UNSEE THE SEEN, SEE THE UNSEEN | Unsee the Seen, so We Can See What's Unseen

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unsee the seen, see the unseen

Plastic pollution has been the biggest problem in earth. Every single plastic waste we produce from the land, unfortunately will end up in the bottom of the sea. Deep down under, like a magic spell, it disappear right after. But the plastic last almost forever, without us knowing their existence ruining the marine ecosystem. Plastics are hidden underneath the surface, so that most people dont realize how much plastics are already lied there. We see ocean as part of the earth, but not part of our life. This probably because water is never be human's habitat. Since the beginning, land, water, and sky are thought as separated element. We draw imaginery line between the three, and think that we only responsible for the land as the two others are outreach. So does the ocean, everything is measure by the ocean surface. What's above surface are seen, whats below surface are outreach. If we only realize, that there are no such boundaries. No imaginery line, nothing seen and nothing unseen. Would we realize that what's seen and unseen are connected? Sometimes, it is just how the way we see things.

team 0953


Beach are boundaries between land and sea. Dont go to far, dont get to close, ocean has always been dangerous. Water are the only thing that make the differences between land and the sea.



Ocean water has been keeping secret of what’s beneath the surface and human never care. Human will never be able to live on water too, what’s bothering us then? We’ve been living in different place, but can we ever live in the same perspective?


Only by experiencing the same point of view, we will be able to responsible to what we did to each other. We’re living in the same place, it’s just our sight that makes us think the opposite. Unsee the seen, so we can see what’s unseen.

What’s on the sea can never be what’s on the land, so does the opposite. But, if we never see the water, will our life connected? If we able to ‘see’ how each others living, does it makes us one?

We can’t see air, and if we can’t see water, everythings hidden will appears. Our eyes can meet, as we are connected, shouldn’t we become more consider towards what’s around us? There are no more imaginery line, there are no more boundaries, as what we all see now is

team 0953

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