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, Archer Type, Without ‘Ku’ Obv: king standing left holding bow in his left hand arrow in right hand, garuda standard at left, without a brahmi letter under his arm, circular brahmi legend (“Paramaraja, Sra-Kumaragupta”), with the letter ‘Gu’ being above the king’s right hand and ‘Pta’ above garuda, Rev: goddess lakshmi seated facing on lotus, holding diadem in her right hand and long-stemmed lotus in left, brahmi legend “Sri Mahendra” in the right field, tamgha to left, 7.97g,17.53mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. X-7), about extremely fine, Rare. . In this variety obverse is not having brahmi legend ‘Ku’ under the king’s arm. The lotus held by goddess is bloomed with petals. Interesting Specimen! Estimated Price: 70,000-80,000 73
Coins of Ancient India 74. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, Archer Type, With ‘Ku’, Obv: king standing left holding bow in his left hand arrow in right hand, garuda standard at left, brahmi letter ‘Ku’ under the arm that hold the bow, brahmi legend (“Vijitavaniravanipatih Kumaragupto divam jayati”), Rev: goddess lakshmi seated facing, holding diadem in her right hand and long-stemmed lotus in left, brahmi legend “Sri Mahendra” in the right field, tamgha in the right field, 8.07g,18.68mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XX-6), obverse is doublestrucked, about very fine+, Rare.
In this variety, the obverse is having brahmi legend ‘Ku’ under the king’s arm. king’s legs & diadem held by queen are unusual in this specimen. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,50,000
75. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, “Lion-Slayer” Type, Obv: king, nimbate standing facing left, wearing waist cloth with sash flying behind, necklace, armlets and jewellery, legs wide spread, holding a bow turning to draw in a “parthian shot” at a lion which sprawls over backward, circular brahmi legend incomplete (“Kumaragupto jayata)ajita”, Rev: goddess durga, nimbate seated facing on recumbent lion right, holding a lotus and an uncertain object (Mundamala) and an unusual five-point tamgha (like shivalingam) in the left field, brahmi legend “Simha-Mahendrah” at right 8.2g, 19.05mm, Unlisted type, (Variant of Altekar. Bayana Hoard # Pl. XXIX. 11-15), about extremely fine+, Extremely Rare. Altekar in his Bayana hoard catalogue has described the object in Durga’s hand as a ‘Garland’ but when he produced his corpus a few years later he offered the suggestion that the object was a Mundamala, popularly known as necklace of skulls worn by Shiva or Kali. So the goddess Durga here could be an avatar of the goddess Kali and such depiction of Mundamala is the possible example of Shivaite depiction on the gupta coinage. Estimated Price: 4,50,000-5,50,000
76. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, Horseman - Right Type. Obv: king without nimbus riding caparisoned horse to right, bare headed wearing necklace, armlets, coat with buttons, waist-band some-times flying behind, carrying no weapons, circular brahmi legend “Priti vitalambarasasi Kumaragupto jayatyajitah”, the first two letters of the legend ‘Pri ti’ are between the head of the king & the horse, Rev: goddess lakshmi nimbate seated left on a wicker stool, holding lotus with a long stalk with leaves and buds in the right hand, left hand resting on waist, brahmi legend “Ajitamahendra” in the right field, 8.3g, 19.11mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XXII-2/ BMC # Pl. XIII-1), about extremely fine+, Extremely Rare. The reverse depicts the Goddess holding the lotus with long stem is distinct, complete and detailed strike shows the full detailed version of the jewels worn by Goddess and King are clearly visible, the reverse is exceptional. An artistic coin showing the plaited hair of the horse which is beautifully ornated. This type is missing from various collections of Gupta coinage.
Estimated Price: 3,50,000-4,50,000 76
Auction – 23 Session – 1
77. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, Horseman - Right Type, Obv: king nimbus riding a adorned horse to right, holding bow, seated on high stepping horse, brahmi legend around “Guptkulvyomshahsi (jayatyajeyo jita) mahendrah”,, Rev: goddess lakshmi nimbate seated facing left on wicker stool, left hand of the goddess rests on waist, holding a lotus with long stalk with leaves and buds, feeding grapes to a peacock at left, with brahmi legend “Ajitamahendra” in the right field, 8.04g, 18.64mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XXIII-15/Variant of BMC # Pl.XIII-14), obverse is doublestrucked, about extremely fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,60,000-1,80,000
78. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, ‘Horseman-Left’ type, Obv: king without nimbus riding horse to right, bare headed wearing necklace, armlets waist-band some-times flying behind, brahmi legend “Guptakulama...chadra maha.. kamajata jayati”, the first two letters of the legend are between the head of the king the horse, Rev: goddess lakshmi without nimbus seated left on a draped stool holding lotus with a long stalk, left hand resting on waist and she offering to peacock some fruits hanging from a twig in her right hand, brahmi legend “Ajitamahe(ndra”)in the right field, 7.95g, 19.70mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XXIV-3/Variant of BMC # Pl. XIII-17), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000 79. Skandagupta (455-467 AD), Gold Heavy Dinar, Archer type, Obv: king nimbate standing to left wearing long sash, holding an indian long bow in his left hand and arrow in his right hand, garuda standard behind right hand, under left arm brahmi legend ‘Skanda’, circular legend “jayati (mahatalam”), Rev: goddess lakshmi, nimbate, seated on a lotus in padmasana holding diadem in right hand and lotus in left hand, blurred brahmi legend at right “Sri Skandaguptah”, blossom/tamgha & cluster of eight dots at left, 9.19g, 18.35mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XIX -4), about very fine, Rare
There is no tamgha in left field, its a conch shell and cluster of nine dots which are called Nav Nidhi symbol. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000
80. Skandagupta (455-467 AD), Gold Heavy Dinar, Archer type, Obv: king nimbate standing to left wearing long sash, holding an indian long bow in his left hand and arrow in his right hand, garuda standard behind right hand, under left arm brahmi legend ‘Skanda’, Rev: goddess lakshmi, nimbate, seated on a lotus in padmasana holding cornucopia in right hand and lotus in the left, blurred brahmi legend at right “Sri Skandaguptah”, tamgha & cluster of eight dots at left, 9.1g, 19.11mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XIX -5), about fine, Rare. There is no tamgha in left field, its a conch shell and cluster of nine dots which are called Nav Nidhi symbol. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000
Post-Guptas, Samatata Region
81. Bhaskarvarman (620-650 AD), Sri Kumara, Gold Dinar, Obv: stylized representation of without nimbate ‘archer’ type king standing with head left, holding a bow in one hand and arrow in the other, standard with conch shell in left field, beneath the king’s left arm ‘Sri ku ma ra’ in brahmi, flaemes at the four cardinal points symbol in between the conch shell and the king’s head, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing right, illegible inscription in right field, holding an object in her hand, 5.53g, 19.41mm, (Sam # 12.3b), about extremely fine, Very Rare.
Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000
81 13 82. Sridharanarata (664-675 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: stylized representation of a nimbate ‘archer’ type king, holding bow in one hand and arrow in the other, with a crudely executed ‘shanka’ in the backdrop, letter ‘Sri’ in brahmi beneath the king’s left arm & top left, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing to right, illegible inscription in right field, holding an object in her hand, 5.34g, 19.91mm, (Sam # 15.1), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-50,000
83. Sridharanarata (664-675 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: stylized representation of a nimbate ‘archer’ type king standing with head left, holding a bow in one hand and arrow in the other, standard with conch shell in left field, letter ‘Sri’ in brahmi beneath the king’s left arm and top left, brahmi letters in between two legs of the king ‘Sri Dha’, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing right, illegible inscription in right field, holding an object in her hand, 5.66g, 20.59mm, (Sam # 15.3c), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000
84. Sridharanarata (664-675 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: stylized representation of a nimbate ‘archer’ type king standing with head left, holding a bow in one hand and arrow in the other, standard in field left with forked finial, letter ‘Sri’ in upper field left & another ‘Sri’ in brahmi below right arm of king, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing right, illegible inscription in right field, holding an object in her hand, 5.54g, 18.94mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Obverse shows standard held by the king, seems to be different where it is listed in the Reference Catalogues.
Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000 85. Samatata Region (630 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: king facing left holding bow and arrow with right hand, standard with conch shell in left field with ‘Pra’ in brahmi under right ar of the king, Rev: goddess lakshmi standing right, illegible inscription in right field, holding an object in her hand, 5.33g,19.45mm, (Sam # 7.1), about very fine+. Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000
86. Samatata Region, Anonymous issue, Gold Dinar, Obv: stylized representation of ‘archer’ type king standing left in tribhanga position, holding bow in left hand and arrow in other hand, conch-shell standard in the backdrop, border of dots, Rev: goddess standing right within an inner circle, holding a object it looks like the infant ganesha, with his trunk raised, but trunk of ganesha is actually the last letter in the legend and curvilinear drapes behind her back, crude unread legend in the right field, 5.66g, 20.48mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Very Rare. In this specimen curling line is missing where it extends from right waistband of king’s, unlisted in major reference catalogues & this type 1st time offered in any auction.
Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000
Coins of Hindu Medieval
Arakan Region of Eastern Bengal 87. Chandra Dynasty, Bhumichandra (468-475 AD), Silver 24 Rattis, Obv: recumbent humped bull facing left, with garland around neck, brahmi legend above “Bhu mi cha ndra”, ‘ndra’ of ‘Chandra’ is written in second line, Rev: bold srivatsa flanked by stylized leaf tendrils, sun and moon above, dotted border around, 3.06g, 18.35mm, (Variant of SK &NN, HA # 6.2), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 88. Lalitakara (800 AD), Silver 60 Rattis, Obv: recumbant bull seated facing left, two horns and ears and mouth are represented by dots, legend “La li ta ka ra” above, dotted & linear border around, Rev: ornate shrivatsa symbol flanked by stylized leaf tendrils, surrounded by beaded garlands, crescent moon and sun above, dotted & linear border around, 8.09g, 30.55mm, (SK &NN, HC # 2.1), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 14
Auction – 23 Session – 1
89. Harikela (750-850 AD), Silver Unit, Obv: recumbant bull seated facing left, two horns and ears and mouth are represented by dots, no garland around the neck and tail pointing upward, legend “Harikela” above, ‘Ke’ is in later form, Rev: ornate shrivatsa symbol flanked by stylized leaf tendrils, surrounded by beaded garlands, crescent moon and sun above, dotted & linear border around, 5.84g, 29.60mm, (SK &NN, HD # 2.5), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 90. Harikela (750-850 AD), Silver Unit, Obv: recumbant bull seated facing left, two horns and ears and mouth are represented by dots, no garland around the neck and tail pointing upward, legend “Harikela” above, ‘Ke’ is in later form, Rev: tripartite symbol with crescent on left and sun on right, 5.50g, 30.40mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
Chalukyas of Kalyani 91. Gold Pagoda, Obv: a well designed square form with pellets in each corners and minute orientations in each sides of the square, Rev: a traditional temple formed by lines on dots, 4.39g, 15.12mm, Unlisted type, about fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-80,000
92. Vikramaditya VI (1076-1116 AD), Gold Fanam, Lion type, Obv: stylized lion (Sardula) walking to right, Rev: stylized representation of a peacock, 0.38g, 6.0mm, Unlisted type, choice extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 91
93. Somesvara IV (1181-1184), Gold Pagoda, Obv: garuda with a prominent beak, running right,a characteristic feature is the fold of clothing that hangs down in a V shape between the legs, Rev: three line kannada legend with rules between the lines “dasapa murari”, 3.82g, 11.35mm, (Mitch.K&A # 282), choice extremely fine, Rare. Dasapa Murari - He who scattered Murari, The coins issued by the king, (Sri) Raja, who destroyed the kalachuris and resorted the chalukyas, namely Somesvara Chalukya. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 Hoysala Dynasty 94.Gold 1/4 Fanam, Obv: lion (Sardula) to right with fore leg raised, Rev: deity/vishnu standing facing, crescent with dot, 0.10g, 4.73mm, Unlisted type, choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
2x 92
95. Gold 1/2 Fanam, ‘Sri Lakshmi’ type, Obv: goddess lakshmi seated facing, Rev: uncertain legend, 0.15g, 10.51mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 96. Gold 1/2 Fanam, Obv: roaring lion (Sardula) to left, Rev: deity/warrior standing, 0.18g, 4.35mm, about extremely fine, Rare.
Complete details on such a small coin is rare to get. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 3x Kalachuris of Tripuri 94 97. Gangeya Deva (1015-1040 AD), Gold 4½ Masha, Obv: ornated goddess lakshmi seated facing within dotted border, Rev: nagari legend “Srimat Ga/ngeya De/vah”, in three lines within dotted border, 3.94g, 18.70mm, (Deyell #119a), about very fine+, Scarce. 2x
Beautiful portrait of goddess lakshmi with complete details on both sides. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
3x 97
96 15 Paramaras of Malwa 98. Nara Varman (1094-1133 AD), Gold Masha, Obv: seated goddess lakshmi facing, Rev: nagari legend “sriman na/ra vamma/deva” in three lines, 3.98g, 20.15mm, about extremely fine, Rare. An attractive coin of lovely depiction of goddess lakshmi.
Estimated Price: 30,000-35,000 Yadavas of Devagiri 99. Ramachandra (1270-1311 AD), Silver Dramma, Obv: stylized lion standing facing left with paw raised, Rev: nagari legend “Sri Rama devah” in two lines, a sword below, 0.94g, 8.37mm, (K. Ganesh # 7.23), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
2x 99
Vijayanagar Empire 100. Tuluva Dynasty, Krishnadevaraya (1509-1530 AD), Copper Jital, Obv: garuda to left with beaked face wearing tall kirita or crown , hands joined in breast in the attitude of devotion. he kneels on his knee with the virasana or heroic posture, small wings are spread out behind the Arms. conch and disus in field near head, Rev: three line nagari legend “Sri pra/tapa ka shna/ra ya”, 3.63g, 15.62mm, (K.Ganesh # 125), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Full details and complete strike. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 101. Harihara II (1377-1404 AD), Gold 1/2 Varaha, Obv: shiva seated in padmasana with consort parvati on his thigh, shiva’s left hand holds a trident and the other is around his consort’s waist, one right hand holds a battle axe while the other is in abhayamudra, the goddess has joined her hands, near shiva’s head are the sun and moon, Rev: three line nagari legend in interlinear rules, “sripra/tapa Hari/Hara”, 1.6g, 8.83mm, (Girijapathi # 53), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-9000 102. Krishnadevaraya (1509-1529), Gold 1/2 Varaha, Obv: balakrishna seated facing accosted by counch (right) and discus (left),the right hand holds a lump of butter, head is crown of peacock feather, Rev: three line nagari legend in interlinear rules “sri pra/tapa Krishna/raya”, 1.6g, 9.85mm, (Mitch. K&A # 641), choice extremely fine with central struck, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000
Coins of Sultanates of India
2x 101
2x 102
Bahmani Sultanate 103. Muhammad Shah I (AH 760-777/1359-1375 AD), Silver 1/6 Tanka, Obv: banah din ullah(builder of the faith of god), Rev: abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah, 1.82g, 12.08mm, (G&G # BH 31), about exrtemely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 104. Muhammad Shah I (AH 760-777/1359-1375 AD), Hadrat Ahsanabad Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 76x, Obv: sultan al- ‘ahd wa’l zaman hami millate rasul al-rahman, Rev: abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah bin bahman shah al-sultan, mint name at right & hijri date in margin, 10.89g, 26.42mm, (G&G # BH27), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
104 16
Auction – 23 Session – 1
105. Shams-ud-din Da’ud Shah II (AH 799-800/1397 AD), Copper Falus, Obv: al-mu ‘ayyad bi-nasr allah, Rev: da ‘ud shah, date in margin, 5.4g, 16.85mm, (G&G # BH58), about very fine, Rare.
Shams ud-din Da’ud Shah II was the 7th Empire of Bahmanid, he was the son of Mohammad Shah II, who ruled from 14th June 1397 – 15th Nov 1397. Daud was a very young when he ascended the throne and he was installed on the throne by Taghalchin, a Turk noble of low origin. Later seeing a threat in two members of the royal family, Taghalchin tried to persuade Shams ud din to imprison Firoz Shah and Ahmad Shah and asked the king’s mother to have them executed. The two brothers learned the conspiracy and fled quickly to Sagar and then they attacked the Gulbarga (Bahmanid Sultanate) and killed Taghalchin, the Prime Minister and his son. Daud was blinded and imprisoned until the end of his days, and then Firoz become the Sultan and Ahmad the Prime Minister. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 106. Shams-ud-din Muhammad Shah III (AH 867- 887/1463 -1482 AD), Hadrat Muhammadabad Mint (Off flan), Silver Tanka, AH 87X, Obv: al mutasim billah abul muzaffar shams al dunya wal din muhammad shah bin humayun shah al sultan khallada mulkahu, Rev: muhammad shah bin humayun shah al sultan and flower mint mark, 10.8g, 23.52mm, (G&G # BH 112), about extremely fine. Scarce. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 107. Shams-ud-din Muhammad Shah III (AH 867-887/1463-1482 AD), Mint off flan, Gold Tanka, AH 87X, Obv: al-mua’tasim billah abul muzaffar shams al-dunya wa’l din, Rev: muhammad shah bin humayun shah al-sultan, khuld mulkahu, AH date 87X & mint name off flan in margin, 11. 02g, 18.73mm, (G&G # BH110), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000
108. Ghiyath-ud-din I’wad (AH 609/610-624/1213-1227 AD), Silver Tanka, AH 616, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, around hijri date in arabic words, Rev: al-sultan al-mu’azzam ghiyath-ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l fath iwad bin al-husain nasir amir al-mu’minin, 10.16g, 27.00mm, (G&G # B27), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 Bengal Sultanate
109. Ghiyath-ud-din I’wad( 2nd Series AH 622/1225 AD), Silver Tanka, AH 62X, Broad flan, In the name of Shams-ud-din Itutmish, Obv: kalima shahada with al nasir lidinullah amir al mominin within circle, hijri date in arabic words at margin, Rev: al-sultan al-mu’azzam sham-ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar iltutmish al-sultani yamin khalifat allah nasir amir al mominin, 10.64g, 30.00mm, (G&G # B39), about very fine traces of ex-mount, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 18,000-22,000 110. Shahr Sunargaon(Bengal)Mint, Silver Tanka, In the name of Muhammad Bin Tughluq, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas, Rev: al-mujahid fi sabil allah muhammad bin tughluq shah, 11.10g, 21.20mm, (G&G # B125), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
111. Satgaon Mint (Delhi Type), Gold Dinar (Heavy), In the name of Muhammad bin Tughluq, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, mint name & date around, Rev: duriba fi zaman al-’abd al-raji rahmat allah muhammad bin tughluq, 12.70g, 20.32mm, (G&G # B118), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 70,000-80,000 112. Saif-ud-din Hamzah Shah (AH 813-815/1410-1412 AD), Satgaon Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: saif-ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l mujahid hamzah shah bin a’zamshah al-sultan in square, al-mu’ayyad bi-ta’yid al-rahman in margin, Rev: nasir amir almu’minin ghawth al-islam wa’l muslimin khuld mulkahu in circle, mint name in margin, 10.3g, 29.00mm, (G&G # B270), about fine, with multiple counter marks, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
111 17
Coins Of Sultanates of India Danujamardana Deva, the first hindu ruler also known as ‘Raja Ganesha’ sat on the throne of Bengal Sultanate in the Saka era 1339 (AH819/1416 AD). He established Hindu rule in Bengal and assumed the title as ‘Danujamardana Deva’. He was bold enough to depose and stand in Bengal prominence. Raja Ganesha was a Hindu landlord of Bhaturia in North Bengal. He came to serve in Ilyas’ court at the time of Ghiyas-ud-din Azam Shah. He continued to serve the succeeding Sultans of Bengal and later seized control over Bengal soon after the death of Sultan Bayazid. He took advantage of the weakness of the Ilyas Shahi dynasty, which ruled before him, to come to the power. Some have argued against this identification of ‘Raja Ganesha’ as ‘Danujamardana Deva’. But the fact remains that this ruler was able to strike coins in Pandua (Firuzabad), Sunargaon and Chatgaon during his reign and thus had control of a large area of Bengal. The only person to be in that postion to our knowledge is Raja Ganesha, and the dates fit. He is the first ruler who issued coins in Bengali script and language and they are dated in Saka era. 113. Danujamardana Deva (Saka 1339-1340/AH 819-821/1416-1418 AD), Chatigrama(Chatgaon) Mint, Silver Tanka, SK 1339, Obv: sri sri danuja marddana deva within double hexagon, Rev: sri chandi charana parayana within scalloped circle, 10.52g, 28.91mm, (G&G # B315), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000
114. Danujamardana Deva (Saka 1339-1340/AH 819-821/1416-1418 AD), Chatigrama(Chatgaon) Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: sri sri danuja mardana deva within double hexagon, Rev: sri chandi charana parayana within scalloped circle, 10.44g, 28.75mm, (G&G # B315), choice extremely fine with original patina, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2,00,000-2,50,000 Mahendra Deva, the son of Raja Ganesha (Danujamardana Deva) revolted against the usurper, converted to Islam under the adopted name Jalal-ud-din Muhammad, and then himself mounted the throne as sultan of Bengal. It is said that jadu (the Hindu name of Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Shah) had embraced Islam with such fervour that he did not wish to regain a Hindu throne after the death of Danuja mardana Deva. 114
For Ganesh’s son Jadu did not reign as a Hindu raja; nor was he installed with any of the appropriate symbols of Hindu kingship. Rather, in what appears to have been a compromise formula worked out between political brokers for the Bengali and Turkish factions, he converted to Islam, was renamed Sultan Jalal-ud-din Muhammad, and was then allowed to reign as a Muslim king. Immediately upon his accession to power in 1415, the new sultan minted coins in his Islamic name. That these coins were issued simultaneously from Pandua and the provincial cities of Chittagong, Sonargaon, and Satgaon suggests a calculated attempt by Raja Ganesh to ensure the acceptance of his son’s accession to power as legitimate over all of Bengal. The two successive Hindu kings, Danujamardana Deva and his son Mahendra Deva, minted coins during precisely that period from Chittagong, Sonargaon, and “Pāndunagara,” an apparent reference to Chhota Pandua in south western Bengal. 115. Mahendra Deva (Saka 1340/AH 820/1418 AD), Pandunagar (Pandua) Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: sri sri mahenra devasya within scalloped circle, Rev: sri chandi charana parayana within square, 10.56g, 29.91mm, (G&G # B323), choice very fine with counter marks, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 5,00,000-7,00,000
Auction – 23 Session – 1
116. Jalal-ud-din Muhammad (2nd Reign AH 821-836/7/1418-1432/3 AD), Arsah Chatgaon Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 832, Obv: jalal ud dunya wal din abul muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan, Rev: khalifat allah nasir al islam wa’l muslimin, arsah chatgaon and date, 10.55g, 31.29mm, (G&G # B365), about extremely fine, with counter marks, Scarce. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
117. Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Shah (2nd Reign AH 821-836/7 / AD 14181432/3), Sliver Tanka, Obv: jalal ud dunya wal din abul muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan, Rev: nasir al islam wal muslimin, 10.38g, 26.56mm, (G&G # B370), choice extremely fine, with tughra style calligraphy on both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 118. Jalal-ud-din Muhammad (Second Reign AH 821-836/7/1418-1432/3 AD), Silver Tanka, Lion Type, Obv: lion to right, short arabic legend above bin ganesha ibtad (son of the founder, Ganesha), Rev: jalal ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah al sultan within ornated border, 10.8g, 30.0mm, (G&G # B342), choice very fine with crude strike & multiple counter marks, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000 119. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud, (AH 837-864/ 1433/4-1459 AD), Arsah Chatgaon Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 839, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, mint name & hijri date in margin, Rev: al sultan al ghazi nasir ud dunya wa’l din abu’l mujahid mahmud shah al sultan, 10.7g, 30.61mm, (G&G # B430), about extremely fine with testing marks & counter mark ‘ba’ in bengali,Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 120. Rukn-ud-din Barbak (AH 864-879/1459-1474 AD) Jannatabad Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 873, Obv: kalima shahada within circle, Rev: sultan al adal al a’zam barbak shah sultan ibn mahmud shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, mint name and date at bottom, 10.58g, 27.28mm, (Variant of G&G # B528, small flan is unlisted), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Listed as Extremely Rare in Goron & Goenka. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
121. Ala-ud-din Husain Shah (AH 899-925/1493-1519 AD), Khazana Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 899, Obv: kalima shahada on top in two lines, zarb & hijri at bottom, Rev: ala ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar husain shah al-sultan khuld allahu mulkahu wa sultanahu, 10.74g, 25mm, (G&G # B707), almost UNC with toning, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 122. Chittagong Region Trade, Silver Tanka, AH (9)59, In the name of Ghiyath-ud-din Bahadur, Obv: shahada and al-sultan bin al-sultan, four caliphs in margins, Rev: bahadur shah sultan ibn mahmud shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu wa sultanahu, 10.4g, 23.68mm, (G&G # B1010), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 123. Chittagong Governors, Hilal Shah, Silver Tanka, BE 959, In the name of Islam Shah, Obv: shahada in arabic on top in two lines, bengali legend sri sri ichalam saha (the most exalted Islam shah), Rev: arakanese legend, naradibbati tha daw anauk bha wa shin ( royal son of Naradibbati, King of the west), 10.36g, 24mm (G&G # CG2), choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 30,000-40,000 124 Rajas of Arakan & Governors of Chittagong, Waradhamma Raja / Husain Shah (BE 974-984/1612-1622 AD), Silver Tanka, BE 974, Obv: arabic & bengali legend: sahib(a)l-fil(al-a)byad (al-)malik (a)l-adil husain shah sultan (lord of the white elephant the just king husain shah sultan) & dhavala gajeswara sri sri dhama raja huchana saha, Rev: arkanese legend: hsin byu shi waradhamma raza ushaung shah (lord of the white elephant waradhamma raja husain shah), 10.24g, 28mm, (G&G # RA4), about very fine,Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20, 000
122 19
Coins Of Sultanates of India 125. Arakanese, Silver Tanka, In the name of Ilyas Shah (Gazapati), Obv: shahada with khuld allahu mulkahu, Rev: (a)l-sultan bin(a)l-sultan ilyas(s) shah sahib fil sultan bin sikandar, 9.80g, 29mm, (G&G # B1025), about very fine, Very Rare. It is known that one of the Arakanese kings assumed the name Ilyas Shah but which one is not certain. This issue to Gazapati who ruled 1513-1517 AD. The Arabic title sahib fil means Lord of the Elephant. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000
126. Anonymous(AH 641- 644), Lakhnauti Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: kalima shahada in kufic style, Rev: fi ahd al imam al mustansir amir al mominin within double square in kufic style, around mint name partly visible & hijri date off flan in margin, 9.4g, 28.00mm, (G&G # B65), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Strucked during the time of the governor Tamar Khan Qiran. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 Bijapur Sultanate 127. Ali Adil Shah II (AH 1068-1083/1656-1672 AD), Dabuli Mint, Silver Larin, Obv: sultan ali adil shah, Rev: zarb lari dabuli sanah, 4.8g, 53.16 X 3.68mm, (G&G # BJ37), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
Delhi Sultanate 128. Shams-ud-din Iltutmish (AH 607-633/1210-1235 AD), Budaun Mint, Silver Tanka, In the name of Caliph al-Nasir, Obv: kalima shahada & al nasir lidinullah amir al muminin within circle, around hijri date in arabic words, Rev: al-sultan al-a’zam shamsud-dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar iltutmish al-sultan with nasir amir al-mu’minin, 10.80g, 25.17mm, (G&G # D31), about very fine, Very Rare.
As per the G&G, the calligraphy style of this coin has similarities to that on the Budaun Mint coins, thus struck from Budaun. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 129. Turk Dynasty, Rukn-ud-din Firuz (AH 633-634/1235 ver Tanka, Obv: kalima shahada with al mustansir billah in double square, Rev: al-sultan al-a’zam rukn ud dunya far firuz shah bin sultan, 10.20g, 28.00mm, (G&G # D92), Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
AD), Delhi Mint, Silamir al-mominin withwa’l din abu’l muzafabout very fine, Rare.
130. Turk Dynasty, Jalalat-ud-din Radiyya (AH 634-637/1236-1240 AD), Dehli (Mint off flan), Silver Tanka, AH XX5, In the name of her father Iltutmish, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam shams ud dunya wa’l din iltutmish al-sultan nusra amir al mu’minin in double square, hijri date and mint name in margin, Rev: fi ahd imam ul mustansir amir ul mominin in double square, hijri date and mint name in margin, 10.81g, 29.53mm, (G&G # D100), almost uncirculated, Extremely Rare in this condition. Superb strike and stunning example!!!! Estimated Price:40,000-60,000
131. Turk Dynasty, Mu’izz-ud-din Bahram Shah (AH 637-639/1240-1242 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam mu’izz ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar bahram shah bin al-sultan within double square, in margin mint name & hijri date off flan, Rev: fi ahd al imam al mustansir amir al mominin within double square, in margin mint name visible & hijri date off flan, 10.34g, 27.00mm, (G&G # D111), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 132. Turk Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Mas’ud (AH 639-644/1242-1246 AD), Hadrat Dehli Mint (off flan), Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ‘ala’ ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar mas’ud shah bin al-sultan, Rev: fi ahd al imam al mustasim amir al mominin, 10.94g, 27.48mm, (G&G # D121), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
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133. Turk Dynasty, Nasir-ud-din Mahmud (AH 644-664/1246-1266 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint (offlan), Silver Tanka, AH 75X, Obv: sultan al azam nasir ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar mahmud ibn al sultan, Rev: fi ahd al imam al must’asim amir al muminin, mint name & date in margin, 10.91g, 25.63mm, (G&G # D137), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 134. Jalal-ud-din Firuz (AH 689-698/1290-1296 AD), Silver 1/12 Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-a ‘zam, Rev: jalal al-dunya wa ‘l din, 0.88g, 10.03mm, (G&G # D198), choice extremely fine. Very Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
2X 134
135. Jalal-ud-din Firuz (AH 689-695/1290-1296 AD), Mint offlan, Gold Tanka, AH 690, Large flan, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam jalal ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar firuz shah al-sultan, Rev: al-imam al-must’asim amir al mominin within circle, mint name and hijri date in arabic words in margin, 10.92g, 32.59mm, (Variant of G&G # D196, legends arrangement on bothsides is different), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-55,000 136. Khilji Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Gold Tanka, AH 711, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ‘ala’ ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir ul mu’minin, with mint & date in margin, 11.0g, 25mm, (G&G # D221), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000
137. Khilji Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Gold Tanka,AH 713, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ‘ala’ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir ul mu’minin, with mint & date in margin, 10.97g, 24.86mm, (G&G # D221), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000 138. Khilji Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Qila Deogir Mint, Gold Tanka, Obv : al-sultan al-azam ala ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah al sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir al mu’minin, mint name in margin, 11.0g, 25.12mm, (G&G # D222), choice extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-55,000 139. Khilji Dynasty, Qutb ud-din Mubarak (AH 716-720/1316-1320 AD), Hadrat Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Square Tanka, AH 707, Broad flan with complete details in margin, Obv: al-imam al-a’zam khalifa rabb al- alamin qutb al-dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar mubarakshah, Rev: al-sultan ibn al-sultan al-wathiq billah amir al-mu’minin, in margin mint name & hijir date, 10.83g, 24.07 X 24.05mm, (G&G # D261), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 140. Tughluq Dynasty, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH725-752/1325-1351 AD), Mulk-i-Tilang Mint, Silver Tanka, In the name of his father Ghiyath-ud-din Tughluq, Obv: al-sultan al-sa ‘id al-shahid al-ghazi ghiyath al-dunya wa’l din, Rev: abu’l muzaffar tughluq shah al-sultan anara allah burhanahu, mint name partly visible and date offlan in margin, 11.1g, 26.17mm, (G&G # D326), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 22,000-25,000
141. Tughluq Dynasty, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH 725-752/13251351 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Gold Dinar (Heavy), AH 727, Obv: ashhad an la illaha ilallahu wa ashhad anna muhammad abduhu wa rasuluhu, Rev: al-wathiq bi-ta’yid al-rahman, muhammad shah al-sultan, around hijri year & mint name, 12.82g, 23.72mm, (G&G # D331), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-65,000
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Coins Of Sultanates India 142. Tughluq Dynasty, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH 725-752/1325-1351 AD), Shahr Sultanpur Mint, Gold Dinar (Heavy), Obv: ashhad an la illaha ilallahu wa ashhad anna muhammad abduhu wa rasuluhu, Rev: al-wathiq bi-ta’yid al-rahman, muhammad shah al-sultan, around mint name & hijri year offlan in margin, 12.78g, 20.38mm (G&G # D333), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 85,000-95,000
143. Tughluq Dynasty, Firuz Shah Tughluq (AH 752-790/1351-1388 AD), Silver Tanka, AH 786 (Holy date), Obv: firuz shah sultani, Rev: naib amir al-mu’minin, holly date 786 at bottom, 10.19g, 24.36mm, (G&G # D471), choice very fine, Extremely Rare. The Arabic/Urdu letters of the opening phrase of the Quran “Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim’ (In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficient) sum up to the numerical value ‘786’, therefore some people believe that 786 is a substitute to the name of Allah. Thus this hijri date 786 on the coin makes it special and interesting. Estimated Price:1,10,000-1,15,000 144. Tughluq Dynasty, Firuz Shah Tughluq (AH 752-790/1351-1388 AD), Gold Tanka, AH 757, Obv: al sultan al a’zam saif amir al-mu’minin abu’l muzaffar firuz shah al sultani khuldat mulkahu, Rev: fi zaman al-imam amir al-mu’minin abu’l fath khuldat khilafatuhu within circle, hijri date in arabic words in margin, 11.00g, 23.23mm, (G&G # D462, Date unlisted), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000 145. Tughluq Dynasty, Firuz Shah Tughluq (AH 752-790/1351-1388 AD), Gold Tanka, Obv: al sultan al a’zam saif amir al-mu’minin abu’l muzaffar firuz shah al sultani khuldat mulkahu, Rev: fi zaman al-imam amir al-mu’minin abu’l fath khuldat khilafatuhu within circle, hijri date offlan in margin, 10.96g, 21.54mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 65,000-85,000
146. Suri Dynasty, Sher Shah Suri (AH 945-952/1538-1545 AD), Fathabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada & sultan ul adil at bottom within square , four caliphs name in margin, Rev: in square sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, at bottom nagari legend ‘sri ser sah’, in margin farid ud dunya wal din abu’l muzaffar, 11.30g, 26.36mm, (G&G # D779), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price:5000-5500 147. Suri Dynasty, Sher Shah Suri (AH945-952/1538-1545AD), Satgaon Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 958 (Instead of date 948, 958 is engraved thus date in error), Obv: kalima shahada in two lines on top, below sultan ul adil, in margin four khalifas name, Rev: sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, at bottom ‘sri ser sah’ in nagari legend within square, farid ud duniya wa’l din abul muzaffar in margin, 11.30g, 25.79mm, (G&G # D816), about very fine, with test marks on bothsides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 148. Suri Dynasty, Sher Shah Suri(AH 945-952/1538-1545 AD), Pandua Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 947, Obv: kalima shahada on top in two lines, at bottom sultan ul adil within square, in margin four khalifas name, Rev: sher shah sultan khuldallahu mulkahu, date and nagari legend “sri ser sah” within square, farid ud dunya wal din abul muzaffar in margins, 11.45g, 25.46mm, (G&G # D789), about very fine with testing marks, Very Rare. Estimated Price:10,000-12,000 149. Suri Dynasty, Islam Shah Suri (AH 952-960/1545-1552 AD), Biana Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada in square, four khalifas name in margin, Rev: islam shah bin sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu and nagari legend ‘sri islam sah’ within square, at bottom mint name biana completely visible, al-sultan bin al-sultan jalal ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar in margin, 11.2g, 26mm, (G&G # D956), about very fine with test marks on bothsides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
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Auction – 23 Session – 1
150. Suri Dynasty, Islam Shah Suri (AH 952-960/1545-1552 AD), Qila Raisen Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 952, Obv: kalima shahada in square, four caliphs name & mint name partly visible in margins, Rev: in square: islam shah bin sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu sultanahu & swastik symbol, in margin: jalal ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar, ‘sri islam sah’ in nagari & hijri date, 11.31g, 28.51mm, (G&G # D966), choice very fine, Extremely Rare. Listed as RRR in the G&G. Estimated Price: 22,000-25,000 150
151. Suri Dynasty, Muhammad Adil Shah (AH 960-964/1552-1556 AD) Shergarh Bakkar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 961, Obv: kalima shahada in square & four khalifas name in margin, Rev: al-sultan al-adil mubariz al-duniya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar in margin, muhammad shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu within square, ‘sri mahamad sah’ in nagari at bottom, 11.48g, 26.92mm, (G&G # D1103), about very fine,Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-21,000 152. Suri Dynasty, Sikandar Shah Suri (AH 961?-962/1554?-1555 AD), Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 962, Obv: kalima shahada in square, around four khalifas name in margin, Rev: sultan sikandar isma’il sur within square, in margin al-mutawakkil ala allah khuld allahu mulkahu and mint name at bottom, 11.3g, 27mm (Variant of G&G # D1150, mint mark is variant), choice very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 70,000-90,000 Jaunpur Sultanate
153. Shams-ud-din Ibrahim Shah (AH 804-844/1402-1440 AD), Gold Tanka, AH 832, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam shams ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar ibrahim shah al-sultani khuldat mamlakatahu, Rev: fi zaman al-imam amir al-mominin abu’l fath khuldat khilafatahu within circle, hijri date in arabic words in margin, 11.39g, 22.01mm, (G&G # J2), choice very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 90,000-95,000 Kashmir Sultante 154. Muhammad Ghazi Shah (AH 962-970/1555-1562 AD), Silver Sasnu, In the name of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, Obv: a’zam jalal-ud-din muhammad akbar, Rev: mint kashmir, 6.27g, 17.16 x 16.35mm, (G&G # K151), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
Malwa Sultanate
155. Ala-ud-din Mahmud Shah I (AH 839-873/1436-1469 AD), Mint offlan, Silver Tanka, Obv: al sultan al a’zam ala ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar mahmud shah khilji, khuldat khilafatahu at bottom, Rev: sikandar al thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir al mominin, mint name and hijri date offlan in margin, 9.95g, 22.61mm, (G&G # M27), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000
156. Ghiyath Shah (AH 873-906/1469-1500 AD), Gold Square Tanka, AH 881, Large flan, Obv: al-wathiq bi’l malik al-multaji abu’l fath ghiyath shah, Rev: bin mahmud shah al-khilji al-sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, 11.0g, 21.23 x 21.33mm, (Variant of G&G # M66, zabar on khuld & two nuktas below date at bottom line is of different style), choice extremely fine with complete legends on bothsides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 70,000-80,000
157. Ranas of Mewar, Rana Sanga, Copper Falus, Obv: ‘sri sangrama saha’ in nagari, Rev: garbled arabic inscription, 8.18g, 17.15 x 17.14mm, Unlisted Type, choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 158. Copper Falus, In the name of Rana Sangram of Mewar, Obv: sa(n)gram shah sisodya in persian, Rev: al sultan bin al-sultan in persian, 7.95g, 16.39 x 14.90mm, (G&G # M202), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
Sindh & Punjab 159. Jams of Sind, Jam Firuz Shah Bin Jam Nizam ud din (AH 914-929/1508-1523 AD), Copper Falus, Obv: jam firuz shah, Rev: bin nizam shah sultan, 4.78g, 17.00mm, Unlisted, about very fine, Rare. Same design of falus reduced but less weight. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 23
Coins of Mughal India
Coins of Mughal India Humayun (Ist Reign AH 937-947/1530-1540) 160. Mint off flan, Silver Tanka, Fathabad type, Obv: kalima shahada with allahu yurzaq main yasha’a ba ghair hisab within circle and four khalifas name with radi allahu an hum at margin, Rev: sultan ul azam khaqan al mukarram, khuld allahu mulkahu wa sultanahu, mint name in margin, in circle muhammad humayun ghazi, 10.5g, 23.93mm, (Variant of G&G # B956), about very fine, Very Rare.
