Workshop: Take Me to Truth 13.2

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Take Me to Truth

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Take Me to Truth Have you had enough pain and suffering yet? Do you want to identify and eliminate the only source of all your suffering? Do you want to wake up with a smile on your face, ready to love, forgive and have fun? Well in this workshop, we’ll help you to: • Identify your favorite illusions of identity • Identify how the ego sabotages us • Identify where the ego hides • Learn how to wake up from this This workshop is based on the belief that this life is an illusion, a black comedy (think Monty Python/ Fawlty Towers). Why? Because we are dreaming this life and we think it’s real! We act and react as if there is something we can gain or lose! The ego is running the show and its catch cry as quoted in A Course in Miracles is, “Seek and do not find.” Now, if that isn’t funny, I don’t know what is. The truth is that you are Love now. You are Eternal and already home, safe forever. You do not need to earn anything anymore. All that’s left to do is wake up from the dream, so what’s with the effort, conflict, struggle and sacrifice?

Criteria for doing this workshop:


Get into a frame of mind where you can laugh at yourself. Think of an embarrassing moment(s) in your life. Remember a time when you took yourself so seriously only to laugh at yourself later. Consider asking someone to tickle you or imitate you when you’re in the victim (poor me) mode. Ok, now you are ready to play.





What Exactly is the Ego?

These Are a Few of My Favorite Illusions (sung to the soundtrack of the movie classic, The Sound of Music – My Favorite Things)

• It’s a mistaken identity; it’s the ‘I’ we think we are others are.

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• Based on separation

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and who we believe

(fear and not love) it’s an uninvestigated thought system that literally

One of the major challenges we have that block our Spiritual Awakening is attachment. In this exercise we uncover our attachments to our mistaken self. We spend our whole life building and defending this false self. No wonder, it’s so difficult to let go and surrender so we can discover our true Self. Which areas do you identify strongly with, which do you have strong beliefs or values in? Which play a strong part of how you identify your self? Your best friend here will be your willingness to answer with radical self-honesty. So, from the list below, list 6 items you identify strongly with. Here are a few of my favorite illusions!


Illness or disability


Nation, race or tribe

Material Objects





Most of this is unconscious



The past and/or future

until we question it and

Career or business

Role or status

Children/parents (family)

Body image, health, age


Beliefs, opinions & values

Friends or enemies






projects our entire

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commit to unlearning believe.

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nearly everything we

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experience in this life.

• It’s the ‘I’ that operates

apart from God therefore it’s an independent ‘will’ that runs counter to

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the divine.

Other... list

My Top 6 illusions of self are: M

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________

Take Me to Truth

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• Any felt sense of fear, guilt, anger, judgment, loss, scarcity, the need to control or any lack of peace.

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• In a nutshell it’s the one cause of all our

relationship problems, health issues, scarcity concerns, accidents and


every seeming issue that raises anxiety in us. Follow it.

We have been conditioned to believe that we are shaped by our experience – they make us! We are taught that exercising our reason and logic and accumulating knowledge, abilities and skills improves us. Unless those skill sets are abdicated to the ‘Will’ of the Source, they are under the will of the ego and only serve to further separate us from self and others.

I Will be Happy When? The ego’s favorite game. This is one of the ways the ego keeps us from being happy in the moment, NOW! It loves to entice you with constant ‘needs’; this way it keeps you feeling deprived. When you feel deprived you’ll follow the ego (instead of inner Guidance) and mindlessly search outside (people, things, circumstances & outcomes) for the impossible to satisfy you. And Bingo! The ego distracts you from the peace, love and joy that are your divine inheritance. So, let’s play. Complete the following sentence three times... “I will be happy when


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The Guilt Meter: Where Does Your Ego Hide?

This exercise is to help you locate where the unconscious guilt of the ego hides. Every time we resist ‘what is’ and yet believe it to be real, we have crossed over to the dark side. The result is unease, fear, scarcity thinking, and isolation. This manifests as inner or seemingly outer conflict which is simply our own ego projecting (unconsciously) our unacknowledged guilt. This includes the people, things and circumstances that press our buttons. If we react negatively to conflict that appears to be ‘out there’ we reinforce the ego. All conflict is an opportunity to forgive and as we are all ONE when we forgive we are really forgiving ourselves; we’re undoing another great chunk of the ego. We are never a victim of the world we see... we realize that we projected this movie. So go ahead and locate where the ego is hiding out by honestly answering the following questions (F= Frequently, S=Sometimes, R=Rarely): F




Do you find you judge others?

Do you judge yourself? How often do you react negatively to what others do or don’t do? How often do you respond with defense, anger, frustration when things don’t go your way? Do you sense injustice personally or within the world?

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Best selling authors, Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, are conducting Australian Workshops inspired by ‘A COURSE IN MIRACLES’


Do you feel your needs are not being met financially?

