Mog e book 2017

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An inspirational story behind great pictures



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Happy World Photography Day! Today the 19th Aug is that fantastic day for all of us photographers. It gives us, the Admins of MumbaiOgraphy, to present to you'll the very 1st MumbaiOgraphy photo-story E-Book. The e-book as the name suggests contains six photo-stories selected from the entries sent in by the members. The overwhelming response for the e-book entries was very heart warming!

At MumbaiOgrapghy we have always supported photography be it from professionals, amateurs or novice, be it with a DSLR, point and shoot camera or a mobile click. The art is appreciated! MumbaiOgraphy was born when like-minded people got together to start a facebook group to get photography to all who were interested in the art but could never get the knowledge to start photography. MOG is a Mumbai based photography group with presence all over India and the Middle East. Our Facebook group has 12000 members ranging from novice to amateurs to professionals. Our aim is to take photography to the common man and teach them how to click, what to click and helping them to turn their hobby and passion for photography also as a source of livelihood. To achieve our goals, we conduct numerous photo walks(minimum twice a month) and also photography workshops. We conduct weekly theme based contests too. our WhatsApp group is easily the best in India. Here we give precise reviews on their photographs and help the members become better and achieve a professionalism in their approach to attain the highest standards of photography.

The Admin team of MumbaiOgraphy consists of Jatin Purav Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : http:/

Prerna Kale Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : http:/

Hitesh Baldota Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : http:/

MumbaiOgraphy has always been a close knit community. The e-book is the idea of Mr Yuwaraj Gurjar, MOG. Thank you sir! We at MOG were always lucky to have Mentors who selflessly help the members to improve and get the best out of them, We are thankful to : Mr Yuwaraj Gurjar Mr Mohammad Ibrahim Mr Maandaar Bedekar Mr Anil Patel Mr Abhay Kasture Mr Sai Nandan Mr Pankaj Narshana Mr Bharat Gharawala Mrs Jyoti Verma Mr Swapnil Agaskar

Photograph by : Yuwaraj Gurjar EXIF Details : Nikon D7100, Tamron 150-600 G1 at 600 mm.....hand held f6.3, 1/125, ISO 640, Aperture Priority, Hand held

The "maiden" kill of Noor Cub It was our second round in the forest.....earlier afternoon just after reaching we did our first park round thru canter and saw 2 tigers (T19 Krishna and cub). It was separate sighting and the cub was sleeping all the time. T19 was as usual acting like super mom searching for food and about to attemp a spotted deer but didnt attempt as the deers moved away. So second park round was morning park round and suppose to be more fruitful. We were in Gypsies so group of 6 persons, so less noise and smooth drive with more eye level photography. We were alloted Zone No. 1 which is supposed to be good and area of Noor and her 2 male cubs. We drove looking for birds and other things. Suddenly i noticed something and I asked driver to stop the car - It was Striped Hyena - one of the rare / uncommon sightings and even odd for that particular morning time. Our guide / driver was panicked as we were stopping for each and every bird and for so

called "common" things and they want to just chase for the tiger. Suddenly we heard a alarm call of Spotted Deer as well as Hanuman Langurs. We stopped and waited for few minutes. But may be the tiger / tigress was sat in the tall grass the alarm call diminishes. We drove further ahead and after some time we saw a bunch of Gypsies stading near on Rock Wall. A cub was sitting on the cliff and watching us curiously. This is the junior cub of Noor ( we found out this later stage).... we parked our jeep and started shooting the "Male" cub, the fellow Jeep members whispered that there is another tiger cub behind the rock wall. This funny cub was running behind the Painted Spurfowl or the Langurs above. This is a "poser" male cub and was giving fantastic poses and with lots of facial expressions. Suddenly he vanished behind the rock and we all were disappointed.....but just after gap of 5 minutes he re-appeared and sat on the top of the rock facing other side. Soon the second cub appeared and sat just front of his brother bit nogt visible to us - just ears and some head part. Soon this "cartoon" cub started runnig for the passing Hanuman Langurs and just appeard in front of our Jeep. We clicked hundreds of his moods. Somehow we were dreaming for the second cub to come forwards and sit next to his brother so that we can click "Two Brothers" together. Somehow the cub behin was not at all in mood to move from his position. All of a sudden the first cub was very curious and watching intently behind our jeep. We were thinking that it must be his mommy returning to the cubs. The fellow was making funny faces but constanly watching just behind us. We were also curious why the cub was so restless and alert. Soon he got up ans started on the rock... which is just above us an by chance if he jumped then he will land directly on our jeep. We all sat quitely and watching carefully.... carefully as he might jump on us but at the same time we may get some good poses. Somehow one of the tourist in the back jeep saw a spotted deer female approaching the water next to our jeep. No we all came to know that "this " is the thing for which the cub was restless and aiming. This was a new learning for me... that how a small cub (about 14/16 months old) can smell a prey from long distance. He started stalkig on the rock itself.....