Babur, Humayun and Akbar (during the first three years of the reign) issued silver ‘Shah Rukhi’, which were introduced by the Timur ruler Shah Rukh in early 15th cen.A.D. Humayun had also issued the Sharukhis following the similar concept but had also issued some heavier silver coins, which may be identified as ‘Rupee’.
Humayun concerned about the growing strength of the Afghans in Bihar and parts of Bengal under Sher Khan Suri marched eastwards and captured Chunar, occupied Lakhnauti and stayed in Bengal for nine months. He issued silver coins of two different standards the lighter Tanka standard and the heavier Rupee standard. Estimated Price: 70,000-80,000
Akbar Jalal-Ud-Din Muhammad (AH 963-1014/1556-1605 AD) 161. No Mint, Copper Dam, AH (9)66, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: “swastik mark” in centre, around jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 20.0g, 18.14mm, (Old KM # 7.5, Type-8), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-9000 162. Lahore Mint, Silver 1/16 Rupee (Kala), Month Isfandarmuz, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month & mint name, 0.7g,10.00mm, Unlisted in major catalogues, choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000
163. Lahore Mint, Silver Square 1/2 Rupee, 37 RY, Month Bahman, Obv: jalla jallalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month, date and mint name, 5.65g, 14.60 x 14.65mm, (KM # 62.2), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 164. Silver Square 1/2 Rupee, Elahi: 35, Month Shahrewar, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi date and persian month, 5.40g, 14.0x14.0mm, (Liddle # Type S-67), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 165. Kabul Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, RY 46, Obv: jala jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: persian month, ialhi date & zarb, 5.65g, 18.15mm, (KM # 66.2), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
166. Lahore Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 43 RY, Month Azar, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar Rev: ilahi date, month and mint name, 5.70g, 18.21mm, (KM # 66.3), about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 167. Lahore Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 47 RY, Month Di, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month, date & zarb at bottom, 5.60g, 16.59mm, (KM # 66.3), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4500 168. Patna Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 43 RY, Month Ardibihisht, Obv: “allahu akbar” on the top, “jalle jalalahu” at the bottom, Rev: ilahi month on the top, hirji year and mint name at the bottom, 5.49g,16.36mm, (Liddle Type S # 53), choice extremely fine, with no testing marks & no patinated, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
169. Ujjain Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Malwa issue, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: akbar badshah ghazi, 6.77g, 18.09mm, (KM # 75.1), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 169 24
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170. Mint out off flan, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Malwa Province, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 6.97g, 18.08mm, choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
171. Ahmadabad Dar-ul-Sultanat Mint, Silver Square Rupee, AH 996, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal uddin muhammad akbar badshah ghazi and mint name at bottom, 11.5g, 18.14x18.09mm, (KM # 82.1), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 172. Bang Mint (off flan), Silver Square Rupee, AH 991, Broad Flan, Obv: kalima shahada with jhar mark, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 11.5g, 18.29 x 18.68mm, (KM # A82.1), choice extremely fine with tiny test mark, Rare. Estimated Price: 4500-5500 173. Bang Mint, Silver Square Rupee, AH 1000(Alf)/ 39 RY, Broad Flan, Superb Strike, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi & persian letter ‘ha’ on right, mint name off flan, 11.28g, 19.71 x 19.32mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 174. Patna Mint, Silver Square Rupee, AH 988, Broad Flan, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 11.38g, 18 x 17.5mm, (Liddle # Type S-35), choice very fine with test marks Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
175. Surat Mint, Silver Square Rupee, Month Aban, Obv: jalle jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: ilahi month and mint name surat written with letter “swad & waw”, 10.87g, 16.64 x 17.21mm, (Liddle # Type S-48), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 176. Urdu Zafar Qarin Mint, Silver Square Rupee, AH 1000(Alf), Obv: kalima shahada & in margins four khalifas name, Rev: jalal uddin muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, khuld allahu ta’ala mulkahu on top and mint name at bottom, 11.33g, 20.03x19.45mm, (KM # 82.8), choice extremely fine with bold & sharp strike, Scarce in this Condition. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 177. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, Ilahi 50, Month Shahrwar, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar within eight petaled flower, Rev: elahi month shahrwar, date & zarb agra within eight petaled flower, 11.35g, 21.77mm, (KM # 95.1, Liddle # Type S-58), choice very fine with beautiful star and floral arrangement on both sides, Extremely Rare. Overall attractive specimen with alluring eight petaled lotus flower, none of such quality specimen was offered in past few years !!! Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,75,000
178. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Tir, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: persian month, zarb and date, 11.45g, 20.09mm, (KM # 93.2), choice very fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2000 179. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 47, Month Azar, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: month, zarb and date, 11.31g, 20.44mm, (KM # 93.2), about exrtemely fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 180. Allahabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Rebellion Coin, Obv & Rev: “bagharb-o-sharq” couplet, 11.24g, 23.24mm, (KM # 97.1), about very fine, test mark on both sides. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
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Coins of Mughal India 181. Berar Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 42, Month Mihr, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi date, month and mint name, 11.44g, 20.00mm, (KM # 93.6), choice extremely fine with star motifs on both sides with no testing marks, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 182. Burhanpur Mint, Silver Rupee, 49 RY, Month Aban, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: ilahi month, date & zarb burhanpur, well decorated on both the sides with floral designs, 11.35g, 19.44mm, ( KM # 93.7), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 183. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 967, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name with flower mark, Rev: jalal ud-din muhammad, akbar badshah ghazi and hijiri date within square, ruler’s title & mint name in margin, 11.32g, 24.98mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 184. Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 44 RY, Month Ardibihisht, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month & zarb at bottom, 11.22g, 23.38mm, (KM # 93.11), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3500
185. Malpur Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 984, Obv: kalima shahada in dotted square, Rev: akbar badshah ghazi in dotted square, 11.31g, 23.55mm, (KM # 80.14), about very fine, Very Rare Mint. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 186. Narnol Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 970, Obv: kalima shahada with four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi and mint name off flan in margin, 11.38g, 23.72mm, (Liddle # Type S-1), about very fine with test marks. Very Rare. Estimated Price: 11,000-1,000 187. Patna Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 42, Month Di, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month, date & mint name, 10.8g, 20.55mm, (KM # 93.14), choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
188. Sitapur Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 49, Month Mihr, Obv: jalla jalaluhu allahu akbar within dotted border, Rev: mint name, ilahi date and persian month within dotted border, deeply hammered, 11.5g, 19.80mm, (KM # 94.4), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 189. Srinagar Mint, Sliver Rupee, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month and mint srinagar completely visible, 11.32g, 20.65mm, (KM # 93.15), choice very fine with no test marks, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-7000 190. Agra Dar-ul Khilafa Mint (off flan), Silver Rupee, AH 977, Obv: kalima shahada, four khalifas name around, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, in margin titles & mint name, 11.11g, 25.73mm (Similar to Liddle # Type S-11), about very fine, Very Rare.
In this specimen on top of the reverse persian letter ‘he’ of “ghazi” at the end in its ‘lazy’ or Majhool form thus it creates an attractive calligraphical divider. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 191. Agra Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 971, Obv: kalima shahada in pentafoil (islamic affirmation of faith) four khalifas name in margin, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi in centre, on top al-sultan al azam khuld allahu, at bottom taala mulkahu wa sultanahu,10.39g, 26.5mm, (Liddle # Type G-3, Plate I), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 75,000-95,000
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192. Agra dar-ul-khilafa Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 982, Obv: kalima shahada within dotted square, four khalifas name in margin, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi within dotted lines, on top khuld allahu taala, at bottom mint name with epithet, 10.4g, 24.23mm, (Variant of Liddle # G6, flower bud like mint mark is unlisted), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 80,000-1,00,000
193. Patna Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 985, Obv: kalima shahada in dotted square around four khalifas name, Rev: jalaluddin muhammad akbar badshah ghazi in center, khuldallahu on top & zarb off flan at bottom, 10.80g, 20.5mm, (Liddle # Type G-6), choice extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000 193
194. Gold Mohur (Heavy), Mintless, Elahi countermarked in numerical(30), Obv: jalla jalalahu (glorified be his glory) within double square and at bottom elahi countermarked 30, Rev: allahu akbar(allah is great) within double square, legends on both sides within ornate border comprising of a double square, wavy lines and a dotted border. 12.00g, 19.0mm, (Liddle # Type G-27), choice extremely fine, Exceedingly Rare. Akbar started the Ilahi type of coinage in the 30th year of his reign. The above coin is the earliest variant of Ilahi type Gold Heavy Mohur in the series, the countermarked year ‘30’ is the earliest reference to the Ilahi reckoning system which subsequently became a major feature of Akbar’s coinage. Akbar promulgated the Ilahi Era in AH 992/1584 AD. It was reckoned from Akbar’s accession in AH 963/1556 AD, so ‘30’ would correspond to the year in which the era was launched. An ‘Ilahi’ year began at the Vernal Equinox every year, with the celebration of the Iranian festival of Nowruz. The calendar had twelve Persian months and was devised by Fathullah Shirazi, a Persian/Indian polymath. Soon after the coins were minted, the mistake of not putting a date was noticed and the available mohurs were counter-struck with the Year 30 stamp. Estimated Price: 12,00,000-15,00,000
Coins of Mughal India Jahangir Nur-Ud-Din Muhammad (AH 1014-1037/1605 AD) 195. Agra Mint, Silver Nisar (1/20 Rupee), AH 1034, Obv: noor afshan, Rev: mint name agra & complete hijri date AH 1034 at bottom, 0.49g, 9.49mm, (KM # 165.1), about very fine, Extremely Rare. The word ‘Noorafshan’ literally means light scattering in persian. Jahangir would use them for scattering during processions.
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Estimated Price: 55,000-60,000 196. Patna Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Month Aban, Obv: nur ud din jahangir shah, akbar shah, Rev: elahi month and mint name, 5.55g, 16.22mm, (KM # 136.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 7000-9000
197 197. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1020/6 RY, Azar Month, Obv: nur-ud-din jahangir shah akbar shah, within ornate angled frame with mihrabs, Rev: elahi month azar, ah 1020, RY6 & zarb agra,within the ornate lozenge, beautifully decorated on both sides with flower motifs, 11.36g, 24.40mm, (Liddle # S-62/KM # 145.1), choice extremely fine, with tiny test mark, Exceedingly Rare. The esthetic mehrab with decorative foil enclosure and also the complete details on the coin makes it an exceptional specimen from the Jahangir coinage, introduced after the period of Jahangiri and Sawai rupees at Agra (AH1014-1020), issued for about 18 months, always stating the month and with a different design each month! Azar is the ninth month of Islamic calendar. The Agra mint issued Rupees in both square and round shapes alternating the shape of the coin between even and odd months. Estimated Price: 3,00,000-4,00,000 198. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1021/7 RY, Month Khurdad, Obv: noor ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month khurdad (Gemini), mint name agra with regnal year 7 and hijri date 1021 at bottom, floral motifs and scroll design with dotted border on both sides, 11.39g, 23.94mm, Unlisted in KM & Liddle, (Variant of KM # 145.1), choice extremely fine with sharp strike & alluring patterns, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-50,000 199. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1027/12, Month Ilahi Bahman, Obv: nur-ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: ilahi month bahman (Aquarius) with regnal year 12 and hirji date 1027 at bottom, floral motifs and scroll design with dotted border on both sides, floral motifs and scroll design with dotted border on both sides, 11.4g, 22.23mm, (Variant of KM # 145.1, Floral design is different), choice extremely fine with tiny testing mark, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 200. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1033/18 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “yaft “couplet, yaft dar agra ruye zar zewar az jahangir shah,shahe akbar, 11.23g, 20.18mm, (KM # 149.1), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000
201. Akbarnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, Month: Farwardin, AH 1021, Obv: nur-ud-din-jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month, date & mint name,11.41g, 21.03mm, (Liddle # Type S-36), about extremely fine with the ornamental borders on both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 202. Akbarnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Amardad, AH 1023, Obv: nur-ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: ilahi month, date & mint name, decorated on both sides with ornamental border and band containing circles with dots 11.4g, 20.98mm, (KM # 145.4/ Liddle # Type S37), about extremely fine, Rare.
This reverse type is not found often in this series. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 201
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Auction – 23 Session – 1
203. Akbarnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, 19 RY, Month Isfandarmuz, Obv: nur-ud din muhammad jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: ilahi month and mint name with sword, 11.4g, 20.10mm, Unlisted Sword mark, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 203
204. Kabul Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1027, Month Shahrewar, Obv: nur-ud din jahangir ibn akbar badshah, knot like mint mark in letter ‘nun’ of din, Rev: kabul mint name (knot like mint mark in ‘lam’ of Kabul) and elahi month shahrewar, 11.3g, 21.08mm, (KM # 145.9), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 205. Kabul Mint, Silver Rupee, 9 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “noordah” couplet, tazand az namme jahangir shah, sikka buwad noor dahe mehr-o-mah, on the reverse mihr is written with “Do-Chashmi He”, followed with zarb name kabul in the bottom line, 11.35g, 22.42mm, (Unlisted in KM/Liddle # type S-117), choice very fine with beautiful dotted motifs and floral design on both sides, Very Rare. Occurence of “Do-Chasmi He” with any persian legend is hardly found on the coins of Jahangir. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
206. Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1034/19 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “abre ruye” couplet, 11.36g, 21.64mm, (KM # 149.16), about extremely fine with toning. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 207. Patna Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Isfandarmuz, AH 1026, Obv: nur-ud-din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month, mint name & hijri date, 11.29g, 17.30mm, (KM # 145.12), about extremely fine with no test mark. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
208. Patna Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Khurdad, AH 1030/ 16 RY, Obv: nur-ud-din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month and hijri date at bottom, dotted and floral motifs on both sides with legends within the dotted circle, 11.32g, 19.02mm, (KM # 145.12), choice extremely fine with bold strike, Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 209. Qandahar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (10)24/10 RY, Month Bahman, Obv: nur-ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month & zarb,11.43g, 21.95mm, (KM # 145.13), about extremely fine with sharp strike. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 210. Qandahar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1027/ 13 RY, Obv erse & Reverse: “dil khwah” couplet, sikka-e-qandhar shud dil-khah az jahangir shah shah akbar, 11.33g, 20.75mm, (KM # 142.2), about extremely fine, with deep hammered & floral design, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
211. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (10)32, Obv: nuruddin jahangir badshah, Rev: mint name surat completely visible in second line, floral scroll on both the sides, 11.5g, 19.37mm, (KM # 148.1), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 212. Double Mint (Agra & Lahore), Silver Rupee (Mule), AH 1030/16 RY, Obv: ze nam shah jahangir shah akbar noor with AH date 1030, Rev: az jahangir shah akbar shah with RY 16, 11.03g, 20.69mm, (mule of KM # 149.1 and 149.14), choice very fine, Very Rare.
In this mule specimen, two different obverse dies were used which is of Agra and Lahore Mint listed under the KM#149.1 and KM#149.14 respectively. Unusual example under the coinage of Jahangir. Estimated Price: 70,000-75,000
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Coins of Mughal India
213. Lahore Mint, Silver Sawai Rupee (Heavy Weight), AH (10)18/5RY, Obverse & Reverse: “ta falak” couplet, bud har bad rawan ta falak bood dar dawwr, sikka lahore ba naam shah jahangir,14.18g, 23.40mm, (KM # 158.5), choice extremely fine with heavily decorated floral designs on both sides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 80,000-1,00,000 213
Nurjahan (AH 1033-1037/1623-1627 AD) 214. Agra Mint, Silve Rupee, AH 1037, Obv: ze hukam shah jahangir yaft sad zewar, Rev: ba naam e nur jahan badshah begum zar, 11.23g, 20.15mm, (KM # 168.1), about extremely fine, heavily and beautifully decorated with test mark on both sides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
215. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1037, Obverse & Reverse: “ sad zewar” couplet ‘ze hukam shahe jahangir yaft sad zewar, ba naame noorjahan badshah begum zar’, 10.8g, 19.01mm, (KM # 168.2), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-12000 215
216 216. Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1035/ 21 RY, “Fuzodah’’ Couplet, Obv: za naame shahe jahangir tashuda purnoor, with regnal year 21 in centre, Rev: fuzodah noorjahan, ruye sikka e lahore, with complete zarb lahore and AH 1035 in the bottom line, 11.40g, 21.86mm, (KM # 169.1/ Liddle # S-151), almost uncirculated with no test marks, heavily decorated with the floral motifs and alluring festooned patterns on both sides, Exceedingly Rare. The couplet states that from the name of Jahangir the face of the coin of Lahore has become full of light, it has been increased by the name of Nur Jahan. This is the best specimen so far offered in any auction in India and extremely rare to appear at all, missing from various advanced collections. Superb rarity !! Estimated Price: 3,00,000-3,50,000 217. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1035, “Sad zewar” Couplet, Obv: ze hukum jahangir yaft sad zewar banam nurjahan badshah begum zar, Rev: ah year and zarb surat, 11.1g, 20.66mm, (KM # 168.6), about very fine with test marks on both sides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 7000-9000 Shahjahan, Shihab-ud-din Muhammad (AH 1037-1068/1628-1658 AD) 218. Surat Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada in square & four khalifas name in margin, Rev: “saheb-e-qiran sani”, shahjahan badshah ghazi in square, 5.9g, 18.67mm, (KM # 218.8), almost UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
219. Agra Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, Ahad RY, Month Bahman, Broad Flan, Obv: kalima shahada, at bottom complete mint name with epithet is visible, Rev: shihab ud din muhammad saheb e qiran sani shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.3g, 23.36mm, (KM # 222.1), about extremely fine with toning, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 220. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Isfandarmuz, AH (10)41/4 RY, Obv: kalima shahada with month & mint name at bottom, Rev: sahib-e-qiran sani shihab-ud –din muhammad shahajahan badshah ghazi, 11.41g,20.26mm, (KM 224.1), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
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221. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Ardibihisht Month, Obv: kalima shahada, mint name & month at bottom, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.32g, 19.75mm, (KM # 224.1), choice extremely fine with no test mark Estimated Price: 3000-3500 221
222. Akbarabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, AH 1043, Obv: kalima shahada in square around four khalifas name, Rev: sahab-e-qiran sani shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.3g, 21.27mm, (KM # 235.3 variant in border), choice very fine, with testing mark and beautifully decorated with dotted motifs on both the sides. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 223. Akbarnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, 4 RY, Month Bahman, Obv: kalima shahada on top, mint name akbarnagar & bahman month at bottom, Rev: saheb e qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.4g, 22.34mm, (KM # 224.5), about extremely fine with no testing mark. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 224. Daulatabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1068, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad, mint name in margins and shahjahan badshah ghazi in centre, 11.55g, 23.16mm, (KM # 232.1), about extremely fine withno testing mark. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 225. Golkonda Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada and mint name, Rev: sahebe-qiran sani shihab uddin muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi and unusual sun mint mark, 11.4g, 21.38mm, (Similar to KM # 223.1, sun mint mark is variant), choice very fine with toning & heavily decorated floral motifs, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
226. Jahangirnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1041, Month Ardibihisht, Four lines type, Obv: kalima shahada on top in two lines, mint name & month at bottom, Rev: saheb-eqiran sani shihab uddin muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.31g, 24.25mm, (KM # 224.10), about very fine, without testing mark, partially doublestrucked, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 227. Lakhnau Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1052/16 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in square, around four khalifas name, Rev: shihab ud din muhammad saheb-e-qiran sani, shahjahan badshah ghazi and mint name at bottom, 11.35g, 21.69mm, (Variant of Liddle # Type S-55, Date unlisted), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 228. Multan Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1041/4 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, four khalifas name around, Rev: sahib-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi and mint name visible at bottom, 11.41g, 21.64mm, (KM # 227.8), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 229. Qandahar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1048/12 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, around four khalifas name, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi in circle, shihab ud din muhammad saheb-e-qiran sani and mint name in margin, 11.4g, 21.40mm, (KM # 228.3), choice extremely fine with sharp strike, toning & no testing mark, Scarce in this condition. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
230. Qandahar Mint, Silver Rupee, 17 RY, Obv: kalima shahada with in square, knots at corners, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi, shihab ud-din muhammad saheb-e-qiran sani & mint name, 11.4g, 21.57mm, (KM # 235.22), choice extremely fine with toning & no testing mark, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 231. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1067/ 31 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab uddin muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.6g, 24.21mm, (KM # 228.51), choice extremely fine, with no testing mark. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
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Coins of Mughal India 232. Patna Mint, Gold Mohur, 8 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in square & four khalifas name in margin, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab-ud-din muhammad in margins, shahjahan badshah ghazi in square & mint name in margin left, 10.88g, 20.10mm, (KM # 260.14), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,20,000
233. Surat Mint, Gold Mohur, 2 RY, Month Azar, Obv: kalima shahada on top in two lines, mint name surat & elahi month azar at bottom with dotted motifs, Rev: “saheb-eqiran sani”, shihab uddin muhammad shahajahan badshah ghazi in four lines, 10.94g, 23.37mm, (KM # 255.6), choice extremely fine+ with dotted border on both sides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,25,000 233 Murad Bakhsh (AH 1068/1658 AAD) 234. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada & four khalifas name around, Rev: abul muzaffar murawwij-ud-din in margins, muhammad murad bakhsh badshah ghazi within square and mint name at left margin, 11.51g, 22.13mm, (KM # 272.1), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
235. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, Ahad RY, Obv: kalima shahada in square, four khalifas name in margin, Rev: abul muzaffar muhammad murad bakhsh badshah ghazi, complete mint surat at left is visible, 11.47g, 23.63mm, (KM# 272.3), about fine with testing mark. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 236. Khambayat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1068/Ahad RY, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas, Rev: muhammad murad baksh badshah ghazi in square, abul muzaffar in margin & zarb at bottom, 11.55g, 21.7mm, (KM # A272.2), choice extremely fine, Very Rare.
Murad Bakhsh was the fourth and youngest son of Shah Jahan. He was born in 1624 A.D. and when Shah Jahan died, he was the governor of Gujarat. Being impetuous and impatient, he wished to exclude his eldest brother Dara from the throne. On the death of Shah Jahan, he plundered Surat and proclaimed himself emperor, striking coins in his own name. He was persuaded by Aurangzeb to join forces and partition the empire, but Aurangzeb eventually made him prisoner and he was beheaded in 1661 A.D. 236 Estimated Price : 20,000-25,000 Shah Shuja (AH 1068-1070/1657-1660 AD)
237. Akbarnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada in square, four khalifas name in margins, Rev: muhammad shah shuja on top & badshah ghazi at bottom in square & abul zafar nasr ud din muhammad saheb-e- qiran sani in margins, 11.3g, 20.58mm, (KM # 277.1), about fine, Very Rare. The entire period from AH 1068 - AH 1070 where we find the coins of Shah Shuja, Murad Baksh, Aurangzeb of the same dates is very interesting. Till date it is not confirmed that for how long the Shah Shuja has ruled as a Mughal Ruler because the coins have appeared with the single date. On appointment Shah Shuja posted to Jahangirnagar (Dhaka), the capital of Bengal during his predecessors’s time and he transferred the capital to Akbarnagar (Rajmahal) and might have issued these coins initially from the new mint where in old coins in the name of Shah Jahan were minted for years together. Estimated Price: 2,00,000-2,50,000
Auction – 23 Session – 1
Aurangzeb Alamgir Muhyyi-ud-din (AH 1068-1118/1658-1707 AD)
238. Ujjain Dar-ul-Fath Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, AH 1086/19 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, with AH date 1086 on top, Rev: sana julus, zarb ujjain on top, RY 19 (inverted 9) in seen of julus, 2.9g, 13.70mm, (Variant of KM # 293.5, Date is unlisted), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 35,000-40,000 239. Akbarabad Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, AH 1081/31 RY, Obv: shah alamgir badshah ghazi in the square, abdul zafar muhayyi-ud-din muhammad bahadur aurangzeb in the margin, AH 1081, Rev: mint name akbarabad in square, manus memanat sana julus in margin with RY 31 in bottom, 5.64g, 19.58mm, Unlisted, about very fine, Extremely Rare.
It is the first time when half rupee of Akbarabad mint of Aurangzeb has come into the light, it is similar to the rupee type standard listed under the KM # 298.1 Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 240. Alamgirpur Mint, Silver Rupee, 37 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.57g, 23.67mm, (KM # 300.10), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
241. Bhilsa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1074/6 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “mihr munir” couplet, ‘sikka zad-dar jahan chu mehre munir, shah aurangzeb alamgir’, mint name bhilsa with do chasmi ‘he’ at bottom, 11.37g, 20.38mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 242. Dicholi Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: “badr munir” couplet sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir,, Rev: sana julus zarb dicholi at bottom, 11.42g, 24.08mm, Unlisted, both sides star mark choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-60,000 243. Hukeri Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgi, Rev: sana julus and mint name hukeri in second line left, 11.55g, 23.46mm, (KM # 300.33), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
244. Lakhnau Mint, Silver Rupee, 35 RY, Obv:“badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb lakhnau completely visible at bottom, 11.42g, 23.58mm, Unlisted Type, choice very fine with crisscross border on both sides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 245. Ahmadnagar Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 1100/3X RY, Obv : “mihr munir” couplet, ‘sikka zad-dar jahan chu mehre munir, shah aurangzeb alamgir’, sana hijri, Rev: sana julus, complete zarb ahmadnagar at bottom, 10.90g, 21.83mm, (KM # 315.2), choice very fine with dotted and floral motifs, Rare. Presence of complete mint name is not seen often for this type. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000
246. Akbarnagar Mint, Gold Mohur, 17 RY, Obv: abul zafar muhayyi-ud-din muhammad aurangzeb alamgir bahadur badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 10.99g, 18.08mm, (KM # 310.1), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000
247. Golkonda Mint, Gold Mohur, AH (10)86/31(sic), Obv: “mihr munir” couplet, ‘sikka zad-dar jahan chu mehre munir, shah aurangzeb alamgir, sana hijri and trident mark within persian gaf at top, Rev: sana julus zarb golkonda at bottom, 10.86g, 21.17mm, (Variant KM # 315.18), about very fine, Rare. It is very unusual to see a trident like symbol in the coins of Aurangzeb. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000
247 33
Coins of Mughal India Shah Alam Bahadur (AH 1119-1124/1707-1712 AD) 248. Karimabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1121/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak shah alam badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.36g, 20.21mm, (KM # 347.11), about very fine, Very Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
249. Parenda Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1122/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak shah alam bahadur badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, zarb parenda visible at bottom, 11.42g, 22.16mm, (KM # 348.31), about very fine, Very Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 250. Burhanpur Dar-us-Surur Mint, Gold Mohur, 2 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak shah alam bahadur badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb burhanpur with epithet, 10.93g, 18.45mm, Unlisted Type, choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-50,000
Jahandar Shah (AH 1124/1712 AD) 251. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1124/Ahad RY, Obv: “abul fath” couplet, Rev: sana julus, zarb ahmadabad at bottom,11.51g, 25.39mm, (KM # 363.1), choice extremely fine with toning & testmarks, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
252. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1124/Ahad RY, Obv: “saheb-e-qiran” couplet, Rev: sana julus & zarb at bottom, 11.30g, 24.31mm, (KM # 364.10), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 253. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1124/Ahad RY, Obv: “saheb-e-qiran” jahandar shah, Rev: sana julus & zarb at bottom, 11.5g, 24.03mm, (KM # 364.12), about extremely fine with dotted motifs on bothsides. Estimated Price: 2200-2500 254. Shahjahanabad Dar ul khilafa Mint, AH 1124/Ahad RY, Silver Rupee, Obv: bazad barzar sikka chun saheb e qiran,jahandar shah badshah jahan, Rev: mint name with epithet dar-ul-khalifa & sana ahad mubarak on top, 11.39g, 23.66mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000
255. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-khilafa Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 1124/ Ahad RY, Obv: “abul fath” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.0 g, 21.65 mm, (KM # 368.6), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,20,000 Farrukhsiyar (AH 1124-1131-1713-1719 AD) 256. Murshidabad Mint (off flan), Silver 1/8 Rupee, RY 4, Obv: badshah”bahr-o-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, badshahe bahr-o-barr faruksiyar, Rev: sana julus, 1.42g, 10.92mm, , about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 257. Arkat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1130/7 RY, Obv: “badshah bahr-o-barr” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb arkat complete visible at bottom, 11.4g, 23.83mm, (KM # 377.10), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 258. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1128/5 RY, Obv: “badshah bahr-o-barr” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.37g, 27.41mm, (Variant of KM # 377.55, Large flan is unlisted), broadflan with toning, dotted and floral motifs on both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
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Auction – 23 Session – 1
259. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1127/4 RY, Obv: badshah bahr-o-barr couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.26g, 21.25mm, (KM # 377.55), almost Uncirculated with no test mark. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 259
Rafi-ud-Darjat (AH 1131/AD 1719) 260. Kora Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1131/Ahad RY, Obv: “ba hazaran barkat” couplet, sikka-e-zad bahind, bahazaraan barkaat shahen shahe bahre-o-bar rafiuddarjaat, Rev: sana julus, zarb kora visible at bottom, 11.4g, 22.62mm, (KM # 405.12), choice very fine with dotted and floral motifs on both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 Shahjahan II, Rafi-ud-Daula (AH 1131/1719 AD)
261. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (11)31/ Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi shahjahan, Rev: sana julus zarb itawa at bottom completely visible, 10.44g, 24.45mm, (KM # 415.11), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 Muhammad Shah (AH 1131-1161/1719-1748 AD)
262. Ausa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 113X/12 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad shah, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.12g, 24.30mm, (KM # 436.10), about extremely fine with dotted motifs on bothsides, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 263. Farukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1157/28 RY, Broad flan, Obv: sikka mubarak saheb-e-qiran sani muhammad shah badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, complete mint name farukhabad visible at bottom, 11.24g, 25.21mm, (KM # 437.3), about extremely fine, with dotted motifs and border on both sides, overall attractive specimen, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
264. Farukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 116X/31 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak saheb-eqiran sani badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb farukhabad complete visible at bottom, 11.31g, 24.20mm, (KM # 437.3), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 265. Islamabad(Mathura) Mint, Silver Rupee, 10 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 10.81g, 22.40mm, (KM # 436.28), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
263 266. Kora Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1143/13 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb kora complete visible at bottom, 11.29g, 22.60mm, (KM # 436.39), about very fine with toning. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
267. Qanauj Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1135/4 RY, Broad flan (Nazarana Like), Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb qanauj completely visible at bottom, 11.35g, 30.92mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine with dotted motifs on both sides and border on reverse, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000 268. Zain-ul-Bilad (Ahmedabad), Silver Rupee, AH 1135/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.55g, 25.47mm, (KM # 436.63), about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-6500
267 266 35
Coins of Mughal India 269. Itawa Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 1155/25 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad shah, AH date on top, Rev: sana julus zarb itawa at bottom with RY 25 in middle line, 11.0g, 21.91mm, (Variant of KM # 438.10), choice very fine, with dotted motifs on both sides, Very Rare. Hijri & RY is unlisted in KM. Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000 270. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Gold Mohur, (Nazarana Like large flan), AH 115X/22 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak “saheb-e-qiran sani” muhammad shah badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 10.81g, 24.07mm, (Variant of KM # 439.4), choice extremely fine, large flan, dotted motifs on both sides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000
Ahmad Shah Bahadur (AH 1161-1167/1748-1754 AD) 271. Imtiyazgarh Mint, Silver Rupee, ‘Badshah Ghazi type’, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.20g, 22.07mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 272. Kalpi Mint, Silver Rupee, 5 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus zarb kalpi completely visible at bottom, 11.3g, 22.04mm, (KM # 446.41), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
273. Sironj Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1163, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus & complete mint name sironj is visible at bottom, 11.2g, 22.46mm, (KM # 446.35), about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 272
Alamgir II, Aziz-ud-din (AH 1167-1173/1754-1759 AD) 274. Akbarabad Mustaqir-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb completely visible, 11.36g, 23.01mm, (KM # 460.2), about very fine with toning, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 275. Akbarabad Mustaqir-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 117X/4 RY, Broad flan, double struck on obverse, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.26g, 26.89mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 276. Burhanpur Dar-us-Surur Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1167/Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak alamgir badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.29g, 22.66mm, (KM # 460.25), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
277. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/6 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.22g, 23.79mm, (KM # 460.28), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 278. Jahangirnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, 2 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir with sun mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.62g, 22.12mm, (KM # 460.9), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 279. Najibabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 5 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb, mint name on top, 11.37g, 21.04mm, (KM # 460.35), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
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Auction – 23 Session – 1
Shah Alam II (AH 1174-1221/1759-1806 AD)
280. Gokulgarh Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (11)97/ 25 RY, Local Governor issue strucked by Rajas of Rewari, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah”, couplet, persian letter “mim”in”lam”of fazle, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.08g, 21.02mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Appearance of persian legend “Mim” in the “Lam” of fazle is unusual and the relevance is unknown. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 Muhammad Akbar II (AH 1202/13/1788 AD)
281. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee (Nazarana like Broad flan), AH 12XX/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak sahib-e-qiran sani muhammad akbar shah badshah ghazi with royal umbrella mark, Rev: sana julus zarb on top completely visible, 10.82g, 26.02mm, (KM # 777), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 282. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, 4 RY,Obv: sikka mubarak sahib-e-qiran sani muhammad akbar shah badshah ghazi with royal umbrella mark, Rev: sana julus zarb, complete mint name with epithet visible on top, beaded flower, 11.12g, 23.49mm, (KM # 777), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
Coins of Independent Kingdoms Assam
