Lesson Observations at Barnet & Southgate College

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A Guide for Lesson Observations

INTRODUCTION The aim of this guide is to promote the consistency in approaches to lesson observations and to ensure the process is open, supportive and transparent. Lesson observations provide an opportunity to:      

Improve the learner experience Monitor the quality of teaching and learning Determine developmental support for teachers to improve practice Provide a means of identifying and sharing best practice Inform the planning and implementation of future CPD Provide data that can be benchmarked for quality audits and self assessment reports

The lesson observation scheme at Barnet College has a number of purposes. In addition to acting as a driver for developmental support to improve practice, it provides an opportunity for staff to become familiar with OFSTEDs inspection regime. Following an observation there needs to be developmental feedback to the teacher on how to improve teaching and learning. Effective feedback should help to improve the performance of the teacher and that of the learner experience. The ability to provide high quality feedback to the observee lies in obtaining sufficient objective data on what is happening in the classroom. This will lead to a professional dialogue between observer and observee, resulting in a developmental plan. Teachers are responsible for the completion of their developmental plans which will be regularly reviewed with their line managers. .

Lesson Observations at Barnet and Southgate College A Guide for Lesson Observations

Barnet & Southgate College Lesson O bservations

Lesson Observations at Barnet & Southgate College The lesson observation criteria meet the requirements of the National Professional Standards of Lifelong Learning UK and are in line with grading criteria currently used by OFSTED.

A grade together with written and verbal feedback will be provided soon after the observation. This will allow each School to have a teaching and learning profile that can inform both the School and College Self Assessment Review (SAR). It will also assist Staff Development in planning future CPD.

A wide range of observation processes exist throughout the sector. OFSTED currently employ a three-day window in which staff are observed. It is not a requirement by OFSTED that internal lesson observations are graded as long as the overall quality of teaching and learning is measured.

Key Characteristics

Learning         

Learners working independently Awareness of learners needs Learners contributing Learners engaged Links with prior learning Differentiation Effective questioning Every child matters Use of Resources

Teaching 

     

Comprehensive scheme of work, lesson plan Subject knowledge Pace of lesson Range of materials Rapport with learners Functional skills incorporated Delivery of Lesson

Key Characteristics

Monitoring   

Teaching and learning is a complex process and if reduced solely to a single grade it can detract from the developmental and formative feedback required to improve teaching and learning.

The Key Characteristics

The grading criteria include five key characteristics:     

Learning Teaching Monitoring/Assessment Attainment/Progress Class Management

Each can be broken down into discrete elements and feedback will be given on  each aspect. Teachers need to be able to meet the requirements of an OFSTED inspection and develop a high standard in teaching  and learning which is consistently demonstrated. The following guidelines must be incorporated into every day practice and  will be considered during lesson observations.

Class Management

Evidence of attention to the learning  needs of individual learners, their educational progress and personal development and well being

Monitoring the progress and attainment of learners during the lesson and across their programme

Consistently high expectations and  challenge for all learners with opportunities to fulfil individual potential innovative and motivational teaching

Depth of subject understanding demonstrated by innovative teaching skills needed to learn and understand the subject.

Links to progression to higher qualifications and into jobs when relevant

The success in closing the achievement gaps of particular groups of learners e.g. based on ethnicity, age and gender, ALS learners.

Gender or racial bias in the classroom, in seating arrangements or balance of learner contributions Progress of learners is evidenced in the use of assessment and monitoring  of learning which in turn is used to inform subsequent teaching

Assessment and feedback Accurate record keeping Barriers to learning tackled

Constructive dialogue and feedback between teacher and learner that helps learners to make progress and gives encouragement and support for each learner How the physical environment helps or hinders the promotion of equality and diversity.

 

Discipline Professional Environment and Resources Attendance and punctuality .

Attainment  

Clear Objectives Learners use of specialist terminology Professional language and terminology

The role of the teacher is to promote learning. An outstanding lesson should provide very clear evidence of highly effective learning for every learner in that class.

Teachers must… 

 

Ensure that a Scheme of Work, Lesson Plan and Record of Work book is made available for the lesson observation Complete a lesson data sheet for lesson observations detailing relevant information on learners where applicable, using the college templates Provide learners with a learner Scheme of Work (detailing topics to be covered each week) and a clear assessment calendar for the programme Consider language and terminology in course material, in what you say and in what learners say and do Challenge stereotypical attitudes – oral and written Address gender or racial bias in classroom, in seating arrangements or balance of learner contributions Plan for breadth and appropriateness of assessment activities to ensure that they all reflect a diversity of approach to teaching and learning Have due regard for the safeguarding and well –being of all learners Liaise with and plan effective use of Student Support Assistants (where applicable) in lessons Consider the personal and social circumstances and previous educational attainment of the learners when planning lessons and supporting learners Close the achievement gap for particular learners