but he was on the high rock at the right side... then down on the road we are in 3/4 jeeps... and then at the left side of our jeep (road) there were a small nallh where the Spotted Deer approaching for water. The cus started making faces and restless at every moment. The deer approached slowly towards the the second male also smelled the "prey" and stood on the place. The poor deer was unaware about the all danger and 2 mighty predators. The Deer started drinking water slowly... the second cub came forward and now on the edge of the rock. The rock was having height of approx 12/15 feet and smooth as a slide. He took some time and then he started crautching and stalking......all were mesmarized and engrossed with the act. Many fellow photographers were lost in scene and forget about the photography and simply enjoying the thrill. I was quite focused and glued to the 1.5 centemeter viewfounder and never left the viewfinder as i wanted to catch the drama. Of course there were 5 jeeps in front of us so i was knowing that we might miss the "hunt". But I was hoping for the best and concentrated on my "viewfinder" only though it was my maiden attempt of kill in front of me. The whole life was concentrated in that 1.5 CM viewfinder for me and of course for that Spotted Deer. Within fraction of second the second cub leaped from the rock and crossed the road infront of the jeeps and chased. The deer sensed the fear and started running away... but the cub was too fast and powerful and he smacked him with his might paw... the deer was thrown away just like football... but the cub pounced on him again and pressed the deer on the ground and just sat there for many minutes.... just like winner with the trophy... it might be his first ever individual hunt without the help of mother "Noor". The first cub which was also ran behind the deer as a backup plan.. calmly went away and sat around few feet away from the kill and trophy winner brother.... may be sad as he missed his "kill". As the kill was pressed in the ground and was not visible due to log in front and some bushes we missed the eating of the kill shots. Whenever the tiger cub grasped the leg, neck and lift the kill that time only we were able to see / click bith the prey and predator with blood painted face.

Photograph by : Shantanu Deshmukh EXIF Details : 1/60s f/10 ISO 200 90mm External Flash Used Handheld

RobberFly Head-On I had been a forest area on one Sunday because I had heard from Yuwaraj sir that it is good place for photography, even in March. I spent around 3.5 hours with macro and long lens. Sightings were low and only for long lens. I decided that I will never visit that place again. Next Friday, Yuwaraj sir announced that he will be visiting that place on coming Sunday. I had decided that I will not tag along due to my previous experience. But something in my mind kept telling me to do otherwise. So finally, against my good judgement, I joined Yuwaraj sir in that nature walk. I carried macro and long lens, as usual. Surprisingly we had very good macro sightings and it was all

macro day. After coming back home I was thinking how could this happen. was it like insects and other things that we saw today where not there last week? We just didn't have the eye for them as well as knowledge. If I compare last week to this week, it was synonymous to reading a beautiful famous poem by yourself and learning it from a teacher/poet himself later. When you read it, you may think of it as just another average poem. Later when a teacher/poet 'teaches' you that poem, you understand the actual meaning and understand why that poem is really famous. This is exactly difference between reading and appreciation (रसग◌् र हण). That day I learnt that any nature trail is not just about finding subjects to click but more about learning their habits and habitat. Photography is a medium to know more about nature; its a conduit not the end goal. Nature has so many things to teach you and you need to keep learning. Learning continues...