283. Shiva Simha, Gargaon Mint, Silver Square Rupee, SE 1651/15 RY, With the name of Queen Pramathesvari, Obv: shiva singh shah sikkah zad chu mahr bahm begam pramathesvari shah, Rev: maimanat manus sanah 15 jalus, zarb gargaon 1651, lion facing right at lower left, 11.2g, 18.83x18.09mm, (KM # 75/RB # 114.2), choice extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 284. Gaurinatha Simha, Sliver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: assamese legend “sri sri ha/ra gauri pa/da parasya”, Rev: assamese legend “sri sri gau/rinatha simha/nrpasya”, 5.63g, 18.30mm, (RB # R64.1), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1800-2000 285. Gaurinatha Smiha, Sliver Rupee, SE 1708, Obv: assamese legend “sri sri hara / gauri charana ka / mala makaranda / madhukarasya’, Rev: assamese legend “sri srimat sva / rga / deva sri gau / rinathasya / saka 1708”, 11.30g 22.55mm, (RB# R 40.2), choice extremely fine.. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
Cooch Behar 286. Nara Narayana, Silver Tanka, SE 1477, Broad flan, Obv: benagli legend in four lines “sri sri/ siva charana/ kamala madhu/ karasya”, within circle and dotted border of dots.’si ra na’ in second line in nagari legend, Rev: bengali legend in five lines “sri sri / man naranara/ yana bhupala/ sya sake/1477”, wihtin circle and dotted border of dots, 10.21g, 29.01mm, (RB # A-2.5), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-5500
287. Nara Narayana, Silver Tanka (Very Broad flan), SE 1477, Obv: bengali legend “sri sri/siva charana/kamala madhu karasya”, Rev: bengali legend “sri sri/man nara nara/ yana bhupala/sya sake/1477”, 10.4g, 36.0mm, (RB # A-7.1), within circle and border of dots around on both sides, choice very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 15000-18000
287 37
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom 288. Raghudeva Narayana, Silver Tanka, SE 1510, Obv: bengali legend in five lines “sri sri/hara gauri/charana kama/la madhu ka/rasya”, within circle and border of dots, Rev:bengali legend in five lines “sri sri/raghudeva na/rayanasya bhupa/lasya sake”, dot with 3 rays at end of first line, 105g, 28.45mm, (RB # C(E)-2.2), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 289. Upendra Narayana, Silver ½ Rupee, Obv: nagari legend in four lines part of “sri sri/siva charana/kamala madhu/karasya”, Rev: nagari legend part of “ sri srima/t upendra nara/yanasya sake”, 4.65g, 18.94mm, (RB # H-1-4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300
Durrani Dynasty 290. Ahmad Shah Durrani, Bareli Mint, Silver Rupee, 14 RY, Obv: “auj mahi ta bamah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and zarb at bottom, 11.18g, 21.85mm, (Old KM # 278), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 291. Ahmad Shah Durrani, Sehrind Mint, Gold Mohur, 16 RY, Obv: ahmad badshah bar seem-o-zar, Rev: sana julus zarb sehrind at bottom, 10.82g, 23.68mm, (Old KM # 755), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 70,000-90,000
Kachar Kingdom
292 292. Megha Narayana (SE 1488-1505/1566-1583 AD), Silver Tanka, Obv: four line nagari legend “Hara Gauri/Charana Para/yana Hacheng/ sa Vamsaja”,within a double square all within a circle and border of beads, Rev: four line nagari legend “Sri Sri Megha/Narayana/Bhupalasya/ Sake 1488”, 9.57g, 27.45mm, (KM # 102/RB # 8.2), with beads in the lunettes both sides, choice very fine+, Very Rare. The Tankas are known of Megha Narayana than those of his predecessor, they were struck from many different dies with variations in legend arrangement and ornamentation, so that individual varieties remain very interesting. The legend on this tanka include the epithet Hachengsa Vamsaja, i.e. “belonging to the Ha Tsung Tsa clan.” Estimated Price: 1,60,000-2,00,000
Maratha Confederacy 293. Chhatrapati Shivaji, Copper Paisa, Obv: nagari legend “chhatra/pati”, Rev: nagari legend “shri/raja/shiva”, 10.0g, 19.61mm, (Maheshwari # T5d), with bold strike & dotted motifs,about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 294. Sironj Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: bazar zad sikka-e-saheb e qiran azizuddin alamgir sani, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.43g, 22.08mm, Unlisted type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 295. Hardwar Mint, Copper Paisa, 35 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah shah alam, Rev: mint name, regnal year and trident with fish mint mark, 5.9g, 18.36mm, (Maheshwari # T4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 38
Auction – 23 Session – 1
296. Ravishnagar Sagar Mint, Copper Paisa, 55 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, trident and flower mint mark, Rev: manus maimanat sana julus zarb, 15.26g, 23.03mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 296
297. Balwantnagar (Jhansi) Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1175/3 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet with leaf mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom & lily flower mark, 11.22g, 22.08mm, (Variant of KM # 322), choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 298. Balwantnagar (Jhansi) Mint, Silver Rupee, RY 4, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet & trident mark in letter ‘nun’ of deen, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.25g, 22.54mm, Unlisted, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
299. Balanagar Gadha (Mandla) Mint, Silver Rupee, 35 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, trident mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, star mint & RY, 11.05g, 20.01mm, Unlisted type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 300. Burhanpur Dar-us-Surur Mint, Silver Rupee, 45 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, In Obverse couplet arrangement type is different than usual, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and mint name with epithet, jhar mark, 11.54g, 20.55mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-9000 301. Kora Mint, Silver Rupee, 3 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet & mint mark trident and patak, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.3g, 20.8mm, (KM # 278), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
302. Saharanpur Dar-us-Surur Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1204/31 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah”couplet, Rev: sana julus, zarb saharanpur on top, 11.19g, 21.78mm, (Maheshwari # T1c), choice extremely fine with toning, Scarce. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 Mysore Kingdom
303. Mysore Kingdom,Tipu Sultan, Patan (seringpatan) Mint, Silver Rupee (Imami), AM 1217/7 RY, Obv: deen-e-ahmad muhammad dar jahan ast, roshan ze fath haidar,saal sarab and sana 1217, Rev: huwas sultan-ul-waheed al adil, julus saal sakh, suwam bahari sana 7 julusi, 11.30g, 25.63mm, (Unlisted type, additional word “muhammad” on top of obverse), choice AUNC with bold strike, Rare. Estimated Price: 16,000-20,000 304. Tipu Sultan, Patan (Seringpatan) Mint, Silver Double Rupee (Haidari), AH 1199/3 RY, Rosette Variety, Obv: deen-e-ahmad dar jahan ast, roshan ze fath haidari, mint name, saal jalu and sana hijri, Rev: huwas sultan-ul-waheed al adil, suwem bahari, saal jalu and sana 3 julus, (KM # 22), graded and slabbed by NGC as VF 30, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,25,000 305. Tipu Sultan, Nagar Mint, Gold Pagoda (Faruqi), AM 1216/6 RY, Rossette variety, Obv: huwas sultan ul-waheed al adil & muhammad on top, Rev: faruqi, nagar, persian letter ‘Ha’ & sana, 3.43g, 14.45mm, (KM # 129a), choice extremely fine with dotted border on both sides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 36,000-42,000
305 304
303 39
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom Rohilkhand Kingdom 306. Basauli Mint, Silver Rupee, 10 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-efazal elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, mint name completely visible at bottom, 11.18g, 22.06mm, (KM # 56.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 307. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1176/3 RY, Nazarana like large Flan, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak basshah ghazi, sword mint mark above he of badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.22g, 30.10mm, (KM # 66), choice very fine with sharp strike, Rare. Estimated Price: 7500-8500
308. Itawa Mint, Silver Nazrana Rupee, AH 1182/9 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sword mint mark above “he” of badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb & RY, large flan with complete legend and partial dotted border, 11.18g, 28.49mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Rohila Nazarana issues are very rare and rarely come across in the market. Though the coins from this mint are generally of large size, the extra large planchet of this coin indicate same special occasion for which it was struck. Estimated Price: 5000-5500
309. Mustafabad (Rampur) Mint, Silver Rupee, 12 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, zarb on top & star mark, 11.09g, 21.82mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 310. Mustafabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH1184/12 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, zarb on top & mint marks 11.1g, 21.27mm, (KM # 126.1), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 311. Nasrullanagar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (118)4/ 12 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and zarb on top, 11.2g, 21.31mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 Sikh Empire
312. Khalsa, Military Government, Anandghar Mint, Silver Rupee, VS 1841, Obv: “gobind shahi” couplet, deg tegh o fath nusrat be-dirang, yaft az nanak guru gobond singh, Rev: zarb anandghar on top with diffarent mint marks, 11.42g, 21.67mm, (KM # 30), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 313. Ranjit Singh, Amritsar Mint, Silver Rupee, “Nanak Shahi” Couplet, VS 1879, Obv: text, beaded flowers, Rev: mint name, date, leaf, beaded flowers, 11.07g, 23.74mm, (Hans Herli # 01.07.04), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
Madurai Nayaks 314. Copper Kasu, Obv: stylized narasimha, Rev: telugu legend ‘Sri Vi ra’, within dotted border, 3.00g, 21.94mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 311
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315. Ratna Manikya (1464-1489 AD), Silver Tanka, Obv: lion facing right within circle, toothed border, fields,extra dot over head of lion, bengali legend “Sri Du rga”, Rev: “sri sri ra/tna mani/kya deva” within double square and dotted with toothed ornamental border, 10.63g, 27.48mm, (RB PL III#34), choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 50,000-70,000
316 316. Mukut Manikya (1489-1490 AD), Silver Tanka, Undated, With the name of Queen Machtri, Obv: four line nagari legend “Sri Machya/ ndi Charana Cha/ kravarttinyau”, with wave patterns on four sides, Rev: four line nagari legend “Sri Machtri/Mahadevi /Sri Sri Mukut/Ma/nikya devah”, within circle and toothed border, 10.60g, 24.52mm, (KM # 29/RB # 42), about very fine, Extremely Rare. According to Rajamala, Mukut Manikya was a very powerful king, and had a long reign. Two of the coins of Mukut Manikya have the name of his queen’s name. Which has been read as “Sri Machtri”. Estimated Price: 3,00,000-4,00,000 317. Dhanya Manikya, Silver Tanka, Obv: lion to right , fish symbol between the legs of lion, Rev: three line nagari legend “sri sri dha/nya mani/kya devah” in double square and dotted with toothed border, 10.53g, 25.49mm, (KM # 37/RB PL IV#46), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-60,000 317
Vijayanagar Kingdom 318. Tirmualaraya, Copper Kasu, Obv: two garuda facing each other with a dagger in the center, string of dots under a line in field below, Rev: within two borders of dotted circle and floral design, the nagari legend “(cha)/la ma/ra ya”, between the two lines a discus, vaishnavite mark and conch, 3.58g, 15.54mm, (K.Ganesh # 9.130), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
Coins of Indian Princely States
Alwar 319. Mangal Singh, Silver Rupee, 1891 AD, Early Proof Restrike, With the name of Queen Victoria, Obv: bust of victoria empress facing left, Rev: maharao raja sawai mangal singh bahadur, (KM # 46), graded and slabbed by PCGS as PR 64, Proof. Estimated Price: 80,000-1,00,000 Awadh
320. Asafabad Mint off flan, Silver Rupee, 18 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, floral design with inverted letter ‘nun’, 11.2g, 20.38mm, (KM # 16.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 321. Asafnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, 18 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: shah alam badshah ghazi with sword mark, Rev: fish and inverted persian letter “Nun”, 11.2g, 21.94mm, (KM # 26.2), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-4500
320 321 41
Coins of Indian Princely States 322. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1194/22 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, fish and umbrella, mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom completely visible, 11.02g, 25.19mm, (KM # 76.4), about UNC with dotted border visible on both sides. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 323. Muhammadabad Banaras Mint, Silver Rupee, 4 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: mint name, sana julus & star in “seen” of julus, 11.24g, 19.88mm, (KM # 36.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 324. Ghazi-ud-din Haider (As King), Lucknow Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1235/Ahad RY, Obv: “shah-e-zaman”, Rev: crown flanked by rampant lions holding flag, two upright fish below, on top dar-ul-sultanat, 11.09g, 25.49mm, (KM # 165.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
325. Ghazi-ud-Haidar as a King, Lucknow Mint, Gold Mohur(Ashrafi), AH 1241/7 RY, Obv: sikka zad bar sem-o-zar nist shah-e-zaman, ghazi-ud-din haidarali az fazl zul mubeen within four lines and with rossette motifs, Rev: crown laned by rampant lions holding lag, two upright fish below, (coat of arms), subah awadh, 10.68g, 23.38mm, (KM # 170.2), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 80,000-1,00,000 326. Amjad Ali Shah, Lucknow Mint, Silver Rupee, AH1258/Ahad RY, Obv: “batayid elah zille haque” couplet, Rev: mulk awadh dar ul saltana lucknow, parasol above crown and fish, flanked by curved swords, 11.15g, 23.17mm, (KM # 336), about extremely fine, almost UNC, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 327. Amjad Ali Shah, Lucknow Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1262, Obv: “batayid elah zille haque” couplet, Rev: mulk awadh dar ul saltana lucknow, parasol above crown and fish, flanked by curved swords, 11.01g, 23.70mm, (KM # 336), choice extremely fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 328. Wajid Ali Shah, Muhammadabad Banaras Mint, Silver 1/16 Rupee, 26 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: ruler’s name, Rev: frozen regnal year, mint mark, 0.70g,11.11mm, (KM # 99), UNC, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
329. Wajid Ali Shah, Lucknow Mint, Silver 1/8 Rupee, AH 1271/9 RY, Obv: “tayid elah zille haq” couplet, Rev: bait-us-sultanat lucknow mulk awadh, akhtar nagar, parasol above crown, sana julus & zarb, flanked by mermaids holding flag, crossed swords below, 1.37g, 12.15mm, (KM # 357.2), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 330. Wajid Ali Shah, Lucknow Bait-Us-Sultanate Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Obv: “tayid elah zille haq” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 2.80g, 15.75mm, (KM # 361.2), about extremely fie, Extremely Rare. This specimen was struck from the gold dies of 1/4 Mohur. Gold 1/4 Mohur dies were used to struck few of the 1/4 Rupees of Silver of this type and not much were struck in silver hence this specimen is very important for Awadh collectors as this was struck from gold dies only. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 331. Wajid Ali Shah, Lucknow Mint, Gold Mohur ( Ashrafi), AH 1272/9 RY, Obv: “tayid elah zille haque” couplet, Rev: bait-us-sultanat lucknow mulk awadh, akhtar nagar, parasol above crown, sana julus & zarb, flanked by mermaids holding lag, crossed swords below, 10.8g, 22mm, (KM # 378.3), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,25,000
331 42
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332. Bajranggarh, Jai singh, Silver Rupee, Obv: nagari legend in five lines the ruler’s name with tilte, regnal year and mint name “yih sikka par chap maharaja jay singh ke 18 jaynagar” border of dots between two linear circles. Rev: nagari legend in four lines “shri raghav partap pavan-putra bal pay-ke” border of dots between two linear circles, 10.61g, 18.42mm, (KM # 6), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 333. Banswara, Laxman Singh, Copper Paisa, Obv: “samba” within legends ends upward, Rev: “samba” within legends ends upward, 10.79g, 22.66mm, (KM # 12), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 Baroda
334. Sayaji Rao II, Copper Paisa, AH 1262, Obv: beaded cresent below mint mark, nagari sri with letter sa & ga, and sword mark, Rev: bottom trishul mark, date & value, 6.58g, 22.65mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 335. Khande Rao, Silver Nazarana Rupee, AH 1287, Obv: sikka mubarak khande rao gayakwad with date & mint at bottom, Rev: sword at centre, around ruler’s name with title in nagari,11.6g, 24.00mm, (KM # Y14.1), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 9000-12,000
336. Sayaji Rao III, Silver 4 Annas, VS 1949, Obv: crowned bust to right, Rev: value, scimitar, date witthin wreath, 2.87g, 19.29mm, (KM Y # 34), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 337. Sayaji Rao III, Silver Rupee, VS 1953, Obv: bust of king right, wearing jeweled turban, nagari legend around “sri sayaji rao-gaekwad”, Rev: nagari denomination in two lines, ek-rupaya, sword and vs date, 11.33g, 27.95mm, (KM Y # 36a), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
Bharatpur 338. Braj Indrapur Mint, Silver Rupee, VS 1917/1851 AD, With the name of Victoria, Obv: malika-e-muazzama farman rawai inglistan, Rev: mint name, mint mark & VS year, 11.10g, 23.32mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-8000 Bhopal
339. Jahangir Muhammad Khan, Daulatgarh Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 5 RY, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: sahib-e-qiran sani, Rev: sana julus zarb with baja mark, 5.42g, 16.12mm, (KM # C26), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 Bikaner
340. Gaj singh, Silver Rupee, 5 RY, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.27g, 22.84mm, (KM # 10), about extremely fine, UNC. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 Bundi 341. Ram Singh, Silver 1/4 Rupee, VS 1946, With the name of Victoria, Obv: katar in center english legend around, linear circle on border, Rev: ram singh in nagari and date, 2.62g, 13.92mm, (KM # Y7), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
341 340 339 43
Coins of Indian Princely States Datia 342. Dalipnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II, AH 1178/6 RY, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.08g, 23.98mm, (KM # 6), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 342
Dholpur 343. Gohad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1189/17 RY, Large flan, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi and “inverted pistol” mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.2g, 25.57mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
343 Faridkot
344 344. Harindar Singh, Gold Nazarana 1/3 Mohur, 1941 AD, Obv: bust of harindar singh facing left, Rev: arms, faridkot state above and date below, 3.92g, 21.34mm, (KM # XM 3), choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 3,00,000-4,00,000
Garhwal 345. Gorkha Occupation, Srinagar Mint, Silver Timasha, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: shah akbar badshah ghazi, Rev: qalam ru-e-srinagar, 2.1g, 17.51mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
Gwalior 346. Mandasor Dar-ul-Salam Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.17g, 20.75mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 347. Jankoji Rao, Isagarh Mint(off flan), Silver Rupee, 38 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saheb-e-qiran sani, nagari om on right, Rev: sana julus zarb ,mint mark mace battle axe and gadha, 10.86g, 19.48mm,, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
348. Jayaji Rao, Lashkar, Silver 1/4 Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II , Obv: Sikka mubharak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, bow and arrow pointed down, nagari “Ji” for jayaji, 2.66g, 11.87mm, (KM # 149), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
347 348
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Hyderabad 349. Sikandar Jah, Farkhanda Bunyad Haidarabad Mint, Gold Ashrafi (Mohur), AH 1237/16 RY, Edge: Oblique Milling, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad akbar shah with letter ‘seen’ for sikandar jah, Rev: sana julus manus memanat with mint nane & epithet, 11.18g, 25.77mm, (KM # C60), UNC, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2,25,000-2,75,000 Indore 350. Jaswant Rao, Silver Nazarana Rupee, AH 1222/2 RY, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: sikka Mubarak sahib-e-qirani sani sultan muhammad akbar, Rev: maharajadhiraja jaswant rao holkar bahadur, on top az sahib-e-khilafat sayyed raft, (KM # 8), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58, Rare in this condition. There are only two coins graded and both are 58 top pop from of one collector. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 349
Jaipur 351. Sawai Jaipur Mint, Silver Nazarana Rupee, AH 1166/6 RY, In the name of Ahmad Shah Bahadur, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana 6 julus, zarb sawai jaipur at bottom & memanat manus, 11.3g, 31.71mm, (KM # 9), obverse slightly doublestrucked, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 23,000-27,000
352. Sawai Jaipur Mint, Gold Mohur, 5 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi shah alam, Rev: sana 5 julus, zarb sawai jaipur & lotus bud mark, 10.86g, 19.44mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 Jaisalmir 353. Ahkey Shahi Series, Silver Rupee, 22 RY, In the name of Muhammad Shah, Obv: sikka mubarak ‘saheb-e-qiran sani’ badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, swastik mark at lower right, 10.86g, 20.46mm, (KM # 5.2), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 7500-8000 Jhalawar
354. Silver 1/8 Rupee, 10 RY, Old “Madan Shahi” series, In the name of Bahadur Shah II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb and jhar mark, 1.4g, 12.28mm, (KM C #25), about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 355. Silver 1/4 Rupee, 17 RY, “New Madan Shahi” series, With the name of Victoria, Obv: malike-e-muzzama victoria badshah inglistam, Rev: sana julus zarb and jhar mark, 2.8g, 14.45mm, (KM Y # 4.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 Jodhpur
356. Umaid Singh, Gold 1/4 Mohur, with the name of King George V, Obv: bahad-e-hindustan wa inglistan, jhar mark & “om” in nagari, Rev: rulers name with titles, sword mark, and ‘sri mataji in devanagari’ on top, 2.75g, 16.00mm, (KM # 127.1), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 35,000-45,000 357. Jodhpur Feudatory-Kuchaman, Silver Rupee, 1863 AD, With the name of Victoria, Obv: queen victoria, Rev: mint name and date, 10.76g, 17.40mm, (KM # 286), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
355 45
Coins of Indian Princely States Junagarh
358 358. Hatakeshwara Sahi, Silver Kori, Obv: devanagari legend in three lines “Shri Hatakeshwaraya Namah”, Rev: devanagari legend in three lines “Shri Raghunathaya Namah”, 4.22g, 15.19mm, choice very fine, Exceedingly Rare. The obverse legend refers to “Hatakeshwara” (Golden Lord), a name of Shiva, and a form that is particularly revered by Nagar Brahmins of Gujarat. In 1784, Raghunathji Amarji, belonging to that cast was appointed the Diwan of Junagarh State by Nawab Hamid Khan Babi after his father the former Diwan was murdered. He was made a Diwan for life in 1811 by Nawab Bhadur Khan II and the office was offered to him in hereditary capacity. He remained the Diwan for more than 40 years, retiring in 1816/17 after the Nawab lost faith him. He died soon after in 1819. Hatakeshwara was his “Ishta-Devata” (favoured deity), and the reference to “Raghunath” on reverse is no doubt to him, although in the garb of a divine salutation. This remarkable coin was first published by G P Taylor in Numismatic Supplement XX, 1912. After a mention by Codrington in 1895 of this kind of Kori, Taylor was able to trace a solitary specimen in Junagarh Museum – which to him was the only known piece. Taylor was hesitant to regard the piece he published as a ‘coin’, but a couple more pieces are now known and they all are struck to the weight of a ‘Kori’. Perhaps they were a ceremonial issue but there appears to be no doubt to regard them as coins. Taylor himself thinks that they might have been issued as ‘patterns’ by Ranchhodji, the younger brother of Raghunathji, before he issued the ‘Diwanshahi’ Koris of Junagarh, with the word ‘Shri Diwan’ written on them. Estimated Price: 4,00,000-5,00,000 Kashmir
359 359. Ranbir Singh, Srinagar Mint, Copper Anna, VS 1920, Broad flan (Nazarana?), Obv: value in persian ‘ek anna’, vs year, leaf mark, Rev: scimitar through circle, mint name srinagar on top 15.75g, 24.80mm, (KM # Y9), choice extremely fine with dotted motifs, well centre struck with superb strike, Extremely Rare in this condition. Copper coins in this beautiful condition is extremely tough to appear in the auction and missing from various collections. Estimated Price: 40,000-60,000
Kotah 360. Silver 1/8 Rupee, With the name of Victoria, Obv: Victoria badshah inglistan, Rev: sana julus zarb, 2.75g, 13.92mm, (KM # Y3), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
361. Nandgaon Mint, Silver Nazarana Rupee, 19 RY, In the name of Bahadur Shah II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus mint name at bottom with mint marks, 11.1g, 29.03mm, (KMC # 32a), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-18,000 362. Silver Rupee, RY 27, With the name of Victoria, Obv: malika-e-muzamma-hindo-inglistan, Rev: sana julus zarb with jhar mark, 11.3g, 18.31mm, (KM # Y 6), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
362 46
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Kutch 363. Pragmalji II, Bhujnagar Mint, Gold 100 Kori, VS 1922/1866 AD, Inverted axis, with the name of Victoria Queen, Obv: malika-e-muazzama, Rev: ruler’s name with title, 18.79g, 28.82mm, (KM Y # 19), about extremely fine with small file mark, Extremely Rare. 363
The Gold Mohur coins of Pragmalji II are usually strucked with one year 1923-1866, but this specimen is dated 1922-1866, quite rare among the series. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,20,000 364. Khengarji III, Bhuj Mint, Silver 2-1/2 Kori, VS 1993/1937 AD, With the name of King George VI, Obv: qaiser-e-hind, Rev: ruler’s name tittle & value, mint mark, (KM # Y 74), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 65. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
365. Khengarji III, Bhuj Mint, Silver 5 Kori, VS 1994/1938 AD, With the name of King George VI, Obv: qaiser-e-hind, Rev: ruler’s name tittle & value, mint mark, (KM Y# 75), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 65. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 Ladakh
366. Silver Ja’u, In the name of Raja Gulab Singh, Obv: “Raja Gulub Singh” In nagari in 3 lines, Rev: figure 8 on its side of blade of katar, 1.9g, 21.55mm, (KM # 7.4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 Mysore
367. Regent Dewan Purnaiya, Mahisur Mint, Copper XXV Cash, In the name of Krishnaraja Wadiyar III, Obv: sardulla (mythical tiger) above, kanarese “shri”between sun and moon, “chamundi”, Rev: krishna kanarese legend in circle, around mint name and value, 10.70g, 24.90mm, (KM # C187), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 368. Krishnaraja Wadiyar III, Mahisur Mint, Copper 40 Cash (Mayile Kasu), Obv: elephant walking to left above kannarese ‘ sri’ between sun and moon, Rev: kannarese legend in two lines mayile kasu nalavatthu and at bottom english forty cash, 17.7g, 23.41mm, (KM # C180), about very fine. Very Rare. Estimated Price: 30,000-35,000
367 369. Krishnaraja Wadeyar III, Mahisur Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, 45 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb mahisur at bottom, 2.77g, 13.53mm,, (KM # C205), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 Narwar 368
370. Mahadji Rao, Silver Rupee, AH1203/32 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: saya-e-fazle elah couplet, Rev: bhilva leaf, sana julus and zarb at bottom, 11.1g, 20.21mm, (KM # 20), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
369 370 Nawanagar 371. Jam Vibhaji, Silver 5 Kori Nazarana, VS 1948, Vertical Milling, Large Flan, In the name of Muzaffar Shah III, Obv: jam shri vibhaji in nagari & muzaffar shah in persian legend, Rev: smaller character & vs year, 14.00g, 27.11mm, ( Variant of KM # 23), heavily decorated on both sides, choice extremely fine+, Very Rare. 371
An excellent specimen with complete details on both side, no other example in this exquisite condition has appeared in last 5 years. Estimated Price: 40,000-50,000 47 Orchha 372. Vikramjit Mahendra, Silver 1/4 Rupee, AH (12)33/ 5X RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka saheb-e-qiran hami-e-din, Rev: sana julus zarb and mint mark, 2.7g, 11.71mm, (KM C # 30), about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
Travancore 373. Bala Rama Varma II, Silver 1/2 Chitra Rupee, ME 1114, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays legend in malayalam, thiruvithamkoor arra roopa chitra, Rev: date and value within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 5.04g, 23.98mm, (KM # 64), gem UNC. Estimated Price: 7000-7500 374. Rani Parvathi Bai, Copper Cash, Obv: five headed serpent tamil legend below. Rev: vaishnavaite symbol, 0.48g, 9.90mm, (KM # 9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
2x 374
375. Swati Tirunal Rama Varma, Copper Cash, Obv:seated lakshmi with lotus sprigs in both hands, Rev: conch, 0.51g, 9.33mm, (Beena Sarasan # 198.1), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 376. Swati Tirunal Rama Varma, Copper Cash, Obv: 1005 in malayalam below a garland siva lingam, Rev: conch to right, 0.46g, 6.03mm, 7.96mm, (Beena Sarasan # 197.2), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 377. Rama Varma VI, Silver 1/4 Rupee, ME 1106, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays value in malayalam ‘Thiruvithamkur Kaal Roopa’ Rev: denomination and date within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 2.59g, 20.24mm, (KM # 52), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 378. Bala Rama Varma II, Silver 1/2 Chitra Rupee, ME 1116, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays legend in malayalam, thiruvithamkoor arra roopa “chitra”, Rev: date and value within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 5.32g, 23.95mm, (KM # 67), UNC. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
2x 375
2x 376
Coins of European Enclaves of India Indo Danish 379. Tranquebar, Chirstain VII, Copper 4 Cash, 177X AD, Issuer: Danish Royal Colony, Obv: crowned C7 monogram, Rev: DAC and 4 in bottom, 2.30g, 12.55mm, (KM # 154.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
380. Tranquebar, Frederik III, Copper Cash, Obv: crowned F3 monogram, Rev: norse lion on left, 1.11g, 8.86mm, (KM # 80), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
2x 380
381 381. Arkat Mint, Silver Nazarana Rupee, AH 1198 (1784)/32 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle” couplet,sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayale fazle elah hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana 32 julus, zarb arkat at bottom, heavily decorated with rosette, 11.29g, 32.0mm, (KM # 16), choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2,00,000 - 2,50,000 48
Auction – 23 Session – 1
382. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, 48 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom,11.4g, 20.81mm, (KM # 76, Date Unlisted), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 Indo-Portuguese 382
383. Goa, John IV (1640-1656 AD), Silver 1/2 Xerafim(150 Reis), 1650 AD, Obv: crown arms divide GA within a circle, Rev: numerals of the date in angle within the cross in a circle, 5.33g, 19.25mm, (KM # 72), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 384. Goa, Gold 8 Xerafins, 1768 AD, Obv: crowned arms, Rev: cross divides value and date, date 1768 and value in the reverse, 3.3g, 15.07mm, (KM # 149), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2,50,000-3,00,000 385. Goa, John V, Gold 10 Xerafins, 1732 AD, Obv: crowned arms, Rev: latin cross divides date, ‘cr, sd, st, m’,in angles, 5.55g, 16.19mm, (KM # 114), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,25,000 386. Goa, Maria II, Copper 7-1/2 Reis, 1848 AD, Obv: crowned arms with date, Rev: value seven and half reis, 4.71g, 17.56mm, (KM # 260), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 387. Goa, Joao, Copper 15 Reis, Obv: crowned arms, Rev: value within sprays, 8.86g, 24.36mm, (KM # 263), about fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
388. Luiz I, Copper 1/8 Tanga, Obv: head of luiz towards left, Rev: crowned shield, 3.18g, 21.08mm, (KM # 307), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 389. Luiz I, Silver 1/2 Rupia, 1881 AD, Obv: head left, Rev: crowned arms within sprays, 5.83g, 24.46mm, (KM # 311), about UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 390. Carlos I, Silver Uma Rupia, 1904 AD, Obv: head of carlos facing towards right, Rev: crowned arms within sprays, 11.6g, 30.48mm, (KM # 17), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
391. Silver Rupia, 1935 AD, Obv: shield on lined circle at center of maltese cross, Rev: tiny towers and shields above divided shield on lined circle, value below, 11.8g, 30.52mm, (KM # 22), UNC. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
391 389 49
Coins of Presidencies of India
Coins of Presidencies of India Bengal Presidency 392. Patna Mint, Name Murshidabad, Copper Pice, 19 RY, “Couplet Type”, Edge: Oblique Milling, In the name Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 7.4g, 25.28mm, (Paul Stevens # 5.37), choice very fine, Extremely Rare. The Patna assay master produced copper coins as a trial in 1794. He may have used existing rupee dies. In 1794 AD Mr. Blake the assay master at Patna wrote to the mint master at Calcutta discussing the shortage of copper coins and informing him that he had consequently struck some copper coins as a trial which was not accepted by the Calcutta mint master and he replied instructing Blake not to strike copper coins and warning him that he would get into trouble if he continued. In the June 1794 further correspondence was made by Blake in the letter to the mint master at Calcutta givning explanations that it was just a trial run. But as the mint master predicted the Calcutta council were not at all happy with these copper coins struck by Blake without the authorization. The Board entirely disapproved the conduct of Mr. Blake in coining this pice without previous application or authority and directed the Mint Master that “any pice should remain unissued by the Assay Master at Patna, that they be witheld from circulation”. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 393. Murshidabad Mint, Silver 1/16 Rupee, 7 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 0.68g, 9.03mm, Unlilsted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
2x 393
394. Murshidabad Mint, Silver 1/8 Rupee, 4 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, 1.40g, 10.03mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 395. Muhammadabad Banaras Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, 17-49 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, 2.8g, 16.04mm, (KM # 35/Paul Stevens # 7.141), about very fine. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 396. Farrukhabad Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 45 RY, Edge: Plain, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, on top tiny crescent mark, 5.76g, 22.86mm, (KM # 76), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
397. Murshidabad Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 10 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, 5.71g, 17.69mm, (Paul Stevens # 2.138/ RY unlisted in KM), about fine, 10 RY is Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 398. Azimabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 9 RY, In the name Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and zarb at the bottom, 11.5g, 23.50mm, (Paul stevens # 5.19), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 399. Bareli Qita Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1217/37 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “ze tayid elah” couplet, sikka zad sahab qirani ze tayeed-e-elah, hami dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, persian letter “waw” in letter seen of julus, 11.00g, 21.05mm, (KM # 52.3/Paul Stevens # 8.12), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
400. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 19 RY, Edge:Vertical Milling, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: saya-e-fazle elah couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, 12.38g, 28.39mm, (KM # 108), about UNC. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 400 50
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401. Murshidabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, 19 RY, in the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, tiny crecent on top left, Rev: sana julus, zarb at bottom, 11.29g, 24.47mm, (KM # 86/Paul Stevens # 2.181), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 401
402. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 19 RY, Edge: Vertical Milling, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya -e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom complete visible & ‘S’ stands for the mint master Lawrence Sanders, 12.36g, 26.70mm, (KM # 108), about extremely fine. Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 403. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1221/ 48 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, “za tayid elah” couplet, Obv: sikka zad sahib-i-qirani ta yid-e-elah, hami dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, within wreath of roses clockwise, thistles and shamrocks, Rev: zarb dar al-khilafa shahjahanabad, sana julus maimanat manus, zarb on top with royal umbrella and jasmine lower in the center, surrounded by a wreath of roses anti-clockwise, thistles and shamrocks, 11.07g, 23.99mm, Unlisted type, about very f ine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
404. Murshidabad Mint, Gold 1/2 Mohur (Heavy Weight), AH 1202/19 RY, Edge: Vertical Milling, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and zarb at bottom, 6.3g, 22.97mm, (KM # 103.2/Paul Stevens # 4.5), about extremely fine, traces of ex-mount, Extremely Rare. Heavy weight half mohurs of the Murshidabad Mint is has not been offered in last two years. Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000
405. Muhammadabad Banaras Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 119X/26-17 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, fish & star mark, Rev: sana julus zarb, darogha mark, 10.91g, 21.29mm, (KM # 31/Paul Stevens # 7.10), about extremely fine with full lustre, Rare. Estimated Price: 75,000-95,000 406. Murshidabad Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 1202/19 RY, Edge: Oblique Milling towards right, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka zad bar haft kishwar saya fazl ilah, hami din e muhammad shah alam badshah, Rev: zarb murshidabad sanah 19 julus maimanat manus, without crescent mark, 12.4g, 26.25mm, (KM # 103.2/Paul Stevens # 4.1), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 Bombay Presidency 407. Zinc 2 Pice, Issue 1717-1771 AD, no date, Obv: large crown with GR above, the GR divided by the orb and cross of the crown with BOMB written below, Rev: the company motto with ornaments in four lines, a rim border of half loops and legend AUSFICIO/ REGI SET/ SENATUS/ ANGLIAE, 30.32g, 40.36mm, (KM # 157/Paul Stevens # 2.134/PR # 240), about UNC, Very Rare in this grade. Estimated Price: 30,000-40,000 408. Copper 1/2 Pice (2 Reas), 1794 AD, Obv: E,I,C bale mark with date 1794, Rev: scales and persian adal (just), 2.00g, 18.16mm, (KM # 192/PR # 125), about extremely fine with small nick mark, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
408 51
Coins of Presidencies of India 409. Bankot Mint, Copper 1/2 Anna, Concan Issue, 1821 AD, Obv: U.E.I. Co bale mark, Rev: scales, value in hindi, date in devanagari script, 14.39g, 22.89mm, (KM # 228/ Paul Stevens # 6.47/PR # 323), about extremely fine, Rare. It is not so often when the coins are offered with complete date on both sides and strucked with complete details. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 410. Copper 2 Pice (Nim 2 Anna), AD 1804, Error: Strucked with 2 obverse, Obverse & Reverse: east india company, coat of arms, graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62 BN, UNC, Very Rare. From Paul Stevens Collection, Estimated Price: 1,50,000-2,00,000 411. Mumbai Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1129/6 RY, In the name of Farukhsiyar, Obv: badshah “bahr-o-barr” couplet, Rev: zarb mumbai at bottom, 11.53g, 26.08mm, (KM # 158/Paul Stevens # 2.2) about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
412. Bombay Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of King Charles II (1665 - 1685) and Queen Catherine of England, With persian legend on both sides and mint name bombai on top on reverse, 11.21g, 22.89mm, (Ref # P. P. Kulkarni article in “A Journey from Bombaim to Mumbai” a Shukla Day Coin Fair Souvenir), about very fine, Extremely Rare. This coin is widely believed to have been struck during Charles II’s reign at Mumbai in 1763. The Persian legends on both sides have not been read successfully though it has great resemblance with that of the Rupees of James II and William and Queen Mary. The earliest East India Company coinage bearing Persian inscriptions began to circulate during the time of Charles II. In 1763, Martin Folkes reported that “the English Merchants trading in the East Indies struck silver money in India for the use of their factory at Bombaim. Of these he had seen the Anglina, Pax Deo and a third sort of rupee which had again only the Company’s arms on the one side and Arabic or Indian characters on the other.” Pridmore says that the Surat Council’s comment upon the inscription ‘Charles the second, King of England’ perhaps indicates that while the obverse was the normal Anglina type, the reverse was inscribed in Persian with that above inscription. The above coin has Persian inscriptions on both sides. In 1681, a pirate named Henry Bridgeman (also known as Every) attacked and captured a ship called the Ganj-e-Sawai carrying a cargo of 6 Lakhs of Rupees and many people returning from the Haj. His capture of the ship and abuse of the people aboard outraged the Indian Princes on the Western Coast. Mughal chronicler Khafi Khan recorded: “This loss was reported to Aurangzeb, and the newswriters of the port of Surat sent some rupees which the English had coined at Bombay, with a Superscription containing the name of their impure King. Aurangzeb then ordered that the English factors who were residing at Surat for commerce should be seized. Orders were also given to Itimad Khan, superintendent of the Port of Surat, and Sisi Yakut Khan, to make preparations for besieging the fort of Bombay.
Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,75,000 Madras Presidency 413. Soho Mint, Copper Cash, 1803 AD, Obv: E.I. Co, rampant lion facing left, holding imperial crown and date below, Rev: value in perian and english, 0.67g, 11.44mm, (KM # 315/Paul Stevens # 5.149/PR # 212), UNC, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
414. Madras Mint, Copper 10 Cash, Obv: value in persian and english, Rev: value in tamil and telugu, 4.51g, 23.30mm, (KM # 326/Paul Stevens # 3.317/PR # 229), about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 415. East India company, Copper 1/96 Rupee (1/2 Dub), 1797 AD, Obv: E.I.Co arms, around legend in english, Rev: bale mark, around legend, at bottom year, 6.8g, 24.60mm, (KM # 397/ Pr # 323), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
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416. Arcot Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, 6 RY, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: lotus open pellets and symbols, 2.79g, 13.65mm, (KM # 382/PR # 143), about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 417. Arkat Mint, Proof Silver 1/4 Rupee, AH 1172/6 RY, Struck at the new Calcutta Mint, Edge: Vertical Milling, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, crescent as privy mark, Rev: sana julus zarb, rose mint mark, 2.37g, 17.90mm, (KM # 434/Paul Stevens # 4.33/PR # 273), proof with mirror like finishing, superb strike, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-80,000
418 418. Arcot (Madras) Mint, Silver 2 Rupees, AH 1172/6 RY, Rosette type, Edge: Oblique milling, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi aziz-ud-din muhammad alamgir, Rev: manus memanat sana julus zarb arcot,open lotus, 23.95g, 39.08mm, (KM # 404.2/Paul Stevens # 3.340/PR # 245), choice extremely fine with beautiful toothed border on both sides, Extremely Rare. Overstruck on an 8 Reales of Charles III. Very Attractive!!! Estimated Price: 2,00,000-2,50,000
419. Silver Fanam, 1808 AD, 2nd Issue, Edge: Oblique milling, Obv: value in persian and english, Rev: value in telugu and tamil, 0.89g, 11.50mm, (KM # 349/Paul Stevens # 3.268/PR # 188), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 420. Silver 2 Fanams, 2nd Issue, 1808 AD, Edge: Oblique milling, Obv: buckled garter, value in persian and english, Rev: ribbon, star, value in telugu and tamil, 1.82g, 14.79mm, (KM # 350/Paul Stevens # 3.250/PR # 185), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
420 421. Silver 5 Fanams, Ist Issue, Edge: Oblique milling, Obv: value in english around value in persian, Rev: value in telugu and tamil, 4.65g, 17.14mm, (Paul Stevens # 3.61), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-12,000 421
422. Silver 5 Fanams, 2nd Issue, Edge: Oblique Milling, Obv: buckled garter, value in english and persian, five fanams, Rev: ribbon, star, value in telugu and tamil, 4.46g, 21.46mm, (KM # 351/Paul Stevens # 3.234), choice extremely fine+ with dotted border visible on both sides, Rare. Overall very attractive specimen!! Estimated Price: 6000-8000
423. Silver 1/4 Pagoda, 2nd Issue, Edge: Oblique milling, Obv: gopuram of a temple with stars either sides, a buckled garter encircling the central design, the value in english “Quarter Pagoda”, persian “pau hun pahuli”, Rev: the deity vishnu surrounded by dotted circles, a ribbon the ends separated by stars 9 each side, the value around in tamil “kalvagun”, telugu “kalvarahun”, 10.51g, 26.66mm, (KM # 352/Paul Stevens # 3.171/ PR # 173), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 53
Coins of Presidencies of India
424. Silver 1/2 Pagoda, Ist Issue, Edge: Oblique Milling, Obv: gopuram of a temple with stars 16L/17R each sides, on a ribbon, the ends seperated by a star the value in english “(Half) Pagoda”, persian “nim hun pahuli”, Rev: the deity vishnu surrounded by dotted circles, the value around in tamil “ arai pu vara kun” & in telugu “ ara pu vara hun”, 21.13g, 26.04mm, (Unlisted in KM & PR/Paul Stevens # 3.41), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. This coin shows the clear impression of previous spanish 8 Reals coin, on which half pagoda was struck later. The word ‘Half’’ is not clearly visible. The combination of stars 16 at left and 17 at right is extremely rare and hardly offered in the sale. A similar example was sold for Rs. 5,60,000 in our last auction. Estimated Price: 3,00,000-4,00,000
425. Madras Mint, Gold Mohur (Ashrafi), Edge: Vertical Milling, Obv: E.I. Co, arms with supporters, Rev: angrez bahadur kampani in persian and value, 11.62g, 27.59mm, (KM # 421.2/Paul Stevens # 4.4), about very fine with small nick on the edge, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 85,000-1,00,000
Auction – 23 Session – 1
Coins of British India
1/12 Anna 426. 1848, East India Company, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 163/GK # 237), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
427. 1876, Victoria Queen, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 785), Brown UNC Estimated Price: 3000-4000 428. 1878, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 787), Brown UNC. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
429. 1884, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 812), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 430. 1886, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 791), almost UNC. Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
431. 1886, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 791/GK # 902), gem UNC. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 432. 1909, King Edward VII, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Thin Planchet, (PR # 825/GK # 1019), Brilliant UNC. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1/2 Pice 433. 1885, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 717/GK # 863), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62 BN. Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
431 434. 1887, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 719/GK # 867), Brown UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
435. 1889, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 721/GK # 869), UNC. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 436. 1901, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 734/GK # 881), gem UNC with flawless surface, Rare. Very attractive specimen!!! Estimated Price: 4500-5000
437. 1904, King Edward VII, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression,Thick Planchet, (PR # 736/GK # 1004), UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
436 435 55
Coins of British India 438. 1906, King Edward VII, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Ghost Impression, Thick Planchet, (PR # 739/GK # 1006), Toned UNC, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 439. 1927, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 760/ GK # 1213), Brilliant toned UNC. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
1/4 Anna 440. 1858, East India Company, Copper 1/4 Anna, Birmingham Mint, Single Leaves, (PR # 156/GK # 232), UNC. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
441. 1878, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, B/II/None, (PR # 612/ GK # 830), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 442. 1880, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna (2), Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 614/GK # 833), Gem UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
443. 1882, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 615/GK # 835), UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 444. 1906, King Edward VII, Bronze 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 651), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63 BN, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000
445. 1911, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 656/GK # 1171), Gem UNC with toning, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 446. 1912, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 658/GK # 1172), Toned UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 447. 1914, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Ghost Impression, (PR # 660/GK # 1174), Gem UNC. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 448. 1926, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 679/GK # 1183), Brilliant UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
449. 1927, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 680/GK # 1185), Brilliant UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 443
446 444
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1/2 Anna 450. 1835, East India Company, Copper 1/2 Anna, Bombay Mint, Type C/3, (S&W1.79), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62 B, Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000
451. 1891, Victoria Empress, Proof Restrike Copper 1/2 Anna, Calcutta Mint, , Bust/C, (PR # 591), proof, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 1 Anna 452. 1912, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 942, GK # 1142), UNC details, Rare year Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
453. 1913, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 943/GK # 1143), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 454. 1914, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 944/GK # 1144), UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000
455. 1915, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, Key Date, (PR # 945/ GK # 1145), Gem UNC, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 35,000-40,000 456. 1916, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 946/GK # 1146), Gem UNC, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
457. 1925, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 953/GK # 1154), choice UNC, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 458. 1927, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 933/GK # 1159), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62, Scarce. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 2 Annas
459. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Continuous Legend, Calcutta Mint, 16 berries (8L+8R), (PR # 114), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62, toned gem UNC, Extremely Rare. Ex. David Fore Collection, graded low as MS 62. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 460. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Madras Mint, S incuse, 16 berries (8L +8R), (PR # 117/GK # 136), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 61, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
459 457
458 57
Coins of British India 461. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W.raised, 9 berries (5L + 4R), (PR # 121/GK # 216), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 462. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W, Raised, 9 Berries (5L +4R), (PR # 121/GK # 216), Slabbed and Graded by NGC as MS 65, Gem UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
463. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 485/GK # 380), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63, Toned UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 464. 1888, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, B/II/B incuse, (PR # 541/ GK # 785), Toned Gem UNC, Very Scarce in this Condition. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 465. 1892, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, B/II/B incuse, (PR # 547/ GK # 796), almost UNC. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
466. 1909, King Edward VII, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 562/GK # 986), Toned UNC, Very Rare, Key date. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 467. 1911, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 564/GK # 1107), UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 468. 1912, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 571/GK # 1109), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 64, toned UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
469. 1915, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 574/GK # 1115), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63, Toned UNC, Key Date. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 470. 1939, King George VI, Copper Nickel 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, T/II, (PR # 914/GK # 1349), Toned UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
471. 1939, King George VI, Copper Nickel 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, T/II, (Mature head), (PR # 914/GK # 1323), UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 467
1/4 Rupee 472. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Continuous Legend, Calcutta Mint, No Initial, 20 Berries (10L +10R), (PR # 98/GK # 125), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 473. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta & Bombay Mint, (PR # 105), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62, UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
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474. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Divided Legend, Bombay & Calcutta Mint, MULE, Type A/3, “W.W” - Crosslet 4, (PR # 108 S & W-3.55), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58, Extremely Rare. Obverse of die is paired with continuous legend. Estimated Price: 40,000-50,000 474
475. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 376/GK # 375), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 476. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver Mule 1/4 Rupee, Bombay Mint, Gold 5 Rupee Obverse of L C Wyon design, (PR # 373/S&W# 4.135), graded & slabbed by NGC as PF 62, Restrike proof, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,50,000-1,75,000
477. 1874, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Bombay Mint, A/I/Dot, (PR # 405/GK # 664), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62, Extremely Rare. In the NGC population only 4 coins are graded at 62 and above including this one. Estimated Price: 75,000-90,000 478. 1878, Victoria Empress, Siver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, C/II/None, (PR # 383/GK # 673), UNC, Extremely Rare. It is extremely tough to get an uncirculated coin in the year. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 479. 1893, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, C/II/C incuse, (PR # 398/GK # 725), UNC. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 480. 1898, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, C/II/C incused, (PR # 402/GK # 735), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 61, Scarce. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 481. 1901, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, C/II/C incuse, (PR # 404/ GK # 737), almost UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
482. 1911, King George V, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 440/GK # 1080), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62, Toned UNC. Extremely Rare, Key Date. Estimated Price: 50,000-70,000 483. 1914, King George V, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR #443/GK # 1085), Brilliant UNC, Scarce in this condition. Estimated Price: 5500-6500
1/2 Rupee 484. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Divided Legend, .W.W incuse, Unlisted, graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
485. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint,B1/II , (PR#258), Gem UNC. Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000
483 59
Coins of British India 486. 1876, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, B2/II/Dot, (PR # 287/GK # 606), Gem UNC, Extremely Rare. We have never offered such immaculate condition coin in our previous sales. Estimated Price: 60,000-80,000 487. 1877, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay MInt, B2/II/Dot, (PR # 288/GK # 608), Brilliant UNC, Extremely Rare.
Half Rupees of Victoria Empress were struck from soft dies and do not appear in uncirculated condition regularly. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,25,000 488. 1878, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta MInt, A/I/None, (PR # 262/GK # 612), toned AU -UNC, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-65,000 489. 1881, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, B2/II/Dot, (PR # 289), toned AU - UNC, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-80,000
490. 1887, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A/I/C incuse, (PR # 271/ GK # 634), Toned Gem UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 491. 1889, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A/I/C incuse, (PR # 273), choice UNC, Very Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 30,000-40,000
492. 1912, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 319/GK # 1046), UNC. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 493. 1914, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 338/ GK # 1051), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 64, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000
494. 1915, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 322/GK # 1052), UNC, Rare Year. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 495. 1921, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 324/GK # 1058)), UNC. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 490
8 Annas 496. 1919, King George V, Copper Nickel 8 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 877/GK # 1078), Toned almost UNC, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
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497. 1920, King George V, Copper Nickel 8 Annas, Bombay Mint, Original Strike, (PR # 873), graded slabbed by PCG as VF 35. Estimated Price: 35,000-40,000
498. 1920, King George V, Restrike Proof Copper Nickel 8 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 873/GK # 1079), graded & slabbed by NGC as PF 63, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000 One Rupee 499. 1835, King William IIII, Silver Rupee,Bombay Mint, No initial, 19 Berries (10L + 9R), (PR # 40), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
500. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Continous Legend, Calcutta Mint, 19 Berries (10L + 9R), A/I, (PR # 42/GK # 80), UNC, Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000 501. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Continious Legend, Calcutta Mint, No initial, Crescent mark, 34 berries (19L+15R), (Unlisted in Pridmore), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
502. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Continuous Legend, Bombay Mint, 19 berries (10L +9R), (PR # 51), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 503. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Restrike Proof, Continuous Legend, Bombay Mint, 35 berries (20L +15R), (PR # 54), Proof, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,50,000-1,75,000
504. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W. incuse, 28 Berries (13L+15R), (PR # 56/GK # 163), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 505. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Bombay & Calcutta Mint, Type A/1, “W.W.” 28 Berries, (S & W#3.33), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63+. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000
506. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A/I, (PR # 66/GK #256), UNC. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 507. 1877, Victoria Empress, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, A3/II/dot, A3(i)/II(i), (Unlisted in Pridmore/Unlisted in GK), about extremely fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
506 503 504
507 2x
505 61
Coins of British India 508. 1877, Victoria Empress, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A1/I/None, (PR # 115/GK # 447), UNC. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 509. 1890, Victoria Empress, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, C2/I/B incuse, (PR # 178/GK # 566), Gem UNC. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 510. 1906, King Edward VII, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 192/ GK # 938), Gem UNC. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
511. 1909, King Edward VII, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, Dot/B incuse, (PR # 205/GK # 952), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 512. 1938, King George VI, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/II, A/I/No Dot, (PR # 233, GK # 1254), choice almost UNC, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
513. 1938, King George VI, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/II, A/I/With Dot, (PR # 234/ GK # 1255), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 514. 1939, King George VI, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/II, (Mature head), (PR # 235), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 4,00,000-5,00,000
515. 1841, Victoria Queen, Gold Mohur, Continuous Legend, Calcutta/Bombay Mint, No initial, (PR # 18/S&W # 2.1), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,50,000-2,00,000 516. 1841, Victoria Queen, Gold Mohur, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W. incuse, (PR # 22), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000
517. 1862, Victoria Queen, Gold Mohur, Calcutta Mint, Single flower in bottom panel of jabot, (PR # 1/S&W # 4.1), choice AU, Extremely Rare. Overall very attractive specimen!!! Estimated Price: 1,20,000-1,50,000 518. 1882, Victoria Empress, Gold Mohur, Calcutta Mint, V in relief at obverse and C mint mark of Calcutta in relief below the beaded circle under the date, (PR # 19/S&W # 6.11), choice extremely fine +, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,75,000-2,00,000
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Auction – 23 Session – 1
Coins of Republic India
519. 1953, Bronze, One Pice, Hyderabad Mint, split diamond mint mark, 2.70g, 21.18mm, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-8000 520. 1971, Food For All, 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, ‘B’ Mint mark, 15.2g, 33.92mm, (KM # 186, this packing is unlisted), with special mint pack envelope, Proof, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 UNC & Proofs For images of Lot No. 521-525,528-532,534,536,538,540,541 please visit 521. 1972, UNC Set, 25th Anniversary of Independence, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupee & 10 Paise, Bombay Mint, (RB # 33), with certificate, acrylic case & slightly torned outer paper cover. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
522. 1974, UNC Set, Planned Families:Food For All, Set of 20 Coins, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 45), with intact certificate, acrylic case & outer paper cover slightly torned. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 523. 1977, UNC Set, Save for Development, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 64), with intact certificate, acrylic case & outer paper cover slightly torned and taped. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 524. 1978, UNC Set, Food & Shelter For All, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 68), with intact certificate, acrylic case & outer paper cover. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 525. 1979, UNC Set, Happy Child-Nation’s Pride, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 74), intact condition of the certificate with acrylic case with the outer cover. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 526. 1996, UNC Set, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Single Coin, 100 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 185), intact in blister pack, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-9000
527. 1996, UNC Set, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Set of 2 Coins, 100 Rupees & 50 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 184), intact in blister pack, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 9000-12,000 528. 1997, UNC Set, Subhas Chandra Bose Centenary, Set of 3 Coins, 100 Rupees, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Calcutta Mint, (RB # 194), in acrylic case and outer cover, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 529. 1997, UNC Set, 50th Year of Independence, 50 Rupees & 50 Paise, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 204), intact in blister pack. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 530. 2001, UNC Set, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Set of 4 Coins, 100Rs, 50Rs, 10Rs & 2Rs, Kolkata Mint, (RB# 237), within original blister packaging. Estimated Price: 11,000-13,000 531. 2002, UNC Set, Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan, Set of 3 Coins, 100 Rupees, 10 Rupees & 1 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 245), in near immaculate condition, within original packaging, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
532. 2002, UNC Set, Original Strike Issue, Sant Tukaram, Set of 4 Coins, 100Rs, 50 Rs & 10Rs, Kolkatta Mint, (RB # 249), In blister pack, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 63
Coins of Republic India 533. 1972, Proof Set, 25th Anniversary of Independence, Set of 9 Coins, 10 Rupees, 1 Rupees, 50 Paise, 25 Paise, 10 Paise, 5 Paise, 3 Paise, 2 Paise & Paise, Bombay Mint, (RB # 31), intact in acrylic case with mint emblem, preserved in maroon rexin box and with card in original packing. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 534. 1974, Proof Set, Planned Families - Food For All, Set of 10 Coins, 50 Rupees, 10 Rupees & 10 Paise, 1 Rupee, 50 Paise, 25 Piase, 5 Paise, 3 Paise, 2 Paise & 1 Paisa, Bombay Mint, (RB # 41), intact in acrylic case with mint emblem, preserved with card in original packing. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 535. 1974, Proof Set, Planned Families-Food For All, 50 Rupees, 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, Unlisted, with intact certificate, acrylic case & outer paper in good Condition, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000
536. 1981, Proof Set, World Food Day, Set of 2 Coins, 100 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 84), in immaculate condition within original packing. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 537. 1996, Proof Set, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Single Coin, 100 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 185), in blister pack with cover and certificate, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 538. 1996, Proof Set, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Set of 2 Coins, 100 Rupees & 50 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 184), with mint emblem in blister pack, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 539. 1999, Proof set, Saint Dnyaneshwar (AD 1274-1296), Set of 2 Coins, 100 Rupee & Rupee, Kolkata Mint, (RB # 228), in immaculate condition, within acrylic case, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 540. 2001, Proof Set, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Set of 4 Coins, 100Rs, 50Rs, 10Rs & 2Rs, Kolkatta Mint, (RB # 237), in immaculate condition, within original packing, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 541. 2002, Proof Set, Original Strike Issue, Sant Tukaram, Set of 4 Coins, 100Rs, 50 Rs, 10Rs & 2Rs, Kolkatta Mint, (RB # 248), in blister pack, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 13,000-15,000
Auction – 23 Session – 1
Coins of World Wide
542. Arab Byzantine, Umayyad, Abd-ul-Malik Bin Marwan, Hims(syria) Mint, Copper Follis, Obv: standing caliph hand on sword, Rev: mint name hims with star, 2.66g, 17.65mm, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 30,000-35,000 543. Arbian, Umayyad, Abd-ul-malik (685-705 AD), Dimashq Mint, Gold Dinar, AH 86, Kufic style Legend, Obv: kalima tauhid in centre & kalima shahada around, Rev: quranic sura ikhlas verses 1 & 2, 4.2g, 19.50 mm, Unlisted, about very fine magnificent bold srike, Scarce. Estimated Price: 30,000-35,000 544. Byzantine Empire, Nicephorus III, Copper follis, Obv: IC-XC to left and right of bust of Christ, nimbate, facing, right hand raised, book of gospels in left Rev: Latin cross with X at centre, globe and two dots at the ends of each arm, crescent at top left and right, floral ornaments at lower left and right, 6.54g, 23.62mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
545. France, Napoleon III, Gold 50 Francs, 1856, Obv: bust of Napoleon III right and privy mark (BARRE) below, legend ‘NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR’ Rev: crowned coat-of-arms of the bonaparte dynasty, splitting value (50FR) legend ‘EMPIRE FRANCAIS ‘(A) 1856 (anchor), 16.04g, 27.92mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-80,000 546. Italy, Republic of Venice, Antonio Venier, Silver Grosso, Venice Mint, Obv: doge standing on left, wearing corno ducale, receiving tall flag from st. mark, standing on right, DVX down left side of flag staff, stars in left and right fields, lettering around ANTO. VENERIO. M. M. VENETI, Rev: nimbate christ enthroned facing, holding book of gospels on lap, lettering around + • TIBI • LAVS • 7 • GLORIA •, 1.76g, 22.42mm, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 547. Italy, King Vittorio Emanuele II, Silver 5 Lire, 1876 AD, Obv: head of king vittorio emanuele II right, below the neck the name of the engraver and the date, Lettering: VITTORIO EMANUELE II FERRARIS 1872, Rev: savoia coat of arms decorated with the collare dell’Annunziata, both within a laurel wreath, below value of the coin and mintmark, Lettering: REGNO D’ITALIA L.5, 24.76g, 37.08mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 548. South Korea, 750 Won, AD 2015, Obv: buddha seated, legend and date, Rev: pagoda, legend around, “750 WON” underneath, 15.42g, 32.22mm, UNC. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 549. Nepal, Prithvi Vira Vikrama, (SE 1803-1833, 1881-1911 AD), Gold Mohur, SE 1826/1904, In the name of Prithvi Vira Vikrama, 5.53g, 26.25mm, (KM # 673), Brilliant Uncirculated, Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 550. Nepal, Pratap Malla Deva (1641-1674 AD), Kathmandu Mint, Silver Mohur, In the name of Jahangir, Obv: shah jahangir and nagari letters, Rev: elahi month and nagari letters, 5.41g, 24.32mm, about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 13,000-16,000
www.Marudhar 551. United Kingdom, Victoria Maundy Coinage, Silver (4), Set of 4 Coins, 1 Pennny, 2 Pence, 3 Pence, 4 Pence, 1893 AD, Obv: crowned and veiled bust, facing left, “VICTORIA DEI.GRA.BRITT. REGINA.FID.DEF.IND.IMP” around, Rev: large central 4 dividing date, with crown above, wreath surrounding, 0.47g,11.13mm, 0.95g,13.14mm, 1.41g, 16.17mm, 1.86g, 17.61mm, coins packed in rectangular red wooden case, UNC, Exceedingly Rare to get in this condition within case. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000
Medals, Seals, Tokens & Badges 551 Images in this section are not to scale 552. Medal, 1933, British India, George V, Silver Medal, 1933, Silver Prize Medal for The Poona Art Exhibition, Obv: female figure sitting in foreground, writing on tablet with bay and city in background, BOMBAY ART SOCIETY above, Rev: geometrical patterns in exergue // colonial building with VRBS PRIMA / IN.INDIS around and POONA ART EXHIBITION / 1933 / MR. F. R. RATNAGAR engraved in lower field, two rim bumps, beautiful bluish tone, 63.57g,50.84mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 553. Burdwan State, Silver Medal, AD 1945, Awarded to Bakshi Madan Mohan, Obv: lettering ‘RONALD SHAY MEDICAL SCHOOL BURDWAN’, supported coat of arms below and floral wreath with snakes, Rev: lettering ‘AWARDED TO BAKSHI, FOR PROFICIENCY IN HYGIENE’, a lamp below, floral wreath besides, 36.92g, 43.58mm, about UNC, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 30,000-35,000 554. The British India Corporation Limited, Silver Medal, 1920-1945, Silver Jubilee - Faithful Services, presented to Sukhdeo, Obv: Star of India above Corporation arms, Rev: IN RECOGNITION OF FAITHFUL SERVICE, 59.47g, 51.01mm, (Pudd. # 945. 1), some scuffs and bruises, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000
555. Medals, University of Calcutta, MSc. Examination, Silver Medal, 1932 AD, Obv: coat of arms university of calcutta, below legend ‘ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING’, Rev: lettering ‘MSc EXAMINATION, AWARDED TO DWIJESCHANDRA RAY 2ND IN APPLIED PHYSICS 1932’, 53.3g, 43.65mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 556. Medal, Bahawalpur State (North-West Frontier), Gold gilt on Bronze, 1st World War Camel Force Medal, AD 1914-19, Awarded to 1121.SILR. MEHRA.BAHWLPR. TRANST.CPS, with hook, 27.51g, 37.88mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-7000
557. Medal, Major General Claude Martin (AD 1735-1800), East India Company, Bengal Presidency, Copper Medal, AH 1211 /1796 AD, Awarded by McKenzie, Obv: bust of claude martin to right, LABORE ET CONSTANTIA in latin that is labor and consistency, Rev: persian date and legend honouring martin ‘sharf ud daulah saif ul mulk imtiyaz khan janaral klaud martin bahadur shahamat jang’, 13.1g, 34mm, (PR # 400A), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Major General Claude Martin was an officer in the French, and later the British, army in India. He rose to the position of Major General in the British East India Company’s Bengal Army. Lord Cornwallis had specially requested the services of Lord Martin for the war between the East India Company and Tipu Sultan. As a reward for his services to the Company, he was awarded the rank of Major General and this medal is believed to be struck by the Nawab of Awadh for the Nawab’s services in Lucknow. Estimated Price: 15,000-18,000
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558. Governor of Bengal, Silver Medallion, Presentation Medallion for Loyal Service, Obv: lion above sailing ship, wreath around, Rev: floral spray, awarded to Mr. S.C.Chakravorty, 1946, 89.70g, 57.26mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-20,000
559. Gold Medallion, Mysore Dasara Exhibition, 1929, Obv: scence of ploughing to right and spinning to left, with depiction of mysore palace above, Rev: within wreath “MYSORE DASARA / EXHIBITION / 1929”, 22.48g, 29.28mm, UNC within original box, Extremely Rare. These series were made by local jewellers C. Krishniah Chetty & Sons by the order and appointment of H.H. THE MAHARAJA OF MYSORE, and it is printed inside the box. Estimated Price: 2,00,000-2,50,000 560. Token, Eastern Region (1800-1900), Ramatanka, Gold Token, Obv: durbar scene,seated rama with bow and arrow and seated sita on the couch, two attendents at either sides one of them holding chammri (umbrella), royal darbar depictions below with nagari legend “Ma” above ram, Rev: four rishis marching towards left holding aloft emblem, umbrella and weapons, 11.27, 24.72mm, Unlisted in Mitchiner, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 60,000-70,000 561. Token, South India (1800-1900 AD), Gold Hanuman Token, Obv: hanuman to right with floral ornamentation, Rev: design of seven concentric circles, 3.96g, 18.94mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000
562. Token, British India, (1896-1903 AD), Patrakola Garden, Brass Token, Adampur Mint, Sylhet, Assam issued by the T. Mckeekin & Sons, Barlow and Company agents in Calcutta, 7.61g, 28.34mm,(PR # 97), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000
Baknotes of India Images in this section are not to scale 563. George V, 1917, 1 Rupee, Signed by AC McWatters, Serial No in Black, X Prefix, S.No. X94 205635, (KJ & RR # 3.2.1A), split in signature issued in booklets, choice extremely fine, Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 564. George V, 1935, 1 Rupee, Signed by J W Kelly, B Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. 15B 322487, (KJ & RR # 3.2.1B), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 565. George V, 1918, 2 Rupees 8 Annas, Lahore Circle, Signed by M M S Gubbay, Serial No in Black, S.No. L4 306275, (KJ & RR # 3.3.1E), normal fold, stained, about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2,25,000-2,75,000
Banknotes of India
569 566. British India, Uniface 10 Rupees, Calcutta Circle, July 1915, Signed by H.F.Howard, Serial No. XB 80 11279, (KJ & RR 2A.2.3a2), four folds, few holes, torned, about very fine. Estimated Price: 35,000-40,000 567. George V, 1935, 10 Rupees (2), Consecutive pair, Signed by J W Kelly, R Prefix, Serial No in Red, S.No. R76 409451, S.No. R76 409452, (KJ & RR # 3.8.2), tiny pin holes, choice extremely fine+, Scarce as a pair. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 568. George V, 1928, 100 Rupees, CALCUTTA (in green), Signed by J W Kelly, T Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. T22 082857, (KJ & RR # 3.10.3B), tiny pin holes, stained, choice extremely fine, Very Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 1,50,000-2,00,000 569. George V, 1928, 100 Rupees, CAWNPORE (in green), Signed by J B Taylor, S Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. S80 306182, (KJ & RR # 3.10.2E), four folds, thread holes, slightly stained, about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 3,00,000-4,00,000 570. George VI, 1938, 1000 Rupees, BOMBAY, J B Taylor, A Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. A3 582112, (KJ & RR # 4.8.1.A), four folds, slightly torned, thread in pin holes, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,50,000 68
Auction – 23 Session – 1
Error Paper Money
575 574
571. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Singed By R N Malhotra, S.No. F63 208930, Vignet of sailing boat of Dhow in centre, Error: extra paper at top right, partial area at reverse is not printed, almost UNC, Very Rare in this condition. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 572. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Signed By R N Malhotra, B Inset, Peacock Series, Error: Printing shifted, Two serial numbers printed at three ends 51G 260887-360887, “Cancelled” written across center of the bill, with the red ink note handwritten at watermark area “Cancelled vide press that register no ____ 260887 _______ dated 11-12, DyT (deputy treasurer?) - Signed; also signed in Blue ink with initials of Supervisor? dated 11/12, smuged red ink, about extremely fine+, Extremely Rare. It is the first time that such error note which is cancelled and withdrawn back by the bank with the reason mentioned on the bill has come into the light which also has the signaute of Deputy Treasurer and Supervisor? on it. The discovery of this note signifies the methodology of calling back the error notes from the circulation and maintaining the records in the earlier days. Very unique piece and offered for the first time to our collectors. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 573. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Signed by S.Venkataraman, S.No 76L 480666, Error: unusual cutting error paper while cutting, 15% extra paper on left bottom and 10% less paper on top left with margin paper, about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 574. Republic India, 50 Rupees, Singed By R N Malhotra, A Inset, S.No. 9BQ 426337, Error: unusual cutting error, popularly known as butterfly error, 35% extra paper of other note, margin area at left is visible with green ink spread, about extremely fine with graffiti on both sides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 575. Republic India, 100 Rupees, Signed by Bimal Jalan, S.No 2KW 607635 and 607735, B Inset, Error: unusual sheet cutting error, serial number printed without sequential order, one half portion of other note is attached in the form of butterfly error and another half paper of other note is separated on two notes, currency sheet margins visible at bottom and right, about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000.
Errors & Freaks
576. Republic India, 2016, 500 Rupees, Signed by Urjit Patel, S. No 7CP 716042, Error: smeared of ink on obverse, ink appears on vignette window and serial number, almost UNC. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
577. Republic India, 2016, 2000 Rupees, Signed by Urjit Patel, S.No 7BW 411133, Error: smeared of ink on obverse, ink appears on vignette window, promise text, emblem and the upper panel and on serial number, about UNC. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 Error Coins 578. Indore, Shivaji Rao, Copper 1/4 Anna, VS 1941, Error: retrogade/mirror impression on reverse legend,Obv: date below bull reclining left, Rev: denomination, 6.28g, 25.97mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 579. 1907, King Edward VII, Copper 1/4 Anna, Error: 30% off center-struck on both sides, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 580. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, Error: victoria portrait double strucked on reverse, about extremely fine, Very Rar. Estimated Price: 65,000-75,000 581. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Obverse B, Error: complete and clear obverse lakhi brockage with deep and full impressions of obverse at reverse, about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 582. Republic India, Nickel Brass, 1 Naya Pasia, 1963, Error: complete and full lakhi brockage, 1.4g, 16.07mm, UNC, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-60,000 583. Republic India, Copper Nickel, 50 Paisa, Error: clear reverse brockage on obverse leaving the planchet expanded, 5.97g, 22.88mm, almost UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 5500-7500 584. Republic India, 1998, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Copper-Nickel, 2 Rupees, Calcutta Mint, Error: 20% off-center struck on both sides, 5.99g,26.66mm, choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 585. Republic India, 1995, Saint Dhyaneshwar, Copper Nickel, 1 Rupee, Bombay Mint, Error: sant dhyaneshwar-double struck, reverse off centre struck, die expanded from normal die, graded and slabbed by NGC as MINT ERROR MS 66, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 27,500-35,000
582 581
584 70
Session II Coins of Ancient India 586
Punch-Marked Coins 586. Gandhara Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Bentbar (Satamana), Short & thick type, Obv: 2 six petaled flower each end of the bar, Rev: uniface, 9.84g, 26.51x13.35mm, (W. Pieper # 8/MACW # 4070), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
587. Gandhara Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Bentbar (Satamana), Obv: 2 six petaled flower at each end of the bar with three different counter marks in the centre, Rev: uniface, 11.31g, 38.09x9.68mm, (Variant of MACW # 4073-74), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 588. Gandhara Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Shana (1/8 Shatamana), Obv: six petaled flower symbol with additional dot, Rev: uniface, 0.47g, 10.91mm, (W. Pieper # 13/ Raj. Series. 41 # 570), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 589. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, six armed symbol, elephant, a plough and another symbol with taurines, Rev: banker marks, 3.12g, 21.90mm, (Raj. Series-13 # 362/MACW # 3986), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4500 590. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, six armed symbol, tree, elephant, hare (rabbbit) to right taurine above, Rev: several punchmarks of elephant, sun, bow and arrow, taurines in the rectangular box and other symbols, 3.10g, 22.23x15.77mm, (MACW # 3994-95), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 591. Maghada Janapada (600-300 BC), Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, six armed symbol, tree on arched hill, bull, elephant, Rev: uniface, 3.11g, 21.09x11.91mm, (MACW # 4052-54), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
592. Archaic Punch-Marked Coin, Shakya Janapada (600-500 BC), Narhan hoard (Pentgon) type, Silver 5 Shana, Obv: large central punch four petal flower with dots in between, ancillary symbols around, Rev: uniface and scyphate, 4.83g, 24.94mm, (W. Pieper # 21), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
593. Avanti Janapada (500-400 BC), Silver 1/2 Karshapana (6 Mashaka), Obv: geometric punchmark consisting of an Ί-shaped symbol surrounded by taurine symbols, semi-circles and circles, Rev: uniface, 1.27g, 9.46x10.40mm, (Raj.Series 23 # 453/RB # 367), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 800-1000
594. Surasena Janpada (400-350 BC), Silver 1/2 Karshapana,Obv: lion to right, above a fish, taurine & tree symbol, Rev: two different banker marks, 1.46g, 10.72x10.27mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 800-1000
Maurya Dynasty (322-185 BC) 594
595. Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting a peacock, a scale and a single punch with three human figures, (three human figures can be identified from lef to right lakshman, rama and sita), Rev: single punch of a peacock on a hill, 3.17g, 14.37x12.86mm, (W.Pieper # 145/G&H Series # 590), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
596. Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, three arched hill with crescent, six armed symbol, elephant to right with taurine symbol above, human figure with damru symbols beside, Rev: counterstrike bale mark symbol, 3.44g, 13.36x12.76m, (MACW # 4179) about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
596 71
Coins of Ancient India 597. Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, three arched hill with crescent, six armed wheel, footprint in square, human figure standing on railing, Rev: counterstrike punches, 3.46g, 13.51x13.91mm, (MACW # 4188-92/W. Pieper # 138), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
598. Silver Karshapana, Obv: five punches consisting sun, tree in railing, six armed symbol, three arched hill with crescent and bull with taurine symbol infront, Rev: counter strike taxila symbol, 3.34g, 17.42x14.56mm, (MACW # 4195-96), about very fine+, Scarce.
