Rakan Ayyoub | Portfolio Part 3

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ith the incontrovertble existence of many naturally gifed singers, musicians, painters, sculptors and ar sts,it can be strongly argued that there are natural architects. Individuals who have a phenomenal cognitve ability to sense and advance their surrounding environment. Characters displaying an amalgama on of this genomic ability, with a scorching innermost desire for innova onfor the sake of serving mankind, are those who are be e equipped to form architecture. Through thousands of years of trial and error, cultures through their natural architects have given a uniqueness to their own structures, their congenital architectural language. What we can undoubtedly observe today is a vast dilu onof this indigenous individuality. Driven handcuffed and blinded into a city these days, one can’t really differenn e their own locaca oapparat from the spoken language and perhaps some clima cfeatures. The assembly line, the mere need for economic frugality, synthetc cheap material produccon, an economically mo ated educaa onasystem that promises “How to Architect” for thousands of people, the rise of computer so are, the internet which allowed interna onalproject collaboraa ousing cloud services, has to an extent homogenized naturally born architects with their non-natural counterparts, and thus a total liquefac onof significant variaia in architectural language. Enriched vernacularism, we believe that architecture today should not refrain from the beau ul cultural heritage of thousands of years of natural architectural ability. Architecture should hold true to the iden e of its own people, their cultures, and their own environmental diversity. However through monitoring the use of digital technologies, and applying a holis capproach of idenn fyinga a aini and mixing the high cogni e abili e of natural architects, thousands of years of cultural experimentaton from east to west, by placing norma e architectural theories on building design to decades of rigorous scientfic research and by analyzing big data generated from a vast post occupancy evalua onstudy, that is when architecture can proceed to the next level.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Rakan|Ayyoub

Table Of Contents


one discovery square

William J. Hybl Sports Medicine and Performance

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queens - new york


seoul - south korea





university of nebraska - lincoln

one discovery square


ortenson is the developer and builder for phase one in Discovery Square, a densely populated and highly connected urban life science hub that is part of the DMC—the largest public-private economic ini a ve in Minnesota’s history. Designed by RSP Architects and HOK to support life science research and innova on, the four-story, 90,000-sq.- . building will help tenants accelerate the transla on of promising health-related therapies and technologies to provide solu ons that create be er health outcomes for pa ents. The design creates a tenant-focused, amenity-rich environment. Flexible, open workspaces and central common spaces will enable tenants to adapt to the fast-changing life science industry. Discovery Square will provide a bridge to the mission of the nearby Mayo Clinic, which, as the anchor tenant of this new building, will occupy 30,000 square feet across three floors when it opens in 2019. “Inside and out, our design is guided by a vision for forwardthinking research to create an extension of Mayo Clinic’s collabora ve culture and brand,” said Eli Hoisington, design principal in our St. Louis studio. “In addi on to enhancing science-driven collabora on, the design creates a sustained sense of community by including public ameni es and event space on the ground level. This building will be a catalyst for the new live-work-play district in Rochester.”

“The DNA of this building and Discovery Square is the innova on, collabora on and transla on of science and discovery,” said Mortenson Chairman David Mortenson. “A complementary tenant mix will have the opportunity to work alongside the best and brightest in Rochester on real-world, life-changing solu ons. It will enhance connec vity and enable high-level collabora on to share ideas and test and deliver new products. We are truly excited about the purpose of this facility, its programming and its role within the greater Des na on Medical Center vision.” “Discovery Square will be the place where Minnesota’s next genera on of medical startups will want to be,” said Lt. Governor Tina Smith, chair of the DMC Corpora on board of directors. “It will create new opportunity for jobs, innova on and economic growth, and represents a major step toward fulfilling our mission of building America’s City for Health.” Des na on Medical Center (DMC) is the largest public-private economic ini a ve in Minnesota’s history. The 20-year plan to transform Rochester into a global des na on for health and wellness will a ract developers, investors, startups and entrepreneurs to live, work and play in America’s City for Health.

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Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc. © All Rights Reserved

Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint.


