Regardless of how bad my body feels I live each day in God’s miracle of life, and I will continue to live and feel this way until the last day of this life on earth that I am living. I trust that you all feel this way too; if not, then I really hope that by the end of this month’s lesson you will feel the reality of— amazement –every day in your own life. I firmly believe that every day is filled with God’s miracles if we just become still and focused, and really see the marvel of everyday life that always surrounds us. l During this month let us all remember and come to believe that: with God all good things are possible, especially miracles. Our lives are filled with the all goodness of God when we open our minds and hearts to this
realization, regardless of the challenges of life and our bodies.
uplifted, which helps my body feels better (and this is true for all of us).
l Remember we are always free to choose how we will feel emotionally and how we choose to perceive our life and the world that surrounds us.
Exercise to use every day during the month
There are seven very important spiritual traits or qualities that will lead us all to having a more open and expectant attitude about God’s miracles in our lives. As you know, the more that we think about, feel and remember to expect miracles the more open and aware we are to seeing and receiving more miracles in our everyday lives. These exceptional divine qualities to personally cultivate this month are the power of: expectancy, excitement, belief, goodness, miracles, faith, and union with God’s presence. For myself – whenever I focus on the all goodness of God and God’s natural miracles in my life I always feel
By Dr. Sandra Masters
I really love sharing with you this month a basic spiritual practice that I use, which brings great happiness into my life. This practice is to be used every day as often as you can. Be aware, think about and write down in your journal, if you desire, all the everyday miracles that have meaning to you. For example: I love to watch a sunset or the sunrise and feel the beauty and miracle of this simple joy that I often take for granted. Or the way the sun feels in my skin or the rain or the wind. Every moment can be a miracle if we choose to open our eyes and hearts to them.
Statement of Truth Meditation exercise: Following are seven, statement of truth meditations, to help us realize that we are the following divine qualities of God, which helps open us to recognizing
miracle after miracle coming into our lives. Each meditation, when used daily, will help us open our minds and hearts to receiving the miracles of God that are available to us each day.
How to use these meditations What we think about and feel; and the inner words that we say to ourselves all day long, become our reality, right or wrong, wanted or unwanted, whether we realize it or not. With meditation and our thinking on divine truth, we intentionally fill our minds and hearts with the truth that we want to have as a part of our reality, instead of the random negativities and untruths of this world’s way of thinking. In prayer and meditation, we are intentionally taking a divine truth, repeating it slowly to ourselves, over and over again in quietness, letting God’s truth fill our mind, our emotions, and our soul to unite in truth, in oneness with God. In addition, in time we become the divine truth that we are working on. We can set aside 5 to 30 minutes, as many times as we want or need during the day to become still and be with a divine truth that we are working on realizing. We can also use mini meditations for 3 to 5 minutes, to sit quietly and realize and remind ourselves of the truth that we are working with. Often we can also use our statement of truth meditation as a statement of truth affirmation that we write out in a place where we can see it easily and read it often to remind ourselves of the specific spiritual truth that we are working on becoming. All of these ways and tools of spiritual study and disciplines are very easy ways to become more spiritual, truth filled, and divine. Following are seven statements of truth meditations, one for each day for a week, repeated for four weeks. (Words in parentheses can be repeated or not, it is up to you.)
Day One Statement of truth meditation – on realizing the power of belief: I believe in miracles! Day two Statement of truth meditation – on the power of goodness: I am one with the all goodness of God (right here and now). Day three Statement of truth meditation – on the power of faith: Today I am surrounded by miracles! Day four Statement of truth meditation – on the power of expectancy: I expect beauty in my life (today). Day five Statement of truth meditation – on the power of miracles: Wherever I am - miracles happen! Day six Statement of truth meditation – on the power of union: With God – all good things are possible! Day seven Statement of truth meditation – on the power of excitement: Let my life of miracles happen now!
In conclusion Every day is already filled with God’s miracles; all we need to do is become aware and recognize them. The more we see miracles the more they are a part of our lives. You are a miracle – God is a miracle – life is a miracle – and today is a miracle!
God bless us all in our daily challenge of seeing miracles in our life instead of the upsets of pain and illness. b
Dr. Sandra Masters Dr. Sandra Masters began the practice of daily meditation in her teens. Her Grandmother’s influence culminated in Class Instruction in Christian Science, but her desire for knowledge continued and she received her ordination from the Santa Anita Seminary. Later, she received her Ph.D. and D.D. from the University of Sedona. She is author of The Happiness Book, filled with life-transforming questions and answers on how to live life in a more spiritually advantageous manner. To receive monthly Spiritual Messages via email or obtain more details on her book, visit Copyright © 2009 Dr. Sandra Masters. Disclaimer: Information herein is for informational purposes only. Consult your physician, therapist, or physical therapist for medical advice.