Estimated Price: 2500-3000
Post-Mauryas 599. Taxila Region (220-185 BC), Copper Square Unit, Obv: plant and three arched hill surmounted by crescent, swastika symbol below, Rev: srivatsa and three arched hill surmounted by crescent, nandipada below, 3.97g, 13.75x14.84mm, (W.Pieper # 1088), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
600. Taxila Region (220-185 BC), Copper Unit, Obv: pushkalavati lion facing left with swastika above and three arched hills, Rev: elephant walking to right above three arched hill with crescent, 13.97g, 26.98x19.39mm, (W. Pieper # 1081), about fine, Scarce. Size of the coin is broader than usual issues. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
601. City State of Eran (300-200 BC), Copper Square Unit, Obv: elephant walking right, ujjaini symbol, indradvaja, taurine, swastika, Rev: tree railing, 2.15g, 13.92x11.09mm, about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
602. City State of Eran (300-200 BC), Copper Square Unit, Punch Marked type, Obv: railed indradhvaja in centre, taurine in open enclosure on left and elephant on right, six armed symbol on top and river at bottom with fish, Rev: uniface, 7.41g, 22.98x22.90mm, (W. Pieper # 465), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
602 603. City State of Eran (300-200 BC), Copper Square Unit, Punch Marked type, Obv: railed tree, lotus, ujjaini symbols with dots in its orbs and fishes and tortoise are in river, Rev: uniface, 4.83g, 19.34x20.16mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 604. City State of Eran (300-200 BC), Copper Square Unit, Punch Marked type, Obv: elephant walking right, ujjain symbol above, river below with fishes, Rev: single punch of ujjaini symbol, 4.85g, 18.15x18.19mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 605. City State of Kurapurika, Kamsya or Bell metal coin called Kamshika, Obv: ujjaini symbol, triangular headed, swastika, tree railing and kurapurika in ashokan brahmi legend, Rev: uniface,7.33g, 23.21mm, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4200 606. Erikachha, Copper Unit, Obv: brahmi legend “Erikacha”, horizontally placed railed tree, bow & arrow, Rev: bow and arrow, horizontally placed railed tree, 2.99g, 19.07mm, (W. Pieper # 511), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
Kausambi/Vatsa Region (200 BC) 607. Cast Copper Unit, Lanky Bull series, Obv: ‘lanky bull’ advancing left, triangle-headed standard in front, nandipada symbol above, Rev: tree in railing (9 compartments) in centre, nandipada and chakra/wheel to left, swastika to right, traces of ujjain symbol and a six arched hill below, 5.37g, 25.06mm, (MACW # 4591), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
607 72
Auction – 23 Session – II
Ujjaini Region (250-200 BC)
608. Western Malwa, Copper Square Unit, Obv: the standing figure shiva holding kamandalu in right hand and a snake above head, Rev: 4 orbed ujjaini symbol, 6.12g, 18.90x19.70mm, (RB # 89), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 609. Copper Square Unit, Punch Marked type, Obv: four punches consisting ujjaini symbol, bull, tree railing, shiva holding kamandalu in right hand and a snake above head, Rev: uniface, 2.26g, 17.51x15.14mm, (RB # 351), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 610. Copper Unit, Obv: lord shiva standing facing holding kamandalu in left hand and dand in the right hand, tree railing in the left field, 6-arched symbol in the right field, Rev: double orbed ujjaini symbol, 3.2g, 14.92mm, (W.Pieper # 266), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 800-1000
611. Copper Unit, Obv: standing shiva, sun above, railed tree on left, taurine and six armed symbol on right, river below with fish, Rev: double orbed ujjain symbol, 7.15g, 18.43mm, (W. Pieper # 267/RB # 107), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 612. Copper 1/2 Karshapana, Obv: tree with standing shiva on right & bull on left, Rev: ujjaini symbol with taurines between the orbs, 3.79g, 16.17x17.16mm, (W.Pieper # 321/ MACW # 1975-76), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 613. Copper Square Fractional Unit, Obv: elephant to right with swastika, taurine and indradhvaja above, Rev: ujjain symbol, 1.44g, 10.26x10.16mm, (W. Pieper # 360), about very fine. Estimated Price: 700-900
614. Copper Square Unit, Obv: elephant to right with upraised trunk, chakra above, railed tree infront, Rev: ujjain symbol with taurines in corners, 4.49g, 14.47x14.98mm, (W. Pieper # 362), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 615. Sunga Kingdom (200 BC), Cast Copper Unit, Counter strucked type, Obv: deity standing in centre with right hand raised up, left hand curved towards hip, river at both the sides, swastika, Rev: three arched hill, hollow cross, tree railing, 1.94g, 13.60x12.14mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Bhadra & Mitra Dynasty 616. Vidarbha Kingdom, Kanhamatra, Pre-Satavahanas, Copper Square Unit, Obv: bull to right & river with fishes at the bottom, above brahmi legend “Damabhadasa”, ujjaini symbol on top, tree railing, Rev: uniface, 2.99g, 11.53x14.65mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 617. Vidarbha Kingdom (150 BC), Pre-Satavahanas, Copper Square Unit, Obv: indra-dhvaja on top of hill with plant like decoration besides, Rev: four nandipada symbol with small ujjaini symbol in central circle, 2.12g, 12.18x11.04mm, (W.Pieper # 563), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
Kuninda Dynasty
618. Amoghbuti (200 BC), Silver Drachma, Obv: a deer standing to right with squareshaped vase above its back, three-arched hill without parasol below the deer and naga symbol between its horns, on right facing lakshmi standing on lotus, holding flower in upraised right hand, brahmi legend around reading “rajnah kunimdasya amoghbutisya maharajasya”, Rev: centrally palaced six -arched hill with nandipada on top, svastika above, an indra-dhvaja and tree in railing on right, wavy river line below, circular kharoshthi legend “Rana Kunindasa Amoghbutisa Maharajasa”, 2.08g, 16.00mm, (W.Pieper # 1136), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 73
Coins of Ancient India
Satavahana Dynasty (100 BC) 619. Lead Unit, Vidarbha (Paoni) Region, un-inscribed type, Obv: horse walking right, svastika top, Rev: double arbed ujjaini symbol with nandipad top, 1.67g, 10.02mm, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 620. Satkarni I (100 BC), Potin Unit, Northern Deccan-Vidarbha Region, Obv: triangular headed bold nandipada (taurine) in the centre, ujjaini symbol beside and brahmi legend top “Siri sata”, Rev: uniface, 1.9g, 11.71x10.06mm, (W.Pieper # 559), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 621. Satkarni I (100 BC), Potin Unit, Northern Deccan-Vidarbha Region, Obv: triangular headed bold nandipada (taurine) in the centre, ujjaini symbol beside and brahmi legend at top “Rajno Siri satavah”, Rev: traces of symbols, 4.38g, 20.30x17.70mm, about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 622. Satakarni I (100 BC), Copper Square Unit, Vidharbha Region, Obv: elephant walking right with trunk upraised, swastika & taurine symbols above, river below, Rev: double orbed ujjaini symbol with other small symbols & swastika symbol above, 4.53g, 16.74x16.12mm, about fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
2x 619
623. Satkarni I (100 BC), Potin Unit, Paunar Region, Obv: elephant walking right with upraised trunk, swastika behind, ujjaini symbol top, brahmi leged infront “Satakani (sa)”, Rev: river with fishes, tree railing, indradhvaja, 3.42g, 31.76x26.59mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 624. Satakarni I (100 BC), Copper Unit, Sati counterstrucked by Satakarni Vidarbha type, Obv: lion facing to right, 8-spoked armed wheel top, Rev: elephant walking to right with upraised trunk, ujjaini symbol top, brahmi legends in the right field in vertical “Rano Sirisatakanisa”, 6.33g, 20.93x22.56mm, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Panchala Dynasty 625. Dhruvamitra (65-50 BC), Copper 1/2 Karshapana, Obv: trident reverse, tree in centre, Rev: ruler name in brahmi “Dhruvamitrasa” with three symbols of panchala dynasty, 5.05g, 19.0mm, about very fine+. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 626. Panchalas of Ahichhatra, King Achyuta (400 AD), Copper Unit, Obv: 8-spoked wheel, Rev: brahmi legend ‘Achyu’, 1.7g, 12.40mm, about extremely fine sharp grade, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Indo-Scythians 627. Azes I (57-35 BC), Copper Penta-Chalkon, Obv: king mounted on horse walking right, holding spear, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY / AZOY’, Rev: humped bull facing right, monograms above, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa rajatirajasa mahatasa ayasa’, 11.40g, 24.32x26.94mm, (Mitch.Vol.6 # type 757), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 628. Azes I (57-35 BC), Copper Tetradrachma, Obv: king mounted on horse walking right, holding spear, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY / AZOY’, Rev: humped bull standing right, hazara monogram above, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa rajarajasa mahatasa ayasa’, 21.57g, 28.71mm, (Mitch.Vol.6 # Type 754), about very fine. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
628 74
Auction – 23 Session – II
629. Azes I (57-35 BC), Copper Penta-Chalkon, Obv: king mounted on horse walking right, holding spear, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY / AZOY’, Rev: humped bull facing right, monograms above, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasa rajatirajasa mahatasa ayasa’, 9.56g, 23.59x25.24mm, (Mitch. Vol.6 # type 757), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3500-4500
630. Maues (90-57 BC), Copper Square Hemi-Obol, Obv: elephant walking right with upraised trunk within rectangular border, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY MAYOY’, Rev: king seated cross-legged facing on couch, holding sword, within rectagular border, monogram above right, kharoshthi legend around ‘rajatirajasa mahatasa moasa’, 9.04g, 22.78x21.19mm, (MACW # 2201), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 631. Maues (90-57 BC), Copper Penta-chalkon, Obv: male deity walking left, holding club and trident, chach symbol infront, greek legend around BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY MAYOY, Rev: goddess standing right, holding fillet or mala (Hindu prayer beads), kharoshthi legend around ‘rajadirajasa mahatasa moasa’ (of Great King of Kings Maues), 10.97g, 27.38x21.57mm, (Mitch. Vol.5 # type 727), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
Greeks & Indo-Greeks 632. Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander the Great (336-323 BC), Silver Tetradrachma, Obv: head of young herakles right in lion skin headdress, Rev: zeus enthroned left, holding sceptre and eagle, greek legend ‘ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ’, ΛΑ under throne, 17.06g, 25.11mm, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000
633. Apollodotus I (160-150 BC), Copper Square Hemi-Obol, Obv: apollo standing, holding bow and arrow, greek around legend ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΠOΛΛOΔOTOY ΣΩTHPOΣ’, Rev: tripod within dotted border, khroshthi legend ‘maharajasa apaladatasa tratarasa’, 9.95g, 22.33x22.63mm, (Mitch. Vol.2 # type 209), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 634. Apollodotus I (160-150 BC), Copper Square Hemi-Obol, Obv: apollo standing, holding bow and arrow, greek around legend ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΠOΛΛOΔOTOY ΣΩTHPOΣ’, Rev: tripod within dotted border, khroshthi legend ‘maharajasa apaladatasa tratarasa’, 8.80g, 23.90X24.70mm, (MACW # 1759-61), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 635. Apollodotus II (80-65 BC), Silver Drachma (2), Obv: diademed bust of king right legend read around ‘ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ ΑΠΟΛΛΟΔΟΤΟY’, Rev: pallas standing left carrying a thunderbolt and shield on left arm, kharoshthi legend around ‘maharajasatratarasa/apaladatasa’, taxila mint mark, 2.18g, 2.17g, 16.69mm, 17.68mm, (MACW # 2050-51/2058-61), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 636. Hippostratus (65-55 BC), Copper Square Hemi-Obol, Obv: apollo standing with quiver, stringing arrow in bow, greek legend around ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΣΩTHPOΣ / IΠΠOΣTPATOY’, Rev: tripod in centre, monograms on either sides, khroshthi legend around ‘maharajasa/ tratarasa/ hipustratasa’, 9.16g, 25.09x21.58mm, (MACW # 2094), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
637. Vardanes I (40-45 AD), Silver Tetradrachma, Obv:bare headed bust left with short pointed beard wearing diadem with loop at the top, hair in four waves, ear covered, wart on brow, Rev: king seated right on throne, receiving palm from tyche holding cornucopia, greek legend ‘ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ’, regnal year date GΝΤ above palm, 13.81g, 28.34mm, (MACW # 633), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
637 75
Coins of Ancient India 638. Vardanes I (40-45 AD), Silver Tetradrachma, Obv: bare headed bust left with short pointed beard wearing diadem with loop at the top, hair in four waves, ear covered, wart on brow, Rev: king seated right on throne, receiving palm from tyche holding cornucopia, greek legend ‘ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ’, regnal year date GΝΤ above palm, 14.35g, 26.23mm, (MACW # 633), about very fine. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
Roman Empire 639. Justin I (512-527 AD), Copper Follis, Obv: diademed head facing right, lettering ‘D.N.IVSTINVS P.P.AV’, Rev: english ‘M’ letter in the centre stars beside, lettering below C O N, 15.19g, 32.03mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Kushan Dynasty 640. Soter Megas alias Vima Takto (80-95 AD), Copper Tetradrachma, Obv: draped bust right, holding sceptre, symbol behind ‘BASILEVC BASILEWN CWTHR MEGAC’, Rev: king riding right on horseback, holding sceptre, three-pronged symbol of soter megas before, 8.18g, 20.95mm, (W.Pieper # 1182), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 641. Vima Kadphises (95-127 AD), Copper Drachma, Obv: king standing facing, sacrificing at fire altar at left, club, tamgha and axehead-shafted trident in fields, greek legend around ‘BACIΛEYC BACIΛEWN CWTHP MEΓAC OOHMO KAΔΦICHC’ (King of Kings Vima Kadphises the Great Saviour), Rev: lord shiva standing facing, holding trident and deerskin, bull nandi (bull) right behind, kharoshthi legend: ‘maharajasa rajadirajasa sarvaloga isvarasa mahisvarasa vima kathphishasa tratara’, 3.94g, 18.28mm, (MACW # 3050-52), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 642. Kanishka I (127-140 AD), Copper Tetradrachma, Moon God type, Obv: king standing facing, holding spear and goad and sacrificing at fire altar left with bactrian legend around, Rev: moon deity mithra standing left, nimbate, holding sword hilt with left hand, bactrian legend at right ‘MAO’ and tamgha at left, 16.50g, 27.10mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 643. Kanishka I (127-140 AD), Copper Tetradrachma, Buddha type, Obv: crowned, diademed king standing facing, holding spear and sacrificing at altar at left, bactrian legend around, Rev: sakyamuni buddha standing facing, left hand holding robe, right hand in abhayamudra, bactrian legend at left and right, tamgha at left, 12.42g, 24.27mm, about fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
644. Huvishka (160-190 AD), Copper Drachma, MAO type, Obv: king enthroned facing to left, holding a mace sceptre on his right hand, left hand on hip, wears helmet, crescent behind shoulders, Rev: lunar deity mao standing left, holding sword hilt and holding out hand in blessing, lunar crescents on shoulders, bactrian legend at right ‘(MAO)’, 4.70g, 17.83mm, (MACW # 3264-68), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 645. Kushano-Sasanian, Varahran (Bahram) I Kushanshah (330-365 AD), Gold Dinar, Full Flan, Obv: king standing facing, head to left, wearing crown with lotus globe, flames at shoulders, wears sassanian style armored tunic and trousers with sword hung from belt, holding in right hand ribboned trident with crescent on top surmounts and sacrificing at altar at left, holding trident with raised left hand, swastik between legs with single dot above, single dot to right of altar, three dots below left arm, nandipada (buddhist triratna) to right, bactrian legend around, Rev: lord shiva (resembling the king) standing facing, holding trident, hair buns left and right, diadem with two ribbons in extended right hand, trident in raised left hand, the bull (Nandi) behind, bactrian legend at the right field,dotted border around, 7.85g, 29.26mm, (Jong&Cribb # 2360), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1,10,000-1,30,000
Auction – 23 Session – II
Western Kshatrapas 646. Kardamaka Family, Bhumaka, Copper Sqaure Unit, Obv: arrow left, thunderbolt right, kharoshthi legend around around “ksaharatasa ksatrapasa bhumakasa”, Rev: lion on pillar left and wheel on pillar right, brahmi legend around “ksaharatasa ksatrapasa bhumakasa”, 3.41g, 15.59x 14.41mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
647. Kardamaka Family, Nahapana (119-124 AD), Silver Drachma, Obv: bust of king facing right, blundered greek legend around, Rev: arrow pointing down to the left, thunderbolt to the right, dot between them, brahmi & kharoshthi “Rano/Rajno Ksaharatasa Nahapanasa”, 2.04g, 16.13mm, (A.M.Fishman # 3.4(2)), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
648. Kardamaka Family, Rudrasimha I (191-197 AD), Copper Unit, Bull type, Obv: a bull standing right, corrupt greek inscriptions and date in brahmi numerals, Rev: three arched hill topped with a cresent, cresent left, sun right, wavy line(river) below, brahmi legend around “rajno maha ksatrapasa rudrasihasa”, 2.58g, 14.42mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
649. Kardamaka Family, Damasena (223-232 AD), Copper Unit, SE147/225 AD, Obv: elephant standing right, above star to the left & cresent to the right, Rev, three-arched hill topped with a crescent, crescent left, sun right, wavy line river below, date in brahmi numerals ‘147’, 2.07g, 13.20mm, (A.M.Fishman # 23.3.147), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
650. Kardamaka Family, Rudrasena III(348-380 AD), Lead Unit, SE 282, Bull type, Obv: bull standing facing right, Rev: three arched hill river below, sun and moon above, complete date 282, 4.0g,13.86x13.60mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
651. Chutus of Banavasi, Hiranyakas (300-400 AD), Lead Unit, Obv: horse standing to right facing with a thick circular object infront, srivatsa above, Rev: six arched hill on left with crescent, tree in railing on right with river below, all in a circular enclosement, 12.19g, 21.78mm, (W.Pieper # 632), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 652. Yaudheyas (375 AD), Post Kushan/Pre-Guptas, Copper Unit, Obv: karthikeya standing facing, holding spear in his right hand, left hand on hip,peacock at his left foot, circular brahmi legend “yaudheya ganasya jaya dvi”, Rev: devasena standing facing left, arm with open hand raised, her left hand on hip, dotted border around, 11.05g, 23.32mm, (W. Pieper # 1121), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Gupta Empire 652
653. Samudragupta (335-370 AD), Gold Dinar, Sceptre Type (Standard), Obv: king nimbate, standing facing left, holding standard and sacrificing over altar, garuda standard behind, brahmi legend at left “Samudra”, Rev: goddess lakshmi nimbate, seated on throne in lalitasana pose, her left leg is raised, holding diadem and cornucopia with different style tamgha to left, brahmi legend “ Parakramah” in the right field, 7.58g, 20.87mm, (Altekar. Bayana Hoard # Pl.III-9/BMC # Pl.1-13), about extremely fine, superb srtike, Rare. Estimated Price: 55,000-60,000
654. Chandragupta II “Vikramaditya” (375-415 AD), Gold Dinar, Archer Type, Obv: king, nimbate, standing left, king is in shalwar and wearing a sash, necklace, holding an indian long bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right, sword at his hip, filleted garuda standard at left, brahmi legend under arm “Chandra”, circular brahmi legend around, Rev: goddess lakshmi, nimbate, seated facing on a stylized lotus in padmasana, holding lotus blossom and diadem, tamgha at left, circular brahmi legend at right “Sri Vikramah”, 8.08g, 20.38mm, (Variant of BMC # Pl. VII - 9/Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. IX-12), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 75,000-90,000
2x 655
655. Ramagupta (AD 375-376), Copper Unit, Obv: lion facing to left with upraised tail, Rev: brahmi legend “Ramagu(patasya)”, crescent on top, 0.27g, 7.58mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 77 656. Kumaragupta I (Mahendraditya) (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar, Horseman - Right Type, Obv: king without nimbus riding caparisoned horse to right, bare headed wearing necklace, armlets, coat with buttons, carrying no weapons, circular brahmi legend “Kshitipatirajito vijayi Kumaragupto divam jayati”, the letter ‘Kshi’ of the legend placed between the head of the king & that of the horse, Rev: goddess lakshmi nimbate seated left on a wicker stool, holding a noose in right hand bent up, a lotus with a long stalk in the left hand resting on waist, brahmi legend “Ajitamahendra” in the right field, 8.18g, 18.79mm, (Variant of Altekar, Bayana Hoard # Pl. XXII-8-10), about very fine+, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,70,000-2,00,000
657. Contemporaries and Successors of the Guptas, Lead Unit, Lotus & Conch type, Obv: lotus, Rev: conch, 3.87g, 18.43mm, (W.Pieper # 902), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Vishnukundin Dynasty (420-624 AD) 658. Copper Base Alloy Unit, Lion type, Obv: lion standing to right, srivatsa on right circular border and dotted outer border, Rev: conch between standards, rayed border around, 8.93g, 21.85mm, (W. Pieper # 757), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
659. Dahrasena (456 AD), Silver Drachma, Obv: bust right in kshatrapa-abhira style, Rev: chaitya, brahmi legend “maharaj-indradattaputra parama vaishnava sri maharaja dharasena”, 2.0g, 13.17mm, (MACW # 5080), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Kalachuries of Mahishmati 660. Krishnaraj (600-700 AD.), Silver Karshapana, Obv: bust of king facing right, Rev: seated bull facing right around brahmi legend, odd squarish shaped, 1.7g, 12.04mm, about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 661. Kalachuries of Mahismati, Krishnaraja (550-575 AD), Copper Drachma (3), Obv: humped bull resting to right, Rev: brahmi legend in horizontal line reading “Sri Krishnaraja”, dotted/linear three peaked hill below & dotted border around/cross legged seated lakshmi & brahmi circular legend, 0.93g, 1.16g, 1.24g, 10.46mm, 12.19mm, 10.90mm, (W.Pieper # 918 & 919), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 6000-7000
Coins of Hindu Medieval Sangam Pandyas (BC 300-300 AD) 662. Copper Square Unit, Obv: elephant facing right, trident infront, above elephant, srivatsa, chakra, conch, sun, Rev: stylized fish emblem erased, 5.19g, 23.22x20.0mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 663. Maravarman Sundara Pandya I (1216-1244 AD) , Copper Kasu, Obv: standing figure of king, Rev: tamil legend “Sundara/pandiyan”, crescent above, 1.49g, 12.87mm, (K.Ganesh # 2.4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Eastern Bengal 664. Arakan Region, Harikela (750-850 AD), Silver Unit, Obv: recumbant bull seated facing left, brahmi legend “Harikela”, Rev: tripartite symbol with long central shaft crescent on left and sun on right, 5.91g, 31.01mm, (S.K.Bose # HD 1.3), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2200 665. Arakan Region, Harikela (750-850 AD), Silver Unit, Obv: recumbant bull seated facing left, two horns and ears and mouth are represented by dots, no garland around the neck and tail pointing upward, legend “Harikela”above, last letter looks like ‘Ya’ in proto-bengali instead of ‘La’, Rev: tripartite symbol with crescent on left and sun on right, 5.14g, 27.91mm, (S.K.Bose HD # 2.5), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2200-2800 78
Auction – 23 Session – II
666. Arakan Region, Harikela (750-850 AD), Silver Unit, Obv: recumbent bull seated facing left, two horns and ears and mouth are represented by dots, no garland around the neck and tail pointing upward, legend “Harikela” above,Rev: tripartite symbol with crescent on left and sun on right, 5.55g, 29.51mm, (Variant of SK&NN, HD # 2.4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
667. Kongu Cheras (967-1263 AD), Copper Unit, Obv: bow, elephant to left, palm tree, symbols above, Rev: two swords crossed on an altar with pellets above, flanked by two lamps, 3.38g, 11.27mm, (Mitch.T&K # 587), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 668. Kongu Cheras (967-1263 AD), Copper Unit, Obv: bow, square above a cross, palm tree. Rev: two swords crossed on an altar with pellets above, flanked by two lamps. 4.46g, 14.66mm, (K.Ganesh # 3.21), about fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000
Hindu Shahi Dynasty 669. Samantadeva (850-1000 AD), Copper Jital, Obv: elephant advancing left with nagari legend “Sri Samanta Deva” above, Rev: lion standing left with jaws open and paw raised, 2.49g, 20.07mm, about fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
670. Vakka Deva (870-1008 AD), Copper Jital, Obv: elephant advancing left with nagari legend “Sri Vakka Deva” above, Rev: lion standing right with jaws open and paw raised, 1.97g, 17.68mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 800-1000
Hoysala Kingdom (1026-1343 AD)
671. Gold Fanam, Obv: lion to right, above the lion’s back curve which becomes narrowed into the shape of the virarekha or parabola like mark worn by vaishnavites on their back, Rev: convertionalised boar with elongated snout and curled up tail to right, 0.42g, 7.39mm, (K. Ganesh # 8.18), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
672. Parmaras of Vidarbha, Bhojadeva (1010-1055 AD), Silver Dramma, Obv: lion facing left, Rev: standing human figure probably lord shiva, 0.67g, 7.05mm, about extremely fine with mint condition black patinated. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
Chandella of Jejakabhuti
673. Madanavarman (1129-1163 AD), Gold Masha, Obv: goddess lakshmi seated, Rev: nagari legend “Shri Madana varma”, 0.94g, 12.26mm, (Deyell # 141), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4500-5500 674. Paramardi Varman (1165-1203 AD), Debase Gold 4-1/2 Masha, Obv: goddess lakshmi seated facing, Rev: devanagari legend in three lines “Srimat/Paramardi”, 4.04g, 18.12mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
675. Paramardi Varman (1165-1203 AD), Debase Gold 4-1/2 Masha, Obv: goddess lakshmi seated facing, Rev: devanagari legend in three lines “Srimat/Paramardi”, 3.86g, 18.18mm, (P.C. Roy # Pl.9), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 7000-8000 676. Contemporaries to Yadavas of Tribhuvanagiri, Mahipala (1100 AD), Debase Gold 4 ½ Masha, Obv: seated goddess lakshmi facing, Rev: devanagari legend “Sriman-Ma/hi pala/deva” in three lines, 4.04g, 16.86mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
676 79
Coins of Hindu Medieval
Yadavas of Devagiri 677. Ramachandra (1270-1311AD), Silver Dramma, Obv: stylized lion standing facing left with paw raised, Rev: nagari legend “Sri Rama/Chamda” in two lines, 0.90g, 7.25mm, (K. Ganesh # 7.21), about very fine+. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
2x 677
Eastern Ganga Dynasty 678. Eastern Ganga Dynasty of Orissa, Narasimha IV ? (1378-1414 AD), Gold Fanam, Obv: nandi (bull) seated facing right in a couchant posture, symbols at right and above, Rev. stylized kannada ‘Sa’ flanked by elephant goad and battle axe, nagari legend “Sri Rama” above, regnal date below 15, 0.41g, 11.27mm, about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 679. Bhanudeva IV (1414-1434 AD), Gold Fanam, Obv: stylized nandi (bull) seated facing right in a couchant posture, symbols at above and right, Rev: stylized kannada letter ‘Sa’, flanked by goad and battle axe, regnal date below 3, nagari legend “Sri Rama” above, 0.45g, 10.37mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
2x 678
2x 679
Vijayanagara Empire 680. Bhatkal Region, Attributed to Harihara I to Harihara II, Silver 10 Rattis, Obv: lion standing left, with right foreleg raised, dagger above, Rev: devanagari legend ‘Rajadhi raja’, 1.88g, 11.63mm, (Mitch. K&A # 333-336), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
681. Sangama Dynasty, Pratapa Devaraya I (1406-1422 AD), Copper Kasu, Obv: stylizedbull facing right, above sun and moon, Rev: kannada legend “sri deva” dagger between conch and discus, below that ‘raya’, 3.35g, 16.63mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Legends, impressions and bull are very bold and clear on this specimen making the quality overall exceptional! Estimated Price: 1500-1700 682. Sangama Dynasty, Pratapa Devaraya I (1406-1422 AD), Copper Jital, Obv: ornamented elephant moving to right, above kannada letter ‘ah’, in a circle of dots, Rev: three line kannada legend with inter linar rules “pra ta/ pa deva / raya” in circle of dots, 3.46g, 17.65mm, (Mitch. K&A # 611), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 683. Sangama Dynasty, Pratapa Devaraya I (1406-1422 AD), Copper Jital, Obv: ornamented elephant moving to right, above kannada letter ‘ah’ in circle of dots, Rev: three line kannada legend with inter linar rules “prata/ pa deva / raya”, in circle of dots, 3.58g, 16.14mm, (Mitch. K&A # 532), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 684. Tuluva Dynasty, Krishnadevaraya (AD 1509-1530), Copper Jital, Obv: garuda to left with beaked face wearing tall kirita or crown, hands joined in breast in the attitude of devotion. he kneels on his knee with the virasana or heroic posture, small wings are spread out behind the arms, conch and disus in field near head, Rev: three line nagari legend “Sri pra/ta pa ka shna/ra ya”, 3.67g, 14.82mm, (K. Ganesh # 125), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
685. Tuluva Dynasty, Sadashivaraya (1543-1570 AD), Copper 1/2 Jital, Obv: winged garuda running to left, Rev: nagari legend in three lines “Sri Prata/pa Sada shi/va raya”, 1.50g, 10.44mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
Banas of Madurai (1400-1600 AD)
2x 685
686. Copper Kasu, Obv: garuda running to left holding a serpent on right hand flanked by conch and discus, Rev: three line tamil legend “sama ra/ko la/ka la n”, 3.10g, 16.44mm, (K.Ganesh # 8.8), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
686 80
Auction – 23 Session – II
687. Copper Kasu, Obv: garuda running left holding a serpent on right hand flanked by conch and discus, Rev: three line tamil legend “Sa ma ra / ko la / ka la n” within dotted circle both side, 3.07g, 14.61mm, (K.Ganesh # 8.7), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Coins of Sultanates of India 688
Bahmani Sultanate 688. Ala-ud-din Ahmad Shah II (AH 838-862 / AD 1435-1457), Muhammadabad Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-halim al-karim al-ra ‘uf ‘ala ‘ibad allah al-ghani al-muhaimani, Rev: abu’l muzaffar ‘ala ud-dunya wa’l din ahmad shah bin ahmad shah al-wali al-bahmani, 10.95g, 26.37mm, (G&G BH 83), about very fine. Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 689. Mahmud Shah (AH 887-924 / AD 1482-1518), Hadrat Muhammadabad Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: al-mutawakkil ala allah al-qawi al-ghani al-sultan ul- azam, Rev: abul mughazi mahmud shah bin muhammad shah al-wali al-bahmani, 9.33g, 23.46mm, (G&G # BH 121), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
Bengal Sultanate 690. Shams-ud-din Firuz Shah (AH 700-716?, 719-720/1300-1316,1319-1320 AD), Hadrat Lakhnauti Mint (off flan), Silver Tanka, AH 7XX, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam shams ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar firuz shah al-sultan, Rev: al-imam al-mut’asim amir al mominin, mint name & date offlan in margin, 11.04g, 26mm, (G&G # B96), choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
691. Sikandar bin llyas (AH 758-792/1357-1389 AD), Hadrat Jalal Sunargaon Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 759, Obv: al-mujahid fi sabil al-rahman sikandar ibn ilyas shah al-sultan, Rev: yamin khalifat allah nasir amir al-mu minin within circle, mint name & hijri date in margin, 10.33g, 26.62mm, (Variant of G&G # B174, Small flan is unlisted), about fine with test marks, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 692. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud (AH 837-864/1434-1459 AD), Dar ul Darb Mint, ‘Chhatra (umbrella)’ type, Silver Tanka, AH 858, Obv: nasir ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar mahmud shah al-sutan under chhatra, Rev: gouth al islam wal muslimin khuld mulkahu, 10.8g, 24.22mm, (G&G # B465), about very fine with testing & counter marks, Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 693. Rukn-ud-din Barbak Shah (AH 864-879/1459-1474 AD), Dar al Darb Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: rukn ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar barbakshah al-sultan bin mahmud shah al sultan, Rev: al-muayyud bitayid-ur-rehman khalifat allah bil hujjat wal burhan, 10.65g, 31.87mm, (G&G # B506), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4500 694. Rukn-ud-din Barbak Shah (AH 864-879/1459-1474 AD), Silver Tanka, Obv: rukn ud dunya wa’l din abul muzaffar barbak shah al sultan bin mahmud shah al sultan in tughra style, Rev: al muayyad legend with mint name, 10.14g, 26.00mm, about fine with counter marks. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
695. Ala-ud-din Husain (AH 899-925/1493-1519 AD), Husainabad Mint, Silver Tanka, 4th Victory Type, Obv: al-sultan al-fath al-kamru wa kamta wa jajnagar wa urissa ‘ala’ ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar, Rev: husain shah al sultan bin sayyid ashraf al-husaini khuld mulkahu wa sultanahu, 10.6g, 26.00mm, (G&G # B741), about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
695 81
Coins of Sultanates of India 696. Nasir-ud-din Nusrat (AH 925-938/1519-1531 AD), Fathabad Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 925, Obv: al-sultan bin al-sultan nasir ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar, Rev: nusratshah al-sultan bin husain shah al-sultan al-husaini khuld mulkahu, 10.56g, 24.00mm, (G&G # B810), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 697. Ghiyath-ud-din Mahmud (AH 939-945 / 1532-1538 AD), Arsah Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan bin al-sultan ghiyath ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar mahmud, Rev: shah al sultan bin husain shah al-sultan khuld allahu mulkahu wa sultanahu, mint name partly visible at bottom, 10.5g, 23.84mm, (G&G # B896), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 698. Ghiyath-ud-din Bahadur Shah (AH 963-968 / 1555-1560 AD), Silver Rupee, AH 965, Bilingual Type, Obv: kalima shahada in square & four khalifas name around, Rev: bahadur shah bin muhammad shah ghazi khallada allah mulkahu wa sultanahu and ‘sri bahadur shahi’ in nagari, 11.3g, 30.80mm, (G&G # B967), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 699. Daud Shah Kararani (AH 980-984/ AD 1572-1576), Satgaon Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada and four khalifas name in margin, Rev: daud shah sulaiman shah kararani, khuldallahu mulkahu wa sultanahu & nagari legend ‘sri daud shahi’ at bottom within square, abu’l muzaffar legend in margin, 11.30g, 29.43mm, (G&G # B981), about extremely fine with testing marks, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 700. Daud Shah Kararani (AH 980-984 / 1572-1576 AD), Tanda Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada & four khalifas name in margin, Rev: daud shah sulaiman shah karrarani, khuld allahu mulkahu wa sultanahu and ‘sri daud shahi’ in nagari at bottom, 11.2g, 29.93mm, (similar to G&G # B983), choice extremely fine with sharp calligraphy & no test marks, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 701. Rajas of Arakan & Governors of Chittagong, Thirithudhamma Raja (BE 9841000/1622-1638 AD), Silver Tanka, BE 984, Obv: arabic & bengali legend, sahib(a) l-fil al-abyad wa’l ahmar sri tittudharma,(lord of the white and red elephants, the exalted tittudharma dhaval arun gajeswara sri sri thadharamma raja), Rev: arakanese legend, hsin byu thakhin hsin ni thakhin thirithudhamma raza( lord of the white & red elephant, Thirithudhamma Raja), 9.52g, 30.00mm, (G&G # RA7), about fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
702. Rajas of Arakan, Taj Shah, Silver Tanka, Obv: kalima shahada with khuld allahu mulkahu, Rev: al muayyad bi tayid al rahman taj shah al sultan, 8.64g, 27.00mm (Mitch # 250/2), choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
Bijapur Sultanate 703. Ali Adil Shah I (AH 965-988/1558-1580 AD), Copper 2/3 Falus, Obv: asad allah al-ghalib, Rev: ali ibn abi talib, 7.86g, 18.07mm, (G&G # BJ4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
704. Muhammad Adil Shah (AH 1037-1068/1627-1656 AD), Copper 2/3 Falus, Obv: jahan zain do muhammad girift zinat-o-jah, Rev: yake muhammad-i-mursal duwam muhammad shah, 7.68g, 17.00mm, (G&G # BJ33), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 705. Ali Adil Shah II (AH 1068-1083/1656-1672 AD), Daboli Mint, Silver Larin, AH 1066 (Error for 1077), Obv: sultan ali adil shah, Rev: darb lari dabuli, 5.0g, 40x 0.5mm, (G&G # BJ37), about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
705 704 82
Auction – 23 Session – II
Delhi Sultanate
706. Turk Dynasty, Nasir-ud-din Muhmud (AH 644-664/1246-1266 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 657, Obv: al sultan al azam nasir al dunya wal din abul muzaffar mahmud ibn al sultan, mint name and hijri date around, Rev: fi ahad al imam al mustasim amir ul mominin, 10.9g, 26.09mm, (G&G # D137), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 707. Turk Dynasty, Ghiyath-ud-din Balbun, (AH 664-686/1266-1287 AD), Khitta Alwar Mint (off flan), Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ghiyath ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar balban al-sultan, mint name & date offlan in margin, Rev: al-imam almust’asim amir al mominin, mint name & date offlan in margin, 10.57g, 27mm, (G&G # D156), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 708. Turk Dynasty, Ghiyath-ud-din Balban (AH 664-686/1266-1287 AD), Khitta Alwar Mint (offlan), Silver Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ghiyath ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar balban al-sultan, mint name & date off flan in margin, Rev: al-imam almust’asim amir al mominin, mint name & date off flan in margin, 10.93g, 28.79mm, (G&G # D156), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
709. Khilji Dynasty, Jala-ud-din Firuz (AH 689-698/1290/1296 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Silver Tanka, AH 694, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam jalal ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar firuz shah al-sultan, Rev: al imam al mustasim amir-al-mominin around complete mint name & date in arabic words, 10.86g, 28mm, (G&G # D197), about very fine with outer margin complete. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 710. Khilji Dynasty, Ala ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Dar-ul-Islam Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: al sultan al azam ala ud duniya wal din abul muzaffar muhammad shah al sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir ul muminin in square, mint and hijri date offlan in margin, 10.94g, 26.14mm, (G &G # D225), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1100-1200 711. Khilji Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Darul-Islam Mint, Silver Tanka, Obv: al sultan al azam ala ud duniya wal din abul muzaffar muhammad shah sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir ul muminin in square, mint name and hijri date in margin, 11.05g, 27.20mm, (G&G # D225), about extremely fine, with no testing marks. Estimated Price: 1100-1200 712. Khilji Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Darul-Islam Mint, Gold Tanka, AH 70X, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ‘ala’ ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir ul mu’minin, with mint & date in margin, 10.97g, 24.45mm, (G&G # D220), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 45,000-55,000 713. Khilji Dynasty, Ala-ud-din Muhammad Khilji (AH 695-715/1296-1316 AD), Hadrat Delhi Mint, Gold Tanka, AH 712, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ‘ala’ ud dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al khilafa nasir amir ul mu’minin, with mint & date in margin, 11.02g, 24.97mm, (G&G # D221), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 45,000-50,000 714. Tughluq Dynasty, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH 725-752/1325-1351 AD), Dehli Mint, Gold Dinar, In the name of Abbasid Caliph Al Mustakfi, Obv: fi zaman al-imam al-mustakfi billah amir al-mu’minin abu rabia sulaiman khuld allahu khilafatahu, Rev: durba hadha al-dinar al-khalifat fi al-dehli shehr, at bottom hijri date in arabic words, 11.9g, 22.22mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 55,000-60,000
714 83
Coins of Sultanates of India 715. Tughluq Dynasty, Tughluq Shah II (AH 760-791/1388-1389 AD), Billon 1/3 Tanka, With the name of Caliph Abu Abd Allah, Obv: tughluq shah sultani khuld mulkahu, Rev: al-khalifa abu ‘abd allah khulidat khilafatuhu, 3.52g, 12.60mm, (G&G # D537), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 716. Tughluq Dynasty, Muhammad bin Firuz (AH792-795/1390-1392/3AD), Billon 1/3 Tanka, Obv: muhammad shah firuz shah sultani read from the bottom upwards, Rev: al-khalifa abu abd ullah khulidat khilafatuhu, 3.6g, 14.66mm, (Variant of G&G # D591, legend variation in obverse), about very fine. Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 717. Sayyad Dynasty, Muhammad bin Farid (AH 837-849/1434-1445 AD), Dar- ulMulk Dehli Mint, Copper Falus of 48 rati, AH 843, Obv: muhammad shah sultani, Rev: dar al-mulk dehli, 5.67g, 14.76mm, (G&G # D678), about extremely fine. Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-5000 718. Suri Dynasty, Sher Shah Suri (AH 945-952/1538-1545 AD), Kalpi Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 949, Obv: kalima shahada and mint name kalpi in double square, four khalifas name in margin, Rev: in double square sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, at bottom nagari legend ‘sri ser sah’, in margin farid ud dunya wal din abu’l muzaffar, 11.48g, 27.12mm, (G&G # D785), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
719. Suri Dynasty, Sher Shah Suri (AH 945-952/1538-1545 AD), Gwaliar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 952, Obv: kalima shahada in square, around four khalifas name in margin, Rev: in square sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, at bottom nagari legend ‘sri ser sah’, in margin farid ud dunya wal din abu’l muzaffar, 11.37g, 27.47mm, (Variant of G&G # D781), about very fine,Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
719 720. Suri Dynasty, Sher Shah Suri (AH 945-952/1538-1545 AD), Shergarh urf Hadrat Delhi Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 948, Obv: kalima shahada in square, around four khalifas name & al sultan al adil, Rev: in square: sher shah sultan khuld allahu mulkahu, at bottom nagari legend ‘sri ser sah’, in margin: farid ud dunya wal din abu’l muzaffar & mint name, 11.15g, 28.26mm, (G&G # D806), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 721. Suri Dynasty, Islam Shah Suri (AH 952-960/1545-1552AD), Silver Rupee, AH 954, Broad Flan, Obv: kalima shahada in square, in margin four khalifas name, Rev: islam shah ibn sher shah sultan, khuldallahu mulkahu within square, at bottom nagari legend ‘sri islam sah’, 11.50g, 30.60mm, (G&G # D980), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
722. Muhammad Adil Shah (AH 960-964/1552-1556 AD), Shahgarh Mint, Copper Paisa, Obv: abu’l muzaffar bi ta’yid al-rahman muhammad shah adil sultan, Rev: fi ahd al amir al hami mubariz al dunya wa’l din, 20.3g, 21mm, (G&G # D1122), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
721 723. Gujarat Sultanate, Nasir-ud-din Ahmad Shah I (AH 813-846/1411-1442 AD), Ahmadnagar (Shahr-i-Humayun) Mint, Copper 1/2 Falus, AH 830, Crude Style, Obv: nasir ud dunya wa’l din, Rev: ahmad shah al-sultan in square, mint name with epithet around in margins, 4.1g, 17.00mm, (Similar to G&G # G26), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
Gujarat Sultanate
724. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud I (AH 862/3-917/1458/9-1511 AD), Muhammadabad Urf Champanir Mint, Silver 1/2 Tanka, Obv: al-sultan-al-azam nasir ud dunya wa’l din abul fath, Rev: mahmud shah al sultan within peaked square, in margin mint name, 5.65g, 18.15mm, (G&G # G132), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
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Auction – 23 Session – II
725. Shams-ud-din Muzaffar Shah II (AH 917-932/1511-1526 AD), Silver 1/4 Tanka, AH 928, Obv: al-mu ‘ayyad bi-ta ‘yid al-rahman shams al-dunya wa ‘l din abu ‘l nasr, Rev: muzaffar shah bin mahmud shah al-sultan within peaked square, 1.53g, 12.11mm, (G&G # G270), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
726. Shams-ud-din Muzaffar II (AH 917-932/1511-1525 AD), Mustafabad Mint (offlan), Silver Tanka, Obv: al-mu’ayyad bi-ta’yid al-rahman shams ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l nasr, Rev: muzaffar shah bin mahmud shah al-sultan within circle, mint name offlan in margin, 7.12g, 19.68mm, (G&G # G257), about very fine with toning, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
727. Qutb ud-din Bahadur Shah (AH 932-943/ 1526-1537 AD), Silver 1/3 Tanka, AH 941, Obv: bahadur shah within double sixfoil, Rev: al-sultan, sanah date within double sixfoil, 2.31g, 13.09mm, (G&G # G357), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 728. Mughal Occupation under Akbar (AH 980-991/1572-1583 AD), Silver 1/2 Tanka, AH (9)81, Obv: (a) l-sultan akbar bad shah, Rev: al-sultan al-a ‘zam nasir al-dunya wa ‘l din abu ‘l fath, 5.70g, 15.20mm, (G&G # G645), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
Kashmir Sultanate 729. Muhammad Shah (5th Reign AH 937-943/1530-1537 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: kalima shahada within circle, hijri date in arabic words at margin, Rev: al sultan al-a’zam muhammad shah, mint name at bottom, 11.12g, 17.12mm, (G&G # K41), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,50,000-1,75,000 730. Under Mughal Occupation, Muhammad Ali Shah (1586-1605 AD), Copper Kaserah, AH 992, In the name of mughal emperor Akbar, Obv: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah with line and ornate knot in centre, Rev: mint and hijri date, 5.6g, 17.56mm, (G&G # K 159), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
Khandesh Sultanate 731. Bahadur Shah (AH 1006-1009/1597-1601 AD), Copper Falus, Obv: al-wathiq billah abul fath, Rev: bahadur shah ibn adil shah al sultan, 17.5g, 20.80mm, (G&G # KH3), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Madura Sultanate 732. Ala-ud-din Udauji Shah (AH 740/1339 AD), Copper Paisa (Paika), Obv: ala ud dunya wa’l din, Rev: udauji shah al-sultan, 4.6g, 15.00mm, (G&G # MD8), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
Malwa Sultanate 733. Ala-ud-din Mahmud Shah I (AH 839-873/1436-1469 AD), Hadrat Shadiabad Mint, Gold Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-a’zam ala-ud-dunya wa’l din khalji abu’l muzaffar mahmud shah khuld allahu khilafatahu, Rev: sikandar al-thani yamin al-khilafa nasir amir al-mu’minin, 10.72g, 22.33mm, (G&G # M21), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 50,000-60,000
734. Ghiyath Shah (AH 873-906/1469-1500 AD), Silver 1/24 Tanka, Obv: ghiyath shah khalji, Rev: al-sultan bin al-sultan, 0.50g, 9.3x9.01mm, Unlisted, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
2x 734 85 Coins of Mughal India Akbar Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad (AH 963-1014/1556-1605 AD) 735 735. Agra Mint, Copper 2 Tanki, 47 RY, Month Bahman, Obv: akbar shahi do tanki, Rev: elahi month, date and mint name, 7.82g, 16.29mm, (KM # 41.1), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 736. Ahmadabad Mint, Copper Nisfi (1/2 Dam), Obv: ruler’s name, Rev: zarb ahmadabad, 4.7g, 14.10mm, (KM # 22.18), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
737. Atak Banaras Mint, Copper Dam, 4x RY, Month Bahman, Obv: falus atak banaras, Rev: elahi date & month, 20.02g, 21.41mm, (KM # 32.4), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
738. Baglana State, Mulher Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee(Mahmudi), Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhamamad akbar badshah ghazi,spear mint mark, 2.73g, 11.83mm, (Variant of Liddle # Type S-28, spear mark is unlisted), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
739. Ahmadabad Mint (off flan), Silver 1/2 Square Rupee, AH 992, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: akbar badshah ghazi, 5.80g, 15.02 x 15.44mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 740. Silver Square 1/2 Rupee, Elahi 35 RY, Month Isfandarmuz, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi date & month, 5.63g, 14.15mm, (KM # 64.1), about very fine with test marks, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 741. Lahore Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Month Di, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar in the lozenge star, Rev: elahi month & zarb at bottom with in the lozenge star, 5.48g, 16.30mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 742. Dehli Mint, Silver Square Rupee, Elahi 35, Obv: allahu akbar and mint name dehli, Rev: jalle jalalahu and ellahi date, 11.31g, 17.56mm, Unlisted, about extremely fine with floral designs, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 743. Lahore Mint, Silver Square Rupee, 38 RY, Month Azar, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi date, month and mint name, 11.33g, 17.40 x 18.03mm, (KM # 88.3), about extremely fine with test mark. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
744. Tatta Mint, Silver Square Rupee, Elahi 46, Month Farwardin, Broad Flan,Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month, date and mint name, 11.35g, 15.35x15.64 mm, (KM # 88.7), choice very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 745. Urdu Zafar Qarin Mint, Silver Square Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada & four khalifas name in margins, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, complete mint name visible at bottom, 11.33g, 24.98x24.67mm, (KM # 82.9), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 746. Silver Square Rupee, Elahi 35 RY, Month Amardad, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi date & month amardad, 11.22g, 18.33x18.37mm, (KM # 90.1), about very fine with test marks. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
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Auction – 23 Session – II
747. Mint off flan, Silver Square Rupee, AH 998, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi & khuld allahu ta’ala on top, 11.30g, 17.32x17.85mm, choice extremely fine with no test marks. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 747
748. Mint off flan, Silver Square Rupee, Broad Flan, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 11.38g, 15.70mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 749. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 964, Obv: kalima shahada in square & four khalfas name around, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 10.85g, 23.60mm, (Liddle # Type S-1), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 750. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Khurdad, 4X RY, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: persian month, zarb and date, 11.33g, 21.06mm, (KM # 93.2), about exrtemely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 751. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Tir, 4X RY, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: persian month, zarb and date, 11.31g, 20.53mm, (KM # 93.2), about exrtemely fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2200
752. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Aban, 41 RY, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: persian month, zarb and date, 11.36g, 20.65mm, (KM # 93.2), about very fine with no test marks. Estimated Price: 1800-2200 753. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 47, Month Bahman, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: bahman month, mint name and date, 11.34g, 20.13mm, (KM # 93.2), about exrtemely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800 754. Berar Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 4X, Month Bahman, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month, date and zarb berar, 11.4g, 19.75mm, (KM # 93.6), choice very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
755. Bhakkar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 985, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal-ud-din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi with titles, 11.2g, 23.29mm, (KM # 80.6), choice very fine with few testing marks, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 756. Jaunpur Dar-ul-khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 964, Obv: kalima shahada in center,four khalifas name in surrounding, Rev: akbar badshah ghazi in centre, sultan al a’zam khuld mulkahu on top, at bottom zarb jaunpur dar ul khilafa, 11.4g, 27.84mm (Variant of Liddle # Type-S2, Large flan is unlisted), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 757. Hisar Firoza Mint (off flan), Silver Rupee, AH 966, Obv: kalima shahada in circle, around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi within peaked square, 11.4g, 25.35mm, (KM # 80.9), about very fine with test marks. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 758. Karrah Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 973, Obv: kalima shahada in centre, around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, mint name in right margin, 11.32g, 24.00mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine with test marks on both sides, Very Rare.
