High Blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the most common and dangerous health issue may put your valuable life in danger. As you are getting older hypertension may leads to damage your blood vessels may cause serious diseases like heart stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and many more. High Blood pressure also be know as silent killer because symptoms of blood pressure are invisible so its best advice is to check your blood pressure regular before it causing damage to your your valuable life.
As medical and science getting advanced day by day there are various medicines are available in the market but if there are natural ways to lower the blood pressure then why to waste dollars on that(medicines). Let me firstly describe what is blood pressure. Generally we know that functioning of heart as heart pumps blood through the body through the blood vessels i.e. the strength of pushing blood through vessels is known as blood pressure. According to study 70 millions adults in US affected by high blood pressure. Diet plays an important role in your health whether your affected or not affected by high blood pressure. Below are the 08 Power foods that help you to lower blood pressure naturally.
Power Food to lower the Blood Pressure Naturally 1) Dark Chocolate
Study show that Dark Chocolate rich in flavanols helps to lower the blood pressure.
2) Garlic According to study and research eating Garlic in the form tablets leads to the lower the blood pressure 10% by reducing the risk of heart stroke and heart diseases.
3) Bananas Bananas are sweet and cheapest foods that helps to lower the blood pressure naturally. As Bananas are loaded with minerals and potassium may helps to proper functioning of the kidney. So try to eat bananas to lower the blood pressure naturally.
4) Beets Drinking beets juice along with apple may get resulting in the lower blood pressure just after six. There are several benefits of drinking beets juice so try to add beet juice in routine to stay fit and healthy.
5) Egg White
6) Whole Grains
7) Tomatoes
8) Watermelon