self help
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Trying to make sense of my own life was the impetus for my exploratory journey into the world of spirituality. If I wanted my life to be different or better, I was the one who could bring about change.
Although I was a reluctant reader and student during my academic years, when I discovered the world of self help I developed an insatiable appetite. I became a bit of a workshop junkie. Always looking for the next piece of information to help me understand my own troubled life and inspire or motivate me to make more changes, so I could feel better about my self and the world at large. Increasingly, the more I read and attended experiential workshops, I realised that much of my distress was self imposed and that I, me, yes Robyn, could actually do something about it! I remember feeling so comforted when reading one of the early books by psychologist, John Bradshaw. He stated that 96% of families are dysfunctional. Wow! That really comforted me somehow. Issues of sexual abuse, alcoholism, physical violence, emotional neglect and plethora of other issues happened to others too. a plethor more I disciplined myself to apply many The mo of the self help tips I was learning about, better I felt about who I was. This stuff really the bette worked! Typical of the wounded healer, I wanted to others find ways to deal with their pain also. help othe Although I had worked in the commercial field since leaving sschool, by the time I hit 30, I knew it was time to re-train, and find work in the health care domain. Surely, this was where I could really make a difference? My first course was as an Allied Health differenc
The R.O.S.E. program, which stood for Renewal Of Self Esteem, became the first training program that I developed. It was directed to people who had become disabled in their adult life. This was the beginning of many self help and awareness raising courses, where I was not only the teacher, but also the student. Teaching everything I needed to know, but more importantly integrate myself. Things were making more sense to me, my relationships were improving and my understanding of metaphysics, the subtle bodies, and the world of spirituality began to find its place. My passion for truth remained ever strong and the next step was a spiritual teacher whom I stayed with for about 4 years before I made the transition to another. Michael King not only filled in many of the gaps to my understanding about the spiritual journey, but his loving way of teaching assisted me to transform so much of the suppressed pain that I had successfully blocked from my consciousness. Apart from feeling increasing levels of peace and love in my life, joy began to reveal itself to me as part of my reality. The greatest gift with this increasing experience of joy, was that it had nothing to do with any person, place or thing outside of myself. Love and joy really was an inside job! Now I really understood what the great adepts have said throughout time. Nevertheless, there was always more “stuff” to clear. There are many pathways to home with different philosophies, tools and guidelines. For me, a passion for truth, and working on self love have been the most significant elements in my own journey. If you would like access to many of the tools and processes on Building Love and Developing Mastery you can download a free E-book by going to our site: ❂
Robyn Wood Robyn Wood has a background in natural therapies and holistic counseling and R has been teaching personal and spiritual development courses since 1983. www She is also the founder of Work Health Wisdom www. a workplace program to “lift spirits” in organizations. Way of the Heart
Details: Saturday 21/6/08 at Jamieson Sanctuary (retreat place - accommodation varies) also Saturday 15/11/08 in Melbourne. Venue T.B.A. Workshop : $95pp or $85pp early bird. Enquiries:
In my early 20’s I began exploring the psychological approach to self understanding. Sure it was helpful, but it just didn’t give any explanation to the world of the unseen energies that intrigued me, or explain why things happen the way they do – at least, not in a manner that satisfied my heart’s understanding.
Assistant, which enabled me to work directly with Rehabilitation clients. I’m not sure if it was ignorance, arrogance or intuition on my part, or maybe a bit of each, but I felt something was seriously missing in the rehab programs where I worked. I was on a mission to find a better way, whilst all the time continuing to seek a deeper understanding for my own journey.
In this experiential workshop you will have fun learning and feeling the How to build Your Vibration differences of increasing your vibration, working with thought, boundaries protection, the emotional scale, alignment and how to create more harmony in your world. You WILL feel the difference.
This, of course, is a common reason why people turn to self development. As a child and young adult my self esteem was incredibly low. My dominant emotions were shame, guilt, a lack of self love, and an incredible sense of powerlessness. I had 2 suicide attempts in my teenage years, as a way to try to escape from my dreadfully unhappy life. The tipping point into my feeling state of hopeless despair was triggered at 17 when my boyfriend, or knight in shining armour, wanted to end our relationship. Another “apparent” betrayal.