A small town in Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh, now known as Karrah. During Akbar’s times it was the headquarters of a sarkar in the Subah of Allahabad. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
756 87
Coins of Mughal India 759. Lakhnau (Mint off flan), Silver Rupee, AH 967, Thin planchet Larg Flan, Obv: kalima shahada in square, around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi & hijri 967 within square, sultan al azam khaqan al mukarram khuld allahu ta’ala wa mulkahu wa sultanahu in margins,10.76g, 29.96mm, choice very fine. Estimated Price: 7000-8000 760. Patna Mint, Silver Rupee, Elahi 46, Month Mihr, Broad Flan, Obv: jalla jalalahu allahu akbar, Rev: elahi month, date and zarb patna, 11.14g, 23.05mm, (KM # 93.14), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
761. Mint offlan, Silver Rupee, AH 985, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 11.33g, 23.66mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 762. Bang Mint (offlan), Silver Rupee, AH 986, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, 11.27g, 27.15mm, about very fine with test marks on bothsides. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 763. Mint off flan, Silver Rupee, AH 974, Broad oval flan, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi within center, around ruler’s tittle and mint name, 10.93g, 27.31mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
764. Agra Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 974, Large flan, Obv: kalima shahada in quarterfoil, around four khalifas name, Rev: jalal ud din muhammad akbar badshah ghazi, on top al sultan al azam khuld allahu, at bottom ta’ala mulkahu wa sultanahu, 10.81g, 27.08mm, (Liddle # Type G-3), about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 95,000-1,00,000 762
Jahangir Nur-ud-Din Muhammad (AH 1014-1037/1605 AD) 765. Agra Mint, Silver Square Rupee, 10 RY, Month Shahrewar, Complete Flan, Obv: nur-ud-din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month, date and mint name with test mark both side, 11.23g, 18.67 x 18.63m, (KM # 147.2), about very fine and beautifully decorated on both the sides, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-30,000 766. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1020/ 6 RY, Month Azar, Broad flan, Obv: ‘nooruddin jahangir shah akbar’ shah within peaked square, Rev: ilahi month on top and mint name and date at the bottom within mehrab, 11.0g, 24.82mm, (Liddle Type S # 62), about fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 35,000-45,000 767. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1031/17 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “yaft” couplet, yaft dar agra ruye zar zewar az jahangir shah,shahe akbar, 11.17g, 21.90mm, (KM # 149.1), about fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 768. Agra Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1023/9 RY, Month Farwardin, Obv: noor ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: zarb agra on top, elahi month farwardin and hijri 1023 with regnal year 9 at bottom, 11.28g, 23.21mm, (Unlisted in KM, Liddle # S-45), choice very fine, with floral & beaded border designs on bothsides, Very Rare.
This variety of having mint name on top is very rare. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000
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Auction – 23 Session – II
769. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 18 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “enayat elah” couplet, sikka zad dar ahmadabad az enayat elah shahe noor ud din jahangir ibn akbar badshah 11.36g 20.26mm, (KM #149.4), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 769
770. Ahmadnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada and mint name completely visible at bottom, Rev: nur ud din muhammad jahangir badshah ghazi, 11.37g, 19.62mm, (KM # 141.1), choice extremely fine with tiny test mark. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 771. Akbarnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, 20 RY, Month Azar, Obv: jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month & zarb, 11.3g, 19.87mm, (Variant of Liddle # Type 28, dagger like mint mark is unlisted), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 772. Burhanpur Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Khurdad, 9 RY, Obv: nur ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month, date & zarb, complete mint name burhanpur visible in second line, 11.41g, 19.97mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 773. Burhanpur Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1037/22 RY, Month Azar, Obv: nur ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month & zarb, complete mint name burhanpur visible,11.3g, 21.42mm, (Liddle # Type S-31), choice very fine with floral motifs. Estimated Price: 2000-2200 774. Delhi Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1020/6 RY, Month Di, Obv: nur ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month, hijri date and zarb, 11.5g, 18.58mm, (KM # 145.6), choice very fine withno test marks. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
775. Jalnapur Mint (off flan), Silver Rupee, AH 1044/8, Obv: kalima shahada, Rev: nur-ud-din muhammad jahangir badhshah ghazi, both sides heavily decorated with floral motifs and scroll work, 11.5g, 19.93mm, (KM # 141.6), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 776. Kabul Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Aban, AH 1028/14 RY, Obv: nur-ud-din jahangir ibn akbar badshah, Rev: elahi month & mint name, 11.2g, 20.81mm, (Variant of Liddle # Type S35), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 777. Kashmir Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1027, Month Khurdad, Obv: noor ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: elahi month & mint name kashmir, 11.30g, 19.00mm, (KM # 145.10), about fine, with test marks on bothsides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 778. Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1032/18 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “abre ruye” couplet, 11.36g, 21.64mm, (KM # 149.16), about extremely fine, with toning. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
779. Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, 9 RY, Month Bahman, Obv: nur ud din jahangir shah akbar shah in lozenge star, Rev: elahi month and zarb, 11.35g, 21.68mm, (KM # 145.11), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 780. Qandahar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1027/12 RY, Obverse & Reverse: “dil-khwah” couplet, sikka-e-qandhar shud dil-khah az jahangir shah shah akbar, 11.30g, 19.82mm, (KM # 142.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1300-1600 781. Tatta Mint, Silver Rupee, 20 RY, Month Aban Obv: nur ud din jahangir shah akbar shah, Rev: ilahi month & zarb, 11.2g, 18.31mm, (KM # 145.17), about extremely fine, with crude strike & toning. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
781 89
Coins of Mughal India 782. Lahore Mint, Silver Jahangiri Rupee (Sawai Rupee), AH 1018 / 5 RY, Broad Flan, Obverse & Reverse: “ta falak” couplet, bud har bad rawan ta falak bood dar dawwr, sikka lahore ba naam shah jahangir, decorated, 13.79g, 24.72mm, (KM # 155.6), about very fine with floral designs & dotted border on the both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-28,000 782
Nurjahan 783. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 103X, Obverse & Reverse: “ sad zewar” couplet ‘ze hukam shahe jahangir yaft sad zewar, ba naame noorjahan badshah begum zar’, 11.23g, 18.89mm, (KM # 168.2), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-12,000 784. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1035, Obverse & Rev erse: “ sad zewar” couplet ‘ze hukam shahe jahangir yaft sad zewar, ba naame noorjahan badshah begum zar’, 11.3g, 20.68 mm, (KM # 168.6), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-7000
785. Lahore Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 103X/20 RY, Obv: “ sad zewar”couplet, ze hukum jahangir yaft sad zewar, banam nurjahan badshah begum zar, Rev: ah year and zarb lahore at bottom, 11.25g, 21.58mm, (KM # 168.4), about fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
Shahjahan, Shihab-ud-din Muhammad (AH 1037-1068/1628-1658 AD) 786. Surat Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, AH 1040, Obv: kalima shahada on top, mint name surat & hijri date at bottom, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 5.48g, 16.62mm, (KM # 213.2), about very fine, with dotted motifs & test marks on both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 787. Surat Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada in square & four khalifas name in margin, Rev: “saheb-e-qiran sani”, shahjahan badshah ghazi in square, 5.9g, 17.45mm,(KM # 218.8), about extremely fine with test marks on bothsides. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 788. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Farwardin, Obv: kalima shahada in two lines on top, at bottom mint & month name, Rev: “saheb-e-qiran sani”shihab uddin muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.3g, 21.09mm, (KM # 224.1), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
789. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 6 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in square, four khaifas name in margin, Rev: “saheb-e-qiran sani” shihab-ud-din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.4g, 21.94mm, (KM # 235.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 790. Akabarabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada in circle around four khalifas name, Rev: ‘sahib-e-qiran-sani’ shihab ud din muhamaad shahjahan badshah ghazi in three lines, mint name akbarabad at bottom, 11.4g, 23.25mm, (KM # 227.2), about extremely fine with testing mark. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 791. Bhakkar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1049/12 RY, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi, shihab ud-din muhammad saheb-e-qiran sani & mint name at bottom, 11.3g, 20.5mm, (KM # 235.7), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 792. Burhanpur Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada in middle, on top two khalifas names and two khalifas at bottom, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab uddin muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi and mint name at bottom,11.5g, 21.98mm, (KM # 226.2), about very fine with patina. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
792 90
Auction – 23 Session – II
793. Delhi Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1040/ 3 RY, Month Bahman, Obv: kalima shahada, mint name and month at bottom, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.28g, 24.03mm, (KM # 224.9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 793
794. Gulkonda Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada on top in two lines, zarb golkonda at bottom, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani, shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.5g, 21.50mm, (KM # 223.1), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 795. Jahangirnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1044/8 RY, Kalima Type, Obv: kalima shahada in square around four khalifas name, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi in centre, shihabuddin muhammad saheb-e-qiran sani and mint name in margins, 11.50g, 22.78mm, (KM # 235.11), about extremely fine, with no test marks. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 796. Kabul Mint, Silver Rupee, 8 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in two lines on top and zarb kabul complete visible at bottom, Rev: saheb-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.4g, 21.15mm, (KM # 222.9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
797. Multan Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1040/3 RY, Obv: kalima shahada within circle, around four khalifas name, Rev: ‘sahib-e-qiran sani’ shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.3g, 21.69mm, (KM # 227.8), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 798. Qandahar Mint, Silver Rupee, 19 RY, Obv: kalima shahada with in square, knots at corners, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi, shihab ud-din muhammad saheb-e-qiran sani & complete mint name at left margin, 11.3g, 21.97mm, (KM # 235.22), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 799. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada around four khalifas name, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi within square and complete mint name surat visible at left margin 11.4g, 23.44mm, (KM # 235.23), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
800. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, Four lines type, Obv: kalima shahada and mint name, Rev: sahab-e-qiran sani shihab ud din muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.30g, 21.01mm, (KM # 222.13), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 801. Silver Rupee, Obv: kalima shahada & four khalifas name, Rev: “saheb-e-qiran sani” shihab uddin muhammad shahjahan badshah ghazi, 11.38g, 22.79mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2200 802. Akbarabad Mint, Gold Mohur, AH 1057/ 20 RY, Obv: kalima shahada in quarterfiol & four khalifas name in margin, Rev: shahjahan badshah ghazi in quarterfiol, shihab ud-din muhammad sahib-e-qiran sani, mint name akbarabad in margin,10.54g, 23.23mm, about very fine. Rare. Estimated Price: 75,000-80,000
Murad Bakhsh (AH 1068/1658 AD)
803. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1068/Ahad RY, Obv: kalima shahada in square, four khalifas name in margin, Rev: abul muzaffar murawwij ud din in margins, muhammad murad bakhsh badshah ghazi within square and mint name at left margin,11.48g, 21.00mm, (KM # 272.1), about very fine with test mark on both sides, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
803 801 91
Coins of Mughal India
Aurangzeb Alamgir Muhyyi-ud-din (AH 1068-1118/1658-1707 AD) 804. Junagarh Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus and zarb at left margin, 4.79g, 19.45mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
805. Kanbayat Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: “badr munir” couplet,sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb, 5.6g, 17.91mm, (KM # 294.4), about very fine with test marks. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 806. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1074/6 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: manus memanat sana julus zarb ahmadabad, 11.6g, 21.70mm, (KM # 300.2), choice very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1700 807. Aurangabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1098/31 RY, Obv: “badr munir”couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.6g, 23.16mm, (KM # 300.14), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2200
808. Bijapur Dar-uz-Zafar Mint, Silver Rupee, 48 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet,sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus and mint name with epithet, 11.40g, 23.81mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 809. Islamabad (Mathura) Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1106/3 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus, manus memanat & zarb islamabad complete visible at bottom, 11.4g, 24.28mm, (KM # 300.36), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 810. Lakhnau Mint, Silver Rupee, 43 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.26g, 23.50mm, (KM # 300.54), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4000
811. Machhlipatan Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1112/(4)4 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus, zarb at bottom, 11.5g, 22.83mm, (KM # 300.55), about very fine with testing mark. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 812. Narnol Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1099/31 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.30g, 21.83mm, (KM # 300.66), about very fine with testing mark, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 813. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1116/48 RY, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom complete name visible, 11.6g, 24.69mm, (KM # 294.6), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
814. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: “badr munir” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan chu badre munir shah aurangzeb alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb surat complete visible at bottom, 11.35g, 21.70mm, (KM # 300.86), about very fine with floral motifs. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
814 812 92
Auction – 23 Session – II
Shah Alam Bahadur (AH 1119-1124/1707-1712 AD)
815. Akbarabad Mustaqir-ul-Mulk Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1120/2 RY, Obv: sikka shah alam bahadur badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.5g, 22.46mm, (KM # 347.1A), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 816. Azimabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1121/3 RY, Obv: sikka badshah ghazi shah alam, Rev: sana julus & zarb azimabad completely visible on top, 11.41g, 23.51mm, (KM # 347.4), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
817. Chinapatan Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1123/5, Obv: sikka mubarak shah alam badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb chinapatan and star mark, 9.19g, 23.35mm, Unlisted, star marks on both sides with single test mark, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 818. Karimabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 3 RY, Obv: sikka shah alam badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, zarb at the bottom completely visible, 11.45g, 22.30mm, (KM # 347.11), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 819. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1120/2 RY, Obv: sikka shah alam badshah ghazi, Rev: sana mubarak & zarb on top, 11.38g, 22.03mm, (KM # 347.18), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Jahandar Shah (AH 1124/1712 AD) 820. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1124/Ahad RY, Obv: ba zad sikka bar meh chu saheb e qiran, jahandar shah badshah e jahan, Rev: sana julus & zarb at bottom, 11.3g, 24.87mm, (KM # 364.12), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
821. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (11)24/ Ahad RY, Obv: “abul fath” couplet, dar aafaq zad sikka chun mehr-o-mah abul fatah ghazi jahandar shah Rev: sana julus and mint name, 11.52g, 23.19mm, (KM # 363.22), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Farrukhsiyar (AH 1124-1131-1713-1719 AD) 820
822. Surat Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 7 RY, Obv: badshah “bahr-o-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 5.70g, 19.01mm, (KM # 375.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 823. Ajmer Dar-ul-Khair Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1130/7 RY,Obv: badshah “bahr-obarr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.21g, 22.01 mm, (KM # 377.4), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 824. Arkat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 112(X) / 7RY, Obv: badshah “bahr-o-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.03g, 23.06mm, (KM # 377.10), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 825. Burhanpur Dar-us-Sarur Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 112X/5 RY, Obv: badshah “bahro-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus, zarb at bottom, 11.26g, 22.86mm, (KM # 377.22), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
825 824 93
Coins of Mughal India 826. Gulshanabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: ‘badshah “bahr-o-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb gulshanabad visible at bottom, 11.5g, 23.48mm, (KM # 377.28), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 827. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1128/5 RY, Obv: badshah “bahr-o-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.4g, 23.24mm, (KM # 377.30), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800 828. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 2 RY, Obv: badshah “bahr-o-barr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.62g, 23.30mm, (KM # 377.49), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
829. Shahjahanabad Dar ul khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, 2 RY, Obv: badshah “bahr-obarr” couplet, sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, bashahe bhre-o-bar farrukhsiyar Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.4g, 21.71mm, (KM # 377.55), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 828
Farrukhsiyar Kankurti Mint Gold Mohur
830. Farrukhsiyar, Kankurti Mint, Gold Mohur, Obv: sikka zad az fazl-e-haq bar sim-o-zar, badshah-e-bahr-o-barr farrukh siyar, Rev: sana julus, zarb kankurti at bottom and al manus, 11.6g, 20.57mm, Unlisted and unpublished, about very fine with some file and finishing marks at persian ‘seen’ of julus, nevertheless Exceedingly Rare. A new discovery and first piece known so far, the highest rarity and important coin of Mints in Deccan (South India) of Mughal Empire. Unique Specimen. Farrukhsiyar was born to Azeem-us-Shan in Aurangabad in the Deccan and accompanied his father during the year 1696 AD to Bengal. His earlier days were spent in Dhaka and Murshidabad. After defeating Jahandar Shah he took the throne of Mughal Empire. This specimen reads the mint Kankurti which as per the “Report of the Nizam’s Archaeological Department” for the years 1920-24 was located in Malkhed in the district of Muzaffarnagar in the Andhra Pradesh. Malkhed (Manyakheta) in Sedam taluk of Gulbarga district was the capital of the Rashtrakutas. During the medieval period, it came under the muslims and a strong fort by name Muzaffarqila was built here. It was also referred to as Muzaffarnagar in the Mahboobnagar district which is approximately 85 kms from Hyderabad. Hyderabad became independent of Mughal rule under Chin Qilich Khan, better known in history as Nizam-ul-Mulk. Chin Qilich Khan( was the Governor of Bijapur at the time of Aurangzeb’s death. But Bahadur Shah removed him from the Deccan and made him Governor of Oudh (Awadh) in December 1707 AD. In the year 1713 AD Farrukhsiyar appointed him as the Governor of Six Subahs of the Deccan with the title of Nizam-ulMulk and it could be a possible reign when the coins from the Kankurti mint name with the name of Farruksiyar were struck under the authorization of the Governor at Deccan Only silver rupees of Kankurti mint are known and reported, this gold mohur is the new discovery in the Farrukhsiyar gold mohurs and a very important piece. Estimated Price: 3,00,000-5,00,000 94
Auction – 23 Session – II
Rafi-ud-Darjat (AH 1131/AD 1719)
831. Patna Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/Ahad RY, Obv: “ba hazaran barkat” couplet, sikka-e-zad bahind, bahazaraan barkaat shahen shahe bahre-o-bar rafiuddarjaat, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.44g, 23.96mm, (KM # 405.17), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 832. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/Ahad RY, Obv: “ba hazaran barkat” couplet, sikka-e-zad bahind, bahazaraan barkaat shahen shahe bahre-obar rafiuddarjaat, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.41g, 22.20mm, (KM # 405.19), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
Shahjahan II, Rafi-ud-Daula (AH 1131/1719 AD) 833. Surat Mint (off flan), Silver 1/2 Rupee, Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 5.9g, 21.29mm, (KM # 412.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
834. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1131/Ahad RY, Broad Flan, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb gwalior at bottom, 11.48g, 25.58mm, (KM # 415.9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
Muhammad Shah (AH 1131-1161/1719-1748 AD) 834
835. Surat Mint (off flan), Silver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 5.68g, 17.91mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 836. Ajmer Dar-ul-Khair Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus and zarb on top, 11.27g, 22.60mm, (KM # 436.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 837. Arkat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 115X/23 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad shah, Rev: sana julus, zarb arkat at bottom, 11.09g, 21.08mm, (KM # 436.7), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
838. Balwantnagar Mint, Silver Rupee, 30 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.29g, 22.60mm, (KM # 436.14), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 839. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1137/6 RY, Broad flan, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad shah, Rev: manus memanat sana julus zarb, 11.3g, 25.04mm, (KM # 436.25), choice extremely fine with floral design on bothsides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 840. Kora Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 113X/7 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi muhammad shah, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.3g, 22.49mm, (KM # 436.39), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
841. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 114X/18 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.64g, 24.31mm, (KM # 436.46), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 842. Sironj Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.3g, 21.14mm, (KM # 436.59), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
840 95
Coins of Mughal India 843. Surat Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1131/Ahad RY, Obv: ba-luft-ullah badshah-i-zaman (by favour of god, emperor of the age), Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.26g, 25.93mm, (KM # 434.4), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 844. Zain-ul-Bilad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/7 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb zain ul bilad completely visible at bottom, 11.4g, 24.76mm, (KM # 436.63), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 845. Imtiyazgarh Mint, Gold Pagoda, Obv: badshah muhammad shah, Rev: zarb imtiyazgarh completely visible, 3.37g, 11.70mm, (KM # E440.1), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 13,000-15,000
846. Mint off flan, Gold Mohur, 11 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus manus maimanat, 10.93g, 21.94mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 40,000-45,000 845
Ahmad Shah Bahadur (AH 1161-1167/1748-1754 AD) 847. Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 116X/Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, complete mint name visible at bottom, 11.41g, 24.6mm, (KM # 446.18), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
848. Akbarabad Mustaqir ul Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, 5 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.40g, 24.65mm, (KM # 446.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 849. Balwantnagar(Jhansi) Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/5 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.3g, 24.64mm, (KM # 446.20), about very fine, Very Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 850. Farukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.29g, 23.62mm, (KM # 446.23), about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-6500
851. Imtiazgarh Mint, Silver Rupee, Error in julus, Obv: “ba fazle elah” couplet, sikka-e-zad dar jahan ba fazle elah shah alam panah ahmad shah, Rev: manus memanat julus(extra ‘shosha’ in julus) zarb at bottom, 11.25g, 20.70mm, (KM # 447.3), about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 852. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (11)62/2 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.58g, 21.35mm, (KM # 460.15), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 853. Shahbad Qanauj Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1164/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi ahmad shah bahadur, Rev: sana julus & zarb completely visible at bottom, 11.2g, 23.79mm, (KM # 446.34), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
854. Imtiazgarh Mint, Gold Pagoda, 7 RY, Obv: badshah ahmad shah, Rev: zarb imtiazgarh, 3.34g, 10.51mm, (KM # 468.1), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 851 2x 853
854 852 96
Auction – 23 Session – II
Alamgir II, Aziz-ud-din (AH 1167-1173/1754-1759 AD)
855. Akbarabad Mustaqir-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/2 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.39g, 21.67mm, (KM # 460.2), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 856. Azimabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1171/4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, trishula mint mark, 11.47g,19.65mm, (KM 460.5), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300
857. Gwalior Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 117X/5 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.25g, 22.91mm, (KM # 460.28), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 858. Kankurti Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (11)68 /Ahad RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus almanus memanat, zarb kankurti at bottom, 11.45g , 20.39mm, (KM 460.42,2013 Edition), choice extremely fine, with dotted motifs, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
857 859. Machhalipatan Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 117X/ 4 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.22g, 23.89mm, (KM # 460.41), about good, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 858
860. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 5 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir with sun mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.60g, 22.76mm, (KM # 460.15), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 861. Najibabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 3 RY, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir, Rev: sana julus, mint name najibabad visible on top, 11.28g, 21.48mm, (KM # 460.35), about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 862. Shahajahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, 4 RY, “Taban Couplet”, Obv: sikka-i-zad bar haft kishwar humchun taban mihr-o-mah, shah azizuddin alamgir ghazi badshah, Rev: zarb dar-ul-khilafa shahjahanabad, sana julus memanat manus, 11.10g, 21.64mm, (KM # 457.1), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 863. Ujjain Dar-ul-Fath Mint, Silver Rupee, Ahad RY, Obv: bazar zad sikka saheb-e-qirani, aziz ud din alamgir sani, Rev: sana julus, mint name at bottom with epithet, 11.0g, 21.00mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
Shah Alam II (AH 1174-1221/1759-1806 AD) 864. Azimabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1175/2RY, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb & trident mint mark, 11.40g, 23.34mm, (KM # 592), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
865. Hathras Mint, Silver Rupee, 30 RY, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb hathras on top, 11.2g, 23.46mm, (KM # 640), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
865 864 97
Coins of Independent Kingdom
Assam 866 866. Rajesvara Simha, Sliver Rupee, SE 1675, Obv: assamese legend “sri sri hara/ gauri charana ka/mala makaranda madhukarasya”, flower of four dots top right, Rev: assamese legend “sri sri svrga/deva sri rajesva/ra simha nrapasya/sake 1675”, lion to left, 11.23g, 22.08mm, (RB # O 37.1), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
867. Lakshmi Simha, Sliver 1/8 Rupee, Obv: assamese legend ‘sri sri la/kshmi’, Rev: assamese legend ‘simha /nrpasya’, 1.35g, 10.72mm, (RB # Q 59.3) about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 1000-1300
868. Lakshmi Simha, Silver 1/4 Rupee, SE 1698, Obv: assamese legend “sri sri la/ kshmi sim/ha nrpasya”, Rev: assamese legend “sake/ 1698”, 2.8g, 13.02mm, (RB # Q 53.3), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 869 869. Lakshmi Simha, Sliver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: assamese legend “sri sri ha/ri hara pada/ parasya”, Rev: assamese legend “sri sri la/kshmi simha na/rendrasya” arc of dots upper left, 5.61g, 16.80mm, (RB # Q36.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
2x 870
870. Gaurinatha Simha, Sliver 1/32 Rupee, Obv: assamese legend “ sri/gau”, Rev: assamese legend “rina/thasya”, 0.35g, 6.06mm (KM # 190/RB # R134.1), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 871. Gaurinatha Simha, Sliver 1/16 Rupee, Obv: assamese legend “ sri gau/ranatha”, Rev: assamese legend “simha/nrpasya”, 0.72g, 8.71mm, (RB # R128.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 872. Gaurinatha Simha, Sliver 1/4 Rupee, SE 1716, Obv: assamese legend “sri sri gau/ rinatha si/mha nrpasya”, Rev: assamese legend “ sake 1716” and dots at left, 2.80g, 13.40mm, (RB # R 112.1) about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 873. Gaurinatha Simha, Sliver 1/2 Rupee, Obv: assamese legend ‘sri sri ha/ra gauri pa/da parasya’, Rev: assamese legend ‘sri sri gau/rinatha simha/nrpasya’, star and arc to right of 16, 5.59g, 17.19mm, (RB # R 76.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2200
2x 871
Cooch Behar 874. Nara Narayana, Silver Tanka (Rupee), SE 1477, Obv: bengali legend in four lines “sri sri / siva charana/ kamala madhu / karasya”, Rev: bengali legend in five lines “sri sri / man naranara / yana / bhupala / sya sake/ 1477”, 10.5g, 23.44mm, (RB # A 1.3), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2000
875. Lakshmi Narayana, Silver Tanka, SE 1509, Obv: bengali legend in four lines “sri sri/ siva charana/ kamala madhu/ karasya”, within double circle with dotted borders of dots in between. three dots at end of first line, Rev: bengali legend in four lines “sri srima/ n lakshmi naraya/ nasya sake/ 1509”, within double circle with dotted borders of dots, 9.84g, 30.46mm, (RB # B-1.5), about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-5500 876. Mada Narayana (1666-1681 AD), Silver 1/2 Tanka, Obv: bengali legend in four lines “sri sri/siva charana/kamala madhu/karasya”, Rev: bengali legend in four lines “sri srima/moda nara/yanasya sake”, 4.84g, 19.86mm, (RB # E-1.2), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
876 98
Auction – 23 Session – II
Durrani Dynasty
877. Ahmad Shah Durrani (AH 1160-1186/1747-1772 AD), Anwala (Anola) Mint, Silver Rupee, Obv: “auj mahi ta bamah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, sword mint mark, 11.22g, 21.83mm, (Old KM # 16.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Farukhabad 878. Bangash Nawabs, Ahmadnagar Farukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (11)77/5 RY, Nazrana Like Board Flan, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, complete mint name visible at bottom, 11.17g, 29.89mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 878
Maratha Confederacy 879. Chhatrapathi Shivaji, Copper 1/2 Paisa (shivarai), Obv: chhatrapathi, Rev: shivaji maharaja, 5.5g, 16.52mm, (KM # 28), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
880. Azamnagar (Gokak) Mint, Silver Rupee, 6 RY, In the name of Muhammad Shah, Obv: “ba lutf elah” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan ba lutf-e-elah badshah-e-zaman, muhammad shah, Rev: sana julus and zarb at bottom completely visible, 11.38g, 23.19mm, (KM # 206), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 881. Azamnagar(Gokak) Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Muhammad Shah, Obv: “balutf elah” couplet, sikka zad dar jahan ba luft-e-elah badshah-e-zaman, muhammad shah, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.4g, 20.17mm, (KM # 206), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 882. Akbarabad Mint, Copper Paisa, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: julus at bottom with fish mint mark above, mint name at top, 8.94g, 19.21mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 883. Ravishnagar Sagar Mint, Copper Paisa, 38 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-edine mohammad, shah alam badshah, trident and circle mint mark, Rev: manus maimanat sana julus zarb, 15.18g, 24.40mm, Unlisted type, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
884. Ravishnagar Sagar Mint, Copper Paisa, 55 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hamie-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, trident and lotus bud mint mark, Rev: manus maimanat sana julus zarb, 15.08g, 23.16mm, Unlisted type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-1800 885. Jafarabad urf Chandor Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 5.56g, 16.98mm, (KM # 159), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 886. Balwantnagar (Jhansi) Mint, Silver Rupee, Ahad RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hamie-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.4g, 23.32mm, (KM # 269), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
886 885 99
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom 887. Hathras Mint, Silver Rupee, 30 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “ saya-efazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb on top, 11.29g, 24.15mm, (KM # 640), choice very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 888. Jalaun Mint, Silver Rupee, 57 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saye-efazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, peacock head and trident mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb, 10.81g, 21.83mm, (Maheshwari # T4a), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-1800 889. Kalpi Mint, Silver Rupee, RY 31, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badsha and trisul mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb and star mark to right, 10.96g, 21.03mm, (KM # 275), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 890. Kora Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 11XX/Ahad RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saye-e-fazle-elah” couplet,sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, mint mark trident and scimitar, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.30g, 20.64mm, (KM # 276), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 891. Kunch Hijri Mint, Silver Rupee, RY 25, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “sayae-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, scimitar and trident mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb and star mark to right, 11.01g, 22.37mm, (Maheshwari # T1a), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 892. Ravishnagar Sagar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH (12)28/ 55 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, pataka and trisul mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb and star mark to right, 10.9g, 19.50mm, (Maheswari # T3), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
893. Ravishnagar Sagar Mint, Silver Rupee, RY 30, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, pataka and trisul mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb and star mark to right, 11.0g, 20.44mm, (KM # 292), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
894. Srinagar Mint, Sliver Rupee, 39 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “sayae-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar saya-e-fazle ilah,hami dine muhammad shah alam badshah, trishul & leaf mint mark, Rev: manus memanat sana julus zarb,10.9g, 18.98mm, (KM # 295), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
895. Gingee Marathas, Copper Kasu, Obv: ganesh seated facing, Rev: nagari legend “rama / rama”, 2.34g, 11.65mm, (K. Ganesh # 11.8), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
896. Thanjavur Marathas, Venkata Rao, Copper Kasu, Obv: hanuman to right, Rev: nagari legend “sri ve ka / ta ra v”, 3.12g, 14.49mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Mysore Kingdom
897. Haidar Ali, Haidarnagar Mint, Copper Paisa, AH 1177, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sana mubarak shah alam, Rev: mint name, 12.33g, 20.15mm, Unlisted type, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 898. Tipu Sultan, Bengalur Mint, Copper Qutub (1/8 Paisa), AM 1218, Obv: elephant walking to left & year above, Rev: zarb bengalur, within dotted circle, 1.32g, 11.23mm, (KM # 30), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
898 100
Auction – 23 Session – II
899. Tipu Sultan, Nagar Mint, Copper ¼ Paisa (Akhtar), AM 1216, Obv: elephant walking to left with above AM year, Rev: zarb Nagar, within dotted circle, 2.60g, 13.95mm, (KM # 101.5), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
900. Tipu Sultan, Patan (Seringpatan) Mint, Copper 1/4 Paisa (Akhtar), AM 1221, Obv: elephant to right with above AM year, Rev: zarb patan, within dotted circle, 2.81g, 14.99mm, (KM # 121.4), choice extremely fine, with complete border on both sides. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
901. Tipu Sultan, Patan Mint, Copper 1/4 Paisa(Akhtar), AM 1223(Retrograde), Obv: elephant left, retrograde date AM1223 top, Rev: akhtar zarb patan, 2.76g, 12.55mm, (Similar to KM # 121.3a, but elephant left instead of right, Unlisted Variety), about extremely fine, Rare Estimated Price: 1500-1800
902. Tipu Sultan, Nagar Mint, Copper ½ Paisa(Bahram), Obv: elephant walking to left within circle, Rev: zarb nagar, within dotted circle, 5.62g, 17.47mm, (KM #102.6), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300
903. Tipu Sultan, Patan(seringpatan) Mint, Silver Rupee (Imami), AM 1216/6RY, Obv: deen-e-ahmad muhammad dar jahan ast, roshan ze fath haidar, saal sarab and sana 1216, Rev: huwas sultan-ul-waheed al adil, tarikh julus saal sakh, suwam bahari and sana 6 julusi, 11.32g, 24.88 mm, (Unlisted type, additional word Muhammad on top of obverse), choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000 - 10,000
904. Anwala (Anola) Mint, Silver Rupee, 3 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus & zarb with sword mark, 10.90g, 21.95mm, Unlisted type, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 905. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1176/3 RY, Broad Flan, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, sword mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.17g, 29.29mm, (KM # 66), about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-5500
906. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, 2 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, talwar with wootz mint mark above “he” of badshah, Rev: sana julus, zarb at bottom & RY, 11.26g, 23.88mm, Unlisted Type, choice very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-4500 907. Mustafabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1184/12 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, ten pointed star mark in julus of letter ‘sin’ & two branched leaf in manus of letter ‘sin’, 11.0g, 23.50mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-4500
Madurai Nayakas 907
908. Copper Kasu, Obv: lion to right, Rev: legend ‘Sri Vira’, 2.36g, 14.33mm, (K. Ganesh # 5.157), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 909. Copper Kasu, Obv: garuda Rev: telugu/ kannada legend ‘Ti ru ma la’, 1.71g, 10.50mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 910. Copper kasu, Restrucked coin, Obv: yali to right, crescent above, Rev: telugulegend ‘Sri Vi ra’, 2.97g, 13.35mm, restrucked on reverse, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
910 101
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom 911. Copper Kasu, Obv: shiva and parvati seated on bull (nandi) facing left, Rev: sita seated facing, 2.60g, 13.13mm, Unlisted type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 912. Copper Kasu, Obv: siva and parvati seated facing, Rev: with kannada legend sri (top) / vi (bellow left) / ra (bellow left), 3.16g, 16.99mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 913. Copper Kasu, Obv: peacock standing to right around dotted circle, Rev: with legend ‘sri vira’, 2.30g,11.83mm, (K.Ganesh # 5.84), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 914. Copper Kasu, Obv: within a prabhavali, garuda standing facing with folded hands, Rev: with legend ‘sri vira’, 1.96g,12.63mm, (K.Ganesh # 5.75), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
Thanjavur Nayaks 915. Copper Kasu, Obv: king with consorts, Rev: lamp flanked by discus and conch, 2.51g, 12.66mm, (K.Ganesh # 6.39), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
916. under Vijayanagara Ruler Venkatapatiraya II, Copper Kasu, Obv: muralidhara playing flute, cows are seen watching, Rev: telugu legend “ve m ka / ta pa” within circle of dots and ear rules, “Sri Ve/kateswara/ya namah”, 3.35g, 15.64mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare. Venkateshwara with sun and moon is not listed in the major reference catalogs. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 917. Copper Kasu, Obv: rajagopalaswamy standing facing within dotted circle, Rev: king vijayaraghava nayak standing with folded hands around circle, 2.85g, 12.53mm, (K. Ganesh # 6.42), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
918. Ramayana Series, Copper Kasu, Obv: ram, sita and hanuman, Rev: king standed with folded hands, 3.54 g, 13.80 mm, (K.Ganesh # 6.36), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 919. Tripura, Ratna Manikya, Silver Tanka, Obv: lion facing right within circle, toothed border, sri durga fields, Rev: ‘sri sri ra/tna mani/kya deva’ within double square and dotted with toothed ornamental border, 9.90g, 25.87mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 30,000-40,000
Vijayanagar Kingdom 920. Aravidu Dynasty, Tirumalaraya (1569-1572 AD), Copper Kasu, Obv: boar charging to right:in the field above a dagger and sun. Rev: three line nagari legend with interlinear rules “rala va/tiru ma/la ra ja”, 3.68g, 16.88mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 921. Tirumalaraya, Copper Kasu, Obv: a bull standing to left, a dagger in front, sun and moon above, within two borders of dotted circle and linear circle, Rev: the nagari legend “(Cha) / la ma / ra ya”, in the field in the middle between the two lines- a discus, vaishnavite mark and conch, within two borders of dotted circle and floral design, 3.7g, 13.49mm, choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 922. Aravidu Dynasty, Venkatapathiraya III, Gold Varaha, Obv: lord venkateshwara standing facing in an arch, upper right hand holding discus, left hand conch and right lower hand is in abhayamudra posture, sun & moon above, Rev: three line nagari legend in interlin ear rules, “Sri Ve/kateswara/ya namah”, 3.35g, 15.64mm, Unlisted Type, about extremely fine, Rare.