At the start of a lesson the teacher must…

During the lesson the teacher must… 

Arrive in time to prepare and set up the room before the start of the class Swipe in and view students on eRegistration Lookup where available. Record and challenge lateness appropriately Start with a re-cap of the previous lesson and involve learners in this to consolidate and reinforce learning Record clear SMART objectives of the lesson and share these with the learners Illustrate new ideas and theories with concrete examples

Vary teaching and learning activities to: Meet a range of learning styles and abilities Actively engage learners in the learning process Hold learners‟ interest Ensure learners are given clear information and guidance throughout the lesson Show interest, enthusiasm for the subject and create a positive and constructive atmosphere for learning Ensure the pace of the activities is appropriate for: Individual learning needs Subject level Stage of course Manage different learning needs in the group through extension activities, varied levels support, differentiated materials etc. Use appropriate teaching and learning resources – including ILT – effectively and creatively to support and promote learning (remember of all the senses, sight has the most impact on learning) Link content to previous learning and experience and use topical and vocationally relevant examples to explain and clarify the lesson content

 

Use effective questioning skills and appropriate assessment activities to regularly review and check learning throughout the lesson for all learners Integrate a range of innovative methods of assessment such as mini whiteboards, smartboards, on-line quizzes and games, cards, presentations, cameras etc. Ensure all learners are actively involved in the learning tasks and are working productively and cooperatively on them Provide clear feedback on progress Demonstrate highly effective communication skills appropriate to the age of the learners and the level of the qualification Ensure that all language , resources and learning approaches used, positively promote an inclusive learning atmosphere based on respect for difference and diversity Promote the development of Functional Skills, especially in Literacy and Numeracy

At the end of the lesson the teacher must… 

Summarise/recap and review aims and objectives of the lesson Ask and check what the learners have learnt (ensure the end of the lesson is learner centred) and record this in the Record of Work Check to see if elements are outstanding and need to be carried over to the next lesson Ensure that homework is given out with written instructions (where appropriate) on how to improve End with a forward look to the next lesson so that learners can see the links and are motivated to attend Bring the lesson to a clear close


Methods for Recording Observations

Guidance to Lesson Observers

Running Transcript Lesson recorded in a rough narrative form, including qualitative comments where relevant, e.g. “It‟s hard to hear you” or “No one answered”. 

Dialogue Recording e.g. Question/Answer record, - gives insight into the type of questioning used to elicit higher level thought from the learner

Seating Plan Us ed t o ident if y w hic h st udents int erac t and c ont ribut e in t he less o n. N ot e gender/ et hnicit y of st udents . Are st udent s inadv ert ently s egregat ed? W hat group w ork is occ urring? D oes t he s eating help or hinder t his ?

During the observation the observer must…

Prior to the observation the observer must… Liaise with the relevant Head of School and Curriculum Managers to ensure a range of provision by age, level and mode are observed, including tutorials

Meet with observation and validation team for chosen school to ensure standardised approach and familiarise with school curriculum where relevant

Review lesson documentation

Not intervene or disrupt the lesson at any time during the observation (except where there are serious safeguarding or health and safety concerns) 

 

Give consideration to the age, level and mode of learners when assessing the attainment of teaching and learning and the appropriateness of the teaching methods utilized

Consider the information included in the data lesson form when making judgements (e.g. lateness for learners with caring responsibilities)

Time Notation Time spent introducing the lesson, passing out materials, reviewing past learning, teaching a new concept, practicing new learning, etc. can all be documented. This allows the „pace‟ of the session to be assessed.

Videotape The video tape is an objective record – ensure permission is obtained from the tutor and class

 Useful Websites: http://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/ http://www.tda.gov.uk/ http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resources/ http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/

Take into account the personal and social circumstances and previous educational attainment of the learners when considering the planning of the lessons and the support given to learners.

Record details of the lesson (may use a variety of observation techniques) in order to provide accurate and constructive feedback for improvement in teaching and learning

Assess the monitoring and progress of learner attainment

Talk to learners (at an appropriate time) to assess their understanding of the aims and objectives and the content of the lesson and ho w it links to their overall programme, assignment or exam etc.

Assess how well the teacher has met the above guidance covered in the „teacher must...’ section.

Following the lesson the observer must… 

Meet with the observation/validation team to discuss, standardize and agree findings

Hold a meeting with the teacher to discuss the lesson observed (as soon as practicably possible)

The teacher should be encouraged to reflect and evaluate on the lesson, e.g.”How do you feel the session went?”

Give the teacher an opportunity to discuss the lesson/group/planning etc.

Provide constructive feedback on how practice could be further improved/shared

Agree a Developmental Plan with the teacher to improve teaching and learning (use SMART targets)

Ensure the feedback/process of observation is supportive and inclusive

Complete online developmental plan template and share with teacher and line manager

Maintain confidentiality .

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