The Only Way Out To Propel MPD-2021 and Delhi Smart City Prime Minister, Narendra Modi believes in overcoming the challenges of urbanization and therefore came up with the concept of developing 100 smart cities. These smart cities will be well equipped with all the smart features and would boast of progress and development. One of the 100 shortlisted smart cities, include Delhi. Delhi is the capital city of India, with a total population of 1.7 crore. The present infrastructure supports a population of 1.5 crore. 80 Lakh more people are expected to add up to this 1.7 crore people, by the end of the year 2021. To overcome this challenge, a Master Plan Delhi 2021 has been formed. MPD-2021 aims at developing an infrastructure which not fills the existing chasm but also provides housing to upcoming population.
Delhi Development Authority alone cannot develop 50,000-60,000 hectares of land. Its performance since its inception has not been at par. It could develop only 4.5 lakh houses. DDA hence came up with a land pooling policy, where its role would be only that of a facilitator. What LPP is? LPP is a process where farmers with small chunks of land would come together and pool it; the pooled pieces of land will then be developed. Once the land is developed, 48-60% of the land will be returned to the land owners. Advantages of LPP are innumerable. It will put an end to the long practiced land acquisition policy, where farmers were given minimal money in exchange of land. LPP has set great examples in many parts of India like Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. It has not only given justice to farmers, but has also created many employment opportunities. LPP in Delhi has the potential to develop over 4,357 million sq. ft. of land for public, private and semi-public facilities. The pubic-private relationship can be boomed through LPP.
The increasing population in Delhi has led to the increase in unauthorized colonies. A majority of economically weaker section of the society resides in slums and suffers from poor health due to lack of proper sewerage, sanitation, clean water and much more. With LPP, these unauthorized colonies can be regularized. The redevelopment strategy under Delhi Smart City aims to develop areas with low residential development and poor infrastructure. The whole Delhi has been divided into 15 zones, of which four zones come under LPP. The LPP aims to develop new land in outskirts of Delhi; Bawana, Najafgarh and Narela. But LPP has yet not been implemented. If LPP is not fastracked, it will not only exterminate the vision of MPD-2021 and Delhi smart city but would also further deploy the situation. The strategy to propel the mission of Delhi Smart city includes retrofitting, redevelopment, Green field and pan city. This redevelopment is possible only if LPP is implemented. Land pooling policy is the need of the hour to give people of Delhi an environment with proper healthcare facilities, educational facilities, shelter, sanitation, sewerage and roads. The central government has agreed to give land to the AAP government and Re 1 per annum and LG has passed the decision to give the gram sabha land. If the policy is delayed further, the virus of unauthorized colonies will multiply further; up to 3,000 and eat up the society. Land under LPP is not suitable for farming due to high soil erosion. Land pooling policy largely caters to the needs of economically weaker section of the society. Around a million houses will be developed for lower income groups which would further stop the mushrooming of slums in various nooks and corners of the capital city. The redevelopment under LPP will make Delhi a smart city and meet the technological needs of future. Visit for details.