Venkateshwara with sun and moon is not listed in the major reference catalogs. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 922 102
Auction – 23 Session – II
923. Aravidu Dynasty, Venkatapathiraya III (1633-1646 AD), Gold Varaha, Obv: lord venkateshwara standing facing in an arch, upper right hand holding discus, left hand conch and right lower hand is in abhayamudra posture, Rev: three line nagari legend in interlinear rules “Sri Ve/kateswara/ ya namaha”, 3.31g, 17.11mm, (Mitch. K&A # 833), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 924. Sri Rangaraya III (1642-1685 AD), Copper Kasu, Obv: lord vishnu standing, Rev: a sword to left and telugu legend “sri ra ma ga ra ya”, 1.27g, 11.28mm, (K.Ganesh # 317), about very fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000 925. Feudatory Chiefs, Copper Kasu, Obv: elephant moving to right, above letter ‘la’, within circle of dots and linear border , Rev: three-line kannada legend “Ma na / da na ya / ka ru” within dotted circle, 3.30g, 15.27mm, (K. Ganesh # 12.37), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
925 926. Konerirayan, Copper Kasu, Obv: a bull standing left, dagger in front, a circle of dots and linear circle around, Rev: three-line tamil legend with rules between the lines “Ko / ne ri / ra ya n”, a circle of dots and linear circle around, 3.38g, 14.90mm, (K.Ganesh # 13.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 926
927. Copper Coin, Obv: discus, Rev: within a prabhavalli an ankusa flanked by sun and moon and other indistinct objects, 3.07g, 14.54mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Coins of Indian Princely State
Arcot 928
928. Nawabs of Arcot, Copper Kasu, Obv: poornakumbha, Rev: tamil legend “Aa (Su)/ na ba(bu)”, 2.02g, 14.98mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 929. Nawabs of Arcot, Copper Kasu, Obv: narthana krishna inside the five pointed star, Rev: persian legend ‘shah’, 2.1g, 10.77mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 930. Copper 1/4 Paisa, AH 1192, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: shah alam badshah Rev: sana hijri, 2.87g, 14.62mm, (K. Ganesh # 14.9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1300-1600
Awadh 930
931. Najibabad Mint, Copper 1/2 paisa, AH (12)15/37 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, crescent mint mark, Rev: vertical fish, mint name on top, 5.13g, 17.56mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 932. Asafabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 19 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-efazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, mace(danda) mark, 11.1g, 19.38mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 933. Asafabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 17 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-efazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, floral design on both sides, 11.9g, 21.44mm, four stars in “seen of julus” Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
933 103
Coins of Indian Independent Kingdom 934. Asafabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1191/18 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, floral design with dagger mark, 11.1g, 20.03mm, (KM # 16.2), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 935. Bareli Mint, Silver Rupee, 18 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saye-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb & cresent mark, 11.2g, 21.03mm, (KM # 46.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 936. Itawa Mint, Silver Rupee, 21 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak bhadshah ghazi, umbrella & fish mint marks, Rev: sana julus and zarb itawa at bottom completely visible, 11.1g, 25.87mm, (KM # 76.4), about very fine, with dotted motifs on both sides, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
937. Muhammadabad Banaras Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1226/26 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus, zarb, mint mark, flag, fish and star, 11.1g, 21.93mm, (KM # 103.2),about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 936 938. Muhammad Banaras Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah”couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, trident mark in ‘sin’ of julus, 11.27g, 24.24mm, (KM # 36.8), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 939. Najibabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1201/28 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv:”saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb & katar mark, 11.2g, 22.64mm, (KM # 116.11), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 940. Shahabad Qanauj Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1188/16 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elahi” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, arrow mark on top line, Rev: sana julus zarb, complete mint name visible at bottom, trident mark in letter ‘seen’ of julus,10.5g, 27.71mm, (KM # 86.1), choice very fine with broadflan & dotted motifs. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
941. Ghazi-Ud-Din Haidar, Lucknow Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1241/7 RY, Obv: shahe-zaman legend, Rev: crown flanked by lions holding flag, two upright fish below, 11.01g, 32.26mm, (KM # 165.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
942. Al-Haj-Sadiq Muhammad V Abbasi, Copper ¼ Anna, 1940 AD, Obv: bust of al-haj-sadiq muhammad v abbasi left, Rev: toughra style legend, 4.9g, 25.43mm, (KM # Y13), almost uncirculated, UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 943. Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan V, Copper Square Paisa, Obv: nawab sir sadiq muhammad khan khamis, Rev: mint name bahawalpur, 2.79g, 16.95x15.88mm, (KM # 7.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
943 941 104
Auction – 23 Session – II
944. Jai singh, Silver Rupee, Obv: nagari legend in five lines the ruler’s name with tilte, regnal year and mint name “yih sikka par chap maharaja jay singh ke 18 jaynagar” border of dots between two linear circles. Rev: nagari legend in four lines “shri raghav partap pavan-putra bal pay-ke” border of dots between two linear circles, 10.61g, 18.42mm, (KM # 7), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Baroda 945
945. Sayaji Rao II, Amreli Mint, Copper Paisa, AH (12)56, Obv: elephant and flag left with nagari letter ‘Sa & Ga’ Rev: sana julus and mint name,7.42g, 23.01mm, (KM # 29.3), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Bharatpur 946
946. Mahe Indrapur Mint, Silver Rupee, 3 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saye-fazle-elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, “sa” in nagari, 11.4g, 21.69mm, (KM # 36), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Bhopal 947. Copper Paisa, Obv: whisk and katar, Rev: persian “Sikka Bhopal”, 16.68g, 20.14mm, (KM C # 21), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
Bikaner 948. Gaj Singh, Balda Bikanir Mint, Silver Rupee(2), 2, 7 RY, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi alamgir sani, Rev: sana julus & zarb on top, 10.96g, 11.00g, 20.86mm, 22.43mm, (KM # 10), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 948
949. Surat Singh, Silver Rupee, AH 1229/52 RY, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: zarb balda bikanir on top, memanat manus julus sana, 11.11g, 23.83mm, (KM # 17), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Bundi 949
950. Ram Singh, Silver Rupee, VS1972/1922AD, With the name of King George V, Obv: katar around emperor george v, Rev: ram singh in nagari legend, 10.07g, 19.75mm, (KM # Y18.1) about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2200
Chhatrapur 950
951. Silver Rupee, 3 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, lotus bud and sun mark, Rev: sana julus and zarb at bottom, 11.25g, 21.12mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Maler Kotla 951
952. Ahmad Ali Khan, Silver Rupee, In the name of Ahmad Shah Durrani, Obv: ahmad badshah, Rev: sana julus and zarb,10.68g, 15.84mm, (KM # Y9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 953. Ahmad Ali Khan, Silver Rupee, In the name of Ahmad Shah Durrani, Obv: ahmad badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, 10.64g, 17.38mm, (KM Y # 9), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
953 105
Coins of Indian Princely States
Cochin 954. Silver 2 Puttuns, Obv: conch(shell), Rev: sun and moon above “lazy J” and dots, 0.98g, 10.86mm, (KM # 6), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
Datia 955. Raja Shahi Series, Silver 1/2 Rupee, AH 1311/19 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: hami-e-din, Rev: sana julus & mint mark, 5.27g, 14.89mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 956. Raja Shahi Series, Silver Rupee, AH 1178/6 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: hami-e-din, Rev: sana julus, 10.92g, 17.76mm, (KMC # 27), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
957. Raja Shahi Series, Silver Rupee, AH 1178/6 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: hami-e-din, Rev: Sana julus, 10.9g, 17.58mm, (KM # 27), about very fine. Rare. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 957
Gwalior 958. Mahadji Rao, Gwalior Fort Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1177/5 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.21g, 22.71mm, (KM # 55), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
959. Daulat Rao, Rajod Mint, Copper Paisa, Obv: hanuman holding dronagiri mountain flying to right, Rev: lingam with samvat year, 9.26g, 22.73mm, (KM # 195), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 960. Basoda Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: sikka mubarak saheb-e-qiran badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, baja mint mark & nagari legend, 10.80g, 18.38mm, (KM # 19.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1400-1800 961. Shadorah Mint, Silver Rupee, 122X/37 Ry, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: sikka mubarak saheb-e-qiran sani muhammad akbar shah sani, with cannon right & snake, Rev: sana 37 julus, zarb shadorah on top with mint marks battle axe, leaf & flower, 10.53g, 20.84mm, Unlisted type, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000 - 12,000 962. Jayaji Rao, Lashkar Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: Sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, bow and arrow pointed down, nagari “Ji” for jayaji, 2.65g, 12.37mm, (KM # 149), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 963. Jayaji Rao, Lashkar Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubharak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus, bow and arrow pointed down, nagari “Ji” for jayaji, 5.37g, 15.18mm, (KM # 150), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 964. Jayaji Rao, Copper Paisa, Dohad Mint, Obv: VS 1912, Rev: Umbrella with mint mark, (KM # 50.1), 5.72g, 16.92mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800 965. Gwalior Feudatory-Bajranggarh, Ajit Singh, Silver Rupee, Obv: nagari legend, Rev: nagari Legend, lotus mint mark, 10.25g, 19.62mm, (KM # 16), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
965 106
Auction – 23 Session – II
966. Afzal-ud-Daula, Haiderabad Farkhanda Bunyad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1279/6 RY, Obv: sikka nizam-ul-mulk bahadur asaf jah, Rev: sana julus and mint name, 11.09g, 23.82mm, (KMY # 6), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300
967. Malharnagar Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, AH 1237, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb and sun face, 2.48g, 15.50mm, (KM # 72), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 968. Maheshwar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1205/33 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, lingam and leaf mark, 11.1g, 20.60mm, (KM # 58.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 969. Malhar Nagar Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1268, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb and sun face, 11.13g, 18.32mm, (KM # 76), about very fine. Estimated Price: 900-1100
970. Indore Feudatory-Sironj, Silver Rupee, AH 1184/12, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hamie-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb complete mint name visible, 11.13g, 25.12mm, (KM # 111), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
Jaipur 971. Madho Singh II, Sawai Jaipur Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, 20 RY, With the name of Victoria, Obv: ba ahad malika-e-muazzama sultanate-e-inglistan, Rev: ruler’s name and jhar mint mark, 2.9g, 15.09mm, (KM # 139), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1300 972. Muhammad Ismail, Copper Paisa, Milled Coinage, AH 1313/AD 1896/VS 1953, Obv: date flag and value in inner circle, Rev: legend “H.H. the nawab of jaora”, zarb jaora in, center, 7.18g, 26.13mm, (KM # 10), about very fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000
Jhalawar 972 973. Silver 1/4 Rupee, “New Madan Shahi”series, In the name of Victoria, Obv: victoria badshah inglistan, Rev: sana julus zarb, 2.75g, 13.92mm,(KM # Y4.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 973
974. Silver Rupee, 40 RY, “New Madan Shahi”series, With the name of Victoria, Obv: malika-muzzama victoria badshah inglistan, Rev: sana julus zarb with jhar mark, 11.3g, 18.70mm, (KM # Y6.2, RY is unlisted), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 975. Silver Rupee, “Madan Shahi” series, 33 RY, With the name of Victoria, Obv: malika-e-muazzama victoria badshah inglistan, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, jhar mint mark, 11.3g, 18.61mm, (Variant of KM Y # 6.2, Jhar mint mark is Different), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Kashmir 975
976. Ranbir Singh, Srinagar Mint, Silver Rupee, VS 1929/1872 AD, Obv: persian legends & date with western initials “JHS”, Rev: takari legend with sword , 6.9g, 21.94mm, (KM # Y16a), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
976 107
Coins of Indian Princely States
Kolhapur 977. Azamnagar(Gokak) Mint, Silver Rupee, In the name of Muhammad Shah, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.42g, 20.97mm, (KM # C16), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Kutch 978. Madanasinghji, Bhuj Mint, Silver Kori (Jai Hind), VS 2004, Victory for Indian Independence, Obv: ruler’s name, Rev: mint name & date, 4.8g, 17.12mm, (KM # Y84), UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
Lunavada 979. Wakhat Singhji, Copper Paisa, VS1949, Obv: pillar above lion, Rev: gujarati legends in three lines, 7.4g, 20.31x17.94mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2200 979
Mewar 980. Udaipur Mint, Silver 1/16 Rupee, Obv: chitarkot/ udaipur in hindi legend, Rev: “dosti lundhun” in hindi legend, 0.65g, 8.90mm, (KM # 7.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
2x 980
Mysore 981. Krishnaraja Wadiyar III, Mahisur Mint, Copper X Cash, Obv: elephant facing onleft, above “Sri” between sun and moon, Rev: value in english & kannada, 4.53g, 17.23mm, (KM # C174), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 982. Krishna Raja Wadiyar III, Mahisur Mint, Copper XX Cash, Obv: elephant below kanarese,”sri” between sun and moon, Rev: 3 line kanarese legend, denomination is often encountered blundered or retrograde, 9.0g, 20.10mm, (KM # C177a), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 983. Wodeyars of Mysore, Chikka Devaraja Wodeyar, Copper Kasu, Obv: elephant walking to left, Rev: devanagari “LA NA” (repeating), 3.34g, 13.62mm, (Mitch. T&K 1106), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
Narwar 984. Mahadji Rao, Silver Rupee, AH 1174/Ahad RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv:”saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami-e-dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.1g, 23.64mm, (KM # 16), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Orchha 985. Silver Rupee, Gaja Shahi Series, 12 RY, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: “sahib-e-qiran sani” legend, Rev: sana julus zarb mint mark at bottom, 10.88g, 19.78mm, Unlisted Type, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
Patiala 986. Narindar Singh, Silver Rupee, In the name of Ahamad Shah Durrani, Obv: ahmad badshah, Rev: sana julus, ‘nun’ for narindra & swad mint marks, 10.73g, 17.01mm, Unlisted type, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
986 108
Auction – 23 Session – II
Rewa 987. Vishwanath Singh, Copper 2 Paisa, Obv: nagari script “Sikka Rewa”, Rev: nagari legend, 16.95g, 20.51mm, (KM # 18), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 987
988. Raghuraj Singh, Copper 2 Paisa, Obv: lion to left, arround persian legend riasat rewan, Rev: english legend “agent bushby sahib”, 15.61g, 21.33mm, (KM # 26), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Travancore 988
989. Rama Varma VI, Silver 1/2 Rupee, ME 1106, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays legend in malayalam, Rev: date and value within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 5.4g, 24.06mm, (KM # 53), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 990. Rama Varma VI, Silver 1/4 Rupee, ME 1106, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays value in malayalam ‘Thiruvithamkur Kaal Roopa’ Rev: denomination and date within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 2.58g, 20.14mm, (KM # 52), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 991. Bala Rama Varma II, Set of two different coins, Bronze Chukram & 8 Cash (2), Obv: brv monogram & bust of Bala Rama Varma II right, Rev: sankha (conch shell) in sprays, 4.90g, 7.70g, 22.0mm, 26.55mm, (KM # 59 & 60), UNC. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
992. Bala Rama Varma II, Silver 1/4 Rupee, ME 1112, Obv: date and value within sprays, legend in english surrounds, Rev: sankha (conch shell) in sprays, 2.63g, 20.14mm, (KM # 62), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 993. Bala Rama Varma II, Silver 1/2 Chitra Rupee, ME 1114, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays legend in malayalam thiruvithamkoor arra roopa “chitra”, Rev: date and value within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 5.32g, 23.87mm, (KM #64), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 994. Bala Rama Varma II, Silver 1/2 Chitra Rupee, ME 1116, Obv: shanku (conch shell) with sprays legend in malayalam, thiruvithamkoor arra roopa “chitra”, Rev: date and value within sprays, legend in english surrounds, 5.36g, 24.00mm, (KM # 67), about very fine, Estimated Price: 4000-5000
995. Set of 6 different denomination coins, 1. Rama Varma VI, Silver Fanam(2) , ME 1087, 1106, Obv: sankha(conch shell) in sprays, Rev: RV monogram, 1.43g, 1.46g, 15.58mm, 15.72mm, (KM # 51), 2. Bala Rama Varma II, Silver Fanam(2), Silver 2 Chuckrams(2), ME 1121, 1116, Obv: sankha(coach shell), Rev: value & rulers name, 0.75g, 0.76g, 1.48g, 1.53g, 10.76mm, 10.78mm, 15.71mm, 15.67mm, (KM # 65, 44), about fine to very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
995 109
Coins of European Enclaves
Indo-Danish 996 996. Tranquebar, Frederik III, Copper Cash, Obv: crowned F3 monogram, Rev: norse lion on left above, 0.87g, 8.32mm, (KM # 83), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 997. Tranzuebar, Frederik III, Copper Cash, Obv: crowned f3 surrounded by lower half circle, Rev: crowned norse lion on curved battle axe to left, in beaded circle, 1.04g, 10.45mm, (KM # 82), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Indo-French 998. Pondicherry Mint, Bronze Doudou, Obv: rooster walking to right, Rev: tamil legend of “pudu/tche/ri”, 4.08g, 15.16mm, (KM # 52), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
999. Arcot Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1218/43 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 57.10g, 23.81mm, (KM # 15), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1000. Goa, John V, Silver Pardao (300 Reis),Obv: bust of king to right, date below, Rev: crowned arms, 11.57g, 21.93mm, (KM # 111), about fine. Estimated Price: 13,000-15,000 1001. Goa, Maria II, Copper 4-1/2 Reis, 1848 AD, Obv: crowned arms with date, Rev: value four and half reis, 2.67g, 15.19mm, (KM # 258), about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
1002. Goa, Maria II, Copper 6 Reis , 1845 AD, Obv: crowned arms, Rev: date and value in six reis, 3.21g, 16.51mm, (KM # 259), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1003. Goa, Maria II, Copper 7-1/2 Reis, 1848 AD, Obv: crowned arms with date, Rev: value 7-1/2 reis, 4.17g, 18.30mm, (KM # 260), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1004. Goa, Joao, Copper 15 Reis, Obv: crowned arms, Rev: value in fifteen reis, 9.36g, 25.05mm, (KM # 216), about fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1005. Goa, Joao, 15 Reis, Obv: crowned arms, Rev: value within sprays, 8.9g, 23.70mm, (KM # 263), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1006. Portuguese Administration, Silver Uma Rupia, 1912 AD, Obv: republica portuguesa and year, Rev: denomination, 11.6g, 30.40mm, (KM # 18), about very fine Estimated Price: 1800-2200 1003
1005 1006
Auction – 23 Session – II
Coins of Presidencies of India Bengal Presidency 1007
1007. Shahjahanabad Mint, Copper Pice (Paisa), AH (1)225/5 RY, In the name of Muhammad Akbar II, Obv: falus shah akbar shah, Rev: zarb shahjahanabad with initial ‘S’, 11.19g, 21.60mm, (Paul Stevens # 8.80), about very fine. Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1008. Calcutta Mint, Copper Pice, 37 RY, In the name Shah Alam II, Obv: shah alam badshah and sana julus, Rev: value in bengali, persian and hindi, 6.06g, 27.73mm, (KM # 56/Paul Stevens # 6.27), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1008 1009. Copper Pice, Saugor Mint, 45 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: shah alam badshah julus sanah 45, flower in sin of julus, Rev: value in persian and hindi, trident mint mark, (KM # 72/Paul Stevens # 8.147), 6.09g, 21.36mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
1010. Calcutta Mint, Copper 1/2 Anna, Aligned, Obv: value in persian and nagari, Rev: value in english and bengali, 12.55g, 27.51mm, (KM # 59/Paul Stevens # 9.28), about very fine+. Estimated Price: 1600-2000 1011. Calcutta Mint, Copper 1/2 Anna, Inverted, Obv: value in persian and nagari, Rev: value in english and bengali, 12.55g, 27.51mm, (Paul Stevens # 9.29), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2200
1012. Bengal Presidency, Murshidabad Mint, Silver 1/8 Rupee, 19 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, 1.42g, 13.07mm, (KM # 81.3/PR # 151), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 1013. Farrukhabad Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, AH 1204/45 RY, Edge: Plain, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, 2.90g, 16.31mm, (KM # 75), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1011 180 degree Die rotation
1014. Murshidabad Mint, Silver 1/4 Rupee, AH 1204/19 RY, Edge: Plain, In the name of Sham Alam II, Obv: sikka shah alam badshah, Rev: sana julus zarb, 3.09g, 16.35mm, (KM # 115), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1015. Murshidabad Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, 19 RY, Edge: Plain, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, on top left tiny crescent mark, 6.17g, 22.92mm, (KM # 116), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1016. Azimabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, 7 RY, In the name Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and zarb at the bottom, 11.4g, 22.71mm, (Paul stevens # 5.16), about very fine, 7 RY is Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1017. Azimabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, 10 RY, In the name Shah Alam II, Obv: “sayae-fazle-elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus and zarb at the bottom, 11.3g, 22.63mm, (Paul Stevens # 5.21), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1015 111
Coins of Presidencies of India 1018. Farrukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 45 RY, Edge: Vertical Milling, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb, mint mark, 11.62g, 25.56mm, (KM # 70/Paul Stevens # 6.22), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1019. Farrukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 45 RY, Edge: Plain, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.56g, 26.39mm, (KM # 77), about very fine+. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1020. Murshidabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, AH 1179/5 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sun mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.06g, 22.82mm, (KM # 84.1), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1021. Murshidabad Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 118X/7 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, Rev: sana julus, zarb at bottom, 11.59g, 22.39mm, (KM # 84.1/Paul Stevens # 2.72), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1022. Murshidabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, AH 1184/11 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah” couplet, sun mint mark, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.56g, 23.56mm, (KM # 84.2/Paul Stevens # 2.116), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1023. Murshidabad Mint, Sliver Rupee, 12 RY, In the name Shah Alam II, Obv:”saya-e-fazle-elah” couplet, crescent mint mark, Rev: sana julus, zarb at the bottom, 11.7g, 23.41mm, (KM # 84.2), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1024. Shahjahanabad Dar-ul-Khilafa Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1220/ 47 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, “za tayid elah” couplet, Obv: sikka zad sahib-i-qirani ta yid-e-elah, hami dine mohammad, shah alam badshah, within wreath of roses clockwise, thistles and shamrocks, Rev: zarb dar al-khilafa shahjahanabad, sana julus maimanat manus, zarb on top with royal umbrella and jasmine lower in the center, surrounded by a wreath of roses anti-clockwise, thistles and shamrocks, 10.94g, 25.68mm, (Paul Stevens # 8.31), choice very fine, Very Rare.
The floral designs on the wreath of the obverse on this specimen does not match with any of the combinations of Stevens study. The floral border in obverse running clockwise direction whereas in reverse it is anti-clockwise direction. Estimated Price: 25000-35000 1022
Bombay Presidency 1025. Bombay Mint, Copper Pice, 1773 AD, Obv: U.E.I. Co bale mark, Rev: 1/pice/ bomb/177x in 3 lines, 4.85g, 17.97mm, (KM # 188/Paul Stevens # 2.116), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1026. Calicut Mint, Copper Pice, 1803 AD, Obv: U.E.I.Co. bale mark, Rev: date ‘1803’, 2.2g, 10.25mm, (KM # 203), about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
1027. Mumbai Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, In the name of Ahmad Shah Bahadur, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus & mint name mumbai complete visible at bottom, 5.46g, 17.23mm, Unlisted Type in KM, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-5000
1027 1025 112
Auction – 23 Session – II
1028. Calcutta Mint, Name Surat, Silver Rupee, AH 1215/46 RY, Edge: Vertical milling, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi, Rev: sana julus zarb at bottom, 11.58g, 26.93mm, (KM # 221/PR # 284), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1029. Mumbai Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1131/Ahad RY, In the name of Shah Jahan II, Obv: sikka mubarak shahjahan badshah ghazi, test mark, Rev: sana julus, zarb mumbai at bottom, 11.6g, 24.59mm, (KM #160/Paul Stevens # 2.9), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
Madras Presidency
1030. London Mint, Copper Pie, 1825 AD, Obv: E.I. Co, arms, Rev: within an openwreath, one value in persian, 2.13g, 17.62mm, (KM # 428/Paul Stevens # 5.95/PR # 282), almost UNC. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1031. Copper 40 Cash (XL Cash), Obv: value in persian and english separated by dotted line, Rev: value in telugu and tamil, 18.57g, 35.89mm, (KM # 331.2/Paul Stevens # 3.278/ Pr # 218), about very fine. Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15000-20000,
1032. Arcot Mint, Silver 1/8 Rupee, AH 1172/6 RY, Edge: Oblique Milling, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka badshah alamgir II, Rev: sanath, zarb,arcot, mint mark rose, 1.42g, 12.78mm, (KM # 424/Paul Stevens # 4.33/ Pr # 266), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1033. Arkat Mint, Silver 1/2 Rupee, AH 1172/6 RY, Edge: Chord Milling, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi aziz uddin muhammad alamgir, Rev: sana julus zarb, closed lotus, 5.77g, 21.74mm, (KM # 414 /Pr # 259), about extremely fine with toning, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1034. Silver Fanam, 2nd Issue, 1808 AD,Obv: value in persian and english, Rev: value in telugu and tamil, 0.89g, 11.50mm, (KM # 349/Paul Stevens # 3.268/Pr # 188), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1035. Silver Two Fanam, Obv: single standing deity vishnu, Rev: C’sinterlinked without bead at left and right, 1.90g, 9.90mm, (KM # 308), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1036. Silver Five Fanams, Edge: Obligue Milling, 2nd Issue, Obv: buckled garter, value in english and persian, five fanams, Rev: ribbon, star, value in telugu and tamil, 4.46g, 21.39mm, (KM # 351/Paul Stevens # 3.231), choice extremely fine, Rare. ‘F’of Five appears as an’E’ and’I’ is elongated. Estimated Price: 6000-8000 1037. Gold Star Pagoda, Obv: deity vishnu, Rev: star in center, granulations around, 3.39g, 11.19mm, (KM # 303/Paul Stevens # 1.12), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 13,000-15,000
2X 1036
1035 1033
1037 1034 113 Coins of British India
1/12 Anna 1038. 1878, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 787), Reverse die rotated, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1039. 1883, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 789), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1039 1040. 1883, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 789/GK # 897), about extremely fine Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1041. 1886, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 791/GK # 902), red Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1042. 1887, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 792/GK # 905), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1043. 1888, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 793/GK # 908), about very fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000 1044. 1889, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 794/GK # 910), almost unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1045. 1891, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 796/GK # 912), about very fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000 1046. 1892, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 797/GK # 913), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1047. 1893, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 798/GK # 914), almost unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1044 1048. 1894, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 799/GK # 915), Unc. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1049. 1898, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 803), choice extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1050. 1901, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 805/GK # 921), Brilliant Unc Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1051. 1905, King Edward VII, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Thick Planchet, (PR # 820/GK # 1014), Unc Estimated Price: 800-1000
1047 1049
1051 114
Auction – 23 Session – II
1052. 1907, King Edward VII, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Hair lines, Thin Planchet, (PR # 823/GK # 1017), Toned Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1052
1053.1908, King Edward VII, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, Thin Planchet, (PR # 824/GK # 1018), Toned Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1054. 1912, King George V, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 827/GK # 1223), Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1000 1055. 1915, King George V, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 830/GK # 1226), Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1000
1056. 1924, King George V, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 852/GK # 1235), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1000
1/2 Pice
1057. 1888, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 720/GK # 868), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1058. 1905, King Edward VII, Copper 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression,Thick Planchet, (PR # 738/GK # 996), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1059. 1915, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 748/GK # 1201), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1060. 1916, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 749/GK # 1202),Gem Toned UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1061. 1916, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 749/GK # 1202), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1062. 1919, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 752/GK # 1205), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1063. 1921, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 754/GK # 1207), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1064. 1922, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 755/GK # 1208), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1059 1065. 1924, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 757/GK # 1210), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1061 115
Coins of British India 1066. 1927, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Gosht impression, (PR # 760/ GK # 1213), Gem toned Unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1067. 1928, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 761/ GK # 1214), Toned Unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1068. 1930, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 763), Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1200 1069. 1930, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 763), Toned brown Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1200
1070.1930, King George V, Bronze 1/2 Pice, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 763/GK # 1216), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1 Pice
1071.1944, King George VI, Copper 1 Pice, Calcutta Mint, High Crown, Proof only date, (GK # 1440/PR # 695), Gem Unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
1/4 Anna 1072. 1858, East India Company, Copper 1/4 Anna, Birmingham Mint, Two Leaves, (PR # 154/GK # 233), Unc. Estimated Price: 3000-3500
1073. 1887, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 620/GK # 844), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1074. 1887, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 620/GK # 844), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1075. 1889, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 622), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1076. 1894, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 627/GK # 853), Toned gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1077. 1899, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/II, (PR # 632/GK # 858), Toned gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1078. 1904, King Edward VII, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Thick Planchet, (PR # 647/GK # 995), Unc Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1073 1075
1074 116
Auction – 23 Session – II
1079. 1906, King Edward VII, Bronze 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Ghost impression, (PR # 651), Unc with toning, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
1080. 1911, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 656/GK # 1171), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62 RB, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000 1081. 1912, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 658/GK # 1172), Unc. Estimated Price: 500-1000 1082. 1913, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 659/GK # 1173), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1080 1083. 1914, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 660/GK # 1174), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1084. 1914, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 660/GK # 1174), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1081
1085. 1917, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 662/GK # 1176), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1086. 1924, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 677/GK # 1180), Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1087. 1927, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 668/GK # 186), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1088.1928, King George V, Copper 1/4 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 669/GK # 1188), Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1000
1/2 Anna
1089. 1877, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/2 Anna, Bombay Mint, Bust/B, (PR # 586/GK # 820), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
1 Anna 1090. 1907, King Edward VII, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 926/GK # 990), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
Coins of British India 1091. 1913, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 943/GK # 1143), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1092. 1913, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombauy Mint, (PR # 943/GK # 1143), Unc, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
1093. 1914, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bomobay Mint, (PR # 944/ GK # 1144), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1094. 1933, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 937/GK # 1164), almost unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
1095. 1935, King George V, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Bombay Mint, (PR # 957/GK # 1166), Unc. Estimated Price: 500-1000 1096. 1938, King George VI, Copper Nickel 1 Anna, Calcutta Mint, T/I, (PR # 959/GK # 1378), Unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
2 Annas 1097. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, 16 berries (8L +8R), (PR # 114), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
1098. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W. Raised, 9 berries (5L +4R), (PR # 121/ GK # 216), Gem Unc with flowless mirror like surface, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 1099. 1841, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Continuous Legend, Bombay Mint, 16 berries (8L + 8R), (PR # 120/GK # 141), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1100. 1875, Victoria Queen, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR# 489/GK # 742), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 1101. 1878, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/None, (PR # 493/GK # 751), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1102. 1878, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/2/None, (PR # 493/GK # 751), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 64+. Estimated Price: 20000-25000 1103. 1881, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 496/ GK # 758), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1101 1099
1100 118
Auction – 23 Session – II
1104. 1883, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 498/ GK # 768), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1105
1105. 1885, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 390/ GK # 702), almost unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1106. 1887, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, B/II/B incuse, Ghost Impression, (PR # 540/GK # 783), Unc. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1107. 1889, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 504/ GK # 788), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000
1108. 1891, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 506/ GK # 795), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1109. 1893, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 508/ GK # 800), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000 1110. 1895, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 510/ GK # 803), almost unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1111. 1898, Victoria Empress, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, B/II/C incuse, (PR # 513/ GK # 810), choice extremely fine+, Scare. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1112. 1903, King Edward VII, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 556/GK # 980), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1113. 1904, King Edward VII, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, Ghost Impression, (PR # 557/GK # 981), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63, Toned Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1114. 1906, King Edward VII, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 559/GK # 983), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 64, Toned gem Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1115. 1912, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 571/GK # 1109), Toned Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1116. 1913, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 572/GK # 1111), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1117. 1913, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 566/GK # 1110), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1118. 1914, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 573/GK # 1113), Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1118 119
Coins of British India 1119. 1914, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 573/GK # 1112), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 500-700 1120. 1916, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 569/GK # 1116), about extremely fine +. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1121. 1917, King George V, Silver 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 570/GK # 1117), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1120 1122. 1930, King George V, Copper Nickel 2 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 890/GK # 1135), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 61. Estimated Price: 25000-30000
1/4 Rupee 1123. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Continous Legend, Calcutta Mint, 34 Berries (19L+15R), (PR # 103), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-5000
1124 . 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Divided Legend, Bombay & Calcutta Mint, Plain ‘4’, (KM # 454.2), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 61. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 1125. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, W.W. Raised,10 berries (6L + 4R), (PR # 105/GK # 198), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
1126. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, Dot after date, 34 berries (19L + 15R), MULE, (PR # 108/GK # 200), about very fine, Very Rare. 1123 This coin is struck with the obverse die of the 1841 Divided Legend and the reverse die of 1841 Continuous Legend. Pridmore has listed this type in the catalog but this variety is not commonly found. Estimated Price: 15000-20000 1127. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 376/GK # 375), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1128. 1882, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, C/II/C Incuse, (PR # 387/ GK # 687), about extremely fine Estimated Price: 3000-5000 1129. 1890, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, Ghost Impression, C/ II/C incuse, (PR # 395/GK # 719), Toned Unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1130. 1891, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, Triple Ghost Impression, C/II/C incuse, (PR # 396), Toned about Unc, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1131. 1892, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Bombay Mint, C/I/B incuse, (PR # 427/ GK # 722), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
1127 1129
1128 1131 120
Auction – 23 Session – II
1132. 1901, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, C/II/C incuse, (PR # 404/ GK # 737), choice extremely fine+. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
1133. 1914, King George V, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 443/GK # 1085), Unc Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1134. 1925, King George V, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR #458/GK # 1093), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-2000
1135. 1930, King George V, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR #451/GK # 1097), Brilliant UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-2000 1136. 1945, King George VI, Silver 1/4 Rupee, Bombay Mint, Large 5, (PR # 470), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
