Learning & Teaching at Barnet & Southgate College
Elements of an Outstanding Lesson A Guide for All Teaching Staff
At the Start of a Lesson… Teachers must…
Learning Strategies at the Start of a Lesson
Observe a teacher or learner demonstration Watch a video or film clip Use resources such as handouts, mobile technology, CDROMs or the internet Use cooperative learning strategies e.g. jigsaw Use teaching without talking strategies Independent Learning Teaching by asking (rather than teaching by telling) e.g. group discussion
During the Lesson… Teachers must…
Check learning by…
Question and Answer Observe students’ work Short quiz or test etc.
Swipe in and view students on eRegistration Lookup? Record and challenge lateness appropriately? Start with a re-cap of the previous lesson and involve learners in this to consolidate and reinforce learning? Record clear learning (SMART) objectives of the lesson and share these with learners? Make sure they are available and visible throughout the lesson? When presenting new ideas and theories are abstract ideas illustrated with concrete examples? When presenting new skills, are they demonstrated with an emphasis on the process and the product e.g. how to use a formula or punctuate a sentence? Are key learning points emphasized? Give a persuasive account of the relevance and importance of the work – is it linked to the syllabus, assessment criteria or vocational specialism? Consider the use of engaging starter activities?
Vary teaching and learning activities to: - hold learners’ interests? - meet a range of learning styles and abilities? - actively engage learners in the learning process? Ensure that learners are given clear information and guidance throughout the lesson. (Tell them if you want them to do something such as take notes) Show interest and enthusiasm for the subject and create a positive and constructive atmosphere for learning? (Your manner and approach will inspire or disengage learners) Ensure that the pace of activities is appropriate for: - subject level? - stage of course? - individual learning needs? Manage different learning needs in the group? (Through extension activities, differentiated resources, structured group work activities, varied levels of support etc) Use appropriate teaching and learning resources - including ILT – effectively and creatively to support and promote learning? (Remember, of all the senses, sight has the most impact on learning) Link learning content to previous learning and experience and use topical and vocationally relevant examples to explain and clarify the lesson content?
Teaching and Learning at Barnet & Southgate College
Learning Strategies During the Lesson
Learners carry out a practical task if they are learning a specific practical skill Group discussion Case study Exercises, questions, worksheets, essays, etc. Discussion to develop an argument or answer a question etc. Decisions decisions game (good for learning concepts) Learner presentations Critical evaluation of exemplars, e.g. are these sentences correctly punctuated? Peer marking or marking of exemplars with a mark scheme
Check Learning by…
Question and Answer Check attention to task, behaviour etc. Observe students’ work, correct work in progress and provide formative feedback Discover learners who are in need of help and provide this Praise and encourage effort, progress, and completion etc., not just high attainment.
Use effective questioning skills and appropriate assessment activities to regularly review and check learning throughout the lesson? (All learners not just some) Ensure all learners are actively involved in the learning tasks and are working productively and co-operatively on them? Provide clear feedback on progress – written or verbal (as appropriate) – within the lesson? Demonstrate highly effective communication and group management skills appropriate to the age of the learners and level of the qualification? Ensure that all language, resources and learning approaches used, positively promote an inclusive learning atmosphere based on respect for difference and diversity? (see below) Promote the development of Functional Skills in the lesson, especially in numeracy and literacy?
Teachers must check…
Language and terminology – in course material, in what you say and in what the learners do and say? Stereotypical attitudes – oral and written? How do you challenge them? Gender or racial bias in the classroom, in seating arrangements or balance of learner contributions? Breadth and appropriateness of assessment activities to ensure that they reflect a diversity of approach to learning? The physical environment and how this might impact on learning? Does it aid or hinder group work? Is it safe and secure? Access and support for learners is available within your organisation? How do you use the Student Support Assistants in a lesson? How the cultural diversity of your learners will affect your teaching? The personal and social circumstances of your learners when helping them to learn?
Teaching and Learning at Barnet & Southgate College
Learning strategies at the end of a lesson
At the End of the Lesson Teachers must…
What was to be learned is summarised and clarified, with the emphasis on the key points. This is especially important at the start and finish of topics and lessons. Question and Answer (Ask don’t tell, as this checks learning) Create a mindmap, poster or handout that summarises the key points Get learners to capture their summaries digitally Use advanced organisers Stress the importance and relevance of the work Peer explanation of key lesson objectives - checked by the teacher Short quiz, test etc.
Review aims/objectives/activities completed? Ask and check what learners have learnt (ensure the end of the session is learner centred) and record this in the Record of Work Book? Check to see if any elements are still outstanding and need to be carried over to the next lesson? Ensure that any homework set is given out ?(With written instructions where appropriate) End with a forward look to the next lesson so that learners can see the links and are motivated to attend? Bring the lesson to a clear close?
The role of the teacher is to promote learning. An outstanding lesson should provide very clear evidence of highly effective learning for every learner in that class.
Teaching and Learning at Barnet & Southgate College Useful Websites: www.lsis.org.uk www.ofsted.gov.uk www.teachersmedia.co.uk www.excellencegateway.org.uk
Acknowledgements www.ioe.ac.uk www.geoffpetty.com
Teaching and Learning User Guide