Workshop Outline

Do you feel your needs are not being met love wise – ie partner?

Undoing the Ego is a demolition project. This is a process that releases your ego’s perception and its control on your every thought, belief and emotion. Your Truth is ‘Peace’... Peace of mind. With that comes happiness, not the other way around. There’s only ever one problem in your life disguised as many.

Do you feel your needs are not being met family wise – ie children, siblings, parents? Do you feel any struggle or sacrifice? Do you experience anxiety, fear or doubt? Do you experience physical discomfort, illness? Do you experience anxiety over worldly matters Ie. Global warming, war, terrorism? Do you have difficulty sleeping?



Now look at the items and ask yourself if this is true. When you have finished answering yourself, rewrite the items and ask yourself if this is really true?


If you rarely or never experience any of the above then you don’t need this workshop! But for the 99.9% of you that have daily encounters with many of the above then the remedy for all these issues is the same. All that’s occurring is that you have forgotten that you are already Home safe. You have mistakenly believed that this world is real and that it’s up to you to fix it. If you were having a nightmare, would the answer be to fix the dream or simply wake up from it?

When and where? Brisbane: October 11th Contact: Sydney: October 18th Contact: Cairns: October 25th Contact: 31

Reserve your seat today for this extraordinary learning experience!

Compare the answers from your first and second attempts at asking if this is true. Notice the difference? Isn’t it amazing how the ego lies to us?

Way of the Heart

“Psst…I’ve got news for you. God is in you and you are a part of God.” We’ve attempted to imprison Him by listening only to the incessant voice of the ego which is always louder until we train ourselves to tune in to the Voice within. When we undo the ego and its need to control we find beneath it is a WILL that is what we’ve always wanted! This is Who we really are and it arises as we develop trust in the divine. 2. Remember you are already home, safe…forever. There can be no loss. As A Course in Miracles says, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lays the peace of God.” 3. Desire peace above all else. The ego is into being right. So much so that it will rather die than admit or allow matters simply to be. The ego is like that the Black Knight in Monty Python’s The Holy Grail who takes on King Arthur. The Black Knight’s job is not to let any one pass. Upon losing his arm, he remarks that it is merely a flesh wound. The fight continues until the character is diminished to just a torso, with no arms or legs. When asked if he is finally ready to concede, he suggests that the fight be declared a draw! Laugh you may, but the funniest thing is that’s us, that’s how we act. Now ain’t that a laugh? 4. Practice forgiveness… for everything with full responsibility. Remember, we made up everything we see, God didn’t. In fact He doesn’t even see all this apparent drama we have unfolding. It’s like looking in on your child sleeping. As far as you can see, he/she is sleeping soundly. The nightmares are purely in the child’s imaginings. There is a purpose to all our nightmares, and it is to give us the opportunity to forgive by remembering it is only our imaginings. In the forgiveness, we remember who we truly are and where we are – home, safe. So every time something disturbs our peace it’s because we made it real and affords us the opportunity to forgive. Picture here, John Cleese as Basil Fawlty, (from Fawlty Towers) having made a right old mess, he abruptly changes tack and says “Terribly sorry old chap, for the inconvenience and pain I’ve caused us all, it was only my imagination and projection that made this seem real... carry on.” That’s what we have to practice daily.

Nouk Sanchez & Tomas Vieira


Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira are the authors of best seller Take Me to Truth; Undoing the Ego. Published by O- Books UK; ISBN 1 84694 050 7. Initiated by A Course in Miracles, their seventeen year Spiritual Awakening journey led to the almost total deconstruction of their lives and belief systems before emerging from the process together. The result is this profoundly practical guide that clearly defines the blocks and the stages involved in Spiritual Awakening. They will be conducting workshops in Australia in October and November (2008). For more details see the column on page 31 or visit

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1. Reverse you thought system. Repeat this to yourself as many times as you can. “(Your name) is asleep, God’s in charge.” You see at the moment whilst you might believe that there is a God, you think He or She is: a) outside in the Universe somewhere and is asleep leaving you in control. Why else would you be racing around, stressed out trying to fix the dream?


Waking Up is Undoing the Ego. So how do we do it?

The Result? Peace

Aahh! Peace at last. You can be free at last to be in this world but not of it. You will experience peace because you have remembered and let go. You realize that all your needs have already been met and that all change and adversity are simply to help you on your way. You know where the ego resides and how to recognize and undo it. Far from being annoyed or stressed by incidents, you become grateful for all the wonderful teachers you have in this world. You will realize that life is presenting you with myriad opportunities to AWAKEN. If you make your priority to undo the ego and to Awaken rather than to manipulate your life to suit your ego, then you are sure to succeed!

Take e Me to Truth


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Congratulations... You Are Waking Up!

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