1/2 Rupee 1137. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Continous Legend, Bombay Mint, 19 Berries (9L+10R), (PR # 76/GK # 123), choice extremely fine with toning. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1135 1138. 1874, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, B1/II/Dot, (PR # 284/GK # 599), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
1139. 1876, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, B2/II/Dot, (PR # 287/GK # 606), about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1140. 1884, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, A/II/None, (PR # 293/ GK # 627), about very fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1141. 1888, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A/I/C incuse, (PR # 272/ GK # 641), choice extremely fine. Estimated Price: 6000-7000 1142. 1894, Victoria Empress, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A/I/C incuse, (PR # 278/ GK # 651), about extremely fine+. Estimated Price: 7000-8000
1143. 1905, King Edward VII, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 309/GK # 934), Unc details, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 30,000-40,000 1144. 1906, King Edward VII, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 310/GK # 964), Unc. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000
1141 121
Coins of British India 1145. 1910, King Edward VII, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, Dot/B incuse, (PR # 317/ GK # 970), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 62 Estimated Price: 15000-20000 1146. 1910, King Edward VII, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 314/GK # 971), Toned AU-Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1145 1147. 1913, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta MInt, (PR # 320/GK # 1048), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1148. 1913, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 320/GK 1048), graded & slabbed by NGC as MS 63. HIghest graded so far. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,20,000
1149. 1918, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 342/GK # 1056), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1150. 1921, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 324/GK # 1058), Unc. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1151. 1923, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 326/GK # 1061), Unc. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1152. 1924, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 327/GK # 1063), Unc. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1153. 1925, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 328/GK # 1065), Unc. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1148 1154. 1929, King George V, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 331/GK # 1071), Gem Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1155. 1939, King George VI, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/I, Young head, (PR # 352/GK # 1295), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
1156. 1939, King George VI, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, T/I, (PR # 363/GK # 1297), Rainbow toning Unc. Estimated Price: 800-1200 1157. 1939, King George VI, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/2, A(a/I), (PR # 353/GK # 1296), graded & slabbed by PCGS as AU 55. Estimated Price: 35,000-40,000 1158. 1943, King George VI, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Lahore Mint, T/II, (PR # 367), Toned Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1157 1153 122
Auction – 23 Session – II
1159. 1944, King Goerge VI, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/II, B/III, (PR # 360/GK # 1310), Toned Unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
8 Annas 1158
1160. 1919, King George V, Copper Nickel 8 Annas, Bombay Mint, (PR # 872/GK # 1078), about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 1161. 1919, King George V, Copper Nickel 8 Annas, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 870/GK # 1077), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
Rupee 1159
1162. 1835, King William IIII, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, B/II(ii), (Unlisted in Pridmore/GK # 33), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2200-2500 1163. 1835, King William IIII, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, F incuse, 19 berries, (10L + 9R), A/II, (PR # 34/GK # 14), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
1164. 1835, King Willam IIII, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, “R.S.” Incuse, 20 Berries (11L + 9R), B/II(ii), (Unlisted in Pridmore/GK # 4), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1165. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Continuous Legend, Bombay Mint, No initial, Broken 0 of 1840, 19 berries (10L + 9R), A/II, (Unlisted in PR & GK), about extremely fine, Very Rare. The 0 is broken and appears as two crescents sideways, unlisted variety. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 1166. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W. incuse, 28 Berries (13L+15R), (PR # 56/GK # 163), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500
1167. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W. Raised, 28 berries (13L + 15R), (PR # 56/GK # 163), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58, toned AU, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-7000
1166 1164
1167 1165 123
Coins of British India 1168. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Continuous Legend, Madras Mint, ‘S’ incuse and ‘V’ raised, 19 berries (10L+9R), A/IV, (PR # 47/GK # 103), about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1169. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Continuous Legend, Madras Mint, S incuse, 19 Berries (10L + 9R), A/IV, (PR # 45/GK # 116), graded & slabbed by NGC as AU 58. Estimated Price: 4000-6000 1170. 1862, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, A/I/0/0 dots, (PR # 66/GK # 255), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1171. 1875, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, A2/II/None, (PR # 145), Brilliant Unc. Estimated Price: 12000-14000 1172. 1875, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, C1/II/Dot, (PR # 144/GK # 419), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1173. 1885, Victoria Empress, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, A3/II/B incuse, A3(i)/II(iV), (Unlisted in Pridmore/Unlisted in GK), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1174. 1898, Victoria Empress, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, C2/I/B Incuse, (PR # 184/ GK # 585 ), about very fine. Estimated Price: 1600-1800
1175. 1900, Victoria Empress, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, A3/I/B incuse, (PR # 186/GK # 589), Unc with rainbow toning. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1176. 1905, King Edward VII, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, Dot/B incuse, (PR # 201/GK # 935), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1177. 1905, King Edward VII, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, B/Dot, (PR # 201/GK # 935), Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
1172 1175
1173 1176
1174 1177 124
Auction – 23 Session – II
1178. 1906, King Edward VII, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 192/GK # 938),Unc. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1179. 1907, King Edward VII, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, Dot, (PR # 203/GK # 945), Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1178
1180. 1911, King George V, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 207/GK # 1021), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1181. 1912, King George V, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 218/GK # 1025), Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1182. 1914, King George V, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 210/GK # 1029), Unc. Estimated Price: 1500-2000
1183. 1916, King George V, Silver 1 Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 222/GK # 1034), Unc. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1184. 1917, King George V, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 223/GK # 1036), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1185. 1918, King George V, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 224/GK # 1038), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 800-1000
1180 1186. 1920, King George V, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 226/GK # 1042), almost unc. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1187. 1920, King George V, Silver Rupee, Calcutta Mint, (PR # 216/GK # 1041), Unc. Estimated Price: 1200-1400
1185 1182
1186 1183
1184 125
Coins of British India 1188. 1921, King George V, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 227/GK # 1043), Unc. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 1189. 1922, King George V, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, (PR # 228/GK # 1044), Unc. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 1190. 1938, King George VI, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, T/II, A/II, (PR # 234/GK # 1255), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1191. 1947, King George VI, Copper Nickel, Lot of 3 Coins, Bombay Mint, 1/4 Rupee, (PR # 869/GK # 1347), 1/2 Rupee, (PR # 867/GK # 1322), Rupee, (PR # 865/GK # 1292), All are Unc. Estimated Price: 500-1000
Mohurs 1192. 1841, Victoria Queen, Gold Mohur, Divided Legend, Calcutta Mint, W.W incuse, A/I, Unlisted in Pridmore, small nick on the edge, about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,10,000-1,50,000 1193. 1862, Victoria Queen, Gold Mohur, Calcutta Mint, A/II, V raised in bottom flower at reverse, (PR # 4/S&W # 4.3), about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 1,25,000-1,50,000
1194. Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, 1840 AD, Counter Strucked as “al shaikh said fi ras bab al mandab� in persian on obverse, 2.0g, 16.95mm, about very fine+, Excessively Rare. Estimated Price: 18,000-20,000 1195. Mombasa, Silver Rupee, 1888, PM overstruck, Obv: imperial british east Africa company balance scales, Rev: crowned radiant sun at center, ribbon bearing the motto light and liberty below, 11.62, 13.09mm, about very fine. PM stands for Port Mozambique Estimated Price: 5000-6000
1194 1191
1195 1192
Auction – 23 Session – II
Coins of Republic India
1196. Bombay Mint, Copper Nickel 1/2 Anna, 1950, Obv: ashoka lion pedestal, legend in english surrounds lettering “GOVERNMENT OF INDIA”, Rev: bull walking towards left, denomination and value, 5.9g, 22.47x22.64mm, (KM # 2.1), UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1197. Kolkata (Calcutta) Mint, Copper Nickel 1/2 Anna, 1954, Obv: ashoka lion pedestal, legend in english surrounds lettering “GOVERNMENT OF INDIA”, Rev: bull walking towards left, denomination and value, 5.9g, 22.47x22.64mm, (KM # 2.2), UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1197 1198. 1955, Copper Nickel, 1/2 Rupee, Bombay Mint, Obv: ashoka lion pedestal, legend in english surrounds lettering “GOVERNMENT OF INDIA”, Rev: value flanked by shalks of wheat , date below, legend in devnagari “Aadha Rupya”, 5.86g, 24.03mm, (KM # 6.2), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 500-1000
1199. 1969, Mahatma Gandhi Centenary, Nickel 50 Paise, Bombay Mint, 5.00g, 24.06mm, (KM # 59), Proof like. Estimated Price: 2000-3000 1200. 1976, Cupro Nickel 50 Paise, Bombay Mint, 4.84g, 23.99mm, (KM # 63), toned Proof. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1201. Bombay Mint, Nickel One Rupee, 1954, Obv: ashoka lion pedestal, legend in english surrounds lettering “GOVERNMENT OF INDIA”, Rev: thick numeral, first hindi letter varieties, larger date, 11.9g, 27.96mm, (KM # 7.2), UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1202. Republic India, 1970, Food For All, Silver 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, 14.92g, 33.98mm, (KM # 186), Proof like, Scarce. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
1203. Republic India, 1971, Food For All, 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, ‘B’ Mint mark, 14.9g, 33.99mm, (KM # 186, this packing is unlisted), with special mint pack envelope, Proof, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 Unc And Proofs Images in this section are not to scale
1204. 1970, Unc Set, Food For All, Set of 2 Coins, 20 Rs and 10 Paise, Bombay Mint, (RB# 24), intact condition of the certificate in acrylic case and outer paper cover. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1203 1204 127
Coins of Republic India 1205. 1972, Unc Set, 25th Anniversary of Independence, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupee & 10 Paise, Bombay Mint, (RB # 33), in acrylic case, with torned cover & certificate. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 1206. 1973, Unc Set, Grow More Food, Set of 2 Coins, 20 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB #38), with certificate in acrylic case, taped and torned outer paper cover taped Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1207. 1975, Unc Set, Equality Development Peace, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 52), intact condition of the certificate with acrylic case with torned outer cover. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 1208. 1979, Unc Set, Happy Child-Nation’s Pride, Set of 2 Coins, 50 Rupees & 10 Rupees, Bombay Mint, (RB # 74), with intact certificate, acrylic case & outer paper cover slightly torned and taped. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 1209. 1991, Unc Set, 37th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Set of 3 Coins, 10 Rupees, 5 Rupees & 1 Rupee, Bombay Mint, (RB # 146), in original mint packing. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 1210. 2006, Unc Set, 200 Years of State Bank of India, Set of 2 Coins, 100 Rupees & 5 Rupees, Kolkata Mint, (RB # 298), with intact in blister pack. Estimated Price: 3000-4000
Auction – 23 Session – II
1211. 2007, Unc Set, Indian Air Force Platinum Jubilee, Set of 2 coins, 100 Rupees & 2 Rupees, Kolkata Mint, (RB # 325), with intact in blister pack. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1212. 2007, Unc Set, 150th Birth Anniversary of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Set of 2 oins, 100 Rupees & 5 Rupees, (RB# 312), in blister pack. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1211
1213. 1973, Proof Set, Grow More Food, Set of 10 Coins, 20 Rupees, 10 Rupee, 50 Paise, 25 Paise, 10 Paise, 5 Paise, 3 Paise, 2 Paise & Paise, (RB # 35), with certificate, acrylic case with negligible crack in original packing. Estimated Price: 10000-12000 1214. 1974, Proof Set, Planned Families, Food For All, Set of 10 Coins, 50 Rupees, 10 Rupees, 1 Rupees, 1 Rupee, 50 Paise, 25 Paise, 10 Paise, 5 Paise, 3 Paise, 2 Paise & 1 Paisa, Bombay Mint, (RB # 41), with certificate, acrylic case with negligible crack, in original maroon packing. Estimated Price: 10000-12000
1215. 1975, Proof Set, Equality Development and Peace, Set of 10 Coins, 50 Rupees, 10 Rupees, 1 Rupee, 50 Paise, 25 Paise, 10 Paise, 5 Paise, 3 Paise, 2 Paise &1 Paisa, Bombay Mint, (RB # 48), intact in acrylic case with mint emblem, preserved in original packing, outer cover slightly torned and taped. Estimated Price: 12000-15000 1216. 1982, Proof Set, National Integration, Set of 4 Coins, 100Rs, 10Rs, 2Rs & 50Paisa, Bombay Mint, (RB # 98), intact condition of the certificate and cover with acrylic case. Estimated Price: 12000-15000 1217. 2003, Proof Set, Maharana Pratap, Set of 2 Coins, 100 Rupees, 10 Rupees & 1 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 262), intact in blister pack. Estimated Price: 10000-12000
1218. 2005, Proof Set, 75 Years of Dandi March, 100 Rupees & 5 Rupees, Mumbai Mint, (RB # 287), with intact blister pack. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1215 1218 129
Worldwide Coins Few images fit to scale 1219. Afghanistan, Copper Fulus, AH 1110, Folded Error, Obv: peocock standing left, Rev: falus with hijri date AH 1110(inverted), 6.77g, 21.82x19.33mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-7000 1220. British North Borneo, Bronze 1 Cent, 1888, Obv: The Coat of Arms of the British North Borneo Chartered Company; on a shield, a lion above a dhow with sails; the shield is supported by two native warriors, one holding a shield, the other a large native sword or machete; the crest, two arms holding a flag staff; below on ribbon the motto PERGO ET PERAGO below, the date 1888; the mint mark. Rev: Within a wreath of two olive branches, ONE CENT; above and below the denomination it is repeated vertically in chinese characters: “yang yuan yat fen”, or “foreign dollar one cent, below the wreath the denomination in malay: “satu sen”, or “one cent” around above, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO Co, 9.15g, 29.25mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1221. Burma, Tharawaddy, Copper 1/4 Anna, Obv: dancing peacock towards left, Rev: burmese legend denomination all within wreath, 6.25g, 24.87mm, (KM # 1.1), about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1222. Byzantine Empire, Constans II (641-648 AD), Copper Follis, Obv: beared constans II with long cross and orb, Rev: cursive M, star above, serpentine left, palm leaf right, 3.3g, 21.92mm, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1223. Canada, New Foundland, Silver 50 Cents, 1911, Obv: “NEWFOUNDLAND 50 CENTS 1911” encircled by border with decorative scroll work, Rev: GEORGIVS V DEI GRA REX ET IND IMP” with a left facing portrait of king george V, 11.68g, 29.78mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1224. France, Charles X, Gold 40 Francs, 1830, Obv: bare bust of charles X left. engraver’s signature (MICHAUT.) below, Legend: ‘CHARLES X ROI DE FRANCE’, Rev: crowned french royal arms, splitting value (20-F) flanked by olive-branches, date, flanked by privy mark and mint initial below, legend: (privy mark: anchor) 1830(A), 12.79g, 26.13mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 45000-55000
1225. Germany, Wihelm II, Silver Funf Mark, 1907 AD, Obv: bare bust facing right;“WILHELM II DEUTSCHER KAISER KONG V, PREUSSEN”, A below bust, Rev: large crowned imperial german eagle with shield on breast, “DEUTSCHES REICH (date)” above and “ FUNF MARK” below, 27.67g, 38.10mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 1226. German, Wilhelm I, Silver 5 Mark, 1876, Obv: head right, Lettring: WILHELM DEUTSCHEER KAISER KONIG V. PREUSSEN, Rev: crowned imperial eagle, Lettring: DEUTSCHES REICH date, FUNF MARK below, 27.40g, 38.24mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1227. Hong Kong, King George V, Bronze Cent, 1902 AD, Obv: crowned bust left, Rev: english around central chinese legend, graded & slabbed by NGC XF Details. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1228. Iran, Safavid Dynasty, Tahamasp, Silver Larin, Popularly known as fish hook money, Obv: shitte kalima shahada, Rev: ruler’s name, 4.8g, 30 x 0.5mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 1500-1800
1226 1228
1227 130
Auction – 23 Session – II
1229. Iran, Safavid Dynasty, Silver Larin, ‘Hairpin’ type, Most likely Minted in Hormuz, Persian inscription stamped on either side of a silver bar resembling a hairpin, Obv: ruler’s name, Rev: mint name, 4.8g, 36.1mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2000-2500
1230. Liberia, Cupro Nickel 10 Dollar, Gandhi Proof Coin, 2001, Obv: portrait of gandhi and legend around, Rev: national emblem, date and denomination, 28.21g, 38.69mm, UNC. Estimated Price: 1800-2200 1231. Liberia, Cupro Nickel 10 Dollar, 2006, Moment of Freedom series, Shimla Pact commemorative, Obv: picture of indira gandhi and bhuto and legend around, Rev: national emblem, date and denomination, 26.14g, 38.54mm, UNC. Estimated Price: 1800-2000
1232. Malta, Silver 500 Lira, 2004, Obv: mahatma gandhi bust facing right with signature, lettring: TRUTH IS GOD, Rev: shield with crown, lettring: SOVRANO OSPEDALIERO ORDINE DI MALTA OSJ 500 2004 1OZ SILVER 999, 30.32g, 39.83mm, UNC. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 1233. Nepal, Silver 250 Rupee, Bhagawan Mahavir of Jainism, with portrait of lord mahavir, 18.31g, 29.01mm, UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 6500-7000 1234. Netherland East Indies of Sumatra, East India Company, Copper 4 Keping, AH 1219/1804 AD, Obv: coats of arm with date, Rev: value & hijri date in persian, 8.5g,30.68mm, (KM # 267), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-6000
1235. Portugal, Republica Portuguese, Cupro Nickel, 500 Escudos, 1998, Obv: ponte vascoda gama 1998, Rev: republic portuguesa, 13.91g, 30.03mm, (KM # 705), UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1236. Portugal, Carlos I, Silver 200 and 500 Reis, 1498-1898 AD, Obv: conjoined busts left, carlos i rei e amelia legend, Rev: maltese cross, rosettes in angles, centenario da descoberta da india legend, 4.96g, 12.40g, 23.87mm, 30.48mm, (KM # 538 & 537), about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 1200-1500 1237. Buddha, Sierra Leone, Cupro Nickel Doller, 2000, Obv: lord buddha seated and date, Rev: denomination and legend, 28.42g, 38.72mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-3000
1237 1235 131 1238. Spain, Silver 8 Reales, Potosi Mint, Obv: crowned pillars, P - 8 - E above, “PLVSVL-TRA” at center, E - 58 - P below amid waves; “POTOSI ANO (date) EL PERV”, Rev: quartely of lions and castles, inside a 4 lobes border, 8 above, P at left and E at right and below all within a dots circle, “PHILIPPVS·IIII·D·G·HISPANIARVM·REX”. 8.3g, 34.33mm, about fine. Estimated Price: 1800-2000 1239. United Kingdom, Victoria Maundy Coinage, Silver (4), Set of 4 Coins, 1 Pennny, 2 Pence, 3 Pence, 4 Pence, 1900 AD, Obv: crowned and veiled bust, facing left, “VICTORIA DEI.GRA.BRITT. REGINA.FID.DEF.IND.IMP” around, Rev: large central 4 dividing date, with crown above, wreath surrounding, 0.46g,11.09mm, 0.95g,13.48mm, 1.41g, 16.19mm, 1.87g, 17.64mm, coins packed in rectangular black wooden case, UNC, Exceedingly Rare to get in this condition within case. Estimated Price: 20000-25000
1240. Great Britain, Silver Crown (5 Shillings), 1821, Obv: laureate george VI head left, lettering around ‘GEORGIUS IIII D:G: BRITANNIAR F:D:BP’, Rev: st. george slaying the dragon right, date below, 24.43g, 38.07mm, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 20000-25000 1241. United States of America, Gold 10 Dollars, 1898, Obv: bust of liberty encircled by 13 stars, the date 1898 below the bust, Rev: a standing eagle with the nation’s name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the denomination TEN D is below the eagle, (WGC Arthur Ira # 155), 16.63g, 26.48mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 65000-85000
1242. United Kingdom, Silver Dollar, 1930 AD, Obv: standing figure of britannia holding trident and shield with merchant ship in background, date in exergue, Rev: chinese characters and arabic script in ornamental flower, 26.90g, 38.06mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 2500-3000
Medals & Medallions Images in this section are not to scale
Prince of Wales visit to India
1243. Medal, Prince of Wales Visit To India (1875-76 AD), Gold Presentation Medal, Awarded to Lt. General DHOJE NAR SINGH B.R. Large medal surmounted by a suspension, Obv: bear head effigy of the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) with legends IN COMMEMORATION OF THE VISIT TO INDIA, OF H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES 1875-76, Rev: depiction of scene of promise and the legends around “DURING THE VICEROYALTY OF H.E. LORD NORTHBROOK. G.C.SI.”, at bottom “STRUCK BY HAMILTON & Co. JEWELLERS CALCUTTA”, Lt. General DHOJE NAR SINGH B.R. inscribed on the edge, 56.69g, 43.85mm, small nick on the edge (probably testing), about extremely fine, Unique. Between 1872 and 1876, India’s Viceroy was Lord Northbrook. The important events during his reign were deposition of Gaikwad of Baroda in 1875, visit of Prince of Wales, Famine in Bihar and Kuka Movement in Punjab. The Prince of Wales, eldest son of Queen Victoria visited India in 1876 with a large suite. He arrived in Bombay and then travelled to Madras, Ceylon and finally Calcutta. The intent of this visit was to inspire the local princes’ loyalty to the British Empress and affirm their central role in the maintenance of the empire. Wherever he went, he was showered with valuable gifts by the “loyal” Indian feudatories. He collected so much in 6 months that one of the ships was filled with the jewels, paintings, antique weapons, live animals, embroideries brocades and all kinds of contemporary art works. He returned and the gifts went on an exhibition in England for 6 months. In return the Prince of Wales gave Indian Princes a copy of Rig-veda translated by Max Muller. Probably offered for the first time in any auction, no previous records are traceable. Estimated Price: 6,00,000-8,00,000 1243 132
Auction – 23 Session – II
1244. Medal, The National Rifle Association, Silver Medal, Obv: a medieval period of archer on the left side with the dates”1300-1500” and a civil war period uniformed soldier, holding his rifle at ease with the date ‘1860’ beside him, Rev: lettering “The National Rifle Association 1860” within a surrounding wreath, 46.96g, 47.63mm, about UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10000
1245. Medallion, All India 3rd Exhibiton of Press Photographs, Silver Medallion, 1954, Organised by Press Photographers Association of India (PPAI), Awarded to Sri Biswaranjan Rakshit of Hindusthan Standard - Delhi, Presented By Satyendra Nathma Jumdar, Obv: logo of eagle within cocentric circles, Awarded to Sri Biswaranjan Rakshit of Hindusthan Standard - Delhi, Rev: Satyendra Nath Majumdar Memorial Award Presented by Indian Journalists Association and at bottom logo and company name of maker “ S C ROY Calcutta”, 80.4g, 62.69x43.37mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 1246. Medallion, All India 4th Exhibition of Press Photographs, Silver Medallion, 1957, Organised by Press Photographers Association of India (PPAI), Awarded to Shri B. Rakshit, News Sec., Obv: logo of eagle within cocentric circles, Awarded to Shri B. Rakshit, News Sec., Rev: Amrita Bazar Patrika Award and at bottom logo and company name of maker “ S C ROY Calcutta”, 82.2g, 62.68x43.34mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 12000-15000
1247. Medallion, All India 5th Exhibition of Press Photographs, Copper Medallion, ND, Organised by Press Photographers Association of India (PPAI), Awarded to B. R. Rakshit, Obv: logo of eagle within cocentric circles, Awarded to B. R. Rakshit, Rev: 2nd Prize - Feature, 93.3g, 62.15x42.69mm, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10000-12000 1248. Medallion, East India Company, John Borthwick Gilchrist (1759-1841 AD), Bronze Medallion, Obv: bust of john borthwick gilchrist, lettering around, Rev: an angel teaching three school girls, 109.29g, 57.22mm, (Puddester # 841), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-9000
1249. Medal, France, Major General Claude Martin (1735-1800 AD), Bronze Medallion, Obv: bust of claude martin right, lettering around ‘CL. MARTIN FONDATEUR, LABORE ET CONSTANTIA’, below his neck ‘ DANTZELL F.’ , Rev: legend and wreath, unnamed, letters engraved ‘CUIVRE’, 58.81g, 50.87mm, (Puddester # 836.3.2), about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1250. Medallion, Nepolean Bonaparte, Battle of the Pyramids, Bronze Medallion, AD 1798, Obv: effigy of bonaparte by bovy, signature below ‘A. BOVY’, Rev: bonaparte riding horse in front of infantery addressing his soldiers with famous words in legend ‘SOLDATS!DU HAUT DE CES PYRAMIDES/40 SIECLES VOUS CONTEMPLENT’, in exergue in two lines ‘NEPOLEAN EN EGYPTE/25 JUILLET 1798.’, edge marked ‘BRONZE’ , 37.24g, 41.45mm, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
133 1251. Medallion, Great Britain, Bronze Medallion Plaque, First World War Memorial, Obv: comprises the figure of Britannia, classically robed and helmeted, standing facing right, holding a modest laurel wreath crown in her extended left hand and supp, lion walking at feet, Rev: uniface, 367gm, 120.0mm, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 5500-7500 1252. Medallion, Port of Abidjan, Paris Mint, Bronze Medallion, 1951, Obv: head left of senoufo girl, below signature EMILE MONIER / 1930, lettering behind JEUNE FILLE SENOUFO, Rev: view of the port and the city of abidjan, xylophone and legend COTE D’IVOIRE, FRENCH WEST AFRICA, signature in hollow MONIER, 98.8g, 58.61mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10000 1253 Medallion, Goa, 5th Birth Centenary of Vaso da Gama (1469-1969 AD), Bronze Large Medallion, Obv: portrait of vasco da gama and legend around, Rev: ship in the centre, legend and date below, 237g, 79.92mm, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 3500-4000 1251
Tokens and Seals 1254. Token, East India Company, Bengal Presidency, Soho Mint, Copper Recruiting Token, Obv: artilleryman on horseback, to left, lettering around ‘HORSE ARTILLERY’, Rev: lettering around WANTED FOR THE EAST INDIES & APPLY AT NO. 35 SOHO SQUARE LONDON in the centre, in five lines, 2.79g, 20.34mm, (PR # 398), UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 7000-8000 1255. Token, Netherlands East Indies, Brass Duit Token, Obv: crowned states general arms in single-lined shield divides value, Rev: india batav, 1808, 2.71g, 22.07mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1256. Tea Garden Token, Calcutta Mint, Copper Token, Obv: LUNGLA (Sylhet) Tea Co. Ltd, Rev: lungla division, 3.95g, 25.20mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1257. Tokens, Shillong (Assam) Soldiers Club Canteen Brass Token (2), 1Anna & 4 Annas, Obv: lettering ‘SOLDIERS.CLUB 1’, Rev: lettering ‘SHILLONG’, 3.65g, 5.16g, 19.21mm, 22.27mm, choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1258. Token, Ram Darbar, Silver Ramatanka, Obv: on a throne with frot and right seatrails and 3 legs, two figures in dhoti, wearing crowns and ornaments right hands raised, left hands on thighs seated left with sita in saree head covered behind rama, hanuman crowned, standing and holding umbrella over the central figure rama, gurumukhi legend around, Rev: rama and lakshman in dhoti and jama, wearing crowns and ornaments, carrying to right, gurumukhi legend around, 11.49g, 25.92mm, (R. Niyogi # B28), about very fine+, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000
1258 134
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1259. Token, Siddhi Vinayak, Gold Glit on Silver Token, Minted at the Perth Mint, Australia, Obv: lord siddhi vinayak seated and lettering around in hindi and english, Rev: image of the famous siddhi vinayak temple at mumbai and lettering around, 15.72g, 32.03mm, about extremely fine with toning, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1260. Token, Shri Ganesh, Silver, Issued by the National Refinery Bombay in an omamental shape, Obv: seated lord ganesh, Rev: ‘OM’ in hindi, 40.0g, 39.89mm, beautifully decorated both sides, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1259
1261. Token, Swamy Narayan - Aksharadham Temple, Gold Gilt on Silver, 2005, Issued during the of the Akshardham Temple inauguration - Delhi, Obv: portrait of pramukh swami, Rev: akshardham temple, delhi, inaugural ceremony 2005, 10.0g, 32.52mm, UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 1600-2000 1262. Token, Delhi Sultanate, Sher Shah Suri, Silver Token, Obv: kalima shahada, in margin fouir khalifas name, Rev: ruler name and title, nagari legend at bottom, 11.27g, 23.68mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1263. Token, Bengal Presidency, Murshidabad Mint, Silver Token, 19 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Edge: Oblique milling, Obv: “saya-e-fazle elah”, A.G in bottom line, Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.24g, 28.23mm, about very fine+. Estimated Price: 1000-1500
1264. Seal, Imperial Cholas, Copper Signet Seal, goat standing facing left in centre, incused on the front with a handle for stamping, 3.45g, 14.20mm, about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1265. Seal, Imperial Cholas, Rajendra Chola, Fish Signet Seal, a bold fish in the centre, incused on the front with a handle for stamping, 1.45g, 13.96mm, about very fine+, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 1266. Karachi, Juma Ibrahim, Gold Tola, Obv: juma ibrahim, one tola pure gold fine 9950, Rev: legend juma’a ibraheem in tughra style with name karachi, 11.66g, 24.85mm, about very fine, two text marks on edge. Estimated Price: 40000-45000
1264 1262
1266 135
Bank Notes of India Images in this section are not to scale 1267. King George V, 1917, 1 Rupee, Signed by AC McWatters, Serial No in Black, Y Prefix, S.No. Y7 155852, (KJ & RR # 3.2.1A), split in signature issued in booklets, normal fold, multiple holes, torned, about fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000
1268. King George V, 5 Rupees, Signed by J B Taylor, N Prefix, Serial Number in Black, S.No. N28 343566, (KJ & RR # 3.4.2), folds and stained, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-18,000 1269. King George V, 1934, 5 Rupees, Signed by J W Kelly, S Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. S73 361991, (KJ & RR # 3.5.2), normal fold, stained, about extremely fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000
1270. King George VI, 1940, 1 Rupee, Signed by C E Jones, D Prefix, Serial Number in Black, S.No. D89 048168, (KJ & RR # 4.1.1A), folded, stained, torned, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1500 1271. King George VI, 1943, 2 Rupees, Signed by J B Taylor, A Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. A28 038946, (KJ & RR # 4.2.1), thread hole, choice extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 6000-8000
1272. King George VI, 1938, 5 Rupees, Signed by J B Taylor, C Prefix, Serial No in Black, S.No. C96 516484, (KJ & RR # 4.3.1), tiny pin holes, stained, folded, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1273. King George VI, 10 Rupees, Signed by J B Taylor, C Prefix, Serial Number in Red, S.No. C40 410341(KJ & RR # 4.5.1), thread an pin holes, stained and folded, about very fine. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1274. Republic India, Set of 29 Fancy Number Notes, 10 Rupees, Y V Reddy, 2007, S.No. 111111 to 999999 and 100000 to 1000000 and 000001 to 000010, mixed Prefix, UNC. Estimated Price: 20,000-25,000
1275. Republic India, Set of 19 Fancy Number Notes, 50 Rupees, Y V Reddy, S.No. 111111 to 999999 and 100000 to 1000000, Mixed Prefix, UNC. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 1276. Republic India, Fancy Number Note, 50 Rupees, Y V Reddy, 2006, S.No. 2BW 777777, UNC. Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1277. Republic India, Set of 19 Fancy Number Notes, 100 Rupees, Y V Reddy, S.No. 111111 to 999999 and 100000 to 1000000, Mixed Prefix, UNC. Estimated Price: 11,000-12,000
1277 136
Auction – 23 Session – II
Error Banknotes
1280 1279
1278. Republic India, 1 Rupee, 1976, M G Kaul Signature, I Inset, S.No. B94 683744, Error: printing shifted error only on reverse with another note printing slightly visible at the bottom, few pin holes, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1279. Republic India, 5 Rupees, S.Venkitaramanan, No Inset, S.No. 83C 622989, Error: massive printing shifted error at top with another note printing visible at the bottom, serial number shifted up, no graffiti on the note, stained, folded, about fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10,000 1280. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Signed by R.N.Malhotra, S.No N32 792463, Error: extra paper at right bottom on the obverse leaving the partial area at reverse unprinted, very unusual error, about very fine, Extrremely Rare. Estimated Price: 25,000-30,000 1281. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Signed by Bimal Jalan, S.No 39T 301785, B Inset, Error: printing shifted from right to left on both the sides, leaving the area unprinted, serial number over governor signature, 10% blank white area at right, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1282. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Signed by C.Rangarajan, S.No J9G 015500, M Inset, Error: extra paper on bottom right corner, also known as butterfly error, currency sheet margins visible at bottom, sheet number at back, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1283. Republic India, 10 Rupees, Signed by Bimal Jalan, S.No J8S 829757, P Inset, Error: printing shifted from right to left on both obverse and reverse, denomination in number and words appears on left rather than right on reverse and on obverse the denomination and emblem has shifted to right, stained, about very fine. Estimated Price: 6000-7000 1284. Republic India, 2015, 10 Rupees, Signed by Raghuram J Rajan, S.No. 29B 018052, N Inset, Error: unusual cutting error, 20% extra paper on right bottom, extra paper when folded incompletes the reverse printing , extra paper with watermark “10”, reverse portion of extra paper is blank white, UNC. Estimated Price: 7000-9000 1285. Republic India, 20 Rupees, Signed by Urjit Patel, S.No 19A 725977, Error: saper shrinking, extra paper from the bottom serial number, partial serial number spread on the extra paper, some area is blank, UNC. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1286. Republic India, 50 Rupees, Signed by Bimal Jalan, S.No 5BB 867279, Error: underprint designed shifting error from centre to left, usually it is always behind the numerical 50 at the centre, in the reverse a portion of another note has printed at the left, about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 20000-25000
Errors and Freaks
1287. Republic India, 100 Rupees, Signed by Y.V.Reddy, S.No 4ND 605922, R Inset, Error: error occured due to the shift of paper while printing vignette and central denomination panel, UNC, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 1288. Republic India, 100 Rupees, Signed by Y.V.Reddy, S.No. 8BM 976474, L Inset, Error: paper folded while printing, upper left on obverse is not printed, partial part of the obverse printed on reverse, about extremely fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 1289. Republic India, 100 Rupees, Signed by D.Subbarao, 2009, S.No JGC 136686, F Inset, Error: extra paper observed on the top right corner, this may have occured due to the folding of the paper while printing, bottom right part of note missing, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1290. Republic India, 2015, 100 Rupees, Signed by Raghuram Rajan, L Inset, Error: serial number is not printed on the top right and bottom left of the note,due to unsufficient ink, about very fine. Estimated Price: 10,000-12,000 1292. Republic India, 2010, 1000 Rupees, Signed by Y.V.Reddy, S.No 9AC 976191, Error: only designs and vignette are printed, text completely missing, choice very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 12,000-15,000 1293. Republic India, 2016, 2000 Rupees, Signed by Urjit Patel, Plain Inset, S.No 2FC 600936, Error: serial number shifted from right to left on top and at bottom, about very fine. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
Error Coins
1294. Western Kshatrapas, Rudrasena II, Silver Drachma, Error Lakhi Coin, Error: head impression of the lakhi(brockage), 2.22g, 13.18mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1500-2000 1295. Ujjaini Region, Copper Unit, Brockage Error, Error: brockage lakhi impression of obverse and 30 % off srtuck on reverse, 2.80g, 16.92mm, about very fine. Estimated Price: 1000-1200 1296. Travancore, Copper Four Cash, Error: ‘H’ is missing from the CASH, Obv: RV monogram and value, Rev: conch, 1.93g, 17.5mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 4000-5000 1297. 1848, East India Company, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Error: 10 % off center on both sides, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 15,000-18,000 1298. 1886, Victoria Empress, Copper 1/12 Anna, Calcutta Mint, Error: misaligned die on the reverse, about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 138
Auction – 23 Session – II
1304 1303
1307 1299. 1909, King Edward VII, Bronze 1/12 Anna, Error: 2nd ‘A’ of ANNA is missing, UNC.
1309 Estimated Price: 1000-1200
1300. 1944, King George VI, Bronze 1 Pice, Error: misaligned and off struck on both sides, about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000 1301. 1945, King George VI, Bronze Pice, Error: off centre struck leaving the central hole shifted on the year, about very fine+, Rare. Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1302. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver 1/2 Rupee, Error: ‘Q’ is broken in Queen, 19 Berries (9L+10R), about extremely fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 8000-10000 1303. 1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Divided legend, Error: full and complete brockage of obverse on reverse, brockage impressions are larger at reverse, almost UNC, Exceedingly Rare. Estimated Price: 1,00,000-1,50,000 1304. 1942, King George VI, Silver Rupee, Bombay Mint, Error: 10% off center struck, about very fine + Estimated Price: 2000-2500 1305. Republic India, Cupro-Nickel 50 Paise, Error: very thin planchets, Obv: ashoka lion capital, Rev: value and date, 2.2g, 23.76mm, about very fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 1306. Republic India, 1992, Copper Nickel 1 Rupee, Calcutta Mint, Food & Nutrition, Error: extra metal with double strike, 5.80g, 25.98mm, UNC. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 1307. Republic India, 1994, Copper Nickel 2 Rupee, Error: partial brockage of reverse on obeverse, only obeverse side is expanded from normal die, Obv: national Emblem of India, with the face value below the emblem, Rev: national integration theme, with the map of india on it, 6.0g, 9.64mm, about extremely fine, Scarce. Estimated Price: 3000-4000 1308. Republic India, 1996, Copper Nickel 2 Rupees, Calcutta Mint, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Error: 35% off-center struck, 6.12g, 26.12mm, about extremely fine. Estimated Price: 3000-3500 1309. Republic India, 2008, Brass Nickel 5 Rupee, Mumbai Mint, Error: brass-nickel instead of stainless steel, probably a trial struck, 5.97g, 22.88mm, about very fine, Rare. Estimated Price: 5000-6000
1314 1310. Autograph, Ghulam Muhammad Sultan Sahib (March 1795 – 11 August 1872), His Highness Prince Sahibzada Sayyid wal Shareef Sir Ghulam Muhammad Sultan Khan Sahib was the 14th son of Tipu Sultan, He was the Deported to Calcutta in 1806 along with the remainder of his family and seven years after the defeat and death of his father Tipu Sultan, he was the last surviving son of Tipu Sultan, who was eventually recognised by the Govt. of India as the last successor of Tipu Sultan, Rare. Estimated Price: 10,000-15,000 1311. Autograph, Sir Edward Hyde East, 1st Baronet (1764–1847), British member of parliament, legal writer and Judge in India, who had also served as the Chief Justice of Calcutta from 1813 to 1822. He was also the first Principal of Hindu College (later Hindu School, Calcutta). Edward East was the great grandson of Captain John East, who was active in the conquest of Jamaica. In 1813 East was chosen to succeed Sir Henry Russell as The Chief justice of the Supreme Court at Fort William, Bengal, When he retired from office in 1822 the Indians presented him with an address and subscribed for a statue of him. East represented Winchester in parliament from 1823–31, was sworn of the Privy Council, and appointed a member of the judicial committee of that body, in order to assist in the disposal of Indian appeals. He has also chosen a bencher of the Inner Temple and a fellow of the Royal Society, single page document with slightly torned and stains, Extremely Rare Estimated Price: 2500-3000 1312. Autograph, 1874, Prince Mirza Muhammad Hamid Ali of Oudh (Awadh), Prince from the family of Nawab of Wajid Ali Khan of Awadh, document dated 6th July 1874, four times folded document slightly torned, about very fine, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 1313. Autograph, Muhammad Akram Hussain Bahadur, Prince Mirza Afsar-ul-mulk, Son of late King of Oudh (Awadh), he was an Honorary Magistrate and Commissioner of Corporation of Calcutta, Document dated 12th Aug 1919, about very fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price: 1000-2000 1314. Autograph, High Court Paper of Bengal, Sir Rajender Mookerjee C.I.E., K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O., (Sir Rajendra Nath Mookerjee) (18541936), he was a prominent Bengali industrialist, famous for the construction of Victoria Memorial at Kolkata. Later in the year 1911 he also became the Sheriff of Calcutta and was further honoured with the dignity of a Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO) in 1931. He presided over the 8th session of Indian Science Congress held at Calcutta in 1921, our folded ocument, about very fine+, Extremely Rare. Estimated Price: 2500-3000 140