William J. Hybl Sports Medicine and Performance


ocated at the edge of the southern Rocky Mountains, where the western plains meet the mountains, the UCCS campus is one of unrelen ng and unparalleled magnificence. Yet the site for the new Hybl Center is predominantly composed of compacted soil and non-na ve grasses, with exis ng parking lots covering half the area. The design transforms this 2.86-acre, urban site, into a sustainable beacon that will become the standard for all future campus buildings. The design team focused on environmental stewardship and na ve restora on as the backbone of the design effort. The design sought to a ain a subtle balance between the urbanity of the campus and the bio-network of the Front Range Foothills. The unique aspects of the project were analyzed and juxtaposed to form the complex network of physiographic and social values that helped to shape the project and fundamentally e it to the region. HOK led the conceptualiza on and documenta on of all site work through Design Development, working closely with the architects and engineers to create an integrated, LEED Gold design work and play in America’s City for Health.

All illustra ons shown in these pages are courtesy of

Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc. © All Rights Reserved

Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint.




convenient se ng. It will also provide a unique and innova on-driven environment in which IU and IU Health can partner to teach future genera ons of health care professionals.

It will also include the new 115,000-square-foot IU Academic Health Sciences Building, which will consolidate most of the academic health science programs on the IU Bloomington campus, including those in medicine, nursing, social work, and speech and hearing. It will also include a new program in den stry.

"Today is a truly historic day for Bloomington and southern Indiana and heralds a completely new era in health care in this region," said IU President Michael A. McRobbie. "The Regional Academic Health Center will bring together in one complex IU Health physicians, clinicians and medical staff with Indiana University faculty, staff and students in a way that will enhance and broaden the services the center provides and that will substan ally expand the capacity for educa on and research by IU's health sciences programs by co-loca ng them in a dynamic and state-of-the-art clinical environment."

xpected to be completed in 2020, the over 700,000square-foot complex will serve Bloomington and the surrounding region and will include a cancer center, surgical services, a women's center, neonatal intensive care, physician offices and a trauma center. A state-of-the-art health care simula on center used to train students and clinicians on new pa ent care techniques will be shared by IU Health and IU.

Leaders from IU Health and IU praised today's announcement as the beginning of a new era in health care in Bloomington and the surrounding region. "This is truly a transforma onal day in the history of Indiana University Health -- a day that sees us fulfilling a commitment to the community of Bloomington and the en re southern region of Indiana, while at the same me marking the launch of a new and different model of care that will shape how future care is delivered across the IU Health system," said Dennis Murphy, president and CEO of IU Health. The new state-of-the-art facility will bring together mul ple medical special es and outpa ent services into one

McRobbie noted that the Academic Health Sciences Building will provide much-needed opportuni es for growth for the IU Bloomington health sciences programs. This will enable IU to increase the number of students in these programs, thus helping to address the acute shortage of health care workers in the state. When complete, it will house about 100 faculty and staff, and train about 1,000 students. McRobbie also noted that much of the funding for this building will come from Big Ten Network revenue, represen ng a major contribu on by athle cs in support of the academic mission of the university. Work is underway to secure and prep the site, and moving earth will begin in the next few weeks. source: news.iu.edu

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Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc. © All Rights Reserved

Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint. Lead construc on documents coordica on mee ngs with other consultants. Lead the produc on of construc on documents and bidding package for the educa onal facililty campus. Aided with the produc on of construc on documents and bidding package for the hospital and MOB campus.


MARION COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER i n d i a n a p o l i s


he criminal jus ce center comprises a jail, courthouse, sheriff’s office, and assessment and interven on center, and is focused on diver ng people from jail and furnishing them with mental health services. The new facility is scheduled to be constructed on the site of the former Ci zens Energy coke plant and completed in 2021, the Indianapolis Business Journal (IBJ) and other media outlets recently reported. It’s unusual for any civic project to garner sweeping approval, but a $571 million jus ce center in Indianapolis has succeeded in uni ng both sides of the aisle at a me of substan al par san gridlock.

HOK was hired to design the 11-story project, described as “ meless and not trendy,” by the firm’s Senior Vice President Jeff Goodale. The new facility will house 3,000 beds — and court needs out to 2040 — as well as new sheriff’s headquarters, according to Goodale. Lastly, a new Adult Interven on Center, the AIC, is being launched nearby as a diversion facility aimed at keeping more arrestees out of jail in the first place. source: correc onalnews.com

All illustra ons shown in these pages are courtesy of

Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc. © All Rights Reserved

Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint.

