Startup India, a Flagship to Boost the Startup Ecosystem of India Narendra Modi is better known as a social reformer. His initiative Startup India and Standup India are fostering the growth of new startups in India. The program is playing a key role in encouraging the youth of India to come up with new business ideas.
Starting a business is a mammoth task. The ever changing business environment has made it a little unfeasible for the youth to execute their business idea into a reality. The Startup India program aims at creating a conducive business environment, which helps the aspiring entrepreneurs in coming up with new business solutions for old problems in the ever changing business environment. Innovation is one of the most crucial journey for the long term success of any country and to reiterate India as a hub of innovation, progress and development to compete on a global basis, it is necessary to incentivize the youth of the nation. Presently India holds a third badge in the terms of number of startups and first badge as the youngest startup nation, with more than 70% starters below the age of 35 years. Under the action plan of Startup India, startups can get registered and gain recommendation letter to avail various benefits. To get registered, there are certain eligibility criteria: The legal entity should be either a limited liability partnership, private limited company or a registered partnership. The age of a startup should not exceed five years. The annual turnover of a startup must not exceed 25 crores. For a startup it is not easy to comply with all the environmental and labor laws. They are extremely time consuming and often due to lack of clarity on these laws, young entrepreneurs land themselves in legal issues.