financial inclusion

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Taking Banking Services to the Common Man – Financial Inclusion * Ladies and Gentlemen, I am truly honoured to deliver the Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation commemorative lecture. The illustrious list of the previous years’ speakers indicates the kind of significance this commemorative lecture has acquired over the years. The late Shri K.P.Hormis, founder of Federal Bank, was a visionary and left behind an institutional set up in the form of Federal Bank which has been doing yeoman service for well over seventy five years. The Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation, a public charitable trust, has been furthering the cause of banking and finance by providing knowledge and training in the areas of banking, finance, economics and management to banking professionals as well as deserving students who are specializing in these areas. As the life and times of late Shri K.P.Hormis were spent largely in taking banking to the masses, which is indicated by Federal Bank’s mix of urban and rural coverage, I thought it would be appropriate for me to speak on taking banking services to the common man – financial inclusion, a topic of contemporary significance and relevance. The banking industry has shown tremendous growth in volume and complexity during the last few decades. Despite making significant improvements in all the areas relating to financial viability, profitability and competitiveness, there are concerns that banks have not been able to include vast segment of the population, especially the underprivileged sections of the society, into the fold of basic banking services. Internationally also efforts are being made to study the causes of financial exclusion and designing strategies to ensure financial inclusion of the poor and disadvantaged. The reasons may vary from country to country and hence the strategy could also vary but all out efforts are being made as financial inclusion can truly lift the financial condition and standards of life of the poor and the disadvantaged. ______________________________ * Commemorative Lecture by Shri V.Leeladhar, Deputy Governor Reserve bank of India at the Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation at Ernakulam on December 2, 2005

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