Raj Editorial 14_1

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Hi there, As I write this editorial we are between these two February eclipses – now I know that that I am not at the effect of anything and never a victim of anything – at least I have that clear. The concept of extra energy coming at certain times relative to planets and cycles and even dates seems alien if one adheres to the teachings of Jeshua in the ‘Way of’ materials and yet, the messages relating to these ‘worldly’ benchmarks often serve as points of focus for me to be doubly aware of my behavior patterns and bring me to conscious creation of my thoughts and actions, my responses and reactions. A recent message came from our good friend Patti Cota Robles and I thought was very timely reminder. “It seems we are being catapulted through these tumultuous times at warp speed. In the midst of such dramatic changes, it is often difficult to stay focused on the positive things we want to co-create in our lives. It is possible, however, to ride out this necessary purging process in relative harmony. We just need to remember that the price for freedom is eternal vigilance. Through our concentrated efforts, we can prevent ourselves from becoming overwhelmed with the extreme situations surfacing all around us, and we can change what is happening in our lives in the most positive way.” As I look at what I have before me, the events – PF in Bali with Jayem, David’s Australia tour, India, Bali in November, our activities with Karuna Bali and how we are being literally swept along by the LIVING VALUES program I realize how easy it was for me to drop into fear a couple of weeks back – all that, “It’s too much, I can’t keep up” stuff. A very real overwhelm, and yet it is all my own creation – I did it all, I am in the process of creativity in many areas simultaneously and while they might appear separate and somewhat discordant they are all quite perfectly aligned, one flowing with perfect synchronicity into another. And even the sense of urgency because Suz and I are heading back to Bali brings time-frames into play. These too are my choice, I don’t really have to go anywhere but how I can I drop “Palpable Forgiveness” with Jayem after three previous workshops and the opportunity for administration and joint planning with the guys in Karuna Bali? 4

Volume 14

| Issue 1

I remember several days of searching about what I could ‘get rid’, ‘give up’ so that Peace would return. And then it dawned on me again, it’s just a birthing panic – relax allow and be grateful. I love this sketch of Jeshua! And so Patti’s email came about the eclipses and I discovered a spectrum of messages there for me –“Co-creation, dramatic changes, purging process, change in the positive way”. Taking every word literally I chose to make these two weeks my prime opportunity for allowing all things, to let the unfolding occur around me and to let the Flow that I talk about so often pick me up and carry me along to where it will eventually set me down, or maybe not! There are two ways to move along this pathway to living my values and I choose to go with ease and grace acknowledging my Responsibility for my creations, I am Honest with myself and in aspects of my life, I serve others through Co-operation, I am in Gratitude that change is occurring, I reside in Simplicity, I choose to discover Peace within, I find Happiness, I open myself to the potential for my Freedom, I drop into Unity with my brothers and sisters through being Tolerant of others needs and behaviour, I Respect them for their differences, I experience Humility in my daily recognition that I am not alone and that there is a far more powerful dynamic than me at play in my life and I know that if I bring all these qualities – if I live these values every day I will, most naturally, come to find Love in all things. And isn’t that the ultimate? I do trust that you will look closely at LIVING VALUES. We have no idea where program is taking us. In Bali yes, there is an obvious purpose and unfolding, yet I sense something grand is happening here in Australia too. We’ll know after May and will share with you in the next issue. If you are living in Queensland, or even if you are not please know that we extend an invitation to have you join us all on Stradbroke Island on 1st May for the introduction of Karuna Bali to the people and community of the Gold Coast. Enjoy the unfolding and the magic of each and every day for you are the one who is in charge of your life and only you hold the key in this and every moment to the potential for your soul’s growth to move home to the Source. This is after all, the only purpose that brought you here. Blessings, Raj b Way of the Heart


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