Building the city for the future With the population of Delhi rising at an exponential rate. At the same pace, we are going to have more than 8 million people in Delhi by 2021. That’s the reaso Delhi authority a d its people has to co e up with something to ensure the comfort in the future and make it brighter instead of messier. Hence, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has come up with the plan of MPD i.e. Master Plan of Delhi 2021 to deal with the problems of Population growth. MPD 2021 will be aiming in providing all the basic requirements to a large proportion of the population of Delhi. To make it easier and more understanding and also considering the growth rate, 12 subgroups has been made. These various subgroups comprises of experts and professionals of different companies, eminent personals, political representatives, concerned departments, sectoral studies and a series of seminars including politicians, administrators, local bodies, and RWAs etc.
The various subgroups that has been made are based on:
Trade Shelter Industry Physical Infrastructure Social Infrastructure Traffic and Transportation Demographic Profile Regional, Sub Regional Pollution Control And Environment Development Controls Conservation and Renewals
The following are the stages of development, according to the MPD 2021:
Seminars will be held for the interaction of RWAs i.e. Residents Welfare Associations and the public Recommendations of the various sorts of subgroups Getting an Advice from state or the central government A well drafted plan Approval from the Government of India for the public issue notice to invite objections and suggestions Analyzation of Objections and rejections and their consideration Final plan
And finally, the MPD 2021 will be executed in the perfect way and adhering the timeline. With this Master Plan of Delhi coming into play, there will be a large number of possibilities that will be going to open for the Real Estate Sector in the areas of Delhi and the regions on the outskirt of Delhi. The Master Plan is going to bring in a huge change in the sector and will help in experiencing people a rapid change with the announcements of different Residential and commercial projects. Such projects have been announced by many eminent companies all over the nation and they have already promised to bring the projects that will aim at enhancing their lifestyle and also reducing the gap between the various classes of the society that is the rich and the poor by providing them with their services at affordable rates. With these things going to happen in the near future and the world class infrastructure, the middle section of the society is going to witness a revolution that they has always dreamt of. A better life and a better world.