One-to-One Tutorials at Barnet & Southgate College A Guide for Observations
The aim of this guide is to promote the consistency in approaches to observations of one-to-one tutorials and to ensure the process is open, supportive and transparent. The personal tutor's relationship with the learner is pivotal in ensuring a consistently positive learner experience. The ability of the tutor to offer advice and support for learning can play a central role in encouraging student retention and course completion. The reflective nature of the tutorial process, both for the learner and for the tutor, requires ongoing reflection on the holistic needs of the learner and the appropriateness of teaching and learning strategies used within the curriculum. Learners should be encouraged to self-assess their progress against qualitative targets for underlying progress. Recent findings suggest that:
learners value the close and detailed monitoring of their progress such monitoring helps to foster the tutor-learner relationship and ensures that remedial action is identified when progress is shown to be falling below target target grades motivate students teachers feel that the target setting and review processes give a focused and increased degree of rigour to tutoring this type of formative approach helps to improve attendance, retention and achievement
In addition to providing support for learners the aims of a one-to-one tutorial are to:
Encourage and motivate learners Make learners feel safe, secure and promote their health and well being Support learners to become more independent, confident and self aware and to take responsibility for their own learning Stimulate ambition, broaden horizons for progression and support learners to achieve their next steps Encourage learners to help develop their potential as responsible citizens within college, their workplace, their communities and in wider society.
Preparation The assessment of teaching and learning during a one-to one tutorial will be based upon the current OFSTED guidelines in which Grade 1 is Outstanding and Grade 4 is Inadequate. The observation of one-to-one tutorials will involve the identification of strengths and areas for development based upon five quality criteria categories:
Documentation Needed The following documents are required:
Tutorial Scheme of Work Tutorial Record of Work Book Lesson Plan for learner and tutor Subject Profiles/Review with details of attendance and punctuality Register Up to date e-ILP Group Representative Enrichment/wider activities
In making judgments consider where applicable the extent to which personal tutors:
Build a purposeful relationship with their tutees – the tutorial session is used to good effect to build relationships and prepare learners to achieve Learners are encouraged to start their review by sharing information or evidence of learning achievement Ensure an appropriate meeting place and time so that discussion takes place free from interruption Furniture/seating is arranged to support a private discussion and a shared interest in the learner’s progress without encroaching on personal space. There is a clear agenda for the discussion The personal tutor provides positive affirmation.
Evaluate the dialogue between the personal tutor and tutee. In making judgments consider where applicable the extent to which personal tutors:
Evaluate how well personal tutors set the climate for the session appropriately.
In making judgments consider where applicable the extent to which:
There is evidence that both the tutor and learner have prepared in advance for the tutorial session Learners engage in self-assessment in their preparation for one-to-one tutorials The personal tutor prepares using eILPs, subject reviews outlining learner performance, diagnostic assessments etc. Learners understand the purpose of the session and what they are expected to achieve Learners have relevant and up-todate information about attendance, punctuality and progress across their learning programme The personal tutor collects and uses relevant data (attendance, punctuality and progress across the individuals learning programme) There is a shared framework for discussion between tutor and tutee.
The Dialogue
Setting the climate
Grades will not be recorded on an individual basis but will be collated for the School as a whole. This will allow the School to have a teaching and learning profile that can inform both the School and College Self Assessment Review (SAR). It will also assist Staff Development in planning future CPD.
Preparation Setting the Climate The Dialogue Setting Targets Closure
Evaluate how well tutors and learners have prepared for the tutorial.
It is important that observers provide evidence to support judgments in each of these criteria.
Learners and tutors discuss barriers to learning and the tutor takes appropriate action (e.g. referring on to student counsellors, subject tutors, careers advice etc) The tutor asks relevant questions e.g. reasons for non-attendance and lateness are discussed Learners respond to open questions and effective listening Learners respond to positive feedback Learners expand and clarify points in response to direct questions Learner’s talk, tutors listen (the 80/20 rule, i.e. learners ideally talk for 80% of the time) Learners identify, celebrate and reward themselves for their successes Learners identify areas for development that are jointly agreed Is the learner enjoying college? Is the learner taking part in wider college or community activities?
Have both the tutor and learner prepared for the tutorial? Is the data collected by the tutor up to date and relevant? (e.g. eILPs, attendance, punctuality and progress) Have students engaged in selfassessment in preparation for the tutorial?
Setting the Climate
Is the meeting place and time appropriate? Is there a clear structure or agenda for the discussion? Are learners encouraged to start their review by sharing evidence of achievements? Does the tutor provide positive affirmation to the learner?
The Dialogue
Does the tutor ‘actively’ listen? Are open questions used effectively? What’s the balance of tutor to learner talk? Do learners respond to effective questioning? Do learners identify areas for development?
Setting Targets Useful Links
Evaluate the effectiveness of target setting by the tutor.
Motivational Dialogue
In making judgments consider where applicable the extent to which:
Active Listening Emotional Intelligence 1
Emotional Intelligence 2 Questioning Techniques 1 Questioning Techniques 2
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Learners have clear long and short-term targets, which are reviewed through one to one tutorials and are jointly agree. Learners and tutors refer to the learners’ e-ILP Learners set short term stretching and challenging SMART targets which focus on specific aspects of their learning Learners have taken part in the development of how to set SMART targets and the theory supporting their importance Learners record SMART targets and action points on their e-ILP Learners are aware of the importance and relevance of setting SMART targets to enable them to achieve their long-term career goals Learners understand that the achievement of stretching and challenging SMART targets will take them nearer to their long term goals Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning There is support on offer for the development of skills needed by learners to self-assess and take responsibility for their own learning Learners have input from Careers/Tutors to improve their employability Learners have the opportunity to produce CV’s, Letters of Application, UCAS Applications, Personal Statements, and Presentations etc. where appropriate
Closure Evaluate the effectiveness of the closure of the session by the tutor. In making judgments consider where applicable the extent to which:
Learners summarise discussion points and targets Learners are clear about what they need to do to improve Learners feel positive about the progress they have made and are motivated to progress their learning Learners and tutors keep a written record of achievements made toward the overall learning goal and the SMART targets and action points set to move the learner forward. Learners feel good about the process Accurate and up-to-date records are kept e.g. e-ILPs are updated appropriately
Useful Websites: www.lsis.org.uk www.ofsted.gov.uk www.teachersmedia.co.uk www.excellencegateway.org.uk .