Oaklearn guide for students (2)

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Oaklearn Guide for Students 1. Make sure you have your login details (Username and password). If not go to the LRC and speak to the IT help desk. 2. Oaklearn is the college’s virtual learning environment (VLE) This is where each subject will have a page explaining the outline of your course; online resources; assessment schedules and assignment briefs. Oaklearn can be accessed via ‘the Box’ (below)

Click here to access Oaklearn

Enter your login details here

Once logged into Oaklearn you can access your specific course page!

The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Your ILP is your individual learning plan. This is updated regularly by your tutors and yourself. It is our preferred way of tracking your progress ; attendance; punctuality and behaviour. It is key to ensuring the targets set by yourself and your tutor are achieved and will help to track your development throughout the course so that you are supported effectively. You can access your ILP from ’the Box’ by clicking on the tabs on the right hand side of the screen.

You can access your ILP from ’the Box’ by clicking on the tabs on the right hand side of the screen.

Markbook You can access Markbook via your student ILP. After an assessment such as an essay; homework or mock exam has been completed, your marks update here.

Your personal targets.

Your progress summary will show an average % achieved for the work you have done


A dual bar chart shows how much work you have completed and the % of work you still have to do.

In addition to the summary screen, showing your progress, the assessment screen provides a breakdown of the marks awarded to you for each assessment you do.

A traffic light system is used to show if you are performing below (red), just below (amber) or at or above your target (green)

Turnitin Turnitin is where you will be submitting your assignments online. This can be accessed via your subject page on Oaklearn. It is also the software that is used by universities and other higher education institutions, primarily to check for plagiarised work.

A summary screen is provided showing the date and time assignment is due.

Once your assignment is uploaded to Turnitin, you can view the comments and feedback on your work from your tutor.

Click here to see your Turnitin report

Addition Learning Support If you need additional learning support which may have led to special exam arrangements in the past, you need to inform the ALS team as soon as possible. Access to the team can be made via The Box from the menu on the right of the screen.

Special exam arrangements made for you in the past cannot be guaranteed in the future, unless the ALS team gather sufficient supporting evidence.

Oaklands College Induction Checklist for Students Well done on reaching the end of your induction at College -by this time you should have completed the following…. 1. Initial Assessment, have you…

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Completed a timed free writing exercise

Undertaken your BKSB diagnostic assessment in English and Maths

Talked to someone if you have support or study needs and completed the online referral

2. Introduction to your Course and learning; have you…

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Met your personal tutor and had a 1-1 chat

Been set your Induction assignment

Discussed and understood that transfers to other courses/departments can be made in the first 5/6 weeks – it is very important that you are on the correct course. Set your own agreed set of ‘rules’ and expectations for the classroom environment.

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Discussed your future goals and aspirations on your learning plan with your personal tutor and enrolled on any additional GCSEs if they are needed to reach your goals. Undertaken a team building exercise

Discussed the requirements of your course and the time commitment needed to succeed, including the amount of study you will be required to undertake independently outside the classroom environment. Understood what you can do if you disagree with your marks

Been told what equipment, materials and/or books you have to get

Received a copy of your timetable, know where you have to be and when and what to do if you are absent or late Been given your Course guide with a clear list of deadline dates and hand back dates for assignments shown across the year. Had Markbook, the EILP and Oaklearn explained to you and how to access these systems Agreed targets with your tutor about your expected achievement on the course

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3. Important Stuff, have you…

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Signed the Student Code of Conduct and understand the rules about behaviour, the expectations of being an Oaklands Student and the implications if you do not follow these rules. Got your student ID card and know why you must have it visible at all times and the implications of not having your ID on show Had a discussion about using social media responsibly and the impact of its misuse; employers and Universities often scan applicants’ social media pages which inform decisions about whether to offer jobs or University places. Understood the requirement to attend all classes on time and not miss classes, except through genuine illness, and the impact this has on your success Know who to see if you have any problems, either at college, home or just need advice about things

4. Information about Oaklands College, have you…

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Discussed and explored the College student handbook

Had a welcome visit from the Principal, Deputy principal, Director of Faculty and Head of Department Visited the College welcome fair

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Had information about the Enrichment activities on offer across the College and the schedule of timings. Understood what to do if there is a fire and where the exits are Had a tour of the campus, know where your classrooms are, where you can buy food, the location of the student lounge, toilets and LRC. Had the roles of the student rep and the student council rep explained to you and nominated a student rep for your group Had the student open forum sessions explained to you

5. Help Available, have you…

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Been told of the support available to you at College – Financial, Additional Learning Support, Welfare, Travel etc

Had a Student advice tutorial

Had your Student Centre Services induction

Had UCAS/Careers guidance if you are a year 2 Level 3 student and guidance on CV writing, University applications and job applications. Had information about volunteering and community events you can get involved with and the benefits this brings – not only to you individually, but how this enhances your job prospects and University applications. Had an LRC specific student induction delivered to your class group

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Got travel information about coming to College, bus routes and the College travel scheme when using the buses. Found out about childcare facilities that are available if you need it

6. Checklist of Documents and information…

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Exam certificates on entry scanned and held on College system

Date of Birth correctly recorded on College system

Current address correctly recorded on College system

Contact and contact phone number correctly recorded on College system

Home phone number correctly recorded on College system

Mobile phone number correctly recorded on College system

Health Declaration form signed and held on College system

Trip form signed and held on College system

Permission to contact parents if over 18 signed and held on College system

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