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by Sara Lyara Estes
d n a y e r v e o L ast M In the Operation Terra Messages, the Hosts of Heaven identify Love as the ordering force that gives rise to our material reality from the consciousness matrix that underlies all things. Love, they say, acts in opposition to the force of entropy, which would break things down to simpler, more elemental forms, so Love also makes more complex forms available than would be possible without it. Love therefore enriches the Creation itself.
Love. It would take volumes to explore the many meanings conveyed by that single word. Love can be an expression of delight, as in “I just love my new shoes!” It can express relationship, as in “I love you.” Leo Buscaglia identifies love as a state of being, whose opposite is the state of being in fear. M. Scott Peck identifies love as a commitment to encourage someone to reach for the highest spiritual attainment of which they are capable. Honoré de Balzac defined love as an inner imperative: “Nobody loves a woman because she is handsome or ugly, stupid or intelligent. We love because we love.” In Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince, the fox defines love as a way of perceiving: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” Love-in-action is wedded to other traits, such as compassion, empathy, wisdom and selfsacrifice. In The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran explores the pleasures, pain, and challenges of love: in relationship to each other and in relationship with the divine. The movie Love Actually concludes with a spiraling visual mosaic of people greeting loved ones at the arrivals gate at London’s Heathrow airport, demonstrating that “Love actually is all around us,” despite the appearances to the contrary as we survey the world’s current problems and challenges. Yes, love has many faces, but how is love especially important to us as individuals and as a planetary population at this particular time in human history? In March 1982, I received a waking vision of the future that revealed the landscape for what later came to be called Operation Terra. I was presented with a series of scenes that faded into one another and symbolized the events that lay ahead. The first scenes were of geophysical events: a volcano blowing up; an earthquake opening a rift in the ground; huge waves crashing onto shorelines; winds that flattened entire forests. This was followed by images of an entire city in flames and a sense of everything burning. Then the images shifted to a growing breakdown in the social fabric itself. As each event occurred, fear levels rose and people frantically scrabbled up the sides of a large bowl of sand, trying to escape the rising chaos, only to slide back into it again. Observing this from a distance, I wondered what had caused such chaos and fear. The insight that came into my mind was both simple and unspeakably profound:
“There’s not enough love, [teacher]! There’s not enough love.” A “love-deficiency” was destroying our civilization. The vision then showed growing numbers of people (symbolically dressed in white) appearing amongst the frightened masses (symbolically dressed in gray). Everywhere they
appeared, the people around them were calmed and reassured. I heard the phrase “They are centers of calm and blessing.” The smaller groups of people were guided to join with other groups in some kind of massive convergence toward some kind of approaching event. Finally, when all had been gathered and were standing together quietly, the sky filled with beautiful white, disk-shaped ships and the waiting groups of people were led up onto them — an evacuation that was taking place all over the world. This was another form of lovein-action. Following the evacuation, a shift in the planet’s axis of rotation swept everything off its surface and left it a barren rock. We were taken elsewhere while the planet completed her transformation into becoming Terra. There was a discontinuity in the vision and I saw Earth/Terra as she will be in the future. Every atom was in full consciousness and exuded a quiet, luminous joy, at rest in peace and love. The being whom I referred to as Christ (I have now come to refer to Christ as Sananda, his “cosmic name”) was depicted on a throne, presiding over this new world (and under whom we all serve). His love reached out from his body to enfold me like invisible arms, conveying a sense of sacredness and causing me to feel very small, yet totally protected. I had not experienced anything like this kind of love before, and it awakened a desire within me to become as he was, no matter how difficult it might be or how long it would take to attain that. The following month, I decided to attend an Easter service for the first time. I had been raised as a Jew and, in the wake of this vision, I was curious to know more about this being who had presented himself in my life and had called me to follow him. I decided to go to the local Church of Religious Science because the minister seemed open to the kinds of experiences I had been having and I was curious to 14
see what she might say about the mystical significance of Easter. Instead, she delivered a long, “mainstream Christian” type of sermon, liberally sprinkled with passages from the Bible, which was not at all what I had expected or sought. As the sermon droned on, my mind wandered and I tossed a somewhat irreverent thought toward Christ/Sananda: “Since you’re being talked about so much, shouldn’t you actually be here?” Suddenly and without warning, he fully entered my body, which caused me to see the people around me as HE sees us, through HIS eyes. I saw everyone I looked upon with perfect, unconditional love. This love streamed forth from within my/his total being, totally unaffected in any way by what I/he was looking at. Each and every person was perceived as being perfect, exactly as they were – totally worthy and totally without blemish or lack of any kind. This love was total. It held back nothing. It criticized nothing. It went out toward them without reservation and my his entire being existed solely to express this love. It was purpose, goal, and action all combined into a single state of being. It was a summation of all of the many faces of love, blended into this one radiant, perpetual action of being and emanating love. My emotional response was an overwhelming sensation of joy. Tears streamed down my face in a flood of release and I was transported into an unspeakable ecstasy that lasted for hours. I had been shown what it was like. Now the challenge was to become as he had shown me he was. This is the path to mastery. My guides have told me that their definition of mastery is to become large enough to contain everything within us, without judgment and without holding anything outside of love. That is the task and the goal.
hot topic In the Operation Terra material, the Hosts define love as “the absence of fear, trust in the Creator, and a willingness to put one’s life on the line for the truth.” In order to embody those traits, we have to be willing to face down our fears as they surface in our current lives. Everything that is not based in unconditional love is being flushed to the surface as part of the planetary cleansing and this process will continue until it is complete. It is an essential part of the journey into Oneness with All That Is, regardless of the route we travel in getting there. Each of us carries memories of pain and fear. These memories may surface within us as a result of the planetary shift in vibrational frequency, the work being done by our “upstairs team,” and/or be triggered by events that manifest within our social and physical environment. We must be willing to experience these emotions as they arise, without resisting them, avoiding them, or distracting ourselves from having to deal with them. No one is exempt from doing this inner work; it’s the most important thing we can do in service to our fellow humans and for this planet. Regardless of where one is headed, this is a fundamental spiritual task, and each of us will deal with it according to the plan for our life – if not now, then from the platform of a future incarnation, on another planet, on another timeline. It is our individual and collective destiny to make the journey “home,” whatever and wherever that may be for us. To get there, we must move through our fears, whenever and however they present to us, because that is the only way to move fully into unconditional love – a state beyond all fear. To move into mastery, one must embody and emanate unconditional love – to “be as HE was [and is].” This is our task. This is our goal. This is what these times ask us to do and be. b
Sara Lyara Estes Sara Lyara Estes is the messenger for Operation Terra: Messages from the Hosts of Heaven A new revelation on Earth changes, ETs, the end times, and the journey to the new Earth, Terra, a three-volume series available in full, at no charge, from The printed books can be ordered at and through booksellers throughout the world. The author currently resides in Kalispell, Montana. © 2008. Sara Lyara Estes