About keywords

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Keyword Density Keyword density tells you how often a search term appears in a text in relation to the total number of words it contains. For example: if a keyword appears 3 times in a 100 word text the keyword density would be 3%. Keyword Proximity A search term can be made up of a combination of keywords. The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term’s individual keywords. For example: a website contains the keywords that make up the search term “dentist Boston implant” in the heading “Your professional dentist in Boston; dental practice for minimally invasive implants”. The search term proximity between “dentist” and “Boston” is one word, between “Boston” and “implant” it is five words. The smaller the distance between a search term’s individual keywords, the more relevant it will be from a search engine’s point of view. Keyword Prominence Keyword prominence refers to how prominent keywords are within a web page. The general recommendation is to place important keywords at, or near, the start of a web page, sentence, TITLE or META tag.

Keyword Frequency Keyword frequency refers to the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase appears within a web page. The theory is that the more times a keyword or keyword phrase appears within a web page, the more relevance a search engine is likely to give the page for a search with those keywords. In general, I recommend that you ensure that the most important keyword or keyword phrase is the most frequently use keywords in a web page. But be careful not to abuse the system by repeating the same keyword or keyword phrases over and over again.

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