Words divided into different kinds or classes are called Parts of Speech. According to their uses; that is according to the work they do in a Sentence. In the parts of speech section, we will discuss identification, formation, and usage of every part of speech. But you should be seriously careful about the usage and this is very important for your preparation. Everywhere you will face the questions related to correct usage. So be serious about usage. Different Kinds of Part of Speech:
Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Prepositin Conjunction Interjection
Noun is a naming word of any place, thing, action, quality or nation etc.
There are some clues to identify a Noun. Ø A word used as the subject or object of a verb is Noun. Beauty is truth I see a bird. Ø The object of Gerund, Participle or Infinitive is a Noun. To tell the truth is hard.