Photograph by : Ranjeet Niranjan Uzgare

Going down the memory lane... I and Mohammed Bhai, we had joined an online photography course which was conducted by Indian Photographers Association group. The schema of the course was that we had to submit photos un-processed and in monochrome. Prior to this we rarely used to shoot or view our pics in monochrome, but as the course suggested we started to practice it. Our mentor was "Sir" Daniel Hawk. We dint know his credentials and still don't. Its just a facebook account, and is still operative but no responses. N ways coming back to the story, we started submitting pictures as per the format and after a couple of days we would get an in-detailed technical analysis of the same or a "One Liner". Here what I mean is if "Sir" Daniel Hawk felt the photo worth, he would write an long essay with all the technical analysis of it drawn on the picture...else it was always a "One liner" like " This shot is not worth". Slowly we started finding it very interesting even if "Sir" would always screw up our photos. Yes at-least the first week he fired us

like hell and that did demoralised some and went into deep thinking of leaving photography even as a hobby. But some got more determined. And fortunately, we were amongst the determined one's. "Sir"had later kept a condition, hence forth no images from archives and we started loving it more and actually we started to see the difference in our photography through his eyes too. We "desperately" started to wait for our submissions and "nervously" waited for the review. We used to share our images with each other prior to submission due to his fear and getting busted. Mohammed bhai used to refer to him as "Baba" when we used to discuss amongst ourselves. Mohammed bhai always used to say "Baba ayega danda marega" and seriously that whip was quite efficient. On one such submission day, Mohammed bhai was not prepared, as he actually dint find time to go and shoot. And it's not that easy to shoot in where he stays (Bhai please elaborate the conditions out there in reference to street photography) . He shared a shot from the archive and that too quite cleverly with all the geometrical figures in it. Frankly I had liked that shot of his, but "Sir" had some different plans for him. The review came and this time Mohammed bhai ko danda mila. The whip was very simple..and not much was written. What sir had shared was in terms "Why from the archive?" and why "post processing". Not much written further. We all were surprised, it was like a naughty student in class not doing his homework and fooling around. But bhai did apologies and took things positively from there. That is the point we learned that shot was from archives, till then we had no clue. Unfortunately the course din't last till its completion due to some ultra naughty students in our class. That was the saddest part. Mohammed bhai..but today if "Baba" goes though your work he would definitely call you his Blue eyed boy for sure. You have changed so much in aspects to photography that Baba would surely be proud of you. In respect to our group, if you see comments from the person whose photo I am posting do take him seriously. He has the magic of changing your photography..and indirectly changing you.

Photograph by : Raju Das Device- Canon EOS 1200D

GAJAN FESTIVAL Among the many folk festivals of West Bengal, India . Gajan festival, Charak Puja and Neel Puja has a special place even in today’s modern age. Although it is celebrated predominantly in rural West Bengal. People believe that the festival will carry prosperity by eliminating the sorrow and sufferings of the previous year. The festival is actually a festival to satisfy "Lord Shiva", the great "Debadideb" of Hindu Religion. Though the festival takes place on the mid night of Chaitra Songkranti, the preparation phase usually starts before one month of the day.

Photograph by : Raju Das Device- Canon EOS 1200D

Location- Islampur, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, India

Photograph by : Pankaj Narshana EXIF Details : All photographs NIKON D5200 TOKINA 11-16 Aperture priority mode ISO100 SS1/400 F8

A day at Nandgaon temple during Lathmar Holi in Mathura One of India’s famous and colourful festival, celebrated all over the country and abroad played by a child and an old and from rich to poor. The most famous Holi in country is from the land of Lord Krishna’s birth place Mathura. Come to this place for a Holi once in your life time and I bet you will fell in love for this place. (Do visit soon as modernisation has reached this place too). I have witnessed this couple of years back when I was not in to visualising through a view finder and had decided to visit again soon. At that time had not thought would visit again with a DSLR and some knowledge about photography. So got a chance last year to visit witness and capture the moments and the culture with a group of like minded fellow photographers. After enjoying first day at Vrindavan and next day at Barsana Lathmar holi the third day our group was at Nandgaon to capture the event at the Nandgaon temple. We all in the group were informed earlier to occupy place on the surrounding terrace of the

temple to get a clear and top angel view of the festival there. All reached before time to secure their places. We too managed to secure our places along with many other photographers from all over India and also some from abroad all waiting for the locals to gather and start enjoying the holi here.

