Suz Editorial 13.4

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“Beloved friend, guidance is something that is learned in the field of time. It occurs to the degree that you are willing to stop thinking for yourself. It comes to the degree that you are willing to set aside the guidance of everyone around you... It comes as the result of your willingness to begin to turn every decision over to the Friend, the Teacher, the Comforter, that has been placed in the depth of your mind and your heart by God. And God is but Love. Therefore, to cultivate tuning into, resonating with, listening, and then following that Voice in the depth of your heart means that you are learning to let Love be your guide, Love be your teacher, Love be your friend. And that Love is universal. The Love is eternal. And that Love is within you now!... Making the direction toward the Kingdom of Heaven, you will learn to go only to that altar and not the altar of the world. And as miracles occur, as success builds upon success, you will learn that after all is said and done, the world has been wrong. You are not alone. You do not need to make your way. Your way will be made for you by a Power and Love and Intelligence that birthed you in the first place and has only your highest good in mind.” Jeshua Ben Joseph - Chapter 9 - Way of Transformation. True fulfillment. What an education I have had over the past four years. It started when I really began to follow the guidance I received, even if it seemed somewhat crazy. That sounds really simple and it is. But my habit had been to shift those subtle prompts into the mind and start, considering the impact of my choices on other people, worrying about what they thought. Lots of time spent confused. I had the idea of myself as a sensible person, somehow that equaled being ‘normal’, ‘safe’, and ‘predictable’. Someone who fitted in and didn’t make others uncomfortable I thought that came from Love, but it was based on safe choices because “I had to make my way in the World.” I had it the wrong way around. I was seeking safety I had not cultivated the discernment to really look at how my emotions led to my decisions, which in turn shaped the whole of my life and my relationship to God. In 2004 my control issues lead to a crisis in the office. I realized that something in me was really inappropriate to loving consciousness and had to change. I made the decision to let go and get away from everything for a month. That was my first 4

Volume 13

| Issue 4

real time away from Raj, and ‘my responsibilities’. It started a flow of realizations about self and I was on my way. I now know that there is nothing outside of me, and everything is a gift and a signpost to clear seeing. How did I acquire that? By doing the work, the pilgrimages, Palpable Forgiveness Retreats and staying with the Teachings In 2005 after a tour in Bali, we followed guidance to stay in Bali, allowed spirit to find a villa and the Ashram was born. Now a thriving centre for the Pathway and the family of the Heart. While in Bali Raj was inspired to help some Taxi drivers develop internet skills, and through our friendship with Toko and Wayan, and the family of the Heart, the College and Karuna Bali Foundation was born. Early 2006 Raj and I planned to go to the USA and had many engagements. I had guidance again, to spend time alone, backed up by a couple of messages from spirit and had the seemingly hard job of telling Raj that it was not right for me to go to America at that time, even though we had bought the tickets. I needed to go to a remote farm in New Zealand and really slow down and look at my persona again. Raj was amazing. He cancelled the tickets and all of our commitments. I had an amazing and in many ways uncomfortable time, but it served me well. As a result of that I realized that I didn’t belong in the Office anymore, a difficult thing for us both to accept but I resolved to stick to my decision and Raj found ways to cope with the extra workload. I spent more and more time in Bali and Raj found himself. We both went through periods of wondering what this would mean to our relationship, but it has served it, where playing safe and conventional would not have. We have both experienced miracles of support as we made strides forward with Wayan and Iluh in the college and the fledgling Karuna Bali Foundation. This is such a story. I consider being part of it and being allowed to palpably witness it, the greatest experience of my life, and it is about to go to another level again. Karuna Bali, which has been a couple of drawers in the filling cabinet and the occasional meeting, is about to open its own office on the 1st December to house a team of five and set about the awe inspiring task of representing the ALIVE Program for all Indonesia, while holding the vision for the College and the Rural Village Program. As I sat in meetings with a team of 9 in pure love, resonating as one being, in light and the purest creative love, planning the future of the college, the Rural Village program and the birth of the ALIVE Program for Indonesia, I had a week of experiencing True Fulfillment. We went to lunch together in one of the breaks and I shared with everyone that I had just had the highest point of my life, in the work and the people I was doing it with. The living experience that, “All power under Heaven and Earth is given unto you to guide and shape your journey through time.” This is, the Pathway to True Fulfillment! Love Su


b Way of the Heart


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