Rakan W. Ayyoub|Assoc. AIA w w w . r a k a n - a y y o u b . c o m
7619 W 162 PL, TINLEY PARK, IL, 60477 +1 682 234 3550 rakan.ayyoub@rakan-ayyoub.com
Green Card Holder
Sunday, March 22nd 1987
h p://www.rakan-ayyoub.com/work/
click on the link please
An Architect (In Training) with 6 years of professional experience since 2010, with main experience obtained from Dar Al-Handasah (Shair and Partners) one of the world's leading consultancies in architecture and engineering, owning and opera ng more than 10 subsidiaries including Perkins + Will and T.Y.Lin Interna onal . visit h p://www.dargroup.com for more info. Experienced in architecture and building technology, conceptual design, design development, construc on documents, project management, construc on planning, management, and es ma on including value engineering. Strong experience in Healthcare projects, high-end Residen al, Hospitality, Monumental, Cultural and Sustainable green building design. Full capability to use and implement projects using Autodesk ® Revit in (BIM) building informa on modeling to produce project documenta on in both large scale and small scale projects. Strong Experience in coordina on with other Revit programs and engineering consultants, with the ability to use many Autodesk ® extensions such as Mental-Ray Cloud Rendering, Ligh ng Analysis, Autodesk ® Flow Design, and Autodesk ® Green Building Studio. Full proficiency in using Autodesk ® AutoCAD in both 2D and 3D modeling for project design, documenta on and presenta on. Full proficiency in using McNeel ® Rhinoceros with the ability to visually code using Grasshopper and other plugins to produce parametric components, organic architecture, modulariza on, project documenta on, along with complex 3D prin ng and prototyping. Full proficiency in using Trimble ® Sketchup with the ability to code in Ruby script, program parametric components, and produce full project documenta on using Trimble ® Layout. Ability to produce professional rendering with rendering plugins and so ware including V-Ray for 3d max, Sketchup. with ability to use Lumion ® to produce building anima ons and renders, also with a strong God given hand drawing and pain ng talent that developed from childhood. An experienced user of various industry leading graphics so ware packages from suppliers such as Adobe ® Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator and CorelDRAW, to produce professional design presenta ons, A robust ability to self-direct , self-regulate, and stay mo vated. Experience in leading large teams. Able to work on mul ple projects at the same me. Excellent communica on and verbal skills.
English: Arabic : French:
Na ve or Bilingual Proficiency Na ve or Bilingual Proficiency Limited Working Proficiency
M.S.CEE. Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Construc on Management) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign , Illinois, USA
2014 - 2016
M.ARCH. Master of Architecture University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign , Illinois, USA
2014 - 2016
B.ARCH Bachelor of Architecture and Engineering University of Jordan , Amman, Jordan
2005 - 2010
G.C.E General Cer ficate of Educa on, Advanced Levels , University of Cambridge, UK, through College De La Salle , Amman, Jordan
1993 - 2005
AIA Chicago Student Award, Honorable Men on
Edward. C. Earl, Graduate Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, 1st Place
Edward. C. Earl, Graduate Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, 3rd Place
World Architecture Community Awards, 20 + 10 + X, 8th Cycle
Archiprix Interna onal Compe
on, 2010 MIT, Nominated
Queen Rania Award For Environmental Arts, First Prize Awards
European Union High School Crea vity Awards, Embassy of Spain,
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