3rd year

01 04



BFC, in coopera on with Queens Development Group (a joint venture between Sterling Equi es and The Related Companies) is intending to en tle and construct a state of the art, 15,000 seat (+/-) USL compliant soccer, sports and entertainment venue on por on of a 16acre parcel of land across the street from Ci Field, the home of the New York Mets Major League Baseball Team. This stadium will be the anchor to a new mixed-use real estate development project that will contain uses complementary and synergis c with both the new soccer venue as well as Ci Field. The design was based on a parametric canopy module that incloses the en re bowl of the stadium. based on a conserva ve tradi onal stadium design the elements of the stadium where modernized to include a parametric wood composite side paneling system that responded to site various site elements. The enclosed spectator and VIP sea ng areas were also design to reect a state of the art facility. The formal layout of the design corresponded to the curvilinear nature of the bowl and the surrounding elements. this has a direct impact on the view angles of the spectators.


queens - new york

Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc. © All Rights Reserved

Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint.



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01 05


seoul - south korea


ach element of our proposed North Seoul IPARK City is designed to support crea on of a New Economic Hub tuned to a ract companies and individuals who are engaged in the common vision of the power of the Smart City and who are interested in the beneďŹ ts of innova ve synergy and a smart lifestyle. Seoul is a leader in Smart City Development. If North Seoul IPARK City is to become the leading innova on district within Seoul, where ci zens can par cipate in the evolu on of the city, the elements of our proposal must be seen as a framework for development wherein not only the digital informa on evolves, but the physical environment evolves and changes. For example, one might imagine that live work will become ever more popular requiring exibility in housing units or that the grocery store of today becomes the knowledge center of tomorrow. Our proposal prepares for this change. Evolu on and change are the hallmarks of our proposal. Urban and technological evolu on will be driven by a diverse culture of thinkers and innovators. Each element of North Seoul IPARK City has been conceived to a ract not only local contributors, but to an interna onally diverse culture of Smart Clientele. This can include a broad range of individuals and companies from innova ve students at surrounding universi es seeking start-up opportuni es to major, mul na onal companies who may wish to collaborate and capitalize on culture and brain power of North Seoul IPARK City. These essen al urban components, supported by common governance, evolving transporta on systems, green energy systems, and smart, district technology must be capable of enabling growth and change in real me to keep pace with global economic evolu on.

Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc. © All Rights Reserved

Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint.

3rd year


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01 06

university of nebraska - lincoln


facility for the UNL College of Engineering that engages and serves all cons tuencies (current and future students, faculty, staff, engineering partners and the public) in innova ve, crea ve and exci ng ways. This will transform engineering teaching, research and prac ce at the University of Nebraska, in the state of Nebraska and throughout the whole world. Project Descrip on: Demoli on of the Sco Engineering Center Link and Construc on of a new lab addi on located adjacent to the north fagade of SEC with floor levels aligning to those within SEC and connec ng via ramps and stairs to Nebraska Hall. Numerous improvements to Nebraska Hall including the crea on of new offices and classroom space for those spaces and people displaced by the Link demoli on, new ADA compa ble entrances to the north eleva on, various ADA upgrades and fire sprinkler installa on throughout. Crea on of a mechanical tower along the east side of SEC to serve floors 1 and 2 via horizontal ductwork. The third floor of SEC will be served horizontally from equipment located in a penthouse on the new addi on.

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Work responsibili es included but were not limited to: Par cipated in client mee ngs and prepared mee ng minutes and related mee ng documents. Par cipated in the design development process from conceptualiza on through construc on administra on. Revit BIM modeling of most projects in model prepara on, synchroniza on, including direct and con nuous coordina on with other engineering trades and design architects, to realize project accuracy resul ng in a clash-free final Revit BIM model. Performed project-related studies including the configura on of massing, site layout, produc on of sun and wind studies, research and analysis of typologies and historical architecture in the project area. Design and the 2D/3D modeling of various projects using different design so ware including Sketchup, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros. Produced high-quality design Renders using Vray, Lumion, and Photoshop. Produced professional project presenta ons for client reviews using Adobe Suite, including InDesign and Illustrator along with Microso PowerPoint.

3rd year


All illustra ons shown in these pages are courtesy of

Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabum Group Inc.


07 01

Rakan|Ayyoub www.rakan-ayyoub.com

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