Slowly the crowd started to gather and the masti and fun had started along with colours and water from all the possible corners. People started with darshan of Bakebihari and playing holi with him. Was watching all this and also clicking the moments from the top, but soon after few minutes felt like missing the fun and not being the part of those moments happening in front of the eyes and was only clicking and nothing else. So got mentally prepared and grabbed my cam ready with all the protection possible for the gear but not worrying about myself as wanted to be with and feel the mood of the ambiance of that time. Came down to the floor of the temple and joined the crowd for holi to get the real feel and kick to get started for clicking. Within no time I was totally involved and was fully drenched with Kesuda colour and water being thrown by the Gwalas and Sakhas of the

temple. Now I was on the field with my camera fully charged up to start my passion to capture the moments around. There were many people children women old young all around but can’t even see their faces due to fully drenched in colours. Soon I saw a group of people chanting bhajans “RADHE RADHE” and I could not resist myself to join them. At first joined them with the chants and dance before starting them to freeze in my gear, they too were happy for being clicked. My decision for going with only one lens (TOKINA 11-16) had proved to be correct and worked wonders for me in the crowd for a close and wide shoots. After some time heard a big roar of crowd and all rushed towards it. At one corner of the temple there had gathered a group of SAKHIS and soon were surrounded by the crowd and the photographers. All started clicking them some busy with portraits and some candid ,but my attention went straight to Payal worn by the sakhis they were very unique, so decided to go for something different than others. I was almost flat on the floor without worrying about other falling on me. From this angel and close it was only me and the feet of those Sakhis clicking what had in mind when saw them. After finishing that had tried hands on portraits and candid too. They willingly posed for all with all their natkhat expressions

and poses for nearly half an hour and only dispersed after the security guards interfered. Then went inside the temple hall people were dancing singing enjoying like they are in their own world with Kanha. Sound of bhajans kirtans holi ke rasiya never stopped for a minute and was much pleasing then today’s techno sounds. Soon the main event of Panchayat gathering of Sakhas and Gwalas from Barsana and Nandgaon started, groups from this two village sit opposite to each other to settle the sweet fight they play during thesedays of LATHMAR HOLI. Clouds of colour of red was in the air and nothing was visible and everything around was red it was altogether a divine experience clicking here and it was not at all easy to get hold of your gear and click the moments due to huge crowd colours and also other photographers around pushing each other for their moments to be captured. But this was a challenging task and any how managed to get some desired frames and moments. It was at the end of that day in the temple I saw myself clicked by Hitesh Baldota fully covered with red and fully wet, felt like had just been through a beautiful little war zone of flying colours but at the same time was happy to witness and experience and be a part of this colourful festival and also satisfied capturing the moments which I will cherish for a life time. " Radhe Radhe "

Photograph by : Mohammed Ibrahim

We were a group of 9 people from different origins like, India, Pakistan, South Africa and Philippines. The location was 200km away from the city as we needed atleast level 2 or 3 dark skies. On our way to spot we encounter very heavy sand storm and were thinking may be we may loose opportunity of shooting stars. 47ยบC sand storm and our courage in middle of desert. Lately clouds started raising from west to east and we got upset again. But hard work pays the price and we were manage to get some good shots. Its all about effort, planning and team work. Every photo we take are painted with out sweat and vision in it. People must have to analyze and visualise the situation before ignoring them. And one more line i like to add is u can easily differentiate a casual shot and planned shot by seeing em at first glance. Dr.Sahab this one for u from the same trip. 301 shots


Yuwaraj Gurjar Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : http:/

Shantanu Deshmukh Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : Not Available

Ranjeet Niranjan Uzgare Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : Not Available

Raju Das Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : Not Available

Pankaj Narshana Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : http:/

Mohammed Ibrahim Facebook Profile Link : Instagram : http:/

The members make MOG what we are today. Thank you everyone. KEEP CLICKING! KEEP POSTING! Join us on


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